Core Competency Table

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Family / Across the Lifespan NP Competencies

Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population
NURS 6600, 7725, 6610

Scientific 1. Critically analyzes data and

Foundation evidence for improving advanced
Competencies nursing practice.
2. Integrates knowledge from the
humanities and sciences within the
context of nursing science.
3. Translates research and other
forms of knowledge to improve
practice processes and outcomes.
4. Develops new practice
approaches based on the
integration of research, theory,
and practice knowledge.

Leadership 1. Assumes complex and 1. Works with individuals of other professions Roles of the Family/Lifespan NP: health care
Competencies advanced leadership roles to to maintain a climate of mutual respect and provider, coordinator, consultant, educator,
initiate and guide change. shared values. coach, advocate, administrator, researcher,
Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population

2. Provides leadership to foster 2. Engages diverse health care professionals and leader.
collaboration with multiple who complement one's own professional
Building and maintaining a therapeutic team to
stakeholders (e.g. patients, expertise, as well as associated resources, to
provide optimum therapy.
community, integrated health care develop strategies to meet specific patient
teams, and policy makers) to care needs. Skills for interpretation and marketing
improve health care... 3. Engages in continuous professional and strategies of the family/lifespan nurse
3. Demonstrates leadership that uses interprofessional development to enhance practitioner role for the public, legislators,
NURS 8840, 6655

critical and reflective thinking. team performance. policy-makers, and other health care
4. Advocates for improved access, 4. Assumes leadership in interprofessional professions.
quality and cost effective health groups to facilitate the development,
Advocacy for the role of the advanced practice
care. implementation and evaluation of care
nurse in the health care system.
5. Advances practice through the provided in complex systems.
development and implementation Importance of participation in professional
of innovations incorporating organizations.
principles of change.
Acceptance and embracement of cultural
6. Communicates practice
diversity and individual differences that
knowledge effectively, both orally
characterize patients, populations, and the
and in writing.
health care team and embrace the cultural
7. Participates in professional
diversity and individual differences that
organizations and activities that
characterize patients, populations, and the
influence advanced practice
health care team.
nursing and/or health outcomes of
a population focus. Recognition and respect for the unique
cultures, values, roles/responsibilities and
expertise of other health care team members.

Importance of honesty and integrity in

relationships with patients, families and other
team members .

Importance of knowledge and opinions to team

members involved in patient care with
confidence, clarity, and respect and work to
Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population

ensure common understanding of information,

treatment and care decisions.

Quality 1. Uses best available evidence to

Interpretation of professional strengths, role,
NURS 6610, 7723, 8809, 6611/L, 6642/L,

Competencies continuously improve quality of

and scope of ability for peers, patients, and
clinical practice.
2. Evaluates the relationships among
6643/L,6644/L, 6640/L, 7780L

access, cost, quality, and safety Accountability for practice.

and their influence on health care.
Highest standards of practice.
3. Evaluates how organizational
structure, care processes, Self-evaluation concerning practice.
financing, marketing and policy
Use of self-evaluative information, including
decisions impact the quality of
peer review, to improve care and practice.
health care.
4. Applies skills in peer review to Professional development and the
promote a culture of excellence. maintenance of professional competence and
5. Anticipates variations in practice credentials.
and is proactive in implementing
Monitoring of quality of own practice .
interventions to ensure quality.
Continuous quality improvement based on
professional practice standards and relevant
statutes and regulation.

Research to improve quality care.

Practice Inquiry 1. Provides leadership in the

6643/L, 6644/L, 7740/L, 7780L

Translation and application of research that is

NURS 6611/L, 5580, 6642/L,

Competencies translation of new knowledge into

client or patient centered and contributes to
positive change in the health of or the
2. Generates knowledge from clinical
healthcare delivery.
practice to improve practice and
PHAR 6645

patient outcomes. Use of an evidence-based approach to patient

3. Applies clinical investigative skills management that critically evaluates and
to improve health outcomes. applies research findings pertinent to patient
4. Leads practice inquiry, individually care management and outcomes.
Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population

or in partnership with others.

