Mapeh 6 - Week 5 - Q3

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GRADE 6 School: STA.


Teacher: PEARL JANE A SUETOS Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates and Time: (WEEK 5) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


Content Standards demonstrates The learner… The learner demonstrates Weekly test
(Pamantayang understanding of the demonstrates demonstrates understanding
Pangnilalaman) concept of timbre through understanding of understanding of of the health
recognizing musical shapes, colors, participation and implications of poor
instruments aurally and values, and the assessment of environmental
visually principles of physical activity and sanitation
emphasis, contrast, physical fitness
and harmony in
printmaking and
photography using
new technologies.

Perfomance aurally determines the The learner… The learner consistently practices
Standards sound of a single creates simple participates and ways to maintain a
(Pamantayan sa instrument in any section of printmaking assesses performance healthy environment
Pagganap) the orchestra (silkscreen) designs in physical activities.
on t-shirts and assesses physical
posters. fitness
describes the basic
concepts and
principles of basic

Most Essential Distinguishes various 7. applies composition Executes the different Suggests ways to Be able to answer
Learning musical ensembles seen skills to produce a skills control/manage the given questions
Competencies and heard in the printed involved in the dance noise pollution with accuracy.
(Pamantayan sa community photograph for a simple PE6RD-IIIc-h-4 H6EH-IIIe-5
Pagkatuto) MU6TB-IIId-e-2 photo essay.
Subject Matter Fitness enhancement
Environmental Health
(Paksang Aralin) TIMBRE BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY through creative
Learning Resources
(Kagamitang MUSIC - K to 12 MELC d. ARTS - K to 12 MELC d. HEALTH- K to 12 MELC
- K to 12 MELC d. 327-
Panturo) 259-260 292-293 d. 353
a. Reviewing Give the characteristics of the What is an essay? Review on past lesson What is noise pollution? Recall their past
ff instruments.
Previous on dancing lessons.
Lesson or Preparation of test
Presenting materials
the New

aralin at/o
ng aralin

b. Establishing How do we play instruments in It is a collection of pictures Give causes of noise Why should you get a
the percussion family? String? or images that are arrange What is our national
purpose for pollution. high score in any
Brass? Woodwind? in a specific order to tell the
the lesson progression of events, dance? What can we do to given test?
emotions, and concepts. minimize noise
Paghahabi pollution?
sa layunin
ng aralin
c. Presenting Groupings. Form 2 groups. Groupings Identify the following Setting of standards
Each will imitate how to play Form 3 groups each will
example/in dances. in taking the test
the said instrument while the create their own photo
stances of other group will identify the essay.
the new instrument and its kind.
lesson 1. Snare Drum
2. Triangle
Pag- 3. Flute
uugnay ng 4. Harp
mga Maracas
sa bagong
d. Discussing Classification of Instruments Follow the steps in making Name some Groupings Distributes test
1. String-are instruments a photo essay:
new Philippine Group them into 3 ask materials to the
that are plucked or 1. Think of a topic or
concepts theme, which you folkdance that them to make slogans pupils.
bowed and often
would like to do your you are about noise pollution.
referred to as the
Pagtatalak essay about. Make familiar with. (reporting by group)
backbone of the sure your theme has
ay ng
orchestra. Ex. Violin a point or tells a
cello double bass and story.
konsepto at 2. Write down your
paglalahad 2. Woodwind-produce ideas for a photo
ng bagong music when musicians composition and
kasanayan choose the best
blow the mouthpiece.
#1 ones.
Ex. Piccolo flute oboe 3. Take photographs
clarinet bassoon based on the topic or
3. Brass-are used to theme you planned.
produce sound by 4. Make sure the photo
means of blowing. They flow together and
are made of brass metal. are easily connected
Ex. Trumpet, trombone,
Finally, add captions
French horn, Tuba. explaining your photos and
the story they are
Percussion- are played by portraying.
striking the instrument with
sticks or hammers while others
through shaking or rubbing like
maracas. Ex. Timpani, snare
drum, bass drum
e. Continuatio Have a Photo Essay How do you describe What is the difference Answering of test
exhibit. Again choose your
n of the Maglalatik folk dance? of noise pollution from items
Curator for each group.
discussion Itik-Itik? rural to urban place?
of new Explain your answer.
concepts Identify the story for each
photo essay.
ay ng
konsepto at
ng bagong
f. Developing Identify how the following Is it difficult to dance
instruments are played.
Mastery Maglalatik?
1. Bass drum
2. Tuba
Who among you
Paglinang knows the steps?
3. Oboe
sa 4. Harp (Watching of the
Kabihasaan 5. Violin video of maglalatik
6. Timpani and Itik-Itik.)
7. Clarinet
8. Trumpet
9. Maracas

