Das Vril Projekt

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The Vril Project

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According to the current state of knowledge, the misrepresentations of a commercial hoax

sect that disseminated a depiction of Jesse with short hair are particularly galling, both to the
authors of this work and to those seriously engaged in non-commercial dissemination of this

Also of immense importance is the fact that the Vril Society cannot be regarded as a National
Socialist association, its political orientation was rather a monarchical one.

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Did you know,

that the United States


08/30/1958 and on


Detonated nuclear weapons over the New Schwabenland (P211) region

of Antarctica?

This is all the more interesting because today's science is still not conclusive as to what the exact
cause of the ozone hole, for example, could be.

Nothing has been made public about this fact. Obviously, this should be covered up, like the failed
invasion attempt by the Americans in 1946 under Admiral Byrd.

This Antarctic mission was declared as a geological expedition, although a considerable army with a
whole fleet and aircraft carriers had to admit defeat after only a few days and an unspecified number
of lost aircraft (reports speak of 6 to 13).

Admiral Byrd mentioned in his final report that they were dealing with airplanes that could fly from
one pole to the other. Incidentally, Admiral Byrd received psychiatric treatment afterwards.

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Vril Symbolism

The "All-German Society for Metaphysics" - internally also "Vril Society" - used as
most important symbol of their union a lightning-shaped structure. The own "Vril standard" showed
this symbol in white on black and purple, with wide representing silver.

The lightning-shaped sign symbolizes the flash of the divine light Ilu.

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It can already be found on a spearhead of the Assyrian king Sargon II, who dedicated himself to the goddess
Ishtar was particularly fond of and guided by her.

In the German Middle Ages the same sign is found in a special grouping of the
Knights Templar Order again. This was part of the "Occult Science Section" of the
Order and called themselves in reference to the magic stone of the "Goddess Jesse": "The Lords of
Black Stone."

The color combination black-silver-violet - the colors of Jesse - has its origin there,
without there being a definition of meaning for it from that time.

The "Vril Society," for which the Isais myth was not of central importance, adopted characters
and colors and assigned a meaning to it:

The violet color represents the divine light (Ilu/Pralada) of the New Age.

The black signifies the present age of darkness.

The silver (white) flash means that power that the divine light of the new eon through
darkness paves the way for this earthly world.

In the period between 1922 and 1945, that flash was called the "Saetta Ilua" in "Vril" circles - the
Ilu-Blitz (Staetta is the Italian word for lightning; especially after the formation of the Berlin-Rome axis
Italian terms were popular in Germany). The title "Isais-Blitz" is not historical

Another symbol of the "Vril Society" dominated by women were women's heads
Ponytail hairstyle, a hairstyle that was otherwise unusual at the time, but with internal
meetings of the "Vril" society was carried
by the predominantly young ladies of this association.

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The purpose of this depiction was to indicate the importance of women's long hair, not this
most recently as "magical antennae" (the Vril ladies don't have short hairstyles).

With the transformation of the spiritual community into the company "Antriebstechnische Werkstätten oHG"
in 1934 the "Saetta Ilua" also became the company logo.

From the work of this company, the unconventional aircraft of the series "RFZ" (round plane)
and "Vril" as well as the basics of the "Haunebu" devices.

Whether the sign of the "Black Sun" in the context of the "Vril Society" in a formal way
was used is uncertain. But this symbol was certainly known to the circle. Under the
It was called the "magic sun" as the "sluice gate" of the Ilu light between the afterlife and
viewed on this side.

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Vril Geist
Myth - legend a
mysterious form of energy in esotericism, technology, and therapy

The Vril - project

spiritual background

The unimaginable, unbelievable, incomprehensible of Thule's ideas and Vril's teachings will
become tangible here. It took courage to write these lines. This is not because there is a risk of
political harassment - all of this has little to do with direct politics - but because it represents a
special kind of tightrope walk, reaching into the unbelievable, something that only seems fantastic,
but which is perhaps much more real than all everyday life. And even if we cannot say this with
certainty, we do know that:

The people we are talking about believed in all of this, never questioned it internally.

And the uncanny power that triggers daydreams in some and nightmares in others is possibly
much more powerful than even the wildest hunches suspect.

Or is it all just fantasy? - Maybe even deliberate deception to cover up something else? - A voice
deep within one of us is best able to give the answer.

We have only collected what information we received.

(Vienna, August 1992; 5892 after Sargon)

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UFO's (Unconventional Flying Objects)

Like mysterious lights from the darkness of the unknown - that's how the "UFO's" appear
to the outside audience. Some find sufficient arguments for themselves and their peace
of mind to banish all this to overextended imagination; the others dream of all sorts of
possible and impossible extraterrestrial stories. Finally, those who have dealt realistically
with this matter, that the "UFOs" are neither pipe dreams nor extraterrestrial spaceships,
but rather earthly aircraft, the country of origin of which seems to be Germany - more
precisely: the Greater German region of the time Reich, the so-called "Third Reich".
Those people who know a little about it, mostly also know that these "UFOs" proceeded
from ideas and technical developments that were by no means of military use, that it was
rather the war that set the course in a (also) military direction - just as the steamship did
not first come to sea as a battle cruiser, but served peaceful purposes.
The war takes possession of all means, and so the "new technology", the technology of
the "UFO's", was also subject to the requirements of the war, especially since the
situation of Germany and its few allies made it necessary to summon up all means that
were suitable were to counter the enemy states' will to destroy.

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The Final Battle for Earth

In these years we are going at breakneck speed towards the final victory of light over
darkness; the Age of Aquarius, the 'New Golden Age' triumphs over the Age of Pisces, the
final phase of the dark 'Kali - Yuga', which will be discussed in great detail later. These are by
no means just vague myths. Recent developments in particular prove it. The complete
collapse of the "East" and the ever more rapidly heralding and advancing collapse of the
"West" has become a tangible fact (who could have foreseen this development a generation
ago?). There is almost nothing left of the USSR -

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and the "USA" will disintegrate within a few years as well; as is to be feared, under
terrible civil and race wars. Little by little, but always in faster succession, they fall
blood lines drawn by the Allies in 1918 and 1945. It comes as Pope John the XXIII.
Predicted: “Those who won the (second world) war will lose it, and they will lose it
lost will be the winners!”

The dark "Old Testament" age of Pisces is irrevocably coming to an end. The light spirit of
Age of Aquarius is approaching. What shaped the past two millennia of the Age of Pisces
will simply disappear. Satan will The to the lake
, with all his followers
be banished from his hell.

Then peace and justice will come to our world. The damage done by the sinister
Powers created to create "Hell on Earth" will be fixed. the
Environmental degradation will end and be healed, the "multicultural societies" will become
be unraveled, so that the countries and peoples of the earth may heal. minority egoism and
There will be no more striving for dominance. And even Israelis and Palestinians are becoming too
achieve peace and harmony. The light will triumph over the darkness - everywhere.
The ideas of the "VRIL - people" are inextricably linked to this great "battle of the gods" for
a new, better world.

"Battle of the Gods"

The dispute, which is at the same time the history of the 'VRIL project, which cannot be resolved into this
Confrontation involved was a "battle of the gods" that still continues. It is
the struggle between the ruler of the ancient Piscean Age, the Hebrew "god" El Shaddai
- Yahweh" and his servants on the one hand and the luminous deities of the new age,
of the Aquarian Age on the other, led by the goddess Ishtar - Ostara.

The exoteric sign of the Vril Society is not shown for reasons of prohibition.
It showed a black swastika on a silver background in a purple oak leaf wreath (Schwarz
- Silver violet: the colors of Isais).Here the esoteric signet of the Vril society, that too
already played a role at DHvSS.

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On the subject of "Vril" and "Thule"...

A lot has been written about the Thule Society, right and wrong, benevolent and malicious.
Less has been published about the "Vril Society" and where it happened, mostly from the
perspective of an appendage of the Thule Society, which is not entirely accurate. Most "Thule
- friendly" authors have neglected the "Vril - component" probably because it sometimes has
too "fantastic" traits. Some would probably not wish to bring the Thule Society, about which
there are already enough unusual things to report, into the haze of further "phantasms". - For
this reason, informed circles were largely silent about the "Vril project".

The opponents of the "Thule", on the other hand, were not stingy with nonsense when it came
to badmouthing the Thule people. One of the most well-known nonsenses of this kind is the
assertion that the Thule people believed in the "hidden superman" with whom they wanted to
realize a "superbreeding". This nonsense goes back to the fact that the "Thule ideas" included
the notion that every human being carries the "superman" - understood as the "better self" in
himself and must therefore cultivate this "better self" in himself. That is of course something completely diffe

However, it is certainly true that in the Thule Society all possible myths and occult teachings
were at least recorded, analyzed and processed - which does not mean, however, that all
such was part of the belief and teaching of the "Thule"! For example, Frau Hahn-Blavatzky's
“secret reading” or the “Hollow World Theory” were never part of the Thule world of belief.
The Aryan cult was also not represented in the simple-minded way that was often claimed
later (for example, the Semitic Arabs and their culture were held in the highest regard by the
Thule people, which continues to have an effect today).

On the other hand, one of the most important teachings that had a strong impact on Thule
society was the Ario-Germanic reconstruction of religion (“Wihinei”) by the philosopher Guido
von List, whose close relationship to the “Ilu teaching” is obvious. Another important teaching
was the "World Ice Teaching" by Hans Hörbiger ("Glacial - Cosmology"). In addition, there
were in the "Thule", and probably especially in Rudolf von Sebottendorff personally, turning
to an "anti-Old Testament" early Christianity (Marcionite).

The most essential difference in ideas between "Thule" and "Vril" was probably that in the
Thule - society a relatively wide range of basic knowledge sounded together. This lay

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certainly at the conscious "concept", a basic doctrine acceptable to as many people as possible
create, whose common cornerstones were certain, a religious or ideological constriction
however, should rule out from the outset - while the Vril - society is quite closely related to the
teachings of the ISAIS revelation may have been linked.

For example, the Thule people recognized one in Hans Hörbiger's world ice theory
natural historical implementation of the great battle of light against darkness. The Vril people for their part
probably kept largely to the Revelation texts and did not look for modern ones

However, it cannot be the task of this book to go into detail about these details and peculiarities
- as non-technological details are also to be discussed here. we're fine
here about the great visionary ideas and undertakings that culminated in the "Vril project".

„Vril - Geist“
It there is no death, crossing the border between life and death, this world and
beyond, representsina basic hassle-free way; there isitnois forgetting of the ego, the tasks
the Lebebns, “over there” are continued almost seamlessly. Any fear of dying is
completely nonsensical, eternallife - eternal duty - is natural truth.

"He's an atheist," the young fellow announced to me with whom I was hanging out on a sunny spring day
strolled through Bad Liebenstein. He didn't need God or gods, he explained to me. All
explain themselves from modern natural science. That's what he said to me, poor bastard. The power of
life, I asked him, wouldn't he explain the origin of it to me, since he knew so much?
The answer was a long time coming, so I gave it to him: Small blue flowers bloomed on one
Kurparkwiese. Then I pointed, said to the boy: There you see the work of the deity, see that
secret of life. No scholar will interpret it for you. The knowledge alone, the certainty of faith, about the
highest power, which does not need a cause for itself, offers understanding: Eternal Deity' - only may
If you don't think of the deity biblically, no, you mustn't! Divinity is different than that
Bible there teaches, this dark evil book!
That is the divinity: if there is light in the light, there is eternal light - and yet also everywhere! The Germans once,
our ancestors knew it well. We have to learn it again. If you want to recognize the deity, so
look at life. And you understand immortality. For near is the deity! The Eternal Power
of life we carry within us as a part of it. And after dying on earth you will too
You see: there is no death! „
Rudolf von Sebottendorff

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Visions of Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff

This man, Rudolf von Sebottendorff, about whose background there are many mysteries, was
perhaps the person who set the course for a new millennium - much more than any other well-
known personality. At some point, history will get it right. It's not that far yet, and it probably
wouldn't be in the spirit of this man, for whom personal modesty was a high ideal.

The two most important of Sebottendorff's written works have remained virtually unknown:
"Der interkosmische Weltenkampf" (1919) and "Vorbeginn" (1921); his so-to-speak “exoteric”
book “Before Hitler Came” (1933) was published in a larger edition, but never in the complete,
unmodified text. Sebottendorff, the "father of the Third Reich", was not familiar to the forces
of this Reich that had come to power, many of his ideas - and thus the original visions of the
Third Reich - were not "conforming to the party", he had different developments for Germany
and Europe in many respects and the world hopes. The manuscripts of his main works are
now in the private possession of a pro-German family in the USA. The time may not yet be
ripe for its widespread publication.

Sebottendorff was the first to correctly identify the cornerstones of the “New Age”; he was
the first, so to speak, to understand and evaluate the great connections that extended over
thousands of years. These cornerstones were and are: The great struggle of the powers of
darkness against the light, which took place in the XX. Century of our era brought its climax
and will result in the final victory of the divine light: In the rise of the Age of Aquarius.
Furthermore, the knowledge about "The Eternal Truth", about the beginning, the beginning,
the way, the meaning and the final goal of the existence of this world. At the same time, it is
the realization that death does not exist, that birth on earth rather means a kind of reawakening
after a sleep of forgetfulness, into which we all - formerly otherworldly beings ("angels") - go
through this life on earth in order to to cross the threshold with earthly death, behind which
the "true world" and all of us actually true life begin - begin again: Eternal life. - Not the idea
of "reincarnation" is meant (Re - in - Carno does not exist), but the knowledge of true rebirth
in worlds of the afterlife, from which the way home to the once abandoned "realm of eternal
light" takes place . Associated with this was the knowledge of the reality of the hereafter, of
the otherworldly spheres and worlds, which are basically much more real than our earthly
cosmos, which resembles a temporarily useful provisional.

But if one knows that there is no death and that this world on this side is merely a means to
an end to regain a once lost "capacity for the hereafter" - and if one knows the entire
paracosmology - then the struggle on earth and for the earth becomes all at once
understandable... (We'll talk about that later.)

Sebottendorff knew: There is a real - existing dark power - the "devil", "Satan" and his
followers - whose aim isnoto longer
our divinely
its divinecreated
to be
in such
a "through
a way station"
that it can
for people on their way home to the worlds of eternal light. This dark power allowed itself to
be revealed in the so-called "Old Testament" of the Bible as "God" through Moses and other
mediums of dark spirit vibration, beginning with the words of Yahweh to the

Abraham: "Ani ha El Shaddai" = "I am EI Shaddai" - the "rejected El" - Satan. (see
Genesis 17:1).

With this knowledge, the fronts were clear for Sebottendorff: The Shaddai. the 'Old Testament
'God' is the destroyer, the adversary of God. His followers therefore serve the destruction of
the earth, of nature - of people. - But El Shaddai will be defeated by the divine power and by
those who serve the true divine power! -

On his travels through the Orient, Sebottendorff must have found old writings - or perhaps
just oral reports in which ancient knowledge
-, of the gospel ofisChrist
announced. Soinhe
and that knew
truth about
this had the falsification
nothing to do
with the so-called Old Testament

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had to do with the Bible, apart from Jesus Christ calling it “the Hebrews” and
"worst darkness and wickedness" that Jesus of Nazareth was called by the Jews
"blasphemers" had been fought because he called their "God", the El Shaddai - Yahweh, as "the devil"
designated and unmasked ( Joh,8,'4fl 3. And Sebottendorff had learned that there was a secret
"Inheritors of the Knights Templar" admitted clear traces of this truth in their archives
had to be found.

In the Orient, Sebottendorff also found remains of Persian and, above all, Babylonian references
Details about that millennial struggle, which he calls the "Great Intercosmic World Struggle".
should. (More on that later, too.) Below is a brief excerpt from the prophecy of the “Third One
Sargon”, taken from the book of the Babylonian seer and priestess Sajaha (ca. 650 BC):

The sun eclipses its light from Chaldea to the base of the Midnight Mountain.
But the people notice not, they are blinded
by the appearance
by the of
reflection of stolen gold.

Many good-hearted fall, many wicked rise on her instead.

Schaddein's horrible breath perverts
of the

What is clean will fall, what is impure will rise. that will be
what was belowat the top; bad and good swap places.

People will be drunk.Madness will rule the world.

... to land of the north.

From its battered earth rises the liberator, the avenger: The Third Sargon!

And then the lonely righteous will rise up from north and south
and will be mighty and ignite the fire like a storm and everything advance,
will burn out badly everywhere, yes, everywhere.

So from the north comes the savior of the world, who is called here the "Third Sargon".
Sargon I was the founder of the Babylonian empire, a legendary figure similar to the emperor
Barbarossas for the Germans. Sargon II had come to renew the empire - but in the “Third
Sargon” the mystical hero and savior from all evil was expected.

Sebottendorff now traced the reference to the north: From the north the third Sargon should
yes come, literally: "From midnight", an oriental term for the high Germanic
The North (Polarnacht).

Sebottendorff was soon to come across indications that Jesus Christ was a Germanic legionnaire
have spoken and promised them that their people will win and shape the "kingdom of God"...

This now seemed to explain the primal adversity between the “God” Yahweh and the
"Old Testament missionaries" on the one hand and those determined by the true God and Jesus Christ
people, on the other hand, rule.

It certainly took years for the most important strands of knowledge to come to an end in Sebottendorff's
hands. Now all he had to do was get to the bottom of it. - And he would
set the course that had to be set - in the direct order of the deity with it -,
fulfill what is prophesied: The birth of the New Golden Age! - The Germans had to
do, they who are divinely destined and called to do so, they had to establish the new kingdom - not
only for yourself, but for the whole world! -

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Sebottendorff was well aware that this would be a path full of martyrs' graves. But he also
knew: There is no death, the martyrs prepare the way to the true world of eternal light...

The beginnings

Probably in August 1917, four men and one woman met in the Viennese café "Schopenhauer"
to set the course for the future of mankind. It was the German adventurers and esotericists
Karl Haushofer and Rudolf von Sebottendorff, the medium Maria Orschitsch from Zagreb. the
young engineer and pilot Lothar Waiz and the prelate Gernot of the secret "community of
heirs to the Knights Templar" (Societas Templi Marcioni). The meeting between the four
young people and the old Templar prelate is said to have come about through the mediation
of a Viennese spiritualist and magician. about which there is no certainty. The old man hoped
to get the four secret revelation texts from the hidden Templar archive and also a
recommendation to the strange brotherhood of the "Lords of the Black Stone".
Their spokesman was certainly Rudolf von Sebottendorff, and we can probably reconstruct
quite well what he may have said to the Templar prelate at first in order to prove his and his
friends' competence:

Just as our solar year is divided into twelve months according to the twelve orbits of the
moon - i.e. the twelve zodiacs of astrology, so to speak - so is the orbit around the great
central sun of our Milky Way divided into twelve animal or Tyrian circle sections; which, in
cooperation with the precession, the cone-shaped movement of the earth due to the inclination
of the axis, determines the different ages of the world. Such a "cosmic month" lasts around
2155 years, the "cosmic year" around 25,860 years.

Now we are at the end of the Age of Pisces and at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius - the
New Golden Age, in which the thousand-year kingdom of peace will come, which is mentioned
in the twentieth chapter of the Revelation of John.

But not just an ordinary change of age is imminent, but the end of a cosmic year and the
beginning of a completely new one. We have completed the approximately 25,860-year
precession and are thus changing from the darkest age with the weakest radiation, the Age of
Pisces, to the age with the highest radiation, the Age of Aquarius. At the same time as the age
of Pisces, the “Kali-Yuga”, the age of sin according to the Indo-Aryan definition, also ends.

Due to the joint effect of precession and an elliptical orbit around the large central sun, a
completely different divine - cosmic radiation and a dramatic upheaval of the conditions on
earth is now imminent. This in particular because the great central sun - the "Black Sun" of
old myths - is to be regarded as the earthly source of power of the deity, whose clarifying light
will soon exert its influence undisturbed.

All changes of age have led to political, religious and social upheavals of the greatest extent.
This will now be even more the case with the forthcoming change of age into a new cosmic
year. Everything that is not suitable for the new light age will perish.
A completely new order will spread all over the world. We are now in the final stage of the
final battle in the great intercosmic world struggle. The forces of darkness rear up once more
to lash out wildly. We must counter them just as consistently and with the weapons of light.

From ancient Mesopotamian wisdom we know about the here and now movement of the
"steps of Marduk" of 28 years each, or 56 years for each double step. The phase of
transformation from the old to the new age takes three double steps of Marduk - ie 168 -, whereby
the first impact of the "Ilu - ray", the direct impact of the alpha - ray of divine light, is to be
expected in the center of this phase.

Thanks to revelation knowledge and careful calculations, the first appearance of the Alpha -
Ray, and with it the actual beginning of the New Age, quite precisely: This

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Event will arrive on February 3/4 or February 4/5, 1962, around midnight.
We now know the midpoint of the 168-year transformation phase and can at the same time
foresee particularly important events in connection with the intercosmic world struggle for
the New Age for the years 1934 and 1990, which results from the three 56-year stages already
On February 3rd/4th, or only on February 4th/5th, 1962, the alpha ray will be guided through
the predicted planetary constellation.

Although such details were certainly not a special area of knowledge of Prelate Gernot, he
must have been impressed. The conversation will now have touched on the various predictions
for the New Age and related issues; the Indian myth of Kalk Avatar, the Untersberg saga, the
"White Duke" and the "Third Sargon".

In particular, this conversation will have been about the background of a passage from the so-
called New Testament of the Bible:

Around Matthew 21:43. For there Christ speaks to the Jews:

"The kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to another people who will produce the
expected fruits."

The complete original text, which is in the archives of the Societas Templi Marcioni, speaks
much more clearly. Above all, however, this word of Christ means that Christ says quite
specifically which “other people” is meant. For he speaks to Germans who serve in a Roman
legion and tells them that it will be their people whom he has chosen.

So Christ himself proclaimed the new kingdom to the Germanic, the German people and
entrusted them with the creation of the kingdom of light on earth! That was probably what
Sebottendorff and his friends definitely wanted to know.

Furthermore, the "Templar revelations" were certainly spoken of. Especially probably about
the First Templars - revelation (also "Roderich - report") from the year 1236, in which the
knighthood is instructed to build the "new northern - capital" of the coming empire - with exact
location information. And indeed, as a result: Tempelhof - Berlin!

This meeting must have been very pleasant and successful. In fact, Sebottendorff was put in
contact with the "Secret Commandery of the Lords of the Black Stone" and received a
personal letter of recommendation. This secret commandery "DHvSS" is not too far, between
Salzburg and Berchtesgaden. Sebottendorff will be on his way there in the next few days.

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Despite all the falsifications and distortions traces of

early Christian truth...

One of these clear traces in the so-called "New Testament" of the Bible can be found in John -
Gospel chapter 8.

Here it is very clearly recognizable that Jesus Christ did not come as the "son" of the Hebrew God Yahweh,
but fought this very one as the devil! That was the real reason why he was through the
Jews were crucified as "blasphemers".

(Here is the literal NT translation, especially John 8:44!)

talk my don't you understand?

Because you cannot hear word - mine.
Youare of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do.
and theHe
a murderer
because there isn'ton, he, truth in him.
the beginning

If the lie speaks, he speaks lies from his own) Because a liar he. he is is and - you father (= the

But I, because I speak the truth,you do not believe me.

Which of you convicts me of a sin?
If I speak the truth, why don't you believe me?
The being from - God hears the words - of God; that's why you don't listen, because of - not God, you are.

say that the Jews and said Not right to to him:

(It) answered
with we, a Samaritans beast.

Original - Gospel of Matthew (Fragment #1)

(Probably part of the Sermon on the Mount)

In At intervals of millennia I have the various peoples of the Earth individually true
Prophets have been sent, and many centuries will pass before I find such a prophet again
to initially
the Earth willbut
refuse, send - namely
then that it to some resistance
- despite a people, the
servants ofGod ofand thethis
will bear good spirit the Hebrew Scriptures -
will understand and accept; and so fruit.

At that time many people of that people will recognize by themselves, even during the
mature of the events of that time have recognized that the actions of each for all and all for
everyone, only out of pure humanity, out of the living feeling of belonging together in
of the sonship of God practiced for the community, infinitely nobler disposition than would
they practiced out of fear of punishment and vengeance from God, or out of calculation for a reward.

To of that time many people of that people will have already recognized on their own that the
the God of the Hebrews and theishorror
one. they reject
of Hell theHebrew
in the horror and actively
script serve the
And become eternal truth
without even recognizing HIM
to have, who alone is eternal truth.

But they will finally recognize him too - in me! And they will rest in my peace
find, even if dark malice of other peoples envy them for their peace and to him
will try to disturb.

Because that's going to be powerfulbecome people above all stand

those who hate and hate with
the it. it
Hebrew God and his worshipers earths against

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Soon, however, many of the other peoples will also recognize that with their hatred they
Serving Satan, wanting to build hell on earth in his spirit and accordingto his lusts - what so
will then alsobring the others to knowledge and produce good fruit for all.
These there are of itwhose
is, fruitive people I spoke and mean.

And Christ the Lord lifted up his arm and pointed out legionnaires to a small group of silent listeners
who were from the people of the Germans.

See also NT, Mat. - 21, 43

The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; that has the is lord
done, this miracle happened before our eyes?

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And whoever falls on this stone will be crushed to pieces: but

on whom
the stone falls, it will be he will
crushed. Therefore I say to you:
one people
The kingdom of God will be taken away from you and from
be given that will bring forth the expected fruits.

The Great “Intercosmic World War”

It's a myth that's thousands of years old: The rages on for about six thousand years
great intercosmic world struggle to overcome the "dark ages" that the Indians called Kali
- Call Yuga. The climax and end of the dark age is the age of Pisces. That
Water Pitcher - Age (Age of Aquarius) will see the final victory of Light,over the powers of
bring darkness.

This "world struggle" is "intercosmic" because it takes place simultaneously in this world and also in the hereafter (im
otherworldly cosmos) is carried out, both on this earthly world and between the worlds
of the afterlife.

In order to make everything that follows understandable, at this point first the paracosmology and
cosmology which must be taken as a basis. It is the Akkadian - Old Babylonian "ILU - Teaching",
which was similarly prevalent in the earliest times of Christianity before it was Judaized.

The "Ilu Teaching" based on the revelation "Ilu-Ishtar"

(In clear keywords)

1. In the "pre-beginning", before there was the earth, the cosmos and all things, only the "forces ILU" were,
the spirit forces of the masculine and the feminine.

2. When these collided, infinitely - finitely many "sparks" sprayed from them, and
the brightest of these seed sparks became "IL", the supreme god (Il-Anu/ Allfather/ 0din).

3. With and beside Il-Anu were all the seeds of beings and things in “timeless eternity
and spaceless infinity".

4. Il-Anu first created "Mummu", which means: time and space.

5. Then Il-Anu created the "worlds of eternal light", the "kingdom of God".

6. He put all the seeds into his kingdom and revived them. Before had the seeds of beings
consisted only of shell (soul) and core (nature). Now it was the eternal trinity
spirit - soul - become life.

7. Life unfolded in the light worlds of the “kingdom of God”: Plant-like, animal-like and
humane. The human beings were "Igigi" and "EI" (angel and great angel).

8. One of the El left the kingdom of light with some followers to create a counter-kingdom:
The lake of darkness - hell. This fallen great angel was thus to the "Schaddain"
become, to the rejected - to Satan (he is identical with the Old Testament
"God" El Shaddai - Yahweh).

9. Many of the angels left the kingdom of God to follow Satan who claimed his
The world of hell is said to be much more beautiful than the kingdom of Il-Anu, and he, EI Shaddai, must be the only one
to be worshiped by God.

10. But on the way to hell the undressed angels fainted with oblivion,
because they had lost the vibration by which their "heavenly body" existed.

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11. Il-Anu now created a new worldness: Our cosmos with the earth, so that a type of
vibration was present that would enable the lost to reincarnate.

12. For this purpose, Il-Anu created a ladder of worlds on the other side, which enables
the fallen angels, who are now going through life on earth as humans, to return to the
kingdom of God after their earthly death.
13. Since then, however, the intercosmic struggle has reigned between the powers of light
and the powers of darkness, between Il-Anu and the Shaddain...

This "ILU TEACHING" can be found, at least as a hidden trace, in all religions. And the
"intercosmic world struggle" also runs like a red thread through the beliefs of mankind. In
most cases, the original truth of the "Ilu teaching" is distorted or handed down in a stunted
form - especially in the Bible, where Satan was made "God" (hence Christ's statement in the
Gospel of John 8:44: "The devil is yours Father!"). But the original truth was never completely
lost. Secret orders preserved them through all times and at high sacrifices. The history of the
VRIL people and their spiritual friends is therefore also the history of the reawakening of the
divine primal truth. The great intercosmic world struggle was taken up here consciously; the
struggle for the light of God and against the darkness of "Shaddain".

The goddess Ischtar/

Ostara, to whom the revelation of the "Ilu - Ischtar" goes back.
Here in the seal of the Pan-Babylonian Section of
the Order, based on the seal of Esagila in ancient Babylon.

With the Lords of the Black Stone

In late September 1917, Sebottendorff crossed the Austrian-Bavarian border. The place he
visits is now called Marktschellenberg. Here, on the Ettenberg, directly at the foot of the
legendary Untersberg, Sebottendorff met members of the secret society of the Lords of the
Black Stone.

There aren't many secret societies that really deserve that title. "The Lords of the Black Stone",
however, are a secret society to which the name applies. For centuries this order - DHvSS for
short - has kept secret, and even what we know about the order today is no more than a hint
of what may really be.

The Bavarian-Austrian Templars - the "Herren vom Schwarzen Stein" split off has a strange
history; and there may be even stranger things about this society of which we have no idea.
So here is what we know:

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The Lords of the Black Stone

The founding of this offshoot of the Marcionite Templar Society dates back to 1221, took
place in southern Germany and remained a more or less secret association. In later papers of
the "community of heirs of the Knights Templar" (Societas Templi Marcioni) "The Lords of
the Black Stone1" are listed as a "occult scientific section" of only a few hundred members.
The supreme leadership of the order in the Middle Ages did not recognize this offshoot of the
order as conforming to the order, but ignored it with tacit tolerance. A few admonitions were
enough not to sink into “dark paganism”.

The importance of the "Lords of the Black Stone" was - at least to the outside world - low. The
focus was on Bavaria and eastern Austria. There were followers in Scandinavia, Alsace,
Northern France, Ireland, England, Scotland and Venice. However, there can be no talk of a
tightly organized network. "The Lords of the Black Stone" were from the beginning a
community of loners - both Templars and outsiders; They formally belonged to the order of
the Knights Templar, but they did not follow any instructions of a non-military nature.

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The Bavarian Templar commander Hubertus Koch was the founder and leader of the “Lords
of the Black Stone”. There are many legends about his person. It may be true that he was
born during a crusade in the Orient. However, his life before 1218 is in the dark, and legends
and theories that do not directly relate to the matter should not be written down here. What is
certain is that Koch was what is called a charismatic phenomenon, that he was highly
educated and a man of strong willpower, perhaps also gifted in the mediumship.

spear seal

In the secret book of orders, Koch wrote down in poetic form those phases of his life that
seemed important to him. There we learn about his search for the Grail and the realization
that something completely different is important to seek and find, we read about the Holy
Spear and the magical black stone that finally gave the community its name.
(This Black Stone is a counterpart to the 'Black Sun', the 'Great Central Sun' of the Milky Way,
meaning materialized ultraviolet). This is a vast body of dramatic writing in verse that leaves
no reader unmoved.

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We, The Lords of the Black Stone

( First part )

1 From the surging waves of the raging surf,

from the crunchy base of island recovered,
of the Sea rages with snatched from boldness -
so wanted he won be, the mighty stone.

2 Polished black, not human

Hand once lost from grassland's far lands,
from Jesse's breath tobrought to life is the delicious
Stone taking in upon grassland.

3 He who has won it is master of his power, who

serves his power, the spirits serve him.
Miracles are performed by the black stone,
by its splendor masters are made.

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4 Today the mastersof

praise us, lords
the black stone! be, we, the

5 For we have won the stone for ourselves, out of raging

sea depth. Found at the direction of otherworldly voices,
by searching and digging for the word of the dead that was spoken
to to us. We have the mortal spell

6 So we
have become, and always will be, the
immortal lords of the black stone.

7 Where generations pass, where times pass, where

the worlds of the hereafter devour the others, the
died on earth - we will wander on there invisibly.

8 obedience to the mistress,the sister of Jesse, who gave us

leads from grassland expanses, we walk through them
passing times, seek, find,tograsp to to
the spear, the mistress of Jesse's lost defense.

palace, 9 secret an Greenland's shores, became ours

sheltering place. go out there, We're going in there, we
the laws of earthly so we walk
things neverbetween the worlds.
apply to us.

10 The brothers of Jesse will never die, nothing there

they could perish, they always become invulnerable
be - we, the lords of the black stone.

These verses lead to the heart of what moved "The Lords of the Black Stone": The
Dominance of evil on earth, the realization that God is not omnipotent - and the will. in
intervene effectively in the great battle between light and darkness.

But that was impossible with conventional means. It required completely different ways. Man
had to face the enemy, Satan and his devil along with their earthly servants, in his own
meet darkness!

If such thoughts could become tangible, it was solely on the basis of fragments of older ones
Mesopotamian lore acquired through trades with Hasan ibn Sabbah
had been. These fragments of cuneiform writing, which already existed in Persian, Arabic and Greek
translations formed the basis of everything that followed. It was the story
of ISAIS' journey into hell on behalf of Ischtar. It was now learned what had to be done in order to
To subdue powers of hell: You had to face them in the realms of the afterlife - and possibly in the
Hell itself - fight back!

But the crucial point for everything that was to come was certainly the ISAIS REVELATION, which
was brought personally by Jesse, as it were;

The ISAIS, the "goddess from Untersberg" - shown here in her characteristic boy's costume,-,
the myth is said to be disguised as a boy in the
"Dark Lake", the hell of the "Shaddain" have crept to the magical black-purple
to retrieve the stone that the devil stole from Valhalla...

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Sebottendorff was at the Ettenberg to receive the power of the black-violet stone. He knew
that the final battle between the World Age powers, the battle between the eclipses of the
"Infrared - Age of Pisces" and the "Age of Ultraviolet - Age of Aquarius" would be fought and
decided in this century. He knew the divine revelations to the German people, he knew that
the "Black Stone" for the fulfillment of these revelations lay here at the foot of the Untersberg.
And he suspected that "The Lords of the Black Stone" would have to have other options that
were important for the final battle for Earth.

Here Sebottendorff found out that the “intercosmic world struggle” was being fought out
in the spheres of the hereafter, in the “Green Land”, as the old Akkadians had called that
“general vibration level” of the hereafter. Sebottendorff learned to understand what heroes
and martyrs were all about: Those who died on earth in the fight against darkness join the
great army of the other world “over there”! And that was the meaning behind the legend of
Wotan's daring army in Untersberg..!

We don't know exactly what was discussed and possibly agreed between Sebottendorff
and the "Herren vom Schwarzen Stein". In any case, secrets of great importance must
have been disclosed which we cannot even conjecture.

Sigils and traced symbols of the secret order.

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Hear the call of the gods.

From towering mountainsand from the surging sea

Ishtara and Vodin, Jesse and Malok.

Your homecoming awaits behind the stars.

After wandering through the earth the light shines on you.

It isgreet those who have gone before you; the divinity smiles at you.

Word of Wodin from Malok's mouth

(From the Order Book of the Lords of the Black Stone.)
1. I speak from the valleys, the deep, the gentle ones - they lie
behind the stars,over
mountains, their light
the is evergreen.
steep ones - I call over the

behind the stars they rise, their shimmeris evergreen.

From the seas I come, the waving expanse -
their waves swell behind the stars, evergreen they wave there.

2. I tell the truth.

Easy, but difficult

the Listen,
riddle isto
to grasp.
to From Grasslands Mists

to go have tolife
through goon
earth. your own body, 3. how

You must see through your own gaze, hear your

he that
own call - devise your own meaning knows
willno words -,
guide you.

4. You must look up from the realm of earth,

understand longing, seek homesickness, wish for return.
You should look at the stars in the sky -
Wishing for distance, hoping for distance.
Behind the stars the gate opens.
You must see the gate, the way lies to find him.
the gate
far away
in time;

tensioning straps that connect earth, 5.

Thosewho oppress often do not force you.
Illusion alone is what fear arouses in you.

6. You should be strong, fearless and happy.

The gate behind the gate is called Siegesheil
opens at the end of the second path.
Behind the stars, behind the bank of the sky,
behind the measurable time you see grasslands mountains,
valleys, clouds and billows.

7. You must also roam throughthese realms for a long time.

A green
high arc
of clear
at the end of

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8. Pass through the arch, then it isshines in its splendor.

turn around, look back over the paths, through arches,
gates and gates:
You will stand behind the stars - immutable -
and see worldliness standing before the earth.

9. You look there from Wodin's

of the truthful.
from WhatHomestead
do you
want to trade?
you are free now!
the eternal
end are forged;
it isthere the
is neither

Black Stone and Black Sun

It was probably the magical black-violet stone that interested Sebottendorff, that stone that
due to the affinity of vibrations, the "Alpha Ray" of the New Age, the main light of
"Black Sun". could and should attract to himself. Besides, Sebottendorff doesn't get too excited
knew a lot about “The Lords of the Black Stone” when, on the recommendation of Prelate
Gernot met with their commander.

But this time he will have assumed extensive knowledge from his interlocutors. He will
So be headed straight for the goal that moved him: The “Great Central Sun”, the “Black One
Sun”, and the development towards the Age of Aquarius.

The "Black Sun" is God's power source on this side (IL - Anus). To the human eye is
they are invisible (or today's telescopes are too weak to see them). the
constant "ILU - vibration", i.e. the pure vibration of the divine light, which from the
Black sun emanating from the Great Central Sun of our Milky Way system has 75 trillion
vibration units per second. This corresponds to ultraviolet. This full "ILU - vibration" is
reach the earth when the New Age is completed, it will be a new "Golden Age"
cause and the faint 15 trillion vibration units per second, the infrared of the
Age of Pisces, sweep away.

We have to weave in here that the German myth of the black, ultraviolet, stone
The Allies opposed the "Redstone Project": The "Red Stone" of the old
Age of Pisces!

Modern depiction of the Ischtar - Ostara above the "Baphomet".

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The way to Thule

In the two years that followed, a circle formed around Sebottendorff, which was bundled
through the "Teuton Order" in the Thule Society. Rudolf Hess is already an active figure here,
as is Alfred Rosenberg. Less well-known names of the early Thule Society were: Trebitsch -
Lincoln, Countess Westrap or the publisher Lehmann. Erich Koch and Heinrich Himmler may
at least have been in contact with the Thule Society. But one of the most important names
was Dr. WHERE. Schumann; We will have a special report about him later.

In 1919, the Thule Society, which until then had primarily been interested in intellectual issues,
got caught up in the maelstrom of political events. During the defensive struggles against the
Marxist council regime in Munich, Thule people put themselves at the forefront of the
resistance. The "Freikorps Oberland" also emerged from a Thule initiative. This set the course
for current politics. A separate branch was created for spiritual and esoteric matters: The VRIL Society, in wh
Schumann was soon to play a crucial role.

1: The exoteric signet of the Thule Society

2: The esoteric signet of the Thule Society

This sign of the double - Eh - rune symbolizes - the interaction of the two Ur - Ilu - powers of
male and female in the "Black Sun". The "Baphomet" - symbol of the Knights Templar
represented an encryption of the same motif.

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The "superior deity ILU" (the 'omnipotence') is male and female at the same time. In contrast,
the Mosaic teachings of the Dark Ages (Judaism, pseudo-Christianity, Islam) are hostile to
femininity, because El Shaddai - Yahweh is only male. Despite all falsification of the original

Christianity has retained the symbolism that the woman (here Mary) defeats the serpent
(Satan). This corresponds to a coded memory of the forthcoming victory of the goddess
Ischtar - Ostara over El Shaddai - Yahweh.

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Vril - like "godlike"...

While the Thule Society was increasingly shaping the political path of the coming "Third Reich", the
"Vril Society" branch, which was becoming more and more independent, took a different path.

"VRIL", which is derived from the Akkadian "VriI - IL" "like the highest deity", means something like
"godlike". And that was at the core of the concern, to fathom the deity and to shape a new world in a
new age with godlike, that means godly, means.

Vril philosophy or Vril theology (to speak of an ideology would be wrong) differed from Thule and NS
ideology in many respects.

The difference can be reduced to a simple denominator: the Vril society was essentially otherworldly.

But there remained numerous points of contact between Vril and Thule society. Both tried to find the
secrets of the distant past: Atlantis, Thule, Gilgamesh's "Island of the Blessed" - they recognized their
remains in the rocks of Heligoland. Then the original connection between Germania and Mesopotamia.
But also old sanctuaries like the Externsteine or the local mountain of Stronegg were topics of joint
research. Hans Hörbiger's "World Ice Theory" was soon added. In short: it became a gathering place
for unconventional ideas and views of all kinds. And so it really doesn't come as a surprise that one of
the most fantastic ideas that people have ever thought of has found fertile ground in this circle: Dr.
Schumann's idea of a "beyond machine"...

The "Other Science"

It was Schumann and the Vril people - at that time still working directly with the Thule Society - who
connected -, were considering building a device that they called the "Beyond Machine". It should be one
machine for the “transmutation of matter from this world into matter from the hereafter and back again”.

In short: a machine for overcoming space and time, life and death; a machine with which one should be
able to visit "the worlds of the gods" in order to gain CERTAINTY ABOUT THE ETERNAL TRUTH. If
Sebottendorff had thought about the "Mani SoIa" and sought the way to the afterlife with the help of the
Holy Spear (Marduks/Odin), the technician Dr.
Schumann to tackle things with technical means.

In December 1919, the innermost circle of Thule and Vril society met in an old forester's house rented
for this purpose in Ramsau near Berchtesgaden. One of the main characters of this meeting was the
medium Maria Orschitsch (Or^s;ic') from Zagreb. She had brought two stacks of written papers with
her. The sheets of one stack showed the bizarre-looking German Templar - secret writing, the other the
transfers in normal legible writing. The content of these sheets was entered and dictated in a mediumistic
way - in "temple script" and in a language completely unknown to the medium. However, Maria
Orschitsch thought it must be an ancient oriental language and therefore contacted the “Pan-Babylonist”
circle of friends (founded by Friedrich Delitzsch, Hugo Winckler, Peter Jensen and others), who were
close to the Thule circle. It turned out that the apparently mysterious language was in fact Sumerian,
the language of the ancient Babylonian founders of culture. It is not known what the content of the
Sumerian-language texts was in detail. But the rumor still persists that among other things it was about
technical instructions from the hereafter, so to speak the “recipe” for building the machine from the
hereafter – and thus the basis of all “UFO” technology.

In any case, the concept of an "other science" matured during this period and the years that followed
(in today's world one would speak of "alternative science"). But it took more than three

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Years before the "Jenseitsmaschine" project took tangible shape. That was probably also a
question of the financing difficulties.
In this early phase of the "other science" and the "other technique", Dr. Schumann at the TH -
Munich gave a lecture from which a few sentences should be reproduced here:

"In everything and everyone we know two principles that determine what happens: light and
darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction - just as we know plus and minus with
electricity. It's always: either - or!

These two principles - to be described specifically as the creating and the destructive - also
determine our technical means... Everything destructive is of satanic origin - everything
constructive is of divine origin... Any technology based on the principle of explosion or
combustion can therefore be considered satanic Technology - The upcoming new age will be
an age of new, positive godly technology!

The afterlife flying machine

In 1922 the project "Jenseitsmaschine" was tackled and now referred to as Jenseitsflugmaschine.

In the summer of this year, a barn was expanded in a small town near Munich. Part of the floor
was excavated, cracks in the wooden walls were sealed.
An additional shed was added. In this shed soon gathered all sorts of seemingly technical
individual parts... The afterlife flying machine was set to work! -

It consisted of a disk of eight meters in diameter, above which was a parallel disk of 6.50
meters in diameter, and below it another disk of seven meters in diameter. These three disks
were broken through in the middle by a 1.80 meter diameter hole, in which the 2.40 meter high
drive unit was mounted. At the bottom, the central body ended in a cone-shaped tip, from
which a huge pendulum reaching into the basement ensured the stabilization of the device.

In the activated state, the upper and lower disks probably rotated in opposite directions in
order to first build up an electromagnetic rotation field - and at the same time to generate the
"intercosmic vibration" that prevails in the afterlife sphere of the "Green Land".
According to the principle of the affinity of vibrations, the basic condition for the "flight into
the hereafter" should be created. The power unit, the drive of the otherworldly flying machine,
is described as a special kind of battery. It was probably a high-energy special capacitor for
short-term maximum energy peaks and served as a starter for the three discs, which probably
also formed a special electric motor and an electric generator. - However, the information
about the afterlife flying machine is very poor, it is even possible that some deliberately
misleading information was interspersed to ensure secrecy.

For two years experiments were carried out with the afterlife flying machine. Financing aids
for this project appear under the code "JFM" in the accounts of several German industrial
companies. Certainly the "Vril - Triebwerk" emerged from the Jenseitsflugmaschine (formally
listed as "Schumann SM-Levitqtor").

It is not known what the afterlife machine did - or possibly did not do. In any case, it was
dismantled at the beginning of 1924 and taken to Augsburg, where it was stored. The
assumption that the Jenseitsflugmaschine was transferred to the Messerschmitt works in
Augsburg can neither be proved nor disproved. But it may not be a coincidence that fifteen
years later the first "Haunebu" test device flies in Augsburg. The afterlife machine would
therefore also have been the basis for the "Thule engine".

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For the Vril and Thule people, a decade of intense research followed. It is highly probable that
the "Dimension Channel Flight" project, which later became so important, took on a fixed
form at that time. And as reported by the 'Carthaginian Book': With bold equipment, the gods
fought their battles in the afterlife against the forces of the evil spirit.
Principle of the multiple space - time - jump. or the Librations journey.

The HEREAFTER - flying machine should generate an extremely strong field around itself and
its immediate surroundings, which made the space sector enclosed by it, together with the
machine and its users, a microcosm that is completely independent of the rest of this world's
cosmos, "still on this side and yet also on the other side". This worldly - otherworldly
microcosm generated by the JENSEITMASCHINE would be completely independent of all
worldly universal forces and influences surrounding it - such as gravitation, electromagnetism
and radiation, as well as matter of any kind - at maximum field strength and could move within
any gravitational and other field and everyone gaseous accumulation of matter at will and
accelerate in the vacuum almost to the speed of light - without any acceleration forces
becoming effective or perceptible in it. Yes, above a certain field strength the microcosm
would leave our relatively present universe and suddenly appear in its relative past; namely
in that universal, this-worldly section of the past. whose then cosmic-evolutionary higher
universal energy potential corresponded exactly to that of the generated microcosm.
Theoretically, the microcosm with the central "beyond machine" and its pilot could reach both
the earliest past of the universe and its beginning of expansion from a "white hole". As with
an acceleration almost corresponding to the universal expansion and speed of light, through
the "time stretching effect" occurring in this "highly relativistic" speed range - so to speak
"time-frozen" - until its end in the very distant future as a result of a universal contraction to
a "black hole" .

The strictly scientific definition of the ancient Sumerian - Babylonian hereafter and this world
teaching, i.e. paracosmology and cosmology ("Ilu - Ischtar", "Ilu - Asherah").
"Paracosmology of the Ilu"), our this-worldly cosmos arose from a "hereafter quant" which -
like everything beyond, whether inanimate hereafter matter and energy, whether animate
hereafter beings, whose highest form of existence is the central "light god" (IL) - for this side
concepts is infinitely dense, energetic and elastic. As a result of a certain otherworldly event
(see "llu-Ischtar"), this "otherworldly quanta" initially expanded into a "white hole" that is now
already on this side and this into the universe known to us today, which basically only serves
the purpose of an event in the hereafter to help injured hereafter beings after their existence
as this world beings, such as humans, to a "normal" existence in the other world. - So much
for paracosmology and cosmology.

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But with what energy should the "beyond machine" be fed in order to generate its extremely
strong, initially special electromagnetic rotation field, combined with a controllable antigravity
effect and at the same time a protective shield against negative material and energetic influences,
as well as with colliding objects and atmospheric frictional heat? The theoretical basis for the
"machine on the other side" - or also "flight machine on the other side" - can be found in the
already outlined hereafter - this world - cosmologies, i.e. paracosmology and cosmology with
their ancient spiritual basis. On the other hand, there are similarities with the already briefly
mentioned apparatus and systems of so-called electrogravitational tachyons - and free - energy -
constructions, of which the "beyond machine" is probably only a special variety - or perhaps
more correctly) a forerunner - variation.

When our (this-worldly) universe around 20 billion years ago consisted of a "beyond quantum" of
infinite density, energy and elasticity, which in the next moment turned into a (this-worldly)
"White hole" passed and in the next moment expanded explosively in all directions, there were
not only its energy potential and its density, but also the values of its natural constants, such as
the universal expansion and light speed and the gravitational constant, the general mass
attraction, almost infinite times as large as today. Only in the course of the expansion of the
universe and the elapsed billions of years did the energy potential and all natural constants - such
as the speed of light and the expansion rate of the universe, as well as the general attraction of
mass, the gravitational constant - decrease to the current values. So there is a UNIVERSAL PAST-

Without this special cosmic - evolutionary "gradient" neither the "Flying Machine on the Beyond"
nor a "Space - Time - Flying Ship" could function, which represented the "Machine on the Beyond"
at the heart of the matter: an airworthy 'time machine'. Also all electrogravitation - tachyons - and
free - energy - devices, which are basically nothing more than "primitive time machines" (if they
work), are dependent on the just described conditions. It is always a question of creating an
energetic situation in your very immediate or near surroundings by means of a correspondingly
high frequency and high electrical voltage within a narrowly limited space, as it has prevailed
within a certain period of time in the past of our universe. This creates a kind of "time tunnel" or
"space - time - wormhole" from our relative present to the relative past, and through this "channel"
energy from the past can then flow into the relevant present apparatus. What arises from this
could be called a "perpetuum - mobile - effect".

In a somewhat modified constructive form, such an apparatus can also cause gravitational and
antigravity effects of smaller to greater strength; in which through the "micro-time tunnel" or the
"micro-space-time-wormhole" apart from electromagnetic energy from gravity from the past - as
a kind of "gravitational pull" - becomes effective in the present; as an antigravity effect.

So much in brief for the functional principle of the "Jenseitsflugmaschine" and the later "Vril

For a better understanding of all matter, we should imagine the universe before its formation from
a "white hole" or "hereafter-this-world wormhole" to the present universe measuring many billions
of light years, an expanding universe made up of infinitely many "space time bowls”. These
"space-time shells" - symbolically similar to an onion - exist immutably as long as the universe
exists. Therefore, with a "space - time - flying machine", such as the "machine on the other side",
in principle every past - space - time - shell can be reached.

This may give a brief insight into the inner workings of things, which it would take too long to
discuss in detail here.

The only surviving drawing of the "Jenseitsflugmaschine".

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you move wrong

The Austrian inventor Viktor Schauberger was a man of the first hour when it came to New
Science. His statement: “You are moving wrongly!” sums up in one sentence what Schumann
reported on in detail.

It is not entirely certain when the connection to Schauberger came about, but there must have
been a connection between him and the VriI people.

The Schauberger flying tops worked according to the principle of levitation. Initially,
Schauberger in Wiener Neustadt developed small unmanned flying probes, devices with a
diameter of about 1.80 meters.

As already mentioned, there is no reliable information about the closer connections between
Schauberger and Schumann. But it could very well be that there was even an exchange of
letters between these two researchers.

What is certain is that Schauberger later received concrete support from the "SS-E-IV", the
technical division of the Thule Society.

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The "RFZ 1"

The hour of birth of the "UFO" struck in 1934 and with the people of the Vril Society - even if
the beginning was a failure.

Around ten years after the fate of the "Jenseitsflugmaschine" was lost in the dark, namely in
June 1934, a very strange-looking thing stood on a little-used site of the German aircraft factory
Arado in Brandenburg. It looked like a propeller-less aircraft made out of two giant beer mats.
This thing, the "RFZ" (round plane) 1, was the first anti-gravity experimental aircraft. Its main
builders were Dr.
Schumann and an engineer from Bochum.

This RFZ 1 consisted of a two-disk - Vril - drive, a pilot's cockpit on top, a tail unit borrowed
from an Arado 196 (?) and a few skids, which were attached below instead of a landing gear.

On a beautiful, sunny June day, the RFZ 1 took off on its first and only flight. At first it rose to
an estimated 60 meters in height, but then began to tumble and dance in the air for minutes.
The empennage attached to the controls proved to be completely ineffective. With great
difficulty, Lothar Waiz, the pilot, managed to get the RFZ 1 back on the ground, jump out and
run away a few dozen meters. Then the RFZ 1 began to behave like a spinning top until it tipped
over and literally ripped apart. The debris is said to have been spread out over a hundred meters

That was the end of RFZ 1 but the beginning of the VRIL missile.

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RFZ 1 and RFZ 2

What to say about the RFZ 2, which was built on the railing of the Arado, must first consider
the development of the RFZ 1, which had already been built before and as such proved a
failure if you want to look at it as an airplane, what it, strictly speaking, wasn't.
The RFZ 1 was created in June 34. It represented an attempt to get the SM drive plant to fly.
RFZ 1 was therefore logically seen (a "flying engine" with a pilot's cockpit above, a few skids
below and a rudder that turned out to be completely useless. During the only flight attempt,
RFZ 1 climbed about 60m, danced uncontrollably in the air for almost five minutes and could
then be brought back to land, allowing the pilot, Lothar Weiz, to jump out before the device
began to behave more and more like a gyroscope on the ground and broke, which meant the
end of RFZ 1.

On the other hand, RFZ 2 was a real airplane, which one should actually call the first round
wing plane, at least as far as I know of such. RFZ-II had an improved SM - levitation - thruster
and impulse control. There was no longer a conventional tail unit. RFZ II also had a landing
gear, which, however, could only be extended once. You had to crank it in on the ground,
which was only possible from below, and "tension" it that way. It could then be let out for
landing. The start was "belly on" from a wooden frame. The landing gear's three legs looked
like tall stilts, which were necessary because the controls didn't yet allow for a precise
landing, and it therefore had to be suitable for uneven terrain. The pulpit, which was later
converted into a pressurized cabin, was very uncomfortable. Since the SM engine took up the
entire space of the disc body, the cockpit had to be placed on top. The pilot was in a sort of
kneeling position.

The flight performance of - RFZ-II was very impressive; except for the controls, which only
permitted sudden changes in direction of 22.50° each.

However, the reliability of this aircraft was remarkable. Due to the problematic control and
also probably for other reasons, RFZ-II was mothballed until the end of 40's. Then the device
was animated. Two 2 cm machine guns were installed outboard in fairings. Although the RFZ-
II may have remained a one-off, it was used again and again for long-distance reconnaissance
flights and was very good. It is even said to have returned via America (...fragment...). It is
said that RFZ-II was hidden somewhere in Main 49 (...fragment...) (...fragment...).

The "RFZ 2"

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The "RFZ 2" - The "Ur-UFO"

Even before the year 1934 had ended, the Vril technology had its deserved triumph.
The RFZ 2 was probably completed just a few months after the accident with RFZ 1, but in any
case before the winter of 1934.

And the RFZ 2 now looked like "a real flying saucer" according to today's imagination. This
small round wing plane, just over five meters in diameter, worked - and by 1941 it was to have
a remarkable fate ahead of it.

"RFZ 2" goes to war

The maneuver criticism of what is now known as the "Battle of Britain" phase of the war
revealed major weaknesses in German air armament. Although the German Luftwaffe fought
at a ratio of 2:1 - ie the British had lost twice as many aircraft as the Germans, and there can
be no question of a "victory" for the British - the problem of the insufficient range of the
German aircraft was obvious become. The scrapping of the four-engined long-distance
bombers, which they didn't think they needed because the leadership hadn't believed in war,
was now taking revenge. Likewise the sale of the best fighter planes (He-100 and He-110) to
foreign countries. The German standard fighter Me-109 was fast and manoeuvrable, but
basically only suitable for the defense of the Reich, since its short range did not even allow 20
minutes of combat over London, let alone escort missions to Scotland, where the British could
therefore produce their armaments undisturbed. And even in reconnaissance, the long-range
machines were missing, which is why Lufthansa's civil transatlantic aircraft had to be
temporarily converted.

The Vril production facility was a partly completely, partly completely, partly built
underground complex. Although the buildings above ground have all been destroyed in the
meantime, their depiction could nevertheless allow conclusions to be drawn about the location. Because not t

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If it is possible that some of the underground works are still there, we have been asked to
cover in the photos all the features that could be used to determine the location.
In this phase, people remembered the "funny round thing" that had been demonstrated
in 1934 - and that nobody had taken seriously because it had no real wings, no tail unit
and "not even an air screw". Similar to the first jet aircraft, which flew before the beginning
of the war, was literally overslept for years, the Vril technology also fared. But since there
was this "funny thing" that could fly "incredibly fast" and had an enormous range, it was
taken out of a shed and dusted off. It was fitted with an angular, armored pressurized cabin
and was also fitted with two Mk-104 (2cm) machine cannons. Then test flights began. That
was in the late fall of 1940.

The "RFZ-2" had a major problem: the impulse control only allowed
changes in direction of 90°, 45!, or 22.5! . This made it completely useless as a fighter
plane. - But it could be usefully used as a long-distance reconnaissance aircraft. And for this
purpose it was also used from 1941.

The "flying hot water bottle"

There were two reasons to give the RFZ-2 this nickname:

Firstly, because it really did look a bit like an old hot-water bottle - and secondly, because it
got murderously hot very quickly in the tiny cockpit.

The entire RFZ-2 was only a little more than five meters in diameter. The cockpit was so
narrow that the pilot had to lie on his stomach with his legs drawn up. This had not been a
problem for a test aircraft - but now the "flying hot water bottle" had to take on long-range
reconnaissance flights. For this purpose, a telescope directed downwards via many prisms
was installed.

Against all odds, the RFZ-2 is said to have served well throughout the war, as far away as
America and the Antarctic region. The RFZ-2 had no landing gear. It started from a wooden
scaffold. The three high landing stilts had to be cranked into the airframe from the outside
before take-off. For landing, they were then snapped out with a spring mechanism.

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The "flying hot-water bottle" is said to have

proven itself in all temporary solutions. Nothing is known about the whereabouts of this round wing plane.

The only known operational photo of the RFZ II, taken by an Fw-200 crew over the South

"RFZ 2", the "flying hot water bottle"

The plane didn't just get this nickname because it looked a bit like an old hot-water bottle, but
mainly because it quickly got very hot in the tiny cockpit. That's why the RFZ II quickly lost its nickname.
All four people in our "crazy group" - that's what the few people at the top of the company who knew
about our work called us - called the plane "hot water bottle" for short.

I saw it for the first time in the late autumn of 1940. The plane was about six years old then.
Apparently no one ever cared. Now two 2 cm caliber cannons were to be mounted, which came from
a crash-landed Me 110. Newer pieces were probably not considered worthy of our spinning mill.
Somehow with reason, because it should show that you couldn't shoot with the hot-water bottle. But
the plane itself worked fine, and it was used again and again as a long-distance reconnaissance aircraft.

Such flights were an ordeal because of the cramped cabin. The entry hatch measured 45xllOcm, you
had to roll into it. Then you had to assume a position half lying on your stomach and half flat on your
knees. On the right side in front you had the joystick - a tiny thing - on the left the "gas", and next to the
viewing slit an eyepiece for a downward-pointing telescope, which brought an image through countless

Originally, the RFZ II had a glass cabin, but I never saw it again. I only know it with the metal cabin
with the slit and the portholes. But at least a pressurized cabin.

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In addition to the heat that came from the oppressive narrowness of the cockpit, there was
something else that was uncomfortable: when the engine revved up and built up its own
field, you were in a “weightless state” for a few minutes. It was only over when the hot-water bottle flew.
But then it was a very comfortable flight without centrifugal forces. The speeds that you
could fly with RFZ II were so fantastic that nobody would have believed you. And when I
say: You could fly to America in about four hours and so high that you were more in space
than on earth, then you'll be laughed at. It was probably the fate of this invention that no one
believed the reports - least of all Udet and Goering. If we had said we could fly 600 km/h,
then perhaps things would have gone further sooner. As it was, the SS provided well-
intentioned but weak support, which demanded total secrecy.
I've heard rumors that Hitler was furious when he later found out what an opportunity we
had missed, because with that technology we could easily have had an "America bomber"
in 1942.
Incidentally, the ignorance was certainly also due to the fact that the “hot water bottle” was very small.

Proof was later provided that the same technology could be used to build a 150-foot
airplane! (We mean Vril 7.)

Progress in all areas - RFZ 7t ("V-7")

It was a time of progress in all fields. Germany had the fastest cars, the fastest and longest-
range airplanes, the first real television (during the 1936 Olympic Games), the best entertaining
films, etc. Soon the first jet planes flew, the first long-distance rockets were in development.
All of this is known.

Now that conventional technology was also on the upswing everywhere, attempts were also
made with conventionally powered round wing aircraft. However, it is conceivable that these
were originally pure test objects with which one wanted to try out how a disk or disc-shaped
aircraft behaves in the air - very similar to how the jet fighter Me-262 was initially tested with
a conventional piston engine. However, an independent flying disc program developed from
the "RFZ 7t" (t = "Turbo"), which was later to be known under the cipher 'V-7'.

The history of these "V-7 objects" of conventional design does not belong directly to ours
Topic, so much has already been published about it that we can limit ourselves to the

Beginning in July 1941, the development groups Schriever - Habermol and Miethe - Beluzzo
built several conventional flying discs, then formed a development team and created
functional round-planes with jet engines - "conventional UFOs".

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On April 17, 1945, Dr. Richard Miethe Adolf Hitler detailed about these successes: supersonic
speed and altitude performance around 24,000 meters. These "conventional UFOs" have
contributed greatly to the formation of legends about the German flying discs, since the
secrecy here was not as total as with the unconventional ones (probably nobody in Germany
suspected that the English had known about the unconventional "Haunebu" aircraft for a long
time ).

One of the few photos of conventional flying discs shows a start in the Prague area; the
"UFO" wears white winter camouflage.

All of the conventionally powered flying disc projects were, I think, by-products of testing the
new missile shape. It all began in 1936 with an attempt to get a disk-shaped device to fly,
which was then achieved in 1938/39 with a simple Otto engine.
It was probably all about seeing how such a cell shape would behave in the air at all. Because
of the strict secrecy and mutual isolation between the individual development groups, it was
probably not even known in those circles that RFZ II had been functioning in principle since
the end of 1934. But perhaps this type of construction was not trusted.

The "jet tops" that were later talked about so much (Miete, Schriever, Habermol, etc.) were
either unexpected waste products - or perhaps a deliberate diversionary maneuver from the
other RFZ projects "Haunebu" and "Vril". However, there is serious evidence that some of
these devices are said to have even become functional.

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The last version of the "V-7" (RFZ-7) should have represented a combination of conventional
and unconventional technology. A photo of this 'V-7' exists in the US, but we couldn't get it
for this book.

Foo Fighters, Fireballs and Bubbles...

The Allies used the collective term "foo fighter" to designate various German missiles.
which had a glow or spherical shape in common.

In particular, there were probably two inventions. that fell under the term "foo fighters":
The "Flying Turtle" and the "Soap Bubbles"; two completely different things, which the Allies
considered to belong together.

The "Flying Turtle" - also called "Feuerball" - was developed by the technical department
of the SS (but not the SS-E-IV) in Wiener Neustadt. These devices were remote-controlled
flight probes. Its outer shape resembled that of a tortoise shell. Only in the air did the
"fireballs" or "flying turtles" develop a brightly lit halo due to a special mixture of fuel, which
then gave the optical impression of the "typical foo fighter".

The purpose of these flight probes was to jam enemy bombers' ignition systems. This
technique goes back to a further development of klystron tubes, but it may not have worked
as well as one would have imagined. The effective "ignition switch-off" - picturesquely called
'death rays' by the SS - was only created later and probably with the use of other technical means.
Since then, this "ignition switch-off", the failure of electrical systems, has been typical
of UFO emergence. This "passive weapon" also shows a little the ideological component
of the search for "non-violent weapons".

The 'bubbles' often referred to as 'foo fighters' were quite another matter. These were basically
nothing more than simple balloons containing thin metal spirals to jam enemy aircraft radar.
They were intended to irritate the "scout machines" of the Allied bomber formations in
particular. The success of this idea may have been small - apart from the psychological effect.

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"Soap bubbles" came in different sizes. For night operations they were mostly black, and for
daytime operations they were mostly made of light-colored or almost transparent foil. In
principle, these were small adaptations of weather balloons. Those 'bubble' foo-fighters
continued to do so well after 1945. once caused amazement. Some of them rose into the
stratosphere and wandered around halfway around the world without an owner, only to arouse
astonishment somewhere as "UFOs". Since Japan, due to the German-Japanese solidarity,
certainly also released "soap bubbles" on an experimental basis, their appearance in the
areas of Japan and Korea almost as a matter of course; and the Japanese "soap bubbles"
also lasted for years, of course.

Not all "UFOs" were round

An unusual fighter designed by Dr. Lippisch with the type "DM-1". This small airplane reached
a speed of 1360 km/h in the test phase with recoil propulsion.
Later, however, a mini version of the SM - Levitator (Vril - Triebwerk) was to be installed, for
which the "SM - Lev. - A", which drove the small RFZ-2, should have served as a model.

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This effort was the logical conclusion of the realization that the disc-shaped aircraft were not
capable of executing typical fighter-pilot turning maneuvers that were common in dogfights
with opposing fighters. Superior speed was not enough for this purpose, and above all it
must have been a fundamental problem to fight aircraft technology like that of the Allies,
which had to look downright stone-age compared to a Vril aircraft, with the means of a
completely different intellectual and technical level. The DM-1 concept was therefore a result
of the consideration of finding a middle way
have to.

Vril people on the rise - The Vril 1

After the increasingly clear separation of the Vril society from the Thule society - and thus
the increasing distance between the Vril people and the leadership of the state - a not least
ideological distance had formed quite obviously. While the Thule people could rely on massive
support from the SS, the Vril people were largely alone.
They certainly weren't outspoken opponents of the National Socialist leadership, but they
weren't docile supporters of the powers that be either. As a result, the Vril Society could not
count on government support for their projects. That probably changed after the success of
the RFZ-2, which was so ridiculed. There were now more options than before for the Vril
people, although not nearly to the extent that the SS-E-IV "Schwarze Sonne" (direct arm of
the Thule people) could book.

The Vril Society received its own premises in Brandenburg and additional support. So now
the project "Vril-1" could be started. The aim of this development was obviously a hunter.
And the Vril-1 was successfully built in several versions. In addition to the one-seater variant,
there was also a two-seater with a relatively large Plexiglas dome.

The successor model, Vril-2, may have been built as a prototype, but was then scrapped. But
this is not entirely certain. The universal fighter for the defense of the Reich was certainly
planned in the Vril-9, which was no longer realized.

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The disadvantage of the Vril construction was the large, space-consuming Vril engine. The advantage, however, was the quick and cheap
production method - and probably also the astonishing reliability.

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The "Thule Engine"

In competition with the Vril engine - but certainly in a friendly competition with an exchange
of experience - the "esoteric" SS formation "Schwarze Sonne" (later SS-E-IV and SS-EV)
created by the Thule people developed also an unconventional drive unit: The "Thule - engine"
- later it should be called "Thule - Tachyonator".

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In the beginning, however, this development was certainly not in competition with the Vril
engines. Rather, the goal was to create an energy source that was independent of raw materials for Germany
Germany was largely dependent on crude oil from abroad. Gasoline production from lignite
already represented a step towards independence from oil - but that was far from enough. For
the rest, it was about the ideologically founded idea of the "godly source of power". - Many
thoughts that in a way seem highly topical today!

In spite of all other difficulties and the enormous numerical superiority of the enemy, it can
be said that Germany lost the war, especially on the "raw material front".

So it was economic considerations that led to the Thule engine. If the production of flying
discs had been in the foreground, they would probably have been available as early as 1943.
The "Haunebu 1" was already flying in 1941. If the information is correct, this large round
wing plane was lost on a reconnaissance flight over the Irish Sea.

For a long time, however, the main focus of the SS-E-IV was probably less on the flying discs
than on the energy source itself.

So it came relatively late to the targeted construction of flying discs by the "Black Sun" -
probably only when one had to look for the very last possibility.

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Thule engine, "Haunebu" and "DO-STRA"

Quite the contrary to the Vril Society, the flying machines inspired by the Thule circle with the
"Thule engine" may have enjoyed strong support from the leadership, although their
production method was much more time-consuming and expensive in every respect. However,
the round-trip planes of the "Haunebu" type series (called "Hownebol" by the Allies), which
emerged from the Thule circle, had the advantage over the Vril technology, due to the space-
saving Thule engine to allow significantly higher payloads. The cell construction was also
completely different.

The Thule/ SS - E - IV - type "Haunebu II" was in fact already intended for series production.
A call for tenders is said to have taken place between the aircraft companies Dornier and
Junkers, which failed in favor of Dornier at the end of March 1945. The official designation of
the heavy "flying gyros" should be Do-Stra (= DOrnier STRAtospheric aircraft). However, it is
known that this series production never took place. The pre-"series" of German "UFOs" were
basically series only with regard to the engines, while the external features always differed.

However, it cannot be completely ruled out that the beginning of a small series Haunebu - II/
Do Stra was successful. The various "UFO" photos that surfaced after 1945 with the very
typical appearance of this German construction suggest this possibility.

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The Coler tachyon converter

Without wanting to go into more technical details - there are plenty of other publications for
this, the tachyon
the converter
Thule invented
since this by
This the German
one was captain
of the
also Hans
used the must
part of be
Thule SS-E-IV
- Triebwerk
and Vril - Triebwerk.

By the end of 1944, the Coler tachyon converter had already been prepared and planned for
series production for other purposes.

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The Gamagic Eye

On the edge of the history of the Thule engine, the project of a tiny "flying spy" should be

A thing the size of a man's fist is said to have been planned under the name "Gamagic Eye",
which should be able to fly through every window slit - noiselessly - as a kind of seeing and
listening "spy". and sinister - to be able
to conduct
Eye" wasin
be centers
the enemy
territory from the air and then take its positions remotely, which it could have changed again
at will. Provided with a self-destruct mechanism, the forerunner of a "long-distance air mine"
would have been given.

However, it is difficult to imagine that in 1943/44 the small television cameras and listening
devices that would have been necessary for the "Gamagic Eye" were already technically
feasible. Nowadays, however, such a design, especially with Japanese help, could easily be

Who knows whether "UFOs" are now deploying various "Gamagic Eyes" to spy out important

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Haunebu 2

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November 7, 1943
SS - Development Center IV


meters Propulsion: "Thule" - Tachyonator 7c (armored; diameter TY disk:
23.1 meters)
Control: Mag - Feld - Impulser 4a
Speed: 6000 km p. hour (calculated up to approx. 21000 possible)
Range (in flight duration): approx. 55 hours
Armament: 6 8 cm KSK in three turrets, below, one 11 cm KSK in a turret, above External armor:
Dreischott - "Victalen" Crew: 9 men (additional transport capacity up to 20 Man)

Capability for space:

100% Ability to hover: 15 minutes
General ability to fly: Day and night, regardless of the weather
Basic operational fitness (V7): 85%

Availability of "Haunebu II" (if the test process continues to be good, like V7) from October. Then series production from the turn of
the year 1943/44, but still without an improved "Donar-Ksk IIIV."

However, one hundred and ten percent readiness for use all round, as demanded by the Führer, cannot be expected before the
end of next year. Only from about series 9.

Comment responsible SS - development center IV: The new German technology - and thus above all Flugkreisel and KSKs - is
because of the still time-consuming manufacturing processes (especially with the Thule - devices...) and extremely laborious material

George Adamsky presented this UFO photo in 1952. However, there are also claims that it was not
taken in California in 1952 - but in Norway in early 1945.

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Heavily armed Flugkreisel "Haunebu III"

Diameter 71.Meter Drive: Thule
- Tachyonator 7c plus Schumann - Levitators (armored)

Here is a photo from 1979, with the cross bar clearly visible on the right. Also interesting is the serial
number on the top left, which makes it likely that it will be used in the military sector.

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Haunebu 3 - The Mars Spaceship

At a time when the future of Germany and its few allies was already extremely threatened, the
SS-E-IV built the giant flying disc "Haunebu III" - with a diameter of approx. 71 meters the
largest flying machine of this type ever known.


"HAUNEBU III" (Built, or; reconstructed, by a German private researcher.)

There are two concrete indications of a Haunebu III flight to Mars, which is believed to have
started on April 20, 1945. Mathematically, Haunebu III could have reached Mars. - This
undertaking has been written about in other books, so that we want to limit ourselves here to
that aspect which may have a direct connection with the "Vril Project". Because the "Vril -
Project" was based on the assumption that allied forces would be brought in from another
world. Perhaps Haunebu III should do base preparations on Mars for this? - No doubt a very
bold assumption. But what other reasonable reason could the frequently disputed and yet
perhaps real Mars flight have had...?

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"Andromeda Device" - Thule's dream of the farthest cosmos...


Armed Carrier and Long-Range Starship "Andromeda Device"

Presumably inspired by the 'Dimension Canal' - Vril - projects and convinced that "Thule" -
spaceships should also be able to reach the most distant regions of the cosmos, a special unit
was formed from the SS-E-IV Development and realization of the "Andromeda - device", a
cylindrical giant spaceship, which should be able to serve as a kind of mother ship for
'Haunebus' and 'Vrils'. This new department, the SS-EV, was working on a spaceship project
that was certainly not named "Andromeda" for nothing, because this long-distance spaceship
equipped with four Thule engines was supposed to initiate an organized conquest of the
distant universe.

Technical data such as range, armament, outer armor, crew, space capability, hovering ability,
general... are currently not available to us.

It is difficult to say how far this project went. It probably never got beyond the paper stage or
the first attempts. However, various "UFO photos" have appeared later that show devices that
are reminiscent of the "Andromeda - device" project.

Flugkreisel - testing, status / number of test flights:

HAUNEBU I, (2 pieces available) 52 E-IV
HAUNEBU II (available 7 pieces) 106 E-IV
HAUNEBU III (available 1 piece) 19 E-IV
(VRIL I) (17 pieces available) 84 (Schumann)

Certification of final testing and production "Haunebu II" + "VRIL 1"

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To new shores...

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In 1938 the well-known German Antarctic Operation was launched, culminating in the seizure
of an extraordinary piece of land, which was named Neuschwabenland (after Captain
Ritscher's aircraft mothership, Schwabenland, from which the operation was based). The
initiator of this push to new shores was Hermann Göring - and thus the German Air Force.

Much has already been written about this unusual chapter of German activity; also about the
'settling movement', in which whole fleets of submarines helped to set up secret bases -
especially in "Neuschwabenland". The Allied invasion attempts there are also known. So we
think that in connection with the special "VriI project" we should only touch on this complex
of topics. As probable as it is that "Haunebu" and "V 7" operated from Neuschwabenland, it
is still very likely that the "Vril Project" was carried out largely from the territory of what was
then the Greater German Reich. This does not rule out the possibility that Vril aircraft could
also have been stationed in the Antarctic - as far as the activities of the "Vril Society" are
directly concerned, this should have taken place mainly at home.

For the sake of completeness, a brief impression of this topic has been inserted at this point.

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"Operation Uranus" - The special office "U-13"

The special office U-13 was probably created on the initiative of the Kaltenbrunner office. Of the
Code - name "Operation Uranus" indicates that this is not an everyday job
acted. Office U-13 was probably responsible for coordinating the unconventional aircraft and
space projects. In addition, however, the special office U-13 received from mid-1944 a completely
unusual additional task: observation and investigation regarding those who have disappeared without a trace
German experimental aircraft. Much speaks for the fantastic-seeming theory, some
of these "disappeared without a trace" devices - namely some 'Haunebus' - could
to have "fallen" through a "space-time hole" into the past. Perhaps the Haunebu -
Crews then as "white gods" - received? And maybe got through
the swastika - symbol in the different countries and continents of the world? - Nobody can
answer these questions conclusively. Only one thing stands out again and again: they are often fantastic and
seemingly incomprehensible solutions are actually the most realistic.

The "Day of Matthew 24:30"

“There shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven; then all the peoples of the earth
wail and lament, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds
Heaven's great power and glory.” with

(Mt. 24,30)

(In contrast to Germany's enemies, who often describe themselves as "Christian", they were not
these, but the Germans, who had chosen the sign of the cross as their national emblem!
Knight's Cross and 'Bar Cross'; the cross, the "sign of the Son of man".)

This formulation: seems DAY of
a kind OFcode
MATTHEW 24.30, for the
- designation
expected day of the final victory of the powers of light over the powers of darkness among the Thule -
to have been to people. It is uncertain whether it was a pure cipher or whether it was possible
a genuine, deep revelation content seen in that verse of the Gospel of Matthew in the NT

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The ideas associated with the statement can be easily deciphered:

When the "Sign of the Son of Man" - identical to the German national emblem - appears
powerfully in the sky above the earth, then of course "all peoples" will whine and complain
(including the "New Germans" who are currently in power!), because the Allied world order is
coming to an end come, war profiteers and war profiteers lose their sinecure and may have
to reckon with a harsh criminal court. Whether "on the clouds of heaven" was thought of the
"UFOs" plays a subordinate role. It is also uncertain whether the purely earthly victory of
Germany was intended under the code "The Day Mt.24.30" - or the cosmic victory of the New Age.

The things we are about to discuss in this book are so staggered in time that they cannot be
dealt with chronologically. However, since we are particularly interested in the "Vril project"
here, we have to offer a rough overview of all "UFO" developments - even against the
chronological sequence. We have already talked about devices and events that are after the
point in time that we now want to pick up on in order to get to the core of the "Vril project".
However, this seemed to us to be the best way: to roughly present all other and parallel
developments, so that we can then leave them behind. Because no matter how impressive
and fascinating the other developments may have been - such as the "Haunebu-2" with its
more than 26 meters in diameter and over 10 meters in height on the central axis and the
question of whether some of them might have been caused by a "singular space Zeit-Loch"
disappeared into the past - all this pales in comparison with the "Vril-Project" as the
culmination of all unconventional German technology.

So the Vril people certainly had hardly any part in the Antarctic operation and the 'settling
movement'. Their inclinations were not on earth - not even at the South Pole -

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but in the depths of the universe, yes, in beyond-cosmic spheres, which no mortal has ever reached before...

Perhaps it is no coincidence that publications have already appeared on all other topics in this area and environment
- and only the "Vril project" (with the exception of a colportage story in the USA) has never really been taken up.
Perhaps it has been too bold for anyone, too incredible. Especially those who don't want to leave the ground of
current natural science will have shied away from this topic. And yet the "Vril project" - seen historically - is far
better documented than many other topics of the entire circle "UFO".

There is one thing we must recognize and try to accept from the outset:

The thoughts and the technology of the "Vril project" are not based on the natural laws of this world - but on
completely different "natural laws of the hereafter" in harmony with the earthly ones.

The secret of the gods in the hands of the knowing. Ancient cuneiform scripts reveal it to the predestined.

Magic is working through will

Magic - going back to the old Persian word 'Mogani' = the powerful - has nothing in common with all the hocus-
pocus that is meanwhile understood by it in Europe. "Primal magic" is primarily the use of the law of the affinity of
vibrations, based on the knowledge of the various vibrations on this side and on the other side.

The more one deals with all this, the more one understands: There are crystal-clear "physical laws of the hereafter"
and between this world and the hereafter. The HEREAFTER is not an abstract concept, it is a really existing
"supercosmos" in which our 'small' cosmos is embedded - together and alongside many other otherworldly worlds
and spheres.

"Transcommunication" (quasi long-distance telepathy) and "medial communication" are ancient means of 'magical'
work. These remedies were still familiar to the ancient cultures, the Sumerians, Babylonians, the Germans, the
Persians, the Indians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, etc. So there was no need to invent something new here - it was just
a matter of raising and reviving old knowledge. But this included - and this is a key to understanding why the
Germans, and not the Allies, could use these means - it also included the "right", the appropriate "inherent vibration",
a mental attitude and world view that corresponded to whose vibrational affinity was necessary. (More on this later
in detail in the chapter 'What do we know about Summi'.)

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The secret of vibrations - secret of "UFOs"

Clearly, a Vril engine meant more than just a "free energy machine" and more than tachyon propulsion - it was
literally a "spiritual apparatus"! In addition to generating its own field, the Vril engines may have been able to
generate very special vibrations that had an affinity with non-worldly vibrations. Even speaking of vibrations
from another dimension would probably not quite get to the heart of the matter; It was more, it was: The vibration
of the encompassing sphere of the hereafter, which is mythologically called "The Green Land", that 'general
vibration' of the "supercosmos", in which all worlds and spheres on this side and the other side are embedded.
And whoever was able to generate the "Vibration of the Green Land" - was able to cross all borders, even the
border between life and death..! He had become "vri-Il":

Gottgleich! VRIL.

It is widely known that "UFOs" always appear more or less out of focus due to their own gravitational field - but
also mostly glow in color. Let's look at what terms for "drive levels" were common within Vril society:

"First gear" - WHITE - YELLOW = 'TRUTH'

"Second course" - YELLOW - ORANGE = 'GOOD'
"Third Course" - ORANGE - RED = 'LOVE'
"Fourth Gear" - RED - GREEN = 'HAVE MERCY'
"Sixth Gear" - BLUE - VIOLET = 'JUSTICE'
(Refers to the Vril-7 engine with a total of 21 stages.)

Certainly not coincidentally, this corresponds to the "Seven Sacred Attributes of God" as defined by Marcionite.
(equivalent to "Black Sun")

In view of such handling of things, it is not surprising that the Vril Society and its works are viewed with great
timidity by most people. Can they

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Technicians talk and think? Can you take that seriously? One can! Isn't it true that
the "UFOs" tend to glow in the colors described here - and that the glowing colors depend on
Change "gear"? - But of course that is purely superficial, the incomprehensible for him
Outsiders may remain aware that the corresponding "vibrations" certainly do too
had intellectual, even spiritual, significance.

So the name of the fuel used in the Vril engine remains a secret. The Vril people said:

light from the light

Just ISAIS and "Vril" symbol - or "Aldebaran" national emblem?

The spirit of the "Vril"

Nothing could have prevailed in the inner spirit of the Vril Society as it was, at any rate, from 1921 onwards
better illustrate than the meaning and 'stimulus' of the following excerpt from the ISAI'S
COMMANDMENTS to "The Lords of the Black Stone".

4.1 Know: In all worlds and worldliness, on this side and beyond the mirror, the rages incessantly
great battle between the light and the darkness, between good and evil beings, the heroes
of light and the servants of darkness.

4.2 Everyone is in the midst of this great struggle - knowing or ignorant, involved or uninvolved
just tolerating.

4.3 On earth, only the strongest in spirit are called upon to participate, weaker ones an the great battle. The
may form a protective shield through good behavior and good thoughts.

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4.5 And consider: The borders of the hereafter are not far away, the wondrous mirror is near.
Your world on this side is interwoven with the hereafter.

5.1 Know: The boundary between the hereafter and the hereafter is like a mirror. This world sees
only his reflection in it - but the hereafter looks through it as through clear glass - and is able
also to penetrate into the world of this world.

5.2 You mundanes can in only going to the afterlife before dying on earth gave you, my so you own this
Mystery of Marduk's Spear, as I do brothers.

it and familiar to you. is reborn

6.1 Know: The life of all beings lasts forever - it is known
each after earthly death in the realms of
in the
then, as
- is
6.2 But the kingdoms of the Hereafter are all different. Only the green land, the big, the wide,
encompasses all the kingdoms. A vibration prevails there that is appropriate to all beings. This results
just one color, so to speak; the green.

6.3 Nebelheim lies close to the earth. There the hereafter and the hereafter mingle. From then on evil beings to grab
attacked people.

6.4 Ye, my brethren, who possess Marduk's spear, shall not ye yourselves before the battles in Greenland
shy and not afraid of the Nebelheim wrestling.

6.5 You, my brothers, who possess Ishtara's mirror, shall use it and see what happens
in should look and listen where your help is needed.

6.6 For you are fighters on the line between this world and the hereafter.

The "VRIL-SOCIETY", which is our main interest in this book, has probably settled in the
"independent" in the second half of 1921; what was valid for them does not apply
necessarily also for the Thule society.

The Vril Society, which was basically nothing more than DHvSS with a new name, or a branch
von DHvSS, who was heavily involved in the political events of the time and also used the DHVSS large seal
(plus swastika over the bull's head), represented the following views,
or beliefs, as a basis for which one must take the ILU teachings, which for all of these
esoteric sections was equally valid.

So here are the theses of the DHvSS-VRIL Society:

1. According to the ILU doctrine: We humans are all "fallen angels" (Igigi and El), who once emerged from the
"Ilu". the kingdom of God. This world's cosmos is a temporary afterbirth, a
Midway between the kingdom of God and hell, that we humans to find the knowledge of "the
eternal truth”. In the hereafter - as in this world - the battle rages between light and
Darkness, the culmination of which will come at the turn of the world era. After the big final victory
"the millennium" of peace will come.

2. (...fragment...) so they can step on the side of light if they are Germans, be brothers;

3. the
came has
earth asa Jesus
a championa religious
for the people
community), like a the highest God so has also
God, - IL, selected a light (being the vibration of purity, which is discernible through
the speaking frequency
becomes - language thinking! was-, decisive) This "godly people" is to be regarded as a "spiritual race". to
It "wandered". First were the it is the Mesopotamians (Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians), then
The latter (probably also the
was determined bylanguage).
(see Phoenicians),
Christ himself and finally the
fragment Germans (all people German

4. In ancient times, "El people" (former great angels) came from the first star of the zodiac
Taurus, from Aldebaran to Earth. Those were the SUMERIANS! Hence the sign of Babylon is the

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winged bull! - In other words: The Aldebarans are the Sumerians!!, or their ancestors.
In fact, the Sumerian language has survived in Mesopotamia for thousands of years.
In fact, the Sumerianlanguage does not belong to any terrestrial language family! (The Sumerian
King's Tablets begin with the phrase: "When the royal power came down from heaven..."). occultists
the DHvSS-Vril-Ges. "received" psychic messages from Aldebaran through the afterlife. The language
It could easily be found
almost sounded like German, but was completely unintelligible. turned out: was Sumerian! (That
out, because the most important ancient orientalists and assyrologists of the
time belonged to the Order or were close to it.) In the same way the mystery of the
"Tempelschrift", the script used by southern German Templars in the in the 17th century. One had until
13th then believed tobe
the It it was
a secret
writing ofAldebaran!
writing on the Phoenician, but:

5. As a result, the old documents of the Bavarianthe Templar commander "Koch" became closer
through. One came to the "cook to - the
that worked with the
Aldebarans had probably kept the embassies of the without to recognize,
Aldebarans for
was itotherworldly
actually thatmessages.
a visit the Isais
from apparition
Vril people
a woman it is
from Aldebaran.
(Above that, of course
get very quarreled.)

6. The Great Seal DHvSS was reinterpreted by the VriI people: The "Moloch", the bull, stands for
The Isais for the Aldebaran empress (such a
Aldebaran, the first star of the constellation Taurus.
should it give), the mirror, the ancient oriental symbol for the dividing wall between this world and
hereafter, and the "spear" for the means, go through this "mirror" to can (i.e. the "This side
hereafter-this-world flight)

7. If you took the traditional views and laws, what if everything else

true, those who had to be Aldebarans, one found a kind of National Socialism
theocratic basis. Since the here-and-hereafter communication, the vibrational contact
etc., all of this works according to the law of affinity and cannot(!) work otherwise
clear that the Aldebarans are "the Germansin the constellation of Taurus". So they had to be allies
be in the great world struggleagainst the powers of darkness.

In the circle under the "MALOK" there were different signets. For example the Vril sign, the double Eh rune,
the EK, the swastika, the colors black-silver-purple, the black sun and the black stone.

All the points presented so far go back to the period between 1923 and 1933. involved in
This work of the Vril Society/ DHvSS included Dr. Schumann, Künkel Koch (the later
Gauleiter, a descendant of the Templar Commander Hubertus Koch), Hess, Kiss, Schauberger - and
at least as a marginally informed person even then Himmler. As far as Hitler is concerned, one thing is for sure
that he basically knew of the existence of these things.

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Die Religion des Interkosmos

Several religions on earth claim to be "universal religions." None of them are entitled to such
a claim. Even the claim "world religion" - ie limited to the world earth - appears questionable,
especially since the word world religion is ultimately supposed to mean universal religion
again; because the fact that there could also be other, possibly more important, worlds than
the earthly one - in this world and in the hereafter - is outside the spiritual horizon of the
advocates of those "universal religions".
The people of the Thule and Vril societies gained a higher level of knowledge and a wider
perspective. The religion of Thule, the religion of Vril, stands on an incomparably higher level
than all the so-called world religions with all their claims to universality; the religion of Thule,
the religion of Vril, bursts the boundaries of earthly, this-worldly narrowness.

The ancient civilized peoples of the earth did not claim to have "universal religions". Their
gods, perhaps more correctly: patron saints, wade national gods, as it were patron saints for
a particular room. Most of you also knew a supreme deity standing above everything, as it
appears particularly clearly in the Germanic ALLVATER (Alfadur). But no people claimed that
their national god was also a universal god until the Hebrews appeared in history with such
an ideology. But of course their national patron is not a universal god either.

The universe is larger than the earth - and the intercosmos is larger than our universe.
Comprehensive religious knowledge can only thrive where the awareness of these larger
standards has become a matter of course. The so-called "world religions" that are still
dominant on earth today have not moved a millimeter from that point spiritually, since they
claimed that the earth must be flat. They are deep in ignorance, walled up in the dungeons of
their "sacred" scriptures based on error and falsification. The supposedly universal world
religions of the earth are in truth as far from the knowledge of God as the cave of the
Neanderthals from the Frankfurt Messeturm. They lack any expansive vision, infinity, true
freedom. And essentially, earthly religion has become a means to an earthly end - which,
symbolically speaking, means that Neanderthalism is mingled with the forms of life of the
present. Raising national religions, which had grown out of limited spaces, to supernationality
was bound to lead to disaster, since general standards were to be set up for the whole world,
which actually came from a limited cultural area and therefore could not possibly harmonize
with other cultural areas.

The truly universal religion must stand above any narrowness, the true religion is "intercosmic",
it stands above all things, it leaves the individual peoples with their respective deities and
patron saints - and creates overriding certainty of faith in the overarching great, without
leveling out in the individual.

Because the true deity is the deity of many worlds and dimensions, to want to subject it to
unity standards is quite simply ridiculous. All beings are unequal, no one is like the other, the
peoples are different - and the races are completely different from each other. What absurdity,
what arrogance, for example, to want to impose the standards of the church - or even those of
democracy - on black people in Africa. Any people. has its own standards, and as long as you
allow it, it lives in harmony with itself and nature. When, again, for example, the blacks in
Africa had not had their own religions suited to them and their way of life! Only the imposition
of foreign standards caused misery and hunger.

All religions and self-proclaimed “doctrines of salvation”, which claim to be universal, bring
disaster to people; especially about those people who do not belong to the culture of origin of
the respective religion or doctrine of salvation (e.g. Marxism and democracy). Let's analyse:
Who bears the main blame for the misfortune of the peoples of the so-called Third World? -
What are the origins of this calamity - apart from colonialism, which in turn was motivated by
universal claims of any kind?

If the supposedly “evil racists” of the Thule Society had had their way, they would live
Peoples of the Third World are not in poverty and misery today, threatened with starvation by millions,
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but according to their nature in their very own culture, in independence and relative prosperity.
Because without mixing and infiltration of foreign standards, the peoples of the Third World would never
have fallen into misery, the nature-loving, highly respectable peoples of many so-called Third World
countries would never have thrown themselves into misery if the "western lifestyle" had not been grafted
onto them - the one that belongs to them no more appropriate there than in those countries to which they
were brought as slaves or "immigrants." - Respect for difference, respect for difference, appreciation of
each being's own nature: this is true God-knowledge.

The intercosmic religion of Thule, the religion of Vril, is true knowledge of God. Because she appreciates
diversity, she knows that there are beings on other worlds, beings on other planets in our cosmos and
beings on worlds beyond, each with their own character, and only by embracing them can they live in
harmony and well-being left in their environment and among themselves. This "racism" is in truth
knowledge of God, is the only basis of well-being for all beings, who in respect for one another preserve
themselves and avoid any confusion, which is the core of evil When the world earth from the evils of
universality-claiming religions and political doctrines of salvation and is to recover from what has been
caused by them, this can only happen through the ideals of Vril and von Thule.

Because all people have the same right to a species-appropriate existence; and all peoples and races have
enough abilities by their own nature to be able to master life and none needs a foreign guardian.

The religion of Vril, the faith of Thule, respects everyone in their own way. Anyone who knows that in the
far reaches of the universe there may be living beings of such a different nature that we cannot even
imagine them, understands that a higher law than any other written by people in constitutions is:

All beings are unequal, mixing is anti-God and the cause of all evil.

The "religion of the intercosmos", the "Vril von Thule", (all-encompassing wisdom of life, born from the
knowledge of the revelations of the "ILU" in connection with transmedial communication. It is the
experience that two worlds 68 light years apart knowing one and the same basic standards. It is the lessons
that could be drawn from the superior knowledge of a far superior culture. And it is the certainty of faith
based on divine message.

The religion of VRIL recognizes the supreme, superior deity, who applies equally to everything and
everyone and stands above everything. And she recognizes the difference in the small as she understands
the overarching big.

There is no such thing as a “universal earth god”.

Every people has its own otherworldly reference beings - "gods" - which can affect earthly events to a
limited extent. There is a world adversary, a "supreme devil" who fights against all light forces and sees
himself as an adversary of the supreme deity, who, however, stands infinitely above him.

The German people, as the core people of Germanism, are directly related to the Aldebaran people of the
Sumi-Er. That is why its god-patron saint is also significant for the German people (this is already expressed
in the Book of Isaiah), namely Molok/ Malok! (Edda: "Mörnir")

The Thule religion of the VRIL is above all a religion of knowledge about true eternal life, the meaning of
earthly existence and the way after earthly death.

The intercosmic religion bears this designation because it is valid beyond this earthly life, because its
teaching and its knowledge reaches further beyond the threshold of the earthly into the hereafter.

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We could probably say quite simply: VRIL is the religion of the light god-men of Aldebaran,
our original ancestors - that is, our religion, the certainty of belief in eternal divine truth.

The god MALOK is in all probability largely identical with the Babylonian MARDUK and the
Germanic ODIN, or WOTAN.

"Media Communication"
A core of the inner world of belief of the "Vril - Society" was, as in earlier times with the "Lords
of the Black Stone", the possibility of media communication with the deceased and other
beings of the afterlife - as well as with beings from other worlds; where the latter could be
called "super-telepathy" so to speak.

Such is not unknown as "spiritism", and even in the so-called Old Testament of the Bible the
"interrogators of the dead" are cursed by Yahweh. In the ancient Orient, media contact with
the afterlife was widespread.

The peculiarity with which we are dealing here consists in the combination of two levels: The
living German medium 'contacted' a deceased German in the afterlife, who was with a
deceased Aldebaran in the afterlife, who in turn was in mediumistic contact with a living
Aldebaran stood. (This is how a former secretary of the Kaltenbrunner office, who belonged
to the Vril Society, describes it.)

This explains why not only medially transmitted writings in Sumerian - Aldebaran are available,
but also those in Aldebaran script and German.

Deceased Aldebaran deceased German

------------------------ Here-Hereafter-Border--------------------- --------

living aldebaran living german

Medium Medium

The texts that are considered important and that reached Germany in this way are still kept
top secret by their owners, provided they have not already been destroyed.
However, below are two typical examples that may be shown today.

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The media Maria and Sigrun

The reports of eyewitnesses appearing in the daily newspapers about the occult phenomena
perceived in seances arouse the curiosity of the readers who are little or mostly not at all
familiar with this area - and form the subject of conversation for a few hours.

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The otherwise not considered as intellectual equal, therefore. most of time. shunned spiritualist suddenly
becomes topical.

The sensationalism makes him the focus of the most controversial questions about the possibility or
impossibility of the phenomena described, to finally end up with the main question, the crux of the sudden
interest, "Couldn't I even see something like that?". As an incentive To the intensive conversion of the
questioner is added with half resignation that one could only believe if something would be seen.

Unfortunately, seeing and touching is always the main thing, but not thinking. The apparent perception
without the firm will; To look objectively for the cause and purpose of what is happening makes no sense
and only leads to fantastic superstition and thus to a total misunderstanding of the facts. I don't want to
cite the evidence for the above assertion and assume that every reader knows the Old Testament from the
so-called holy book - the Bible - enough to be able to appreciate the enormous consequences of such
misunderstood facts.

The method of exact research by the authorized representatives of science is based exclusively on the
perception through our sense organs, which is why this one-sided procedure in the field of occult
phenomena, which belong to the mental and spiritual complexes that can only be perceived with the sense
organs under certain conditions, until has not yet led to any results. Even if, since highly developed
technology has devices at its disposal that are able to register the material processes that are no longer
perceptible to our sense organs, the material formations of these occult phenomena can be recorded and
their tissue structure can be precisely recognized, the cause of their origin still remains in the dark.

These visible materialisations must, because we perceive them physically and sensually, also be subject
to the physical laws and as a cause they must necessarily have a power forming them, which forms those
structures out of the matter guided by it purposefully, which due to their density oppose the light and so
on become perceptible to us.

