STS Module 1
STS Module 1
STS Module 1
Pasteur ' s
findings saved the French silk industry.
• THIS ERA LASTED from the end of the
middle ages to the middle of 20th century • the process of heating a beverage or
• arose from the widespread changes that other food to a specified temperature
swept the world during that period. for a set period of time in order to
destroy germs that could cause
The booming world population during the
sickness, spoilage, or unwanted
nineteenth century onwards demanded that
more goods be produced at faster rate. People
• the method considerably lowered the
needed efficient means of transportation to
likelihood of being ill from food and
trade more goods and cover a larger distance.
made it safer to consume or drink. He
Machines that required animals to operate
found this method while working on
must thus be upgraded. Faster and easier
means to communicate and compute should be
• Today, pasteurization is used widely in
developed to establish connections between
the dairy industry and other food
and among nations. All these needs resulted in
processing industries to achieve food
the development of industries.
preservation and food safety to kill
INVENTIONS harmful bacteria that can lead to
diseases like as listeriosis, typhoid fever,
• PASTEURIZATION tuberculosis, diphtheria and brucellosis
• CALCULATOR • best known for his invention of the
LOUIS PASTEUR telephone, revolutionized
communication as we know it.
• A chemist and microbiologist • was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on
• He was born in Dole, France on December March 3, 1847.
27, 1822 • Bell’s father was a professor of speech
Louis Pasteur was also involved in animal elocution at the University of Edinburgh
immunization. He deduced that weakening the and his mother, despite being deaf, was
virus and injecting it into the body produced an accomplished pianist.
antibodies, immunizing an animal against future • Bell’s education consisted of
illness. He utilized this method to create homeschooling. Bell didn’t excel
vaccinations for fowl cholera, anthrax, and academically, but he was a problem
rabies. solver from an early age.
• he secured exclusive rights to the
He also solved an outbreak that was affecting technology and launched the Bell
the French silkworm business. He examined the Telephone Company in 1877
worms and discovered that there was a disease
present, yet some of the worms were still alive. TELEPHONE
He took another look and noticed a distinct type In 1871, Bell started working on the harmonic
telegraph — a device that allowed multiple
messages to be transmitted over a wire at the temperatures it congealed into a substance
same time. resembling paraffin wax.
Key Points
How do we know that we are progressing? The idea of “de-developing” rich countries
What are the indicators of development? More might be prove to be a strong rallying cry in the
often than not, development is equated with global south. But it will be tricky to sell to
growth and greater consumption. westerners. Tricky, but now impossible.
According to recent consumer research.
The more that a population is able to consume,
the wealthier it is. Likewise, the more that a People sense there is something wrong with the
person is able to buy stuff, the higher he/she is dominant model of economic progress and they
on the development scale. hungry for an alternative narrative.
Growth has been the main object of The problem is that the pundits. Promoting this
development for the past 70 years, despite the kind of transition are using the wrong language.
fact that it is not working. Orthodox economists They use terms such as de-growth, zero growth
insist that all we need is yet more growth. More or worst of all de-development. Which are
progressive types tell us that we need to shift technically accurate but off-putting for
some of the yields of growth from the richer everyone who’s not ready for board. Such terms
segment of the population to the poorer ones, are repulsive because they run against the
evening things out a bit. At current levels of deepest frames we use to thing about human
average global consumption, we’re progress, and indeed, this purpose of life itself.
overshooting our planet’s bio-capacity by more It’s like asking people to stop moving positively
than 50% each year. thorough life, to stop learning, improving,
In other words, growth isn’t an option anymore
– we’ve already grown too much. Scientists are Perhaps we might take a cue from Latin
now telling us that were blowing past planetary Americans, who are organizing alternative
boundaries at breakneck speed. And the hard visions around the indigenous concept of
truth is that this global crisis is due almost buenvivir, or good living. The west has its own
entirely to overconsumption in rich countries. tradition of reflection on the good life and its
time we revive.
Economist James Hickel argues that instead of
pushing poorer countries to “catch up” with rich Robert and Edward Skidelsky take us down this
ones, we should thinking to get rich countries to road in his book, how much is enough? Where
“catch down” to more appropriate level of they lay out the possibility of interventions such
development. We should look at societies as banning advertising, a shorter working week
where people live long and happy lives and a basic income, all of which would improve
relatively low levels of income consumption not our lives while reducing consumption.
as basket cases that need to be developed
Either we slow down voluntarily or climate
towards western models, but as exemplars of
change will do it for us. We cant go on ignoring
efficient living.
the law of nature. But rethinking our theory of
In light of this, perhaps we should regard such progress is not only an ecological imperative, it
countries not as underdeveloped, but rather as is also a development one. If we do not act
appropriately developed. And maybe we need soon, all our hard – won gains against poverty
will evaporate, as food system collapse and
mass famine re – emerges to an extent not seen
since the 19th century.
• Feelings of belongingness
• Virtues we must practice to achieve pleasure - the process of maximizing positive
happiness (Aristotle): intelligence and emotion and minimizing negative emotion –
scientific knowledge; practical wisdom; this is referred to as pleasant life. It involves
temperance; generosity and enjoyable and positive experiences.
friendship; courage and contemplation
engagement – the process of being immersed
The World Happiness Report 2018 ranks 156 and absorbed in the task at hand and is referred
countries by their happiness levels, and 117 to as good life . It result from individual
countries by the happiness of their immigrants. cultivating and investing strength and virtues
The main focus of this year's report, in addition into relationships, work and leisure (Seligman.
to its usual ranking of the levels and changes in 2002). By applying the best of self during
happiness around the world, is on migration challenging activities results to growth and
within and between countries. The overall feeling of competence and satisfaction thus
rankings of country happiness are based on the bringing about happiness.
pooled results from Gallup World Poll surveys
meaning – the process of having a higher
from 2015–2017, and show both change and
purpose in life than ourselves - referred to as
stability. Four countries have held the top spot
meaningful life. It involves the use of strengths
in the last four reports: Denmark, Switzerland,
and personal qualities to this higher purpose.
Norway and now Finland. All the top countries
The combination of these three elements
tend to have high values for all six of the key
suggests that it would contribute to authentic
variables that have been found to support well-
and stable happiness (Vella-Brodick, Park &
being: income, healthy life expectancy, social
Peterson, 2009; Carruthers & Hood. 2004)
support, freedom, trust and generosity. Among
the top countries, differences are small enough • Happiness defines good life.
that year-to-year changes in the rankings are to
be expected. • Happiness is the ultimate end of human
Key variable used to explain happiness
differences among countries and through time • Virtue play a significant role in the living
and attainment of good life.
• Income
• According to positive psychology, the
• Healthy life expectancy three pathways to happiness are
pleasure, engagement and meaning.
• Social support
• Life events
• Freedom