Design For Manufacture and Design For 'X': Concepts, Applications, and Perspectives

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i An update to this article is included at the end

Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260

Design for manufacture and design for `X': concepts, applications,

and perspectives q
Tsai-C. Kuo a,*, Samuel H. Huang b, Hong-C. Zhang c
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Minghsin Institute of Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Nuclear Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, USA
Department of Industrial Engineering, Texas Tech University, TX 79409-3061, USA
Accepted 10 May 2001

The implementations of design for assembly and design for manufacture (DFM) led to enormous bene®ts
including simpli®cation of products, reduction of assembly and manufacturing costs, improvement of quality,
and reduction of time to market. More recently, environmental concerns required that disassembly and recycling
issues should be considered during the design stages. The effort to reduce total life-cycle costs for a product
through design innovation is becoming an essential part of the current manufacturing industry. Therefore,
researchers begin to focus their attention on design for environment, design for recyclability, design for life-
cycle (DFLC), etc. These studies are sometimes referred to as Design for X (DFX). Since the late 1990s, hundreds
of papers have been published pertaining to DFX applications in manufacturing. Most of them are widely
distributed over many different disciplines and publications. This makes it very dif®cult for one to locate all
the information necessary for the application of DFX in manufacturing. A paper that can help researchers and
practitioners applying this emerging technology is highly desirable. The objective of this paper is to present the
concepts, applications, and perspectives of `DFX' in manufacturing, thus providing some guidelines and refer-
ences for future research and implementation. q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Design for manufacture; Design for life-cycle; Design for disassembly; Design for X

1. Introduction

As early as the 1960s, several companies developed manufacturing guidelines for use during product
design. One of the best known examples is the Manufacturing Producibility Handbook published for
internal use by General Electric Corp. (MPH, 1960). In this handbook, manufacturing data were
Processed by Area Editor Randolph W. Hall.
* Corresponding author.

0360-8352/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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242 T.-C. Kuo et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260

accumulated into a large reference volume with the idea that designers would be able to acquire the
manufacturing knowledge for ef®cient and effective design. However, the emphasis was only on design
of individual parts for `producibility' and very little attention was given to the manufacturing and
assembly processes. Beginning from the late 1970s, Boothroyd and Dewhurst conducted a series of
study on design for assembly (DFA), which considers the assembly constraints (i.e. assembly methods
and costs) during the design stages (Boothroyd & Dewhurst, 1983; Boothroyd, Poli & March, 1978). By
using DFA, the estimated assembly time can be used as a guideline to ®nd out the design changes that
can lead to the reduction of the ®nal cost (Waterbury, 1985). Expanded from DFA, Stoll (1988a,b)
developed the concept of design for manufacture (DFM) to simultaneously consider all of the design
goals and constraints for the products that will be manufactured. Several review papers about DFA,
DFM, or DFMA (DFM and assembly) can be found in the literature (Andreason, Kahler & Lund, 1983;
Scarr, 1986; Kobe, 1990). The implementations of DFA and DFM led to enormous bene®ts including
simpli®cation of products, reduction of assembly and manufacturing costs, improvement of quality, and
reduction of time to market. More recently, environmental concerns required that disassembly and
recycling issues should be considered during the design stages. In fact, the effort to reduce total life-
cycle costs for a product through design innovation is becoming an essential part of the current manu-
facturing industry. Therefore, researchers begin to focus their attention on design for environment
(Leonard, 1991), design for recyclability (Henstock, 1988), design for life-cycle (DFLC) (Alting,
1991; Ishii & Eubanks, 1993), etc. These studies are sometimes referred to as Design for X (DFX).
Since the late 1990s, hundreds of papers have been published pertaining to DFX applications in
manufacturing. Most of them are widely distributed over many different disciplines and publications.
This makes it very dif®cult for one to locate all the information necessary for the application of DFX in
manufacturing. A paper that can help researchers and practitioners applying this emerging technology is
highly desirable. The objective of this paper is to present the concepts, applications, and perspectives of
DFX in manufacturing, thus providing some guidelines and references for future research and imple-

2. Historical background

Engineering design is a process of developing a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.
It is a decision making process in which basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering technologies are
applied to convert resources optimally to meet a stated objective (ABET, 1988). Engineering design had
usually been completed purely based on the consideration of product functionality. The design was then
passed from the design department to the process-planning department and then to the manufacturing
department. These activities were completed in a sequential manner with no feedback given to the
designer. Sometimes the designed product is extremely dif®cult to manufacture and the manufacturing
cost is unnecessarily high. To solve this problem, two approaches are used to help the designer reducing
the product cost after a design is completed. They are value engineering and producibility engineering.
Value engineering is primarily concerned with product function and costs. Producibility engineering,
on the other hand, assures that product speci®cations can be met with available or potentially available
techniques, tooling, and test equipment at costs compatible with the product's selling price (Howell,
1982). By using value and producibility engineering, design engineers attempt to optimize the design to
maximize the pro®t of accomplishing intended functions. However, three problems are encountered in
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the traditional manufacturing system using value and producibility engineering. First, such optimization,
if not carefully monitored, could be accomplished at the expense of product manufacturability. Second,
implementation of value engineering is usually stated as a company policy but not strictly followed in a
scienti®c manner; therefore, the most signi®cant savings may not be achieved (Corbett, Dooner, Meleka
& Pym, 1991). Third, although value engineering and producibility engineering are highly valid
methods in themselves, they enter into consideration too late in the traditional manufacturing
system, i.e. after the product design has been completed. This makes it more expensive to modify
the design (at a later stage) and it also delays the launch of a new product to the market. A new
approach of DFM, integrates the manufacturing considerations into the design process to over-
come these shortcomings.
The concept of DFM is inspired by the successful application of DFA in manufacturing practice.
Initially, DFM is concerned with the identi®cation of the appropriate materials and manufacturing
processes for components in a product's design, based on the combination of various capabilities and
limitations of the product, so that the product can be easily produced (Kirkland, 1988). As time went by,
more and more researchers recognized that not only assembly and manufacturing constraints but also
other life-cycle issues such as disassemblability, recyclability, and environmental concerns need to be
considered before important design decisions can be made. This practice will lead to more optimal
designs when the entire life-cycle of a product from conception to disposal is considered.

