STS Module 1

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STS Module 1.4 of infection coming from the leaves.

Pasteur ' s
findings saved the French silk industry.
• THIS ERA LASTED from the end of the
middle ages to the middle of 20th century • the process of heating a beverage or
• arose from the widespread changes that other food to a specified temperature
swept the world during that period. for a set period of time in order to
destroy germs that could cause
The booming world population during the
sickness, spoilage, or unwanted
nineteenth century onwards demanded that
more goods be produced at faster rate. People
• the method considerably lowered the
needed efficient means of transportation to
likelihood of being ill from food and
trade more goods and cover a larger distance.
made it safer to consume or drink. He
Machines that required animals to operate
found this method while working on
must thus be upgraded. Faster and easier
means to communicate and compute should be
• Today, pasteurization is used widely in
developed to establish connections between
the dairy industry and other food
and among nations. All these needs resulted in
processing industries to achieve food
the development of industries.
preservation and food safety to kill
INVENTIONS harmful bacteria that can lead to
diseases like as listeriosis, typhoid fever,
• PASTEURIZATION tuberculosis, diphtheria and brucellosis
• CALCULATOR • best known for his invention of the
LOUIS PASTEUR telephone, revolutionized
communication as we know it.
• A chemist and microbiologist • was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on
• He was born in Dole, France on December March 3, 1847.
27, 1822 • Bell’s father was a professor of speech
Louis Pasteur was also involved in animal elocution at the University of Edinburgh
immunization. He deduced that weakening the and his mother, despite being deaf, was
virus and injecting it into the body produced an accomplished pianist.
antibodies, immunizing an animal against future • Bell’s education consisted of
illness. He utilized this method to create homeschooling. Bell didn’t excel
vaccinations for fowl cholera, anthrax, and academically, but he was a problem
rabies. solver from an early age.
• he secured exclusive rights to the
He also solved an outbreak that was affecting technology and launched the Bell
the French silkworm business. He examined the Telephone Company in 1877
worms and discovered that there was a disease
present, yet some of the worms were still alive. TELEPHONE
He took another look and noticed a distinct type In 1871, Bell started working on the harmonic
telegraph — a device that allowed multiple
messages to be transmitted over a wire at the temperatures it congealed into a substance
same time. resembling paraffin wax.

By 1875, Bell, with the help of his partner Timeline

Thomas Watson, had come up with a simple
1848 – Young set up a business refining crude
receiver that could turn electricity into sound.
On March 7, 1876, Bell was granted his
1850 - Young together with Edward Binney and
telephone patent. A few days later, he made
Edward Meldum found a business in Bathgate
the first-ever telephone call to Watson.
that became the first commercial producing oil
By 1877, the Bell Telephone Company, which refinery in the world in 1881
today is known as AT&T, was created. In 1915,
1853 – the first modern street lamp in Europe
Bell made the first transcontinental phone call
and the discovery of distill kerosene and the
to Watson from New York City to San Francisco.
invention of the modern kerosene lamp by
People started to recognize the importance of Ignacy Lukasiewicz.
the telephone and what it could do. People
1854 – the construction of the world’ s first
could now communicate much more quickly
modern oil well
through the telephone. After the telephone was
further developed, society realized its power to 1856 – World’ s first oil refinery by Ignacy
allow one to reach another person at any time Lukasiewicz
and from any location with trust that the
connection would be made. 1858 – first commercial oil well in Canada

PETROLEUM 1859 - first modern well by Edwin Drake

• In early history, according to Herodotus

What were the outcomes of these inventions on
and Diodorus, asphalt was used in the
construction of the walls and towers of our society?
Babylon which there were oil pits and Oil has become the world’s most important
Ancient Persian tablets indicate the energy source. Its products are essential to
medicinal and lightning uses of modern life as it provides energy to power
petroleum. Chinese were the first to use industries, heat homes, fuel vehicles and planes
petroleum and Pechelbronn (Pitch to transport people and goods around the
fountain) was the first European site world. It makes the lives of many people easier
where petroleum has been explored and and more convenient. During those times
used. petroleum had a significant amount of
In modern history, Chemist James Young contributions to the society, which has
continued to increase to the present time.
noticed natural petroleum seepage in the
Riddings colliery at Alfreton, Derbyshire where CALCULATOR
he distilled thin oil suitable for use as lamp oil
and at the same time obtaining a more viscous Calculator is a tool used in mathematical
oil for lubricating machinery. calculations which allows people to do math
operations more easily and faster. The first "
“Paraffine Oil” he found it by slow distillation calculator "—a device that carried out
and named it Paraffine oil because at low computations using a mechanism akin to a
clockwork—was created in 1642. Blaise Pascal, enormous impact on our understanding of the
a French mathematician and inventor, created world, our social perspectives, and our
the Pascaline calculator, which was praised for relationship with nature. Humanity ' s wide
trying mathematical computations that were range of technological and scientific discoveries
previously thought to be impractical. has aided in the development and creation of
civilizations throughout history, stimulated
economic growth, raised people ' s living
9th Century - Abacus was invented. standards, and encouraged cultural
1642 – French inventor Blaise Pascal developed
"Pascaline " , an adding and subtracting

