Renewable Energy: Osvaldo Artal, Oscar Pizarro, H Ector H. Sepúlveda

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Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 496e506

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The impact of spring-neap tidal-stream cycles in tidal energy

assessments in the Chilean Inland Sea
Osvaldo Artal a, b, *, Oscar Pizarro c, d, e, He
ctor H. Sepúlveda c
a n, Barrio Universitario s/n, Casilla 160-C, Concepcio
Doctoral Program in Physics, University of Concepcio n, Chile
Environmental Department, Aquaculture Research Division, Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP), Camino a Tenten S/N, Castro, Chile
Department of Geophysics, University of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile
COPAS Sur-Austral, University of Concepcion, Concepcio
n, Chile
Millennium Institute of Oceanography (IMO), University of Concepcio n, Concepcio n, Chile

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Chilean Inland Sea (CIS) has natural conditions for marine tidal energy development. Recent studies
Received 9 February 2018 show that lunar variability in the tides should be considered, because the practical power generation
Received in revised form varies considerably when large differences exist between spring and neap tides. Using a high resolution
7 February 2019
(1 km) 2D depth-averaged numerical model, we investigate the effect of lunar cycle variability in the
Accepted 16 February 2019
Available online 22 February 2019
CIS and this impact on tidal energy evaluation by validating a 30 days simulation. There are two highly
energetic areas where currents exceed 2 m/s 50% of the time: the Chacao and Desertores Channels. Both
zones are dominated by semi-diurnal tides, and tidal current amplitude shows large changes during
Tidal-stream energy
spring and neap tides. Due to these changes power density can vary considerably in a period of 2 weeks.
Spring tides In the Chacao Channel, tidal-stream power is four times as large during spring tide (40 kW=m2 )
Neap tides compared to neap tide (10 kW=m2 ). Tidal-stream power is only significant during spring tide in the
CROCO Desertores Channel (8 kW=m2 ). This work is a contribution to understanding the tidally driven flows in
Chilean inland sea an inland sea and the importance of considering the variations between spring and neap tides in tidal-
stream energy assessment.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sites for deploying available technologies are important steps for
evaluating tidal energy use. Tidal characteristics of most coastal
Chile has large potential renewable energy sources such as locations have been studied with a perspective toward navigation
wind, geothermal, wave and tidal energy [1]. In 2013, government safety. Tidal dynamic depend on both the global characteristics of
legislation set a goal of 20% non-conventional renewable energy the tide and regional and local geometry, which can lead to tidal
(NCRE) generation by 2025. This goal is within reach, since NCRE resonance [6], or flow constriction.
generation was already 15% of total power capacity in 2016 [2]. Direct measurements have been used to characterize tidal cur-
Most of the recent developments have been achieved with solar rents. Existing technology allows the deployment of bottom-based
energy, which constituted 76% of NCRE production in 2017. Other Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) for 1e3 months. Tidal
alternatives sources are wind [3], small-hydroelectricity generation energy assessments in Chile were done by Garrad Hassan Consul-
[4], and geothermal energy [5]. It is surprising then that, with over ting in 2009 [7]. Their assessment included a study of several fac-
4000 km ocean coastline, marine renewable energies have not tors, such as environmental restrictions, areas with depths greater
played a bigger role in the energy matrix. than 50 m, marine protected areas, and distances to the national
The predictable nature of tidal energy makes it an attractive electricity grid, which were weighted to rank different zones. The
source of renewable energy to explore. Characterizing and defining Chilean Inland Sea (CIS) with the Chacao Channel and the Corco-
vado Gulf, as well as the Straits of Magellan were zones with high
tidal-energy potential that were highlighted in the report [7].
Mean spring peak current (Vmsp) has been used as an indicator
* Corresponding author. Environmental Department, Aquaculture Research Di-
of tidal energy resource. However, in areas with a large neap/spring
vision, Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP), Camino a Tenten S/N, Castro, Chile.
E-mail address: [email protected] (O. Artal). variability, this indicator can lead to an incorrect representation of
0960-1481/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Artal et al. / Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 496e506 497

