Adaptomode Inlet Pressure Regulators: ® Types: A4AS, A4AB, A4AD, A4AZ

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The document discusses inlet pressure regulators, their purpose of maintaining constant inlet pressure, their operating principles, and safety precautions when working with them.

Inlet pressure regulators are used to modulate the flow of refrigerant gas or liquid to maintain a constant upstream (or inlet) pressure as set, despite load fluctuations.

Inlet pressure regulators work by using the upstream pressure for the opening force. The pressure on top of the power piston is controlled by the flow through the pilot seat and bleed off, allowing it to open on a rise in inlet pressure and close on a drop. A minimum 0.14 bar pressure drop is required to fully open.


A4A Series
Types: A4AS, A4AB, A4AD, A4AZ
PORT SIZE 20 - 100 mm (3/4" - 4")
FOR AMMONIA, R-12, R-22, R-502

• Pilot operated characterized Modulating Plug for precise
• Suitable for all common refrigerants and oil
• 27.6 bar (400 psig) maximum rated pressure (MRP) A4AS A4AD
• Flanges for threaded or welded steel pipe and copper
tube (copper not for ammonia)
• Unique Modular construction
• Interchangeable parts
• Easy to service
• Close coupled strainers, optional
• Many control variations are possible with the use of a
few Modules and kits.
• Stainless Steel Diaphragm
• Chrome Plated Pilot Seat
• Manual Opening Stem
January 2003
Installation, Service and Parts Information

Modulates flow of refrigerant gas or liquid to maintain a constant
upstream (or inlet) pressure as set-for, despite load fluctuations.
The fluid temperature range for the A4 Series of Regulators is -45°C
to 105°C (-50°F to 220°F).

Principles of Operation (See Fig. 1)

The inlet pressure enters the space under the diaphragm through
passage N. When the force created by the pressure exceeds the force
of the range spring, the diaphragm is lifted off the pilot seat allowing
pressure to enter on top of the power piston. This causes the power
piston to move downward forcing the modulating plug to open and
modulate to maintain constant inlet pressure. An increase in inlet
pressure lifts the diaphragm further, allowing more pressure on top of
the power piston and opening the valve wider. A decrease in inlet
pressure causes the diaphragm to move closer to the pilot seat
reducing the pressure on the top of the power piston and causing the
closing spring to reduce the valve opening. The pressure on top of the
power piston is controlled by the flow through the pilot seat and the
Fig. 1 bleed off through the bleed hole in the power piston and through the
clearance between the piston and cylinder. A minimum of 0.14 bar (2
Description: psi) pressure drop across the valve is required to open it fully.
These compact, heavy duty, pilot operated, iron alloy (ASTM A126 The A4A Inlet Pressure Regulator therefore opens on a rise in the
Class B high strength semi-steel) Inlet Pressure Regulators are inlet pressure above its set point and closes on a drop in inlet pressure
suitable for Ammonia, R-12, R-22, R-502 and other common below its set point. The inlet pressure set point is not appreciably
refrigerants and fluids approved for use in refrigeration systems. affected by variations in the outlet pressure.
All A4 Regulators are pilot operated using upstream pressure for the Manual Opening Stem
opening force and require a minimum 0.14 bar (2 psi) pressure drop All Type A4A Regulators are provided with a manual opening stem. To
to fully open. open the regulator manually, back the stem out (turn counter-clockwise)
These valves are generally ordered with close coupled upstream until it stops. To put the regulator into automatic operation, turn the
strainer to prevent entrance of foreign material into the valve and the stem in (clockwise) until only the flats on the stem protrude from the
rest of the system. (See current Bul. 00-10 for strainer information.) packing nut.

Refrigerating Specialties Division 1

I S O 9 0 0 1-2 0 0 0 C E R T I F I E D
Adjustment mode the regulator will still require the 0.14 bar (2 psi) minimum
Install an accurate pressure gauge in the gauge port. Back the pressure drop. When the solenoid is de-energized the valve functions
adjusting stem all the way out to stop. This will reduce the set point to as an Inlet Pressure Regulator.
its lowest level and cause the valve to open wide. Start the system, Purpose
and when suction pressure is about the desired pressure, turn the
The Type A4AB frequently is used with the wide-open function where
adjusting stem in until the pressure gauge shows a slight rise in the
maximum refrigeration capacity from an evaporator is required. During
inlet pressure. At this point the adjusting stem may be turned in
the defrost of the evaporator, the regulator pilot solenoid is de-
(clockwise) to raise the pressure further, or backed out (counter-
energized thus functioning as a defrost relief regulator or for high
clockwise) to lower it; but the final adjustment should be made after
pressure limit protection.
the system has been operating for a period of time.
When used in a discharge pressure line, it can when de-energized,
hold back enough pressure for some heat reclaim or defrosting function
Approx. Pressure Change Factory Set Point and then, when energized, allow the discharge pressure to drop to a
Set Point Ranges per Turn of (unless otherwise lower level. Frequently this regulator is used in the wide open mode
Adjusting Screw specified) for evaporator pump out prior to hot gas defrost.
A: 0 to 10.3 bar 1 .7 bar (25 psi) 2.8 bar (40 psig) Principles of Operation
(0 to 150 psig)
The operation of the A4AB is the same as that described on page 1
V: 500mm hg to 8.3 bar 1.7 bar (25 psi) 1 . 0 bar (15 psig) when operating as a regulator (Pilot Solenoid de-energized). When
(20 in hg to 120 psig) the solenoid is energized the upstream pressure from passage N
bypasses the underside of the diaphragm and is fed directly to the top
D: 5.2 to 19.3 bar 3.7 bar (53 psi) 9.7 bar (140 psig) of the piston where, provided a 0.14 bar (2 psi) pressure difference
(75 to 280 psig) exists across the main valve, the Modulating Plug will be held wide
Type A4AZ (See Figs 1 and 2) Adjustment
Description With the solenoid pilot electrically de-energized, proceed as described
The A4AZ Inlet Pressure Regulator is the basic building block from above.
which most Series A4 variations are made. This regulator incorporates
the specially designed Modudapter ® to accommodate the
Adaptomode® bolt on modules, providing unique modular construction
and many control valve variations with the use of a few modules and Type A4AD (See Fig. 5)
kits. See page 3 for an explanation of "Basic Adaptomode Functions", Description
describing modules, module placement and schematic pilot circuit The Type A4AD is a Dual Inlet Pressure Regulator capable of regulating
flow diagrams for all variations covered within this bulletin. at two different pressure set-points. When the integrally mounted S6A
The A4AZ regulator is a complete factory assembled and bench tested Pilot Solenoid Valve is energized the regulator is controlling at the
valve and, in itself, may be used as a basic inlet pressure regulator. In lower of two set-points, which must be adjusted on the pressure pilot
addition, this valve can easily be modified in the field to perform the over the center of the main valve. When the solenoid is de-energized
function of the A4AS, A4AB or A4AD valve variations. the regulator is controlling at the higher set-point, which must be
adjusted on the bolt-on (outboard) pressure pilot.
Type A4AS (See Fig. 3) Purpose
Description The Type A4AD uses are similar to those for the A4AB except, instead
The Type A4AS is an inlet pressure regulator with a pilot electric shut of operating in a wide-open position when the pilot solenoid is
off. The integrally mounted solenoid must be energized for the valve energized, the regulator Is controlling at some preset level.
to function as a regulator. When de-energized the regulator is closed
regardless of inlet pressure. Typical uses include capacity control of an evaporator at two different
pressure levels to regulate temperature, and evaporator pressure
Purpose control combined with defrost pressure relief.
The Type A4AS should be used whenever it is required to stop all flow
Principles of Operation
(in the normal fluid flow direction) through the regulator. This could
include use in defrost applications as well as part of a temperature The operation of the A4AD is similar to that described on page 1.
control system. When the Pilot Solenoid is energized, upstream pressure from passage
N is made available to both diaphragms. Since the path of least
Principles of Operation resistance will be through the Pressure Pilot with the lower set-point
The operation of the A4AS is the same as that described on page 1, (lower range spring force) that pilot will control.
except the inlet pressure from passage N must pass through the S6A When the Pilot Solenoid Is de-energized, upstream pressure from
Pilot Solenoid Valve before it can reach the diaphragm. Thus the S6A passage N can flow only to the high pressure pilot, which will then
Pilot Solenoid must be energized before the A4AS can begin to regulate control the regulator.
regardless of inlet pressure.
Electrically de-energize the solenoid pilot and adjust the modular
With the solenoid pilot electrically energized, proceed as described (bolt-on) pressure pilot for the desired high pressure setting following
above. the adjusting procedure as described above. Energize the solenoid
pilot and adjust the integral pressure pilot for the desired low pressure
Type A4AB (See Fig. 4) setting following the adjusting procedure described above.
The Type A4AB is an Inlet Pressure Regulator with a Pilot Electric
Wide-opening, or Bypass, variation. When the integrally mounted
solenoid is energized the main valve is wide open, thereby bypassing
the regulator function i.e. not regulating. However, in the wide open