1886 – First commercially successful adding

machine was developed by William Seward

1894 – “Millionaire ” , a calculator invented by

Otto Steiger, it was the first adding machine
capable of direct multiplication as well as
adding and subtracting.

1900' s – Calculators began to get smaller in


1901 – Calculator with two rows of five buttons


1911 – Calculator with 10 digit lay out (Scientific


What were the outcomes of these inventions on

our society?

The new inventions are easy to carry since they

would be utilized on a day-today basis and
easier arithmetic calculations. However, the
creation of modern calculators did not only
pave way for easier arithmetic calculations, but
also resulted in the development of more
complex processing machines like the


Many people have used their knowledge,

abilities, and experience throughout the past
two centuries to create a myriad of inventions
that have made the world a far better place for
us to live. Science and technology have had an
MODULE 2 issues that could not be explained using
the geocentric model. Other works that
supported this model started to emerge
There have also been instances when as well. It was eventually accepted by
advancements in science and technology the people in a period which was called
changed people’s perceptions and belief. Much the birth of modern astronomy. This era
of these events happened in a period now begin what was known as the scientific
known as the Intellectual Revolution. revolution which resulted in the
transformation of society’s thoughts and
The developments during the beliefs.
Intellectual Revolution showed how society was
transformed by science and technology. This Darwinian Revolution
chapter aims to establish the interaction
Charles Darwin, an English naturalist, biologist,
between science and technology and society,
and geologist, published his book, On the Origin
cementing further the relationship as
of Species. In this book, Darwin introduce the
introduced in the first chapter.
theory of evolution, which posited that
Copernican Revolution populations pass through a process of natural
selection in which only the fittest would survive.
A famous philosopher and astronomer, Claudius He stated that organisms have the ability to
Ptolemy, stated that the planets, as well as the adapt to their environment and would gradually
sun and the moon, moved in a circular motion change into something that would be more
around the Earth. The sun and moon’s competitive to survive, a process known as
revolution explained the existence of days and evolution.
nights. He believed that the Earth was at the
center-a concept known as geocentrism. However, this theory became very controversial
Ptolemy’s geocentric model was widely as people perceived it to be contradictory to the
accepted by the people and was one of the church’s teachings that the source of life is a
greatest discoveries of that time. powerful creator. The theory emerged at time
when most of the population believed and
In the 16th century, Nicolaus Copernicus, a accepted the biblical version of the Earth’s
Polish mathematician and astronomer, creation. Because of this conflict, the people
challenged the Ptolemaic model. He introduced were divided-some believed that the theory
a new concept known as heliocentrism, which explained the origin of life, but the religious and
suggested that the center of the Solar System the faithful strongly refuted it.
was not the Earth but actually the sun. This idea
was rejected at first by the public. It appalled It even sparked a massive debate between
many since their religious belief had taught science and religion. It was only after some time
them the Earth was created first before all that people came to understand that Darwin's
other things. Copernicus was even persecuted theory of evolution as not in fact against the
as a heretic because his teachings were against teachings of the church and both coexist.
what was widely accepted by religion
Freudian Revolution
• After some time, astronomers realized
In the past, the field of psychology was always
that the Copernican model simplified the
classified under philosophy. Psychology was
orbits for planets. It also answered
considered more of an art rather than a science.
In the late 19th century, Sigmund Freud was able
to change people’s perception of psychology
with his revolutionary theory of psychoanalysis.

