l3 CT Lesson Plan 2
l3 CT Lesson Plan 2
l3 CT Lesson Plan 2
Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 3/30/2023
Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 3/30/2023
Measure (HOW WELL they need to Students will be able to identify the central idea and supporting ideas of an informational passage and then
do it) write a summary using that information with clear effort shown and all details correct or on the right track.
Level(s) of Thinking Using Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in the
standard? _analysis and synthesis
Which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in your objective? _analysis and synthesis
Why did you choose this level(s) of thinking?
I chose this level of thinking because students first have to analyze the text to find the central idea and
supporting details. They then have to synthesize a summary based on the information they collected.
Assessment Plan- How will you Describe your assessment plan:
know students have mastered your As students are working, they are filling out a graphic organizer with their partner about the central idea in
objectives? supporting details, and then creating a summary. They each have to create their own even though they are
working together, and the product will be what I assess. In addition, the summaries will be unique, as
students will not be copying from each other for that.
How does it align with your objective?
The objective I wrote directly relates to the assessment plan since students need to figure out the central idea
and supporting details and then make a summary, which is exactly the text of the objective.
Is your assessment formative or summative? Why did you make that assessment decision?
This assessment is formative because it shows the students’ progress throughout the entire lesson, and it is
more of a performance-based tasks since students have to figure out the central idea and supporting details
and then create a summary.
Assessment Scoring/Rubric Perfect Almost there Needs work
What are the criteria for how you will Identifies central idea Accurate central idea Central idea is not No response or central
assess student learning/student stated accurate, but meaningful idea is inaccurate
work? If you are using a rubric, effort is shown without meaningful
include your rubric here. effort
Identifies supporting At least two to three At least two to three Less than 2 supporting
details supporting details supporting details ideas inaccurately
identified accurately identified accurately identified without
and/or inaccurately with meaningful effort
meaningful effort
Summary Summary ties in central Some elements of the Summary has no
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: __________________Grace Davis____________________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 3/30/2023
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: __________________Grace Davis____________________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 3/30/2023
summary, work on another task they are assigned currently, or add more details to what they already
have, such as figuring out the text structure or vocabulary.
Materials Various passages in English and Spanish
(What materials will you use? Why Pencils
did you choose these materials? Notebook paper
Include any resources you used. This
can also include people!)
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: __________________Grace Davis____________________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 3/30/2023
Differentiating Instruction (adapting How will you differentiate instruction in this lesson? Circle those that apply:
instruction to meet the needs of
individual students or groups of Process Product Content Readiness Interest Learner Profile
Describe what/how you will differentiate:
Students choose their own partners, and they typically choose partners that best benefit them, either
because they like the person or because they speak the same language as them. Because of this, all
of the students who don't speak English will have partners that do speak English or will be able to
receive help from someone else.
In general, I will help students who need help and make sure they are all doing their work.
There are different passages for students to choose from, which contributes to differentiating
instruction based on interest level as well as readiness since there are various topics and reading
levels represented by the texts.
There are some students who have ADHD or autism, and they might benefit from having a task
broken up into smaller parts for them. For example, I could ask them to just find the main idea and
write it down and then prompt them to find one central idea and so on. This can help students to see
one large task is a bunch of smaller ones, which is something that I have definitely benefited from,
and my students might as well.
I will make sure to specifically go over to a few students who I know might have issues setting up the
graphic organizer and formatting in general. Based on my first observation cycle, I could have done
better with monitoring specific students who truthfully really need it, even if I do not talk to them.
Which specific students will benefit, and why?
Students of all abilities and needs should succeed with this plan, and I will adapt as needed so every student
can succeed. In particular, students with ADHD, autism, and other forms of neurodivergence will benefit since
the task can be broken down easily with my help or individually. These same students also often have issues
when setting up a graphic organizer for a similar reason, and they may need more help, which I am able to
How will you adapt this lesson to meet the needs of individual students or groups of students? (Content?
materials? level of support? pace? etc.). Make connections to your classroom asset profile.
One particular group of students that I am looking to help with this lesson is the ELs. To help them in this
lesson I am providing both Spanish and English versions and allowing students to pick their partner. The
Spanish speaking students typically choose other Spanish speaking students or bilingual students, which are
both fine for this activity because once they understand the instructions, they can typically do everything in
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: __________________Grace Davis____________________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 3/30/2023
Spanish. I will also encourage Spanish speaking students to write whatever they can in English as they go but
to use whatever language skills they have.
