Isolation and Characterization of Thermostable Collagen From The Marine Eel-Fish (Evenchelys Macrura)
Isolation and Characterization of Thermostable Collagen From The Marine Eel-Fish (Evenchelys Macrura)
Isolation and Characterization of Thermostable Collagen From The Marine Eel-Fish (Evenchelys Macrura)
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PRBI-9900; No. of Pages 11
Process Biochemistry
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Article history: Aim and methods: Collagen is the most abundant protein found in animal body, which is widely used for
Received 28 February 2013 biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. In the present study, acid soluble collagen (ASC) and pepsin
Received in revised form 15 July 2013 soluble collagen (PSC) from the skin wastes of marine eel fish (Evenchelys macrura) were isolated and
Accepted 16 July 2013
Results: ASC and PSC extracted from eel fish skin showed the yields of 80 and 7.10 percent (based on dry
weight), respectively. ASC and PSC comprising different ␣-chains (␣1, ␣2 and ␣3) were characterized
as type I and exhibited high solubility in acidic pH (1–4) and were soluble in the presence of NaCl at
Eel fish
Acid soluble collagen
concentration up to 3.0 and 4.0 percent (w/v) for ASC and PSC, respectively. Amino acids analysis of both
Pepsin soluble collagen ASC and PSC contained imino acid of 190 and 200 residues per 1000 residues, respectively. The present
UV absorption spectrum results of ASC and PSC from eel fish skin exhibited higher thermal stability of 39 ◦ C and 35 ◦ C, respectively.
Denaturation temperature Similar, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of ASC and PSC were observed and suggesting that
pepsin hydrolysis did not affect the secondary structure of collagen, especially triple-helical structure.
Conclusion: These results suggest that the marine eel fish skin collagen close to the Td (denaturation
temperature) of mammalian collagen which could be used in the biomedical materials, food and phar-
maceutical industries as an alternative source.
© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1359-5113/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Veeruraj A, et al. Isolation and characterization of thermostable collagen from the marine eel-fish (Evenchelys
macrura). Process Biochem (2013),
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PRBI-9900; No. of Pages 11
of fish by-products as a source of collagen can beneficially impact 2.4.3. Extraction of pepsin soluble collagen (PSC)
waste management. Collagen molecules in solution denature close The residue was thoroughly rinsed with distilled water, suspended in 0.5 M
acetic acid and subjected to limited hydrolysis with 10 percent (weights per volume)
to the upper limit of the physiological temperature or the maximum
pepsin (HiMedia, Mumbai, India) at 4 ◦ C for 48 h. The viscous solution obtained was
body temperature of the animal species from which the collagen is centrifuged at 20,000 × g for 1 h at 4 ◦ C and the supernatant was dialyzed against
extracted [6]. Many researchers have focused on the practical uti- 0.02 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) for 3 days. Additionally, the sample was
lization of marine animals to produce collagen [7]. Some concerned salted out by adding NaCl to a final concentration of 0.8 M followed by addition of
collagens from freshwater fish, such as carp [8,9] and grass carp NaCl to a final concentration of 2.3 M at neutral pH (0.05 M Tris–HCl, pH 7.5) for
precipitation of collagen. The resultant precipitate was collected and re-dissolved
[10]. However, relative lower denaturation temperatures, i.e., lower in 0.5 M acetic acid. Finally, the resultant solution was dialyzed against 0.1 M acetic
thermostability, have become one of the main limiting factors for acid and distilled water then freeze-dried and referred to PSC.
the application of fish collagens, especially for those from marine
fish. At present, the explanation for the reduced thermostability of 2.5. Quantification of ASC and PSC
collagens from fish is limited to the imino acid (hydroxyproline and
The protein content of isolated collagen was determined by the method of Lowry
proline) content of the samples. The denaturation temperatures of et al. [13] using bovine serum albumin as a standard.
collagens increase with their imino acid content. Hydroxyproline
may stabilize the triple helix by hydrogen-bonded water-bridges, 2.6. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)
as originally proposed by Ramachandran et al. [11].