Psychoanalysis is the study that explains human

behavior. In this theory, Freud explained that
there are many conscious and unconscious
factors that can influence behavior and
emotions. He also argued that personality is a
product of three conflicting elements: id, ego,
and superego. Science hardliners brushed off
the legitimacy of psychoanalysis as a science
since its concepts were more philosophical and
supernatural. Many believed that Freud’s
theory had no scientific basis as no empirical or
experimental data could support it.

Despite criticism, Freud still continued to work

on refining his theory and in fact tried to explain
how psychoanalysis can be a clinical method in
treating some mental disorders. Soon enough,
people were able to understand the concepts of
psychoanalysis, which eventually resulted in
classifying psychology as a science.

Key Points

• Intellectual revolution is a period where

human shifts more on scientific beliefs.

• Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles Darwin,

and Sigmund Freud are some of the
intellectual revolutionists.

• Theory of evolution, Copernican Model,

and Psychoanalysis are some of the
theories that replaced the old and
unscientific knowledge of society.
MODULE 3 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND • The American occupation modernized
NATION BUILDING almost all aspects of life in the
Philippines. They established a
The development of science and technology in
government agency, the Bureau of
the Philippines has already come a long way.
Science, for the sole purpose of
Many significant inventions and discoveries
nurturing development in the field of
have been accomplished by or attributed to
science and Technology.
Filipinos. This chapter tackles how the
development of science and technology affect Post-Colonial Period
the development of the Philippines as a nation.
After achieving independence from the
Pre-Colonial Period colonizers, the Philippines, under different
administrations, continued to pursue programs
Scientific and Technological development in the
in science and technology. Each leadership had
Philippines began in the pre-colonial period.
its own science and technology agenda.
Even before the Spaniards came to the
However, it is important to note that some
Philippine islands, early Filipino settlers were
Philippine presidents posted more
already using certain plants and herbs as
developments in the filed than others.
medicines. Systems of farming and animal-
raising were also implemented. Moreover, early One of the presidents who ushered in
Filipinos had also developed different modes of advancements in science and technology was
transportation, whether terrestrial or maritime. former president Ferdinand Marcos. Under his
term, many agencies in science and technology
A complicated engineering feat was achieved by
were established and strengthened, including
the natives of the Cordilleras when they built
the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and
rice terraces by hand. Through there terraces,
Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA)
the people were able to cultivate crops on the
in place of the abolished Weather Bureau;
mountainsides in cold temperatures. They
incorporated an irrigation system that uses The National Academy of Science and
water from the forests and mountain tops to Technology (NAST); the reconstituted National
achieve an elaborate farming system. The rice Science and Technology Authority (originally
terraces of the Cordilleras, which are still established in 1958 as the National Science and
functional, show the innovative and indigenous Development Board and now the Department
way of the natives to survive in an otherwise of Science and Technology, among others.
unfriendly environment. Marcos saw that the key to nation-building is
the continued development of Science and
Colonial Period
technology. The progress in science and
Colonization by the Spaniards provided the technology continued even after his dictatorial
Philippines which modern means of rule and the presidents after him left their own
construction. Walls, roads, bridges, and other legacies in the field
large infrastructures were built using some of
Key Points
the engineering skills and tools brought by the
Spaniards. In addition, the Spanish government • The Philippines underwent in a period
developed health and educational systems that of pre-colonial, colonial and post-
were enjoyed by the principalia class. colonial, which has a great influence in
the development of science and
technology in the country.

• Even before the arrival of the colonizers

the ancient Filipinos already had a
unique practices, tools and beliefs.

• The Spanish, American and even the

Japanese colonizers had a great
influence to the development of science
and technology in the Philippines.

