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Problems Faced by Preschool Teachers When Using Teaching Aids in the

Teaching Learning Process

Article  in  International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies · June 2015

DOI: 10.4038/ijms.v2i1.68


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2 authors:

Niroshami Randima Rajapaksha Dilini Chathurika

The Open University of Sri Lanka The Open University of Sri Lanka


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IJMS 2015 vol. 2 (1): 97 - 109
International Journal of Multidisciplinary
Studies (IJMS)

Volume 2, Issue I, 2015

Problems Faced by Preschool Teachers

When Using Teaching Aids in the
Teaching Learning Process
P L N Randima Rajapaksha and 1P R D Chathurika
Department of Early Childhood and Primary Education, The Open University of Sri Lanka


This study attempted to find out the problems faced by the preschool teachers when making and using
teaching aids in the process of teaching and learning, and to identify their perception on using teaching aids.
The study employed quantitative method of research. The sample of this study comprised of 60 Sinhala
medium preschool teachers and 40 English medium teachers who have registered in the Diploma in Early
Childhood & Primary Education programme in the Colombo regional center, at OUSL. The study employed
the survey research design. A questionnaire was adopted to collect data. The data were analyzed using
simple quantitative statistical methods. The study revealed that the teacher have precise perception of
teaching aids and its functions. However they face problems such as lack of time for making teaching aids for
each lesson, lack of training on using electronic teaching aids, lack of knowledge on relating teaching aids to
the lesson in the teaching learning process. Thus, the study recommends enhancing more emphasis by
providing awareness, knowledge on using teaching aids effectively among preschool teachers.

KEYWORDS: Teaching Aids, Preschool teachers, Teaching Learning process, Perception, Problem
faced by preschool teachers

The preschool education provides

necessary environment to stimulate the five
1. INTRODUCTION senses of children in the age of 3 -5 years old.
In order to provide an effective simulative
Corresponding author: P L N Randima Rajapaksha, eMail: [email protected]
environment in the process of teaching and
learning many factors such as children’s
readiness, classroom environment, teaching
methods, assessments, and teaching aids make
an impact. Among different factors Teaching
Aids make a direct influence on both teaching
and learning. According to Romiszowski
(1968) teaching aids are defined as instruments
which facilitate the process of teaching
One responsibility of the teacher is to organize appropriate sensory contact with the concepts to be
and present the task to be learned in such a way that learnt (Maduna, 2002). Having access to wide variety
learners can assimilate it as efficiently and rapidly as of teaching aids will assist individual teachers in
possible (Spencer, 1988 & Jacobs, 1996). Teachers finding ways of modifying their instructions to fit the
must therefore put learners in to adequate and diversified needs of their learners (Maduna, 2002).
There is a relationship between the child’s to overcome their problems and to enhance the
state of development and the process of acquiring, effectiveness and productivity of their teaching.
organizing, retaining and using knowledge (Lindeque, Eventually this will positively help preschool children
1996, Mwamwenda , 1994 & Spencer, 1988). Any to receive an effective preschool education for their
type of teaching aids will not be appropriate for all development.
levels of learners. Therefore teaching aids must be
suitable for particular group of learners (Yule & Thus, this study attempted to identify the
Steyn, 1991 and Van Rooyen & Van der Merwe, preschool teachers’ perception on using teaching aids
1996). Thus the teachers have to prepare teaching aids and the problems faced by teachers when making and
that serve the objectives of the particular lesson. using teaching aids in the teaching learning process.