Refrigerating Specialties Division 2

Fig 2 A4AZ

Fig 3 A4AS

Fig 4 A4AB

Fig 5 A4AD

Refrigerating Specialties Division 3

Installation The A4A series of regulators will give optimum performance if mounted
in a horizontal line in a vertical position with the manual opening stem
All regulators are packed for maximum protection. Unpack carefully.
on bottom. Where other positions are desired, the factory should be
Check the carton to make sure all flanges and other items are
consulted; please give application and piping details. The regulator
unpacked. Save the enclosed instructions for the installer and eventual
must be installed with the arrow on the valve body pointing in the
direction of the fluid flow for the regulator to function properly. Backward
Do not remove the protective coverings from the inlet and outlet of the flow through the regulator is uncontrolled and will vary with the valve
regulator until the regulator is ready to be installed. Protect the inside model and the reverse pressure drop encountered. The regulator is
of the regulator from moisture, dirt and chips before and during not a check valve.
installation. When welded or brazed flange connections are used, all
Tighten the flange bolts and nuts evenly to provide proper seating of
slag, scale and loose particles should be removed from the flange
the flange gasket and to avoid damage to gaskets or flanges. (See
interior before the regulator is installed between the flanges. It is
Flange Bolt Torque Table, page 16) Avoid using the regulator flange
advisable to install a close-coupled companion strainer (RSF) at the
bolts to stretch or align pipe. Even the heavy duty semisteel body of
inlet of the regulator to help protect it from any foreign material in the
an A4A can be distorted, causing the precision parts to bind.
The regulator should be installed in a location where it is easily
1 accessible for adjustment and maintenance. The location should be
2 such that the regulator can not be easily damaged by material handling
equipment. When it is necessary to insulate the regulator (and
companion strainer), the insulation should be installed to provide
4 access to the regulator (and companion strainer) for adjustment and
5 maintenance. Do not insulate the solenoid coil and coil housing. Proper
6 indicating gauges should be installed to be easily visible to the
9 operating engineer for system checking and adjusting purposes.
Disassembly and Assembly
12 Refer to the exploded views, Figs. 6 and 7, in this section.
13 Before disassembling any A4A type regulator, read the information in
14 this bulletin and Bulletin RSB, Safety Procedures for Refrigerating
Specialties Division Refrigeration Control Valves.
16 Before a regulator is removed from the line or disassembled in the
17 line, make sure that all refrigerant has been removed from the regulator,
18 including the bonnet where applicable, and the close coupled strainer.
19 The regulator must be isolated from the rest of the system in a safe
28 50 manner. When pumping down to remove the refrigerant, the manual
29 27 opening stem 33A must be turned out (counter clockwise) to make
30 52 sure the valve is open.
33 45
33B 11 8
33A 10
47 46 33
34 13
3/4 - 1¼"
35 15
62 16
37 63
38 64
50 19
40 50 48
41 66 49
3/4 - 1¼"
(For A4 - Port Sizes 20-100mm
3/4" - 4") A2D2 Port Sizes 20-50mm
44 (3/4" - 2")
A2D Port Sizes 65-100mm
(2½" - 4")

