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GST of 12 % Shall Be Claimed Seperately in Bills. (Refer KSR Page E Point 5-7

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Sr No Description Rate Unit

Providing and laying in Position Reinforced Cement Concrete of Design Mix M20
with OPC @ 320 kg for roof slab, Staircase, lintels, beams and columns etc.
1 Including cost of materials, labor, curing complete but excluding reinforcement 6418 Cum
as per specifications.

Providing and removing centring, shuttering, structting, propping etc and

removal of formwork for suspended floors, landing, balconies Columns and likes,
2 upto 200 mm thckness including cost of all material, labor complete. 1476 Sqm

Providing and constructing burnt brick masonary for basement and

superstructure with approved quality of bricks of standard size of class
designation 3.5 Newton per sqmm with cement mortar including cost of
3 materials, labors charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specification. 5941 Cum

Providing and Fabrication TMT with Fe500 confirming to IS 226 of 1956 with
latest ammendament including cutting, bending, hooking, lapping in wherever
required placing in position tying with binding wire approved quality & gauges as
4 per design including cost of materials and labor etc. 74000 Metric ton

Providing and laying of Auto Claved aerated blocks masonary with 100 mm thick
AAC blocks in Superstructure above plinth level to floor level in Cement Mortar.
The rate is calculated on basis of placing and positioning of 2 nos of MS bars at
5 every third course of masonary work. 7167 Cum

GST of 12 % shall be claimed seperately in Bills. (Refer KSR Page E Point 5-7
Providing and laying in Position Reinforced Cement Concrete of Design Mix M25
with OPC @ 320 kg for roof slab, Staircase, lintels, beams and columns etc.
Including cost of materials, labor, curing complete but excluding reinforcement as
per specifications.
Code Description Unit Quant Rate Amount
Details of cost for 1 cum.
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm
nominal size cum 0.67 1408.5 943.695
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm
nominal size cum 0.25 1408.5 352.125
Carriage of Stone aggregate below 20 mm
nominal size cum 0.89 103.77 92.36
Coarse sand cum 0.445 2332 1037.74
Carriage of Coarse sand cum 0.445 103.77 46.18
Portland Cement tonne 0.32 7200 2304.00
(0.2225 cum)
Carriage of Cement tonne 0.32 92.24 29.52
Mason (average) day 0.25 500 125.00
Beldar day 1.63 370 603.10
Bhisti day 0.7 400 280.00
Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to
0.40 cum with hooper day 0.07 1000 70.00
Vibrator(Needle type 40mm) day 0.07 600 42.00
Sundries L.S. 14.3 1.63 23.31
TOTAL 5949.02
Add 1 % Water charges 59.49
TOTAL 6008.51
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and overheads 901.28

Cost of 1 cum. 6909.79

Say 6909.79
Cost of 1 cft 195.66
Say 195.66
add Shùttering 140.00
Total cft 335.66
Total m3 11856
Providing and removing centring, shuttering, structting, propping etc and removal of
formwork for suspended floors, landing, balconies and likes, upto 200 mm thckness including
cost of all material, labor complete.