However, it is possible that wrong perceptions 1.1 Objectives of the study

about the teaching aids and their incorrect use by the
teachers may lead to ineffective teaching learning 1. To identify the preschool teachers perceptions
situations (Van Rooyen & Van der Merwe, 1996). on using teaching aids in the teaching learning
When teachers enter schools without this valuable process.
information and when they are faced with reality they 2. To find out the problems faced by the
end up producing teaching aids that are technically preschool teachers when making and using
bad and educationally worthless and this virtually teaching aids in the teaching learning process.
guarantees their demise (Meyer, 1981). Moreover 3. To identify suggestions to overcome the
most teacher-training institutions do not provide any problems faced by the preschool teachers when
formal training and practice in the selection and use of making and using teaching aids in the teaching
teaching aids (Maduna, 2002). This situation may lead learning process.
to create problems for teachers when using teaching
aids effectively at the teaching learning process. 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
As the study focus on identifying the
In the current Sri Lankan Preschool Education
perceptions of preschool teachers and finding out the
context preschool teachers are struggling to cover a
problems they face when making and using teaching
heavy syllabus especially in the preschools govern by
aids the study basically employed survey research
the private sector. They are more towards to teaching
desk work providing workbooks and work sheets. This
has led them to minimize the use of creative and
2.1 Population
effective teaching aids in the teaching learning
process. As such preschool teachers could face The population of this study was the student
different problems in the teaching learning process teachers who have registered in the Diploma in Early
due to lack of special training on using teaching aids Childhood and Primary Education (DECPE) offered
appropriately. Eventually this may lead to diminish the by the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) in the
productivity of preschool education for children and academic year of 2013/2014.
their learning.
2.2 Target population
Therefore identifying the problems that
preschool teachers face when using teaching aids in The target population was the student teachers
the actual teaching learning process would be who have registered in the DECPE Programme in the
significant for preschool teachers to identify remedies
Corresponding author: P L N Randima Rajapaksha, eMail: [email protected]
Colombo regional center in both Sinhala and English Table 3.1 Preschool teachers’ perception on
mediums. importance of using teaching aids

2.3 Sample Statements Responses (%)

Yes, I strongly believe 85
The sample of this study comprised of Not very much essential 10
randomly selected 60 Sinhala medium student teachers No, I don’t think it is essential 0
I don’t have any idea about it 5
and 40 English medium student teachers in the
DECPE Programme in Colombo Regional centre,
OUSL. As Table 3.1 shows majority (85%) of
teachers strongly believed that using teaching aids is
2.4 Data collection instruments important while 5% of the sample had no idea about it.
50% of the teachers from the sample have stated that
A questioner was used as the major data they use teaching aids most of the time and 45% used
collection instrument. Twenty two questions were teaching aids rarely while 5% did not use teaching
asked from the student teachers, under three parts aids at all. The reasons for not using teaching aids at
according to the objectives. all were lack of real objects to use and in the AMI
method of teaching they have already designed
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION materials for each activity.

The results showed that majority of the Moreover the sample mentioned that 57% of
sample engaged in teaching to children who are in the total population use teaching aids for selected lessons,
age level of 3 – 5 years. From the sample 75% of at the same time 33% use teaching aids for each
preschool teachers in both mediums work in the session. Only 10% from the total sample use teaching
private sector. Majority of both medium preschool aids only when mention in the teacher’s guide. It could
teachers were in the age level of 21 – 30 years. This revealed that majority of teachers tend to use teaching
shows that the sample student teachers were young aids at least for selected lessons.
and occupied as preschool teachers. Further, 58% of teachers from the total
According to the working experience of population stated that they get benefits by using
preschool teachers 66% of Sinhala medium student teaching aids all the time while 40% of them get
teachers had 5 – 9 years working experience while 75 benefits sometimes only. The rest of the sample said
% of English medium teachers had 1 – 4 years that they get benefit rarely. None of them stated that
working experiences. In both mediums 90% of they do not get any benefit. This further reveals that
teachers have G.C.E Advanced Level qualifications. the preschool teachers have a considerable positive
None of them had a degree qualification. This perception on teaching aids and its importance for the
indicates that majority are experienced on the other children’s learning. The following figure 3.1 illustrates
hand have only the basic qualification as preschool the different ways the preschool teachers considered
teachers. when making teaching Aids.

a.) Preschool teachers’ perceptions on using Different ways of Making Teaching


teaching aids in the teaching learning process. 60 Aids

According to the responses the results are 0
presented regardless of the medium of instruction.
With reference to the preschool teachers’ perception,
68% from the total sample perceived teaching aids are Different ways
instruments which are used to introduce and promote
the lesson. The rest of the sample had not responded to
this question.
To explain the facts more clearly 70
To facilitate active learning 64
To maintain good attention 62
To increase students motivation 61
To give more opportunities to self 59
To maintain liveliness in the 40
To manage time 32

