Week 6
Week 6
Week 6
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding on the practice of occupational health and safety procedures in caregiving.
B. Performance Standards: The learner independently practices occupational health and safety procedures in caregiving.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the students are able
Competencies/Objectives: students are able to: students are able to: students are able to: to:
Write the LC Code for each
1. Identify hazards and risks 1. Identify hazards and risks 1. Identify hazards and risks 1. Identify hazards and risks
2. Determine hazard and 2. Determine hazard and 2. Determine hazard and 2. Determine hazard and risks indicators in the
risks indicators in the risks indicators in the risks indicators in the workplace
workplace workplace workplace 3. Determine the effects of hazards.
3. Determine the effects of 3. Determine the effects of 3. Determine the effects of
hazards. hazards. hazards.
II. CONTENT Biological Hazards Biological Hazards Recognizing Hazards and Recognizing Hazards and Risks in the
Risks in the Workplace Workplace
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages K to 12 MELCs with CG K to 12 MELCs with CG K to 12 MELCs with CG K to 12 MELCs with CG Codes Page 415
Codes Codes Page 415 Codes Page 415
Page 415
2. Learner’s Materials PIVOT IV-A Learners PIVOT IV-A Learners PIVOT IV-A Learners PIVOT IV-A Learners Material page 16-18
Pages Material page 16-18 Material page 16-18 Material page 16-18
3. Textbook Pages Practical Technology and Practical Technology and N/A N/A
Home Economics page 17- Home Economics page 17-25
4. Additional Materials N/A N/A N/A N/A
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Offline Videos Offline Videos Offline Videos Offline Videos
A. Reviewing Review Activity: Review Question Review Game: What are your essential take-aways from
Previous Lesson TRUE or FALSE the previous lesson?
or Presenting the What is the difference Paint me a Picture: Ask a
New Lesson 1. Too much bending and reaching is between communicable and representative of the class to make
an example of physical hazard. non-communicable a tableau of a patient suffering from
2. Psychological hazards happen diseases? Explain. a disease. The audience must
when a worker’s environment recognize what disease is being
becomes stressful. represented.
3. Observing the nursing home
environment is one of the ways in 1. Fever
determining health problems in the 2. Colds
workplace. 3. Tuberculosis
4. Accidents happen because people 4. Migraine
are not mindful of their environment. 5. Fracture
5. Too much lifting of heavy loads
does not result in injury.
1. Establishing a What are the common illness you Cite example biological Can we prevent hazard and risk? Why is it important for you to know the
Purpose for the have already experienced? Have you hazards at home and in the Explain. different types of hazards? Explain
Lesson ever been tested positive in Covid school. Elaborate
19? Share your personal
2. Presenting Biological health hazards include Biological health hazards
Examples/Instan bacteria, viruses, parasites and include bacteria, viruses, Any hazard or potential hazard should be
ces of the molds or fungi. They can pose a parasites and molds or fungi. considered significant or potentially
Lesson threat to human health when they They can pose a threat to significant if such a failure would directly
are inhaled, eaten or come in contact human health when they are or indirectly, be liable to endanger
with skin. They can cause illness inhaled, eaten or come in premises, roadways or other places
such as food poisoning, tetanus, contact with skin. They can where people are likely to be found off
respiratory infections or parasite cause illness such as food site; or likely to cause serious or fatal
infection. poisoning, tetanus, injuries to persons on or off -site.
respiratory infections or Identify possible hazards and risk
parasite infection. in this workplace? State its
possible effect to the worker.
3. Discussing New Discussion on: Continue discussion on: Hazards and risks vary from one Hazards and risks vary from one
Concepts and workplace to another. Even in workplace to another. Even in
Practicing New A. Communicable and; A. Communicable and; day care or nursing homes where day care or nursing homes where work
Skills #1 B. Non-Communicable Diseases B. Non-Communicable work routines may be the same, routines may be the same, hazards will
Diseases hazards will differ depending on the differ depending on the type of building
(textbook page 17-22) type of building the establishment the establishment is situated, and the
(textbook page 17-22) is situated, and the attitudes of attitudes of caregivers, clients, or
caregivers, clients, or employers. employers.
