MBA Social Science Notes
MBA Social Science Notes
MBA Social Science Notes
3.0 Learning Outcome
3.1 . Introduction
3.2 . Chemical Disasters: Causes and Impacts
3.3 Chemical Disaster Management: Institutional Aspects
3.4 Chemical Disaster Management :Preparedness and Response
3.5 Lessons from the Past- The Bhopal Gas Tragedy
3.6 Conclusion
.. 3.7 Key Concepts
3.8 References and Further Reading
3.9 Activities
After studying this Unit, you should be able to:
• Understand the causes and impacts of chemical disasters;
• Explain the management of chemical disasters;
• Discuss the essentials of preparedness and response activities for mitigation of chemical
• Highlight the essential ingredients of chemical disaster management plans; and.
• Describe the lessons learnt from a prominent past chemical disaster case viz., the Bhopal .
Gas Tragedy.
Since independence, India has seen rapid industrial development. Industries have come up all over
the country based on the availability of raw material, cheap unskilled and skilled labour, means of
transportation and the policies of the State and Central Government. It has also resulted in migration
of rural people to industrial cities for livelihood opportunities. As a result, the traditional industrial
centres have become more congested, and new ones have also come-up. A phenomenal increase
in industrial units of all types, both in organised and unorganised sectors have increased the
vulnerability of people working in industries and also of those staying in the vicinity of industrial
hazards. In this Unit, we will deal with chemical disasters. A chemical disaster is essentially a
massive industrial accident involving chemical agents. Hazardous materials is the term used for
chemicals, which cause accidents or large scale environmental damages.
By definition, chemical disaster simply implies a disaster caused by chemical hazards. A chemical
disaster being essentially a massive industrial accident involving chemical agents, fits into the basic
definition of a disaster, i.e., it needs external help for affected people to cope-up and recover from
the effects of such disasters. This Unit will bring out the causes and impacts of chemical disasters
Chemical Disasters 29
in India. In addition, it will highlight the institutional arrangements for disaster management. Last but
not the least, in this Unit we will also discuss the lessons learnt from the past. .
Chemical Terrorism
Chemical disaster can also be caused due to indiscriminate use of chemical warfare agents by
terrorists. Such chemical agents include Sarin, Chlorine, Sulfur Mustards, Hydrogen, Cyanide and
ii) Impacts
Chemical disasters lead to serious and varied impacts. These can result into explosions and/or
fires. The most hazardous impact of a chemical disaster lies in the extreme pollution of air, water
and food chain upto life-threatening levels even. The long-term health impairment can even extend
to coming generations.
A chemical disaster may result into one or all of the following.
Physical Damage
This includes damage or destruction of structure and infrastructure. A transportation accident may
damage the means of transport used for transporting hazardous material viz. vehicle, rail etc.
Industrial fires, if not contained, may affect large areas.
Chemical disaster may result in large-scale casualties. While quick medical relief is essential to
save lives, immediate disposal of dead bodies will also need planning.
Environmental Damage
Chemical disasters affect the environment because oflikely contamination of air, water supply,
land, crops, vegetation and animal life. In some cases 'certain areas may become uninhabitable for
humans and animals. The possibility of mega scale migration/evacuation/resettlement could loom
30 ' Public Policy and Analysis
ii) The Department ofEnvironinent of the Ministry and Controller of Explosives are jointly
responsible for setting and monitoring the safety standards. The Central Pollution Control J
Board (CPCB) is responsible for all environmental aspects.
ill) The Chemical Disaster Management procedures are outlined in the Chemical Accidents
(Emergency, Preparedness, Planning and Response) Rules- 1996. A layered structure to
manage such disasters at central, state, district and local levels is stipulated. For this, Crisis
Management Groups are required to be nominated at each level as under:
a) Central Government National Level
b) Chief Secretaries of State State level
c) District Collector District and Lower Levels
iv) As per law, all industrial accidents have to be reported to the Director General Factory
Advice Services and Labour Institute (DGFASLI).
Hazard Mapping
An accurate information oflocation, type and quantities of hazardous material being stored, used
or produced should be known at district and state levels.