Fig. 6 Fig. 7

Refrigerating Specialties Division 4

Disassembly and Assembly (continued) through the bottom of the valve, tap the piston upward and out.
Thoroughly clean all parts. If jamming has taken place and the piston
All A4A Regulators General Procedure and bore are scored, remove all burrs by polishing the piston, bore
The construction of the regulator and the method of disassembly are and throttling plug with fine crocus cloth. Inspect the seating area of
relatively simple, but some procedures must be followed to avoid the Throttling Plug 33 for damage or erosion. If damaged it should be
damage. The following describes the procedure for the basic A4A; replaced. It would be advisable to replace the entire bottom cap
special instructions for other types are included in other appropriate assembly. Inspect all gaskets and “O” rings for damage and replace
sections. where necessary.
Disassembly - Take care when removing Seal Caps 1 and 44 in case Assembly - When reassembling the valve, all internal parts should
some refrigerant may be trapped inside. Back the Adjusting Stem 6 be clean, dry and lightly oiled with refrigerant oil, except “O” rings.
all the way out to remove any pressure from Range Spring 13 otherwise Apply silicone grease to the “O” rings. Care must be taken especially
damage to Diaphragm 17 or Pilot Seat 18 may occur. Remove Bonnet when the parts are cold since moisture can condense on parts and
8 by carefully removing Cap Screws 11. Take care not to damage cause rapid rusting. When replacing gaskets, they should be oiled
Diaphragm Follower 15. Remove Adapter 28 by removing Cap Screws very lightly with refrigerant oil before assembly. Install bottom cap
31. Turn the Manual Opening Stem 33A all the way in until the flats on assembly first and tighten in place. Carefully replace the piston; never
the stem barely protrude from the stuffing box nut. Push Piston 30 try to force it in place. Align the Adapter Gasket 29 carefully with the
down against the spring force. The piston should move freely down proper holes in the adapter and valve body and fasten adapter in
and be returned by the spring force. If the piston is jammed or sticky, place. Before assembling the bonnet be sure the Adjusting Stem 6 is
remove Bottom Cap Assembly which includes Items 33 through 42 by turned all the way out and that the Bonnet 8 and Diaphragm Follower
removing Cap Screws 39 or unscrewing Bottom Cap, 20mm through 15 are properly aligned, otherwise damage to the diaphragm and pilot
32mm (3/4” through 1-1/4"). Using a hard wood dowel rod inserted seat may occur. Place Gasket 19 in the adapter and align Gasket 16
and Diaphragm 17 to the center of the bonnet. The raised center of
the diaphragm must be towards the bonnet. For range “D” use two
diaphragms. Tighten Cap Screws 11 evenly. The ideal tightening torque
is 1.5 Kg-m (11 ft. lbs.). Valve is now ready to be adjusted for normal
If close coupled strainer is used, it may be cleaned before putting the
valve back in operation. The regulator must be tested for leaks with
refrigerant gas or other appropriate gas before the system is put into




Fig. 8 (A4AZ) Fig. 9

Refrigerating Specialties Division 5

Disassembly and Assembly (continued) Before disassembly, make sure all refrigerant has been removed from
the regulator and strainer, if used.
Basic Modules Disassembly and Assembly
Refer to exploded views (Figs. 10 and 11) and also page 3 for Protect the surfaces of Pads 1 and 2 of the Modudapter at all times
explanation of “Basic Adaptomode Functions” to assist in clarification since these surfaces determine the sealing tightness of the “O” Rings.
of module placement, as discussed in this section. Before A2D, A2D2 Modular Pressure Pilots (Figs. 11 and 12)
disassembling and assembling any modules, refer to page 4 of this These pressure pilots are used where a dual pressure regulator is
bulletin and to Bulletin RSB, Safety Procedure for Refrigerating desired and is mounted on Pad 2. Follow the disassembly and
Specialties Division Refrigeration Control Valves. assembly procedure for the A4A pilot (pages 4 and 5). When mounting
the pilot, place the “O” Rings 50 into the proper grooves and tighten
1 the Cap Screws 49 evenly. The ideal tightening torque is 1.1 Kg-m (8
ft. lbs).
3 S6A Modular Solenoid Pilot (Figs. 10 and 12)
This solenoid pilot may be mounted on either Pad 1 or 2 depending
on the function desired (see pages 2 and 3). Before working on any
solenoid pilot, make sure the coil is de-energized and will remain so
6 during the servicing period.
8 9
10 Disassembly (Fig. 10) - Remove Coil Housing Screw 55 and pull
11 entire Coil and Housing Assembly, 56 through 60, upward and off of
12 Bonnet-Tube Assembly 61. Carefully remove Bonnet-Tube Assembly.
13 Lift out Plunger-Needle Assembly 63, avoid damaging the needle.
Remove Seat Assembly 64 by using a 7/16" (11 mm) socket wrench.
Inspect all parts, clean or replace as needed.
16 Assembly (Fig. 10) - Reinstall the Seat Assembly and tighten (no
17 gasket needed). Carefully insert the Plunger Needle Assembly. Replace
18 the Gasket 62 and reinstall Bonnet-Tube Assembly. Replace entire
54 Coil and Housing Assembly and tighten Coil Housing Screw.
28 50
29 27 Make sure the solenoid coil is of the proper voltage and frequency.
30 52
When mounting the solenoid pilot, place the “O” Rings 50 into the
proper grooves and tighten the Cap Screws 66, evenly. The ideal
31 tightening torque is 1.1 kg-m (8 ft. lbs.).

70 68

33 67
32 71
47 46 33

3/4 - 1¼"

3/4 - 1¼"
39 43

Fig. 6

The Modudapter 28 will accommodate the Modular Pilots and
Moduplates illustrated on page 3. When assembling make sure the
Modudapter gauge port is directly lined up with the inlet of the regulator.
Passage N must communicate upstream pressure through the hole in
Adapter Gasket 29 as well as into Modudapter 28 and thence to the S6A MODULAR SOLENOID PILOT
pilot modules. It is imperative that proper alignment of these items be For A4 Port Sizes 20 - 100mm (¾” - 4”)
made to assure regulator function. Fig. 10

Refrigerating Specialties Division 6

Check the manual opening stem; it should be turned in for automatic
Check the regulator setting to make sure it is properly adjusted. Turn
adjusting screw slowly to see if regulator responds. Check regulator
pressure range; if wrong, range spring must be replaced.
Check other system components for proper operation. Make sure that
2 the regulator receives the proper electrical signal where modular pilot
3 solenoids are used. Make sure they are same as the power supply.
4 Check hand valves in the system to make sure they are open or closed
5 as required and the system is receiving liquid or gas as the case may

11 8


13 A2D

50 19


A2D2 Port Sizes 20-50mm (3/4" - 2") MODULAR SOLENOID PILOT
A2D Port Sizes 65-100mm (2½" - 4")

Fig. 12

Moduplate (Figs. 6 and 12)