the energy resource [8,9]. Maps of root mean cubed velocity are
also used for power density estimation [10,11]. This methodology
requires a modeled velocity well represented, because the power
density is a function of cubed velocity and therefore the errors in
the power density prediction are higher than the current errors
themselves [12].
The tidal energy extraction is expected to mainly affect cetacean
and benthic communities. The primary environmental impact is
the habitat modification. This change can generate problem in the
reproduction and recruitment areas of these communities [13]. The
installation of tidal arrays can also affect seasonal patterns of ver-
tical mixing and water stratification [14], decrease currents and
tidal amplitude [13] or bring increase water clarity through reduce
sediment transport [15].
Several technological challenges lie ahead for the commercial
use of tidal marine energy. In 2009, Cruz et al. [7] considered Vmsp
values > 3 m/s as excellent, > 2 m/s as good, and > 1.8 m/s as
worthy of investigation, given the available technology at the time.
This range has been lowered to 1 m/s [16] with recent technological
developments. In studies of marine renewable energies, 2D
(vertically averaged) and 3D models have been used to describe
areas where measurements are scarce. These models are usually
validated with elevation of sea level, due to the availability of tide
Fig. 1. Bathymetry of the Chilean Inland Sea used in the oceanic model. The study area
gauges records for several years. The recent availability of ADCP is between 41 and 47 S and 72e79 W. The circles and crosses correspond to ADCP
data has allowed for a better validation against observed currents. and tide-gauge measurements, respectively.
Of all areas in southern Chile, the Chacao Channel has been a place
of interest for tidal energy, since tidal currents can exceed 4 m/s.
This location has been previously studied using observations and with aquaculture [25e29] and/or trying to better understand the
models [6,17e19]. Other studies of tidal energetic channels have tides behavior, coastal circulation and estuarine dynamic of this
found a marked tidal asymmetry of the ebb/flood regime and in area [30e34].
their spatial variability [9]. Recent studies advise against the use of General circulation in the CIS can be classified as a two-layer
depth-averaged 2-D studies of tidal energy [20,21], because the estuarine system, with water exchange between the interior sea
velocity profile is better represented in the 3-D case, particularly in and the Pacific Ocean [35]. This system consists of a top layer of
the vicinity of tidal arrays. The 2D depth-averaged numerical roughly 100 m of stratified freshwater and a more saline, stable,
models are computationally more efficient and useful for a first quasi-homogeneous interior or deep layer from 100 m depth to the
approximation of the resource but for accurate assessments 3D bottom [36]. Some studies mention a third layer with a compen-
models are required. The uncertainties associated with resource satory effect of surface winds blowing to interior fjords [30,37] and/
assessments are greater in deep water [21]. Wave-current inter- or non-linear tidal effects produced at the estuary head [31,38].
action is also a factor to consider [22,23], since it can impact up to Two zones have a combination obstruction-constriction control
20% of tidal power under extreme wave conditions. circulation: the Desertores Channel (42.7 S, 72.83 W) and the
Meninea Constriction in the Moraleda Channel (45.25 S, 73.75
2. Study area W). These topographic characteristics control the exchange of
different water masses, permitting ventilation in the micro-basins
The Chilean Inland Sea (CIS) considered in this study includes [39]. The interaction with these constrictions can produce inter-
the seas from the northern part of the Chilean Patagonia, between nal waves and jets that influence the tidal currents [40].
41.5 S and 46.5 S. It comprises several microbasins, fjords and Tides and winds are the main forces generating the currents in
channels (Fig. 1). The main sub-basins are the Reloncav Sound, the the interior and the exterior of the CIS [41]. The tidal regime
Gulf of Ancud, the Gulf of Corcovado, the Guafo Mouth and the throughout the CIS is mostly influenced by semi-diurnal tidal cur-
Moraleda Chanel (including the Elephant Estuary). In the north, the rents [17]. Tidal waves enter via the Guafo Mouth, moving north-
CIS connects with ocean waters through the Chacao Channel ward through the Gulf of Corcovado or south through the Moraleda
(41.83 S, 73.53 W), while in the southern part a large number of Channel [6,18]. Aiken [6] implemented a 2D numerical model of the
shallow channels (around the Chonos Archipelago) connect the study area, with a 1.5 km resolution in the inland sea. Several nu-
ocean with the Moraleda Channel. The Chacao Channel is approx- merical experiments were done for eight tidal constituents (M2 , N2 ,
imately 40 km long and 4 km wide, and contains one of the most S2 , K2 , K1 , O1 , P1 , and Q1 ) with a model run for each constituent.
extensive fjords and channels systems in the world [24]. The ba- Each run lasted six days, hourly results from the last two days were
thymetry is markedly different to the north and south of the Guafo compared to available data. Bottom friction was parameterized
Mouth. The northern portion is composed of the Gulfs of Corcovado with a quadratic term, and a different drag coefficient for each
and Ancud, with a width of 50 km, and Reloncavi Sound at the far simulation was used. The high tides observed in the area near the
north, with a width of 30 km. The southern part is composed of a city of Puerto Montt (41.5 S, 72.93 W) could be explained by a
series of channels, the main one being the Moraleda Channel resonance effect of the wave as it travels through the Gulf of Ancud
(20 km), and a major input of freshwater from Aysen Sound. During that is added to the tidal wave entering through the Chacao
the last decades, salmonid farming and mussel aquaculture have Channel. During spring tides, there are large sea level variations in
increased dramatically in the CIS, with concomitant urban and in- the northern CIS, which can be associated with high tidal currents,
dustrial development. Most regional studies have focused on particularly in narrow steps and shallow channels connecting
evaluating changes in the environmental conditions associated different micro-basins. In contrast, during neap tides, sea level
498 O. Artal et al. / Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 496e506