Chemical Disasters 31
Rehearsal of Plans
Emergency plans, both off-site and on-site, should be periodically rehearsed. An honest feedback
and prompt action to plug the gaps observed during such mock drills is one ofthe most important
features of preparedness. .
Improvement in awareness of potential hazards particularly in the vulnerable section of population
is essential. This includes workers closely associated with hazardous material or with industrial
units handling hazardous material, and also the people staying in vicinity of such units.
Industry, plants and hazard specific training in safety and handling of emergencies, if any, is essential.
Different training orientation is needed for government officials, managers of industrial units, both
technical and administrative, and the workers.
32 Public Policy and Analysis
Causes of Disaster
The Bhopal Gas Disaster was caused by a complex set of independent human, organisational and
technological errors. The salient aspects are summarised below.
Human Factors
• Inadequate safety training of employees.
• Low employee morale.
• Lack of awareness regarding the hazard potential of the plant among the managers and
• Overlooking minor indicators of a possible accident occurred on earlier occasions. (There
was a technical snag in storage tank E-6l 0 on 21 October 1984 which was ignored and not
Organisational Factors
• Lack of resources and inadequate managerial attention, which contributed to lower safety
• Lack of urgency in preparing contingency plans for possible accidents in the plant.
Technological Factors
• Numerous design errors
• Absence of computerised early warning system.
• Long-term storage of huge quantities of MIC.
• Outmoded manual safety system. (An electronically controlled four stages back-up safety
system was used in similar plants elsewhere).
• Poor maintenance.
Chemical Disasters 33
A Chemical disaster may take place either due to an accident or explosion involving hazardous
material or due to indiscriminate use of chemical warfare agents by terrorists. This Unit has brought
out the institutional aspects in India. At the Central Government level, the Ministry of Environment
and Forest is the nodal agency for management of chemical disaster. A layered structure to manage
such disasters at the central, state, district and local levels is essential. For this, Crisis Management
Groups are required to be set up at each level.
The severity and impact of chemical disasters depend upon the extent of physical damage, casualties
and environmental damage. Chemical disasters affect the environment because of likely contamination
of air, water supply, land, vegetation and animal life. .
In this Unit, we have identified the preparedness and response measures for chemical disasters,
which include hazard mapping, hazardous material identification, inspection of chemical plants &
"storage facilities, monitoring oftoxic waste disposal, and monitoring pollution levels.
It is suggested that emergency management plans be prepared for on-site and off-site contingencies.
Rehearsal of these plans, improvement in awareness of potential hazards particularly in the vulnerable
section of population, and training is essential for mitigation of chemical disasters. This training
should be specific to Industry, plants and hazards.
Sulfur Mustards
Sulfur mustards are vesicants and alkylating agents, more commonly known as blister agents. They
are colorless when pure but are generally a yellow to brown colour and have a slight garlic or
mustard odour. Sulfur mustard in vapour and liquid forms can be absorbed through the eyes, skin
and mucous membranes.
Health Effects
Sulfur mustards cause skin, eye and respiratory tract injury. They may also cause bone marrow
suppression and neurologic and gastrointestinal toxicity. Although cellular changes occur within
minutes of contact, pain and other clinical effects are delayed for one to 24 hours.
There is no antidote for sulfur mustard toxicity. Decontamination of all potentially exposed areas
within minutes after exposure ~sthe only effective means of decreasing tissue damage.
Hydrogen Cyanide
Hydrogen cyanide is an extremely flammable, colorless gas or liquid. It gives off toxic fumes in a
fire and is highly explosive.
Health Effects
Exposure irritates the eyes, the skin and the respiratory tract. Symptoms are burning and redness
for the skin and eyes, inhalation causes confusion, drowsiness and shortness of breath, leading to
collapse. The substance can affect the central nervous system, resulting in impaired respiratory and
circulatory functions. Exposure can be fatal.
34 Public Policy and Analysis
Fresh air in the case of inhalation and rinsing with plenty' of water in the case of skin or eye
. .•
" Sarin is a highly toxic compound in both its liquid and vapour state that attacks the central nervous
Health Effects: Sarin can cause death minutes after exposure. It enters the body by inhalation,
ingestion, through the eyes and the skin. Symptoms vary but commonly include a running nose,
watery eyes, drooling and excessive sweating, difficulty in breathing, dimness of vision, nausea,
vomiting, twitching and headache. It kills by attacking the body's voluntary muscle and gland "on
switch", causing the muscles to tire so they can no longer sustain breathing.