• Post-colonial Period aside that

Philippines gained independence the
science and technology continue to
foster as a priority concerns of some
Philippine presidents.
Module 4 HUMAN FLOURISHING IN SCIENCE • kind of thinking that thinks the truth of
AND TECHNOLOGY being, that belongs to being and
listens to it.
Science and Technology
• a state where people experience positive
emotions, positive psychological must be examined for their greater impact on
functioning and positive social
humanity as a whole.
functioning, most of the time," living
"within an optimal range of human TECHNOLOGY AS A MODE OF REVEALING
Human Flourishing
• a German philosopher and a seminal
• an effort to achieve self-actualization thinker in the Continental tradition of
and fulfillment within the context of a philosophy.
larger community of individuals, each • widely acknowledged to be one of the
with the right to pursue his or her own most original and important
such efforts. philosophers of the 20th century.
• involves the rational use of one's
individual human potentialities, HEIDEGGER’S VIEW ON TECHNOLOGY
including talents, abilities, and virtues • He strongly opposes the view that
in the pursuit of his freely and rationally technology is “a means to an end” or “a
chosen values and goals. human activity.”
Human civilizations and the development of • These two approaches, which he calls,
science and technology. respectively, the “instrumental” and
“anthropological” definitions, are
• Human person as both the bearer and indeed “correct”, but do not go deep
beneficiary of science and technology. enough; as he says, they are not yet
• bearer – a person or thing that carries “true.”
or holds something. • Heidegger points out, technological
• Human flourishes and finds meaning in objects are means for ends, and are
the world that he/she builds. built and operated by human beings,
• Human may unconsciously acquire, but the essence of technology is
consume or destroy what the world has something else entirely.
to offer. • Since the essence of a tree is not itself a
tree, he points out, so the essence of
Science and Technology
technology is not anything
• must be treated as part of human life technological.
that needs reflective and meditative
What, then, is technology, if it is neither a
means to an end nor a human activity?
Reflective Thinking
• Technology, according to Heidegger
Meditative thinking must be understood as “a way of
revealing” (Heidegger 1977, 12).
• Revealing is his translation of the Greek technology is rather a ‘forcing into
word alètheuein, which means ‘to being’.
discover’ – to uncover what was • Technology reveals the world as raw
covered over. Related to this verb is the material, available for production and
independent noun alètheia, which is manipulation.
usually translated as “truth,” though
Heidegger insists that a more adequate
translation would be “un-
concealment.” • According to Heidegger, there is
something wrong with the modern,
What is reality?
technological culture we live in today.
• according to Heidegger, it is not given In our ‘age of technology’ reality can
the same way in all times and all only be present as a raw material (as a
cultures (Seubold 1986, 35-6). ‘standing reserve’). This state of affairs
• not something absolute that human has not been brought about by humans;
beings can ever know once and for all is the technological way of revealing was
relative in the most literal sense of the not chosen by humans.
word – it exists only in relations. • Rather, our understanding of the world
• As soon as we perceive or try to - our understanding of ‘being’, of what
understand it, it is not ‘in itself’ it means ‘to be’ - develops through the
anymore, but ‘reality for us.’ ages. In our time ‘being’ has the
character of a technological
How can technology be ‘a way of revealing’?
‘framework’, from which humans
1. What does this have to do with approach the world in a controlling and
technology? dominating way.
• Every attempt to climb out of
2. What does Heidegger mean when he technology throws us back in. The only
says that technology is “a way of way out for Heidegger is “the will not to
revealing”? will”.
• everything we perceive or think of or • We need to open up the possibility of
interact with “emerges out of relying on technologies while not
concealment into unconcealment, becoming enslaved to them and seeing
• by entering into a particular relation them as manifestations of an
with reality, reality is ‘revealed’ in a understanding of being.
specific way.
• technology is the way of revealing that
characterizes our time.
• technology embodies a specific way of
revealing the world, a revealing in
which humans take power over reality.
• While the ancient Greeks experienced
the ‘making’ of something as ‘helping
something to come into being’ – as
Heidegger explains that modern
MODULE 5 HUMAN FLOURISHING AS to start calling on rich countries to justify their

How do we know that we are progressing? The idea of “de-developing” rich countries
What are the indicators of development? More might be prove to be a strong rallying cry in the
often than not, development is equated with global south. But it will be tricky to sell to
growth and greater consumption. westerners. Tricky, but now impossible.
According to recent consumer research.
The more that a population is able to consume,
the wealthier it is. Likewise, the more that a People sense there is something wrong with the
person is able to buy stuff, the higher he/she is dominant model of economic progress and they
on the development scale. hungry for an alternative narrative.

