Core Competency Table
Core Competency Table
Core Competency Table
Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population
NURS 6600, 7725, 6610
Leadership 1. Assumes complex and 1. Works with individuals of other professions Roles of the Family/Lifespan NP: health care
Competencies advanced leadership roles to to maintain a climate of mutual respect and provider, coordinator, consultant, educator,
initiate and guide change. shared values. coach, advocate, administrator, researcher,
Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population
2. Provides leadership to foster 2. Engages diverse health care professionals and leader.
collaboration with multiple who complement one's own professional
Building and maintaining a therapeutic team to
stakeholders (e.g. patients, expertise, as well as associated resources, to
provide optimum therapy.
community, integrated health care develop strategies to meet specific patient
teams, and policy makers) to care needs. Skills for interpretation and marketing
improve health care... 3. Engages in continuous professional and strategies of the family/lifespan nurse
3. Demonstrates leadership that uses interprofessional development to enhance practitioner role for the public, legislators,
NURS 8840, 6655
critical and reflective thinking. team performance. policy-makers, and other health care
4. Advocates for improved access, 4. Assumes leadership in interprofessional professions.
quality and cost effective health groups to facilitate the development,
Advocacy for the role of the advanced practice
care. implementation and evaluation of care
nurse in the health care system.
5. Advances practice through the provided in complex systems.
development and implementation Importance of participation in professional
of innovations incorporating organizations.
principles of change.
Acceptance and embracement of cultural
6. Communicates practice
diversity and individual differences that
knowledge effectively, both orally
characterize patients, populations, and the
and in writing.
health care team and embrace the cultural
7. Participates in professional
diversity and individual differences that
organizations and activities that
characterize patients, populations, and the
influence advanced practice
health care team.
nursing and/or health outcomes of
a population focus. Recognition and respect for the unique
cultures, values, roles/responsibilities and
expertise of other health care team members.
NURS 7720, 6610,
4.b Creates a climate of patient- 12. Prescribes medications with knowledge of d. Developmental variations to include
centered care to include altered pharmacodynamics and physical differences, behavior and
confidentiality, privacy, pharmacokinetics with special populations, function
comfort, emotional support, such as infants and children, pregnant and e. Autistic Spectrum disorders
mutual trust, and respect. lactating women, and older adults. f. Substance disorders
4.c Incorporates the patient’s 13. Prescribes therapeutic devices. g. Suicidal ideation and self-injurious
cultural and spiritual 14. Adapts interventions to meet the complex behavior
preferences, values, and needs of individuals and families arising from
Risks to health related to:
beliefs into health care. aging, developmental/life transitions, co-
a. Bullying and victimization
4.d Preserves the patient’s control morbities, psychosocial, and financial issues.
b. Environmental factors
over decision making by 15. Assesses and promotes self-care in patients
c. Risk-taking behaviors
negotiating a mutually with disabilities.
acceptable plan of care. 16. Plans and orders palliative care and end-of- Signs and symptoms of acute physical and
life care, as appropriate. mental illnesses, and atypical presentations
17. Performs primary care procedures. across the life span.
18. Uses knowledge of family theories and
Resiliency and healthy coping.
development stages to individualize care
provided to individuals and families. Pharmacologic assessment addressing
19. Facilitates family decision-making about polypharmacy; drug interactions and other
health. adverse events; over-the-counter;
20. Analyzes the impact of aging and age-and complementary alternatives; and the ability to
disease-related changes in obtain, purchase, self-administer, and store
sensory/perceptual function, cognition, medications safely and correctly.
confidence with technology, and health
Epidemiology, environmental and community
literacy and numeracy on the ability and
characteristics, cultural, and life stage
readiness to learn and tailor interventions
development, including the presentation seen
with increasing age, family, and behavioral risk
21. Demonstrates knowledge of the similarities
and differences in roles of various health
professionals proving mental health services, Assessment of families and individuals in the
e.g., psychotherapists, psychologist, development of coping systems and lifestyle
psychiatric social worker, psychiatrist, and adaptations.
Competency Area NP Core Competencies Family/Across the Lifespan Curriculum Content to Support
NP Competencies Competencies
Neither required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only
suggested content specific to the population
of-life choices.