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Analysis of Item

E.I No.1 9.63 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised M.S. tower bolt black finish, (Barrel type) with necessary screws etc.
complete :
9.63.1 250x10 mm
Code Description Rate Unit Qty Total
Details of cost for 10 nos.
0664 Oxidised mild steel tower bolt (barrel type) 60.00 each 10 each 600
250x10 mm
0684 Oxidised mild steel screws 30 mm 115.00 100 Nos 100 Nos 115
9977 Carriage of material 0.00 L.S. 3.64 L.S. 0
0112 Carpenter 2nd class 724.00 Day 0.1 Day 72.4
TOTAL 787.4
Add 1 % for water charges 7.87
TOTAL 795.27
Add 15 % for contractor's profit and 119.29
Cost of 10 nos. 914.56
Cost of 1 no. 91.46
Say 91.45

E.I No.2 10.5 Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet door with frame of 40x40x6 mm angle iron and 3 mm M.S. gusset
plates at the junctions and corners, all necessary fittings complete, including applying a priming coat of
10.5.1 approved
Using M.S.steel
angels 40x40x6 mm for diagonal braces
Code Description Rate Unit Qty Total
Details of cost for a double leaf door of size

(i) M.S. sheet 1mm thick
5.76sqm. @ 7.85kg/sqm. = 45.216kg.+
Add wastage @ 10% = 4.522kg.
Total = 49.738kg = 0.497 q
1013 Mild steel sheets for tanks 4500.00 quintal 0.497 quintal 2236.5
(ii) Gusset plates 3.00mm thick
Area of one gusset plates
0.3x0.04 = 0.0120+
1/2x0.26(0.04+0.3) = 0.0442
Total = 0.0562sqm.+
8x0.0562 = 0.4496sqm.+
Total = 0.5910sqm.
[email protected]/sqm.=13.92kg.+

Add wastage @ 10% = 1.39kg

Total = 15.31kg. or 0.153q
1013 Mild steel sheets for tanks 4500.00 quintal 0.153 quintal 688.5
(iii) Angle iron:40x40x6mm @3.5kg/m
Sides-4x2.40 = 9.6m+
Top & bottom-4x1.20=4.8m+
2x2.45 = 4.9m+
Total = 24.30m+
Add wastage @ 10% = 2.43m
Total =26.73m
26.73m @ 3.5kg. per m. = 93.56kg=0.936q

1007 Structurals such as tees,angles channels and 3650.00 quintal 0.936 quintal 3416.4
R.S. joists
2205 Carriage of Steel 0.00 tonne 0.1586 tonne 0
(0.0497+0.0153+0.0936 tonne) = 0.1586 t

1036 Iron pintels including welded pin 36.00 each 4 each 144
1222 Mild steel sheets with bolts and nuts to rest 138.00 each 4 each 552
on pintels
1019 Mild steel hooks 30.00 each 2 each 60
9999 Locking arrangements and handles 1.70 L.S. 167.7 L.S. 285.09
9999 Rivets 1.70 L.S. 269.1 L.S. 457.47
Priming coat-
M.S. sheet = 11.52
Angle iron-0.16x24.3 = 3.89
Total = 15.41
13.50.3 Rate as per item no 13.50.3 of SH : Finishing 53.10 sqm 15.41 sqm 818.27

0116 Fitter (grade 1) 795.00 Day 2 Day 1590
0102 Blacksmith 1st class 795.00 Day 3 Day 2385
0103 Blacksmith 2nd class 724.00 Day 4 Day 2896
0123 Mason (brick layer) 1st class 795.00 Day 0.06 Day 47.7
0124 Mason (brick layer) 2nd class 724.00 Day 0.06 Day 43.44
0114 Beldar 654.00 Day 5 Day 3270
9999 Sundries 1.70 L.S. 161.46 L.S. 274.48
TOTAL 19164.85
Add 1 % for water charges on all except (A) 183.47
i.e. on (19164.85 - 818.27) = 18346.58

TOTAL 19348.32
Add 15 % for contractor's profit and 2779.51
overheads on all except (A) i.e. on
(19348.32 - 818.27) = 18530.05