Code Description Unit Rate Amount
Details of cost for footing size
Contact area = 10.8 sqm.
Assuming shuttering material will become
unserviceable after use of 40 times
Adding for maintenance @ 10% of cost
Taking salvage value after full use of
material @ 25% of cost
Wall form panel 1250x500 mm each 0.34 750 255.00
Qty taken for cost of using once =
16x0.85/40 = 0.34
Corner angle 45x45x5 mm 1.50 m long each 0.085 250 21.25
Qty taken for cost of using once =
4x0.85/40 = 0.085
100 mm channel shoulder 2.5 m long each 0.17 950 161.50
Qty taken for cost of using once =
8x0.85/40= 0.17
Double clip ( bridge clip) each 0.32 80 25.60
Qty taken for cost of using once =
16x0.85/40 = 0.34
Single clip each 0.15 62 9.30
Qty taken for cost of using once =
8x0.85/40 = 0.17
M.S. tube 40 mm dia metre 0.22 225 49.50
Qty taken for cost of using once =
10.8x0.85/40 = 0.2295
Assembly nuts & bolts L.S. 16.1 1.73 27.85
Carriage L.S. 45 1.73 77.85
Fitter (grade 1) day 0.37 500 185.00
Beldar day 1 400 400.00
Shuttering oil L.S. 6 1.73 10.38
Sundries L.S. 8 1.73 13.84
TOTAL 1237.07
Add 1 % Water charges 18.03
TOTAL 1255.10
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and overheads 188.27
Total 1443.37
Cost for per sqm. 1443.37
Cost per sqft 140.41
Say 140
Providing and constructing burnt brick masonary for basement and superstructure with
approved quality of bricks of standard size of class designation 3.5 Newton per sqmm with
cement mortar including cost of materials, labors charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per
Code Description Unit Rate Amount
Details of cost for 1 cum
Machine moulded perforated common
burnt clay FPS (non modular) bricks of
class designation 12.5 0.494 7500 3705
Carriage of Bricks 0.494 276.72 136.7
Cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement :
6 coarse sand)
Rate as per item No 3.11 of SH: Mortar cum 0.25 3217.5 804.4
Sundries L.S. 2.73 1.73 4.7
Mason (brick layer) 1st class day 0.47 550 258.5
Mason (brick layer) 2nd class day 0.47 500 235.0
Coolie day 1.8 350 630.0
Bhisti day 0.38 400 152.0
Scaffolding L.S. 22.36 1.73 38.7
Extra labour element required for lifting of

materials (above floor two level upto floor

five level)
Coolie day 1.13 350 415.8
TOTAL 6380.8
Add 1 % Water charges 63.8
TOTAL 6444.6
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and
Cost of 1 Cum. 7411.3
Say 7411.0
Providing 12 mm thick sand faced plaster in single coat with cement mortar to brick masonary
including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering in Cement Mortar 1:4
including scaffolding, curing etc complete.

Code Description Unit Rate Amount
Detail of cost for 10 sqm MATERIAL
Cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 fine
sand) Rate as per Item Number 3.3 of SH: cum 0.15 8395 1259.25
Mason (average) day 0.67 600 402.00
Coolie day 0.75 500 375.00
Bhisti day 0.92 450 414.00
Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 32.6 1.73 56.40
Portland Cement (OPC-53 grade) tonne 0.02 7200 144.00
Carriage of Cement tonne 0.02 92.24 1.84
Mason (average) day 0.27 600 162.00
Coolie day 0.27 450 121.50
Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 32.6 1.73 56.40
TOTAL 2992.39
Add 1 % Water charges 29.92
TOTAL 3022.31
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and
Cost of 10.00 sqm 3475.66
Cost of 1.00 sqm 347.57
Say 347.57
Add 8% for SR 83.42
Cost of 1 sqft 40.05
Say 40
Provinding Sand Faced Double Coat Plaster 20mm thick in Cement Mortar 1:4 including
scaffolding curing etc complete.

Code Description Unit Rate Amount
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement :
4 coarse sand) cum 0.224 4778 1070.27
Mason (average) day 0.94 467 438.98
Coolie day 1.02 368 375.36
Bhisti day 1.1 407 447.70
Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 12.61 1.73 21.82
TOTAL 2354.13
Add 1 % Water charges 23.54
TOTAL 2377.67
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and
Cost of 10.00 sqm 2734.32
Cost of 1.00 sqm 273.43
Add 8% for Current SR 21.87
Say 295.31
Cost of 1 Sqft 27.50
Providing and Fabrication TMT with Fe500 including cutting, bending, hooking, lapping in
wherever required placing in position tying with binding wire approved quality & gauges as
per design including cost of materials and labor etc.