3. DFX applications

3.1. Design for assembly

The research on DFA is pioneered by Boothroyd and Dewhurst and is based on the premise that the
lowest assembly cost can be achieved by designing a product in such a way that it can be economically
assembled by the most appropriate assembly system. There are three basic types of assembly systems,
namely, manual, special-purpose machine, and programmable machine assembly. Boothroyd and
Dewhurst provided a Product Design for Assembly Handbook (Boothroyd & Dewhurst, 1986) indicating
ratings for each part in the assembly, based on the part's ease of handling and insertion. The techniques
described in this handbook are concerned with minimizing the cost of assembly within the constraints
imposed by the other design features of the product. Using the DFA computer program provided, a
designer answers a series of questions about the fastening method, symmetry of the parts, size of the
parts, and angle of insertion. The evaluation obtained in terms of assembly time and assembly ef®ciency
can be used to reveal the required design changes from the viewpoint of assembly (Ishii & Eubanks,
The DFA method developed by Boothroyd and Dewhurst (1987) is summarized as follows:

1. Through the use of basic criteria, the existence of each separate part is questioned and the designer is
required to provide the reasons why the part cannot be eliminated or combined with others.
2. The actual assembly time is estimated using a database of real-time standards developed speci®cally
for the purpose.
3. A DFA index (design ef®ciency) is obtained by comparing the actual assembly time.
4. Assembly dif®culties are identi®ed which may lead to manufacturing and quality problems.
244 T.-C. Kuo et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260

Fig. 1. Reticle assembly (Stoll, 1988a,b), (a) traditional reticle design (b) reticle design using DFA.

In the assembly, two factors that in¯uence the assembly cost of a product or subassembly: (1) the total
number of parts, and (2) the ease of handling, insertion, and fastening of the part. Therefore, in the DFA
method, the basic alternatives for the designer to reduce the cost of assembly are either to avoid certain
assembly operations altogether or to simplify them. Fig. 1 shows the comparison of a reticle design using
a non-DFA method (Fig. 1a) and the other using a DFA method (Fig. 1b). It is evident that a DFA
method provides numerous guidelines to reduce the number of parts.
Warnecke and Bassler (1988) developed an approach called Assembly-Oriented Product Design. The
authors assessed each part's usefulness or functional value to evaluate the combined rating. This means
that parts which have little functional value, such as separate fasteners, and which are dif®cult to
assemble are given the lowest ratings. Finally, the ratings are used as guidelines to redesign the products.
Poli & Knight (1984) developed a spreadsheet approach to rating design on the basis of their ease for
automatic assembly. The results showed those parts and product features that tend to increase assembly
costs. Myers (1987) described an algorithm that computed the manual handling time of the various
components using Boothroyd's theory and data. In this work, the features needed are extracted from
solid model boundary representations. Scarr (1986) emphasized the need to provide the information on a
CAD-based workstation. The author concentrated on developing design rules for which automated
assembly and robotics assembly techniques are appropriate.
In order to achieve design for ef®cient assembly, Hitachi (Boothroyd & Alting, 1992) developed a
system that uses the Assembly Evaluation Method (AEM). AEM is based on the principle of `one motion
for one part'. In addition, approximately 20 symbols are used to represent assembly operations. Each
symbol has an index that can be used to assess the assemblability of the part under consideration. The
Sony Cooperation developed a unique set of rules for increasing productivity in 1980, involving design
for assembly cost effectiveness (DAC) (Yamigiwa, 1988). In the DAC method, factors for evaluation are
classi®ed into 30 keywords. The evaluations are displayed on a diagram using a one-hundred-point
system for each operation; thus making judgment at a glance easy. General Electric's Cooperate
Engineering and Manufacturing staff have also conducted a total of 42 design for assembly workshops
with the goal of redesigning products for ease of both manual and automatic assembly (Maczak, 1984).
Although various DFA approaches have been developed since the late 1970s, the basic guidelines
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remain the same, i.e. to reduce the number of parts and ensure the ease of assembly. The following is a
list of DFA criteria (Corbett, 1987):

1. Minimize the number of (1) parts and ®xings, (2) design variants, (3) assembly movements, and (4)
assembly directions.
2. Provide (1) suitable lead-in chamfers, (2) automatic alignment, (3) easy access for locating surfaces,
(4) symmetrical parts, or exaggerate asymmetry, and (5) simple handling and transportation.
3. Avoid (1) visual obstructions, (2) simultaneous ®tting operations, (3) parts which will tangle or `nest',
(4) adjustments which affect prior adjustments, and (5) the possibility of assembly errors.