Immediate treatment is decontamination by removing clothing and flushing eyes and skin with
Chlorine is a greenish-yellow gas with a pungent odour and is heavier than air. It reacts violently
with "manyorganic compounds, creating a fire and explosion hazard.
Health Effects
Chlorine is corrosive to the eyes and the skin and can cause tearing, blurred vision and bums.
Inhalation may cause laboured breathing and lung edema. The symptoms oflung edema often do
not manifest until a few hours after exposure. High exposure levels may result in death.
Fresh air in the case of inhalation and rinsing with plenty of water in case of exposure to skin and
Hazardous Material
Hazardous material isthe term used for chemicals which cause accidents or large scale environmental
damages. A Chemical substance can be hazardous ifit is explosive, flammable, corrosive, poisonous,
radioactive or a human disease causing micro-organism. Hazardous materials include pesticides,
fertilizers, and other chemicals as well as petrol, natural gas, and other fuels. Many hazardous-
materials disasters involve truck or train accidents in which a dangerous substance is accidentally
Chemical Disasters 35
1)· Enlist the causes of chemical disasters arid explain how they differ from other types of
2) Visit a chemical industry or the district level agency for disaster management and analyse the
institutional arrangements for chemical disaster management?
3) On the basis of your observation suggest the essential elements of the preparedness and
response activities for mitigation of chemical disasters.
2.0 Learning Outcome
2.1 Introduction
2.5 Conclusion
2.8 Activity
Disasters occurring due to direct consequence of exposure of communities to nuclear hazards
can be termed as nuclear disasters. Nuclear disasters are the high-risk but low probability disasters
attendant with the advancement in nuclear science and technology. The nuclear accidents can
affect large areas often crossing international boundaries. In this Unit, we will describe the causes,
impacts, and mitigation of nuclear disasters. In this regard, we shall discuss the past disasters, that
is, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the then USSR and the nuclear power plant disaster at Three
Mile Island in USA.
• Use of a nuclear weapon against civil population during a war or conflict. In this regard, the
devastation caused by atom bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was unprecedented.
• Use ofnuclearradioactive material by terrorists who seem to be adopting newer methods to
further their cause by adopting violence as a tool to cause disturbance in societies. The attack
Nuclear Disasters 23
on Twin Towers, in New York city on 09 September 2001, indicates that terrorists are no
more reluctant or even hesitant to cause mass casualties. To that extent, use of nuclear material
by terrorists is now in the realms of possibiFty.
Secondly, the impact of nuclear disasters are seen due to accidental release of nuclear radiation, as
mentioned below:
• Accident at Nuclear Power Plants resulting in release of nuclear radiation.
• Loss or theft of radioactive material from the facilities using nuclear material for application in
research and development, medicines, industry etc.
• Transportation accidents, which involve nuclear material.
• Improper or deficient disposal of radioactive waste material.
Possibilities of nuclear disasters due to use of nuclear weapons are very remote because of various
international treaties and ongoing nuclear disarmament movement and above all due to the deterrent
nature of the consequences. There is, however, a relatively· greater possibility of nuclear disasters
occurring due to accidental causes or terrorist actions. The nuclear installations and disaster
managers, therefore, need to be prepared for such contingencies.
24 Understanding Man-Made Disasters
• Do not panic.
• Do not believe in rumours.
• Do not stay outside / or go outside.
• As far as possible, avoid water from open wells / ponds, and also crops and vegetables,
food, water or milk exposed to radiation.
• Do not disobey any instruction of the District or Civil Defence Authorities who would be
doing their best to ensure the safety of yourself, your family, and your property.
• About 134 persons suffered from acute radiation sickness immediately. 28 of them died.
• About 135,000 personnel were evacuated from the areas in the proximity ofthe disaster site.
• The radioactive release is said to have affected 17 million people to varying degrees.
• About 155,000 square kilometres of area containing a population of7 million was affected.