Appearance easily leads to the assumption that such powers merely represent an expression of the
unconscious psychic sensations of the medium, and that this psychic quality arises from pathological
states of the body of such mediums. This hypothesis is only on the

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one-sided observation of the materializations and immediately becomes obsolete when one considers
the other manifestations of the spoken and auditory mediums, as well as clairvoyance. These types
of manifestations also arise from the soul-spiritual complex of the human being, often without there
being even the slightest basis for assuming that the medium has a diseased body. However, this is
not to say that only healthy people can be mediums. Very often it is the sick body to which the soul
loses adjustment due to the lack of control of its material structure by the will. which then partly
becomes the tool of foreign forces. The observation of many patients in the insane asylums provides
us with evidence of this. The voluntary shutting off of mental matter from certain parts of the body
and the thereby consciously brought about adjustment of foreign mental powers to these for the
purpose of communication with our world is to be rated as an ability in this way, but in no way as a
pathological condition.

Materializations are to be understood as material densifications, which, whether they represent

physical structures or are noticeable in the effect of an invisible development of power, can be
formed by beings from the beyond from easily soluble substances of this world and can be dissolved

This spiritistic thesis. which has probably been confirmed by thousands upon thousands of
experiments is, however, too simple and uncomplicated, and therefore too easily understandable for
every objective thinker, to satisfy the one-sidedly exaggerated mind that calls itself educated.

If knowledge of the truth were not possible for every human being, all thinking would be futile and
the urge in human beings to search for the aim and purpose of life would not exist at all.

However, since the human being perceives the fact of the presence of other bodies in his body and
knows how to order the sensations arising from the contact of the forces in the spirit, the study of
higher mathematics is necessary to understand the simple fact of the process in the case of the
spiritual creative power of the soul phenomena caused by the afterlife that are physically perceptible
to us are absolutely not necessary.

The concern that the levitations or floating phenomena that are so often observed do not fit into the
framework of the basic law of physics - of gravity - and that this pillar of the physical law edifice
could shake, has just arisen from ignorance of this law. Unfortunately, this ignorance has even
caused prominent figures in today's science to deny the existence of levitation.

The floating body of the medium also needs a resistance that counteracts the gravitational pull of
the earth in order to get into this state and to exist. After all, the fact that we cannot perceive these
resisting forces is nothing special, as is magnetism. the electricity and gravity itself are perceived by
us only in their effects. The difference between the aforementioned elementary forces and the
intelligence forces at work in the materializations consists not only in the apparent arbitrariness of
the emergence of the latter, but also in the only possible mental-spiritual understanding of the
respective change, formation or dissolution of such phenomena. The tremendous contrast between
the physical - material and the purely spiritual - mental forces would have long since led to a
completely different research method than the previous one, if one were not blindly ignoring such
established facts. Every scholar, no matter how negative he is towards the spiritistic method, must,
whether he likes it or not, spiritualistic way in dealing with the medium, as well as with the manifesting
souls. The soul that reveals itself calls its own name, or is asked for it, in order to then always be
called by this name; The answers given to the questions of the beings that make themselves known
through the medium, as well as the instructions usually given during materializations, etc., are all
based on a larger complex of thoughts, which is again only possible with a consciously thinking

However, the medium knows nothing of all the processes in the state of the trance and also after the
trance in the conscious state again, and this clearly shows the partial or complete switching off of
one's own consciousness. But only someone can think unconsciously

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claim who does not think at all. In order to think, the human spirit requires certain physical
substances, which, however, cannot be grasped due to the deactivation of the will and the
consequent lack of strength for spirit activity, as a result of which the unconscious state
occurs. With this knowledge, the curiosity so popular with all psychologists as a means of
information, the so-called subconscious, is also deprived of its existence.
After what has been said, only one explanation remains, and that is that alien intelligences
take possession of the body or various substances that have become free for use either
through their own switching off of the will or through the robbery of it by a stronger mental
power, in order to, on the one hand, use parts of the To use the body as tools for
manifestations and on the other hand to remove easily soluble substances from it and to
form perceptible materializations through their compression.

All of this shows how important it is, especially when researching occult phenomena, to
comprehend and assess the processes taking place in the soul of the medium and that one
can only arrive at a true solution to these so-called supernatural phenomena after thorough
study and observation.

But how to recognize the soul of the other when you don't know your own self. This is
probably the biggest reproach that can be leveled at today's scientists and especially those
who deal with the study of the human psyche. The exploration of the outside world progresses
with giant strides, while one knows absolutely nothing about that force and its abilities,
which allow us to perceive and recognize this outside world, which creates the conscious
being of our life and without which our body would not exist either.

What do we know about “Summi” (Aldebaran)?

In a summary of the medial (and/or transcommunicative) transmissions of the medieval
Templars - secret section of the "Black Stone" on the one hand and the modern Vril - Society
on the other hand, or as far as we have their records or insight
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received, can be reported about the "World Summi" and the kingdom Sumeran - Aldebaran as follows

ALDEBARAN, as we call the main star of the Taurus constellation, is a solar system
with an unknown number of planets, two of which are habitable and also inhabited. the
"Aldebarans" themselves call their sun SUMI and the two inhabited planets Sumi-Er and Sumi
An. They call the Aldebaran Empire "Sumeran" or SUMMI. (The self-designation of
"Sumerer" who visited the earth, also in cuneiform 'Sumi'. makes it special

The Sumerian king tablets begin with the words: “As the royal power from heaven
came down -". So not gods came from heaven, but the royal power - well
People: the Sumerans - Aldebarans. We find a clear trace of this in the old one
Mesopotamian symbol of the winged bull, which is also culturally related to the Sumerians
peoples often finds again. It becomes very clear in the 13th century German Revelation to Jesse
pronounced: "From the head of the bull" comes support - i.e. from the main star of the constellation
Taurus - from Aldebaran. In the Hebrew Bible, the winged bull, symbolic of Aldebaran -
Summis, then modified to "evil Moloch".

Jesse Revelation 4.15:

peer through the starry world,

look up at the head of the bull,
of the winged warrior.
the lance is brings.

Jesse Revelation 6.3:

From the head of the bull

help is coming
in tribulation and need,
the same weapon.

But back to our knowledge of Summi - Aldebaran, going back to the psychic
Transmissions and linked to the possibilities that earthly natural science gives us
Supplement provides:

Suppose that the Sun SUMI (Aldebaran) before its expansion to the "Red Giant" the same
number of planets as our sun had today - which of course is purely fictitious and not real
is significant - then the planetary system of SUMI could currently consist of eight planets.
Of these possibly eight planets, two are earth-like and orbit the sun SUMI in one
Distance of about 2.5 billion kilometers on the same orbit, i.e. each other
opposite to. Let's assume further. that the natural planetary orbits also with others
Solar systems correspond in principle to those of our sun-planet system, that would be the
Installation of the two earth-like planets in "dumbbell position" perhaps artificially by
"Planetary Engineers" been made? For our terrestrial science this may be at the
border of the unimaginable, but for a much higher culture and technology it could
be possible (who could have even believed in television a hundred years ago!) - Let's pull
for comparison with the SUMI planetary system, our solar system approaches again, then orbits
the two planets called Sumi-Er and Sumi-An by their inhabitants at an approximate
distance from the sun of 2.5 billion kilometers, their sun SUMI in a period of around 80
earth years. An "Aldebaran year" would therefore last about 80 earthly years.

According to the psychic transmissions we are talking about, the Summi - Aldebaran culture is in
largely uninterrupted line of development several million years old. Now stick with it
unclear whether the speech was from Aldebaran years or. maybe to make it easier to understand
the earthly recipients of the messages, calculated - or converted - in earth years. on
In any case, we have it with the Summi - Aldebaran - culture with a much older and
to do more advanced than our own. If we look at the technological advances on earth

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during the past 70 years alone, it becomes clear to us what a million-year peak civilization
had to mean! And we have to assume that Summi - Aldebaran is such a "super civilization".

According to the information transmitted by the media, the people of the Summi-Aldebaran
system have been living separately according to races (if this designation is correct here) "for
a long time". The ruling people, the 'light god people', live on the planet Sumi-Er. These "Alpha
- Aldebarans" are the sole lords of the empire. All other “inferior. Races" live on the planet
Sumi-An and have no access to Sumi-Er.

The "inferior races" of the Aldebaran system arose as a result of negative mutations; at a
time when the sun SUMI - Aldebaran had not yet expanded into a reddish giant sun, but was
still a stable, light yellow sun of spectral type "F6", i.e. a somewhat brighter "main sequence
and dwarf sun" like that of our solar system Today is. In a renewed comparison with our own
solar system, SUMI - Aldebaran had at that time perhaps four or even five more or less "earth-
like" planets within the "ecosphere" - the space zone habitable for humans in terms of
radiation around a corresponding sun, which was from about 150 to 650 million kilometers
away from the sun may have been enough. The original race of the "Aldebaraner", the later
"light god-men" probably comes from the last or penultimate of the outer earth-like planets of
the SUML system. From there, after the development of space technology, they are likely to
have colonized the other three or four earth-like planets of the SUMI system that were closer
to the sun. In the course of the following millions of years, the colonists might gradually.
Depending on the climatic conditions, they may have mutated into different races, possibly
also colored ones, which, however, were consistently on a lower spiritual level than the "light
god-men" of the "Alpha - Aldebaraner" of origin. Wars now broke out between the colonizing
peoples, which were possibly carried out with nuclear weapons or with weapons with a
similarly mutative effect - in planetary or interplanetary warfare. then some of the colonist
peoples mutated again and again into different "ape people" - similar to the terrestrial
prehistoric human beings and the Australian Negroes and Urneuguineans who are still alive
today. (It is interesting to note here that fragments of ancient Near Eastern scripture reflect
the belief that the "Big Fire" was a terrible great war, at the end of which the earth was
devastated and mankind "reduced into horrid-looking beasts". The Assyrians believed that
the negroes were remnants of those “scorched by the fire.” According to this school of
thought and belief, the “deluge” was artificially caused by the surviving “god-men” in order
to drown the “beasts” that destroyed all life... One look in the Gilgamesh epic, for example,
shows us descriptions that are strongly reminiscent of terrifying visions - or memories? - of
a nuclear war.)

As the mingling of the "inferior" colored colonists of the Aldebaran system progressed, the
mental faculties of the colonists declined (on a small scale we can see such a mental lapse
with increasing racial mixing in America; which Nakasone quite correctly identified as the
cause for the superiority of the Japanese over the Americans).

When the sun SUMI - Aldebaran began to expand around 500 million years ago, the colored
and mixed-race planetary colonists no longer had the skills and technological possibilities to
leave their planets. since they were intellectually no longer capable of maintaining and
maintaining the space technology of their ancestors.
The various racially - spiritually inferior descendants of the planetary colonists were now
completely dependent on the "bright God-men" protecting them from imminent destruction.
Either by evacuation to other habitable planets or planets that have been made habitable
within the SUMI system - or by settling on a possibly suitable planet in another solar system.

After the sun SUMI - Aldebaran had expanded to a "red giant", there were only two habitable
planets left in this solar system; namely "Sumi-Er" and "Sumi An". Presumably, the planet
Sumi-An was made available to the descendants of the colonists to be rescued as a kind of
"reserve" and the necessary evacuation was carried out by the "alpha race".

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It is further reported that the kingdom of Summi, Sumeran-"Aldebaran" has been at war with
the kingdoms of the solar systems "Capella" and "Regulus" for a long time. Capella is the
main star of the constellation "Carrier", Regulus the main star of the constellation "Leo".
Maybe they are. "alien races" resident there were originally interstellar colonists from .Summi/
Aldebaran, who mutated under the circumstances in the systems Capella and Regulus to
races with strongly aggressive characteristics - or they are really alien. maybe even non-
human life forms? - We have no further information on this.
In any case, the war between Summi/Aldebaran and his enemies of Capella and Regulus
seems to have been waged since time immemorial, without either side being able to decisively
defeat the other. On the side of the "Aldebaraner" stands the intellectual advantage of a
higher culture and further developed technology, on the side of "Capellas" and "Regulus"
that of the larger masses. So it's a war of quality versus quantity. It is reported that the
enemies have never succeeded in penetrating the SUMI - Aldebaran system, while on the
other hand "Aldebaran" partial conquests of enemy areas have already taken place. However,
a real decision does not appear to be in sight in the foreseeable future. In any case, these
combat operations do not oppress the kingdom "Sumeran" (Aldebaran) so much that one could speak of a c
Rather, it seems that "Aldebaran" space fleets are largely conducting these battles
independently and there can never be any talk of an immediate threat to their homeland.
However, it may be that a decisive battle took place in the 1940s and 1950s of our century and
that "Aldebaran" now has "its back free"...

Finally, one assumption is that not only Aldebarans - Sumerians visited the earth very long
ago, but possibly also "Capellans" and "Regulans". A cause for the three main earthly human
races could be suspected in this. However, one cannot speak of a probability in this regard.

We are quite well informed about the 'internal conditions' of the empire "Sumeran" (Aldebaran):

On the "alpha planet" of the SUMI system. "SUMI-ER". the “bright Godmen” have always lived
among themselves. They have been spared any mixing with other races - and therefore also
any culture crash.

The "Beta Planet" "SUMI-AN", on the other hand, is inhabited exclusively by non-alpha
humans, for whom Sumi-Er remains unreachable. At the same time, Sumi-An remained
completely unmolested by Sumi-Er, so it is not exploited or otherwise misused in the way that
the so-called "Third World" on earth is exploited and exploited by the industrialized countries.
Whether 'Sumi-Aner' serve in the 'Aldebaran armed forces on a voluntary basis has not been
reported, but may be within the realm of the conceivable. After all, “the kingdom” takes care of Sumi-An, and
Sumi-Aner are used by the Sumi-Erern for the defense of the empire. What is certain is that
there is no mismatch between the "Alpha Aldebarans" of Sumi-Er and the "Beta Aldebarans"
of Sumi-An, but rather each is done in its own way in the literal sense. In a way, it is a
community of interests on a natural basis.

Politically, the SUMERAN EMPIRE (Aldebaran) can be described as a theocracy. Head of the
kingdom is a ruler. To a certain extent an “empress” who is also the spiritual head of the state
as a kind of “high priestess”, perhaps somewhat comparable to the pope in the Middle Ages.
This imperial and religious head is always female - just the "Empress". It is subordinate to
you as the supreme executive body, the "Reichsfuhrer". This is always male, he is head of
the space fleet and all armed forces and determines the decision-makers in the economy and
all other areas. Above all is "the deity" - tangible through the "paracomputer" Malock, of
which we will speak later.

In primeval times of Aldebaran cultural history, however, a different order must have prevailed.

The capital of the empire on Sumi-Er is named after a "famous king from the earliest times"
named "Derger" - which is now pronounced Dargor. Possibly this one was alive

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King Derger before the expansion of the sun SUMI Aldebaran to the "red giant" and was
essentially responsible for the saving redesign of the Sumi - solar system.

That primeval king Derger who left Sumi - God-men, "A time ago. which was so long ago that
probably no Sumerian knows it for sure anymore" create what we consider to be an infinitely
advanced "electronic brain" called "Malock". This name goes back to the "Aldebaran" main
god "Molok". (Here we should briefly recall that the name of the chief god of Babylon was
Marduk, the god of the Phoenicians and Philistines bore the name Moloch, and the
Carthaginians worshiped the god Malok; all of which is perhaps not coincidental the Aldebaran
name of God "Molok". All these gods had positive connotations. It was only in the Hebrew
Bible that they were portrayed negatively, although the error that children were sacrificed to
Moloch goes back to the fact that the formulation "Children to Moloch through the Letting the
fire go" was interpreted as burning, while in reality it meant a symbolic baptism of fire - similar
to the jumping of young people over midsummer bonfires in the Germanic region.)

The "super paracomputer" "Malock" has been "programmed" with the laws of the god Molok
on the instructions of King Derger. Laws that the god Molok had revealed to the
"Aldebarans" (whether it might not be about one and the same deity that is named "Malok" in
the German "Isais Revelation"?!).

The "Paracomputer Malock", which may even enable communication between the "Aldebarans"
and their main god Molok, is housed in a "sacred mountain" that is owned by a particularly
sworn elite troop. guarded by the "holy warband". This elite force, dedicated to the god Molok,
has "seats" probably built into the "sacred mountain". She alone carries out the orders of
"Malock" and can probably be regarded as a combination of religious police, knights and
temple guards. The "Holy Host" also monitors the observance of the law, which in the case of
transgressions can be imagined in a very drastic way. Interestingly, the most serious crimes
under "Aldebaran" law include, for example: selfishness and egotism or blood mixing. This
should be noted in order to show what upheavals the so-called "Western community of
values" would experience if "Aldebaran" standards of value were applied in one way or
another on earth.

The "paracomputer" Malock and his elite troops dedicated to the god Molok have saved the
humanity of Sumi-Er from all signs of decay for eons of time. - Who knows whether "Molock's
arm" will one day reach down to earth?

In conclusion, we can say:

The Aldebaran Empire of Sumeran is governed by a tripartite government:

0. The "Empress" with her priestesses and priests. The successor will probably be
determined by election from among the priestesses.
1. The "Reichsfuhrer", who is appointed by the "Kaiserin" in consultation with the economic
and military leadership circles.
2. The all-monitoring "God-Paracomputer" "Malock" and the "Holy Troops" of the God

Apparently, this order has proven itself over millions of years. In her, the different qualities of
being female, male and divine combine to form a harmonious whole.

A lot more could be said about Summi - Aldebaran if it were currently possible to evaluate all
the existing documents of the Thule and Vril Society. There are simply technical reasons that
make this not possible at the moment. Furthermore, it can be expected that in the near future
there will be a comprehensive publication about the statements of the medial "Aldebaran -
transmissions and about the "transcommunicative logbook of the - "Vril-Odin" (VriL-7?)

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will appear, which, however, will certainly take a while, since it is, among other things
Translation difficulties with many "Aldebaran - Messages" should be.

As certainly we can assume that the Sumerian - Aldebaran "society" differed from
Forms of society on earth differs significantly. So a known fact is the
The interweaving of this "Aldebaran society" with nature has a special relationship with animals
and plants - and to the afterlife spheres. Certainly we must not imagine that
"Aldebarans" knew similar pleasures as we people of Earth; it gives on sumi-er entirely
certainly no discotheques or the like, the culture there is miles beyond such things.
Presumably the "Sumians" do not even live in luxury by earthly standards. On the other hand, can of
strong connection to nature can be assumed - and certainly from a social order that is based on
fairly strict customs.

The "laws of the god Molok" can be modeled with high probability quite well
become, if we use, for example, the "Jesus revelation" and the "Jesus commandments" - and
furthermore simply note which earthly order and which earthly kingdom the
have turned to "Aldebarans"; namely the "Greater German Reich".

Whether the Aldebaran Molok the Malok from the Revelation to Jesse and the Malok from the
Carthaginian book can and must definitely be equated. we do not know. from old ones
existing media records (of which only a small part is available to us for this book
available) but it can be concluded that this is the case, at least in principle.
For this reason a few excerpts from the "Ilu-Malok" seem appropriate here.

It is interesting how in the "Aldebaran god Molok" and Malok four life forms
unite: The plant kingdom, for "Malok" grows from an oak trunk; the animal kingdom, because
"Malok" has the head of a bull; humanity, because from the waist "Malok" has one
human body; the divine - symbolized in the "angel wings" of the "Malok". In some
Recent drawings have shown all of this quite imaginatively.

(Ilu-Malok excerpts from the Carthaginian book):

11. You each enter one of the distant worlds, human beings, after dying on earth. No one returns to the earthly
world unless
human visited
being, by others
always and in
the same asthe error
you. Eachof one
the spirit.
of youYou move
is far into a new home and a new body,

12. how you leave
the the
way earthly
the in
one closestto you will be: bright or dark, hot or cold, loud or quiet;and each of
you still wanders through many distant worlds.

13. Great shouting does not abolish the willover,

crossing to diehuman
on earth. there is no death,forgetting
beings, there is noofit,the
self. it isis no
Don't fear
offense, it

you all experience

to andmore than all experiences on earthly worlds.

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The heavens cried out, the earthly realm roared -!

The day froze, darkness came out, lightning
flashed, a fire blazed up,


became more and more dense, it rained death.

Then the white-hot fire turned red and went out.
But everything that fell turned to ashes.

These descriptions from the Epic of Gilgamesh, Plate 4, can indeed very easily be taken as
description of a nuclear war - up to the nuclear ash rain. That's how it is
also the view has already been taken that possibly the earth is the mother of all human
civilizations, so maybe the "Aldebaraner" descendants, who emigrated
Earth humans could be. After various ancient oriental fragments already existed
several "humanities". Berossos, for example, writes a history of mankind from around
2.6 million years.

The "Winged Bull of Babylon" was mostly depicted with a human face (our
Picture shows one of the colossal statues from the portal of the Sargon Palace) - Representing the arrival of the
As to "royal power from heaven," the Sumerian royal tablets speak of the year
210,200 of the Flood, which in turn. according to Akkadian calculation 36,000 years before Sargon 1
took place. About the lifetime of Sargon 1, science is currently still more than a thousand years
disagree, it is suspected between about 2800 and 3950 BC. The eventual arrival of
So "Aldebaran-Sumerian" can be assumed to be around a quarter of a million years ago.

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Is this the face of an "Aldebaran"?

Media dreams or reality?

Excerpts from a media transmission from "Aldebaran" to Germany in 1944 (probably October

(Fragment)... standing heirs of the deity Aldebaran(Empress), priestess in the house(temple?)

of the deity at Dargor. We are happier than you because the enemy cannot directly threaten
our empire. We were also able to inflict serious blows on the Nunuts (Regulans) recently. The
Sumerian general Sener is now ready with 4282 battlecruisers over Nunut to attack the main
enemy world. A battle is under way on the Godonos (Kapella) front.
There the commander Menerlok recently conquered the world of Podatira (?) and is advancing
towards Godonos with 6433 battlecruisers. Podatira had long been like a menacing thorn in
the back of our front lines. So that it's over now. The enemy has already lost Tutan(?),
Wrosta(?), Uluk (?) and Ollibatusia (?), so that now only the world of Lokkydan(?) is in enemy
hands. Lokkydan is besieged by General Tobitner with his 420 battlecruisers and, with Molok's
help, will soon fall. The most important thing for the Sumerian warfare at the moment is to be
able to bring the large number of around 30,000 battlecruisers to the decisive battle for
Godons, which are still tied up on the Tesiladt (?) and S..d (?) front sections.
The greatest... not to be carried out, because such iniquity would be against the
commandments of the Godhead. It is also fortunate for us that our enemies are not able to
threaten our world directly with their ships, because they cannot fly that far, and we have
taken away their intermediate bases, most recently Podatira as the last. But we can reach the
enemy worlds directly with our battlecruisers without needing such bases.
But I say: Peace will not come as long as the anti-God councilors exercise their licentious
rule on Nunutan and Godonos, for which the Uiusen (?) are to blame, since they also made
the councilors useful to themselves. These evil beings must be totally defeated.

To you, peers, fighting, I have provided the commander Zoder with 280 battlecruisers. This
power must be sufficient to overthrow your enemies on the earth world. Zoder has withdrawn
his battlecruisers from the Srock front lined up for further combat

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been. As soon as we have determined the crossing paths with your help, these ships will be
on their way to you. There must be a plan of action between...

Whether all of this is media dream ideas - or whether we want to assume real backgrounds -
an "invasion of the Aldebarans" is certainly not to be expected without further ado (although
absolutely nothing can be completely ruled out here).

Perhaps one can best imagine that some kind of "moral support" could be provided by
"Aldebaran". In a way, the muted threat from the confines of the solar system. This could also
put the much-discussed "SDI" projects in a different light. After all, the USA even offered the
then USSR partnership in this their "super project"; an aspect which must seem highly absurd
if one is to assume that "SDI" was intended to ward off an eventual attack by the former USSR.
But what chances should one give the SDI system in the fight against an unspeakably superior
Aldebaran space fleet? Certainly none! Of course, the Allies know that too, if necessary. But
perhaps they are hoping that even a declaration of readiness to defend themselves would
cause the German-Aldebaran armed forces to hesitate?

The reality is probably much simpler. Our information is around half a century old. A lot can
also have happened on those other levels during this time. The collapse of the Allies, which
was spreading more and more rapidly - even without major combat operations, speaks a clear

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Aldebaran starships

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Notes on Tables 1), 2) and 3):

1. Aldebaran interstellar space battlecruiser, 1.5 km length, 1.0 km wingspan - Dinghies: -3

disc-shaped interstellar reconnaissance vessels, 45 meters in diameter, 20 meters in
height, -1 cylindrical interstellar lander and space transporter carrier vessel, 150 meters in
length, 50 meters diameter (height/ width).

2. Aldebaran interstellar spacecraft, 3.0 km length, 2.0 km wingspan - Dinghies: -14 cylindrical
interstellar carrier spaceships, 150 meters long, 50 meters diameter (height/width)

-3 disc spaceships (recons) Cargo capacity = 42 disc-shaped interstellar

recon spaceships.

3. Aldebaran interstellar space super-battleship, 6.0 km length, 3.0 km wingspan - Dinghies:

-10 cylindrical interstellar carrier spaceships, 450 meters long, 150 meters diameter (height/

-81 disc spaceships (recons) cargo capacity, = 810 disc-shaped interstellar

recon spaceships.

Aldebaran-Sumi space armada with destination Earth, 280 "battle cruisers" (250 space battle
cruisers, 27 space battleships, 3 space super battleships), Summi Feldherr (admiral, space
admiral) ZODER, time of arrival on earth between 1992/ 93 and 2004/ 05, pilot spaceship VRI;-
ODIN (Vril 7 or Vril 8?)
(calculated data)

Astronomical information about Summi-Aldebaran

Aldebaran (- Tau, main star in the Taurus constellation, giant sun, luminosity class (LKK) III,
luminosity (Lk) approx. 220 times the sun's luminosity (Slk, 1-fold Slk = the luminosity of our
sun), spectral type (Stt)K5, color reddish yellow ( orange), surface temperature approx. 3500c°,
diameter 63 million km, mass approx. 0.95 to 1.15 solar masses (Sm, 1 Sm = the mass of our
sun), age approx. 6.5 to 8.5 billion. years, distance (from our sun) 68 light years (Lj, 1 Lj = 9.46
trillion km), ecosphere zone around Aldebaran in approx. 1.5 to 3.2 billion km, with 2 earth-
like planets, diameter approx. 7000 to 14000 km, in approx. 2.4 and 2.6 billion km.

As late as the 1970s, the reddish giant sun Aldebaran, a so-called "red giant", as the
astrophysical term for it is called, was mentioned in astronomical reference works and tables
with a mass of at least 2.5 solar masses, i.e. 2.5 times the mass of our own sun , which,
according to astrophysical calculations, only gave Aldebaran an age of at best around 800
million years, which practically ruled out the existence of habitable planets, because only
from 1.5 solar masses can a sun remain stable for at least 2.5 billion years and overall as Sun
has existed for about 3.0 billion years, just long enough to allow the formation of one or a few
Earth-like planets with at least primitive life forms on them. Only from the mid-1980s did
Aldebaran appear in the relevant specialist literature with around 1.15 solar masses, which
would mean that this sun would have an overall age of at least around 6 billion years, of which
it was characterized by a stable "main sequence star" of spectral type F6 for the last 100 to
500 million years , a yellow sun that was slightly brighter than ours (our sun is a main
sequence star about 5 billion years old, luminosity class 7, spectral type G2, which could
remain stable for an estimated 3 billion years), to a "red giant" with today's Spectrum K5

But perhaps future measurements at Aldebaran will reveal that it has a mass of just over or
just under one solar mass, which would not be improbable, which would then increase its age
to around 8.5 billion years!

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The Kolberg Meeting

During the Christmas season of 1943, what was probably the last major joint meeting of the Vril
Society and the Thule Society took place. The setting was the romantic beach castle in the German
Baltic Sea resort of Kolberg.

Thule and Vril people from all directions may have gathered here again.
Maria Orschitsch and a new medium of the Vril Society, Sigrun F., discovered by Maria Orschitsch,
were also present (out of consideration for living relatives, we do not give Sigrun's full name here).
These two women may soon have played a leading role in this meeting.

But first - and we can only guess - the war situation will have been discussed; and we can assume
that in that circle, which included well-travelled experts, there were few illusions about the overall
situation. The threat to Germany and its few allies from a numerically overwhelming superiority
was just as obvious as the increasing problem of raw materials. It was quite clear that Germany
would face a merciless annihilation like Carthage before, unless every last opportunity could be
exhausted to counter this intention of the Allies.

The difficulties with mobilizing the "UFOs" will also have been addressed.
Because as soon as the ("UFO" had built up its own "field", it was practically invulnerable to
attacks from outside - but just as enemy projectiles could not penetrate the field from the outside,
so could conventional weapons from the inside out Neither bombings nor artillery fire were
possible, unless the drive was reduced to such an extent that not only the flight characteristics
were unattractive, but also that there was a sensitivity to fire the details of which are little known
were not yet operational.

The unconventional technology had little to offer at that time. which could immediately have been
thrown into the fighting as a weapon.

In this overall situation, the "Aldebaran perspective" came into play.

Concrete connections with the distant but powerful kingdom "Summi" of Aldebaran were (so it is
said) established through the media. And the Vril people were working at an advanced stage on a
spaceship that would be "dimension channel capable" - i.e. it would be able to cover the distance
of about 68 light years to Aldebaran relatively easily and quickly...

In the end, it was about no less than making the German-Aldebaran alliance, which had already
been concluded, “medially and transcommunicatively” tangibly effective. This thought should be
put to Adolf Hitler as soon as possible. A meeting with him in this regard was scheduled for
January 2nd or 4th, 1944.

We have a whistleblower's account of this conversation, which is reproduced below:

On January 2nd dJ44 a conversation with the following content is said to have taken place
between: Hitler, Himmler, Künkel ("Vril-Ges.'') and Dr. Schumann (“Vril-Ges.”)

Hitler had expressed a dark premonition. He called the loss of the battleship Scharnhorst an
"ominous shadow". This mood alone had caused Hitler, at Himmler's urging, to receive Messrs
Künkel and Schumann. These briefly presented their idea of an alliance with other worlds, in
particular with an empire in the Aldebaran solar system. They presented minutes of working
sessions of the Vril Society, in which there was talk of establishing contact with the other world:
Hitler listened, looking at Himmler, probably to see from his facial expression whether all this was
to be taken seriously in any way. Künkel reported on the possibility of "flight to the beyond",
which made it possible to bridge the enormous distances. Aldebaran, in the constellation of
Taurus, is

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a sun with two earth-like planets inhabited by kindred humans - so Künkel explained. The
Aldebaran empire was at war with other races, which descended from planets of the suns
Regulus and Capella. All of these empires had fleets of space battleships with which to fight
wars. The Aldebarans are beset by numerical superiority, but technically ahead of their
enemies. Künkel claimed that there was already a "communication of ideas" between Germany
and Aldebaran (quote: "The fastest of everything that flies is the thought"). Hitler probably felt
his patience was being tried, but continued to listen at Himmler's request. Schumann presented
plans and photos of "Vril" flying machines, which were called "Interkosmic Vehicles". Messrs.
Schumann and Künkel presented Hitler with a plan to use some "Vril" devices to fly to
Aldebaran through a "Dieseits-Jenseits-Diesseits multi-dimensional channel", to conclude an
alliance with the local leadership and thus bring Aldebaran space battleships - also through
the "This World and Hereafter Channel" whose intervention in the terrestrial combat operations
will ensure victory for Germany.

Hitler hadn't said a word until then. Finally he asked Himmler what he thought about it.
Himmler is said to have said that he did not consider all this to be mere fantasy, but found it
worth trying - especially since the "Vril people" wanted to carry out these tests themselves, so
to speak with the willingness to sacrifice themselves in the event of failure.

Hitler is said to have addressed Messrs. Schumann and Künkel for the first time and asked
how they would imagine it in detail. Schumann replied that a first suitable "Vril device for such
a flight test had already been completed. It takes two men who could make the attempt this
month. According to the present calculations, the different "time after the world" would hardly
matter for the aviators, but based on the time on this side, a period of 22 to 23 years of flight
time to Aldebaran can be assumed, a period of time that the aviators probably only had a few
years due to the change in dimensions days would mean. If this calculation should be wrong,
it would mean the death of the "Vril crew.

Hitler said, turning to Himmler, that the assumed reinforcements from Aldebaran forces could
then, at best, arrive on Earth after half a century?
Künkel accepted the answer and said that according to the current state of the "Vril"
technology that was correct, but it was assumed that significantly improved devices could be produced very s

Hitler certainly didn't take the whole thing very seriously. Nevertheless, he asked what kind of
peoples it was that were to be summoned. Künkel replied that it was a human race ruled by a
kind of empress.

Hitler dismissed the Vril people with the word that they should start their company with the
support of the SS. (He probably didn't believe it at the time. He is said to have told Himmler in
April 1945 that he hoped to God that the empire from the far reaches of space would one day
come to this earth to take revenge, as Schumann and Künkel had promised. With these two
there was at least one other encounter, namely in December 1944.)

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Das Vril 7

Immediately after the conversation in the "Führer Headquarters" on January 2, 1944, the
construction of the "VriI 7" must have been pressed ahead with all forces. It was probably -
from the perspective of the Vril people - not too difficult, because the 45-meter-diameter
spaceship should basically have represented nothing more than an inflated and adapted
VriI-1, realized with the simplest possible and cheapest production methods.

The fact that the Vril-7 was actually an "inflated" Vril-1 construction can also be concluded
from the fact that the cell body, which is more than four times larger, was provided with
additional struts - one could almost speak of a temporary solution.

This provisional arrangement may then have led to problems, because after a highly
explosive situation in which the Vril-7 even started to burn, a completely new cell paneling
was put on. There were also various additions and extensions until the Vril-7 was finally
given a camouflage finish and handed over to the SS. There is much to suggest that this
handover took place in the spring of 1945 near Traunstein.

The Vril-7 started from a brick "start ring", it did not have its own take-off and landing facility.
"Fellow landings" were probably possible without risk. In the middle below the Vril 7 body
was an unspecified "cushioning system" attached, on which the spacecraft could fall.

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April 6?

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Before the Vril-7 was completed, there was a medium-sized round-trip plane on the Vril site in
Brandenburg, the meaning of which is unclear. Was it - as can be assumed - the Vril-7 engine,
which had been provided with a makeshift structure for test purposes? - Or was this aircraft
perhaps an unmarked "Vril-6", possibly the device that Hitler had been told about and which
had undertaken the first Aldebaran flight? - Nothing certain can be said about that.

The first dimension channel flight

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Presumably in the winter of 1944, the first "this side to the next dimension channel flight" was
undertaken with the Vril-7. All we know for sure about it is that this flight may have narrowly
missed a disaster. When the Vril-7 - finally successful - returned from the "Dimension
Channel", it looked "as if it had been 100 years on the way". The outer cell paneling looked
badly aged and was damaged in several places. It is not known whether this test flight also
claimed human lives.

On a moonlit night, Vril-7 rises from its eyrie that is 2/3 underground.

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The "Beyond Channel Flight"

The key to the matter is not that the distance is shorter or that one jumps over something,
but rather one enters a different level in which a) a different type of space and b) a different
type of time prevails. To put it simply, one could say: Time passes much more slowly, and
there is a completely different time-space relation. Above all, however, the "oscillation drive"
of the Vril 1 engine works in that other plane in such a way that the distances are bridged in
an almost imperceptible way, as this would probably be completely impossible in the cosmos
on this side.

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The secret lies in being able to transmute the spaceship and crew back and forth. To have solved
this problem - perhaps the greatest intellectual - technical achievement of all time! - was and is the
key to the matter.

The successful implementation of the VRIL PROJECT in its first stage put Germany in a position to
be able to advance to the farthest depths of the cosmos. The second stage, the bodily flight into the
afterlife, into the worlds of angels and before the face of God, is still pending.

About the armament of the "Vril 7"

When handed over to the SS, VRIL 7 had four triple Mk-108 batteries, two on top and two on the bottom.
However, these were probably only intended for self-defense in the event that enemy
hunters could be encountered and the field force suffered damage at the same time (but it always
worked perfectly).

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Meanwhile, VRIL 7 was equipped with a monstrous cannon, which I can't say much
about. Her pipe alone was five to six meters long. This giant cannon hung in a narrow
nacelle below the plane, slightly to the left of center. It was an unusual gun. I don't know if
she ever fired a shot. It is said to have been an heirloom from Dornier, where tests on a Do
17 are said to have been made. But that seems hard to imagine. This giant cannon was
finally dismantled again and it disappeared somewhere in the night and fog.

The gondola gun

The cannon was rumored to fire from the engine using field force. I don't know if that's true.

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On the various speculations about the whereabouts of

As a stubborn legend, the story persists in various places that VRIL-7 crashed into Lake Mondsee (Upper
Austria) at the beginning of 1945. There were even attempts by an Italian private television station to use divers to
locate the wreck of VRIL-7 (however, the authorities prohibited this plan).

Other voices want to know that VRIL-7 undertook diving tests in Mondsee because they wanted to try out
whether an apparatus that can fly in space is not also suitable for underwater operations. Another variant says
that not VRIL-7, but one of the missing HAUNEBU II fell into the Mondsee. This last variant might be the most
accurate as VRIL-7 was perhaps the safest of all round wing aircraft.

Another legend claims that VRIL-7 was transferred to Spain in early 1945, from where it took German refugees from
the "Vatican Relief Line" to South America and Antarctica.

It is also claimed that VRIL-7 was quasi "mummified" in early 1945 in a specially constructed Alpine bunker for
the future.

Other statements mean that VRIL-7 was transferred to Japan in early 1945. This rumor may be part of the truth
insofar as it is documented that several round wing planes were to go to Japan. But it can be assumed that these
were HAUNEBU types.

Another rumor says that VRIL-7 was sent to Mars to recover the HAUNEBU III crew.

Finally, there is the assumption that VRIL-7 started the journey to the Aldebaran after a "dimension channel test

In support of this thesis, a photograph is cited showing VRIL-7 in a badly battered condition; it looks
as if it is very old, and the characteristic "wafting" around the drive body is also clearly visible. This is how
VRIL-7 is said to have returned from its cosmic test flight.

We assume correctly that VRIL-7 successfully carried out the Aldebaran mission.

The greatest adventure

We have little, fragmentary information about VRIL ODIN's "transmedia logbook". The owners of these papers
reserve the right to publish them comprehensively at a later date. However, we can convey a few highlights here in
order to try and perhaps sympathize with what the crew of the spaceship "0din" experienced in 1945.

We can first reconstruct the start immediately:

Preparations for launch were made on a cool night. Fiery red shimmered on the horizon. It wasn't dawn, it was the
reflection of burning land. Gunfire from the approaching fronts rumbled up. The systems on the Vril site were
prepared for demolition, everything wired for simultaneous self-destruction. Then the 45-meter-diameter spacecraft
lifted out of its hangar, which was about two-thirds underground. It did not land on the brick launch ring, but
hovered low over the ground. The entire crew was already on board. A final wave was given to those who stayed
behind. Then Vril pulled "0din" up into the sky - it quickly disappeared from the view of the Vril ground force. The
blasting would take place here in a few minutes, as good as

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nothing would remain of the workshops of years of work. The enemy front was getting closer and
The crew of Vril "Odin" never saw the homestead go up in flames. The spaceship had already left the
immediate vicinity of the earth and was heading towards the pre-calculated “fall point” into the
dimension channel, past the moon, past the moon, past swarms of meteorites that seemed to be
standing still in space. The unspeakably soothing dark expanse of the star-shimmering cosmos lay
before them. But they still saw their land clearly, the star of their homeland, over which the horrors of
Allied violence were now descending. And they, who flew with Vril "0din" towards the greatest
adventure in human history, could not do anything - could not do anything now, in this moment...

Then came the "drop point" into the dimensional channel. If the calculation made was even slightly
wrong, it would mean the death of the crew. But no one on board Vril "0din" feared dying, everyone
lived in the firm belief of personal survival in the worlds of the afterlife, they all knew: There is no
death. And for the rest, the enterprise of Vril "0din" was anyway a SO - self-sacrifice - enterprise. But if
they died now, if the fall through the dimensional channel didn't succeed, then they wouldn't be able
to bring any help to their homeland either...

The critical point came: the dissolution and transformation of one's own matter upon entry into the
here and hereafter dimension channel! - The computer was switched on - the crew lay down. For the
fall into the dimension channel began with a deep sleep...

When they awoke, a veil of green light filled the spaceship. But soon the eyes had become so used to
this green shimmering light that it was no longer perceived. But in front of the windows of the
spaceship lay another cosmos, a dark green one with other stars, other worlds... Strange formations
passed in front of the windows of Vril "0din", things that probably no person living on earth had ever
seen: the spheres of the Hereafter - the realms of otherworldly beings and their companions...

And it seemed like time stood still...

Then came the exit from the dimensional channel and the fall back into this world's cosmos! And
despite its stars, it seemed incredibly dark to the Vril crew - this cosmos of theirs, to which the earthly
world also belonged...

Two glowing orange bodies approached not far from the predicted exit point.
They grew larger, clearer, took on tangible contours: the Aldebaran space cruisers! As agreed, they
were already waiting..!


The secret among secrets...

The existence of the Vril-7 large round wing aircraft handed over to the SS in April 1945 is widely documented.
This aircraft is known to have been rebuilt once, giving it a slightly different look. In all likelihood, there
was only one example of the Vril-7 type. - Or maybe there were two? - Or was there a large-round
aircraft Vril-6 before that? - Or even a bigger type Vril-8 -?

There are actually some causes for such rumors. Most notably, there is the presence of footage of a
very large VRIL missile that looks very similar to a VriI-7, but upon closer inspection reveals a number
of disparate features. It's not the fighting stands that are based on the Haunebu model. Such could
also have been experimentally mounted on the Vril-7. The different construction of the entire cell is
remarkable. The dome also looks different, it is taller and has two storeys of windows. Another point
of doubt is that Schumann and Künkel already claimed to Hitler at the beginning of 1944 that they
already had a Vril device suitable for intercosmic flight. In this regard, it was mostly thought

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there was talk of a converted Vril-1. But couldn't it really be that a forerunner of the Vril-7 -
let's call it "VriI-6" - existed? And could this possibly be the explanation that Vril-7 could then
be built ready for use and reliably in such an amazingly short time?

We could not find definitive answers to these questions. Only the rumors - and the photos.
These photos were initially thought to be more recent "UFO" shots. However, an examination
of the negatives for authenticity showed that the photographs date from 1944/45 and were
taken on Reich German photo material.

"Vril Odin" and "Operation Valhalla"

It is generally said that the Vril spaceship "Odin" was the Vril-7, or a space cruiser of the Vril-7
pattern. But there is also another assertion that is still being spoken about in inner circles
today. Namely, that even before the Vril-7, a large Vril, the "Vril-8" was completed. Vril 7 was
constructed earlier and then proposed to the Reichsfuhrer, but a Vril space cruiser "Vril-8"
has already been tackled, to a certain extent on its own account. Despite the later type
designation, this Vril-8 was a forerunner of the Vril-7. It is said to have had a two-story
structure, meaning it was higher at the top than the Vril-7. The cell on the underside is said to
have been built differently than on the Vril-7. The available recordings show this quite well.

It is. So it is conceivable that the spaceship Vril-ODIN was not a Vril-7, but the Vril-8, which
cannot be documented anywhere in writing. There is also the assertion that the conscious
recordings do not show a Vril-8, but rather the Vril-7 at an early stage, after which it is said to
have been rebuilt. It is also true that Vril-7 was rebuilt, but this rebuild is well known. I
therefore believe that there was in fact another great Vril, namely the Vril-8-Odin. This means
that all the reports regarding the space cruiser "Odin" do not refer to the Vril-7 handed over
to the SS, but to the Vril-8 that remained in the possession of the Vril Society!
(Maybe they also called it Vril-6?)

When Schumann and Künkel told the Führer after New Year's Day 1944 that they already had
a Vril suitable for long-distance space flight, that was definitely not a lie. The Vril-7 was by no
means finished at that time, and one of the Vril-1s can hardly have been meant.

The device, sometimes erroneously referred to as the Vril-5, of which we have the three
recordings, was certainly not a "Vril-5", but rather the large Vril engine, fitted with a pilot's
seat for test purposes. One can clearly see that this apparatus should not be a finished Vril.
So this structure is probably a drive unit, made ready for test flights.

Since it is unlikely that the Vril people would have lied to the Führer, another Vril must have
been available for the long-distance flight, the Beyond Channel flight, or at least must have
been almost ready. And this long-distance spaceship must have been the "space cruiser
ODIN" that flew to Aldebaran-Summi!

Under the code UNTERNEHMEN WALHALL, a Vril - space - cruiser, which received the name
0DIN, started for the Aldebaran/ Summi. I think I know exactly that. In addition, I assume that
"Odin" was already on the way when Schumann and Künkel spoke to the Führer about it, but
definitely started immediately after the conversation.

If it is possible, you will get more details about it. However, prior consultation is necessary.

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Considerations for "Vril -7, Vril Odin V6/ 8, Operation

Valhalla, as well as Haunebu-III, Operation Mars and Andromeda dev
Already at the beginning of 1944 there was an almost finished, or already finished, two-storey
interstellar long-distance round spaceship "Vril6/ 8-0din"; length/diameter approx. 45 m,
height approx. 22.5 m1; which then started in the spring of 1944 either from Greater Germany
or from the Reich German Antarctic region of Neuschwabenland to Aldebaran, which is 68
light years away from Earth and after a few weeks on board at around 22.5 years of Earth and
universe time with a triple overlight effect around the beginning of 1967 Earth time the sun -
Planetary system Aldebaran - Summi - Sumeran in the so-called "Dimension Canal Flight" (= "Libration Space

But shortly before the Vril - Odin - spaceship, the construction of the only one-story interstellar
long-distance spaceship "Vril-7" began; length/diameter approx. 45 m, height approx. 15 m;
However, the construction of which was then temporarily stopped in favor of "Vril-Odin" in
order to enable its fastest possible completion, whereby Vril-7 was structurally derived from
Vril-1 and therefore basically as a kind of "Groß - Fern - Vril -1 Rundraumschiff" could be viewed.

Since Vril - Odin now started before Vril-7 but was built after Vril-7, Vril-Odin could be referred
to as both "vril 6" and "Vril-8". The construction of Vril-7 started around the end of 1942, with
that of Vril-6/8 probably around the middle of 1943. After the start of Vril - Odin in the spring of
1944, Vril-7 was completed by the end of 1944 and its subsequent Used for purely terrestrial
secret transport flights until around March/April 1945. After some conversions, improvements
and final camouflage painting, the Vril-7 of the SS, more precisely the SS-E IV "Schwarze
Sonne", was then used by the Vril - Gesellschaft in spring 1945 transferred for further use. A
"Dimension Channel - test flight" of the Vril-7 that took place in winter at the end of 1944, from
which it came back very desolate and partly badly damaged, then had the conversions,
improvements and a much more stable new and overall casing of the Vril-7 already mentioned Consequence.

At the beginning of May 1945, Vril-7 followed Haunebu-III, which had already been launched to
Mars at the end of April 1945, where both crews began to set up spaceship bases for the first
reconnaissance spaceships from Aldebaran, which were to be expected around 1967 at the
earliest. It is uncertain whether Vril-7 then also started from Mars to the Aldebaran, or whether
it returned to Earth, for example to Neuschwabenland - Deutschantarktika, but the latter seems
more likely. In any case, many years after 1945, modern UFO photos existed in which the UFO
depicted on them exactly resembles the outline of a Vril-7. There is also a telescopic image
from 1952 showing a UFO hovering over the moon with the exact contours of the Haunebu - III.

In contrast to earlier assumptions that Haunebu-III had to make an emergency landing on

Mars, after which Vril-7 had to fly to Mars to rescue and recover the Haunebu-III crew and
Haunebu-III was left behind on the surface of Mars beyond repair, this one now appears earlier
assumption outdated and thus the new one described above much more likely!

Since NASA photos of UFOs with the outlines of Haunebu-II and Vril-1 spaceships exist on
Earth's moon from 1969, some of these spacecraft may have been stationed on Earth's moon
after 1945, their crews presumably like those of Haunebu-III and Vril-7 on Mars, set up lunar
bases on Earthmoon for the arrival of the Aldebaran space armada.

After Vril-Odin reached Aldebaran in 1967, some Aldebaran reconnaissance spaceships may
have traced its orbit back to Earth and arrived here by 1968 at the latest, i.e. an extremely fast
dimensional channel flight to Earth with multiple overlight effects, where they may have
prepared for your space armada stationed a space station with "PSI projector" in an earth

The fact that individual Aldebaran spaceships can reach earth in a very short time, but not a
whole huge space flotilla, is due to the fact that each

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Dimension channel travel that space sector in which this overlight effect space flight takes
place, in its space-time continuum, the more shaken, the more objects and with the greater
overlight effect these cross a space sector.

These space - time - continuum - tremors manifest themselves primarily in gravitational shock
waves, i.e. gravitational shocks that affect the missile or missiles in question. Now if a missile
is built too easily. like the Vril-7 in its version at the end of 1944, then it will at least be damaged
even with a relatively slow faster flight, which was also the case with the Vril-7. In any case, the
Vril-6/ 8-Odin, which was built differently and was more stable, coped with its triple overlight
effect space flight to the Aldebaran without any damage. While a single spacecraft with the most
highly developed technology of the Aldebarans could travel with the highest overlight effect
values, this was not possible for a larger space fleet with spaceships, no matter how stable they
were built.

For safety reasons, an Aldebaran space fleet will always have flown with a relatively low
overlight effect, which probably corresponded to that of the Reich German Vril-6/ 8-Odin, which
could therefore also serve as a pilot spaceship for the Aldebaran space armada. That's why the
Aldebaraner space armada can't reach Earth until the 1990s at the earliest.

German "HAUNEBU", 1944

The mother spaceship "Andromedagerät", which was planned by the SS-EV but was no longer
built by 1945 on a site provided for this purpose near Wiener Neustadt, Niederdonau, and which
was supposed to have space for a Haunebu-II and four Vril-1 and -2, must by 1950/ 51 outside of
Europe, probably in a gigantic subterranean ice cave in Neuschabenland-Deutschantarktika, but
still at least as a single example, since there is a telescopic picture of it made in 1951, showing
it hovering over the moon as a “light cigar”. This would also explain why the Vril-1, with its short
range for a lunar spacecraft, appears on NASA moon photos from the 1970s.

PLATE 96. Apollo 11 ON the Moon. Photo taken from TV screen in Europe showing white bell-
shaped UFO right hand photo. 1969

Since it is reported that both Haunebu-III and Vril-7 were in Antarctica by the spring of 1945,
Neuschwabenland, these are the individual parts of "Andromedagerät".
flew over Neuschwabenland, where it was assembled here and took off to the moon with a
Haunebu-II and four Vril-1s in the hangers (construction of the Vril-2 was abandoned), where then

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whose crews began building lunar bases for the expected Aldebaran space armada.

And there I also saw another earthly world. Familiar and yet strange at the same time. I fell
on her. But their sky was of a bluish red, and there was no other day than in this light.
Another sun shone to me (there) and another moon twinned to itself.
But I heard languages spoken that I (mentally) understood.
Perhaps the Vril-7, the "VRIL-ODIN", managed to fly to Aldebaran - and perhaps the Vril crew
then saw things as the Babylonian seer Sajaha described them in a vision: (Saj.5)

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The intercosmic consciousness of the "Vril",

(The absolute sovereignty.)
Intercosmic consciousness - VRIL-GEIST - is the highest level of development of the human
spirit in this world's life. Whoever has grasped it is constantly filled with it, he has become "Vril".

A trace of the idea and knowledge of the VRIL consciousness can still be found, albeit
in a stunted form, in the Aryan Vedic religion, culminating in the Bhagawad Gita and the
teaching of "Krishna consciousness". And yet these two views cannot be compared.
However, the basic relationship shows that in times long past in the history of the earth, the
religion of the VRIL might have predominated; in a time that must have been before the
revelation of the ILU teachings, because the ILU revelations tell us everything we know
about the perfect, eternal divine truth, but do not give any direct instructions for gaining the
ILU consciousness, like the VRIL - Consciousness can very well also be called. So it may be
that there were lost pre-Vedic writings in the Aryan region, in which the perfect knowledge
together with the knowledge about the perfect path had already been laid down - possibly
thanks to the Albebaran ancestors, but perhaps also from their own origin.

VRIL - Consciousness differs from all other religious forms in that it grows out of the
combination of KNOWLEDGE and BELIEF and leads to the CONFIDENCE OF BELIEF. VRIL -
Consciousness can only thrive where there is concrete knowledge about the history of the
universe, the stars, the cosmos on this side and the cosmos on the other side with its
otherworlds. VRIL - Consciousness is the ubiquitous knowledge of all connections on this
side and the beyond in amalgamation with perfect knowledge of God - and these two levels
are mutually dependent.

So the VRIL consciousness is inextricably linked with the clear, tangible knowledge of the
cosmic and intercosmic conditions and connections. The VRIL - conscious lives in spiritual
connection with all beings of his sex. In it reigns both this world and the other world; for him
there are no secrets. He knows that there are brothers and sisters many light years away
who are much closer to him than numerous peoples on earth. He knows that the purity of
the inherited being is the key to community with the origin and the nameless security in the
original home. The "VRIL - conscious" is truly "universal", he stands on the highest level.
And it is in the nature of things that only those who are directly inherited from the god-men
can become and be “Vril”. Only such a spirit can grasp it.

So DAS VRIL is the religion of the sublime, of the spiritual supermen, of those who are able
to grasp the big picture - because they are a part of it. All knowledge of the worlds on this
side, everything, knowledge also about the hereafter, eternal life after earthly death,
knowledge of the great tasks that only come after the threshold of earthly death, the all-
encompassing superiority - that is VRIL.

Man in the Vril stands above all things.

"Back to Earth"
All of this more or less fantastic information and material is based on credible sources. And
yet much seems unbelievable - which does not have to mean 'unbelievable'! However, if we
now want to attempt a retrospective "critique of the matter", we believe that the following
aspects emerge:

It is possible that everything will behave exactly as it is presented in this book. It is conceivable
that the spiritual connection with Aldebaran actually came about and that there is a "Greater
German Aldebaran" alliance that "Vril 0din" reached Aldebaran and is now leading an
Aldebaran combat space fleet that - according to the information available - in the
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years 1992 to 1996 should arrive. It is possible that improved possibilities were developed
and realized up to 1945 - and that an "Aldebaran" vanguard is already in near-earth space
through a "dimension channel" (think of various UFO reports), maybe even on that of Haunebu
-3 already reached Mars... Everything is possible, nothing is impossible in this large context.

It is possible that the "Aldebarans" will stay on hold and, due to alliance conditions unknown
to us, will only attack if the development of the new age alone is not sufficient to change the
fortunes of Germany and the world for the better - or that the " Aldebaraner" only provide a
kind of backing to secure the natural development.

But it is also possible that everything behaves quite differently. It is possible that the
information made available to us contains “game material”, that is, that there could be an
“esotericism within the esotericism” of which we have no idea? - Maybe instead of the
"Aldebaraner" there is a very earthly secret society - let's call it fictitious "Vril-Bund", as it
would certainly not be called,
-, conceivable which
that has itswould
the 'front' people in many
then not beimportant positions.
as clear as it wouldItotherwise
appear, that rather there are and are active "Vrilbund people" even and precisely where one
might least expect it. For example in the middle of the CIA, in the BND, in big banks and big
industry, in small and big positions in all countries of the world. It could be that this secret
society is significantly involved in the political upheavals of the present - without needing
UFOs! - It may be managers - and also 'little people' who live in all the inconspicuousness of
everyday life in order to then fulfill a very specific task at very specific times.

Let us consider for a moment that the Thule and Vril ideas were not nationalistic!
Certainly: Germany - the German people in the sense of all people of German origin and
German language - Germany bears the destiny to realize the New Golden Age on earth.
But not just for yourself - but for the whole world! - This is where the term "Aryan" comes into
play, which should clarify the supranational obligation! The Thule and Vril people's dream
and ultimate goal was not the German national state, but the overriding kingdom of peace for
all "Aryans" (correct: all civilized peoples). This higher vantage point, which without question
could not be perceived at times solely because of the war, was and certainly remained the
core of the ideals on this side!
Perhaps the truth - part of the truth - is that those people who party these days and call
themselves "high society" who appear to be the "rich and powerful" are really just the perform
"Dance on the Volcano", unaware that among them - whether as maids or CEOs, porters or
managers - members of a secret organization who are more powerful than they are already

Perhaps the mystery surrounding the "UFOs" is more of a type of cipher or code than directly
"flying saucers"? - Maybe there are multiple encrypted secrets that we all don't understand
properly? - Who knows? - Who can fathom it? - If it were so simple that it could be published
as a printed work, the mystery could not be too great, but it undoubtedly is.

The still intact underground facilities - "V-ANLAGEN" - are reported, among other things, in
the as yet unpublished roman a clef "Z-Plan", which Damböck-Verlag is trying to publish.

The uneasy feeling returned. It intensified the closer they got to the tank. As certain as it
remained that the old 'Tiger' would not move from the spot, it appeared as much like a living
creature that was merely asleep. - Jill's hand tightened. - They passed close to the tank - The
tunnel continued. - Jill breathed: "There on the right!" - Lakowsky dazzled in the direction. He
noticed a gate similar to the one where he had turned the cars. The gate was wide open. -
They came closer. Lakowsky shone it inside: the thin beam of light touched the tables and
chairs. Bizarre scaffolding stretched farther back. A large flat thing lay there. It looked like a
giant humming top in black-grey distortion paint. Old national emblems were clearly visible in
two places.

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In this book, the manuscript of which (an original excerpt above) was literally lost, tells the
adventurous story of an altercation that takes place between an old German SD man and a
former US secret service agent. This story, which has real backgrounds, takes place in the
early 1970s. "UFOs" are not their main topic, but the continued existence of secret German
facilities for a "Day X", the existence of flight gyros and in general the persistence of that
conflict, which must be described as the continuation of the Second World War, can be
experienced here in an extraordinarily vivid way . It is a confrontation that takes place on
different levels and that affects the most diverse areas of life. The manuscript of the novel "Z-
Plan" fascinated us precisely because it is basically a fantastic crime and adventure story
whose fate is determined by those overriding things and conflicts that we are also talking
about here in the "Vril Project". have to.

Aldebaran - original home of the Germans?

When we look up at the starry sky at night, we are gripped by a nameless, apparently
inexplicable longing. We see the heavenly bodies - and do not feel them like stars in the
firmament, but as a spatial depth from which an irresistible force of attraction emanates to us;
it is like a pull of longing, a physical feeling: homesickness! Back to the far, to the world of
our origin! This is a piece of our soul: The quiet expanses of space from which our ancestors
may have once come, from a purer, clearer, better world...

It may have been hundreds of thousands of years ago, at times no earthly person really
remembers. And yet it has remained - encoded in the Germanic blood: the ancestors, the
knowledge of the original homeland.

In quiet, starry nights we reflect, we listen in silence to the call of ancient blood. And suddenly
we know very well: Our homeland is there, somewhere incomprehensible; strange and yet so
familiar fatherland!

Each of us feels this call in dreamlike moments, each of us is Germanic.

(Summary according to RvSebottendorff: "Vorbeginn")

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Afterword and lingering thoughts

Many Germans in the whole German area of Central Europe and descendants of German
colonists in all parts of the world repeatedly reveal an apparently inexplicable familiarity with
the universe, coupled with mysterious melancholy and a burning longing, the insatiable desire
to leave this earth in order to return home to the cosmic Far away from a paradisiacal original
homeland It is not just a longing for the afterlife, it is not just the knowledge of the divine
original world of eternal light, in which we were all once born, long before this cosmos
existed; There is something else too - when we look up at the starry sky at night and almost
physically feel it: homesickness for the stars. Someone has already experienced in indelibly
arrested color dreams: "Extraterrestrial encounters", for example the connection with "flying
saucers" and their pilots. And let's remember what real dreams are: When the spirit, detached
from the physical body, goes on a journey and visits another according to the law of affinity
of vibrations (Saj.4). So dreams can be more than foam, real experiences, shared with another
that our mind visited. And for the spirit there are no spatial and temporal limits. How does it
say in the Rg-Veda, probably the oldest surviving Aryan script: "The spirit is the fastest of
everything that flies!" And the most highly developed spirit is able to bridge any distance by
wandering at the moment.

For example, the author who signed here first dreamed of a “UFO” and its pilot many years
ago, when he had barely outgrown his infancy. When he held photos of a VRIL-1 built during
World War II in his hands for the first time around thirty years later, he was amazed to find
that it resembled his "dream UFO" exactly!

How many things are between heaven and earth that may seem incomprehensible at first
glance - and yet are so real! And those people are not realists who think they have to push all
such things into the realm of fantasy, but realists are those who, based on higher knowledge,
recognize and understand that there is a "super-reality" that sets the true standards of things.

Many people of the terrestrial white race know that "cosmic wanderlust" of which we spoke.
Is it possible that there are traces of the stunted abilities of the legendary “white god-men”
who were once our ancestors?

They are deeply rooted remnants of a primal memory, which most people are no longer able
to classify, but whose meaning is understood by those whose spirit, thanks to its own
vibration based on worldview and world knowledge, gradually regains the ancient and eternally young.
And to achieve this for the entire national community must be understood as a core
component of the Thule ideas. The higher development of man in mind and body is the natural
striving. It is the desire to be closer to God - to become like our earliest cultural founders: the

When the Aldebaran sun, some 68 light-years from Earth, began to expand about 500 million
years ago to gradually become a reddish giant sun, the Aldebaran super-civilization of the
"white god-men" must have been forced to take effective measures to continue their existence
to take race. A technology unimaginably advanced today would have been able to overcome
the difficulties. On the one hand by moving the home planets to another orbit - whereby the
living conditions remained bearable and on the other hand by colonizing habitable planets in
other solar systems - which became possible with
-, the construction of huge space ships.

During exploratory expeditions around 500 million years ago, the Aldebarans may have
landed on what was then primeval Cambrian earth, a geological era when the primeval oceans
and other waters still showed very primeval life. We have a clear trace of this visit, some 500
million years ago; a track in the literal sense: the 500 million year old fossilized shoeprint,
together with a trilobite, a primordial cancer, a so-called index fossil, because the trilobites
died out about 400 million years ago. This is the oldest shoeprint fossil discovered, but by no
means the only one; there are others 200 million years old, over 60 million years old from the
end of the Cretaceous and the
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Dinosaur age, others are only 15 million years old. Today's science ignores these finds or has
"not yet classified them" because otherwise they would have to overturn their artificially
constructed world view. That this may be the case, after all, was acknowledged even at the
1989 Evolutionist Congress, some of which openly said that their current science rests on
pillars of clay and is based on pure "conjecture knowledge."

So let's jump ahead and assume that the Aldebarans could have set foot on Earth as early as
500 million years ago and perhaps set up a few bases here first. It is possible that at that time
they were not sure whether they would be able to keep their home planets in the system of
the sun Aldebaran habitable and wanted to secure other possibilities.

From the Aldebaran bases, the legendary earthly primeval civilizations that we call Thule,
Atlantis, Muror and Lemuria may have developed - in vague memory of traditions from the
earliest times. However, since the Aldebarans may have managed to save their home planets,
they will not have settled extensively on Earth. Over the millennia, they may have disbanded
their bases, and few Aldebarans who found a new home on Earth remained. They eventually
founded the culture of Mesopotamia that survived to the end. The name SUMI, SUMERER,
testifies to this, as the Aldebarans call their sun Sumi and their kingdom SUMERAN. Sumerians
and Proto-Germans could therefore very well have been direct descendants of the "Aldebarans"
- which in turn gives us an insight into the deeper meaning of the "racial ideology" of the
Thule society: Only those who are at the high level of development of the Aldebarans can
appreciate their Being a partner, a partner in the construction of a comprehensive interstellar
high civilization that is imminent for the New Age. Last but not least, this includes the mental
ability to grasp the meaning of eternal life and the interweaving of this world and the afterlife,
the ability to think and to think spiritually instead of materially feel. It is the realization of the
transcosmic power and responsibility of the human being.

And another perspective should not be left out at this point: A few years ago, a thousand-year-
old rock drawing was found in Ohma near Fergana in Uzbekistan, which shows the human
form reminiscent of an astronaut - and a space flight disc that amazingly resembles a VRIL-1.
Should the VRIL missiles really have been created by media construction descriptions from
Aldebaran to Germany? Or did in fact a German spaceship - if not several - get into the distant
past through an unintentionally formed "space-time hole"? - Perhaps, if one spins this thought
further, one would then have to say that the Aldebarans were not the ancestors of the
Germanic peoples - rather the Germans were the ancestors of the Aldebarans?

A lot is possible - none of it is impossible! What needs to be said to close this book is above
all this: The people of the Thule and Vril Society pursued unusual goals, special goals of a
spiritual as well as substantial scope that small minds can hardly fathom. Anyone who wants
to understand - must learn to think broadly.

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Annex 1


1. The "Isais Factor"

The Isais Factor

The true core of the Jesse myth
The myth of the "goddess Jesse" has suffered the same fate over time as many other
myths. Current circumstances have had an impact and brought about changes. Separate

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Aspects were singled out, brought to the fore and finally to the main point
explained. Gradually, things like that led further and further away from the true core.
So what does the true core of the myth look like:


Jesse is from Kutharach (or Kuthagracht), the realm of demons, found in the dark
zones of the hereafter (but not in the dark ones, which is distinguished). she is
originally not a goddess, but a demon. However, since she has a very light nature, pulls
it towards the world of the gods. Because of her pure spirit - but also because of her tall female
Beauty - Isais is received there.

At a particularly difficult moment for the gods, Jesse shows her gratitude. she brings
brought back the magical black-purple stone from hell, that of its dark spirits
had been stolen.

This stone (or crystal) is of special importance because it is divine

have accumulated and concentrated power vibrations; namely female, i.e. vibrations of the
goddesses. This female stone is called "Ilua". He has a male counterpart in which
vibrations of the gods are concentrated. This male stone is called “Garil” (Grail). Only these two
Stones together can cause that highest vibration of the divine "Iluhe" that over
Claims to power decide - etc.

Since the dark power of Hell is male only, she wanted the stone with the female
bring vibration into their possession, in order at the same time also to rule those hated by the devil
to prevent female deity in the new age on earth.

Since the realm of hell is male only - women fallen into hell become in hellish ones
imprisoned in the atria - a female power can best fight them (this motive has
still vaguely preserved in Christianity; many representations of Mary show under her feet
the trampled serpent, the vanquished devil). To sneak into hell undetected
as was her plan, Jesse had to disguise herself as a boy for this mission, and her bis too
Cut floor-reaching hair to hip length to tuck under a hood
let hide. She didn't want to do that. But the gods promised her the perfect one
Deification so that they get their full-length hair back right after the mission
could. Thereupon Jesse agreed. She took on the disguise, snuck into Hell and
stole the stolen magic stone from the devils. However, she was recognized, it came
for a dramatic escape. On the brink of hell, they would have almost grabbed her if it weren't for her
Demon Malok (=>Moloch?) rushed to help. He has been her faithful friend ever since.

When Jesse successfully returned to the world of the gods (the Middle Kingdom/ Valhalla/ Olympus), the
gods her promise. But so that she could remain in the world of the gods, she had to get away from him

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terrifying demon Malok separate. Jesse did not want this. She wandered helplessly through the
spheres for a while and discovered the knight Hubertus on earth. She decided to help him and his
followers to rule the earth when the new age came. So she hurried back to the world of the gods and
spoke to the goddess Istara (Ishtar/ Venus/ Ostara/ Aphrodite/ Ashera/ Freyja/ Inanna/ Aramati etc.).

The goddess Istara said that it had already been decided to hand over the two important stones to
suitable people so that the female Ilu vibration would be attracted to earth at the right time etc.

The god Wodin (Odin/Wotan/Jupiter/Zeus/Marduk/Indra) will secretly bring the male stone “Garil” to
earth, she, Isais, should bring the female “Ilua” and provide a safe hiding place.

Isais brought Ilua, the magical "black-purple stone", to the Untersberg (between Berchtesgaden and
Salzburg), where she had caused the knight Hubertus to set up quarters and now initiated him into
the secrets, etc.. Isais appeared to that knighthood then multiple times. Meanwhile, Wodin (Odin)
had given the Garil, the other magic stone, to another group of knights who had established quarters
in northern Italy. Years earlier, Istara (Venus) had caused the spirit of the former Roman Emperor
Octavian Augustus to reincarnate on earth in the form of a German knight. In his form he should
prepare his later rebirth as emperor in the new world age. To do this, he had to secretly create a
golden figure, according to the goddess' precise instructions, which represented a male/female
double head, which was supported by the woman's braid like a column (the "Great Baphomet of
Vienna", also called the "Figura ").

Jesse also had the task of bringing those knighthoods together and seeing to the completion of the
work when the new age (the Aquarian age) came.

In the present time, during the transformation of the old age of Pisces into the new age of Aquarius,
the Isais myth is gaining topicality - at least indirectly.

According to the expressions of secret ideas, the "revival" of that golden figure with the male/female
double head must have taken place either in 1983/84 or 1989/90, or take place in 1997/98, resp. have
taken place somewhere in secret.

With the ultimate certainty that that double head was the Baphomet of the Knights Templar, that
designation will not be used here, although it can be assumed with a probability bordering on

The core of the idea behind all this is that the magical combination of the two stones "Ilua" and
"Garil" causes a special vibration that attracts the divine "Ilu ray" according to the principle of the
affinity of vibrations. This in turn makes its way from the hereafter to this world through a special
"sluice" which is called "Ilum" and is to be equated with the often misinterpreted (and also misused)
"black sun". When the "Ilu Ray," the ray of absolute divine light, reaches Earth, then the era of cruel
Bible God and intolerant monotheism will end. The female deity takes over, embodied in the love
goddess Ischtar/Venus. At the same time, a wise man will reestablish Caesarism and renew the
world in the spirit of the goddess. This man will be the reincarnation of a great ruler of the past. True
womanhood will again be honored in its femininity; all ancient principles, divine and natural, triumph.

Isais has fulfilled her mission at the moment when everything necessary for it is prepared - probably
at this time. Then she steps into the background, the goddess of love outshines everything.

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2. The right and the wrong image of Jesse

The nature of the ISAIS (goddess Isais from Untersberg etc.) has aroused interest again in the
past few decades. However, false descriptions and representations have not been absent,
such are traded in various ways.

Unfortunately, this tends to mislead people who want to delve deeper into this aspect.

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Let me first speak briefly about Gustav Meyrink's erroneous view in his novel "The Angel from
the Western Window". In this book the poet constructs a little historical plot around the
English alchemist John Dee. Both time-shifted and confused, Meyring brings into play motifs
from the environment of the Templar group "The Lords of the Black Stone", which was
subordinate to the German-Italian "secret scientific section" of the order (SIGNUM SECRETUM
TEMPLI). A magical "black stone" also appears, but completely different from the black stone
of the templars. As the alchemist's adversary, Meyrink lets a "Black Isais" appear, which has
nothing in common with the quasi-historically correct form. How little the poet adheres to true
principles is also shown by the fact that he portrays Emperor Rudolph II as an old man at the
time John Dee appeared at his court, while the Emperor was then just 31 years old. Meyrink
also subjects the 'Jesus hymn' ('Out of the light of the moon...') to an 'adaptation'.

At least as regards the description of the appearance of "Isais" he avoids obvious errors.
On the other hand, the "Jesus cult" he describes leaves no mistake, since the poet confuses
the bizarre rituals of a Gnostic sect with the actual Jesse aspect.

However, all this cannot be called serious, because the poet Gustav Meyrink does not claim
authenticity for his work.

The situation is different with various more recent publications that claim to be "documentation"
but convey a completely false image of Jesse (e.g. Jesse with a short haircut, etc.).

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The origin of this error, which goes back to the 1920s, should be discussed here
clarification take place.

The rediscovered Jesse.

In modern times, the Jesse myth was replaced in 1903 by what was then the “Pan-Babylonian
Society” in Vienna, from which under the direction of the young Viennese Maria
Orschitsch in 1919 the "All-German Society for Metaphysics" with headquarters in Munich emerged.
Soon this society was also called "Vri-Il" or "Vril Society".

This association had direct contact with the "Templer community of heirs" in Vienna,
of which original documents were handed over to her; especially by the
Archive administration DHvSS (“The Lords of the Black Stone”) in Salzburg.

From then on, the "All-German Society for Metaphysics" dealt, among other things, with the revival
and continuation of the old myths about Jesse and the magical "Black Stone" as well as the ideas
of the Templar Commander Hubertus, who on behalf of the Viennese Grand Commander Hugo von Weitenegg
Ettenberg Commandery at the foot of the Untersberg near Berchtesgaden; In 1938 the company took over
also old threads to the Venetian Bucintoro order.

The Isais aspect was considered an important part of the "All-German Society for Metaphysics".
of a larger structure, to which also the myth of the "Great Figura" and the coming
Reign of the goddess Ishtar (Venus) in the new eon.

Apparently the Isais myth was not of central importance for the “Vril Society”;
however, it formed an important building block of the larger overall structure. So maybe it's not a pure one

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Coincidentally, if both the colors of the Isais (black-silver-violet) and that of this
associated lightning signet was used in this circle.
At the time, this was a particularly topical concern for these women, who mainly consisted of young women
Community was the culture war against the degradation of women through masculinization, for example
through short hairstyles, etc. Therefore, after a vote in 1922, the obligation to
long hair for all female members of the community.

On the periphery of society, a small group splintered off

nevertheless wanted to subdue prevailing fashion. This brought documents from the archive to
the hands of a enterprising occult group that used hocus pocus to extract money from the pockets of unsuspecting
people. That group presented a "modernized Jesse" with a short
Hairstyle. At the end of 1923, after the 'Templar community of heirs' removed all the original depictions, seals, etc
with the help of figurative trademark law, the false representations became

In 1926 another occult association again used false representations of Jesse,

albeit marginally to other things.
This association was founded in 1934 as a result of private lawsuits from several financially disadvantaged people
The false Isais images and texts had disappeared for the time being.

False representations of "Isais" only became public again after the Second World War
and were used again - first by people who actually didn't know it
dealing with counterfeiting. So initially there was no intention to defraud.

Incidentally, the false image of Isais, which was newly created after the Second World War, was a very
pretty professional photo model, which offered the optical template for this without knowing about it.

The reason for the "modernization" is certainly easy to explain:

A "Jesus picture" with which as many women as possible are suitable for commercial exploitation is suitable
can identify, better than the correct one with waist length hair.

The error has not been seen through for several years or has not even been noticed by those familiar with the matter
been, because such were hardly connected to the "esoteric business". Added to that was that
even in the informed circles no one has been dealing with the Jesse aspect for a long time, these
Therefore, the matter did not attract any attention for years. After all, it wouldn't be either
it would have been too bad to present “two versions”, so to speak, if he were the
historically correct has not been suppressed. Because for people with serious interest could
Of course, the right picture alone has value.

Later, however, around the mid-1990s, the spread of the error was recognized; there were
corrective briefings sent to all relevant companies. Apparently this was not the case
noticed by everyone, or not respected.

The only correct depiction of Jesse is that of Jesse with long hair, showing the shape
of the poetry "Hell Travel" with floor-length hair and since "Hell Travel" with waist-length hair.
All representations of a "Isais" with short hair are wrong.

It does not always have to have been a deliberate forgery. One source of error lay
possibly in the description that Jesse had her floor-length goddess hair cut a piece,
whereby she also became more like the earthly women - certainly the earthly friends of the
Middle Ages, not those of the XX. century.

The original representations of Jesse are still available today:

A carved wooden figure (circa 1235), Jesse standing with the black stone and waving
waist length hair. There is a very accurate drawing of this figure, made after the

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Originally by the historian Dr. H. Reiterich, as well as a successful copy by the woodcarver Erwin
reef. The original figure has been preserved undamaged, only the base has been lost over time.

There is also a drawing in wood (around 1230) with even longer hair, and a clay relief (around
1235), again with waist-length hair.

The Isais Amulet and the Malok Seal have probably been reconstructed, but they have
in a relatively early period (probably around 1550).

From a later period (ca. 1870) there are illustrations for the poem "Hell Journey" that do not belong to the
Original depictions can be counted, although they adhere to the descriptions.

Several 'medial' drawings are available from more recent times, some of the Isais with open ones
waist-length hair, sometimes with a ponytail. (Such medium drawings cannot
considered historical, but are quite remarkable).

It must be considered uncertain whether the image of a woman in a seal of the Ordo Bucintoro (Venice around 1520)
depicts Jesse. However, the resemblance to some of the 'psychic drawings' seems extremely amazing.

With regard to the Jesse writings can be considered genuine, resp. faithfully translated into contemporary German,
the following apply:

The "Jesus Revelation" verses 1-86 (from then on in parts uncertain) as

well as the small text "Hope".
The poem "Isai's journey into hell" (not to be confused with the forgery written in the first person!) may
be considered meaningful.

The original text known as the "Hymn" is well translated:

Out of the light of the moon, out of the darkness of

the night,
sister Isai,
of us.
who always saw us,

However, this enumeration does not claim that all other known text fragments have to be included
be wrong from start to finish.
A thorough processing of all relevant writings and text fragments is still pending.

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3. Apparitions of Jesse

The descriptions of Jesse's apparitions from the Middle Ages preserved in the original text are rare.
The text collection "Isais Erdenwandern" has not survived, most of the texts later published under
this title are at best vague reconstructions, if not inventions. Of the four original descriptions that
still exist, only two are complete.

The four surviving original descriptions describe the appearance of Jesse as follows: Twice in
simple women's clothing, once her hair braided in front of her right shoulder, another time tied in
a tail in front of her shoulder. Also once in squire's clothing, with loose, waist-length hair. These
three apparitions took place locally at the well of the Ettenberg Commandery. A fourth description
depicts Jesse in splendid women's clothing, with loose hair and adorned with jewelry; this
phenomenon is described inside the commandery building.

A remarkable peculiarity can be found in old basic descriptions of the Jesse.

According to this, the color of their hair changes with the course of the day on earth. Although
Isais is described as 'otherworldly' with copper-colored hair, in the earthly it appears red in the
morning, blond during the day, brown in the afternoon and black at night.

According to tradition, Jesse was to appear in person again in 1996. There is actually a whole
series of apparitions from this year, some of them from people who knew nothing about the Jesse
myth. These experiences were sighted in Vienna, some were classified as serious. These
apparitions of Jesse are reproduced below, in the wording of those people from whom the
descriptions come (partially tightened).

ISAIS - Apparitions in 1996

August 17, 1996, around 4:00 p.m., Styria:

ISAIS appeared tall and slim. Her eyes were amber. She wore a floor-length fitted dress that was
tight to the thighs and then flared out, it also had long sleeves that were tight at first and flared
out at the forearms. The dress was reddish brown and had a belt decorated with silver. She wore
silver jewelry on her wrists. The hair

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she had parted open and right. Silver crests stuck into it on either side. The hair was light
reddish-brown, more than waist-length and very thick, it looked massive, almost metallically
shiny and only very slightly wavy. At the bottom the tips were dense, but it didn't look cut.

August 24, around 8:00 a.m., near Tulln, Lower Austria:

ISAIS appeared, quite tall, slender, a bit dainty. She had brown eyes. Her hair was reddish
blonde, light, only a little wavy, almost straight and very shiny. The hair fell well to the hips and
was very thick, almost enveloping the figure. Gold or silver combs were stuck in the top of the
hair. The dress Jesse wore was part silver and part gold, like brocade, reaching to the floor,
with a wide belt and long sleeves.

September 8, around 2:00 p.m., Salzburg area:

ISAIS was of medium height and slim. She was wearing a long, fairly baggy light brown dress
with a slightly darker belt. Her hair was dark blonde and shiny. The parting was on the right, and
in front of her left shoulder she had tied her hair into a thick and very long horsetail; it wasn't
tied tightly, from the parting it slipped far into her face. Her eyes were light brown and her lips
were almost bright red.

September 21, around 10:00 p.m. in the evening, Klosterneuburg:

The woman (ISAIS) was tall and very slender, wearing a long, loose dress with long sleeves. It
was purple with black and silver trimmings and a wide black and silver belt. She had a silver
headband in her hair, otherwise it was undone. Her hair was dark brown, almost black, so shiny
it looked like lights. They reached a good deal to the waist and looked heavy, almost smooth.
Her eyes were dark, you couldn't really tell the color.

October 23, around 8 p.m. in the evening, near Bad Harzburg:

ISAIS was quite tall, slim and very beautiful. She wore a long silver dress with long sleeves and
a wide belt. Her hair was brown, very long, perhaps to her hips, and very full and shiny, perhaps
like burnished chestnuts. She had them quite open, rather wild, so they hung over her face
because she had a side parting. Her probably dark eyes were therefore shadowed.

October 24, around 8 p.m. in the evening, near Bad Harzburg:

It was in the same place and ISAIS looked the same as the day before, only this time a silver
headband held her hair back a bit, which still made her look daring.

November 29, around 11 a.m., near Bielefeld:

ISAIS was quite tall and very slim. She was wearing a long, light blue dress. Her hair was blonde
and was braided in an enormously thick braid that hung over her left shoulder, almost to her
lap. Jesse held a slender golden staff in his hand, but I couldn't see it clearly. Everything was
very bright around her. I don't know what color her eyes are, I think they're almost yellowish
brown, maybe green.

December 1st, around 9:00 p.m., near Berchtesgaden:

ISAIS is a tall woman, but perhaps overly slender, she is very beautiful. She has warm brown
eyes and voluminous dark brown, shiny, unruly hair of great length, reaching past her hips but
almost straight at the tips. She wore a dark purple dress that was tight at the top and widened
at the bottom. Similar to the sleeves, which were also long. The dress had a wide silver belt with
black in the middle that highlighted her waist. It also had silver decorations. In her hair, on the
side opposite the parting, Jesse had a silver ornamental comb. Jesse looked very much like a
beautiful woman who cares about her appearance.

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This story stands between fantasy and reality. Reality is the diary of Agnes,
on which the story is mainly based, as well as in the description of the beautiful young woman exterior of those
who has not changed a day.an The locations mentioned are
applicable. However, the studio of the painter (who was a friend, not the sister of the
Agnes war), in another alley in downtown Vienna. Concerning this locale takes
History takes a liberty because this very place, the Viennese blood alley, the Order of the Knights Templar
regarding the rest of the historical situation, it is certain that there, even before the destruction of the
Very independent paths have been taken in the order. The myths also have real backgrounds,
of which the speech as wellis as many details. This does not apply to those on the air
grasped legend about the "great Baphomet", the "world of eternal dawn", the realm of
Goddess Venus,to which Emperor Augustus believed, plays an important role. It is also true
the connection
all this withof
Untersberg. lightmagic, the meaning near Salzburg. The descriptions of the
of long hair magical component. of the women and the implied quasi-sexual perspective
So far it has of Agnes are all magical aspects
been described oncorrectly
Whatmagic attacks the
are concerned, contingencies were reconstructed with the help of external sources. are invented
even the conflicting organizations, which does not necessarily mean, cannot do such
there might be. All in all, however, is stuck in this story - especially in terms of the
spiritual-magical details - possibly more truth than fiction!

(Text sketch based on the diary of AgnesS.-N.)

Authorized original version, Dec. 1997
Prologue Vienna
in the1243

Midnight of a narrow alley medieval Vienna,ofafter
the the events of
coming hours will be popularly given a name that is on the street sign today
says: The "Blood Alley".

On the high walls of the cellar vault under the Viennese monastery of the Knights Templar blazed
torches. Chains hung from the ceiling, large wrought-iron bowls from which
spread a bright light burning onThe
oil. vaulted ceiling of the large cavernous room had
soot of
a fire
be a ceremony
Ceremony of a very special kind: The "Figura" of the "Great Baphomet" would be for the rising
of a still distant new age are magically charged, the beginning of the XXI.
Century would spread and rule the earth. All preparations for the ceremony are complete
been hit. In Midnight when the star Venus has a very specific position in the sky
order to have taken, the high ritual had to be performed. Two knights unveil the high
which until then had been covered by a violet cloth. Now the big one shone
It was an odd-looking figure made of solid gold.
Figure, Baphomet. She showeda double head
with a female and a male face. From the female half of the head went a long,
strong plait, which supported the double head like a pillar. Below the braid end went over one
domed octagonal base decorated with precious stones. The great Baphomet was a
Symbol for the eternal divinity, which consists of the powers male and female. As
Column formed in a woman's plait indicated the importance of those female forces which, in shape
the goddess of love, lead to the union of the two divine components and thus to the
creative act. This “figura” stood on a round, seven-tiered base of polished
Basaltgestein. On the wall facing north was a decorated altar. Also it is
this one
was made of shiny basalt. A golden statue of a goddess towered over the altar. her abdomen
who look
like to
be growing
resembled a lily, long hair of the goddess spread out out. they The
winds blowing, the spiritual wings of wings
the goddess as in thewere
remembered. It
Ischtar, theBefore
altar stood
whomthree you
her powers radiated out, as it were.

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young women in long salmon-colored robes decorated with silver lilies. The womanin the
Mitte wore her hip-length brown hair down, the other two had it
braidedtotheir equally long pigtails. One of the two was blonde, the other black-haired.
These three beautiful women stood perfectly still. Forty-two men regrouped in the grotto
around the Baphomet figure and looked in silence at the three women by the altar. The men
wore white cloaks with red crosses of thorns bordered in black. You waited
quiet until the
brunette woman loose with priestess bright to
hair who began and gentle,
speak butgoddess.
to the the Her voice to
goddess. But
reverberationher second
speaking: of"Now one, her
the gave which in thetogrotto
a powerful perfection,
sound, she
as ifwas
is still
far off. First
the first hour of the
will until
it isthe
valid, to survive
earth. This
- through
will onlymany
be when
Awakens- time
and dies
the water
jar her

opens(the water jar age/Aquarius age is coming) on the ridge from the twentiethto
twenty-first century. Before the new light comes, the darkness will rage terribly.
But surely at last is the victoryof our holy goddess.” The forty-two men cried out in unison:
"It will be!" And now the blond and the black-haired woman also spoke: "It will be." The
Priestess said the same words again, one hand clasping her shimmering ones
hazel hair. With her other hand she made a sign to the men in the circle. This
all bowed their heads for a moment. It was
wasas if they had to internalize something that they
not easy. Then the knights turned their cloaks. These were now black with
white-edged red crosses of thorns. And the men spoke in chorus: “In the dark times
the black of mourning will prevail.” The three women said: "But if the dawn
the goddess rises in the sky then her rosy color
Time,will reign everywhere, the bloody
crosses will give way to the shining
holy goddess
theof the men
repeated: “But when that of the goddess
Dawn ascends in the
time, rosy color
then it
becomes hers
the bloody crosses
will give way to the shining lily of the saints
Goddess of Love." The echo of the words dies away. Silence reigns again in the vault.
Now the priestess stretched out her arms and said: "The first of the knights come to me, the to
chosen for the Einherierweg. “A handsome man of about forty stepped forward and walked up
den Altar heran. an The priestess spoke: "Now the spirit of the Great Emperor will enter the Baphomet
be called in for centuries to reign in the spirit and in the name of may one day arise again around this world to
the goddess."
that she held out her hands to the knight who
and he seized her. The other two women prepared a purple bed between the altar
the goddess and the Baphomet figure. Meanwhile the priestess spoke - and her words shone
both the knights
on the powers
of in
Ilu, the
of her
present: “The eternal ones to
the pinnacle and supreme power of all divine
now become father for another time.” With that, let go of the hands she Ritter's
of the. bothassistants approached. The
knight handed his cloak, belt and sword to the one
others then undressed him completely. first assistant Theput the knight's sword in front of the
altar. a With
of rose
them unclothed
oil came
knights. body
to the back
of the
and anointed the
The other assistant meanwhile unfastened several clasps decorated with silver lilies, and she stood an
Priestess' Robe. The sheath of salmon-red velvet fell from her. undressed priestess
The assistants withdrew and only two people stood in front of the altar
opposite: The first knight and the priestess - a man and a woman. The reflection open
Light shimmered on her skin, drawing the shapes of the two bodies as if with a reddish-gold brush.
The long brown hair of the priestessnow shone like bright copper. The
Priestess said: "In the face of the spiritof theGoddess
to Augustus,
arise in the astral act of love. is betake his way." One of the other two women, blonde, now took a
That's how it will

broad, sharp dagger from the altar and cut her lower arms with it
Of appeared immediately at the interfaces
Pointing off their braid ends, just a few centimeters. the breath
a reddish light. She handed the dagger to the black-haired woman, and she cut herself too
use it to trim off the very ends of the ends of her braids.With her, too, the interfacesbegan to be slightly reddish
to to shine. Then put the daggerlikeback on the altar and gave the ends of their braids to the
other blondes. This went to the figure of Baphomet and its base a small in
took out a sparkling crystal and sprinkled the snippets of hair into it. The
Crystal, however, she brought to the priestess. She held him out to the undressed knight and said: "In
this male stone, the Garil (Grail), will now be invaded by the emperor's spirit. Ilua, the feminine
Counterpart, lies safely hidden in the holy mountain of Wodin (Odin/ Wotan) and awaits the new age.
For their birth the two crystals in the Great Baphomet will then be united by one
worthy woman.” The priestess now held the crystal between her breasts and the knight kissed it

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there. The assistants lifted the long hair of the priestess from her back to her shoulders. The
Priestess now held the crystal down in the ends of her hair and said, "The streams of the divine
Light Ilu flow!”. Her hair started out a light reddish-purple all the length
shimmer shine.to This radiance soon took hold of her whole figure. The knight knelt before her
down and kissed the ends of the priestess's long hair. As a result, the reddish-violet glow passed over to him as
well. The knight rose again. The priestess now handed him the crystal. Is
held him up for a moment. The reddish-violet glow covered the whole room. now
The two assistants loosened their hair, and the reddish-violet glow shone from it too, flooded the entire vault and
it is
outshined the light of the
Torches and from the oil pans. One of the assistants took the crystal from the knight's hand,
him in the ends of her hair and brought him to the figure of the Big Baphomet. There waiting wrapped
other assistant. She took the crystal and placed it in the base of the figure
pigtail ends. Now the two assistants also undress and stand on the third one
level of the pedestal. They pulled their hair forward and braided it a single fat
braid that now connected them together. The black and blonde of her hair in
a single braid gave it a special look: it symbolized that two
disparate forces united in the great Baphomet. So the two women remained silent
stand. Suddenly the Baphomet figure began to turn with a soft grinding sound -
closed and the half of the male face now looked at the altar and at the couple standing there together,
the first knight and the priestess. The round of knights began a low melodic hum, and
the two women on the pedestal of Baphomet grabbed their strong common an braid and
called upon the divine powers. Priestess and the first knight embraced each other, The she
performed the act of love in front of the altar of the goddess of love. In doing so, the glow around
stronger and redder - until the two figures dissolved into purple light. into a die
Rays of that purple light clustered and were joined by the two women's double braid
attracted to the Baphomet character.It also enshrouded these two entirely in crimson glow, gathered in
the strong braid and from there went into the figure of the great Baphomet. The Priestess and the
first knights, however, had disappeared for this world. Her last mark was a reddish tinge
the braided hair of the two women on Baphomet's pedestal.

Outside, meanwhile, the troops of the Inquisition were advancing an and stormed this last one
on the existing monastery of the Knights Templar. The Templars who stayed upstairs and had attended not on
the ceremony of the Great Baphomet fought back. Within
For a moment the alley was filled with the clash of swords. A templar rushed into the cellar vault,
to The
the others.
was But
noise of guns
the knights
could berushed
even downto battle.
Most enemy
superiority they managed to push the it isfirst
out of
the houseback to
and further initially developed more violently In at
meantime, the
for the
the building
devotional grotto became the most important sanctuary alley. down in in
Safety brought: The statue of the goddessand the great Baphomet. Three knights laboriously lifted the
great Baphomet from its stone pedestal, others took the statue of the goddess. The two
Women bound together by the common braid operated a hidden one
Mechanism. They couldn't separate from each other yet, the power of the ilu vibrations was doing
them until you were in that
to a certain state
degree a part of another sphere.
too been invulnerable. However, this could only last a few minutes. Then that would
reddish light from her hair, the common braid would then be undone, and
the two women belong completely to this world again. Although her hair still remained inviolable,
but they would no longer be immune to a spear. So she had to get to safety quickly
bring. This would be an evenmoremore
like her
important task with them had to fulfill: to
the bravest of the surviving Templars father children whose bloodline spanned many centuries
should persist. A wall opened into a wide and high into a torch. those who knew the secret
corridor. Knight grabs one
passage The
preceded the dark ones. Behind them and the
wall closed again with the women carrying the two figures;
men, see no trace remained of it
this secret. to

On the street, the Templars,who were far outnumbered, were gradually cut down.
By order of the Inquisitor, even the fallen have their throats cut, as after
so of the Templars flowed over the pavement of the alley,
Old Testament sacrificial rite, that the blood

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after which it should get its name: blood alley. When the soldiers of the Inquisition entered the subterranean
When they reached the cult room, there was nothing there but flaming torches and empty pedestals.

By order of the Inquisitor, who had watched the slaughter with disinterest, the last one became
Templar left alive and taken to the torture chamber for interrogation.
Only seven men and the two women had escaped from the religious house. Now they were standing
in another, larger vault. Here, too, issued a round seven-stepped it is
basalt stone, which was like that of the other cellar, and also an altar like that. in The Men
had placed the statue and that of the great
Figure You,Baphomet.
too, of the cloaked
two womenthiscould
and then
untie their statue
hair and
goddess. The
put on the clothes that are ready. vaults A glimpse
showed into
that this room is often used
this was and probably represented the actual storage place of the sanctuaries. Survivors proceeded to The nine
the large vault adjoining the smaller one There was
a table
in silence.
and chairs.
Oneone saidknights lit the waiting candles. speak it. Several minutes The nine sat down
of the
an the table, without
to the voice:
else will
repeated those three words. In the
Inquisition's torture chamber, the captured Templar lay on the stretcher.Next to them were two
tortured and brought their torture irons to a fire fanned by bellows
glow. The Inquisitor ordered the flayed to begin the ordeal. After a while monk asked in is
Templar: "Tell me, where have you taken your idols?" A Dominican robe stood
with pen and parchment ready for eventual statements to to log. The inquisitor then asked:
in Is It From Baphomet?
"Tell me, whose spirit is in your abominable Babylon? Orthat
maybe Julius
of Nebuchadnezzar the king
Caesar's? Or that of Emperor August? Or the heretical
Frederick II? Or who else?" The Templar doesn't answer. This drives the Inquisitor in
increased anger. The veins in his
to forehead swell, but his voice remains
on, for the time being
controlled: "Tell me, what did you do temple?
with the
womenWe in
areyour pagan
already known a lot!” And what they would have done with the women in their pagan temple. -
The tormented Templar doesn'tanswer. - Now the Inquisitor asks where the great Baphomet is hiding
be and like themhe should be revived. The Knights Templar gathers his last strength and says,
time would come when Baphomethimself would give all the answers and judge! then
the new emperor will also show himself! The knight lifted his head from the rack once more and
spat blood in the Inquisitor's face. Seized with horror, the inquisitor fell back and commanded,
kill the templar immediately.to The Dominican next to him crosses himself with a tremblinghand. Of the
Inquisitor also crosses himself and says in a hoarse voice that they all will it is
fare worse than that one on the rack when the great Baphomet comes to life
and re-establish Caesarism, the dominion of ancient paganism. old idols
They don't
and which really
may have knows
God's power whether
of thatthey aren't
world stronger
that stands than those
behind earthlyindeath.
the Bible -
sounded in
in with.
these words theThe
that of the Dominican Inquisitor's Kutte the
so besideofhim,
fires colored his face.

centuries pass.

Some of the surviving knights fathered children with the women of the community.

Your bloodline establishes the secret community of heirs of the Knights Templar.

