Cost Considerations VFD FINAL
Cost Considerations VFD FINAL
Cost Considerations VFD FINAL
System Cost Comparison: High-Low-High Solution
The cost of a low voltage AC drive input transformer to step down input The charts below represent relative
can be as little as 50% to as much as voltage to 460-600 V. If the existing price comparisons of various VFD
105% when compared to the cost of motor is medium voltage, it will need solutions for low power medium
a medium voltage AC drive – it all a step-up transformer from 460-600 V voltage motors. The solutions are:
depends on site conditions and to the medium voltage of the motor.
• 6-pulse low-voltage drive with
requirements. However the initial
As power electronics continue to step-up transformers
purchase price of the drive is only part
develop, the size of medium voltage
of the equation. When the costs for • 18-pulse low voltage drive with
drives have become significantly
components, cabling and installation, input and step-up transformer
smaller over the past several years.
and efficiency are included, the
The figures below show the footprint • 18-pulse medium voltage drive
economic advantages of the two drive
advantage that MV solutions, like the
options may not be as apparent. The data shows that at 250HP, the
medium voltage drive is comparable to
Low voltage drives have been offers over standard low voltage drive
the 18-pulse low voltage solution in
positioned as an alternative, cost implementation. The total footprint,
High-Low-High applications (See Figures
competitive solution to medium including all components in High-Low-
3 and 4). As power of the medium
voltage drive when using medium High solutions, can be as much as
voltage motor increases, the advantage
voltage motors at lower power ratings. 300” (See Figure 2). The standard
of MV over LV continues to increase to
This solution in industry is known as dimensions for a 6-pulse drive is:
the 6-pulse design as well. Medium
High-Low-High and there are two width and depth 40”x 34,” while a
voltage drives now offer users significant
instances where this exists. The first medium voltage drive with integral
cost advantages when compared to
case is where there is an existing MV transformer and 18-pulse
low-voltage solutions, particularly in
motor that runs directly on line and configuration is W48”xD40”. When
high-low-high applications.
the desire to install a VFD to improve comparing these solutions side-by-
system efficiency exists. The second side, the total footprint of the
case is used on a specific application SINAMICS PERFECT HARMONY drive is
in the oil and gas industry for approximately six times smaller when
Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESP). compared to a standard High-Low-
Low voltage drives will require an High configuration.
Input Sine Output Input Sine Output
Xfmr Wave Xfmr Xfmr Wave Xfmr
Filter Filter
Up to 300” 48”
Figure 2
High-Low-High Solution vs. MV Drive Solution
MV VFD+Cable 6 pulse LV VFD+Input 18 Pulse LV VFD+Input MV VFD+Cable 6 pulse LV VFD+Input 18 Pulse LV VFD+Input
VFD Input Transformer Step Up Transformer VFD Input Transformer Step Up Transformer
Figure 3 Figure 4
System Efficiency
GH180 6SR520 MV The driving force behind the increased
6 pulse LV Losses 18 pulse LV Losses
Losses use of VFDs is the energy savings it
VFD 2.0% 3.0% 3% provides. Table 4 compares system
Input filter 0.5%-1.0% 0% 0%
efficiency for LV and MV solutions.
This comparison is specifically looking
Input Transformer 2.0% 2.0% 0%
at high-low-high solutions. When
Output Transformer 2.0% 2.0% 0% efficiency is taken into account
Output Sine Filter 1.0% - 2.0% 1.0% - 2.0% 0% medium voltage offers a preferred
Total Losses 7.5 - 9.0% 8.0 - 9.0% 3% solution. In 10 years, users can save as
much as $100,000 in electricity costs
alone for a 500 HP solution.