variations are relatively small, and tidal currents are drastically Q1 ) and the long-period lunar fortnightly (Mf ) and monthly (Mm )
reduced. Tidal modelling is highly sensitive to the resolution of the tides. The simulation period extended for 1 month (January 2016),
complex coastal geometry, due to resonance, especially in the CIS and the model outputs were recorded hourly, but the first 3 days
[6]. Furthermore, topographic features as sills or constrictions can are not used in our analysis. Finally, in the open boundary condi-
be produce non-line M4 ar processes of bottom friction and tions, a Flather scheme for the barotropic velocities was used. A
advection that result in tidal constituents of high frequency as constant value of 1:65  103 m/s was used for bottom drag.
quarter-diurnal tides (e.g., overtide) and sixth-diurnal tides (e.g.,
overtide M6 ) [17].
3.2. Model validation

3. Methodology To evaluate the model simulation, we used sea level data from
five coastal tide-gauge stations in the CIS: Puerto Montt, Melinka,
3.1. Numerical model Chacabuco, Castro, and Ancud (Fig. 1). This tide gauges are moni-
tored by SHOA, official, technical and permanent service of State
Our study is based on high-resolution numerical simulations of ( The original data of 1 or
the CIS using the CROCO (Coastal and Regional Ocean Community) 2 min were edited to remove spikes and outliers. Hourly averages
numerical model. This model is an updated version of the ROMS- were then computed for the study period (January 2016). Further,
AGRIF model [42], that includes a non-hydrostatic kernel capable data from eight ADCPs (Teledyne RD Instruments of 300 kHz and
of resolving very fine scales and reproducing the interaction be- 150 kHz nominal frequencies) were also used in model evaluation.
tween different spatial scales using nesting. This is a 3D numerical The ADCP locations are represented by circles in Fig. 1. The ADCP
model of free-surface oceanic circulation that solves the equations data were measured by the Chilean Fisheries Development Institute
in an Earth-centered rotating environment. In our case, we use (IFOP) between 2010 and 2015. Note that all current records used
depth-averaged (barotropic equations), which are solved using a here are longer than 1 month, but the data were obtained in
single homogeneous layer. The model solves the barotropic mode different years and months. Currents were recorded every 10 min
separately using a time step of 1 s [43]. Terrain-following co- using different vertical resolutions, depending on the mooring
ordinates are used on an Arakawa-C structured grid [44] using a depth (Table 1). Pressure sensors from the ADCPs were also used as
discretization of finite volumes. We use a k  u model from the an estimator of sea level elevation used for model validation.
Generalized Length Scheme [45] for turbulence closure in the The ADCP data were processed following the procedure given by
parametrization of vertical mixing and a Smagorinsky model for Valle-Levinson and Atkinson [51]. Velocity errors greater than
lateral mixing. 5 cm/s and good percentage of data less than 85% were discarded.
The model domain extends along a meridian from 41 S to 47 S Depths were calculated with the pressure sensor, referencing the
and zonally from 79 W to 72 W, with a spatial resolution of 1/72 surface bins. Values from pitch, roll, and heading larger than those
(Fig. 1). The model bathymetry is a blended product based on the suggested by the manufacturer were also discarded. Small gaps
GEBCO08 dataset [46] for the open ocean and on many different (smaller than 3 h) were filled using linear interpolation. We esti-
soundings provided by the Chilean Naval Hydrographic and mated the barotropic current from the ADCP data by averaging in
Oceanographic Service (SHOA) in the coastal zone. In order to depth the velocity components at each time-point. The ADCP data
reduce pressure gradient error and make more stable numerical were obtained with the instrument mounted on a moored plat-
simulations, bathymetric smoothing was required in all sigma co- form, and data covered most of the water column ensuring a better
ordinate models [47]. A Hanning filter was used to ensure that there approximation of the barotropic component [52]. These averaged
was no 2DX noise in the topography. The minimum water depth currents were then used to compare against the modeled currents.
was set at 10 m, and the coastline was manually edited to improve The root mean square error (RMSE), normalized root mean
the representation of small fjords and channels, based on the square error (NRMSE), Pearson correlation coefficient (r), and bias
topography and nautical information provided by SHOA. and normalized bias were used to validate the model. Modeled sea
Hydrographic information for the boundary and the initial level (MSL) time series were compared with tide gauge data at five
conditions were taken from World Ocean Atlas 2009 [48,49]. Tides locations (Table 2, see also Fig. 1, crosses labeled from 1 to 5). The
in our model simulation were forced using sea surface elevation MSLs showed good correlation with the observed time series (r >
and the barotropic velocity from the TOPEX/Poseidon global tidal 0.9) although it overestimated the tidal range in all stations
inverse solution (TPXO8) [50]. This product improves tidal pre- (NRMSE < 10%). The Puerto Montt time series presented the best
dictions for coastal areas compared to older versions. The initial correlation (r ¼ 0.96), while Ancud (location 1 in Fig. 1) showed the
tide was adjusted to January 5, 2016, coinciding with a spring tide. lowest correlation, although it was still relatively high (r ¼ 0.91).
Ten tidal constituents were used simultaneously. Four semi-diurnal The sea level ranges in the stations inside CIS increased from 3 m in
constituents (M2 , S2 , N2 , K2 ), four diurnal constituents (K1 , O1 , P1 , the south to 8 m in the north during spring tides. In general, sea

