NSG 105 - Pharma

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Republic of the Philippines

Islamic City of Marawi, Lanao del Sur

Mindanao State University – College of Health Sciences

NSG 105

CHS Vision: The College of Health Sciences envisions to be the leading college in the country offering various health (paramedical) programs with excellence, undertaking
community extension, research and health services, committed to the health development of the global community.

CHS Mission: The College of Health Sciences shall be providing a continuous opportunity for quality higher education in the field of nursing to the global community for them to
be capable of inculcating values of health and sanitation, prevent illness, and alleviate suffering, cure and rehabilitate the infirmed and the handicapped.

College Objectives:

1. To continue offering high quality and relevant, programs in health.

2. To develop new programs to meet the health needs of the people in the global community.
3. To act as catalyst through its graduate students and college manpower inculcating values of health, sanitation, health promotion, illness prevention and alleviation of suffering of
the infirmed and handicapped.
4. To conduct health researches studies and make data available to concerned or involved population in order to spur health and development.
5. To engage in extension and consultancy, health manpower training and other services that would support the growth of the community.

Institutional Outcome: Practice social transformation through excellence in research, extension, instruction, peace education, innovation and collaboration.

Values / Attributes of Graduates: Social Transformation, Peace, Competence /Excellence in Instruction, Research, Extension, Innovation, Collaboration.

Course Code: NSG 105 (PHARMACOLOGY)

*Note: The syllabi are flexible. More learning outcomes based on course and program outcomes can be prepared or added in the future. More topics and learning outcomes can
be can be designed to implement OBE.

Program Outcomes Emphasis Course Outcomes Learning Outcomes

1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, Practice with supervision Integrate relevant principles of Social Apply concept and principles of
natural, sciences and humanities in the sciences and humanities in a given health pharmacology to ensure safe and
practice of nursing. and nursing situation. proper use of drugs

Apply Appropriate nursing concepts and

actions holistically and comprehensively.

2. Perform safe, appropriate and holistic Practice with supervision Assess with the client (Individual, Family, Explain the action, therapeutic use,
care to individuals, families, population population, group/community, one’s preparation, dosage, mode of
groups and community utilizing nursing health status/competence administration of selected drugs and
process. medicinal plants
Provide health education using selected
planning models to targeted clientele Analyze the characteristics of the learner
(individuals, family, population group or by assessing the learning needs.
State precautionary measures to be
Institute appropriate corrective actions to observed in the administration
prevent or minimize harm. of selected drugs

3. Apply guidelines and principles of Practice with supervision Provide appropriate evidence based Design a well-crafted course syllabus in a
evidence-based practice in the delivery of nursing care using participatory approach given health topic.
care based on:
-Variety of theories & standards relevant List down the barrier to education and
to health and healing obstacles to learning
-Clinical practice

4. Practice nursing in accordance with Practice with supervision Decide ethical principles and guidelines Apply ethical principles of confidentiality
existing laws, legal and moral principles. throughout the teaching process namely and autonomy ethical and decision making
honesty, confidentiality, autonomy process in drug administration

Adheres to established norms of conduct

based on Philippine Nursing Law and other
legal, regulatory and institutional
requirements relevant to safe nursing

discuss the role and responsibility of the

nurse in pharmacology

5. Communicate effectively in speaking, Demonstrate across different clinical Communicate effectively in the gathering Communicate to target clientele by means
writing and presenting using culturally- settings with minimal supervision of data and disseminations of correct of observing appropriate language
appropriate language. health related information using a
culturally-appropriate language. Establish rapport with target clientele
before administering drugs.

6. Report/document client care accurately Practice with supervision Report and document data gathered Document clients /learners responses
and comprehensively. honestly and accurately. correctly and accurately

Document Nursing Care services rendered

and processes/outcomes of the nurse-client
and nurse-other health professionals
working relationship.

7. Collaborate effectively with inter-, Practice with supervision Apply principles of coordination, Ensure intra-agency, inter-agency,
intra, and multidisciplinary and partnership with significant agencies and multidisciplinary and sectoral collaboration
multicultural teams. personnel involved in the data collection. in the conduct of drug therapy

Implement strategies/approaches to
enhance/support the capability of the
learners and the target clientele.

Maintain a harmonious and collegial

relationship among members of the team.

8. Practice beginning management and Practice with supervision Manage resources (human, physical, Participate in the planning and
leadership skills using systems approach financial & time) efficiency and implementation of the activity with good
in the delivery of client care effectively leadership and management.

