UNIT-1 Basics of Operational Amplifiers: EC8453-Linear Integrated Circuits Dept of ECE/PEC
UNIT-1 Basics of Operational Amplifiers: EC8453-Linear Integrated Circuits Dept of ECE/PEC
UNIT-1 Basics of Operational Amplifiers: EC8453-Linear Integrated Circuits Dept of ECE/PEC
6) Define slew rate. What causes the slew rate? ( May 03,04,08,14,15,Dec 11)
Slew rate is defined as maximum rate of change of output caused by a step input voltage. It is
usually specified in V/μs Slew rate= 𝑑𝑡 |max Causes of slew rate:
12)What is frequency response? What causes the gain of an op-amp roll off after certain
At a given frequency, the gain A has certain magnitude and phase angle. The manner in which
the gain of the operational amplifier responds to different frequency is called frequency response.
Any change in the operating frequency causes variation in gain magnitude and phase angle
Causes for roll off after certain freq: There must be a capacitive component in the
equivalent circuit of an op-amp. This capacitance effect is due to the physical characteristics of the
device used and the internal construction of an op-amp.
13)An op amp has a unity gain bandwidth of 1.5 MHz for a signal of frequency 2KHz. What is the
open loop DC voltage gain?
Given Unity gain bandwidth (UGB) =1.5 MHz
f1= 2 KHz
The open loop dc voltage gain A0= 𝑓1
A0 = (1.5X106)/ (2X103)
14)Find the maximum frequency for sine wave output voltage 10V peak to peak with an op amp
whose slew rate is 1v/µs. (May- 16)
Vm = Vpp/2= 10/2 =5V
Slew rate =1v/µs
𝑆𝑙𝑒𝑤 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 1 𝑥 10^6
Fmax = = = 31.831 KHz
2𝜋𝑉𝑚 2𝜋𝑥5
15)Find the maximum undistorted amplitude, that a sine wave input of 10KHz can produce, at
the output of an an op amp whose slew rate is 0.5v/µs.
(Dec - 12)
𝑆𝑙𝑒𝑤 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 0.5 𝑥 10^6
Vm = =2𝜋𝑥10𝑥10^6 = 7.957V.
The current mirror circuit used as collector load resistance is called an active load. This circuit provided
high value of AC collector resistance which is required to achieve high differential gain. The active load has
very low DC resistance and very high AC resistance hence it doesn’t disturb DC conditions of the circuit.
The Quiescent voltage required across the current mirror is the fraction of the supply voltage and it
eliminates the need of high biasing supply voltages. Due to all these reasons, active load is used in the
differential amplifier circuit.
17)Inspect the advantages and drawbacks of basic constant current source circuit.
Advantages: Constant current source circuit is used to provide biasing to BJT and MOS amplifier
circuits to improve their performance by providing high voltage gain at low supply voltages
Drawbacks: Whenever we require low value of current at the output, the value of resistance R1
must be high which can’t be fabricated economically in the IC circuits.
19)Give the difference between dominant poles and pole zero compensation networks
Difference between upper threshold voltage and lower threshold voltage is called as Hysterisis width. This
graph indicates that once the output changes its state, it remains there indefinitely unitl the input voltage
crosses any of the threshold voltage levels.
Its purpose is to avoid false triggering of a comparator due to noise voltages. Thus the unwanted triggering
is avoided due to hysteresis.
(Dec-09,12,14,May – 11,13)
In conventional rectifier, as long as input doesn’t exceed the cut in voltage of the diode, it doesn’t
conduct. Due to this, the output is distorted producing cross over distortion. For the input between ±0.7 V,
the output remains zero which is main limitation of the conventional rectifier. Hence the voltage below
0.7V cannot be rectified.
In precision rectifier the opamp is used. The open loop gain of the op amp is very large. Hence for
very small amount of the input of the order of few mV, it produced the large output which can easily make
the diode to conduct. Thus the diode conducts for very small input voltages of the order of milli volts.
Hence the precision rectifier is very precise.
At high frequency, differentiators may become unstable and break into oscillation. The input impedance i.e.