The good news is hazards and The good news is hazards and risks can
risks can be prevented! However, be prevented! However,
before thinking about what control before thinking about what control
measures are needed, first a measures are needed, first a caregiver
caregiver has to know whether has to know whether there are health
there are health and safety and safety problems in his/her
problems in his/her workplace. So, how can someone
workplace. So, how can someone identify the hazards in the workplace?
identify the hazards in the
4. Discussing New Continue discussion on: The following are some ways for a The following are some ways for a
Concepts and Factors and Preventive measures for Factors and Preventive caregiver to determine health and caregiver to determine health and safety
Practicing New communicable and non- measures for communicable safety problems: A caregiver problems: A caregiver should observe
Skills #2 communicable diseases and non-communicable should observe the workplace. A the workplace. A caregiver may examine
diseases caregiver may examine complaints complaints from his/her co-workers. A
(textbook page 17-22) from his/her co-workers. A caregiver should check accident records.
(textbook page 17-22) caregiver should check accident A caregiver should examine chart on
records. A caregiver should results of inspections done by the
examine chart on results of employers or private organizations. A
inspections done by the employers caregiver may use checklists and inspect
or private organizations. A the workplace. A caregiver may study
caregiver may use checklists and reports or any other vital information
inspect the workplace. A caregiver about the nursing home.
may study reports or any other vital
information about the nursing
5. Developing Answer Self-Checking Exercises Answer Post Test page 24-25 Answer Learning tasks 8-12 page Answer Learning tasks 8-12 page 46-49
Mastery page 23 46-49 from your learning module from your learning module
(Leads to
Assessment 3)
6. Finding Practical Guide Questions: What should we do to avoid Direction: Read and analyze the Direction: Read and analyze the
Applications of 1. How are communicable diseases food poisoning? situations below and answer them situations below and answer them using
Concepts and transmitted? What are your best practices using extra piece of paper. extra piece of paper.
Skills in Daily 2. Why is isolation important for for your personal hygiene?
Living patients suffering from Share it to class. 1. Your auntie told you to look on 1. Your auntie told you to look on your
communicable diseases? your grandfather for about an hour grandfather for about an hour to go to
3. Explain the risk of taking medicine to go to supermarket. Your supermarket. Your grandfather asks you
without a doctors’ advice grandfather asks you to transfer to transfer him from wheelchair to his
him from wheelchair to his bed. bed. How will you transfer him properly?
How will you transfer him properly? Write the full details. What possible
Write the full details. What possible hazard you may experience?
hazard you may experience? 2. As a health worker what are the
2. As a health worker what are the precautions to administer drugs to the
precautions to administer drugs to patient to prevent too much exposure in
the patient to prevent too much chemical substances? 3. How
exposure in chemical substances? psychological hazard is difficult to
3. How psychological hazard is handle? Do you think caregiver is the
difficult to handle? Do you think right person if the patient suffers from
caregiver is the right person if the depression?
patient suffers from depression? 4. What are the advantages of
4. What are the advantages of recognizing the hazard and risk?
recognizing the hazard and risk? 5. As health worker, why do they need to
5. As health worker, why do they inspect the workplace as well as the
need to inspect the workplace as environment of the patient?
well as the environment of the
7. Making Accuracy in recognizing the early Biological health hazards What is a workplace hazard? What is a workplace hazard? Hazards
Generalizations signs and symptoms of diseases include bacteria, viruses, Hazards in the workplace occur in the workplace occur when the working
and Abstractions facilitates treatment. parasites and molds or fungi. when the working environment can environment can cause injury, illness or
about the They can pose a threat to cause injury, illness or death. The death. The hazards can result from many
Lesson “An ounce of prevention is worth human health when they are hazards can result from many of of the different aspects of the working
Evaluating more than a pound of cure” inhaled, eaten or come in the different aspects of the working world, including equipment, dangerous
Learning contact with skin. They can world, including equipment, materials, unsafe working practices and
cause illness such as food dangerous materials, unsafe the behavior of people.
poisoning, tetanus, working practices and the behavior As identification of hazards is the first
respiratory infections or of people. step in Risk Management, it implies that
parasite infection. As identification of hazards is the hazards which are not identified would
first step in Risk Management, it not go through the rigor of the Risk
implies that hazards which are not Management process, leading to the
identified would not go through the non-identification of preventive measures
rigor of the Risk Management for implementation and communication
process, leading to the non- to prevent harm in the workplace.
identification of preventive
measures for implementation and
communication to prevent harm in
the workplace.
8. Additional
Activities for
Application or
V. Remarks
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did these work?
G. What innovations or
localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?