Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: 25 Date of Lesson: 2/16/2023

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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: ______________Grace__________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 2/16/2023

Part 1: Lesson Content

Title of Lesson Discovering Characters’ Perspectives
Meeting your students’ needs as How does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students?
people and as learners. The book we will read will be something the students find interesting, based on a survey I did last week. It
(supervisors) will help students to analyze characters, which is a skill they will use throughout school. In addition, with such
a heavy emphasis on testing, students will want to know this skill to help with testing.
How does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?
This lesson reflects the local community because students need to know how to read other people’s
perspectives, similar to how we would analyze a character for their perspective. In addition, the majority of
students enjoy different forms of media, which reflects most students from anywhere, but they can analyze
the character’s perspectives from their favorite shows.
What Standards (national or state) ELA.5.R.1.3 Describe how an author develops a character’s perspective in a literary text.
relate to this lesson?
Understanding the standards over Trace the standard to the previous grade level. What have students already learned or been exposed to
time related to this standard?
(CPALMS/instructional planning ELA.4.R.1.1 Explain how setting, events, conflict, and character development contribute to the plot in a
course) literary text.
ELA.4.R.1.3 Identify the narrator’s point of view and explain the difference between a narrator’s point of view
and character perspective in a literary text.
Trace the standard to the next grade level. What will students learn next related to this standard?
ELA.6.R.1.1 Analyze how the interaction between characters contributes to the development of a plot in a
literary text.
What misconceptions might Students may have trouble making connections between what characters say, do, and think and what their
students have about this content? character traits perspectives are. They might also have issues determining the character's perspective from
these things as well.
Objectives- What students will know Students will be able to accurately describe the character traits and characters’ perspectives using details
or be able to do after the instruction from the text about what the characters say, do, and think.
– the learning outcomes
Content (WHAT students are
learning- look to the standard)
Action (HOW students will show it-
there might be clues in the standard)
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: ______________Grace__________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 2/16/2023

Measure (HOW WELL they need to

do it)
Level(s) of Thinking Using Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in the
standard? analyze.
Which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in your objective? analyze
Why did you choose this level(s) of thinking?
I close this level thinking because students have to look at different aspects about a character and then
analyze them to determine traits perspective.
Assessment Plan- How will you Describe your assessment plan:
know students have mastered your Since I am using a gradual release model, I will start by essentially filling out a version of the assessment that
objectives? students will be doing. After I do it come to the students will do it. They will be filling out a chart or
something on notebook paper that includes information such as character trait perspective, evidence for that
character trait perspective broken down into things the character has done, things that character has said and
the things the character has thought. Students will also write the character’s perspective. The assessment is
the one that the students will be doing either individually or in pairs.
How does it align with your objective?
This assessment is directly aligned to the objective because it assesses essentially what the objective requires.
Is your assessment formative or summative? Why did you make that assessment decision?
This assessment is formative because it is a performance-based task for students to complete. Students have
to write out their response and it allows me to collect a lot of data on students’ strengths and needs in terms
of analyzing characters.
Assessment Scoring/Rubric Perfect Almost there Needs work
What are the criteria for how you will Character trait the student chooses a character trait Character trait
assess student learning/student perspective selection reasonable (Even if it's perspective selection perspective selection
work? If you are using a rubric, strange if they justify it, does not make complete does not make sense
include your rubric here. that is okay) character sense, but it could be whatsoever.
trait perspective for the justified.
character they are
Evidence for character three pieces of evidence two pieces of evidence zero or one pieces of
trait perspective are provided (one of are provided (two of evidence are provided
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: ______________Grace__________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 2/16/2023

each: say, think, do) three of the following: (zero/one of three of the
say, think, do) following: say, think, do)
Character perspective character perspective is The character’s character perspective is
accurately stated based perspective is not not stated or wrong
on analysis of character completely clear, but without any reasoning
traits. some thought has gone behind it.
into it.
Part 2: Lesson Implementation
Management & Environment ● How will you arrange yourself and the students (location in the classroom, seating)?
(Integrated throughout your step- I will be at the front of the classroom talking to students and students will be at their desks. I will also
by-step plan): be walking around the room.
● What processes & procedures will you use? How and when will you communicate those to
Students will get out whatever they need to write this in. I will let students know what they need to
get out When they need to get it out. Students will get their laptops out when asked. Students get
their laptops out at the beginning of the day and then take it with them if they switch and it stays in
their desk when they're not using it, So students will just be taking it out of their desks. For papers, I
will have one student from each group go grab papers for their entire group.
● What expectations will you have for the students? How and when will you communicate those to
Students will need to complete their work quietly. They will need to raise their hand if they need
anything or to answer questions, they should not come up to me. Students will need to be quiet
when working. I will remind students at the beginning of the lesson and remind them as needed after
● What strategies will you use if students do not meet your expectations? Are there specific students
who require a more extensive management plan? What will that consist of?
I will remind the whole class first and compliment individual students or tables. I might also quietly
go up to students and remind them that they need to be on task or stop talking so I am not calling
them out in front of everybody. There are no students with extensive behavior management plans
● What will students do if they complete the task quickly?
They can keep adding more details to what they have already written, or they could try to do another
character trait or analyze another character. If they really want to, they could analyze character from