Sodium-dodecyl-sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was
The marine eel fish contains thick size of the skin, which is
performed by following the Laemmli [14] method using 12 percent acrylamide
treated as waste of the home, fish shops, fish processing and preser- gel in the absence of -mercaptoethanol (ME). After electrophoresis, the gel was
vations industries. In view of utilizing this wastes, the present study stained with methanol: acetic acid: Coomassie brilliant blue R250 (80:20:0.3). The
aimed to extract acid soluble collagen (ASC) and pepsin soluble gels were destained by using de-staining solution containing the methanol, acetic
collagen (PSC) from the skin waste of marine eel fish (Evenchelys acid and water (40:10:50). After destaining, the gels were plotted for molecular
weight determination.
macrura). In addition, the isolated collagen was characterized for
its content and thermal stability. 2.7. Peptide mapping
Please cite this article in press as: Veeruraj A, et al. Isolation and characterization of thermostable collagen from the marine eel-fish (Evenchelys
macrura). Process Biochem (2013),
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PRBI-9900; No. of Pages 11
2.11. Determination of denaturation temperature (Td ) In the present study, the protein content in eel fish skin was
comparatively higher than the Nile perch skin and lower than the
The denaturation temperature (Td ) was measured from changes in viscosity,
brown backed toadfish skin. Similarly, the moisture content was
using an Ostwald’s type viscometer [10] with suitable modifications. Briefly, 20 ml
of 0.03 percent collagen solution in 0.1 M acetic acid with 0.2 M sodium acetate greater than the skin of balloon fish (62.23 percent) [18], shark skin
buffer (pH 5.0) was used for viscosity measurements. Thermal determination curve (61.96 percent) [16], and scale of spotted golden goatfish (Paru-
was obtained by measuring the viscosity of the same solution at various temper- peneus heptacanthus) (24.79 percent) [19]. Likewise, fat content in
atures (20–55 ◦ C) at 15 min interval. The fractional viscosity at given temperature the E. macrura fish skin was comparatively lower than the Nile
was determined as the temperature that the change in viscosity was half completed.
perch skin (5.5 percent) [17] and brown backed toad fish skin (0.05
percent) [15], but higher than the shark fish skin (0.4 percent) [16].
2.12. Circular dichroism measurement
Conversely, the ash content of E. macrura fish skin was lower than
Extracted collagen (5 mg) was diluted with 5 ml 0.1 M glycolic acid and the the deep-sea redfish (39.4 percent) [20], and balloon fish (15.87
solution placed in a quartz cell with a path length of 0.1 or 1 cm. CD spectra mea- percent) [18], but little higher than that of brown backed toad-
surements were performed by various temperatures at 25 ◦ C, 26 ◦ C, 27 ◦ C, 28 ◦ C, fish (8.4 percent) [15], because of the eel fish skin covered without
29 ◦ C, 30 ◦ C, 32 ◦ C, 34 ◦ C, 36 ◦ C, 38 ◦ C, 40 ◦ C, 42 ◦ C, 44 ◦ C and 45 ◦ C for wavelengths of
190–280 nm at a scan speed of 2 cm/min. The mean molar ellipticity (Â) was calcu-
scales and small spine. After demineralization, ash content was
lated using the mean residue molecular weight and expressed in deg × cm2 /dmol. about 8.80 percent, in which about 92 percent of inorganic matters
The data were cumulated three times. In order to determine collagen denatur- were removed. Almost complete demineralization might cause the
ation temperatures, the rotatory angle at a fixed wavelength of 221 nm [Â]2 2 1 , looser matrix of skin, which could be easier for collagen extraction.