6 pulse LV Solution 18 pulse LV Solution 18 Pulse MV Solution
Table 2: Current Requirements for Low Voltage and Medium Voltage Drives for the Same Power
HP Cable Size # Of Conductors
Table 3: Side by Side Comparison of Cable Size and Number of Conductors Required
1. Inverter Duty VFD Cable was used for LV drive and Standard Cable for MV drive
2. NEC Table 310.15(B)(3)(a)
Adjustment factors for more than 3 current carrying conductors:
4-6 Conductors @ 80%; 7-9 Conductors @ 70%; 10-20 Conductors @ 50%
3. Ampacities taken from NEC table 310.15(B)(3)(a)
4. The cost does not include cable tray or installation cost
VFD Power
480 V
4160 V
250 500 750 1000
Figure 6
Cost of Power Quality
The financial impact of poor power The study states that digital economy Frequency of Power Quality Problems
quality is often underestimated or and process industries combined lose at Customer Sites of Power Quality
Problems at Customer Sites
poorly understood because they are $1 billion per year due to power quality
typically reported as maintenance issues. This number excludes cost of Other,
determined that the economic cost from $3-$8 per kW for the textile
of power outages and power quality industry to $15-$20 per kW per event
disturbances across all U.S. business for industries like metals and chemicals Wiring/
sectors is between $120 and $190 (See Figure 9). Cost impact depends on 15% Harmonics,
billion per year. In Europe, according each plant and industry product and
to the report,³ this type of cost cost of inputs. Since a facility typically
exceeds $167 (€150) billion annually. experiences several events per year, Figure 7
the annual cost, due to sags, is often Source: EPRI Report, 2003
Power quality (PQ) is defined as the
over $75,000. These costs can include:
grid’s ability to provide a clean and
stable power supply. It is always • Replacement of damaged equipment Major Causes of Power Outages
available, noise-free and within voltage in the U.S.
• Cost for repair of failed parts Major Causes of Power Outages in the U.S.
and frequency tolerances. Fluctuations
in the electrical supply in the form of • Spoiled or off spec product Maintenance
momentary interruptions, voltage
• Loss of revenue due to downtime Power Grid
sags or swells, transients, harmonic Failure
distortion, electrical noise, and flickering • Additional labor costs Public
or Animal
lights, reduce power quality. Fewer such Contact
Industrial customers experience an 7%
incidents indicate greater power quality. 62%
average of 75 instances of voltage Unknown/
The most reported disturbances (See sags per year² – in 50% of the cases 10%
Cost of of Power
Power Quality,Quality,
$/kW per$/kW per
Event Event
(Total Plant Load) Interruption and Sag Rates as a Function of Voltage
(Total Plant Load) Interruption and Sag Rates as a Function of Voltage
$25 25
Events per Site per Year
$20 20
Events per Site per Year
$15 15
$10 10
$8 $8
$5 $3 5
$0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Figure 9 Figure 10
Source: EPRI Report, 2003 Source: EPRI Report, 2003
Low Voltage Drive 6 pulse PERFECT HARMONY GH180 6SR520
• DC bus capacitance in VFD allows for minor sag • VFD output power is rolled-back linearly from 100%
Voltage Sag duration compensation (ex: 80 ms (5 cycle) sags at 70% available power @ 90% input voltage down to 50% power @ 65%
is up to voltage)⁷. Some manuals state operation at 85% for up input voltage
1 minute to 1 minute »» Output power is reduced by limiting the available
»» Voltage drop below these tolerances results in drive’s motor torque
Undervoltage lasts ride through mode
longer than »» The VSD can operate continuously in this mode
1 minute • The drive’s dc bus will usually trip on undervoltage at an
equivalent line voltage of 65% of nominal rated voltage »» Voltage drop below 65% results in drive’s ride
VFD Performance (the trip level varies from manufacturer to manufacturer through mode
some offer as lows 51%)
Input Voltage Falls Below 65% Input Voltage Falls Below 65%
• Manufacture manuals state: the dc bus can deliver • The VFD will “ride-through” without tripping for 80 ms
full power to a load for about one cycle or 15-16 ms (5 cycles) minimum and up to 500 ms (30 cycles).
