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Read the text where four sentences are missing. Match the missing sentences (A-E) with the gaps (1-4).
There is one extra sentence.

Boston Tea Party

On the cold winter night of 16 December 1773 ван саузент севентін соті сри, a group of American
colonists approached three British ships anchored in Boston harbour. 1… “B” ( So as not to reveal their
identity, some of them were disguised as Native Americans. ) Once they had boarded the vessels and
located the tea that the ships were carrying, they proceeded to empty all 342 стри хангред ен фоті ту of
the chests into the sea, destroying their contents forever. At the time, they may not have been aware of
the far-reaching implications their actions would have.

The protest, which came to be known as the Boston Tea Party, had its roots in the growing friction
between the North American colonists and the British Parliament over the question of taxation.
According to the colonists, the British had no right to make them pay taxes as the colonists were not
represented in parliament. 2 … “E”( Although the colonists had been protesting against this for some
time, their voices had fallen on deaf ears.) Things came to a head on 10 May 1773 when the Tea Act
was passed, which required colonists to purchase only British tea. Although cheaper than other teas,
this tea was taxed, a fact that the colonists refused to tolerate.

In New York, Philadelphia and Charleston, the colonists had managed to persuade the authorities to
reject the tea shipments that had arrived, forcing the ships to return to Britain. 3 … «D» ( As a result, all
thirteen of them met at the 1774 First Continental Congress to discuss their collaborative resistance to
the British ) It was the tea that was the cause of their complaint, not the ships, so it was the tea that the
colonists destroyed. After three hours, 45 tons of it had been dumped into the harbour, a quantity that
would be worth around a million dollars today. Not surprisingly, the British were furious.

In response to the action, Parliament passed a set of laws known as the Coercive Acts in an attempt to
assert more control over the Boston settlement. The measure had the opposite effect, however, and
only succeeded in provoking the other colonies in the area. 4 …. ”A” ( However, the governor in Boston
refused to cooperate, so the colonists took matters into their own hands.) This eventually culminated in
the American War of Independence (1775-1783), which led to the creation of the nation we now know
as the United States of America. It was the Boston Tea Party that set the wheels of independence in

A However, the governor in Boston refused to cooperate, so the colonists took matters into their own

B So as not to reveal their identity, some of them were disguised as Native Americans.

C Owing to the popularity of tea in Europe, rival companies had been set up to import tea from China.

D As a result, all thirteen of them met at the 1774 First Continental Congress to discuss their
collaborative resistance to the British.

E Although the colonists had been protesting against this for some time, their voices had fallen on deaf

2.1. Read the text. Are there any similar charities or events in your country?

In 2015, the charity Comic Relief celebrated its 30th anniversary. Based in the UK, it was set up by a
group of comedians in response to the 1985 Ethiopian famine. They started 'Red Nose Day, a day when
people across the UK get together for fundraising activites. People buy red noses and all of the money
from this goes towards Comic Relief. The money raised by Comic Relief helps people living in difficult
conditions in the UK and around the world, and it's estimated that over 50 million people would be
worse off today if the charity hadn't been set up. If it weren't for Comic Relief, literacy rates in Uganda
would probably not have reached 73%. And the number of children attending primary school in Africa
might not have increased by 60 million if the charity didn't exist. In 2015, the British public donated a
staggering £78.1 million, bringing the total raised by Comic Relief in its thirty-year history to over £1
billion. But it couldn't have achieved all this if it didn't have the support of the comedians who take part
and inspire the public to give so generously.

У 2015 році благодійна організація Comic Relief відзначила своє 30-річчя. Він базується у Великій
Британії та був створений групою коміків у відповідь на голод в Ефіопії 1985 року. Вони
започаткували «День червоного носа», день, коли люди по всій Великобританії збираються
разом для збору коштів. Люди купують червоні носи, і всі гроші від цього йдуть на Comic Relief.
Гроші, зібрані Comic Relief, допомагають людям, які живуть у важких умовах у Великій Британії
та в усьому світі, і, за оцінками, понад 50 мільйонів людей сьогодні були б у гіршому становищі,
якби благодійна організація не була створена. Якби не Comic Relief, рівень грамотності в Уганді,
ймовірно, не досяг би 73%. І кількість дітей, які відвідують початкову школу в Африці, можливо,
не зросла б на 60 мільйонів, якби не існувало благодійної організації. У 2015 році британська
громадськість пожертвувала приголомшливі 78,1 мільйона фунтів стерлінгів, у результаті
чого загальна сума, зібрана Comic Relief за його тридцятирічну історію, перевищила 1 мільярд
фунтів стерлінгів. Але він не зміг би досягти всього цього, якби не мав підтримки коміків, які
беруть участь і надихають публіку так щедро жертвувати.

2.2 Read the Learn this! box. Then find examples of mixed conditionals in exercise 1.

LEARN THIS! Mixed conditionals

Mixed conditionals are a mixture of second and third conditional sentences. They occur when the if
clause and main clause refer to different times (past and present). (past) If he'd read the map, (present)
we wouldn't be lost. (present) If he could drive, (past) he'd have got the job.

2.3 Match the two halves of the mixed conditional sentences.

If he'd gone to bed earlier,

If it wasn't so cold,

If I were him,

If you hadn't already eaten it all.

If you hadn't been so rude,

If they'd remembered the address,

- a we could have some cake now.

- b she wouldn't be angry.
- c he wouldn't be so tired
- d they'd be here by now.
- e we might have gone for a run.
- f | wouldn't have made that decision.

If he'd gone to bed earlier, c he wouldn't be so tired.

If it wasn't so cold, b she wouldn't be angry.

If I were him, f I wouldn't have made that decision.

If you hadn't already eaten it all, a we could have some cake now.

If you hadn't been so rude, e we might have gone for a run.

If they'd remembered the address, d they'd be here by now

2.4 complete the dialogue: Use treences.in their corection, to make mixed conditional sentences.

Answer\ buy\ go\ have\ leave

Lee: 'Are you going to the fundraising concert later?

May: No, but I would buy a ticket if I didn't have so much homework.

Lee: That's a shame. If you'd finished your homework you could have gone with me.

May: Anyway, isn't it sold out?

Lee: It is now - and if I hadn't seen Leo last night, I wouldn't have had a ticket either, but he had two
spare ones.

May: Why didn't you let me know? I wouldn't have left the homework so late if I'd known you were

Lee: Well, I might have called you if you had your phone sometimes, but you're always studying.


We wouldn't have to walk to school if our car hadn't broken down this morning.

If he were interested in politics, he would have voted.

If Beth had passed her exams, she would be at college this year.

If Max had gone to university, he would have a degree.

If I weren't a terrible cook, I would have helped with the cooking.

If the forecast were good, they would have gone out.

If she weren't afraid of flying, she would have taken a plane.

He would have helped the tourist if he could speak Greek.

If I had eaten breakfast, I wouldn't be hungry.

Jay couldn't help us because he isn't good at maths.

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