Present Berlin

In a situation that is not entirely dissimilar to that of the captiveKnights Templar, is now the
dr he isfrom
scientist Arnold Wendelin interrogated by afor
the Institute young man like
Medieval the prisoner
Culture of aBerlin.
and History not very squeamish one
Secret Service. On the table in front of Dr. Sketches are spread out for Wendelin. These show a
strange structure: A double head, similar to a Janus head, but with a female and
a male face. A long, thick braid starts from the female half of the head, the one below

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over an octagonal base and supports the double head like a column. There are
Dr. Wendelin explains that ignorant people stopped
Drawings of the "Great Baphomet" of the Knights Templar.
again and again a goat- or devil-headed angel for Baphomet, a mistake that Eliphas im Lévy
last century, not knowing that this is the encrypted Templar
depiction of the "Eklesias", but not Baphomet... A burly man stands in the background
mid fifties. This man is Edward Kolling, well known to law enforcement agencies in Europe as in , although Overseas
crimes are yet to be directly proven against him never
one could. But that Kollingorganization
is the
head ofthat
serves and is,everything
it may
is never lie that
no doubt. evenwas
If there Western secret
anything Kolling
besometimes so
so be it said to belong to his
customers and accordingly have good contacts. At least that is towhat
At the
is rumored
moment in police circles. is above

Kolling's customer is an association of several secret lodges with more or less esoteric
paint and a lot of money. This association fears a hidden "community of heirs of
Knights Templar” can put the “great Baphomet” into operation like a magical device.
so if this succeeds, the current economic lead to an all-encompassing vibration,
Those circles believe that
and social
one - system
which will
be overthrown
thatthe end ofand
all influence
association replaced for
by an
theidealistic rein

should mean. Kolling's clients even gave him a "magician" on the side posed, one
Woman named Sybille, who kept telling him the supposedly important goals of their union
remembered. Kolling can't stand this woman, especially since she may even be supposed to control him. Is
does not believe supernatural,
money he is paid isfor
believes alonean
his services.
Now hear thehesame
to two
like questions
Dr. Wendelin from his employee again and again
prevent that
be asked: the "great unfolds.
Baphomet" could be located and how where its magical effect to be,
Dr. Wendelin can only use despite the required answers
the threatened violence if thetogreat
a small part.
is in
Vienna. According
to his recent
to the
research, says so
Order inthrough
France and
the supplementary
then everywhere,charging
his lastwith
forces. He doesn't know how he went, assures Dr. there.
female the
figure smashing the
be put into operation
to so Wendelin. He only knows that in the
old writings alone the noblest young
and thewith
could awaken the powers of the great Baphomet. Besides, pull that male part,
what that's
it's called

already inherent in the great Baphomet, the female part itself. Now Kolling steps close to Dr. an
approach Wendelin. The younger man, who had previously conducted the interrogation, immediately falls into
respectful silence. Kolling asks the same two questions. When then Dr. Wendelin not immediately
answers, Kolling suddenly grabs his head and rams it onto the tabletop. Dr. Wendelins
glasses shattered; bleeding from the nose. Kolling repeats that of thequestion:
first great Baphomet
you are Dr. or could be. And Wendelin answers again: believe that this In figure
Vienna; is
was only about half oneain a hidden
year place under
in Tempelhof, herethe groundand in 1244 secretly
in Berlin,
nearby in Vienna be in- the old
possibly Templar
and order house in the blood alley. Kolling now asks
the second question. Dr. Wendelin
is than he
It was a certain
assured, do not remember, have already said: activation of the great female power for
Baphomet required.
very long Probably
The double inshape
plaitedhead form
ofalsoof a
the with
serve woman
a clue with

apply to it. Kolling asks what exactly is meant by the male part of Baphomet. Dr.
replies to Wendelin, guessis a special gem, probably a large amethyst, which
contains the essence vibrations of a former emperor - maybe also those of deceased ones
Knight... But that's just a guess. This amethyst would then be the bearer of the male ones
Vibrations, and the woman's long hair, as it were, the medium for the female... It works too
about ushering in the return of the female deity as ruler of the new world age...
Kolling lets go of the scientist and tells his colleague that Wendelin cannot give it is would be good if dr.
anyone else the same bizarre information. The young man
knows what that means Kolling leaves the narrow space. I mean
next room awaits him.
she'sappears attractive
curling up at first glance. dressed in black, and has shiny
big curls.
black hair that reaches down the back and But at second glance, an their ends
this hair looks fake or dyed, and the woman's pretty face
is of stony hardness. Despite a dainty, well-proportioned figure and superficial
Beauty, this odd woman lacks feminine charisma. This woman calls herself Sybille. she
to tointurns.
Kolling says a stern voice, which at times has an almost imperious tone
She accuses him of wasting a lot of time with hismethods
banal waste. You and your circle

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paid him a lot of money so find and destroy the great Baphomet. Kolling doesn't go for it
that left
he could
the woman
in black
a it, but
gruff farewell.

A large limousine drives through Berlin at night. The journey leads to the district of Tempelhof. Of the
large car turns into a side street and then into an inconspicuous driveway. Everythingis dark and
seems abandoned. The big car drives straight through an open garage door. The garage door
closes behind him, and the opposite wall opens a door behind which
shines in dim light. The driver of the car gets out and walks towardsthe open door. Welcomed there
himone is,gaunt
a tall, is "elder"
man who appears very old but extremely vital. This man Lothar von
Blanchefort,of the secret community of heirs of the Knights Templar. Obviously brings him
the newcomer with great respect. with the hint Is of aBlanchefort greeted
Bow. The two men walk through an ordinary basement until they come to a spacious one
reach a room whose rear walls can only be guessed at in the weak light. the front one
part of the room is furnished roughlyso like the office of a CEO of the
global company. The only discernible decoration is the vaguely recognizable life-size one
Portrait of a goddess with very long, wing-like spread hair. Next to it is in
a frame under glass with a visibly very old flag with the Templar cross on it. On the
A small marble bust of Emperor Augustus stands on the desk. This is the headquarters of the
Community of heirs to the Knights Templar, whose ancestors once founded "Tempelhof" - Berlin.
Blanchefort sits down behind his wide desk and gestures to the guest in one at,
facing armchair space The desk lamp take. is thetoonly light source in the
whole room. Blanchefort asks the man opposite how far the Wiens have Aftergotten.
the position of the stars only leaves them a few days. The guest says this didn't
if he
fail is succeed now in reviving the Baphomet, to years
then one would have to wait a whole nine
have to. But beheconfident
he can buy
thata everything
year and a will
a precise check
The house inof
the the localalley
blood conditions
I already have

shown that everything is in good order. Blanchefort puts his hands under his chin
together and nods contentedly. Now Blanchefort asks in his calm, serious voice how the it around
bearer of female power stands. The visitor replies that he can in this respect too
good news. The young woman in question could ideal, how to do not suitable
paint her like this. The guest passes table,
a photo
at it. the
Nevertheless, his that Blanchefort with much pleasure
face takes on the hint of a critical expression. He asks the man
ob is formulation the specific
opposite, whose to young
have taken,
woman theis still true
not privy to? So be confirmed guest; this should happen at the right moment.
es, Blanchefort nods again, but this time more it thoughtfully than satisfied nod. is a he
is with dissatisfied
in case thewith
opposing forces Especially
this situation. recognize because
her the coming
that young female part
woman of Baphomet
quickly finds herself in great danger

in should. In it long. Des,
sure that the the other
must be man,
lady is notsays he isher
wearing called Brother
beautiful hairWalther, cares a lot
about the young lady so secure. Blanchefort admonishes the other, the
is to care because everythingdepends on her
will. The guest affirms, it is there is no cause for concern. Blanchefort still keeps his
thoughtful expression.

in an old building in Vienna. The sun of a warm afternoon

Present Vienna A small friendly apartment
seemed through Window. It iswas the apartment of nineteen-year-old student Agnes Lenz. Agnes is
the still in her salmon-colored bathrobe. Walther had given it to her once, Walther, this one now
just called. shehalf
phone said,
and an "Yes,
hour he'll
hercould at the
come todoor
hair inin
pick time. Agnes hung up the okay,” said
shut your neckalong tail, unusually beautiful and strong, more than waist length
Hair. Now they were Freshly washed and just dried. That took quite a while again
The motherrecent
urgedviolent, to cut off her long hair. Not quite short, but down to to to let.
Agnes lasted.
a practical shoulder length. But that was out of the question. Agnes was
tall and of flexible slenderness. An extraordinarily beautiful young woman, like Homer did

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would have sung with joy. contribute aThe lot long

to thishair
wore in to
that knew
Agnes very well. Many centuries ago Norman knights were their
been. But young Agnes knew nothing of this. But one thing was deep in her from an early age
Sensation anchored: The feeling of actually not belonging to the present time, but to one
another era long gone. Regardless of your science major -
Chemistry cannot and will not deny Agnes a romantic streak in her nature. she writes
-, poems and also keeps a diary, and the framed etching by ETA Hoffmann is attached
her not randomly the
older sister
to the
a painter Lydia
feels the is
of Fantastic Realism.
is There
for the
be something:
Agnes ties Father
ties andisthat
tightera oncethe family
more, serials that it in
their long mother writes by the way

doesn't want to hold heavy hair very tightly together. They are really long now. Previously

Agnes had had Lydia trim her ends from time to time. But alas, and that's why there it isshe did every time
were long and possibleithairstyles.
is hasn't happened
Agnes thought,
years. By nowshe
hershould bring in a
hair was so
pair of scissors; Not that they could no longer be put on. Tail or braid remained the only ones

a lot, but a little - or rather not. Agnes undid her hair again and combed it
herself dreamily in front of her large elliptical mirror. Theywere
all along dense and beautiful
and shone like polished anthracite. Agnes loves the heavy,
feel of
on the
bare skin on which
zu tooknow,
sense, in summer,
off his bathrobethere
and enjoyed
was a hint
a suntan.
for a few moments. Agnes the

The reflection showed her an extraordinarily beautiful woman. Agnes knew this very well
to assess without being vain or arrogant even closes your
throw eyes
your head be.putsYou
back. the
She would prefer not to stop and follow your dreams. But that
do that today. Agnes ties her hair back tailinto
a dressed.
The skirt islegs
today. For
this the
won't show much of her
Blouse has a nice neckline. This presentation would be remote if the an remember spanish folklore,
colors were
not in light pastel shades. Agnes looks at the clock and

a big Mercedes.
their apartment. Below is waiting Am Tax sits Dr. Walther Goethinger-Wergenheim. Is
comes from an old family of Austrian civil servants and meanwhile alreadybrought
has one it to a leading position.
is couldn't
Nevertheless, a significant inheritance from distant afford
relatives his lifestyle
in northern Germany would not have is
been made years ago
did. Walther twice as old as Agnes. Nevertheless, there is a good one between him and her
particularly intimate relationship, that probably for one reason alone in a purely friendly one
remains: Waltherseems Agnes' older sister Lydia engaged. Nevertheless, sometimes the it is
as if Waltherrather
to Agnes encourages this tendency in
no way, although she likes Walther. Besides, she has the a dear friend, Gerold, Walther
however, now spends most of his time in Brussels with the EU. Agnes rises to in the car.
The want
journey goesfor
Agnes toathe
newblood alley. Lydia has her studio there. Today you
sit model. She needs her because of her long hair, Lydia had protested, and Agnes said
finally let her
not topaint her.
offend She didn't
Lydia. like
Walther it, but
stops in liked it
front of the house by Lydia's studio. Agnes promises to look after the
Painting session with him and Lydia for dinner.toWalther drives on and Agnes goes into the

a taxi. Kolling gets out. looks around as if willing

A house. Almost at the same time stops at the house opposite
is check if anyone is watching him. He reachesKolling
for thedisappears.
it is - He's
the opposite house, the former monastery of the Knights Templar. Lydia is expecting hers
Sister already her in it with
studio you
and shows partially
welcomed finished picture.
lively gestures. largeimmediately
you do that format and
Half of the
very reminiscent of Baphomet. malehead is done, as is the background.
an The feminine head
part and long braid, is the the the the the
wearing a double head are only vaguely sketched. Lydia explains that this motif is an inspiration to her
came. Lydia deals with all sorts of esoteric things, and that is reflected
reflected in numerous decorative elements in of her studio apartment. Incense sticks glow
somewhere, Chinese tea is gradually getting cold despite the thin-walled porcelain cups. Also
Red wine with two glasses is ready. The male face is strict and beautiful. Agnes thinks

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Lydia should simply paint her own face as the female half. Lydia disagrees
don't go because in a magical be "correct".
picture, as she itcalls her new work,
but that is crucial. Agnes has the right hair length, so the picture will be with her
voices. She asks Agnes to sit down on a bar stool that has been misused and to
untie her hair. Agnes long that she put iton her
jokes they are like that
could. Lydia says it's purpose
just later
for her
but do it to her Cut
your hair if you want.they
Agnes let wants
a wholeallAgnes
of thatcut
andoff calmly.Lydia
doesn't. But ifclaims
that does not
complain, want to, should not
she braids a braid in front of her
left shoulder because she wants to paint. explains exactly howso she she she should
lay the braid and Agnes should hold her head. everythingAgnes Lydia does
wants.you so, it is
doesn't feel particularly good about it. But Lydia hadthis
fine. her insisted Agnes had to be
new paintings were a must, and she didn't want to offend her sister.

Meanwhile, Kollingis doing the attic of the former Templar house. to inspect, so far possible. He arrives
Kolling is visibly disappointed not
the anything
one reacheshe through panes of glass in have what yourself
of the he
the studio apartment opposite. Kolling can easily watch changes
his expression.
of Baphomet
and extraordinarily the big
This ones
long hair is recognized
the as spellbound and severe. both
is his eyes
an. Is the young woman with the
All of this has an almost electrifying effect on him. He calls me
on his mobile phone and tells
what you
her in a fewcan
methods words whereprove
achieve; it is. he should
them with show Sybille He says now this one can
you should come and hers

Across the street, Agnes finishes her braid and lets Lydia instruct her exactly like I do
sit and how to look where. Lydia puts on a light white jacket, which is obvious
the wrong
her from
and ties
oil paint
her abundant,
in tomedium-lengthhas, hair
together. She explains that women's hair
can be
from sothe
likelook to itantennae, with which

understand. Even with her medium-length hair, she can do a lot. If not Agnes
thatdisinterested like occult knowledge, she would be capable of much more. Agnes is though
not entirely disinterested, but in fact has no inclination to engage in magical activity. to
Lydia paints and moves forward,
gut and Agnes listens patiently to her explanations.

From the attic window of the house opposite, Kolling Impatience sees the with hold a taxi in blood
alley. A woman dressed in black gets out. open Sybille. Soon after, the It's Door will
to the attic, and the woman dressed in black enters Kolling speaksa. she asks
from to lookdistance.
a polite and the
studio opposite Heout
namedto Sybille
voice, she says with long-haired
hair wouldno
die, andfurther
have toquickly. And in calm
very explanations. any case, to see. The

be cut off, even after death, because otherwise they might lose life substances again
could attract to the afterlife. Even the hardened Kolling shudders at Sybille's icy cold. Is
it does
says curtly and not without skepticism in her voice that she may do what is necessary, if she really
can and does. The She
woman named Sybille is standing in front of the narrow windowsill. opens one
small suitcase and unpacks utensils. A bottle appears, a piece of coal and
a small narrow knife in an ornatescabbard.

The two sisters across the street are in a good mood. Lydia is well
great at painting
advanced. She wants to take a break and have a glass of wine. Agnes leaves her seat
on the bar stool and Lydia sits on the sofagives tootable,
at a low many where Lydia has two
of wine. now
a positive
to accept Agnes
offer, buy her. silly, there a car It is embarrassing. to to
Finally, Lydia set up Walther's entire studio apartment and de facto
them, give. Agnes counters that she is engaged to him for that, and that the house belongs to him
him anyway.

The woman dressed in black is still standing at the window. She has strange marks on them with charcoal
Painted window sill. Now she opens the bottle and drops several drops of a dark red one
Liquid falling on the bizarre symbols. Now she packs coal and bottles back into the small one

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suitcase and takes out a doll that is not much bigger than her hand. It's the doll one
girl with a long braid. Sybille puts the suitcase aside and concentrates on hers
Sign. Outside, sunset is falling, but it's still light. Sybille
it is is watching the two boys
Women behind the large panes of the studio window opposite. Her face twists angrily
from Lydia so sits in such a way that she mostly blocks the view of Agnes.

But again and again there are moments that give you a clear view of. in Agnes The Woman Named
Sybille pulls the small knife out of its sheath. The sunset turns the bare blade blood-red. Sybille
holdswith the blade
the little of the window
doll on doll's braid. Sybille's
sill with gaze and
one hand of extreme
puts theconcentration
sharp one in on
knife on is
women behind the opposite window, she fully im directed with waiting, Agnes two
have field of view. Then she depressesthe small knife and cuts off the doll's braid.
Sybille grimaces angrily, because at that moment Lydia wanted the wine glass
grabbed and covered Agnes. Sybille gets the bottle again and lets the red liquid out again
dripping down the windowsill. Without moving an expression, the woman dressed in black stabs herself
the small knife in his hand
theof She changes
the action of the hands and places the tip of the knife on the doll's head. Sybille's eyes are
exhausted from waiting for the right moment. Lydia's back almost always covers Agnes. Yet
then she turns to point at it, revealing Agnes.
picture to The woman named
around Sybille the
thein the head. But Agnes had Lydia's movement towards the picture
understood at the same time and was therefore immediately covered again. And now they both go to the
kitchen and thus disappear completely from the field of vision of the woman dressed in black. This gives
angry up. wipe the signs off the windowsill and leave the attic and you house.

both sisters have put on a coffee and are now going back to the sofa. Lydia This is
satisfied with their day's work and decides to call it a day. The painting is up to
small details, done. Agnes undoes her braid again. Lydia pours more wine and says,
it iswould be sensational if she could put the real braid in the picture. Lydia manipulates Agnes' hair and openly an
says that she would like to cut it off.
Sometimes she gets really jealous when her fiancé looks for the beautiful ones with his eyes shining
squinting her sister's hair. Wouldn't Agnes like to have at least a piece cut off
maybe to the waist, then, magically speaking, they're still long enough. Agnes definitely wants to
not to give away any of her hair, it's completely a part of her, and finally
she wouldn't cut off her arm either! The two sisters already have a few glasses
is. an your
drunk, which Agnes is not used to She allows herself to be feeling, even about,
talked about her hairmaybe
and, something cut you,
totally alien to thought yourepulsive
this an subjects.
Lydia returns to one of her favorite
speaks is. She
about magic and theactually
effect ofreaches
certain up
to the hair.
on female
Every human
hair: ”Inbeing
has an
in explains
astral body
in yes
bodyin so

itself. This is the actual

forms a immortalbody around which the
globular body, so to speak. The astral bodies of women are constructed quite differently than those of
men. Even the subtle substances that make them up are different. That's enough
Women's astral bodies more than a meter long, right down to their hair. That's why they fall
not like most men. Women's hair grows thin through this living astral body
Vibrations that giveofimportant powers - so to speak, the breath of the astral body. Of the
course only works if the hair is long enough. That's why girls and
Women's hair shouldn't actuallyeven be cut because that's always the living astral body
hurt and beyond that the astral breathing is hindered. Only tips that haveto become thin are allowed
and be cut again, since the astral body no longer unfolds properlyin these." All this
Lydia has taken serious old scientific writings, but without much for herself
have learned fromtoit, as also says; she saidfollowing
always she had her
different fashions,
hair cut and bleached and thereby damaged her astral body. arg
At least they are practical.
waist length
It would
be difficult
have always
for herkept
for aher
time - but of course that was awaist
do it right!
get it's
to know
not so used to it.
A few minutes Lydia stares in silence as if something strange -

something strange going on inside her. All of a sudden she suggests to Agnes that they should get together right now
cut her hair short. Agnes thinks this is a bad joke, although Lydia actually does
gets up, fetches her large standing mirror on casters and a comb with a comb

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fetch scissors. Agnes reminds Lydia that she only just said, because of the
Astral bodies should always leave women's hair long! Lydia looks confused and puzzled
at the same time, she seems to have completely forgotten to all about it. A few glasses of wine too much, let Agnesdie
misjudgment of the situation. Lydia is very serious. children
cut hair
like Since Agnes steadfastly refuses to give up her
have done in disputes.
it go,agrees
cut off;
suggests a Lydia,
that of
decide the short one, to leave as they already have
then cut her hair into pieces, to the nevermore
have of
to itdo her hair
to talk. after yet
let, but only
lowest peaks. Lydia prepares the matches and holds out. she Agnes Agnes pulls this
short. The effectmean. whats
of the wine doesn't make it immediately clear to her what for is supposed she
up telling
to Lydia
ends of her hair, Agnes to sit on the bar stool. Agnes does this and looks at the
They reach about eight to inches under
had come to the
sit. seat.
It's about the distance that Agnes herself sometimes hurts her hair, to finds long. Although Agnes
she's already telling Lydia about any possibleancutting, the bottom one
She could cut off a piece so that she would
so no longer sit on it again and again. Probably
Agnes is not there. She would like to jump off the bar stool and run away. but
slightly that she does not understand herself prevents her from doing.
that to Lydia combs Agnes' hair off
smooth, crownto to tip. Agnes from the bar stool and looks at her sister as well
reproachfully and without understanding. Every effect of the wine has vanished at once. Lydia's Blich is
rigid and increasingly angry. Agnes sees an eerie, alien sparkle in her eyes
Sister. Lydia stands stiffly in front of her, scissors in hand. She remains motionless
stand. like
It something
is in a hurry to turn
terrible wasaround and hastily
happening to her. The angry look makes Agnes shiver.
she leave the studio apartment.

As if chased by invisible wolves, down the stairs,

through the house entrance
and only stops when she
her.has left the alley of blood behind She sees it with great relief
free taxi come. She waves to him and quickly climbs in. Now she realizes that she is holding her purse
forget Has. But Walther has had to be in the restaurant for over a quarter of an hour anyway
"Three Hussars", wait. Agnes directs the taxi there. Gradually she regainsher composure and comes
to rest.

In the "Three Hussars" Walther waits patiently. He's used to being late from is heLydia, and doesn't particularly it is
surprise him that the otherwise reliable Agnes is in her tow
wait. Then he sees Agnes come with her hair loose. It is unusual that sowithout
few people
thinking anything is a
are amazed
bad. he likes it, see why him an It doesn'tand
so. Agnes apologizes often
the door waiting
to do
she become
front of taxi. Walter puts her chair in place, sit down, he to gothe
After a few minutes, Walther
comes back and sits down at the table. an Agnes He to
suppose that the sometimes moody Lydia would no longer keep this appointment;
that this is not the first time something like this has happened. Agnes tells how strange Lydia acted
without immediately
on going into details. She strokes it out of her side parting
back her hair and asks Walther to give her either his shoelaces or his tie
Rent. there with a smile front
of her
his tie and
if afraid
it a
tie her hair
thehabit, in she
it does
Ober comes, order Agnes and Walther. Agnes then reports in undramatic form,
what had happened in Lydia's studio in the past hour. The otherwise calm Walther will so
He says
unusually frankly,
angry aboutbeit. glad Lydia didn't come along,he
otherwise because
would it is would have had a serious argument, which is still going on anyway because of this matter
forthcoming. Agnes tries him to appease so she good itable, but Walther glows with anger.

im studio
Lydia turned off the electric lights and lit a lot of candles throughout the
you around.
lit. kneels on the ground Outside
black and
charcoal of that lies an open
draws a double circle around himself with
manuscript that is obviously Circle's
available to her a
guidance is used. Between them Lydia draws red along
oil paint both circular
bizarre lines
symbols and
mumbles incomprehensible words. The large mirror on wheels is close to the charcoal circle. on
Mirror glass is meant few skilful oil brush strokes a picture painted,the unmistakable Agnes
to represent. Lydia rises from catch up dozen lit candles and put them in that half
her magic circle, having forgotten
about borders the mirror. Next, Lydia takes the comb out of her purse and gets the
Agnes, the scissors that were still ready from before. With that

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Lydia herself in the free half of the magic circle. She mumbles confused words again and combs her hair
the flames Agnes' comb. Lydia tosses the comb aside, bowing her head over
candles. Now she deliberately cuts off a large curl and lets it into the flamesof the
candles fall. At the same time, Lydia speaks louder and louder, sometimes screaming and bizarre-sounding
words. Then she raises her head and lowers the scissors. Again she lets out a mad scream.
an Lydia's door to complain about the noise of the
Meanwhile, neighbors are already ringing and knocking on
to smell. not completed. One of the neighbors opens and enters The door is locked
complain of burning
because fire sees. Lydia grabs the scissors like a dagger and, screaming wildly, goes on the
you at,him
neighbors go. wounds badly
tried. andneighbors
Other fleegrabs
immediately and call
thethe police,
nearest who
rush ofcome
help quickly. to to
frenzied Lydia She
is overpowered by the police. One of them calls a psychiatric car over the radio, because
he quickly recognized the situation. Neighbors are now extinguishing the fire that spread from the
threatens to spreadforth magic circle.
Kolling is sitting with the woman named Sybille in a remote alcove in the exclusive hotel bar. on
A sticking plaster is stuck to the back of Sybille's left hand. Kolling is dissatisfied. He has, he emphasizes,
always held more by sound earthly methods than by mumbo jumbo (twitches at the expression
is what his client says
Sybille together), but I just have do,
wants.to The woman named
Sybille that shevery
but the
the painter
twice, and this will soon finish off the long-haired one anyway. Kolling lets in
hear murmurs suggesting doubt. The black suffering woman then says with one
bossy undertone in her voice, she had clearly caught the vibration of the long-haired
and to be on the safe side, I'll make her hair as heavy as lead this night and her
send in the cruellest headache that would cutsaid she hair itself.
off the long
could not worry, this girl's hair would fall in time and the
Templar heirs did not have the order that
available for the
had colling says
he to die. Because if they really directly from
was chosen of the so-called Baphometic vibration, as those people called it, they could in
faced with the same problem as now in a few years, in case the Baphomet character might
cannot be found and destroyed. This Agnes would then be perhaps thirty
and again The so
havenamed Sybille
long hair like assures
now. that she wants for it
make sure that this Agnes dies quickly. In any case, even a single cut in the hair of vibrational constellation,
that young woman would shake off a touch of horror from Kolling. to lead to insanity and death. Must again
speaks to his assistant in a polite but stressed manner
He distances himself,
him for their efforts from who, hope would lead to the goal.

I'll be in Vienna
Berlin, early tomorrow
Blanchefort morning.
sits behind Obviously
his large desk andthe
listens with an impassive expression
telephone handset. Finally he tells
Baphomet that young woman really has that inherent spirit to chosen in bride, he gave to Baphomet
so her can be perfectly protected! discovered and attracted his lover from eternal marriage. she must
You should not be exposed to the slightest risk.

In her spacious room of a Viennese hotel, a woman named Sybille takes a the in
black magic action. On the table she has a charcoal circle full of bizarre symbols
drawn and now stabs his hand again with the small knife, causing blood in his so
coal circle drips. Then she brings out another small doll, a girl with very long
to represent hair. Sybille placesthe doll face down in the charcoal circle and holds
them stuck there. With the other hand she pulls the hair of
of the doll and speaks hissingly
incomprehensible words. The woman dressed in black strongly pulls so the hair of the doll that
whose head bends further and further backwards and finally tears off the torso. Sybille is holding it
torn off doll's head. whose hair in on She swings back and smashes him on the

tabletop. Agnes twitches bed together. Outside
is an from
imagea of
a bright,
window. an the Wand

sits up in bed. The mirror shows her her silhouette. Agnes gets up andturns on the light. she gropes
at head and massages the temples. She is plagued by an unusual headache. she
goes to the bathroom. There she searches and finds a pill. Agnes looks in the mirror and lifts
her hair as if to
on,test its weight. Then she takes the pill and lies down with it
ins The glass of
a soft sigh back to bed. But she can't sleep.

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opposite mirror shines reddish mirror. to to shine. Agnes stands up again and steps in front of the
She takes a comb and runs it through her straight long hair, moonlight shining through on which that
the window. Now the headache is going away. But still
it comes Agnes as if the mirror were showing her in a delicate reddish light.
before She turns to him
Window goes
to, it. and
be. Agnes
Thenback to
she steps in front of the mirror again. Now everything seems normal
to bed.

In you they
Lydia don't.
lies Her in
in a cot eyes are single
a dark constantly
room.moving back andrigid,
lies completely forth, and
but her lips are continuously forming
toneless ones

words. Agnes wakes up from her sleep again. her is hot The headaches come back too.
Agnes undresses and goes to the bathroom. She tucks her hair under a large bathing cap and
showers. Then she throws on a bathrobe and brushes her hair. you come her
much heavier than usual. The weight of your hair directly on the skin is special
pleasant. Agnes loves that feeling. She undresses, turns on the light, sits down at the
at small table
the bedroom window. There is no window across the way from which anyone is watching them
could. Agnes pushes her loose hair behind her shoulders, takes the diary that's on this one
Table is, on and writes.
beats it is

In He doesn't
Lothar vonring the doorbell
Blanchefort much. Blanchefort
is preparing goes in
to leave Berlin tohis
study firston
and sticks
the an oldpacks
outskirts. one in
a. an opens.
It in itself, rather
08-Pistol to greet each other
The onemore
in the
was speaks
unnecessary. to the name
A brunette lady Julietta.
stands inboth
she with the lady may be in her early thirties.
Warmth. She is very beautiful. She comes from Vienna
Inform Blanchefort about the actions of Kolling and his people that have been ascertained so far.to
Julietta has no luggage with her. She will spendthe night at Blanchefort's and the following morning
fly back to Vienna with him. Apparently she knows about Blanchefort's apartment and has
also the most necessary toilet things there.While Blanchefort finishes packing, Julietta takes it easy.
she soon appears in her dressing gown and with her hair loose, almost the length of Agnes'
have hair. There seems to be a particularly personal relationship between her and Blanchefort
exist, although the man is very old. But how they get closer is as the light shinesit,
hint of a reddish radiance from the woman's hair. This goes with Blanchefort one
mysterious change ahead: a man in his eighties becomes a man in his mid-forties,
strong muscles and firm skin and a face of severe masculine beauty. As the
extinguished with lamps, there remains a hint of a reddish color around the now naked bodies of the two
radiance that had emanated from the woman's long hair. And love each other like two
they human beings over whom time has no power. just got a cup Agnes
poured coffee for breakfast when thereported
phone rang.
in few
Walther on it. He is
words about what had happened to Lydia. Parents, who are on vacation abroad, have not yet taught Lydia is
anything really bad to avoid a possibly unnecessary fuss. even so the doctorsto avoid.
there probably haveLydia and
clinic to visit
He's on the phone from the car on the way to the psychiatric clinic
take him to. Walther doesn't like that, but soon
with her to talk. Agnes urges her
to gives in and says then will
pick him up. Agnes finishes herandbarely
ready. breakfast
plaits her
them today in front of the left shoulder a braid. Again she is plagued by headaches.
She takes two pills at once and then goesto await Walther on the doorstep. to
He's already driving up, and Agnes gets on to into the car.

At the same time, Lothar von Blanchefort lands at Vienna-Schwechat Airport together with his
Companion on with
theHe is old
first age.
plane tiedBerlin.
from her hair
theback into a thickagain, vigorous and yet outwardly
old gentleman
bun at the back of her neck. im The lady you to
take a taxi,onand
im 1. Blanchefort knows his way around Vienna.
tells the driver the destination: Blutgasse district. obvious

In the psychiatric clinic to at the Baumgarterhöhe near Vienna, Walther and Agnes speak first
the primarius and the doctor treating Lydia. They are told that Lydia suffers from
strange delusions with a tendency to violence. At least she got one yesterday
Neighbors attacked and seriously injured. But it is quite conceivable that this state of affairs is very

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soon pass; a certain improvement had already occurred. Nevertheless, allow for very short visits. doctors only one
Lydia has been sedated with medication. Nevertheless, she starts immediately
scream whenshe sees Walther and Agnes. She points to Agnes with outstretched arm and calls out to her
Afraid the vibrations of the apocalyptic angels within itself. Like a confused predator that is ahead
of being disciplined by his tamer, Lydia retreats to the farthest corner of the room
return. An ice-cold shiver runs through Agnes, and Walther is hardly any different. Of theit is
The doctor treating her urgesthe visit to be broken off immediately, but assures her that Lydia has none
serious illness, certainlyleaving
pavilion. mood
Agnes Walter and Agnes
shaken. Walter tries in is she with
Note doctor's
on the
des calm.

They drive back into town. There they also want to look at Lydia's studio. Walther, the as
The owner of the house and the apartment was informed by the police, has been in all
Early convinced of the bad condition of the studio and his cleaning lady went there to clean up

sent. Blanchefort and Julietta get out of the taxi in front of the former Templar house and enter
unlocked door the old building. who You go directly to the basement. Julietta
which opens a narrow door, to has athis key.
is one
spiral staircase. Blanchefort pulls You close
out the behind you again
a flashlight.
It It vault
Door. goes down where the great
the spiral Baphomet
staircase. This once
ends stood.
in the lower cellar vault. is that
Also there hold Blanchefort and
not on in Julietta. going on a secret to the
you to an underground one
andoperates the hiddeninto
the two disappear mechanism
the secret passage. Wall closes behind them - as it did centuries ago
Those behind other members of their community.

Walther and Agnes enter Lydia's studio. The cleaning lady that Walter had ordered is already there
Factories. Nevertheless it looks still deserted. Agnes looks at her comb and purse
lie on the ground and picks up both. She discovers the short match she drew yesterday
and she also finds the second - is alsoit short. Then she recognizes in the large standingmirror
the drawing withintended
obviously black brush
them. strokes,
to represent the Some red
Brushstrokes cross the hair at chin level. Walhter also notices this. Agnes begins
involuntarily tremble.
to She says Lydia thinks there are some magic in her hair
her since last night and am coming
vibrations; and in fact I have had a bad headache it is
as ifshoulders and
her haira were says it's
phone the
of her with
just in
neck. like
down this,
of of theWalther puts
wine she an arm
bought around her

drank an unusual amount, her beautiful hair certainly couldn't do it. in her
leave the studio and the house.

in old underground vault similar to that under the former

Blanchefort stands in an
Templar House is similar, but much larger. if
That becomes apparent, Blanchefort light
turns on. The electric lighting is obviously recent and makeshift
been. Lots of little spotlights, which illuminate the middle of the vault. Blanchefort operated
a concealed lever on the wall next to the exit of the secret passage. A dull rumble and
sounds of grinding rockrock.
on The stone slabs roll in the middle of the vault
ground apart, and from the depths a dark, more than two meter high structure pushes up
It until
grinding noisestakesthissilent.
fall aentity has
up. fully taken its place and the
emerges from a round, seven-stepped base of polished basaltto the strange structure. consists it
rock. What's on it
covered by a tattered violet cloth. Blanchefort stops in front of it and sees it
thoughtfully. Meanwhile, Julietta goes to the opposite wall. Also there is like now
to becomes recognizable, various things are hidden under dark cloths. Julietta pulls the towels away. A
stone altar appears and behind it the goddess with very long life-size golden statue of a magnificent
hair, which
of the her like spread wings. Julietta lingers in
Statue of the goddess, Blanchefort steps beside her. Both look at the figure of the goddess: Ishtar, Venus
the goddess of love. Julietta lights two candles that are ready on the altar, after one
After a while of silence in front of the statue of the goddess, they then turn to the strange structure

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up, out that had appeared on the ground. Blanchefort climbs the lower steps of the round base
and pulls off the violet cloth: Radiant and sparkling stands there: Thegreat Baphomet.

Agnes is trying to focus on a book. to She doesn'tsucceed. From her face are strong
read pain. She goes to the bathroom for another headache pill take. to
box is empty. Agnes is tormented. She takes the book again, leaves it it isfall back on the table
a doctor
and walks back andpractices
forth. in the room inShe
house. This calls in her hands and finally grabs it
her head
Ground floor of the Agnes telephone book.
ob Im them an and asks,
could jump down. It is just cheap for that.

The The doctor doesn't listen to Agnes for You The

lifts long hairbraid.
Agnes' is to blame
claims that it they were heavy
long. Doctor, to and caused the headaches. Something like that

only happens very rarely, but sometimes it does. The long hair had to come down.
Agnes shakes her head resolutely and immediately winces at the violent movement
increased stabbing headaches. Agnes pulls her hair out of the doctor's hands Doctor.
Agnes says she's convinced that the headaches will go away. so understands Agnes' The
feelings and takes the trouble to investigate further, but can't do anything
which could be causing the headache. She givesAgnes find a large amount of Doctor Samples,
pills for headaches. with you and wish you all the best.
Julietta rents a room in the same hotel where Kolling and his people stayed
Has. Julietta enters the hotel restaurant. Kolling is sitting there with Sybille. Julietta recognizes Kolling due to
photo, she shethat
she has seen of him. But otherwise would have recognized him - because of a
immediately feels the sinister power that appears to in him
a Person sitting across from Sybille. Also Sybille
nearby opponent in women who theirare suretoif this
opponent's senseis they
space wearing peering around, staring at various guests, especially
might come question. Sybille's eyes also meet but apparently Julietta,
not is is
or another, several women in the
Hair that could be magically effective length. Sybille is obviously not sure
her anxiety increases.She tells Kolling she notices enemy vibes in close proximity. Kolling
suppresses a grumble, thinks it's not
it's close to either
nonsense. opponent,
Julietta but at
takes a seat gives her table that has the
an empty
a good look at them. Sybille gets up.
She Kolling
says to said she still wants to do something about double security, although she thinks so
go out, the hair of those concerned would be cut and they would be killed at the same time.
Sybille leaves the table and goes. Julietta keeps Kolling her job for the time being,
in the eye, how it
although emotionally she would rather follow Sybille.

Walther sits together

with im in the
the has. are not just
Blanchefort kindgarden
winter words. of his villa in Vienna-Hietzing. Walter listens quietly
Blanchefort what
too, WalterBlanchefort
the secret is about to say to It
in him in a calm but definite way, the young Agnes is now in the greatest danger, not
to have.
to on,
aware of it early so she cangirldefend
- but also
herself in and without. That is irresponsible towards this to to have
in view of theof
animation work, the
gives Blanchefort everything
right and tried to apologize, intofact I misjudged things.
Blanchefort accepts the apology
but insists he is now to should no longer make mistakes
The figure of the great Baphomet is ready, all the Templar upper brothers and sisters of
heirs will be able to revive Baphomet by tomorrowEverything
noon will
nextlie night.
down now!
to have arrived in Vienna so that in the
an Miss Agnes
She alone now possesses the key to the Baphometic power, for she is the female half. In the chosen one
this respect, Walther has done an excellent job. But now the name is the work it,
safe protect. Be the great
complete. Baphomet
Above it is Agnes danger. If any of the
all, the young to
too few necessary
Blood Alley,
opponents for they
her would
house be
after looking
him woman
at it.
the the
she in
conceivable measures danger! Blanchefort asks Walther to do in a stern tone.
to Walther offers one
for Agnes' safety all somehow
to seize.

The woman named Sybille meanwhile skillfully gains entrance to the to that pavilion too,
psychiatric clinic, can. in which Lydia is located and reached it is these speak to
Sybille has pretended to be a relative and at the same time she acts quite experienced doctor herself. Both roles
convincingly. Since Lydia appears calm, the doctor treating Sybille allows one

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take her for a short walk in the park. That'szuwhat the woman called Sybille was aiming for. she
has parked
and is anow
rental car near Lydia
smuggling the pavilion
without it
Difficulties from the area of the psychiatric clinic. Lydia is very quiet. She behaves docilely
like a being without a personality of its own and without a will of its own. Lydia's disappearance falls first
not on, not and
necessary to teach
also later Walther. it is
you hold to

Agnes sits at the table and puts her hands in front of her face. She lowers her hands. tears
her about the last two tablets still available. run down cheeks. Agnes takes the
Headaches torment more you and more.

Agnes can't hold back a sob. you turns

a few around,
times leaves in despair
up and down the room and then steps in front of the mirror. She undoes her braid and brushes hers
hair, and with each stroke of the brush she winces in pain. Agnes lays out the brush
Hand. She shakes her aching head and throws herself on her bed, crying.

Julietta sees two young men an Kollings table come, obviously assistants of his. The
Men seem without hurry towards something waiting. Julietta decides to enter the Black Magician's room

Sybille to in
search and inspect. The vibration of the enemy magic items that are
probably Sybille's room might be located, Julietta would sense and therefore also the right one
find room It takes a while for her to do that in the big house. Then she stands in front of one
door and is sure that the it on,
is causing
the rightitone. Sheup.
to jump waves her hands
Julietta rushesand
to puts them on top of each other x-wise
so against door,magic
its black Sybille's room. Quickly discovered in her
utensils and also various charcoal drawn circles. Julietta With
recognize what these mean. exclaims
Agnes was and
in antells him,need
attack imminent
to get danger,
against man and
she must protect them. Julietta explains what type of Agnes must be, which is evident from the
documents found. So can promptly
countermeasures are taken. Julietta will also come to the villa herself. But how they do that
When she wants to leave the room, she runs straight into Kolling's two helpers, whom Sybille with the
apathetic Lydia follows. Sybille now recognizes the opponent. She orders the two men to Julietta
to hold on well. The two opponents look into each other's eyes, Julietta serious but not
Fear, Sybille with a triumphant smile. She walks around Julietta, looks at the big one
bun at the back of her neck and says Julietta is about to get a short haircut
to get. Julietta doesn't reply. Kolling's strong men hold their upper arms tight, theyan
can hardly move. Sybille leads the helpless with
into the bathroom and then comes
Scissors in
hand again. an says they'll soon know how one looks
She grins at Julietta and
Venus daughter without her long hair. Then Julietta loosens the hair and wants the scissors
push them in. But the metalitcan't touch
does not Julietta's hair, can't hurt it,
not a single hair falls. Instead, Julietta's hair begins to glow reddish along its entire length. to
This glow covers Julietta'sIn Die Sie haben, ground is thrown to both sides,
body in a matter of seconds. two men who detained Sybille falls with a face
twisted with anger to
on the back. She stares at Julietta to
and stretches out both arms towards her. Yellow and grey
Plumes appear from their palms too swell and float toward Julietta. Julietta leaves
the room. Outside, she braids her hair back as she walks. a braid. The reddish glow stretches
Julietta takes the next taxi to Walther's villa. to to

Agnes is still crying on her bed. The phone rings. she rushes as if rescue could come from there
come. It's Walter's turn. Agnes tells him about the excruciating headaches that still persist
would get worse. She doesn't know what else to do about it; because her hair doctor thinks cutting it like to
that is out of the question. Walther summons Agnes, nothing
to been
Anything that hasn't is
do; considered will be with her right away and I'm sure we'll be able to help her quickly! Agnes
up quickly
off andputs on a freshTears
wipes dress.meanwhile pain her. Then the front door
Every movement
rushes to await Walther. He appears she to
even so quick that andmust have
takes raced
Agnes, ahead
who is of
every traffic
rule. he gets
in his
in the
car He brakes, jumps out
Then goes to itat breakneck speed

driveway to just before the entrance to his villa.
his mansion. Walther drives over He gets out, hurries to
passenger door and helps Agnes to get out. Agnes is holding back her tears now, but hers
so bad
Pain is Walther carries Agnes
house.and is close to fainting.

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Blanchefort is already coming towards them, his face reflecting the utmost concern. Agnes has that
Lost conscioussness. Blanchefort looks at her and says that this is truly the most beautiful young woman
this century;
if not succeed
the female part
thisof Baphomet he could die due to the black to will. but
it is
to fend off Blanchefort quickly retrieves a rock about the size and shape of a flattened one
has an egg and is marked with a magic mark. Blanchefort orders Walther, fire somewhere
to prepare or to heat up a cooking plate in the kitchen.
Walther walks
again and
this again
in Blanchefort entire the to
along its strokes again.
length through Agnes' with
hair. There is a slight hint of a multicolored glow. Soon Agnes hits them
eyes they recognizes
throw Walther
fire. Agnes feelsand
forsees Blanchefort
her head and making an effort. He hands it to Walther
stone and may this now arrange
is into that, after her hair.
Her face no longer shows signs of pain. Agnes sits down on the sofa, the pain is gone, she -

feels perfectly fine. Blanchefort lifts Agnes into the to

inaugurate Baphomet's secret, before it even comes to thanking youfor the help. to
It is obviously not just the content of Blanchefort's words, but also them
Charisma that emanates from this eternally young-looking old man that Agnes now everything else
lets forget. Walther meanwhile goes into the kitchen and puts the stone in the middle of the full
Power burning flames of a gas stove. Meanwhile, Julietta has also arrived. She consecrates Agnes
into more detail of the mysteries, especially those of the whole and feminine must be understood
from even point of view.

is with
Sybille Lydia me Itbathroom.
alone is, an invisible handshe
Suddenly pulls her
lets head
out farofback
a cry pain.so
if her gaze is directed to the ceiling.

It is the ceiling of to like the bathroom belonging to her hotel room. Lydia is standing in front of theShe
mirror. Has
still one of Sybille's black dresses is has her hair done and made up properly. Lydia is completely
she doesn't seemcreates
Sybille to recognize heragain
her head own to it
to set up. She commands Lydia in an imperious tone to take the small suitcase with her from over there
magical paraphernalia to to fetch. Lydia actsitlike a vending machine. Sybille will again head far behind
torn behind. She now seems clenched with will,
all the pain she had before to
Agnes had endured. She raises her headwith difficulty and, with a groan, orders Lydia to do it
give small knives from the red case. She should pull out the long, pointed scissors for herself
gain weight. Lydia must go now, Sybille commands, and kill her sister Agnes with it. Besides that
she had to cut off her long hair, before or after. Lydia takes
automatically takes the dagger-pointed scissors and turns around. Between pain-enslauren, Sybille pushes
Curses and incomprehensible magic formulas out. But pulled foreseeing help her. Im contrary, her head will
doesn't Sybille's
completely backwards by an invisible force. must break if this It's her neck
movement continues. Sybille pricks herself, smearing the blood on the mit with a sharp
knife's handblade.
bleeding hand grabs one of her curls, she
cuts off and drops on the her
floor. But the invisible handle bends Sybille's head completely
on her back.

As Lydia closes the hotel room door behind her, a body falls from the bathroom and the last gasp of a to Listen
person whose neck has just been broken.

Agnes, Blanchefort and Walter are sitting comfortably together. Agnes heard strange a lot now
things and understood a lot: The "big Baphomet" is about as powerful a transformersystem
that can understand like one
convert otherworldly vibrations into. But this
male effective
requires the divine light vibrations of female andon this side

"bigit Baphomet"
in the figure.
speak Only then
charged - soistothe
"animates" - and can emit that required Ilu vibration bundle, due to which the
Light vibrations are used according to the principle of affinity, which then spread through the
country and finally spread over the whole world and bring about new oneage: the age,
in in which
god of of
over the reigns and dethrones
Blanchefort asks what exactly her job for the Baphometwill be. Blanchefort replies, give two magic crystals. The it is
one, the male, belongs in the base of the figure, and the
another, the female, on the crown of the doublehead. So that the connection between these
Both crystals are enlivened and the vibration of Baphomet can unfold, one must
woman who is particularly suitable for this purpose connect the two crystals with one another through her hair. To be
but a very long hair is necessary, because only then could the currents of power in

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flow to a sufficient extent. So, Blanchefort goes on, Agnes must put the male crystal in
hold the ends of her hair in. This is called Garil. Many once had him as the Grail
searched. She has to put the female crystal, called Ilua, in her hair at chest level
keep. Then - by the power of her will - she becomes an image, the image of the goddess, in her thoughts
and thus make it visible to the world beyond. If this is successful, she will become one
pleasant warmth flowing through her whole body, also through her hair. this In
mental as well as physical condition, the two crystals attach themthe
must have to Baphomet
right places figure.
To get the work done for the Baphomet,Baphomet
the power.
first part
of their
of The

will then make them doubly immortal. This means that they will not only have eternal life in
Hereafter have, like all, but also be earthly immortal. Agnes asks who the male
half of Baphomet and what the second part of their mission. Blanchefort responds with one
Smile, let that be the doubly immortal contour, which those in the know also call the first of the einherians
- otherwise havehenohename
through her,world
in this Agnes, willmoment,
at the refer the although
second previously had names. First
the receive
an earthly name again. On him he should with
part of their mission. Because she under the image of the goddess the act of love
complete! Agnes is initially shocked by this revelation. She should sleep with a man who
doesn't she love someone she doesn't even know?That's not how it is, Blanchefort assures. The man who
then will appear, the immortals, will know them - recognize- and they will love from
an! For itfrom eternal marriage, the one who is destined for her by everything
first moment be her husband
begins, youfrom
the goddess,
the light of the
Like in the dawn, will see him, know they pave
him andthe
become lovetrue
like way
him of this world - and for themselves the
inviolable double
gain in immortality. She becomes this man, who then appears earthly, according to all law
marry in this world. With him she will father children and gain power and influence -
and finally sit beside him on the throne of the Caesars to illuminate this world in pure light
govern! A new generation of Caesars will arise through them! This is the goal - and will it
succeed! Agnes looks thoughtfully at the old man, would she replies, and
never says
is! if her hair isn't
encountered anylike her Blanchefort just
of this?
it essence, so to be like her
She couldn't be otherwise. Therein lies her special womanly strength. Because only one
even a woman of purely female vibration is called upon tothe be bride of theBaphomet
his - and wife of to
new emperors! That night,
seeI and
will live
feel here
its radiation.
contradicting gesture, nowAt
adds Blanchefortsays
Walther adds, Agnes,
at leastthrows
that for
next first
should few see the great Baphomet
days. Agnes is Walther he looks at and he nods
is to an And to one

As Blanchefort
finally agree. it is decided that some things get demands,
out of theirshe will
accompany Walther and not leave her alone for a moment she
becomes. Afterwards they would meet again, and then Agnes should see the great Baphomet.
Blanchefort kisses Agnes on the forehead. Then he exhorts Walther again, watch out for them
to do. He sticks for everyone Drop his pistol, then ride along
give. Walther assures everything Agnes
to their apartment.

Meanwhile, Blanchefort and Julietta take a taxi to the house in Blood Lane. she
use the secret passage again. In front of the stone altar of the goddess is a purple one
camp prepared. Julietta loosens her hair. Again a reddish radiance shines from them, the
Like dawn, and soon embraces them both. At Blanchefort the rejuvenation sets in again. Bald
they face each other undressed. Both of their bodies are young and radiantly beautiful, that
reddish light lies on their skin like robes of extremely fine silk. You are very serious. Well, so
is so clear
says Blanchefort, become emperor. the
After place
that the for
longthe first among
journey the Einherier,
will begin thegreen
through the new ones
land beyond and
many he otherworldly worlds, until the realm of eternal light, the gods in
wanted to open its gate forin so wanted. And speaks Julietta, will
return the worldshe,
of the kingdom
in eternal dawn, in her mother Venus. Together they would arise. last time in the
earthly act of love. Meanwhile, everyone else present turns neveraround.
this world pass - to over there new They embrace to
each other and let themselves sink onto the bed. Their bodies unite

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Lydia walks through the streets of downtown in the evening. There is nothing an
Pedestrians might notice. At most, it moves very slowly and strangely
evenly. Lydia walks down the street where Agnes lives and into the house in question.

The light is on in the hotel room of the woman named Sybille. it isgives no answers to that knock an
It opens and Kolling enters. calls Sybille's
But the door. Sybille's
and walks
lying on
to the
the open
some are just of
He sees
bathroom. Like him as angry as he a
irreverent words from He immediately
on, eliminate.grabs
that ofhis
thecell phoneatand
problem calls his employee
it is
himself. should come at once if something to Take care of
is solution
useless were to happen that Sybille had miserably now on conventionalArt
failed itself.

Lydia stands a few steps up the stairs, silent and rigid. Staircase opposite Agnes' apartment door.
Even when
the stairwell
the faint
glow she
of the
is barely
light comes on
see if you don't look very closely. The voices and steps of Agnes and Walther
become audible. Lydia remains completely still. In one hand she holds the long pointed scissors like one
Dagger. Agnes and Walther reach the apartment door. Agnes unlocks the door and they both go inside.
Lydia's eyes follow what they see, otherwise she doesn't move at all.

Back at the apartment, Walter helps Agnes pack a few essentials into a holdall
pack. Agnes tries to make it clear to Walther in a friendly manner that she won't be staying in the housepermanently
her sister's fiancé will move in; certainly not while she is ill.
I Walther
don't even want to have a debate about Agnes' takes he
feelings and

the In the meantime, Lydia has changed her position. The minute light in the stairwell is
Consideration. before

went out. It's dark. The light switch is a few steps from the apartment door
away. Lydia is standing right next to the apartment door. The apartment door opens. First comes
Walther with the travel bag. He's looking for the light switch and can't find it. Agnes
come and close the door. Lydia is standing right next to her in the dark. The slender tip
She holds scissors closed and ready to strike like a dagger in her fist. How Agnes bows her head
to put the key in the door lock to stuck, she offers her neck for a moment. The blades
the scissors in that
Lydia's hands part and settle on the spot above the ribbon, loosely holding a tail
Agnes' hair to together. This bond has, often, severely loosened. how come

Agnes pulls it with a usual quick movement and binds her hair tighter again
together. The heavy This
tail of hairirritates the confused
glides before her, whoLydia. she
hesitates, but then takes the
to stab
steps in Agnes' back off. But already has
at the waiting you
When Lydia squeezes the scissors, Walter
Agnes andisthe
two ofa them
the stairs and leave the house without Lydia noticing to to have.

Lydia stands still upstairs. The blades of the scissors have closed completely again. to
fast movements, Lydia is in her current state, through psychotropic drugs and Sybille's hypnosis
affected state incapable. She grabsthe scissors again like a dagger.

It's a mild summer night, and the a little spooky looking Blutgasse isn't free either
of walkers. to
Kolling cannot be counted on these. He has another reason
to go there on foot. Same goes for Lydia, who is walking slowly,though
but in a strangely single-minded way, approaching the blood alley.

Blanchefort welcomes Agnes and Walther in front of the entrance opposite the former Templar house,
the house that Walther bought and for which stayed atset up the studio apartment.
Lydia Juliet
is Walther's villa to greet the first members
the order.
of Agnes to
one inbut
initially not very surprised, basement.
follows Walter
the twounlocks
men. Thea door and switches
way leads the on the light.
It goes down a stone staircase into a
second basement. Walther unlocks a door again and turns on the light. You are now
in that great subterranean vault under the floor of which the great Baphomet waited for his hour
waits. The statue of the goddess and the altar are veiled by dark cloths and are hardly noticeable. to
the Brother Walther
Blanchefort explains to Agnes, who bought this house because (like him
of the
this one now),
of heirs
the names
Knights Templar it isalreadyin ancient times property of

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order - albeit through a straw man, as one would say nowadays. and
while in the official religious house opposite alone the larger meetings were held
been used and otherwise used as an office, this house here often has the most important ones
houses sanctuaries. Sometimes these were then carried to certain occasions by an underground
across the corridor, but then always brought back here straight away; before
above all the great Baphomet. Only a few initiates of the innermost
of circle would have known about this
secret known. For be the already at that time a special section of the Order of which
it the
backgrounds few knew. Now the time deshas come foraslight-bringing
it were, the way
of the
to goddess
awaken Baphomet
of light to -the
with that,
to will end with it. Instead of war, hate and violence
the biblical god to level.
The cruel regime goddess
come era
of theneither
For nor
envy, no zeal and none
He operates the hidden mechanism; and the now unveiled Baphomet rises
radiant from the ground. He shows Agnes his two profiles; the female and the male,
simultaneously. Agnes looks at the golden figure in fascination and then walks towards
to,it as if hearing it
a call inaudible to this world's ear. Blanchefort and Walther leave Agnes alone
go big baphomet; they remain at the edge of the vault. But Blanchefort continues to explain
in his pleasantly calm voice: Tomorrow morning they would have the crystal for the females
Bring vibrations from its hiding place at the foot of the Untersberg, the very crystal that you had been looking for so
in vain: The Ilua, the female counterpart of the Garil, the Grail. In the tomorrow
That night Agnes will revive the female part of Baphometand awaken its power.
She will thus become the mistress of all faithful ones and the advocate of the goddess in this world.
She will therefore have all the abilities - on this side and on the other side of the different worlds... Agnes
until it's approached the pedestal. keepsYou gazing at the Baphomet, releasing hers an
hair on, as if somewhere.
I had heard a
Slowly he turns Agnes' face! Baphomet von
inside out too himself and now shows to be frontal instead of his two profiles
female face - it is

Walther's car is parked right in front of the house. From a house entrance diagonally opposite
the ondown from his body
Kolling watches the car and the door of the house. right hand hanging
Hand discreetly holds a silenced handgun. Kolling sees Lydia coming and into that
go home without giving it any importance. He has never seen her in person.

Lydia goes up the stairs a few steps. Then she hears noises. She stops. in the

There is no light in the hallway. The street lamps and moonlight fall through the two panes of glass of semblance of
the front door. That seems to suffice for those coming from the cellar. speakslowlysoftly turns
to each
Lydia she
You takes Blanchefort, Walther and
Agnes true. Agnes' sight seems to carry Lydia with anher.
the pulls
out, already
picks upforgotten
his scissors die to recall,
she fist
she like
sheashe in Agnes
dagger must silently.
and waits come close to the banister, through its far
separating rungs a stab in the back with the big scissors couldn't miss them. The
three are approaching. A brief tremor shakes Lydia. For a split second it seemed that
to be.
Returned to her and yet immediately escaped again. The three walk in the hallway
very slowly, they speak softly to each other. Immediately where Lydia is crouching, the three decelerate
her steps again, even stopping for a moment. Agnes and Walther listen to some
explanatory words of Blanchefort. It says the power of fear is everywhere now darkness to
even at this place. Not until this time tomorrow could they all feel safe. Agnes is closed
the banister and turns his back on Lydia, who cannot be seen in the dark.
to could lead a stab in the back. Some
Admittedly, two steps farther than Lydia
she seems to pull through and let them. Lydia lowers
recognize to
her dagger fist.
Instead, the cutting scissors opens and stretches of to Agnes' neck and the
her arm
in with
aiming at her loose hair. Old personal envy wakes Lydia up and mixes unconscious
with it order, that of the
Baphomet bride who destroy mission. Because only now to is the position of the stars
favorable for the revival of Baphomet, now that that of the goddess andVenus, star vibration
sluice to the light hereafter, can open wide. the The hair of a boy
Woman there named Agnes will decide about a cosmic age. between light and darkness. it's a fight
The darkness seems to have the be. Agnes turns a little.
advantage Lydia's hand the sister's ash-blonde hair, the
open blades aimed at her neck. Crazy lights flash in Lydia'seyes. Just a moment
Agnes stands still on an
this spot. As if she suddenly felt something, she changes

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abruptly takes her place and Blanchefort steps to the other side. Limp, Lydia pulls the scissors
back and takes it as a dagger again. At that moment, Blanchefort thinks it's proper that
it is
the lady between the two gentlemen go! He and Walther take Agnes betweenthem and leave her

in the state of their limited ability to think.

A house. Lydia brings this new location she
absent-mindedly lowers his eyes to the scissors, as if it were a puzzle it comes to their
and how, hands. Then
something is inshe
They Agnes and Walther leave the house
seems to remember. follows the three. blanchefort,
and go across the street Walthers Wagen.

Kolling knows exactly what the is bad

want. His main
sighting problemis about you
Silencer. A second, totally unexpected problem is just coming out of the house: Lydia. This one is running
with uncertain but now faster steps towards Agnes from behind. Something she seems
to drive, can still accelerate their movements. Blanchefort, whoto does not know Lydia,
but immediately understands the attack, she is the first of the three to see it. But is on thehe
is on the other side
the broad wagon and can only call out in warning. Agnes and Walther
Lydia was already so came so close that if she had taken another step she would have grabbed Agnes
able. Yet she gesture stops suddenly. Walther wants to intervene immediately, but Agnes holds him up
back. The two sisters face each other. Tears well up in Lydia's eyes. The
Sisters hug each other crying. At that moment Kolling shoots twice. Lydia
right in the line of fire. Two bullets intended for Agnes hit Lydia in the back; you
gets badly injured. Agnes recognizes the place Kolling is standing and whispers it warmly
Night air, never again should this man be able to move his hand, who fired those shotsgave up with
in a comes
him! From the entrance to the house Kolling is standing, out of
a crazy its own
scream cover. Kolling
The gun slipped out of his right hand, and this one
Holding hand out wide, He appears confused and he helpless
now across
as athe alley.
poor imbecile. Blanchefort recognizes the situation and gives Walter his gun back. he calls
paramedicsand police via the car phone. Then he looks after Lydia and goes to to Agnes to her
calm down. But it makes quite a strong impression. Blanchefort just explained to her, says
she, the day after tomorrow she will be able to help Lydia from "over there". Your sister will be back
be healthy. Blanchefort, hearing this, gives her an affirmativenod. Now the police and
ambulance. The emergency doctor can say that Lydia will survive. She is in spirit now
completely clear again.

Im Building of the federal police headquarters Edward Kolling is followed by a uniformed police officer
and two white-coated orderlies led down a corridor. Kolling keeps stretching his
rigid right hand and stammers loud confused words.

After a polite knock, two men enter the well-furnished office of this department
senior councillor. One of the men is a state police investigator and the other is a police doctor. The doctor
asserts that Kolling is by no means simulating, that there is one in his right hand. it is no blood circulation, she
like a dry branch. Besides, keep will soonhe anger
nor dry
the insanity for feigned.
The investigator seems to have this informationto is
Creepy Kolling, don't let psychiatrists snap him up now that they've finally caught him
got it under control: an attempted murderon the street, then another woman with a broken neck
trunk of his car in the hotel garage, and his Berlin colleagues also throw him
incitement to murder Arnold aWendelin.
scientist This
named Dr. onmay
don't sneakaway with the scam of being insane! What good wires in certain
have circles, be no secret. And if you don't get the backers, at least so
this Kolling! The Hofrat assured me that I would is have the highest interest that this criminal
not be released again either. But nowpsychiatric
else is possible,
ward. Thefirst
of all it isagain than
safe to behim
throws allthe
these stories
in aof alleged

esoteric secret societies that Kolling sheer

to serve and
up to them are
were just aiming at insanity. The privy councilor coordinates the trick with the. this thing
Admittedly, the secret societies are certainly nonsense, He would assure you ofnot.
probably theitlike
again, I'll seeisto it that Kolling doesn't get released again, at least not in
the next thirty years. - But for today, please excuse the colleagues,
half of the
he has
day!aThe him
family to
party for the
the is got himself
taken - physician

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say goodbye to the Hofrat - the Hofrat is Dr. Walther Goetinger-Wergenheim. On the wall
the picture of Baphomet hangs behind his desk.

Walter leaves his office. It's a beautiful sunny afternoon. In the side lane at
Deutschmeisterplatz, Agnes is waiting at the wheel of Walther's car. Walther gets in, they say hello
himself and Agnes drive up to Café Prückel. Blanchefort gets on there. They drive onto the
in direction of Salzburg.
Westautobahn in the

in expected guests have meanwhile arrived at Walther's house to

Agnes reports that the
Julietta take care. Otherwise, good. knew
the guests Then,their
in response to many
way around, even
if all directions, she asks
whether the hat is still valid whether it

from any attacks - from whichever toside. Blanchefort replied, long so

the great Baphomet was not yet alive, there was danger everywhere. Only when the wither has succeeded
is, can and will protect the goddess and all people of good will. However, he does not count
so, adds Blanchefort, that a disaster is still threatening them; because I have the power of Baphomet
Agnes already recognized, and so long Agnes' "magic strings", i.e. her hair, would not be injured,
she andIf,the
attack are
by issafe
the now.
so directly through black powers from dark zones of the hereafter.
at most

The three drive to Salzburg and there across the Bavarian border to a tiny town
right at the foot of the legendary Untersberg. During the drive, Blanchefort tells
that many centuries ago their ancestors had had a top secret seat here and here
also that crystal lies hidden, which is supposeditto
is bring Baphomet to life. before to
Centuries ago the divinestone.
Jesse had brought that magic

Agnes; still guarded and guarded apartment helps is she like a conscientious bodyguard. of their In
Walther, some suitcases silver embroidery. to pack. Agnes has a long dress of salmon red silk with her
a gift from Walther. That's what she wants to wear to Baphomet. she goes
thus her small bathroom. While she is changing, she is suddenly attacked by a light one
feeling dizzy. And make it happens
you comethat
at the
as ifnow
the looks
two lamps a yellowish
appearances. The small bathroom has no windows, Agnes feels so yellowish everywhere.
strange without being able to explain why. she is with that
Dressing done. She still puts a dark red throat band and ties her hair
the with a
mirror. Also the glass of the mirror
now shines yellow She to tugs an Then check the seat again
be. at the throat strap. she
takes the hair band's neck
while she and repeats
is doing, this again.
it seems You don't
to her that the mirror image is doing all the movements
know before
why that and she does
it like this, the
it herself. reflection
Now grab backwards again, and Agnes' hands do it she she does
thatalso. One of her hands sticks to
Hair band, the other moves back to the front. this one opens mirror image now that
With first aid box. It's still there because Agnes used it to look for headache pills. In this
there are also bandages and scissors. The reflection grabs the scissors, and Agnes hand
takes her out of the box. Agnes notices that the reflection has a black dress - and
also no longer shows her, but another woman (namely Sybille). Agnes wants to drop the scissors
let go,even
but her
hand does
her. The
reflection raises its hand
mimicking the movement
overcomesof the reflection, albeit much more slowly. Agnes
choking panic. Agnes manages to stop it is
the thrust against her throat by her will. That to
Reflection looks angry. It now lifts the scissors over her head, opens the blades and lowers them
her hair tied back from above. Agnes' hand is now also guiding the scissors
backwards, but without unfolding them. Agnes would like to scream out loud, Walther to call for to help, but
it. Agnes
small drains
all of
seems to be a part of this world. Gray and yellowish wafts of fog to

the movement
their powers increase. The reflection
the false
hand, brought
together so that and to break up. Agnes remarks
it forward
away from her hair. Agnes takes courage. Shave the back of your neck
he grins out of the yellow mirror glass. But Agnes gets the hand it, with the scissors back
to force. Agnes has the scissors
all the way forward again
She sees the fake reflection smiling evilly. throat It wields the scissors now
again and begin
of Baphomet,
to speak
feels to
does she
have athe
to to
She But
is not
yet part the

clear that the power of the evil image in the mirror is waning and her own is rapidly increasing. That

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Image of the goddess comes to Agnes' mind. One of her hands is still on the darkon red one
a velvet ribbon at her neck. She pulls out and undoes her hair. With the other hand can
put image
the scissors downfog
in the mirror now. The The
recedes. hostile
devours the walls of the bathroom; the mirror has also disappeared. Agnes is standing in one
limitless space with no above and no below. The enemy figure continues to retreat, in always
denser and darker wafts of fog, in which shadows of other figures lurk. Behind
into one bright green light that soon transforms itself to pink - like Agnes now goes
glow of dawn. Agnes' hair begins to glow bright purple, which soon turns into a
adds to rust red radiance from the crown and ends of the hair.afraid Agnes ofis
lost. slow With
stepsthem scheme
towards too. Suddenly
the enemy figure and those who are now surrounding it
the body of the black-clad woman
like ashell
falls off
form, and Agnes is faced with what looks like an ugly man, his
body is made of dark, bubbling clay and has no fixed form. This something raises its
dark gray steaming arms against them and then dissolves into a gray haze. The bright
Glow from Agnes' hair and the pink light behind her drives the gray and yellow
wafts of fog and their demons further and further back. Soon Agnes overlooks a picturesque
Land over which an eternal red dawn. In one shine.
handto she still holds the dark red one
velvet ribbon Agnes ties her hair back together. Agnes is standing in her bathroom in front of the
Spiegel. The lamps are giving their normal light again. Gray steam is evaporating in the sink. Also
the mirror becomes devoid of any yellow or gray tint and shows Agnes' own real one
reflection. Agnes feels strong and well. She feels she has won in one last battle to
which may have lasted only a few moments, and yet was decisive. Good
voted, she goes to Walther. He has now finished packing and it is goes to Vienna

now has the role of hostess in Walther'shouse. The to fulfill. Julietta is already in the grotto
Hietzing. Agnes
of Baphomet and makes preparations. guests have been
informed about her by Blanchefort.Except
German, Italian and French is also Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese, and English
Hear Hungarian, Croatian and much more. to At a suitable moment, Agnes tells the story
Blanchefort inhappened
in the
of what
had of
her apartment. Blanchefort paled
at first almost in horror. He knows exactly how much danger Agnes is in - and that with her
whole work - has floated. That the powerof darkness isso near, not suspected,
even he would have
says she to
admits him,
has the
and passed,
prepares and
fight that evenBut
reproaches. before
thenshe received
the high powers. it to
You have, without suspecting
Enter Nebelheim, that sphere dominated by the power of hell, which penetrates the earthly.
she of darkness fought the battle of the higher will himself - and
There the prince
won with! Because after that the “green land” had appeared before her - and even the world of the eternal
Dawn, goddess themeaning
realm of that
the self!
the Few would appreciate how difficult and to
Einherier, would justly love. Now be victory! The first she is
certain that nothing can attack them, neither in this world nor in the hereafter. In
so is
this night, says with palpable joy in my heart, a new age of light will come through Agnes
start. Blanchefort, that dignified old gentleman, bows to young Agnes and kisses her
the hand.

At midnight in the spacious grotto of the great Baphomet. Instead of electriclight, give
now numerous candles blazing reddish in flames About hanging oil bowls a bright illumination.
two dozen men and women stand around the unveiledBaphomet figure. The
Men wear salmon-red cloaks with silver lilies on them, but women wear long salmon-red dresses
with silver embroidery; her hair is tied in a tail in front of hertoleft shoulder. Blanchefort and
Agnes standing theattwo
the crystals
altar of the
of Baphomet,
goddess. Onthethis altar lie
male and the female. Blanchefort speaks calmly, now break the new age
that time,Butsince
mourningthe black
instead of the color
against is exchanged
at because
crosses, for
letisthe color of dawn,
new era
the silver
a lily rise
Venus. When all would be accomplished, white and gold would rule all, and he would
Women would always wear their hair down. Today the great Baphomet will be enlivened by
the worthiest woman; the Baphomet chose this bride himself, the spirit within him
his wife recognized in her from eternalright and she herself through the quiet radiance of his love
fed. This will now also prepare the way for the arrival of the goddess and for her wise
domination. All present exclaim: "So be it!" Agnes now turns to the image of the goddess and

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thus turning his back on Baphomet. She steps close to the altar and now stands on one
cloth woven with silver threads. Julietta steps forward and combs Agnes with a large ornate comb
symbolically the hair. Blanchefort bows to her. Agnes soon stands alone at the altar of the goddess.
The two sacred crystals lie on this. Agnes touches one of them with each of her hands.
Then she lifts her hair over her shouldersand turns around, now facing the Baphomet.
Walther is coming to assist her. hand to the
herends of her
the first He
crystal. Agnes holds this in her
hair. Then hand her the second crystal.he Agnes
between them
breasted in a her
silenced again.
hair. All bothbegin
present crystals
softbegin to glow,
melodic as
humming, that soon
does Agnes' hair. AgnesThe to
now He helps revival
up stepsof round
great the seven-step
Baphomet. Walther base and down
assists again.
her. hand herAs
Crystals toaround
her, then
theeveryone stands in
great Baphomet, a circle
the crystal on his
Double head a blazing reddish-violet ray. Everyone present lets out a cheer.
Blanchefort says loudly: "The time is coming!". And everyone repeats it: the time is coming! - Agnes is standing
next to Walther and Blanchefort in front of the altar. The light of the Baphomet shines on her. Blanchefort and
Julietta stepped forward, close onSo they
den face Agnes.
Baphomet Julietta releases hers
hair. Blanchefort, who is close to old age, changes into a young man, and
Julietta the woman in her thirties, into just twenty. All clothes fall off them, the
Dawn's shimmer envelops them. So they
look like a couple standing making love
and dissolve into first reddish and then violet light. But this light clenches
a newtoo
so, the
- asfigure
if thisof
a blondfrom
man the
of handsome build
union of the and
other a noble
two. is face, which with out It

Not unknown to history books The Emperor is:Augustus.

in the color of violet
The the emperor's shape fixed
light transforms the form. From the Image of
the Dawn Treader. From takes goddess
soft pink light begins to shine - the light of eternal dawn. that light
increasingly fills the whole
women hold
prepare a camp in silence between the altar of the goddess and the pedestal of Baphomet
many purple blankets and pillows. Meanwhile, everyone else quietly leaves the room.

The stern and at the same time beautiful face of the man, the first of the immortal Einherians, resembles
the male face of Baphomet, because this now also shows the face of Emperor Octavian
Augustus - how the female resembles the face of Baphomet Agnes.

Octavian, the Einherian,

sound: "Unthinkable
speaks the firsttime ago to Agnes, and his voice has a dark, soothing quality
we and I knew Octavian. those few count among us, us, from eternity we are a couple. You, Agnes,
first, me, the
secret other.
contour. Roman
- together
Now emperor
of to loving
this and
world a me of the
gender, who go several ways through the earthly - you
am I as Augustus,
been with German Emperor
well, we will be a
leader in a new, light-filled time." The two women who prepared the camp
now undress Agnes in salmon-red silk with gossamer fabrics underneath. Now they are pulling too
mute helpers back out of the vault.

Quite as Octavian and Agnes now face each other man and woman. Agnes' eyes light up and
her lips glow. She feels the power of his spirit and sees the strengthof the male body that
approaching hers. A body as iftremor
A faint touching the
runs light ofAgnes'
through dawn
tenderly all over her skin. Her breasts tighten and her arms rise around the neck of the
Kaisers, who grips her waist with one hand and the flood of her hair with the other. So sink
them down on the crimson bed - becoming toone in the shimmer of the eternal dawn, which the
the goddess
of love,
everything. now

an new generation is born: the generation of the immortal rulers a coming


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Animating the "Figura" of the great Baphomet.

is This
The figure so to be prepared so that without any circumstances both the base and the double head can be reached
can be. The height of the figure is 127 from
cm, the top of the double head to the beginning of the base.
along this whole length, through double head, woman braid and diverging braid end,
also runs the vertical round hole with a diameter of 0.6 cm. On the middle of
There is a four-edged depression tapering downwards on the double head; the depth
7.3 is the edge the female "Ilua",
at the top 5.2 whose cm.tipThis
is the indentationthen
for is the top stone/crystal,
reaches the beginning of the hole, while the in
upper apex pointing towardscrystal,
the skytheThe
male is. stone/lies
flat below and touching lower bore inlet. About the base are not exact
It is hemispherical
descriptions available. on another octagonal and at the bottom
base attached. The open one spreads over the upper, hemispherical of the
part of the base
braid end off. There is a drawer in this base.

The bride

She is said to be a beautiful, dignified woman between the ages of 17 and 27. particularly she needs
dense, full-bodied hair that is as straight as possible and more than 80 cm long. For the act of
animation of the character must have exactly 3 likes. Have cubits plus a finger width, that means one
length of 79that.
is enough,
not from
the millimeter
is 3 of
are goes
head a the tips; the
of the process ritually
79 cm may guess, so that the figure enlivens
cmmeasurement from to is a 80 81
pedestal; it is
it is
The crown is in the shape of a tiara made of golden laurel leaves measuring approx.
1:2, mounted on a silver hoop. The hoop corresponds to a headband,
which is put on the head and reaches both sides in front of the ears, where the silver jewelry
becomes wider and thus ensures a firm hold. At the top, the silver ring has two semicircular, after
back-facing approaches, which are pushed into the hair to the right and left of the center parting.

the bride'shair lifted in two equal halves in front of her shoulders and again
Animation Then will
smooth combed. First, the male stone/crystal lower,is now handed to her. Push this one
she, completely
edgewise, in disappearing
the ends of into
her hair,
them. so, that he That's how she holds

tightly withwith
one, your left hand.
breasts Then
her she
hair, getsitthe
she right
hand. the female stone/crystal added. this one
that he too is completely enveloped by them
So they flow full of vibrations, which will last a few this way persists until the lane,
minutes. Then starts from her crown and
from the ends of her hair light red color. A few moments later a glow comes
reddish, slightly violet, all her hair shines (from now on they are like her
in general, invulnerable). Soon the reddish glow covers the parting to and ends of the bride'shair
violet color. This glow then envelops the entire bridemoments for a few
and draws
then down throughthe ends of the hair inwards before stopping. Now the two stones/crystals
on given their places
moments,in the
uppera few
part of the
the upper stone/crystal on the double head the affine to light
Ilu er
up, sends immediately afterwards

beam out. The Mythic/ Magical System

The supreme deity are the forces male and female, the female Ilu and the male Ilu.
In their touch, both become, as in to den Iluhe, the nameless all-creative power. one god
the biblical conception, there aretherefore not. Among the Iluhe there it ishowever many powerful

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essence of Beyond; light, which our ancestors called the gods, and dark demons. Besides that
thereitof countless other
the afterlife, beings
which sometimesalso more or less influence the
take earthworld. This world on this side is not the "true world" - because it lies in the hereafter but -,
rather a temporary arrangement that we, who are all little fallen angels, are our first to
need reincarnation. After dying we then embody ourselves in otherworldly worlds
again. The astral body, our eternal inner body, always remains the pattern for our form.
Differences between male and female are very fundamental. man and woman are
Filled with various god powers, either from the male Ilu or from the female

The most significant deity among the Iluhe is the goddessof love (Venus, Aphrodite, Ischtar, Freyja,
Aramati etc.), because only through their averaging can the two elements of illumination come together and
become creative (this is where the sex-magical components come from).

The Viennese depiction of Baphomet, which already has its models in ancient Mesopotamia, is supposed to do all of this
symbolize. At the same time, it is a magical facility. Due to very specific dimensions and
proportions, two crystals charged with Ilu vibrations should be enlivened in it. Also the
Cut of the crystals plays a role, one is suitable for the female vibrations and
the other for the males. The invigorating connection between these two can be achieved solely by
of a young woman whose long hair is created; this woman takes over
in a way the function of the goddess. the female And astral body (as opposed to
male) coversthe hair to a great length, these act like "antennas" the realm of theingoddess.
The planet Venus, that Star
of isgoddess
theOf the
the termof Einherier
love, the vibration lock to the light
comes from the Germanic, the myth about the world of eternal dawn
however, from Rome. Emperor Augustus, who adhered to her and is also important in this story, had
a mistress of semi-German origin. Through this, that Germanic concept might reach Rome
to have immigrated. The myth says that in very specific cases incarnations of to
it is
demigods on earth, as well as the rebirth of important personalities. In addition
it several
which always culminate
magicalin processes,
a connection thebetween man and woman -
in perpetual
of Dove
the rays of im light the

goddess of love. This story speaks of the same:

The bride of the Baphomets.

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Annex 2
Jesse's journey into hell
(The original)

Some readers will receive a small ten-page text entitled "Isais' Journey into Hell".
be known. That text is not the original, just a brief summary -
incomplete and unfortunately full of transmission errors and even fakes!
The original, the entire text, is voluminous and complicated in many ways. Various
Mythical worlds collide. Babylonian/ Assyrian and Germanic/ Roman become
a thoroughly homogeneous appearing unit.
Why did this union come about, or whether it might even be an early historical one
There is no congruence so far; the corresponding considerations and
comparative investigations would otherwise fill a book of their own, it would have to be at this point

going too far to discuss the various theories and possibilities.

A lot of wrong and little that is right has been published about Jesse so far. There is the
Effort to make the correct texts and images accessible to interested readers.
It takes effort, and conscientious work takes time. So here are just the first ones
Read chapters of the original Jesse's Journey into Hell. The complete work should be done as soon as possible
to get finished. In the meantime, these first leaves may give you joy.

August 1998

This is the story of Jesse the fair, who bravely defied the prince of darkness in his
Hellrealm stalked and wrested infinitely precious loot from him.

This happened a long time ago, far from all human memory, especiallysince it is the human did not happen in
world. And yet the people owe Jesse thanks for it, because for their sake
she accomplished her deed and remembered her even further in later times.

these songs tell of Jesse's deeds, of their courage and their wit; but also from hers
Such lovely beauty. What once happened to distant worlds of the afterlife and also what afterwards
happened may
in the
now customer a faithful knight, as he found out by spirit message. so

Youonly need to know, so that you understand, what is important to the world of
the gods: They are two magical stones, exquisitely polished, which have specialpowers. Garil (1)
is called the one, his power is the vibration of male kind; Ilua the other, his
Vibration type is female. From the light of the Iluian powers lives in both, just together
can they work.

The gods themselves do not need these stones, for the powers of Ilu are fixed to the goddesses
yes in and
the gods.
But for
never reach,
of the
age ofotherwise
the earth, their
both sense
do thebetrick,
use them.
Garil (1)
the to
In them on and Ilua signify
destiny of the earth's people. to the power to direct the

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When new light is needed on earth, then the goddesses and gods send Ilua and
Garil with Messengers to Earth. Her light is kindled there in a mysterious way. And there are always
chosen faithful, who worshipthe deity in devotion on earth, to whom the office is bestowed. To
such come the divine soils, bringing the glorious stones and good instructions.

In days of old led the stone light Kenhir,(2) the king of Thule, then Sar-Kyan,(3) the king
of Babylon, then Elissa,(4) Carthage's queen, then the second Sak-Kyan of Assyria,(5) then
the Babylonian king Nabukadarsur,(6) then Octavian,(7) Rome's wise rulers, but then until now
no more; Augustus, however, will return as the servant of the goddess and Holy Roman Emperor
in new time.

If the stones were lost, or either of them, the earth would fall into deep darkness without hope
to rescue. Because both stones only together create the light ray that goes up to Ilum (8) on
penetrates, that invisible second sun, which descends from the to this side lets the divine light

1) General
2) Legendary king of an Old Norse kingdom.
3) Sargon I
4) Dido
5) Sargon II
6) Nebuchadnezzar
7) Augustus
8) the magical (black) sun.

Therefore are like thisimportant those two sacred stones. From the highest light Ils (1) and the Iluhe (2)
given, entrusted to the gods and goddesses enthroned radiant Valhalla(3), so that in them
at times remember the people and help them against the darkness. - To do this is. it is

When once again the radiant goddesses and the cheerful gods in Valhalla had a happy festival
had celebrated and indulged in joy with an untroubled mind, not thinking bad anthings there
Stalked emissaries of dark Shaddain,(4) the infernal prince of the freezing shadows,
unnoticed to the middle of Valhalla, to stealto
the catch, succeeded
magic stones. All both in to
them not, however, Ilua
and (5),
mostwho lay to the
of supreme
chamber theof
sacred treasures, the emissaries
carried him away into the horrid hell.

There the Shaddain took many heavy weights and tried to smash the divine stone. to
As this turned out to be quite impossible, the darkling hid the magic stone
next to his thrones in the dreadful palace of Hell, to guard him himself, thought to to
break up the
for all times the divine light
healing effect, deprive people. to

At the same time, through dark spirits and people of dark nature, Shaddain left the earth
People convey as if a god he would be and even claimed is would be single.(6)He let them
threaten with the fires of his hell, and numerous people bowed to him, bringing him bloody ones

sacrifices(7) and fearful prayers.

for Schlimm,
of the earth.
all this
believed had
in a an
godeffect on the
worship, and yet was it is the supreme devil. Under such poison the Roman Empire fell,

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once proud people brought themselves to their knees, and before the dark ends Aeon to
be, Shaddain still drinks a lot of blood and soul blood (8) from a number of people.

1) The supreme quasi-semi-personal deity.

2) The highest divine forces, male and female.
3) "Choice Hall", the self-chosen room; similar to Middle Kingdom in Ilu Ischtar and Karthager-Buch.
4) El Shaddai/ Yahweh, the "devil".
5) The magic stone with that of the female divine light, counterpart of male Garil.
6) see Bible.
7) see Bible/ OT
8) This refers to the astral light from people's astral bodies, especially when women's hair
be cut, thereby escaping, which therefore should not be done.

But becausethe heroic deed was accomplished, of which these songs sing, she will finally prevail
new Jesse's Caesar's
journeykingdom returns
that of hell - andthe
and how thesacred
goddess willwas
stone rule.recovered,
It is time to speak of the great deed, of it now
to in middle they bring him to the
people. around to

4.1 When the loss of the sacred stone Ilua was discoveredin Valhalla and all there recognized what
happened, there was a loud wail to in the goddesses and gods realms, because the precious jewel
was stolen by the evil enemy. And nobody knewprocure
whatback. do to to

(1) Finally, of all goddesses and gods, whose spirit is greatest and strongest - Istara her
standsclosest to Il and the Iluhe, - said in the high assemblythat was in session: None of the gods and
goddesses can enter the enemy's horrible infernal lake because
there darkness eats up every light. But a demon, a being of light, us gods
it atone
connected, done well. There's Kuthagracht (2)
thing I'm thinking of, Jesse, the fair one

We want to ask her whether she might be willing to take the bold ride dare. spoke on it
Wodin,(3) rising from his seat Verily Jesse wanted to undertake this, raise her in thanksgiving to so we wanted
the goddess, one of ours, at home in Valhalla. to

it was decided, Jesse So to ask to offer her
the mirror,
work, her
only to accomplish. For the price
Istara an which the gaze roams all worlds and with
surveys all times;
tip ofand
his Wodin
spear, as
all spaces
to give
her the
times piercing dagger. Also, Jesse was to be given guest rights in Wallhall forever, and
more, be elevated to the perfect goddess. at all

4.4 Also ward it isdecided, so started. Wodin now sent his thoughts to Kuthagracht
out, winged in the form of two ravens, well known in all worldsof the afterlife. Fast should
Jessereceived the message, well to follow the call of the gods.

1) Ishtar/ Eostar/ Freyja/ Venus/ Aphrodite/ Asherah, Aramati etc.; the love goddess.
2) The demon kingdom (also Kutharach).
3) Odin/ Wotan/ Marduk/ Jupiter/ Zeus/ Indra. The kinship or even identity of these gods can be considered as
are valid. In Mesopotamia it was also common to address the supreme god with the name 'Bel'. The
Assyrians equated this with their main god 'Assur'. One of the earliest Isais (Isait) myths is likely to be
related to this.

Isais, widewas
expanses, andnature.
of her own yet always devoted
At home to the
probably light of thedistant
Kuthagracht, gods, well able to(1)
grasslands accomplish.
And how the requested act to
Wodin's thoughts to flew towards her, Jesse perceived
they at once. For the time being they no longer spoke,

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than she may hurry to Valhalla.

Soon Jesse mounted her shining winged horse, Vidar by name, summonedher two snow-white ones
Panthers, called Ohm and Olah, and embarked on the swift path, with long-waving ones
hair and wide, fluttering skirts.

Valhalla could be seen coming from afar, all the goddesses and all the gods in them were very happy,
unless the brave maid, theKuthagracht,
very special
clever one
the question
Isais,refreshment and friendly words, who
comfortable with the haste that proclaims Wodin's message'. it

Istara then took the floor and made the followingspeech: Bad luck
has now urgently
to Valhalla,
Ilua, theand you, Jesse, can save what is save to is.
purple shimmering sacred stone, in which Iluian light is banished, was made by servants of

kidnapped in Schaddain's hell world. Now it's

stolen from a dark enemy and Not, the high stone to hell. the mountains,
yet the Coming there closed to all gods, none of us can get in From but,

also Kuthagracht, you might be able to master this well.

you know
the hell to
this hates
and now
the replied
nature of
eventhe courage
So I have

if it had, the walk would remain impossible.

But Istara had an answer ready, knew how to reply:
say iswhat
true. However,
for yourself: are means by which you paveone
thereAccept the way
a boy's costume for the ride. Use a hood, it shades your face. you are petite
kind of, one mighttake you almost for a child, so why not for a cute little boy, like that

move afterwards.

But Jesse replied: "I won't go
It's anyway,
up to hair
forand even
look touches
at my the tresses.
beautiful ground. No hood was enough, my hair in it mine is enough for my feet
to hide, length
an and thickness are not inferior to the hair of a goddess. I would many them too
into pigtails and tie them tightly together, the crowd would still remain that I as so a lot of,
boy could not camouflage. to

1) The hereafter cosmos, or one of all otherworldly worlds and also the hereafter cosmos
encompassing general vibrational sphere into which all beings can move.

Thoughtfully, Istara lowered her head and stroked Isai's magnificent hair. Then she spoke again: It is true,
you say, and
about and
hair you,
is sacred.
are particularly
are beauty and
it. Itpower,
would be a sin to
cut a piece of your hair. No
one will ask you for that.

Da a(1)raised
voice the words: Shall Ilua's splendor remain in the world of
hell, because Jesse does not want to sacrifice her magnificent an hair? It is
would suffice to cut off just a piece, perhaps not even too much, of which Jesse is referring
could very well camouflage and still accomplish the work.

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5.10 Vodin spoke severely:

Jesse's hair is sacred, eh it is Istara said. No one is urging them to wrong victim. It must be different
To give away, fulfill the purpose. You should think about that! to

5.11 andit isthe goddesses and gods thought and pondered, but inventing no solution, until Sifra too

Jesse then said:

What would it be like, Jesse, if you brought the sacrifice and immediately after the work you got back double, like this
you also want to triple what you have to leave now? Istara and Wodin have the power to give you this
and still other the tostolen
givestone full of divine
fast! Consider howones
valuable Ilua is

light 5.12

Then Jesse looked thoughtfully at the fullness of her curls and

said: Let us at least check how much hairsacrifice it is they handled
to havenecessary because would be. and Issa'
check how much could be hidden and how much could not remain.

remain, the goddess-like long hair down to the ground, however, would have to fall in large numbers
under sharp blades. Here I hand you a golden comb, check you again
himself all alone.

5.13 While meditating Jesse

combing her hair, she said in a loud thought: the length
The beautiful human women of the hair on earth is longer than the waist. on In
of perfect waist length,
I too
to my curls for sure. What hangs beyond
may fall under terrible edge. I cannot make a greater sacrifice.

1) unknown, possibly one of the numerous messengers of the gods from Mesopotamian myths and
legends. A possible equality with the Sif of the Edda seems highly questionable.

and do
said Sinceto Jessethe Words:
To you
urgethe measure
you. But weof length,
are forwhich
it. halfyou almost have left, will be able to be
adequately concealed. Very soon then
you get the whole beautifulperfect length again. Also, I thank you
and as a useful tool in your path, my wondrous magic mirror, which even mine
is holy. I want to get it for you right away. From now on belong and serve you! To he

5.15 Wodin now also approached, andis spoke the depressed words:
It pains me, Jesse, your sacrifice, so I don't want to have to see it. But for Ilua's sake
let it happen. The damage will soon be complete again And thanks, as well as
Well. effective weapon, I bequeath
to myself.
the tip of my spear, which is To a cute one
Dagger I reshapethem for you, do it right away and with your own hands!

5.16 Sifra brought silver scissors and spoke to Jessethe words:

turn backnow
on me,
turn off
youryou can so I withskillful
a sharphand
pair of
of scissors you
your curls certainly
splendor can't grab
cut. fear nothing more than you
have agreed. With a shudder, Jesse turned around and soon, tearing with pain, felt how
the sharp blades crunched in your hair and laboriously cut through the voluminous mass of curls
her hips. Soon a lot of magnificent curls covered the floor, which were abundantly below the cutting edge

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golden crest,
5.17 After that Jesse combed his hair her hair cut to the waist, which for a
An earthly woman would still have been quite beautiful, but certainly not a divine one by far.(1)
and Wodin
now returned to Istara and Wodin, ready with the promised gifts, meanwhile Sifra
looked for suitable clothes for Jesse's coming ride. But Jesse said I to the gods the Words:
took on a heavy burden for you, lost five cubits from my hair, hung. an which i
Safely keep your gifts, I no longer haveI'll
them.she may
get them keep
lost cubits
later as them
should for her,
a souvenir.

5.18 Then Vodin said, the not concealing shame:

Your sacrifice, Jesse, grieves us, do not misjudge, how soon it isall Valhalla hurts. But already
your locksspear.
with their
miss myfull
all his tiplength.
heart. anddifferent there
I'd like to giveholy
it to to mine

I broke it off the shaft with my own hand and made this dainty dagger out of it for you
woman's hand appropriate. No better weapon, next to my holy sword, know all
worlds. Her thrust penetrates every enemy's armor and never is fail. Moreover, more servesyou
the sublime weapon, raised from one world to the and
reach otherfrom
thistime to another. The possession

you to the goddess. accept This gift is yours alone, the tip intended. And Vodin laid out the dagger
of his spear on Jesse's fallen curls.

1) All female beings - including the women of men - have very long hair (in contrast to men) with their
eternal 'heavenly body' (on earth the astral body); these are invulnerable in the afterlife. To that extent

This poetry contradicts the old myths according to which female hair cannot be cut outside of
the earthly world.

5.19 Now Istara came up carrying her mirror and said:

I this mytellgifts
the for you. The magic mirror gives Hear, Jesse, what you are
power to see
times. everything
From to will
now at all
on be
hidden allin
worlds and
you anymore to

even the thoughts of the gods are reflected in this precious glass. what of the people
Concerning destinies, for the sake of which you are to bring Ilua home, the Spiegel
any time To yours

their past, present and future' destiny. By owning this magic

sanctuary, you are elevated to atogoddess once more. And Istara put on the handy mirror

of the holy gods, Jesse felt touched and spoke

Jesse's fallen locks. 5.20 By doing so to Istara and Wodin die

Words: It hurts me the wounds I receivedfrom scissors cuts, but you speak
true, that damage will be healed. Your gifts, however, should stay open. want always me So I don't have
it. Around them
I like to until Ilua and
use Ilua andGaril
keephave finished
mirrors and
Speer, their work for the hopeful human world. But then should
the treasures will be returned to you, but I am returning home to my palace on the Far away from Kuthagracht
shores. No being shall try to be what it isfrom the beginningis not; and my home is called
not Valhalla, your offer may still me so honor highly.

5.21 Then Wodin raised his right hand in salute and spokewith a strong voice:
Whenever You want, like welcome you good be, Jesse, friendly maid, in Valhalla's room. my
wish accompany you now.
And Istara spoke:
My greetings alsobe to you, and itmy thoughts accompany you.

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NextSifra brought boys' clothes, and Jesse put them on too: green tunic with a
wide belt, decorated with gold, green stockings and dainty boots. And the
Sifra then knotted a deep green hood around the collar of the jerkin. In this she stowed nimbly
Isaien's flowing curls, which now measured three cubits.

5.23 As all this happened, Sifra took a pretty pebble from her girdle and handed it him Jesse
I following words:
can only leave this small gift as a thank you. You look quite inconspicuous it,
it on. and donate light where powers toIt is a magical stone that can banish
whenever you want. maybe he be useful to you.

Thus armed with everything, Jesse set out. Widar, Olah and Ohm, their mistress, were amazed
transformed, and
too too the Widar
at first winged horse recognized
refused to let her in that nothingFinally
the saddle. strange was there. But all, Widar,
Olah and Ohm, wept
the change and the tears onlylet it when Jesse promised them honor, soon again
just like before and to be.

Like Jesse with
on Kuthagracht's
crystal, there battlements
Malok met her,
Widar descended, on the splendid wall of blue-green
the bold warrior
stepped with
head of a bull and
Always looking
wings like those of the eagle. Malok, who loved silence, swelled at
in anger, he asked the maiden
The hair of yourwho
is missing
arrived with a bitter, booming voice: Who did you, Jesse, do this shame to you?
so mangled,
Half the length, they were flowing down to the ground, now I can't see your flowing an your hips. Also
clothes anymore. I want the guilty to be destroyed through all eternity
swear. At the same time I want to persuade Lamaschuta (1) to give you what you have lost again immediately

Then Jesse descended from the winged horse, stepped to on Malok and laid her tender hand onon the swelling one
the shoulder
by what
of theyou so But
see. shefor
a short
him atime
and that
replyI need
to hisyou,
a deed
speech: I am also tormented
to only accomplish it, which
Wallhall begged to save to the earth of the people.

Malok replied in an indignant tone: What
affects you about thedo
race your
own? Yours
Home is Kuthagracht, the proud one that has never bowed to any god and cares about human destiny
don't care. Are you ashamedof your tribe, the descent from wise demons (2), that From

obedient to the gods? These fear us - we do not fear them!

Jesseanswered the warrior: Malok, my
good man, I will never my
be ashamed
I be humble
will anyone
it, to dark
bend me, that's not! The common princes
enemy mustofbe
fought: IShaddain,
want to gothe
out against
him, so I have one in the name of Valhalla
assumed office. If you
you mestand
will, in by the difficult dispute.

1) Probably Babylonian cubits (each 26.5 cm), ie approx. 80 centimetres.

2) Lamashtu/ Lamashut, the queen of the demon realm.

Without hesitation, Malok spoke at once:

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In every battle I'll stand by you, Jesse, that's for sure. But I do not want the will of the gods
do nor plague me for the sake of the human world. And you will not do what Lamaschuta and
Paschuzu(1) do not want. So stand before them first, let's hear what our rulers say.

Jesse immediately agreed to this. Together with Malok she walked into the city, from bewildered
Gazes of the inhabitants examined, and finally into the in royal palace, right up to the emblazoned
the ruler's throne. But when Paschuzu
face those
he turned
did to
he you
the disgraceful
voice: with
of Daughter
your headfrom
shorten and take
away women's robes? Speak quickly, against whom must Kuthagrachts to
armies turn about the terrible sacrilege of the to revenge? - And Lamaschuta got up in horror
throne, crying out:
Jesse! Daughter from Kuthagracht! Speak, which enemy shall our armies punish? I see Malok
alreadyon your side, he will wage a noble war!

But Jesse said the words: My
king and my queen! No bad enemy hath me, so I made that tormented. For the quarrel against Shaddain
to rob
Ilua, togods
win the
for lilac.
in Shaddain, wascommemorate human destiny. Then
Stein.I took the office back to him

king left
entered the hall without a word, and the queen spoke in restrained anger: Such
an office cannot be held by those of Kuthagracht! What youtodiddowas
is wrong, what you want

Meanwhile Jesse repliedto the
queen: Shaddain
all of
is an
gain a weoflike with that magic stone?
lot, darkling
Isn't it better
stolen to
the is used to
My sacrifice was painful, but the damage done will soon be recovered. to enough
got to unwind,
what he like that me
to judge.

The queen
she cannot
was dissatisfied
forgive thewith
this, but
decide who of the female powers dare here.
to change, done to a daughter of Kuthagracht! Ob
you first

Pazuzu 2) "Demons" here are not inherently negative beings! The term means independent of the gods.

6.11 andqueen, who had

magnificent the
Lilitane, the
to the
Woman in Kuthagracht's realm, admired by all masculinity and all femininity best example.
Lilitane appeared in billowing robes, her hair tied three times to the floor, and
glistening with ornamental stones. So Lilitane, the most beautiful, entered the hall, all the splendor there
was, outshining. The queen spoke to the most beautifulwords:
to Lilitane, lookofatKuthagracht!
Isaien, this
have fallen and, on, on
worst, her women's hair is cut short. All this she, in the did nameaof the gods, a service to the
Earth people than tothat of the woman spirit
Afford. You pronounce now in Kuthagracht,
whether first
can be forgiven for this or whether she should receive

6.12 Lilithane tratan Jesse approached, looked at them and began their speech:
No greater disgrace gives her for a woman,
it malice
locks! of if toI see,
From yours, cut in
fell so
a lot come down through sharp
the blades. Even among the

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Human women are the most beautiful, their hair is longer than yours is now. It can for that
give no apology - no cause whatsoever can account for it. But that's not me. What I mean, what I to Punish,
was asked about, I just now.

6.13 So spoketooJesse
so, Queen
and he again: I
you hast
heard it like this king looks it isnot otherwise. My verdict on you
now this: You shall have a little respite towhat
do, you,
want a perfect
to accomplish image,
from of
Then Kuthagracht,
the dignity
returnof a
irrevocably forever! so are you who home gates

6.14 Jesse left the hall with bowed head, even Malok liked it she like that as she was, no more
look at. And even Vidar, Olah and Ohm tended their tender not like before. so to That's how she found it

Jesse, done wrong would return theirtolost Sheand
respect thought,
love. by a victory overalone,
Shaddain so

6.15 So Jesse left Kuthagracht now, roderuled the world's deepest darkness, in which the Shaddain
against. Soon Kuthagracht's green suns shone under their light the crystal palaces
nothe floating
longer islands
sparkle of Khor
in their way.(1)
past Isais into an
the distance.