Table 1
Location of the ADCP stations, time period, and bins information.

Name Latitude Longitude Date start Date end Frequency Height of Bin depths
(kHz) first bin (m) (m)

Darwin 45.4060 74.0819 2015/04/01 2015/05/22 307 6.19 4

Darwin Erraz 45.3967 73.7192 2011/10/06 2011/11/06 154 6.35 2
Pta Garrao 44.3873 73.7882 2014/08/31 2014/11/16 307 4.21 2
Gaviota 45.2407 73.6753 2015/06/12 2015/08/01 307 4.21 2
Meninea 45.2407 73.6753 2015/06/11 2015/07/11 307 4.22 2
Perez Sur 44.7430 73.7950 2014/05/28 2014/07/02 307 4.21 2
Pulelo 41.8533 73.4921 2014/04/22 2014/05/14 307 3.21 1
Vicuna 45.1274 74.1274 2015/03/02 2015/05/20 307 6.18 4
O. Artal et al. / Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 496e506 499

Table 2 gauge data, since ADCP data included different periods than the
Statistical comparison between coastal tide-gauge measurements and numerical model simulation (Table 1). The main axes of depth-averaged tidal
currents showed RMSEs of 5 cm/s (Fig. 3a) and 3 cm/s (Fig. 3b) for
Station r RMSE (cm) NRMSE (%) BIAS (cm) NBIAS (%) M2 and S2 , respectively, and the scatter index was less than 12%.
Ancud 0.9 23 10 2.4 1 In summary, the model reproduced the sea level elevation
Puerto Montt 0.95 51 8 2 0.3 variability, the amplitudes and phases of the dominant tidal con-
Castro 0.94 40 7 2.6 0.5 stituents reasonably well in the Chilean Inland Sea, including the
Melinka 0.93 20 8 2 0.8
large modulation observed between spring and neap tides (Table 2
Chacabuco 0.93 27 10 0.1 0.02
and Fig. 3). The main mechanisms that generate the tidal reso-
nance, and the resulting large amplitude of the semi-diurnal har-
monics in the northern side of the CIS, seem to be reconstructed
level is about two times larger during spring versus neap tides, and
well by the model. Tidal currents were also reasonably well simu-
the model could reproduce this variability. Puerto Montt shows the
lated by the model, considering the complex coastline and topog-
highest tidal ranges (Fig. 2b), with maximum values of 7.5 m during
raphy, and their simplifications in the model. A better
spring tides and 3.9 m during neap tides. Conversely, Ancud has the
representation of the tidal currents in a specific location would
smallest tidal ranges (Fig. 2a) of 0.96 and 1.75 m during neap and
require local models with much higher resolution and more real-
spring tides, respectively. Castro (Fig. 2c) presented a elevation of
istic bottom topography and coastlines.
3.2 m and 6.1 m during neap and spring tides, respectively. Melinka
had a elevation of 1.4 m during neap tides and 2.7 m during spring
tides (Fig. 2d). Finally, Chacabuco had very similar elevations in 3.3. Tidal variability
comparison with Melinka (Fig. 2e) with neap and spring tides of
1.9 m and 3.6 m. As with the elevation, the phases of the sea level We used TTIDE  [53], a Matlab toolbox, to calculate and separate
time series are also well replicated by the model, as were the the main tidal constituents from modeled and observed time series.
modulations observed during spring and neap tides. This consisted of calculating the harmonic amplitudes and phases
We used ADCP data from eight locations (Table 1) to evaluate of a given set of tidal frequencies. Here, harmonic analysis assumes
modeled tidal currents. Tidal current ellipses were calculated for that the sea level and current fluctuations can be expressed by the
the two dominant semi-diurnal tidal constituents (M2 and S2 ). A sum of several harmonic functions of known frequencies. Accord-
comparison of the major semi-axes are presented in Fig. 3, as well ing to the characteristics of the tidal pattern, the tides can be
as the amplitude of M2 and S2 estimated for the sea level. In this classified with the form factor, F. This dimensionless number is a
comparison, we also used sea level time series derived from the ratio between the main diurnal and semi-diurnal amplitudes of the
ADCP pressure sensors. These measurements complement the five constituents, defined as:
tide-gauges in the study region by adding eight extra locations. The
RMSE for the adjusted amplitude to all sea level records was 18 cm K1 þ O1
F¼ (1)
for M2 (Fig. 3a) and 6 cm for S2 (Fig. 3b), while the scatter index (SI, M2 þ S2
RMSE normalized) was less than 15%. RMSE for the phase was less
than 15 (not shown), which was estimated by using only the tide- where K1 , O1 , M2 , and S2 are the respective tidal amplitudes of the
harmonic constituents. Hence, tides are classified as one of four