Another issue in the DFM is the modularity design. Given a family of modular products, designing
low cost assembly systems is an important problem. The ability to produce a variety of products through
the combination of modular components is a meaningful bene®t during product design stage. Therefore,
modularity design is to produce different products by combining standard components and sharing the
same assembly operations for a part of their structure. Several modularity designs have been extensively
researched recently to reduce the delay of product development. Suh (1990) promotes the decoupling of
functional requirements in design. The independence of functional requirements allows design para-
meters to have a controllable effect on a speci®c functional requirement and minimal negative impact on
other functional requirements. Pahl and Beitz (1988) provided two modules from the aspects of tech-
nology development and production capacity, respectively. One is function module that is constructed
by the signal functions. The other is the production module that is formed either by one component or by
assembly of many components. Huang (1998) developed a matrix approach to represent various types of
module, e.g. component-swapping, component-sharing, and bus modularity, etc. Tsai and Wang (1999)
presented a methodology of modular-based design in the conceptual stage of systems to support concur-
rent engineering. In the research, the functions are classi®ed into different types of modules according to
the correlation in design by using fuzzy cluster identi®cation. Second, the optimal module type is
selected based on the considerations of manufacture and assembly complexities of the system. Third,
the design priority of functions within a module is scheduled by measuring the information content of

3.2. Design for manufacture

The selection of appropriate processes for the manufacture of a particular part is based upon the
matching of the required attributes of the part and the various process capabilities. These processes
include raw material selection, process selection, modular design, standard component usage, multi-use
part development, separate fasteners usage, and assembly direction minimization. Kirkland (1988)
provided the factors which in¯uence a designer's selection of a particular material which includes (1)
raw material selection, (2) process selection, (3) develop a modular design, (4) use standard components,
(5) design parts to be multi-useable, (6) avoid separate fasteners, (7) minimizing assembly directions. All
parts should be assembled from one direction whenever possible. Extra directions mean wasted time and
motion as well as more transfer stations, inspection station and ®xture nests. The best possible assembly
is when all parts are added in a top±down fashion to create a Z-axis stack. Multi-motion insertion should
be avoided.
Stoll (1988a,b) cited a checklist of DFM guidelines that represented a systematic and identi®ed list of
246 T.-C. Kuo et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260

statements concerning good design practice. Typically, the design guidelines are stated as directives that
act to stimulate creativity and show the way to good DFM. Since 1980, DFM approaches have been used
to obtain cost estimation for parts during the early design stage. Many DFM studies have been completed
for machining parts (Boothroyd & Radovanovic, 1989), injection molding (Dewhurst, 1987), sheet metal
stamping (Zenger & Dewhurst, 1988), die cast parts (Dewhurst & Blum, 1989) and powder parts
(Knight, 1991).
DFM applications can be carried out with great ef®ciency via a CAD/CAM system that has a built-in
cost estimation function. Designers can develop a computer representation of their design using a CAD
model. Feature information of the CAD model can then be extracted (Eversheim & Baumann, 1991) and
the cost of machining the features can be estimated. The information is fed back to the designer instantly.
By modifying the CAD model using DFM guidelines, the designer can obtain cost information for
design alternatives and choose a favorable design.

3.3. Design for disassembly and design for recyclability

Recently, recycling became an emphasis in most industrial countries due to the fact that the quantity
of used products being discarded is increasing dramatically. It has been recognized that disassembly of
used products is necessary in order to make recycling economically viable in the current state-of-the-art
reprocessing technology. Disassembly is de®ned by Brennan, Gupta and Taleb (1994) as ªthe process of
systematic removal of desirable constitute parts from an assembly while ensuring that there is no
impairment of the parts due to the processº.
In the past, products and machines were designed with only the assembly operations considered
(Boothroyd, Dewhurst & Knight, 1994). Now, designers need to consider in terms of disassembly
and parts recycling as well. Leonard (1991) reported that two basic methods of disassembly could be
used: reverse assembly and brute force. In the case of reverse-assembly, if a fastener is screwed in, then
it is screwed out; if two parts are snap ®t together, then they are snapped apart. While in the case of brute
force, parts are just pulled or cut. Seliger, Zussman and Kriwet (1993) identi®ed some obstacles that
made disassembly dif®cult for today's manufactured products. First, it is dif®cult to gain all the infor-
mation necessary to plan the disassembly. Parts of the product might have been modi®ed during repair,
and wear can make joined elements dif®cult to remove. In addition, many consumer products are not
designed for ease of disassembly.
The determination of disassembly sequence is another critical problem encountered. Subramani and
Dewhurst (1991) developed an approach for disassembly sequence determination. Three issues asso-
ciated with disassembly sequence determination are (1) freeing the part of all attachments, (2) ®nding the
succeeding part in the disassembly sequence, and (3) disassembly of the succeeding part. Beasley and
Martin (1993) reported that in order to obtain proper disassembly motion, both local and global
geometric information should be considered. The local geometrical feasibility of a motion depends
on whether an in®nitesimal motion can be made or not. The global geometrical feasibility of a motion,
on the other, depends on whether a ®nite motion can be made in a particular direction.
Gu and Yan (1995) presented a graph-based heuristic approach for automatic generation of dis-
assembly sequence from a feature-based database. Four major stages are involved in generating the
sequence: (1) create connective graphs based on the product feature representation, (2) decompose an
assembly into subassemblies (represented as sub-graphs) using the connective graphs, (3) generate the
disassembly sequence for each sub-graph formed at stages 2, and (4) merge the disassembly sequences
T.-C. Kuo et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260 247