was measured as a function of temperature. The denaturation temperature, Tm ,
was determined as the temperature at which the change in ellipticity (Â) was half
complete. 3.2. Yield of ASC and PSC from the skin of E. macrura
2.13. Amino acid profiling The final yield of ASC and PSC from the skin of marine eel fish
was about 80 and 7.10 percent (dry weight basis) and 9 and 4.7
The collagen samples were hydrolyzed under reduced pressure in 6 M HCl at percent (wet weight basis), respectively. The eel fish skin was not
110 ◦ C for 24 h. Amino acid composition was analyzed by using amino acid ana-
completely solubilized by 0.5 M acetic acid extraction. In this result
lyzer (Merck Hitachi LaChrome D-7000 HPLC System, Darmstadt, Germany). The
hydrolysates were analyzed on a Hitachi LaChrome liquid chromatography system. was in agreed with Jongjareonrak et al. [5,21] who reported that the
The amino acid content is expressed as the number of residues/1000 residues. incomplete solubilization of bigeye snapper (Priacanthus marcra-
canthus) and brownstripe red snapper (Lutjanus vitta) skin in 0.5 M
2.14. Analysis of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) acetic acid. The result of the present study suggested that the colla-
gen molecules in E. macrura fish skin were most likely cross-linked
The collagen samples were analyzed using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
by covalent bonds through the condensation of aldehyde groups at
spectrum. The lyophilized collagen samples (3 mg) were mixed with dried KBr
(100 mg), ground in a mortar and pestle and subjected to a pressure of about the telopeptide region as well as the inter-molecular cross-linking,
5 × 106 Pa in an evacuated die to produce as 13 × 1 mm clear transparent disk. The leading to a decrease in solubility of collagen [10,22]. With fur-
absorption intensity of the peaks was calculated by the base-line method. The resul- ther limited pepsin digestion, the cross-linked molecules at the
tant spectra were analyzed using ORIGIN 8.0 software (Thermo Nicolet, USA). telopeptide region were cleaved without damaging the integrity
of the triple helix. Therefore, the collagen with the predominant
2.15. Observation of scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
monomeric molecules could be solubilized with acid. In the present
The morphological characteristics of the isolated collagen (ASC and PSC) were study, the freeze dried ASC was found to be colorless fibril-like
observed by JEOL JSM-5610LV Field Emission Gun SEM (Tokyo, Japan). Collagen sam- matters, whereas PSC was found to be a pale-black or grayish col-
ples were mounted on a standard SEM sample holder and fixed. The sample holder ored soft fiber due to pigment like ommochrome. Among the total
was used to prepare 20-s glow discharged carbon support adhesive films (tape) of collagen extracted, ASC (80 percent) based on extractable colla-
30 nm thickness and then smeared and coated with gold ion using auto fine coater.
The samples were then introduced into specimen chamber of SEM and examined for
gen weight was comparatively higher the PSC (7.10 percent). The
surface morphology. The SEM observations were made at 20 kV accelerating voltage greater content of ASC fraction in eel fish skin was in accordance
with a high vacuum (HV) mode and secondary electron image (SEI) was employed with those reported in bigeye snapper (Priacanthus marcracanthus)
to scan the microscopic images of collagen matrixes. The average diameter of the skin (85 percent) [21], brownstripe red snapper (Lutjanus vitta) skin
collagens matrix was measured different arbitrary from SEM image. Samples were
was ASC (66 percent) [5]. However, the PSC fraction in eel skin was
short-pulse coated with graphite to avoid damage due to overheating and analyzed
on their fibrils side at increasing magnifications (×250–2000). 2-fold higher than those obtained from those two species [5,21]. It
is suggested that collagen with more inter-molecular cross-links is
2.16. Statistical analyses present to a greater extent in the skin of E. macrura, than in hake
and bigeye snapper skin.
All the methods of extraction of collagen and analysis were replicated three
times. The results were presented with mean ± standard deviations (SD).
3.3. Gel electrophoresis patterns of collagen from the skin of E.
3. Results and discussion
The electrophoretic patterns revealed that both the ASC and PSC
3.1. Proximate composition of eel fish skin were consisting of ␣1- and ␣2-chains at a ratio of approximately 2:1
(Fig. 1) and high-molecular-weight components including  chain
The proximate composition studies revealed that eel fish skin (dimmers) and ␥ chain (trimers) components, as well as their cross-
contained 75.89 ± 0.25 percent moisture, 90.05 ± 0.23 percent pro- linked molecules. These results suggested that both ASC and PSC
tein, 1.23 ± 0.02 percent lipid and 8.82 ± 0.05 percent ash on a dry was most likely to be classified as type I collagen. Similarly, Jong-
weight basis which was slightly different that of the moisture, pro- jareonrak et al., also reported about the electrophoretic patterns of
tein, fat and ash contents of brown backed toadfish skin contains type I collagen from the skin of brownstripe red snapper [5]. The
73.4, 90.3, 1.3 and 8.4 percent, respectively [15]. Moreover, the high MW cross-linked molecules in collagen was increases with
shark skin contained 61.96 percent moisture, 24.75 percent pro- animal age [22] and starving fish has more cross-linked collagen
tein, 0.19 percent fat and 12.12 percent ash [16], and Nile perch skin than well fed fish [23].
contained 68.4 percent moisture, 21.6 percent protein, 6.8 percent After digestion by pepsin, some - and ␥-components of ASC
fat and 6.0 percent ash [17]. were cleaved into ␣-components, as evidenced by the increasing
Please cite this article in press as: Veeruraj A, et al. Isolation and characterization of thermostable collagen from the marine eel-fish (Evenchelys
macrura). Process Biochem (2013),
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PRBI-9900; No. of Pages 11
Fig. 1. SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of Eel fish (E. macrura) and human
placenta type IV collagen. Lane 1 contains ASC, Lane 2 contains PSC, Lane 3 contains
Human placenta type IV collagen, Lane 4 contains Standard protein marker.