Apply patient classification system/nursing

care models

10. Engage in lifelong learning with a Practice with supervision Participate actively in preparing and Assume responsibility for lifelong
passion to keep current with national and conducting activities that promote learning, own personal development and
global developments in general, nursing continued competence and personal maintenance of competence.
and health developments in particular. development.
Demonstrate continued competence and
professional growth.

Engage with the different advocacy


Maintenance of competence

12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems Introduce through concepts/principles Utilize techno-intelligent tools in Use appropriate technology in
and processes in health care delivery. conducting family development session implementing different forms of health
such as video presentation of the different education.
health advocacies.

13. Uphold the nursing core values in the Practice with supervision Uphold the nursing core values in drug Integrate the core values of nursing
practice of the profession. administration including confidentiality, profession in every session of drug
do no harm to every clientele. administration
15. Practice social transformation through Introduce through concepts/principles Improve disaster management practices to Demonstrate appreciation of the
excellence in Research, Instruction and mitigate effects of disaster complications importance of community engagement in
Extension, peace education, and learn emphasize community disaster management to improve health and
innovativeness and collaboration. cooperation to develop sustainable social welfare.
community practices, harmony and peace.



Course No: NSG 105

Course Description: This course deals with pharmacodynamics, pharmakokinetics, clinical/therapeutic uses and toxicology of drugs. Emphasis is given on how a
drug works to anticipate when giving a drug to a patient are of paramount importance since nursing responsibilities include administering
drugs, assessing drug effects, intervening to make a drug more tolerable, and providing teaching about drugs and the drug regimen. Students
are expected to apply concepts and principles of pharmacology to ensure safe and proper use of drugs; explain the actions, therapeutic uses,
preparations, dosages, modes of administration of selected drugs and medicinal plants; and discuss the role and function of nurses in

Course Credit: Theory: 3 units (54hours)

Independent Study 82-122 hours

Placement: Second Year, First Semester

Pre-Requisite: Anatomy and Physiology (Lec and Lab)

Program Outcomes:

1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing.

2. Perform safe, appropriate, and holistic care to individuals, families, population groups, and community utilizing nursing process.

3 .Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care

4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral principles.

5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing, and presenting using culturally-appropriate language.

6. Report/document client care accurately and comprehensively.

7. Collaborate effectively with inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.

8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills using systems approach in the delivery of client care.

10. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, and nursing and health developments
in particular.

11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride in being a Filipino.

12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery.

13. Uphold the nursing core values in the practice of the profession.

14. Apply entrepreneurial skills in the delivery of nursing care.

15. Practice social transformation through excellence in Research, Instruction and Extension, peace education, innovativeness and


Level Outcomes:

At the end of the course and given relevant actual or simulated situations/conditions, the student will be able to:

1. Apply concept and principles of pharmacology to ensure safe and proper use of drugs

2. Explain the action, therapeutic use, preparation, dosage, mode of administration of selected drugs and medicinal plants

3. State precautionary measures to be observed in the administration of selected drugs

4. Discuss the role and responsibility of the nurse in pharmacology

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, a group of learners will be able to Identify and apply the principles, theories and strategies of Pharmacology.
1. Integrate relevant principles of Social sciences and humanities in a given health and nursing situation.

2. Apply appropriate nursing concepts and actions holistically and comprehensively.

3. Assess with the client (Individual, Family, population, group/community, and one’s health status/competence

4. Provide health education using selected planning models to targeted clientele (individuals, family, population group or community)

5. Institute appropriate corrective actions to prevent or minimize harm.

6. Provide appropriate evidence based nursing care using participatory approach based on:

-Variety of theories & standards relevant to health and healing


-Clinical practice

7. Decide ethical principles and guidelines throughout the teaching process namely honesty, confidentiality, autonomy

8. Communicate effectively in the gathering of data and disseminations of correct health related information using a culturally-
appropriate language.

9. Report and document data gathered honestly and accurately.

10. Apply principles of coordination, partnership with significant agencies and personnel involved in the data collection

11. Manage resources (human, Physical, financial & time) efficiency and effectively.

12. Use appropriate strategies in planning the activity/resource unit for health taeching.

13. Participate actively in preparing and conducting activities that promote continued competence and personal development.

14. Utilize techno-intelligent tools in conducting family development session such as video presentation of the different health advocacies.