(1 cycle) by allowing itself to decrease from its nominal During “ride-through” the motor voltage is maintained
Input Power Loss Ride voltage. It may be shorter due to load conditions and but no torque is produced until input VFD voltage is
Through motor speed. re-established.
• If the combination of the load’s inertia and energy • An automatic restart and spinning load functions are
stored on the bus are inadequate to prevent the bus available to catch and restart motors when the motor
from tripping, the drive will use an automatic restart flux has collapsed during the line outage.
function to recover.
Table 6: Low Voltage Drive and Medium Voltage Drive Solution Performance Comparison during Input Voltage Sag
Table 7 identifies various solutions While low voltage drives require distortion, even if the source capacity
to mitigate harmonic distortion. As additional measures to improve input is no larger than the drive rating.
effectiveness of the solution to reduce harmonics, medium voltage drives
It provides:
input harmonics increases so does the have, as a minimum, a 12-pulse diode
costs associated with it (See Figure 11). rectifier configuration due to the high • Less than 3% total voltage distortion
When considering the best fit for an DC voltage requirement. Drives come
• Less than 5% total current distortion
application, one should remember in a range of pulse counts depending
that the total cost of the system will on the manufacturer (12 to 36 pulse
18-Pulse, Multi-Level PWM
include not only VFD and accessories configurations). In many cases, the
costs, but also installation, maintenance, number of pulses is driven by the drive
footprint and hauling costs. To obtain topology and design. In order to meet
the best overall harmonics mitigation IEEE 519, an 18-pulse configuration
solution, the user must view the with phase shifting transformer is
system as a whole circuit and evaluate required, at the same time it also offers
different mitigation methods to an optimized cost benefit solution. Voltage
Figure 11
Case Study: Use of Low Voltage and disruptions from outages, poor voltage paper, LV drive solution, if not
Medium Voltage solution in Electrical regulation, and transient voltage properly selected and engineered,
Submersible Pump (ESP) Application conditions. These design, operational may produce high output voltage
and site constraints make these motors spikes that lead to insulation break
Historically, low voltage drives have
sensitive to the following conditions: down of both cable and motor.10, 15
dominated in ESP applications but
recently more and more users are • Input line overvoltage Based on challenging design,
considering and using medium voltage and transient spikes operation and site conditions of ESP
drives. According to industry applications SINAMICS PERFECT
• High inrush torques
publications, somewhere around 90% HARMONY GH180 provides the best
of all oil wells require some form of • High dv/dt and solution for this application. Siemens
artificial lift to improve oil flow. ESPs has already installed over 700 GH180
• Torque pulsations
are one of several methods used in this units globally in this application
industry. Once the oil reservoir stops The ESP failures have a very high cost. alone. The drive’s robust input line
producing oil under free flow, electrical The average ESP run-life is between 2 performance, low input harmonic
submersible pumps are used to pump and 2.5 years but the trend in the content and sinusoidal output voltage
the oil to the surface. Over time the industry is to increase it to 5 years in waveform without need of an output
field conditions change and so does order to reduce the cost of the field. filter for motor cable lengths up to
the requirement for motor power. An The total cost to an end-user of one 7500ft promotes longer cable and
ESP is a centrifugal pump driven by a ESP failure is about $133K13. Below is motor life. In addition, the SINAMICS
medium voltage electric motor that the breakdown of the average cost PERFECT HARMONY GH180 drive
ranges from 1000 V to 4800 V. associated with the Onshore ESP provides the following benefits when
operation of 100 wells: compared to a LV solution:
Electrical submersible pump
applications create certain motor • Average loss of revenue • No step-up transformer needed,
design limitations: they are compact $45x200x7=$ 63K based on: the drive has direct feedback
in nature to be able to fit in a tube »» price per barrel - $45 (can be from the motor
located in a well bore; the level of as high as $100 depends on • No restriction on starting torque