Growth has been the main object of The problem is that the pundits. Promoting this
development for the past 70 years, despite the kind of transition are using the wrong language.
fact that it is not working. Orthodox economists They use terms such as de-growth, zero growth
insist that all we need is yet more growth. More or worst of all de-development. Which are
progressive types tell us that we need to shift technically accurate but off-putting for
some of the yields of growth from the richer everyone who’s not ready for board. Such terms
segment of the population to the poorer ones, are repulsive because they run against the
evening things out a bit. At current levels of deepest frames we use to thing about human
average global consumption, we’re progress, and indeed, this purpose of life itself.
overshooting our planet’s bio-capacity by more It’s like asking people to stop moving positively
than 50% each year. thorough life, to stop learning, improving,
In other words, growth isn’t an option anymore
– we’ve already grown too much. Scientists are Perhaps we might take a cue from Latin
now telling us that were blowing past planetary Americans, who are organizing alternative
boundaries at breakneck speed. And the hard visions around the indigenous concept of
truth is that this global crisis is due almost buenvivir, or good living. The west has its own
entirely to overconsumption in rich countries. tradition of reflection on the good life and its
time we revive.
Economist James Hickel argues that instead of
pushing poorer countries to “catch up” with rich Robert and Edward Skidelsky take us down this
ones, we should thinking to get rich countries to road in his book, how much is enough? Where
“catch down” to more appropriate level of they lay out the possibility of interventions such
development. We should look at societies as banning advertising, a shorter working week
where people live long and happy lives and a basic income, all of which would improve
relatively low levels of income consumption not our lives while reducing consumption.
as basket cases that need to be developed
Either we slow down voluntarily or climate
towards western models, but as exemplars of
change will do it for us. We cant go on ignoring
efficient living.
the law of nature. But rethinking our theory of
In light of this, perhaps we should regard such progress is not only an ecological imperative, it
countries not as underdeveloped, but rather as is also a development one. If we do not act
appropriately developed. And maybe we need soon, all our hard – won gains against poverty
will evaporate, as food system collapse and
mass famine re – emerges to an extent not seen
since the 19th century.

This is not about giving up. And it’s certainly

now about living a life of voluntary misery or
imposing harsh limits on human potential on
contrary, it’s about reaching a higher level of
understanding and consciousness about we’re
doing here and why.
MODULE 6 THE GOOD LIFE something that can be gained/lost in a few
hours like pleasurable sensations. It is more like
Living a good life is what everyone aims. A life
the ultimate value of your life as lived up to this
that satisfies and fulfills where there is joy,
moment measuring how well you have lived up
happiness and sense of purpose. Living a good
to your full potential as a human being. Further
life is living a happy life. It is dependent on how
he explained, for as it is not one fine day that
we make choices. Though everyone had
makes a spring, so it is not one day or a short
different views on what makes them happy, one
time that makes a man blessed and happy
should consider that they coexist with other
(Nicomachean Ethics, 1098a18). This is
human beings. Advancement in Science and
associated with Aristotle’s eudaimonia in his
Technology could lead to a good life. But we
Nicomachean Ethics. Eudaimonia is a term that
have to be aware that these progress could also
means happiness and is a central aim of stoic
bring about disadvantages when misused.
People’s definition of the good life may vary
“if… we take the characteristic activity of a
and differ in the particulars (McNamara,
human being to be a certain kind of life; and if
D., 2018). A good life is when you are able
we take this kind of life to be activity of the soul
to take out time for yourself and enjoy the small
and actions in accordance with reason… and a
pleasures of life. A good life is also when
characteristic activity to be accomplished well
everyday teaches you something new,
when it is accomplished in accordance with the
something that cheers up your soul. Or it can be
appropriate virtue; then if this is so, human
when you readily accept criticism and work
good turns out to be activity of the soul in
towards improving yourself.
accordance with virtue.”
Aristotle argued that as we mature, we act less
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
aimlessly and more purposefully. We try to
develop a plan for living that unites all our
various purposes. Without a plan for living, we
• According to Aristotle, happiness is the
don’t know what we are trying to do or why
ultimate end of human action
we’re trying to do it. Moreover, not just any
(McNamara, D., et. al., 2018)
plan will do—we need the right plan, which is
one that aims at the final or ultimate end. But • Happiness is consists in achieving,
what is the final end of human life, the end that through the course of a lifetime, all the
all of us ought to aim at? goods – health, wealth, knowledge,
friends, etc. leading to perfection of
• The good life is a term for the life that
human nature and enrichment of
one would like to live, or for happiness
human life.
• Associated with Aristotle’s eudaimonia
• Happiness defines a good life.
(in his Nicomachean Ethics)
(McNamara, D., et. al., 2018)
• Eudaimonia is a term that means
In the pursuit of understanding happiness,
happiness and is a central aim of stoic
there were two main theoretical perspectives
focusing on what makes people feel good and
For Aristotle, happiness is a final end/goal that happy, these are eudaimonia and
encompasses the totality of one’s life. It is not hedonia. Hedonic wellbeing is based on the
notion of subjective wellbeing that increased • Social contribution
pleasure and decreased pain leads to
• Competence
happiness. It comprises of an affective
component (high positive affect and low • Personal growth
negative affect) and cognitive component
(satisfaction with life)(Carruthers & Hood, • Self acceptance
2004). Eudaimonic wellbeing is reliant on How does virtue relate to happiness?
Maslow’s ideas of self -actualization and based
on subjective wellbeing. It emphasizes that
people feel happy if they experience life Virtue plays a significant role in living and
purpose, challenges and growth. This adopts attainment of the good life (McNamara, D.J.,
self-determination theory which suggests that,2018). There are two kinds of
happiness is related to fulfilment in the areas of virtue: intellectual and moral. Intellectual
autonomy and competence. virtues are habits of thinking like understanding
Hedonia the nature of things, judging the truth of
matters, reasoning from a truth known from the
• Seek pleasure and satisfaction truth that is not known. While moral virtues
• Avoid pain and discomfort come about as a result of habit (McNamara,
D.J.,, 2018). It is a disposition to behave in
• Focus on self present moment the right manner and it learned through habit
and practice rather than reasoning and
• Focus on consuming what one needs
instruction (˃arist
and wants
otle). The virtues that must be practice to
• Presence of positive mood achieve happiness (Aristotle) are: intelligence
and scientific knowledge; practical wisdom ( the
• Absence of negative mood
ability to deliberate well about what is good and
• Satisfaction with various domains of life expedient for oneself); temperance(restraint,
usually with regard to pleasurable
• Global life satisfaction activities); generosity and
Eudaimonia friendship; courage(the tendency to act in order
to achieve some good even when facing the risk
• Reliant on Maslow’s ideas of self of physical harm) and contemplation(reflection
actualization on eternal truths). Both hedonic and
• Adopts self-determination theory(Keyes eudaimonic approaches view happiness in, 2002; Deci & Ryan, 2000) terms of the pleasant life, the good life and the
meaningful life (Norrish & Vella-Brodick, 2008).
• For Aristotle, ultimate happiness would
be contemplation • Virtue play a significant role in living
and attainment of the good life
• Sense of control or autonomy (McNamara, D., 2018)
• Feeling of meaning and purpose • Two kinds of virtue: intellectual and
moral (McNamara, D., 2018)
• Personal expressiveness