1) According to Nortbert Jürgen Ratthofer, who possibly considers this myth to be an inner-cosmic saga, moons of the planet
Sumi in the Aldebaran solar system (daring).

Rast put Jesse on her way on Narogol's dark star, which (1) is already next to the
Höllenpfuhl lies, but is of a much better nature. Refugees from the grisly hell, meet
themselves there sometimes, seeking protection from Schaddain's captors, which Narogol such as well
granted. Hence it is that the
it, dwellers of that dark star know much that Jesse could
for your trip. use

In Narogol's world no one took offense an Isaien's injured appearance. The residents there knew
not the perfect beauty of the women of Valhalla and of Kuthagracht, the human race
came from most of those who had entered the hell world after their death and then with
happiness escaped from there; others were runaway angels, not bad, but without a high light.
Jesse appeared to all of them, even as she was, as a radiantly beautiful maiden. With the
to with those who
Inhabitants of this dark world, Jesse thought, talk, especially
hellhole knew useful knowledge to collect.

Isais a loosely
Thus said Kuthagracht daughter.
Do strangers
woman who maybe
to tell
asked: toabout
Jesse I,am
know you, you
of the cesspool of hell? - Unknown stopped step, looked at Isaien and gave her the im

I amJesse,
Answer: Nothing good knows withShaddain
becauseto to report. The world of hell is bad, it's especially for women
hates us mercilessly. thereby to So I warn you many thousands of times! The men make themselves
slaves that is let the sinews be torn from their bodies. Shaddain does this with everyone
Men first, who become his victims. The women throwshe oncut
the ground and lets them in
off the hair
all from
of own
his neck to torment. Shaddain does this with
become a victim. Only the bravest men and the proudest women, who are not completely lightless
are never throw down ground. soAnd
do not pluckasthe
as long they don't prostrate, Schaddain can den
sinews of men, and
womenof hair from
scissors for at will, which strengthened by light, Shaddain's power breaks even amidst the
hell! But take good care of yourself and your flowing curls, stay away from Schaddain's world! In the

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courts of his hellish den, imprisons the uprighthe women and leaves them without rest
torture; nothing is terrible
and so
so full of torments like this! Becausethe escape from hell succeeds
For me it's succeeded, but most fail. Also, despite all the torture and
Not never to dar Bent on the ground, I never offered
sharpened scissors to cut the long women's hair. So I kept those
female powers that are stronger than the spell of hell, and finally I was able to escape from times gone by.
Who is protection to those who the
able to escape, seeks shelter with Narogol; alone grants
up to him for this, they are loyal and heartily devoted to him
have escaped to grisly hell. Everyone is very grateful
but, daughter You The Demons
of Kuthagracht, what
fortunes? always.do you care about our
touched but not alone as far as? never, she what

1) unknown, possibly Nergal?

When Jesse heard this, she was ashamed, and said what to the unknown the words:
you say is true, I hide it neither do I deny that I do not like it.
Were I Kuthagracht's queen, we would stand by you and your kind, that's for sure. Yes I am
no ruler in the realm of the blue-green palaces, rather only a lonely damsel who now has hers
Courage must unfold to get in Shaddain's world against this one to battle.

I beg
sense the stranger
you, dictates!
I was amazed, very much,
it's impossible
for the forraised
sake of
you her because
it and arms andgood
spoke. Imploring Jesse: to
Do not such things, it is
Shaddain, but
the defeat in the midst of his own world! Come no time is out, would finish him too,we with
this knows, leaves he to his infernal yard, always
tight keeps under
So give in to the cocky plan, save yourself from shame and
Torment, avoid the terrible hell world! This was spoken with beseeching gestures, and the kind stranger went on so
her way.

A man, answer who met her next, asked Jesse what she had alreadyasked the woman, and received the answer
the same. until so wenthimself
And Jesse found, Narogol ask the demons friend not nor foe. Once upon a to must. This is
it isfurther,
time there had been a lightless angel in distant Iluian he
he, accompanying,
kingdom of all beginnings. (1) This left the Shaddain still until with the is
overthrew.(1 Sobut
not sinister.
built his
is also
his world, not sunless, but only of an ever-dawning bluish glow.

1) See motifs from Ilu Ischtar and in the Carthaginian book Ilu Asherah.

is Dasteers
Raised from dark blue and gray unhewn rocks, Narogol's palace. Jesse's
in' brisk steps now. King
Narogol bid Jesse welcome, invited them to stay with him.
to know
her from,circumcised
had to
her shimmering beauty and she who to

billowing clothes. The answer given by Jesse shook Algika and Narogol
to the same extent; and when they heard of Isaien's plan, they fervently counseled her of such boldness
to to let.

However, since Jesse does not want to give way to her courage,Narogol offered her his help theand
words: I can only give you one thing to support you, Isais, Erbekan should carry you on his back, strong;
black flutter of hell is swallowed up You brave damsel:
so as far as itcan be. His
Wings are strong and its jaws swift. is
That may smooth a part of the arduous path before the terrible world of hell itself
allow you further in. This offer pleases Jesse very much, the mighty dragon quickly
carrying wings would certainly further the difficult work.

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In a forest clearing in Narogol's world, left Jesse is waiting for Vidar, Olah and Ohm, who are quiet to you
still rumbling. Then mounted the back of Erbekan the armored dragon, and
she bade
hell. him strive towards the cesspit of

7.10 Deeper and Deeper in the Gloom led Shaddain's

the rushing
dark gorge
which knows
no and
of light.
was the courts of hell came into
the mighty dragon to set them down there. With thanks and greetings she let him go home, henceforth alone
move on.

Jesse entered the world of hell, barren and yet similar to treacherous moor. Darkness everywhere, just on
individual places the reflection of open blazing fires. And Jesse sounded from afar
against, lamentation and lamentation of the wretched victimswhom hell had captive or who themselves
thither driven by erroneous malice.

Disguised himself, Jesse crept ahead, keeping up well behind rocky boulders and leafless bushes
fluency overlapping. Shaddain's sinister guards roamed, on the lookout for perhaps
to escape who dared. Further in men in Shaddain's land, wretches were cruelly tormented;
an rotten
nailed who does not throw themselves
sticks and women knotted with their hair piercing an stones. Then
completely before Shaddain and nowhereto fullground,
force, over which he never has
cannot remove the sinews of such men, nor shave the hair of such women;
there are few who
endure and only such have a chance of a successful escape.

First Jesse created a safe hiding place, from where she can plan carefully
and gradually explore the ways that might serve the goal. In a rugged blackish
Jesse discovered a gaping cleft on the cliff face. With caution she felt her way in and noticed
a brittle grotto that probably no being's foot had set foot before.

(So much for the beginning of the original text of "Isais' Höllenreise", which has a total volume of approx.
has 60 pages.)

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Die "Figure" Baphomet

A concept and a mythical object

In the Middle Ages, the "Occult Science Section" of the Knights Templar came into possession of extraordinary knowledge. Partly
from Italy, partly through barter deals with Hasan Ibn Sabbah from the Orient.

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This “Occult Science Section” of the Templars had their headquarters on the Augsburg-
Vienna-Genoa axis. It was this Templar formation that gave the order its mysterious flair.
The Knights Templar was only a closed entity from an administrative and military point of
view. Spiritually, the differences were huge. The majority of the Templars adhered to a more
or less heretical Christianity. In England, northern France and western Germany, Arian
currents were widespread, in eastern and southern France, Portugal and central Germany the
Marcionites, which were related to the faith of the Cathars, prevailed. In southern Germany/
Austria and Italy, purely pagan religious models developed.
The “BAPHOMET”, a symbol that is often misunderstood, also goes back to this. Ever since
Eliphas Lévy erroneously called the Templar representation of the Eklesias, the church,
Baphomet in the 19th century, this error has been haunting esoteric literature. Lévy's well-
known drawing goes back to the symbolic representation of the church as a fallen angel with
a devil's head. In particular, the Marcionites saw Satan in the cruel Old Testament God Yahweh
of the Bible, while Christ saw the incarnation of the true, luminous God, who is diametrically
opposed to Yahweh. So they represented the Church, which worshiped Yahweh, as a fallen
angel with a devil's head (Lévi later turned the devil's head into a goat's head). Another
common Templar symbol, the inverted pentagram, also comes from Marcionism. It symbolizes
the departure from the Pentateuch, the five books of Moses.

The correct representation of Baphomet shows a male/female double head, which is supported
by a plait, which starts from the female half of the head, like a column. It symbolizes the two
all-creating divine Ilu - forces male and female. This corresponds to the ancient Babylonian
belief (sa Ilu Ishtar). Before the First World War, the ancient orientalist Edmund Meyer found
such a "Baphomet" of ancient Babylonian origin, which is now in Baghdad.
Here the word Baphomet also becomes clear: It actually means: "Bab - Kome"; that means:
"Gateway to the ray of light" (Bab = gate, Kome = ray of light). Just like the Greekized name
Babylon actually means "Bab Ilu" = gate to the divine light. Through transferences from
Akkadian/Babylonian is Old Persian, from there into Arabic, then into Greek and finally into
Latin, "Bab Kome" was deformed first to "Bakome" and finally to "Baphomet". But it is very
clear what is meant by this. The symbol of Baphomet (Bab Kome) corresponds to the belief in
the highest absolute god powers male and female, which are united, conscious and creative
through the goddess of love.

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A magical device

What was the "Figura" of "Great Baphomet" if we follow the spirit of their creators? A magical
contraption! Their purpose and function were geared towards a time that was distant from the
point of view of the time: the transition from the 20th to the 21st century, as the New Age, the
age of the water jug (usually incorrectly called the Age of Aquarius). It was a relatively small
formation within the Knights Templar that was wholly committed to such ideas. The center of
all this was Vienna. Behind all of this was a mystical cosmological belief system that is
important to know and understand for all that follows.

The mystical/ magical system

The supreme deity are the forces male and female, the female Ilu and the male Ilu.
When they touch each other, they become the Iluhe, the nameless all-creative power. According
to this, there is no single God, as according to the biblical conception. However, among the
Iluhe are many powerful beings of the afterlife; light, which our ancestors called the gods, and
dark demons. In addition, there are countless other beings from the hereafter who sometimes
also exert more or less influence on the earthly world. This world on this side is not the "true
world" - because it lies in the hereafter - but rather a temporary arrangement that we, who are
all little fallen angels, need for our first reincarnation. After dying, we then reincarnate in
otherworldly worlds. The astral body, our eternal inner body, always remains the pattern for our form.
The differences between male and female are very fundamental. Man and woman are imbued
with different god-powers, either male Ilu or female Ilu.

The most significant deity among the Iluhe is the goddess of love (Venus, Aphrodite, Ischtar,
Freyja, Aramati, Inanna, etc.), because only through her mediation can the two primordial
elements come together and become creative (this is also where the sex-magical components come from).

The Viennese Baphomet - representation, which already has its models in old Mesopotamia, is
supposed to symbolize all this. At the same time, it is a magical facility. Due to very specific
dimensions and proportions, two crystals charged with Ilu vibrations should be enlivened in it. Also

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the cut of the crystals plays a part, one suited to the feminine vibrations and the other to the
masculine. The invigorating connection between these two can be created solely by a young
woman through her long hair, which acts like "magic strings".
This woman takes over the function of the goddess to a certain extent. Since the female astral
body (in contrast to the male) encompasses the hair over a large length, these act like
"antennas" into the realm of the goddess. The planet Venus, the star of the goddess of love,
is the vibration lock to the light hereafter. The term Einherier, which plays a role for the male
part, comes from the Germanic, the myth about the world of eternal dawn, which forms a
central point of the myth, comes from Rome. Emperor Augustus, who was attached to her,
had a mistress of half German origin. That Germanic term might have immigrated to Rome through these.
The myth says that in very specific cases there can be incarnations of demigods on earth, as
well as the rebirth of important personalities. This requires several magical processes, which
always culminate in a connection between man and woman - in the union of the Iluhe in the
light of the eternal dawn, the rays of the all-affecting goddess of love.

magic machine

The "Figura" of the Great Baphomet is to be understood as a "magical machine". Through

them, very specific vibrations can be concentrated and set into function. If this process is
successful, a ray emanates from the apex of the Baphometic double head, which has an
affinity to "Ilum", that invisible magical sun, through which the divine Ilu forces penetrate
from the hereafter into this world (this magical sun is sometimes misleadingly also called the
black sun, which only means that it is invisible to the earthly eye).

So, when that magical device came into effect, the occult scientists among the Templars
believed, the power of their spirit would spread across the earth and create a new empire in a
new age.

About the figure of the “Great Baphomet”

The so-called "Great Baphomet" must have been written around 1200, hardly earlier and
hardly much later. Between 1225 and 1243 he may have stood in the Templar order house in
Vienna's Blutgasse, but there is no direct evidence of this from the order, only assumptions
by the Inquisition.

The character has certainly never been in Blood Alley permanently, if ever. As I said, it is not
even entirely certain whether at all! (Some legends have been formed.) The figure was
certainly temporarily in a secret place near present-day Klosterneuburg, or today between the
city limits of Vienna and Klosterneuburg (back then, of course, everything was different).
There was an Order owned building which has completely disappeared, there is only a used
car lot on the site now, or at least it was like that for a while. But that was probably not that
secret place, it must have been closer to Vienna. It was top secret even then, nobody knows

The figure was about 1.25 tall (excluding the wooden base). So the heads were life-size. The
male face is said to have resembled that of Emperor Augustus (it was also without a full
beard, as older representations show), the female face was that of a twenty-year-old woman.
In contrast to later representations with two braids, there was one braid that started from the
left side of the woman's head, wound around the neck (quasi the man's) and then ran down
about the width of the neck. So the figure must have looked more massive than the known
representations. The end of the braid separates. This figure is made entirely of gold so far.
Below the diverging end of the plait there is a wooden base that is curved at the top and
octagonal at the bottom. This in turn is decorated with gold and also with precious stones,
above all with carnelians (perhaps exclusively, because nothing is known about other stones,
but it is probable that other precious stones, pearls etc. from the spoils of the Crusades were also used). The

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Socle is not exactly known, but it must have been relatively large. There was a drawer in the base,
in which lay the tip of a woman's braid, on which the lower crystal was to be stored (so it can't be
too big). At the top of the double head was an opening for the top stone, which could only be
seen from above. A hole ran from top to bottom through the head and plait, but it was very thin,
only about half a centimeter (approx. 6 mm, converted according to old inch measurements).

So the figure was massive. It probably consisted of a thick gold shell welded in two halves around
a wooden core. That's just an assumption, some say it was solid gold (the fortune would have
been there).

The figure was probably made in the Vienna area. Some details are said to have been made by a
craftsman in or from Augsburg. This figure was not an "official" Templar work, but belonged to
the southern German/Austrian/northern Italian branch of the Augsburg-Vienna-Genoa order.

The lower stone "Garil" (Grail) has been clarified, it comes from the possession of King
Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon, who is said to have traced it back to Sargon I (so is the
assumption). Whether the upper stone is the "Black Stone" in Untersberg is an assumption. The
fact that the figure was certainly made before 1226 speaks against it. However, the myth may
have been slightly older (possibly even of Assyrian origin, think of the appearance of Jesse to
the remains of Nineveh, where Hubertus first saw her and received instructions). So this point is
unclear. However, the shape of the inset in the double head would fit exactly. Representations
with the half of the stone sticking out pointedly at the top would also fit exactly. The delivery by
a female being (Isais) also fits, since it is the "female" crystal, while the lower, "male" one goes
back to a king.

The trace of the figure is lost in 1243/44. The last information about it comes from the Inquisition,
in which it is assumed that it was taken to Berlin. Internally, there are no indications of this. Later,
however, it was generally assumed that the figure had been taken to Berlin. As I said, there is no
direct evidence for this widespread assumption. Also not via the blood alley. Internally, all we can
say with certainty is that the figure was somewhere between (according to today's location)
Vienna and Klosterneuburg and was supposed to stay there, at least originally.
If one wants to speculate, Genoa could also be considered as a “place of refuge”, and if that were
the case, later Murano near Venice, a refuge of Bucintoro (see also on this).

Genoa became a focus because numerous German children stranded from one of the Children's
Crusades stayed there and were taken in by noble families there, and the German-Italian axis was
therefore very close. But, again, there is no internal testimony that the character ever left its place
of origin!

It should also be said that the title "The Great Baphomet" comes from more recent times, while
originally only "The Figure" (FIGURA) was mentioned and it did not exist within the framework of
the official Templar Order. The "Knights of the Black Stone" probably had nothing to do with her
either, or only indirectly, or in a subordinate position (possibly as guardians of the upper stone
or something similar). There is evidence that there was one woman, mostly in Vienna but from
Genoa, who directed it all. Such a woman is mentioned several times internally.
It is important to note that the Templar Order was not particularly pronounced in Italy and was
therefore hardly controlled from Ville neve du Temple in Paris, where heresy, although to a certain
extent Christianity, reigned until the end, while Augsburg was on the axis -Vienna Genoa "the
goddess" was worshiped, which is clearly to be equated with the Roman Venus and the
Babylonian Ishtar.

So far as these questions can be answered at the moment. The question of the material value of
the figure is probably clear: it was very high. One must therefore also reckon with the fact that it
could have been found in the course of time and destroyed for the sake of its material value.

The life-size mural of the goddess with her hair spread out like wings is largely certain to have
come from the Blutgasse in Vienna. Although the testimony only comes from the Inquisition, it is
credible. Internally, nothing has come down to us about this depiction in the Blutgasse - how about it at all

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the house in the Blutgasse was as good as nothing, it wasn't a clergy house, but an office!
The depiction of the goddess in this form has been repeatedly and very reliably attested.

Animating the "Figura" of the great Baphomet

The figure

This is to be prepared in such a way that both the base and the double head can be reached
without any problems. The height of the figure is 127 cm, from the top of the double head to the beginning of the b
The vertical round hole with a diameter of 0.6 cm also runs along this entire length, through the
double head, woman's plait and diverging plait end. In the middle of the double head there is a
four-edged depression tapering downwards; the depth is 7.3 cm, the edge width at the top is 5.2
cm. This is the inlet for the upper stone/crystal, the female "Ilua", the lower point of which then
reaches into the beginning of the hole, while the upper point points towards the sky. The lower
stone/crystal, the male "Garil", lies flat below and touches the lower bore inlet. There are no exact
descriptions of the base. It is hemispherical and attached to another octagonal base. The open
end of the braid spreads out over the upper, hemispherical part of the base. There is a drawer in
this base.

The bride

She is said to be a beautiful, dignified woman between the ages of 17 and 27. She needs particularly
dense, full-bodied hair that is as straight as possible and at least 85 cm long. For the act of
animating the figure, these must be exactly 3 magic (Babylonian) cubits plus one finger's breadth,
that is, a length of about 79 cm, measured from the end of the middle parting at the back of the
head to the tips; the length must be completely uniform. The ends of the hair are ritually cut to
this size at the beginning of the process. Since they must not be a single millimeter shorter than
79 cm so that the figure can be animated, but can be a little longer, a safety measure of approx. 81
to 82 cm is provided, but no more. The falling tips are then placed in the base; it is enough if these
snippets measure about 3 cm, if it is more, everything goes in. Then the bride is crowned. The
crown is in the form of a tiara made up of approximately 1:2 scale gold laurel leaves set on a silver
hoop. The hoop corresponds to a headband that is put on the head and reaches on both sides in
front of the ears, where the silver jewelry becomes wider and thus ensures a firm hold. At the top,
the silver band has two semicircular, backward-pointing approaches, which are pushed into the
hair on the right and left of the middle parting.

The revival

Then the bride's hair is lifted in two equal halves in front of her shoulders and combed straight
again. First the lower, male stone/crystal is handed to her. She pushes it upright into the ends of
her hair in such a way that it completely disappears into them. So she holds him with her left hand.
Then the upper, female stone/crystal is handed to her. She pushes this between her breasts
vertically into her hair so that it is also completely covered by them. So she holds it with her right
hand. In this manner the Bride remains until the vibrations are fully flowing, which will take a few
minutes. Then a bright red glow begins from the top of her head and also from the ends of her
hair. A few moments later, a reddish, slightly violet glow covers all of her hair (from then on, like
her in general, it is invulnerable). Soon the reddish glow on the bride's crown and ends of hair
takes on a violet hue. This glow then envelops the entire bride for a few moments and then pulls
inward through the ends of her hair before ending. Now the two stones/crystals are placed in their
places in the figure. After a few moments, the visible upper part of the upper stone/crystal on the
double head begins to glow, immediately after which it emits the affine Ilu Ray.

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The magical marriage of the bride to the chosen one takes place the following night (the Baphomet
symbol is a sex magic sign). The depiction in the story "The Bride of Baphomet" is certainly very
close to the truth.

Apocryphal traces

Various rumors and legends have formed over time about the whereabouts of the golden "Figura" of
the Great Baphomet, all of which have little probability. Nevertheless, for the sake of completeness,
it should be discussed.


The most widespread of these rumors at the time wanted to know that the figure had been taken to
Tempelhof (Berlin) and hidden there in an underground temple. The probability that it could have
been so seems extremely small. One has only to imagine the risks involved in transporting this
sanctuary such a long distance at that time. Nonetheless, none other than Heinrich Schliemann had
the idea of looking for the “Figura” Baphomet in the Tempelhof area.

The mysterious underground temple complex may actually have been built in the middle of the 13th century.
Century to have been created. The two so-called "Templar revelations" probably played a role in
this. Undoubtedly, the Order's "Occult Science Section" was convinced that this place would gain
importance in the future (which at least partly happened). So the order undoubtedly created a secret
retreat in the area of today's Berlin Tempelhof, which was intended to house special sanctuaries.
Even the Nazis are said to have searched for it - as in vain as all the others who tried. It can be
assumed that the subterranean temple was buried by the Knights Templar themselves and thus
made untraceable. A suitable hiding place would probably have been available in Tempelhof around
1243 - if it had been possible to get the "Figura" there from Vienna.


Another legend wants to know that the figure was brought to the island of Murano near Venice via
Genoa. The Templar quarters in Genoa, which had always been inconspicuous, must have existed
relatively unchallenged, albeit unofficially, until the middle of the thirteenth century. Here, too, the
question of transport arises. Should it have been possible to bring the figure to Genoa and hide it
there safely, it is conceivable that secret supporters of the brotherhood could later have managed to
get it to Murano, where until the 18th century Bucintoro - secret society existed. This secret order,
which questionably had direct connections to the Templar heirs, must have succeeded in gaining
considerable influence in the Republic of Venice, which later even reached some German princely
courts (Friedrich von Schiller's unfinished novel "Der Geisterseher" also touches on it, by the way
this topic).

Lower Austria

Probably the most likely claim is that the "Figura" was taken to a secret place in today's Lower
Austria. This seems to be the most imaginable due to the relatively cheap transport route. It is not
possible to say which place this may be. There have already been numerous speculations about
this. One should definitely not look where Templar possessions existed at that time, but would have
to start from a particularly inconspicuous place, perhaps from a building that no longer exists or
whose foundations another one has been erected in the meantime.

In Alsace

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Another legend says that the figure was taken to a small Templar settlement in Alsace. This
variant seems particularly improbable, since the persecution of the Templars was massive in
nearby France (Alsace was not yet part of France at the time) and throughout western Europe.
Getting there would have been risky in itself, and a former Templar settlement would certainly
have been the least suitable place.

The general logic is that the valuable figurine was eventually found by someone and sold in
material value. But many a treasure has survived for centuries and millennia in a hiding place
- so that would also be possible for the "Great Baphomet".
Finally, it cannot be entirely ruled out that the figure may have been more or less under the
care of a secret Templar heir organization all this time; roughly as assumed in the story The
Bride of Baphomet. Then the "Figura" would still exist today, but no outsider would find it.
However, this is probably the most fantastic of all possibilities.

To the key narrative

"The Bride of Baphomet"

In 1983, a Viennese woman named Agnes, then aged 19, had a strange experience. She wrote
it down in a diary as far as it concerned her directly and was manageable for her. Later she
added additions, partly from what she had heard before Lydia, who had gone temporarily
insane, partly also from the results of her personal research into the historical background.
Agnes is a cool-headed woman, not prone to fantasies. They were all the more impressed by
the events of the time. The picture of "Baphomet" was actually painted, the painter (who was
not Agnes' sister but a friend) actually went insane, Agnes was also physically attacked,
which caused her to leave Vienna (she is now living with Düsseldorf, is happily married and
has multiple mothers). It was not until December 1997 that an authentic version of the story
was published under the title "The Bride of Baphomet".

The story, entitled The Bride of Baphomet, is based on the texts written by Agnes, but has
also been dramaturgically expanded. It is still worth reading this story for those who are
interested; it is perhaps the only source that can give some real information about the
mythical background of the Great Baphomet of the Knights Templar and the ideas and goals
associated with it.

This story that can be ordered in script form. stands between fantasy and reality. Reality is
the diary of Agnes S.-N., on which the story is mainly based, as well as in the description of
the appearance of that beautiful young woman, in which nothing has changed during the day.
The locations mentioned are correct. However, the painter's studio was in a different alley in
downtown Vienna. With regard to this setting, the story takes a liberty, because that very
place, the Viennese Blutgasse, is historical in turn regarding the Knights Templar. Moreover,
it is certain that very independent paths had already been taken there before the order was
broken up. The myths discussed also have real backgrounds, as do many details. This
applies, for example, to the legend about the “great Baphomet”, the “world of eternal dawn”,
the realm of the goddess Venus, in which Emperor Augustus believed, plays an important
role. The connection of all this with the Untersberg is also correct. near Salzburg. The
descriptions of light magic, the importance of women's long hair and the indicated quasi-
sexual-magical component are certainly correct. As far as Agnes' perspective is concerned,
all magical aspects are correctly and firmly described.

However, as far as the black magic attacks are concerned, contingencies were reconstructed
with the help of foreign sources. The conflicting organizations are also invented, which does
not necessarily mean that such organizations cannot possibly exist. All in all, however, there
is perhaps more truth than fiction in this story - especially with regard to the spiritual-magical

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Annex 3

Der Untersberg
Hardly any other mountain in the province of Salzburg has occupied the people of earlier centuries as much as the local mountain
of Salzburg, the Untersberg, which seems to rise steeply from the plain. Already at the time of the Germanic tribes, it was assumed
that the gods were seated on its peaks, later it was assumed that emperors and mythical creatures were inside. Of around four
hundred caves, only around 140-150 have been at least partially explored. The two most famous caves are the Kolowrat cave with
a length of 15 km and the Schellenberger ice cave. The Mittagsscharte (1800 m) is prominent and separates the Berechtesgadener
Hochthron (left) and the Salzburger Hochthron (right).

Total Untersberg

Recording down the valley from the Mittagsscharte to Marktschellenberg

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In the noon gap

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In the Schellenberg Ice Cave

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View also over 3000 years old ice layers of the Schellenberg Ice Cave

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View from the Schellenbergsattel on Walserfeld and Salzburg

Countless legends, stories and customs are entwined around the "Miracle Mountain".

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Untersberg legends
The Untersberg or Wunderberg lies a short German mile from the city of Salzburg on the bottomless
moss where the capital of Helfenburg is said to have stood in ancient times. Its interior is completely
hollowed out, with palaces, churches, monasteries, gardens, gold and silver fountains. Little men
keep the treasures and otherwise often wandered into the city of Salzburg at midnight to hold services
in the cathedral church there.

Emperor Karl in the Untersberg

In addition to other princely and noble gentlemen, Emperor Karl also sits in the Wunderberg, with a
golden crown on his head and his scepter in his hand. He was enraptured on the great Walserfeld and
has retained the form he had in the temporal world. His beard has grown gray and long, and completely
covers the golden breastpiece of his clothing. On feast days and honours, the beard is divided into
two parts, one on the right side and the other on the left, tied with a precious pearl band. The Emperor
has a sharp and profound countenance and shows himself to be friendly and cooperative towards all
his subordinates who are walking back and forth with him on a beautiful meadow. Nobody knows why
he is there and what he is doing, and he stands by the mysteries of God.

Franz Sartori relates that Emperor Charles V, but according to others Frederick, is sitting at a table
around which his beard has grown more than twice. As soon as the beard has reached the last corner
of it for the third time, this world enters for the last time. The Antichrist appears, battle ensues in the
fields of Wals, angel trumpets sound, and Judgment Day has come.

The wild women in the Untersberge

The residents and farmers of Grödich indicated that at that time (around the year 1753) the wild
women from the Wunderberge often came out to the boys and girls who were tending the grazing
cattle at first in Glanegg and gave them bread to eat.
Several times the wild women came to the ear cutting. They came down early in the morning, and in
the evening, when the other people had finished work, they went back into the Wunderberg without
taking the evening meal with them.
Once upon a time, near this mountain, a little boy sat on a horse that his father had harnessed to plow
around. Then the wild women came out of the mountain and wanted to take this boy away by force.
But the father, who was already familiar with the secrets and events of this mountain, rushed to the
women without fear and took the boy from them, saying: "Why do you have the gall to go out so often
and even take my boy away from me now? What will you do with him?' The wild women answered: 'He
will have better care with us and fare better with us than at home; the boy would be very dear to us,
no harm will come to him.” But the father would not let his boy out of his hands, and the wild women
went away weeping bitterly.

Again the wild women came from the miracle mountain near the ball mill or ball city, as it is beautifully
situated on the hill near this mountain, and took away with them a boy who looked after the grazing
cattle. It was more than a year before the woodcutters saw this boy, whom everyone knew well, sitting
on a stick of this mountain in a green dress. The next day they took his parents with them, willing to
look for him on the mountain, but they all went in vain, and the boy never appeared again.

It happened several times that a wild woman from the Miracle Mountain went against the village of
Anif, which is a good half hour from the mountain. There she made holes in the earth and made her
bed. She had extraordinarily long and beautiful hair, which almost reached down to the soles of her
feet. A peasant from the village saw this woman coming and going and fell in love with her, mainly
because of the beauty of her hair. He could not resist going to her, looked at her with pleasure and
finally, in his simplicity, lay down with her in her bed without hesitation. One said nothing to the other,
much less that they were doing something improper.
On the second night, however, the wild woman asked the farmer whether he had a wife himself? But
the farmer denied his wife and said no. But she thought a lot about where her husband would go in
the evening and where he would sleep at night. So she peeked after him and met him on the

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Field sleeping with the wild woman. "Oh, God protect," she said to the wild woman, "your
beautiful hair! What are you doing together?” With these words the farmer's wife left them,
and the farmer was very startled. But the wild woman reproached the farmer for his unfaithful
denial and said to him: “If your wife had shown evil hatred and anger towards me, you would
now be unhappy and would not come from this place again; but because your wife was not
bad, love her from now on and live with her faithfully and do not dare to come any more, for it
is written: 'Everyone live faithfully with his married wife', although the power of this
commandment once in great decrease will come and with it all the temporal prosperity of the
spouses. Take this shoe of gold from me, go and look no more."

Gold sand on the Untersberg

In 1753, a penniless servant named Paul Mayr, who worked for the innkeeper in St. Zeno, went
up the mountain. When he had reached almost half the height not far from the fountain valley,
he came to a stone cliff, under which lay a heap of sand. Because he had heard so much and
had no doubt that it was gold sand, he stuffed his pockets with it and was so happy that he
wanted to go home; but at that moment a strange man stood in front of him and said: "What
are you carrying?" never go back the old way, but another, and if you show up here again, you
will not get out alive.” The good servant went home, but the gold tempted him so much that
he decided to look for the sand again , and took a good fellow with him. But it was all in vain,
and that place could never be found again.

Another time a woodworker was late on the mountain and had to spend the night in a cave.
The next day he came to a rocky cliff, from which glistening, heavy gold sand trickled down.
But because he had no crockery with him, he went upstairs another time and put the little jug
under it. And when he went away with the filled jar, he saw a door not far from that place open,
through which he looked, and then it seemed to him naturally as if he were looking into the
mountain and in it a special world with a daylight like us have it. But the door remained open
scarcely a minute; when she struck, it echoed in the mountain like in a large wine cask. He
was always able to carry this little jug home full, but after his death there was no blessing in
the gold. In the following time no one saw that door again.

Giants from the Untersberge

Old men from the village of Feldkirchen, two hours from Salzburg, told in 1645 that when they
were still innocent boys, they saw giants coming down from the Wunderberge, leaning against
the Grödich parish church next to this mountain, there with men and Spoken to women,
admonishing them to lead a Christian life and to discipline their children well, so that they
might escape imminent misfortune. Then the giants would have gone again to their miracle
mountain. The people of Grödich were often admonished by the giants to protect themselves
against well-deserved misfortune through an edifying life.

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Annex 4
Addendum from a reader to "Not all UFO's were round":
The DM-1 was a test glider for the Lippisch Project 13a designed as a supersonic fighter
war.D=Darmstadt, M=Munich. While the P13a (as well as the P12 and P13b variants) doesn't have
Getting past the drawing board stage, the DM-1 was built as a wooden experimental glider, im
Wind tunnel tested but never tested in flight. Since the plane was unpowered,
was a piggyback tow with three-point linkage by a twin-engined Siebel Si 204 A
intended. The DM-1 was to be towed to a certain height and released there
and achieve high speeds in flight at bank angle (calculated airspeed: 560
km/h. I don't think the alleged models that are said to have reached 1360 km/h are credible).
However, flight testing never took place, let alone a flight with rocket or
ramjet engines. Even the Americans, who continue testing after the war
wanted (it was under their direction that the DM-1 was only finished), refrained from doing so. Photos showing the DM-1
show in flight are American propaganda photos.
The DM-1 was brought to Langley Memorial Laboratory in Virginia USA on November 9, 1945,
where the Americans numerous wind tunnel tests in the original form and numerous conversions of the DM-1
For very “resourceful detectives”: the DM-1 is said to be in the National Air and Space Museum (NASM) in the
standing in a storage shed.

Read about it in:

Waffen-Arsenal, Volume 102 of the Podzun-Pallas-Verlag.
Autor: H.P. Dabrowski
ISBN: 3-7909-0298-5

This volume contains a number of photos and drawings of the P13a as a model and the DM-1 under construction,
after completion, during loading by the Americans and many more.

I also believe that the Vril projects (and others) were realized, but you are wrong about the P13a

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Technical background
armament of the flying disks

more details

The following notes are intended as a

supplement to the publication "The Vril Project".

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Final Battle for Earth?

by Norbert Juergen-Ratthofer

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The present writing "Endkampf am die Erde soon?" is intended as a current, small addition
to the work "Das Vril Projekt" that has already been published by the author community Ralf
Ettl & Norbert Jürgen Ratthofer.

The author

Mars - Mond
- strange traces on our neighboring planet and the earth's satellite -

Coming up "Final Battle for Earth"?!

On Saturday, September 2, 1995, a spokesman on "ORF 1", the 1st program of Austrian
television, stated at 7.22 p.m. in the program "Wissenschaft aktuell" that NASA had launched
the US Mars probe "Observer" finally gave up after the "Observer" suddenly broke radio
contact with the NASA earth station near Mars on August 24, 1995. Since then there has been
no way of finding out what happened to the "Observer" or whether it even still exists! But as
early as 1989, the Soviet probe "Phobos 2" near Mars experienced something similar to what
happened to the US probe in August 1995. Before "Phobos 2" could set down a landing
vehicle on the small Martian moon Phobos, after the probe had previously radioed some Mars
photos to Earth in a Mars orbit, radio contact with it broke off forever for reasons that have
not yet been clarified.

The US Mars probe "Observer" that "got lost" on August 24, 1995 (the author's birthday, by
the way) was supposed to include, among other things, the so-called "face of Mars", the
mountain-sized sculpture of a human, which, after a computer check, was clearly classified
as artificial face visible from space, whose artificial origin has so far been disputed by NASA,
as well as the "Mars pyramids" located in its vicinity, which, on closer inspection, every
halfway reasonable person has to admit that they are impossible on natural ones way may
have arisen. The "explanation presented here by NASA and various school „ these
are probably
"volcanic cones" can only be seen as a bad joke, unless these strange "spirit giants" also
consider the Egyptian pyramids to be "volcanic cones", because at least some of these
pyramids of Mars are externally the multiple enlarged exact counterpart of the Egyptian
pyramid of Cheops of a ruin of a pyramid of Mars, one can again see an exactly rectangular
interior, which probably best proves the purely artificial origin of the pyramids of Mars,
because not only exactly geometrically rectangular pyramid-shaped volcanoes, but also
volcanic craters that are just as precisely geometrically rectangular simply do not exist! But
even much larger rock formations of the size of a mountain chain with also exactly rectangular
structures, which look like the foundation walls of a Titan metropolis, at least suggest that
these are the ruins of a former Martian city. This must have struck even the NASA scientists
so much in the eyes that they christened this "mountain range" albeit officially only ironically
"Inkastadt" (Inca City). But so far, the US Mars probes in the 1970s have not only photographed
titanic, obviously artificial structures on Mars and then radioed the images to Earth, but also
very small ones. Just days after the Viking 1 probe landed on Mars in July 1976, it radioed
back a photo of its surface clearly showing a boulder with a “B”, “G”, or “B” engraved or
painted on it an "8" was visible. Of course, here too the official explanation of "geologists,"
which they gave as if fired from a pistol, was the following; "It is the result of a natural shadow
falling on the weathered rock face".

On the surface of Mars there are still very clearly recognizable and conspicuous, as well as
mostly very huge remnants of a once great human superculture. Land was assembled from
individual parts transported here before the end of the war to form a cylindrical to cigar-
shaped long-distance spaceship, which was also used as a mother spaceship 1 Haunebu II and 4 Vril

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1 could transport space disks. This is probably how the Haunebu-II and Vril-l "UFOs"
photographed on the Earth's moon during the US lunar expeditions got to the moon, because
especially with the Vril-1 disks it is questionable whether their range for a moon flight is large was enough.
All Haunebu and Vril space disks as well as the "Andromeda device", which like the large
Haunebu III round spaceship was probably only built as a single example, have and have a
type of "electromagnetic anti-grafitation
earth - rebuild
drive that (S),
no one
else has to date rebuild our

Both the Mars journey of the Haunebu III round spaceship and the stationing of the Haunebu
II, Vril 1 and Andromeda device spaceships on the Earth's moon just before and after the end of the 2nd
World War II, had the sole purpose of relativizing the intact systems under the surfaces of the
two celestial bodies on Mars and the moon, which the Reich German leadership suspected -
and then actually existed. and to prepare for the arrival of a "liberation space cruiser
from extraterrestrial armada"
from the Aldebaran solar planetary system, 68 light-years from Earth.

Due to the fact that the USA suddenly canceled NASA's manned Apollo program after a few
moon landings in the 1970s and then sent an astronaut to the moon, and after the unmanned
Viking Mars landing project could no longer show any successful Mars operations, which is
certainly not pure coincidentally also applied to the Mars probes of the USSR, in addition to
various other small things, the one that says that intelligentsia with little sympathy for the
USA and the meanwhile former USSR are responsible for this may be taken into account.
These intelligences, bothered by the USA and USSR with their moon and Mars expeditions on
the Earth's moon and Mars, are now both the Reich German spaceship crews who have
settled on these two celestial
some bodies after 1945 and
scout spaceships their
as the descendants,
vanguard of theirasspace
well as thosearmada
cruiser with
Aldebarans who have already arrived on the Moon and Mars. The united Reich Germans &
Aldebarans on the Moon and Mars made it unmistakably clear to the USA and USSR, first on
the Earth's moon, that they are totally undesirable here. When the two "main allies" USA &
USSR wanted to prepare manned Mars expeditions like the US moon company Apollo with
initially unmanned Mars landers, the Reich German and Aldebaran "Martians" simply
deactivated all subsequent USSR expeditions after the unmanned US Viking company and US
Mars probes near Mars. Whether the Mars probes were only slightly damaged or completely
destroyed is unclear and unknown. The following is of interest on the subject of “Aldebarans”:

According to the evaluation of the very latest relevant traditions and information received so
far, without the "Vril-7-Fernrundraumschiff-Project" - the secret German Vril Gesellschaft -
direct personal-physical contact between Earth people and the extraterrestrial and yet
consistently fully human Aldebarans would probably not be possible come about, at least not
in this century. Above all, however, without the Vril-7 project there would probably not have
been any Aldebaran spaceships that have been frequenting our sun-planet-Uonde system for
years, at least some of which represent the notorious so-called "UFOs". As part of the German
Vril-7 project, two different and differently successful spacecraft were created:

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April 7

1) Vril-7, interstellar long-distance round spaceship, long-distance light cruiser, - surviving,

reconstructed and calculated technical data:

= 45 Meter.

=15 meters; single-story spacecraft pilot and passenger cell above.

= Engine Y-7/ 0.

Horizontal diameter 58 m, with SM-Levitator E-24 V., and Y-oscillating bell adjustable, height 140
cm, Breite 50 x 70-90 x 50 cm.

= Magnet-Field-Impulser 4a.

= maximum near-light speed = approx. 500,000 km/ sec., in normal cosmic anti-
gravity space flight; 5 x speed of light = approx. 900,000 km/ sec., = triple
overlight effect in superspatial dimensional channel flight.

= purely theoretically unlimited, in practice the planned maximum was 68 light years =
approx. 640 trillion km=64x10 (13) km= distance to Aldebaran in the constellation
Taurus with a few weeks onboard time and 22.5 years earth-universe time.

= 4 x Mk-108 triple batteries = 4 rotating gun mounts with 5 bundled each
5 cm caliber machine cannon

= rate of fire 660 shots per Mk-108,
2 x Mk-108 triple batteries on starship top, 2 x Mk-108
triple batteries on starship underside, temporary mounting of experimental stage 11mm KSK
“Donar” beam gun in narrow armored turret on central starship underside slightly off-set; Remote
control of all guns on the bottom of the spaceship.

external armor
= Double Viktalen armor 1945/ 44, Dreischott Viktalen armor 1944/ 45.

= maximum approx. 14 men, 2 men at the test in January 1944.

space capability
= 100%.

ability to hover still

= probably about 25 minutes like Haunebu-III.

General ability to fly

= weather independent day and night.

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Basic usability
= January 1944 first dimension channel test flight with a few hours onboard time and a
few months earth and universe time with return in badly damaged condition, since the
spacecraft cell proved to be underbuilt, after which Vril-7 after a general overhaul with
cell reinforcement and additional fairings until handover to the SS in April 1945 was only
used for secret transports on earth. Both structurally and propulsively, the Vril-7 was just
a greatly enlarged version of the Vril-1. Whether, however, Vril-1 as well as Vril-7 to a

capable of dimensional channel travel is unknown.

2) "Vril-Odin", interstellar long-distance round spaceship, light long-distance cruiser, - surviving,

reconstructed and calculated technical data:

Diameter =
45 meters.

height = 22.50 meters; two-story spacecraft pilot and passenger cell above.

Drive option A = as
with Vril-7:
Engine Y-7/ 0, horizontal diameter 58 m, with SM-Levitator E-24 V., and adjustable Y-
oscillating bell, height 140 cm. Width 50x70-90x50 cm.

= Magnet-Field-Impulser 4a.

Drive and control option B

= Y-7/ 0-Vril-7 and Thule-Tachyonator-7c-Haunebu-H drive in the form of an advanced
Recombination of both without moving parts and therefore wear-free.

Speed = maximum
near-light speed = approx. 300,000 km/sec., in normal-cosmic antigravity
space flight, 3 x speed of light = approx. 900,000 km/sec., triple superlight
effect in over-spatial dimensional channel flight.

= purely theoretically unlimited, in practice the planned maximum was 68 light years = approx. 640
Trillion km = 64-x10 (high 13) km = distance to the Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus with
a few weeks on-board time and 22.5 years earth-universe time.

= 1 domed armored turret from Haunebu-II with KSK “Donar” beam gun (Donar KSK HIV) from Vril-
7 11mm calibers on the spacecraft top center on the spacecraft pilot cell; 5 smaller flattened
turrets from Haunebu-II, each with 2 of its 8mm caliber KSK jet gun rob forms on the
starship's underside in a circular array.

external armor
= Dreischott Viktalen armor.

= 28 people (14 men, 14 women) in April 1945.

space capability
= 100%.

ability to hover still

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= probably about 25 minutes like Haunebu-III.

General flying ability
= weather independent day and night.

Basic operational suitability = in April 1945

start to the Aldebaran probably from the Untersberg-Berchtesgaden area, Germany. Probably before
that flight tests on and in the area of the earth, but without a dimension channel flight test, since
there was no longer enough time for that, because the military defeat of Greater Germany was imminent. "Vril-
Odin" was the first and last successful prototype of a mixture of Vril and Haunebu design, drive and
components, because while the pure Haunebu drive proved unsuitable for a dimensional channel journey,
the bell spaceship probably disappeared during such an attempt Haunebu-II "Idun" goodbye in the dimension
channel, the pure Vril construction for the dimension channel flight proved to be too light and too weak, so
that the Vril-7 after its dimension channel

test flight landed almost scrap-ready. Vril-Odin was created from various spare parts for the Vril-
7 and a Haunebu-II, which probably took a lot less time than the

Bau des Vril-7.


It is possible that "Vril-Odln" was created after October 1944 based on a thought study of a
Haunebu-Vril II/ 3-combination room lock from which a sketch like the small version of the Vril-Odin

As the reported media reports state, "Vril-Odln" and its crew arrived safely in the
distant sun-planet system Aldebaran-Sumi and landed there on the planet SumiEr, one
very earth-like and only slightly smaller than our earth. The leadership of SumiEr was
ready, after assembling a space armada of 280 space cruisers, these under the
command of their trusted space admiral Zoder and the Vril Odin crew accompanying him,
via the Dimensional Channel to our sun-planet system down to earth to send their
ally to liberate Germany from its enemies. About transmedial contacts between
female media of the German Vril Society and the same on SumiEr, namely took place
already during the 2nd World War there was an aid agreement of a military nature in favor of Greater Germany
with SumiEr, in case the Reichsdeutsche Wehrmacht should lose the war.

The medial contact between the female media of the former Germans who remained on earth
Vril Society and their colleagues on the German interstellar spaceship "Vril-Odin".
up to around 2 years after the German long-distance spacecraft landed on SumiEr. Around early 1947
then the medial contact broke off suddenly. The reason for this has so far remained unknown. as well
it is also unknown to date whether such medial contact was resumed at some point later
could become. If you now consider that the spaceship "Vril-Odin" due to the time difference
in the dimension channel with only a few weeks on board, but only 22.5 years later, around the end
1967, near Aldebaran-Sumi from the dimension channel back to the normal universe
defected, and then onto SumiEr with an already waiting Aldebaran space cruiser escort
landed, then the psychic contact between the Vril Odin mediums on SumiEr and the Vril mediums on Earth was
not only across a distance of 68 light years, but also between
two time levels, one about 22.5 years earlier and one about 22.5 years later, i.e. between
the already real present and a future that is only possible based on it. Only through the
fact that all these mediums originally come from the same earthly time plane of 1945,
it is probably thanks to the fact that between them there was then a tent space of around 22.5
medial contact was possible at all for years. Presumably caused by the cosmically evolutionary "fuzziness" of all
possible future ones, but not like the present ones
immediately real time levels, the medial contact then broke between these two after all
two years ago, which according to earth time was about early 1947 and after the dimensional channel journey of
Vril-Odin time-shifted SumiEr time 1969/ 70 must have been. However, it may have broken
Medial contact between the earth from the beginning of 1947 and SumiEr 1969/ 70 because there is between

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of the earth from 1969/ 70 and the SumiEr 1969/ 70 again there was a psychic contact, a
psychic contact between the Vril Odin mediums and presumably the female descendants of
the earthly Vril mediums. Since this medial contact was now taking place on the same time
level, it was probably so strong and intense, similar to radio waves, that it totally overlapped
the one from 1947-1969/70 and thus broke it off. The justified question now arises as to
whether and when this “liberation space fleet” from Aldebaran-Sumi, presumably with the Vril
Odin crew on board the space flagship, will finally come to Earth and with it the military
leadership of SumiEr aid agreement with Greater Germany.

Are there any indications that this space fleet will be coming relatively soon? Let's
reconstruct what happens when a whole fleet of huge interstellar long-distance spaceships
coming from the superspatial dimension channel, comparable to the hypothetical "tachyon
space", in cosmically seen relative proximity from sun-earth changes over to our normal
universe at the highest near-light speed and then gradually decelerates to a fraction of the
speed of light. - First of all, we have to realize that, say at least 1 light year away from the
Sun and Earth, an armada of 280 huge spaceships of asteroid size and mass suddenly
appearing in space at almost the speed of light creates a strong gravitational shock in space,
which not only in the edge area of our sun-planet system, but weakened up to the earth-sun

These effects in the solar fringes primarily affect the comet cloud located here, the "Oort
cloud", named after the Dutch astronomer "Jan Hendrik Oort, who previously postulated its
existence purely mathematically, which is at a distance of 2 to 7.5 trillion kilometers, i.e. up
to 5/ 4 light years into space. Behind the orbit of Neptune between 5 billion and 2 trillion
kilometers is the “inner comet cloud” and between the orbits of Uranus and Neptune,
between 5 and 5 billion kilometers, is the “Kuiper comet belt”, named after the Dutch comet
Astronomer Gerard Kuiper. In these two comet clouds and the comet belt there are several
trillion comets with a total mass of a maximum of 10 Earth masses.

The so-called “ASTRIDEN BELT” between Mars and Jupiter is probably better known,
consisting of spherical, atmospheric-less celestial bodies the size of a grain of dust up to
around 1,000 kilometers in size. There are different calculations and estimates about the
total mass of the asteroids, which are mostly below the mass of the Earth's moon. Perhaps
this cosmic ring of dust and minor planets orbiting the sun at a distance of around 450
million kilometers represents the remaining cores of rock and ores of a former "inner comet
belt" in a primeval sun-planet system, or it is According to a somewhat older theory, it is a
small, still existing fraction of a primeval, earth-like transmarsian planet, whose main mass
was distributed over the course of eons on its two former neighboring planets Mars and
Jupiter as small moons, or collapsed on their surfaces , as well as on a spiral path ending in
the sun also partially descended on the inner planets Earth (and on the Earth's moon), Venus
and Mercury and devastated them (Mars becomes uninhabitable, the dinosaurs suddenly die
out on Earth, the earth-like ones Water-rich Venus becomes planetary hell, Mercury gets a
crater surface like Er dmond) .

Both comets, gigantic "dirty snowballs" made of water ice, frozen gases, cosmic
dust and asteroids in the core area, as well as asteroids from the asteroid ring,
experience considerable orbital disturbances under strong gravitational influences
from interstellar space, which some of them lead towards the sun take a spiral path. On the
solar planets, which are of particular interest to us on Earth, "gravitational shocks" from the
interstellar space lead to a series of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions if they are of
sufficient strength, accompanied by occasionally an above-average number of meteorite
falls and, seen from a cosmically threatening point of view, approaching the Earth meter to kilometer large as

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This happened in the early 1990s and, as you could probably read in all the newspapers,
even areas considered earthquake-proof like Egypt were hit by severe earthquakes with
fatalities! Some "meteorites" within the earth's atmosphere and "asteroids" near the earth also
behaved more like small and large reconnaissance spaceships, i.e. like artificial and not like
natural cosmic objects.

Of interest in this context is a very strange press release from North America in the
mid-1990s, to say the least, which appeared in one of those obscure English-language papers
that always publish fictitious and seemingly utterly insane reports solely for the amusement
of their readers. In a few words, this “report”, which was obviously and unmistakably intended
as an “April Fool’s joke”, said “on April 2, 1990 a pear-shaped space capsule with three young
Reich German astronauts on board landed in the North Atlantic and was taken by a US Warship
recovered. The three men had launched into space in 1945 with a three-stage German space
rocket, a further development of the legendary "V-2 rocket", but for inexplicable reasons they
only landed on earth again in 1990 without having been on board for a long time, completely

Soon after this "April Fool's Report" the earth "by accident" did not come to rest until today
due to sheer earthquakes, volcanoes erupted again and again all around the earth, all kinds of
asteroids came floating and there were the most spectacular sightings of meteors and declines.

Knowing the media reports from "Vril-Odln" one could now definitely come to the conclusion
that this apparent "newspaper duck" is actually correct, apart from the thing with this kind of
"Super V-2 space rocket", or at least is partially correct. Had a German delegation perhaps
already landed here on behalf of the Aldebaran space armada leadership in the USA and
presented them with an ultimatum? - Well, however, on October 5, 1990, the partial reunification
of Germany took place through the merger of the FRG and the GDR into a "Greater FRG" and
only a little later the "USSR in Russia and several partially warring, bankrupt States, with which
only the USA exists as a "superpower". But this “superpower USA”, which quite obviously
waged a war of aggression against Iraq on behalf of Israel at the beginning of 1991, abruptly
broke it off completely surprisingly just before victory was already within reach, as if someone
had given the USA a peace ultimatum. - An ultimatum from Aldebaran?

If all of the evidence listed here had something to do with the arrival of the Aldebaran space
armada around 1990/91 at a distance of about 1 light year (= 9.46 trillion km) from Earth-Sun,
then we are now in a position to make a rough estimate and to calculate within what period of time this
Tree Fleet from Aldebaran could reach Earth:

So when the Aldebaraner space armada in 1990/ 91 changed from the over-space dimension
channel 1 light year away from the earth-sun back to the normal universe, then they had to
brake their almost light-speed flight as quickly as possible, because a space flight of the entire
fleet to earth at almost light speed would, as a result of the in The "gravitational shocks"
generated by the spaceships in the "highly relativistic speed range" not only devastate our
sun-planet system badly, but above all may possibly burst the target point Earth, which would
then create a second "inner asteroid belt". With certainty, the space armada would only advance
to earth at a fraction of the speed of light. Here is a small table showing the speed at which the
space fleet could reach Earth without endangering the Earth and at the same time observing a
not too long travel time if it starts about 1 light year away from our sun:

Departure 1990/ 91 at 1/ 5 speed of light = Earth arrival 1993/ 94;

Departure 1990/ 91 at ¼ speed of light = Earth arrival 1994/ 95;

Departure 1990/ 91 at 1/ 5 speed of light = Earth arrival 1995/ 96;

Departure 1990/ 91 at 1/ 6 speed of light = Earth arrival 1996/ 97;

Departure 1990/ 91 at 1/ 7 speed of light = Earth arrival 1997/ 98;

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Departure 1990/ 91 at 1/ 8 speed of light = Earth arrival 1998/ 99;

Departure 1990/ 91 at 1/ 9 speed of light = Earth arrival 1999/ 2000;

Departure 1990/ 91 at 1/ 10 speed of light = Earth arrival 2000/ 2001; - etc.

The space fleet would probably advance at a fraction of the speed of light with the sun as a
screen to perhaps Marsbabn, but then slow down further to probably 20 to 50 km/sec., only
then to visibly go on earth course, at earth arrive on a circular path in order to then fulfill their
However, there is just as well the possibility that the Aldebarans and their earthly
allies continue to work in secret as before and only have their invasion space emergency
ready "just in case" for an indefinite period of time at the borders of our sun-planet system!

Continuous text is based on sources from the Templar Archive Vienna.
The sources of text and image excerpts are indicated and visible on the respective panels.

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The time machine, the principle, the Untersberg, tornadoes

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There never was a Vril Society...

Logo of the Vril Society

Around the turn of the year 1921/22, an initially small group consisting mainly of young women
broke away from the periphery of the Thule Society.

Her concern was, among other things, the culture war against the fashion of short hairstyles
for women, which was increasingly emerging in the 1920s, which was understood as
cultureless and degrading women - but also because of the importance as "magic antennae".
to the internal club costume in that circle that called itself the "All-German Society for
Metaphysics". In the subtitle was the designation Vri - Il, which later became "Vril". The signet
of this spiritual union became a woman's head with a long ponytail (called: seahorse).

Maria, Vril boss

This group of young ladies, led by Maria and Traute, one from Vienna and one from Munich,
proved to be as skilled as they were energetic. The ladies did not appear as an esoteric
association (at that time one spoke of the occult), rather they created a company shell. When
all esoteric associations in Germany were then banned in 1941, they naturally did not affect
the “Drive Technical Workshops Vril”.

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dare Sigrun

In the meantime, a flourishing company had developed, working for Adam Opel AG, among others
was, although the emphasis of the efforts was in the field of aviation - or more correctly; the
Space travel, because the ladies wanted to build a "star ship", resp. build for it
they hired men.

black sun

A site in Brandenburg had been taken over from the Arado aircraft factory.

The disc-shaped devices Vril 7 and Vril 8 were probably made there between 1943 and 1944. It
but there may also have been a direct interaction with Arado. For example the draft Ar
E 555 came from the drawing boards of the women's squad, but for an unconventional drive
intended; only later did Arado create a design for jet propulsion.

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Post-war depiction of flying discs

The Vril ladies may have had some good connections to high-ranking officers in the Wehrmacht,
about Erich von Manstein, Adolf Galland or Karl Dönitz, but especially about Wilhelm Canaris,
the chief of defense. This supported the work on new weapons, since the
Reich Ministry of Aviation showed frightening ignorance. Probably already at the end of 1941
the secret society "The Chain" was formed, within the framework of which new technologies were promoted.
The "Vril" circle was not National Socialist, but it would also be wrong to resist it
assign to the NS system. The war forced loyalty.

The "Vril - Ladies" undoubtedly played an important role in this circle. A "Vril Society" has
it never existed outside under this name. The ladies only used it among themselves
this calculation.

Double signed

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Vril Society - secret in the unknown

The Z plan can be obtained separately. The original now has a definitive ending.
Other versions, which are not quite legally circulating on the worldwide web, differ from the

Source of supply from

"The Z-Plan" by Ralf Ettl :

Damböck-Verlag, Markt 86, A-3321 Ardagger (Austria), Tel: 0043/ 7479/ 6329

A small excerpt from the last part of the Z-Plan:

...Thus Lukowsky left the house in Rheinallee;

her heiress
full -ofand
with that,
made his
very well, much Vera, the
tohe, 'It is true, we are our destiny - the executors of the apocalypse.'
better than Siglinde had that
there is only now gradually understood what this meant:
You are mine and I am yours.'- And we are

Ernst Lukowsky - Vera Jörgens' heir. And what did that mean? Fight the great dragon in the to defeat,
final, decisive battle,
be. of
in the
in Lukowsky
of Berlin.
on the
what that
something it too
He would play a fanfare and be there when the the
wasn't important either, what mattered was that
Drums were beaten over the Walserfeld and the flag with the sign of the Son of Man
rose. ...

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With each attempt, the real background hanging of the "Vril" society and those who come together with it, new
puzzles closer to labyrinths of the unknown open up, a game of confusion
an Possibilities, probabilities, contingencies. Hardly seems like you've got this it's like to
or that point gained extensive certainty, the uncertain peeps that, again the
in between. What we recently assumed to be almost certain, we now know again
not really... If this is anything more than mere mystification we have to deal so itsuch
is, with should remain
perfectly encrypted system of complete secrecy that it should ever get to theto do,
speak of thoroughly real things. Inevitably these - we have themcome. But that is precisely what lies in it

given - under a complex cloak of camouflage, deliberate deception and secrecy

lie hidden according to all rules of art. Would it isotherwise, it doesn't make any sense.

The situation just described certainly gave

are committed authors a certain right to
conclusions work. On tothese pages, however, this is also to be avoided. The
frameworkof the "probably true". Finding is difficult enough here anyway.

So what do we know - if the "Vril we know anything at all - after it seemed it is year ago and Tag
to very fantastic-looking components. to see through, including some
project" is relatively simple with
Should have. But sometimes time passes before people gain the in reason to be suspicious
necessary distance. Comparative considerations
led to the realization
could quickly
that have to interesting topics
at that
technical innovations on a large scale
were in by German industry
fashion, but that them
the political
That's leadership
without exception.
he went ignored
Germany's technical lead lost during the fronts - although this
Waroneon the
aircraft completelyindustry was getting bigger, on the lead in all
especially. The Americans determined Germany's technical lead in 1945 to be ten to 15

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The German leadership, however, only recognizedthis in the final phase of the war, quite
it to
was. The concept of countering the opponent's greater quantity with one's own higher quality
(such as General Galland repeatedly demanded) was not implemented,although it was
would have been easily possible. For the German soldiers the fronts
an but fought themselves
the technical advantage does not go down. So, for example, the brunt of airspacedefense lay
until the end on the shoulders of the 109, which was eleven years old when the warMe
ended, while new,
superior aircraft, which have long been available, did not goininto series production.
that country
that had theand
modern technology,
missed them hadallthe best airplanes
associated opportunities - until then, the tide will turn. to
was late, Die to
The responsibility for this
the troops
not with them
the political leadership. Some who say we got World War II by treason
or other imponderables, it should be said: No, we have this war going on
Errors of the Nazi government lost. This concerned both unqualified interference
in the strategy and, in particular, ignorance of the technical requirements. Only in
In the final phase of the war, miracle weapons were suddenly supposed to save what had previously been neglected.

is it shows
This comment is important may have
because developmentslike the "Vril project" are certainly not
arisen due to far-sighted actions of political
the leadership. opposite
Im is
to assume that such ideas were hindered in the same way as, say, jet planesor the
electric submarines; two possibly war-decisive weapons that would have easily in time for
can be used. The war would then have had a different outcome. Technology
can't lie, so we're looking at objective factors here.

In the
of these
objective facts,
the result
of purely
state that the "Vril Im

without any government support. Only Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of the Greater German
in materials and
secret service, have provided assistance, in particular in the form of raw

to the only existing trail that is probably worth pursuing

material procurement. This now leads quite directly

could: The for"All-German

Metaphysics" Society
also called Vri-Il- and Vril-Ges.),
founded 1921 Munich, converted
emerged into from
the company "antriebstechnische
the periphery Werkstätten."
of the "Thule Society," in 1937 due to an
1926 the
definable cooperation with the Arado extinct with
aircraft in until
works, the end
mainly of the war. From
in Brandenburg,
there came - if at all - the "Vril project." 1945, with

What people did all this?

The company was founded by a young woman from Vienna, Maria O.

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She was already in contact with personalities during the First German-national and quasi-esoteric
World War. So with Karl Haushofer and Rudolf von Sebottendorf. she In 1919
got to know
a man
was Hess from
knownand Adolf
she isother.
was known).
later In addition,
Maria participated
engaged Erik
(after Janshe
1945 Hanussen
O. is
said to have him in Sweden
Rumor about
is isthe whereabouts
the founding ofofthe
Maria O. Nothing
Thule certain
Order. must
at have men there too you
her up.
he was looking for her. Maybe that didn't matter.
Since the Thule order is increasingly only
more concerned with political issues, Maria founded together with her closest friend
Traute, a woman from Munich, and other young women set up their own association, the “Alldeutsche
Society for Metaphysics.” Among other things, these young ladies led a culture war against the
Degradation of women through short hairstyles that were emerging at the time. In any case: These are very
jaunty young ladies, at least that who can please men, and at the same time very self-confident -
was oriented Renaissance
towards the anddoubt. Her attitude was traditionalist,
is beyond
antiquity. on

In 1921, the term "chain" appeared for the first time (which later, in a different meaning, was also used by Canaris
should be used). First, under the term "chain" was the line of spiritual tradition
understood that from ancient Babylon via Carthage, Rome and Germania, the German secret section
the Knights Templar and the Venetian Ordo Bucintoro of the Pan-Babylonian
Renaissance as well
as society led to theinpresent. The underlying motive in all this was the coming
Reign of the GoddessÄon. (Venus/ Ishtar) in a new O. Overcoming The community around Maria it worked
the the Modern and the rebirth of Antiquity to create a new Atlantis ideal
Plato. Various magical moments certainly also played a role here, which are not mentioned here
can be entered individually. What is important, however, is the belief in the afterlife, the one in that circle
which prevailed - and
the association
generate also ofextremely
idea young
the use Maria O. are ina vibration
of technical device a specific
to means, through which it becomes
should be possible, according to the law of affinity of
beyond to travel - into the worlds of the gods... That sounds fantastic, but the
soon proved not only firmly grounded in reality
to be.

As early as 1922, the ladies hired suitable technicians for their projects. Among these was
temporarily also WOdr with the repeatedly
Schumann, mentioned
who dealt with gravity and electrogravity. Ob
project "Jenseitsflugmaschine"
completed can actually be is
with It issecurity.
not determine butlaid
to be - this probably
the been worked on, and - can be speculated so
foundation for the later unconventional

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Connections to the Thule Order were probably very loose at the time, if such
have existed at all. After National Socialism took power, the
Thule Order, partly probably in the SS. But the “All-German Society for Metaphysics” was
meanwhile long sinceto become the company "antriebstechnische Werkstätten". At that time the group consisted to
of about full members,40 almost exclusively women. close friend should A
to have become Kurt Tank relatively early, the chief designer at Focke-Wulf, too
connection not Ernst
privy Heinkel
to. later Thetobackground
was considered plans
be emphatically were certainly employees and workers
company, on the other hand, are in

This company has

the years 1931
worked with good success, without anything conspicuous being evident
To have
and then
into and
in the first aircraft. is
At that time the company's main customerwas apparently Adam Opel AG, which
possibly also wanted to venture into the aircraft engine business. Superficially busy
the company but probablyprimarily with measures to increase the performance of existing Opel engines. But it
Apparently there were also connections to the companies Adler, Dornier, Focke-Wulf and
Schlieper, and later also to Heinkel
and had
In addition,
At the same
it the ladies good personal
seems so to Erich von Manstein and August von Macksensen,
to Adolf Galland, Karl Dönitz and others. But the most significant connection was safe
In any case, looks like Admiral Canaris - as head of the to to have.
"defense" one of the mostit so powerful
men of theefforts
the "drive
- workshops"
the again and again
supported, even still imprisoned between 1944 and 1945 as concentration camp Flossenbrüg
will be speaking. to he
this despite detention he had the opportunity, this was Heinrich Himmler's influence. If so to
owe - strange aspect about which another to

Apparently, as long as there was peace, the ladies focused on making money through their company
to earn in order to realize their fantastic dreams Until the end of 1935 to be able.
the company seems to own a test site near Oberschleißheim near Munich
to have. Then there is probably the desire for a larger and at the same time less conspicuous area
surfaced. In 1936 she was likely to be in aBusiness
remote area for a few months
northwest Germany have worked. There plans were made for a project called "Hauneburg."
This was probably not pursued further, but the Arado aircraft
on factory
the was sold. Of
In 1937, the company leased a derelict site in Brandenburg from Arado. Although the offices up early
remained in Munich in 1945, all further work of the company could then take place in Brandenburg
have taken place until the end of the war (the designation of that area as "Vril site" not is

outbreak of war, they asked Ladies took back their visions and strove to to for the
With apparently The The firm
contribute. worked on various official armaments projects
Victory and also delivery tasks taken over. The cooperation with
Arado, but also with Focke-Wulf due to Kurt Tank's friendship. This should include
of the
and and
Meanwhile, Damen has construction Ar Eto555 and possibly the FW 1000.
apparently tried The company of
use their technology
for military
make. to
Objects usable So a relatively small disk-shaped aircraft under the
Enrichment VR (Vril) 1 may have been created, but this was probably not completed.

In the meantime, experiments with different types of flying disks have probably been carried out in other places
been undertaken. The strange name "Haunebu"appears, the Hauneburg
remembered.The Arado company,butwhich may have sold the Hauneburg plans, has with the
certainly not experimented with "Haunebu" devices, these are rather Wiener Neustadt and
suspected in Augsburg.

Only in in In
1943 VR
the 7, a appears on the company premises in Brandenburg
that. 45
disc-shaped missile of a relatively large meters in diameter for a crew.
Of all the reports and stories about German "UFOs" this VR appears 7th
most tangible. In contrast to to various other attempts, vertical take-off machines
this with support to
corresponds screws,
to VR 7 quite the ideas of a with completely
spaceship equipped with unconventional propulsion. At least one of these devices appears
been completed VR (Vril)to be, maybe even two. Possibly gave in addition, an it

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8, which was intended for long-range space flight. But this aspect should not be here
be discussed in more detail. Only asolot: The flight should lead through the afterlife, so to speak,
unencumbered by the natural laws of this world should present nogenuine-looking
difficulty, fly it swiftly
- for to
There are to
distant stars to fetch ...
ideas. Perhaps this was still attempted in the desperate situation at the beginning of 1945? At that time was
tried some things. After all, the ladies have been harboring such dreams for a long time... Who knows!

Which concrete tracks can possible track we evenfindthe

of this these
days? by
no! Canaris,
One a plan
to that
leads officially never existed. it is
This designation does not mean the old Z-Plan of naval armor, but the
"Plan for the future," which was worked out in secret in Department "Z" of the counter-intelligence and put to work
was set. This is perhaps the last real secret from the Third Reich. era

In February 1944, Admiral Canaris was arrested on suspicion of treason. Proofs

It was
against it not, that
is conceivable wasthis
not arrest
convicted. he is.
was nothing
anything but a
camouflage After the war, claims arose that it was it is
telltale "Canaris Diaries" have been found, but such never existed. From detentionit
from Canaris could act largely freely. apparently
Himmler, inhe
too made sure of that, and
kept in close contact with him. Himmler tried to make a separate peace with the western powers
to negotiate Canaris did not believe that an such a possibility is rather wanted to make provisions for
future generations would meet and create a very last reserve, a kind of one
Deterrent weapon against Morgenthau plan or something like that. Am 9. April 1945 became Canaris
executed. Yet to At this point, everything necessary was probably already done.

Admiral Canaris is to maintain a secret society: Plant have set geared, if need be over
several generations at a "The Chain" This secret society should be for the Fail from case or
given time the necessaryfunds are available in several underground facilities
so itmysterious
hidden. We don't know what falls but from the really is all about. it
"Flying saucers" of the German Empire should still be present then
probably in one of the never found attachments of Wilhelm Canaris' Z-Plan.

No one knows what is true of all this, what may be intentional misleading, what is deception or also
unintentional self-deception. Things like this take on a momentum of their own very easily. What us yesterday
it might
only seemed possible may appear tomorrow as if it really was - and that's even
be... who knows? Thinking and dreaming are all too mixed up in such subject areas in
we know
easy. What really was - not! Wilhelm there
Canaris could possibly answer some
will be questions - butcertainly
war therenothing
was nomore
than vaguetracerumors
of the and theof the it issince
knowledge that their hair
they carried long and that - nowshe
it half a century ago. Since the end of
World War II, many people are considered missing - still. It's that unusual too
so not. Perhaps bombs hit their Brandenburg quarters.

But precisely if all this were reality - then just so that none of us would well hidden, camouflaged and veiled,
admit it could fathom! - Only then would you know: The chain!

Ralf Ettl

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Life is always today;

never never
yesterday, tomorrow -
always, today.
George Armstrong Custer

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Admiral Wilhelm Canaris

Below is a short biography of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris from the sources of the German Historical Museum

Wilhelm Canaris

December 7:
Wilhelm Canaris is born in Aplerbeck (Westphalia), the son of the industrialist Carl Canaris and his wife Auguste
(née Popp).

After graduating from high school, Canaris joins the Imperial Navy, where he undertakes
numerous voyages in South American waters.

During the First World War he serves on the light cruiser "Dresden" and takes part in the naval battle of the
Falkland Islands.

After the "Dresden" sinks itself, Canaris flees to Chile and is interned. However, he can escape from there and
return to Germany.

As a lieutenant captain, he carries out a secret mission in Spain on behalf of the Admiralty.

1917/ 18 At
his own request, he is deployed at the front again and is in command of a submarine in the Mediterranean.

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1918/ 19 In
the November Revolution, Canaris, as a liaison officer, supports the formation of vigilante groups to
suppress the revolutionary movements.

He is a member of the court-martial that largely acquitted the members of the Freikorps of the Guards
Cavalry Rifle Division accused of the murders of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg.

Canaris is appointed adjutant by Reichswehr Minister Gustav Noske.

Marries the industrialist's daughter Erika Waag, with whom he has two children.

Canaris supports the putsch by Walther von Lüttwitz and Wolfgang Knapp. He is imprisoned, but released
again after a short time. Despite his rejection of the Weimar Republic and the Versailles Treaty, he remains in
his position.
July: As an admiral staff officer in the Baltic Fleet, he becomes first officer on the cruiser "Berlin".

Canaris works in the naval administration.

First officer on the battleship "Schlesien".

Canaris becomes Chief of Staff at the North Sea Station.

As captain, he takes command of the "Silesia".

Out of his anti-communism, Canaris welcomes the National Socialists' seizure of power and hopes for a
revision of Versailles.

Canaris receives a so-called farewell post as fortress commander of Swinemünde.

Surprisingly, Canaris was appointed rear admiral to head the defense department in
the Reich War Ministry after his predecessor had come into conflict with the Nazi regime. Although not a
fundamental opponent of the National Socialists, Hitler's preparations for war put Canaris at a greater distance
from the Nazi regime, especially as he also saw himself exposed to increasing pressure from the Security
Service (SD). He has a friendly competitive relationship with his boss Reinhard Heydrich.

After the Blomberg affair and the resignations of Wener von Blomberg and Werner Freiherr von Fritsch,
Canaris uses his position to organize resistance in the Wehrmacht. He covers up the resistance activities of
his chief of staff, Hans Oster, promotes the oppositional attitudes of Ludwig Beck, and provides information
for a coup to several resistance groups. His opposition activities have long been obscured by his
counterintelligence successes.

In order to deter Adolf Hitler from going to war, Canaris warns many of Hitler's confidants of war and tries to
influence Italy's head of government, Benito Mussolini, through his contacts abroad.

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Promoted to Admiral.

After the attack on the Soviet Union and with increasing doubts about the willingness of the
generals to act against Hitler, Canaris' organizational resistance activities diminish. However,
he continued to use his position against the Nazi regime: he protested against the shooting of
Russian prisoners of war and enabled numerous persecuted people to escape.

With the arrest of his colleague Hans von Dohanyi, Oster comes under suspicion and is
given a leave of absence. From now on, Canaris is also under constant observation.

The defection of an intelligence agent to the British is the reason Canaris is relieved of his post.
The defense department in the Reich Ministry of War is taken over by the Reich Security
Main Office (RSHA).

July: Canaris is arrested three days after the July 20 assassination. Although he rejected an
attempt to assassinate Hitler, he is incriminated by the information found on members of
resistance groups.

9th: Shortly before American troops move in, Canaris is hanged by members of the SS in
the Flossenbürg concentration camp (Upper Palatinate) together with Oster and Dietrich

A center of resistance was the military defense under Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, who also covered
the activities of his chief of staff, Major General Hans Oster. Since the "Summer Crisis" of 1938,
Oster had been working on coup plans with Ludwig Beck. Disappointed by the lack of military
action against Adolf Hitler, he informed Norway and the Netherlands about the impending attacks.
When Hans von Dohanyi, a close associate of Oster, was arrested in 1943, he too came under
suspicion. Arrested after July 20, 1944, Oster was murdered with Canaris and Dietrich Bonhoeffer
on Hitler's orders on April 9, 1945 in the Flossenbürg concentration camp.

While Hitler initially assumed that the conspirators of July 20, 1944 were a "very small clique of
ambitious officers", it soon turned out that the group behind Stauffenberg's assassination
reached far beyond the military and even extended into supposedly “party-loyal circles”. The
"July 20 Special Commission" set up to track down the assassins quickly grew to over 400
officers. Some 5,600 people, including all former MPs and officials from the German Communist
Party (KPD), the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Center, were arrested in the months
following July 20. In 1944 alone, the People's Court handed down over 2,000 death sentences.

Towards the end of the war, terror and persecution went far beyond resistance. Until the last day
of the war - and in some cases even after the surrender - people were executed for "military

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Admiral Wilhelm Canaris' Z-PLAN

One of the last largely unsolved mysteries from the Third Reich era is still the
Z-PLAN of the German defense, set in motion by Admiral Wilhelm
Canaris: Z-Plan - target plan - future plan.

In general military history literature, the term 'Z-Plan' is used to denote a

early abandoned German naval armaments program mentioned. The Z-PLAN had nothing with that

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to do - although the adoption of this designation may also serve as a convenient camouflage
was intended. The origin, however, was the department 5 of the defense, internally also known as
'Department Z'. General historiography knows about this 'Department Z'
only that the most secret and unusual things were going on there. Since largely in the dark
depends on the nature of these things, 'Department Z' is sometimes accused of everything
which she certainly had nothing to do with - depending on the political trend, the spectrum ranges
from alleged resistance activities to special tasks for Hitler. The truth is - so much can
It can be said that
-, 'Department Z' originated all the activities of the counterintelligence that went into the
medium-term or even more distant future, resp. should be enough. This wraps with high
Likely most of the wide-ranging secret operations between 1936 and 1944
planned and partly implemented.

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First is a consideration of the personality of the Chief of Defense, the Greater German
secret service, necessary: Admiral Wilhelm Canaris.
Today he is considered inscrutable by all sides. Some claim he is a resister
been against National Socialism - for which there is not a single solid proof. the
others think that he was one of Hitler's most ambitious helpers from behind the scenes. on
in all cases he was a committed patriot. It is true that Wilhelm Canaris was associated with Adolf Hitler
understood exceptionally well, to whom he owed his important career, as well as with Heinrich
himmler In terms of ideology, Canaris was what can be described as right-wing conservative. the
He had firmly rejected democracy since the Weimar period. But he was also an opponent of
totalitarianism and used, for example, for the decent treatment of Russian
prisoner of war. Wilhelm Canaris was certainly loyal to the Third Reich and basically also represented it
his ideas, but he was not uncritical of the 'existing National Socialism'.

Perhaps it is best at this point to quote what Rudolf J. Mund wrote in his work “Vom
Myth of the Black Sun" writes:

Wilhelm Walter Canaris, born am 1. January 1887 in Aplerbeck, district of Dortmund, into the unknown
received on the 9th April 1945 in the Flossenburg concentration camp. In between lay a life full of
unexplained, dubious conception, as that of the great it only initiates can often be, yes
must be. As an admiral and German officer, I was at the head he toof a gigantic organization
which, under the name 'defence',
in the Second World War. growth became a history-forming factor
But he goes far beyond that. for him this introduce
for completely
waswasanda forecourt
someOne familiar
has to
German to in a
wanted he
is attempting this task as a world organization
to is a more
that.could not was
Canaris fullyhistorical
itself to either Nazi aggression or resistance.
That is why he is is often considered a traitor by both sides. not, becauseIs thewar it is is served
unknown, higher-level task. that, dr He was what H. Fritsche maybe as "merlinesque"
would characterize personality. His departure from the profane worldstage fits in harmoniously
this picture. We do not know to which mysteries Canaris belonged, but we feel and recognize him
as thea great real esotericist of our century. We feel his genius and his
legendary quick-thinking fine, an every nook and cranny of our present. It's something of his
sensitive sense of humor the air. We offer him, who of our time very much the seal so of his
personality, our greeting:

may you the black sun will shine for a long time.

The question as to which mysteries Wilhelm Canaris belonged to can at least be answered insofar as
how he was connected to that 'magic circle of women', which - internally - also called 'Vril -
Society' was called. Another clue may be that he put the Black Sun in the seal
took up his organization 'Kette'.

There is much ambiguity about the circumstances surrounding his departure from this world. The execution is
apparently done without orders from above by over-zealous people. Canaris had the confidence to the last
Himmler's and probably Hitler's too. There is some evidence that the detention at all only
was a camouflage measure, because from there Canaris could continue his plans unhindered
pursue, even with increasing support from the SS and Himmler. There isn't one either
slightest credible indication of a betrayal (allegedly treacherous 'Canaris diaries'
never, they are a post-war invention). People who are particularly close to Wilhelm Canaris
stood, do not rule out that he staged his own execution in order not to fall into enemy hands
advised - and at the same time to fully cover its mysteries; because if the enemy him for
held a Nazi opponent, that would have been the best camouflage...

We don't know how it really happened in detail - because Admiral Canaris didn't want it to happen
any outsider knows. However, what we do know - to a certain extent relates to its Z-PLAN, its origin -,
and its destination.

Towards the end of 1941, with the escalation of the war with Russia and the USA,
The balance of power for Germany became increasingly unfavorable, and there was no question of a quick victory
be more. The political leadership did not recognize this. In anticipation of a quick win, von

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This made the momentous decision to stop all new armaments programs that could not be
ready for the frontline within a year. This was bound to have disastrous consequences,
especially for the Luftwaffe and the U-boats. Men like Canaris and other farsighted officers,
as well as technicians and industrialists, saw the dangers very clearly. According to the
management decision, important new developments, such as the Me 309 planned as the new
standard fighter and also the Me 262 jet fighter, as well as other advanced weapon systems,
should not be continued; the government still believed in an early victory, and open opposition
was scarcely possible at that time. At this point, thanks to the overall technical advantage,
the German weapons still proved to be superior to those of the enemy. But the enemy powers
were working flat out on new generations of weapons. German industry also did this on its
own initiative - but without support from management.

This situation filled Admiral Canaris with concern - especially since influential circles in
America had already announced plans to annihilate the German people as a whole, such as
the 'Kaufman Plan'(-> Nahum Kaufmann: "Germany must perish" (a forerunner of the
Morgenthau Plan )). Canaris's secret service had procured extensive information from abroad
that was bound to be alarming in many respects. Germany's new main opponent. Russia and
the USA not only knew no shortage of raw materials, but also had enormous production capacities.
In this respect not only America but also Russia was a dangerous opponent.
Secret service findings had also shown that Russia was a particularly serious opponent from
a technical point of view. The expected new Russian tanks (T 34) and aircraft (Jak 3/9 and
Lagg 5) would be better than the western ones and they were expected in large numbers in
1942/43. In America, new, long-range fighter aircraft were being developed; which would be
equivalent or even superior to the currently deployed Germans (P 47 and P 51). For 1942/43 it
had to be expected that large American bomber formations, accompanied by thousands of
fighters, would attack the Reich. Canaris wrote a memorandum on all this with particular
emphasis on the fact that the war would be decided by air supremacy, so Germany absolutely
had to maintain and, if possible, increase its lead, especially with fighter planes (here the
personal acquaintance between Admiral Canaris and General Galland played a role).

This warning paper met with rejection from the leadership, namely from Hermann Goering. It
corresponded to what Adolf Galland (general of the fighter pilots) had presented only a few
weeks earlier and had to be insulted as a "defeatist" for it. Hitler himself declared that his area
of interest was the land war, the air was Goering's concern.

In the months of September to December 1941, Admiral Canaris held talks, partly in person
and partly by telephone, with various people who were also concerned, including Adolf
Galland, Erich von Manstein, Karl Dönitz, Valerio Borghese, August von Mackensen, Rolf
Engel, Eugen Sänger, and Traute A.* as well as with leading representatives of industry,
including Arado, Dornier, Focke-Wulf, Heinkel, Siemens, Henschel, Daimler-Benz, DSF, Gotha
(probably also Junkers, Blohm & Voss, Messerschmitt and Fiat, but this is uncertain is). In
addition, Admiral Canaris had a discussion on this matter with Heinrich Himmler, who
instructed the technical troop of the SS to cooperate with the Canaris Initiative if necessary, but this did not h

* The last name is not given out of consideration for the family.

It was decided to create a fund to promote new, technically particularly advanced weapons.
The companies Arado (along with drive technology workshops), Dornier, Heinkel, Siemens,
Daimler-Benz, DSF and Henschel as well as Admiral Canaris' 'defense', i.e. the German secret
service, took part in this. The project was organized in Department 5 - also known as
Department Z - of the defense and was given the name "Z-PLAN" (Target Plan). The
organization founded in this way was given the name "The Chain". It was a matter of the
strictest secrecy, but with toleration by the leadership, Hitler and Himmler were informed.

From then on, Department Z of the Greater German Secret Service was occupied with nothing
more than the realization of Plan Z. This initially provided for the creation of ordnance to
achieve global air supremacy, including over America. The most advanced aircraft -

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Fighters, fast long-distance bombers, also guided missiles - were put into operation if not already
available in basic developments.

The division of tasks within the chain was that the defense against foreign exchange and hard-to-obtain
procured raw materials and secured the shield, so to speak, while the technicians and industrialists
ensured the realization of the projects and the officers gave practical advice.

The following projects resulted from this initiative:

Ar 240,
Ar 234,
Ar 555,
Fw 190D/ Ta 152,
Ta 154, Fw "Neos",
Do335, Do 317, He
162, He 219, Vr 7,
Vr 8, Vr 9, Go 228,
DSF 146, Hs 172,
Hs 193, Hs 194,
DFS 346, DB Z/ E,
Fritz and Enzian
cruise missiles,

The most secret projects of the Z-Plan were undoubtedly the Ar 555, the Fw Neos, the He 1078 and the
Vr - devices - the "Vril" - spaceships. As far as is known, the production sites for these weapons were in
Brandenburg, Lower Bavaria, in the Dresden area, Krefeld and in Styria.

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Some of these projects did not get beyond the planning stage, others got to the point
where they were ready for the front line, and some were used successfully. However,
there was no comprehensive support for the Z-Plan projects and adoption for use at the
front; on the contrary, machines such as the He 219 or the Do 355 were hindered; only
the Fw 190 D and, very late, the Ar 234 and cruise missiles can be described as practical
results of the initiative. When the leadership finally recognized the need for new
weapons, preference was given to those that had not emerged from the private Z-Plan
initiative. For example, the V1 and V2, which are certainly valuable, and the undoubtedly
excellent Me 262, which, however, was noticed years too late and then used incorrectly.
The Ju 188, which went into series production, and other machines, in particular from
Messerschmitt and Junkers, also went too late, most of which were no longer ready for
the front line. The "America bomber" Me 264 should also be mentioned here, which,
although roughly corresponding to the American B 29, was already outdated from the
German point of view at the design stage and would have been lost even if it were
completed without long-range escort fighters. Arado and Focke-Wulf offered much better
solutions; the Daimler-Benz project Z/ E could also have served the purpose better. It is
difficult to judge to what extent the VR devices (round-trip planes/ 'flying disks') could have been brou

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possibly more on the BMW developments and on the H-devices (Haunebu/ Hauneburg).
technical troop of the SS, which also worked on the power jet cannon 'Donar'.

Finally, at the turn of the year 1943/44, also in circles of the political leadership for the first time
serious concerns about the development of the war must have been awakened. A meeting came up
leading heads of the 'chain' and the technical troop of the SS and probably even one
Conversation with Adolf Hitler himself. The result was a partial cooperation, about which
Details however not much is known.

In the second half of 1944 there was a change in the structure of the chain - from
the research promotion fund became a secret society. Admiral Canaris was under treason charges
been arrested. Thanks in particular to Himmler's unbroken trust in him, he was able to
However, you can continue to work largely unhindered. The execution of Canaris on April 9, 1945
most likely took place without an order from Hitler, in any case without Himmler's knowledge.

Beginning in the summer of 1944, the Z-PLAN took on a new shape, the Target Plan became the
Plan for the future - the creation of the very last reserves, which can be used even after a military defeat of the
Reich could still take effect - a 'chain' which, if necessary, lasted for several generations
had to! For this new, very far-reaching Z-PLAN, extensive underground facilities were planned
planned and at least partially completed. In these plants were the last secret weapons
of the Greater German Reich in readiness for a possible counter-attack in order to buy Kaufman - and
Morgenthau - to prevent plans - and moreover, in order to ensure the re-establishment of the
to give the German people a basis.

During his imprisonment, Canaris maintained particularly close contact with Himmler,
or this to him. It can be assumed that in the emerging final phase of the
War now all forces worked together. The ones with the technical troop of the SS in Wiener Neustadt
developed 'Power Beam Cannon' is likely to equip the probably in operational condition
existing individual pieces of the Vr 7, and some Ju 288 and Do 317 were also equipped with this weapon
stocked. Thus, the empire had a few but extremely effective weapons for one
eventual final counterattack.

Parallel to these efforts of the Z-Plan, the continuation of projects took place, which were already
had been included earlier: the overseas bases of the Greater German Reich.

Here, too, the initiative came from Wilhelm Canaris. Already during the First World War
he had traveled the Antarctic region and also belonging to Antarctica with the cruiser 'Dresden'
enter offshore islands. The thought that secret bases there for Germany very
must be valuable, it occurred to him even then.

Since 1936, Canaris had expected a Second World War to be directed against Germany. Especially
the information obtained by the secret service about Great Britain's strategic armaments policy
and the USA confirmed this fear. His warnings took place at the German government
but no hearing, the German armor remained purely tactical, designed only for limited conflicts

Only the then Grand Admiral Reader shared Canaris' fears. He supported the idea
secret overseas bases. This laid the foundation for the German Antarctic -
company, which in 1938 led to the taking possession of the area 'Neuschwabenland' under international law
for the Greater German Reich.

Likewise, before the outbreak of war, Admiral Canaris had a German secret base on the
Canary Islands put into action. For this purpose he had contacted the German Gustav who lived there
Winter agreed. With the silent toleration of the friendly Spanish government,
the Jandia peninsula on Fuerteventura was expanded into a German air base (later, in
Cooperation with Karl Dönitz, Jandia is also said to have been used to supply submarines

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Jandia, located in the Atlantic Ocean, was an ideal stopover base for long-range sea
reconnaissance aircraft (Fw 200 C). A few German aircraft may have been stationed at Jandia
for a while; at least two Me 110s, whose main task was to shoot down any enemy long-range
reconnaissance planes that might appear before they could pass on the secret. Later, this
task is said to have been carried out by two or three Ar 240s, possibly reinforced by two Do
335s towards the end of the war. These were prototypes of particularly powerful aircraft,
which, however, did not go into series production.

According to unconfirmed reports, individual Ju 390, P 108 (Italian), Do 317 and Bv 222 flying
boats are said to have stopped there on the way to Neuschwabenland, possibly also on flights
to South America, where the SS was working on another secret base in Peru become a should.

In any case, the secret base Jandia on Fuerteventura served well. It is undisputed that this
went back to Canaris. If this man had been a traitor, the enemy would certainly not have
discovered that there was a German base there months after the end of the war.

To what extent the overseas bases are connected to the Z-PLAN is uncertain, probably not
directly. The funds of the Z-Plan are likely to have been concentrated in underground facilities
at home, in today's Federal Republic of Germany and in Austria. That such secret facilities
exist is no longer a secret - but where they are and what they contain is still a great secret.

Excerpts from the Z-Plan to the Apocalypse

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Jahwe, El Shaddai - Z-Plan (ninth part) p. 477

Anyone who knows the truth will also find traces of it in the New Testament, for example in
the 8th chapter of the Gospel of John or in Paul's letter to Titus. He pointed in the direction of
his countless books: "You just have to read it yourself! - In any case: Christ is by no means
the son of the Hebrew God Yahweh, as the Church claims! no Christ is God - Yahweh is the
devil! So easy! Yahweh also introduces himself with the sentence: 'I am El Shaddai' - in the
original text: 'Ani ha El Shaddai', Genesis, first book of Moses, 17.1. Where you read in the
Bible today, 'the Almighty' or 'God', the original text says something completely different,
namely El Shaddai, Yahweh or Zebaoth. The word 'God' does not exist in the Hebrew Old
Testament. At most 'Adonai', which means 'Lord'. Basically, it's easy to see through once you
start thinking about it. It's not without reason that the 'Old Testament Cruelty' is proverbial -
it's just the book of the devil!"

The most important questions - Z-Plan (ninth part) p. 477 - 478

The questions that have always moved us in one way or another are: Who are we? Where do
we come from? Why are we here? Where will it take us after we die? Humans - like all other
living beings, animals, plants - were not created. They are beings of eternal existence with
and alongside the divinity. The beginning took place in the spaceless infinity and the timeless
eternity. This is the purely divine level of being that we cannot comprehend because we
cannot exist without space and time. That is why the divine power created time and space for
us. And that was - for us - the beginning. Imagine that from all eternity myriad seeds of life to
come lay ready. At this stage, all those seeds consisted of a shell and a kernel. The shell
corresponds to the soul, the core to the spirit. The soul is the form, the quasi astral
corporeality, the spirit is the character, are the talents and so on. Into this still lifeless duality
the divine power gave a third: the power of life. And with the animation of all the innumerable
seeds, each being became the eternal trinity of spirit-soul-life.”

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Who was Yahweh or El Shaddai? - Z-Plan (ninth part) p. 478

"The power of life that we have all received from the Godhead is inalienable - there is no
death. Dying is nothing more than a change of body clothing, which is then rebuilt in another
world according to the inner pattern of our astral body. There is also no extinction of the ego-
consciousness in dying, no forgetting who we are, but a conscious transition from this into a
world beyond. From there our life continues. The fact that there is any dying at all is simply
because we have to go through the physical world of this world. How so? Because we once
left our original home, the kingdom of God of eternal light, and lost our heavenly bodies in
the process, i.e. the purely light-material conversions of our astral bodies, to put it this way.
In the void infinity we could not exist. We lost consciousness and sank back into a seed state.
We are all fallen angels in a way! How did this happen? Well, because the conscious Yahweh
became a shaddain, a rejected one. Words like Schatten and Shaddow also come linguistically
from this stem. His original name in the kingdom of heaven was Balael. In the Bible this name
still occurs in a twisted way as Belial. Balael, that is, taken quite literally: throwers of fire - Bal-
a-El, i.e. Lucifer. However, the frequent translation of the name Lucifer with 'light bringer' is
wrong, it should be fire thrower, because 'Elu' is fire, 'Il' or 'Ilu', on the other hand light, but
the divine light is 'Ilu'. Well, this Balael, who wanted to be god himself, left the realm of eternal
light with some followers to build his own world and play god there. For this he used those
unsuitable materials that he found outside the kingdom of heaven. What he created was - hell!
From there he lied to the angels remaining in the realm of light that his new world had turned
out great. Christ therefore calls him the 'father of lies'. This too can still be read in the Gospel
of John. About a third of the angels of the kingdom of heaven - among them we too! - believed
Shaddain and set off. But, as already said, all of them - among them we! - lost their
consciousness and their heavenly body in the process.

Weltkampf and background to "666" - Z-Plan (ninth part) p. 477 - 483

"This struggle between light and darkness, isn't it also spoken of in the Apocalypse of John?
Doesn't the victory of the light come after that with the 14th chapter? I heard people talk about
it.” The old man smiled mischievously and picked up the Bible. "Yes," he answered, "yes,
there is much truth in that. Because this summary of the last part of the apocalypse - that's
all it is! - wrote Marcion. And because he knew that all the truth of Christ would be falsified,
he immediately encoded this scripture in such a way that only initiates could interpret it
correctly! The counterfeiters didn't know about it! It is true that they pushed in a few terms
from the Old Testament here and there, as they did throughout the so-called New Testament -
if you look it up, it never fits together - and so the name Moses also occurs in the Apocalypse and so on.
However, thanks to the encryption previously performed by Marcion, the falsifiers could only
act indiscriminately and therefore not destroy the meaning. For those who are taught, this
text still reads very clearly! Take a look.” He opened the Bible and leafed through to the
Apocalypse: “The present time culminates in the 13th chapter. You must imagine how a first-
century seer saw things today. Bombers, tanks, television and all such things were unknown
to him. He therefore had to choose descriptions that seemed clear to him. But first the most
important key to the NT - Apocalypse: The Lamb is Christ, the God of light.
The dragon is Yahweh, Satan. The first beast are the worshipers of Yahweh. The second beast
are those willing to serve. The Gentiles are those who worship and serve the beast. The
saints, on the other hand, are those who oppose the beast and its servants. The Great Whore
is the Church. Babylon - this name was later forged into it, Marcion wrote only 'great city' - is
the capital of the worshipers of the beast in the last days. So, without a doubt, this is New
York. The number 666 is the power of money; this refers to the Old Testament, 1 Kings,
chapter 10, verse 14, where it says: 'The weight of the gold that came to Solomon every year
was 666 talents of gold.' Mount Zion here is Mount Sin, the Midnight Mountain, which is
expressed particularly clearly in the 48th Psalm - most Psalms go back to Babylonian,
Assyrian or Phoenician texts. - These are the starting points you need to read the Apocalypse.
Now let's look at the 13th chapter a little; it concerns this century. Verse 13.1 means the
'beast' rises up out of the sea of peoples and gains much influence. That means the worshipers
of Yahweh. Verse 13.2 describes the two world wars. The opponents of Germany: the leopard, spotted,

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different colored, comes over the sea. This is USA. The bear's paws, this is Russia.
The Lion's Mouth, England. The dragon gave them the power to win the war, for he is the lord
of the dark ages, the prince of this world while it lasts. In verse 13.5 you even read about 42
months. That's exactly how long the US was against us in World War II. And so it goes on
perfectly. 13.13: The bomb terror against the civilian population, 13.17: If you are not a
materialist, do not have the number 666 in your head and no money in your hand, you cannot
do anything. The animal and its servants now seem to reign supreme on this earth - and yet
soon, in a few decades, everything will be completely different!"

“We didn't lose the war because the enemy was vastly outnumbered, nor because of various
deficiencies, but because we too used means of darkness! That shouldn't have happened!
Because it was a war between light and darkness - this great war from 1914 to 1945! The
powers of darkness led him against the German people. Why? There is also a trace of the true
word of Christ in the New Testament. In the Gospel of Matthew 21:43: 'The kingdom of God
will be given to another people, who will bring forth the expected fruits!' Thus spoke Christ,
turned to a group of Germanic legionnaires listening to him and said: 'It will be your people!'
- And so it will be! This is clearly attested in the surviving fragments of the true gospel, of
which there is next to nothing in the Bible. And with that it becomes clear where the front ran
and still runs: It was and is a fight of the worshipers of Yahweh against the advocates of
Christ, against that people who are called to realize the new light age - for all people, not in
the sense of petty nationalism.
This is about the thousand-year kingdom, of which the Apocalypse of St. John also proclaims
- only that the original text does not speak of a new Jerusalem, but of the new Babylon - Bab
Ilu - gate to the divine light. That is a symbol, it means the triumph of the spiritual human
being over materialism.”