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: ______________Grace__________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 2/16/2023

a book that they have already read that may be longer and more interesting for them.
Materials  PowerPoint
What materials will you use? Why  A book, either virtual or physical a virtual copy of a passage that they will access using laptops
did you choose these materials?  Papers/notebooks
 pencil

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: ______________Grace__________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 2/16/2023

Differentiating Instruction (adapting How will you differentiate instruction in this lesson? Circle those that apply:
instruction to meet the needs of
individual students or groups of Process Product Content Readiness Interest Learner Profile
Describe what/how you will differentiate:
 I will have Spanish speaking students work together so that they are able to understand what is
happening. Preferably, I will have a student who speaks both Spanish and English work with a student
who only speaks Spanish so that they can translate and help understand the content regardless of
 In general, I will help students who need help and make sure they are all doing their work.
 I am going to choose something that is interesting for the students that they have shown interest in
based on the asset profile. Currently I am leaning towards animals.
 There are some students who have ADHD or autism, and they might benefit from having a task
broken up into smaller parts for them. For example, I could ask them just from hearing the story read
to them, which would character trait the thing not the character might have. And then maybe ask for
one thing that the character thinks and then one thing that the character does and then one thing
that the character says. This can help students to see one large task is a bunch of smaller ones, which
is something that I have definitely benefited from, and my students might as well.
 I will make sure to specifically go over to a few students who I know might have issues setting up the
graphic organizer and formatting in general. Based on my supervisor observation, I could have done
better with monitoring specific students who truthfully really need it, even if I don't talk to them.
Which specific students will benefit, and why?
ELs and students with special needs will benefit in particular. I have planned specifically for ELs so that they
can understand the content and how to figure out new words so they will benefit. Students with special needs
will benefit from the extra monitoring and help if needed. There are a few students with special needs, but
they tend to not need extra help besides helping them decide how to get the work done since sometimes all
they need is someone to help them plan or break the task into smaller pieces.
How will you adapt this lesson to meet the needs of individual students or groups of students? (Content?
materials? level of support? pace? etc.). Make connections to your classroom asset profile.
In addition, I can slow down if students need it and allow some students to work on their own well other
students work at the pace that I set. Some students will need a higher level of support than others, especially
students in Tier 2 and 3 interventions.
Accommodations What accommodations will you make for students who are English Language Learners? (Refer to your ESOL

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: ______________Grace__________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 2/16/2023

(What students need specific Strategies checklist and list specific strategies)
accommodation? List individual ● Entering: while my CT is trying to help ELs learn English by translating less often and allowing more
students (initials), and then explain collaboration, I will allow these students to speak in Spanish with a partner to help understand the
the accommodation(s) you will content, but they are allowed to write their answer in Spanish.
implement for these unique ● Emerging: These students will also be allowed to speak in Spanish and write in Spanish, English is
learners.) preferred, and it might be beneficial for them to write their answer in both English and Spanish with
the help of somebody who can translate for them.
● Developing: Students will be expected to write their answer in English, but if they need to add more
content in Spanish to help complete their thought, they should.
● Expanding: Students should speak and write in English.
What accommodations will you make for students who have an IEP or 504 plan?
There are no students with 504 plans, but there are some students with IEP's. For the most part, these
students do not need a lot of accommodation, however if I find it necessary, they will be allowed to work with
a partner which is very helpful for some of them. Walking around the classroom and providing any assistance
is another way that I can help during the independent phase of gradual release. This is helpful to all students,
but it can be particularly helpful for students that are receiving ESE services. I can also help students to break
it into a smaller task. In general, gradual release is one way to accommodate for all students, even students
who do not have any accommodations. However, it is particularly useful for ESE students since they often
need more support.
What accommodations will you make for students identified as gifted and have an EP (education plan)?
They can keep adding more details to what they have already written, or they could try to do another
character trait or analyze another character. If they really want to, they could analyze character from a book
that they have already read that may be longer and more interesting for them.
References (Planning of instruction
should be guided by research- taxonomy/
informed approaches. Acknowledge
references used to inspire lesson
ideas.) CPALMS
Powerpoint (not included here)
Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to do in 1. What is the content area for this lesson? ELA
teaching this lesson? Be thorough. 2. What is the expected lesson structure for a lesson taught within this content area? In other words,

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: ______________Grace__________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 2/16/2023