5. Disseminates evidence from
inquiry to diverse audiences using
multiple modalities.
6. Analyzes clinical guidelines for
individualized application into

Technology and 1. Integrates appropriate

Use of available technology that enhances
Information Literacy technologies for knowledge
safety and monitors health status and
Competencies management to improve health
2. Translates technical and scientific
health information appropriate for
various users’ needs.
NURS 7725, 7735, 8826

1.a Assesses the patient’s and

caregiver’s educational needs
to provide effective,
personalized health care.
1.b Coaches the patient and
caregiver for positive
behavioral change.
3. Demonstrates information literacy
skills in complex decision making.
4. Contributes to the design of
clinical information systems that
promote safe, quality and cost
effective care.
5. Uses technology systems that
capture data on variables for the
evaluation of nursing care.
Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population

Policy 1. Demonstrates an understanding of

Strategies to influence legislation to promote
Competencies the interdependence of policy and
NURS 8840, 7720, 7760

health and improve care delivery models

through collaborative and/or individual efforts.
2. Advocates for ethical policies that
promote access, equity, quality, The relationship between community/public
and cost. health issues and social problems (poverty,
3. Analyzes ethical, legal, and social literacy, violence, etc.) as they impact the
factors influencing policy health care of patients.
4. Contributes in the development of
health policy.
5. Analyzes the implications of health
policy across disciplines.
6. Evaluates the impact of
globalization on health care policy

Health Delivery 1. Applies knowledge of

Relationship- building values and the
6643/L, 6644/L, 7790, 5580, 7740/L,

System organizational practices and

NURS 6610, 6611/L, 6642/L, 7723,

principles of team dynamics to perform

Competencies complex systems to improve
effectively in different team roles to plan and
health care delivery.
deliver patient/population-centered care that is
2. Effects health care change using
safe, timely, efficient, effective and equitable.
broad based skills including
negotiating, consensus-building, Planning, development, and implementation of

and partnering. public and community health programs.

3. Minimizes risk to patients and
Policies that reduce environmental health
providers at the individual and
systems level.
4. Facilitates the development of Cost, safety, effectiveness, and alternatives
health care systems that address when proposing changes in care and practice.
the needs of culturally diverse
Organizational decision making.
populations, providers, and other
stakeholders. Interpreting variations in outcomes.
Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population

5. Evaluates the impact of health

Uses of data from information systems to
care delivery on patients,
improve practice.
providers, other stakeholders, and
the environment. Business principles that affect long-term
6. Analyzes organizational structure, financial viability of a practice, the efficient use
functions and resources to of resources, and quality of care.
improve the delivery of care.
Relevant legal regulations for nurse
7. Collaborates in planning for
practitioner practice, including reimbursement
transitions across the continuum of
of services.
Skills needed to assist individuals, their
families, and caregivers to navigate transitions
and negotiate care across healthcare delivery

Process of design, implementation, and

evaluation of evidence-based, age-appropriate
professional standards and guidelines for care.

NURS 7720, 6610,

1. Integrates ethical principles in

Ethical dilemmas specific to interprofessional
Competencies decision making.
patient/population-centered care situations.
8840, 7760

2. Evaluates the ethical

consequences of decisions. Ethics to meet the needs of patients.
3. Applies ethically sound solutions
Ethical implications of scientific advances and
to complex issues related to
practices accordingly.
individuals, populations and
systems of care.

Independent 1. Functions as a licensed 1. Obtains and accurately documents a relevant