The further development - Z-Plan (ninth part) p. 483

"But in the end, hell overestimates itself - and underestimates the good forces in the great
majority of people of all nations. For, as I said before, the hour will come when the nations
will see through their rulers! And then comes the big turning point.” He handed the Bible to
Lukowsky: “Here. Take it with you and read it for yourself when you get a chance. The Bible
is anything but a holy book - but it is a very instructive one. The Old Testament reveals all the
plans of Hell; and in the new there are still traces of the truth.” Lukowsky took the Bible with
him. It was the Herder translation. The elderly gentleman in the chair opposite spoke in a tone
of complete certainty: “Look, around 1990 the Eastern bloc collapsed first. Then the Wall in
Berlin disappears and there is a small reunification. Due to the expanding European
community, Austria will soon be moving closer again. Yes, and around the year 2000 the
western bloc collapsed. Maybe the year isn't exactly right, but it's going to be something like
that. After all, Christ revealed it. Just a little while longer - and we'll be the victors without a
single shot! Because brutality and hate, these are Satan's vibrations, not ours!

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Jovian the Seer

The following pages are a copy of the German translation from the original Apocalypse written
in Syro-Aramaic and contain the first and second part of the work.

The time of origin of the original can be seen from the text, it falls on May 28, 837 of the
Romans (ab urbe condita == after the construction of the city of Rome, with which event the
calendar of the Roman world empire began). According to our erroneous Christian calendar, the 28th
May 837d. R. the year 84 after the birth of Christ. Our Christian calendar is wrong because
Jesus Christ died on December 19, 749 AD. R. was born, which actually dates back to the year 5 B.C. Chr.
corresponds to birth. According to this, our calendar lags behind by 5 years, which fact is well
known to scholars.

It should also be noted that the author of the Apocalypse, the apostle John the Seer, was
called "Jovian" by his real name, which the Jews later replaced with the Jewish name "Johan,
or Joschanan" to describe the apostle, who was of Greco-Roman descent to appear as Jews.
The Jewish name was then Greekized to "Johannes".

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Revelation given by the Lord God to His servant and apostle

Jovian (John).

(1) Blessed is he who reads, who understands the meaning of Word of this seen brings and
the light the knowledge keeps alive in his soul, because for everyone it is Time near, to
every day and to every hour.

(2) Jovian, the that writtenthe word of God's holy gospel and this face too
looking worthy of all the churches of God Christ's greeting beforehand in His most holy
names and spirits!

(3) Grace, blessings and peace be to you all from him who was, who is, who will be and his
according to the most holy name we may call ourselves Christians, inso
true knowledge of him,
also try to follow his most holy word actively.

(4) Is is,The only true, all-good, eternal God and Father of all life loves us unworthy that so,
stripping himself of all His heavenly glory, became man for our sake, to bring us out of the
giving darkness
from error
a lie. and from death, and to all who are of good will, that
light of the life of His .Kingdom

(5) To him be our thanks, honor and glory forever!

(6) I, Jovian, your brother and companion in sorrow and joy, in affliction, but always in the
patience and in the peace of our lord, was captive on the isle of Patmosbecause of the word of God
Christ and the testimony of His eternal truth. Caught Miletus at the end oftoMarch and im
last years of Emperor Titus, so also in the first years of Emperor Domitian, in the Roman year 834
banished, I was already seventy-seven years old, but God The Lord gave me the strength with the
not only work for younger and young exiles but also for some of them
Knowledge of the eternal truth of God Christ and of the true eternal life of His kingdom
can bringto

(7) Paulus Agatus, the administrator, knew that, at the accusation and urging of the Jews, I
to Miletus
Prefect Lucius Anius, who sat, was captive indefinitely,and sent away; so
also heard theheword
his family

(8) In the third year of my exile, the Romans wrote the year 837 (in the third year of the
Emperor Domitian) on the twenty-eighth day of the month Maius (equal to the fourteenth day of the
month of Däsius = Thargelion of the Greeks) on the day of The Lord, I was aloneon the rock and in the
traveled with Him, for the fifty-fourth memorial of His glorious ascension. it was

(9) In I thought wistfully His first companions and apostles, last of all of them already Him were when
the Brother Andreas Jonius, from whom I knew that two first half a year earlier
he to Patra
employees died on the cross and that in Kingdom Whose was received, Whose holiest thing
essence, spirit, life, light, word and name we among them des peoples wore, so that the
darkness in error and the Escape from lies and The only true, eternal God Christ Dem
recognize lord to their own temporal and eternal salvation.

(10) Everythingthat I had experienced on earth rose up in my soul in living images, and the raging of the Jews
and their pseudo-baptized comrades, who, posing everywhere as also apostles of the Lord Jesus,
their own Jewish-Christian congregations against the true congregations of God Christ, so to speak
stamped the earth with fiendish success, has filled with a bitterness, 'the thought in
my soul, God, to take away the eternal truth in Christ to himself in his kingdom. who also ask me from the Earth

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(11) And since I have this request with a tearful face spirits through the soul said, behold, there saw
I the indescribably wonderful light, as I did a generation ago it is his
seen transfigurations, and in the light His holiest holiest glowing even more wonderfully
human form, and Is, Laying his righthand on my forehead said:

(12) Jovian! My peace be with you!

(13) I bowed down before him and said:

There My God and Lord! Forgive me me,for
in crippling
your powerthe confidence that inspires us through such thoughts
has received all that can there on on from us you Also accomplish on worn ones to

(14) Then he said tozu

Jovian! I am Forgiveness! So don't speak forgive me! you are a seer; and thus also the
gain posterity from your seership, you shall see what no other eye has ever seen,
will still be able to see; and write down what you have seen, for it is the living thing it
face of all that I have told you on earth since I have walked with you.

(15) And while he was still speaking these words, he was caught up into endless distances, and yet I saw him
always the same size, as if he were standing with me.

It earth, the firmament and all that the all of these had already vanished from my sight
(16) the
is called the world, and behold, I saw the infinityof infinities on all sides,
upper me,
back andme,side infinite army without it was closed look like one
Nasser, as if glassy and yet insubstantial, as if nothing else were there but only he in the light of his
being, spirit and life, and all the infinity of infinities of this light

(17) Then I felt that every sense went out to disappear threaten, for although besides Him and that of
him, the perception of apurity
and holiness
that light nothing essential there the was was
is infinitely above everything
Him that I sank down in the emptiness of the insubstantial,feeling myself as insubstantial and as in the
Dreams outside of me thinking said: Lord! my God! What is that? How am I supposed to look at this face

(18) And then I heard His voice inside me:

Jovian! That takes the timeless eternity, the spaceless infinity and my world, the I none
up space and doesn't require any time, because I live and am without beginning and without end.
you imagine,
me you see! What
but see nothing else; But I to
tell you; take a closer look around you and then say

(19) And as I looked around me more closely and more precisely, behold, I saw all sorts of things larger, smaller and
small, differently shaped things like seeds and transparent like glass, that I can do that too
could see that under the shell looked like a grain and since I now have the same of things in
saw innumerable and incalculable crowds farther away, I spoke in astonishment and
like in a dream thinking outside of me:
Mister! my God! What is that? As similar as all these things appear to each other, I see theirs
infinite variety and blurred little o so
Wonder! It seems
before, in others also
to mesuch
that little
I see very small ones in some
pictures as of human figures, as of all kinds of animals, and again pictures, but
other little pictures of all kinds of green plants! in

(20) And then I heard His voice inside me again:

All that, of which you only see a very small part, and next to it is of eternal existence with me
and included in eternity, but cannot live in eternity and in infinity
it is
felt because the times and spaces
without indicatescreated
a specially not live,
not attaining awareness of one's own life and being, not knowing one's way around and not
can affect.

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(21) Therefore there it

look into
own being. What
in the
look, there was once eternity and you see soul-spiritually all the beginnings created eons of time back,
by me for everything soul-spiritual, with and next to me
are gone and locked up for eternity.

(22) All this seed, of which you have such amounts and yet not even the smallest part
is aofcore,
of the whole, individually but eternal
its own withoutbeing,
vitality; there,
seed preserved
of soul's shell and spiritual
through its being, and since I all that was and it is
created in the beginning, shouldfrom, and work
receive with
that and spiritual Live
reading. is, with me

(23) What you see in all this, stay is the eternal rest, to in which alone I worked, so that all this may be preserved
up to begin with, that for it create I have decided, and now you should see
how the
II wasthe
grasp created, andof
meaning seeing
the word, so say: am
the beginning!

(1) And behold! Then I saw him in the immeasurable distance and yet again close enough to touch,
but different, quite different from Him was the same Christ, our God and Lord, in Him
Light of His most sacred reading, spirit and life, and as before, penetrated the same now
Light of infinity, immeasurable distances everywhere, but rays from him went through the light
of all kinds of other light, which in His light spread almost instantly everywhere into infinity
from far away, and everywhere I saw a movement, looking was as if there thewere
to masses
light clouds Clouds of all kinds of light spherically together.

(2) I saw that from all sides,

me, under me,
and because of that I lost the sense of what was above, what
below and to the side of heavy be;confusion
in too, I saw my
I turned himgaze
back in
to the
and as but with my arms raised, my
senses became so vicinity,
clear again.

(3) I clasped my hands in worship but couldn't utter a word because what I saw goes with me
hoard no language said, described and man of it too so be explained that a
could make only the shadow of a true conception; but because I was told:
Write down what what
you have seen and heard! I follow and write without looking for special words
to to look for, because there are none
to to be found.

(4) I saw the work of God's holiest being especially, especially the radiant power
His holy spirit, especially the working of his life force, his essence, his spiritin in and whose rays,
in in
these but cooperating,
also especially which
those the
forces individually and
of infinity I saw afar in God in brought movement „
Creating by His power and I saw, light creates lights, by virtue of His sheer will. like him in

(5) In this contemplation I forgot to but felt a look what's in the far off infinity happens
movement around myself without saying me to can which one kind of she would be and since listened
His voice in me again:

(6) Jovian! Look around you so you can write what you saw!

(7) And behold! Then I saw, like clouds, all kinds of light from the far reaches of infinity, one by one
increasingly dense and individually immensely large, smaller and small spheres
too clustering, drawing closer, in His light
their and different light
Radiating in and out, forming a firmament above, below and all around,
representing a world that is separatedfrom infinity on all sides by its own light, now in
himself was there.

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(8) Stunned and amazed, I saw this becoming, because I saw on many of the individual globes
mountains and valleys, rivers and seas, but not like those on earth made of stone and water,
for indeed both were also there, but of a completely different nature, light in light, as if made of glass and in
radiant in the most wonderful colors.

(9) And none of the Gelten stood still, but slowly turned one around the other in
different distances and all when I recognized
togetherthat, I checked
around a center; in
this middle, and behold, our God and Lord stood
arms there like raised
in blessing, with in His
Light everything outshining the light of the valid.

Unspeakable I in the
deeply moved and shaken fell felt (10) Knees and me suddenly that I
since one
it of joy,
is of
the floor
I laywithout
on my face
me, and,
and Isobbing,
cried out,I to know how it iscame
at out surprise? I know it no but
don't look up 'cause I felt it
He stood by me, and immediately I listenedspeak him:

(11) Get up and see what and how was once further! it

And since I got up, He wiped away my tears the sleeve of His coat (12)
face and said:
What you see there, Jovian, is the completion of all my work so far, although the greatest in
course of eons of completion of all that is yet to come, only theinI times when all soul beings will create
a spirit capable of cognition, will be completed and accomplished.

(13) That there is the true world of My kingdom, all the soul-
for spiritual seeds that you so
large numbers lying lifeless and fallow in the worldless void of infinity,
whose true quantity and variety but none but Me ever above and count he s
will be able to.

(14) It's not possible on, I am and that alone I live, and everything that is soul and spirit is lifeless
stay fallow.

(15) I am The Eternal Truth, The True Light, The True Eternal Life, in My Being and
Spirit The unchanging unchanging same goodness, love, mercy, forgiveness, justice and
Self-sacrifice and all that too The beginning I enable for all soul beings cognition
create in spirit; come and see what you have written. with continue to

(16) took
himby the hand and, for moments, the distances between the individual counted He in
me Hetraversing,
was superior to me,
showed and Ieach
many, wondered
the other's beauty and splendor an
more and more.

(17) But he said:

If you find this soulless, spiritless and lifeless beautiful and glorious, how glorious you will find all there it isfirst
and everything
My will
in a myriad
see. it variety of everything mentally so spiritually being, will be enlivened

(18) While an
He still spoke, we got further, and there I stood like a water-leading
stream, the whose
banks stood wonderful plants entwined like trees with vines, I
but at different heights formed braids like baskets and bowls; above saw countless
Masses of the most varied, wonderful, and delicious-looking fruits, from
to which
of different-colored, magnificent blossoms from others, dripping from the leaves of others it ishow
milk and honey and dropped larger or smaller drops and grains in in the living ones
tendrils, the bark of other plants all kinds of juices, thewere
most diversely shaped soon the to
structures, such as to small cakes and loaves of bread, again from others
clear, as well as variously colored liquid flowed into the river through tendrils of tubes, all from
delicious, wonderful sight and smell.

(19) And since I was so amazed that I couldn't speak, I spoke to He me:
This there is present in innumerable ways in all the validity of My kingdom; are dio it is streams and

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Balm of life; these growths are also soul and spirit, alive through me, but one whole
different essence than all the other innumerable growth, and I got them through that action of all
things of worlds of my kingdom inexhaustibly O powers given, the fruit of which are the rivers,
to which
an stand
and which
have therefore in all future eternity.

(20) So I created them so that all the soul-spiritual seeds that go into them for it
created worlds of my kingdom and there the life of and from my own
has received life force, immediately then, a heavenlysobody has been bestowed upon him, one
have nourishment corresponding to this his body.

(21) And while he was still speaking, he again took me by the hand, and behold, he stood up again
the midst of the worlds of His kingdom, I besideHim, and He raisingHis hands as if in blessing,
spoke me the one word: "Behold!" to only

it I upon each of the many worlds from all directions as one

(22) And came rain and there saw
that the
seen it
seed from me was that, in
before light of God and in light of Are valid
Its rich glittering like glass and like a rain, since the individual worlds related, one
so to next,
Appearance marvelous exceedingly
like large
all that before of me looked; and as her end was, took Is
me at the hand and already stood He with me on the floor one of the
world and spoke to me:

(23) Stay there and see what but Me but noof

one has ever
eternity, andseen
you will
ever on nor anyone but you ever
earth, so that theyit The onin
wasbeginning! now how it was, for thou shalt for
understand the meaning of my word, say:I
I am

(1) And behold! IBecause

saw the fallen
in crowds
seedon which
lying I myself
scattered onstood
the floor
and of the world
wonders, all the seeds began to grow,o all sorts to rain to
Taking shapes and forms became all sorts ofitgreen
is growth from many things, from others
all kinds of animals, and behold, forms like men were formed from the husk of many seeds, I
felt that powers I had never felt before penetrated me, too, turned my eyes to the high places
and there I saw our God and Lord again in the midst of your kingdom with how to
Blessing spread-eagled standing.

(2) And as before, I now saw the effect of the powers of His most sacred being especially,
especially also the work of his holy spirit, its radiation next to the many others of his
Forces, each particularly visible in its own light, and the Radiance of His life force
visibly penetratedall the seed, but soon heard His voice again in me:

(3) See the reception of the life of every spirit that you see as the core of everyone's shell
seed, and look up, like the spirit, by virtue of the life already received from andTheforth
shell which
that encloses
the is being's basic
him continues to work for me; this shell that of the soul,
values of its own form and forms from eternity and which now by virtue of the
develop and come into their own in received life.

(4) And when I turned my eyes again to what was stirring around me, I saw
as well as there in each individual being, which was no longer an insignificant seed, the spirit
especially, especially also the soul body and again especially the life in and on each other
Act; in the radiance of one's own life force, was to be seen as if the
it were
like that pouring and spraying

to light that had become clearest water vapor through the spirit and the soul, the spirit also shone
of each of the beings and the spirit rays penetrated with the life rays
spiritual body, which increasingly took on more and more definite forms, with everything
growth, as in the animal forms and in those forming human forms, to
although theylike
more wonderful than such, since they looked

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(5) The rays of their spirit also went far outwards through their soul bodies
back and forth, but only individually and as if swaying back and forth; less, and in some species of animals even
I did not see the spirit at work radiating outwardly, but least of all that of the green
growth, although in some the
of those
as well
who aswere
in some
like God
in of
the beasts,
form. the multitude was greater than an

(6) I also saw, as far as I could see, that there were no two psychic bodies, not even one
and the same were Kind, so
they also
designed thatlike eachnot
I could other's
distinguished one from the other, and
body of theSpirit
in kind one in so its radiation alone only the life force was one and the same
for all
without exception, because in in them
received from and from God.

(7) I saw all this thinking, clearly and distinctly, and I was more and more amazed, because even though
everything stirred, the green growth was resplendent in indescribably beautiful colors, the shape the
animals and theGod-like human forms no longer grew, which made me realize that the
size of shape, like them development of their forms is achieved, but only as itinis
agitated sleep, was transparent like a breath and visible inglass,
so that
of colors
I could
could see the inner structure of every soul body, and then I suddenly realized that it was true
a11it that is now alive, but that knows nothing of its being and life, that without it is
is consciousnessthatto
I thought
I was
I would
myself. to

(8) but
I heard
me:His voice
I am triune from eternity in My essence, spirit and life, all the Jovian! As in is now from
Seeds of soul and spirit existing with and beside me from eternity through the gift of life from
and from me became triune.

(9) If I live in eternity, everything that is soul and spirit should also live in all future eternity.
As My Life of My Spirit and My Spirit with My Life of My Essence and My
essence is inseparable from my spirit and from my life, so now sticks inseparably
the same My life to the essence of everything mental and spiritual and not a single one of all these
being that has become triune can ever lose the life it has received from me.

(10) After all, the soul and spiritual seed as such is on but all that itself indestructible and indestructible; well
Soul and spirit carries his life from and out of himself, has that to me in eternity
Life, through me, can take it more also groove it, never throw it away again, and nobody can with it
from the other, destroy and annihilate it, not even I! Because I have given.

(11) now in spiritual
what a11esseedthe myriad-fold number and immense quantity of the soul
an diversity of essence and des spirit, everything that you see now that
lives, is unconscious, it that in
but also that it nothing of his own being and life
White; you mean you're thisstate nothing feels that it it likecould
that stay about and about it

(12) But I tell you:

In the unconscious spirit, each of the bodies and souls of the soul feels the invadingand in
forces acting on him, all not only from and from me but partly also from and from the
Go out and have arranged for this kingdom created for this, that they also so act like I createdthem and
by themselves beget one another and have them for all future in eternity. all acting together stock

(13) If the soul bodies and bodies were the working of all the from and from as well as fromMe,
from the worlds of my kingdom going out and penetrating powers not of unconscious spirit
feeling them unconsciously, you would activity
not be
in them;
you should know spirit
that all feeling belongs to the soul body, but that to the
Consciousness and in this also the will, whose strength dependson one's own as well as on the nature
according to that soul body or body, which is inseparable eternally own, mighty large,
is smaller or also small that cannot appear. like him

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(14) The spirit became unconscious through the influence of life and through those in the soul body
felt effect of the forces penetratinghim there over time, which through this from me
created beginning is co-created, to reach the consciousness of one's own life and being and
so the spirit there he is of no use.
thereby also his own soul body; but, as this is itself, could

(15) Look at all these forms which are also

too, likeI, you; you saw and out
that her spirit is of a completely different
and different
of a appearance
than thatghost a ghost
of animals, and this again different from that of plants.

The spirit of these soul forms similar to me and you is all the other cognizant (16)
but not spirit; As youitcan
is see, this knowledgeable spirit also has great and very
there are big differences,but he is and remains capable of great capable of cognition, and larger ones also live in him,
or even smaller creativity.

(17) In eternity and infinity, my kingdom created for he himself never found their way; but here, in the World
him would also
soul iswantwhich
itbody, to create
is itson his would
own, own. But if the
remain isassoon find their way around and in what has been created itself
which he
is now, every thought that comes through the mutually complementing workings of the soul, of the
mind and life in the face of what is there in pictures, always only the thought and
remain a soul-spiritual image and could never be realized on the outside.

(18) Therefore the soul body must be made up partly of soulless, spiritless and lifeless things and forces, partly
but also take on a body from the living things created for this purpose, which, the essence of
adapted to the worlds of my kingdom, makes who see,
soulhear and grasp
capable, thateverything
not only but created, what is present
also create in it and out of it and essentially, tangibly
to be able to realize what
to arises mentally and spiritually in thoughts and images and also for
be made visible, audible and tangible to others.

(19) My kingdom is the kingdom of heaven, and all bodies and souls must each have their essence
after also receive a heavenly body or body conformed to theirs; the green growth
will receive his heavenly body from the ground and from the heights above the worlds themselves,
care is also taken to ensure that the heavenly body of the animals is always preserved in the same way,
as very especially also for the heavenly body of my children through that creation that you at
see the waters and the trees of life. on

(20) The soul

body andbody of every
body; being
all this is to living
be putthrough bodyon for all future eternity is to be put on the heavenly an
Me from now
on the heavenly

rise up in the now alive to the consciousness

my children,
of one's
I life and being, and
want to call angels will recognize me as the father of all life.

(21) In the worlds of this My heavenly kingdom they will not come into being and they will not pass away
of the soul-spiritual-living, therefore also do not ask about a beginning, and only through that
to The word spoken to them about this beginning they will grasp the meaning by feeling, I say:
I am The Beginning!

(1) Then I heard a faint exchange above me, below me in the ground of the world I was standing on,
sideways from all directions, felt a movement like a light wind and looked up
the high places where He still stood, as if with hands outstretched in blessing, indescribable
wondrous radiant light of His most sacred being and spirit.

(2) I raised my hands in adoration, but hefor

Him,are toaround
write what
you, is
happening around you!

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(3) Then I looked around me at all the beings of the soul lying asleep and stirring
spirit and of life and behold, I saw the soul form of their essence of rays
are penetrated, which are from the ground, from the waters and from the trees of life of the worlds of
Kingdom of God came forth, and so I immediately recognized that everything sanctifies the rays of His
spirit that I saw particularly in the others.

(4) All the forms of the soul, which before were still like breath a and transparent like glass,
became like dense, as if like
flesh and blood, but not
and blood, but infinitely sublime wonderful appearance,
pure, tookbecause
on a nevertheless the mental
heavenly body and body in body and body, both specially conceived heavenly ones, one's own an oneself visible
- and
of plants,
I didn'twhether
know where
of animals
to lookorfirst
what I could
soul, as
well as
the body,
were one and the same and

God - I couldn't contain myself.

(5) Suddenly I saw everything that was not green and blooming growth, and on the feet stand the Open eyes
happiness, joy and peace in the face, in spite of the astonished looks,
who all directed themselves towards him, who in the indescribably wonderful light of his power arose in the midst
stood in the firmament of the world of His heavenly kingdom.

(6) opened He His mouth and I looked inside the light rays of His omnipresent, because Everywhere
radiant spirit
rays new especially, rays that
of power carried his spoken word,
and I saw these rays of His Word, the spirit and the in penetrating,
physical alive
body of Hisinchildren
their minds, im understanding and there
I recognizedspoken
throughwhich His children the language
and the Understandingof the received, recorded, far is thought and spoken word
was given the language, because immediately uncountable hands rose from the mouths of all to him, and
the crowds of His children, which could not be overlooked, the word rang out to him: God! to

(7) Then I fell on my knees, buried my face in my hands and in spirit saw mine of
the first words of His holy gospel written on earth:
Before every beginning was God (who is) Word of His Eternal Essence, Spirit and Life, Das
Word God was alone in God and God was The Word!
But the Word of God was only in God before the beginning alone, for as God through His Word all things
created in the true world of His kingdom and there by His own eternal life force
Beings possessed of a cognizant spirit
spirit, every The Word who
being of God
had given life, spoke to him and that
„ beginning.

(8) I saw
I saw,
what thehave
the spirit
what and
and the
of it iswas before the beginning, now I knew
came to kingdom
life, from
of whom
God isreceived
and unspeakably
it, how the
true world of the is like that inanimatedes essence of
it is life and the power of consciousness
the Heaven
shaken and deeply awestruck, I raised my face and my hands to Him in adoration! to

(9) But he spoke of the heights of the heavenly firmament and his most holy word resounded in
the ears of His children, whom He called angels, clear and distinct, as if standing by each Himself,
and I marveled at the expressions and countenances on the faces of his
saw children
as they
I did,also
even more each of his so
was astonished and astonished that I also understand every word of His language vividly,
for indeed His language had many sounds spokenin in the languages of men on earth
and even V/ which meanings
places all there,
sorts of other
in is.

(10) I realized that His language remains the language of His heavenly kingdom, and now I knew
too, all
whence areexception
without all the languages
in theirs of the people of the earth,
Basically the same or at least more or less similar sounds, syllables and themselves too
contain within themselves the words of that language which is from and through God.

(11) God spoke further of the heavenly food of the soul cognizant spirit through being
word that Light and life indwells, but then also from the heavenly food, drink and

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Food for the heavenly body of His children, which for them is innumerable variety and
is prepared for the waters inexhaustibly in the fruits and juices of the trees of life. on

(12) While He still long as in teachings, it worked Essence of His holiest form always
more in Light up His Holy Spirit radiant, until only the unspeakable and
indescribably wonderful light remained and again rose incalculable and innumerable
many hands too Him, and how the time s rang out from the mouths of all the multitudes of His children as one
showers the most
sacred word Him: God! to

(13) But I heard His voice again in me:

See everything so you
looking canalso
back, write!
theWhat you spirit
greatest look at now, my children, for them, an life and work of all of them
has there granted eons of time,

among all these My angels neither sense nor understanding, nor clear conception
found, although the time was also created with the beginning that you have now seen.

(14) And behold, there I saw for the first time among the children of God all sorts of different faces and
differences in the color not only of their soul but also of their heavenly body; also
stayed like that some smaller than among the hosts of similar features and color

others, not a few, also to them so small as children, and I saw that they their souls and their spirits that
had childlike dispositions, which they
as joy,
asto Speeches, questions, statements of their
imitate. you that the
Again bigger and bigger

(15) I also saw the same thing onin an even larger scale and more numerous among all sorts
and only then did I recognize the nature
of the great
soul and
the between animals,
spirit of one and the same flock of your kind... but there incomparably fewer among the animals than
rather among the children of God.

(16) There was an almost endless variety not, sex was not, and the beauty of all straight
of male and physical things of the appearance of the figures in their purity
wonderful among the children of God, as also among the beasts, and even more so than among these in
the glorious splendor among the verdant and blooming growth of plants.

(17) And there I saw multitudes of the children of God and

eating the waters by the trees of life
it is
drink it, and it seemed aseven
if this
her heavenly
and body
would have become more glorious; I also noticed later that all the variety of food, the
Food and drink that comes from the trees and drinks from the watersinof all sorts of wonderful things
is, it begets in and also does not bring about any
and way, of the purest reading because no slag and waste body
kind of oversaturation.

(18) Immediately, not a few appeared here and there, began to speak,theand
to crowds
gathered around them to listen to them, and already I saw what a great spirit these
Speakers and preachers are, for I saw them Radiance of their spirit far away, yes even with some
also about the borders of worlds of Kingdom of God in the penetrate infinity and there recognized
I marvel at how similar the radiant power of the Spirit so some mind the radiance of the sacred
of God is and how similar they are to Him as a result.

Of course,
it were first searched
a resemblance, (19)for, so to speak, and also found quite arbitrarily
must become; because soI make comparisons within myself between the radiant power, the light and the life of the
Holy Spirit of God and the greatest spirit among His children, I have as
O recognized that the because Similarity a very
the radiance distant
of the immediately is,
Spirit of God permeates everywhere at the same time and perpetually, omnipresent and is guiding
in in in in cooperating,
radiant powers themselves, which
themselves andare ofare notapeculiar
such to any
degree and such a difference among
other spirit.

(20) Well I saw in the radiant power so similar to some great spirits among His children
Forces like those, proper to the Holy Spirit of God, but in Compare with these I saw that
infinite difference straight in her strength; also I have recognized that many forces which dem

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holy spirit of God, the great and even the greatest spirit among his own
children lack.

(21) It penetratesthe Radiation power of her spirit probably also in the Infinity, but always only laterally
as a Water jet delimited, always only in one, albeit still so instantly changing
direction, where the ray, in the Reaching far away, as if searching and how powerless and trembling,
Lakes finds no clue, who gives him firm support and seeks him spirit all the time
Forcibly enforcing one's own base without actually having one, his is wrong
is himself,
Radiation and through this not only the mental body but because he inseparably
bound and him acts, pulls is in compassion also him. in he

(22) This realization came to me through a vivid memory that I received

earthly life
of it, createPeople
and through thespirit
of great apparent size of theirwant
who sometimes worktoalso countless
create great things, also in
kind, confuse others.

(23) But then I heard His voice inside me:

Jovian! You are to see the life, work and work of my children in my kingdom and
write, because what was on earth is and will continue to happen, you should see accordingly!
See my peace in my kingdom, which animates everything that carries life from and out of me.

(1) Then I opened my eyes, and behold, I was no longer on the ground of one of the
many, many worlds of the heavenly kingdom of God, but stood in His light in the midst of
firmaments of heaven and saw all the worlds individually,the nearer asso well as the farther and farthest and
all like that again close as if I could grab it or reach it with a single step.

(2) Many of the worlds were huge, others smaller, others still smaller, but all had
a own light, which was different, very different than the light of The Most Holy Being, Spirit and
life of God, and immediately I recognized that the light of the worlds and of the Firmament
worlds meeting of heavenly kingdom in the rays of God's Holy Spirit with those of the
rays emanating from His kingdom and is infinitely more wonderful than all the light of
sun, which can blind, scorch and burn, all due to the wondrous light of the
kingdom of heaven is strange and distant.

(3) And again, after this contemplation, I was distracted and reminded the earth, on
many of'infinite
the huge and smaller worlds some things looked
so similar to Earth, only
beautiful, wonderful, pure and sublime, the glorious plant kingdom, the wonderfully beautiful
animal world and the sublime purity of the children of God.

(4) Also, these are not specific to any particular world Himmelreich-ches bound like humans
so die
earth, but can at will from the one onwards how
to anyone else, includinganimals
at it of
they and plants can take away, because the animal world keeps 'the children of heaven.
God of peace is

(5) But should one child of god all worlds of go to the kingdom of God and all there areas
want to get to know, would worlds him too in it Aeons of times not being possible, for the number of
is an exceedingly large.

(6) The heavenly body and body of plants, the animals and theChildren of God is invulnerable
just like their mental body and body and no thing of worlds of the heavenly realm can him in
none Kind of harass, hurt or make you ill in any way, because tougher and in his is
kind is more solid than all the soulless, spiritless and lifeless things there, which also causes that
create in and
from them no excess force required.

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(7) All creating, working and all activity in the worlds of the kingdom of God happens once and for all
just for the joy of creating, for the joy of everyone else, someone the
elsestraight mind and not
find greater joy in creating, through which it is formed and Creating
always allingreater
the most
bysomething new
great spirit. is way

(8) So I saw and heard the children of God create in the worlds of His kingdom, was thereby
to on
on and
want toalso
as comparisons
of people on
someremembered and
live again me thoughts in work of to place, so
people on earth was similar to the creation of the children of God in his kingdom. in

(9) But soon I recognized the almost infinite difference between creating and
creations of theinchildren
of God
of and that of the people on earth, because
already the purpose of the creation and of all activity of the children of the kingdom of heaven corresponds to the purposes
infinitely distant from the creationof men on earth, since much creation and many creations of
people on earth are dark and evil, just as they are dark, evil and even devilish
serves purposes, whereas all work, activity, and creations of the children of God in
His being pure, sublime, light, and wonderful
are the smallest,
in the greatest,most
as well as in the
inconspicuous and most childish things, all of which are there
forpurpose to
be created in order not only to change each other everywhere, but above all: to make God happy. to

(10) Don't tell anyone that the Lord God, Who is the most holyinof the eternal Trinity
essence, His omnipresent holy horniest and inexhaustible life most perfect
and by virtue of this His eternal Holy Trinity immutable, unchanging no joy is,
and therefore also know no suffering, because in such a serious error only he can
arise who does not know God.

(11) Feel joy and sorrow the imperfect, and most imperfect beings of the soul, of
spirit and of life to the extent of their nature, the very simplest must be healthy
reason to recognize on their own that God also feels joy and sorrow and that it is precisely
Because of His Supreme Perfection for how He feels joy and sorrow, no standard ever
Can be found.

(12) And since I created in the worlds of His heavenly kingdom of His children
Works of art are created amongon
clothing, buildings, statues, pictures and innumerable other things
these also all kinds of people who
make music, and since I heard the music and singing, all kinds
Watching round dances and all kinds of games, I had to think about the people of the earth again, and
so bring what is there to earth
Then came the realization of where some people
what is called my innate ability, disposition, ability and talent.

(13) In all this watching, listening, and thinking, I felt as if things hadit passed
is like if eons of times
since I Eternity and infinity before the beginning, that Create
of God and from him for all the spiritual and spiritual seeds that were with and next to him
created beginning, and everything seemed to me even more beautiful, glorious and wonderful,
when it was in the beginning.

(14) Again and again God appearedin the light in the midst of the heavenly firmament in the power of His
most holy being, said him, is to His angels, like Is Named his children, and they always flocked together
a instructed
whosein instructions
spirit is great, greater because in its radiance more penetrating and with powers
and pointers of be who
all role do
models not belong to the spirit of others and have received teachings from him,
to all those who are incapable to always new activity to they always create new things, sothey,
that in
and therefore also have to be guided and guided further. of its own new to create

(15) The far, far superior majority of Children of God to get in and out of to do this from God
created things of create worlds of His kingdom to that can, had to be similar so access how
human in it creating earthly things; gave and gives to itthose
is childrenof but, especially under
Kingdom of God, the (as already pointed out) great and greater spirit
than most of the others, not a few, to get some out of what is already there, for the time being

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create mental, spiritual, and visual works and things for others, or rather arise
Allow can, not always and not have to do everything curved with your hands because
no some things through their own strengths, carried in the radiation of their spirit, according to their own
matter how will arises or also undergoes desired change and transformation.

(16) Children of God endowed with such creative powers of their spirit gave and give
it isview of the incalculable and innumerable crowds of others who are not their own,
they were many and again individuals of them and are so peculiarshe thatisyou
regarded in creatingshebyisall
those who are miraculous and miraculous it on

(17) God called all His children angels without exception; but these, the penetrating spirit, which
creative powers of many among them and the wondrous works resulting therefrom and
Seeing things, such of their own name called Grossengel, and I also saw that they by virtue of them
own such spirit are really great; but I also saw that even all that
too wonderful of their powers, of their creativity. their works and their skills taken together and
multiplied a thousand times, not even a shadow of the creative power of God and with his power
cannot be compared, in which He the emptiness of infinity the most wonderful, the worlds
created out of His heavenly kingdom and the beginning; the resurrection of all beings of the soul
and of the spirit from a lifeless, eternal semblance to eternal being and life!

im in
I saw eternity events
coming of the
in, and distant
of Times pastthe
yet it was
(18) themost distant
day before yesterday, been yesterday and so to feel, as if it were
God When
would be today; each time, light of His power Form of His most sacred being in on
spoken in this way, they liftedthe
clasped their hands to Him and herself in all
kingdom, and -cried
out- Amen!
with one voice: Gotodin And - Ave - Rah -

(19) And like a roar came the call of His children from all the worlds of the heavenlykingdom
and urgent from one world to another, and each of them understood in the living
Feel His meaning, which translated means: He - Holy - Creator, - Father of life -
Eternal - God!

(1) Then one of them came Great angels, who by virtue of their spirit are nearest to God the Lord, and

said: Jovian comewith me and see!

(2) And led me into one of the greatest worlds of the heavenly realm, where some others
when his kind were gathered together, wrote the names of the children of God in a large book, and when I
looking at him questioningly, he said:
That is laid
book of names
with life, andinlike
kingdom, what
of the He has
angels commanded
of God us to do
become every for all of us.

(3) And seeingismy astonishment at this and at that, he said: me Said

Because none of us can overlook what is happeningwhy in all the worlds of God's kingdom, that's
those of us are at work in each one of us who have 'chosenthe specific world for it and', as some of us have not so
noticed, that an event suits
it is us in the

will entail completely unknown consequences that are completely alien to us, so it has escaped
seeing also you in
the life and work of the children of God.

(4) But since we now, made aware of it by God Himself, also receive further instructions and
Having received teachings from Him, we know something about if youit,can explain
even it to us correctly, since
if we don't
"all this, as I have already told you, is completely incomprehensible to us,
is unknown and alien. But come along and see for yourself!

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(5) And immediately oneheof the outermost worlds of the heavenly world stood with me on a mountain
kingdom, and there
a with
hisinto the emptiness of the distance. he

(6) I looked, but for a while all I could do was see the emptiness; but then
I saw in an almost endless distance something like a small, dark cloud, like a
dark and sulphur-yellow smoke came out, and already I saw a number of the children of God, how
they insmall
and surprised,
and largerbut also very
groups in the same direction sometimes move, but sometimes also return
frightened at the same time, I realized that none of them (!) was a pure
child of God.

angel (7) he took me byGreat
the hand and pointed around the thalers to other mountains and into the
lying between them, and there I gathered
of God
the one
world of His kingdom a small flock each, and soon I recognizedthat they are fetched from there, because
already I saw how some arrived with new small groups and, with the hands in the direction
pointing to what I saw, spoke urgently to them; and I could do all of that
by not interpreting.

(8) The one standing by me grabbed me, turned me back in the direction of the distant event,
and then I saw a he striving in which, despite his severely changed appearance, I saw a die
The great angel recognized the power of her penetratingly great spirit and the powers in its radiation
closest to God.

To hehim,
(9) around at des
and striving after him came a crowd as if banded together, and as the
border light of worlds of reached the kingdom of God, stayed one with thehim flock stand there;

But I couldn't
can not tell whetherbut
go further; I didn't
there there
lifted to
on orlike
him like
he that,
he it and with a voice ringing God
fromhad afar,
seen the Lord do countless times, opened his mouth
to the
to multitudes
and in the
of valleys
those on the
gathered, he cried:

(10) You are mine! and my strength is with you! You shall see a new, my creation,
inhabit and live a different life in a different creation!

(11) Scared to death, I held onto the one standing next toI me, because with horror
saw feverishly,
the crowd around
I heard them
him raise their hands and, shuddering as in - navim to
shout: Yes - .Ave! - Yes - Hail! - Yes Rah! The Saint! The Saint! The new creator!

(12) And there the same call also from the mouths of many of those on the mountains and in the valleys all around
rang out in the crowd, the great angel spoke full of sorrow: Come!

(13) And immediately stood withmany

he, with me inofthe
kind, look in
world ahead to what
which I was previously book of life
has let there discussed many he
has just happened
assembled throngs, and as O
same were many in the Sent worlds around, to all
children of God before the boaster and boaster as well as before his own warn and the
warning in all worlds of Kingdom of God hasten to wear.

(14)I, too, have been there beforein the worlds of the heavenly kingdom among the angels of God
and noticed a movement there that was different and had a different effect on her work than before
but it has no meaning in view of the otherwise generally prevailing blissful peace
attached; but now I felt and knew that this holy peace was seriously endangered, and
Standing alone again, I trembled, me
even thinking about what will happen next. in

(15) In the I suddenly
holiest essence of Hislooked
power, up,
already God appeared in the middle of the firmament
mr im gathered, from all the worlds of His kingdom
coming around,droves
the of Great angel Him; and as they were assembled, spokeIs:

(16) All my children the I Call my angels, hear my word, and they hear and howit
it isalso
who want to be active up to now will become my
further children,
show are mine,
my angels
that they
and that my life and my kingdom are their propertyof and from me and through me.

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After the lapse of many aeons of times of blissfully peaceful life and work (17) one now has
the angel standing closest to me by virtue of their spirit, one, but my the don't want to be close to me anymore
adversary a creation outside of to
the are
worlds of mine
commemorated too
the kingdom
is created
all mygoes
for me,
directed byand therefore also against mine, against all of you.

(18) Having become haughty and arrogant through the knowledge of his ability, seeks to surpass is himself not
all those alone,
also Me,
it.who gave life force; his will to create, but deceives himself and
Raise their powers and abilities a hundredfold his power and abilitieseveryone
the I do that to him too Living on and off of My own
is talks big about his ability, his strength, his will and
the hearing his big words and

(19) My children, as My angels, know the mental and spiritual darkness of lies, of wickedness
and also of error, and therefore neither that nor the consequences of all this can be explained to them
become so that they alone
them bliss it
and bliss
keeping in mind the peace of their previous life and work, which has lasted for eons of time
with the indication that the highest attainable for all is in which they, further in
creating blissful peace, should persevere.

(20) You there with me are of great spirit, and you know that I myself and you after me, that of me
and persuaded more and more angels to turn away from you and gave him all the explanations
where such creation, which has already undertaken,
is him himself, as well as all one that
will inevitably lead to those who follow him and work in suchan
a way as to his work
take part.

(21) I told him that the exact opposite of

is mine
through his work, which
creation is, and which in the worlds of my kingdom nobody is able to set up, himself
discard and hold yourself
to a Shadain (Satan) [1] will not return to it if he and up.
his started work will give

(22) Has not yet completely rejected himself, nor has he if hereached
has not far Shadain, who himself
that and spirit, as wellis the light of my being
Reproachful, there's still a lot missing, but he's alreadylike that
as the light of the worlds of my kingdom, feels as harassing him; already has
is by accepting what he found outside of my kingdom much of what he had
heavenly body and therefore does not come from any of the worlds of my pond, feel because he

so that the ground no longer supports him.

(23) He already has away from those My children who attendfind favor with his boasting,
his work admired and those who, like him, turn away more and more from me and from you: Yes, Ave! -

Yes - Hail! [2] shouting, which would have meantto

nothing else if this praise were is
wanting to see holiness also in you and in all my angels, because you are all sanctified by

(24) Now he but gives the impression to those he has beguiled that this reputation is otherwise due
denied none
but him alone is Me, my creation, all of you, my kingdom, and because he is
is he knowledge and has thus in
has become a liar and hypocrite despite his own better
does, self-created powers, properties that are foreign and unknown to you among all, because
dark and low qualities of the soul and spirit,which are darkest and lowest.

(25) But he could still to been

of good will become the same again, who and nextthrough with him
you, and andnor
of time youcould
Me come for I is; is
Even would and want hedoes
fetched him, but his free
not want
will remains
my helpwith
forever like you all.

(26) And because not

he to want to come to me for eternal testimony and knowledge I want you
I with you too go and talk to him again!

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He withthe crowd of great angel an that mountain from which a

(27) And behold, straightway stood
the its that Creation of God Himself Turned off n and his company see beforehand has let.

(28) I saw great multitudes of the children of God coming from all the worlds of His heavenly kingdom,
and seemed like a tremendous uproar to the immensebeand in to
uncountable crowds,
although there are still greater ones in their worlds, further peacefully creating, love yellow as if they knew of
all nothing.

(29) And behold, there I saw the dark creator turning away from God and his people
I sawunprecedented
the new and borders
stoodon a lotcrowd where I saw him for the first time
his he
light of the heavenly
crowd kingdom
his was many, more numerous than before there, as well as the crowd of your kind
who are still in the valleys and on the
mountains were gathered around and were ready to push him. to to

(30) But now the Lord God raised His hands and, looking, He spoke to the scowling one to
the creator of the unprecedented new:
Like everything that was there just as soul and spiritual seed before the beginnings created by me
was and now lives and works in my kingdom created for this, the life from and out of me
received, but also you, who know that you carry my life in you! so

(31) but
at, but half how
of the
DaI so
do Lord
not know,
but that Addressed even more and, without God Den
to remember a beginning, but that that are to and live. to
turning wehis own, he said:
I know that I live forever and none of us all can

(32) And when

is that said, those close to him cried: Yes - Ave! Yes - Alas!

(33) But now the Lord God said:

You are lost and yours with you! I have come to make you contemplative, like move and you
all these of yours, whom youthe
leading to perdition, like yourself

(34) In eternity saw I this event and know that each of my words has been spoken, but an you for free
I do what lies and malice said, that you are you
for eternal testimony to all those who are mine, have not known up to now
is, but now see and hear these begotten in and out of you; I have ... you
reject yourself, Shadain, the self-rejecter, will become! but already like that „ Nun
come a long way and are lost together with yours!

(35) The evil and dark adversary, still half his face as if to laugh and all to of His turned, distorted
he said scornfully and fiercely:
No one is lost who is not with this creation, with this life and with this work
is satisfied and goes with me, I know how to create something
I else and create my own realm in which
will create
and live
than in with
this one
imperfect creation, the one Create like me wants, makes impossible!

(36) And since so spoke, his troopcalled to him again with raised hands: Yes - Ave!
he navim - Rah!

(37) But the Lord God said:

The worlds of my kingdomcreated for everything soul-spiritual and living through me
the smallest as well as the largest spirit among my angels the means to be able to do everything, to
was is pure, good,
and revived
to him and
alive into all in
and others, the bliss
everyone. in of peace to all

(38) Neither the smallest nor the onesgreatest

who canmind
exhaust; and
will endless kinds of this creation ever
so in Mine, as well as in light of worlds and all things mine
Creating kingdoms from the beginning, throughout eons of time, My angels know none
darkness of Lies and no malice, no affliction, no suffering and pain, no pride,
arrogance, no hypocrisy and none of that either Is infinitely alien to me and Me
infinitely far away, although I know from eternity that all this, together with all fruit in and from that

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brought and ins Life that will be called, standing there now and in spite of his own better
Knowing openly before his own, which has is already corrupted like himself, denies his life too
me Received from have.
to to

(39) But to him and his crowd as well as all my angels I call him for eternal testimony
again to:
I am not sending you away, I am not pushing you out of the worlds of My kingdom, but yours alone
will, your striving and your decision, from the angels called your God, one of to become, howI of mine
whom you are too, but you who
long me, against mine and against in lies and malice

(40) You build on your own strengths, but you overestimate yourself and them infinitely and become
be very, very disappointed with your own work, which sinks you and yours ever deeper
and will let you think of more and more reprehensible means to get around to assert and persist to
you, but the fruithatred
of all this will be none other than your own distress, insatiable
against all and all that is Mine, and a life of strife, darkness, calamity and
the torment

(41) Please refer! Among these mine, for arewhom you even you could count eons of times are
too many
it isand very many, for whom those powers on which you rely everything, hundredsand hundreds of times over
measure more own and yet they remain with me in view of my power, the eternal truth,
The true light and The true eternal life, but you have not passed the truth! in

(42) turned
alone!the deceiver of the children of God, the shadain - satan completely there and hear me to his
He alone wants to be called God and worshiped and only speaks out of envy, because none of is
know that he his people can ever do what I can and will do;
amI the creator
doesn'tof the unprecedented new, and I will createwith you a kingdomthat has no equal,
and you will not only become the holy one, the new creator, but God

(43) I have recognizedonyou by your spirit among all the inhabitants of this realm and therefore
also choose that. you are
mine and I your God!

(44) And since so spoke, spent he too not with

those who him by
stood thethe border of light
he kingdom of God, but first mountains and valleys
that world, like
brought by the angel, you seen standing there and now even more numerous

(1) But the crowd that was standing by him raised their hands and still cried out in the world of
Kingdom of God to crowds of your kind: - navin Rah! Ha - Ave! Ja Ja - nos - Amen!

in the
(2) And the samerose
become the too
screaming group of world of light still standing
one, but with them seized others who crowd already
to unite,
standing around Shadain; many
did not belong to them, and tried to
drag to
by force;
but already stood many of the Big angels there, raised their hands, and the letting go of the gripped
drove the violent as rushed, Creator and our God have newthe Crowd of those to whom they: thesaint, the too
cried out.

(3) Now he turned again to the worlds of the kingdom of God and raised his fists threatening to
clenched hands, and out of his mouth came something never of God
heard before, to the children
strange and incomprehensible word: "Anutem", which means: cursed! And turning away again
pointed withwith
he went his these
the those
head ofdeep
his troops. he pulled
distances it is
where a dark cloud stood, from which how
smoked sulfur colored, and

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(4) And asit was

if a gigantic
so todragon
watch,were moving with innumerable snakes
wriggling and darting, monstrous limbs gone, like octopus limbs reaching for prey and like a myriad-headed s
hydra starved to seek and find any,
greedily devours things unknown and strange to the children of God.

(5) As if in paralyzing terror, innumerable crowds of the children of God watched the procession,
but many of them were morewith
or less curious, but the vast majority turned away
soon God the Lord stood there In rest,
holy with too,
in His pain
an and unspeakably
holy deep
face. in deep one

Then he kicked me very,

of all very much
other great angels closest to him, whose face (6)
seemed familiarto him wordlessly
him and upon
bending hishis face;grasped
knees, also His hand and squeezed it in pain
another one of Grossengeldid the same, but soon saw to him
and said:

(7) Mister! Father of all life, our God! You are omniscient by virtue of Your Holy Spirit; so you have
the adversary who became evil and the liar, as well as all those who became known to him and
known what they will become in of the course of the times created for you for us; now we ask you
in front of all these your children us accept:

(8) Would it it would not have been possible for him, or for all of them, tosohave left you as you did
be that of beginnings created for us, as mere soul and spiritual seed, have been lifeless
you are Couldn't have left where were and how were? If it were you she she she you,
Lord, weren't you and all of us spared this sad event?

(9) But the Lord God said:

So big and alive, so penetrating spirit you are, and only many eons of times her with me now
you still can'tgrasp many things and everythingitthat will
then so happened
happen will have
for eternal testimony and for true knowledge of me, because of all knowledgeable spirit,
will have to happen.

(10)probably would haveI to those who have become Satan, together with all his, like him
and they
in particular
were before wouldthe
couldbut since
essentially been
they as soul there,
and andseed
spiritual all of
on you
the es there were, they are
so Duration not hidden
she and
stay that are there, with soon you would all of the Ask why approach me why
and how this seed you give the undeveloped image of your has own
recognizes in mental and spiritual beings, so remained unmistakable.

(11) His, your
are youlookout
also notreaches
bound far beyond
to the theoflight
worlds My kingdom;and there too
limit of my kingdom into infinity, you would
His as mereseed cannot remain hidden forever - and tell me yourself what for
an answer I you to your question, why I would have excludedthose from life ever
can give that to you too. now only the beginning, the beginning and the outbreak of the lie and
of wickedness see and hear, its nature, its power, fruit and the consequences but not further
know, besince youwill and full of my peace in my spirit.
of good

(12) I should have explained to you why I would have excluded those if he had to you from
darkness of soul and spirit, of lies, malice, hate, pride, seduction, temptation, envy, arrogance,
revengefulness, lust for destruction and the like to you far away,
now muster
Unknown and stranger, which you hear mentioned words, but not even now
from Me in understanding
although you have
of their
and wickedness' importance,
andoutburst of lies
an seen and heard in their Creator.

(13) Unfortunately will but at it not stay alone; and first enlighten everything that consecutive
Will happen to you with the time like that you you won't have to ask me; you know
now that I The Eternal Truth, The True Light, The True Eternal Life, and in these the quality
and love because you feel all that in the Soul; legendI tell you that I also The
immutable-unchanging equal mercy, forgiveness, justice, and self-sacrifice,

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you listen to these words without understanding, because the opposite is unknown and alien to you, likes
also an idea of it in you in view of the so exceedingly sad events.

(14) But everything will explain further events to you better than words; but now go to the
worlds of my kingdom and count those who have turned against me, whose names are in the book of
life are deleted, and speaks to those my angels who are probably to, still mine, but from one
curiosity seized the contemplation of which have heard she
pass themselves
on that
will create a heap
right, what of hellish
I can
because. darkness,
never create, andsince I alone
in what is preserve the bliss of peace
is I kingdom of

create in eternal life all mine my heavenly kingdom. in

(15) And immediately he stood again in the middle of the firmament of the worlds of his kingdom, the two
before that the great angel holding His hands, one of His toright hand, the other in the to his left,
Light of His most holy being and spirit outshining all light of His kingdom, and His word
penetrated all the worlds, when He, opening His mouth, said: My peace be in you!

(16) But I, Jovian, lay slumped and as if in a fever where the to

angels me
for and.
the first time the work of Satan has been seen; then a hand touched
looking up, I saw the same angel taking my hand and saying:

(17) Come that you may know the number of those who rebel against the Lord God and with the
Shadain perished. into the

(18) We still know to

do not fully interpret the meaning of the word "destruction", but feel it
tremble that we it isthat must be the opposite of our life and work and somehow also against
ourselves are judged; ofgreat, very great, the number of the corrupt, whose names are in the books
life-streaked, they have been counted because you are suffering from suffering as in
You were powerless, but it has already been recognized that for much, much more than for
thirty thousand of the children of God, far from any of those who come with the destroyer

(19) And as we came into the greatest of worlds, I saw many among those from all other worlds
brought books, and immediately I heard the number of those who perished, and they were from a hundred and it is
forty-four thousand worlds, each a hundred and forty-four thousand and those
Total number increased a thousand times by the unequal numbers of those from the other worlds
of the heavenly kingdom; which the number
couldn't as ait.total
counted, spoke me number, in words, but I

(20) But I have heard this, that in spite of this immense number, the number of the heavenly in
the kingdom of God that is left far, far greater than thirty thousand times, because in so
many worlds of the kingdom of God for more than 30,000 of those who were born there came one who
where Satan went, became such in forty thousand in many other worlds, and in again
change also counted to fifty thousand survivors. And I rejoiced that the number of those in the kingdom
God's remaining in the words spokento me is almost inexpressible, because she is mine too
been said; but I had a better sense of imagining them in my own counting,
and now I thought that after Satan's exodus with the angels corrupted by him, the
Peace and the happiness of all the children of God so will be undisturbed like eons of time
through again before.

(21) But I soon noticed that things were different, completely different, because new crowds kept rising
with questionsask theshouldn't
why angels oflook
at the
great spirit,
of thewhy
and for
of the
reason that new and shouldn't also

In to the worlds of the kingdom of God; the curiosity of many became

the same is not created also
ever greater, and here and there voices were raised, this indignation of Satan and the
His against God spoke their word with the questions what a new way some it be,
an around
wants to prevent the great and mighty spirit from
world ofathe
great creation,
kingdom, flocks
a little
in and
andtimealready collected
before the
had listened to Satan's speeches and seen the great dragon's departure.

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(22) They looked for the dark cloud seen earlier, but did not see it; alone it
seemed to them as if through the emptiness of infinity a shadow stretched from there to the limittoof
the light of the kingdom of God, and already some cried:
Look, look, isn't that the way that the creator of the new kingdom took with his people
marked for us?

(23) And when this was spoken, many rose up around the world of the kingdom of God these in
to of left, and more and more crowds came in, screaming like a riot
the direction
everyone talking something different and many striving to and fro as if senseless.

(24) But many others; pointed their hands With

of the heavenly the direction to the center
firmament, where the Lord God in the all-radiant light of His most holy being and Spirit
amidst the crowds of His great angels stood talking to them, and there was under for a while
quieted the excited throngs.

(25) Then I saw the Lord God kneeling His hands as in blessing over those before Him
rose up the fallen angels, and when they had risen again, they turned their faces
all directions of the worlds of the heavenly kingdom, and as if from one mouth their call of
Praise God, who is of the children of God in all the worlds. His kingdom was repeated and too too
sounded to him.

(26) But among the gathered crowds of the quietened uproar, there were no longer any it ismany who have the reputation
voices in praise of God, the others asked whether theandeven
yes that
among themselves
Praise shouldn't apply to that, or even more, to that which promised bigger to
to be creative than to that it
was heaven, and the unrest grew again; many behaved like nonsensical and became
was great upheaval when the first great multitude rose up and to the limit of the light of the kingdom of
striving in haste, followed by large crowds of all sorts of animals they were accustomed to. to on

(27) Then there entered this company some great angels and other children of God, who were in their souls and in
who have remained pure in their spirit, and sought them out through kindly persuasion, through hints
to the blessedness of peace, life and creation in the kingdom of God, as well as through
references to contemplation and repentance to his move that nobody knows and nobody can know what
outside of the heavenly realm, in the worldless void of infinity wait.

(28) Already had it it seems as if many would go and turn back, but soon they would
through that was thwarted by the shouts of many unruly ones, who cried out to the others:
We do not stay in theinworldless
in in, withdraw again
void, but ourthe
draw kingdom of the
realm of heaven!
new great creator;
and shouldn't
it be
there be like him we in

(29) The persuasionof the great angels and their hints that a return of the one who has become unclean
spirit and the soul that has become impure into the kingdom of God will be impossible, called into the
malice that made them talk and drive around like madmen, and there they
swarm continued to strive inexorably, those willing to rescue gave up their efforts, not a few of them
but they went with us, weeping and admonishing.

(30) And already the other rescuers who wanted to return saw a second large crowd, the
Likewise, many who remained pure stood in their way with the same effort to turn them to contemplation and
Move back, but also without success, and that almost repeated itself to me
time that seems infinitely long.

(1) Always new crowds from all worlds of the Kingdom of God gathered in and around that world
first exodus took place with his people and from where they now also came to him
hordes of the children of God, corrupted by his boasting, followed.

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(2) Crowd after crowd followed him, so as

this happening, that thought
if I were thereat
looking would be no end to
a fever. sad and terrible
can, and again it was i all that like im serious

(3) Thoughts arose in me: What will become of all these countless? But what will
out of all those who remainedchildren of God with a pure soul and pure spirit and only for
rescue the other go along?

(4) But among these I have also seen some who, through the unruliness and malice of the
to of the others, were upset that the
Screamers, who act like leaders so
she, forgetting the sonship of God, seized that power, but with the uselessness of such hers
Seeing the procedure, then also pulled along full of remorse about themselves and full of pity
the. stubborn errant ones, and corrupt ones.

(5) Finally, finally they heard accumulations in that world of Kingdom of God on themfrom out, and
me before
pulled thatthere that angel stood by me again, who had led the one to whom
book of life in each of the worlds of the heavenly realm to me: lead incumbent, and spoke to

(6) The company you see there is the last of those who left and we know it
from the Lord God, that not one of the souls drawn out of His kingdom should enter the lake n
infernal darkness, which Satan will reach for his own in the with in far, far
far reaches of from
if they progress into it, they
there creates; will, indeed, see this creation from afar, but before will die with the loss of their heavenly body and
light, that is to say she
will lose consciousness and deepin events,
willas we which for the vast majority of people completely forgets everything
all were before the beginning created for us by God. to similar soul and spiritual seed,

(7) But all the seed does not become lifeless as it is, and was before the beginning, but that once by.
life received from God remains its own, and the Lord God becomes all this seed
Awakening awareness of one's life and being through the powers of that world which He create for it
will and where little by little all the spiritual, spiritual and living seed will get to there
through the construction of another own body itself, also developed in and with this, once
to go through

(8) Still thecorrupt

last company ofthe
nature of thesoul
and ofsight
Him and already the Lord God at it is in care, a world open to the to
to create,
Corresponds to children who have turned away from the spirit and strive after the loud speaker of it isbecomes a world
lies; be, largely a reflection of His kingdom, and that is why I came to take you from this world
of His kingdom onwe which
standand from which the dark adversary's out departure with the
of his, as afterwards also the exodus after
of him,
the crowds
longer itstriving
be athewill
of God, but will create that world out of things that Has,
are not of his kingdom,
and which
how He has
knowsto and
sees into
all being
events. he offsaw
eternity, since He omnisciently you, but also
all this
to let, in it
infinitely sad events so known

(9) He took me by the hand and immediately stood with me heagain in that great world in which
was design
countedofthe number
Satan, of those
became who, of
his devils the spirit and
whose names are crossed out in the book of life.

(10) And I saw there again, gathered from all the worlds of the heavenly kingdom,
Book of life books, andin the name
many, of the
those of multitudes
those who of the formerly
turned away from God and up
pure children in
of with
God sowhofound that theiron
are perishing number was almost complete, they
their way thiscounted, and
was done, behold,
there when
a third
it isitself,
was the number of those children of God who were distinguished by the boasting and boasting of Satan and
who did not allow his to be deceived and stayed in his kingdom.

(11) I saw them sadness, that sorrow and pain over this so unspeakably sad events dem
countenance of on the pure children of God, and bitter tears welled up in my eyes

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Eyes; but then I heard the wonderful voice of the Word of God the worlds of His heavenly
Penetrating through the kingdom, and looking up like all the others, I saw him in the midst of the light of his power
stand in the firmament with hands raised, blessing his, them through his word, that many
will return in time, and since He was still speaking, the sadness, the sorrow and
the pain from the faces of His angels; and when He had finishedHis Word, He was heard from all
Worlds of His kingdom meet the call of worship: - Ave - Rah - Gotodin
And - Deaus - Amen!

(12) And since I the multitudes

kneeling with
are drawn
prayer with to Looking at him, I heard His voice in
am: Go there to you should write! What

(13) And since I still heard his voice inside me, I soon stood at the limit of light in
his kingdom, where before, at the beginning of the exodusGod,
of the
of them
children of
through the emptiness of worldless infinity saw the shadows stretching for the way that
the seducer, boaster and boaster with his crowd had marked for them and to whom they should reach his an
unprecedented new creation.

(14) And behold, there stood some small groups of the returning children of God with faces
full of terror and horror, I saw more returning in small groups, and already
there were also great angels and angels of the kingdom of God to take care of those who had returned;
But I kept striving, and I got the power of seeing,to be able to look into infinity;
but what I saw soon filled me with terror. What

(15) First I saw all the terrible events in a seemingly endless, in living picture,
like one with the third part
that soof many
signs, looked like monstrousstars
snatched its that
fiery are still
tailred dragon shining brightly, but infinitely more like
dying stars
heaven, but immediately I recognized in them that third part of the children of God,
who, turning away from him, have left his kingdom.

(16) Far, far away I saw the work of Satan and his, a kingdomof darkness,
which flashed through fiery red and sulphurous yellow lights like lightning, and I recognized that it was
is the light of the pit of hell in which the devils, working according to the instructions of their "Yes-Ave",
darted back and forth like crazy.

(17) I also saw and knew that the same was true of many of the multitudes coming out of the kingdom of God
separated her evenhis,
I sawthe
thatsheer endless
too, that distances
we might strivethat the world
further, of evil and
but not
they could do better; and looking around I saw
that even those last crowds of the whole
tremendous train, who had turned away from the distant world of darkness and the
looked back in the direction from which we came, also can no longer look back. you

(18) From the painful deepening into the infinitelyI sad and at the same time terrible picture of the
was torn out of itlike
all by
voice that
of could
a be heard to
Aasvogels inSatan
the thunder
with a and storm, and looking around, I saw the dragon
company of his own at the edge of the darkness of his world and heard his words of blasphemy
croaking against God and against His kingdom, which is the evil liar and creator of the lake
hellish darkness called a pseudo-kingdom, which to shatter and according
is to his will
to worship and is the Saints, Creators, Living, Eternals
to show all who will be that God is, to whom alone the
praise of all is due.

(19) but
a troop
the of
so towhich
head of
and set
up, raised their hands against him and Den
praised the true, eternal God and Father of all life, turned as if he under hideous curses and,
thrown back, fell with his flock in creation. the lake the one built by him and his family

(20) In looking I turned again to infinite distances, those crowds of middle and des end of the sheer
forwards backwards,
to the sides, upwards and
reaching, tremendous train, but no longer in motion of the initially taken

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direction, but in the worldless emptiness of infinity between the true

world of the kingdom of God and the lake of infernal darkness.

(21) And again I saw many of the great angels among the various crowds and again heard them so some of
You fellow angels and fellow children of God! See us and see each other So you alreadyan!
in nature and
are deaf to words, just see what changes you have already experienced in your
what your face reflects!

(22) How many times have passed since you left the kingdom of heaven, and
since you have been walking between the light of the kingdom of God and the world pit of infernal darkness
of the! It is still possible
we many,
all are
nor go
the light of
the you
see how
of God? turn and to us

(23) But then many spoke, many also of the last ones, the tremendous train like the final one
Crowds: We haven't seen the light of the kingdom for ages!

(24) Hearing that, the others turnedaround, as if looking out, and cried out, because
they also saw no light; a Horror seized most, one Lamentations rang out all around, and
sadly said those who told all the crowdsunder
that light of their own being and spirit
still had: is it to late!

(1) The wailing grew even greater, and many turned against the others, reproaching them
until Persuading
then and each other all sorts of procedures unknown to them
accusing, blaming each other, who took part anin the procession, and it seemed astoif the accused wanted to use it is
violence against those accusing them so it will be.

(2) A But I was also horrified when I heard individualvoices from the crowds and those
saw that to the other languages:
see! It is we have been told that God is omnipotent! But in view of all this, we have to
Don't you doubt on what has happened about His omnipotence? If He is omnipotent, why does He have the new one
and isisHe
Let creators create what omnipotent, why should be directed towards him
and he
us it allow that we seem drawnout of His kingdom and give, since we an have reached this abyss
from whichitthere is no escaping can neither advance nor retreat and feel
of falling scares us like choking!

(3) And similarly, in other words, others began like that to speak.

(4) But the bright angels and great angels among the now lightless crowd raised their hands, and there
it isImmediately it became quieter, they said:
Don't the life of God demean you by blaming in Him for what
your own will, decision and deed all have by virtue of our is; own
we spirit also
our own will, our will free and that proves anyisone

(5) By virtue of his own free will, the formerGod became Satan beforehand,so close big angel to
to and
and a great host of other angels his preconceived one. do, bring, his what
devils; him Has God explains where
of him and of those that pulls
is on
will be; did he want to but listened to the Word of God, accepted His declarations, His
heed and follow warnings?

(6) No, but by virtue of his own free will he has turned against God and with
His kind create and do left the heavenly realm to far, far away from Him and His world
too can what im kingdom of God is unknown and impossible; this, the worlds
of the kingdom of heaven unknown, strange and impossible, create his own there withhe now

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those who are far off of their own free will against God and against everything that is God's, just for the sake of them
his the called saints, creators and God will. to

(7) God is The Eternal Truth! We knew and know that from the Holy Word; Him, from His mouth, through being
and before this sad and terrible event we knew a lie
nothing, didn't even know the word; but now we not only know the word and the meaning
of the word lie but also their essence, their power and the one who created and
the now,
liar, measure
they know
ah, and so
we lie
in weall sublime,
pure and holy meaning of the power of God's eternal truth!

(8) In the essence of His Eternal Truth, God is The True Light and The True Eternal Life! That
we knew and we know through His most holy word; the true meaning and the infinite above all
sublime greatness, purity and holiness of these powers of His being and Spirit we have likewise
on,the liar who
only now fully recognized since we know the infinite opposite in and out,
full darkness to everythingseeking to destroy what is God's.

(9) We do not know yet what the darkness and lies of the destroyer devise, create,
bring about, and what further consequences all this will have; but we know that because it, it against
God, against all and against everything that is God's, conceived and directed, most terrible of all
an will affect those in all future who participate and contribute to it.

(10) Because the destroyer, liar and Satan claims the word "truth" by virtue of knows the Word of God
from his own he is because
word also called
he alone, thehe
of one,
says, he
is the
onlyaccording to hisof to be, and they also call him that,
little fragment
that eternal truthcreate
cannot left to what
him, has existed
to can
he creates and against
had given Which says that
them, actually God
also creates, namely
But God cannot create and tell you that this
in Not him
turns because he says is
the truth! he

(11) We all know what God has created for us so that we can create in it ourselves
know now more than ever how satisfied, happy and blessed we were in it, now that everything is with you
frightened, but even more so in us, and since we are immersed in feelings that were unknown and alien to us, the
we can't even name! Therefore you complain: o leave, leave us!

(12) But
it is also
to we
you have been spoken to, you too have heard the most holy word of God; Everyone
and fellow
and children
begged again, not the in to his kingdom
of God,dobegged left him have you
listen to those who destroy and those who belong toon the
him, boasting of liars,
and behold, now the against
of each one
to of you prevails has one's own free will of one's own

(13) And that's why we say to you:

So who, like you, turns away from God and such idiosyncratic as willfully leaves his kingdom for the
to pursue darkness, who suppresses the most holy Word of God in himself: to listen to lies and
free pleasing
will. to their malice and that of your own to find, he had to reach this very an
thus preparing himself and bearing self-created evils, because all that is power

(14) The rest of us have not turned away from God, but are of our own free will
we have gone with you and by virtue of the same our free will we remain with you, knowing that
That's Truth,
that God is the Eternal not going
Theto let the
True least
Light andofThe
us True
perish, turn back
Eternal Life -to Him either
so he to

(15) But as and what you have now become, no one is good and no one can get into it kingdom of god
enter, for will create, now it's too die late! But we know that God has done great things for the salvation of all
saved to will demand and want to become.

(16) None of us ever have that becomingof Being seen and none of us ever has
a offense of beings, living beings, and of what is created by God; but now we see

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the creation
becoming of has
of what the liar
not and
and you will
in the
know an the creator of Plunge in hellish darkness
with yourselves an apparent passing away haveto
learn from us.

(17) For Satan, for them His and for you it is light of kingdom of God itself gone; for
him and them Its safe forever as they have their own realm, the Den of create hell and
will expand; for most of you probably but not for da that always, costumes, children
of God again will not be extinguished by many. in

(18) that know
arefrom God that an
approaching in the first
event place
that we we
all meet dying, the semblance of no longer being,
the semblance of a death
able todying
a state
will from
of us
inwhat is whoit
hisHe, in The truth
with a new one
creation can and will awaken, your spirit in which your soul and

(19) If this second creation of his is there for us-and

we will
we know
all gradually
that it isreach
it, with
a becoming
us fromof
the beginning to will
soul-spiritual-living but
also an offence, since we will have to die a second time there.

(20) willIt be an apparent coming and going, probably in the reality of

in reality
establishes creation, theonly
sameappearance, since becoming
apparent reality, andthe
and itself but ansoul-
passing away of the
spiritually alive one in it is
does not give to his basic being because this is eternal.

(21) The second creation of God for us will give us everything to live there, create and lead the way
can walktoin the light of His us to truth
eternal will lead
and him
eternal life in there, His can
too, kingdom,
on the which you have left voluntarily, willingly and willfully, or else,
path we have now taken, leads to darkness, which the evil spirit and father
creates with the hellish one in the den
of lies
his own.

(22) Look at you and us! As we still do now, so you also deceive your spiritual
in one
wonderful heavenly body; but what of this wonderful body do you still own? and
see, soon none of it will bealready
yours anymore,
no longer they
hear have
our word,
been you
cooked the so many of its almost completely lost
it is and
first dying there. is Consciousness fading, yes

(23) And sincewailing

they were
the speaking
of these
so much
I tried
and words
to flee,in
so full
many of horror,
droves,I the to the
that I to

(24) I saw there souls without the heavenly bodies they had had as dead, others around their necks and around
clutching at themselves and blindly searching as if for support, still others screaming indesperation,
an immensely vast field of indescribable misery.

(25) But the bright angels and great angels came together and turned their faces to the high ones
kingdom raised their
godhands and said:
Almighty Eternal God! Father of all life! Following your holy spirit and words, we stay
among these multitudes, to serve,to you and them
whenever, how, and wherever, holy God, us You
will call to it. Say you areGlory,
in honor, power, worship and glory forever!

(1) And behold!Then I saw a second face, a face in my face, seeing twice as if in a fever,
for I saw myself among those who thus cried out to God in worship, and to I stood there myself
between two of the great angels
horrible in of
dying theallmidst
next of
to all
and the others, saw the

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one after the other, dying at last with those two themselves, between whom I was and who were with me
looked familiar, as if I had been with them from eternity.

(2) Then it became silence, like a silence of death; butit was the stillness of a living death, a
a light empty realm of the deepest
a tomb of immense proportions without walls or floor, unconsciousness
and fainting; I saw myself in the middlefromof elsewhere
it and yet I saw everything
that and was put on by the fact
so that I felt an indescribably great pain without
say to me can what kind would be. he

(3) Suddenly there was light around it is me and I heard His voice inside me:
Jovian! In this realm of powerlessness and lying fallow nobody has and
no one will take a look but me and you alone, to whom I give the insight, so that you can see what
you should write if you have seen and remembered, you should also see that my creation
look at it, who
and spirit
the rescue
of all these lost, misled,
that despite
the beginning
the partial,
to but more complete forgetting of everything from
what has happened now, of good will will seek me and my kingdom and so that they will seek me and mine
rich again, I will take care of myself in the given time, essentially-personally
creation that will not become my kingdom.

(4) Then I looked up, fell at his feet

too too
and,unable, I cried
not being ablebitterly.
to speak a word, also fully grasped his word

Helaid His hand on my head and said:

(5) but
it is is things happen, but terrible things will still follow through the ages
does not cry; Terrible
that everything has happened that will have to happen for the ultimate salvation of all those of My angels
who so
turned awayaway
willfully fromfrom
me and left my kingdom created for them, to
to pursue the boaster, father of lies and creator of hell, who, himself in the
Plunging into ruin, also wants to pull everyone with him who, despite everything, is mine and, except for a few
few, become mine again for all future.

(6) When I no longer heard his word, I looked up, and behold, he was no longer with me,
but in the midst of the firmament of the worlds of His kingdom indescribable and unspeakable
wonderful light of His most holy being and spirit and I got the power to Him as so he see,
should stand with me.

in meof
(7) Radiantly His Holy Spirit worked all directions those who,
infinity, by saw
and the power of His holy spirit,
the rays
equalfrom the essence,
in their essence of His holiest
strength, soundform,
andsee how seven wonderfully shining pure
colors to
lights, of one and the same light, being one and yet separate from each other
distinguishable, and as soon as I saw this I knew that I had His seven sacred qualities
see in the essence of their radiance: truth, goodness, love, mercy, forgiveness,
justice and self-sacrifice.

(8) And since I was thinkingabout the wonderfulness of this seeing, I immediately recognized that the
first three of His seven sacred attributes in the first of His creation, in the worlds of His
Kingdom work, but that the other four, His second creation and those apply to
for the sake of which He will bring about a second creation.

(9) Im Looking and thinking went by for a while; but then I heard his voice again
me: Look around you now and notice what you should write!

(10) And immediately I felt myself in the midstin

theinkingdoms of those who had lost everything heavenly,
deep unconsciousness and swoon lay, silence and deep stillness all around, like one in one
almost endless, wallless and bottomless, immense grave but it was gloomy,o,yes
Frightful d-the whole's previous appearance has given
that looks
way tolike
Dawn of a clear sky in the morning equal. to and the deep stillness of a holy stillness

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(11) The Seas of those similar that one quiet lay, were souls without the heavenlybody they had,
to me so, eons of time ago, having given it to God for them at
created beginnings had received the life from and out of him and in form the
have come to development, which in every mental being as a basic and original value of
was hidden undeveloped from all eternity.

(12) But now I was shocked when I saw that many and very many no longer had the size of their spiritual
shape, but have become incomparably smaller, visibly not only becoming smaller and smaller,
yes, but also thethat
form lose more and more clarity,
evidently also many and very many of the
of departing
the innumerable species
It happens to the animals taken howthe even greater
children of and
which more numerous
see seas of souls as the seas
children of of theto
God. powerless souls of the

(13) I do not know what times have passed in this vision around me; but have that alone
looking further and recognized that the vast majority of beings of all the seas of souls
similar appearance as I had them before the beginning as mere soul-spiritual seeds
looked: tiny and also bigger, with a more or less blurry picture of them
Shape and forms in the shell of the soul, enclosing the spirit as the core; now they are closed
similar seeds (but not all of them), but in each one I saw life,
but no consciousness of life and being.

(14) Initially startled by what all de der m in future will be, I have myself
in the
soon calmed world,
the thought
from God itif perhaps
forthat in a different and way, seed
all this mental-spiritual-living but also to the
in Art so
Development and the awareness of one's own existence and life will one day be possible withoutis
life force in His kingdom has arrived and there only that who has received life from and out of Him, now him
but have your own life, will also is can attain the lost consciousness elsewhere as well
redevelopment, so God creates a corresponding world for him.

(15) Lost in such thoughts before the vast seas of living death, heard
I call myself by name, and as I looked up, I became the seas of unconsciousness, the
fainting and raptured in silence and saw Him standing surroundedin a world of His kingdom
by great multitudes of His angels, and I fell at His feet; But he picked me up, pointed with his
hand a direction and said: Look!

(16) And then I noticed that that one world of His kingdom, from which that of from only excerpt former,
liar, creator of hellish darkness and become Satan
Great angels and his devils, but afterwards also the infinite number
exodus ofhas
the children of God
taken place, no longer me place,was
showninintheir on; I looked
no longer there farther
as I butinthe
of the kingdom of God, far into the far-off places
Far away from infinity, in a direction opposite to the Pit of Hell.

(17) He but rose

treble, His hands in middleof host of His angels in the
from the
that direction, and as once, eons of time before, the worlds of His kingdom, I saw Him
now create worlds of a kingdom, which is infinitely far away from his kingdom, which is not his kingdom.

(18) The creation of the worlds of His kingdom and the beginning He alone has me in sight
let look but countless angels saw this second of his creation with me and
like eons of time ago, I also now saw all kinds of rays changing from and out of Him
light and all sorts of other forces emanate, the lights of the radiant power of his holy spirit
immediatelyafar off like
reached that and
infinity, movement
I saw a
which I once saw
creation at the
of His

(19) Alone I then saw the movement of the distant everywhere, above me, on all sides and below me,
whereas the movement that I saw there with the crowds of the angels of God was tremendous
and immeasurable, but grasped only a large part of the distances of infinity, and already
I also recognized that from it those distances are excluded, in which Satan with the
created his lake of hell.

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(20) Even now the movement of the distant gaze wasso asthat
if there were innumerable ones everywhere
small, large and large clouds of light arise and become more and more spherical than glowing
many out of themselves and as if others had no light of their own and as if they were light only through that
light of others.

(21) But the light that was peculiar to the worlds of this creation amazed me, and
I saw amazement on the faces of the children of God, for the light which the worlds of these
creation of God out of themselves and let them shine was no light of the worlds and of
Kingdom of God, but consuming fire, unknown
one onestrange
one light, light as of
an everything that the light of
Light, infinitely poor light worlds and des belongs to the kingdom of Goda
arm an colors hurting the eye.

(22) That's big and glaring, or again not offering the right view, so it small and weak
it iseven with the greatest power and glare it doesn't penetrate that from where it was it iswent out, what
were too seen that some worldsthe of the
creation hit them as far as the radiation
who had ofno light of their own, only
so light on it,

(23) As I looked, I suddenly noticed that the world that was going there from the kingdom of God
was raptured, which had lost its own, i.e. heavenly light, thereby also safe
a thousand times smaller than it was, otherwiselooked different, but still among the
innumerable other worlds of the new creation took center stage.

(24) How long time all this granted? I know God's not, because in the See all of the rich
stranger, different, poor and yet again great and monstrous, I in the diversity somehow similar,
thought of moments may have sunk and new amazement seized me, no time; methinks
die it when i that all that only
Creation saw, Kneel before Him. movement in this
that had escaped me so far and with the angels of God I sank worshiping into the


(1) I heard them voice of Word of God to Speak to his angels, and as he had spoken
Praise, praise and adoration resounded from all the worlds of His kingdom in words and in song to Him,
Who immediately stood in the middle heard
of the His
word inof
the kingdom of heaven - and again I
Look, so you know what to write!

(2) I turned to the powerof Look into the infinity, to the new creation of God,
and behold, there was all in the appearance of
movement, though standing still; Everyone worlds
they ran, turning slowly or more quickly around themselves and often around others as well,
many one of their halves light, the other darkened, small, larger, large and some enormous
large, including some with long light hair, or with seemingly endless hair
Tails, as if they were collecting in them what the others had rejected, and there

(3) O Wonder, I noticed that the center of this whole universe and that very world which the kingdom
God raptures that and, shaped differently, was incorporated into the new creation, the direction towards
More- of souls take those there, an endless
like inand
lying in deep silence,
bottomless grave, many, very many,
unconsciously powerless and in
yes already most in the inconspicuous
keif tiny seed.

(4) When I saw this, a longing arose in me, on the same world through the kingdom of
powerlessness and silence and immediately
to I stood on one of their mountains,immeasurably
amazed, but at the same time deeply moved, because now I knew I was standing on earth,surrounding the whole country
me overflowing with green and blooming plants, bushes and trees, everything green and
Blossoming might not look wonderful
to the
samelike in the worlds of God's kingdom, though
soul, spirit, and life.

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(5) Rivers of pure water ran through it Land like glittering silver bands in which That was far away

sea, and clouds drifted by, as around that Land before the rays of the Earth nearest light source
protect and you water to give: also there was day and night.

(6) But soon the earth reached the realm of powerlessness and silence, and look, they those
drew souls of the children of God and those of the animal world the least in size and
had lost the forms of their soul form and held on; but I soon realized
that this event would not have been there if soul and spirit would becomeless an
they have been more corruptfounded others, but that the soulititself
than theand essence
in theis is
neither of nor dependent on evil. Well,

(7) But the days when the earth passed through the kingdom of powerlessness and silence were
twenty-eight, exactly from one full light of the pale earth companion to the other; but now saw
I the living picture of the development of animals and humanson earth.

(8) They still lay here and there, unconscious and powerless, individually, as well as in smaller or
larger groups, as soul, spirit and life amidst all the earthly, gross solidities surrounding them
Things barely perceptible, as if they were a touch of the earthly; through the action of the earthly
Things, however, of the earth, the air, the light, the warmth of the water and other forces, last but not least
also by the action of the forces arising from the earthly body of the vegetable kingdom, and
Permeated by all this, a movement immediately came into the animal souls, then later, only
isolated, but then increasing also the souls of the childrenof God. in

(9) Half asleep, here and there one or the other opened their eyelids, closed them as in the
but soon again, unconsciously gripped something
like sleep,
but could alien
do to them
do not grasp and only gradually one or the other woke up so far as to be surprised, or also
as in delusion around itself in itself to look and how desperate for a memory
for. Looking

(10) That a memory rose to so some of the crowd, I knew by the fact that they had their hands
the heights
the earth formedofthe
in this
an earthly
way theone
in density
of some began to weep bitterly;
to in the meantime
that cannot even be compared to a spider's web. body, but one kind, theirs

(11) But theysaw all sorts of animals that they knew of the green and blooming plant
took, they did too,they
and behold, their body became more earthly, causing the desire for more
incorporated all kinds of perfumes, juices and fruitswith
into themselves, and the children of God became human beings
an earthly body, although herthan
a spider's
was not web.

(12) But this had the advantage for them that they did not touchbut
the bottom of the were tied to the earth
also rising and floating for shorter or longer could change areas;
then after the lapse of another twelve times twenty-eight days since the first counted
twenty eight have passed that Earth again through that kingdom of fainting and des
walked in silence, recognizing the earthly year .

(13) Again the earth received souls of the children of God and the animals, and the earthly becoming
the children of God multiplied; only those who had arrived before tried to get them
the of the country of the earth until
Newcomers, and repeated, all parts
crowds of people were inhabited.

(14) Many of them more or less remembered them the sad event, searched
Reminder of it also to the others in which the to wake up, and there were already a few among them,
Ability was inherent to not only receive the angels of God who have to look but also
to speak, communications from them to remained pure andindividual
the it iswasn't missing either
angels of God could communicate themselves to men, and
so soon after becoming a human being on earth, the seer and prophethood was that of God himself
children who had turned away, who had left His kingdom and who had come to earth.

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(15) Like all angels as children of God (but also the entire animal kingdom) in his kingdom
are sexless, these first crowds that came to earth were also sexless, and the
simple organism of its own there according to the nature and - the forms of the soul body
built up earthly body that brought them hundreds with it years, yes not a few too
could live, create and work there for over a thousand years, their earthly - physical
according to the condition.

(16) But when the earth came out of the realm of powerlessness and silence, the passagein
of time
like and meanwhile of an inconspicuousness,
souls, which I had seen before to
tinyness and apparently complete nothingness of the mere soul-spiritual-living seed
it is this
up, what earths become, like the
no longer many, many
possible are so embodied to
crowds of their predecessors and now something wonderful happened on earth.

(17) The soul-spiritual-living seed that has arrived in its tinyness and apparent nothingness,
not from the earthly embodied souls that have been there for a shorter or longer time
perceived, was of the already earthly-bodily the predecessor of his Art so even attracted that
is incorporated himself into them unconsciously, built his own body from their earthly body,
grew, through its incorporation and growth a new one formed in the wearer's body
bodily structure, due to the increasing development and heaviness also an exit, and had the
development reached a certain level, left the now earthly clad soul of its bearer

(18) People only saw this process with amazement at the animals, but the passage of
the female and the mother also among themselves and therefore on earth; The people
have become physically different on earth than the first of their predecessors were, and that's how it is was
also with the animals, as often also with all kinds of green plants, and because of that, but also
otherwise the earth also took on a different appearance.

(19) After the course of further earthly times, in which always new soul-spiritual-living ones
Seed from the kingdom of fainting and des silence on the Earth came, found the mentioned
Incorporation continued to take place, but was the texture of Same already has one
become that of the is
bearers who have become female (without their knowledge and will) well
was attracted and incorporated, but not by its own power to take away from what was bodily and itself
could develop

(20) But because it was

apparitions and
showed itself,
its bearers,initthe
casenot bleeding,it iswithout consequences and corresponding
of remain
the nature of this seed required a certain kind;development
forthehad people, by the sign of a
to be incorporated into it. be-. specially prepared earthly
to with them
in touch

(21) That which has meanwhile come about, brought about by more plentiful and more varied food
a greater and more and more apparent compression of the earthly body
with all kinds of powers of the earth, did not mature in the non-bearersof the soul-spiritual-living seed
only those mentioned, necessary for the awakening of its development, but also with time
organs that protrude more and more meaningfully and powerfully, and thus the masculine came into being on earth.

(22) Until then I saw in spirit more than a hundred times ten thousand earthly years pass, and the
People of the earth had the same kind of knowledge, which even then, as before, through seers and
Prophets survived among them so knew of their is; they life
former from their
and work
in her God,
turning from
away her departure,
from fromof
the true world her former
the death,
kingdom and which
of God,
there on earth all the best for one another she so and
beautiful a reflection
to strove
of the.
to create
God. inwas
true world once earth in it too

(23) There were probably already in the Beginning of their earthly existence, as well as in course
the Times, such souls who more or less consciously as well as unconsciously tended to evil, there
every soul the children of God who have turned away from him and gone out of his kingdom,
a marks of their former aspirations, willing and doing remained imprinted and in their earthly

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Dasein came alive with, but were those who tended to evil only isolated and n,
could not seriously and in the long run the peace created by the innumerable others

(24) The increasing bodily density bound everyone more and more to the ground of the earth,
and also that of existence became noticeably shorter; the many unknown and new things
Duration of the emergence of the feminine and the masculine that occurred g
earthly life and work,
Impossibility of changing ground at will, and the to raise and soar wide regions at will
to more distant crowds of innumerable it is with
people that other circumstances brought that from each other
new ones namedthedifferently
thus arose
out the originally a heavenly language individually and subsequently more and more earthly


(1) The death of the first multitudes on earth was due to simplicity and very little
density of her earthly body painless, like falling asleep; the living, soul hers with
spirit left the earthly, worn-out body without much hardship and without a fight.

(2) I have also recognized that earthly sleep is a consequence of the close connection and the closest
interlocking and working of the soul and the earthly body is that soul in it not
can be active uninterruptedly, therefore a recurring relaxation in this
strives for and also achieves, thereby giving the spirit the Use of the earthly bodily senses blocks and
through all that also self-determined degrees of awareness for the duration of this state
forfeits but that all sorts, sometimes even the slightest influence on the feelings of the earthly body
and its sense organs on the one hand, as well as a Influence on the Feelings of the psychic body and
his sense organs, on the other hand, suffice for the closest interlocking of both in an instant
to produce and the mind the sense organs of both benefit make. to

(3) When the first people up Earths died, that is, when their trinity soul-spirit-life
separated from the earthly body that was being carried, behold, I saw some of the an hand of
angel in the true world of in kingdom of God, others against it worlds, the neither dem
heavenly kingdoms nor the worlds of All belonging to this world with their earth, and immediately
i realized that worlds of the afterlife are. it

(4) And I was given insight into all these worlds, a great, great number he there,
it and
when I looked, I was alreadystanding in one of them, which has a similar, indeed almostthe same light as
one of the worlds of the kingdom of God, and of that thefrom kingdom of heaven, but on the other hand also some
it similar worlds
level level of of the hereafter
a different light can be
toseen, but of
and also as other
if from
beings, and I found them
inhabited by many of those who lived on earth and
have died there.

(5) I saw creating

they beautiful
preach inandeternity
pure from theheard
things, beginning
someand then about
of them all praise,
whatpraise and give thanks
was happening in the to God for
all that
He does,
speak what of eternity Hethat
for all gaveof life
ownthat His life
eternal is
sustained. in

(6) And since I looked further and was already standing there, I saw worlds of the afterlife, which seemed to be of stages
to Level less and less and weaker and less and less pure light and also
fewer and fewer are of a pure nature and getting ahead in seeing, I saw the worlds of
Beyond increasingly lightless, more impure beings, as from level to level more shadowy, gloomy, and
too frightened whenare,
I saw
the increasingly
last ones gloomy the still further worlds
almost nothing is own anymore that could be called a light. What

(7) But I suddenly found myself there in terror and, terrified, I turned to flee; here but
I saw in immeasurable distances over all the worlds of the hereafter, but also over the whole
Creation of the universe enclosing the earth, the true world of his kingdom and him, in the midst of

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firmaments of heaven, in the indescribably and unspeakably wondrous light of His power
Standing with arms upraised, His most sacred face turned toward me.

(8) Then all fear and horror gave way to the bliss of His holy peace, I fell on the
impure ground of the darkly threatening looking world and heard His voice in me:
I'm with you Jovian! And you should watch everything so you can write! And I stayed one
while praying.

(9) Getting up, I turned around and there I saw in the distanceinthe realm of the hellish hellhole
and Hisas
darkness, its maker and the created; Create, insuch
one those can hatch,
only one
whose spirit, will, all thoughts and strivings against God The eternal
truth and is directed against everything,He does and creates. What

(10) And behold, I saw that the lake of infernal darkness also has its light, a light from
innumerable flames of fire, like blood-red and sulphurous-yellow, thrown by hosts of devils through all sorts of things
it islight in the darkness; but they go too
things are begotten and sustained, that there may be
throughthe fiery tongues, go back and forth, up and down in it, and they are all things of the Creator
when they see this, they throw themselves
Ave! down and with raised hands they cry: Yes - And
- Ave! Ha love us!

(11) And I saw a tremendous throne, in front, behind, sideways and from the light all an surround its corners
sorts of snake-like tongues of fire, pale yellow and blood-red, and in front, behind, sideways but also there were
above the throne surfaces like mirrors, which the pale yellow and
threw crimson light amplified a thousand times upon the throne; then the same thing rose up from many sides
shouting, and I saw the old dragon, Satan, ascending the throne, sitting a crowd of his great came, the
on it, and those around him the corners, pillars, and steps of the an

(12) Clothed in shining robes, his breast had a girdle he likefell

a golden girdle, his feet
as inthe
were ore,
and in broke,
emanating allfrom
cheeks that
wereit covered
his seemed
the flaming
head, as iflight
with lightning
white it is
hair, like white wool, covered, and from his mouth his tongue hung like a double-edged sword
knives, butanon each side hung a double-edged sword.

(13) seven
went ones, of his mouth, white as if they were
stars, and under the seat ofitthe
grabbed andthrone;
threw itthe largest of his jumped
but up; seven standing behind the throne like golden candlesticks, placed before him
they laid on top like tongues of fire, and, behold, I saw on the candlesticks seven words of the
blasphemy written against God.

(14) And there, he and all himto in the pale yellow and blood-red glow of the flames of fire themselves
look like it was on fire, opened he
his mouth, and with one of the cawing of the carrion birds in the storm
said in a voice like that:
No other, but I am the beginning and the end, I am the first and the last, I am that
Life and death, for I have the keys of death in my hand, I let live whom I can
want to let live, and I can kill whom I want to kill; but let them worship me as their God
I live and no one will be able to kill her.

(15) And when still so spoke, his great ones rose, hit with big mallets
he heard gigantic trumpets ore cast discs, and others of their kind left tubes like
sounded, as if from shining trumpets, whose horrible sound penetrated afar.

(16) And behold, havecame crowds

never of armor
seen before andand helmets
than from
the ones to two
done with it which i
two gigantic armies armed with belts, seated on
thrones, raising their hands, Bata! Bata! to started shouting: -
And Ave. velchot setu Bata! Bata! Battle! Battle! The saint wants to see fight! Battle!
the crowds rushed at each other, throwing, hitting,stabbing, hitting and bata, bata
screaming; but I turned away in horror and wanted to go into silent prayer!

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(17) But immediately I was awakened by terrible cries of pain and a roar with wild laughter
mingled, and as I looked around, I saw countless of the fighters with ghastly
Wounds on the ground writhing in agony, yes, some also continue to themselves in pain
tear to pieces, at which their conquerors burst out laughing again and again.

(18) And since there were many hundreds of thousands of defeated wound-coveredmen, it occurred to me that
that many
in bloodsof the others would have to drown, but behold, I saw no blood, not even of the Am
were too
the worst mangled, and the open wounds not but blackened red, in
Light of the pale yellow and red tongues of fire terrible to behold.

(19) But the one on the sat

throne lifted his hand and, I have the key of death in my hand; I can hit and
up, shouted:
I can heal, I can kill
and make alive, and there is no one to save anyone out of my hand; you are beaten
but shall be healed and live, for you are all mine!

is still aus
(20) And raised Amen!
roar on all sides like the rumbling and thundering of a storm: Yes - Ave! Ja - Ave - Ja -

(21) Above that I saw that meanwhile parts of the world of hellish lake have become dark, and
the dragon sittingiton
is the throne noticed, which immediately jumped up and full
to who maintain and sustain the flaming
fierce anger began cursing those
Lichtes was incumbent, and
all around him trembled before his fury.

(22) His anger only died down than the dark parts of his creation to the flaminginlight
once more, and he spoke:
I am the creator of light, I create light, light, I create darkness and curse all mine
don't wait and take care of yourself in. the darkness
myto eyes so that my anger doesn't hide; beware
consume you, for I am the great and terrible God!
After that sat down the steps
himself andand corners
agreed of thearound
those throne him

(23) You have twenty-four smaller thrones built around my throne, just as many white ones
make robes and crowns of gold, seven flaming candlesticks for each throne,
show seven powers of my mind.

(24) WhoBut
have brought
you memount
will only such sure news
thrones of what
when youhas become
have of them,
found those and also
crowds, of you, of me
or those

cursed realms of in so
Subservience and the same monotony of vast quantities
like we did have seen.

(25) So far they to you those sent out always came back knowing nothing; but now you choose
each one a flock and, leading them, you will continue to search for those diligently, because
somewhere they must betofound; the first of you to have a safe message about her or her
himself will sit on my throne beside me, and his throne will be the one for him
take the one that is found first. he

(26) It is not yet the time that I leave this creation of mine to look for those who are mine and
followed you, but have not reached us, have a look for yourself and hope to keep; so I send you
especially from you four who are alive and will come back with youhave meyoucreators, that ye rather not
and brought them. who me
followed and mine

As hewho
(27) those came out the
drove again, they Living and creating had called behind the throne, and
hooded beyond
and alsorecognition,
look, because the first of these living wore the masquerade like a lion with open
throat, red tongue hanging out and seven terribly long teeth, the second den
Mummery of a bull with seven strong sharp horns and seven tail tassels, the
the third wore a mask over his own head, like the face of a dark-eyed man
men, but with sevenfold mouth the fourth the masquerade like an eagle, with seven

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sharp claws on each of its feet, each of the four wore six wings and all four were
from top to bottom, in front, behind and on the sides, full and full eyes that like twitching
Flames of fire shone.

(28) They stepped in front of the throne of the old dragon, who made his way through the robes of the white
head and hair the sign of an incomparably greater age before the others, and with them
muffled hands, flapping their wings, they cried:
is and
Holy, thrice holy our God is was who
Lord, has
the the keys
Creator of life
of our and death!
kingdom, who shall be,

(29) And theyou

twenty With
fellothers lay down and prayed You alone, Lord, are our God and you an calling:
alone are worthy of our glory and might, because by your will you will endureto
take him price Lob, honor, power,
create your empire, which

(30) There stood and, up,

raised his
face in the fists clenched hands,
looking up at the pale yellow glow of the dark firmament of his creation, he cried:
I am, was,
I create, I will be, and the fury of my anger will become everyone and everything
consume what is not mine, does not want to be mine and does not want to worship me! - Go!

(31) The twenty-four of his grandchildren rose, each calling out a crowd as before
waiting to each other, and in one
like witheach
leaps, in from thehordes
of his bottomstrove
of the in
kingdom of hell,
a different the
dark firmament which the world of e to,
ancient dragon limited.


(1) And behold, I saw and recognized the purpose of the many flaming eyes the
disguised, because that of the infernal in
firmament, but also outside of the in Empty,
they showedthe other always the one where
Place with,the
crowd, thefour
and I wasliving
andwhen I sawpeople
creative that justof
the one flock
their of his meet
Mummery like a lion wore that direction to that dark impure world of the hereafter,
on whose
that, and
she all
I stood;
andhecloser I acceptedwith his own, he looking in all directions and
peeking world and I had to see, but they moved
waving past, and I realized that she was neither the world I stood on, nor me
could see.

(2) Like this hooded man and his gang, I saw in the infinity of Also empty the others
Twenty-three crowds are searching, striving forward, waving, turning around and always new ones
directions, and that's when I realized they were like in Keep circling places came
they have been several times before and that they are not out of the circles drawn
can get out and further.