15. Uphold the nursing core values in the conduct of health education sessions including confidentiality, do no harm to every clientele.

Learning Outcome Time Topic Learning Activities Resources Assessment

At the end of the class/ session, the 1hr Introduction and orientation: Introductory lecture – -Syllabus Oral participation
learners will be able to: discussion -Procedure manual
1. Briefly state the mission, vision, MSU: mission, vision and goals -Whiteboard
goals of the University and the CHS: mission, vision and goals -Laptap
college -LCD
2. State the scope and nature of the Introduction to the course
course (Pharmacology)
3. Identify the course objective Course objective
4. Recognize the grading system of Strategy
the that will be imposed in the Grading system
class Books and References
5. List the requirements needed to Requirements
complete and submit

At the end of the session, the students will be 3 hrs Introduction to drugs: Interactive lecture Laptop Written Examination
able to: Drug Action: Pharmaceutic, Small group discussion Projector Journal Sharing
1. Recite the definition of Pharmacokinetic and Pair-share-learning Textbooks Oral recitation
pharmaceutic, pharmacokinetic, Pharmacodynamic Phases Assignment Drug Guide
pharmacodynamic and the other Case analysis
terminologies Terminologies: Computer-technology
2. Display analytical and logical skills Active absorption assisted
in understanding the different Adverse reactions
terminologies Agonists
Creatinine clearance
Duration of action
First pass effect
Loading dose
Non selective drugs
Non-spcific drugs
Onset of action
Peak action
Placebo aeffect
Side effects
Therapeutic index
Therapeutic range
Toxic effects
Trough level
At the end of the session, the students will be 6hrs Principles of Drug Administration Interactive lecture Laptop Written Examination
able to: -Factors that modify drug response Small group discussion Projector Journal Sharing
1. Recite the principles of drug -Guidelines for drug administration Pair-share-learning Textbooks Oral recitation
administration -Forms and routes of drug Assignment Drug Guide
2. List the factors that modify drug administration Case analysis
response -Nursing implications for Computer-technology
3. Share insights about the guidelines, administration of parenteral assisted
forms and routes of drug medications
administration -Developmental needs of pediatric
4. Discuss nursing implications for clients
administration of parenteral -Methods for calculations
5. Recite developmental needs of
pediatric clients
6. Review methods for drug

At the end of the session, the students will be 3hrs Drug Interaction, Over the Counter Interactive Discussion Laptop Written Examination
able to: Drugs, Drug Abuse Small group discussion Projector Journal Sharing
1. Explain the indications, and actions Pair-share-learning Textbooks Oral recitation
of pharmacologic agent in the body. Drug Interaction Assignment Drug Guide Written work
2. Discuss the toxic effects of drugs in Case analysis
the body Drug-Food Interactions Computer-technology
3. Integrate nursing process in the care assisted
of clients receiving pharmacologic Drug-Induced Photosensitivity
4. Display critical thinking skills in Over the counter drugs
handling pharmacologic agents
Drug abuse
At the end of the session, the students will be 3hrs Pediatric Pharmacology Interactive lecture Laptop Written Examination
able to: Small group discussion Projector Journal Sharing
1. Explain the concept of Pharmacokinetics Pair-share-learning Textbooks Oral recitation
pharmacokinetics and Assignment Drug Guide
pharmacodynamics in pediatrics Pharmacodynamics Case analysis:
2. Discuss nursing implications in on the effect of
pediatric pharmacology Nursing Implications selected new drugs in
At the end of the session, the students will be 3hrs Geriatric Pharmacology Interactive discussion Laptop Written Examination
able to: Pair-share-learning Projector Journal Sharing
1. Determine the physiologic changes Physiologic changes Assignment Textbooks Oral recitation
among elderly that are to be Case analysis: Drug Guide Written work
considered in giving medications Pharmacokinetics On the evaluation of
2. Explain the concept of drug regimen on older
pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics people.
pharmacodynamics in geriatric Computer-technology
patients Effects of selected drug groups on assisted
3. Show appropriate attitude in older adults
providing patients’ safety and
4. Display critical thinking skills in
determining effects of selected drug
groups on older adults