These Moduplates 52 are used to direct the flow or stop the flow Solenoid Coils and Coil Housing
through the flow paths of the Modudapter. Protect the “O” Ring surfaces The solenoid coils and coil housing, identified and described on page
at all times. When mounting the Moduplate, place “O” Rings 50 (or “O” 8 for the Type S6A Solenoid Pilot, are an improved design which
Ring 54) into the proper grooves (lubricate with silicone grease) and provide a higher MOPD and a cooler coil resulting in longer life. The
tighten the Cap Screws 53 evenly to avoid distortion and assure proper new coil and its heavily plated, rust resisting housing are
sealing. The ideal tightening torque is 1.1 Kg-m (8 ft. lbs.). interchangeable with the obsolete coil and cast iron housing as follows:
The new coil, which has its Part Number stamped on the side, can be
Maintenance and Service General Procedure: used in both the old and new coil housing; the old coil which has its
Before disassembly of regulator, make certain that all refrigerant has 30-0030-XX Series Part Number stamped on one end, can be used in
been removed (pumped out) from the regulator and its companion the old, cast iron housing only. There is no bottom marking on the new
strainer where one is used. Read Safety Bulletin RSB. coil; either end may be positioned up. The color coding of lead wires
for various voltage and frequencies has not been changed. The fuses
Dirt In the system Is the greatest single cause of regulator malfunction.
used with the old coils are suitable for the new coils; the new coil
All screens or filters must be cleaned or replaced when they become
power consumption is 33 Watts instead of 37.
dirty. At start up it is especially important that these Items are cleaned
or changed frequently. When the RSF close-coupled companion The S6A pilot solenoid valve is also available with a coil using a quick
strainers are used, maintain according to instructions in Bulletin 00-10. electrical connector or plug, permitting easy wiring connection with
Moisture in halocarbon systems in particular can cause corrosion or an exposed rubber covered cable instead of a rigid or flexible conduit
form ice, causing the piston to freeze in position. Filter-driers should and enclosed wiring. This type of coil cannot be used with the old,
be used and maintained for halocarbon systems. cast Iron housing.
Before deciding to disassemble a regulator for servicing, the following The new coils and new housing described above for the S6A valve
investigations should be made: are also used with Solenoid Valve Types S4, S5, S6N, S7, S8 and S9.

Refrigerating Specialties Division 7

Maintenance and Service (continued) The solenoid coil must be connected to electrical lines with volts and
Hertz same as stamped on coil. The supply circuits must be properly
Electrical sized to give adequate voltage at the coil leads even when other
The Refrigerating Specialties Division molded water resistant Class electrical equipment is operating. The coil is designed to operate with
“B” solenoid coil is designed for long life and powerful opening force. line voltage from 85% to 110% of rated coil voltage. Operating with a
The standard coil housing meets NEMA 3R and 4 requirements. This line voltage above or below these limits may result in coil burnout.
sealed construction can withstand direct contact with moisture and Also, operating with line voltage below the limit will definitely result in
ice. The coil housing far exceeds the requirements of NEMA Standard lowering the valve opening pressure differential. Power consumption
ICS, 1-110.57 salt spray test for rust resistance. during normal operation will be 33 watts or less.
By definition, Class “B” coil construction will permit coil temperatures, Inrush and running current is listed below:
as measured by resistance method, as high as 130°C (266°F). Final
coil temperatures are a function of both fluid and ambient temperatures. Inrush Running Fuse
The higher fluid temperatures require lower ambient temperatures so Standard Coil Current Current Size
the maximum coil temperature is not exceeded. Conversely, low fluid Vohs/Hertz (Amps) (Amps) (Amps)
temperatures permit higher ambient temperatures. 120/60 (Blue leads) 1.1860 0.46 1
The molded Class “B” coil is available from stock with most standard 208/60 (Blue & Red leads) 0.63 0.26 1
voltages. However, coils are available for other voltages and 240/60 (Red leads) 0.60 0.23 1
frequencies, as well as for direct current. Coils are also available as 440/60 (Yellow & Red leads) 0.39 0.13 1
transformer type with a 6 volt secondary winding for use with the 115/50 (Yellow & Blue leads) 1.22 0.21 1
Refrigerating Specialties Division Pilot Light Assembly (see current 230/50 (Yellow leads) 0.65 0.26 1
copy of Bulletin 60-10, “Pilot Light Assembly and Solenoid Transformer Other Contact Factory
Coil”). On transformer coil the 6 volt leads are always black.

SERVICE POINTERS (Check General Procedure)

Regulator does not Diaphragm or seat dirty, damaged or frozen. Clean or replace. Clean strainer.
shut off flow.
Diaphragm follower stuck or damged. Clean or replace. Install follower carefully.
Piston jammed with excess dirt. Remove and polish piston and bore with crocus cloth. Clean valve and
Throttling plug leaking due to excess Clean or replace. If used on liquid, check for
dirt or damage. erosion due to excessive flash gas. Reduce flash gas by subcooling or by
reducing pressure drop across valve by providing restriction at valve outlet.
Diaphragm ruptured or badly deformed. Replace. If Range “D” make sure has 2 diaphragms.
A4AB Modular Solenoid Pilot seat leaking. Check seat and needle. Replace as needed,
A4AS Modular Solenoid Pilot seat leaking. Check seat and needle. Replace as needed.
Diaphragm and seat eroded due to flash gas. Replace. Reduce flash gas by subcooling or by reducing pressure drop
across regulator by providing restriction at valve outlet.
Modular Solenoid Pilot not closing. Check power at leads, make sure coil is de-energized.
Regulator does not A4A (inlet) Pressure Regulator Diaphragm Replace. It Range D make sure has 2
open ruptured or badly deformed. diaphragms.
Diaphragm follower stuck, damaged or frozen. Clean or replace. Install follower carefully.
A4AS/A4AB Modular Solenoid Pressure drop across valve too high; over 21 bar (300 psig). Lower pressure
Pilot not opening. drop. Improper power supply. Correct. Replace solenoid coil.
Piston worn, too much clearance. Replace piston. Check for reason. If used on liquid, check for flash gas.
Regulator Operation Diaphragm or seat dirty or damaged. Clean or replace. Clean strainer.
erratic. Diaphragm follower has dirt on the outside Clean or replace.
diameter or outside diameter is damaged.
Other system components, line controllers, Adjust, repair or replace.
thermostats, etc., erratic.
Regulator too far oversized. Check load. Replace with smaller regulator or investigate use of reduced
capacity plug.
Pressure drop across Inlet or outlet restricted. Check for restriction. Clean strainer.
regulator too high. Regulator too small. Open manually to be sure valve is full open.
Replace with proper size regulator.
Large amount of flash gas in liquid line. Reduce flash gas by subcooling. Reduce line restriction by increasing line
size, particularly at the regulator outlet. Replace with larger regulator.
High pressure drop causes high rate of Increase pipe size at the outlet of the
expansion of gas at regulator outlet. regulator.
Regulator does not open all the way. Check piston for wear. Replace, it needed.