• Feelings of belongingness
• Virtues we must practice to achieve pleasure - the process of maximizing positive
happiness (Aristotle): intelligence and emotion and minimizing negative emotion –
scientific knowledge; practical wisdom; this is referred to as pleasant life. It involves
temperance; generosity and enjoyable and positive experiences.
friendship; courage and contemplation
engagement – the process of being immersed
The World Happiness Report 2018 ranks 156 and absorbed in the task at hand and is referred
countries by their happiness levels, and 117 to as good life . It result from individual
countries by the happiness of their immigrants. cultivating and investing strength and virtues
The main focus of this year's report, in addition into relationships, work and leisure (Seligman.
to its usual ranking of the levels and changes in 2002). By applying the best of self during
happiness around the world, is on migration challenging activities results to growth and
within and between countries. The overall feeling of competence and satisfaction thus
rankings of country happiness are based on the bringing about happiness.
pooled results from Gallup World Poll surveys
meaning – the process of having a higher
from 2015–2017, and show both change and
purpose in life than ourselves - referred to as
stability. Four countries have held the top spot
meaningful life. It involves the use of strengths
in the last four reports: Denmark, Switzerland,
and personal qualities to this higher purpose.
Norway and now Finland. All the top countries
The combination of these three elements
tend to have high values for all six of the key
suggests that it would contribute to authentic
variables that have been found to support well-
and stable happiness (Vella-Brodick, Park &
being: income, healthy life expectancy, social
Peterson, 2009; Carruthers & Hood. 2004)
support, freedom, trust and generosity. Among
the top countries, differences are small enough • Happiness defines good life.
that year-to-year changes in the rankings are to
be expected. • Happiness is the ultimate end of human
Key variable used to explain happiness
differences among countries and through time • Virtue play a significant role in the living
and attainment of good life.
• Income
• According to positive psychology, the
• Healthy life expectancy three pathways to happiness are
pleasure, engagement and meaning.
• Social support

• Life events

• Freedom

• Trust (absence of corruption in business

and government)

How does one achieve happiness based on

positive psychology view?

According to positive psychology , there are

three pathways to happiness:

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