At the end of the session, the students will be 3hrs Nutrition and Electrolytes Lecture-Discussion Written Examination
able to: Journal Sharing
1. Explain the indications, actions, Vitamin and mineral replacement Oral recitation
contraindications of vitamin and
mineral replacement Fluid and electrolyte replacement
2. Discuss the toxic effects of vitamin,
minerals, fluids and electrolyte Nutritional support
3. Share insights about the nursing
management concerning vitamin,
mineral, fluid and electrolytes
4. Apply analytical skills in integrating
nursing process in the care of
patients vitamin, mineral, fluids and

At the end of the session, the students will be 6hrs 2. Chemotherapeutic Agents a. Anti- Interactive Discussion Laptop Summative Quiz
able to: infective agents Small group discussion Projector Journal sharing
5. Explain the indications, actions, Pair-share-learning Textbooks Oral recitation
contraindications of b. Antibiotics (generations/ Case study: Drug Guide
chemotherapeutic agents classificat) on trend of antibiotics
6. Discuss the toxic effects of and anti neoplastic agents
chemotherapeutic drugs in the body therapy
7. Share insights about the nursing c. Antiviral agents
management concerning
chemotherapeutic agents d. Antifungal agents
8. Apply analytical skills in integrating e. Antiprotozoal agents
nursing process in the care of
patients receiving chemotherapeutic f. Antihelmintic agents
9. Develop teaching plan for clients g. Antineoplastic agents
receiving chemotherapeutic agents
10. Integrate safety measures and
respect of privacy for patients
receiving chemotherapeutic drugs
At the end of the session, the students will be 3 hrs 3. Drugs acting on the immune Interactive Discussion Laptop Summative Quiz
able to: system Small group discussion Projector Journal sharing
1. Explain the indications, and actions a. Anti-inflammatory agents Pair-share-learning Textbooks Oral recitation
of pharmacologic agent acting on the b. Immune modulators Drug Guide
immune system. c. Vaccines and sera
2. Discuss the toxic effects of drugs
acting on the immune system
3. Integrate nursing process in the care
of clients receiving drugs acting on
the immune system
4. Display critical thinking skills in
dealing with pharmacologic agents
5. Integrate safety measures and
respect of privacy for patients
receiving drugs acting on the
immune system