Refrigerating Specialties Division 8

Type 20mm & 25mm 32mm 40mm & 50mm 65mm 75mm A4AB & A4AZ only
(3/4 & 1”) (1-1/4”) (1-5/8 & 2”) (2-1/2”) (3”) 100mm (4”) 100mm (4”)
DIMENSION mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch
A 429 16.9 447 17.6 500 19.7 513 20.2 632 24.9 685 27.0 685 27.0
B 148 5.8 162 6.3 177 6.9 181 7.1 273 10.7 292 11.5 292 11.5
C 164 6.2 203 8.0 251 9.9 251 9.9 311 12.2 339 14.1 339 14.1
(D) 1/2” 216 8.5
1-1/4” 256 10.1 1-1/2” 307 12.1
(FPT) for 3/4” 216 8.5
2-1/2” 331 13.0 3” 389 15.3 4” 450 17.7 4” 450 17.7
PIPE SIZES 1” 216 8.5
1-1/2” 256 10.1 2” 307 12.1
SHOWN 1-1/4” 216 8.5
(E) 1/2” 216 8.5
1-1/4” 256 10.1 1-1/2” 307 12.1
(SW) FOR 3/4” 216 8.5
2-1/2” 331 13.0 3” 389 15.3 4” 450 17.7 4” 450 17.7
PIPE SIZES 1” 216 8.5
1-1/2” 256 10.1 2” 307 12.1
SHOWN 1-1/4” 216 8.5
(F) — — —
1-1/4” 300 11.8 1-1/2” 364 14.3
(WN) FOR 3/4” 254 10.0
2-1/2” 401 15.6 3” 478 18.8 4” 571 22.5 4” 571 22.5
PIPE SIZES 1” 261 10.3
1-1/2” 304 12.0 2” 371 14.6
SHOWN 1-1/4” 261 10.3
(G) 7/8” 239 9.4 1-3/8” 269 10.6 1-5/8” 358 14.1 2-5/8” 348 13.7 3-1/8” 414 16.3
(ODS) FOR 1-1/8” 239 9.4
1-5/8” 279 11.0 2-1/8” 338 13.3 4-1/8” 503 19.8 4-1/8” 503 19.8
TUBE SIZES 1-3/8” 231 9.1
3-1/8” 389 15.3 3-5/8” 432 17.0
SHOWN 1-5/8” 239 9.4 2-1/8” 305 12.0 2-5/8” 358 14.1
H 117 4.6 117 4.6 140 5.5 159 6.2 178 7.0 222 8.8 222 8.8
J 98 3.9 178 7.0 251 9.9 314 12.4 314 12.4 363 14.3 363 14.3
K 112 4.4 112 4.4 117 4.6 124 4.9 142 5.6 158 6.2 157 6.2
L 122 4.8 122 4.8 135 5.3 133 5.2 122 4.8 152 6.0 140 5.5
M 138 5.4 138 5.4 140 5.5 150 5.9 170 6.6 190 7.7

Refrigerating Specialties Division 9

Repair Kits for A4AS, A4AB, A4AD and A4AZ

20mm (3/4") 25mm (1")

1 Item No. Description Kit No. Qty Kit No. Qty
1 Seal Cap Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
2 2 Seal Cap Gasket Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
3 1-2 Cap Kit, Seal 202110 1 202110 1
4 3 Nut, Packing Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
5 4 Packing, Stem Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
6 5 Washer, Flat Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
3-5 Packing Kit, Stem 202100 1 202100 1
8 9
6 Stem, Adjusting Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
11 4-6 Stem Kit, Adjusting 202120 1 202120 1
12 Plate, Spring, Upper Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
13 Spring, Comp. Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
13 14 Plate, Spring, Lower Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
14 15 Follower, Diaphragm Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
15 3-5,6, Spring/ Rge. A/V 202006 1 202006 1
16 12-15 Stem Kit Rge. D 202007 1 202007 1
17 8 Bonnet Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
18 11 Screw, Hx.Hd. Only Avail. with Kit 8 Only Avail. with Kit 8
54 16 Bonnet Gasket Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
28 50
27 1-6,8, Spring Kit Rge. A/V 202008 1 202008 1
11-16 with Bonnet Rge. D 202009 1 202009 1
30 52
12-14, Spring Kit, Rge. A/V 202481 1 202481 1
16 less Bonnet Rge. D 202482 1 202482 1
31 17 Diaphragm Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
19 Gasket Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
16,17,19 Diaphragm Kit Rge. A/V 200770 1 200770 1
17 Diaphragms Rge. D Only Avail. with Kit 2 Only Avail. with Kit 2
16,17,19 Diaphragm Kit Rge. D 200771 1 200771 1
16-19 VC Vacuum Cartridge Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
Pilot Seat/ Rge. A 202000 1 202000 1
33 45 16-19 Diaphragm Kit Rge. V 202004 1 202004 1
32 (Not A4AO) Rge. D 202002 1 202002 1
33B 27 Plug Pkg, 1/4" NPT 202552 5 202552 5
28 Adapter Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
33A 29 Gasket Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
47 46 33 19,27,28, Adapter Kit 200591 1 200591 1
34 30 Piston/Stem Assembly Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
3/4 - 1¼" 29,30 Piston Kit 200760 1 200760 1
32 Valve Body Not Available Not Available
34 Spring, Comp. Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
35 Washer, Flat Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
36 36 Wiper, Dirt Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
37 37 “O” Ring Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
38 34-37 Spring Kit, (A4A) 202300 1 202300 1
Closing (A4AK) 202298 1 202298 1
40 33 Plug/Stem Assembly Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
41 40 Washer, Flat Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
3/4 - 1¼"
42 41 Packing, Stem Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
39 43 42 Nut, Packing Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
44 33,34-37, Full Cap. Plug 202021 1 202022 1
40-42 Kit, Modul.
33,34-37, 50% Cap. Plug 202029 1 (*)
40-42 Kit, Modul.
33.34-37, 35% Cap. Plug Not Available Not Available
40-42 Kit, Modul.
33,34-37, 17% Cap. Plug 202030 1 (*)
40-42 Kit, Modul.

* All Plug Kits and Bottom Assembly Kits for 3/4” Port Size Valves can be used in the 1” Port Size Valves for reducing capacity.