of the sub-graphs into a complete disassembly sequence. Instead of emphasizing non-destructive dis-
assembly, Lee and Gadh (1996) proposed a computerized design for disassembly approach based on
destructive disassembly (DD). Kuo, Zhang and Huang (2000) provided a graph-based heuristic approach
to perform disassembly analysis for electromechanical products. The components of a product and their
assembly relationships are represented using a component-fastener graph. A cut-vertex search procedure
is used to split the graph into sub-graphs representing modular sub-assemblies. Disassembly precedence
analysis is then applied to generate a disassembly tree, from which a disassembly sequence can be
derived. The results of the analysis can be used by designers to evaluate the disassemblability and
recyclability of products which are designed by them. Desirable changes can then be made at the
early stage of design.
Many industrial processes have been proposed for extracting these valuable elements from compo-
nents on printed-circuit boards (PCBs) (Roy, 1991). One intangible bene®t arising from recycling is a
`green' image. As environmental conscious increases, many consumers like to buy green products that
create less environmental problems. Many governments now have of®cial ecolabelling schemes to
inform consumers about environmentally friendly products. For example, the Environmental Protect
Agency published guidelines for use of the terms `recyclable' and `recycled' and the use of the recycling
emblem in environmental marketing claims (EPA, 1991).
It is not possible or economical to recycle a product completely; therefore, the aim of recycling should
be to maximize the recycling resources and to minimize the mass and pollution potential of the remain-
ing products. Zussman, Kriwet and Seliger (1994) proposed three objectives that should be considered
during design evaluation: (1) maximization of pro®t (bene®ts-costs) over a product's lifespan, (2)
maximization of the number of parts reused, and (3) minimization of the amount (weight) of land®ll
waste. Simon (1991) proposed a hierarchy of possible destinations for items removed during disassem-
bly. From top to bottom, the hierarchy consists of re-use, remanufacture, recycle to high grade material,
recycle to low grade material, incinerate for energy content, and dump in land®ll site. In this hierarchy,
the higher the level, the more of the investment of raw materials, source and energy in the component is
Research conducted in the CIM Institute of Georgia Tech (Rose & Evans, 1993) focuses on dis-
assembly oriented life-cycle analyses, where recyclability of a product is evaluated under possible future
trends in the development of recycling technology and economy. At the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology, an evaluation procedure has been proposed in order to support product design based on
con¯icting DFD criteria (Zust & Wagner, 1992). Each criterion is weighted and the ®nal decision is
made based on the scaling of all relevant criteria.
Several researchers have addressed the issue of design for manufacturing of plastics that can be easily
recycled, particularly in injection molding. Ishii, Hornberger and Liou (1989) focused on designs for
tooling and created a training tool based on design compatibility analysis. Navinchandra (1991)
conducted an extensive survey of the implications of design for environmental compatibility. It not
only addressed the recycling, but also the inevitable disposal. The author also clari®ed the costs asso-
ciated with the overall product and material recycling loop.
Two engineering problems associated with DFR are dismantling techniques and recycling costs.
Simon (1991) pointed out that dismantling required the knowledge of the destination or recycling
possibility of the component parts disassembled. Here lies a dif®culty, because between the time a
product is designed and the time it reaches the end of its life, techniques would have advanced in
recycling and re-engineering. Simon suggested two solutions to this problem: (1) remove the most
248 T.-C. Kuo et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260

valuable parts ®rst, and (2) maximize the `yield' of each dismantling operation. Henstock (1988)
reviewed recycling practices for various metal based items with focus on steel scrap in automobiles.
The study generated some general principles of DFR including: simplify mechanical assembly, avoid
self-contaminating combinations of materials, standardize materials used, and separate high copper
content items from steel items.
Ishii, Lee and Eubanks (1995) proposed the concept of clumping for disassembly and recycle. A
clump is a collection of components and/or subassemblies that share a common characteristic based on
user intent. Material compatibility is a major issue in clumping for product retirement. The designer may
need to clump components that are not compatible due to certain constraints. If the post-life intent of the
product is to be recycled and if materials in the clump are not compatible, then the mechanical connec-
tions among the components should be easily broken, i.e. using snap ®ts, press-®ts, screws, and screw
insert. If the intent of the designer is to clump for disposal, neither the material nor the fastening method
is important.
Material recognition is another interesting approach for DFR. It requires technology capable of
identifying materials, including the proportion and type of ®ller materials used. Ideally, the technology
should be cheap, hand-held for use on different components, and signi®cantly durable for use in a
workshop-type of environment. A number of researchers have been working in this area with varying
successes. Shergold (1994) indicated that the Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR)-based equipment that
Rover and Bird developed is good at identifying plastics and some ®ller materials.
Design for the ease of disassembly and recycling is a challenging problem to researchers and practi-
tioners in the automotive industry. Shergold (1994) indicated that, in the automotive industry, currently
only about 75% of the weight of each vehicle disposed of can be recovered for recycling. In addition, the
author explained that parts removed by a dismantler are de®ned by market demand, and will generally
include items such as the engine, the gearbox and other mechanical parts, as well as electronic compo-
nents. Wittenburg (1992) proposed the concept of recycling path of components and materials, as
envisaged by BMW. It entails a `cascade model' of decreasing values, in which attention is ®rst
given to the disassembled parts suitable for re-use which have the highest value. BMW is the leader
in design for recycling and disassembly in the automobile industry. The Z1 model is a two-seat auto-
mobile with an all-plastic skin that can be removed from the metal chassis in 20 min (Burke, Belter &
Ishii, 1992). The doors, bumpers, and the front, rear, and side panels are made of recyclable thermo-
plastics produced by GE. The BMW 3251 also uses recyclable plastic parts and targets environmentally
conscious customers (Braunstein, 1991). Through these efforts, BMW has identi®ed some guidelines
that make disassembly and recycling easier.