There sat
(3) seemed, butindidn't
front notice
of the throne
that myself,
of theand
old so I turned my eyes to it again
dragon a few who to and behold is commanded
the the
name in he Write books,
to who drew up the lake of his creation for him; the
with a stylus, but had leaves as of thin bronze, and the names as in Books were written
flaming characters.

(4) But everyone who was written down had to take the written down name with them
make a mark with his own hand, whereupon the scribes make the same mark with the stylus
draw the person's forehead.

(5) Times passed over it, and tired from all the looking, it was as if the me as if I fell asleep and as
Sleep a thousand times lasted ten thousand years, im I but all of them through times too
Sleep on everything happening in Heaven up earth, in Beyond and in the cesspool of hell

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had looked, could not wake up properly, I felt as if severely oppressed and above it
frightened, I said a prayer to God in my mind. to

(6) Then I felt His power and heard His voice within me:
Get up and go through the hereafterto earth to be able to see and write what is everywhere
to there
happened and will continue to happen! Strengthened, calm and at peace in my soul, I got up and
I soon passed from one world to the other. beyond in

(7) And behold, the gloomy, impure, and shadowy worlds I saw empty as before;Beyond
soother less gloomy worlds of
already but I found the nearest, not shadowy and
inhabited by the souls of deceased people, and getting further I saw them in the brighter and
purer worlds in ever greater multitudes, and to which the so also in the pure and light worlds, from
seven purest
the and lightest
kingdom are closest to the true world of
of God.

(8) How long this my way through the worlds of the afterlife had lasted, I felt
up to then bygone times and afterwards recognized that again a course of time
eternity was included, which encompasses a thousand times ten thousand earthly years.

(9) In all the worlds I found inhabited I saw the former childrenof God as human souls
working, but in a number of forty-nine of the otherworldly worlds I found them far
partly as if in a deep faint and partly as if asleep; but those among them
who were not completely asleep, but were awakened in different in degrees, des wakefulness, gave
clearly going
to recognize
on them and
thati they
do not know
only partially
and what
have With
they dispose of bodies and
must first create

(10) And it was precisely in these worlds that I saw quite a few who shared one of the essence of these worlds
carrying a corresponding body, striving for those who, awake and half-awake, helpless ones
made such an impression on me; but I have already recognized that the helpers, despite their
relevant world corresponding body souls of lighter worlds are. and away from the things of
in which
world, having I saw
built her
(assumed) a corresponding body only in order to
in can
- andher tangibly
such was in any one of the forty-nine
worlds not a small flock.

(11) Some of them tried to give the waking and half-waking to and drank, like refreshment, all kinds of food for them
those who help to build up, afaint
world knowing
to preach
in question or wanting
offers and talk
to care
to infuse toand
for the
who that body to them
are fully awake, refreshed and
to guided
whose ,emergence
of the world concerned
the soul that got there; others of them tried
awaken and still others
them into possession of their world

(12) Then I saw and realized that each of the forty-nine worlds had a connection with each
eight other worlds of the hereafter, and that each of the awakenedand instructed human souls in
the built-up body can reach a certain one of these eight worlds, and only from there
offers it the possibility, lighter and purer, - or also according to its free will
poorer in light, more impure and full of shadows, yes even the gloomy and dark worlds of the
to reach beyond. to

(13) But even that I saw and recognized, that seven of the eight of thebrighter
are ever forty-nine
and purerthan
any of the forty-nine worlds associated with a world of sleep.
on the other hand, every eighth less pure and light than these and that every one of the awakenedwith
ones, the body of theirs
the world attached and instructed Seelon strives there, where you oncethe
went when moving out of
true world of the kingdom of God voluntarily acquired mark draws them.

(14) Each of these marks is against one, several, or even against all of those qualities of the
good soul and good will of every cognitive spirit, qualities that are in
supreme perfection, purity and holiness are peculiar to God and He in them the eternal truth
goodness, love, mercy, forgiveness, justice and self-sacrifice, and as the case may be,

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what degree of opposite qualities the mark and through it the soul in itself
bears, as well as by what degree of the mind's will, the opposite qualities of the
soul to or just as that
living mark of oppressing and eradicating,
to to nourish
The opposite of that, to deepen, to expand, to be and
sought and sought, accordingly
also the light or darkness of the soul and spirit.

(15) And since onthe degree of the feelings and the resulting aspirations of the soul on the one hand,
the other hand is of the
thereare innumerable degrees of the will of the spirit, also the multiplicity
degrees of light, as well as degrees oftoshadow and gloom reaching to full darkness
- impure ones innumerable and unmissable.

(16) But because there are still crowds who, mentally and spiritually, wear almost the same costumes and
wanting to rise up, but the aspirations and willing of other crowds are manifold in nature and degree, therefore so
also many worlds of the hereafter, where in each individual world only that
what belongs there lives and works together.

(17) no world of Hereafter allows and makes possible that it is,there good and bad, beautiful and
abominable, yours and filthy, holy and devilish, dear and nasty, true and
Mendacious, sublime and reprehensible, high and low, ordered and deserted Light
and in the darkness with; can live and work in and with each other, because everything is on only
earth, because liethere that cognition of
and the good and des bad guy truth and it
Knowledge of the soul-spiritual light, as also serves the soul-spiritual darkness and therefore
is soearthly
important for eternity,
life, work and for quite
and knowledge a few downright
of everything that hascrucial.
been enumeratedare infinite

(18) I have seen and recognized some souls in each of the forty-nine worlds, whose
unequal mark by her on earthStriving, wanting and working in as it human body
more pronounced, bigger, angrier and darker originally during the Exodus
and at the first death was, but in many others I saw the mark they had
under the mark of their good. Works on earth as if without power and almost extinguished, because the light
the mark of their good works penetrated the old mark, leaving the unclean of his
hardly recognize any more.

(19) But the worlds of the afterlife that are connected

to eight each with one of the forty-nine worlds
are itthree
stand, together is of these
are and ninety-two;
three hundred and forty-three in
different gradations lighter and purer, on the other hand the remaining forty-nine also in
Degrees dimmer and more impure than the forty-nine worlds of sleep and all
After looking, I have realized that the vast majority of the souls of all are already around
that time came intoI have
one and
that these
on earth
form thepeople
actual of
the worlds
of all worlds
of sleep
of the
beyond, and that there are many ever world
of the
purer worlds
of God
that lead into the true it from
it is as many, but gradually more and more poor in light, more impure and
well as on the other hand, that just
there are darker, gloomier worlds(in which I have not yet found a human soul), which almost to the
border of the world of hellish lake.

(20) And when I saw this and recognized it, I shuddered Fright, because in me it rose
sinister thought on that God who The eternal truth, goodness and love, is, Even through that
Create such worlds of Beyond all those who still incline to the old dragon, Satan
and loved ones the opportunity to go to the pit of infernal darkness and as if shaken by to can and lost
to a severe fever, I feared to be, for the wandering
to in two forty-nine worlds
I saw smaller groups of souls of all sorts, not entirely dark, but
but more or less impure mark, uncovered by no light-signs of good works. at all

(21) And as once before and during the excerpt of Crowds ofto
the true world of empire
I also now saw and heard many souls of a purer and lighter nature and mark of God,
which their once acquired impure mark more or less, yes with very many almost to the
extinction, to persuade those small groups to eternal truth, goodnessand love
God on the one hand and on themendacity, malice and hatred of the old dragon satan and
On the other hand, adversaries of God point out, ask, admonish, they again and again all of the

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Remembering the terrible and horrible things that happened before and during the exodus, but
I saw and heard that all of this applied to many individuals, little itand
is very little, yes to
some didn't work at all.

(22) These pointed out that that neither they themselves nor one of those persuading them creation
those who can do this achieved
havethat promised to create what God did not create and do not create
from afar only the beginning,
beginning, but the
not the completion of their work
have seen them, they therefore have not seen any, therefore do not prove any claims against it
and the creator of an outrageouslyso great work only out of envy and insult about it
own inability to call an "old dragon", one: "Satan", and his "devils".

(23) When I heard this and saw in the faces of these speakers their own malice breaking out, I stepped
added and began with a loud voice to them as well as to those who worked for them. to preaching,
i it am the lake of infernal darkness and that doings of his Creator with his,
just as I saw everything that was going on there, I itimmediately
therefore know,
saw itbut behold,
and realized that none of them all neither sees me nor hears my voice and that I,
although seeing and hearing everything myself,stranger
a of all souls and worlds am and of these
so little
carry the latter withbut
so that I myself
own body an
can see and hear everyone and everything
she could, but not me.

(1) The behavior and on On the one
so hand, some bearers of an unclean mark say like
the other hand also that the hints, supplications, and admonitions of those who are purer than dwellers
persuasion, and lighterofworlds
Beyond self-sacrificing came and overcoming of themselves the
took on the body of a particular world in order to be seen and heard by those to can, to whom
Effort and work was always several listeners, and I saw in
drew many a soul whose impure mark of yore had been under the light of the earth
All sorts of doubts had arisen about the mark of good works they had acquired and
under their influence also some impurity of their old mark revive again. so

(2) Seeing that, I got a violent shock again, but recognized immediately that the same thing happened to them
perceive those who strive for those who contradict them, because they turned away from them
from time to timeto,
and those in which they saw the doubts reviving.

(3) But I saw that no the whole being so some of the speaking bearers of an unclean mark,
purer and lighter world can take in, the that
that she continued
from her whereabouts of in in world,
sleep and from
evaporate, whose
and spiritual
even as things
attitudes she had
if drunkbecome already
and staggeringseen
impossible, half-conscious, her body was built up, by virtue of her
as ifgradually
and behold for I already her body
they in the already they were lifted
as if by an irresistible force, still lost in the realm of
Boundaries' of the world they had previously inhabited their bodies under visible signs of suffering,
and immediately she absorbedone of the poorer and more impure worlds of the afterlife.

(4) But I fell down and, deeply moved, I begged in the soul and in spirit, the all benevolent
May God forgive those impure thoughts and let no more such thoughts arise in me
let that He itisisthe one who created worlds for such malevolent human souls who
enable them the to way of the old dragon, corrupter and satan, because through that seen
and what I have heard I have recognized how indispensable and unavoidably necessary they are creation
such worlds of Hereafter was and darkisand impure beings of
that malicious
absorb and prevent will.their
and lighter from
of themin the afterlife that are of good wear,
about there thoseto

(5) Looking up, I saw and heard the efforts, explanations, pointers, instructions, requests,
Admonitions and sermons whichawakened and purer and lighter helpers to the further awakened,
the souls
clothed with the worlds
body ofprospered
one of the forty-nine
and already I saw many and very many of the awakenedand instructed human souls

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rise to make the way to earth yours to take because in them the awakened worry about those who are upEarth

(6) That all souls capable of cognition spirit, which once through the kingdom of earth as humans
gone are, of their own free will, from every world of the Hereafter, as well as from the true world of
kingdom of God on earth and can get back into their own world that they humans
on earth (as well as the animals and plants there), although not earthly, i.e. not their earthly,
but only see their spiritual body and spirit, recognize theirs and see them through them
suitable intermediaries, occasionally and under given circumstances to all sorts of others and I
knew soon after the souls of the first
have earth
gone deceased human hordes
into the hereafter, as wellinasthese first human
that already
hordes on earth in similar and equal pureconnection
children with the
connected with God.

(7) But now I already knew some of the more impure and light-poor worlds of the beyond
inhabited, because in the course of the times of my looking, hearing and looking at all the processes
have new, probably insignificantly small groups of souls more or less impure, but individual ones
also more or less dark marks, one or the other of the forty-nine worlds
left, and related to their nature corresponding willing of the hereafter.

(8) And as I looked, behold, not a few of them also left their worlds to go on the Earth
looking around among the people, after
change with all
a while your kindoftomessages
kinds earth, came back
came to
and reported
then there to truth, but also
observe and
were lies about everything thatperceive
had happened to them among earthly to
souls individually,
people from the forty-nine worlds; of the hereafter further
but sometimes also in smaller groups, which were greeted with applause from the others

(9) But then I saw that some ofsothe maliciouspeople did not correspond to his world, that his aspirations
after an even more impure creation and work, and immediately I saw some in one of theirs
Other worlds corresponding to their costumes and desires, but not to them again after a certain period of time
sufficiently unclean and dark, And so I saw them from degree to degree of perdition to
to meet

The toseries
(10) a whole darkerofworlds of which
those that I all impure
are more up from level to level, always lacking in light and increasingly gloomy,
to the middle of those forty-nine worlds
Hereafter, whichof before times
of sleep found empty and uninhabited, gradually got residents from this center of the Hereafter;
indeed the far, far greater number of such worlds were still empty as before, but there that
The strivings of individuals,
including some
future of
it will
whorun into
were that threateningly
inclined gloomy
to them, were and gloomy in
unstoppable the
of the hereafter
reach, from which I the cesspool of infernal darkness, the old dragon-satan, his and
bustletheofhustle and there.

(11) So looking back in spirit and the passages of time that have passed since then and eternity
were included., feeling and measuring them in the soul, I have recognized that they with
once again a thousand times ten thousand earthly years are correctly compared; I added to it in spirit
who have been living and working in vision since I was the first crowd of people on earth
seen times past and now knew that since then around three thousand times ten thousand
Years have passed, a course of time that seems endless to many earthly people.

(12) But, before who have seen, heard and felt all of this, came
daythe timewith
witht this
times in of it before as if it were all
a way
yesterday, yesterday and today, and the spirit compared that since
creation of the true
beginnings world
God Kingdom of God for us and since from Him for us
away, until the departure of
the I realized
ten thousand
that all years
these are
in no
way related
to be compared to those aeons of times the we making in blissful peace in the real world
of the have lived the kingdom of God, because Withcompared to those eons of times collapses in the meaning
not even the three thousand times ten thousand earthly years an instant.

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(13) I have the Eternity, that alone from the light and the Power of the Most Holy Being, Spirit and
Life's permeated emptiness of God infinity and Him Even in Light of His power before the
Creation of the true world of His kingdom and before the beginningcreated for us by His
to behold mercy have been found worthy of it in my own ability by Him, I
Unworthy, me and him so I know many a seer, whose ability is certainly no less, the seen, heard,
perhaps would be able to write . experienced and felt in a better, more beautiful and
everything down in a more comprehensible, more sublime way thanisI possible
do with the best will in the world.

(14) Those face given revelation but which the Eternity encompasses can only one
in the vanishingly small fraction of all of that Seen, heard, felt and experienced ton in
Reproduce writing, because if everything werewrite
to befor
it would
thousands of years seers and writers,
to live and
- and I believe that is even then do not correspond
would; therefore and for that reason I write only what every knowledgeable spirit, the good
will, is, to the true God - and to true self-knowledge and in the knowledge of the eternal
truth for the salvation of true eternal life.

(15) Who recognizes the good will, he alone the eternal truth, the true light, the true
Eternal Life, The Beginning, Eternal Goodness, Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, and Justice
is self-sacrifice, and from whom nothing evil can come must also come from the being of
adversary, of the old dragon and Satan, of the father of lies and all wickedness,
who, seated on the throne of his dark infernal lake, behaves as if God were, so is
and from whom nothing good can come, because of his is falsehood, wickedness, and in his hatred
revengefully rages against all that is God's.

This dark adversary of God knows (16) it well and incomparably better than many a flock of them
children of god that it is only one true, all-good, eternal God and Father of all life (including
life of the old dragon) gives; knows
he it's life, better than many others that everything is from God, the Father
nothing can come that even remotely goes against the unchangeable, unchangeable
qualities of the most holy being and spirit of God would be judged even in a shadowy way, and
would not fully suit you.

(17) Precisely for this reason, however, the old dragon asserts that he has corrupted and become his
he creates
opposite, be the whatwho
true God, waswill
notand not only
tolerate the key
anyone of life
else but also
beside him,the key of death
because never big, before

in is,
soul-spiritual only the
which. Assertion lifeofreceived
one from'his
the biggest andlies
of God, butbeings
for all never a death of

annihilation and non-being.

(18) The life once received from and from God forms the spirit, the with into the real one
world of Kingdom of God was an given to the beginning created by Him, and psychic body, whose it with that
inseparable property is the spirit is eternal A Trinity Trinity:
soul-spirit-life n of every soul-spiritual-living being, and this, because and is the spirit of its own it is if Soul
eternal being and the power of eternal life, from and out of God
has received is captive, indestructible and indestructible.

(19) Take the life once received from the eternal essence of soul and spirit, to
no one can, not even God! Because by virtue never Its take
of thislife is, it can
everything thesoul-spiritual lives, and
Is life given, carried by the recipient and
won't take back because The Eternal Is Truth is.

As spirit from the essence of the soul that is eternally its own, and the latter from its eternal nature
(20) the
one's own mind is inseparable, just as inseparable is the life of the two that is with one it
is an inseparable, indestructible and indestructible trinity of a soul-spiritual-living being

(21) The real world of Kingdom of God alone knows the true eternal life of bliss and des
Peace in beautiful, pure and sublime creation and work for one another, God and one another
for joy; in the real world of Kingdom of God gives it on Forces and things nothing what that there

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living, working and creating soul and spirit, as well as the heavenly body carried there
even in the slightest way could harass him and become disadvantageous to him.

(22) From there almost innumerable and unmistakable crowds have moved out to the
boastful father of lie and that to pursue wickedness; they have him and his fiendish
but cannot reach creation and have died in the worldlessvoid together with those who
to went along with her rescue.

(23) But was this her former dying, was this dying the death of annihilation and no longer being?
the eternal being of the soul? put an end to it of spirit and of life a

(24) No! For otherwise the same soul would not be alive with the same spirit and life
on earth; it would be impossible
it, for us to be there and with us all that is alive in the soul and in the
mind; but that wetheare
are, is of our eternal
being, a testimony that every being of soul and spirit has not God for its maker,
but that his own iteternal being is a testimony that dying is no death of
is annihilation and no longer being, but a way, a gate and an entry into another
world created by God for us to live in another world that is our due
fitted body.

(25) The factwethat soul and spirit are not a creation of God is testified most clearly and
irrefutably not only the infinite variety and grave imperfection of the being
of the soul and the spirit, but even more so also the devilish aspect of the soul
spirit capable of knowledge, Satan as the father of lies and all wickedness, the adversary of God
eternal truth, his devils and all those who follow him and find pleasure in lusts. an his devilish

(26) Our former death was the loss of our heavenly body, and we come
all gradually, each one once into the earthly part of this world, in order to become conscious there
of our life and being are awakened, in thetoearthly body the good and the bad through the
recognize the earthly
to diebody,
again,dothat is, to
good to one
that and through the loss of the earthly body
world of the afterlife that we know through ours
have already determined and deservedtheirown attitude, knowledge and works on earth.


(1) These and many other considerations gripped my soul as I contemplated how I
I will write everything I see, hear and experience for the people, so that they can mine
Understand testimony, and the spirit of the written testimony, by virtue of the goodwill of their spirit
so souls, that they may live in blessed peace in the salvation of true eternal life in
come to life in their
that the kingdoms
of God can approach with confidence.

In it the this and many other such thoughts

(2) I noticed hardly that I'm out of the
Not worlds of the Beyond into one pure and light-filled worlds, the kingdom
God's limits, and back in I'm glad I looking at the long line of worlds up toBeyond
their middle,to
did number of its inhabitants exceedingly large thethat
is against
that one,one
I in so
the that
poorthe way of
in light, impure took,
and and the
worlds, almost disappearing and turning to the true world of the kingdomof God,
in my soul and in my spirit I thanked The All Good that He to the rescue of all, even one
muster a small part of their once sogreat goodwill, has given rise to a wonderful creation. so big and

(3) And as I gave thanks in blissful peace in prayer, behold, I saw Him again in the middle of
firmaments of His kingdom with hands outstretched in blessing in the indescribably wonderful
light of His power; I fell down and then I heard His voice in me:

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(4) Jovian! Since you have been turned away from the earth for ages, you should now look again,
so that you can also write more about the work and creativity of the people there, the
Come to testimony and knowledge!

(5) And as I looked up with eyes weeping with bliss, I felt as if He were standing
it is by me and as
touch his right hand to my forehead, - I could not open my mouth, but in my soul I spoke:
Mister! My God! Thank you for everyone who found you again with good will, and for everyone
of good will will still
the salvation of thefind
true eternal life of your kingdom! in

(6) How long I remained

thankI saw
you of
my and,
I know looking
over mountains,
up into it, Not; but when I got up and
valleys, countries and seas, I was like that
various changes in the appearance of this world; than before, a large part ofwas morewas
the land landdivided,
since it moved away a
from the other part, and between them a sea, which
divided again by the great sea by the divided great land.

(7) But the earth was the same faint reflection and reflection of one of the smallest worlds
of the kingdom of God,it the
is same sun, moon and stars of the universe of this world were there, like everything else
was created was often also a different plant kingdom, a different animal world and they were
also other crowds of people of all kinds of colors there as initially and subsequently,
but, from land people only to
Looking at the country, I saw that in the meantime, in the work and creation of that change
the people, thatfields
they and
had gardens,
built larger cities and towns, created and cultivated
with all sorts of driving gear the country, densely
ships the Sailed seas and all land with so
that I had to estimate their total numberat more than twenty-five thousand times a hundred thousand.

(8) when
And Igreat
saw injoythe soul me,
seized of many a person
finding an impure,
peace among men everywhere; probably
even dark, dark mark,
but themajority
far predominant
a thing in their soul, that it in light of
mark of their goodwill and their works appeared only faintly and as if extinguished.

(9) They were also in much more diligently cultivated intercourse with their deceased relatives through so
many capable seers, prophets and mediators knew of their former life and work in the
true world of Kingdom of God, from their turning away from G often and from their departure from His
Rich and therefore they knew no other worship of God and no other service than alone
the, do good to each other
and good
to to
freeother also, but then also: an every seventh day below
through one settled among themgather,
or fromtalk about what happened when they left, to
location country
to from country pilgrimage de n
Prophet mediator that To praise the kingdom of heaven or also the bright hear God through his own speeches
to hereafter, Him that
to thank
Him Hissheto looking forward to that departing from the prepare
earth like that

to kingdomagain.

(10) After all this I saw and recognized that in creating, working and in the knowledge of the
people in a time course of more than three thousand times ten thousand earthly years not much
and had changed
I almost nothing that would be any more severely detrimental to her, and above all that
was infinitely
seeing more and more of the land and the people. to to

(11) I saw crowds of people on earth, human souls from the lighter and lighter hereafter
but also surrounded by pure children of God, speaking with them fromtotime to time through capable mediators
prophets and I also rejoiced that the inhabitants of the impure, gloomy and
dark worlds of the afterlife, which I occasionally singly or in small numbers also under the
people on earth looking around saw, until then no mediator, seer, prophet and therefore also
not found an opportunity to communicate with the people. to

(12) I saw their worlds from the earth and when I looked there, behold, a whole series of inhabited, then I saw them
and already I saw from
few of level
level more
the impure,
human soulsgloomy and sinister
move into worlds
institutions, significantly
from more
which the limit
to meet to
that dark and how menacingly gloomy world of to from
ancient dragons and satan, the pit of infernal darkness is not too far away.

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(13) As if I could already see into the future, I was terribly frightened at the thought and at the
Imagining those sent out by the ancient dragon would be the sinister arrivals in the
find the dark world that suits them, find out from them the whereabouts of the crowds they are looking for
and through the dark hereafter perhaps even led to earth, and asking God to give me the
Giving to to
strength, being able to follow all the further happenings up close, I was standing soon
again in that threatening gloomy and gloomy 'world, from where I times before the
events in have seen the cesspools of hell.

(14) No longer fear, but unspeakable

on his
an old Satan when I again the
voice as he
swore the most terrible revenge with often cursed incomprehensible new words and everyone
irredeemable and disobedience to me.

(15) I saw around his immense throne the twenty-four smaller thrones all around for the
set up by those sent out by him at the time, on each of the thrones lay what he sent at that time
promised dress and like a golden crown, in front of each of the thrones the seven were already standing
lampstandsof blasphemy but all the twenty-four thrones were empty, none of the twenty sat,
which he called them elders, and neither did any of thethem.
four he called the living ones on

(16) And as I looked around, behold, I saw them still searching for each one with his company, and
align themselves with the respective ways and locations of the four living ones of the old Satan, the
still in front, behind, sideways, above and below full eyes like flamesof fire
twitched, the others indicated the path of their search.

(17) As before, soon one of the four with his troop passed very close to the
past the world over whose ground
nor meI see,
like theinfirst
otherI recognized
way, and I saw
too all
that them the world is
to, he
change, madly searching further, driving around in huge circles.

(18) Disgusted and seized with disgust at all this goings-on, but when I saw that I was no longer I look around
alone in the world of horror that I was in a similar world here before, I turned to ten in number. but that those
make arrangements, now that

(19) I saw clearly

she and immediately found that their appearance resembled that of devils and
was very like, because hers from the impure things of the worlds they passed through
formed bodies looked even to persuade
more terribleher to their
than stop her lastbut
souls; step
nevertheless I started immediately
I, offrom she
disgust she
ruin, butins
and I recognized
soon have that I neither see nor hear nor feel,
despite trying to grab her. so
Horror, one or the other at the hand to

(20) So I let go of them, but saw that they were all looking spellbound in the direction where I
the searching devils in front knew, and now I saw that they all see the searching too, and
there again one of the four with the flaming eyes attached everywhere
swung his band near the dark world on which the ten stood,
they raised their hands and began with all their strength efa aje Ja Ave? efa aje?shout: Yes - Ave!, too - -

Yes - Hail! (The saint!, where's the saint - where's the saint!)

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The Song of the Linden


Old linden tree at the holy gorge,

I touch your trunk reverently,
You have already seen Charlemagne
If you're stillgreatest
standingis coming, will

Your gray hem measures thirty cubits,

the oldest tree in all of Germany
wars, starvation, epidemics,
New life again, new death.

For a long time your trunk has been hollow,

You once hid horse and rider well,
Until the chasm softens you with a gentle hand
wide ring around your forehead.

Old linden tree, you know everything

Kindly share with us your spirit,
Send your vision into becoming,
Proclaim fortune to Germanyand the world!

Great Emperor Karl, consecrated to Rome,
Eckstein you should
stayGerman time,
One hundred and sixty seven years deadline
Germany has been hit to the core.

Your son as a servant to foreign peoples,

Do and leave what is right for her slaves,
Cruel One has torn the enemy's hand
blood, one language bond.

Eat, stomach, eat from the German juice,

Until your power ends for me
If the heart is sick, the whole body is dying,
Germany's misery is the ruin of the world.

But wars do not fade away,

and brother fights against brother,
Armed with the scythe and shovel,
If lost against flint' and sword.

Poor people get rich quickly with money

But the rapid wealth we to the ash
Poorer everyonewith the bigger treasure.
Less people, more space.

And the ruler's thrones abolished,

will reign play and passion,
comes where believes himself damned;
who is appointed to an office.

Farmer hires until the day of reunification,

All his effort in the water just one hit,
exhortation falls on desert sand,
Only ignorance finds listeners.

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Who has the most sins

Feels himself as judge and supreme council,
If the blood smokes, only the animal becomes wilder,
Robbery becomes work and murder becomes greed.

Rome cuts up the priests like cattle,

Don't spare the old man with silver hair
The highest must flee over corpses
to place.
And traced from place to

Godforsaken doesn't seem he, is it

rock solid faith,duty,
true to
Even in times ofneed he not renunciation,
performs Brings the battle against God before the near court.

winter is coming, three days of darkness,

lightning and thunder and the cracks in the earth,

Pray at home, don't leave the house!

Don't look at the horror at the window either!

A candle gives all the time alone,

If it wants to burn, you light,
Poisonous breath comes from the dusty night,
Black plague, worst human battle.

The same threatens all those born on earth,

But the good die a happy death,
Many faithful remain wonderful
Free from respiratory spasm and risk of plague.

A great city that devours mud,

Another wrestleswith the fire
All cities dead silent,
Dill grows on Vienna's Stephansplatz.

Do you count all the peoplein the world

you'll you
a what
thatleft, third missing,
see every country in
Half lost my mind.

Like in storm a rudderless ship,

Given to everyone Riff,
Staggers around that

One Day
Ruler Swarm,
citizens Power
poorer even than poor.

For misery's only star of hope

A better day is endlessly far away.
"Saviour, send what you must send!"
sounds itfearfully from the breast of man.

Is new the earth suddenly changed course,

Rises an hope star rising?
is here's still sounds,
"All lost!"
is saved", Vienna is already singing.

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Yes, from the east comes the strong hero,

bringing order to the confused world.
White flowers around the heart of the Lord,
The valiant gladly followshis call.

All disturbershe too mating drives,

German empire German law he colorful writes,
stranger, unwelcome guest,
Flee the fields you havenot plowed.

God hero inseparable

you band
forge a forge around all German land.
You lead the exile to Rome
The cathedral looks at the great imperial consecration.

praise to the twenty-first council,

That shows the peoples their highest goal,
And guaranteed by a strict rule of life,
That now rich and poor no longer choke each other.

German name, you suffered badly,

The old honor shines around you again,
Grows around the intertwined double branch,
Many a guest is looking foratits

Dantes and Cervantes Welsh sounds

Even the German child is familiar
And on the Tiber - like on the Ebro beach
Lies the brown friend from Hermannsland.

When the angelic shepherd

As Antonius becomes a wanderer,
preaches to the stray barefoot,
New spring smiles to the whole world.

All churches united and united,

a herd of only shepherds appears.
Crescent gradually gives way to the cross,
Black land shines in the glowof faith.

I see rich harvests every year,

a great multitude of wise men,
The world has escapedplague and wars,
who isexperienced the time, very happy.

This announces German man and child

Suffering with the land the old Lind',
that arrogance does not fill the measure,
The righteous shall not despair!

Source: Magazine 2000plus special "Prophecies",

Summer 1999, page 87

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The way into the new age

The Age of the Goddess

Pan-Babylonian Working Group

A summary of the myth of the "New Age" and its actual background.

The way into the new age

The ages correspond to a parable with the seasonal development on earth. It is the idea and
the realization of the cyclic course of things. Adequate to the earthly solar year there is the
cosmic year, and adequate to the months there are the cosmic months - the ages.

Since the earliest history, the myth of the ages has been anchored in the high cultures of
mankind. According to Heraclitus, 18,000 solar years form a cosmic year, the "Great Year",
which is divided into the cosmic months, i.e. the ages. The ancient Indians, the Persians and
the Babylonians knew different ideas, but ones that always harmonized proportionally. The
oldest tradition has been preserved from ancient Mesopotamia: the calculation of the ages of
the Sumerians. Our current knowledge of the ages is based on this and later further
development by the Babylonians, like astrology in general and the astronomy that later emerged from it throug

The Babylonians calculated a cosmic year with 26,000 solar years, an "Adu", an age, i.e. with
2,166 solar years, although there are differences because the influencing forces are of different
strengths - and people also have a co-determining share. Each "Adu" corresponds to passing
through one of the twelve zodiac signs.

The ages are under different influences, different powers have an effect on earthly events and
conditions during them. The Age of Pisces which is now coming to an end is the Age of
Darkness. It is dominated by the influence of a cruel, purely male entity (such as the Old
Testament Yahweh). But the now approaching Age of Aquarius (which is properly called Age
of Water Pitcher!) will be an Age of Light. The loving female power dominates in him (e.g. the
goddess Ischtar/ Freyja/ Aphrodite/ Venus etc.).

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Since the duration of the ages is determined to a certain degree by the strength of influence
of the respective dominating power - and also by the corresponding resonance among people
- each end of the age is marked by a struggle between the cosmic powers. As an age
advances, the influence of the dominant power increases. It can be compared to a spiral
movement, in which the pull of the dominant factor becomes stronger and stronger towards
the end - and the more drastic the swing into the new then becomes.

This explains why the 20th century, the last century of the dark age of Pisces, is characterized
by the most extreme cruelty and unprecedented mass murders etc.: The dark force that
dominates this "Adu" once again let off steam in all its horror.
This only became possible because the dark, only male, power succeeded in damaging the
female powers in the most extreme way. As a result of the First World War, women's long hair
was cut off for the first time and thus the astral vibratory organs through which they attracted
the divine light were taken away. Only when the female powers were so weakened by cutting
off the long hair could the darkness spread its hell on earth.

But now the approach of the divine light of the new age is having an effect again. More and
more women are leaving their hair long, the female vibration is getting stronger. Therefore
the hope for an early victory of the light, for the triumph of the new age, is great. All women
and girls who keep their hair long make a very important contribution to the blessed victory
of the light! Then love will also conquer hate, warmth of heart will prevail instead of
materialistic coldness, and envy, malice and war will be overcome for a long time.

It is very much up to the women, because the new light age is that of the female divinity.

The resurgence of female power will, as it were, strengthen men. In their wives they will
recognize the divine, the eternally feminine, that key to the light which Goethe also grasped
so clearly. The harmony of the life structure on earth will be restored - when the new age
comes. So let us think and act in the spirit of this light!

The Age of the Goddess

The future is in the hands of women.

The passing Dark Age, which astrology calls the "Piscean Age," was the era of femininity.
Those ideologies that preached "emancipation" to women also pursued the goal of damaging
or even destroying the female powers, because women were to be masculinized and thus
made harmless for the dark power. That the power of darkness will be conquered by the
feminine has been enshrined in the knowledge of the wise for millennia. Even in Christianity,
this motif is still latent: many depictions of Mary show the woman crushing the snake under
her feet as a symbol of evil. This is much clearer in pagan cultures. Ever since it took power,
the (still) dominant dark power has pursued the goal of damaging women. At the peak of the
power of darkness, this was reflected in the widespread mental and spiritual castration of
women through short hairstyles. In the long hair of women, their astral power works (that's
why the Inquisition cut off the hair of "witches"). Throughout the millennia, women have
known, sensed and felt how important long hair is for them - for them and also for the people
who are close to them, their husbands, their children, who were protected by their astral light
vibrations. It was only at the height of darkness, in the 20th and last century of this age, that
darkness was able to harm women in such an extreme way. The horrible events of this century
have a very important reason for this, because for the first time the female radiation forces
were so massively damaged.
But the light of the new age has already touched the earth, more and more young women
keep their long hair and thus their potential of light vibrational forces. And the more full-
fledged women are back, the more this radiates to the men - the harmony of the entire
structure takes on a firm shape again, the darkness gives way, the light comes!

Everything is now in the hands of the women. When the majority of them again understand
their nature as women and fully develop their female powers, then the triumph of the
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new light age near. Only they, the women, can bring about this. The men can only help and support
them in this soul-spiritual struggle. They will do this happily because true women show them the
way of light and love. Because the power of love is never abstract, it is always the love between
man and woman from which everything emerges. Now it is up to the women to find themselves, to
build up their light vibration potential - externally through long hair - and to use it.

Water Jar Age

We cross the threshold into a new age. It is the age of the goddess, the dominion of feminine
power. So the much-discussed New Age is not called the “Age of Aquarius”, as is often wrongly
claimed, but the Age of Water Jars! The origin of knowledge about the cosmic calendar goes back
to the Sumerian-Old Babylonian culture.
The age that is now new for us, the “cosmic month” (Adu) that is just beginning, is rightly called
the age of the water jar. Then the goddess Ishtar (Freyja, Inin, Inanna, Aphrodite, Venus etc.) will
pour out the "waters of purification" over the earthly world. Western astrology later made the age
of Aquarius out of the age of water jugs, quite arbitrarily and without understanding the profound

"Dear Goddess"

When the goddess is spoken of as an absolute concept, this is to be understood in a similar way
to when one speaks of "the god" - and yet it is something completely different. Because the total
claim that the Bible raises for its "God" is as unacceptable as it is nonsensical. No female nonsense
will be opposed to this male nonsense. But the goddess is the most important aspect within a
larger structure, over which stand the absolute Ilu forces, ie the divine forces of male and female.

All female Ilu powers are bundled in the goddess. The term "the goddess" does not stand for a
single personal being, rather it includes all the divine powers of the female - and also the divine
side in all those earthly women and girls in and on whom femininity shows itself sufficiently
pronounced to generate a corresponding vibration to absorb and develop.
The Iluhe, the absolute God-powers, the female Ilu and the male Ilu exist together, but not together.
They only unite in creative acts - comparable to the act of love between a man and a woman. The
mediator between these two forces is the goddess of love. She is therefore the most important of
all deities, in her the goddess also reveals herself as a person. In different cultures, the goddess
of love has also been assigned other areas over the course of time. Once she became the goddess
of fertility, at other times the protector of warriors or the mistress of eternal youth. However, all
this is misunderstood, it has gradually developed. Since the goddess of love was nowhere
preserved as pure as in the Romans, she is to be called Venus here. Their function is completely
clear: It is love - spiritually as well as physically - the power of the renewed act of creation, in this
earthly world as well as in the otherworldly spheres and worlds. Next to Venus, respectively below
her, are other goddesses whose vibrations unite in the highest.

From now on, the invocation of the goddess does not need a name. As others were accustomed
(and still are) to say "Dear God," for those who are already in the know, "Dear Goddess!"


Para-cosmology, which early high cultures in Mesopotamia already knew, provided an important
basis for understanding the connections. It conclusively answers people's biggest questions: Who
are we? Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where will it take us after we die? Since this
cannot be reproduced in detail at this point, it is advisable to study two particularly suitable
writings: the "Carthaginian Book" and the "Ilu Ischtar".

What is the deity? She is not a "single god" to be imagined as a man who is both angry and
benevolent. Certainly not! The deity are the nameless eternal ones

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Powers of the Feminine and the Masculine. All life, all creation comes from them. Because
human thinking needs concepts, these forces were called the Iluhe.

Literally translated, “Ilu” means “divine light”. This divine light has its two different, completely
equivalent forms that exist independently: the male Ilu and the female Ilu! In their temporary
union, these two powers become the "all-creative power," the Iluhe (Akkadian Iluim), the
supreme absolute deity.

Beneath this great, eternal feminine/masculine omnipotence stand strong beings of the
afterlife, which our ancestors called their goddesses and gods - and these beings undoubtedly
have some power. But the Iluhe are the divine omnipotence standing above everything. The
sign of the Baphometic male/female double head wants to symbolize this. The East Asian yin/
yang sign also shows this knowledge in a more abstract and meanwhile often less clearly
understood way.

Humans (like all other living beings) are not created. Rather, they are with and alongside that
Deity of Eternal Being. The beginning took place in the spaceless infinity and the timeless
eternity. This is the purely divine level of being that we cannot comprehend because we
cannot exist without space and time. Therefore we cannot imagine a spaceless infinity and a
timeless eternity either. This is not even necessary because this divine power has created
time and space for us. That was - for us - "the beginning". From all eternity myriads of "seeds"
of life to come lay ready: all "gods", "angels", humans, animals and plants - likewise
"demons". At this stage, all those seeds consisted of a shell and a kernel. The shell
corresponds to the soul, the core to the spirit. The soul (shell) is the (astral)
Corporeal, the spirit (core) is the essence (the character, talents etc.). Into this still lifeless
duality the divine power gave a third: the power of life. And with the animation of the seed,
each being became the eternal trinity of spirit-soul-life.

Since the power of life cannot be lost, there is no death either. Dying is no more than a change
of body clothing, which is rebuilt according to the internal pattern of our astral body. There is
also no extinction of the ego-consciousness in dying, no forgetting of what was, but a
conscious transition from this world into another, into a world beyond.
From there our life continues. The fact that there is any dying (of the shell) at all is simply
because we have to go through the gross material world of this world. Why do we have to? -
Because we once left our original home, the kingdom of God of eternal light, and lost our
"heavenly bodies" in the process, i.e. the purely light-material conversions of our astral
bodies. In the "emptiness infinity" we could no longer exist.
We lost consciousness and sank back into a seed state. We are all "fallen angels" in a way.
So that we could now come to ourselves again and embody ourselves again, the divine power,
the power of the Iluhe, created the physical cosmos of this world with the earth.
This has given a vibrational basis that allows us to unfold again from the seed state. (Details
on all of this can be found in the Carthaginian book, especially in “Ilu Asherah”.)

During the sexual act between a man and a woman, a vibration is created and by this vibration
a seed is attracted from a special otherworldly realm where the seeds reside. Since the law of
the affinity of vibrations is also effective here, the family resemblance is explained, among
other things. This always succeeds with two healthy people with the same basic vibration.

Our path through the physical earthly world is therefore necessary in order to enable us to
reincarnate - and thereby open up the path to returning home to our original homeland. It is
our task to give other "fallen angels" this opportunity by having children - because there are
still many seeds lying powerless in that sphere. After our earthly death we do not lose our
consciousness again, but are drawn to one of the numerous worlds of the afterlife; namely
from that which corresponds to the spiritual vibration that we have acquired through thoughts
and actions during our earthly existence. From there we can then move further - into lighter
or darker otherworldly worlds, our will is completely free in this regard. However, the goal set
by the deity, the power of the Iluhe, is to return home to the

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Urheimat, in the realm of eternal light. There is no such thing as dying again (however, in
some special cases there can also be a re-embodiment in the earthly realm).

Similarities to this para-cosmology can be found, more or less clearly, in many old dogmatic

Since we have our "personalities" from the beginning and therefore also brought them into
this world, our tasks for the whole are different. Many are expected only to walk their
immediate path decently; of others, on the other hand, that they do things for the community.
Because only if this world is kept in a usable state, but above all the natural relationship
between the two sexes to each other, can the other "fallen angels" take their chance to return

We must imagine the earthly cosmos as a relatively small island in the midst of a vast ocean
of otherworldly scouts and worlds. This world is separated from the hereafter, but for the
strong spirit the dividing wall is wafer-thin, he can change the spheres with the help of the
astral body. However, this always requires a strong vibration of love between a female and a
male being. This alone can create the necessary high attraction, thanks to which this difficult
path is possible. We are expressly not talking about a more or less abstract "love of one's
neighbor" but about the clearly personified love between man and woman. This love does not
necessarily have to be between two people, not even one living here on earth and a deceased,
it can also be the adoring love between people on earth and a being of the opposite sex from
the afterlife, which did not go through earthly existence as a human being - i.e. to a divine
being who is capable of a “spiritual Eros”.

In essence, then, we humans are all "fallen angels." That is why there is a much higher ability
in each of us than we can imagine during our human existence. But only those who ensure
the purity of the vibration of their sex will regain their heavenly power - as a woman or as a

The Astral Bodies

The term "astral body" refers to the "inner body", that subtle basic pattern that all living
beings carry within them; whether human, animal or plant. The astral body is therefore what
we brought with us from our original homeland, the kingdom of eternal light (Ilu kingdom).
Our physical physical bodies are also constructed according to the pattern of the inner astral
body. The body on this side at the age of around 21 is likely to be the most similar to the
original, the eternal astral body. Only the physical physical body is subject to aging, but not
our actual, true body, which is only internally present on earth and whose eternal model is
the astral body.

Para-cosmology already states that the different sexes, male and female, have been there
from the very beginning - even if they only had an effect here on earth in the necessary
biological way. But there has always been male and female, even in the realm of eternal light,
and it is the same in the worlds of the hereafter through which we wander after dying on earth.

Before our departure from the realm of eternal light (see para-cosmology) we can speak of a
"pre-biological" sexuality. However, the difference between male and female was spiritually
(psychologically) and externally present and even very pronounced, even more so than is the
case on earth. At that time and in that luminous sphere, our astral bodies were implemented
in a 1:1 form, so to speak. Hence it is that the larger external differences that existed then
between man and woman and will exist again after our earthly life are also now in us in the
form of our astral bodies. The astral bodies contain, as it were, the fundamental difference
between man and woman. Everything is designed in such a way that the two sexes complement
each other - and also attract each other. Only when this difference comes together during the
act of love between man and woman does the divine unity of the two Iluhe, the all-creating
forces of male and female, arise for a moment.
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Diversity, then, is the key to wholeness, for couples are destined from the very beginning -
even though they may not always be able to meet in mortality; then they find themselves in
the next world.

The divine principle of the Iluhe is that of the powers of male and female in their purest form.
Both have the same value - male and female - but they are never the same! This is also
expressed in their astral bodies. The astral bodies also cause the generally invisible "aura".
This is radiating, so to speak already consumed, astral light.

Differences between female and male astral body

The astral bodies of woman and man are very different. Naturally, these differences also show
up externally in their earthly physical implementations, i.e. on our earthly bodies. However, it
is seldom as pronounced as the original would suggest. In addition, the exodus from the Ilu
kingdom (see para-cosmology) caused damage to many people.
Therefore there are beautiful and less beautiful people - but their astral bodies are all very beautiful.
In this respect, there is a Helena in every woman and a Paris in every man, to use Greek

The astral bodies of man and woman consist of different types of subtle matter. This is also
one of the main reasons for the external differences. While the coarse earthly bodies consist
of flesh and blood of the same kind, the astral bodies are made of different types of
substances, of different subtle substances. These substances were once called "light
substances" of the masculine or feminine variety. They each have an affinity for either male
or female "light vibrations." Since our astral bodies also breathe, they require adequate astral
light breathing substances. These are very different between man and woman, and therefore
the astral respiratory organs of man and woman are also very different.

The most obvious difference between male and female astral bodies is the hair. In women and
girls the astral body extends completely into the hair. A woman's astral hair is always very
long, certainly well over a meter. Since women's hair has a fully-fledged astral body over a
large length, it does not fall out either.
It is different with men, whose astral hair measures only about one to two hand widths, which
is why they more or less fall out. Although men's hair can also grow relatively long, this is
then only an extended horn formation, as is the case with a beard or overly long fingernails
and toenails; there is no inner astral counterpart for it and therefore no meaning. Women's
hair is something completely different than men's hair. Women's hair always has a fully-
fledged inner counterpart along its entire length, it is astrally alive! Therefore, long hair is the
most valuable possession of every woman and girl. It is no coincidence that it also plays such
an important role in sexuality: it is a primal signal from woman to man.

Because women's hair is astrally alive, this means: Every cutting, singeing, etching, any
damage to women's hair means direct damage to the astral body of the woman or girl
concerned! Naturally, this always has a negative effect; it should therefore be avoided at all
costs. The Sumerians already knew that the first approx. 80 cm (three Sumerian/old Babylonian
cubits) are very sensitive. The hair of the women therefore had at least this length. The same
was true in all high cultures. The functioning of the female astral breath begins with a hair
length of about 50 centimeters, but naturally a longer length is much better; a measure of 75
to 80 centimeters hair length corresponds to the natural in the woman, more length causes
even more.

The coarsening of material in the earthly realm, which is initiated by the sexual act between a
man and a woman, leads to more or less large “minimal amalgamations”. So some female
radiations migrate into the man and some male radiations into the woman.
As a result, the earthly incarnations correspond to a large extent, but not entirely, to the
image of the true body, i.e. that of the astral body. It is against the nature of women to cut
their hair or have it cut. Where it does happen, negative influences are always to blame.

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The female astral body is subject to different laws than the male. The female astral body is in
many ways more sensitive, sensitive, and radiant. It was set up that way from the very
beginning. It is also the reason why motherhood (which only exists on earth) was given to the
female - precisely because the female is in itself lighter and has more tender feelings than the
male and is therefore better suited to introducing children into life .
But light magic has always been a matter for women.

It is important for both sexes to create a pure Ilu vibration within themselves - depending on
the sex. Because the degree of light, which is supplied to the astral body by the attraction
forces of the spirit (ie also of one's own will), decides on the extent of the life force in this
world - and on the future path in a light afterlife after earthly death.

The astral breath

The astral breathing organs of man and woman, their organs of vibration, differ greatly from
one another. This both in terms of their type and arrangement as well as in their functioning.
The only thing they have in common is the main task, namely to continuously attract the
respective astral breathing light substances from the general sphere of fine matter and to
feed them to the astral heart - because here we are of course talking about the astral
counterpart of the physical heart (but in this respect the ancient reference to the heart as the
seat of life force is again applicable). The fundamental difference to earthly breathing is that
the coarse substances are uniform and therefore men and women can breathe the same air -
the astral body substances are different in men and women, however, and therefore also
require different types of breath. This in turn means that women and men need and have very different astral

The whole structure of life is based on the two factors male and female, it is designed to
complement these two different beings! The attraction of the respective astral breathing fine
substances takes place through the respective gender-specific main vibration organ, partially
supplemented by the respective secondary vibration organ. This is an essential basis for the
preservation of vitality and sexuality as well as the functionality of the cognitive spirit.

In the years of childhood, the necessary subtle substances, which are the breath of the astral
body, are supplied by external forces. In childhood, therefore, man does not yet attract such
forces. Any injuries to the vibrating organs in childhood therefore hardly have an effect in
this regard. Only when this world's coarse body has developed to sexual maturity, so that the
astral body (which knows no growth and decay!) begins to fully develop in it, does the
automatic supply of fine matter and vibrations from outside stop, the human being must from
now on to put on under his own power - his astral respiratory organs must be functional.

Only in old age does the importance of the vibratory organs decrease, because certain
reserves have been accumulated by then - at least when the main vibratory organs have
always been essentially in order. In old age, when the astral body registers that its physical
shell is gradually losing stability, it prepares itself, so to speak, for undressing.

The astral breath of the

woman The astral substances, which the female astral body needs to maintain its light and
its life forces, are of an extremely fine kind. You have to imagine them as tiny sparks that
permeate this world coming from the astral plane, something like like shoals of small fish
crossing an ocean. A network that is as large as possible is required - to stay with the
comparison - in order to catch such fine material sparks. Only women's hair is suitable for
this. Its astral counterpart has an extremely fine magnetic vein that runs inside the astral hair
- like the hair pulp canal in its counterpart on this side. In this way, the physical hair enables
the astral hair to develop its abilities here in this world as well and to attract and capture the
necessary female astral substances. This is happening all the time, it is the breathing of the
female astral body.

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The main vibrating organ of women and girls is their long hair (the hair of women and girls is
quite different from that of men due to the gender-specific nature of the female astral body).
The functioning of the woman's astral breathing is therefore dependent on the intact presence
of the earthly, i.e. the physical counterparts of the astral breathing/vibrational organs - a
woman absolutely needs long enough hair to maintain the vitality of her astral body!

Man's astral breath

The astral substances that the male astral body needs can be imagined as subtle
agglomerations which, like small cumulus clouds, permeate this world from the astral plane.
In shape and size, they roughly correspond to the diaphragm. Its astral counterpart in the
man's body emits a magnetism that constantly attracts such fine substance clouds and
ensures that the supply of fresh male astral substances is never interrupted. This corresponds
to the breathing of the male astral body.

Astral light and sexuality The

sexual abilities of women and men are essentially connected with the light potential of the
astral body. This potential also determines sexual potency. Because the mind directs the
body - not the other way around. That is why only true lovers experience all the full delights
of the act of love. The power of their ability to love exceeds the limits of this world's ability -
physically as well as mentally. The higher the degree of light in their astral bodies, the more.
Because in addition to the earthly there is also an astral-physical eroticism!

The potential of the astral light determines the life force and the ability to love. It develops
due to the purity of vibration - masculine in man, feminine in woman - and the quality of the
astral respiratory organs which ensure the functioning of the astral light supply.

Since many women today do not have the necessary astral breathing and main vibration
organs, i.e. their hair is too short, they also lack astral light. But more and more women and
girls are feeling the goddess' pointers in this regard and are letting their hair long. In men, the
causes of astral light deficiency are even more diverse. At its core, the evil always lies in the
lack of gender-specific vibrational purity. As a result, the astral light is lost, the astral bodies
darken and lose their vitality.

Where man and woman perform the act of love in high-grade astral light, two special vibrations
arise: The first reaches into that sphere in which the seeds of the life to be received rest.
Such a seed is attracted by that first vibration; he becomes a child. This occurs due to the
temporary union of the two personal vibrations, which now attract a suitable seed according
to the principle of affinity. This explains the family resemblance, which shows both mother
and father traits.

We can call this first arising vibration the one related to this world. It does not require strong
astral light, it corresponds to the gross sexual function and works almost always, even
independently of love. The second vibration, which arises for a moment, only occurs when
the lovers have a strong astral light. This we can call the beyond vibration of lovemaking. It is
the astral heart love. In her is revealed that supreme feeling of wonderful communion that is
part of eternity. For from eternity the pairing between man and woman has existed. And this
second vibration is the one that corresponds to the eternal act of love in the hereafter! To feel
this transcends everything earthly. It gives precisely those moments of highest bliss on earth
that belong to a higher level. At the same time, that second vibration, the vibration of astral
Eros, creates a structure of rays around the two lovers, which shields them from harmful
influences. This strengthens the lasting togetherness of the two and helps them to survive
the struggles of life in this world. Thus the perfect act of love between a man and a woman
brings about their firm cohesion through support from the astral plane.

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The Intercosmic Key People have

become accustomed to referring to our cosmos as the "universe." That hits them
Not in reality, because our cosmos is just like an island in a wide ocean that we
“Interkosmos” could call it. In this ocean of otherworldly spheres there are many otherworldly worlds,
numerous other "universes" of different materiality. Our cosmos is also permeated by
otherworldly spheres, through which beings of the hereafter - light and dark - reach our world
and can have an impact here. The opposite way is also possible: We can go "over there",
even before our earthly death, and work from there. But this in turn requires the
strong female vibration, which prepares the "guiding ray" from this world into the bright hereafter.
This is the key to communication with the light beyond, with the realm of the goddess. and
Once again the circle closes: It is the women with their long, light-bearing and attractive
Hair that can pave the way - for everyone, in women's hands, in their will and theirs
purely female consciousness lies the future of the new age!

Depiction of the goddess of love

Ischtar/ Inanna/ Inin/ Venus/ Aporodite/ Freyja/ Aramati/ Aschera/ etc.

The love goddess Ischtar/ Venus.

The pearl on her forehead symbolizes her third eye, which looks into people.

The magical sun hovers above her head, the source of the divine light Ilu.

The long hair of the goddess is spread out like magical wings,
through which she sends and receives messages and prayers and works wonders.

In her hands she holds the tip of Marduk's (Odin/Jupiter) spear as a sign that she
can cross the hereafter/this world border and in the other hand a mirror that makes her shudder
at everything. (Representation Babylonian, ca. 1600 BC, currently Baghdad).

The form on the lily is an adaptation of the Templar section Augsburg-Vienna-Genoa (around 1220).

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Miracle Weapon Gallery

The following is an overview of certain photos and illustrations relating to the topic of “wonder weapons”:

The authenticity of the images is not always clear, but some photos come from the archives
of the Templar archives, as well as partly from private sources.

Wonder Weapons 1

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Wonder Weapons

Photos and animations of so-called miracle weapons, as well as their development, etc.

Tip: Visit the Haigerloch atomic cellar, you can still visit it, even if certain "facts" have
been "adjusted" due to the current situation...

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Haunebu - Hauneburg
The "UFO" - name HAUNEBU is presumably handed down in this form misleadingly, probably
it read, in full, HAUNEBURG.

In the spring of 1935, the Vril company "Antriebstechnische Werkstätten" was looking for a cheap,
inconspicuously located test site. This was found at an unknown location
Haunetal, Northwest Germany. There was probably a place there at that time called "Hauneburg"
was called. Maybe the area around the ruins of a castle, a farm like that
was designated, possibly also a village that has meanwhile been incorporated into a larger place.

At that place apparently "UFO" - developments were operated, which after the branch
HAUNEBURG were named: Hauneburg.

The company did not work there for long. Soon she had a lot of opportunities from the Arado aircraft factory
to lease more suitable land that was located in Brandenburg. This terrain is apparently up
been in operation at the end of the war.

In return for the favorable lease contract, the Arado company is to follow the plans of the "UFO" -
Construction HAUNEBURG have received since the "Vril" - company on a new, more powerful engine
worked, which required more space and a different cell shape (VR/ Vril 7).

The Hauneburg plans were on sheets of paper with inscription tables stamped on them
with boxes for designations, as is sometimes still the case today. This one
The inscription boxes were not very large, the name HAUNEBURG did not quite fit in, so that
the abbreviation "Haunebu" was created. In such a way the strange name Haunebu might
to have come about.

At that time, Arado was already working on concepts for delta-shaped flying wing aircraft.
Apparently the Arado company resold the Haunebu(rg) plans. Later the trail leads to the
"Haunebu" - devices to Wiener Neustadt and Augsburg.

On this occasion it should be noted that the term "Flying Disks" is by far the largest
likely to be a post-war invention. By 1945 was probably from
"Round planes" and "flying tops" are mentioned. This clue might offer a possibility, genuine
to distinguish from the false.

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Demolition of the Platterhof on the Obersalzberg

In the bunkers

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The German attack on Antarctica

The history of German Antarctic research goes back to 1873, when Eduard Dallmann discovered new regions and
passages in the Antarctic waters with his ship "GRÖNLAND" on behalf of the previously founded German polar
shipping company. Among other things, Dallman discovered the Kaiser Wilhelm Islands at the western exit of the
Bismark Strait along the Biscoue Islands. Even then, the Germans proved to be innovative in their exploration of
the polar regions, because the "GRÖNLAND" was the first steamship ever to sail the Antarctic

waters explored.
In the 60 years that followed, eight further expeditions and two further main expeditions took place, namely in
1910 under Wilhem Filchner with the ship "DEUTSCHLAND" and in 1925 with the polar ship
„ METEOR" under the direction of Dr. Albert Merz.

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In the pre-war years, the German military leadership's hegemonic efforts to set up a base in
the Antarctic ice became ever stronger. At that time, the South Pole was not yet secured by
the international Antarctic treaties, staking out the territorial claim before the outbreak of the
imminent war seemed strategically extremely sensible and, thanks to National Socialist
propaganda, could also be used as a further step in defending German interests and
demonstrating the strength of a great power. On the other hand, further provocation by the
Allies had to be avoided (yet!). Thus, in cooperation with the German Lufthansa, the idea of a
military-political operation under the guise of a civilian expedition was developed and
implemented. A politically explosive balancing act on the eve of war. The command of this
company should be held by the experienced polar captain Alfred Ritscher. The
"SCHWABENLAND" was selected as the ship, the floating Lufthansa aircraft base, which
could launch 10-ton Dornier "Wale" flying boats with the help of steam catapults. Lufthansa
has been using this revolutionary technology since 1934 for postal services with South
America. The "SCHWABENLAND" was made suitable for the Antarctic expedition in the
Hamburg shipyards in autumn 1938, which alone consumed the enormous sum of 1 million
Reichsmarks and made up a third of the estimated expedition budget.

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While preparations for the ship were in full swing, the German polar shipping company also
caused a stir elsewhere. At her invitation, in mid-November 1938, the American Antarctic
researcher Rychard E. Byrd, who was already legendary at the time, arrived in Hamburg for
the special screening of his new Antarctic film. This film was shown in the Urania in Hamburg
in front of 82 people, including 54 members of the ship's crew, for training and preparation
for the forthcoming expedition. Byrd, who had nearly flown the South Pole in 1929, was still
in civilian status at the time, albeit a national hero to Americans. It may be an irony of history
that Richard E. Byrd led the largest military operation in Antarctica in 1947 with the rank of
US Admiral. The operation, which has been secret to this day and which was most likely to
result in the destruction of the German Antarctic base 211 and which most likely failed

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But back to the facts:

The "NEUSCHWABENLAND" left Hamburg on December 17, 1938 and reached the Antarctic on
01/19/1939 at 4° 15´ W and 69° 10´S. (see map).

In the following weeks, a total of 15 flights of the two flying boats "BOREAS" and
"PASSAT" flew over an area of almost 600,000 square kilometers and with Zeiss RMK38 serial measurement cameras
photographed. Almost 11,000 pictures still document this today. Almost 1/ 5 of the Antarctic
This area was documented for the first time and at the same time declared as German Reich territory: "NEW
SCHWABENLAND". In order to live up to this claim on the outside, the two threw
Aircraft dropped a total of over 100 German flags. At the same time along the north coast with
flagged with the plug-in flags customary at the time.

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So it is that the entire northern segment of Antarctica bears German names, the names of high
Berlin Reich officials who prepared this expedition politically and militarily.
Some mountain ranges were renamed (QUEEN MAUD LAND) after the Antarctic Treaty of 1957
and placed under Norwegian protectorate. But all the old names can still be found on old
maps. The expedition brought some new insights, also to hot springs in the Antarctic, because
they discovered (for the first time?) veritable geothermal islands with narrow signs of
vegetation in the area flown over.

In mid-February, the "SCHWABENLAND" left the Antarctic ice again. On the 2-month journey
home, the cartographic material was viewed and pre-evaluated. It is known from Captain
Ritscher that he prepared another expedition with improved "lighter skid planes". In October
1939 the civilian expedition preparations are said to have been stopped...

But what was the military option for this? All historians today agree that the German military
had been working towards being fit for war on all economic, military and strategic points since
1933 at the latest. Nothing was left to chance with German thoroughness. With a probability
bordering on certainty, this may also have applied to the semi-military preparations at the
South Pole. Unfortunately, all reliable sources are lost at this point. What remains is a jigsaw
puzzle of witness statements and evidence going back to the 1950s.

So far, nobody has been able to prove that the following explanations and the statements
made by those involved are also true. Nevertheless, there are legitimate assumptions that the
events as used in the Antarctic chronology may have taken place, because some of the
sources used, which are 100% independent of each other, coincide in sensitive details.

Timeline of Antarctic activities, flying disks

What follows is an attempt at a chronological compilation of the events and their conclusions
as far as they are known to us today. They all lead to the establishment of the Antarctic Base
211 towards the end of World War II using German "flying disks" and the probably (?) failed
attempt to destroy it by the US Navy in 1947:

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1936 evaluations of the drive of a practically completely preserved flying saucer (Black Forest,
1936), near Schramberg (Lauterbach). The site was during and after World War II.
World War II high security restricted area. When the Allies tried to detonate, the detonation could
be heard as far away as Schramberg. After the blast failed, the entrance was probably sealed
under a concrete mantle.

Alternative hypothesis: The German rulers forced Viktor Schauberger to collaborate and
implement his findings from the first anti-gravity disks for German military research. After the
war, this process was repeated with a different sign: Schauberger was forced to work in America
with the local authorities and scientists on a secret project in Texas that is still shrouded in
legend today, presumably it was again about gravitational research. Schauberger died in grief
because he and his groundbreaking insights became the plaything of the politically powerful.
Since the death of his son Walter in 1995, the remaining relatives have been trying to shed light
on what happened and to realize Schauberger's plans.

1938 First, initially unmanned flight tests Replicas of the drive, there are initially considerable
stabilization problems with the "gravitational gondola".

1940 Germany undertakes further secret expeditions to Antarctica. Two of the three marking
bays north-west of the Mühlig-Hoffman Mountains on the northern edge at 3° W and 70° S could
have served as landing points. These had already been marked by Ritscher and documented as
a landing bay.

From 1942/
43 It will start building the base under the ice, the German Antarctic base 211.
Likewise, a plateau base is being set up in the South American Andes.

The facilities for the base are transported on submarines. This is supported by the fact that
German U-boat captains had excellent experience in dealing with Arctic waters during the World
War by supplying the northern bases. This was shown, for example, in more than 20 documented
operations along the Arctic up to 1945 (!). German U-boats had to move material and people
along the northernmost research stations, sometimes under the most extreme conditions

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deploy and supply. As part of the material transports to "NEW SCHWABENLAND", a submarine-
capable hot water deep-sea route was also discovered, which could be used excellently.

1944 The Hannebu series is out of the prototype stage. In addition to a "small hunter", plans
for a mother ship "Hannebu III" also come into play. However, their implementation seems to
fail, since the German raw material situation is increasingly deteriorating. The total number of
ships of the 2nd generation is between 19 and 25. They only partially get a chance, but are
probably able to trigger a reversal in Allied bomber formations due to an almost complete failure of the instru

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of these types should also fall under the designation "Foo-Fighters" ("Schattenjäger"), which
is known to every Allied bomber pilot over Europe towards the end of the war.

Winter 1944/ 45
Due to the massive pressure from the East, the Germans have to relocate their Hanebu
shipyards to central Germany. Material bottlenecks and war turmoil as well as the undeterred
advance of the Allies, who know very well about the secret East German production facilities, do the rest.

April 1945
A last convoy with U-boats and material and blueprints leaves German ports destined for
Antarctic and/or Andean bases. It is an attempt to evade the Allies' grasp. Among them are the
U530 and the U577 (Captain Heinz Schäffer), which left Kiel fully loaded on April 26th.

April/May 1945
The same is done with the remnants of the "Hanebu" fleet, some taking high-ranking Nazi
officials and scientists to the Andes, the rest to Antarctica. The exact number of people who
have gone into hiding to date is unknown. It is probably thanks to the limited transport
capacities that there have not been more.

May 1945
The convoy wins a naval victory over Allied forces in the Atlantic with its large U-BOATS that
has not been revealed to this day.

May 8, 1945
Official surrender of Germany.

17.August 1945 (!)

Individual U-boat crews who are unwilling to stay at this base (or who cannot be accommodated
(?)) move to South America after their mission is completed

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(Argentina) and handed over their completely empty boats there, including the U-977 that had last
been seen in Kiel 4 months earlier. The crews are interrogated by high US officials and transferred
to America as prisoners of war. The Americans are likely to receive further clues as to the location
of the base.
To this day, more than 100 submarines that were equipped with the so-called "Walter snorkel", a
high-performance snorkel for submarine travel, are still missing. This made it technically possible
for the submarines to dive almost the entire distance and remain undetected.

January 1947
The Americans launch the largest military operation in Antarctica (Operation "HIGHJUMP") under
the direction of Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd with the aim of destroying the base. Participating are among others
1 aircraft carrier and several destroyers, all in one 13 ships. A total of 4000 men crew.

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The only official reason: testing new military material under Antarctic conditions.
To this day, official bodies speak of an enormous success.
On January 27, 1947, the convoy anchored in the western part of the "NEW SCHWABENLAND"
territory. The military operation becomes a disaster. Byrd tragically loses a number of men
on day one. At least 4 planes disappear inexplicably along with their pilots. The expeditionary
force breaks up into three parts, the operation has to be called off, Byrd returns to the States
in mid-February, although expedition plans and supplies were designed for 6-8 months.
(That's a fact!)

On a flight in a DC-3, Byrd, his flight engineer and his co-pilot are forced to land by flying
discs and are informed about the consequences of using surface atomic bombs.

After his return, Byrd made a statement to a reporter, which has not yet been verified, that in
the future threatening new aircraft could be expected that would be able to fly from pole to
pole at tremendous„ threat
USA would
return, Byrd
to protect
faces this
type of
examination by the US NAVY.

After 1947
all military movements in Antarctica ceased.

1953 mass sightings of UFOs worldwide. Only in the 1970s was it possible to prove
retrospectively that some of the sightings were almost identical to the "HANEBU" types in important technica
This applies above all to the so-called "ADAMSKY" UFOs, which impress with their
extraordinarily earthly appearance.

The International Antarctic Year. As a result, the Antarctic Treaty for the peaceful use and
exploration of resources, which is still valid today.

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satellite image

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To Aldebaran?
The eventual German Aldebar approach of April 1945 is a difficult subject to deal with. It
there are serious people who are convinced of the reality of this company; and there isn't
few other serious people who think it's all pure fantasy. In between there is
apparently nothing. This is primarily due to the completely different assessment of the few than
genuine documents on this subject. In addition, on the negative side of the
ideologically motivated aspect, the already considerable technical achievements of the Third Reich
not wanting to enrich it with another sensation.

Yet there are undeniably some tangible indications that none of this is about anything
mere madness. Those who believe that the Aldebar approach is a reality, or at least for
probably hold, assume that among the different materials to
Aldebaranflug there are several that were incorrectly assigned, certainly some
Forgeries that, after sorting out these sources of error, there is enough material to be taken seriously
remains in order to be able to provide extensive evidence of the reality of the company.

They also know that there is a lot of documentation in this regard that is difficult to deny
Opponents of accepting the Aldebar approach. The ideologically predisposed among them therefore ignore
the whole thing or declare it unchecked to be false. That is certainly useful for your career, because it makes you
not unpopular with influential circles. It is remembered, for example, as at the instigation of some
organizations in the USA, highly deserving German scientists were mercilessly stolen away,
after which it was felt that they were no longer needed. Ideology prevails nowadays in the so-called
western world everywhere. Nothing good may have come out of the Third Reich era, if
no matter how apolitical it was. Established people can therefore deal with topics such as that
not deal with a possible German approach to the Aldebar - otherwise they would very quickly be gone
to be arrived. This is understandable from a human point of view, it's not just about positions, but also about
The family.

Due to these circumstances, it is almost inevitable that those who have been ideologically shaped by
Take the other side of the issue, people who may have been under political
suffered reprisals, insofar as they have nothing left to lose, and now political ones in their turn
bring aspects of the matter to the fore. Again, this may be humanly understandable,
however, again does not lead to an objective discussion of the matter.

Even people with the best intentions who strive for objectivity are hardly able to really look at things
the reason to go. In most cases, they lack the necessary means, starting with sufficient time,
because they usually have to earn a living every day.

At this point, let's try to sort out the different assumptions without making any judgments
and there are opinions on the Aldebar approach.

First, there is complete rejection and ignorance for political or career reasons
Found. This needs no discussion.

Then there are some who completely uncritically regard the whole thing as a National Socialist heroic epic
regard. That doesn't need to be discussed either.

So what is left when we exclude the two ideologically informed views of what we are doing
if we want to get as close to objective truth as possible.

First we need to review what serious documentation there is about the Aldebaran project
and its history there, resp. is accessible to us. This shall be summarized below
be undertaken in a manner that only evaluates those records with high
probability may be regarded as genuine. That doesn't mean everyone else, not here
mentioned, must be fake.

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From the Aldebaran - spaceship VR (Vril) 8 "Odin" there is at least one photo that is most
likely real. This shows the device on the ground, with the paddock still provided with a
framework. The recognizable proportions should be consistent with the traditional dimensions
- 45 m in diameter, two-story dome structure. A large bar cross can be seen on the dome side,
the German national emblem of that time, in the form customary at the time; it consists only
of four angles placed in relation to one another. The scaffolding that can be seen from the
side possibly means that such national emblems were attached to all four sides. The photo
was obviously taken either in the evening hours or at dawn. That seems logical, in broad
daylight the device would hardly have been brought out of its underground factory because
of the enemy's air superiority. It is even conceivable that this is a shot just before take-off and
that what looks like scaffolding is actually a loading aid. So maybe this photo shows us the
spaceship "Odin" just before the start.

(This photo is not intended for publication!)

For the sake of completeness it should be mentioned that a questionable photo exists that
could show the start. If you compare this picture with the one previously described as
certainly real, the photo of the start could also be real. However, it appeared to be badly
damaged and has been reworked in a way that makes it completely impossible to judge
whether it is originally a genuine copy, a gimmick, or a deliberate forgery.

The picture documentation for the predecessor model VR (Vril) 7 is better. There are several
photos of this model that are very likely to be real. However, these are also partly due to the
fact that damage was improperly repaired. Three recordings in particular should be mentioned
here because they can be considered the safest. The best of these photos is not available for
publication here. It shows VR 7 in the landed state. The diameter corresponded to that of the
VR 8, i.e. 45 m, but the structure was only one story, i.e. lower. A second one, probably taken
at the same time, is in good condition. The young lady in the foreground is known by name.
The photo must have been taken in October or November 1944 on the Arado/Vril site in
Brandenburg. The template is not a repro, the photo paper is German and dates from the
period in question. The easily recognizable ponytail hairstyle of the young lady also speaks
for the authenticity of the picture, because this was more or less an internal club costume of
the "Vril" ladies.

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Around the same time or a little later, perhaps in December 1944, a basically very good aerial
photograph of the VR (Vril) 7 was taken. Damage to this has also been reworked, which
means, for example, that the cross bar has been re-tightened. Fortunately, however, these
improvements were made on a repro. As a result, the unmodified original is still available. The
authenticity can therefore be considered quite certain.

Some sketches related to VR 7 are also very likely real.

An important key to the possible reality of the Aldebar approach are some preserved papers
from the propulsion workshops (unofficially "Vril - Gesellschaft"). From these papers,
definitive preparations for the approach to the Aldebar can be recognized - fragmentary but
nonetheless - in some places even quite unequivocally. This also confirms that the majority
of women actually had this project in their hands. In some places these papers speak such a
clear language that at least there can hardly be any doubt as to the successful start. In detail,
it is also certain that the paper in question is German-made paper from the relevant period.
The writing - typo was common at that time. The partly recognizable signets correspond to
those used by the women's circle originally founded in Munich between 1921 and 1945. Maria
O., the "Vril" boss, is also historical.

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If we use these facts to assess the Aldebaran company, at least it can

nothing to be said:

• The initiators, "Drive Technical Workshops" (unofficially 'Vril - Society'), are correct. • The creation
of the technical prerequisites ('flying saucers') became beyond doubt
worked, tests took place.
• Preparations for the flight to Aldebaran were made very concretely - the start date
stand fest.

From this point of view, there is no reasonable reason to assume that the start hasn't either
actually happened. The war situation was desperate, the company's operating circle explained
patriotically oriented. An attempt under the willingness to risk life was almost in
the logic of things.

To this one would have to say: Start does not yet mean success, departure does not yet mean arrival. That is
probably completely open.

Now what is there against it? Those people who don't believe in the reality of the Aldebaran Flight, but who do
perceive existing documents claim two things:

On the one hand, the recordings of the VR/ Vril devices are probably real ones
Photos from that time, but these did not show the end products, only models. Also
the aerial photographs of the VR (Vril) 7 only showed model tests. The image of the VR (Vril) 8 on the ground
could possibly show an end product, but this would not have been airworthy and at
destroyed at the end of the war.

On the other hand, the papers, which are also from the time and are basically genuine, are the same
about the enthusiastic fantasies of young girls, about a kind of gimmick, it was never more than that.
Even the historical "Vril" society would not have been more than a mystical one
Enthusiasm-driven community of young women who have some private connections to
high-ranking people of that time (August von Mackensen, Erich von Manstein, Wilhelm
Canaris, Adolf Galland, Ernst Heinkel, Kurt Tank and others), but without any practical effect.

Since when the trace is traced back, the Haunebu devices (Hauneburg) also show the same source (which
applies), these are also classified as partly model experiments and partly fantasy objects.

To form one's own opinion between these two opposing views may be
left to each individual.

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The far-reaching prospects of the German Aldebaran company, as presented by

Norbert Jürgen Ratthofer, should not be discussed here. But it can be said that
the investigations and considerations of this serious man also have their
justification - so to speak at the extreme end of this spectrum.

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Chronology of UFO Sightings

Here, too, the reader should use his own intellect and may form his own picture of the events listed.

Preface to the chronology

It seems that UFOs and USOs (unidentified floating objects) cannot be distinguished. In many well-
documented cases, witnesses claim that strange metal, disk- and cigar-shaped objects suddenly
emerged from the water, lifted into the air, and disappeared. In other cases, they came down to the
surface of the sea and disappeared under the water. Bases of these flying objects are suspected
under the sea. It has been questioned whether this is why the US Navy spends more money on UFO
research than the US Air Force. (Bergmann, German Flying Discs.. p.19/ 21).

In addition to the Bermuda Triangle, Bay of Biscay (p.74, 75) and the so-called "circle of death"
between Gotland and Öland (p.86, 87) are given as areas with frequent shipwrecks and UFO/USO

In connection with UFO sightings and strange phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle, "cloud
formation", "a kind of fog" or "sulphuric acid droplets" were repeatedly reported.
Often a cloud or a strange mist would envelop ships and airplanes, which would never come out of
these cloud or mist formations. These structures then slowly dissolved and the plane or ship that
disappeared into them no longer existed. The fog is often described as greenish and the clouds as
tube-like. The fog always appears suddenly out of nowhere and causes instruments to fail.
(Bergmann, German Flying Discs.., p.48/ 52)

The US Air Defense Forces NORAD has admitted that its sophisticated infrared sensors, which
simultaneously detect and phase satellite re-entry through a worldwide radar network, register
around "800 to 900 objects" a day whose flight characteristics correspond neither to those of any
satellites nor to ordinary ballistic trajectories.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 18)

Period -1.5 million to year "0"

Extraterrestrial influence on early human development

-1,500,000 to -1,000,000
Diluvium: Archanthropines, Paleanthropines and Neanthropines evolve side by side.
The latter evolve into Homo Sapiens. The other two branches die out as more primitive ones.
1.4 million year old campfire in Kenya - stone tools of the Heidelberg and related cultures
demonstrate tertiary tool technology, collector and forager level. Peking man knows use of fire.
(Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

archanthropins from China, Peking (Sinanthropus), Java (Pithecanthropus) and Heidelberg (Wall)
with 800-1000 cc brain volume. Oldoway man on Kilimanjaro (archanthropine representative of
African hand-axe culture) (Werner Stein, The Great Cultural Roadmap)

On Nibiru, a distant planet in our solar system, life is in danger of dying out as its atmosphere
decomposes. Dethroned by Anu, the ruler Alalu escapes in a spaceship and finds refuge on Earth.
Here he discovers gold, which can be used to protect the

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atmosphere can be used. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.417. (Zecharia Sitchin was
born in the USSR and grew up in Palestine, where he studied Old and Modern Hebrew, other
Semitic and European languages, the Old Testament, and history and archaeology of the
Middle East. After studying at the London School of Economics, he worked for many years as
one of the leading journalists in Israel. Today he lives and works as a recognized archaeologist
in the United States.))

Led by Enki, a son of Anu, the Anunnaki (biblical name: Nefilim) land on Earth and establish
Eridu, the first earth station to extract gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf. (Sitchin: The
Wars of Men and Gods, p.417)
The Nefilim, led by Enki, come to Earth from the Twelfth Planet. Eridu - Earth Station 1 - is
founded in southern Mesopotamia. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.411)
The Sumerians regard Niburu as the twelfth planet in our solar system, consisting of the sun,
the moon, the nine planets we know today, and a larger one whose orbit is 3600 earth years.
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.97)

Earth's climate is becoming milder. More and more Anunnaki are coming to Earth, including
Enki's healing half-sister Ninharsag. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.417)
The great ice sheets are beginning to recede. The climate in the Middle East is extremely
pleasant. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.411)

As the gold production decreases, Anu comes to earth with the heir Enlil. It is decided to
extract the vital gold by mining in South Africa. Enlil is drawn by lot to command the Earth
mission; Enki is expelled to Africa. On leaving Earth, Anu is challenged by Alalu's grandson.
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.417)

Enki moves inland and founds Larsa. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.411)

In southern Mesopotamia, the following facilities were created: a spaceship airport (Sippar), a
control center (Nippur), a metallurgical center (Badtibira), a medical institute (Shuruppak). The
gold is shipped in Africa, refined and loaded onto the spaceships that regularly come from
Nibiru by the orbiting Igigi. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.417)

The interglacial (interglacial period) is spreading worldwide. Enlil comes to Earth and
establishes Nippur as a mission control center, Enki establishes sea routes to South Africa
and organizes the exploitation of gold mines. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.411)

With the support of the Igigi, Alalu's grandson seeks power over Earth. The Enlilites are
victorious in the War of the Old Gods (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)

The Nefilim establish Badtibira as their metallurgical center for smelting and refining the
metals. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.411)

The Anunnaki working in the gold mines mutiny. Enki and Ninharsag, through genetic
manipulation with a female ape-man, create the primitive workers who do the heavy lifting of
the Anunnaki. Enlil raids the mines and takes these workers to Mesopotamia. They gain the
ability to reproduce, and homo sapiens begin to reproduce. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and
Gods, p.418)
In the epic of the creation of man, in other related texts, and in passing references, the
Sumerians describe man as a willed creature of the gods on the one hand, and as a link in the
chain of evolution connected with the gods on the other

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celestial events that the "Epic of Creation" describes. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.337)

In the biblical story, which ascribes all accomplishments to a single deity, the plural is used here,
namely Elohim (deities): "And Elohim said, Let us make men in our image, and in our likeness..."
Genesis 1: Im In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was desolate and
empty, darkness lay over the primeval flood, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. (The Holy
Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, 1989, Pattloch Verlag)
The Rotherham Bible translation from the Hebrew states: "Now the earth was made waste and
empty." (Des Griffin, Who Rules the World, p. 9)
Sitchin proves on the basis of Sumerian texts that the Anunnaki (gods) genetically raised the human
race from primates (monkeys). After a few unsuccessful attempts, they fertilized a monkey with their
own sperm, removed the fertilized egg and had one of their own carry this egg to term.
The knowledge mentioned in the Bible was the moment when man received the ability to procreate.
In the Old Testament, the word "know" is used for sexual intercourse, mostly between a man and a
woman for procreation. The first "creatures" were hybrids and not fertile, comparable to the mule, which
as a cross between a horse and a donkey also does not mate.

Sitchin explains the quarrel between the god and the serpent over this knowledge as a quarrel between
Enlil, the commander, and Enki, who was in charge of overseeing the mining operations.
(Sitchin, The Twelfth Planet, Chapters 12 and 13)

Early homo sapiens reproduce and spread to other continents. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.411)

Development on Earth stagnates during a new Ice Age. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)

-120,000 to -60,000 Pre-

Neanderthals (finds from Ehringsdorf, from Palestine, etc.), Neanderthals and Rhodesia people.
The more primitive Ngandong people and Presapian types (e.g. in Palestine) live at about the same time.
(Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

The climate is warming up again. The Anunnaki (the Biblical Nefilim) wed the daughters of men, despite
Enlil's displeasure. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)

Ubartutu/ Lamech, a demigod, assumes rule in Shuruppak under Ninhursag's patronage. (Sitchin: The
Twelfth Planet, p.411)

The curse of the earth - a new ice age - begins. A regressive breed of people roams the earth. (Sitchin:
The Twelfth Planet, p.411)
A new ice age begins. Regressive types of people emerge. The Cromagnon race survives.
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)

-60,000 to approx. -40,000

Homo Sapiens: Aurignac, Brünn people (similar to today's natives of Australia; brain volume approx.
1000 ccm) displaced the Neanderthals coming from the east, who died out. Transition from the more
primitive to the higher hunter level: mammoth hunt, javelin, bow and arrow, open land and grotto
dwellings, sometimes even hut-like dwellings for clans. Cro-Magnon people (high forehead, chin, large
square eye sockets, approx. 1200 ccm brain volume), development of today's main races. (Werner Stein,
The Great Culture Timetable)

Enki and Ninharsag allow the Anunnaki people to rule in Shuruppak. in his anger, Enlil plots the
annihilation of mankind. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)

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Ziusudra (Noah), a loyal servant of Enki, takes over. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.412)

The (grey) aliens have been visiting Earth for 45,000 years. They claim to have created mankind
by interbreeding with primitive primates. The result was the Cro Magnon man, who appeared
around 40,000 years ago in northern Spain and southwest France (cave paintings, etc.). They
created religions as a means of influencing human evolution and as a moral authority. They
themselves come from a binary star system like that of Ceta Reticuli. Their planet is a desert
planet whose sun is dying and they live like the Pueblo Indians. (Johannes v. Buttlar,
Drachenwege, p. 191)

Due to the harsh climatic conditions of the seven passages, the number of people decreases
more and more. The European Neanderthal disappears, only the Cro-Magnon race from the
Middle East survives the bad times. Enlil seeks to exterminate the humanity that has failed
him. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.412)

(Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Phyllis Schelmer: The being called Tom; spoke through Phyllis in 1974
regarding the influence of the extraterrestrials from Hoova on human development): The first
civilization that the extraterrestrials founded on earth was the culture of AKSU im Tarim Basin,
north of Tibet. This civilization destroyed itself. Its survivors founded the civilization of
Atlantis. After its destruction, its survivors would have founded the cultures of Egypt, Ur and
China. The Nordic race descended from the Ashand civilization, while the blacks are the
original inhabitants of this planet. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 161)

Ab ca. -25.000
The gods are said to have ruled over Egypt for 13,900 years, and the following demigods
together for another 11,000 years. According to Manetho (Manetho is mentioned by the
historian Plutarch as a contemporary of the first Ptolemaic king (304 - 282 BC)), the gods gave
rise to various beings, monsters and hybrid creatures of all kinds. This is exactly what the
prince of the church Eusebius (historian , died AD 339): “And there were certain other
monsters there, some of which were self-produced, and endowed with life-generating forms;
and they would have produced men double-winged; also others with four wings and two faces
and one body and two heads, male and female, and two natures, male and female; then other
men with thighs of goats and horns on their heads; still others, horse-footed; and others of
horse-shape on the back, and human-shape on the front, which have the forms of
hippocentaurs; They also produced bulls with human heads, and dogs with four bodies,
whose tails ran out from the back of their hindquarters, like the tails of fishes; also horses
with dog heads; and men, and other monsters, horse-headed and human-shaped, and tailed
like fish; in addition also all kinds of kite-shaped monsters; and fish, and reptiles, and
serpents, and a multitude of miraculous beings, of various kinds and of different shapes,
whose images they kept one by one in the temple of Belos." In the Louvre, everyone can
marvel at three small figurines, only four inches high, of human-headed bulls . They are made
around 2200 BC. dated. Also in the Louvre is the twenty-three centimeter high "Beaker of
Gudea", created around 2200 BC. The engraving on the cup shows a very special kind of
hybrid being: bird claws on the legs, snake body, human hands, wings and the head of a
dragon. Even in distant Central and South America, the mixed creatures are not missing from
artistic representations. Whether Olmec, Maya or Aztec, animal-human horrible figures appear
again and again on temple walls and on codices.

Herodotus describes that the priests in Thebes personally showed him 341 statues, each of
which indicates a generation of high priests for 11,340 years. Men of this kind were far different
from the gods. Before these men, the gods would have ruled in Egypt and lived with the
people...... (Erich von Däniken, The Eyes of the Sphinx, p. 67/ 74)

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Another report speaks of a period "for 25,000 years they have been visiting the earth". They (the
Grays) have underground bases in different countries of the world.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 81)

Israel is where they (the beings of Hoova) first landed 20,000 years ago, in Abraham's time at
Mamre. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p. 156/ 57, hypnosis session with Uri Geller, see 1970/ 71)

“We intervened in human affairs for the first time 20,000 years ago. We came from our own solar
system on a planned mission and our first landing was in Israel where Abraham met us. However,
we have found traces of previous visitors from space who had come to Earth millions of years
earlier. Since then, we have been teaching humanity once every 6000 years. The last time in
Egypt.” (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 158)

-15,000 to 12,000
The book "The Chronicle of Akakor" (narrated by Tatunca Nara, the chief of the Ugha Mongulala,
Karl Brugger, 1976, Econ Verlag) reports on a South American tribe whose chronicle states that
the gods 15,000 years ago came to earth and disappeared again 12,000 years ago. They would
have left a flying disc in the city of Lower Akakor, 4-5 km across. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle
Weapons III, p. 72)

visits from extraterrestrials from a planet in the Alpha Centauri system (see 1954, October 24).
“We first visited your planet 14,000 years ago. Since that time we have periodically observed the
progress of Earth's inhabitants.” Sol-Tec (alien's name) talks about Atlantis and Lemuria (Mu)
fighting each other with nuclear weapons, resulting in the destruction of Earth. The same threatens
again now. Alpha Centauri belongs to a universal Galactic Confederation of over 680 planets that
have earned the right to membership by reaching a certain evolutionary stage. These planets are
at widely different stages or degrees of evolution, and yet they all live and work together for the
good of all. Earth too was once a member of this confederation, before the Atlantis cataclysm.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, pp. 46-48)

Enlil it becomes clear that the passing of the Nibirus near the earth will unleash a tremendous tidal
wave on the earth. He makes the Anunnaki swear to keep the impending cataclysm secret from the
people. Enki breaks his word and instructs Ziusudra (Noah) to build an underwater ship.
The deluge inundates the earth; the Anunnaki watch the complete destruction from their orbiting
satellites. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)
Enlil gives implements and seeds to the surviving humans. Agriculture begins in the highlands.
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)
Genesis 6:1-2: It came to pass that the people of the earth began to multiply and daughters were
also born to them. Then the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they
took themselves for wives whomever they liked...
Genesis 6:5-8: The Lord said, "I will destroy man whom I created from the face of the earth, from
man to cattle and to creeping things and to the birds of the heavens. Because I'm sorry I did it."
Only Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

Ca. 12.000 v.Chr.

Aryan invasion of India. The Vedas, the fundamental teachings of Hinduism, came into being
around this time. Worshiped among others: * Brahman: The One - the only - the origin to which
everything returns.
* Pradscha-Pati, personal creator *
Ischwara "The Lord - God as Person" (Caterina Conio, Hinduism, Pattloch Verlag)

The descendants of Noah are assigned three regions. Ninurta, Enlil's firstborn son, builds dams
and channels the rivers to make Mesopotamia habitable. Enki makes

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the Nile valley arable. The Sinai Peninsula is chosen by the Anunnaki as a base for the new
airport, the control center is built on Mount Moa (later Jerusalem). (Sitchin: The Wars of Men
and Gods, p.419)

Since about
10,000 a fundamental change in human existence has been taking place, the "Neolithic
Revolution" domestic animals, agriculture, sedentariness, city-like settlements. The
prerequisites for a higher civilization are thus given. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

Ra (Marduk), Enki's firstborn son, shares rulership of Egypt between Osiris and Seth.
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)

Seth fights with Osiris and emasculates him; he assumes the role of sole ruler of the Nile
Valley. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)

Horos avenges his father Osiris by starting the First Pyramid War. Seth flees to Asia, he
appropriates the Sinai Peninsula and Canaan. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)

8,000 Bob Lazar:
„.... As part of my introduction to the S-4 program, I was placed in a small room
with a table, a chair, and about 120 instructions in blue file folders. I was left alone there to
read for varying lengths of time, usually around half an hour.

These instructions contained a wide range of information, most of which related to

extraterrestrials and extraterrestrial technology. These reports appeared to be an overview of
"alien information" intended to inform scientists of any field about the scope of the project,
not just their specific field and mission. The creatures are 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh 25 to 50
pounds. They have grayish skin and large heads with large, almond-shaped eyes. They have
very thin, slender noses, mouths and ears and are hairless....

...These beings said they had visited the earth repeatedly over a long period of time and
presented photographic evidence which they said was over 10,000 years old. The beings said
that man is the product of an externally corrected (influenced) evolution. They said that
humanity as a race has genetically altered 65 times. They referred to humans as "containers"
but I don't know what they are supposed to be containers for."

The Enlilites rebelled against Enki's descendants alone ruling the space facilities and started
the Second Pyramid War. The victorious Ninurta destroys all structures in the Great Pyramid.
Ninharsag, Enki and Enlil's half-sister, calls a peace conference.
The division of the earth is discussed again. Rulership of Egypt is transferred from the
dynasty of Ra (Marduk) to that of Thoth. Heliopolis emerges as a new beacon city. (Sitchin:
The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)

The Anunnaki set up outposts at the entrances to the space facilities; one of them is Jericho.
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)

While peace continues, the Anunnaki grant improvements to humans. Beginning of the
Neolithic. Demigods rule over Egypt. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)

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- 4,000
The Great Pyramids are said to have been built to absorb a supernova explosion in 4000 BC. to
watch and celebrate. (Note: In the school history the construction is dated to 2700 BC).

dr Anthony Hewish, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1974), discovered a rhythmic series of
radio pulses and proved their origin from a star that was exploding at the same time.
The Freemasons begin their "Year of Light" calendar at this time. This light is said to appear in
2000 AD. to be seen again. (MW Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, p. 72)
Based on research findings in the 1920s-30s, an expedition was put together to open a secret
chamber beneath the pyramid. A metal door was found 500 feet below the base of the pyramid.
Opening the door required a sonic code. A room with over 30,000 recording discs and
extraterrestrial equipment was found. The disks were deciphered. They describe the rise and fall
of extraterrestrial civilizations, going back more than 100,000 years. This group built this chamber
and then put the pyramid over it. (Krill, OH: Orion based Technology Mind Control..., p. 35)

In pre-dynastic Egypt, a distinction is made between the Badâri, Tsas, Amratien, and Gerzeen
cultures in the transition from the Neolithic to the Metal Age. Villages growing together to form
larger political associations. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

Urban civilization begins in Sumer; the Anunnaki rebuild the old towns, first Eridu and Nippur.
Anu pays a visit to Earth. A new city is built in his honor; Uruk (Erech). He makes the temple of
this city the dwelling place of his beloved granddaughter Inanna (Istar).
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)

Kingship is granted to mankind. Kish is the first capital under Ninurta's rule. The calendar is
used in Nippur. In Sumer, the first region, civilization flourishes. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and
Gods, p.419)

Tell Halaf level in Mesopotamia to about -3,300; here stepped terraces are created as mountain
escapes from floods (high(later
temples). thereon Torrential
flood disaster in Mesopotamia. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

The primacy is transferred to Nannar (Sin). Marduk proclaims Babylon the "Gateway of the Gods".
The Tower of Babel begins to be built. The Anunnaki confuse the language of the people. Since
Marduk's coup failed, he returns to Egypt. He deposes Thoth and takes on his younger brother
Dumuzi, who is married to Inanna. As the supposed murderer of Dumuzi, Marduk is buried alive
in the Great Pyramid. After being freed by a rescue team, he goes into exile. (Sitchin: The Wars
of Men and Gods, p.420)

Beginning of the Maya era in Central America. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

The Sumerians immigrate to Mesopotamia, presumably from Central Asia. The dating of Sumerian
history is sometimes uncertain, up to several hundred years. Religious customs of the Sumerians
point to their origin from a mountain region, probably Central Asia or Bactria: mountain temples,
worship of the mountain animal bison, voluntary death by poison of the royal entourage when
the king dies, as in Central Asia. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
Genesis 11: All the world had only one language and the same sounds. When they set out from
the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and dwelt there... "Let us build a city and a tower
whose top reaches to heaven! We want to make a name for ourselves, so that we are not scattered
all over the world!” But the Lord came down to surround himself with the city and the tower

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that men had built to look at. The Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all speak one
language; but that's just the beginning of what they do. Nothing they intend to do will be impossible for
them. Alright, let's descend! We want to confuse their language there so that no one understands what
the other is saying!” And the Lord scattered them from there over the whole earth; they stopped building
cities... (The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, 1989, Pattloch Verlag)

A 350-year chaos ends with the installation of the first pharaoh in Memphis. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men
and Gods, p.420)

-4,000 to -3,000 The

oldest reports have come down to us as sagas or legends. For example, an ancient Chinese tale speaks
of a distant "land of flying chariots" where one-armed, three-eyed people ride winged chariots with gold-
plated wheels. The Sanskrit text DRONA PARVA contains descriptions of dogfights between gods who
control flying machines - so-called VIMANAS. In one of these battles, a "flaming missile with the
luminosity of smokeless fire" is shot out. (Time-Life Books, Secrets of the Unknown, The UFOs, p. 12)

- 3,000
The oldest secret society is the Brotherhood of the Snake, also known as the Brotherhood of the
Dragon. This Brotherhood is dedicated to keeping watch over the "mysteries of the ages" and recognizes
Lucifer as the real and only God. (MW Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, p. 68)

Ancient Egyptian Empire (1st-6th Dynasties to c. -2150, 1st and 2nd Dynasties to c. -2780). Menes, the
first historically verifiable king of Egypt, unites Lower and Upper Egypt and founds the capital Memphis.
First Egyptian hieroglyphic texts (mostly of a religious nature). The pharaoh becomes the god-king.
Worship of nature deities and totemic animal cults in the European Neolithic period. (Werner Stein, The
Great Culture Timetable)

Sumerian kingship is transferred to Uruk. The rulership of the third region, the Indus Valley, is given to
Inanna, and here too the development of civilization begins. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)

Legendary King Gilgamesh of Uruk. Great city wall in Sumerian Uruk with 900 towers is built (9.5 km
long). Uruk has 47,000 inhabitants. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

Construction of the Pyramid of Cheops. Sun ships for the journey of the soul of King Cheops to the
afterlife (one is fully equipped and found intact in a rock tomb next to the pyramid in 1954). (Werner
Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

The Sumerian. Royal capitals are constantly being changed and royalty is in danger of crumbling. Enlil
is losing patience with the rampant proliferation of humans. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)

Construction of the Pyramid of Chephren near Giza. The great Sphinx of Giza (73 m long, 20 m high)
was probably built at the same time as the Pyramid of Chephren. Construction time of a pyramid
(Snofru) 17 years with 650,000 cbm of masonry. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

Circa -2,400
Construction of the Pyramids of Sakâra. High point of Sumerian-Akkadian art in Babylonia up to -2.270.
(Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

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Inanna falls in love with Sharru-Kin (Sargon), who establishes a new capital: Agade (Akkad).
The Akkadian Empire begins. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)

In order to gain dominion over the four regions, Sargon appropriates sacred ground from
Babylon. The Marduk-Inanna conflict flares up again. It ends with Marduk's brother Nergal
traveling from South Africa to Babylon and persuading Marduk to leave Mesopotamia. (Sitchin:
The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)

Naram-Sin ascends the throne of Akkad. Incited by the warlike Inanna, he invades the Sinai
Peninsula and invades Egypt. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)

Inanna seizes power in Mesopotamia; Naram-Sin profanes Nippur. The chief Anunnaki destroy
Agade. Inanna escapes. Sumer and Akkad are occupied by foreign troops loyal to Enlil and
Ainurta. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)

Under the educated rulers of Lagash, Sumerian culture flourishes again.
Thoth helps King Gueda build a ziggurat for Ninurta. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)

In Nippur Tera, Abraham's father, is born into a priestly-royal family. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men
and Gods, p.421)

Egypt is divided; Followers of Ra (Marduk) rule in the south; enemy pharaohs sit on the throne
of Lower Egypt. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)

The Old Kingdom of Egypt is brought to an end by overthrow from within and by enemies from without.
Signs of dissolution in Egyptian art. The Babylonian epic of the creation of the world comes
into being: the 3 human gods of heaven, air and earth with the underworld destroy the
primordial goddess of chaos, who is transferred to heaven as animal constellations. (Werner
Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

Since Enlil and Ninurta are less and less present, the authority in Mesopotamia is also disputed.
Inanna's attempt to move the kingdom to Uruk again does not last. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men
and Gods, p.421)

Abraham is born in Nippur. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)

Enlil entrusts Shem's lands to Nannar, and Ur is declared the capital of a new realm. Ur Nammu
ascends the throne and is called the protector of Nippur. A Nippurian priest - Tera, Abraham's
father - comes to Ur to liaise with the royal court. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)

Ur-Nammu falls in battle. People interpret his early death as a betrayal by the gods Anu and
Enlil. Tera moves to Harran with his family. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)

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Shulgi ascends the throne of Ur and increases his dominion. As the empire prospers, Shulgi
falls for Inanna's charms and becomes her lover. In return for services rendered, his Foreign
Legion receives Larsa. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)

Under Mentuhotep I, the Theban princes loyal to Ra (Marduk) advance northward.
Marduk's son Nabu gains followers for his father in East Asia. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and
Gods, p.421)

At Nannar's command, Shulgi sends Elamite troops to quell unrest in Canaanite cities. The
Elamites arrive at the gateway that leads to the Sinai Peninsula and the spaceship airport
there. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)

Shulgi dies. Marduk moves to the land of the Hittites. Abraham receives orders to go to
southern Canaan with an elite force of cavalry. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)

Amar-Sin (the biblical Amraphel) becomes king of Ur. Abraham goes to Egypt, stays there for
five years, and then returns with more troops. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.422)

Guided by Inanna, Amar-Sin forms a coalition of the kings of the east and launches a military
expedition to Canaan and the Sinai Peninsula. The leader is the Elamite Kedor Laomer.
Abraham knocks them back at the gateway to the airport. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and
Gods, p.422)

Shu-Sin succeeds Amar-Sin on the throne of Ur; the empire falls apart. (Sitchin: The Wars of
Men and Gods, p.422)

Ibbi-Sin is the next heir to the throne. In the western provinces, Marduk is gaining more and
more followers. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.422)

At the head of his followers, Marduk marches into Sumer and enthrones himself in Babylon.
The fighting extends to central Mesopotamia. Nippur's Holy of Holies is desecrated. Enlil
demands punishment of Marduk and Nabu. Enki resists, but his son Nergal takes Enlil's side.
When Nabu mobilizes all of his Canaanite followers to take the spaceport, the great gods
agree to the use of nuclear weapons. Nergal and Ninurta destroy the airport and the unruly
Canaanite cities. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.422)

The winds carry the radioactive cloud to Sumer. People die a terrible death, animals perish,
the water is poisoned, the soil becomes barren. Sumer and its great culture are destroyed.
His inheritance goes to Abraham's legal son, whom he fathers at the age of one hundred:
Isaac. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.422)
Prof. Jim Hurtak: “There are more than 25,000 documents of Arcadian texts as a result of the
1978 investigations in Syria. In them one finds very precise designations or names of gods or
divine beings. Over 500 are listed. More importantly, there is a prototype of the Bible here.
Scientists found Genesis #14 in earlier form. The story is about a great war in the Middle East
and the intervention of intelligence under the command of Michaelo. The location of these
cities (Sodom and

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Gomorrah) and the falling of fire from heaven, allows the conclusion that a great war took place there.