Fig. 2. Sea level comparison between tide-gauge measurements (black lines) and oceanic model outputs (red lines). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
500 O. Artal et al. / Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 496e506

Fig. 3. Model-data comparisons and statistics. The black circles are amplitudes of elevations and the red plus sign are depth-averaged velocities of (a) M2 and (b) S2 . (For inter-
pretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

types, semi-diurnal ðF < 0:25Þ, diurnal ðF > 3Þ, mixed mainly semi-
diurnal ð0:25 < F < 1:5Þ, or mixed mainly diurnal ð1:5 < F < 3Þ. The 1
P ¼ Cp rU 3 (5)
tidal current form ratio ðFu Þ is defined using the depth-averaged 2
tidal current amplitude instead of tidal elevation amplitude. To quantify the output power, we compare the values of baro-
tropic currents modeled with the power curve of SeaGen  S 2 MW
K1u þ O1u turbine ðwww:atlantisresourcesltd:com=services=turbinesÞ. The Sea-
Fu ¼ (2) Gen system is an up to 1.0 MW horizontal axis turbine complete
M2u þ S2u
with an active pitch. The rotor blades have a diameter of the 20 m
The lunar variability (spring-neap tides) in the tidal currents can and a swept area of 648 m2 for 2 rotors. This turbine has a cut  in
be quantified using the ratio, R [54]: tidal speed of 1 m/s and a rated power at 2.5 m/s. For higher tidal
speeds the output power is regulated at rated power. Finally, the
S2 effective power output is defined as the turbine power curve times
R¼1 (3)
M2 the number of hours for a given velocity.

