Araujo 2020
Araujo 2020
Araujo 2020
Purpose Fish waste was studied as a raw material for the simultaneous production of protein hydrolysates, collagen and fish
oil. Enzymatic hydrolysis was selected for recovering these by-products with high value-added.
Methods Alcalase 2.4 L was used to hydrolyze fish waste in a batch reactor under controlled conditions (180 min, 50 °C
and pH 8). The influence of hydrolysis degree on by-products recovery was analyzed for different enzyme and substrate
Results Results suggested that the enzyme/substrate ratio was the main factor controlling the hydrolysis rate. Linear rela-
tionships were found between the degree of hydrolysis and the amount of each of the obtained by-products. From these
relationships, the amounts of by-products with high added value can be predicted by only knowing the degree of hydrolysis
reached. In optimal conditions (DH = 25%), 430 g of protein hydrolysate, 10 g of collagen and 350 g of oil could be obtained
from 1000 g of fish waste. The use of fish waste as raw material for by-product fabrication resulted in a 79% reduction of
waste disposed to landfill.
Conclusion Therefore, this study shows the enzymatic hydrolysis of fish waste as a feasible solution to obtain high value-
added products and an alternative to landfilling disposal.
Graphic Abstract
Keywords Enzymatic hydrolysis · Alcalase · Fish protein hydrolysate · Fish collagen · Fish oil
Statement of Novelty
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Waste and Biomass Valorization
to size ≤ 1 mm, homogenized and frozen in small portions at 550 °C to a constant weight [26]. The crude fiber was
at – 20 °C. Prior to the hydrolysis process, a portion of the determined by H 2SO4 and KOH—hydrolysis followed by
frozen waste was thawed overnight in a refrigerator at 4 °C. calcination at 475 °C to a constant weight (Fibertec_ M6
In order to select the best protease to hydrolyze the fish Foss Tecator), according to the European Community leg-
waste, the material was independently hydrolyzed in previ- islation, Commission Regulation (EC) No 152/2009 [31].
ous studies by Alcalase 2.4 L, Flavourzyme 1000 L, Neu- Carbohydrate was calculated by difference: it was deter-
trase 0.8 L, Pancreatic Trypsin 6.0 S and Protamex from mined by subtracting the sum percentage of moisture, pro-
Novozymes A/S (Bagsvaerd, Denmark), respectively. The tein, fat, ash and crude fiber [32]. The number of analyses
Alcalase gave the highest degree of hydrolysis of all hydro- for each determination was chosen to obtain the highest
lysates, which agrees with the results of other studies [25]. accuracy of the methods. The results were expressed as
Therefore, Alcalase 2.4 L was employed in this research. mean ± standard deviation.
This enzyme is an endopeptidase from Bacillus licheni-
formis with a declared activity of 2.4 AU/g and a density
of 1.17 g/ml that fulfills the specifications of purity for Enzymatic Hydrolysis
food-grade enzymes recommended by the Joint FAO/WHO
Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and the Food Hydrolysis were carried out in 0.5 l cylindrical jacketed
Chemical Codex (FCC). glass reaction vessels with magnetic stirring, temperature
The reagents used in the experiments were of analytical control and pH control, as shown in Fig. 1. A measured
or food-grade quality. amount of fish waste was added to the reaction vessels con-
taining distilled water to make a substrate concentration
Analytical Methods ranging from 5 to 45 g/l. Before hydrolysis, the solution
was preheated to the reaction temperature and adjusted the
Fish waste samples were analyzed for moisture, crude pro- pH using 2 N NaOH. The reaction was initiated by add-
tein, collagen, ether extract, crude fiber and ash. Moisture ing the enzyme (0.94–4.68 AU/1). During the process, the
was determined by drying the sample to a constant weight temperature was controlled using a thermostatic bath and
in an oven at 105 °C [26]. Crude protein was determined pH was maintained by the addition of 2 N NaOH.
by the analysis of the nitrogen content according to the The controlled hydrolysis conditions were: pH = 8,
semi-micro Kjeldhal technique (Kjeltec-System Foss temperature = 50 °C, time = 180 min and stirring
Tecator) [27]; the protein content was calculated by mul- speed = 300 rpm. Optimal pH and temperature values,
tiplying the N content by a factor of 6.25 [28]. Total col- corresponding to the maximum enzymatic activity and
lagen content was measured by hydroxyproline determi- stability of Alcalase, were recommended by the enzyme
nation according to the method of Bonnet and Kopp [29]. supplier. The hydrolysis time was fixed at 180 min because
Fat in fish waste was determined as lipid content by petro- longer times do not cause a significant increase in the
leum ether extraction, HCl–hydrolysis and re-extraction degree of hydrolysis. A stirring speed of 300 rpm was
(Soxtec_ HT-6 Foss Tecator) [30]. Ash was determined chosen in order to keep homogeneous the reaction mixture
by pre-combustion on a hot plate, followed by calcination and avoid vortices formation in the wells.
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Influence of Alcalase Concentration The reduction of the molecular size of resulting peptides and
the increase of newly exposed ionizable amino and carboxyl
The gradual increase of the initial concentration of Alcalase groups increase the hydrophilicity of the hydrolysates [40].
