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$ModLoad omrelp

*.* :omrelp:centralserv:2514

Input Modules

Input modules are used to gather messages from various sources. They interface to
message generators.

imfile - input module for text files

imrelp - RELP input module
imudp - udp syslog message input
imtcp - input plugin for tcp syslog
imptcp - input plugin for plain tcp syslog (no TLS but faster)
imgssapi - input plugin for plain tcp and GSS-enabled syslog
immark - support for mark messages
imklog - kernel logging
imuxsock - unix sockets, including the system log socket
imsolaris - input for the Sun Solaris system log source
im3195 - accepts syslog messages via RFC 3195
impstats - provides periodic statistics of rsyslog internal counters
imjournal - Linux journal inuput module

Output Modules

Output modules process messages. With them, message formats can be transformed and
messages be transmitted to various different targets.

omfile - file output module

omfwd - syslog forwarding output module
omjournal - Linux journal output module
ompipe - named pipe output module
omusrmsg - user message output module
omsnmp - SNMP trap output module
omtdout - stdout output module (mainly a test tool)
omrelp - RELP output module
omruleset - forward message to another ruleset
omgssapi - output module for GSS-enabled syslog
ommysql - output module for MySQL
ompgsql - output module for PostgreSQL
omlibdbi - generic database output module (Firebird/Interbase, MS SQL, Sybase,
SQLLite, Ingres, Oracle, mSQL)
ommail - permits rsyslog to alert folks by mail if something important happens
omprog - permits sending messages to a program for custom processing
omoracle - output module for Oracle (native OCI interface)
omudpspoof - output module sending UDP syslog messages with a spoofed address
omuxsock - output module Unix domain sockets
omhdfs - output module for Hadoop's HDFS file system
ommongodb - output module for MongoDB
omelasticsearch - output module for ElasticSearch

Parser Modules

Parser modules are used to parse message content, once the message has been
received. They can be used to process custom message formats or invalidly formatted
messages. For details, please see the rsyslog message parser documentation.
The current modules are currently provided as part of rsyslog:

pmrfc5424[builtin] - rsyslog.rfc5424 - parses RFC5424-formatted messages (the

new syslog standard)
pmrfc3164[builtin] - rsyslog.rfc3164 - the traditional/legacy syslog parser
pmrfc3164sd - rsyslog.rfc3164sd - a contributed module supporting RFC5424
structured data inside RFC3164 messages (not supported by the rsyslog team)
pmlastmsg - rsyslog.lastmsg - a parser module that handles the typically
malformed "last messages repated n times" messages emitted by some syslogds.

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