Interview Huawei
Interview Huawei
Interview Huawei
Good Morning! Thank you for this opportunity. Let me introduce my self, My name is Raden
Juli Artawan, but you can call me jull. I am twenty two years old. I’m a college student at
Telkom University of Bandung, west java, majoring in Telecomunication engineering. My
daily activity is compiling my thesis and there is only one chapter left, then I will have a trial
in June or July. I am is awardee unggulan scholarship from kemendikbud and regional
scholarships. I am also joined the Adaptive Network Laboratory at Telkom University
What Are You Position Apply and Why Do You Interested to Apply For This Position?
Why do you want to join this company?
I want to apply for core network engineer. I am interested in a network engineer because I
have a telecommunications engineering educational background, and I want to explore what I
get from being educated through this position.
after reading the job description, it seems like a great opportunity to continue building
networking and leadership skills
like Network Product Technical Services Engineer, Responsible for product project
implementation, network design, and Reports to direct product supervisor.
My greatest strength is trying new things. I've always been growth-oriented in my work, and
that's something I enjoy. I saw on your job description that this role involves a lot of
developmentally oriented work, which is one of the reasons I'm applying. As in my CV,
besides my skills, I also tried to take part in national-level project competitions and as a
scholarship awardee
My weakness is, I am a person who easily loses focus if there are too many distractions, and I
am a person who is easily bored if there are no new challenges.
Why should we hire you?
Well, for starters,I have all the skills and work experience required for the job. I joined in the
adaptive network labolatory Telkom University for 1 years
Oh, and on top of that, I have experience internship at PT Telkom Regional Kalimantan with
various positions, like a ROC, MSO, and checking network to IKN NUSANTARA. so I’ll be
able to pick up all the product specifics much faster than the other candidates.
Within the next 5 years, I’d like to reach the position of a network engineer analyst. During
the time period, I would like to accomplish the following:
Learn as much as I can about optimizing and improving clients’ businesses, as well as the
essentials of operating a company
I love working in a youthful energetic environment and not always work in the office
C++ Program
Iam practice C++ programs in class when the lecturer explains C++ basics like variables, data
types, data structures and others. then we were to calculate the volume of the block using a
Open Ran
Open RAN is a technology that integrates all technologies, be it 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, in one
server system. The core or server in Open RAN can be a virtual server, so cellular operators
can use multivendors in implementing network topologies without being tied to one brand.
Selamat pagi! Terima kasih atas kesempatan ini. Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya,
Nama saya Raden Juli Artawan, tetapi Anda bisa memanggil saya jull. Saya berumur dua
puluh dua tahun. Saya seorang mahasiswa di Universitas Telkom Bandung, Jawa Barat,
jurusan Teknik Telekomunikasi. Kegiatan saya sehari-hari adalah menyusun skripsi dan
tinggal satu bab lagi, kemudian saya akan adakan sidang pada bulan Juni atau Juli. Saya
adalah penerima beasiswa unggulan dari kemendikbud dan beasiswa daerah. Saya juga
tergabung dalam Adaptive Network Laboratory di Telkom University
Apa Posisi Anda Terapkan dan Mengapa Anda Tertarik untuk Melamar Posisi Ini?
Mengapa Anda ingin bergabung dengan perusahaan ini?
Saya ingin melamar insinyur jaringan inti. Saya tertarik dengan network engineer karena saya
memiliki latar belakang pendidikan teknik telekomunikasi, dan saya ingin mendalami apa
yang saya dapatkan dari dididik melalui posisi ini.
setelah membaca job description, sepertinya ada kesempatan besar untuk terus membangun
networking dan leadership skill
seperti Insinyur Layanan Teknis Produk Jaringan, Bertanggung jawab atas implementasi
proyek produk, desain jaringan, dan Laporan untuk mengarahkan supervisor produk.
Kekuatan terbesar saya adalah mencoba hal-hal baru. Saya selalu berorientasi pada
pertumbuhan dalam pekerjaan saya, dan itu adalah sesuatu yang saya nikmati. Saya melihat
di deskripsi pekerjaan Anda bahwa peran ini melibatkan banyak pekerjaan yang berorientasi
perkembangan, yang merupakan salah satu alasan saya melamar. Seperti dalam CV saya,
selain keahlian saya, saya juga mencoba mengikuti kompetisi proyek tingkat nasional dan
sebagai penerima beasiswa
Kelemahan saya adalah, saya adalah orang yang mudah kehilangan fokus jika terlalu banyak
gangguan, dan saya adalah orang yang mudah bosan jika tidak ada tantangan baru
Mengapa kita harus mempekerjakan Anda?
Sebagai permulaan, saya memiliki semua keterampilan dan pengalaman kerja yang
diperlukan untuk pekerjaan itu. Saya bergabung di lab jaringan adaptif Universitas Telkom
selama 1 tahun
Oh ya, selain itu, saya pernah magang di PT Telkom Regional Kalimantan dengan berbagai
posisi seperti ROC, MSO, dan pengecekan jaringan ke IKN NUSANTARA. jadi saya dapat
mengambil semua spesifikasi produk jauh lebih cepat daripada kandidat lainnya.
Pelajari sebanyak mungkin tentang mengoptimalkan dan meningkatkan bisnis klien, serta
hal-hal penting dalam mengoperasikan perusahaan
Saya suka bekerja di lingkungan energik muda dan tidak selalu bekerja di kantor
Saya suka menganggap pekerjaan saya sebagai rumah kedua, dan rekan kerja saya sebagai
C++ Program
Iam practice C++ programs in class when the lecturer explains C++ basics like variables, data
types, data structures and others. then we were to calculate the volume of the block using a
What is CDMA?
As the term implies, CDMA is a form of multiplexing, which allows multiple signals to
occupy a single transmission channel, optimizing the use of available bandwidth. This
technology is used in ultra-high-frequency (UHF) cell phone systems in the 800 megahertz
(MHz) and 1.9 gigahertz (GHz) bands.