The influence of the family or psychosocial
Practice independent practitioner. health history for patients of all ages and in
factors on patient illness.
Competencies 2. Demonstrates the highest level of all phases of the individual and family life
accountability for professional cycle using collateral information, as needed. Conditions related to developmental delays
practice. 2. Performs and accurately documents and learning disabilities in all ages.
3. Practices independently managing appropriate comprehensive or symptom-
Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population

previously diagnosed and focused physical examinations on patients of

Women’s and men’s reproductive health,
NURS 6610, 8840, 7723, 6655, 5580, 7790, 7760, 7780L

undiagnosed patients. all ages (including developmental and

including, but not limited to, sexual health,
3.a Provides the full spectrum of behavioral screening, physical exam and
pregnancy, and postpartum care.
health care services to include mental health evaluations).
health promotion, disease Problems of substance abuse and violence, e.
prevention, health protection, 3. Identifies health and psychosocial risk factors mental health, f. cultural factors, g. genetics, h.
anticipatory guidance, of patients of all ages and families in all dental health, i. families at risk, j. cultural
counseling, disease stages of the family life cycle. health, k. spiritual, and l. sexual, M. academic
management, palliative, and 4. Identifies and plans interventions to promote functioning Family assessment.
end-of-life care. health with families at risk.
Functional assessment of family members
3.b Uses advanced health 5. Assesses the impact of an acute and/or
PHARM 6645

(e.g., elderly, disabled).

assessment skills to chronic illness or common injuries on the
differentiate between normal, family as a whole. Signs and symptoms indicative of change in
variations of normal and 6. Distinguishes between normal and abnormal mental status, e.g. agitation, anxiety,
abnormal findings. change across the lifespan. depression, substance use, delirium, and
3.c Employs screening and 7. Assesses decision-making ability and dementia.
diagnostic strategies in the consults and refers, appropriately.
Comprehensive assessment that includes the
development of diagnoses. 8. Synthesizes data from a variety of sources to
differentiation of normal age changes from
3.d Prescribes medications within make clinical decisions regarding appropriate
acute and chronic medical and
scope of practice. management, consultation, or referral.
psychiatric/substance use disease processes,
3.e Manages the health/illness 9. Plans diagnostic strategies and makes
with attention to commonly occurring atypical
status of patients and families appropriate use of diagnostic tools for
presentations and co-occurring health
over time. screening and prevention, with consideration
problems including cognitive impairment.
4. Provides patient-centered care of the costs, risks, and benefits to individuals.
recognizing cultural diversity and 10. Formulates comprehensive differential Assessment processes for persons with
the patient or designee as a full diagnoses. cognitive impairment and
partner in decision-making. 11. Manages common acute and chronic psychiatric/substance use disorders.
4.a Works to establish a physical and mental illnesses, including
Evidence-based screening tools for
relationship with the patient acute exacerbations and injuries across the
assessment of:
characterized by mutual lifespan to minimize the development of
respect, empathy, and complications, and promote function and
b. Anxiety disorders
collaboration. quality of living.
c. Mood disorders
Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population

4.b Creates a climate of patient- 12. Prescribes medications with knowledge of d. Developmental variations to include
centered care to include altered pharmacodynamics and physical differences, behavior and
confidentiality, privacy, pharmacokinetics with special populations, function
comfort, emotional support, such as infants and children, pregnant and e. Autistic Spectrum disorders
mutual trust, and respect. lactating women, and older adults. f. Substance disorders
4.c Incorporates the patient’s 13. Prescribes therapeutic devices. g. Suicidal ideation and self-injurious
cultural and spiritual 14. Adapts interventions to meet the complex behavior
preferences, values, and needs of individuals and families arising from
Risks to health related to:
beliefs into health care. aging, developmental/life transitions, co-
a. Bullying and victimization
4.d Preserves the patient’s control morbities, psychosocial, and financial issues.
b. Environmental factors
over decision making by 15. Assesses and promotes self-care in patients
c. Risk-taking behaviors
negotiating a mutually with disabilities.
acceptable plan of care. 16. Plans and orders palliative care and end-of- Signs and symptoms of acute physical and
life care, as appropriate. mental illnesses, and atypical presentations
17. Performs primary care procedures. across the life span.
18. Uses knowledge of family theories and
Resiliency and healthy coping.
development stages to individualize care
provided to individuals and families. Pharmacologic assessment addressing
19. Facilitates family decision-making about polypharmacy; drug interactions and other
health. adverse events; over-the-counter;
20. Analyzes the impact of aging and age-and complementary alternatives; and the ability to
disease-related changes in obtain, purchase, self-administer, and store
sensory/perceptual function, cognition, medications safely and correctly.
confidence with technology, and health
Epidemiology, environmental and community
literacy and numeracy on the ability and
characteristics, cultural, and life stage
readiness to learn and tailor interventions
development, including the presentation seen
with increasing age, family, and behavioral risk
21. Demonstrates knowledge of the similarities
and differences in roles of various health
professionals proving mental health services, Assessment of families and individuals in the
e.g., psychotherapists, psychologist, development of coping systems and lifestyle
psychiatric social worker, psychiatrist, and adaptations.
Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population

