The Civilian Letters
The Civilian Letters
The Civilian Letters
Civilian Letters
In the business World, a business man writes business letters for
communication; whereas, in the civilian-paramilitary realm a policeman
makes use of the civilian letters
The term civilian refers to a person who is not a member of the
armed forces. According to Soriano (2005) the police belongs to the
armed forces, though in character, the police organization is
civilian-paramilitary, still the police utilize the civilian letter in
communicating with those outside the parameters of the organization.
Specifically, civilian letters are used when a law enforcer is
communicating with the President of the country, the Chief of Staff,
Department Secretaries, Governors, Mayors, Managers, School Heads,
and the like.
4. Body of Letter - This is considered as the "body and soul" of the entire
letter because this contains the message of the writer. This is written
two spaces below the salutation, comprising of two or more paragraphs.
The first paragraph contains the statement and purpose of the letter;
and the second paragraph contains the detailed explanation of the
letter. In most cases, single space is used for lengthy letters, and double
space is used for short letters.
6. Signature Block - This part comprises the name of the writer of the
letter, or in some instances, the name of the company. This appears
above the signature, and placed four spaces below the complimentary
Sample Layout of a civilian letter with complete
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