insulation available is lower when market conditions) - 100% of torque is available at
compared to conventional motor
»» average oil production per well: 1.6Hz speed
designs, and frame parameters cannot
200 bopd (barrels of oil per day)
be increased to handle mechanical • When pump gets stuck due to
stresses. To achieve different »» average workover & waiting sediment collection at the
horsepower ratings, the motor modules time: 7 days bottom – to free the motor the
are required to be connected in series. • Average intervention cost: $20K drive can produce 150% of rated
(maybe higher depending on a torque required without the
In addition to space restrictions there
cost and availability of a rig) need of a rocking start reducing
are operational ones as well. These
stress on motor
pumps must be capable of pumping a • Average equipment cost: $50K
combination of oil, water, brine and • To ensure fault free operation
According to an ESP Reliability
gas. To reduce wear, the motor the drive can be programed to
Information and Failure Tracking
requires special abrasion-resistant run without output ground fault
System project, the top three ESP
bearings. This process generates high
components that fail in the first 90 • Short Power Loss Ride through at
heat and in order to run the motor in
days are: motor, followed by cables least 5 cycles (80 ms) to provide
this environment it is typically filled
and pumps. Over time motors also trip free operation during system
with refined dielectric oil to provide
show increasing trend for failure rate bus reclosure events
bearing lubrication and thermal
compared to other components. Short-
conductivity. More often than not, ESPs • In locations that have frequent
circuited motors and cables are the
are installed in remote locations. The lightning storms the drive offers
most severe mechanisms of early ESP
power is more susceptible to standard lighting arrestors to
failures (See Figure 14)14. The reason
provide protection to drive,
for short circuit events is insulation
cables and motor
break down. As has been stated in this
ESP – Primary Failed Items Most Severe Failure Mechanisms – Early Failures
– Early
ESP –Failures
Primary Failed Items – Early Failures
Low Impedance Motors 4%
Short Circuited Motors 15%
Figure 13 Figure 14
Source: ESP-RIFTS Report, 2009 Source: ESP-RIFTS Report, 2009
Key Takeaway:
Medium voltage drives provide users • For applications and locations »» Best in Class Input Voltage
with optimal performance and a cost that require cables longer then Brownout Conditions - no trip
effective solution when compared to 150ft, a medium voltage drive down to 65% of nominal voltage
typical low voltage drive systems. offers the best solution when »» Input Power Loss Ride Through
compared to LV drives. For up to 500 msec
• The size and cost of medium
example, a Siemens SINAMICS
voltage drives continues to »» Built-in input transformer with
PERFECT HARMONY drive can be
improve, when compared to lightning arrestors
applied on motor applications
High-Low-High solutions offered • A medium voltage drive is able to
with distances up to 7500ft
by low voltage drives. meet IEEE519 requirements with
(2.3 km) without any filters.
• Medium voltage drives have clear built-in 18 pulse configuration with
• Medium voltage drives, specifically phase shifting integral transformer
price and system advantages
the SINAMICS PERFECT HARMONY while typical 6 - pulse low voltage
when used with motors rated at
drive, can offer users flexibility with drive needs additional equipment
250HP and above.
simplified and optimized system: to achieve similar results.
• Medium voltage drive solutions
»» Built-in input transformer -
improve operating efficiency of
input voltages ranging from
High-Low-High configurations up to
480 volts up to 6.0 kV
5%. The energy savings contributes
to the user’s bottom line. »» No need for output filter
»» No need for step up transformer
• Reduced cabling cost: low
- output voltage ranging from
voltage cable cost compared to
1.8 kV volts up to 4.0 kV
medium voltage cable can be as
high as 10 times and up to 24 • Robust design provides immunity
times more expensive for the from most input power
same power. The use of medium disturbances and interruptions
voltage cables reduces material to ensure protection of user
and installation cost associated equipment and trip free operation
with the traditional LV solution. during most common and
frequent power quality issues:
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