Code Description Unit Rate Amount
Details of cost for 1 quintal-
Deformed twisted steel bars = 1.00 q
Wastage 5% = 0.05 q
Total =1.05q
Twisted steel / deformed bars 1.05 7000 7350
Carriage of Steel tonne 0.105 92.24 9.7
Cover block L.S. 1.06 1.73 1.8
For straightening, cutting, bending,
and placing in position-
Blacksmith 1st class day 1 500 500.0
Beldar day 1 400 400.0
Sundries and binding wire L.S. 90 1.32 118.8
TOTAL 8380.3
Add 1 % Water charges 83.8
TOTAL 8464.1
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and
Cost of one quintal 9733.7
Cost of 1 Kg. 97.3
Say 98.0
Providing and laying of Auto Claved aerated blocks masonary 100 mm thick AAC blocks
in Superstructure above plinth level to floor level in Cement Mortar. The rate is
Sr.no Description Unit Rate Amount
Details of cost for 1 cum.
Autoclaved aerated cement (AAC) blocks. cum 1 3500 3500
Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement :4 coarse
Rate as per Item Number 3.9 of
SH: Mortars cum 0.15 3970.5 595.58
Carriage of Lime cum 1 103.77 103.77
Sundries L.S. 2.73 1.73 4.72
Mason (brick layer) 1st class day 0.36 487 175.32
Mason (brick layer) 2nd class day 0.36 448 161.28
Coolie day 1.37 368 504.16
Bhisti day 0.2 407 81.4
Reinforcement bars
Rate as per item no. 5.22.1 of
SH : Reinforced cement concrete work kg 13.2 55.3 729.96(A)
Extra labour element required for lifting of

materials (above floor two level upto floor

five level)(0.75 x1.5 =1.13).
Coolie day 1.13 368 415.84
TOTAL 6272.03
Add 1 % Water charges on all except (A)
i.e. on (6272.03 - 729.96) = 5542.07 55.42
TOTAL 6327.45
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and
on all except (A) i.e. on (6327.45
- 729.96) = 5294.49 839.556
Cost of 1 Cum. 7167.006
Say 7167
Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of Birla
A1 wall care putty brand, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even
and smooth complete.

Sr Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

Detail of cost for 10 sqm double coat
Birla A1 Wall Care Putty

Cement base wall care putty kg 14.58 32 466.56
10x0.001x1429 = 14.29kg
Add 2% wastage= 00.29kg
Total = 14.58 Say 14.58 kg
Carriage L.S. 3.9 1.73 6.75
Mason 1st class day 1 550 550
Beldar day 1 450 450
Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 140 1.73 241.34
TOTAL 1714.64
Add 1 % Water charges 17.15
TOTAL 1731.79
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and overheads 259.77

Cost of 10.00 sqm : 1991.56

Cost of 01.00 sqm : 199.16
Cost of 01.00 sqft : 18.50
Sr No Description Rate Unit

Providing and laying in Position Reinforced Cement Concrete of Design Mix M20
with OPC @ 320 kg for roof slab, Staircase, lintels, beams and columns etc.
1 Including cost of materials, labor, curing complete but excluding reinforcement 6418 Cum
as per specifications.

Providing and removing centring, shuttering, structting, propping etc and

removal of formwork for suspended floors, landing, balconies Columns and likes,
2 upto 200 mm thckness including cost of all material, labor complete. 1476 Sqm

Providing and constructing burnt brick masonary for basement and

superstructure with approved quality of bricks of standard size of class
designation 3.5 Newton per sqmm with cement mortar including cost of
3 materials, labors charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specification. 5941 Cum

Providing 12 mm thick sand faced plaster in single coat with cement mortar to
brick masonary including rounding off corners wherever required smooth
4 rendering in Cement Mortar 1:4 including scaffolding, curing etc complete. 237 Sqm

Provinding Sand Faced Double Coat Plaster 20mm thick in to brick masonary
including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering in Cement
Mortar 1:4 including scaffolding, curing etc complete.Cement Mortar 1:4
5 including scaffolding curing etc complete. 295.3 Sqm