• About 800,000 personnel were pressed into service by the Soviet government for
decontamination. Upto 45 per cent of these persons also received unacceptable doses of
Nuclear Disasters 25
• Though the disaster occurred due to human error, the design of the plant was also an important
The accident was attributed to a series of events both technical failures and human errors as
presented below.
• As radioactive water escaped the containment building into one ofthe auxiliary buildings of
the plant and a serious damage to the core was becoming evident, a site emergency was
• No casualties were reported.
• The public was informed of the emergency, and the communities around the plant were
This Unit highlighted the fact that the Disaster Management Administration needs to be prepared
for any emergency, especially due to the radiation. This is a very specialised area. Therefore, for
all nuclear plants in India, the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) prepares and sanctions the
Plan. However, it prepares the Site Emergency Response Plans also. At the state level, the State
Government prepares Off-Site Emergency Plans with inputs from the Nuclear installations within
their areas and subject to review by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) as these
involve nuclear safety of the public. In this regard to coordinate the activities, role of the Crisis
Management Group has been described. In addition, the prominent cases ofChemobyl Nuclear
Disaster and Nuclear Power Plant Disaster in Three Mile Island-USA have been dealt.
7 I
26 Understanding Man-Made Disasters
How does radiation The body's cells contain molecules, many of which are held
cause casualties? together by electrons. When radiation either excites or ionizes
the molecules in cells; chemical bonds may be broken and the
shape of a molecule may be changed. These changes disrupt the
normal chemical processes of the cells, causing the cells to
become abnormal or die.
Local Emergency Plans These plans are for the contingency of a nuclear emergency within
a nuclear facility. Each of the nuclear power plants in the country
has a plant specific emergency plan.
Off-Site Emergencies These plans are for the contingency of a nuclear emergency in
Plans the public domain. The local district administration is responsible
for making such plans in consultation with the DAE. In case of a
nuclear emergency in the public domain, the situation is handled
mainly by the civil administration with due assistance and
coordination from the CMG of the DAE and NCMC. The local
administration is also responsible for periodic rehearsals and mock
drills for these plans. Representatives of the DAE and AERB are
also involved in coordination and action on feedback of such
rehearsals .
Radiation si kness . It is the term for a variety of symptoms that follow a person's
exposure to damaging amounts of certain types of radiation. The
radiation may come from nuclear sources and the resulting fallout,
from medical and industrial uses of radioisotopes, or from particle
accelerators or even X-ray machines. Ionization from the
radiation causes a series of reactions in human tissue that results
in damage to the body's cells.
Radioactive Fallout It is radioactive material that settles over the earth's surface
following a nuclear explosion in the atmosphere. It consists of
atoms known as radioactive isotopes or radioisotopes. Fallout
Nuclear Disasters 27
Parasuraman, S. and P'VUnnikrishnan (Ed.), 2000, India Disaster Reports, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi,
Siromony, P. Michael Vetha (Ed.), 2000, Source Book on District Disaster Management,
LBSNAA, Mussoorie.·
Takada, Jun, 2005, Nuclear Hazards in the World: Field Studies on Affected Populations
and Environment, Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo.
World Book Millennium 2000. at corp (cd)
1) Outline the structure of nuclear disaster management in India.
2) Enumerate essential do's and don'ts in case ofa nuclear disaster.
4.0 Learning Outcome
4.1 .. Introduction
4.2 'Classification of Communicable Diseases
4.3 Factors contributing to Vulnerability
4.4 Typical adverse effects
4.5 Biological Disaster: A Study of Plague at Surat
4.6 Biological Disaster: Preparedness and Mitigation
4.7 Conclusion
4.8 Key Concepts
4.9 References and Further Reading
4.1 0 Activities
After studying this Unit, you should be able to:
• Explain the causes of biological disasters;
• Describe the typical adverse effects of biological disasters; and
• Suggest the risk reduction and preparedness measures.
Biological disaster has coexisted with human society since primitive days. With rapid advancement
in medical sciences and prevention and social medicine, the impact and frequency of such disasters
have reduced to some extent in advanced countries. But the poor and developing countries continue
to suffer due to biological disasters. It is, therefore, important to understand the measures of
managing biological disasters and mitigating their impact on communities.