(1/ωC1) decreases with increase in frequency, thereby making the circuit sensitive to high frequency
10. What is the need for converting a first order filter into second order filter? (May-17)
The order defines roll off rate. The second order filter has roll off rate of dB/decade hence its
filtering characteristics is better than first order. The second order filter has high input impedance and low
output impedance than first order. The second order has greater attenuation at high range and has better
frequency response and stability. Due to such reasons, there is a need for converting first order filter into
second order filter.
49500 49500
Gain A= 1 Therefore 1000=1+ ; R G =49.5Ω
Rg Rg
A phase shift circuit introduced a phase change between input and output as per requirement.
16. What are the advantages of active filters over the passive filters?
Active filters use amplifying elements, especially op amps, with resistors and capacitors in their feedback
loops, to synthesize the desired filter characteristics. Active filters can have high input impedance, low
output impedance, and virtually any arbitrary gain.They are also usually easier to design than passive
filters. Possibly their most important attribute is that they lack inductors, thereby reducing the problems
associated with those components.
A transconductance amplifier (gm amplifier) puts out a current proportional to its input voltage. In
network analysis, the transconductance amplifier is defined as a voltage controlled current source (VCCS)
.For direct current, transconductance is defined as follows:
Integrators are more linear than the differentiators and the integrators reduce the power consumption
than the high pass filter.
1) Define Phase Locked Loop.
Phase locked loop is a closed loop feedback system where the output signal frequency and phase are
in lock with the frequency and phase of the input signal. PLL is important block in linear system, which can
detect the phases of two input signals and reduce the difference in the presence of phase difference.
9) List out the various methods available for performing for analog multiplier.
i) Logarithmic summing technique
ii) Pulse height /width modulation technique
iii) Variable transconductance technique
iv) Multiplication using gilbert cell
v) Multiplication technique using transconductance technique
10) What is frequency synthesizing? (Nov /Dec 2013)
Frequency synthesizing is the process of producing large number of precise frequencies
which are derived from a single reference source of frequency, such as stable crystal controlled
11) What is one quadrant, two quadrant four quadrant multipliers? (Dec-03,04,12,May-16)
In one quadrant multiplier, the polarities of both the inputs must always be positive. In two
quadrant multiplier, one input must be held positive and other is allowed to swing in both positive
and negative.
While in four quadrant multiplier both the inputs are allowed to swing in both positive and
negative directions.
12) State the applications of analog multiplier. (Dec-15)
i) Voltage squarer
ii) Square rooter
iii) Voltage divider
iv) Frequency doubler
v) Phase angle detector.
13) How do you convert a basic multiplier by a squaring and square root circuits?
(Dec-06,08 ,May-15,17)
Multiplier circuit is converted in squaring circuit by connecting input voltage Vi to both the input
terminals of multiplier
Square root circuit is obtained by placing the multiplier in the feedback loop of the Op-amp and
output of Op-amp is applied to both the input terminals of the multiplier.
14) What are the advantages of variable transconductance technique? (Dec-11, May-13)
i) Provides very good accuracy
ii) Provides four quadrant multiplication
iii) Reduce error at least by 10 times
iv) Bandwidth of 10MHz and higher are available
15) What are the applications of PLL for AM Detection? (April/May 2015)
i) Exhibits high degree of selectivity due to the fact that PLL responds selectively to the carrier
ii) Due to coherent detection high degree of noise immunity also achieved
16)A PLL has a free running frequency of 500 kHz and bandwidth of the low pass filter is 10 kHz.
Will the loop acquire lock for an input signal of 600 kHz? Justify your answer. Assume that
the phase detector produces 50 m and difference frequency components.
The phase detector output
fi + fc = 600 kHz + 500 kHz = 1100 kHz
fi - fc = 600 kHz + 500 kHz = 100 kHz
As both the components are outside the pass band of low pass filter, the loop will not acquire lock.
17) A PLL frequency multiplier has an input frequency of ‘f’ and a decade counter is included in
the loop. What will be the frequency of PLL output? (April/May 2013)
Under locked condition, output frequency of the PLL is N times input frequency
For decade counter N=10
Therefore, output frequency of PLL is given by, fo =10 fi
10) What are the advantages of inverted R-2R ladder (current mode) DAC over R-2R ladder
type(Voltage type) DAC? (Dec-16)
In inverted R-2R ladder DAC, node voltage remains constant with changing input binary words.
