Concurrent Engineering Seminar
Concurrent Engineering Seminar
Concurrent Engineering Seminar
1) Definition 2) Traditional vs concurrent engineering 3) Importance of concurrent engineering 4) Need for concurrent engineering 5) Basic principles of concurrent engineering 6) Roadblocks to concurrent engineering 7) Disadvantages of concurrent engineering 8) Case study
Concurrent engineering is a dynamic approach to integrated product development that emphasis on the response to customer expectations. it embodies team values of cooperation, trust and sharing, in such a manner that decisions making is by consensus, involving all perspectives in parallel, from the beginning of the product lifecycle.
Case study
IBM EMI project & ESA CDF.
One-Pass Design
At the concept level in a product or part design, many different considerations can be incorporated without major impact to total design time. A cooperative effort is needed and timeliness is critical. The goal is a one-pass design. After the initial design concept, changes are usually difficult to incorporate and are often ineffective compromises. Reductions in the overall product cycle of up to 50% have been achieved. . The key EMI goals are to (1) reduce the development/release cycle time, (2) reduce costs and assure quality, and (3) design for manufacturability
Manufacturing Designers
The development and manufacturing processes have been merged to become one common, interactive process. This merger has advanced to the point where manufacturing engineering is doing the mechanical design/development work on low-end computer systems. The IBM System/36, Model 5363, announced in October 1987 . This low-cost system was brought from concept to delivery in only 11 months. The development cycle was reduced more than 50% using manufacturing engineering as the mechanical system design team. This was design-manufacturing integration in its purest form!
Cdf achievements
50+future missions studied and designed internally at conceptual system level. Three new launcher conceptual design. Six complex payload instrumentation design. Joint studies with NASA/JPL/PDC teams.
NASA/JPL PDC (Project design center) Every NASA site is getting equipped with a CE facility. NASA/JPL mission system design center Aerospace corp. (US) CDC (conceptual design center) EADS ASTRIUM SDO (Satellite design office ) CNES CIC ASI CES
2000 1998 1999 2005 2006
The boundaries between design, manufacturing, and service no longer exist
Ribbens, Jack. Simultaneous Engineering for New Product Development: Manufacturing Applications. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2000. Ulrich, Karl T., and Steven D. Eppinger. Product Design and Development. 3rd ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2004. Utpal, Roy, John M. Usher, and Hamid R. Parsaei, eds. Simultaneous Engineering: Methodologies and Applications. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1999
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