3.4. Design for environment

Fiksel and Wapman (1994) de®ned design for environment (DFE) as ªthe systematic consideration,
during new production and process development, of design issues associated with environmental safety
and health over the full product life-cycleº. The scope of DFE encompasses many disciplines, including
environmental risk management, product safety, occupational health and safety, pollution prevention,
ecology, resource conservation, accident prevention, and waste management (MCC, 1993).
Horvath, Hendrickson, Lave and McMichael (1995) stated three main goals of DFE: (1) minimize
the use of non-renewable resources, (2) effectively manage renewable resources, and (3) minimize
toxic release to the environment. Mizuki, Snadborn and Pitts (1996) explained that DFE requires the
T.-C. Kuo et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260 249

coordination of several design- and data- based activities such as environmental impact metrics, data and
database management, and design optimization (including cost assessments). The environmental impact
metric is de®ned by Veroutis and Fava (1996) as ªan algorithmic interpretation of levels of performance
within an environmental criterionº. The environmental criterion is the environmental attribute of the
product. All of these environmental criteria can be translated into metric, and can be used to assist
decision-making when the product is being developed.
The environmental accounting method includes activity-based costing (ABC) and cost bene®t analy-
sis. Bras and Emblemsvag (1995) proposed an ABC system to perform analysis in different life-cycle
processes of products. In this system, costs are traced from activities to products based on each product's
consumption of such activities. Traditional cost systems assume that each unit of a given product
consumes resources, while ABC systems assume that products or services do not directly use up
resources, but instead consume activities. The Hewlett-Packard (Korpalski, 1996) provides DFE tools
for the company's use such as DFE guidelines, product assessments, and product stewardship metrics.
The guidelines cover product use, product consumable and supplies, shipment packaging, manufacturing
processes, and end-of-life product strategies. The product assessments are tools used by product
stewards, which helps to measure results and target improvement opportunities. The product stewardship
metrics include material conservation and waste reduction, energy ef®ciency, and design for environ-
mental and manufacturing process emissions.

3.5. Design for life-cycle

DFLC is sometimes referred to as life-cycle engineering or life-cycle design. An outstanding analysis

of life-cycle design that provides design support from the environmental point of view was provided by
Alting (1991). Several papers about life-cycle design can be found in the literature (Riggs & Jones, 1990;
Tipnis, 1993; Ishii & Eubanks, 1993; McCue, 1993; Weule, 1993; Govil, 1992). DFLC is based on the
early product concept, including product/market research, design phases, manufacturing processes,
quali®cation, reliability, customer service, maintainability, and supportability issues. Boothroyd and
Alting (1992) distinguished six phases in the product life-cycle: (1) need recognition, (2) design devel-
opment, (3) production, (4) distribution, (5) use, and (6) disposal. Keys (1988) noted that during the
conceptual design phase, various design and simulation models of the product can be generated. From
these conceptual models, requirements, speci®cations, and analyses will evolve decisions for bread-
board/brassbound models.
Life-cycle assessment is a family of methods for assessing materials, services, products, processes,
and technologies over the entire life of a product. The de®nition of product life-cycle assessment,
developed by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC, 1991), is ªan objective
process to evaluate the environmental burdens associated with a product or activity by identifying and
quantifying energy and materials used and wastes released to the environment, to access the impact of
those energy and material uses and releases to the environmentº. Life-cycle assessment is the major tool
used for DFLC. It is based on the analysis of the life-cycle costs of a product. Life-cycle cost analysis is
based on product-speci®c costs that occur within the life-cycle framework. The life-cycle cost of a
product can be divided into two parts: cost of product development and manufacturing, and cost of
operation, maintenance and/or service. During the product development, product manufacturing and
product usage, there is a society cost incurred, including waste, pollution, and health damage
(Huthwaite, 1989).
250 T.-C. Kuo et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260

Table 1
Product life-cycle cost (Jovane, 1993)

Life-cycle phase Company costs User costs Society costs

Need Market recognition

Design Development
Production Materials, energy, facilities, Waste, pollution and health damage
wages and salaries
Distribution Transportation, storage, waste Transportation, storage Waste, pollution, packings and health damages
Use Warranty service Energy, materials, Waste, pollution and health damages
Disposal Disposal dues Waste handling, disposal, health damages,
Recycling Recycling dues Waste, pollution and health damages

An accurate estimation of costs to develop and use a product are crucial to life-cycle design (Shen,
1995). Kuo (2000) presented a disassembly sequence and cost analysis for the end-of-life products
during the design stage. The disassembly cost is categorized into three types: target disassembly, full
disassembly, and optimal disassembly. Material and energy ¯ows identi®ed during inventory analysis
provide a detailed template for assigning costs to individual products. In an effort to be more complete,
life-cycle cost analysis also uses an extended time scale, from the time of production through procure-
ment, storage, use, and disposal (Keoleian, 1993). The EPA Pollution Bene®ts Manual (Keoleian, 1993)
provides a ®nancial analysis approach to compare alternatives for pollution prevention. From Keoleian's
classi®cation, life-cycle costs can be shared among manufacturing companies, users, and society,
although their distribution can vary considerably from product to product. Table 1 shows the life-
cycle costs of a product.
Lee and Tapiero (1987) developed a framework to identify the interaction between quality control
parameters and product service in order to reduce product service cost. Assuming a linear cost structure,
Hegde and Karmarkar (1993) derived an economic structure to be observed in the market for product
support. They incorporated the discounting issues and the nonlinear cost structure of the product failure
cost, and established altogether different relationship between design parameters and customer costs.
Hegde (1994) divided failure costs into four categories (1) failure cost to the customer as the sum of ®xed
and variable costs of failure, (2) failure cost of downtime proportional to a power of the length of
downtime, (3) failure cost as a storage device, and (4) failure cost as almost zero to calculate the
total discount cost.