. The pendemic influenza outbreak caused 20 million deathsacross the world in 1918-1919. Similarly
small pox, ebola, and yellow fever have been causing havoc throughout the world, mainly in
underdeveloped and poor societies. The small pox has been eradicated with its virus. It is preserved
only by some advanced countries for research purposes.
Biological disasters essentially appear in the form of epidemics or.pandemics, which are caused by
microorganisms. Different microorganisms cause different types of communicable diseases. The
micro-organisms, which cause co~unicable disease could be categorized as follows:
• Bacteria - These are small free-living organisms. They can be grown on solid or liquid
culture media. The disease caused by bacteria is usually treatable with specific antibiotic
• Virus - These microorganisms replicate in living cells and cause disease, which are mostly
non-responsive to antibiotics. Such disease may sometimes respond to antiviral compounds.
• Rickettsiae - These microorganisms share characteristics of bacteria and virus. In the case
of virus, they grow only within living cell; and in case ofbacteria, they too have cell membranes
and metabolic enzymes. Besides, they use oxygen and are susceptible to antibiotics.
• Chlamydia- these are intracellular microorganisms not capable of generating their own energy
source. They grow in living cells like viruses, and respond to broad-spectrum antibiotics as in
the case of bacteria.
• Fungi - These are primitive plants, which draw nutrition from decaying vegetable matter.
Most fungi form spores, and free living forms are found in soil. Fungal disease normally
responds to anti-microbial drugs.
• Toxins - These are poisonous substances produced by living plants, animals or
microorganisms. Some toxins can be produced by chemical means also.
38 Understanding Man-Made Disasters
Recurrent fevers
Yellow fever
~ Schistosomiasis
Major cause of infantile diarrhoea
1975 Parvovirus B-19 Virus Aplastic crisis in chronic heamolytic
anaemia I j
1976 Cryptosporidium parvum Parasite Acute and chronic diarrhoea ~
1977 Ebola virus Virus Ebola haemorrhagic fever
1977 Legionella pneumophila Bacteria Legionnaires disease
1977 Hantaan Virus Virus Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. I
1977 Campylobacter jejuni Bacteria Enteric pathogen distributed globally
1980 Human T- lymphotropic Virus T-cell lymphoma --leukaemia
virus I (HTLV-l) .
1981 Toxin producing strains of Bacteria Toxic Shock Syndrome
Staphylococcus aureus
7 I
Biological Disasters 39
Source: Global perspective of communicable diseases, Biological Disaster Management Plan, HPC
on Disaster Management, part Vol.-IV.
J Lederberg, "Future of infectus diseases in Drug resistance mechanisms and management",
communicore, 1998, p.5.
r I
40 Understanding Man-Made Disasters
Bio Terrorism
Possibilities of occurrence ofthe biological disasters due to certain dangerous biological agents,
which are used by terrorist organisations have increased. Biological warfare is nothing but bio-
terrorism and is universally condemned.
Biological Disasters 41
• Loss oflivelihood, even for personnel in unorganised sectors due to decline in business and
economic activities in general.
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD).
• Crisis of availability oflabourers, who migrate in search of employment in normal conditions
and work in other areas.
42 Understanding Man-Made Disasters
• Availability of sanitary staff was reduced to about 50 per cent due to prevailing fear and
panic, which affected garbage disposal and removal of carcasses. '.
Thus, it is evident from the study that specific preparedness measures are required to mitigate the
biological disasters, which are mentioned below.
• _ Create a pool of well-trained medical professionals.
• Ensure availability of vaccines and drugs. 1 I
The plague bacterium could be disseminated by aerosol, resulting in the pneumonic form with the
potential for secondary spread of cases through respiratory droplets ofthose infected. J
Within one to six days after exposure, the first signs of illness are fever, headache and weakness,
which can lead to shock and death within two to four days. .
Antibiotics within 24 hours of first symptoms.
Botulism toxin can be inhaled, viz. contaminated food or water.
Double vision, slurred speech, dries mouth and muscle weakness, which also starts at the top of
the body and works its way down. Symptoms begin from six hours up to two weeks after exposure.