(Eo from 0.94 AU/1 to 4.68 AU/1)—at a constant initial
substrate concentration (So = 25 g of protein per liter)—
increased the degree of hydrolysis values, and the oil and Influence of Protein Concentration
hydrolyzed protein recovery but not the collagen recovery
(Fig. 2). For a constant 0.84 UA/l concentration of Alcalase, the
It was noted that a one-unit increase in the activity of influence of the initial concentration of substrate in the range
Alcalase implied an increase of six-units in the degree of of 5–45 g/l was studied (Fig. 3). It was found that the num-
hydrolysis (Fig. 2a). This increase in the degree of hydroly- ber of broken peptide bonds increased with the concentra-
sis corresponds to an increase in the concentration of hydro- tion of substrate (as deduced from the increase of the alkali
lyzed protein (Fig. 2c) and a decrease in the amount of colla- consumption); however, due to the higher initial number of
gen in the residue (Fig. 2d). This result is consistent because peptide bonds, the degree of hydrolysis decreased as the So
the presence of enzyme favors the hydrolysis, which gener- increased (Fig. 3a). This is due to the enzyme concentration
ates an increase in the amount of produced hydrolysate (a remained constant during the experiments. At a constant
one-unit increase in the enzyme activity means an increase Alcalase concentration and a lower concentration of the sub-
of 75% in the production of hydrolyzed). Similar results strate, the substrate concentration is the limiting factor and
were reported for the enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins from the enzyme reaction rate increases as the initial substrate
yellowfin tuna wastes using Alcalase [39]. On the other concentration increases. However, at higher concentrations
hand, collagen is more difficult to be hydrolyzed making as used in this study, the substrate often acts as a dead-end
another part remain not hydrolyzed in the solid phase so that inhibitor by binding to the incorrect sites [41]. The hydro-
the decrease in collagen by hydrolysis in that same range of lyzed protein recovery decreased gradually as the initial
enzyme activity was only 37%. substrate concentration increased. Comparing the reaction
Regarding the oil recovery, an increase in the solubil- with 5–45 g/L, the hydrolyzed protein recovery decreased
ity of the protein after hydrolysis favors the separation of 43% (Fig. 3c). However, there was a rise of 86.19% in the
oil whose amount in the upper phase increases by 30% in collagen amount that remained in the solid phase (Fig. 3d).
the range of enzyme concentration studied, reaching a value Moreover, as consequence of the lower protein solubiliza-
higher than 75% of the oil contained in the waste (Fig. 2b). tion, the amount of released oil decreased by 49% (Fig. 3b).
Higher solubility of hydrolysates in comparison to the solu-
bility of waste is due to the modification in the secondary
structure of fish protein during the enzymatic hydrolysis.
Fig. 2 Influence of Alcalase
concentration on: a degree of
hydrolysis [DH], b oil recovery
[OR], c hydrolyzed protein
recovery [HPR] and d collagen
recovery [CR], at an initial
substrate concentration of 25 g
of protein per liter
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Fig. 3 Influence of substrate
concentration on: a degree of
hydrolysis [DH], b oil recovery
[OR], c hydrolyzed protein
recovery [HPR] and d collagen
recovery [CR], at an initial
Alcalase concentration of 0.84
Influence of Enzyme/Substrate Ratio the substrate is the most influential variable in the process
for the studied operating conditions.
The fact that the increase of the initial concentration of To check the influence of Eo/So ratio on by-products
substrate, keeping enzyme concentration constant, did not recovery, experiments were performed at different ratios,
favor the recovery of by-products seems to indicate that the from 0.03 to 0.20 AU/g (Fig. 5). As was expected, based
enzyme/substrate ratio is a significant process variable. To on previous experiments in sections entitled “Influence of
verify this assertion, experiments with different initial con- Alcalase concentration” and “Influence of protein con-
centrations of enzyme and substrate were carried out, keep- centration”, the amounts of the recovered by-products are
ing constant the Eo/So ratio. Results obtained at the same closely related to the enzyme/substrate ratio. The increas-
Eo/So ratio showed identical values as much for the degree ing of the ratio (obtained either from a higher enzyme con-
of hydrolysis as for the protein hydrolysate, collagen and oil centration or a lower substrate concentration) resulted in a
recoveries (Fig. 4). It proves that the ratio between the initial hydrolysate with a higher degree of hydrolysis. For a rise
concentration of the enzyme and the initial concentration of of only 0.045 AU/g, the hydrolysis degree increased 41.4%
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Table 1 Income and cost of production It was proved that the enzyme/substrate ratio was the main
Income a factor controlling the hydrolysis rate at the assayed condi-
tions. Linear relationships between the degree of hydrolysis
Protein hydrolysate
and the obtained products were achieved. These relation-
kg/kgfish waste 0.43
ships allow the prediction of the amounts of by-products that
€/kg 22.11
can be obtained from fish waste at different operating con-
€/kgfish waste 9.51
ditions by only knowing the degree of hydrolysis reached.
Thus, enzymatic hydrolysis is a promising technology
kg/kgfish waste 0.01
€/kg 16.01
with great potential to increase the fish processing plant
€/kgfish waste 0.16
revenue, by obtaining simultaneously protein hydrolysates,
collagen and oil from fish waste, and to reduce the amount of
kg/kgfish waste 0.35
organic matter disposed of in landfills, making these indus-
€/kg 4.99
tries more sustainable.
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