Providing and Fabrication TMT with Fe500 confirming to IS 226 of 1956 with
latest ammendament including cutting, bending, hooking, lapping in wherever
required placing in position tying with binding wire approved quality & gauges as
6 per design including cost of materials and labor etc. 74000 Metric ton

Providing and laying of Auto Claved aerated blocks masonary with 100 mm thick
AAC blocks in Superstructure above plinth level to floor level in Cement Mortar.
The rate is calculated on basis of placing and positioning of 2 nos of MS bars at
7 every third course of masonary work. 7167 Cum

GST of 12 % shall be claimed seperately in Bills. (Refer KSR Page E Point 5-7
Qty Unit Cement Sand Aggregate
PCC 153 cum 688.5 73.90 147.80
M20 439 cum 3599.8 206.77 413.54
Plaster 3096.4 sqm 309.64 49.23
Brickwork 227.5 cum 273 63.7
Tilling 859 sqm 360.78 51.54

Cement Bags 5232

Sand Brass 157.29
Aggregate brass 198.2
Marble work gang saw cut (polished and machine cut) of thickness 18 mm for wall lining (veneer work), backing filled with a grout of
average 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), including pointing with white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2
marble dust) with an admixture of pigment to match the marble shade (To be secured to the backing by means of cramps, which shall be
paid for separately).
Raj Nagar Plain white marble/ Udaipur green marble/ Zebra black marble.
Area of slab upto 0.50 sqm

Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Details of cost for 0.50 sqm.


Finished work = 0.50sqm. Add for

wastage @ 20% = 0.10 sqm. Total

= 0.60 sqm.

Raj nagar plain white marble (table

rubbed and polished) 18 mm thick

(slab area upto 0.50 sqm) sqm 0.6 538 323

Carriage of Stone blocks white &

red sand stone & kota stone slab tonne 0.03 145.72 4

Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :

3 coarse sand)

Rate as per Item Number 3.8 of

SH: Mortars cum 0.008 5024.15 40

White cement mortar 1:2 (1 white

cement : 2 marble dust)

Rate as per Item Number 3.15 of

SH: Mortars cum 0.0012 9563.75 11


For fixing

Mason (for ornamental stone work)

1st class day 0.335 784 263

Bandhani day 0.335 714 239

Beldar day 0.335 645 216

Coolie day 0.335 645 216

Bhisti day 0.335 714 239

Mate day 0.165 714 118

Blacksmith 1st class day 0.135 784 106

Scaffolding L.S. 13.39 2.12 28

TOTAL 1804.05 W

Add 1 % Water charges on "W" 18

TOTAL 1822.09 X

Add GST on "X" (multiplying

factor 0.1405) 256

TOTAL 2078.09 Y

Add 15% CPOH on "Y" 312

TOTAL 2389.81 Z

Add Cess @ 1% on "Z" 24

Cost for 0.50 sqm. 2413.7

Cost for one sqm. 4827

Say 4827.4

Details of cost for 1.00 sqm.


Finished work = 1.00 sqm. Add for

wastage @ 20% = 0.20 sqm. Total

= 1.20 sqm.

Raj nagar plain white marble (table

rubbed and polished) 18 mm thick

(slab area more than 0.50 sqm) sqm 1.2 650 780

Carriage of Stone blocks white &

red sand stone & kota stone slab tonne 0.06 145.72 9

Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :

3 coarse sand)

Rate as per Item Number 3.8 of

SH: Mortars cum 0.0144 5024.15 72

White cement mortar 1:2 (1 white

cement : 2 marble dust)

Rate as per Item Number 3.15 of

SH: Mortars cum 0.0025 9563.75 24


For fixing

Mason (for ornamental stone work)

1st class day 0.67 784 525

Bandhani day 0.67 714 478

Beldar day 0.67 645 432

Coolie day 0.67 645 432

Bhisti day 0.67 714 478

Mate day 0.33 714 236

Blacksmith 1st class day 0.27 784 212

Scaffolding L.S. 26.91 2.12 57

TOTAL 3735.69 W

Add 1 % Water charges on "W" 37

TOTAL 3773.05 X

Add GST on "X" (multiplying

factor 0.1405) 530

TOTAL 4303.16 Y

Add 15% CPOH on "Y" 645

TOTAL 4948.63 Z

Add Cess @ 1% on "Z" 49

Cost for 1.00 sqm 4998

Cost for one sqm 4998

Say 4998.1
, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-Charge in skirting, risers of steps and dados over 12 mm thick bed of c