Fig. 2. Peptide maps of ASC and PSC from E. macrura skin waste collagens digested
band intensity of the ␣-chains. Similar electrophoretic pro- by Achromopeptidase. Lanes: 1, 2 and 3 contains standard collagen Type IV, ASC and
tein patterns were found in ASC and PSC from the grass carp PSC, Lane 4 contains protein markers.
(Ctenopharyngodon idella) [10] and the pepsin cleaves the cross-
link containing the telopeptide, and the -chain is concomitantly that of the PSC with different pH. The solubility variation was due
converted to two ␣-chains [24]. to ASC which consist of higher molecular weight protein than that
The type I collagen isolated from the present study consists of of PSC. The dissimilarity in solubility of collagens with pH has been
two ␣1- and one ␣2-chain as the major component ([␣1]2 ␣ 2). reported from big eye snapper skin and bone over pH ranges of
Since the ␣3-chain has a molecular mass indistinguishable from 1–10 [25]. In the present study, we have exposed that the higher
␣1 chain and as it cannot be separated from ␣1 chain under the degree of molecular cross linking of ASC fraction which is due to
electrophoretic conditions employed, the co-presence of ␣3 with the predominance of stronger bonds than PSC.
␣1 might be possible. The band intensity of ␣1-chain was 2-fold A drastic decrease in PSC solubility was observed with 3 percent
higher than that of ␣2-chain are consist of both ASC and PSC. The NaCl or above. For PSC, solubility decreased up to 4 percent and
␣2 chain was found to be minor component of eel fish collagen it slightly increased at 6 percent NaCl. Whereas, the solubility of
with consisted of two ␣1 and single ␣2 chain. The results of the ASC was serially decreased up to 3 percent and rapidly reached the
present study about ␣1 and ␣2 chain patterns were dissimilar to minimum of 4 percent and slightly decreased with 6 percent NaCl
that of standard type IV collagen from human placenta (Lane 3) and (Fig. 3B). The decrease in solubility of collagens could be described
similar to Nile perch collagen [17], and bigeye snapper [25]. by the salting out phenomenon which occurred at relatively low
NaCl concentration. An increase in ionic strength causes a reduc-
3.4. Peptide mapping of collagen from the skin of E. macrura tion in protein solubility by an enhanced hydrophobic-hydrophobic
interaction between protein chains, and competing for water of
The electrophoretic pattern of denatured eel fish collagen sug- ionic salts, leading to the induced protein precipitation [27]. How-
gested that the ASC and PSC gave very similar peptide maps; ever, PSC exhibited a greater solubility than ASC at 2 percent NaCl
however, these patterns were different from standard type IV colla- concentrations which was due to the partial hydrolysis of high
gen (Fig. 2). After hydrolysis, the ␣-chain and high molecular weight molecular weight cross-linked molecules by pepsin.
cross linked molecules of ASC and PSC from the skin of eel fish were
degraded into small molecular weight peptides ranging from 384 3.6. Subunit composition of collagen from the skin of E. macrura
to 73 kDa and 380 to 63 kDa, respectively. When compared to the
other fish skin collagens of bigeye snapper [25] and Brownstripe The subunit composition of ASC and PSC was determined by
red snapper [5] digested by V8 protease, the peptide maps were applying denatured collagen to DEAE–cellulose chromatography.
different. Peptide maps of collagens were reported to differ among As a result, a large peak was resolved having a shoulder on the right
from the other sources and species [26]. As a result, the pattern of and it was supposed that the second and third fractions contain ␣-
the peptide fragment of eel fish skin collagen may be closely similar chains as major components (Figs. 4 and 5) and small amount of -
to that of mammalian skin. chain (dimer) was observed in the PSC. Kimura et al. [28] suggested
that two different heterotrimers of (␣1)2, ␣ 2 and ␣1, ␣ 2, ␣ 3 were
3.5. Effect of pH and NaCl concentration on collagen solubility present in skin collagen of eel fish. The results of the present study
evidenced about the occurrence of ␣3 chain in eel fish skin collagen.