Refrigerating Specialties Division 10

Repair Kits for A4AS, A4AB, A4AD and A4AZ
32mm (1-1/4 ) 40mm (1-5/8") 50mm (2") 65mm (2-1/2") 75mm (3") 100mm (4")
Item No. Kit No. Qty Kit No. Qty Kit No. Oty Kit No. Qty Kit No. Qty Kit No. Qty
1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
2 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
1-2 202110 1 202110 1 202110 1 202110 1 202110 1 202110 1
3 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 only Avail w th Kit 1
4 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
5 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit I Only Avail. with Kit 1
3-5 202100 1 202100 1 202100 1 202100 1 202100 1 202100 1
6 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
4-6 202120 1 202120 1 202120 1 202120 1 202120 1 202120 1
12 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
13 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
14 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
15 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
3-5,6, 202006 1 202006 1 202006 1 202006 1 202006 1 202006 1
12-15 202007 1 202007 1 202007 1 202007 1 202007 1 202007 1
8 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
11 Only Avail. with Kit 8 Only Avail. with Kit 8 Only Avail. with Kit 8 Only Avail. with Kit 8 Only Avail. with Kit 8 Only Avail. with Kit 8
16 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
1-6,8, 202008 1 202008 1 202008 1 202008 1 202008 1 202008 1
11-16 202009 1 202009 1 202009 1 202009 1 202009 1 202009 1
12-14, 202481 1 202481 1 202481 1 202481 1 202481 1 202481 1
16 202482 1 202482 1 202482 1 202482 1 202482 1 202482 1
17 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
19 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
16,17,19 200770 1 200770 1 200770 1 200770 1 200770 1 200770 1
17 Only Avail. with Kit 2 Only Avail. with Kit 2 Only Avail. with Kit 2 Only Avail. with Kit 2 Only Avail. with Kit 2 Only Avail. with Kit 2
16,17,19 200771 1 200771 1 200771 1 200771 1 200771 1 200771 1
16-19 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 202004 1 202004 1 202004 1 202004 1
202000 1 202000 1 202000 1 202001 1 202001 1 202001 1
16-19 202004 1 202004 1 202004 1 202004 1 202004 1 202004 1
202002 1 202002 1 202002 1 202003 1 202003 1 202003 1
27 202552 5 202552 5 202552 5 202552 5 202552 5 202552 5
28 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
29 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
19,27,28, 200593 1 200595 1 200595 1 200597 1 200599 1 200606 1
30 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
29,30 200767 1 200389 1 200389 1 200391 1 200393 1 200227 1
32 Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available
34 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
35 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
36 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
37 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
34-37 202301 1 202302 1 202302 1 202303 1 202304 1 202305 1
202299 1 202302 1 202302 1 202303 1 202304 1 202305 1
33 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
40 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
41 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
42 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
33,34-37, 202023 1 202024 1 202025 1 202026 1 202027 1 202028 1
33,34-37, Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available
33,34-37, 202031 1 202032 1 (**) 202033 1 202034 1 202035 1
33,34-37, Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available
40-42 Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available

**All Plug Kits and Bottom Assembly Kits for 1-5/8” Port Size Valves can be used in the 2” Port Size Valves for reducing capacity.

Refrigerating Specialties Division 11

Repair Kits for A4AS, A4AB, A4AD and A4AZ
20mm (3/4") 25mm (1")
Item No. Description Kit No. Oty Kit No. Qty
37 “O” Ring Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
38 Cover, Bottom Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
40 Washer, Flat Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
1 41 Packing, Stem Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
2 37,38,40,41 Cover Kit 200761 1 200761 1
42 Nut, Packing Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
40-42 Packing Kit, Stem 202100 1 202100 1
4 43 Gasket Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
5 44 Seal Cap Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
6 43,44 Seal Cap, Kit 202110 1 202110 1
9 33-38, Full Cap. Bottom A4A 202010 1 202011 1
10 40-44 Assembly Kit A4AK 202018 1 202019 1
11 33-38, 50% Cap. Bottom A4A 202347 1 (*) 1
12 40-44 Assembly Kit A4AK 202348 1 (*) 1
33-38, 17% Cap. Bottom A4A 202346 1 (*) 1
13 40-44 Assembly Kit A4AK Not Available Not Available
14 3-6, 12-19, Full Cap. Repair Rge. A 202041 1 202044 1
15 29, 30, 33-37, Kit, Reg. (All Rge. V 202040 1 202043 1
16 40-42 except A4AK) Rge. D 202042 1 202045 1
3-6, 12-19, 50% Cap. Repair Rge. A 202352 1 (*) 1
18 29-30, 33-37, Kit, Reg. (All Rge, V 202354 1 (*) 1
54 40-42 except A4AK) Rge. D 202353 1 (*) 1
28 50 3-6, 12-19, 17% Cap. Repair Rge. A 202349 1 (*) 1
29 27 29-30, 33-37, Kit, Reg. (All Rge. V 202351 1 (*) 1
30 52 40-42 except A4AK) Rge. D 202350 1 (*) 1
53 112 Cover, Top Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
31 29,112 A4AR Cover Kit 200680 1 200680 1
2,16(2),19(2), Gasket Kits (includes complete set of gaskets plus “O” Rings If applicable)
25, 26, 29, 37, Gasket Kit A4/S4 202112 202112
Indv’I Gaskets, "O" Rings & Valve Pk’g sold & pkgd in qtys only as Indicated.
29 Gasket Pkg, Adapter 202406 5 202406 5
37 “O” Ring/Gasket Pkg. Bottom Cap 202384 3 202384 3
43 Gasket Pkg, Seal Cap (Bottom) 202408 12 202408 12
33 45 2 Gasket Pkg, Seal Cap (Top) 202408 12 202408 12
32 45 Gasket Pkg, Flange 202079 12 202079 12
33B 4 Packing Pkg, Stem (Top) 202478 25 202478 25
41 Packing Pkg, Stem (Bottom) 202478 25 202478 25
33A Bolt Package Kits
47 46 33 11 Bolt Package, A4A Bonnet 202246 8 202246 8
31 Bolt Package, Adapter 202248 8 202249 8
39 Bolt Package, Bottom Cap Not Required Not Required
3/4 - 1¼" Flange Bolt Package Includes bolts and nuts; no gaskets
46 Nut 5/8"-11 2 5/8"-11 2
47 Bolt 5/8"-11x3" 2 5/8"-11x3" 2
35 46,47 Bolt Kit, Flange 201585 1 201585 1
36 50,52-54 Moduplate Kit ‘’MP” 200518 200518
37 52 Moduplate Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
54 O-Ring, “B” Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
50 O-Ring, “S”, “D” Only Avail. with Kit 2 Only Avail. with Kit 2
41 Flange Kit FK-25 FK-25
3/4 - 1¼" Specify Flange, Style, FPT, SW, ODS FPT, SW, ODS
39 Connection, Size WN WN
43 Kit includes 2 Flanges only Std Also Std Also Std Also Std Also
44 Connections Available Avail. Avail. Avail. Avail.
Sizes in Inches 3/4 1, 7/8 1-1/8, 1 3/4 1-1/8 1-3/8
1-1/4 1-3/8 1-1/4 1-5/8

* All Plug Kits and Bottom Assembly Kits for 3/4” Port Size Valves can be used in the 1” Port Size Valves for reducing capacity.

