FIG. locus of - 1+Aβ - =1: vf V V
FIG. locus of - 1+Aβ - =1: vf V V
FIG. locus of - 1+Aβ - =1: vf V V
1. State the nyquist criterion to maintain the stability of negative feedback amplifier(APR/MAY
The nyquist criterion forms the basis of a steady state method of determining whether an amplifier is
stable or not.
Nyquist Criterion
The Aβ is a function of frequency. Points in the complex plane are obtained for the values of Aβ
corresponding to all values of ‘f’ from - to . The locus of all these points forms a closed curve.
The criterion of nyquist is that amplifier is unstable if this curve encloses the point (-1+j0),
the amplifier is stable if the curve does not enclose this point.
Sensitivity :The fractional change im amplification with feedback divided by the fractional change
im amplification with out feedback is called the sensitivity of the transfer gain.
. β = Feedback factor.
3. A feedback amplifier has an open loop gain of 600 and feedback factor ß = 0.01. Find the closed
loop gain with feedback.
Avf = AV/ 1+ AV ß
= 600/ (1+ 600*0.01)
= 85.714.
4. The distortion in an amplifier is found to be 3%, when the feedback ratio of negative feedback
amplifier is 0.04. When the feedback is removed, the distortion becomes 15%. Find the open and
closed loop gain.
Given: ß = 0.04
Distortion with feedback = 3%,
Distortion without feedback = 15%
D = 15/3 = 5.
Where D = 1+A ß =5
5. Voltage gain of an amplifier without feedback is 60dB. It decreases to 40dB with feedback.
Calculate the feedback factor.
From above equation it is clear that when the feedback is applied the noise is reduced by a factor
7.Justify that negative feedback amplifier increases bandwidth. (Nov/Dec 2010)
9.Mention the three networks that are connected around the basic amplifier to implement the
feedback concept.[NOV/DEC 2012]
The three networks that are connected around the basic amplifier to implement the feedback concept
Mixing Network
Sampling Network
Feedback Network
10.What happens to the input resistance based on the type of feedback in an
amplifier?[MAY/JUNE 2009]
If the feedback signal is added to the input in series with the applied voltage, it increases the
input resistance.
If the feedback signal is added to the input in shunt with the applied voltage, it decreases the
input resistance.
11. What are the steps to be carried out for complete analysis of a feedback amplifier?
[MAY/JUNE 2009]
Type of feedback
Current-series Voltage-series Voltage-shunt Current-shunt
The conditions for oscillator to produce oscillation are given by Barkhausan criterion. They
o o
i) The total phase shift produced by the circuit should be 360 or 0
ii) The Magnitude of loop gain must be greater than or equal to 1 (ie)|Aβ|≥1
3. State Barkhausen criterion for sustained oscillation. What will happen to the oscillation if the
magnitude of the loop gain is greater than unity?[NOV/DEC 2013]
The conditions for oscillator to produce oscillation are given by Barkhausan criterion. They are :
o o
i) The total phase shift produced by the circuit should be 360 or 0
ii) The Magnitude of loop gain must be greater than or equal to 1 (ie)|Aβ|≥1
In practice loop gain is kept slightily greater than unity to ensure that oscillator work even if there is a
slight change in the circuit parameters.
4.Why an LC tank circuit does not produce sustained oscillations. How can this can be
overcome?[NOV/DEC 2008]
We know that the inductor coil has some resistance and dielectric material of the capacitor has some small part of the originally imparted energy is used to overcome these losses. As a result, the
amplitude of oscillating current goes on decreasing and becomes zero when all energy is consumed as
losses. So a LC tank circuit does not produce sustained oscillations.
To maintain sustained oscillations, energy must be supplied to the circuit at the same rate at which it is
dissipated. In an oscillator, the function of transistor and power supply source is to feed energy to the
circuit to overcome the losses at right time.
The crystal actually behaves as aseries RLC circuit in parallel with CM. . Because of presence of CM ,
the crystal has two resonant frequencies.
One of these is the series resonant frequency fs.In this case impedance is very low.
The other is parallel resonance frequency fp. In this case impedance is very high.
6.What are the advantages and disadvantages of RC phase shift oscillators?[ APR/MAY
2008,MAY/JUNE 2016]
i. It is best suited for generating fixed frequency signals in the audio frequency range.
ii. It requires no transformer or inductor, hence less bulky.
iii. Simple Circuit.
7. What is the necessary condition for a Wien bridge oscillator circuit to have sustained
oscillations? [MAY/JUNE 2013]
Then for oscillations to occur in a Wien Bridge Oscillator circuit the following conditions must
With no input signal the Wien Bridge Oscillator produces output oscillations.
The Wien Bridge Oscillator can produce a large range of frequencies.
The Voltage gain of the amplifier must be at least 3.
The network can be used with a Non-inverting amplifier.
The input resistance of the amplifier must be high compared to R so that the RC network is
not overloaded and alter the required conditions.
The output resistance of the amplifier must be low so that the effect of external loading is
8. Define piezoelectric effect.[MAY/JUNE 2006]
The piezo electric Crystals exhibit a property that if a mechanical stress is applied across one face the
electric potential is developed across opposite face and viceversa. This phenomenon is called piezo
electric effect.
1. What is tuned amplifier? What are the various types of tuned amplifiers?[NOV/DEC 2013]
A tuned amplifier amplifies a certain range of frequencies (narrow band of frequencies) in the radio
frequency region and rejects all other frequencies.