Cost of 5.76 sqm. 22127.83

Cost per sqm. 3841.64
Say 3841.65

E.I No.3 14.2 Fixing chowkhats in existing opening including embedding chowkhats in floors or walls cutting masonry for
holdfasts, embedding hold fasts in cement concrete blocks of size 15 x 10 x 10 cm with cement concrete 1:3:6
14.2.1 (1
Door chowkhats
cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), painting two coats of approved
wood preservative to sides of chowkhats and making good the damages to walls and floors as required
complete, including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-
Code Description Rate Unit Qty Total
Detail of cost for 1 each
0295 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm 1519.00 cum 0.021 cum 31.9
nominal size
0297 Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm 1100.00 cum 0.0072 cum 7.92
nominal size
2202 Carriage of Stone aggregate below 40 mm 0.00 cum 0.0282 cum 0
nominal size
0982 Coarse sand (zone III) 2225.00 cum 0.0141 cum 31.37
2203 Carriage of Coarse sand 0.00 cum 0.0141 cum 0
0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) 4800.00 tonne 0.0066 tonne 31.68
2209 Carriage of Cement 0.00 tonne 0.0066 tonne 0
0114 Beldar 654.00 Day 0.027 Day 17.66
0115 Coolie 654.00 Day 0.0195 Day 12.75
0130 Mistry 795.00 Day 0.0084 Day 6.68
0123 Mason (brick layer) 1st class 795.00 Day 0.0018 Day 1.43
0124 Mason (brick layer) 2nd class 724.00 Day 0.0018 Day 1.3
0128 Mate 689.00 Day 0.0012 Day 0.83
9999 Scaffolding 1.70 L.S. 1.43 L.S. 2.43
9999 Hire and running charges of mechanical 1.70 L.S. 0.78 L.S. 1.33
9999 Sundries 1.70 L.S. 0.39 L.S. 0.66
Cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand)

3.6 Rate as per Item Number 3.6 of SH: Mortars 2865.70 cum 0.01 cum 28.66

9999 Cement concrete 1:2:4 filled in chase cut 1.70 L.S. 24.18 L.S. 41.11

9999 Painting two coats of coaltar 1.70 L.S. 13.52 L.S. 22.98
9999 Disposal of mulba 1.70 L.S. 1.82 L.S. 3.09
0155 Mason (average) 759.50 Day 0.5 Day 379.75
0114 Beldar 654.00 Day 0.75 Day 490.5
9999 Sundries 1.70 L.S. 2.73 L.S. 4.64
TOTAL 1118.67
Add 1 % for water charges 11.19
TOTAL 1129.86
Add 15 % for contractor's profit and 169.48
Cost of 1.00 chowkhat 1299.34
Say 1299.35

3.6 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand).

Code Description Rate Unit Qty Total
Details of cost for 1 cum
(0.178 cum. of cement = 0.25 tonne)
Cement required for cement mortar is

0367 Portland Cement (OPC-43 grade) 4800.00 tonne 0.25 tonne 1200
2209 Carriage of Cement 0.00 tonne 0.25 tonne 0
0983 Fine sand (zone IV) 989.00 cum 1.07 cum 1058.23
2261 Carriage of Fine sand (1 part badarpur 0.00 cum 1.07 cum 0
sand : 2 parts jamuna sand)
For measuring, carrying, depositing and
0114 Beldar 654.00 Day 0.75 Day 490.5
0101 Bhisti 689.00 Day 0.07 Day 48.23
9999 Hire and running charges of mechanical 1.70 L.S. 26.91 L.S. 45.75
9999 Sundries 1.70 L.S. 13.52 L.S. 22.98
Cost of 1.00 cum 2865.69
Say 2865.7

13.50 Applying priming coat:

13.50.3 With ready mixed red oxide zinc chromate primer of approved brand and manufacture on steel galvanised
iron/ steel works
Code Description Rate Unit Qty Total
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
4202 Red oxide Zinc chromate primer 200.00 litre 0.54 litre 108
9977 CARRIAGE 0.00 L.S. 0.52 L.S. 0
0131 Painter 724.00 Day 0.24 Day 173.76
0115 Coolie 654.00 Day 0.24 Day 156.96
9999 Brushes,sand paper including sundries 1.70 L.S. 10.79 L.S. 18.34

TOTAL 457.06
Add 1 % for water charges 4.57
TOTAL 461.63
Add 15 % for contractor's profit and 69.24
Cost of 10.00 sqm 530.87
Cost of 1.00 sqm 53.09
Say 53.1

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