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Detail of Cost for 1.00 Sqm

Glazed Ceramic Floor Tile =
1.00 Sqm+ Add for wastage and
breakage @2.5% = 0.025 Sqm
=1.025 Sqm

7801 Carriage of Tiles

Cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement:

3 Coarse Sand)
9999 Mortar for pointing in white sqm 1.03 175 179.38
cement Cement for slurry over L.S.
bed @
3.8 3.3 Kg/Sqm Labour 6.24 2.12 13.23
Mason 1st Class Coolie cum
9999 Sundries includding carriage of 0.01 5024.15 70.34
Cement etc
367 TOTAL tonn 3.64 2.12 7.72
Add 1 % Water charges on "W"
Add GST on "X" (multiplying day 0.0033 5000 16.5
factor 0.1405) day
115 Add 15% CPOH on "Y" TOTAL L.S. 0.25 784 196

9999 Add Cess @ 1% on "Z" Cost 1 0.25 645 161

26.91 2.12 57


47 X
01 Y



Code Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Details of cost for 1 sqm

Rectified Ceramic Glazed floor
tiles 300x300 mm size = 1.000
Add for wastage & breakage @
2.5 %
= 0.025 sqm
Total = 1.025 sqm
Rectified Ceramic Glazed Tiles
Ist quality 300x300mm or more
in all shades designs White,
Ivory, Grey, Fuem Red Brown

Carriage of tiles
20 mm thick Cement mortar
1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
Rate as per Item Number 3.9 of
SH: Mortars
7803 Mortar for pointing in white
cement Cement for slurry over
bed @
3.3 kg per sqm Portland
Mason (brick layer) 1st class
Sundries including carriage of
cement etc TOTAL
Add 1 % Water charges on “W” sq.m. 1.025 340 348.5
9977 Add GST on “X” (multiplying L.S. 6.24 2.12 13.23
factor 0.1405)
Add 15% CPOH on “Y” TOTAL

3.9 Add Cess @ 1% on “Z” Cost for

1 sqm
9999 cum 0.02 4355.2 104.52
13.5 2.12 28.56

367 tonn
0.0033 5000 16.5
123 day day
115 0.2 784 156.8
9988 0.2 645 129
26.91 2.12 57.05


70 X

91 Y
.50 Z

Providing and laying in Position Reinforced Cement Concrete of Design Mix M25
with OPC @ 320 kg for roof slab, Staircase, lintels, beams and columns etc.
Including cost of materials, labor, curing complete but excluding reinforcement as
per specifications.
Code Description Unit Quant Rate Amount
Details of cost for 1 cum.
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 20 mm
nominal size cum 0.67 1408.5 943.695
Stone Aggregate (Single size) : 10 mm
nominal size cum 0.25 1408.5 352.125
Carriage of Stone aggregate below 20 mm
nominal size cum 0.89 103.77 92.36
Coarse sand cum 0.445 2332 1037.74
Carriage of Coarse sand cum 0.445 103.77 46.18
Portland Cement tonne 0.32 0 0.00
(0.2225 cum)
Carriage of Cement tonne 0.32 92.24 29.52
Mason (average) day 0.25 500 125.00
Beldar day 1.63 370 603.10
Bhisti day 0.7 400 280.00
Hire charges of Concrete Mixer 0.25 to
0.40 cum with hooper day 0.07 1000 70.00
Vibrator(Needle type 40mm) day 0.07 600 42.00
Sundries L.S. 14.3 1.63 23.31
TOTAL 3645.02
Add 1 % Water charges 36.45
TOTAL 3681.47
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and overheads 552.22

Cost of 1 cum. 4233.69

Say 4233.69
Cost of 1 cft 119.88
Say 119.88
add Shùttering 140.00
Total cft 259.88
Say 260
Providing and removing centring, shuttering, structting, propping etc and removal of
formwork for suspended floors, landing, balconies and likes, upto 200 mm thckness including
cost of all material, labor complete.