The effect of the pH and NaCl concentrations on the solubility
of ASC and PSC extracted from the eel fish (E. macrura) skin were 3.7. UV absorption spectrum
presented in Fig. 3. The results of the present study revealed that
maximum stability of ASC and PSC was found to be at pH 4 and 3, The UV absorption spectrums of ASC and PSC at the wavelength
respectively (Fig. 3A). Generally, these types of collagen were exhib- ranges 190–400 nm were showed in Fig. 6(a) and (b). The results
ited higher solubilization in acidic pH from 1 to 4 and the lesser in of the present study revealed that the amount of tyrosine in
pH 7. In the solubility analysis, the ASC had higher solubility than ASC and PSC from E. macrura were 3 residues per 1000 residues,
Please cite this article in press as: Veeruraj A, et al. Isolation and characterization of thermostable collagen from the marine eel-fish (Evenchelys
macrura). Process Biochem (2013),
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PRBI-9900; No. of Pages 11
Fig. 3. Optimal solubility of both ASC and PSC from eel fish (E. macrura) skin waste in 0.5 M acetic acid at different pHs and NaCl concentration.
Fig. 4. Absorption capability of fractionated denatured ASC subunits at 230 nm in DEAE cellulose chromatography and the fractionation indicated by the numbers were
examined by SDS-PAGE.
respectively. In the present study, ASC and PSC isolated from skin of 3.8. Thermal stability of collagen from the skin of E. macrura
E. macrura showed maximum absorption at 225 and 228 nm which
is similar to the studies of Edwards et al. [29] which suggested that The thermal denaturation temperature (Td ) of eel fish skin colla-
the groups C O, COOH, CONH2 were accessible in polypeptides gen was calculated using thermal denaturation curve were shown
chains of collagen. in Fig. 7. ASC and PSC showed transition curves with maximum
Fig. 5. Absorption capability of fractionated denatured PSC subunits at 230 nm in DEAE cellulose chromatography and the fractionation indicated by the numbers were
examined by SDS-PAGE.
Please cite this article in press as: Veeruraj A, et al. Isolation and characterization of thermostable collagen from the marine eel-fish (Evenchelys
macrura). Process Biochem (2013),
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PRBI-9900; No. of Pages 11
Fig. 6. (a) UV absorption spectrum of ASC from E. macrura skin. (b) UV absorption spectrum of PSC from E. macrura skin.
denaturation temperatures of 38.5 ◦ C and 35.0 ◦ C, respectively The circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD) of ASC and PSC at the
which is higher than that of type IV collagen from human pla- wavelengths of 190–280 nm were showed in Fig. 8(a) and (b) and
centa (28.5 ◦ C). The present study suggested that the intramolecular the CD spectra of collagen over a temperature range of 25–45 ◦ C.
hydrogen bonds stabilizing the triple helix structure of collagen As a result, the CD curves showed a rotatory maximum at 230 nm,
might be disrupted to some levels in the presence of acetic acid, a minimum at 204 nm and a consistent crossover point (zero rota-
mainly due to the repulsion of collagen molecules in acidic solu- tion) at about 252 nm, which was characteristic of the triple helical
tion [30]. Furthermore, a higher cross-linkage of marine eel fish conformation of the protein [33,34]. Triple helical structure of col-
skin collagen more likely contributed to the higher Td of both ASC lagen molecule is more stable with higher imino acid content as
and PSC. Td of collagen from the skin of E. macrura was much these facilitate intra and inter molecular crosslinking. Interestingly,
higher than that of ocellate puffer fish, 28 ◦ C [31] and bigeye snap- the Td of skin collagen of pig and calf (terrestrial mammals) is 37 ◦ C
per (30.4 ◦ C) [21], but was close to that of pig skin collagen (37 ◦ C) and 40.8 ◦ C, respectively [32], both having high iminoacid contents,
[32]. whereas, cold-water fish collagens have low Td since their imino
Please cite this article in press as: Veeruraj A, et al. Isolation and characterization of thermostable collagen from the marine eel-fish (Evenchelys
macrura). Process Biochem (2013),
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PRBI-9900; No. of Pages 11
DENATURATION TEMPERATURE (Td) both the collagens from the eel fish skin being found to have
26.3–27.8 percent glycine of total amino acid, and to be low in
ASC PSC STD cystine, valine, leucine isoleucine, methionine, tyrosine and histi-
1 dine, similar to other collagens [10,16]. Relatively high contents of
alanine, proline, hydroxyproline and glutamic acid were observed
Please cite this article in press as: Veeruraj A, et al. Isolation and characterization of thermostable collagen from the marine eel-fish (Evenchelys
macrura). Process Biochem (2013),
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PRBI-9900; No. of Pages 11
Fig. 8. (a) CD spectra of the ASC from outer skin of the Eel fish measured at temperatures 25–45 ◦ C. (b) CD spectra of the PSC from outer skin of the Eel fish measured at
temperatures 25–45 ◦ C.