3.6. Design for quality

Since inspection and statistical quality control can never fully compensate for poor design, quality
must be designed in the product (Bendell, 1988). According to Crow (1983), the objectives of design for
Quality (DFQ) are: (1) design of a product to meet customer requirements, (2) design of a robust product
that can counter or minimize the effects of potential variation in manufacture of the product and the
product's environment, and (3) continuously improve product reliability, performance, and technology
to exceed customer expectations and offer supervisor value. The concept of DFQ exists for a long time.
However, it was not implemented until Taguchi method (1986) was introduced. Taguchi methods
T.-C. Kuo et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260 251

advocate a philosophy of quality engineering that is broadly applicable. Taguchi (1993) considers three
stages in a product's or process's development: (1) system design, (2) parameter design, and (3) tolerance
design. In system design, an engineer uses scienti®c and engineering principles to determine the basic
con®guration. In the parameter design stage, the speci®c values for the system parameters are determined.
Tolerance design is used to determine the best tolerances for the parameters (Kackar, 1985; Phadke, 1989).
The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is an important technique to implement DFQ because QFD
carefully considers the customer requirements and transfers them into speci®cation before manufactur-
ing. QFD is a means of ensuring that customer requirements are accurately translated into relevant
technical requirements throughout each stage of the product development process. In addition to QFD,
benchmarking is also a tool used by enterprises in DFQ. Benchmarking is de®ned as a process of
learning from the best in terms of business strategies, business operations, and business processes
(Madu & Kuei, 1993). Zairi (1992) pointed out that there are three types of benchmarking: (1) internal,
(2) external, and (3) generic. Internal benchmarking studies the best performance in an organization.
External benchmarking deals with the best competitors in an industry. Generic benchmarking studies the
best business practices in the world. Benchmarking is a powerful tool for the purpose of competitive
analysis and continuous improvement.

3.7. Design for maintainability

Kapur and Lamberson (1977) de®ned maintainability as ªthe probability that a failed system can be
repaired in a speci®c interval of downtimeº. The basic objective of Design for Maintainability (DFMt) is
to assure that the product can be maintained throughout its useful life-cycle at reasonable expense
without any dif®culty. Maintainability requirements can be classi®ed as qualitative and quantitative.
Both qualitative and quantitative maintainability requirements are used to de®ne the maintainability
characteristics in a system or equipment. Qualitative requirements take the form of maintainability
design guidelines. These guidelines describe such requirements as: (1) accessibility, (2) ability to detect
and isolate failure, (3) weight limitations of replaceable units, (4) dimensional limits to allow replace-
able units to be transported from their installed location to a repair shop or for shipment to their
manufacturer's facility, and (5) design requirements to make replaceable units compatible with robots
for removal and replacement in remote locations or hazardous environments.
Moss (1985) developed some fundamental principles of maintainability to obtain the objective of
DFMt, such as standardization and interchangeability. Unger (1980) performed a system analysis to
superimpose control sector for total maintenance and minimize the maintenance cost. The author
classi®ed the maintenance cost into four categories: (1) total costs of failure-related repairs, (2) total
costs for condition-monitoring maintenance, (3) permanent costs for safety-related maintenance to meet
legal criteria and (4) special maintenance.
The following is a list of DFMt guidelines that provides designers with speci®c guidance regarding
qualitative design requirements.

1. General design features

± The design shall preclude the possibility of damage to the equipment during maintenance and
± Minimize the needs for special tools.
± Part reference designations shall be located next to each part legibly and permanently.
252 T.-C. Kuo et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260

± Keying, size, or shape shall be used to ensure that removable parts are reassembled in the correct
± Guide pins shall be provided for alignment of modules or high-density connectors.
± Handles shall be provided for removable units weighting over 10 pounds or whose shape makes
them dif®cult to handle.
± Sharp edges, corners, or protrusions that could cause injury to personnel shall be avoided.
2. Mounting and location of units
± Provide for the removal and replacement of line replaceable unit (LRU) without removal of
unfailed units.
± Provide for the removal and replacement of LRUs without interrupting critical functions.
± Provide clear access to all LRU locations. Mount units to chassis or structure rather than on other
± Mount heavy units as low as possible. Label access for units.
3. Test, checkout, calibration
± Fault isolation test circuitry shall not cause failure of the circuit under test.
± Test points on printed circuit boards shall be located to permit in-circuit testing.
± Calibration and adjustment controls that are intended to have limited motion shall be provided
with adequate stops to prevent damage.
± All adjustments shall be designed to be common in their replacement response (i.e., clockwise,
right, or up to increase).
4. Cables, leads, wiring, connectors
± Provide clearance around connectors for adequate viewing and hand access.
± Route cables to facilitate tracing, removal, and replacement.
± Provide service loops in cables and harness to facilitate installation, checkout, and maintenance.
± Code or label wires and cables throughout their length for easy identi®cation.