Refrigerating Specialties Division 12

Repair Kits for A4AS, A4AB, A4AD and A4AZ
32mm (1-1/4") 40mm (1-5/8") 50mm (2") 65mm (2-1/2") 75mm (3") 100mm (4")
Item No. Kit No. Oty Kit No. Qty Kit No. Qty Kit No. Qty Kit No. Qty Kit No. Qty
37 Only Avail. with Kit 1
38 Only Avail. with Kit 1
40 Only Avail. with Kit 1
41 Only Avail. with Kit 1
37,38,40,41 200761 1 Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available
42 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
40-42 202100 1 202100 1 202100 1 202100 1 202101 1 202101 1
43 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
44 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
43,44 202110 1 202110 1 202110 1 202110 1 202111 1 202111 1
33-38, 202012 1 202013 1 202014 1 202015 1 202016 1 202017 1
40-44 202020 1 202013 1 202014 1 202015 1 202016 1 202017 1
Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available
Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available
3-6, 12-19, 202047 1 202050 1 202053 1 202056 1 202059 1 202062 1
29, 30, 33-37, 202046 1 202049 1 202052 1 202055 1 202058 1 202061 1
40-42 202048 1 202051 1 202054 1 202057 1 202060 1 202063 1
3-6, 12-19,
29-30, 33-37, NOTE: 50% Capacity Repair Kit is not available for port sizes 1-1 /4" to 4". Capacity reduction can be obtained through use of
40-42 field installing "Reduced Capacity Plug Kits". See description and contents of these kits elsewhere this section.
3-6, 12-19,
29-30, 33-37, NOTE: 17% Capacity Repair Kit is not available for port sizes 1-1 /4" to 4". Capacity reduction can be obtained through use of
40-42 field installing "Reduced Capacity Plug Kits". See description and contents of these kits elsewhere this section.
112 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
29,112 200669 1 200673 1 200673 1 200690 1 200676 1 200677 1
7,16(2),19(2) Gasket Kits (includes complete set of gaskets plus “O” Rings if applicable)
25,26,29,37 202113 202114 202114 202115 202116 202117
Individual Gaskets, ’10" Rings and Valve Packing sold and packaged In quantities only as Indicated.
29 202407 5 202397 3 202397 3 202396 3 202399 3 202400 3
37 202384 3 202374 6 202374 6 202374 6 202382 3 202383 3
43 202408 12 202408 12 202408 12 202408 12 202404 5 202404 5
2 202408 12 202408 12 202408 12 202408 12 202408 12 202408 12
45 202080 12 202081 12 202081 12 202082 12 202083 12 202084 12
4 202478 25 202478 25 202478 25 202478 25 202478 25 202478 25
41 202478 25 202478 25 202478 25 202478 25 202479 5 202479 5
Bolt Package Kits
11 202246 8 202246 8 202246 8 202246 8 202246 8 202246 8
31 202248 8 202249 8 202249 8 202249 8 202250 6 202250 6
39 Not Required 202251 6 202251 6 202251 6 202252 6 202252 6
Flange Bolt Package Includes bolts and nuts; no gaskets
46 5/8"-11 4 5/8"-11 4 5/8"-11 4 3/4"-10 4 3/4"-10 4 7/8"-9 4
47 5/8"-11x2-3/4" 4 5/8"-11x3-1/4" 4 5/8"-11x3-1/4" 4 3/4"-10x3-3/4" 4 3/4"-10x3-3/4" 4 7/8"-9x4-1/2" 4
46,47 201595 1 201604 1 201604 1 201611 1 201611 1 201620 1
50,52-54 200518 200518 200518 200518 200518 200518
52 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
54 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1 Only Avail. with Kit 1
50 Only Avail. with Kit 2 Only Avail. with Kit 2 Only Avail. with Kit 2 Only Avail. with Kit 2 Only Avail. with Kit 2 Only Avail. with Kit 2

FK-32 FK-40 FK-50 FK-65 FK-75 FK-100

Std. Also Std. Also Std. Also Std. Also Std. Also Std. Also Std. Also Std. Also Std. Also Std. Also Std. Also Std. Also
Avail. Avail. Avail. Avail. Avail. Avail. Avail. Avail. Avail. Avail. Avail. Avail.
1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/8 1-5/8, 1-1/2 2 1-5/8 2-1/8, 2 1-1/2 2-1/8 2-5/8 2-1/2 2-5/8 3-1/8 3 3-1/8 3-5/8 4 4-1/8
2-1/8 2-5/8

Refrigerating Specialties Division 13

Repair Parts Kits for A2D2 and A2D Modular Pressure Pilots

Item Description Oty. Kit Number

1-2 Seal Cap Kit 1 202110
3-5 Packing Kit/Stem 1 202100
3-6, Spring/Stem Kit Rge. A/V 1 202006
12-15 Rge. D 1 202007
1-6,8 Bonnet/Spring Kit Rge. A/V 1 202008 1
11-16 Rge. D 1 202009 2
12-14, Spring Kit, Bonnet Rge. A/V 1 202481 3
16 Rge. D 1 202482 4
16,17 Diaphragm Kit Rge. A/V 1 200770 5
19 Rge. D 1 200771u
u Rge. D Diaphragm Kit has two (2) Diaphragms
16-19 Seat Kit, Pilot Rge. A 1 202001
Rge. V 1 202004 8
Rge. D 1 202003
48 Body Not available
separately 10
49-50 Bolt/”O” Ring Kit Bolts 4 201572
“O”Ring 2 onlyAvail.w/Kit
Note: Pressure Pilot A2D2 used on main valve sizes 3/4" to 2" port.
Pressure Pilot A2D used on main valve sizes 2-1/2" to 4" port.
Repair Kits indicated for the A2D2 and A2D are common parts used on the
integral pressure pilot mounted on the A4A Series Regulator.
50 19
Spare or Additional A2D2 and A2D 49
Repair Kit Packages
Note: The following items are included in the above Kits in the exact A2D2, A2D MODULAR
numbers as required for field repair. If additional “O” Rings, Gaskets or PRESSURE PILOT
Stem Packing are desired for spares or future use, order from the A2D2 Port Sizes 20-50mm (3/4" - 2")
following listing: A2D Port Sizes 65-100mm (2½" - 4")

Kit Package
Item Description Oty. Number
2 Gasket Pkg./Seal Cap 12 202408
50 “O”Ring Pkg/Moduplate 12 202424
4 Stem Packing, Pkg. 25 202478