Act as if you needed a substitute to what lesson structure is appropriate for teaching within this content area? (5Es; guided/gradual
carry out the lesson for you.) release/etc.) Gradual release, whole group
3. Step-by-step plan:
Where applicable, be sure to address
Time Action steps
the following:
0:00 I will start out by going over the objective and telling students the purpose of being able to
◻ What Higher Order Thinking
figure out the perspective of a character and making sure they understand what a character’s
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask?
perspective is. I will set the expectations and make sure students know to raise their hands
◻ How will materials be
and not talk when I'm talking. I will then have students get out their textbook if that is what we
are using, or I will pull the passage up on the screen.
◻ Who will work together in groups
0:02 We will read it together and then on a piece of notebook paper I will set up papers so I can fill
and how will you determine the
out information as we go. I will start by writing the character name and the trait that I'm going
to assign to them. I will then label think, do, and say. I will model one of those for the students
◻ How will students transition
and cite the text for the paragraph where I found it from. I will ask for students to help me on
between activities?
the next one that I fill out, and then for the last piece of evidence I will challenge students to do
◻ What will you as the teacher do?
it by themselves. Play I will then have students voluntarily choose if they'd like to share what
◻ What will you as the teacher say?
they wrote. We will talk about it as a class and I will see if students are having any issues. If I see
◻ What will the students do?
any issues I can address, I will address them. However, if there are no issues that I see then I
◻ What student data will be
will know that they are ready to work on their own. We will also connect it to the characters
collected during each phase?
◻ What are the other adults in the
room doing? How are they Students will then pick another character from the story and use a similar chart to the one we
just did. Students need to provide a character trait, three pieces of evidence one of each say
supporting students’ learning?
come on do, think, and the characters perspective. I will be walking around as this happens
helping students as needed. I might help students break the task down into smaller steps or I
might just help students if they get stuck.
At the end, we will go over what students say about their character and talk about justifications
for a character trait that might not be the first choice on a normal assignment, but if they can
justify it that's fine.
I ended up having to do major revisions to the action steps for multiple reasons, the main reasons being I had
to change the original goal of the lesson and when I designed the PowerPoint to go along with this lesson, a
different order made more sense to me and it was just easier to redo the whole step by step plan.
Time Action Steps
0:00 Slides 1-2: I will start by pulling up the PowerPoint and telling students what we will be

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: ______________Grace__________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 2/16/2023

learning today. I will also establish the expectations while I am talking. “Today we will be
learning about characters perspectives. Let's make sure that we are raising our hands and
listening when I am reading.” I will also read slide two And elaborate.
0:03 Slide 3: I will tell students that the first thing that we are doing is watching me analyze a text to
find out a character's perspective. I will then read the text, which is linked in the resources
above and on the PowerPoint which is also linked above. I will read one page and then I will
highlight important pieces to figure out this perspective using the feature on my CT's computer
and projector. For the I do part of gradual release, I will talk about Greg’s perspective on
migration and how it changes throughout the text using evidence from the different things
that he says, does, and thinks. I might bring students in at certain places and ask them to raise
their hands to promote student engagement. I will not have students write this down because
it is a lot of writing and it's not really anything I need to see. They will have lots of practice with
the next two slides.
0:13 Slide 4: I will pull up the next passage and I will set up my paper again for Mia’s perspective
towards Jess. I will have one student from each table group go and grab paper for the other
members of their table group. Students will also set up their paper, and I have an example of
what it should look like in the PowerPoint, and I will be doing it using the document camera as
well. I will read the story and stop at the end of each paragraph and ask students if there's
anything that they think that we should highlight in the paragraph related to Mia’s perspective
towards Jess. I specifically chose this for the we do category because this perspective has a
decent amount of evidence but not as much evidence as the perspective for the you
do/assessment Portion of the lesson because I want students to be able to truly show their
thinking by themselves for that one. For the last page, I will ask students to work with the
people at their table groups to figure out some of the pieces of evidence from that last page. I
will walk around their students talk and see some student ideas. When we come back
together, I will ask for a few hands to tell me some of the evidence they gathered from the last
page and which column they put it in. I will then ask students to think about how that
perspective changed throughout the passage and I will again walk around the class and then
when we come back together I will ask students to raise their hands and we will discuss. By the
end, every student and I will have worked together to fill out the chart.
0:23-0:40 Slide 5: I will ask students to get their computers and access Canvas to access the passage.
They will then work independently, or in groups if I have paired some students up, to fill out
another copy of the chart, which again will be up on the board and I will set it up again for

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: ______________Grace__________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 2/16/2023

students to see, based on the perspective of Mia towards snakes. There is a lot of information
that students can use to talk about perspective involving this specific perspective, which
should help focus students and give them plenty of opportunities to show what they learned
about perspective. As the students finish, I will let them know that they can do another one of
the charts based on a character from a show or book that they enjoy. They might also have
other work to do if they prefer, such as an argumentative writing piece that the students have
been working on for a while. I will collect it as students finish.

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