Accommodations What accommodations will you make for students who are English Language Learners? (Refer to your ESOL
(What students need specific Strategies checklist and list specific strategies)
accommodation? List individual ● Entering: while my CT is trying to help ELs learn English by translating less often and allowing more
students (initials), and then explain collaboration, I will allow these students to speak in Spanish with a partner to help understand the
the accommodation(s) you will content and they are allowed to write their answer in Spanish.
implement for these unique ● Emerging: These students will also be allowed to speak in Spanish and write in Spanish, though
learners.) English is preferred, so they will be encouraged to use as many English words as they can, even if it is
just a few words throughout.
● Developing: Students will be expected to write their answer in English, but if they need to add more
content in Spanish to help complete their thought, they should.
● Expanding: Students should speak and write in English.
In general, ELs will be working with other students who also speak Spanish and they will be given instructions
in Spanish. They will have access to Spanish texts and are allowed to write in Spanish, though they are
encouraged to also write in English as much as they can, even if it is just a few words.
What accommodations will you make for students who have an IEP or 504 plan?
There are no students with 504 plans, but there are some students with IEP's. For the most part, these
students do not need a lot of accommodation, but I am going to break down the task if they need it, or
provide other accommodation because needs arise. Walking around the classroom and providing any
assistance is another way that I can help during the independent phase of gradual release. This is helpful to
all students, but it can be particularly helpful for students that are receiving ESE services. In general, gradual
release is one way to accommodate for all students, even students who do not have any accommodations.
However, it is particularly useful for ESE students since they often need more support.
What accommodations will you make for students identified as gifted and have an EP (education plan)?
If gifted students finished early or seem to need more of a challenge, they can do more with their passage by
looking at the text structure or vocabulary or other elements that they have talked about as a class. They will
also be allowed to work on other assignments if there is one that my kids can do that my CT is okay with.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: __________________Grace Davis____________________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 3/30/2023
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: __________________Grace Davis____________________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 3/30/2023
will be the I do, and we do stage, especially since the students have covered this topic before
and they do not need a lot of time spent on the I do phase. I will tell students the central idea
and point to where it explicitly says it in the text. Then I will ask for student input while doing
the relevant details and emphasize that the relevant details have to specifically connect to
the central idea to support it.
“Now that I have given you guys the central idea and one supporting detail, does anybody
have any ideas for other supporting details that we could write down?”
0:07 I will then introduce how students will be completing this lesson. I will have various passages
for students to choose from that they will work on either individually or in pairs depending on
what they choose. Students will have the option to get in pairs by standing up and calmly
walking quietly to find another student who wants to be paired up with them and then sitting
down before I am done counting to 10. Any student who cannot find a partner I will find a
partner for either by pairing up extra students or by making a group of three. There will be a
variety of texts for students to choose from, including a few topics in English and a few in
Spanish. Students will fill out a graphic organizer based on the content they are supposed to
be collecting on their chosen passage. Since students will be choosing their passages, I will
have students come up by who is the quietest so they can earn first pick and so on, and I will
let them know that they cannot get out of the partners that they have or trade partners or
trade passages. Once they select their passage that is the passage that they have to keep.
“You will have to the count of 10 to quickly and quietly find a partner if you want one, and sit
down where you'd like to sit. Choose wisely because you will not be able to split off from that
partner or find a new partner after you choose. Anyone who needs help finding a partner
come up to the front and I will help find you someone to work with. I will now begin calling
up the quietest groups to come up and pick out a passage they would like to Use for this
assignment. Above each passage is labeled the topic of the passage. You need to choose
quickly so that the next group of people can come up. I have both Spanish and English
passages, so choose what you are most comfortable with and make sure to keep your partner
in mind. once you have selected your passage you cannot trade it with anybody else, it is the
passage you will be keeping for the entirety of this activity.”
0:13-0:40 Students will work in their partnerships until everyone is finished identifying the central idea
and supporting ideas, and then writing a summary based on that. If students finish early then
they can work on another assignment in ELA if there is one, or they could cover another topic
with their passage, such as text structure, vocabulary, or other topics. I will be walking
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: __________________Grace Davis____________________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 3/30/2023
around to help students and make sure that they are on task.
“Work with your partner to complete the central idea and relevant details organizer. Read
your passage first and then read through it again to find the central idea and relevant details.
Before you move onto the summary, ask me to check over your work to make sure it is
accurate, and then you will write your summary. The summary should be the different
sentences you wrote for central idea and relevant details and reformatted to be in a