where M2 and S2 are the depth-averaged tidal velocity amplitudes 4. Results

for the semi-diurnal lunar and semi-diurnal solar frequency,
respectively. Large values of R (M2 larger than S2 ) are desirable for 4.1. Characteristics of the modeled tides
energy exploitation, because tidal ranges experience only minor
changes week to week. In contrast, when both M2 and S2 are of The oceanic tide propagates southward along the Chilean coast
similar magnitude, tidal ranges experience large differences be- and forces coastal tidal waves into the CIS, mainly through the
tween neap (both constituents are about 180 out of phase) and Guafo Mouth, propagating northward along the Gulf of Corcovado
spring (both constituents are about in phase) tides. and southward along the Moraleda Channel. This propagation is
The potential/theoretical output power of a marine current represented by the phase relative to Greenwich meridian. A
turbine is related to the kinetic energy of the fluid [55]. The standing wave with constant phase but increasing amplitude can
instantaneous maximum power per unit area of flow (tidal-stream be observed from the Guafo Mouth to the Gulf of Ancud, with a
power density), PMAX [11], is given by: small phase change toward Reloncavi Sound and from Melinka to
San Rafael Lagoon. There is a clear amplitude amplification in each
1 1 semi-diurnal tidal constituent from the Guafo Mouth to the north
PMAX ¼ MU 2 ¼ rU 3 (4) and south. The M2 amplitude constituent is 28% greater in Puerto
2 2
Montt (2.5 m) in comparison with the amplitude observed in the
where M is the mass of the seawater, r is the density of seawater, open ocean (0.7 m). As observed in the tide-gauges in the model
and U is the depth-averaged velocity. Due to potential losses in validation section, the tidal amplitude of M2 is three times larger
power extraction, this equation must be modified, with limitations than that of S2 at northern part of the CIS. The dominant diurnal
related to turbine efficiency, which can be incorporated to (4) by constituents, K1 and O1 , also show amplification toward the
using a power coefficient ðCp Þ. Currently, there are turbines with northern CIS. The amplitude of the K1 harmonic constituent also is
more than 48% theoretical efficiency, but our calculations use a 28% greater in Puerto Montt (0.32 m) in comparison with the Guafo
conservative value of Cp ¼ 0:4. Therefore, the tidal-stream power Mouth (0.23 m). Unlike the semi-diurnal case, the amplification
per square meter for a turbine is occurs symmetrically in the northern and southern CIS. The tidal
O. Artal et al. / Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 496e506 501

amplitude of K1 is two times larger than O1 , and Q1 is one order-of- s. We use a cut-in speed of 2 m/s for a more conservative study. The
magnitude smaller. The O1 and Q1 amplitudes are less than the modeled barotropic tidal currents show two potential zones for this
RMSE values obtained for the elevation of sea level (Fig. 2). type of energy: the Chacao Channel and the Desertores Channel.
The phase remains homogeneous in the Guafo Mouth, and en- The magnitude of the currents in the narrowest zone in the Chacao
ters to the interior of the CIS, behaving like a mix of standing and Channel overcome the 2 m/s cut-in speed more than 70% of the
progressive waves to the north and south. The major and minor month. In the nearby areas, this frequency varies between 20% and
axes of the tidal current ellipse for M2 and K1 constituents sum- 50%. In contrast, the Desertores Channel shows velocities that
marize the main characteristics of this propagation pattern (Fig. 4). overcome 2 m/s during 20%e30% of the month. Both cycles of
The patterns are similar in shape with one order-of-magnitude spring tides are associated with velocities greater than 2 m/s 50% of
difference in amplitude. The tidal current ellipses for other har- the month. Likewise, a 25% value can be associated with just flood
monic constituents not show here, because have the same circu- tides during spring tides.
lation pattern but with smaller amplitudes. To visualize this variability in the tidal-stream, we used the
Diurnal and lunar variabilities were calculated as the ratio Fu maximum current value of a complete diurnal tidal cycle of spring
(Eq. (2)) and the spring-neap ratio R (Eq. (3)) in the CIS (Fig. 5). The and neap tides. The barotropic currents in much of the northern CIS
CIS is modulated mainly by semi-diurnal tides in the north and have values less than 0.5 m/s, with faster currents in the channels
mixed mainly semi-diurnal in the south and open ocean. Note that and constrictions. For much of the neap and spring tides, zones of
the tidal type at the Desertores Channel is semi-diurnal, and at the the Chacao and Desertores Channels are shown to be the areas with
Chacao Channel, it is mixed mainly semi-diurnal (Fig. 5a). Likewise, the highest velocities. During neap tides, these velocities are in the
the northern CIS has a greater tidal variability between spring-neap of order of 3.5 m/s in the Chacao Channel and 2 m/s in the Deser-
flows (R  0.62) in comparison with the southern CIS (R  0.75). tores Channel (Fig. 6a). These velocities can almost double during
The Desertores Channel presented greater differences between spring tides, with values close to 6 m/s and 4 m/s in the Chacao and
spring and neap tides than the Chacao Channel (Fig. 5b). Desertores Channels, respectively (Fig. 6b). There is a zone to the
west of the Desertores Channel with velocities greater than 2.5 m/s
in spring tides, but areas like this are not considered in the energy
4.2. Assessment of tidal current energy resources assessment because there velocities are less than 10% of the month.
The amount of available tidal energy depends significantly on
A preliminary site selection study is the first step to identify the tidal-stream intensity. For a single turbine, a good indicator to
potential locations for exploring the use of marine renewable en- evaluate tidal-current energy is the potential mean power density
ergy. Only the tidal energy resource was considered, discarding [11]. The spatial patterns of currents and potential power density
other criteria, such as distance to the electricity grid, topography, are similar in each tidal phase. If neap tides are considered, the
fishing concessions, or onshore protected areas. Current turbine
Chacao Channel becomes more bounded, with values of 10 kW=m2 ,
technology allows for operating in current speeds greater than 1 m/