Code Description Unit Rate Amount
Details of cost for footing size
Contact area = 10.8 sqm.
Assuming shuttering material will become
unserviceable after use of 40 times
Adding for maintenance @ 10% of cost
Taking salvage value after full use of
material @ 25% of cost
Wall form panel 1250x500 mm each 0.34 750 255.00
Qty taken for cost of using once =
16x0.85/40 = 0.34
Corner angle 45x45x5 mm 1.50 m long each 0.085 250 21.25
Qty taken for cost of using once =
4x0.85/40 = 0.085
100 mm channel shoulder 2.5 m long each 0.17 950 161.50
Qty taken for cost of using once =
8x0.85/40= 0.17
Double clip ( bridge clip) each 0.32 80 25.60
Qty taken for cost of using once =
16x0.85/40 = 0.34
Single clip each 0.15 62 9.30
Qty taken for cost of using once =
8x0.85/40 = 0.17
M.S. tube 40 mm dia metre 0.22 225 49.50
Qty taken for cost of using once =
10.8x0.85/40 = 0.2295
Assembly nuts & bolts L.S. 16.1 1.73 27.85
Carriage L.S. 45 1.73 77.85
Fitter (grade 1) day 0.37 500 185.00
Beldar day 1 400 400.00
Shuttering oil L.S. 6 1.73 10.38
Sundries L.S. 8 1.73 13.84
TOTAL 1237.07
Add 1 % Water charges 18.03
TOTAL 1255.10
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and overheads 188.27
Total 1443.37
Cost for per sqm. 1443.37
Cost per sqft 140.41
Say 140
Providing and constructing burnt brick masonary for basement and superstructure with
approved quality of bricks of standard size of class designation 3.5 Newton per sqmm with
cement mortar including cost of materials, labors charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per
Code Description Unit Rate Amount
Details of cost for 1 cum
Machine moulded perforated common
burnt clay FPS (non modular) bricks of
class designation 12.5 0.494 7500 3705
Carriage of Bricks 0.494 276.72 136.7
Cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement :
6 coarse sand)
Rate as per item No 3.11 of SH: Mortar cum 0.25 2677.5 669.4
Sundries L.S. 2.73 1.73 4.7
Mason (brick layer) 1st class day 0.47 550 258.5
Mason (brick layer) 2nd class day 0.47 500 235.0
Coolie day 1.8 350 630.0
Bhisti day 0.38 400 152.0
Scaffolding L.S. 22.36 1.73 38.7
Extra labour element required for lifting of

materials (above floor two level upto floor

five level)
Coolie day 1.13 350 415.8
TOTAL 6245.8
Add 1 % Water charges 62.5
TOTAL 6308.3
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and
Cost of 1 Cum. 7254.5
Say 7255
Providing 12 mm thick sand faced plaster in single coat with cement mortar to brick masonary
including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering in Cement Mortar 1:4
including scaffolding, curing etc complete.

Code Description Unit Rate Amount
Detail of cost for 10 sqm MATERIAL
Cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 fine
sand) Rate as per Item Number 3.3 of SH: cum 0.15 8395 1259.25
Mason (average) day 0.67 600 402.00
Coolie day 0.75 500 375.00
Bhisti day 0.92 450 414.00
Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 32.6 1.73 56.40
Portland Cement (OPC-53 grade) tonne 0.02 0 0.00
Carriage of Cement tonne 0.02 92.24 1.84
Mason (average) day 0.27 600 162.00
Coolie day 0.27 450 121.50
Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 32.6 1.73 56.40
TOTAL 2848.39
Add 1 % Water charges 28.48
TOTAL 2876.87
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and
Cost of 10.00 sqm 3308.41
Cost of 1.00 sqm 330.84
Say 330.84
Add 8% for SR 79.40
Cost of 1 sqft 38.13
Say 38
Provinding Sand Faced Double Coat Plaster 20mm thick in Cement Mortar 1:4 including
scaffolding curing etc complete.