The various types of tuned amplifiers are
i) Single tuned amplifier
ii) Double tuned amplifier
iii) Stagger tuned amplifier & synchronously tuned amplifier.
3. Mention The Two Applications of tuned amplifiers.[ NOV/DEC 2007, NOV/DEC 2008]
i) They are used in IF amplifiers in Radio and TV receivers.
ii) They are used in wireless communication systems.
4. State two advantages and two disadvantages of tuned amplifiers. [MAY/JUNE 2012]
i) They amplify defined frequencies
ii) Signal to noise ratio (SNR) at output is good.
iii) They are suited for radio transmitters and receivers.
5. What are the differences between single tuned and synchronously tuned
amplifiers?[NOV/DEC 2007]
Single tuned amplifier Synchronously tuned amplifier
Uses one parallel tuned circuit as the Uses a number of identical cascaded
load impedance and tuned to one single tuned stages tuned to same
frequency. frequency.
Hign gain and narrow bandwidth Increases gain and reduces
Bandwidth is
The bandwidth equation is
6. What is Stagger tuned amplifier[NOV/DEC 2011]
If two or more tuned circuits which are cascaded are tuned to slightly different resonant frequencies, it is
possible to obtain an increased bandwidth with a flat passbandwith steep sides. This technique is known
as stagger tuning and the amplifier using this technique is called as stagger tuned amplifier.
Loaded Q:
The loaded Q or QL of a resonator is determined by how tightly the resonator is coupled to its
9. What is the effect of cascading n stages of identical single tuned amplifiers (synchronously
tuned) on the overall 3db bandwidth?[APRIL/MAY 2011]
The bandwidth of n stage cascaded single tuned amplifier is given as
From the above equation it is clear that the overall 3dB bandwidth reduces.
10. Where is the Q-point placed in a class C type amplifier? What are its applications?[APR/MAY
In a class C type amplifier the Q-point is placed below the X-axis.
The Class C amplifiers are used to amplify the signals at radio frequencies.
They are also used in mixer circuits.
11. Brief the relation between bandwidth and Q-factor.[ MAY/JUNE 2007]
The quality factor determines the 3dB bandwidth for the resonant circuit. The 3dB bandwidth for
resonant circuit is given by
12. What is narrow band neutralization? [APR/MAY 2008,APRIL/MAY 2011, NOV/DEC 2012]
The process of cancelling the instability effect due to the collector to base capacitance of the
transistor in tuned circuits by introducing a signal which cancels the signal coupled through the
collector to base capacitance is called narrow band neutralization.
13. Mention two important features of stagger tuned amplifier. [MAY/JUNE 2013]
i) It has better flat, wide band characteristics.
ii) Increased bandwidth
14. What is the need for neutralization circuits? [MAY/JUNE 2013, NOV/DEC2008,MAY/JUNE
In tuned RF amplifiers, the inter-junction capacitance Cbc of the transistor becomes dominant (i.e) its
reactance is low, it provides the feedback signal from collector to base. If some feedback signal
manages to reach the input from output in a positive manner with proper phase shift, then amplifier
keeps oscillating, thus stability of amplifier gets affected. Hence neutralization is employed.
15. Draw a class C tuned amplifier circuit and what is its efficiency.[ MAY/JUNE 2006]
A Comparator Circuit is used to identify the instant at which the arbitrary input waveform attains a
particular reference level. Basically it is a clipper circuit. A simple diode comparator and its
equivalent circuit is given as
Consider Vin as a ramp input, increasing linearly from zero. The output will remain at VR, till input is
less than , as the diode is not conducting. (ie) Vo=VR for
At t= t1, becomes equal to , after which Vo increases alongwith the input signal .
The comparator output is given to a particular device. This device will erespond when the
copmparator voltage increases to some level of Vo above .
The electronic circuits which are used to clip off the unwanted portion of the waveform, without
distorting the remaining part of the waveform are called clipper circuits.
4. What is the 'tilt' applicable to RC circuits? Give an expression for tilt. (NOV/DEC 2011)
In high pass RC network, Tilt is defined as the decay in the amplitude of the output
voltage waveform, when the input maintains its level constant.
It can be seen that, in the collector waveforms shown in the figure there is certain distortion present.
Instead of [Vc1, Vc2] exact square wave, we are getting the vertical rising edges little bit rounded.
This is called rounding. For a square wave output such a rounding is undesirable and must be
The electronic circuits which are used to add a dc level as per the requirement to the ac output signal
are called clamper circuits.
An astable multivibrator is called free running multivibrator because it generates square waves of its
own without any external triggering pulse.
1. Sketch & Define slope error and displacement error.(MAY/JUNE 2013, April/MAY 2011,
NOV/DEC 2011,MAY/JUNE 2009)
Slope error (or) sweep speed error (es):
Slope error is defined as the ratio of the difference in slope at beginning and end sweep to the
initial value of the slope. It is also called as sweep speed error(es)
Displacement Error(ed):
It is defined as the maximum difference between the actual sweep voltage and linear sweep which
passes through the beginning and end points of the actual sweep.
The displacement error is given as
4. What are 'Restoration time' and 'Sweep time' of a time base signal?(MAY/JUNE 2012)
It is the time required for the return to its intial value. It is also called as return time or flyback time.
Sweep time(Ts):
The pulse duration depends on the supply voltage and characteristics of the core and not on the
transistor parameters (hfe).