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Assignment 3

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Department: Mechanical Engineering
RNGPIT, Bardoli
Subject: Entrepreneurship and E-business

Chapter Name: Functional plan Subject Code: 3161924

Semester / Year: 3rd/6th Course Code: C334

Sr. Questions CO BL
1. What is marketing plan? Enumerate steps involve in marketing planning 334.2 R
2. State the features of a good marketing plan. 334.2 R
3. Discuss the components of a Marketing plan. 334.2 R
4. What is marketing research? Discuss the marketing research process. 334.2 U
5. What is Business contingency planning? State its purpose. 334.2 R
6. State the characteristics of sole proprietorship form of business 334.2 R
7. Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship form 334.2 R
of business ownership.
8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of partnership form of 334.2 R
business ownership?
9. Discuss the salient features of a limited liability company. 334.2 R
10. State the advantages and disadvantages of co-operative societies. 334.2 R
11. Write Short note on Line organization. 334.2 U

12. Write Short note on Functional organization. 334.2 U

13. Write Short note on Line and Staff organization. 334.2 U
14. Discussed different factors affecting job design. 334.2 U
15. What is need of manpower planning? 334.2 U
16. What is manpower planning and write steps involve in manpower 334.2 U
17. What is cash budget? State the types of cash Budget. 334.2 R
18. What is working capital? State the factor affecting working capital. 334.2 U

19. Explain briefly performa statement, performa cashflow and performa 334.2 U
balance sheet.
20. What is break even analysis? State its limitation. 334.2 U

CO= Course Outcome
BL= Bloom 's Taxonomy Level
R=Remember, U= Understanding, A=Applying, N=Analysing, E=Evaluating, C=Creating

Prepared By: Approved By:

Mr. V. A. Mistry Dr. K. B. Rathod

Assistant Professor, HOD,
MED, RNGPIT, Bardoli MED, RNGPIT, Bardoli


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