Figure 3.1. Ways of making teaching aids by The above Table 3.2 shows the purposes of
preschool teachers using teaching aids by the teachers in the teaching
learning process. The purposes have been stated
according to the preferences given by the total sample.
According to the above figure 3.1 it could be
It could be identified that majority of the sample use
identified that the main ways of making teaching aids
teaching aids to explain the facts clearly. This further
by the preschool teachers were using waste materials
provides an evidence for the finding that the preschool
and asking students to make. Still 12% of teachers
teachers had a positive perception of teaching aids and
from the sample buy teaching aids from shops. It
its importance.
shows that although many preschool teachers like to
use teaching aids some teachers still do not prefer to
As figure 3.2 given below indicates it could be
make teaching aids by themselves. In addition, it could
identified the mostly used teaching aids by the
be revealed that some the teachers find alternative
preschool teachers were the pictures, cards, photos
ways such as using materials provided by the school,
and black board, books respectively whereas the least
borrowing teaching aids from the resource room to
used teaching aids by the preschool teachers were
make teaching aids.
TV/DVD/CD, audio cassettes.
Table 3.2 Purposes of using teaching aids by
preschool teachers It further revealed that the most popular
teachings aids of the preschool teachers were the
Purposes Responses (%)
sual teaching aids. The least interest was to use audio In addition teachers also feel that expensiveness of
visual teaching aids such as computers and DVD s materials and difficulty in transportation make
though those teaching aids can add more creativity and problems for them to make different effective teaching
novelty in the teaching learning process. Among the aids when teaching. Further teachers don’t find
most popular teaching aids the pictures, cards and storing difficulties as a huge problem that they had
photos take the highest score which further reveals faced.
that preschool teachers more often use iconic teaching
The following Figure 3.3 shows the problems
learning experiences for preschool children.
the teachers faced when using teaching aids in the

Figure 3.2 Mostly used teaching aids by the preschool


b.) Problems faced by the preschool teachers when

making and using teaching aids
Table 3.3 Problems faced in making teaching aids
Corresponding author: P L N Randima Rajapaksha, eMail: [email protected]
Problems Responses (%) In the study majority of the total sample
Expensiveness of materials 27 suggested that to overcome the problems they faced
No time to make for each 54 when making teachings, they need to share teaching
lesson aids among other teachers, make them only for
Difficulty of transportation 15
Difficulty in storage 4 selected lessons, use waste materials. To overcome the
problems faced by the preschool teachers when using
teaching aids in the teaching learning process,
majority of total sample suggested arranging seminars,
According to the data showed in the Table 3.3 the workshop to provide special training on using teaching
main problem faced by the preschool teachers in aids effectively, making teaching aids that are durable,
making teaching aids is finding time to make teaching allocating a proper place to store teaching aids, create
aids for each lesson. This further identifies that a new teaching aids.
sufficient time for teacher preparation specially for
making their work duties. 4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS
According to the findings the following
conclusions were made in this study. The study can
concluded that majority of the preschool teachers
possesses a precise perception on teaching aids and its
significance in the teaching learning process.
Moreover the study concludes that though the
preschool teachers are aware the functions and
significance of using teaching aids, they limit the
teaching aids to visual aids most often in the actual
classroom due to the problems they faced with regard
to lack of training of other audio visual teaching aids
Figure 3.3 Problems face by preschool teachers when as well as lack of time for preparation of teaching aids.
using teaching aids The study further concludes that due to the problems
they faced in relation to preparation and use of
According to the figure 3.3 lack of special teaching aids the emphasis given on using teaching
training on using electronic materials such as aids has been decreased.
computers, lack of space in the classroom to keep
teaching aids and limited resources in their schools Therefore the study recommends providing
could be identified as main problems the teachers more emphasis on enhancing use of more teaching
faced when using teaching aids in the classroom aids by providing proper awareness and training on
respectively. In addition not adequate for all children using different types of teaching aids in the classroom
and lack of knowledge to relate teaching aids with the effectively. Further the study can recommend
lesson could be identified as other problems the encouraging teachers to prepare effective durable and
teachers faced. Whereas less attractiveness and poor creative teaching aids by allocating more time from
standards are the least problems they faced when using their work schedule and using alternative materials.
teaching aids.
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Corresponding author: P L N Randima Rajapaksha, eMail: [email protected]


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