Death can be caused by paralysis ofthe breathing muscles within 24 hours.
Biological Disasters 43
Botulism anti-toxin, supplied by the CDC
The smallpox virus is relatively stable and the dose required for infection is small, making it a
candidate for aerosol release. It could then be further spread by the saliva droplets of infected
The incubation period is about 12 days following exposure. Symptoms include fever, fatigue and
, aches, followed by a rash with lesions and can lead to death within the first two weeks of the
No proven treatment at this time.
Humans can become infected with tularemia through bites by infected anthropods, contact with
contiminated water or food, and inhalation of infective aerosols.
Earlier symptoms of infection by aerosol could be similar to those of influenza or a typical pneumonia.
The symptoms can occur within a few days or as long as two weeks after exposure. If treated, the
patient experiences progressive weakness and weight loss, and can die within two weeks.
A vaccine is currently under review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (American Medical
Reactions vary depending on the type of VHF, but symptoms often include fever, fatigue, dizziness,
muscle aches and exhaustion. Severe cases cause bleeding under the skin and in internal organs.
Some types of VHF cause kidney failure.
44 Understanding Man-Made Disasters
Generally there are no treatments other than supportive therapy for VHFs:
Vaccines are available for only two VHFs: yellow fever and Argentine hemorrhagic fever.
The biological disaster, that is, caused by organisms like bacteria, virus, fungus, and protozoon
leads to epidemics, which occur in large scale. The causative agent could occur naturally or be
created in laboratory and spread as part of warfare and terrorist activity. It has been observed
that the disaster related epidemic arises from the sub-standard living conditions. In this Unit, we
have described the causes, impacts, and management of biological disaster.The Unit has described
the adverse effects of biological disasters, which enhance vulnerability due to economic
consequences and levels of poverty; results in PTSD; loss oflivelihood; and crisis of availability of
labourers, who migrate in search of employment in normal conditions and work in other areas. In
view ofthese problems, we have suggested certain measures for preparedness and mitigation of .
biological disasters.
Biological Disasters 45
Biological and Chemical Weapons, at www.CNNcom
"Global perspective of communicable diseases, Biological Disaster Management Plan", HPC on
Disaster Management, Vol.-IV, NCDM, IIPA, New Delhi.
Lederberg, 1., "Future of infectious diseases in Drug resistance mechanisms and management",
R.L. Singhal and O.P~Sood (Eds.), 1998 ,communicore.
Nath, Meenakshi," Industrial Disaster: Working Towards oblivion", S. Parasuraman and P.v.
Unnikrishnan(Eds.), 2000, India Disaster Reports, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Perrin, Pierre (Ed.), "Communicable diseases ", Jan de Boer & Marcel Dubouloz, 2000,
Handbook of Disaster Medicine. Hentenaar boek BV, Nieuwegein, Netherlands.
Siromony P. Michael Vetha (Ed.), 2000, Source Book on District Disaster Management,
LBSNAA, Mussoorie .
1) What arebiological disasters? List out importantmicroorganisms, which could cause biological
2) How communicablediseases manifestthemselvesin associationwith naturaldisastersituations?
3) Identify and describe the specific factors, which are contributing to vulnerability of biological
disasters .
. 4) On the basis of your study analyse the Indian condition to mitigate the biological disasters,
and suggest remedial measures.
The hard fact is that despite what many nations, companies, cities and people
are starting to do to reduce their global warming emissions, the world is putting more
CO2 into the air than ever before. The current amount is 385 parts per million (ppm) --
higher than ever in the past 800,000 years.
Global warming is perhaps the most important environmental problem in the world
today. Levels of greenhouse gases are increasing in the atmosphere due to human
activities, and are changing the composition of the atmosphere and global warming.
Climate scientists agree that human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels
contribute to the problem.
Scientists have predicted the phenomemon of global warming for decades.
Unfortunately, some of the adverse effects of global warming, they have also
predicted begin to occur throughout the world, including:
Before After
Pest infestation due to global warming
Direct manifestations of a widespread and long-term trend toward warmer
global temperatures
Glaciers melting
Spreading disease
Poverty impacts
Effect on quality
Land use
Source: ( agri pic)