Fig. 4. Major and minor axes of the tidal ellipses. Ellipse axes are shown every five grid points in latitude and longitude direction. (a) M2 with 1 m/s scale. (b) K1 with 0.1 m/s scale.
Fig. 5. (a) Spatial variability in the tidal current form ratio, Fu (Eq. (3)). Fu has been capped at an upper bound of 0.5 in order to distinguish between semi-diurnal and mixed mainly
semi-diurnal tides. (b) Spatial variability in the simulated spring-neap cycle of tidal currents, R (Eq. (4)). Values of R < 0.6 have been set to 0.6 for better visualization of potential
TEC sites.

Fig. 6. Maximum depth-averaged velocities in a diurnal tidal cycle in (a) neap tide, and (b) spring tide. Simulated power density of distribution at the (c) neap tide, and (d) spring
tide. In (d) note that the values in Chacao Channel are of the order 40 kW=m2 .
O. Artal et al. / Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 496e506 503

and the Desertores Channel is less energetic, in the of the order 2 month from the Desertores Channel (Fig. 8d), approximately half
kW=m2 (Fig. 6c). During spring tides, the available resources are that produced in the Chacao Channel.
higher, with the Chacao Channel reaching a peak of 40 kW=m2 ,
while the Desertores Channel generates 10 kW=m2 (Fig. 6d).
5. Discussion
The evolution over time of tidal-stream power density at a point
inside both channels confirms these values and shows their vari-
The present study was designed to determine the effect of lunar
ability during the month. The energy resource is significantly
variability on tidal-stream assessment in areas where M2 and S2
higher during spring tides compared to neap tides at both locations.
oscillate almost in phase resulting in an amplification of the sea
The diurnal variability of flood and ebb tides in the Chacao Channel
level elevation during spring tides and a decrease of sea level
can be almost four times as large during spring tides when
elevation during neap tides. Prior studies have noted the impor-
compared to neap tides, with the mean power density close to 5
tance of considering tidal lunar phase variability in annual practical
kW=m2 in the Chacao Channel, and with maximums of 40 kW=m2 power generation [14]. In Chile, tidal energy assessments have been
and 10 kW=m2 during spring and neap tides, respectively (Fig. 7a). conducted through technical reports. These assessments consider
In comparison, power density is significantly lower in the Deser- the maximum values of tidal currents and do not take into account
tores Channel, with maximum power densities of 8 kW=m2 and 1.5 the variability of the different tidal phases. These studies have been
kW=m2 during spring and neap tides, respectively, with a mean carried out with both in situ measurements and numerical models.
value of 0.9 kW=m2 (Fig. 7b). An acceptable barotropic numerical simulation of the Chilean
These values for power density are a power extraction theo- Inland Sea (CIS) must be capable of reproducing the relatively larger
retical efficiency of 60%. A better option for tidal assessment use the amplitudes of the tidal range in the northern section (over 7 m at
rated efficiency of a real turbine. In this case, we used the power Puerto Montt and Reloncavi Sound) in contrast with the tidal range
curve for the SeaGen-S 2 MW turbine, which operates at velocities at the Guafo Mouth (2 m). In other words, the model must be able
between 1 and 4 m/s. We counted the number of hours in which the to reproduce the resonance effect that occurs in the tidal range
velocities are in a certain range (separated each 0.5 m/s), and when entering the CIS [6]. Tidal propagation and amplification in
calculated the power output in MWh. The velocities less than 1 m/s the interior of the CIS are consistent with other simulations of
in the Chacao Channel occur over 133 h (5.5 days) during one barotropic models in Chilean Patagonia [6,18]. The RMSE values
month, and there are 519 h (21.6 days) where the turbine can be between tide-gauges and elevation of numerical model shown an
operative (Fig. 8a). Note that there are 69 h (almost 3 days) where overestimation between a 8% and 11% in the points analyzed. These
the turbine cannot operate because it is subjected to velocities > error ranges could be decreased by improving bathymetric and
4 m/s. This means that this turbine could ideally produce 739 MWh coastline resolutions and by changing spatially the value of the
in one month at this location (Fig. 8b). In contrast, the velocities in bottom drag coefficient [18]. Note that the CROCO model does not
the Desertores Channel apparently follow a Gaussian distribution, allow this spatial variability. The 2D numerical model implemented
centered in the range of 0.5e1 m/s. The turbine can be operative by Aiken [6] only used one tidal constituent in each simulation. This
424 h (17.6 days), but it would experience only 48 h of rated power methodology does not allow for interactions between different
(Fig. 8c). Despite this, the turbine could deliver 348 MWh in a tidal harmonics affecting the generation of nonlinear tidal effects,
such as overtides (M4 , M6 ). These overtides have been registered in