At the end of the session, the students will be 6hrs 4. Drugs acting on the CNS and PNS Laptop Summative Quiz
able to: Interactive Lecture- Projector Journal sharing
1. Explain the indications, actions, a. Anxiolytic and hypnotic agents b. Discussion Textbooks Oral recitation
contraindications of drugs acting on the CNS Antidepressant agents Small group discussion Drug Guide
and PNS c. Psychotherapeutic Pair-share-learning
2. Discuss toxic effects of drugs acting
on the CNS and PNS d. Antiepileptic agents
3. Share insights about the nursing e. Antiparkinsonism agents
management concerning drugs f. Muscle relaxants
acting on the CNS and PNS g. Narcotics and anti-migraine drugs
4. Apply analytical skills in integrating h. General and local anesthetics
nursing process in the care of i. Neuromuscular blocking agents
patients receiving drugs acting on
the CNS and PNS
5. Integrate safety measures and
respect of privacy for patients
receiving drugs acting on the CNS
and PNS
At the end of the session, the students will be 3 hrs 5. Drugs acting on the ANS Lecture discussion Laptop Summative Quiz
able to: Projector Journal sharing
1. Explain the indications, actions, a. Adrenergic agents Textbooks Oral recitation
contraindications of drugs acting on the Drug Guide
autonomic nervous system b. Adrenergic blocking agents c.
2. Discuss the toxic effects of drugs Cholinergic agents
acting on autonomic nervous system d. Cholinergic blocking agents
in the body
3. Share insights about the nursing
management concerning drugs
acting on autonomic nervous system
4. Apply analytical skills in integrating
nursing process in the care of
patients receiving drugs acting on
the nervous system
5. Integrate safety measures and
respect of privacy of patients
receiving drugs acting on the ANS
At the end of the session, the students will be 3 hrs 6. Drugs acting on endocrine system Interactive Discussion Laptop Summative Quiz
able to: a. Hypothalamic and pituitary agents Small group discussion Projector Journal sharing
1. Explain the indications, actions, b. Adrenocortical agents Pair-share-learning Textbooks Oral recitation
contraindications of drugs acting on c. Thyroid and parathyroid agents Drug Guide
endocrine system d. Antidiabetic agents
2. Discuss the toxic effects of drugs
acting on endocrine system
3. Share insights about the nursing
management concerning drugs
acting on endocrine system
4. Apply logical, analytical and critical
thinking skills in integrating nursing
process in the care of patients
receiving drugs acting on endocrine
5. Integrate safety measures and
respect of privacy for patients
receiving drugs acting on the
immune system
At the end of the session, the students will be 3 hrs 7. Drugs acting on the Interactive Discussion Laptop Summative Quiz
able to: cardiovascular system Small group discussion Projector Journal sharing
1. Explain the indications, actions, and Pair-share-learning Textbooks Oral recitation
contraindications of drugs acting on the Drug Guide
cardiovascular system. a. Anti-hypertensive drugs
2. Discuss the toxic effects of drugs
acting on the cardiovascular system b. Cardiotonic agents
3. Share insights about the nursing c. Anti-arrhythmic agents
management for drugs acting on the d. Antianginal agents
cardiovascular system e. Lipid lowering agents
4. Apply analytical skills in integrating f. Drugs affecting blood c oagulation
nursing process in the care of g. Drugs used to treat anemia
patients receiving drugs that are
acting on the cardiovascular system
5. Integrate safety measures and
respect of privacy of patients
receiving drugs acting on the
cardiovascular system.
At the end of the session, the students will be 3 hrs 8. Drugs acting on Renal System Interactive Discussion Laptop Summative Quiz
able to: a. Diuretics such as potassium- Small group discussion Projector Journal sharing
1. Explain the indications, actions, sparing, potassium-losing, osmotic Pair-share-learning Textbooks Oral recitation
contraindications of drugs acting on renal diuretics, parenteral fluids Drug Guide
system (hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic),
2. Discuss the toxic effects of drugs electrolytes (sodium, potassium
acting on renal system chloride)
3. Share insights about the nursing
management concerning drugs
acting on renal system
4. Apply analytical skills in integrating
nursing process in the care of
patients receiving drugs acting on
the renal system
5. Integrate safety measures and
respect of privacy of patients
receiving drugs acting on the renal
At the end of the session, the students will be 3 hrs 9. Drugs acting on the respiratory Interactive Discussion Laptop Summative Quiz
able to: system Small group discussion Projector Journal sharing
1. Explain the indications, actions, Pair-share-learning Textbooks Oral recitation
contraindications of drugs acting on the a. Bronchodilators Drug Guide
respiratory system
2. Discuss the toxic effects of drugs b. Expectorants
acting on the respiratory system.
3. Share insights about the nursing c. Antitussive
management concerning drugs
acting on the respiratory system
4. Apply analytical skills in integrating
nursing process in the care of
patients receiving drugs acting on
respiratory system
5. Integrate safety measures and
respect of privacy of patients
receiving drugs acting on the
respiratory system
At the end of the session, the students will be 3hrs 10. Drugs acting on the Interactive Discussion Laptop Summative Quiz
able to: Gastrointestinal System Small group discussion Projector Journal sharing
1. Explain the indications, actions, Pair-share-learning Textbooks Oral recitation
contraindications of drugs acting on the Drug Guide
gastrointestinal system
2. Discuss the toxic effects of drugs
acting on the gastrointestinal system
3. Share insights about the nursing
management concerning drugs
acting on the gastrointestinal system
4. Apply analytical skills in integrating
nursing process in the care of
patients receiving drugs acting on
the gastrointestinal system
5. Integrate safety measures and
respect of privacy for patients
receiving drugs acting on the
gastrointestinal system

Learning Environment:
Classroom with LCD projector, Black board and white board

Library, computer/Laptop and teaching materials, Drug handbook

Course Requirements:
Attendance, Drug Journal, Drud study, Case study

Grading System:
Quizzes/ Participation/ Recitation - 30%
Long Exam - 40%
Attendance/ Attitude - 10%
Requirements - 20%
Total 100%


1. Amy M. Karch, Focus on Nursing Pharmacology, 5th ed, Lippincot Williams and Wilkins, USA
2. LefeverKee, Joyce and Hayes, Evelyn,Pharmacology, a Nursing Approach,4thed,Sauders, USA
3. Linda Lane Lilley, Pharmacology and Nursing Process,
4. Richard A. Lehne, Pharmacology for Nursing Care,
5. Drug Guide

Prepared by:

Asst. Professor IV – Ulysses T. Abellana RN,MN

Approved By:

Dr. Salmah Basher RN, MAN Dr. Naima D. Mala

Chairman, Nursing Department Dean, College of Health Sciences

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