School of Engineering Colegio de Dagupan

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Colegio de Dagupan
Arellano St. Dagupan City, Pangasinan 2400 Philippines



Presented to
The Faculty of
Engineering Department
Universidad De Dagupan
Dagupan City, Pangasinan

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Methods of Research

Aquino, Ken Ar Jhae B.

Dalao, Carl Jerome S.
De Vera, Edjhie Carl Q.
Oropesa, Mark Daniel P.
Vinluan, Jericho P.

March 2022
Colegio de Dagupan
Arellano St. Dagupan City, Pangasinan 2400 Philippines

Chapter 2


This chapter deals with the related literature and studies about the

“Installation and Redesigning of Breakwater in coastal areas to help reduce wave

impacts and help marine sustainability.

Segmented Breakwaters

Detached segmented breakwaters of various shapes and sizes are used as

shore protection structures because of their ability to reduce wave energy.. As

stated in the study entitled “Determining the Performance of Breakwaters During

High Energy Events: A Case Study of the Holy Beach Breakwater System”, show

that the type of shoreline response to a breakwater system may vary depending

on the crest height of the breakwater in relation to the mean water level. Though

emergent breakwaters typically induce sediment accretion along the shoreline,

studies using laboratory and numerical models indicate that overtopped or

submerged breakwaters may increase erosion of the shoreline.

Figure 1: Tombolos at Tolly Beach following a beach nourishment project

Colegio de Dagupan
Arellano St. Dagupan City, Pangasinan 2400 Philippines

(a) (b)


Figure 1.2: Three different Circulation patterns in the study show: (a) Emergent

Breakwater the primary factor driving nearshore circulation patterns is the

diffraction of wave energy. (b) Overtopped Breakwater occurs when the water

level rises such that a previously emergent breakwater is frequently overtopped

by waves. (c) Submerged Breakwater have two types: (i) Nearshore Submerged

Breakwaters, and (ii) Offshore Submerged Breakwaters.

Colegio de Dagupan
Arellano St. Dagupan City, Pangasinan 2400 Philippines

This variation of the hydrodynamic patterns and shoreline response is of

particular interest for breakwaters along shorelines that can be impacted by

hurricanes and other events that trigger large variances in water level, as the

breakwaters may periodically shift between emergent and submerged states.

This study attempts to determine the performance of breakwaters during high

energy events and determine their effectiveness during such events. In addition,

this study evaluates traditional methods for monitoring shorelines and evaluating

response to shoreline protection structures.

According to the study entitled “Coral reef structural complexity provides

important coastal protection from waves under rising sea levels” (2018). Coral

reefs are diverse ecosystems that supports not only underwater marine life but

also millions of people throughout the world by providing coastal protection

from waves. Climate change and human impacts are causing the degradation of

coral reefs and to rising sea levels, posing concerns for the protection of tropical

coastal region. It is stated that Coral reefs are an effective natural barrier from

waves and impacts which has allowed human settlement on tropical coasts and

reef islands. The high frictional dissipation on coral reefs, in conjunction with

wave breaking on the reef rim and the surrounding landscape, results in high

rates energy dissipation from waves over relatively short distances when

compared to other coastal systems. In this study, it shows how the physical
Colegio de Dagupan
Arellano St. Dagupan City, Pangasinan 2400 Philippines

characteristics of coral reefs helps in distributing and scattering the energy from

waves in which it helps in the reduction of wave forces.

Figure 2: Conceptual diagram showing the future scenarios of coral reef

structural complexity and vertical reef accretion. The Reef Health Index (RHI)

measures the capacity of a coral reef to accrete vertically and maintain

structurally complex coral communities, with red indicating a low Reef Health

Index (RHI) and blue indicating a high Reef Health Index (RHI).

Note: A Reef Health Index (RHI) was defined as the sum of RR and fw and

measures the capacity of coral reefs to accrete vertically and maintain

structural complexity
Colegio de Dagupan
Arellano St. Dagupan City, Pangasinan 2400 Philippines

Based on the study entitled “ Effect of flexural rigidity of piles on the

horizontal resistance of reinforced gravity type breakwater with steel pipes” They

proposed a method for reinforcing a caisson-type composite breakwater

designed to resist tsunami attacks by placing steel pipe piles behind the

breakwater and filling the area between the breakwater and the piles with

rubble, also It discusses the forces exerted on the piles from the caisson side.

Clarifying the distribution and intensity of the load acting on the piles can

facilitate effective design verification of the piles to be used in this reinforcement

(Kikuchi et al. , 2017).This article gives an important idea about materials that

can be used for the installation of breakwater.

Figure 3: Steel Pipes

Colegio de Dagupan
Arellano St. Dagupan City, Pangasinan 2400 Philippines

According to the study entitled “Conceptual Design For The Breakwater

System Of The South Of Doson Naval Base: Optimization Versus Deterministic

Design”, a deterministic approach to the conceptual design of the naval base's

breakwater system resulted in a cross-section with a large armor layer and a low

crest level. The ideal geometry for the breakwater system is determined using an

economic optimization approach in this paper. When overall expenses over the

lifetime of the breakwater system are considered, the results suggest that the

block size can be reduced and the crest height can be increased. Some armor

layer failure is acceptable, but wave transmission and overtopping should be

reduced in proportion to their associated costs.

Figure 4: Typical cross-section, low profile breakwater

Colegio de Dagupan
Arellano St. Dagupan City, Pangasinan 2400 Philippines

Figure 4.1: Typical cross-section, high profile breakwater

This research shows how to apply economic optimizing with probabilistic

analysis to the conceptual design of a rubble mound breakwater, demonstrating

that it is a sensible technique to attain an optimal geometric option. The tetrapod

block weight and crest level were optimized in this study by balancing investment

expenses with the reduction of failure risk. The similar approach can be used to

optimize other design factors. In the detail design method, the conceptual

optimal values can be used as a useful starting point.

In order to implement the optimization process, a minimization method that

provides reliability estimates in a reasonable amount of time should be utilized in

conjunction with appropriate optimization software. Only continuous

differentiable cost functions are suitable for minimization techniques that utilize

derivatives of the cost function. A simple optimization software can readily

manage a small number of design factors that need to be optimized. However, if

a significant number of design factors must be analyzed, the optimization

program must be robust and straightforward to trace, particularly when

disconvergence arises.
Colegio de Dagupan
Arellano St. Dagupan City, Pangasinan 2400 Philippines

Daniel L. Harris, Alessio Rovere, Elisa Casella, Hannah Power, Remy Canavesio,

Antoine Collin, Andew Pomeroy, Jody M. Webster, and Valeriano Parravicini

(2018). Coral reef structural complexity provides important coastal protection

from waves under rising sea levels.

Woodroof, Andrew Keane. Determining the Performance of Breakwaters

During High Energy Events: A Case Study of the Holy Beach Breakwater

System. (n.d.). Digital Commons.


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Colegio de Dagupan
Arellano St. Dagupan City, Pangasinan 2400 Philippines

Kikuchi, Y., Hyodo, T., Moriyasu, S., & Taenaka, S. (2017). Effect of flexural

rigidity of piles on the horizontal resistance of reinforced gravity type breakwater

with steel pipes. Tokyo University of Science.

piles-on-the- horizontal-resistance

Nguyen V, HJ. Verhagen, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder, J.K. Vrijling (2013),

Conceptual Design For The Breakwater System Of The South Of Doson Naval

Base: Optimisation Versus Deterministic Design, Dubai UAE, Delft University of




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