Fig. 7. Simulated power density at the (a) Chacao and (b) Desertores Channels.
504 O. Artal et al. / Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 496e506

Fig. 8. (a) Theoretical Power curve of a SeaGen-S 2 MW turbine in kW (black line) and histogram of velocities at the (a) Chacao Channel, and (c) Desertores Channel. (b) Effective
power output in MWh at the (b) Chacao Channel, and (d) Desertores Channel.

the Chacao Channel [30] and appear in the tide-gauges as in the than the Desertores Channel, due to the range of operations
numerical simulations, demonstrating the importance of allowing permitted by turbines, both are potential sites given the potential
them to interact. Our simulation used ten tidal constituents and theoretical output power obtained from the model. Both sites
simultaneously with a constant value of bottom drag The model may be good options for testing and developing tidal energy. Other
reproduced the overtides, but these were not analyzed in this work. considerations, such as navigation routes, fishing zones, aquacul-
The amplitude validation of the main semi-diurnal and diurnal ture, and tourism, could be incorporated. Further research should
constituents are comparable to other tidal energy modelling be undertaken to investigate tidal residual circulation. The current
studies in other regions, such as the NW European shelf [8,9]. An velocity values could be significantly modified by the effect of wave
important point to consider is that the density of oceanographic field [56]. Hashemi [57] said that the effect of wave can reduced the
information is limited in the CIS [41], and usually focuses on coasts tidal power by 15% and up to 20%, for mean winter or extreme wave
and middles of small channels (Fig. 1). Error ranges could be conditions, respectively. A further study with more focus on the
diminished if data inside the larger areas of the CIS, such as the wave current interactions is therefore suggested.
Gulfs of Ancud and Corcovado, were available. Although our model
show a 3e5 cm/s RMSE in tidal currents and 6e18 cm RMSE in the 6. Conclusions
amplitudes of the M2 and S2 harmonics (Fig. 3), the results about
tidal-stream energy assessment during spring and neap tides are The aim of the present research was to evaluate possible sites for
still valid. tidal-stream extraction in Chilean Patagonia and determine the
There is a different level of spring/neap asymmetry between importance of the lunar phase in its assessment. This study has
tides in the Chacao and Desertores Channels. The values of Fu as R shown that when the amplitude differences between spring and
explain the main differences found between sites, specifically the neap tides are significant, one should consider the entire tidal cycle
low value of R in the Desertores Channel. Higher values of Fu and not simply average or maximum values. We find two potential
generally generate less practical power, and larger values of R will zones, each with values of tidal-stream velocities greater than 1 m/
generate a more continuous energy yield, because the variability s: the Chacao Channel and the Desertores Channel. Tidal energy
between spring and neap tides is relatively low [9] indicating po- yield is more continuous in the Chacao Channel in comparison with
wer density is less continuous in the Desertores Channel. the Desertores Channel, where tidal-stream extraction is possible
Cruz et al. [7] identified some potential sites for tidal energy only during spring tides. During spring tides, the power density
extraction, including the Chacao Channel and regions of the Gulf of maximum is 40 kW=m2 in the Chacao Channel and 10 kW=m2 in
Corcovado (the Desertores Channel in our case). Guerra et al. [19] the Desertores Channel, and a SeaGen-S 2 MW turbine could obtain
estimated an average of 5 kW=m2 in kinetic power density in the a maximum power output of 739 MWh and 348 MWh.
Chacao Channel using a 3D model. This value is corroborated in this The findings of this investigation complement those of earlier
study with our 2D model. We complement this value by separating studies in the Chilean Inland Sea. This investigation shows that it is
the assessments during spring and neap tides, finding maximum possible to assess tidal-streams using a barotropic model. In turn, it
values of 40 kW=m2 and 10 kW=m2 , respectively. The Desertores allows further research into potential sources of non-conventional
Channel showed a power density of 0.9 kW=m2 on average, but renewable energy. Further research might explore other processes,
with greater values during spring tides. including nonlinear effects produced by resonance, the contribu-
Although the currents are clearly faster in the Chacao Channel tion of the advection product of river flows, or the contribution of
wind variability. Also, it would be interesting to calculate how
O. Artal et al. / Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 496e506 505

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