advanced practice psychiatric nurse.

Referrals to other health care professionals
22. Evaluates the impact of life transitions on the
and community resources for individuals and
health/illness status of patients and the
families, for example, coordination of care
impact of health and illness on patients
transitions within and between health care
(individuals, families, and communities).
23. Applies principles of self-
efficacy/empowerment in promoting behavior Women’s reproductive health, including sexual
change. health, prenatal, and postpartum care and pre
24. Develops patient-appropriate educational and post-menopausal care.
materials that address the language and
Performance of common office procedures
cultural beliefs of the patient.
which may include, but are not limited to,
25. Monitors specialized care coordination to
suturing, lesion removal, incision and
enhance effectiveness of outcomes for
drainage, casting/splinting, microscopy, and
individuals and families
gynecology procedures.

Comprehensive plan of care:

Assistive devices which may include but not

limited to nebulizers, walkers, CPAP.

Appropriate referral for physical therapy,

occupational therapy, speech therapy, home
health, hospice and nutritional therapy.

Establishment of sustainable partnership with

individuals and families

Ethical issues related to balancing differing

needs, age-related transitions, illness, or
health among family members.

Culturally appropriate communication skills

adapted to the individual’s cognitive,
developmental, physical, mental and
behavioral health status.
Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population

Discussion techniques for sensitive issues

such as:
a. suicide prevention, self-injury
b. sexually-related issues
c. substance use/abuse
d. risk-taking behavior
e. driving safety
f. independence
g. finances
h. violence, abuse, and mistreatment
i. prognosis

Assessment of decisional capacity (including

the balance between autonomy and safety),
guardianship, financial management and
durable and healthcare powers of attorney to
the treatment of older adults.

Intervention/crisis management and

appropriate referrals to mental health care
professionals and community agencies with

Cognitive, sensory, and perceptual problems

with special attention to temperature
sensation, hearing and vision

Relationship development with patients,

families, and other caregivers to address
sensitive issues, such as driving, independent
living, potential for abuse, end-of-life issues,
advanced directives, and finances.

Education on preventive health care and end-

Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population

of-life choices.

Resources for payment of services related to

fixed income (retired), entitlements (Medicaid
and Medicare), and available resources

Provider communication skills which include

validating and verifying findings, and the
acknowledgement of patients strengths in
meeting needs.

Patient comfort and support.

Importance of “being present” during

communication with others.


Evaluation of therapeutic interaction

Termination of nurse practitioner patient

relationship and issue related to transition to
another health care provider.

Patient and or caregiver support and


Respect for the inherent dignity of every

human being, whatever their age, gender,
religion, socioeconomic class, sexual
orientation, and ethnicity.

Rights of individuals to choose their care

provider, participate in care, and refuse care.

Influence of cultural variations on child health

practices, including child rearing.

Spiritual needs in the context of health and

Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population

illness experiences, including referral for

pastoral services.

Assessment of the influence of patient’s

spirituality on his/her health care behaviors
and practices.

Appropriate incorporation of spiritual beliefs

into the plan of care.

Collaboration with patients and families to

discuss their wishes for end of life decision-
making and care.

Learning style assessment for the patients

Patient education about self-management of

acute/chronic illness with sensitivity to the
patient’s learning ability and cultural/ethnic

How to adapt teaching-learning approaches

based on physiological and psychological
changes, age, developmental stage, readiness
to learn, health literacy, the environment, and

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