-2000 The Bible speaks of the introduction of a kind of barcode system (bar code) which is to be placed
on the front of the forehead or on the back of the hand. This is a scenario that was initiated more than
2000 years ago in order to be able to better control people. ...invisible numbers will be implanted on the
forehead and arm and only photoscopic scanners will be able to read these numbers. The numbers can
be arranged in three blocks of six numbers each. This "sign" is needed by everyone and no one will be
able to buy or sell anything without this invisibly tattooed number. (David Wilkerson, The Vision, (from
the King James Version of the Bible) p. 22)

The Grays admit that they received information about human development c.
2000 years have flowed in. (Cooper Lecture, CBR UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 3a)

-2,000 to ca. -1,600

Beginning of the Middle Minoan period on Crete: palaces in Konossos and Phaestos, urban settlements
with multi-story houses. Beginning of the Bronze Age in Northern and Central Europe (until about -750).
(Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

Time of the legendary Abraham: Aramaic shepherds came to Palestine from the east or north-east and
tried to gain a foothold there among the local, politically and religiously fragmented population with a
predominantly Semitic language (their homeland is also assumed to be in the Caucasus).
Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
In the apocalypse of Abraham it is impressively described how Abraham was “taken up into heaven” by
two messengers from the Most High; high above the earth he saw "something like a light indescribable"
and "great figures calling out words I do not understand". The high place on which he was standing
turned downwards, then upwards again, sometimes he saw the earth above him, then the stars below him
again. (Erich von Däniken, We are all children of the gods, p. 107)

(Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Phyllis Schelmer, Phyllis: The being named Tom spoke through Phyllis in 1974
regarding the influence of the extraterrestrials from Hoova on human development): The land of
Mesopotamia was populated by a group that descended from the atomic civilization AKSU.
Around 2,000 B.C. Hoova launched another attempt to raise consciousness, selecting a group within
Mesopotamia headed by Abraham of Ur. The goal of this experiment was to create an advanced human
group that could lead the rest of humanity into the next evolutionary cycle. They improved the genetic
code of the children of Abraham and commissioned them to mix with the races of the world to improve
their genetic material and raise human consciousness through their teachings.

(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 161)

The kings of Konossos (including the legendary King Minos) rule all of Crete. Naval supremacy and
extensive trade with Syria, Egypt and Mesopotamia. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

Moses leads the Israelites back from Egypt to Palestine; Tablets with 10 commandments on Mount Sinai
(his tablets of the law have Babylonian models) (Werner Stein, The Great Cultural Roadmap).
In the account of how Moses leads the children of Israel out of Egypt and through the Sinai desert to the
Promised Land, it says: (Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Phyllis Schelmer: The being called Tom spoke to Hoova in
1974 through Phyllis about the influence of the extraterrestrials the development of mankind): Next
attempt: Moses led the descendants of Abraham out of the integration of a foreign culture and gave them
the law, which became the basis of their religion and contained all the elements of cosmic ethics. The aim
of the 40-year desert migration was, on the one hand, to create a generation that was not conditioned by
a host country and, on the other hand, to test the confidence of the Jews.
Her faith in God was strengthened. The first founding of the state was promising, until

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were subdued and in captivity forgot their origin. The Appearance of God: On the third day....
thunder and lightning began, a dense cloud covered the mountain and a loud trumpet blast was
heard. The people in the camp trembled with fear. Then Moses led the Israelites out of the camp to
meet God. They lined up at the foot of the mountain. The whole of Mount Sinai was covered in
smoke because the Lord had descended on it in fire. The smoke rose like smoke from a furnace,
and the whole mountain trembled. (Exodus 19:16-19)
But when all the people saw lightning and thunder, the sound of trumpets and the mountain
smoking, they became very afraid and stood trembling at a distance. (Exodus 20:18)
During the journey, the Lord went before them in a pillar of cloud by day to show them the way, and
by night in a pillar of fire to give them light. So they could be out and about day and night. Every
day the pillar of cloud was at the head of the procession, and every night the pillar of fire. (Exodus

-925 to ca. -960

time of King Solomon. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

The prophet Elias fights against the Phoenician Baal cult in the northern Palestinian kingdom of Israel.
The Old Testament prophet Elijah (Elias) rode up to heaven in a "chariot of fire."
(Time-Life Books, Secrets of the Unknown, The UFOs, p. 12)
Jacob's vision of angels ascending a ladder to heaven recorded in Genesis has been interpreted as
a UFO event. (Time-Life Books, Secrets of the Unknown, The UFOs, p. 12)

-740 to - 701
Isaiah, prophet in Judah. Through his prophecies, the belief in the appearance of the founder of a
kingdom of God (Messiah) arises. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)

Vision of Ezekiel (Ezekiel): It came to pass in the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the fourth month,
when I was among the exiles by the river Chebar, when heaven opened and I saw the divine vision.
But I saw a gale coming from the north, and a great cloud surrounded by a radiant splendor and a
ceaseless fire, from the midst of which it shone like bright ore. And in the midst of it appeared
figures as of four living beings; they looked like human figures. Their legs were straight, and the
soles of their feet looked like the soles of a calf's, and they glittered like bright bronze. Under their
wings on their four sides they had human hands, and the wings of all four touched each other, and
their faces did not turn , when they went; each went straight ahead. And their faces were like this:
a human face forward on all four, a lion's face on the right on all four, a bull's face on the left on all
four, and an eagle's face on all four inward. And between the living beings it was as if fiery coals
were burning; it looked like torches were flickering between the living beings, and the fire had a
brilliant glow, and lightning flashed from the fire. And the living beings ran back and forth like
lightning. Next, next to each of the four living beings, I saw a wheel on the ground. The appearance
of the wheels was like the gleam of a chrysolite, and the four wheels were all of the same shape,
and worked as if one wheel were within the other. When living beings walked, so did the wheels
beside them; and when the living creatures rose from the ground, so did the wheels. And over the
heads of the living beings was something like a solid plate, gleaming like dreadful crystal, spread
out over their heads. And as they went I heard their wings rustling like the rushing of great waters,
like the voice of the Almighty, and a roar like that of an army camp. But when they stood still, they
lowered their wings. And behold, on the solid plate that was on their heads.... (Ezekiel 1:1-25)

The voice told Ezekiel that it was "Lord God." (Ezekiel 2:4)

-563 to -483
lifetime of the Buddha (Siddharta), beginning of Buddhism from about -528 (Siddharta's enlightenment).
(Marcello Zago, Buddhism, p. 93)

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In itself, Buddhism is neither a religion nor a philosophy. The philosophical conception is the
result of the rational speculations of the Buddhist believer. "Seeing and seeing correctly is the
simple yet complicated meaning of Buddhism...". It is the call for man to attain a spiritual,
mystical experience of self-realization in his own power without the help of a transcendent
being. (Marcello Zago, Buddhism, p. 4)

394 v.Chr.
Plinus the Elder (1st century AD) mentions in his “Natural History” that beams of light
appeared in the sky when the Spartans had to cede naval supremacy to Athens in the naval
battle of Cnidus. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 58)

332-26 v.Chr.
An anonymous writer of the history of Alexander the Great relates how miraculous flying
shields appeared over the Macedonian camp during the siege of Tyre. The five objects formed
in a V-shape, with the largest shield at the top. The others were half that size. They circled over
the walls. A bolt of lightning erupted from the largest of the shields, knocking them down and
freeing the besiegers' way. They circled over the city until it was completely taken and then
disappeared into the sky. The objects accompanied Alexander on his campaigns and only
stopped him when he wanted to cross the Beas River in India. (John V.
Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 56)
Alexander reaches India. Knowledge of Buddhism penetrates beyond the Indian continent for
the first time. (Marcello Zago, Buddhism, p. 94)

102 v.Chr.
Plinus the Elder (1st century AD) says that at the time of the war against the Cimbri and
Teutons, a "flaming shield" was seen, emitting sparks, flying across the sky from west to east
at sunset. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 58)

73 v.Chr.
The army of Mithridates, king of Pontus, faced the army of Lucullus near the Dardanelles. Just
as the king was about to raise his hand to attack, the heavens opened. "A huge flaming body,
shaped like a drinking bowl and the color of molten silver, fell between the two armies". The
battle was avoided. Mithridates was later defeated by Lucullus. (J. v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p.

Period: Year "0" to 1928

0 (Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Phyllis Schelmer: The being named Tom spoke through Phyllis in 1974
regarding the influence of the extraterrestrials from Hoova on human development): The next
intervention was the incarnation of Jehovah as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who set an example
for his people for the human beings in the next phase of evolution and for the principle of love.
He wasn't understood. When the rebellion of the Jews against the Roman occupiers, their
attempt to restore a state of the old greatness failed, they were expelled among all the peoples
with whom they shared their knowledge, their inventive spirit and the beauty of their arts,
without the same again Making mistakes, giving up their identity. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 161)

Emperor Constantine appeared on the march towards Italy in the early afternoon "the sign of
the cross", formed by the light, with an inscription: >In hoc signo vinces< (in this sign you will
conquer). This sign was seen by the entire army. The cross became his banner. It was the
trigger for Constantine to unify the Roman Empire and introduce Christianity as the state
religion. (Johannes von Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 56)

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The Eastern Roman Empire is afflicted by the bubonic plague. This plague was one of the
most devastating plagues in history, and many people of the time believed it to be a
punishment from God. The word "plague" derives from the Latin word for "to breathe" or "to
wound, to hurt". The plague was therefore also called "God's plague", ie breath or blow sent by God.
One of the reasons people believed that the plague came from God was that when a plague
broke out, apparitions were often observed in the sky. A chronicler of the Justinian plague
was the famous historian Gregory of Tours, who recorded a number of unusual events from
the plague years. Gregory reports that shortly before the Justinian plague in 567 AD. reached
Auvergne, three or four bright lights could be seen around the sun, and the sky seemed to be
on fire. Possibly it was just a natural "parhelion"; however, other unusual celestial phenomena
were also observed in this area. A historian tells of a similar event that took place 23 years
later in another part of France, in Avignon.

"Strange phenomena" were reported in the sky, and the earth was sometimes lit up at night
as bright as day. Shortly thereafter, the plague broke out here. Gregory reported an apparition
in Rome that looked like a giant "dragon" that soared through the city down to the sea,
immediately after which a severe epidemic of plague broke out. Such reports prompt a
terrifying, unimaginable thought: that the plague of Justinian was caused by means of
biological warfare spread by missiles of the "Lord Gods." This would mean a repetition of
similar plagues as described in the Bible and in ancient Mesopotamian texts. (William Bamley,
The Gods of Eden, pp. 161-162)

After a long dispute, the philosophy of Origen of Alexandria (ca. 253) is condemned as not
orthodox at the 5th general council in Constantinople. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture
Belief in reincarnation and the cycle of rebirth was a fundamental tenet in the Roman Catholic
Church until 553 AD, when the Synod of Constantinople decided that this belief could not
exist. She condemned the teachings of reincarnation as heresy, and it was at this point that
references to this belief were removed from the Bible. Christian churches claim today that the
doctrine of reincarnation was alien to early Christianity and was only subsequently introduced
into Christian doctrine by followers of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras. As a result, the
church saw itself compelled to condemn this as heresy at a council (Hermann Bauer, rebirth).

Mohammed emigrates from Mecca to Medina: this exodus, called Hijra, is the beginning of
the Islamic calendar. Accompanied by visions and hallucinations, as well as physical pain,
the new "revelation" - as the Muslims call it - smashed upon Muhammad with irresistible force
and unadulterated authenticity. At the direction of a divine messenger, the angel Gabriel, the
40-year-old reformer began to preach the fundamental and new ideas of his faith. (Prof.
Federico Peirone, Islam, p. 40)
God is the Lord of heaven and earth. It is man's duty to obey him, especially since in his
mercy he has sent down his messengers for the good of mankind. God is absolute ruler and
origin of all laws, religious as well as temporal.
All revelations of God's will to man are collected and recorded in the revealed books. (Prof.
Federico Peirone, Islam, p. 26)

Charlemagne waged war against the pagan Saxons in what is now Westphalia.
A "heavenly sign" (according to the Annales regni Francorum) came to the aid of the Franks
when they were besieged in a castle by the Saxons. One saw two round shields, which moved
flaming red over the church. Seeing this, the Gentiles immediately panicked and fled.
Phenomena of this kind accompanied him at the beginning of a new epoch in European history. (John V.
Buttlar, Drachenwege, p.
56) 9th century. The French clergyman Agobard, Archbishop of Lyon, was possibly describing
visits by extraterrestrial spaceships when he noticed members of his congregation in the 9th century

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claimed their area was being stalked by "sailors from the air" who arrived on ships in the clouds
and plundered orchards and wheat fields. (Time-Life Books, Secrets of the Unknown, The UFOs,
p. 14)

1171 Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Uri Geller: In another hypnosis session, the voice (speaking through
Geller) named the spaceship Spektra as their origin - a huge mothership stationed very far from
Earth. Another time it was said to have been stationed near Earth for 800 years. The voice went
on to say, "Our computers are studying everyone on Earth."
(Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p. 157/ 58, hypnosis session with Uri Geller, see 1971, 5.12.)

Since the UFO sightings seemed to increase during this time, the pope issued a decree in this
century, which forbade the reports of such "flying things" under penalty. (The Pandora Aspect,
Elian Lian, page 17)

The Black Plague or Black Death first raged in Europe. Short outbreaks of pneumonic plague
continued to afflict Europe every ten to twenty years until the 17th century, with the number of
fatal cases steadily declining. Many people from all over Europe and other plague-stricken
regions of the world reported that plague epidemics were caused by foul-smelling "fogs". These
nebulae often appeared after unusually bright lights in the sky. The first outbreak of the plague
was followed by a series of unusual events. Between 1298 and 1314, seven major "comets"
were seen over Europe; one was of "horrid blackness." A year before the epidemic broke out in
Europe, a "pillar of fire" was sighted over the Palais des Papes in Avignon, France. Earlier that
year, a "ball of fire" was observed over Paris; it is said to have been visible for a while. The
people of Europe took these apparitions as omens of the plague that broke out soon after.
Already during the first plague epidemics in Asia, the Black Death and unusual celestial
phenomena were associated. Descriptions of storms and earthquakes, of meteors and comets
leaving noxious gases behind, which withered the trees and made the land barren.

"A comet was seen in Arabia, shaped like a very sharp wooden beam......" The accompanying
illustration, based on eyewitness accounts, shows what appears to be the front half of a rocket
between some clouds . (Conrad Lycosthenes, "A Chronicle of the Wonders and Omens Beyond
the Right Order, Processes, and Courses in Nature, in the Higher as in the Lower Regions of the
Earth, From the World's Beginning to the Present Day", p. 494)

1561/ 66
Other observations of strange celestial phenomena in the distant past include a spectacular
event over the city of Nuremberg in April 1561; there balls and round discs appeared in the sky
and performed a veritable aerial ballet. Residents of Basel, Switzerland, witnessed a similar
spectacle five years later. According to contemporary reports, the sky was suddenly littered
with large black spheres flying towards the sun or around each other at high speed. Then, as
quickly and mysteriously as they had appeared, they turned fiery red and disappeared. (Time-
Life Books, Secrets of the Unknown, The UFOs, p. 15)

Below is the illustration of strange spherical bodies observed over Basel, Switzerland, in July
and early August of 1566. They were described by Samuel Coccius, an eyewitness, as large
black spheres hurtling towards the sun and turning against each other as if engaged in combat.

1661 Nov.
Tibet: Jesuit Father Albert d'Orville sees a UFO in Lhasa. A lama who also saw it said to him:
"For a long time beings from other worlds have sailed the seas of space and

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brought spiritual enlightenment to the first people to walk the earth. These beings are always kindly
received by us and often end up near our monasteries, where they teach us and reveal things that were
lost in the times of the cataclysms (floods)..." (Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 91- 92)

1665 10.4.
The scholar Erasmus Francisi reports on UFO sightings in his 1500-page work "Mysterious Apparitions".
(Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 90)

1776 1.5.
dr Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), Professor of Catholic Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt,
founds the Illuminati order. Weishaupt - a Jew by birth who later converted to Catholicism - broke with
the Jesuit order to which he belonged as a priest. (Des Griffin, Who Rules the World, p. 28)

His declared goal was the establishment of a "Novus Ordo Saeclorum", a new world order or a new
world government. The name "Illuminati" is derived from the word Lucifer (bringer of light) (p. 30). The
New World Order was to be achieved through: • Abolition of all orderly government • Abolition of private
property • Abolition of inheritance • Abolition of patriotism • Abolition of all religions • Abolition of the
family. (Des Griffin, Who Rules the World, p. 34)

There is an interesting statement made by Bill Hamilton in a talk with William Cooper and John Lear in
this regard. Together, these individuals examined the alien scenario.
Cooper is a former intelligence officer whose job it was to brief high-ranking officers on the alien
projects before he made his conscience decision to go public. Hamilton said at the lecture that centuries
back a secret society, the Illuminati, made a pact with an extraterrestrial nation (the Grays) who lurk
within the earth, and that the US government renewed the pact in 1933 to ban humans and animals for
high - Trade in tech. (Hamilton-Cooper-Lear Lecture, CBR - UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 1b)

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (father of Soviet space travel) considered real proof of the
existence of unknown, rational forces in the cosmos a geometric figure and a human figure that he had
spotted in the sky. (Source: Spiegel 1989/ 42 regarding

1897 23.4.
Alexander Hamilton, a farmer, told a reporter about a colossal 330-foot-long airship that landed on April
23, 1897 near the small town of Yates Center, Kansas. As he and two others walked curiously to the
spot, they saw "six of the strangest creatures imaginable" in the airship's glass canopy. They chattered
away, but we didn't understand a word of what they were saying.” Then the ship lifted off again, taking
one of Hamilton's cows with it. It hovered over the farm for a while, then vanished. The next day, a
farmer found the skin, legs and head of the stolen cow some distance away. Hamilton: "After identifying
the skin by my brand, I drove home. But before I fell asleep I always saw this damned thing with its big
lights and the horrible people in front of me. I don't know if they were devils or angels or whatever, but
we've all seen them." (Time Life books, Mysteries of the Unknown, The UFOs, p. 23)

1908 30.6.
Atomic bomb explosion in Siberia (a meteorite is excluded). Prof. Aleksei Zolotov found records of
survivors on his research trip through the taiga. Immediately before the explosion they had observed a
cylindrical missile in the sky, which changed direction several times. (Image newspaper: Sept. 90,
atomic bomb exploded 37 years before Hiroshima)

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1909-1913 A
year after the Tunguska event, the world experienced its first major wave of UFO sightings. This time it was an
international phenomenon, for between 1909 and 1913 reports came from Europe, North America, South Africa,
Japan, New Zealand and other parts of the world. First up was South West England, where several people claimed
they saw a large, elongated object with a bright light floating high in the sky at night. (Time-Life Books, Secrets of
the Unknown, The UFOs, p. 25)

1917 13.10.
Fatima, Portuguese place of pilgrimage: 50,000 people watched in amazement as the clouds parted to reveal a
huge silver disk that turned like a windmill and danced across the sky. The object radiated warmth, and some
eyewitnesses later reported that their soaked clothes dried within minutes. After the circular disk had dived
towards the earth, it climbed back up into the sky and disappeared towards the sun.

This exciting spectacle fulfilled the prophecy of three shepherd children who claimed to have conversed with the
Virgin Mary. The Blessed Mother had told them that on October 13th she would reveal herself in such a way that
"everyone will have to believe".
The Catholic Church declared this a miracle... (Time-Life books, Secrets of the Unknown, The UFOs p. 25/ 26)

The shepherd children Jacinta Martos, Francesco and Lucia Santos experienced a total of seven Marian apparitions
- each time on a thirteenth of the months May to October. The children died soon after the apparitions. The girl
Lucia Santos went to a convent. she had written down the received messages and handed them over to the
responsible bishop. According to Lucia, the third message was not to be published by the Holy Father until 1960.
The "Third Secret of Fatima" was sealed and handed over to Pope Pius XII, who forwarded the sealed document
to the Holy Office. In 1960, Pope John XXIII was Lord of the Roman Curia. Lucia's letter was opened behind closed
doors of the papal office.

Struck, John XXIII said, "We cannot reveal the secret. It would cause panic." (Erich von Däniken, We are all children
of the gods, p. 263/ 268)
It is claimed that this Fatima event exposes religion as a false concept. That is why the sealed letter is kept under
lock and key by the Catholic Church. He would shake the belief system and power of the Church. At least one pope
has been assassinated after intending to reveal the information to the people. (The Leading Edge, No. 23, 1991, p.

The events of Fatima have been investigated for suspected extraterrestrial (Grey) manipulation. A spy campaign
was launched to solve the mystery. The US used their Vatican contacts and shortly thereafter received the full
study, including the prophecy. This held that unless man turned from evil and sat down at Christ's feet, the planet
would destroy itself and the events described in the Bible's Revelation would actually occur.

Prophecy: • A
child will be born who will come upon the world with a peace plan and false religion
should agree in 1992.
• By 1995, however, the peoples would find out that he (the child who was supposed to unite the world with a
peace plan and a false religion) was evil and was in fact the Antichrist. World War III would begin in the Middle
East with an invasion of Israel by a unified Arab nation. Conventional weapons would be used first. • 1999:
The war in the Middle East would degenerate into a holocaust, through the use of nuclear weapons

find its climax.

• By 2003 most of the planet would suffer terribly and life largely
be destroyed.
• In 2011 the return of Christ is to take place. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p.

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„... I have found evidence that since 1917 secret societies have been planning an artificial threat from outer
space with the aim of bringing humanity together in a world government called "the New World Order." (MW
Cooper, Behold a pale Horse, p. 27)

1919 19.5.
Foundation of the Council on Foreign Relations in Paris at the Hotel Majestic. (The Pandora Aspect, Elian Lian,

Tsiolkovsky discovers three Cyrillic letters on the horizon meaning "the extraterrestrials know their friends".
(Source: Spiegel 1989/ 42 regarding Voronezh)

Period: 1930 to 1949

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) is President of the USA. He introduced the Illuminati seal on the one
dollar bill. The Illuminati plan of a "Novus Ordo Saeclorum", a new world order (New Deal) or a new world
government is thus publicly pursued. This sign was introduced by Weishaupt when he founded the Illuminati
order on May 1, 1776. This event is indicated by the Roman numerals MDCCLXXVI at the base of the pyramid.
The sign's inscription is significant: "Annuit coeptis" means "Our enterprise (conspiracy) is crowned with
success". (Des Griffin, Who Rules the World, p. 70)

The American government (Roosevelt) makes a deal with the Grays. They trade people and animals for high
tech. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 1b)
Interview with the American researcher Alfred Bialek: Roosevelt signed„... an agreement with the K's in
1933” (Note: Bialek speaks of the “K's”, presumably the Grays. Elsewhere in the book (p. 443) the K group is
referred to as an abbreviation for the Kondrashkin spoken). ...
“The Pleiadians went over to the NAZI Germans and worked things out with them. So there were two powers on
opposite sides of the Atlantic preparing to fight each other. One side was feeding us technical information, and
it's very likely that there were others on the other side doing the same to keep some sort of balance." (Matrix III,
367, interview with Alfred Bilek)

1938/ 39
German expedition to Antarctica. Former members reported that even after the end of the expedition (in the
spring of 1939), the expedition ship "Schwabenland" commuted quarterly between Neuschwabenland
(Antarctica) and the home port to transport equipment and entire mining facilities to Antarctica. This also
included track systems, lorries and a huge milling machine to be able to drill tunnel systems into the ice.
(Bergmann, German Flying Discs.. p.14)

Neuschwabenland was explored and surveyed. It covers an area of 600,000 km (almost the same size as
Germany before 1937) Neuschwabenland was declared German sovereign territory. (Bergmann, German Flying
Discs.. p.15)

1939 1.9.
German invasion of Poland (beginning of World War II). 1941 The Germans allied themselves with the Ugha
Mongulala (South American tribe that asked the Germans for help against invaders). The book The Chronicle
of Akakor (narrated by Tatunca Nara, the chief of the Ugha Mongulala, Karl Brugger, 1976, Econ Verlag) tells of
a South American tribe whose chronicle states that the gods came to earth 15,000 years ago and disappeared
again 12,000 years ago. They would have left a flying disc in the city of Lower Akakor, 4-5 km across. There is
speculation as to whether the Germans found this flying disc and knew how to use it to build their own.
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 72)

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First development work on German flying discs was started. The first model was ready in June
1942. The actual design and manufacture did not take place until 1944 in Prague.
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons I, p. 35)

1942 25.2.
15-20 unknown enemy objects appeared over Los Angeles, after which the surrounding anti-
aircraft gun positions opened fire. (London Times, 2/26/42; Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons
II, p. 10)

End Howard Menger encounters an (alien) man with shoulder-length blond hair posing as one
of "his people". (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 62)

1943 28.9.
Eyewitness report: In the north of Corsica there had been large crowds of people when the
German troops were retreating. A bomb squadron attacked three times under clear skies.
Each time thick clouds pushed between the attackers and the ground troops, so that the bombs
could not be dropped. As the bombers hove to and disappeared, the sky cleared again. This
incident repeated itself a total of three times. (Bergmann, German Flying Discs.., p.42)

1943 7.11.
Drawings of the German Flying Discs Haunebu I and II of the SS Development Center IV.
Technical data Haunebu II:
• Diameter 26.3 meters •
Drive: Thule tachionator •
Control: Magnetic field pulser 4a •
Speed: 6000 km/h (calculated 21000 possible) • Range 55
hours etc. • Space capability 100% - planned series
production Turn of the year 1943/ 44. (Bergmann, German
flying disks.., p.62-65)
Compared to Adamski's photo, the drawing and photo look more or less identical.
(Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.66, 67)

Summer UFO sighting - eyewitness report: "Flying saucers were sighted from the shore of the
Zierkersee. They looked like plumb, flying, flat disks that were red hot and visible from afar.
Since the VI projectiles were also tested over Neustrelitz and Ostmecklenburg, this sight was
not even sensational. The discs were also being tested as secret weapons for us.” (Haarmann:
Secret Wonder Weapons III, p. 12)
1944 Autumn “In the autumn of 1944, my husband and his unit hermetically sealed off and
secured an airfield in Oldenburg on higher orders. On this airfield, the circular apparatuses
mentioned in the "Confidential (Notifications)" took off with astonishing speed and also made
right-angled hooks - like rabbits." (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 12; weekly journal
Kristall, no. 9 , 50)

Autumn Work on an anti-radar fireball was accelerated at an Luftwaffe experimental center
near Oberammergau. The first fireballs were produced there and in the aeronautical facilities
in Wiener Neustadt. Later, as the Russians approached Austria, these productions were moved
to the Black Forest. Fast and remotely controlled, equipped with klystron tubes, operating on
the same frequency as enemy radar, they could wipe radar signals off the screen and were
invisible to ground control.
During the day the thing looked like a glowing top spinning on its own axis. At night, the "ball
of fire" could be compared to a burning ball. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 16)

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1944 14.12.
Newspaper: New York Times, Headline: Floating Mystery Ball is a new Nazi-Air Weapon,
Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, 13 Dec. A new German weapon has
appeared on the western front, it was revealed today. Airmen from the American Air Force
report that they encountered silver bullets in the air over German territory. The bullets met
them singly or in swarms. Sometimes they are almost transparent.

1944 Dec.
Seven American bombers left the United States. After a stopover in Bermuda, they encountered
numerous strange meteorological phenomena. They only lasted about a minute.
The planes were shaken. Only two aircraft returned to Bermuda. The other five are missing.
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons II, p. 13)

Late 1944
Three different designs of flying discs were completed. Two fundamentally different paths had
been taken. The well-known V-weapons designer Miethe had developed one type. It consisted
of a disk-like, non-rotating disk 42 meters in diameter. In contrast, in the designs by Habermohl
and Schriever, a broad ring revolved around a fixed, spherical pilot's cabin. There has been no
trace of Habermohl and his associates since Prague was occupied. Schriever died a few weeks
ago (1953), Miethe went to the USA. (Welt am Sonntag, 4/26/53; Haarmann: Secret Miracle
Weapons I, p. 36)

Late 1944
Metz, France: A bright point of light followed an American bomber force heading for Germany.
This point of light flew into this formation and operated there in fast zig zag flights. After that,
about 15-20 planes of the association fell to the ground in flames.
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons II, p. 13)

Late 1944
During the war, Howard Menger meets a (alien) tall man who posed as a space brother. “We
have much work to do on your planet among you humans and we must do it quickly while
there is still a planet and humans to work with. Before long you will know what danger I
pointed out." (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 62)

During World War II, hundreds of American aviators encountered mysterious, round, glowing
flying objects over Europe and the countries of the Far East. These early UFOs appeared both
singly and in formation. Countless times they approached US bombers and fighters and
circled them at high speed. Secret services suspect a new German weapon, but this could not
be confirmed after the end of the war. (Keyhoe, 1954: Space is getting closer, p. 47ff) Some of
these balls had a diameter of only 30 cm. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons II, p. 11)

Report of the Technical Intelligence Department of the US Strategic Air Force, London: "We
received alarming reports from various sources that the bombers returning from Germany
were complaining more and more about mysterious engine failures." A new German secret
weapon was suspected, the electric System of bombers malfunctioned. (Haarmann: Secret
Miracle Weapons II, p. 27/ 28)
In connection with later UFO sightings, reports of power failures were repeatedly reported as
long as this object was over the area. In the period 1966-67 alone, 20 cities worldwide were
affected by such failures. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 29ff)

1945 The Germans are believed to have established bases in the Arctic, specifically in Greenland.
(Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.133)

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1945 1.1.
London Daily Telegraph: "And now the foo-fighters" - "Foo-fighters are the sensation of our
disruptive flights. These are peculiar orange lights that follow our planes in formations and
one at a time, and also turn and climb again. Some came within a few meters of the planes
and were shot down. Another type appears under the wings and emits a series of dim
flashes." (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 18)
New York Herald Tribune of the same date: Pilots report that the silver bullets which the
Germans use against planes flying in during the day have been seen singly or in clusters
during their flights over the Rhine. Now it seems as if the Germans have thrown something
new into the night sky over Germany. It's the crazy, enigmatic "Foo Fighter bullets" that race
along the wing tips of the "Beaufighters" flying over Germany for night-time raids. Aircrews
have encountered these bullets for more than four weeks. They appear to be guided by radio
control from the ground. There are three types of these lights: • One is a red orb that appears
on our wings and accompanies us. • #2 is a vertical line of three fireballs flying ahead of us;
and • #3 is a cluster of about 15 lights that appears in the distance and stands in the sky like a
Christmas tree, its lights turning on and off . (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 18)

1945 Jan./ Feb.

With regard to the flying discs, nothing fell into the hands of the enemy. From January to
February, the technicians and engineers with their wives and children flew away with the
flying discs to an unknown destination. Nothing of value was left behind. They are based on a
completely new type of drive. Usual engines stop. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III)

1945 Jan./March
Germany reached the highest U-boat production figures (27, 37, 27 units per month) of the
entire war years. (Bergmann, German Flying Discs.. p.6)
The construction program was carried out with particular emphasis and the highest level of
urgency. (p.13) The whereabouts of some 100 submarines was never clarified even after the war.
(p.9) A former member of a U-boat crew testified that between 1944 and May 45 U-boat parts
were loaded into U-boats without a break. (Bergmann, German Flying Discs.. p.12)

1945 March
The Japanese surrendered unconditionally. That month, the Japanese high command sent a
message to the American embassy in Moscow, to the Russian embassy in Tokyo and directly
to the Pentagon in Washington that the Japanese Imperial government wanted unconditional
surrender. The Americans ignored the offer. (Des Griffin, Who Rules the World, p. 206)

1945 April
The German engineer Rolf Schriever reports on the development of German flying discs after
the war. In April 45 the first disk was tested in Prague. It has a diameter of about 15 meters
and a plastic dome as the driver's cab. A test run reveals defects that take longer than planned.
On May 9th the work is stopped and the pane is destroyed in order not to let it fall into the
hands of the invading troops. (Buntes Leben, No. 131, 31.5 52;)

First development work started in 1941, the first model was ready in June 42. The actual
design and manufacture only took place in Prague. The flight characteristics were amazing:
vertical take-off, vertical landing, standing still in the air, top speed 4,000 km/h. (Haarmann:
Secret Wonder Weapons I, p. 35)

1945 7/ 8.5.
surrender of the German Wehrmacht.

1945 May
After Germany's capitulation, the "Foo Fighters" were still occasionally observed over East
Asian theaters of war. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons II, p. 14)

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After the Allied occupation of Germany, no more foo fighters were observed.
Even on closer examination of the German test sites and their secret projects, nothing was found
- as far as we know - which would suggest that the Germans had invented something which, like
golden or silver balls, would fly in formations for hours and become invisible from one moment
to the next could be made visible again. Government files regarding the foo-fighters were kept
secret long after the war was over.
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 19)

Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) is President of the USA.

1945 6./ 9.8.

FD Roosevelt's order to drop the atomic bomb on Japan was carried out
after his death (4/12/45) by his Vice President Truman.

1945 2.9.
surrender of Japan. End of World War II.

1945 5.12
Americans lose five Avenger torpedo bombers in the Bermuda Triangle. No wreckage was found.
(Süd-Kurier, 3/13/64)
PBM Martin Marine bomber, with a crew of 13, disappeared after 20 minutes in search of the five
Avanger bombers (Berlitz, Das Bermudadreieck, 1975, p. 48).
Between 1945 and around 1978, 150 planes and ships with around 1500 people disappeared in
this area without a trace (DNZ No. 17, 1978).
This area holds a special place among the unsolved mysteries of our planet. More than a hundred
ships and planes have disappeared here without a trace - most of them after 1945, and more than
a thousand people
-, Triangle, have
1975, p.lost
11).their lives here during the last twenty-six years. (Berlitz, The Bermuda

After 1945
In reconnaissance flights, the Canadian Air Force encountered a layer of blue fog in the interior
of the Arctic, which they pierced and saw inhabited areas underneath, including settlements and
green areas, characterized by a typical island character. (Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.134)

1946 6.1
Three women (Mona Stafford, Louise Smith, Elaine Thomas) were driving from Stanford to Liberty,
Kentucky, when they noticed a huge flying object in the sky (the size of a soccer field). It had a
row of different colored lights at the bottom and a white dome at the top. Suddenly, the driver lost
control of the car, which, however, kept going at about 120 km/h. The eyes of the three women
began to water and they developed almost unbearable, stabbing headaches. Later they had a
memory lapse of about an hour and a half.
Under hypnosis, they stated that they were kidnapped on board the UFO. The beings were about
1.30 m tall and had hood-like headgear. They were subjected to a painful examination. All three
had punctures in the same place. (Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 149-150)

1946 March-Nov.
In the spring of 1946, fireworks broke out in the night skies of the Scandinavian countries and
northwestern Russia, watched by thousands night after night: faintly luminous objects darting
across the sky, often hovering, then again changing course and speed so suddenly that it
Measures beyond the possibility of terrestrial airplanes. They moved without making a sound.
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons II, p. 14)

1946 from
June So-called “ghost rockets” are sighted in Sweden and Norway. There were hundreds of press
releases on this subject. Military attachés and military units in Norway and Denmark have been
asked to record all sightings and data. Between June and early July there were 30 reports. Alone
on 9.7. they shot up to 250 and reached on 11.8. a

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Maximum. The wave abated noticeably between October and November. The total number of
sightings was 987. On 27.7. decided the Swedish generals and on 29.7. the Norwegians not to
announce further sightings to the press. Swedish military authorities stated that they had not
been able to determine the origin of the ghost rockets. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons II,
p. 14)

1946 9.10.
George Adamski observed a cigar-shaped object on Mt. Palomars that stood motionless in the
sky before moving south. A few minutes later, the UFO was seen by thousands of residents of
the southern Californian city of San Diego, which also received radio and newspaper attention.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 21)

1946/ 47
In the winter months of 46/ 47, the US Navy under the direction of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
launched the military campaign Operation High Jump (until 1955 partly classified) to the
Antarctic, disguised as an expedition. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons I, p. 15)
Admiral Byrd met aliens at the South Pole, whom he describes in his diary as very tall, blond
and blue-eyed. (The Pandora Aspect, Elian Lian, page 28)

The Grays move their base of operations from South America to the US (West) in underground bases.
These bases were important because of certain minerals and the magnetic and plasmic effects
of the rocks in the area. These aliens consider themselves an ancient Earth race, a cross
between reptilians and humans. They told the government that. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR - UFO
Briefing, 3/3/90, page 1b)

1947 Jan-Dec 1952 Sixteen

foreign spaceships had to make an emergency landing or crashed. 65 foreign dead and
a living rescued. Another spacecraft had exploded, but no remains could be recovered. Of
these events, 13 took place within the borders of the United States, not counting the spacecraft
that exploded. Of those 13, one occurred in Arizona, eleven in New Mexico, and one in Nevada.
Three occurred in other countries, one in Norway and the other two in Mexico. (Milton William
Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 1)
Other source: Between 01/47 and 12/52 at least 12 other alien vehicles crashed or made
emergency landings over US territory. In the months of February and March '48 alone, two
UFOs were found in New Mexico. Inside these UFOs were the bodies of a total of 17
extraterrestrials, as well as a large number of human body parts. Subsequently, the National
Security Council (NSC), which had also been founded at this time, issued regulations that
allowed the secret services to keep any information that had to do with UFOs under wraps.
(The Pandora aspect, Elian Lian, page 21 and Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 74ff)

1947 3.3.
After the disappearance of 4 fighter planes without a trace, Admiral Byrd called off the
expedition that had just started and left Antarctica. A further 9 aircraft had to be left unusable.
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons I, p. 15)

1947 5.3.
Article in El Mercurio, Santiago, Chile: Admiral Byrd comments on the strategic importance of
the poles. He announced that the United States must take protective measures against the
possibility of an invasion of the country by enemy planes coming from the polar regions. The
most important achievement of his observations and discoveries during the expedition is the
current power factor that he has in relation to the security of the United States. He stressed
the need to remain "alert and vigilant throughout the survival of the ice belt, which is the last
invasion." „.. bulwark against
Humanity, like that of military science, is presently in a vital phase of development...".
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons I, p. 17)

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After the fleet's return, Byrd was subjected to secret interrogation and a psychiatric evaluation.
When the true information content (Byrd is said to have been involved in a fight with an
extraterrestrial force in which he lost the 4 planes) of the Antarctic defeat became known, the
USA issued the motto "Antarctica must be erased from people's memories “. (Magazine
Brisant, No. 5, 1978, p. 10)

1947 25.3.
Another spacecraft is found in Hart Canyon, near Aztec, New Mexico. It measured 33 meters
in diameter. A total of 17 dead aliens were recovered from these two ships. Of even greater
significance, however, was the discovery of large numbers of human body parts in these
ships. The lock code "Secret" immediately became "Super Top Secret". A web of secrecy,
denser than the Manhattan Project (development of the atomic bomb) was spread over these
events. In the years that followed, the incidents would even become the most closely guarded
secrets in world history. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, pp. 1-2)

1947 24.6.
It was the first time UFOs were officially sighted (at least according to press reports). Hobby
pilot Kenneth Arnold discovered unknown flying objects around Mt. Ranier (USA, Washington).
Less than 4 weeks later, 47 entire cascades of UFOs appeared in US skies in the summer.
(Source: Spiegel 1978, issue 38, page 260)

1947 2.7.
Roswell, New Mexico: Rancher William Brazel watches a UFO (radiant, bright, disc-shaped
object) crash. The next day, they find wreckage: feather-light, silvery metal pieces in one
piece, metal girders inscribed with alien hieroglyphs, and some sparkling crystals. Roswell
Air Army Base is briefed. Major Jesse Marcel of the 509th Bomb Squadron's military
intelligence and a CIC Corps officer named Cavitt are handling the investigation. The next day,
a press release says: “The many rumors about the flying discs were confirmed yesterday. The
509th Bomb Squadron was in the fortunate position of securing the wreckage of such a
disc...". The wreckage is recovered. The best scientists in the country are analyzing the case.
dr Vannevar Bush (the government's chief scientific adviser) is posted to Roswell. (Johannes
von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 78-79; Hesemann, UFOs: The Evidence, page 74)

Stanton Friedmann, nuclear physicist, spoke at the UFO Congress in Frankfurt in 1989 about
a Top Secret Eyes Only paper from the White House: The "Majestics 12 Operation", a group of
twelve top-class military officers and scientists allegedly examined on July 7th, 1947 an in
UFO that crashed in the wasteland northwest of Roswell Army Air Base (New Mexico) with its
occupants killed (4 bodies - dead and badly decomposed). Since then, an international cover-
up campaign has been underway, which also kept further crashes and the extraterrestrials
discovered, some of whom were still alive, under the covers. (see article in the taz of November
1st, 1989 by Matthias Bröckers and Spiegel 1978, issue 38, page 162)
Bodies of the crews were found: small, gray-skinned bodies with large heads and long arms.
They only had four fingers. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 81)

1947 2.9.
With the treaty of this date, all American states define the Inter-American sphere of defense,
which runs in the South Pole region from 5° N, 24° W in a straight line to the South Pole (Dept.
of State Publ. 3016. Washington 1948) (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons I, p .19)

1947 19.9.
The President (Truman) receives an interim report on the Roswell find, which shows that the
wreck found is most likely a short-range reconnaissance aircraft of extraterrestrial origin.
(Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 75-79)
The bodies of four small humanoid creatures were found, which were killed by the explosion approx.
2 miles east of the crash site (heavily decomposed by weather and mutilated by animals).
MJ12 scientist Dr. Detlev Bronk is involved in examining the bodies. Conclusion: Although
these creatures look human-like, their developmental processes differ greatly from those of
Homo sapiens. you are short

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have disproportionately large, round heads with small eyes and no hair. As far as can be determined,
their clothing is jumpsuit-like and made out of some sort of synthetic gray material.
Future designation "EBEs" ("Extraterrestrial Biological Entities"). A number of script-like symbols
are discovered in the wreck, but the decoding of them is unsuccessful. Efforts to determine the
propulsion methods or the type of energy transmission are just as fruitless. Any reference to wings,
propellers, jets or other conventional propulsion and control systems is absent. In addition, there
are no cables, vacuum tubes, or other discernible electronic components. (Johannes von Buttlar:
Zeitriss, page 80-81)
An article is published in the Bild newspaper of 8/25/90 which refers to the Roswell find.
Title: Fraud or Proof? Photo: One of the four extraterrestrials - they allegedly died in the impact of
their UFO on 7/2/47 in New Mexico. Baron Nicholas van Poppen photographed her on behalf of the
US secret service. After Poppen took the photos, he mysteriously died. The hairless tiny creatures
(60 cm to 1.20 cm) were examined and embalmed in the strictest secrecy. The doctors found
something amazing: the hands on the long, thin arms have four fingers and no thumbs. No toes on
feet. The skin is grayish or light brown, slightly scaly. No muscles, no sweat glands. No discernible
sex organs. No digestive organs. A colorless liquid in the body instead of blood. The beings, who
are likely still being hidden at Wright Patterson US Air Force Base with evidence from UFO crashes
in 1950 and 1982, wore metallic overalls. Your spaceship had neither jets nor any other drive known
to us. The alien hieroglyphs inside have not yet been identified.

1947 19.9.
On 9/29/83, Robert I. Sarbacher (at that time President of the Washington Institute of Technology) in
a letter to William Steinmann confirmed "... having talked to some
these in
the office
constructing were like certain insects that we know here on earth." (Hesemann: UFOs: The Proofs,
p. 29)

1947 23.9.
General Nathan F. Twining (Wright Patterson Air Base) sent an assessment of the situation to the
Pentagon. Title: AMC Opinion concerning flying discs. The phenomenon reported is real and not
based on fiction or imagination. They are objects, roughly discus-shaped, that appear to be the size
of airplanes.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Evidence, page 10-12)

1947 24.9.
dr Bush and Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal are invited to the President's White House.
During the top-secret meeting, the two advise the President to set up a secret operation - codenamed
"Majestics 12". (Johannes. von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 80) The CIA and MJ12 were brought into being
at the same time. The top secret CIA document (OSI/ PG Strong: bxl) then laid down the guidelines
for handling the UFO phenomenon. So it says in paragraph 2 under c: "Tasks of the secret service:"
A worldwide system of reporting was set up and the most important air force bases were ordered
to intercept unknown flying objects. (Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 84)

Follow-up projects of MJ12 are: "Aquarius" and "Snowbird". (Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page

1947 9.12.
Truman approved the issuance of NSC 4, headed "Coordination of Actions Regarding Foreign
Intelligence Information." A top secret addition, NSC 4a instructed the director of the CIA to
undertake secret psychological activities to achieve NSC 4.
The authorization originally granted to the CIA for covert operations under NSC 4a contained no
formal guidelines either for coordinating or approving such operations. She merely directed the
Director of the CIA to conduct these covert operations and to ensure, in consultation with the State
and Defense Departments, that the operations conducted were consistent with American policy.
Later, NSC 10 and NSC 10/2 would replace NSC 4 and NSC 4a, further expanding the possibilities
for covert operations. The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) has been brought in to carry out an
expanded program of clandestine activities. NSC 10/ 1 and NSC 10/ 2 legalized illegal and extralegal

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Practices and procedures because they were considered acceptable to national security leaders.
The effects were immediate. The floodgates were now open to the intelligence officers. Under
NSC 10/1, an "Executive Coordination" department was set up to appraise secret projects, but
not to approve them. This department was now tacitly entrusted with the coordination of the
extraterrestrial projects. NSC 10/1 and NSC 10/2 were interpreted to mean that nobody at the top
wanted to know about anything until it was successfully completed. These actions created a
buffer between the President and information. The purpose of this buffer was to enable the
President to deny any knowledge should leaks leak the true facts. This buffer was used in later
years solely to let subsequent presidents know only as much about the alien presence as the
secret government and intelligence officials deemed reasonable. A study group was established
by NSC 10/2, which met in secret and consisted of the leading scientists of the day. This study
group was not named Majestics 12. Another memo, NSC 10/5, outlined the responsibilities of
this study group. It wasn't until four years later that other NPC memos and secret executive
orders set the stage for the founding of MJ-12.

(Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 3)

1947 Dec.
A special team of America's top scientists was formed under the alias "Project Sign" to study
the problem. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 2)

From this time on there have been reports of "fantastic luminous and terrifying looking" wheels,
USOs, rising from the depths of the sea and disappearing from the water. "It glides over the
ship. A smell of sulfur spreads as the wheel rises into the unknown with a terrible hum and
belches steam. Testimonies report sightings in the Persian Gulf, the Straits of Malacca, the
China Sea, the Pacific, near Japan, off America, near the Caroline Islands, near Mexico and
California. (UFO News #19, 1958)

Since that time, a special branch of the US Air Force has registered about 1,200 reports of UFOs.
(Spiegel, 10/14/68, title: Argentina - flying saucers - blood drawn)

After the war, Howard Menger still had numerous contacts, the meetings taking place at a
predetermined landing site. Menger always received new tasks from them. He drove them to
certain places where measuring devices were set up, he provided newcomers with clothing,
gave them the right haircut so that they would not be conspicuous, so that they could live and
work unrecognized among the people. In order not to jeopardize the operations, he had to
promise not to speak about his experiences until 1957. The extraterrestrials explained that they
come from planets inside and outside our solar system. Inside is Venus, Mars, Saturn. Menger
was taken to her home planet to see it. He says the extraterrestrials come to earth to help
humans come to a better understanding of the meaning of life for themselves. They have already
contacted high-ranking politicians and well-known personalities, but the official bodies refuse
to talk about it because it would upset our economic system. They approach individuals to
accustom people to their presence. Many within Earth's population have voluntarily incarnated
on Earth to further a plan that is universal in scope. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 63ff)

Initial construction of the underground bases began in Dulce, New Mexico. The residents of the
area noticed brisk building activities and a high military presence. (The Pandora Aspect, Elian
Lian, page 41)
Residents of Dulce, New Mexico, saw that many troops and trucks were going in and out of this
area, and that the signs on the trucks were from a Colorado lumber company, which upon
further investigation did not exist. The Rand Corporation was building the

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underground base involved. They had a tunnel boring machine that melts the rock and leaves
smooth walls to run a magnetic train inside. This method is a scientific finding that has already
been published. There are over a hundred such secret underground bases. One is on the far
side of the moon and another on Mars. This was reported by people who worked there. The man
who wrote this report was a construction worker. After he finished his job, he was asked to work
there. The only stipulation was that he would have had to have his memory chemically wiped
out afterwards. He refused this. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR - UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 2a)

Hamilton mentions conversations with workers at Dulce Base who have learned from the aliens
that they are representatives of an alien race and that they intend to use Earth as a base of operations.
There are other extraterrestrial races that are in conflict with each other as to whose agendas
should be pursued on Earth. This has been carefully hidden from the public since the 1940's.
There are different bases around the world. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR - UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page
All CIA directors since 1947 have been members of MJ12. All US Secretary of State were
members of both the Council on Foreign Relations and MJ12. Since that time there have been
47 UFO crashes in the New Mexico area, finding 26 dead aliens. Cooper points out that the CIA
was created for the sole purpose of dealing with the alien issue on the one hand, and to be
continuity for whoever the president might be on the other.
(Cooper Lecture, CBR - UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 3a)

1948 1.1.
UFO sighting in southern Mississippi. The missile bore a vague resemblance to a tree trunk.
(Die Welt, 10/30/50, Title: The Futile Hunt)

1948 7.1.
In the early afternoon, several hundred people in Louisville see a round, sometimes white,
sometimes red, glowing flying object estimated to be 80-100 m in diameter. Thomas F. Mantell
tracks this object up to an altitude of 7000 m. He describes it as: "170 m diameter, disc-shaped,
top ring and dome, appears to rotate rapidly about central vertical axis, looks metallic, shimmers
brilliantly, changes color." Mantell approaches the machine to within 350 m, then spins off and
explodes in mid-air. (various newspaper articles)

1948 Jan.
The US Air Force begins to collect and evaluate reports on alleged flying objects of the third
type - initially under the alias "Sign", then as the "Grudge" project, and from 1952 as the "Blue
Book" action. (Source: Spiegel 1978, issue 38, page 260)

1948 13.2.
An alien spacecraft has been spotted on a mesa near Aztec, New Mexico.
(Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 1)

1948 25.5.
Hans P. Klotzbach wanted to move from Germany to Luxembourg to work there. He was traveling
illegally on a coal train. He jumped off just before the border, but got his legs under the train and
lost consciousness. He woke up in some kind of operating room, in a spaceship. His legs had
been operated on. He was offered strange fruits against his hunger. The strangers said that
cosmic law forbids them to kill. They only eat vegetarian food.
Klotzbach was given a message for his fellow human beings: "Tell them that we are there as
guardians of the universe and will be of help to all noble-minded people. We want to give them
hope that they will overcome their desperation, because your earth will face a time in which
pain, suffering and chaos will reign. It is the time of the cosmic dark cloud. This cloud will touch
the earth in the not too distant future... You will be faced with the problem that there are also
negative forces within inhabited planetary systems which, like us, want to visit your earth and
plunge you into misfortune under the mask of bringers of peace ... They will try with all the
means of technology, science and denomination at their disposal to pull you under their spell,
from which you

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won't come out again if you don't know how to distinguish..." (Hesemann: UFOs: Die
Verbraucher, p. 89-90)

1948 22.1.
Project Sign was placed under the direction of US Air Force Intelligence at Wright Patterson
Air Base in Ohio to investigate the UFO phenomenon. (The Pandora Aspect, Elian Lian, page

1948 July
A "wingless air giant" is seen over Holland, also with rows of windows. It is described as "like
a huge washing post - very high and extremely fast". (Die Welt, 10/30/50, Title: The Futile Hunt)

1948 July
Project Sign members released what was then "top secret" report that the UFOs were
extraterrestrial missiles. Upon learning of this, Chief of Staff General Hoyt S. Vandenberg
dismissed the report as improbable and replaced the members with opponents of the UFO
theory. (The Pandora Aspect, Elian Lian, page 23)

1948 Dec.
When fireballs swept across the American Southwest in December 1948, the US Air Force set
up Project Twinkle in 1949 to study these mysterious balls, which were not only observed by
hundreds of US pilots, weather observers and nuclear researchers, but also by the Colonel Air
Force, US intelligence officers and senior chiefs of staff were seen. The project's first
observation station was located in Vaughn, New Mexico and later, among others, at Holloman
Air Force Base in Alamorordo, New Mexico. (UFO News No. 89, Jan. 1964; Haarmann: Secret
Miracle Weapons III, p. 20)

1948 Dec.
Project Blue Book was formed under Grudge for purposes of disinformation and the gathering
of less important information. A total of 16 volumes would be produced by Grudge over the
years, including the controversial Grudge 13, which Bill English and I were able to see, read,
and make available to the public. So-called "Blue Teams" were put together to recover the
fallen flying discs, as well as dead and alive aliens.
These "blue teams" were later to be merged into so-called "alpha teams" in the Pounce project.
During those
early years, only the US Air Force and the CIA exercised control over the alien secret. In fact,
the CIA was initially established by Presidential Order as the "Central Intelligence Group" with
the sole mandate to deal with the alien presence. In the "National Security Act" passed later,
they were listed as the CIA. The "National Security Council" was established to monitor the
secret services and especially the extraterrestrials. A series of directives and orders from the
NSC relieved the CIA of its original responsibilities of compiling foreign intelligence and
increasingly entrusted itThe
with covert
Secret operations at
Government, p. home
2) and abroad. (Milton William Cooper,

Greenland: UFOs were repeatedly seen by scientists at an earth survey station in the northern
Greenland ice plains. (UFO News, #245, June 1977)

1949 11.2.
Sign has been replaced by Project Grudge. Besides the UFOs, Grudge mainly focused on the
people who reported about them. Finally, it was concluded that if the UFO sightings could not
be explained by natural phenomena (as was the case in about 23% of the cases), then one
would be dealing with a psychological phenomenon. Grudge continued to exist until 1952,
although it was officially dissolved on 12/27/49. Grudge transitioned into Project Blue Book.
Blue Book was intended to appease the public in the face of the increasing number of UFO
reports, but it didn't have much success as more and more voices came out that the whole
thing was a cover-up tactic.

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1949 22.5.
James Forrestal is assassinated by the CIA. He disagreed with the secrecy of the alien issues
and wanted to inform the party leaders and Congress. Truman instructed him to resign.
Forrestal was feared to speak up and began to be isolated and discredited. In the early
morning of May 22nd. CIA agents tied a bed sheet around his neck, tied the other end in his
room, and threw him out the window. The sheet tore and he fell to his death. (Milton William
Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 3)

1949 1.10.
On November 29, 1947, the United Nations voted to divide Palestine into two independent
states, effective October 1, 1949 - one Jewish and one Arab. (Des Griffin, Who Rules the
World, p. 218)
(Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Phyllis Schelmer: The being named Tom spoke through Phyllis in 1974
regarding the influence of the extraterrestrials of Hoova on human development): The
founding of the State of Israel was the first opportunity since the diaspora of the Jews to fulfill
their old task again . However, since it is now too late for the original plan of incremental
evolution, Hoova now plans shock therapy, a preparation of humanity, followed by a mass
landing. The process of preparation this time is not done by an individual like Moses or Jesus,
but by a group of individuals endowed with the powers of Hoova.
In parallel, an attempt would be made to raise the awareness of Israel as a holography of
humanity, which would have implications for the entire planet. Conversely, the destruction of
Israel would result in the destruction of all mankind. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 161)

Journalist Linda Moulton Howe received information about UFO crashes during an interview
with AFOSI Special Agent of the US Air Force Intelligence Sgt. Richard Doty in 1983 and was
able to see documents:

Another UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico: An alien survived and was taken to Los
Alamos where he died on 6/18/52. (Los Alamos was then the most secure facility in the US
armed forces. In 1944-45 the Manhattan Project, which coordinated the development of the
atomic bomb, was based here.) There he was cared for by an Air Force colonel until his death.
The creature has been described as a reptilian humanoid with certain insectoid characteristics,
a hybrid of human, reptile, and insect. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 81)
Project Garnet studied the impact of extraterrestrials on human evolution.
One report cites some insights gained from telepathic communications with EBEs: The aliens
have been visiting Earth for 45,000 years. They would have created mankind by interbreeding
with the primitive primates. The result was Cro Magnon man, who appeared in northern Spain
and south-west France around 40,000 years ago (cave paintings). They created religions as a
means of influencing human evolution and as a moral authority. They themselves come from
a binary star system like that of Ceta Reticuli. Their planet is a desert planet whose sun is
dying and they live like the Pueblo Indians. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 192)

Period: 1960 to 1969

1960 8.4.
The Americans start the OZMA project to establish contact with extraterrestrial intelligences.
OZMA was started at the Green Bank 28m telescope but continued there in 1964 after the
completion of the telescope facility in Puerto Rico. The results obtained via OZMA were
immediately classified by the Pentagon. The purpose behind it is assumed to be an attempt
to crack the radio message code of extraterrestrial flying objects. (Bergmann, German Flying
Discs.., p.25)

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1960 9.2.
The people from Saturn brought Reinhold Schmidt to the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. They
explained to him that the construction of the 54-ton stones was only possible thanks to the
application of universal laws and natural forces that had canceled gravity. They led him to an
underground room in the pyramid, a triangular chamber containing a small spaceship - and
evidence of Christ's earthly ministry. After 1998, when a new age begins, these secret chambers
would be revealed, mankind would receive testimonies of Christ's life for the first time and
recognize His true origins. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 74)

1960 16.10.
Hans P. Klotzbach: Third contact with extraterrestrials. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 90)

A South African (Edwin) has contact with an alien. He tells him about his home planet of Koldas
and a confederation of 12 planets that hopes Earth will be their 13th planet.
would become a member. It is not the intention of this Confederation to interfere in the affairs of
the people, but they are nonetheless very concerned about the use of nuclear weapons and the
risk of a chain reaction triggered by the atomic bomb tests. Many thousands of them would live
unrecognized on earth. They stayed between one and five years and during that time study
people as thoroughly as possible. After that, they would be picked up and taken back to their
home planet. He warned about negative groups on earth spreading confusing messages. These
groups are controlled by another space race who are sabotaging the efforts of Valdar (alien's
name) and his group to save Earth.
These groups were able to penetrate all levels of Earth society and governments. His group had
already offered Earth governments membership in Earth's Galactic Confederation, a suggestion
that only a few small states took heed. Confederation warnings to the world about future drastic
changes were ignored by governments. According to Confederation scientists, these changes
occur as the Earth's magnetic field normalizes between the first and second stress fields.

They expect the Earth's axis to shift slightly, causing the polar ice caps to melt. This will manifest
itself in abnormal tides, changes in weather and gradual flooding of low-lying areas. Earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions are also expected. In the event of a deterioration in living conditions on
Earth, the Confederacy would be prepared to evacuate large numbers of people. In fact, a young
planet called EPICOT, a planet in our Milky Way's solar system that has living conditions similar
to Earth's, has already been prepared for this purpose. (Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, p. 105/

1960/ 70
Strong wave of UFO reports in Canada and Greenland. In 1970 it was confirmed that the flying
discs were being seen extensively near early warning stations. (UFO News, #245, June 1977)

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) is President of the USA. The official space program
received a significant boost from Kennedy. In his inauguration speech, he called on the American
people to put a man on the moon before the end of the 1960s. This plan allowed those responsible
to divert huge amounts of money for their sinister purposes and to keep the actual space
program hidden from the American public. A parallel program in the Soviet Union served the
same purpose. In fact, a common base of aliens, Americans and Russians already existed on
the moon when Kennedy gave his speech. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p.

Aliens abducted the couple Barney and Betty Hill on board their flying object to expose them
there for medical examinations. Under hypnosis, the couple was later able to remember the
smallest details of this experience. Betty managed to remember a star map shown to her by the
strangers. An astronomer identified this star chart as

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accurate representation of our Milky Way seen from the perspective of a planet belonging to
the Ceta Reticuli system. (Johannes von Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 178)

(Sept. 1977: Authors' interview with Prof. Gerstein regarding humanity's three alternatives for
survival) Atmospheric changes on Mars have been observed and scientifically recorded: Mars
has always had a cloud cover that varied in density at different times.

1961 it was determined that storms of colossal proportions were taking place on Mars. Then,
as the clouds cleared, notable changes were noted. The polar ice caps had shrunk, and a
broad band of a darker hue had extended around the equatorial regions. It was assumed that
this was vegetation. (Alternative 3, p. 175/ 77)

Jan. Norbert Haase, 18 years old, living in Stendal, East Germany, sees a UFO, loses
consciousness, wakes up with a severe headache. His face was red as from sunburn. He had
a small wound on the right side of his nose, the top layer of skin had been removed. The first
two nights he had strong nightmares. 7-8 tapes were recorded under hypnosis. On the last
day, he was played five minutes of the footage, where he recalled "beautiful, slim people with
long hair and white overalls." He sees a symbol on the collar, the tree of life, but without the
snake. It's the same symbol that Dr. Daniel Frey on 7/4/50 on the backrest of the spaceship he
flew in. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 92)

27.1. The US Navy icebreaker was on a secret mission in the Antarctic when suddenly a 10
meter long, shiny silver object resembling a submarine broke through the 7 meter thick ice
from below and disappeared into the clouds . Water cascades ca. 30 meters high rose from
the hole. (Vi Menn, #3, 1986)

1962 30.4.
Eugenio Siragusa felt the strong urge to go to Etna. There he met two individuals with
shimmering silver space suits, over 1.85 m tall, athletic build, long blond hair that fell to the
shoulders. They introduced themselves as Ashtar and Ithakar. Ashtar is "the holy supreme
commander" of the fleet on mission to our planet based on Venus. Ithakar is the highest
representative of the planet Mars in the Confederation of Worlds. They have bases on Earth,
including: the Canary Islands, the Adriatic, the Mediterranean, the Bay of Biscay and the
Portugal Islands (p. 129).
He should carry a message to the most powerful men on earth. This message once again
pointed to the dangers of continuing nuclear tests above and below ground and to the
repeated attempts by extraterrestrials to help humanity. "We have tried to make you glimpse
the unspeakable beauty of the universe, with its unattainable riches of love and well-being...
Your deep-seated skepticism and the dangerous ignorance of some selfish Earthlings have
tried and are trying to thwart our brotherly and unselfish work make and darken. Today, a
dark and fateful fate is spreading across your planet, thanks to your deafness and the
unscrupulous work of your scientists, stubbornly undermining the already precarious
situation of your planet's cosmic balance. From our side we will do our best to prevent the
worst, but there is nothing more we can do if the law protecting the balance of cosmic
development comes into effect to your misfortune. Save yourselves... You still have time...
We will help you!” Then Ashtar and Ithakar declared that they are representatives of an
intergalactic confederation to which numerous inhabited planets belong. The message
Siragusa typed that same night he sent to the Pope, Kennedy, Khrushchev, de Gaulle, the
Queen of England, the King of Sweden and the President of Italy. Only de Gaulle answered. In
the aftermath, Siragusa saw UFOs and twice cigar-shaped motherships over his house. In
fact, the press was reporting a UFO wave these days

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Italy. Between 1962 and 1978, Siragusa had 19 physical encounters with extraterrestrials.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, p. 126/ 7)

1962 22.5.
Mars landing: temperature in sunshine 4 degrees Celsius - air pressure 704 mb (computer
printout in English and Russian). Background voices also in English and Russian. The voices
say: "22.5.1962. We are on Mars - and we have air!” The film on which the book “Alternative 3”
is based was caught by the English radio astronomer Sir William Ballentine via the Jordell Bank
telescope. This recording could only be decoded later in the 1970s by a NASA decoder.
Ballentine died on February 6, 1977 in a mysterious car accident, suffering internal burns as if
irradiated by microwaves. The order for this elimination was given by the Soviet-American
"Policy Committee" who called this type of liquidation "hot jobs". (Book: Alternative 3, p. 45ff:
The authors believe that this tape is authentic and that this was the first, secret, unmanned
Mars landing)
An unmanned probe lands on Mars, confirming the existence of an environment that could
support human life. Not long after, the establishment of a colony on Mars began in earnest.
Today on Mars one finds cities inhabited by specially selected people from different cultures
and professions of different countries.
Although we are in fact closest allies, hostility is officially maintained between the US and the
Soviet Union in order to provide funds for the secret projects in the name of national defense.
(Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 16)

June Mysterious Missiles Over Argentina Credible Eyewitnesses - Fuel samples are examined.
(General Gazette Bonn, 06/08/62)

1962 4.9.
Eugenio Siragusa went up Mount Etna again and met aliens, about 2.15 m tall, dressed in one-
piece space suits with helmets. They introduced themselves as Woodock and Link from the
planet Alpha Centauri/Metaria. They dictated a message to Earth scientists. That night, hundreds
of local residents saw the disk fly over the island. The newspapers reported about it. (Hesemann,
UFOs: The Contacts, p. 127)

1963 14.2.
Eugenio Siragusa was again contacted by Ashtar and Ithakar to once again receive a message
to the peoples and governments of Earth: "While your scientists remain silent, the effects of
your irresponsible nuclear experiments are beginning to be felt. Your planet's magnetospheric
mantle has already undergone significant changes as a result of your high-altitude nuclear
experiments." (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 127)

1963 16.7.
Paul Villa received a telepathic impulse to grab his camera and drive to a certain place where
he witnessed and photographed a UFO landing (his photos are among the best UFO photos in
the world). Four men and five women got out, all between 2.10 and 2.70 meters tall. They
explained to him that they were from the constellation Coma Berenice. They had different hair
colors (blonde, copper red, black). They could speak English and Spanish.
They were in telepathic contact with each other. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 67)

1963 22.11.
JF Kennedy was fatally shot while driving through Dallas, Texas.
An article in the Bild newspaper dated November 16, 1990 takes up this topic again. There is
talk of “contradictions that have not yet been clarified to this day”. Kennedy was shot by the
CIA for not being a member of MJ12 and for wanting to inform the public about these projects
after learning about them. Kennedy was - according to amateur films seized later - shot by his
driver. (Lear lecture, CBR UFO briefing, 3/3/90, page 3a)

Article in Globe magazine, 3/17/1992 (Photo) At one point during his administration, President
Kennedy discovered bits of the truth about drugs and extraterrestrials. In 1963 he delivered an
ultimatum to MJ 12. The President threatened them that if they didn't

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would fix the drug problem, he would do it for her. He informed MJ-12 of his intention to announce
the alien presence to the American people the following year and initiated a plan designed to
enforce his decision. President Kennedy was not a member of the CFR and was ignorant of
Alternative 2 or 3. Their operations were internationally monitored and controlled by a "Policy
Committee". In the US its members came under MJ 12 and in the USSR its sister organization.
President Kennedy's decision caused concern among those in power. His assassination was
therefore ordered by the Policies Committee and carried out by agents of MJ-12 in Dallas.

Kennedy was shot by the driver of his car. Any eyewitnesses who stood close enough to the car
to see William Greer kill Kennedy were themselves murdered within the next two years. Many
other patriots who tried to solve the alien mystery over the next few years were also murdered.
(Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 16/ 17)

„... I (Cooper) found out that the Office of Naval Intelligence was complicit in the assassination
of President Kennedy. It was a Secret Service agent who was driving the limousine and shot
Kennedy in the head.” (MW Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, p. 27)

1964 13.3.
Süd-Kurier, Title: The Death Triangle on the Map The US Navy spent $5 million on a search project
in the Bermuda Triangle using aircraft and special search submarines. The aim was to explore
the disappearance of planes and ships in recent years. (Süd-Kurier, 3/13/64)
Some phenomena that recur are: radio silence, white water, failure of instruments and compasses,
unexplained air pockets, machines shaken "as if by a giant's hand", optical anomalies, bluish
and greenish lights suddenly illuminating the cockpit or hold of the machine , destruction of
electrical circuits, violent storms. Clouds of smoke rising from the water, time shifts, fireballs
racing towards the machines and disappearing into the sea, etc. (Bergmann, Deutsche
Flugscheiben.., p.33/ 36)
The UFOs/USOs were also often accused of driving people into the Bermuda Triangle, presumably
as slave labor. (Bergmann, German Flying Discs.., p.40)

1964 24.4.
Police Deputy Marshal Lonnie Zamora spotted a landed UFO while patrolling near Socorro, New
Mexico. He could see an emblem, which he describes as a semicircle open downwards with an
arrow pointing upwards. Zamora saw two "little, slender beings" entering the spaceship before it
took off. The UFO made four circular impressions in the ground. The US Air Force investigated
and confirmed the incident. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 90)

1964 25.4.
A US Air Force officer met two aliens at a prepared site in the New Mexico desert. The contact
lasted about two hours. The Luftwaffe officer managed to exchange basic information with the
extraterrestrials. This project continues at an air force base in New Mexico. (Hesemann: UFOs:
The Contacts, p. 78)
A UFO lands at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. Three human-like beings in tight space
suits climb out. They are about 1.60 m tall, their skin is blue-grey, their eyes are set wide apart
like those of the orientals. They have a protruding hooked nose. They wear hats. In their hands
they held a translation device. The commander and other Luftwaffe members greeted them.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 80)
In an interview Linda Moulton Howe did after 1983 with AFOSI special agent Richard Doty, he
promised her footage of the government projects mentioned, including footage of EBE and a few
hundred yards of film from the Holloman landing. Five cameras filmed the landing. Three UFOs
would have appeared, one landed, two stayed aloft for protection. The colonel who had looked
after EBE (see 1949, page 84) would have been part of the alien welcome team. An alien stayed
on Earth in exchange for an Air Force officer visiting the EBEans' planet.

(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 81)

Bill Cooper was also interviewed by Linda Moulton Howe: According to Cooper, the secret files
contained 20 photos, pictures of the crashed spaceships, the bodies, the three EBEs and the

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Holloman landing. “One photo showed the long-nosed grays that landed at Holloman
particularly well. Her eyes were slit. They looked really evil and seemed to be glowing, at least
they were bright white in the b&w photo. In profile, her head seemed to reach very far back.
They reminded me of depictions from ancient Egypt or Assyria."
The Holloman landing took place after Project Sigma was able to use binary computer
language and radio frequency waves to contact the aliens, effectively inviting them to
Holloman. "The aliens landed in Holloman and an agreement of principle was reached which
resulted in a treaty being negotiated and signed at the next meeting." The aliens tell us they
are our friends and that they created mankind by crossing primitive primates . The result
would have been Cro Magnon man. They would also have created our religions. The
government believed them because they showed them holographic images in a crystal-like
device that proved it. "But it also says in the secret reports that the extraterrestrials lied to
them and that they deceive us, that contrary to the agreement they kidnapped people without
informing the government." (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 85)

Krll or Crll, pronounced "Krill", was the name of the second "EBE" who remained on earth in
1964 as part of an exchange program after the Holloman landing and became the ambassador
of the extraterrestrial nation in the USA. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 85)

1964 April
Eugenio Siragusa was taken on a space flight for the first time. They took him to the "Black
Moon," an artificial satellite stationed in lunar orbit. To spread the messages that the
extraterrestrials transmitted to him physically or telepathically, Siragusa founded the Centro
Studi Fratellianza Cosmica (CSFC), together with first friends and students, as a study center
for cosmic brotherhood. It existed until 1978, at which point the aliens declared its task
complete. Comments on/from the extraterrestrials: Their bodies are partially constructed of
silicon rather than carbon. Darwin's theory is wrong. Human ancestors were not born on
earth, nor are they the result of animal evolution. The universe was and still is her home. They
came to earth to create a paradise and also to give a large number of souls to this world.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 127/ 28)

The largest radio raster telescope system in the world, with a diameter of 305 meters, was set
up in a basin near Arecibo (Puerto Rico). Although it was set up by Conell University, it was
taken over by the Pentagon immediately after completion to contact extraterrestrial intelligence
(see project OZMA, 8 April 1960).
This facility also serves as a vital communications link for the White House, the Pentagon and
NASA, coupled in part with the military satellites. The UFO sightings in Puerto Rico; suddenly
increased, so that it can be assumed that this message center was tapped in reverse by the
UFOs. (Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.25/ 26)

Ludwig Pallmann encountered an extraterrestrial in human form on a trip to India. This
explained to him to come from the planet ITBI RA II. His name is Satu Ra. Numerous
extraterrestrials would live on earth. Deep inner peace has been found on his planet, which
people on Earth seek to attain through spiritual paths. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p.

1965 March
Unidentified missiles over Sydney - Radio and newspaper offices inundated with calls. (Rhein-
Neckar-Zeitung, 3/8/65)

The USA carries out the Apollo program with the goal of a manned moon landing. The first
manned landing was on 7/20/69.

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1965 18.4.
Paul Villa was invited to his second photo op about 25 miles north of Albuquerque. The
spaceship was accompanied by three small, round spheres. Villa learned they were remote-
controlled "telemeter balls." Three crew members got off the ship, all about 1.65 m tall, light
brown hair. They talked in Spanish for 2 hours. Among other things, they informed him that they
had always protected the Indians and that the Hopi and Navaho in particular had an important
function for the new age. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 67)

1965 7.9.
On October 1, 1971, a document was issued by the Chairman of the Policy Committee, addressed
to the National Chief Executive Officers. Subject: Batch Consignments (group broadcast): "The
policy committee statements circulated on 9/7/1965 made clear the need to gender neutralize all
components: to eliminate the possibility for them to enter into a traditional mating relationship,
which they were separated from by the efficiency to perform their sole function. To ensure that
the components do not reproduce and thus a subspecies arises at random..." (Alternative 3, p.
140/ 41)

French farmer Maurice Masse sees an egg-shaped object with a six-legged landing gear in his
field. Next to it were said to be "two small figures with oversized bald heads, gray faces and
lipless mouths". (Source: Die Neue Ärztl. from January 20th, 1988, title: Interstellar mystery or
galactic dizziness?)

1966 19.6.
Paul Villa was invited to his third photo op. He photographed a smaller spacecraft landing, again
surrounded by spherical probes. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 67)

Pine Gap (Australia), another alien underground base. It is funded by the US government. It is
under the responsibility of US DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency). It was
founded in 1966 and is officially called the Joint Defense Space Research Facility. Here, too,
brain and memory wipes were carried out on the staff. (The Pandora aspect, Elian Lian, page 43
and National Review of 5/17/76)

Prof. McDonald is hired by the US Navy to conduct an investigation into UFOs over the seas of
Australia. His accounts of "drifting reefs" and glowing orbs of light observed submerging in the
Bass Strait (between Australia and the island of Tasmania) have never been released to the
public. Many captains and their officers have seen gigantic, alien vehicles near their ships.
(People magazine, Australia, 5/22/85)

1967 17.2.
Ludwig Pallmann was taken in Peru by Satu Ra (see contact 1964) in a spaceship. Satu Ra
explained to him: Long ago his civilization came to realize that all life forms were susceptible to
cancer due to living in an unhealthy, artificial environment. They have turned their moon into a
kind of "planetary factory" by moving all industry there. When they discovered the earth on a
botanical expedition, they realized after detailed studies that the earth is also a cancer planet
and that the cancer rate will increase to 70% of the total population in the next few decades.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 137)

1967 19.2.
dr James E. McDonald, professor of meteorology at the University of Arizona and chief physicist
at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, criticizes the government's UFO cover-up in The
Enquirer: "The Air Force scandalously blinds the public to what is actually happening the air.
The Air Force investigations are absurd, superficial and

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incompetent... and the scientists around the world had better stop accepting these ridiculous
Air Force reports and start their own investigations immediately... This problem truly deserves
international investigation." (Alternative 3, p. 215)

1967 Sept.
Colorado: Dead horse found. From the neck up it was a skeleton of white, bleached bones that
looked as if they had been exposed to the blanching sun for days. It was completely intact from
the neck down. There were no traces of bite wounds. Since that time, reports of so-called "cattle
mutilations" have increased. Hundreds of such cases have been reported from the Midwestern
United States and Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Central and South America, as well as Australia,
England and the Canary Islands. (John V.

Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 147ff)

1967 3.12
The American police officer Herbert Schirmer sighted a UFO on patrol at 2.30 a.m. He wrote
this in his daily journal. When he came home from work early in the morning, he had a terrible
headache and ringing in his ears. As he went to bed, he noticed a scratch on his neck, below
his left ear. He had memory lapses. Under hypnosis, he was then able to remember details: The
object was shaped like an American football. Schirmer was invited on board. He was told that
the ship operated by some kind of reversible electromagnetism. They do not speak through the
mouth but through the spirit. They gradually give us information to prepare us. They are
preparing us for their invasion - not to conquer us, but to show us something. They come from
another system and have bases on some planets, such as Venus. On a screen, they showed
Schirmer their mothership stationed far out, a cigar-shaped object marked at the top with many
mysterious characters. Schirmer described the creatures as 1.35-1.50 meters tall, with a
strongly bulging chest, relatively large heads and oversized, slanting eyes. They wore tight-
fitting clothing and had the symbol of the winged serpent on their chests.

They're here to do some kind of genetic experiment. (J. v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 182)

Prof Dr James E. McDonald writes to the Secretary-General of the UN regarding the link between
UFO sightings and electromagnetic interference from motors, electric clocks, radio equipment,
etc. McDonald was killed on 6/13/71 at the Canyon del Oro Bridge in Arizona with a Bullet in the
head found dead. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 34 and 45)

1967 July
Stefan Danaerde, a well-known Dutch industrialist, found himself sailing on his boat in the
Oosterschelde, a dammed arm of the North Sea. He struck a solid object, a seemingly lifeless
body floating on the water. He jumped into the water to save him. It was only when he was
about to lift it on board that he noticed the solid, metal-like gear and a ball in which his head
was stuck. A searchlight was aimed at him and he noticed a metal disk on the water on which
dark figures appeared, humanoid beings, about 1.40 tall. They had high foreheads, pointed
ears, heavy eyebrow ridges, and divided forehead lobes that formed the beginning of a ridge
that ran vertically across their skulls. They addressed him in a metallic voice, in broken English,
thanking them for rescuing a crew member.
Their planet Jarga is about 10 light-years from Earth and larger than it. On their planet there is
a kind of supercommunism without social differences. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p.
135/ 36)

1968 14.3.
UFO sighting of a man in Ohio: He was aimed at him with a flash of light from a tube by a UFO
hovering over the trees. His clothes caught fire. His relatives were able to save him at the last
minute. (NZ, No. 23, 1974)

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1968 Oct.
Argentina: Description of Aliens: Just over 1.40 meters tall, oversized bald heads.
They drew blood from two people's thumbs and forefingers and disappeared. Argentina has been
experiencing a UFO boom since May. Another sighting reports three humanoid creatures two
meters tall in phosphorescent combinations. They emerged from a glistening, bright and multi-
colored radiant UFO. (Source: Spiegel from October 14th, 1968, title: Argentina - flying saucers -
blood drained)

1968/ 72
In recent years, an epidemic of disappearing submarines has occurred all over the world. They
do not appear to belong to either the USSR or the USA. Reliable, trained observers, such as pilots
and ship captains, described these objects in shallow waters where no sane submarine would
venture. The fleets of New Zealand, Australia, Argentina and Venezuela put to sea, expecting to
catch the mysterious submarines within their territorial waters. The objects always managed to
escape their pursuers. Speeds of more than 200 knots and diving depths of 8000 meters were
(Bergmann, German Flying Discs.. p.18)

1969 20.4.
Apollo astronaut Bob Grodin claims that there was a meeting between Russians and Americans
in space at that time and that neither the one of July 1975 nor that of 4/20/69 was the first. "There
were all the others before him." (Alternative 3, p. 25)

1969 10.5.
Enrique Mercado has an encounter with an alien in a Mexican bar. He asks for help that people
change their way of thinking, towards the spiritual, away from the material.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 98)

Circa 1969
May A journalist from Columbus Dispatch (Ohio) snapped a photo of a strange flying object 15
feet in diameter that looked like a UFO at NASA's White Sands base. At first nobody at NASA
wanted to talk about it. This machine turned out to be built by the Martin Marietta Company in
Colorado. (Alternative 3, p. 9)

1969 19.7.
A day before the historic moon landing, Edwin Aldrin filmed two UFOs. According to the NASA
department (Dr. Maurice Chatelain), apparently the same two spacecraft appeared at the crater
rim when the Apollo XI shuttle landed on the crater floor. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 29)

1969 20.7.
Apollo 11 lands on the moon with astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. Portions of the
conversation between Mission Control and Apollo have been removed from official records. One
statement was: "These babies are big sir.. huge.. oh god you wouldn't believe it! ... I tell them that
there are other craft out there.. lined up on the far side of the crater corner.. they're on the moon
watching us." (Alternative 3, p. 10)
During a later landing, Bob Grodin also saw something on the moon that he obviously did not
expect. In the conversation with Mission Control (MC), this was the trigger to switch from the live
broadcast to a secret channel.
Grodin: “Oh man, there really is something amazing here. You can't imagine. There's a ridge of
sorts with a very spectacular... oh my god! What is there? That's all I want to know. What the hell
is that?” MC: “Roger. Interesting. Go tango.. now.. go tango..." Grodin: "Now that's kind of a
light..." MC: (hurriedly) "Roger. We got it, we marked it. Lose a little communication, heh? Bravo
Tango... Bravo Tango... Choose Jezebel, Jezebel... Grodin: Yes... yes... but it's amazing... Recorder
off, Bravo Tango, Bravo Tango.

Nothing further could be heard. Grodin had switched to a different frequency.

(Alternative 3, S. 106)

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In the early years of space travel and the subsequent moon landings, every rocket launch was
accompanied by extraterrestrial missiles. Apollo astronauts sighted and filmed a lunar base code-
named Luna. The photographs show domes, large, cone-shaped round buildings that resemble
silos. Huge T-shaped mining vehicles leaving sharp-edged tracks on the lunar surface, as well as
aliens, small and large missiles are visible. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 17)

In the underground Dulce laboratory, a confrontation broke out between our scientists and the
extraterrestrials. The aliens took many of the scientists hostage. Delta teams were deployed to
rescue them, but their weapons were inferior to those of the aliens. In this action 66 of our people
were killed. All joint projects were interrupted for at least two years. Eventually a reconciliation
took place and the government resumed cooperation. It still exists today. (Milton William Cooper,
The Secret Government, p. 18/ 19) Hamilton says that a kind of war or revolt broke out between
humans and aliens in Dulce Base when humans found out what experiments were being carried
out there or .the results were discovered. There were deaths on both sides (66 people - most by
the security forces, called the Delta Group). A kind of flash cannon (flash gun) was used as a
weapon because it works on both sides. Dulce was closed for a while. Ultimately, there were
negotiations on the part of the government and it was decided to continue business as usual.
(Hamilton Lecture, CBR UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 2a)

Period: 1970 to 1979

1970 March-August
A UFO base is said to be in the Mapimi Desert in Mexico, 40-50 km northeast of the village of
Ceballos in the border triangle of Mexico. Reddish fireballs are seen, the surrounding villages
report strange light phenomena almost daily, animals react abnormally, irritated and nervous.
Even walkie-talkies and radios remain silent in this area.

Americans have been observing this area since 1966. The state of Mexico refused the lease by
the Americans. On 27.3. NASA intended to set up an observation station in Ceballo in order to be
able to better investigate the processes in the desert region "Sierra del Silencio" (250 km south
of the US border), 40-50 km away. In April, scientists, engineers and locals were organized into
an expedition and sent to this area. On 11.7. At 3:15 am, a North American rocket type Athena
crashed over the center of this area. The test rocket, which carried a highly radioactive cobalt
capsule, was supposed to land at the US "White Sands" test site, but in fact shot 1,200 km beyond
it and landed in what was later declared "Top Secret" by the Americans in the Mexican desert.
Only on 2.8. the remains of the rocket were found and the USA had to remove them along with
200,000 tons of soil. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 78ff)

1970 7.3.
Since March 7th, 1970, the extraterrestrials explained (see December 24th, 1974, report by Enrico
Castillo Rincon), the earth had entered a new age, the age of the superman. At its heart is the
encounter of man with himself within himself, which leads to the discovery of God in man. Many
brothers in the universe have united to help us in this transition phase... They must not intervene
directly, this is forbidden by cosmic law. However, you may gradually inform us, so that it is then
up to us to put this cosmic puzzle together. Our planet is the most densely populated planet in
our solar system and it needs cleaning, if only because we have lost all ethical and moral values.

It is the task of man to recognize this situation and to survive the fight.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 123)

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1970 Dec.
NASA physicist Dr. Jonathan Wright and his team were ordered to the Bahamas because
NASA was constantly being plagued by UFOs coming from this area, because Cape Kennedy
has UFOs in the sky during the respective rocket launches. dr Wright: “We kept receiving
strange electronic signals in the control center at the start times.
Our instruments indicated they came from that area." Next "There is no doubt about it, we
have unequivocal evidence that UFOs regularly land on a tiny island about 50 miles from
Grand Cayman." (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 83)

Since 1970, Norway has suffered more than 250 violations of its territorial waters by "foreign"
submarines. (Diagnoses, January 1988, Bergmann, Deutsche Flugscheibe.., p.105)

1970/ 71
Six submarines from Israel, France, England and the USA disappeared without a trace. Three
of them in the Mediterranean and no search, no matter how thorough, could clarify their fate.
Neither traces of oil nor debris were found. (UFO News, #192, Aug 1972)

1970/ 71
Dr. Andrija Puharich, the leading parapsychologist in the USA, met Uri Geller. He was able to
bend metal through sheer willpower. Geller spoke of thoughts he couldn't get out of his head
—that his ancestors weren't from Earth and that they once landed in flying saucers. Uri would
have inherited his powers from them. Puharich hypnotized Geller. During this hypnosis
session, a voice (more a collective, for the voice spoke of "We") spoke through Geller: She
said that Geller is her helper sent to help humanity. We programmed him in childhood and we
programmed him not to remember it as well. We reveal ourselves because we believe that
Earth may be on the brink of World War III. Egypt is planning war and if Israel loses it the
whole world will explode in war. Puharich even forwarded special information to the Israeli
army because it was obvious that these foreign intelligences supported Israel. Israel is where
they first landed 20,000 years ago (at the time of Abraham in Mamre). (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 156/ 57)

1971 1.10.
Document issued by the Chair of the Policy Committee, addressed to the National Chief
Executive Officers. Issue: Batch Consignments (group broadcast): Experimental progression
of batch consignment components now yields 96% success. This is not considered
unsatisfactory. The statements of the Policy Committee, which were in circulation on
September 7th, 1965, made clear the need to neutralize all components in terms of gender.
The difficulty of eliminating one's will in these batch consignments is discussed further.
Studies in this field are being carried out in America, England, Japan and Russia and have
now resulted in a considerable reduction in the error rate. The “mistaken people” get their
memories erased and are released. This method has now been perfected in Dnepropetrovsk
and made available to all A3 laboratories. Going forward, gender neutralizations will only be
performed after personality matching, so those who may return home will not carry evidence
of lab work. (Alternative 3, p. 140/ 41)

1971 16.10.
Through the contact person Phyllis Schelmer, a being called Tom reported. He explained that
at this time mankind had entered a new age. Children around the world would now be born
with paranormal powers that would manifest in various ways and open world public awareness
to the paranormal. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 159)

1971 5.12
Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Uri Geller: In another hypnosis session, the voice (speaking through
Geller) named the spaceship Spektra as its origin, a huge mothership stationed very far from
Earth. Another time it was said to have been near the for 800 years

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earth stationed. The voice went on to say, "Our computers are studying everyone on Earth."
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 157/ 58)

UFO News, No. 177, May 1971: Title: NASA Physicists Discover UFO Base Off Florida Coast:
Evidence suggests that the disappearances of more than 120 ships and planes in the mysterious
Bermuda Triangle are due to UFOs. UFOs use a remote Bahamian island as a base to monitor US
spaceflights and as a base to retrieve human specimens from Earth. dr Jonathan Wright, NASA
physicist, revealed the news at his Nassau hotel last week after returning from a three-week
research cruise through the remote island world. "UFOs regularly land on a tiny island about 50
miles from Grand Cayman."

Dr. Fred Bell met Semjase from the Pleiades, from the planet Erra. They want to help people to a
higher level of consciousness. The Pleiades are part of a confederation of inhabited worlds
controlled by the "Council of Elders" of Andromeda. This brotherhood goes through the whole
universe. The human race has a free choice to continue its evolution or to destroy itself. They
don't want to manipulate us - they come as brothers and sisters to see us through the transition
into a new age. One of the reasons why they Dr. Bell was contacted to encourage him to do
research in the field of pyramid energy and to give him suggestions for various developments.
Those using the pyramid energy will have an easier time surviving the drastic earth changes that
began in 1958 and will continue through 1998. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 141/ 144)

1972 2.3.
Pioneer 10 launches to explore Jupiter. In the meantime (1990) the probe has set course for the
stars. As the interstellar embassy of humanity, it carries a gold-plated plate with a description of
the earth and its life. (Picture of Science 12/ 1990)

1972 27.8.
dr Andrija Puharich received the message about future plans of the extraterrestrials: "We want
you to prepare the earth for our mass landing. We landed in South America 3,000 years ago and
now we want to land again. We want to help humanity, but also ourselves. That's why we have to
reveal ourselves. We draw our energy from this solar system. It's not an invasion. The earth is a
playground for us. Our home planet, Hoova, is 16,000 times larger than your planet... We
manifested our souls, bodies, and spirits in computers millions of years ago. But we are
controlled by the higher forces beyond us. We intervened in human affairs for the first time
20,000 years ago. We came from our own solar system on a planned mission and our first landing
was in Israel where Abraham met us. However, we have found traces of previous visitors from
space who had come to Earth millions of years earlier. Since then, we have been teaching
humanity once every 6000 years. The last time in Egypt. The purpose of all existence is to draw
near to God. Mankind should keep the Ten Commandments. Those (Council of Nine) who would
have prepared Puharich for his mission as early as 1952 would be the hierarchy of the entire
universe, of all galaxies. They distribute tasks to different civilizations. They are not beings but
spheres of light, they have no bodies but they are total consciousness, total energy.

(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 158)

1972 22.10.
Enrique Mercado has a second contact with an alien who invites him to come aboard his ship.
They were pulled up by a beam. They then flew to a larger ship with this disc, which was about
10 meters in diameter. He was introduced to Commander Yastek, who agreed to answer his
questions. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 98)

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1972 11.12.
landing on the moon. The astronauts stayed in the "Mare Serenitates" for 74 hours and took thousands of photos,
among other things. The most sensational find has remained hidden until today (1990) - a photograph of a bare foot
in moon dust. The track is 13.5 cm long, clearly shows one large and five smaller toes. The Moscow astrophysicist
Prof. Georgi Sakalow dates it to around 300,000 years old. The foot length corresponds to that of a six-year-old child.
His colleague Nicolai Budenski thinks that these beings could be built like crystals. (Photo newspaper from 26.8.90)

Document issued by the Chairman of the Policy Committee, addressed to the National Chief Executive Officers.
Theme: Designated Movers - Summary: Participants in Alternative 3 must learn to evolve away from concepts of
national or tribal interests, which will prove necessary as the population of the new territory increases. No one may
be nominated as a potential Designated Mover if there is any doubt that they can move in that direction. This
requirement outweighs all other considerations of the person's other abilities. It is further emphasized that an equal
distribution of all nationalities and skin colors is guaranteed.

Representatives of all aspects of human and cultural life are ultimately to be brought to the new territory. There is
currently an increased need for doctors, chemists, neurologists and bacteriologists. The male to female ratio is three
to one.
(Alternative 3, S. 155/ 56)

Another moon landing - dialogue between Mission Control (MC) and the pilot: MC: More
details please. Can you give more details about what you are seeing?
Pilot: There... is flashing. That's all. Just a light flickering on and off at the corner of the crater.

MC: Can you give the coordinates?

Pilot: That's something down there... maybe a little further down.
MC: Could it be a Vostok?
Pilot: I'm not sure... it's possible Note: The
Russian Vostok flights took place in the early 1960's and were not planned for moon landings. (Alternative 3, p. 131)

Rockefeller, in a speech to international financial audiences at the Chase Manhattan Bank in London, Brussels and
Paris, proposed the establishment of an International Commission on Peace and Prosperity (later called the Trilateral
Commission) to "see that the brightest minds join deal with the problems of the future". From researcher Craig S.
Karpel we learn that “Brzezinski left Columbia University in July 1973 to become President of the Trilateral
Commission. He was commissioned to select 200 members who would constitute something comparable to a world
board.” (Des Griffin, Who Rules the World, pp. 48/49)

1972/ 73
Frequent sightings of UFOs over Puerto Rico. The population observed swarms of flying objects in the night sky.
(Bergmann, German flying discs.. p.26, 27)

1973, March
Anita, 20,000-ton freighter with a crew of 32, disappeared on the way from Newport News to Germany (Berlitz, Das
Bermuda-Dreieck, p. 52).

October Der Spiegel, Title: Mit Spitzohren, The Extra-Terrestrial are back. They were noticed almost simultaneously
on three continents. Photos: UFO photo from Georgia. Aliens in Falkville: UFO photos from Ohio. Soviet scientists
picked up signals that may have come from extraterrestrials. sighting in Uganda. Sighting in Ohio: Cigar-shaped
amber object. Three creatures were seen in Mississippi (lipless, with pointed ears and crab claws on their arms).

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1973 Okt./ Nov.

The Caribbean, Puerto Rico and the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle have been hit by a UFO
wave. Dozens of objects were observed, all appearing or submerging.
(Bergmann, German Flying Discs.., p.25)

1973 11/ 12.10.

Enrique Castillo Rincon receives a telepathic message that he wrote down on two sheets of paper.
It was about the danger of a third world war and the future of his country. At the end it was said that
other brothers were now coming to earth, brothers of Andromeda, who belonged to a cosmic
confederation. They (Rincon and his group) are to assemble the next day at the known time. This
was done while delivering another message. This was about a great civilization in high Peru. It was
announced that physical contact would take place on 11/3/73 on a lagoon in northern Bogota.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, pp. 120-23)

1973 3.11.
Enrique Castillo Rincon arrived for the landing of the spaceship and was brought on board. On the
ship he met the man he had met in Costa Rica in 1969, who was posing as a Swiss named Cyril
Weiss. Weiss explained to him that he had prepared him and 24 other people for this contact at the
same time... This was of the greatest importance because events of the greatest importance were
looming on earth. They themselves come from the Pleiades. Thousands of inhabited planets would
be in cultural, technological and economic exchange with each other and would have established a
kind of brotherhood. This Galactic Confederation would have sent them to Earth to complete a
specific mission. They have always indirectly guided our evolution... Raising awareness is the most
important thing for people at this time.
Castillo should prepare the people for it. More and more people would make the greatest discovery
in human history over the next few years, the discovery that it was a mistake to look for God
somewhere outside and that God is really within us, within each of us. They have a plan for the
future and it is important that all people know about it, even if "a very powerful and large organization
on earth wants to prevent that. This organization includes church people, politicians and the
military. Their power is so great that they can unleash a war at any time. They confuse people in
order to terrify them at the moment they deem appropriate.” Castillo was aboard the spacecraft for
8 1/2 hours.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, pp. 120-123)

1973 18.11.
Enrique Castillo Rincon - second meeting, this time in the east of the country. At 3:00 am, 13
spaceships of various types appeared. A smaller ship landed. Castillo got more information. He
was told that they came not only from the Pleiades but from various stars. (Hesemann, UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 120/ 23)

Olaf Palme authorizes the Swedish police to secretly insert brain transmitters, which are
transmission devices that are implanted in the brain, into people's heads. This was also done in
USA and Russia. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR - UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 2a)

early 1974 Dr.