g. Finding
of concepts
and skills in
daily living

ng aralin sa
pang araw-
araw na
h. Making What is a photo essay? What are the How can you manage
generalizati Philippine folkdances? noise pollution in your
ons and place?
s about the
ng Aralin
i. Evaluating Give the characteristics of the Enumerate the ways on Dancing of Maglalatik Write ways on how to Checking and
different instruments. creating a Photo Essay.
learning for the Boys and Itik- manage/minimize noise recording of test
Itik for the Girls. pollution. results
ng Aralin
j. Additional True or False
1. Percussion instruments
can be played by
rubbing, striking.(T)
2. String instruments used
to produce sound by
n 3. Brass instruments can
be played by plucked or
Karagdaga bowed.(F)
ng gawain 4. Woodwind instruments
para sa can be played by
takdang- blowing the mouthpiece.
aralin at (T)
n There are four classifications
of instruments. (T)
REMARKS ___ The Lesson was ___ The Lesson was ___ The Lesson was ___ The Lesson was
successfully done. successfully done. successfully done. successfully done.
Mga Tala ___ The lesson was not ___ The lesson was not ___ The lesson was ___ The lesson was not
carried due to; carried due to; not carried due to; carried due to;
___ a. suspension of ___ a. suspension of ___ a. suspension ___ a. suspension of
class class of class class
___ b. special non- ___ b. special non- ___ b. special non- ___ b. special non-
working holiday working holiday working holiday working holiday
___ c. emergency ___ c. emergency ___ c. emergency ___ c. emergency
meeting meeting meeting meeting
___ d. the pupils need ___ d. the pupils need ___ d. the pupils ___ d. the pupils
more mastery more mastery need more mastery need more mastery
REFLECTION _____% of the pupils got _____% of the pupils got _____% of the pupils _____% of the pupils
80% mastery 80% mastery got 80% mastery got 80% mastery

a. Number ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
of additional activities for require additional require additional require additional
learners remediation activities for remediation activities for activities for
who remediation remediation
80% of
b. Number ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
of ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who
learners caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
c. Did the ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
remedia additional activities for require additional require additionalrequire additional
l lesson remediation activities for remediation activities for activities for
work? remediation remediation
d. Number Strategies used that work Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that
of well: work well: work well: work well:
learners ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group ___ Group collaboration
who ___ Games ___ Games collaboration ___ Games
have ___ Power ___ Power ___ Games ___ Power
caught PointPresentation ___ PointPresentation ___ ___ Power PointPresentation ___
up with Answering preliminary Answering preliminary PointPresentation Answering preliminary
the activities/exercises activities/exercises ___ Answering activities/exercises
lesson ___ Discussion ___ Discussion preliminary ___ Discussion
___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share activities/exercises ___ Think-Pair-Share
___ Rereading of (TPS) ___ Rereading ___ Discussion (TPS) ___ Rereading
Paragraphs/Poems/Stories of ___ Case Method of
___ Differentiated Paragraphs/Poems/Stori ___ Think-Pair-Share Paragraphs/Poems/Stori
Instruction ___ Role es (TPS) ___ es
Playing/Drama ___ Differentiated Rereading of ___ Differentiated
___ Discovery Method Instruction ___ Role Paragraphs/Poems/St Instruction ___ Role
___ Lecture Method Playing/Drama ories Playing/Drama
Why? ___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated ___ Discovery Method
___ Complete Ims ___ Lecture Method Instruction ___ Role ___ Lecture Method
___ Availability of Materials Why? Playing/Drama Why?
___ Pupils’ eagerness to ___ Complete Ims ___ Discovery Method ___ Complete Ims
learn ___ Group ___ Availability of ___ Lecture Method ___ Availability of
member’s Cooperation in Materials ___ Pupils’ Why? Materials ___ Pupils’
doing their tasks eagerness to learn ___ ___ Complete Ims eagerness to learn
Group member’s ___ Availability of ___ Group member’s
Cooperation in doing Materials ___ Cooperation in doing
their tasks Pupils’ eagerness to their tasks
learn ___ Group
Cooperation in doing
their tasks
__ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among __ Bullying among
__ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ pupils pupils
__ Colorful Ims behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’
e. Number __ Unavailable Technology __ Colorful Ims behavior/attitude behavior/attitude
of Equipment (AVR/LCD) __ Unavailable __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims
learners __ Science/ Computer Technology Equipment __ Unavailable __ Unavailable
who Internet Lab (AVR/LCD) Technology Technology Equipment
continue __ Additional Clerical works __ Science/ Computer Equipment (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD)
to __Reading Readiness Internet Lab __ Science/ Computer __ Science/ Computer
require __Lack of Interest of pupils __ Additional Clerical Internet Lab Internet Lab
remedia works __Reading __ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical
tion Readiness works __Reading works __Reading
__Lack of Interest of Readiness Readiness
pupils __Lack of Interest of __Lack of Interest of
pupils pupils
f. What Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
difficulti __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
es did I __ Making use big books __ Making use big books __ Making use big __ Making use big
encount from views of the locality from views of the books from views of books from views of
er which __ Recycling of plastics to locality the locality the locality
my be used as Instructional __ Recycling of plastics __ Recycling of __ Recycling of plastics
principal Materials to be used as plastics to be used as to be used as
or __ local poetical Instructional Materials Instructional Materials Instructional Materials
supervis composition __ local poetical __ local poetical __ local poetical
or can __Flashcards composition composition composition
help me __Flashcards __Flashcards __Flashcards
g. What ___Lesson carried. Move on ___Lesson carried. Move ___Lesson carried. ___Lesson carried.
innovati to the next objective. on to the next objective. Move on to the next Move on to the next
on or ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. objective. objective.
localized ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
s did I
which I
wish to

Prepared By:
Teacher EDNALYN Y.

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