The morphological structures of ASC and PSC were fibrillar in that can be used for wound healing purposes because, for wound
nature. However, the fibril width range 1 m of the ASC was lower management, freeze-dried collagen sponges are frequently placed
than that of pepsin soluble collagen. The width of collagen fibril- onto wounds without cells [47].
lar tubes was uniform in size (∼1 m) and PSC had nodular-like The epineurium consists of thick bundles of collagen fibrils mea-
structures with tubular in nature. The results of the present study suring about 10–20 m width; they were wavy and ran slightly,
revealed that SEM images has been confirmed that both ASC and obliquely to the nerve axis. Between these collagen bundles, very
PSC showed the cross-section in contact with the mold that exposes coarse meshwork of randomly oriented collagen fibrils was present.
an inter-connected network pore configuration with a pore size of The outer one consisted of longitudinally oriented bundles of about
90–250 m. The regular porous structure was clearly visible in ASC 1–3 m in width. The collagen fibril arrangement described above
when compared to PSC. The pore size of collagen was increased at may protect the nerve fibers against external forces. Although these
higher water content during preparation and the size was moder- collagen fibrils formed bundles, they were not parallel but were
ate for in vivo studies and comparatively similar to the previous entangled in individual bundles. These collagen bundles varied
reports [46]. In addition, the collagen extracted from the bone of in width and thickness, often gave off branches, and intertwined
horse mackerel and croaker could be used as biofilm or scaffold with each other. Pore size, porosity and surface areas are widely
Please cite this article in press as: Veeruraj A, et al. Isolation and characterization of thermostable collagen from the marine eel-fish (Evenchelys
macrura). Process Biochem (2013),
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PRBI-9900; No. of Pages 11
Fig. 9. Fourier transforms infrared spectra of standard type IV collagen from human placenta, acid soluble collagen (ASC) and pepsin soluble collagen (PSC) from the skin of
E. macrura.
recognized as important parameters for a biomaterial to under- formation. Generally, uniform and regular network structure
stand their biomedical importance [48]. In addition, other of collagen as drug carrier is propitious, for well-proportioned
architectural features such as pore shape, pore wall morphology distribution for other drugs [10]. Based on the forgoing account,
and interconnectivity have also suggested for cell seeding, migra- the isolated marine eel fish skin collagen could be used as an
tion, growth, mass transport, gene expression, and new tissue appropriate drug carrier system.
Table 2
General peak assignments of the FTIR spectra consist of control standard (STD) type IV collagen, ASC and PSC from eel fish E. macrura skin.
Control (standard type Acid soluble Pepsin soluble Region peak assignments
IV collagen) collagen collagen
Please cite this article in press as: Veeruraj A, et al. Isolation and characterization of thermostable collagen from the marine eel-fish (Evenchelys
macrura). Process Biochem (2013),
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PRBI-9900; No. of Pages 11
Fig. 10. Scanning electron microscopic plates exhibiting the fibrillar structure of ASC and PSC isolated from E. macrura (1 m resolution).
Please cite this article in press as: Veeruraj A, et al. Isolation and characterization of thermostable collagen from the marine eel-fish (Evenchelys
macrura). Process Biochem (2013),
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PRBI-9900; No. of Pages 11
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Please cite this article in press as: Veeruraj A, et al. Isolation and characterization of thermostable collagen from the marine eel-fish (Evenchelys
macrura). Process Biochem (2013),