3.8. Design for reliability

Reliability is comprised of four factors: (1) probability, (2) speci®ed function, (3) designated envir-
onment, and (4) length of time. According to the Advisory Group on Reliability of Electronic Equipment
(1957), reliability is de®ned as ªthe probability of a product performing without failure a speci®ed
function under given conditions for a given period of timeº.
In reliability engineering, system reliability consideration in the design stage is supported by relia-
bility allocation. Reliability allocation is a procedure to allocate the entire target reliability of a product
into its subsystem, and again, allocate the sub-target reliability of each subsystem into parts level. The
purpose of reliability allocation is to establish target reliability for each level in product structure so that
engineers and the management have a clear goal to strive for. Three basic methods of reliability
allocation that are commonly used are: equal, AGREE (1957), and ARINC allocations.

1. Equal Allocation. Assume the reliability model of the product is in series. Then
Rp ˆ Rpi or Rpi ˆ …Rp †1=n ; i ˆ 1; 2; ¼; n …1†
T.-C. Kuo et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260 253

where R p is the entire target reliability, Rpi is the ith subsystem reliability allocated and n is the number
of subsystems
2. AGREE Allocation. This method was developed by the Advisory Group on Reliability of Electronic
Equipment (AGREE, 1957) in 1950s. This method assumes that the reliability model of a product is in
a series and subjected to the exponential distribution.
NWi ti p 2ti
ui ˆ or Ri …ti † ˆ exp …2†
ni ‰2ln Rp …t†Š ui
where i ˆ 1; 2; ¼; k, t is the operating time of the product (or the system), ti the operating time of the
ith subsystem, Wi the weighting factor of the Pk ith subsystem, ni the number of parts of the ith
subsystem, N the total number of parts, N ˆ iˆ1 ni ; R (t) the target reliability at operating time t,
Rpi …ti † the allocated reliability of the ith subsystem and u i is the allocated MTBF of the ith subsystem.
3. ARINC Allocation. The Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated (ARINC) allocation method calculates the
failure rate for each subsystem. This method also assumes an exponential distribution that indicates
the failure rate is constant during the operating period. There are ®ve steps for reliability allocation.
± Calculate the system failure rate l p
± Estimate each subsystem's failure rate l i
± Calculate the weight of each subsystem
Wi ˆ X
n …3†

± Calculate the allocated failure rate of each subsystem lpi ; where lpi ˆ wi lp
± Calculate the allocated reliability of each subsystem Rpi ˆ exp…2lpi t†

There are two types of reliability analysis: reliability analysis for electronic systems and reliability
analysis for mechanical systems. Experience indicates that the failure behavior of many components
follow the bathtub hazard rate function (Ertas & Jones, 1993). For electronic systems, the ®rst and third
phases of reliability bath-tub curve of a product are generally subjected to the Weibull distribution or log
normal distribution. In the second phase, which is most valuable to customers, it is usually subjected to
the exponential distribution. Therefore, if the relevant parameters of the distribution are known, system
reliability is easily calculated. The failures that occur in the mechanical system, on the other hand, are
usually caused by aged or worn-out materials, or over-stress. An aged or worn out material reduces its
strength against stress. Therefore, the reliability analysis for mechanical system is basically a strength-
stress analysis. In designing a mechanical system, it is imperative that the strength of a part be signi®-
cantly greater than the applied stress to have an acceptable reliability.
Ireson and Coombs (1988) provided a list of guidelines for design for reliability (DFR) which are (1)
simplicity, (2) use of proven components and preferred designs, (3) stress and strength design, (4)
redundancy, (5) local environment control, (6) identi®cation and elimination of critical failure modes,
(7) detection of impending failures, (8) preventive maintenance, (9) tolerance evaluation, and (10)
human engineering. Human activities and limitations can be very important to system reliability. The
254 T.-C. Kuo et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260

design engineer must consider factors that directly refer to human aspects, such as human factors,
person±machine interface, and evaluation of the person in the system, and human reliability.

4. Summary

DFX research emphasizes the consideration of all design goals and related constraints in the early
design stage. By considering all goals and constraints early, companies can produce better products.
Furthermore, the product will enter the marketplace earlier because an inherently simpler product is
designed correctly the ®rst time without the introduction of problems, delays and changes of orders.
Design for assembly and DFM make a product easier to produce with lower costs. Design for dis-
assembly, design for recyclability, and DFLC make the designer plan ahead for product processing after
its useful life. Design for environment focuses on environmental safety and health related issues and thus
can help reduce the indirect cost of a product. Quality, maintainability, and reliability can also be assured
by design and process controls rather than by expensive testing, diagnostics, and rework.
There are several successful examples in industry that exemplify the effectiveness of DFX approaches
in the manufacturing environment (Hashizume, Matsunaga, Sugimoto, Miyakawa & Kishi, 1980; Kroll,
Lenz & Wolberg, 1988; Rosairo & Knight, 1989). The implementation of DFX may require additional
effort early in the design process. However, with the integration of the product and process into design
through business practices, management philosophies and technology tools, the result is a more predic-
able product to better meet customer needs, a quicker and smoother transition to manufacturing, and a
lower total life-cycle cost. The greatest challenge is not implementing new techniques, but overcoming
organizational barriers and resistance to changing the way things are done. There is no doubt that DFX
will play an important role in the current manufacturing industries, and it is expected that in the future,
DFX will become a cutting edge technology.