Code Description Unit Rate Amount
Detail of cost for 10 sqm
Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement :
4 coarse sand) cum 0.224 4778 1070.27
Mason (average) day 0.94 467 438.98
Coolie day 1.02 368 375.36
Bhisti day 1.1 407 447.70
Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 12.61 1.73 21.82
TOTAL 2354.13
Add 1 % Water charges 23.54
TOTAL 2377.67
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and
Cost of 10.00 sqm 2734.32
Cost of 1.00 sqm 273.43
Add 8% for Current SR 21.87
Say 295.31
Cost of 1 Sqft 47.00
Providing and Fabrication TMT with Fe500 including cutting, bending, hooking, lapping in
wherever required placing in position tying with binding wire approved quality & gauges as
per design including cost of materials and labor etc.

Code Description Unit Rate Amount
Details of cost for 1 quintal-
Deformed twisted steel bars = 1.00 q
Wastage 5% = 0.05 q
Total =1.05q
Twisted steel / deformed bars 1.05 7000 7350
Carriage of Steel tonne 0.105 92.24 9.7
Cover block L.S. 1.06 1.73 1.8
For straightening, cutting, bending,
and placing in position-
Blacksmith 1st class day 1 500 500.0
Beldar day 1 400 400.0
Sundries and binding wire L.S. 90 1.32 118.8
TOTAL 8380.3
Add 1 % Water charges 83.8
TOTAL 8464.1
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and
Cost of one quintal 9733.7
Cost of 1 Kg. 97.3
Say 98.0
Providing and laying of Auto Claved aerated blocks masonary 100 mm thick AAC blocks
in Superstructure above plinth level to floor level in Cement Mortar. The rate is
Sr.no Description Unit Rate Amount
Details of cost for 1 cum.
Autoclaved aerated cement (AAC) blocks. cum 1 3500 3500
Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement :4 coarse
Rate as per Item Number 3.9 of
SH: Mortars cum 0.15 3970.5 595.58
Carriage of Lime cum 1 103.77 103.77
Sundries L.S. 2.73 1.73 4.72
Mason (brick layer) 1st class day 0.36 487 175.32
Mason (brick layer) 2nd class day 0.36 448 161.28
Coolie day 1.37 368 504.16
Bhisti day 0.2 407 81.4
Reinforcement bars
Rate as per item no. 5.22.1 of
SH : Reinforced cement concrete work kg 13.2 55.3 729.96(A)
Extra labour element required for lifting of

materials (above floor two level upto floor

five level)(0.75 x1.5 =1.13).
Coolie day 1.13 368 415.84
TOTAL 6272.03
Add 1 % Water charges on all except (A)
i.e. on (6272.03 - 729.96) = 5542.07 55.42
TOTAL 6327.45
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and
on all except (A) i.e. on (6327.45
- 729.96) = 5294.49 839.556
Cost of 1 Cum. 7167.006
Say 7167
Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of Birla
A1 wall care putty brand, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even
and smooth complete.

Sr Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

Detail of cost for 10 sqm double coat
Birla A1 Wall Care Putty

Cement base wall care putty kg 14.58 60.5 882.09
10x0.001x1429 = 14.29kg
Add 2% wastage= 00.29kg
Total = 14.58 Say 14.58 kg
Carriage L.S. 3.9 1.73 6.75
Mason 1st class day 1 500 500
Beldar day 1 450 450
Scaffolding and sundries L.S. 140 1.73 241.34
TOTAL 2080.17
Add 1 % Water charges 20.80
TOTAL 2100.97
Add 15 % Contractor's profit and overheads 315.15

Cost of 10.00 sqm : 2416.12

Cost of 01.00 sqm : 241.61
Cost of 01.00 sqft : 22.45

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