This avoids any slow down effects by stray capacitance.
11) What is the need for electronic switches in D/A converter? (May – 17)
DAC needs switches to be operated using digital signal and hence DAC requires electronic
12) Define resolution and conversion type of DAC (May-05,Dec-
Resolution is defined as the ratio of a change in output voltage resulting from a change of 1 LSB at
the digital inputs. For an n bit DAC, it can be given as
Resoultion = nOFS
2 1
17) For n bit flash type ADC, how many comparators and resistors are required? State the
disadvantages of flash type ADC. (Dec-04,May-13)
For n bit flash type ADC, we require 2n-1 comparators and 2n resistors are required
Disadvantages: It is not suitable for A/D conversion with more than 3 or 4 digital outputs
because of the fact that 2n-1 comparators are required for n-bit ADC and the no of comparators
1) Define Line regulation. (May-04,18,Dec-14)
The line regulation is defined as the change in the regulated output load voltage for a specified
range of the line voltage. It specifies the effect of changes in the source voltage on the regulator
performance. Mathematically given by,
%SR= x 100
2) Define Load regulation. (Dec-14)
The load regulation is the change in the regulated output voltage when the load current is changed
from minimum(no load) to maximum(full load).
Mathematically given by
%LR= NL x 100
3) Name the various protection circuits used for the voltage regulators. (Dec-14)
i) Constant current limiting
ii) Foldback current limiting
iii) Over voltage protection
iv) Thermal Protection
4) Draw the functional block diagram of IC723. (May-15)
5) What is the need for voltage regulator ICs? Name few IC voltage regulators. (May-03,17
In an unregulated power supply, the dc output varies as the input voltage changes the load changes.
This is undesirable. Hence to get smooth constant dc voltage, which is independent of changes in the
supply voltage and the load, the voltage regulator is necessary.
IC723, IC78XX, IC79XX, LM317, LM217 are few IC voltage regulators.
6) Distinguish the principle of linear regulator and a switched mode power supply.(May-17)
In linear regulators series pass transistor is used in linear region such that the drop across it is
controlled so as to keep the output voltage constant if there is change in load or supply. In a switching
regulator the series pass transistor is used as a switch. It is operated in either cut off region or saturation
region. In cut off region, the current is very small while in saturation region the voltage across the
transistor is very small.
7) What is switched capacitor filter? (May-08,09,12,Dec-
A switched capacitor filter is a three terminal device which consists of on chip capacitor and MOS
switches with the help of which various elements are simulated. The switches are controlled by the
external clock whose frequency can be easily controlled.
13) Why do switching regulators have better efficiency than the series regulators?
In switching regulators, the transistor is operated in cut off region or saturation region. In cut off
region, there is no current and hence he power dissipation is almost zero. In the saturation region,
there is negligible voltage drop across it hence the power dissipation is almost zero. In any case, the
power dissipation in the transistor is very less and the entire power is transmitted to the load.Hence
the efficiency of the switching regulators have better efficiency than series regulators.
14) Name some LC oscillator circuits. (May-18)
i) Hartley oscillator
ii) Colpitts Oscillator
iii) Clapp Oscillator
15) State the conditions for Oscillation. (May-15)
The conditions required for producing the oscillations are given by Barkhausen Criterion which
state that:
i) Total phase shift around a closed loop is 00 or 3600
ii) Magnitude of the product of the open loop gain of the amplifier(A) and the feedback factor β
is unity
(i.e) |Aβ|=1
16) Mention the stages present in LM380 Audio power amplifier.
LM380 audio power amplifier consists of four stages.They are
i) PNP Emitter follower stage
ii) Darlington compound differential amplifier
iii) Common Emitter
iv) Quasi Complementatory emitter follower.
17) Explain how Sine wave, Sawtooth and pulse wave forms are obtained using ICL8038
function generator.
The main part of function generator is VCO that generates Triangular and Square waveforms.
Sine wave is obtained by passing the triangular wave through On Chip wave shaper circuit
Sawtooth and pulse waves are obtained by the use of highly asymmetrical duty cycle of the
18) What are the advantages of Step down switching regulator?
i) High efficiency
ii) No Ripple Content
iii) Simple to design
iv) Large tolerance of line voltage regulator