Refrigerating Specialties Division 14

Repair Parts Kits for S6A Modular Pressure Pilot Solenoid

Item Description Oty. Kit Number

55 Screw 1 Only Available with Kit
58 Coil Assembly 1 Consult Factory 69
70 68
67 O-Ring 1 Only Available with Kit
68 Knob 1 Only Available with Kit 67
67, 68 Knob Kit 1 205047
69 Lens 1 Only Available with Kit
70 Bulb Kit 6 205282
71 O-Ring 1 Only Available with Kit
69, 71 Lens Kit 6 205279
61B Tube Assembly, Solenoid 1 Only Available with Kit
61A Nut, Solenoid Tube 1 Only Available with Kit
62 Gasket 1 Only Available with Kit
61A, 61B Tube Kit, Solenoid 1 201036
Only Available with Kit
50 “O” Ring 2 Also available in package.
See below.
66 Bolts 4 Only Available with Kit
50,66 Bolt/”O” Ring Kit 1 201574
62 Gasket 1 Only Available with Kit
63 Plunger/Needle Assembly 1 Only Available with Kit
For A4 Port Sizes 20 - 100mm (¾” - 4”)
62,63 Plunger Kit, Needle 1 201019
62 Gasket 1 Only Available with Kit
63 Plunger/Needle Assembly 1 Only Available with Kit
62, 63 Plunger Kit, Needle 1 201021
(D.C only)
62 Gasket 1 Only Available with Kit
63 Plunger/Needle Assembly 1 Only Available with Kit
64 Seat Assembly 1 Only Available with Kit
62,63,64 Plunger Seat Kit 1 201630
50 “O” Ring Pkg., Moduplate 12 202424
65 Body S6A 1 Not Available Separately

Refrigerating Specialties Division 15

SIZE Nominal Sock Weld Weld Neck Flange Package Tubing Fitting
Nom. Flange Pipe Size Socket I.D. Neck O.D. Number(2/Pkg) O.D. I.D. Flge Pkg.
Pipe Size Pkg. No. Á Socket Weld  No. (2/Pkg)
mm Inches Inches (2/Pkg) Inches NW No. Inches mm Inches mm Weld Neck Inches mm Inches mm
20 3/4 3/4 200016 3/4 20 1.070 27.81 1.050 26.67 200020 200023 1-1/8 28.57 1.130 28.70 200027
and and 1 200017 1 25 1.365 34.67 1.315 33.40 200021 200024 1-3/8 34.92 1.380 33.05 200028
25 1 1-1/4 200018 1-1/4 32 1.705 43.31 1.660 42.16 200022 200025 1-5/8 41.27 1.631 41.43 200029
1-1/4 200030 1-1/4 32 1.705 43.31 1.660 42.16 200032 200034 1-3/8 34.92 1.380 35.05 200036
32 1-1/4 1-1/2 200031 1-1/2 40 1.930 49.02 1.900 48.26 200033 200035 1-5/8 41.27 1.631 41.43 200037
2-1/8 53.97 2.131 54.13 200038
40 1-5/8 1-1/2 200039 1-1/2 40 1.930 49.02 1.900 48.26 200041 200043 1-5/8 41.27 1.631 41.43 200045
and and 2 200040 2 50 2.445 62.10 2.375 60.33 200042 200044 2-1/8 53.97 2.131 54.13 200046
50 2 2-5/8 66.67 2.631 66.83 200047
2-1/2 2-1/2 200048 2-1/2 65 2.945 — 2.875 73.03 200049 200050 2-5/8 66.67 2.631 66.83 200051
3-1/8 79.37 3.131 79.53 200052
3 3 200053 3 80 3.575 90.81 3.500 88.90 200054 200055 3-1/8 79.37 3.131 79.53 200056
3-5/8 92.07 3.631 92.23 200057
100 4 4 200062 4 100 4.575 116.20 4.500 114.30 200063 200064 4-1/8 104.77 4.132 104.95 200065

À FPT: Internal NPT (USA Standard Taper Pipe Thread).

Flange Bolt Torque Requirements
Á NW: Metric equivalent nominal size for steel tubing.
 Metric copper tubing used for refrigeration. Bolt Diameter Valve Port Size Torque
à ODS connections to fit copper tubing of given outside 11mm (7/16") 13mm (1/2 ") 3.9 mkg (28 ft lb)
diameter. (Not for use with ammonia) 16mm (5/8") 20-50mm (3/4 "- 2") 11.8 mkg (85 ft lb)
19mm (3/4") 65-75mm (2-1/2 "- 3") 14.5 mkg (105 ft lb)
Definitions: 22mm (7/8") 100mm (4") 22.1 mkg (150 ft lb)
ODS - Outside Diameter Sweat
I.D. - Inside Diameter
O.D. - Outside Diameter
N.A. - Not Available

Safe Operation (See also Bulletin RSBCV) Warranty

People doing any work on a refrigeration system must be qualified All Refrigerating Specialties Products are warranted against defect in
and completely familiar with the system and the Refrigerating workmanship and materials for a period of one year from date of
Specialties Division valves involved, or all other precautions will be shipment from factory. This warranty is in force only when products
meaningless. This includes reading and understanding pertinent are properly installed, field assembled, maintained and operated in
Refrigerating Specialties Division product Bulletins, and Safety Bulletin use and service as specifically stated in Refrigerating Specialties
RSB prior to installation or servicing work. Catalogs or Bulletins for normal refrigeration applications, unless
otherwise approved in writing by Refrigerating Specialties Division.
Where cold refrigerant liquid lines are used, it is necessary that certain
Defective products, or parts thereof, returned to the factory with
precautions be taken to avoid damage which could result from liquid
transportation charges prepaid and found to be defective by factory
expansion. Temperature increase in a piping section full of solid liquid
inspection will be replaced or repaired at Refrigerating Specialties’
will cause high pressure due to the expanding liquid which can possibly
option, free of charge, F.O.B. factory. Warranty does not cover products
rupture a gasket, pipe or valve. All hand valves isolating such sections
which have been altered or repaired in the field; damaged in transit,
should be marked, warning against accidental closing, and must not
or have suffered accidents, misuse, or abuse. Products disabled by
be closed until the liquid is removed. Check valves must never be
dirt, or other foreign substances will not be considered defective.
installed upstream of solenoid valves, or regulators with electric shutoff,
nor should hand valves upstream of solenoid valves or downstream THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE CONSTITUTES
of check valves be closed until the liquid has been removed. It is THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO REFRIGERATING
advisable to properly install relief devices in any section where liquid SPECIALTIES PRODUCTS, AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER
Avoid all piping or control arrangements which might produce thermal
or pressure shock.
dealer or other person is authorized to give any warranties on behalf
For the protection of people and products, all refrigerant must be of Refrigerating Specialties, nor to assume, for Refrigerating
removed from the section to be worked on before a valve, strainer, or Specialties, any other liability in connection with any of its products.
other device is opened or removed.
Flanges with ODS connections are not suitable for ammonia service.

Parker Hannifin Corporation • Refrigerating Specialties Division 16

2445 South 25th Avenue • Broadview, IL 60155-3891
Telephone: (708) 681-6300 • Fax (708) 681-6306

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