5. Future trend

5.1. Integration issues in DFX

The application of DFX requires that engineers and designers work in teams rather than individually.
This occasionally creates friction. Additionally, the designers' work is more closely scrutinized, as DFX
analysis often reveals that their initial ideas may not be the most effective (Constance, 1992). This
implies that more integration issues need to be addressed during the design process. The integration
should occur from the machine-tool controller to the controller's of®ce, and laterally, from the product
design through process planning, component manufacture, assembly, and shipping. New management
systems must be developed to help companies to adopt shorter product life-cycles and extreme market
cycles, distribute decision-making, and develop shared goals with laborers (Francis, 1990). The future
research of integration issues should include (Ishii & Eubanks, 1993):

1. Systematic identi®cation of user's life-cycle requirements. Design for value and QFD provides the
basis for the study. One also needs a method to propagate these requirements to detailed speci®cations
as the design progresses.
2. Methods to represent, store, and retrieve design alternatives. Given the functional and other life-cycle
T.-C. Kuo et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260 255

needs of the users, designers need to ®nd the most appropriate design alternatives by specifying
materials, con®guration, geometry, and manufacturing process.
3. Comprehensive measure of goodness of a design. The current design compatibility approach (DCA)
focuses primarily on case-based, experimental knowledge on a speci®c life-cycle value such as
manufacturability. DCA needs to accommodate more quantitative measures of design such as esti-
mated life-cycle cost.

5.2. Human factors engineering in DFX

DFX concepts are embraced by a commitment to design all human±technology elements and
processes with full and deliberate consideration of user performance capabilities. The practice of
systematically applying the principles of human performance (e.g. perceptual, learning, motivational,
and attitudinal) to the design of the human±equipment interface is termed human factors engineering
(HFE). Design for the user via HFE and implementation of systematic training programs are the
principle means for developing and sustaining human performance effectiveness in view of the technol-
ogy explosion.
Human±technology interfaces within DFX are becoming more crucial than ever because of the
requirements for system monitoring, communication, data entry, processing, and retrieval. Optimal
human performance results from controls that are easy to reach and operate, from comfortable work
environment, and from displays that are compatible with their counter part controls and are easy to see
and interpret. Hardware and software should be designed and arrayed to optimize human performance.
This suggests that technology con®gurations should be driven by user capabilities and requirements
rather than requiring people to adapt inef®cient, awkward, or tedious technology.
Human performance improvement is a continuous process in¯uenced by workplace design and
performance-based training. Future research issues should include (Child, 1983):

1. Plant modernization effects on human performance: human performance issues associated with the
automated workplace.
2. DFM and human factors engineering: general guidance for the design of human±equipment inter-
3. Human learning principles: learning concepts and principles that should be incorporated into the
design of human training programs.
4. System-based training: methods and processes of systems-based training programs, and a model that
incorporates evaluation and feedback.

5.3. Intelligent DFX systems

Today, it takes most designers years of practice to acquire the experience needed to make the right
compromises and to generate a satisfactory design when considering DFX issues. A knowledge-based
program that encompasses knowledge associated with not only our understanding of the functions
and features of the product, but also with its life-cycle issues are very useful to designers. Thus,
designers will greatly bene®t from a computer program that retrieves information about the
256 T.-C. Kuo et al. / Computers & Industrial Engineering 41 (2001) 241±260

Fig. 2. Conventional design vs. expert system design.

design, design requirements, design process, evaluation of product compatibility, and makes suggestions
for design improvement. Use of an intelligent system will result in a good design that is compatible with
the various life-cycle aspects of the product. Ishii (1988) reported that the development of a knowledge-
based system would provide better understanding of the relationship between the features embodied in
the design and the life-cycle issues, such as performance and manufacturing.
The emerging ®eld of arti®cial intelligence (AI) and the knowledge that engineering offers will allow
designers to produce symbolic reasoning on computers. These techniques allow designers to model
intuitive knowledge, judgment, and experiences that expert designers use, and to integrate them into
available quantitative tools. Several researchers have explored the possibility of using expert system in
engineering design (Brown, 1993; Makino, 1989; Bryan, Eubanks & Ishii, 1992). A comparison of
conventional design versus expert system design is shown in Fig. 2. The research on intelligent DFX
systems is still in its infancy. Only the use of expert system has been explored. Researchers should also
explore the use of other AI techniques, including fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and
case-based reasoning in DFX. There is no doubt that these techniques can play a signi®cant role in DFX
research and development.


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Computers & Industrial Engineering
Volume 42, Issue 1, April 2002, Page 103

Computers & Industrial Engineering 42 (2002) 103

Erratum to ªDesign for manufacture and design for `X': concepts,

applications, and perspectivesº [Computers & Industrial
Engineering 41(3) 241±260] q
Tsai-C. Kuo a,*, Samuel H. Huang b, Hong-C. Zhang c
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Minghsin Institute of Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Nuclear Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, USA
Department of Industrial Engineering, Texas Tech University, TX 79409-3061, USA
Accepted 10 May 2001

Accreditation for processing the above article was given to Area Editor Randolph W. Hall. This article
was in fact processed by Dr Mohamed I. Dessouky. The publisher regrets the misinformation provided.

PII of original article: S0360-8352(01)00045-6
* Corresponding author.

PII: S0 3 6 0 - 8 3 5 2 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 05 4 - 2

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