Andrija Puharich hypnotized Bobby Horn: through him an alien from the planet Corean reported.
Essence: They would like to come to earth. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.
159) Another contact (channelling) is Phyllis Schelmer. A being called Tom spoke through them. He
explained that they were the first linchpin of a global plan aimed at informing the world of the
existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and their good intentions, and preparing them for the
landing. "We have the technology to help you, but it's very difficult to help people who don't believe
in our existence. But they need our technology to survive.” On 10/16/71 mankind entered a new age.
Children around the world would now be born with paranormal powers that would manifest in
various ways and open world public awareness to the paranormal. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts,
p. 159)

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1974 2.5. UFO sighting over Greenland: US pilots sight UFO. "It was round and flat, the color
reminiscent of liquid steel. I thought I could make out a series of windows along the edge.” Other
sightings in polar regions—including the great Alaskan UFO wave of 1974—made researchers
wonder if alien UFO crews would be more at home in cold climates. (UFO News, #245, June 1977)

1974 June
Charles Silva met Rama in Peru. She explained to him that she was from the Pleiades region and
that her people had bases in the Andes and on Jupiter. Rama spoke about prophecies regarding
the future of mankind. The earth would face droughts and natural disasters. Eventually, a world
leader, the Antichrist, would seize power.
Its power would end abruptly when a giant celestial body encountered Earth in 2001, triggering
major floods, earthquakes, and possibly a pole shift. Before that, however, 144,000 people, the
New Age's ruling elite, would be evacuated, briefed and later brought back to Earth to show the
survivors the way to a better future. We extraterrestrials are the apocalyptic angels of the Bible,
the servants of God preparing the ground for the return of Jesus Christ. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
contacts, p. 139/ 40)

Early July 1974 A

group of six people led by Peruvian Sixto Paz-Wells received a telepathic message to go to the
desert near Chilca. Once there, Sixto saw a crescent-shaped bubble about 10 m in diameter. A
figure stepped out of this object and invited him to come inside. He stepped through some kind
of energy wall. He felt himself losing weight. He became dizzy and nauseous. A strange warmth
permeated his body, he felt a pressure on his neck and forehead. The person who received him
(name Oxalc) explained to him that he had just crossed a "XENDRA", a light threshold to another
dimension. The landscape had changed tremendously. Sixto stood in front of a brightly lit city of
domed houses - the city of "Crystal", the capital of MORLEN (Jupiter's moon Ganymede). He saw
people 1.80-2.00 m tall and also other races. The inhabitants of MORLEN are originally from
Betelgeuse, Bellatrix and Rigel. They left their home worlds more than 40,000 years ago and
arrived in our solar system 20,000 years ago. There was no life on Ganymede at that time. With
the help of cesium and crystalline material from Jupiter's moon IO, they built their crystal cities,
partly underground. Morlen is governed by the Council of Elders and is a member of the Galactic
Confederation. Its inhabitants have overcome selfishness and private property - a kind of spiritual
super-communism reigns. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, pp. 167-169)

1974 18.7.
dr Andrija Puharich and Phyllis Schelmer in Puharich's house, the being called Tom spoke once
more through Phyllis: The planned landing is the return of Jesus Christ. It becomes a collective
consciousness. The aliens would bring technical help, but above all spiritual help. The earth is
said to be the lowest developed planet in the universe.... The gradual evolution of the earth is
currently impeding the evolution of the galaxy, indeed of the entire universe. Phyllis would have
been primed since childhood to participate in this master plan. In 1963 she even had an implant
placed in her brain, which served as a translator. This is not an intervention against free will if
the being agrees to it before birth.
Tom said he was a spokesman for the council of nine, which was the universal hierarchy, direct
manifestations of God. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 160)

1974 25.7.
Enrique Castillo Rincon - third meeting: An "Adamski-type" ship landed and he was introduced
to a Venusian. Castillo was given the task of founding a group to spread their information. A joint
plan must be implemented between Colombia and Venezuela. When Castillo was in Venezuela
for lectures, he was given an appointment for December 24, 1974 when he was to be taken to the
other contact persons in Peru.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 123)

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1974 July
Sixto Paz-Wells' group went to Chilca again. They saw a landed spaceship and a being,
humanoid, over 2 meters tall, shoulder length platinum blonde hair, slightly slanted eyes with
a prominent chin. This being came from Apu, a planet in the Alpha Centauri system.
His name was Antar Sherart, the commander of the Rama UFO fleet. The group was given the
task of founding and carrying out the mission of Rama on earth. The aim of this mission is to
free people “from the slavery of ignorance and to make it easier for them to enter the fourth
dimension”. Antar announced a worldwide press coverage of Mission Rama. (Hesemann,
UFOs: The Contacts, pp. 167-169)

1974 7.9.
After an agency report reported on the Rama mission, Spanish journalist JJ traveled
Benitez on. Through the extraterrestrials, he actually saw a UFO, returned to Spain and wrote
a book about the group, UFOs: An SOS to Humanity. Over 600 Rama groups soon sprang up
worldwide. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 169)

1974 8.11.-12.12.
dr Andrija Puharich/ Phyllis Schelmer: The being called Tom spoke through Phyllis: Our most
important task is the preservation of planet Earth - otherwise there will be a global ice age in
200 years. That's why it's important to prepare people for the mass landing, because then we
can give you our technology to save the planet. We plan to alert humanity by interfering with
your television systems. This is what we are working on and a group of aliens that come from
the planet Ashand. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 160)
In Israel, the last extraterrestrial attempt to raise the consciousness of the people took place
in the form of Jesus of Nazareth. The Jews are genetically related to the extraterrestrials,
specifically to the Hoova civilization, and therefore they are the chosen people. Here the fate
of the people would be decided - the Armageddon, the final battle between the armies of light
and the forces of darkness. The State of Israel is made up of people who have come together
from all parts of the world and therefore represent the nations of the earth. (Hesemann: UFOs:
The Contacts, p. 161)

1974 22.12.
Prof. RN Hernandes, leading nuclear scientist in Mexico, had contact with an extraterrestrial
who introduced herself as LYA and visited him at the university. She declared to be from the
planet Aenstria in the galaxy Andromeda. She says people walk the wrong path, but they
cannot save us against our will. That's why we study your world, and not just us. Many
civilizations have done this and almost all agree that your world is a privileged place.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 99)

1974 24.12.
Enrique Castillo Rincon was picked up by a spaceship and brought to a high valley in the
Andes. There Castillo got to know people from 19 countries around the world, including only
one woman, a 59-year-old Californian, otherwise Peruvians, an Indian, an Australian, two
Europeans and some South Americans. They were scientists, artists, craftsmen and laborers.
In the Andean colony lived 218 people from all over the world who are being taught there and
who are considered "missing" in their homeland. There are a total of ten such bases in South America.
Since March 7th, 1970, the extraterrestrials explained, the earth had entered a new age, the
age of the superman. At its heart is the encounter of man with himself within himself, which
leads to the discovery of God in man. Many brothers in the universe have united to help us in
this transitional period. They are not allowed to intervene directly, which is forbidden by
cosmic law. However, you may gradually inform us, so that it is then up to us to put this
cosmic puzzle together. Our planet is the most densely populated planet in our solar system
and it needs cleaning, if only because we would have lost all ethical and moral values. It is the
task of man to recognize this situation and to survive the fight. The extraterrestrials revealed
their "Plan A", which includes three phases: Awareness of the Facts: It consists of
systematically and cautiously showing the extraterrestrial ships in the airspaces of all nations,
especially those of the technically, scientifically and militarily advanced, so that one clearly
sees what they intend to do for our world and its inhabitants. The preparation consists of as
much information as

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possible to spread with all available means, that is, radio, television, press, through
congresses, individual and group talks, leaflets, etc. You will have against you the forces of
those who do not take this matter seriously and the sinister machinations of the great powers
that are unleashed on their planet, casting doubt and attacking the heralds (them)... The World
Enemy: When, after many years of observing your world, it was concluded that its inhabitants
must be helped, in their evolutionary There were moments when we doubted that resolve,
given the cruelty with which you wage wars, bomb cities, torture men, women and children,
and the indifference with which your governments and spiritual leaders watched, like children,
starvation even in peacetime died.
The conclusion drawn was the horrible truth: the earthlings, save for a few, are incorrigible,
brutal butchers to the core. Nevertheless, it was decided to help the people fight effectively
against the ruthless profiteers and power seekers, who were protected by certain forces. The
forces of the enemy are known to us, the circle around him is almost complete, and he knows
it. In a desperate bid to survive, he will send the world and its inhabitants, along with his flag
bearers, into a grand final battle that will only be a hopeless race to their own demise. Helping
Planet Earth: This phase involves directly helping many people through instruction. For this
purpose it is necessary in many cases to evacuate them from this planet to a special place
where they will be schooled in a new consciousness so that later they can lead their own
brothers on earth. These are people chosen for this great work because of their merit and their
courage to work for the good of the earth. Many people have already disappeared from your
planet for this purpose. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 123)

Bermuda Triangle: A Swedish captain using binoculars saw a "metal island suddenly
appearing out of the sea" that pointed radar screen-like instruments at his ship, after which a
snow-white fog began to spread. Despite the sunshine, he had three spotlights pointed at this
object, after which first the fog and then the metal island itself disappeared. (DNZ, No. 49, 1977)

1974/ 75
More than 130 cattle mutilations were recorded in Colorado alone. The cases all followed the
same pattern: unidentifiable missiles, in most cases black and without recognizable
identification marks, were observed. Every now and then there are also “black helicopters”.
Horses and cattle are found mutilated and usually show extremely precisely executed, smooth
cuts, sometimes also burn marks, which suggest the use of lasers. Various organs were
removed. The sex organs were most often absent. But the heart, liver, kidneys, udders,
testicles, muscle fibers, uterus, brain, eyes, tongue, nostrils, lips and in some cases the entire
lower jaw have also been removed. Sometimes every bone in the mutilated animals is broken,
as if they had fallen from some height. The sites have circular imprints or relatively deep
impressions like landing pads. There are inexplicable fire spots around the site, which often
show higher radioactive values. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 155ff)

1975 22.4.
Prof. RN Hernandes has another contact with LYA, who took him on her ship and showed him
the Earth's radiation belts. These radiation belts are said to have been damaged, resulting in
climatic changes which are observed worldwide and which intensify in the 1990s. She speaks
of a neutralization of the ozone layer through nuclear chemical experiments.
Your civilization is on the verge of decline. In just one century you have conducted enough
nuclear tests to expose humanity to increased levels of radiation for the next 200 years. It is
one of the main reasons for the loss of the ozone layer. She predicts new diseases. Your world
is part of an intergalactic community. The aim of this community is the exchange of knowledge
for the benefit of all, with the clear premise that this knowledge will never be used against life.
Only a civilization that has proven to be trustworthy can be accepted into this community. Lya
warned Hernandes about an extraterrestrial group that would not have an emotional body and
would violently attack living beings, children and adults

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into their ships. They would need the oxygen in the blood of living beings. They would have taken
genetic samples to conduct breeding experiments and create a new breed.
In the language of their people they are called XHUMZ and they have been coming to earth for 6000
years since their planet is in danger. If we destroyed our world, the XHUMZ would want to take over
and colonize it. She went on to tell the professor that the white and yellow races came from different
planets. The white race descended from inhabitants of the planet Maldek, which once existed
between Mars and Jupiter, where the asteroid belt is today. The inhabitants of Maldek, in turn, would
be descendants of the world of Sion. After the destruction of their planet in a great civil war, the
survivors of Maldek fled to Earth and established the civilization of Atlantis. They developed anti-
matter weapons. When the original inhabitants attacked Atlantis for conducting experiments that
endangered Earth, the Atlanteans used the weapon. Their use led to a devastating catastrophe. The
anti-matter weapon is still housed in a large pyramid on the sea floor off Florida near Bimini Island
and would still, from time to time, emit energy that would cause the molecular disintegration of
anything that came close - the cause for the disappearance of so many planes and ships in the
Bermuda Triangle. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, pp. 99-101)

1975 June
Massimo Poli, collaborator of the CSFC, founded by Eugenio Siragusa, experienced a "controlled
astral projection" inside the underground alien colony El Dorado, the city of the golden sun. It was
founded, he learned, by the "Princes of Space" over 75,000 years ago and exists on seven
dimensions simultaneously. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 129)

1975 29.7.
Oscar Magocsi saw a UFO land while camping north of Toronto, Canada. He was taken and they
flew via Canada, New York, to Egypt to the Great Pyramids. He noticed that there was a beam of
energy emanating from the tip, which seemed to charge the ship.

Oscar learned that beings from all planets of very different dimensions were connected to the
extraterrestrial program for Earth. On the ship he met the commander named Spectron. This brought
him an invitation to the Council of Guardians. He was transferred to the realm of thought-form,
which is incorporeal. He met the "Masters" and "Him", the cosmic Jesus Christ. On August 7th he
ended up back in Canada. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 144-146)

1975 July
First public meeting between Americans and Russians in space (Soyuz and Apollo).
TV cameras showed the two missiles docking and the crew exchanging food. (Alternative 3, p. 24)

1975 13.8.
Holloman Air Force Base: Sergeant Charles L. Moody sees a 60-foot-wide metallic disk-shaped
object flying toward him. His car's lights and engines went out. Ten meters away from him, the UFO
gets stuck in the air. Moody falls unconscious and takes 90 minutes to see the object disappear
over the horizon. Through self-hypnosis, he remembers the lack of time: extraterrestrial beings with
oversized heads approached him and took him to the ship, laid him on some kind of operating table
and used a staff to heal his back. He was also shown the ship's engine room. The leader of the
aliens explained the following to him: It is not only one extraterrestrial race that visits us. They are
different races that work together in friendship, even though their planets are light years apart. They
come to us to visit and study our planet. They come with peaceful intentions. It's not our problem
to accept them, it's their problem to accept us.

(Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 97)

1975 6.10.
Article in the Daily Telegraph: Twenty people have disappeared without a trace from Oregon
communities after being told to give up all belongings, including their children, so that they can, in
a UFO, be taken to a better life. A police investigation led to

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a meeting on 14.9. to a hotel, the Bayshore Inn in Waldport, Oregon. People have been told
that they can save their souls from a UFO. People would be prepared for life on another planet
in a special camp in Colorado. (Alternative 3, p. 17/ 18)

Signed in 1975 by officials from 17 world governments including the US and the Soviet Union,
they outlined trade and cooperation agreements negotiated with the extraterrestrials in 1975.
They also noted that bases were already being established in the so-called neutral zones
around the world. (The Pandora Aspect, Elian Lian, page 34/ 35)

Bermuda Triangle: Weather satellites no longer work properly when overflying the Bermuda
Triangle. The recordings that would be radioed from the satellites to earth are black. The
reception was only good with infrared rays. (Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.50)

Late 1975
Greenland: US bombers en route to Thule surrounded by seven UFOs. The instruments went
crazy. Objects that were not attached rose and flew about the cabin. The radio system made
an eerie howling sound. There were at least 2 other such incidents in the same year. Airplanes
were escorted by UFOs for extended periods. (UFO News, #245, June 1977)

1975/ 76
Scientists from all continents disappeared without a trace after being made a lucrative offer
to work on research. These scientists burned all bridges behind them. It is assumed that
these should work in the Alternative 3 project. This group of people was referred to as
"Designated Movers". Another group of people, the so-called "Batch Consignments" were
converted into a kind of slave race. (Alternative 3, p. 37ff) "Trojan" contact, with access to
Policy Committee records, said these batch consignments were primarily taken from the
Bermuda Triangle. (Alternative 3, p. 17)

1976 21.6.
On the occasion of the landing of "Viking I" on Mars, Robert Negri, employee of the CSFC
(founded by Eugenio Siragusa), received a telepathic transmission: Ithakar, supreme
representative of Mars in the Upper Union of Confederate Worlds, leaves the scientists and
explorers of the planet earth hear the voice of his people. He speaks of the fact that the Mars
probe only detects dust because the inhabitants of Mars and their civilization are in a different
dimensional structure. Their structures have ceased to be genetically three-dimensional.
Since the atomic destruction of Malona, which orbited between Mars and Jupiter, it was
necessary to create the two artificial Mars moons Deimos and Phobos... (Hesemann: UFOs:
The Contacts, p. 129/ 30)

1976 Oct.
The South Sea island of Palaseon, a coconut palm island off Marutea, lost all vegetation after
UFO contact. A bright white funnel was observed in the sky three hours after a typhoon.
He lowered himself silently onto the island like a pointed cone, opening downwards. The
event was observed by two ships. Trees, plants and bushes - all green dissolved. (DNZ, No.
40, 1977)

1976 Nov.
Two US pilots, on a patrol flight over the South Pole, spotted what appeared to be an air-
conditioned station, shielded from the icy environment by a bell, 12KM in diameter. They
circled the station and took pictures, which were then shown to experts in Houston. Since
they were not sharp enough, it was decided to send three patrol planes. They cruised 36
hours in the South Pole region and found that the station, which had apparently been set up
temporarily under a warming blanket, had disappeared again. Pressure patterns were
registered in low-level flight, as if large weights had previously been there. A machine landed,
took soil samples and found "flakes like aluminum" that could not be analyzed. (DNZ, No. 25,

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At the South Pole, due to a radiation vortex, there is a magnetic hole in the form of an 11 KM
diameter tube, which expands like a funnel into space from a height of 28 KM. A Japanese
scientist saw an opportunity to hunt for signals in this magnet hole and try to contact
extraterrestrial "stations". He had a particularly powerful rocket plane equipped with the most
modern measuring devices and two screens. He saw 19 hazelnut-shaped formations appear in
formation and head straight for the magnet hole toward Earth. All radio frequencies were
broadcast immediately, with the result that the formations immediately disappeared and became
invisible. (DNZ, No. 25, 1977)

Sigma became a separate project. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 91)

A Soviet reconnaissance pilot who regularly flies his crew over the Arctic Ocean and Greenland
saw six tunnel holes in the immediate vicinity of the North Pole. Renewed reconnaissance flights
again saw six black dots and recognized tunnel entrances in low flight.
Suddenly they were grabbed by an "alien buoyancy" and taken to an altitude of 15,000 meters.
Attempts to descend again failed due to an unknown force that kept pushing the machine up.
(DNZ, No. 25/ 1977)

An extraterrestrial, who he says originated from an underground base in Mexico, gave Mexican
farmer J. Carmen Garcia a formula on a scrap of paper that allowed him to grow giant vegetables
(cabbages weighing 14 kg, 4-kilo onions, etc.). (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 9)

NASA initiates the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Evidence, p. 98)

British sports pilots discovered circles (pictograms) from the air crop circles. English farmers
claim to have seen this phenomenon as early as the 1940s. Increased appearance from July 1988.
(Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 240ff)

1976/ 78
In 2 years, around 20 American and Russian satellites disappeared without a trace. (DNZ, No. 20/

1977 6.2.
The film on which the book "Alternative 3" is based (the Americans landed on Mars on May 22,
1962) was caught by the English radio astronomer Sir William Ballentine using the Jordell Bank
telescope. This recording could only be decoded later by a NASA decoder.
Ballentine died in a mysterious car accident on 2/6/77. His body was totally burned inside, as if
he had been exposed to some kind of microwave gun. There were no burn marks on the car.
Ballentine died on the orders of the "Policy Committee" in what they called a "hot job".. (Book:
Alternative 3, p. 49 and 73)

1977 13.6.
New Zealand: 200 people, including staff, disappeared from a campsite overnight. There were no
signs of violence. None of these people have been found.
(Alternative 3, S. 205)

1977 14.6.
USA/ Wyoming: 76 young people, average age 19, disappeared on a field trip. Their vehicles were
found empty on the side of a deserted road. Random footprints were found in the sand around
the cars, but they led nowhere. The persons never became

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met again. On the same day, a passenger ship with 165 people on board disappeared en route
between Barcelona and Tunis. No traces were discovered. (Alternative 3, p. 205/ 6)

Circa 1977 Mid

Bob Grodin was interviewed via satellite by Septer Television. The interview was abruptly shut
down (by an unknown source) after a certain statement by Grodin. He was asked to claim that
he and everyone else on the Apollo mission saw something he should not speak about
publicly. That question made Grodin explode. "What do you want?
Do you want to finish me? ... like that stupid bastard Ballentine? Is that what you want?”
Grodin got no further. His voice and the picture were suddenly gone. (Alternative 3, p. 108)
Grodin was later interviewed again. When asked what he knew about Ballentine, he said he
didn't know him. All he knows about him is that he showed up at NASA with a tape and he got
damn excited when he ran it through the decoder. He was further asked what happened during
the moon landing. Grodin: we were very disappointed.. the truth„.. the
is we
first there...
screens to cover what's really going on out there... and the bastards didn't even tell us
anything... not one damn word... You think they need all that crap down in Florida to send two
boys on a bike up there? Do you know why you need us? So that they have a good PR story
for all the hardware they're sending into the room... We ain't no man!

Nothing! We're just here to keep you bums happy... to keep you from asking stupid questions
about what's really going on!” End of interview. In January 1978, Grodin's death was
announced in the press. They said it was suicide. (Alternative 3, p. 128/ 132)
Alternative 3 is reality. Most of the Apollo astronauts were severely shaken by the experience,
and their lives and later testimonies reflect the magnitude of the experience and the effect of
the order of silence. Silence was ordered under threat of the death penalty, which was then
described as "necessity". Nevertheless, an astronaut spoke to the British producers of the TV
show Alternative 3, in which he confirmed the accuracy of the allegations. In the book, the real
identity is replaced by a pseudonym "Bob Grodin". Cooper cannot confirm Grodin's suicide.
He believes that many of the so-called facts in this book are disinformation, the result of
pressure exerted on the authors intended to neutralize the effect that the British television
program Alternative 3 was having on the public. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret
Government, p. 9)

1977 20.6.
In the English TV show Science Report, the report "Alternative 3" is broadcast: It was
reported about scientists who disappeared under mysterious circumstances, of which 25
cases are currently known and the connection to Alternative 2 was made. The station was
later forced to denounce the show as a scam, and many viewers readily believed it. (Alternative
3, p. 157/ 63)

1977 15.7.
Daily Mail article headlined 'Flying Saucers': Men in face masks and metal detectors attempt
to uncover macabre event. Fifteen ponies were found.
Their bodies were mutilated and torn and decomposed to the bone within 48 hours. They all
died around the same time and many bones were broken.
Animal experts admit they are amazed at the animal carcasses found at Cherry Brook near
Postbridge. (Alternative 3, p. 19)

1977 4.8.
Policy Committee Meeting - Subject: Batch Consignments (a sort of converted slave labor):
A whole shipment of 300 bodies is said to have been destroyed in transit by a meteorite.
Authors Note: The following months brought press reports of mass disappearances in
Australia. At the end of September many of them were found by chance in a kind of slave labor
camp. The Policy Committee then considered the 6/20/77 TV show "Alternative 3." Disapproval
was expressed that Dr. Carl Gerstein wasn't eliminated before he spoke to the TV people.

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It was refused to eliminate him afterwards. It was decided to get rid of the regional official whose
job it would have been to prevent this. (Alternative 3, p. 167/ 70)

1977 28.8.
Newspaper article in the Sunday Telegraph: The subject was that the Department of Health in
England is collecting statistics on surgeries carried out in psychiatric institutions with the aim of
altering personality. For the first time ministers have confirmed that there is growing concern
about this. These surgeries, known as psychosurgery, are performed to destroy or eliminate
portions of brain tissue in order to modify the behavior of severely depressed or exceptionally
aggressive patients who are unresponsive to drugs (medication) or electroshock therapy.
(Alternative 3, p. 114)
The authors of Alternative 3 interviewed psychiatrist Dr. Randolph Crepson-White (died Oct. 1977)
on the subject. Crepson has performed this type of surgery on four men and one woman, who he
said were perfectly normal. They have been completely gendered and robbed of their individuality.
They would obey any order without asking and be like thinking robots. (Alternative 3, p. 115)

1977 Aug.
Large numbers of people turned up in Germany, France, Italy and Canada who were physically fit
and normal, apart from not being able to remember where they came from or where they had
been. (Alternative 3, p. 142)

1977 9.9.
Times headline story by Steward Tendler: "National security used by police as reason for silence
on use of files" Names and personal details of tens of thousands of people screened by the
Special Department for national security reasons are said to be in the new Scotland Yard secret
service computers. When the new computer was designed, the Special Branch was allocated
storage for 600,000 names out of a total capacity of 1,300,000. (Alternative 3, p. 151)

This would mean that one in 25 households is monitored by this system. Computers of similar
purpose are in Geneva, America, England, Germany, Japan, Poland and Russia.
(Alternative 3, S. 153)

1977 Sept.
Der Spiegel, title: UFOs - bluish, reddish. US President Carter, US Senator Goldwater, Grenada
Premier Gairy, UN Secretary General Waldheim - they all talk about UFOs. Photos: American UFO
photo (over Salem/ Massachusetts)

1977 Sept-Feb 1978

From 9/20/77 to 2/20/78 a UFO the size of a soccer field appeared 5-6 times a month over the
Soviet city of Petrozavodsk on Lake Onega, northeast of Leningrad. The Soviet government
immediately convened a top-level scientific investigation and put a safety lock on the investigation.
On September 20, 4:00 p.m., a huge UFO appeared over the city and sent out golden rays of light
that fell on the city like drizzle and burned coin- to egg-sized holes in the cobblestones of the
streets and in the window panes of many houses. It is also said that five intense beams of light
were aimed at the city from the huge object, and during those 12 minutes Petrozavodsk was
bathed in this golden glow. The cut glass pieces seemed to have melted at the edges and lay
either on the window sills or on the floor. The discs otherwise remained intact. Above the lake, a
smaller object separated from the main body, fell straight down and disappeared under the water.
(Haarmann: Secret Wonder Weapons II, p. 33ff, various articles)

1977 4.10.
Bremer Nachrichten: "The secret services of both hemispheres are said to be in possession of
extensive records of the appearance of unknown and mysterious submarines". An incident is
mentioned in which an unknown submarine was moving at a speed of 370 km/h.

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Mars Colony (as part of Alternative 3): 1976: With the cultivation of the new colony, native
bacteria came to life there and began to infest the cultivated plants. The local committee saw
that she would lose the fight. They need a specific bacteriologist from Germany, but they
could not be won over for this project. So it was decided to send a former assistant of his,
who was now working on Mars and whom this bacteriologist thought highly of, back to Earth
to convince him. What was not realized, however, was that this assistant was not consistent
with the "symbiosis" between the scientists and their slave laborers. On the way back via the
Archimedes base, he initiated the 28 “Designated Movers” into the secret that still existed for
them. Archimedes Base: Lunar base, built as part of Alternative 3 and later destroyed by
sabotage to transfer Designated Movers and batch consignments between Earth and Mars.
The construction took two years. The base lay beneath a hermetically sealed, transparent
bubble. There were three separate areas of life for the resident staff, the migrants heading for
Mars, and the work slaves, respectively. One of the scientists tried to free the 155 slaves and
while fleeing with a space transporter collided with the protection bell of the base, whereupon
it was totally destroyed. Only a few (seven people, 5 employees and 2 of the "components",
as these slave laborers were also known) survived because they were in a separate air
chamber at the time. They managed to escape to the Cassini base, an older base that had
become too small for Alternative 3. It is thanks to these people that anything at all became
known about this catastrophe. The report about this was leaked to the authors of Alternative
3 by “Trojan”. (Alternative 3, p. 223ff)

1977/ 78
Bermuda Triangle: Between the Bahamas and the Bermuda Islands in the Atlantic, 150 to 200
km wide water whirlpools form, which reach down to a depth of 1.5 km. An American/Soviet
research team investigated this phenomenon for two months with six ships (DNZ No. 48/77).
At the beginning of 1978, the American/Soviet company Polymode started with five special
ships each. A number of PSI-talents were also on board. You want to examine every square
meter in detail. Electronic devices are to be sunk that work independently at a depth of 5000
meters. The campaign is expected to last until autumn. (DNZ No. 3, 1978)

1978 17.1.
Alien Killed on US Military Base: That night, an MP from Ft. Dix may have been pursued by a
low-flying, oval, bluish-green glowing object. The patrol car's radio link failed. Suddenly, a
1.20 meter tall, grey-brown creature with a large head, long arms and a slender body appeared
in front of the MP. The MP panicked and fired 5 times at the stranger. The UFO shot up and
joined a formation of twelve other objects in the sky. The report is corroborated by a report
dated 01/18/78 to Brigadier General Brown of AFOSI stating that "A body of unknown origin
was placed in custody with the OSI (Office of Special Intelligence) district commander and a
special recovery team from Wright Patterson AFB". UFOs: The Evidence, p. 66)

1978 April
Spiegel: This is how the world public was deceived, photos: Alleged UFO recordings:
Radiation ships from the Pleiades over Switzerland (recorded on February 27, 1975 via
Bäretswil by the Swiss UFO specialist Eduard Meier (resident in CH-8400 Hinterschmidrüti)

1978 Nov-Feb 1979

Eugenio Siragusa was arrested and placed in custody after a fraud report by an American
couple who tried to buy him a contact or eventual space flight with extraterrestrials. His alien
friends appeared to be holding a demonstration to redeem him. In the aftermath, over 50 UFO
sightings were recorded in Italy, observed by thousands, including some landings in the
prison area where Siragusa was being held. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 131/ 32)

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December 12 Burghausen/ Neuötting, Bavaria: Adele Holzer encounters a UFO on her way to work.
It's coming her way. It is dome-shaped, has circular hatches. She is illuminated (green rays) and
she receives a telepathic message: "Don't worry, we come with peaceful intentions. We are here
to watch you and protect you from misfortune. We want to prevent you from destroying your
earth”. When Mrs. Holzer comes to, she sees that the car key is bent and the clock has stopped.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 97)
She later added that she received additional information about her origins. They come from a
binary system. They would come into contact with humans because they had common ancestors
who, like us, came from the planet Patheon, once the 5th planet in our solar system, which its
inhabitants destroyed in a chain reaction of nuclear explosions. The survivors first fled to Mars,
then to Earth and other planets.
Some of them would live among us unrecognized. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 3)

The aliens declared Eugenio Siragusa's work complete. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 127)

1979 May
Bill Herrmann from Charleston (USA) was kidnapped several times by aliens. The contacts with
them were said to be good. (taz from 1.11.89)
May 79 Encounter: They come from Ceta Reticuli. Their expeditions to Earth, which have been
taking place for thousands of years, serve analytical purposes. Together with highly developed
civilizations from other worlds, they would have created a kind of intergalactic trade and research
In the late 1940's some of their ships crashed in the American Midwest due to radar waves causing
interference in their program and force field. Since then, they would protect themselves from it by
irregular, triangular flight patterns. As a result, they would never be caught long enough to take
damage. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 181ff)

1979 May
A document dated "May 1979" refers to "25. Anniversary of the Third World War, called the "Silent
War". fought with subjective biological warfare, with silent weapons” (Head: Top Secret, Silent
Weapons for Silent Warfare - An Introductory Programmer's Guide - Operations Research,
Technical Manual, TM-SW7905.1).
Summary (quotes in italics): It is a war against the world's population towards social control. It is
pointed out that this document must remain hidden from the population, otherwise it could be
recognized as a formal declaration of war. "Solving today's problems requires an approach that is
ruthlessly outspoken, without agonizing over religion, morality, or cultural values." Historically,
"silent gun technology" dates back to World War II. "It was soon recognized by those in positions
of power that the same methods could be useful for the total control of society. But better methods
were needed.” The “silent war” was quietly declared by the international elite (Bilderbergers) at a
meeting in 1954. These silent weapons include computers, with the technological breakthrough
occurring in 1948 with transistor technology. “All science is a means to an end. The means is
knowledge. The end is control.” (MW

Cooper, Behold a pale Horse, S. 36-65)

1979 8.12.
Eugenio Siragusa sent a final warning to "all political and military leaders of planet Earth": "Eight
minutes of your time is enough for us to completely shut down any kind of activity on your planet.
This intervention would be carried out immediately should a nuclear conflict between two or more
powers materialize... This warning of ours is not intended to be a challenge, nor should it be
construed as an interference in the sense of dominating or conquering your planet, rather it is it is
an act of love to prevent the recurrence of a tremendous catastrophe that, in the distant past, took
the lives of billions of creatures on other planets, which today have become inhospitable and dead
dwelling places.” We know very well how difficult it is for you

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to believe our communications. We have also noticed your elaborate acts of violence against
us and the rescue mission entrusted to us. We are also aware of the persecutions you are
plotting against all those who are ambassadors of our goodwill, chosen and enlightened
according to the supreme desire of the “Avatar” Jesus Christ who is approaching Earth to
visit. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 133)

Shoichi Harukawa went to an area near Mount Fuji following telepathic instruction. For the
first time, Shoichi saw a landed spacecraft, which took him aboard a mother ship. He was
shown the hangar of the mothership and explained that there are three types: • motherships,
• reconnaissance ships, and • remote-controlled probes.

They are all powered by electromagnetic energy. Normally, the mother ships remain outside
the earth's atmosphere. You don't feel the slightest flight movement because the ship has its
own gravitational field. When a space brother stood in front of the monitor, the lines formed a
beautiful, geometric pattern. When Shoichi stood in front of them, they made a mess. The
monitor, he was told, would check the thought vibrations. People who have good thoughts
create clear patterns. This screen is also used to control the flying discs. Mother ships, on
the other hand, can't even be flown by every space person, that's left to the masters. A master
explained to Shoichi that there are three laws of the cosmos: Everything repeats itself in a
certain order. Everything is relative. Like attracts like, things with the same characteristics
come together. The aliens have been contacting people of all walks of life since the 1950's,
particularly military, financiers and artists. Her job was to open the minds of these people to
the possibility of a better world. This attempt was only successful with the artists, since only
they were open to their suggestions and inspirations. “Do not attack certain companies or the
dark forces. If you fight them, they will fight back. You don't have to fight. The best thing you
can do is spread your right, calm and strong thoughts around you and get other people to
think similar thoughts and change their lives. That is the heaviest blow against the dark forces.

Bob Lazar on the Grays: "...Up until 1979 there was an exchange of material and information
in central Nevada when a conflict arose that abruptly halted the project. The beings left Earth
but are said to return at a date marked 1623... and I do not know what date that is. With the
remaining hardware and information available, the US government launched a "back-
engineering" program.

Period: 1980 to present, future

1980 14.1.
UFO sighting over Bremen, observed by several hundred people over four hours, at different
places. It remained stationary over military installations and was able to make itself completely
invisible to approaching US fighter planes. To defend themselves, the Americans have put all
their anti-aircraft systems in Germany and Denmark on alert. Photographs of private
individuals were confiscated. (Haarmann: Secret Wonder Weapons II, p. 37, various articles)

1980 25.5.
Television journalist Linda Moulton Howe directed a two-hour television program about the
cattle mutilations for CBS in 1979, which is airing to this date. A woman (Judy Doraty)
recounts an experience under hypnosis. She saw an unidentified flying object, which a calf
took on board in a jet. She saw this calf being dismembered. The strangers informed her that
they were conducting investigations. They check the soil, vegetation, water, animals. A lot
has to do with toxins (...) not just with environmental pollution. They are concerned, (...) want
to protect lives. They are stationed here and want to determine changes through the test
trials. They take the genitals because the poisoning is most visible on them.
They say the spread is increasing with each generation. In the US alone, the number of
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mutilations have now risen to over 10,000. They continue to the present.
(John v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, S. 156ff)

1980 14.6.
A gigantic UFO (100 m diameter sphere) flew over Moscow and was watched by thousands of
people. From time to time, this object ejected smaller missiles that scattered across the sky and
often landed. The next day, nothing was in the press.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 177)

1980 Sept.
Swedish Navy helicopters and patrol boats are constantly searching for a submarine that entered
the coastal waters off the capital Stockholm. (Goslarsche Zeitung, 9/20/80)

1980 2.12.
Secret UFO base in the USA: UFO researcher Bill Nelson, a photojournalist for over 30 years,
reports on photographic evidence. They are large, glowing spheres at least 25 feet in diameter.
They are bright, as powerful as four or five searchlights, and can be seen from 15 miles away. They
are sodium orange in color. They come into view when they are 1000 feet up and then move either
west or east along the mid-lake of Lake Ontario.
You move to a point in the middle of the lake, about 30 miles south of Toronto. They hung
motionless in the air for a while (ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes) when they reached
the point, and then flew straight into it. A brilliant light appeared before they entered the water. In
the wintertime they glided across the water looking for a hole before diving into the lake. That was
the process until a few months ago. Now there is a kind of landing aid construction. It looks like a
couple of bowling figures on which the object settles. Both then disappear into the water. "When
we started observing 5 years ago, we saw up to 70 in one night." Nelson said he saw government
photos of the lake. You can actually see the base lying at the bottom of the lake stretching out in a
long line just south of Toronto. (National Examiner, 12/2/1980)

A chauffeur in the village of Polushino near Moscow was brought into their spaceship by beings
and tested by encephalogram. On a map he saw nine stars arranged in the shape of a horseshoe -
the constellation "Sails". (Source: Spiegel 1989/ 42 regarding Voronezh)

Oscar Magocsi encounters the extraterrestrials who had contacted him on various occasions. He
was warned that over the next few years the Lightworkers would come under increasing attack
from the opposition, even open harassment and psychic attacks "by the dark dark forces." They
would only intervene in serious cases, since their concern would be to bring the dark agents to
light, even if their friends had to act as bait for this cleaning work. It is important not to be deterred
by these attacks. In the following years a tremendous cosmic acceleration would be imminent.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 146)

Bermuda Triangle: Lloyds reports that during this period 20 tankers have disappeared without a
trace from the world's oceans, most of them in the Bermuda Triangle. (Photo Hamburg, 14.8.85)

Current developments with recombinant DNA threaten to unleash mutant bioclasses.
Despite international agreements, most countries today are not honest when it comes to bio-
weapons. According to recently declassified Pentagon documents, the Soviets may have used
both biological and chemical weapons in Afghanistan. (Boward, Sutton, Bearden, The Invisible
War, pp. 6-7)

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James Forbes, born 1965, from South Africa, has contact with extraterrestrials from the planet
Aenstria in the Andromeda galaxy. He is descended from Karné, a resident of Aenstria. This
had brought him to earth as a small child, where he should meet the people and fulfill a
mission to help support humanity in the transition to a new age. In 1980, James was physically
contacted by his father for the first time. On the second contact, they (James and his friend)
were taken to the basestar. It was a circular mother ship stationed 30,000 km above the earth
and "700 km" in diameter. On the landing deck they saw numerous other ships of different
sizes. They were told that these ships "come from various regions of the universe" all to help
humanity in love. Five million extraterrestrials are stationed here, 60% of them are women.
Three quarters of the crew would come from Aenstria, the rest from the constellation Orion,
from the planets Mentaka and Auriega. Currently 2000 of them would be prepared to travel to
earth to live among earth humans. The two boys were introduced to the Council of Elders of
Aenstria. They are here and are currently overseeing the unfolding of the great and mighty
plan of love and light for the Earth - "We salute you in the name and love of the Infinite
Creator, by whose will we salute you here today in the hour of your awakening. The inhabitants
of Aenstria would devote their entire existence to contemplating the spiritual knowledge and
laws of the Creator... When life first formed on Earth, the Galactic Command in the constellation
Orion charged them with directing the evolution of that life monitor. After millions of years,
Earth would have matured to support intelligent life... Individuals from all parts of the galaxy
were chosen to colonize Earth. They wanted to make sure that the "Lord of Darkness" would
not find a new bastion here. Likewise, the planet Maldek in orbit between Mars and Jupiter
was settled.
The Lord of Darkness managed to gain control of the Mars colony, which attacked and
destroyed Maldek while Earth was undergoing its pole shift. Man degenerated, the earth
became a battlefield between the forces of good and evil. They themselves had great masters
incarnate on earth to show mankind the way to the Creator. God, they said, is the totality of
all visible and invisible existence, immanent in every smallest atom. The Space Brothers were
alarmed by the first nuclear explosion on Earth... Cosmic law forbade them to intervene
directly unless there was an acute emergency.
The nuclear tests damage the earth's atmosphere and crust. The greatest danger, however, is
that the protective magnetic belts of the earth, the Van Allen belts, will also begin to dissolve...
The world's leading governments were contacted to warn mankind, but it fell on deaf ears.
They even hide the existence of extraterrestrials.
In their opinion, the result would be a collapse of all religious and scientific belief systems.
The Aenstrians have various stations on Earth and in the solar system, which sound out the
situation on Earth and are always ready to take the necessary steps should an evacuation of
the people be necessary. List of Stations: Alaska, Antarctica, Arctic, Atlantic, Indian Ocean,
Northern Tibet, Pacific, South Africa (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 107-112)

1981 14.5.
12.3.-25.5. Mission of the Russian Salyut-6 with cosmonauts Vladimir Kovalyonik and Viktor
Savinikh. Kovalyonik noticed a round-oval object through the porthole. It was apparently an
alien spacecraft, following the Russians at the same speed. It was round, with no bulges or
external fittings. The diameter was about 8 meters. It was surrounded by three rows of eight
portholes each, the middle three of which were particularly large. Kovalyonik filmed the
object. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 178/ 79)

1981 15.5.
The cosmonauts noticed that the ball had approached about 100 meters. Now they could see
beings behind the hatches - human-like beings with cap-like headgear that had a see-through
visor and well revealed the thick eyebrows and large, classically Greek noses of the aliens.
What astonished the cosmonauts were the eyes of these beings: they seemed to be twice the
size of human ones, and when viewed through binoculars they seemed to stare into space.
They stared at the Russians without a sign of emotion or movement. On the third day the
object had come within 30 meters. The strangers seemed to want to demonstrate their
manoeuvrability: the ball sped off into space six times. The Russians came up with the idea
of binary codes

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to send, which was answered by the strangers with the letter "E" in logarithmic configuration.
Shortly thereafter, the aliens got out of their flying object and moved into space. They were big,
about 2 meters each. They wore the same space suits as on board the ship. They literally glided
through space without carrying any recognizable oxygen equipment or controls. Their suits
looked like diving suits, the helmet visors were down. They moved in such a way that they could
easily be filmed. On 17.5. the alien spaceship left the Russians. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts,
pp. 178-79)

1981 18.6.
Secret conference at the Soviet Research and Planning Ministry in Moscow, chaired by General
Georgi Timofeevich Beregovoy, head of the Soviet space program. The conference was attended
by 200 scientists, cosmonauts and space program staff. The cosmonaut Kovalyonik describes
the events of May and shows a 40-minute film about the contact with the alien spaceship.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 178)

1981 June
A submarine of unknown nationality has been sighted in territorial waters southeast of Stockholm.
It was the fourth incident this year. (WAZ, 6.6.81)

1981 23.8.
Again UFO sighting over Moscow. This time a whole fleet of 17 huge spaceships flew over the
city. They were accompanied by about a dozen smaller objects. Hundreds of witnesses were
interviewed about this event. At 07:12 that evening, two cigar-shaped spacecraft, each over a
kilometer long, appeared side by side about 15 kilometers above the city. Twenty minutes they
flew north and disappeared. About an hour later, a round, shiny white UFO appeared that
appeared to be half the size of the moon. Later, a whale-shaped spacecraft appeared, emitting
blue light and performing a grotesque aerial maneuver over the city. After the UFOs disappeared,
at least 60 windows with circular holes were found in Moscow. An examination revealed that the
molecular structure of the glass had changed. This incident was similar to that of September
1977 in the city of Petrozavodsk.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 179)

1981 12.11.
"Submarine alarm in Sweden": Fishermen have seen the periscope of a submarine in the strait
between Haelsingborg and the Danish Elsinore. A new search operation was initiated.
(WAZ, 11/13/81)

1982 Jan-Mar
Japanese researchers discover a strange cloud. Initially it is spoken of a few kilometers in extent
and different thickness. This cloud has probably circled the earth four to five times at a height of
16 km. Strange reports went through the entire world press like "mysterious cloud encircles
earth". NASA intends to send in a U-2 (reconnaissance aircraft). A day later, NASA announced
that the cloud had already reached gigantic proportions and stretched across large parts of
North America, the Atlantic Ocean and Europe (Welt am Sonntag, 3/7/82).

It is also said that the cloud is invisible to the human eye. It was allegedly discovered by laser
beams reflected back from the cloud. This cloud could not be examined by a NASA satellite
because it had already failed in November due to a power failure. The samples showed that the
cloud consisted of fine sulfuric acid droplets (WAZ, 13.3.83).
On the same day a new cloud is discovered at a height of 30 km. It extends almost around the
entire northern hemisphere and has thus assumed global proportions. It could possibly contain
20 or 30 million tons of sulfuric acid (Welt am Sonntag, 4/14/82)

1982 12.3.
A metallic ball of light rammed a freight train carrying secret cargo from Tomsk to Novosibirsk
(Siberia). (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 179)

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1982 1.6.
At around 2:00 am, two orange jellyfish-shaped UFOs appeared over the Baikonur Soviet Space
Center. While one flew on, the second stalled over the main launch pads. A silvery rain emanated
from it, enveloping its target for 14 seconds.
Then he made a wide arc over the city and disappeared. The next day, sentries discovered that
hundreds of bolts and rivets had been removed from the steel girders of the launch pads. All
rocket launches planned for Baikonur had to be postponed for two weeks. (Hesemann: UFOs:
The Contacts, p. 179)

1982 Sept.
"Submarines diving off the archipelago": Almost every week, the Swedes are reminded that their
neutral country is one of the favorite areas for military reconnaissance by foreign powers. Depth
charges have not helped so far. (Ruhr News, 9/9/82)

1982 Oct.
On 10/1 the Swedish Navy circled a strange ghost submarine. Thick steel nets block the way. No
reaction to depth charges. (Ruhr News, 10/7/82)
Frogmen attached a magnetically attached listening device to the foreign submarine, which,
however, fell off again 20 minutes later after switching on its drive. (Photo newspaper, 10/8/82)
1982 Dec. UFO base discovered under Antarctica Surrounded by hundreds of miles of Antarctic
ice and larger than the entire state of California, a strange lake (186,000 square miles) was
discovered. NASA has satellite photos of him. A research team of 26 American and Russian
scientists explored this area, called Wendell Lake, but were unable to locate the lake. A UFO base
is suspected. (Globe Mail, Dec 1982)

Crash in the Northwest Territory of Canada on the Mackenzie River. Crystals with fantastic
storage properties were found in special suspensions of the wreckage. According to the
"Snowbird" report, the indescribably hard, feather-light metal parts and struts come from a disc-
shaped missile. Here, too, a number of script-like symbols were discovered on metal fragments
that could not be deciphered. (Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 82, 85)

An extraterrestrial (the third) also came on an exchange program and has been a guest of the US
government since 1982 (until 1988, the time of this statement by Moore). (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 82)

1983 Feb.
The Norwegian weekly VI Menn, No. 8/83, page 86, reports on a strange lake in Antarctica: “A
lake discovered by a group of American and Russian explorers in the middle of the pack ice
appears and disappears. Sometimes it covers an area of 260,000 square kilometers and is
completely ice-free.”

1983 27.3.
Air traffic controllers at Gorky Airport observed a gunmetal-colored, cigar-shaped UFO, the size
of a conventional airplane but without wings or other protrusions. It flew at 3000 m altitude.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 180)

1983 March
“Foreign submarines have invaded Swedish waters more than 40 times since 1982, sometimes
even in front of secret naval defenses. At the time of the most serious and widespread violation
of the Sovereignty Zones to date, six submarines were off the secret Muskö naval base, south of
Stockholm. Three of the boats were manned mini-submarines of a previously unknown type.
(Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.111)

1983 May
The Swedish Navy uses missiles to hunt for submarines - only day and night to hunt for
submarines. (FAZ, 2.5.83)

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Stockholm suspends submarine search. Observers speak of an uncontrollable confusion.

This was preceded by an unsuccessful twelve-day hunt about 400 km north of Stockholm.
According to senior officers, the invaders, who were hit with a hail of depth charges, used an
entirely new submarine technique, capable of blasting mines from a great distance.
(Ruhr News, May 11, 1983)

1983 26.8.
The Soviet submarine base Ventspils located a spherical UFO at an altitude of 3000 meters on
the Lithuanian coast. Six MiG interceptors were dispatched to capture, force-land, or shoot down
the alien intruder. When the MiGs got close enough, they received orders to fire. However, the
missiles got stuck in the planes and exploded. Five of the six MiGs crashed, the sixth collided
with the UFO but managed to land badly damaged. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 180)

1983 2.12.
Hundreds of thousands of residents of Ukraine, around the city of Lugansk, watched a brightly
shining structure in the night sky, surrounded by seven luminous balls. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 180)

1984 16.2.
With bombs against a foreign submarine: The Swedish Navy has intensified the hunt for a foreign
submarine in front of their base in Karlskrona. Defense staff confirmed that frogmen of unknown
nationality were seen at a coastal artillery station last Saturday.
(Offenburger daily newspaper)

1984 Feb.
The Academy of Sciences and the Union of Scientific and Technical Societies of the USSR created
the “Commission for the Study of Unusual Atmospheric Phenomena”, chaired by ex-cosmonaut
and Deputy Chairman of the Academy of Sciences, General Pavel Popovitch. Calls were published
in the national press to report UFO sightings to this commission from now on. Over 30,000 letters
arrived in just a few weeks. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 180)

1984 March
State of siege in Karlskrona Bay: After ships and divers had been chasing a USO there for three
weeks and also sighted foreign frogmen, the naval command drastically tightened security
measures. (Westfälische Rundschau, 3/7/84)

1984 May
Soviet Northern Fleet disabled - not viable for six months. On 13.5. blown up the missile storage
facilities of the Severomorsk Naval Base on the Kola Peninsula in a rapid succession of
explosions. The resulting secondary explosions could occur until 18.5. cannot be brought under
control. On May 15, near Bobruysk (138 km southeast of Minsk), 10 out of 11 ammunition
warehouses were blown up. (Jane's Defense Weekly, 7/14/84)

1984 7.9.
The crew of a passenger plane on the route from Tbilisi/Georgia to Tallin/Estonia observes a
brightly lit flying object from which a beam came out that brightly illuminated an entire village on
the ground. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 180)

1984 10.12.
A negative film is mailed to film producer Jaime Shandera. It was a matter of reproducing highly
official documents. It was a summary of Operation MJ12 compiled for President Eisenhower on
11/18/52. William Cooper: MJ 12 prepared an emergency plan designed to mislead anyone who
got too close to this truth. This plan was called Majestics 12. It was set in motion by the publication
of the allegedly genuine "Eisenhower Briefing Documents" later published by Moore, Shandera
and Friedman. This document is a fake. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 20)

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1984 Dec.
The Danish Navy has unsuccessfully hunted for a submarine of unknown origin in the Iselfjord in
the north of the island of Zealand. (Westfälische Rundschau, 17.12.84)

1985 April
"Sweden: U-boat shelled" (WZ, 12.4.85)

1985 Nov.
Ronald Reagan meets with Gorbachev for the first time. Reagan recommended a united front in
the event of a space invasion. (Spiegel 1989/ 42 regarding Voronezh)

1985 Okt.-Dec.
Whitley Strieber reports in his book "The Visitors" about his abduction - that of his wife and son
as well - by extraterrestrials. He was placed in a circular room. He could register four different
types of figures: Small, robot-like creatures. Small, squat creatures in dark overalls. Broad faces
that looked dark gray or dark blue depending on the lighting, glittering, deep-set eyes, snub
noses, and wide, almost human mouths.
The third and fourth species did not look human. One was about 150 cm tall, very slim and petite,
with hypnotic slanted black eyes. Mouth and nose were only faintly indicated. The crouching
figures in the operating room were smaller, with similarly shaped heads, but round, beady black
eyes. The smell reminded a little of cardboard. The hand smelled faintly but definitely of organic
acid. It wasn't a human scent. There was also a delicate smell of cinnamon. Strieber visited Budd
Hopkins, a psychologist who has examined about 140 people - all in relation to alien abductions
(Whitley Strieber, The Visitors, p. 38)

According to the US Navy, UFOs are to operate from bases which lie deep under the sea surface.
The Navy's Operation Deep Freeze has confirmed this. A "huge, silvery vehicle" was observed,
which broke through ice about 12 meters thick and disappeared into the night sky. (People
magazine, Australia, 5/22/85)

Alvina Scot was kidnapped by the Grays and genetically engineered. Eggs were removed from
her uterus. She was later confronted with the result of breeding as a cross between human and
extraterrestrial. They showed her three children and claimed that Alvina was their mother. Alvina
referred to the Grays as the Hoovas. (The Leading Edge, No. 42, July 1992, pp. 14-15)

1986 April
New Zealand: Unidentified submarine sighted. (WAZ, 17.4.86)
Norwegians are looking for a foreign submarine. (Upper Hessian press, April 28, 1986)

1986 30.9.
Article in Weekly World News, "UFO Icebreaker matches wits with UFO." A Soviet icebreaker
spotted a UFO the size of a soccer field underwater. Depth charges were useless. It suddenly
broke through the polar ice and disappeared into space. There were reports of huge chunks of
ice falling on the ship.

1986 20.10.
Oscar Magocsi was invited by the aliens aboard their crystal ship Peace on Earth. This is the
supreme flagship of the interplanetary hierarchy of our solar system. Its mission was to “gather,
amplify and re-radiate the vast energies being emitted by the millions of Earth people gathering
on 12/31/86 12:00 GMT for a worldwide peace meditation. In answer to Earth's cry for help, this
great crystal ship would come laden with outpouring torrents of love from many galaxies and
realms beyond... (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 147)

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1986 Oct.
Foreign submarines in Sweden again - it couldn't have been Russians. (FAZ, 10/25/86)
From July to August 86, foreign submarines invaded Sweden's waters 15 times. The nationality
could never be determined. (picture, 10/21/86)

1986 11.11.
Chinese city disappeared after UFO encounter Surprised police officers witness the incident.
The city glowed with an orange light and disappeared. The entire village of "Wufeng"
disappeared, along with its inhabitants, houses, animals and plants. Nothing remained but
bare rock and earth. The village distress call revealed that blinking white lights were
descending from the sky and hovering over the village. Behind it was a large, cylindrical
object. (News Weekly, 11/11/1986)

1986 17.11.
The crew of a Japanese airliner sighted several UFOs over Alaska, which was confirmed by
air traffic controllers. First they saw two strings of lights, which initially hovered in place
before swept across the sky in bursts of speed. "All of a sudden, two spaceships appeared
and beamed at us," said the captain. Later, over Fairbanks, they noticed the "silhouette of a
gigantic spaceship." The foreign object had followed the Japanese machine for 650 kilometers.
(Weekly World News, 4/14/87)
Note: Hugin Publishing holds over 76 pages of photocopied US Department of Aviation
materials relating to this incident. The Japanese were questioned by Aviation Authority
inspectors. The minutes about it cover 42 pages. They were asked if the "strange" noises
they heard during the radio jamming were "similar to the German language." (Bergmann,
German flying discs.., p.95/ 96)

1986 20.11.
In a secret pact, more secret than the A-bomb or the Normandy invasion, President Ronald
Reagan and party leader Gorbachev have decided to combine their military forces to defend
Earth against attack by enemy spaceships. The mutual defense alliance obliges both the US
and the Soviet Union to combine all their nuclear missiles, spy planes, manned and unmanned
spacecraft including shuttles in one universal operation. The
-, amazing pact
three days was
after signed
radar just
centers in Alaska confirmed that a monstrous UFO (larger than two aircraft carriers) had
approached a Japanese airliner (No. 747). The paper covers the mobilization of conventional
air, sea and land forces and the immediate deployment of Russian and American nuclear
submarines. Of greater importance, however, is the readiness of the military satellites already
in orbit. These can aim laser weapons at attacking spaceships, even if they are still far out.
(Weekly World News, 4/14/87)

1986 27.12.
A private research group in France wants to get on the track of the UFO phenomenon with a
worldwide operating database (International Bank for Ufological Data). Group name: Research
Group on Unidentified Air and Space Phenomena, at: National Institute for Air and Space
Research in Toulouse. (AZ, 12/27/86)

1986 31.12.
12.00 GMT - Date of the great worldwide peace meditation. The mission of the Crystal Ship
Peace on Earth was to "gather, amplify and re-radiate the vast energies being emitted by the
millions of Earth people gathering at 12/31/86 12:00 GMT for a worldwide peace meditation. In
answer to Earth's cry for help, this great Crystal Ship would come laden with outpouring
torrents of love from many galaxies and realms beyond... All the stored cosmic energies that
were brought forth by the Crystal Ship and now transformed by powerful energies, Sent up
by the many millions of earthly helpers, huge amounts of light should now be poured into the
earth's magnetic field in order to convert its critical oscillation. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 147/ 48)

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1987 17.2.
taz Berlin: "At the meeting in Geneva, the President of the USA expressed the idea that the
United States and the Soviet Union - if the earth were threatened with an invasion by
extraterrestrials - would unite to repel this attack".

1987 Feb.
Oscar Magocsi visited the New Age colony "Sedona". (an ancient alien landing site). He was
"beamed" through the rock into an underground crystal cave, an alien base.
There the fight between light and darkness was described to him, which would now probably
have reached its final phase. Since time immemorial there has been the negative "Imperial
Alliance" alongside the positive "Interdimensional Confederation: Free Worlds". The humanity
of the earth originally came from the area of the Pleiades. Ever since she sank into ignorance
herself, humanity has been "courted" from both sides. The Alliance has its ground forces in
the guise of the Illuminati global conspiracy, the Confederacy in the Lightworker Network, and
their soft revolution. The Confederacy would be governed by the Council of Guardians. (Hesemann: UFOs: The

1987 14.4.
Article in "Weekly World News": Title: US and Russia vow to join forces against UFO onslaught
- The US and Russia want to join forces in the event of a UFO attack.

1987 26.5.
Over 900 people reported sightings of a fleet of a large, blue-grey, cigar-shaped missile and six
small, spherical UFOs over Kyiv to local newspapers and the Commission to Investigate
Unusual Atmospheric Phenomena. The pilot of an interceptor reported from 5000 m altitude
that the large spacecraft was a "flying island of fluorescent metal, the size of a soccer field".
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 180)

1987 July
Sweden hunts for submarines again (Oberhessische Presse, July 3, 1987) Sweden drops
bombs on a foreign submarine. (Münchner Merkur, 17.7.87) Sweden: depth charges on seals.
(AZ, 7/19/87) Submarine off Sweden? Depth charges dropped on unidentified target in northern
Baltic Sea. (Munich Mercury, 21.7.87)

1987 16./ 17.8.

Harmonic Convergence (Human Peace Meditation) A vision from the center of the galaxy, the
seat of the Galactic Hierarchy, was relayed to the humans. This date was to be followed by a
five-year phase of earth transformation from 1987 - 1992, after its completion in 1992/3 the
landing of "galactic helpers" and finally in 2012 the date of "galactic synchronization" and the
beginning of the 5th world age, according to the Mayan calendar - the acceptance of the earth
into the “Galactic Union”. This vision was received by 144,000 "rainbow people" and should be
transmitted to the people. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 9)

1987 Aug.
Sweden's futile hunt for submarines - photos, sounds and eyewitnesses/ Dissatisfaction with
armed forces. (FAZ, 8/11/87)

1987 Sept.
Newspaper: Spiegel, title: UFOs - badly decomposed: UFO fever is rampant again in the USA.
Are Americans being used by extraterrestrials for breeding experiments? Photos: UFO over a
US city - Visitors from space (taken by a traffic cop in Falkville, Alabama, USA) in 1973 -
Abductions by the Grays: "Rosemary Osnato feels like just one of many victims of the violent
criminals in Gray. Off Word came from all parts of America: On the east and west coasts,
women and men had been kidnapped by the mysterious strangers, from farms, from
automobiles and from beds.The rude kidnappers seized nurses, housewives, workers,
fishermen, three academics for hours at a time , a psychotherapist and a government lawyer."
At conferences, UFO researchers report on alleged medical experiments by aliens on US
citizens. Budd Hopkins, who has examined 140 abduction cases, enthuses

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the solid character of his interlocutors: all kidnappings follow the same pattern: it's always
gray-white dwarfs about 120 cm tall with pear-shaped, bald skulls and very large, blank eyes
who abduct their victims on board strangely shaped spaceships. The program on board is
also the same: medical examinations (sometimes with sex), a conversation with the abductees,
a compensation trip in the space cruiser around the world or into space and finally the return
to the place of the kidnapping. Hopkins: Humanity is part of a galactic hybridization program.
The Grays mix their cells and ours to breed an interstellar "hybrid race". It's likely, Hopkins
argues, that human beings are already being bred in alien laboratories today - a breeding
program whose origins we can't even guess at. Tissue samples were taken from many victims
- scars testify to the procedure. More than one in ten of the informants have reported probes
with tiny ball implants that were inserted by the Grays into the victims' bodies - Hopkins
suspects, in order to be able to trace those treated at any time. Almost all of the abductees
interviewed said they had been subjected to degrading treatment: semen samples were taken
from men and eggs capable of being fertilized were taken from women.

4.12 The JMP (Justice for Military Personnel Association) addresses a letter to the President
of the USA (Reagan) requesting a Presidential Order. They regret the anonymity of the letter
because they have no other option to take action against the CIA's UFO cover-up as they
eliminate all those in the know who want to expose the UFO silence tactic. JMP is composed
of retired military personnel who were either directly affected by the UFO silence tactics or
had to enforce them in military offices. This tactic of silence is considered a crime against the
people because it is not aimed at potential enemies. Below is a list of crimes committed under
pressure from the CIA. • We had to order the pilots to fire at UFOs, both to see what would
happen and we hoped to get hold of wrecked saucers. This sometimes resulted in
instantaneous explosion or instantaneous disappearance of pilot and aircraft. The
occupants of the UFOs seemed to know in advance all the actions of our pilots. • We
silenced military pilots who were reporting on UFOs. They were intimidated and harassed
to convince them they couldn't see. • The public was deliberately deceived. We forced the
FFA, NASA and other government agencies to conform to CIA policy. • We violated the
constitutional article on freedom of information by abducting

• We smeared commercial pilots who reported publicly about UFOs and forced their companies
to fire them. • We ruthlessly slandered those of our most distinguished and competent
citizens who dared to report UFO sightings. • We silenced congressmen and senators who
were requesting information about UFOs for their bodies.

Many of the nonsensical "attempts" to "explain" UFOs originated at CIA headquarters and
mostly came to the public through the Air Force, FFA, FBI, NASA, or Pentagon spokesmen.
The national campaign against UFOs was ordered by the CIA in 1953. Since then she has
published numerous studies and settled hundreds of articles in the press in order to spread
an atmosphere of scorn and ridicule in the UFO matter. False "UFO contacts" and scams of
all kinds were devised. This campaign is still ongoing today and seeping into many civilian
UFO circles. (UFO News No. 310, May/June 1988, Bergmann, Deutsche Flugscheibe .. p. 194)

1987 Dec.
Sweden threatens to sink foreign submarines. (Ruhr News, 12/22/87)

Around 1987 a project called Moonscan began. It lasted until 1989 and consisted of placing
mind control instruments on the moon aimed at the population of Earth. It was managed by
an organization called Airborne Instrument Laboratories (AIL), which also runs other secret
projects. At the time AIL ran under the Eaton Corporation but is now (since 1988) under the
control of the Department of Defense. AIL consists of three

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Branches: secret, commercial and defense. (Krill, OH: Orion based Technology Mind Control...,
p. 19)

1988 1.2.
Neutrality in danger: Gorbachev visits Sweden. "From the Soviet side, also from Gorbachev, the
Swedish Minister of State Carlsson has heard that the Soviet Union will never send its submarines
to the Swedish archipelago." (Dagbladet, 02/01/88)

1988 5.4.
Scientists count 52 UFO sightings over war-weary Arab countries, most of them over Kuwait,
Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. A rotating disk of light was reported, which hovered in the air for
more than three hours. Official Qatar News Agency said the spacecraft made a deep hissing
noise and constantly changed color before disappearing over the horizon into the dark night sky.
Neither the US nor the USSR have been willing to discuss the incidents, although sources in
both countries say the situation is being closely monitored by the highest levels of government.
(Weekly World News, 4/5/1988)

1988 19.4.
Article in US magazine Weekly World News, Florida: Aliens have established secret relations
with at least 17 world governments and may reveal next year to the public. So claims Austrian
industrialist Hofrat Moser, who says documents from an "unquestionable UN source" prove
world leaders have been negotiating with extraterrestrials for years. Quote: Published April 19,
1988 in the Weekly World News, Florida (excerpt) "We are about to begin a whole new epoch in
human history," Moser, a well-known advocate of one-world government, told reporters in Vienna.
The documents Moser claims he received from his UN source appeared to support his claims.
Signed by officials from 17 governments around the world, including the US and the Soviet
Union, they outlined trade and cooperation agreements negotiated with the governments in 1975.
They also found that extraterrestrials have already set up bases in the so-called neutral zones
around the world. The aliens come from the galaxy M31 in the constellation Andromeda, Moser
said. His documents classify them as humanoid.

1988 18.-25.4.
First national UFO conference in USSR in Tomsk. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 210)

1988 June
Sweden intensifies submarine hunt (Lucerner Latest News, 6.6.88) In the past few weeks more
than 50 submarine grenades and mines have been detonated against foreign invaders in the
Stockholm archipelago. Russians propose forming a joint naval unit to "find and sink the cursed
submarines" because they threaten relations between the two countries. (The World, 6/7/88)

1988 3.7.
Oscar Magocsi was summoned by the aliens to Niagara Falls, from where he was teleported
aboard the spaceship. Here it was explained to him and a group of other contact persons how
much the condition of the earth had changed for the better through the World Peace Meditation
on December 31, 1986 and in particular through the Harmonic Convergence on August 16/17, 1987.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 148)

1988 July
Increased appearance of in England (Silbury Hill). Over the next 2 months, 51 similar circles were
seen within a 11 KM radius. To date (1990) there have been over 700 - a large proportion of them
around prehistoric sites. It is said that these pictographs were preceded by UFO sightings. British
sport pilots discovered the circles from the air in 1976.
farmers claim to have seen this phenomenon as early as the 1940s. (Johannes v. Buttlar,
Drachenwege, p. 240ff)

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Colin Andrews and Busty Taylor: An interesting aspect of the crop circles is that both old
symbols of the Hopi Indians can be found here, as well as symbols of the old Egyptian phase.
The Hopis called together individual scientists who have made a name for themselves in the
study of these phenomena. The Hopis can obviously interpret parts of the crop circles. On the
eve of the Iraqis' invasion of Kuwait, a symbol appeared that drew attention to this fact - even
before the secret services knew about it. Considering the fact that
Since crop circles have been appearing in much of the world for over 300 years, the claim of
human origin is untenable. Such pictograms are even shown on carpets and wall hangings
from the 16th/17th century. Fake circles, which certainly exist, can be filtered out without much
expertise. They neither achieve symmetry, nor was it previously possible to create an artificial
pictogram without bending the stalks. One thing the pictographs have in common, regardless
of where they appear in the world, is that they are in close proximity to ancient places of
worship. It has not yet been clarified whether the circles are of extraterrestrial origin or a
phenomenon of the earth itself, despite various sightings of UFOs in these areas. (Conference
“Dialogue with the Universe October 16-19, 1992 in Düsseldorf)

1988 Aug.
Seal deaths off the German coast (WZ, 8/3/88, FAZ 8/9/88). Associated (though not in these
articles) with the depth charges on the U-boats. (Bergmann, German Flying Discs.., p.123ff)

1988 Sept.
Again depth charges on a foreign submarine off the Swedish coast. (Bremer News, 9/3/88)

1988 14.10.
Two-hour TV documentary in US, nationwide, with direct satellite connection to Moscow: Title:
UFO Cover-Up Two CIA officers (defaced voices and faces) participated, aliases Falcon and
Condor. This show was written by William Moore and film producer Jaime Shandera. Moore
has had dealings with Falcon and Condor over the past few months. Secret government
documents were leaked to him. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p. 81ff) • ...what is being kept
secret is the visit of various extraterrestrial races... • Today MJ12 includes: John Poindexter,
Harold Brown and James Schlesinger... • Four Secret UFO investigations are being carried out
by four groups of 200 people each as secret projects in various places in the USA.

• Purpose is the investigation and analysis of UFO wreckage.

• Sigma: Represents electronic communication with
extraterrestrials. • Project Snowbird: Codename for exploiting findings from extraterrestrial
space technology. For some time now, aircraft have been tested at the strictly shielded
Groom Range test site in the Nevada desert, about 100 km north-west of Las Vegas. In
addition, gravitational drives are tested there and aircraft that are not of terrestrial origin.
• Project Aquarius: Is the umbrella organization for the coordination of all UFO
investigations. • Project PI 40: The projects are specified in detail by PI 40. (Johannes von
Buttlar: Zeitriß, page 95-96; Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, page 81ff)
Members of American government agencies also had their say, commenting on the crashes of
unknown flying objects and encounters, as well as secret contacts by the US government with
extraterrestrial visitors. In a live connection with Moscow, two Soviet experts were interviewed
about sightings in the USSR - one was Sergei Bulantsev from the TASS news agency, and the
other was Leonard Nikishin, chairman of the commission for the study of unusual atmospheric
phenomena and a member of the Academy of Sciences. Bulantsev cited 2 cases where Soviet
army personnel had contact with the humanoid occupants of a UFO. (Johannes v. Buttlar,
Drachenwege, p. 209)

Falcon explained, “There is a book within the MJ12 community called 'the Bible'. It contains in
historical order all the technological data we have learned from the extraterrestrials since the
Truman era, the medical history of the bodies we found in the desert, the results of the
autopsies performed on them, and the information we received from the extraterrestrials about
their social structures and their knowledge of the universe.” Currently, in the year

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1988, an extraterrestrial is here as a guest of the US government and remains hidden from the
public. There is the "Yellow Book" which was written exclusively by the first extraterrestrial to be
with us in the 1950's. It contains a great deal of information about the strangers' home planet,
their solar system, their two home suns, their social structure and their life among Earth people.
But what has been most fascinating to me in my experience with the aliens is an octagonal crystal
that, when held in the hands of the aliens, shows images of their home planet and of Earth's
past.” Since 1949 to the present are three guests of the US government. The first was discovered
in the New Mexico desert after his spacecraft crashed. He was called EBE by us. He stayed until
1952. We learned a lot from him about the strangers, their culture and their spaceships. The
second alien came as part of an exchange program. The third alien also came as part of an
exchange program and has been a guest of the US government since 1982. (Hesemann: UFOs:
The Contacts, p. 82)

Condor added that a contract was made between the extraterrestrials. Its content: • the
USA would keep the existence of the extraterrestrials secret, • they, the extraterrestrials,
would not intervene in our society, • they would get land and rights - the USA the
The aliens would have bases on US military territory, including in New Mexico and at Nellis Air
Force Base in Nevada, below Groom Lake in Area 51, the US's most heavily secured military
testing site. These bases are gigantic, underground facilities. There they not only supported the
Americans in the development of their armaments technology, but also let them use one of their
spaceships for study purposes. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 83)

William Cooper: MJ 12 prepared an emergency plan designed to mislead anyone who got too
close to this truth. This plan was called Majestics 12. He was honored by the publication of the
allegedly genuine "Eisenhower: Briefing; Documents" (instruction documents for Pres.
Eisenhower) published by Moore, Shandera and Friedman. This document is a fake. It shows the
Presidential Order serial number 092447, a serial number that does not exist and will not exist in
the foreseeable future at the rate at which Presidential Order serial numbers are being distributed.
Truman was writing orders in the 9,000s, Eisenhower in the 10,000s, Ford was already at 11,000.
Reagan hit the 12,000s. For continuity, better registration, and to avoid errors, the Presidential
Orders are written out continuously, regardless of who is currently President in the White House.
This serial number is one of the many blunders in this document.

However, the plan succeeded in diverting all research for years. This resulted in useless spending
looking for information that couldn't be there. It resulted in the squandering of the $16,000 Funds
for UFO Research that Friedman received for this investigation. (MW Cooper, The Secret
Government, p. 20)
1988 It has been announced often enough that at the end of this century we would see a
catastrophe caused by humans. In the meantime, as Shoichi Harukawa explains, the situation has
changed a bit. It seems the time has shifted to 2036-2038 as we have increased our thought
frequencies a bit. If we manage to take another evolutionary step in terms of consciousness, it
may be that these catastrophes need not happen again. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 152)

1989 1.1.
Announcement on the 6:00 am news that the main Soviet research station in Antarctica had been
completely destroyed. (Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.145)

William Cooper decides to go public after his retirement. He is a former Navy intelligence officer.
His job was to keep high-ranking officers apprised of the American government's connection with
the extraterrestrials. It was above Top Secret. He started informing people in Congress and the
government about it. He has since made two attempted murders, losing a leg and suffering a
serious head injury. The others who work with Cooper are John Lear and Bill Hamilton. The three
have put together a videotape. (CBR UFO briefing 3/3/90, page 1b)

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1989 10.2.
William Cooper, filed a six-page indictment against the US government with notary public,
which he submitted to the Congressional Petitions Committee. Copies went to all senators.
He accuses the government of: Entering into a secret treaty with an extraterrestrial nation,
against the Constitution and without a vote of Congress. Land granted to this extraterrestrial
nation on the territory of the United States. To have traded human life, livestock and land in
exchange for extraterrestrial technology in that treaty, ignoring the government's constitutional
protection of the people.
This extraterrestrial nation is said to be responsible for the mutilations of cattle in the
American Midwest and for the kidnappings of thousands of civilians by UFOs since the early
1960s, incidents that almost always follow a pattern: A person or a group observes on a lonely
road on which Country or in the city at night a UFO that seems to be approaching.
Unconsciousness ensues and they later find themselves in the same place or a different
place, confused, with scars all over their bodies. In the weeks that follow, you keep dreaming
of lying on an operating table surrounded by strange little creatures. They have nightmares
about being implanted with long needles or being artificially inseminated. Many of them seek
psychiatric treatment to deal with these traumas. In regression or hypnosis, they remember
in detail that they were taken on board a UFO and examined there. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 83ff)

1989 28.2.
In an interview with Colonel Marina Popovitch, J. von Buttlar learns that the Soviet Mars probe
photographed UFOs approaching the Martian moon Phobos several times. Once on 28.2. and
once on 3/25/89. Some scientists assume that "Phobos" is an alien base and that this moon
is even hollow. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 204)

1989 26.4.
“On April 26, 1989, I mailed 536 copies of a motion for impeachment to every member of the
Senate and House of Representatives. To date, May 23, 1989, I have only received two replies.
One is from Senator Daniel P. Moynihan and the other is from Senator Richard Lugar. Both
said they would forward my papers to Senator Cranston and Senator Wilson, California, for
jurisdiction. Both assured me that my senators would certainly support me in my matter. I'm
still awaiting a response from the State of California and the other States aside from the two
already mentioned." (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 24)

1989 7.5.
Mr. Dodd, a member of the English UFO group QUEST, presented a report from the South
African Air Force, which is said to have shot down and secured a UFO on May 7th, 1989. The
surviving occupants who were brought to Wright Patterson Air Base (Ohio) with their UFO
were the gray ones: • 1.40 m tall, • three fingers, • gray skin, • no sexual characteristics, •
oversized head with big black eyes.

Through telepathic contact, it was possible to decode the hieroglyphic writing of the
extraterrestrials. (1989 November 1st, taz title: All saucers in the closet, by Bröckers, Matthias)

According to Dodd's witnesses, they came from the Ceta Reticuli system, 36 light-years away.
(Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 178)
South African Air Force Report on UFO Launch (Restricted Access: Illuminated Nine): At
13.52 GMT the object entered South African airspace. The attempt to establish radio contact
was in vain. Two Mirage FIIG fighter jets were launched. The object suddenly changed course
with a speed that would be impossible for any combat aircraft to match. At 13:59 GMT
Squadron Leader Goosen reported that they had located the object on radar and visually.
Orders were given to fire at the object with the experimental Thor 2 laser cannon. The
command has been executed. Goosen reported that bright

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Flashes of light emanated from the object. It began to roll and struck in a desert area 80 km
north of South Africa's border with Botswana, in the central Kalahari Desert. The object has
been recovered. They discovered: • A crater 150 meters in diameter and 12 meters deep. • A
silver, disc-shaped object placed at a 45 degree angle in one side of the

• Sand and rocks around the object were melted together by intense heat. • An intense
magnetic and radioactive field around the object led to the failure of
Air Force Equipment.
• The object was taken to the security zone of an air force base for further investigation
While the investigation team was observing the object at the air force base, a loud noise was
heard. You noticed how slowly a hatch opened. Two humanoid beings in tight-fitting gray
overalls stepped out and were immediately taken to a makeshift infirmary. Various items from
inside the ship have been removed for testing purposes. Medical Report: Height: 1.25-1.30,
grayish blue, soft skin texture, extremely elastic, no body hair. Head extremely large compared
to human proportions, raised skullcap with dark blue spots around the head, prominent
cheekbones, large eyes, slit up towards the side of the face. No pupils. Small nose consisting
of two nostrils. Mouth: Small slit without lips. Lower jaw small compared to human proportions.
ears not discernible. Arms: long and thin, reaching above the knees. Chest and abdomen
covered with scaly, ribbed skin. Legs short, thin. No external sexual organs. Three toes, no
nails, webbed feet. The hands consist of three webbed fingers with claw-like nails. Due to the
aggressive nature of the humanoids, no blood or skin samples could be taken. They refused
food. They will be transferred to Wright Patterson Air Base for further investigation. Transport
date: 23.7.89. Enclosure: two sides with hieroglyphic symbols. Writing and language are called
Ochroes. The sign (emblem) on the ship found consists of an upstanding, rounded rectangle
with the bottom missing. Inside are three dots arranged in a triangle (point up) and below them
an arrow with a closing line. This symbol has previously been seen repeatedly on UFOs
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Proofs, p. 87ff (image of the original document))

1989 4.7.
Tbilisi, Georgia/ USSR: While driving through a tunnel, David (27) faints, finds himself back in
his bed, still dimly remembers being brought into a UFO and being examined there. He goes
to the bathroom. The door opens, aliens stand in front of him and ask how he is after the first
contact. He talks about insomnia. One of the two strangers strokes his neck, whereupon he
falls unconscious again. When he wakes up, he notices a 12 cm scar on his neck, which takes
5 hours to heal. On his car seat he finds three appointments and locations for the next
contacts. The message from the aliens: “You are in great danger right now.
You are threatened by natural disasters that you have caused yourself. We are here to help
you. We have gathered enough intelligence and power to prevent it." (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Evidence, p. 98)
In the period that followed, some healing successes were reported in connection with these
extraterrestrials, which, as some contact persons reported, are said to come from Orion,
planet number 9. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 186)

In mid-1989,
dozens of UFOs landed across the USSR. (Joh. v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 212)

1989 27.9.
TASS reports: “Soviet scientists have confirmed the landing of a UFO in a park in the Russian
city of Voronezh. They also identified the landing site and found alien tracks." Hundreds of
city residents saw a banana-shaped object in the sky. A ball 10 meters in diameter landed. In
the lower part, a square entrance opened and out came a 3 meter tall alien with a small head
and a third eye on his forehead. He was wearing silver jumpsuit and bronze boots. He was
followed by another alien and a smaller, headless robot. There were at least three in all

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Landings between 23.9. and the 3.10. At the same time, similar spherical spaceships and
giant occupants were observed near Marbella/Spain and near Zagreb. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 180)

1989 10.10.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ): Title: TASS reports: "UFO landing" with "giant
extraterrestrials", Moscow October 9, (AP) UFO landing in Voronezh: Citizens allegedly saw a
large shiny ball or disk over the park, three or four humanoid beings (over 3 meters tall with
small heads) got out accompanied by a small robot. Investigations revealed that a 20 meter
wide indentation, containing 4 deep holes and 2 unidentified rock samples was encountered.
Voronezh residents have also reported banana-shaped objects in the sky.

1989 11.10.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, title: Don't you believe everything TASS says - burst pipe
instead of UFO landing? - Moscow 10.10. (AP) The events in Voronezh took place on
September 27. happened. The aliens have temporarily disappeared a 16-year-old boy.

1989 12.10.
Reuters: UFO landing near the Ural city of Perm. Journalist Pavel Mukhortov meets aliens.
The beings were about 3 meters tall and came in a spherical spaceship.
They informed him that they came from the constellation Libra, Red Star. They are managed
from a central system. He asked why they didn't want to take him with them. Answer: "It
would be dangerous for us - you would bring thought bacteria". (Hesemann: UFOs the contacts, p. 183)

1989 18.10.
Article in the FAZ, title: Extraterrestrial: According to Pravda, three extraterrestrials were seen
in an orange-colored UFO in the city of Obradovsk last Saturday. They had had three eyes
and four ears; they wore silver suits and rubber boots and were over 3 meters tall. According
to the experts, the largest of the three beings was a woman. one
they lifted their right ear and shouted something in a metallic voice, from which the words
"Glasnost Hooray" could be derived.

1989 27.10.
Article in the FAZ, title: UFO researchers talk about extraterrestrials: Description of the
extraterrestrials: Small, with long arms, gray skin, pear-shaped head and large eyes. They
have been visiting the earth for a long time and carefully observing the people. Hundreds of
fellow human beings are said to have been brought into spaceships for medical examinations.

1989 Oct.
Der Spiegel, issue 42. Title: UFOs - Tiny Head - The world is finally looking at Voronezh: What
came out of the cosmos? Drawings: Voronezh visitors in the tabloids Two giants, each with
three eyes in a tiny head, climbed out of the luminous ball, 10 meters in diameter. They briefly
made a boy disappear with a magic wand and then disappeared themselves.

1989 1.11.
Newspaper: taz. Title: All the Saucers in the Cupboard. Author: Bröckers, Matthias, Forty UFO
researchers from all over the world met for a congress in Frankfurt. Stanton Friedman (nuclear
physicist) spoke about a "Top Secret Eyes Only" White House paper on the "Majestics 12
Operation", a group of 12 high-profile military and scientists who recovered a UFO that
crashed in New Mexico in 1947, along with its killed inmates is said to have examined. Since
then, according to Friedmann, an international cover-up campaign has been underway, which
also kept further crashes and the extraterrestrials discovered, some of whom were still alive,
under the covers. Alien abductions and medical examinations of humans were also reported
at this congress. The surgical scars of the kidnapping victims can be seen on the slides of
the American psychologist Budd Hopkins - geometrically precise lines and squares that
terrestrial surgeons can hardly achieve. Hopkins has researched numerous cases where
people, and often small children, suddenly saw such an odd injury, but had no memory of it

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have come about. Under hypnosis, they then brought to light results that showed astonishing
parallels: they were paralyzed by small gray beings and transported via a beam of light into an
overly bright operating room, where they were then examined and operated on. The details of the
drawings, also the characters seen in the OP, the devices and the behavior of the extraterrestrials
are of such great agreement that it cannot be coincidental. Hopkins has published a book about
these cases in the US: Intruders. According to Wendell Stevens, former US Air Force Colonel,
Grays make up about 1/3 of the crews sighted in UFO contacts. Another third is almost
indistinguishable from humans, and the last third includes all sorts of species and races, including
the beings of Voronezh, over three meters tall. Based on the 800-page case of Bill Herrmann, who
was kidnapped several times by the Grays in Charleston (USA) in 1978 and allegedly had good
contacts with them, Stevens explains the origin. They come from a star 37 light years away from
Astrologers determined the double star system "Ceta Reticuli" based on drawings that Hermann
had made based on descriptions of the gray ones.

1990 25.4.
Attempted murder by Adelheid Streidl on Oskar Lafontaine. Quote Streidl: "I wanted to set a
signal against human factories and underground operating rooms, where people are mentally and
physically repurposed...." (Bunte from 05/03/90, Spiegel 04/30/90)

1990 22.8.
Bild Zeitung: UFO researcher claims: Photographer snapped four extraterrestrials - then he had to die.
The US is said to be in possession of 17 dead extraterrestrial bodies. According to Tony Dodd
(Investigative Director of the British UFO Watch "Quest International"), recordings were made of
four (crashed in 1947). The photographer's name was Nicholas van Poppen. He was brought in as
the official military photographer and took hundreds of pictures. He described the aliens to friends
who were still strapped into their nine-meter-wide spaceship: 60 to 120 cm tall, thin, with human
hands. They had white faces and wore shiny black overalls. Soon after the final recordings, he
died under mysterious circumstances.

Dodd: The US authorities are aware of 23 different types of extraterrestrials. Some are benign,
others are not. Recently, there has been an increase in visits from malicious aliens who are said
to be killing animals and, more recently, humans inexplicably. Such deaths were particularly
common in the New York area. People are killed and maimed. Ears and nose, often the sexual
organs as well, sometimes half the face are removed. You don't see an interface. What is most
astounding is that the dead have been drained of their blood down to the last drop.

1990 1.9.
Article in the Bild Zeitung: Nuclear physicist filmed UFOs Quote from UFO researcher Johannes
von Buttlar: “The sightings are becoming more and more specific. Aliens are watching us. They'll
be in touch in a few months."

1990 Sept.
Article in the Bild Zeitung: The greatest mysteries of the world - The glass head of the Mayas
came from space Radio signals from Atair were picked up at the Institute for Radio Astronomy in
Kharkov (Ukraine), from which it was concluded that there was a civilization with tremendously
large industrial standard.

1990 Sept.-Nov.
In September/October 1990 a new extraterrestrial race tried to conquer this planet.
They smashed zero-time generators across the country. These invaders were stopped by another
race. For many years some descendants of the Orion group have depended on a satellite ring to
support their vital functions. This satellite ring was also destroyed by the same protection group
in November (Krill, OH: Orion based Technology Mind Control..., p. 20). They cannot exist here
without electronic support from the ring of satellites established years earlier. Almost all Orion
beings then left the earth. (p. 27)

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The Orion Group was the manipulative force behind all of these projects. Their expectations
stretched to using mind control to take over the populace in the 1990s, but no later than
1994-95. They are also involved in the genetic projects in which human sperm and ovum are
modified to such an extent that resulting offspring will produce a hybrid race with new
characteristics. That's one of the reasons behind the kidnapping cases. (Krill, OH: Orion
based Technology Mind Control..., p. 20)

1991 July
The German media reports on pictograms in cornfields in northern Germany.

A child is to be born who should unite the world with a peace plan and a false religion from
1992 onwards. (MWCooper, The Secret Government, p.14)
Present: Another emergency plan has been activated and is already affecting us today. It is
the plan to prepare the public for the expected confrontation with an extraterrestrial race. The
public is currently exposed to television and motion picture films, radio programs and
advertisements depicting almost every aspect of the alien nature and presence. It includes
the good and bad sides. The aliens are planning to show their presence and the government
should prepare us to avoid panic. All major research organizations are targets of infiltration
and infiltration by the Secret Government. It is very likely that all major releases are controlled
as well. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 20)

1992 Oct.
Congress in Düsseldorf "Dialogue with the Universe": One of the speakers was Bob Oechsler,
ex-NASA employee. Oechsler referred to an interview he had with Admiral Bobby Ray Inman,
one of the most senior figures in American intelligence. Among other things, he asked him
whether he could imagine the salvaged flying discs being released for private research one
day. Inman answered the question with "I don't know".
A few years earlier he would have answered with a resounding NO. With the government
becoming more open about this, he could at least imagine it. Oechsler found this statement
important because it was the first time a senior government official had confirmed the
existence of the recovered flying discs. Inman confirmed that an indoctrination program is
currently underway in America to prepare the population for the existence of extraterrestrial
intelligence and the associated reality of UFOs. Oechsler then showed the video recording of
a news program that was broadcast on the NBC Evening News last year. You could witness
an exchange of words between Discovery astronauts and NASA Mission Control. Freely
quoted wording: "We still have the alien ships under surveillance". Upon closer examination,
it turned out that this conversation was fake and taped on purpose. Oechsler received videos
and documents from an anonymous group in Canada that calls itself the "Guardian". The
video film showed a UFO landing in Canada.
It is not known how the filmers got the information about the landings. It suggests that the
information and footage may have originated in government circles. (Conference Report) In
the American advertising industry, more and more flying discs are being integrated into
product advertising.

1992 26.10.
Associated Press: According to a survey by the Wickert Institute, 49% of all Germans are
convinced that there are intelligent beings in the cosmos. In West Germany, 50% believe in

1992 Nov.
An article about UFOs appears in the praline entitled: “Proof They Really Exist: UFOs! Filmed
by the space shuttle in space!” Due to an oversight on the part of the astronauts, the
sensational video recordings have now become public! PHOTO: Footage from the space
shuttle Discovery: A UFO on approach to land. It dodges in a flash, being attacked by a
missile from Earth. Should the UFO be destroyed? ... In your excitement about this

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celestial phenomenon, the astronauts immediately sent the images to Earth. There they are not
only received by the US space agency NASA, but also by an American news channel. This is
how the sensational photos ended up in the hands of the well-known UFO researcher Johannes
von Buttlar, .... more: ... The start of an unknown flying object has now been filmed in Canada.
Silver-gray, arrow-shaped UFOs have also been sighted in Belgium and South Africa...

PHOTO: A frame from a film shot in Canada: The launching UFO sets fire to bushes beneath it
with tremendous energy. It then climbs upwards at incredible speed.

1993 13.-15.9.
Meeting at Laurence Rockefeller's Ranch in Wyoming: Guests: UFO researcher Bruce Maccabee, Dr.
Steven Greer, Keth Thompson, filmmaker Linda Moulton Howe, Leo Sprinkle and CB Scott
Jones of the Human Potential Foundation. it was to prepare a response to Clinton administration
plans to strategically release UFO information over the next three years to acquaint the public
with the fact that we are not alone in the universe.
At the same time, the "Foundation for UFO Research" prepared a comprehensive "briefing
paper" on the UFO topic for members of Congress. A leading Washington law firm, also involved
in exposing the Watergate scandal, interviewed a number of eyewitnesses to the Roswell crash
and is preparing a lawsuit against the US government designed to uncover the truth once the
Court of Auditors' investigation begins . In the meantime, Dr. John Gibbons, President Clinton's
chief scientific adviser and director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
at the CIA, issued a background paper on the UFO phenomenon, since Gibbons does not have
access to the President's super-secret briefings on national security matters. The CIA hired UFO
researcher Bruce Maccabee to write a 10-page report. The document was titled "Instructing the
US Government on a Way to Solve the UFO Problem as Determined by Civilian Researchers for
the Past 20 Years." (Magazine 2000, 2/ 94)

By 1995, however, the peoples would find out that he (the child who was supposed to unite the
world with a peace plan and a false religion) was evil and was actually the Antichrist.
World War III would begin in the Middle East with an invasion of Israel by a unified Arab nation.
Conventional weapons would be used first. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p.

1996 Hamilton talks about the CIA and other intelligence services preparing and staging an
official extraterrestrial contact and landing in the near future. They want to make it look like
aliens are contacting Earth for help because some kind of intergalactic war is raging outside.
The government will announce that they have been in contact with them for years but have not
been able to let anyone know, etc.
(Hamilton Lecture, CBR UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 32a)
Future: The events of Fatima in the early years of this century have been investigated due to
suspicion that they could be a matter of extraterrestrial (the Gray) manipulation.

(Note: Portuguese place of pilgrimage: in 1917 three children had an apparition of Mary on the
13th of May to October. This apparition was declared credible by the Catholic Church in 1930.)

A spy campaign was launched to solve the mystery. The US used their Vatican contacts and
shortly thereafter received the full study, including the prophecy. This held that unless man
turned from evil and sat down at Christ's feet, the planet would destroy itself and the events
described in the Bible's Revelation would actually occur. (see the events of 1992, 1995, 1999,
-2003, 2011)
The aliens, confronted with this investigation result, confirmed its truthfulness. They declared
us to have created through interbreeding and manipulated the human race through religion,
satanism, sorcery, magic and the occult. They also stated that they were capable of time travel
and that events would actually occur. Later US and USSR use of extraterrestrial technology for
time travel (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 14).

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1997 2.7.
Steven Spielberg wants to film the Roswell crash. The film will start on July 2, 1997 - for the 50th
anniversary of the Roswell crash. Spielberg plans to reveal the whole truth about UFOs and
aliens in a fact-based drama about the Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash in July 1947 and the
recovery of the UFO wreckage and three dead (and one alive) aliens the US Air Force. Even more
sensational, "Hollywood insiders say the director was leaked unreleased footage of the crash
scene taken by an Air Force officer," reported the London Daily Mirror of 12/22/93. (Magazine
2000, 2/ 1994)

The people from Saturn brought Reinhold Schmidt (1960) to the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.
They explained to him that the construction of the 54-ton stones was only possible thanks to the
application of universal laws and natural forces that had canceled gravity. They led him to an
underground room in the pyramid, a triangular chamber containing a small spaceship - and
evidence of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. After 1998, when a new age begins, these secret
chambers would be revealed, mankind would receive testimonies of Christ's life for the first time
and recognize His true origins.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 74)

The war in the Middle East would culminate in a holocaust through the use of nuclear weapons.
(MW Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 14)

According to Masonic calendar beginning with the explosion of a star in 4000 BC. has, this star
is to be seen again in the year 2000. The Galileo rocket, carrying 49.7 pounds of plutonium, is on
its way to Jupiter, a "baby star" with a gaseous makeup, like our sun. In 1999, this charge is
scheduled to be dumped at the center of Jupiter. An atomic reaction is said to ensue, igniting
Jupiter's hydrogen and helium atmosphere. A new star called Lucifer is about to be born. The
world will interpret it as a sign of tremendous religious importance. The prophecy will be fulfilled.
At the same time a tomb is to be opened in Egypt containing ancient records about the earth. The
opening of this tomb and the return of Lucifer will usher in a new age. (MW Cooper, Behold a Pale
Horse, p. 72/ 73)

Based on research findings in the 20's-30's an expedition was put together to open a secret
chamber under the pyramid. A metal door was found 500 feet below the base of the pyramid.
Opening the door required a sonic code. A room with over 30,000 recording discs and
extraterrestrial equipment was found. The disks were deciphered. They describe the rise and fall
of extraterrestrial civilizations, going back more than 100,000 years. This group built this chamber
and then put the pyramid over it. (Krill, OH: Orion based Technology Mind Control..., p. 35)

During these years, most of the planet would suffer terribly and life would be largely annihilated.
(Milton W. Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 14)

Charles Silva met Rama of the Pleiades in Peru in 1974. Rama spoke about prophecies related to
the future of mankind. The earth would face droughts and natural disasters. Eventually, a world
leader, the Antichrist, would seize power. Its power would end abruptly when a giant celestial
body encountered Earth in 2001, triggering major floods, earthquakes, and possibly a pole shift.
Before that, however, 144,000 people, the New Age's ruling elite, would be evacuated, briefed and
later brought back to Earth to show the survivors the way to a better future. (Hesemann: UFOs:
The contacts, p. 139/ 40)

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The return of Christ is to take place.(MWCooper, The Secret Government, p. 14)

Prediction: Admission of Earth to the “Galactic Union”. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 9)

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Quotations from well-known personalities

UFOs: "We don't even know half of them..." US President George Bush

Considered by many politicians as a topic to be avoided at all costs

Derided by media reporters as the product of too much imagination,
UFOs continue to amaze and confuse all those who come into contact with the phenomenon

The UFO COURIER decided to collect testimonies from respected leaders

Political figures and the army were made on the subject.

An alien threat?

US President Ronald Reagan

Sep 21, 1987 - 11:05 am

Text containing President Reagan's remarks to the 42nd General Assembly of the United Nations
(New York)

The President spoke about his vision for the future, the recent leadership transition to the
Philippines, the benefits of freedom, the problems in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Nicaragua,
Limitation of nuclear weapons, human rights, and in his third to last paragraph he said:

“In our current obsession with hostilities, we often forget how much all members
connects humanity.
Perhaps an external, universal threat that needs us these common bonds
makes clear.I occasionally think how quickly our global differences would vanish
we one if face the alien threat. And, I ask you, isn't one already
foreign force among us that drives us into wars?"


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May 9, 1988 - 9:09 am

Text with remarks by President Reagan in Chicago during a question and answer session
after a speech on human rights reported by Terrence Hunt, press correspondent at the
white house.

President Reagan said he wondered what would happen if the earth was made of a power
would invade space, and assumed that all nations to a common
defense would unite. He told this story the following day after announcing that
Nancy Reagan would have an astrologer for the President's program and travel plans
consulted. Some members of Congress reprimanded Reagan for using astrology,
and a group of scientists complained that it was not credible
practice would act.

Reagan spoke when asked what he believed to be the most important factor
international relations, about the importance of honesty and about the desire for
peaceful solutions. He went on to say that since World War II there had been “about 114
wars, including conflicts between small nations.

"I have often wondered what would happen if everyone in the world discovered
that we are from one Power
be threatened by another planet in outer space.«

US President Ronald Reagan

The comment drew applause from members of the National Strategy Forum in the audience, one
impartial group specializing in foreign affairs and national security. president
Reagan was not the first nor the last American President to comment on UFOs


US President Harry S. Truman

On April 4, 1950, during a press conference, President Harry S. Truman said:

"I can assure you that flying saucers, assuming they exist, are of no power
constructed on earth."


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US President Gerald Ford

A congressman, later President Gerald Ford, used political pressure for the 1968
Introduce public hearings before Congress to allow ex-military and Secret Service employees (as
well as active employees) to speak publicly and without fear of
disability to speak about the UFO topic.

“I believe we owe it Publicity, the UFO theme with the credibility it deserves to
treating and doing the greatest possible education to reach."


US President Jimmy Carter

"I wouldn't make fun of people who saw UFOs."

US President Jimmy Carter

President Jimmy Carter was among dozens of witnesses to a UFO in October 1969 in Leary,
observed georgia. The then governor said:

almost the the

sizestrangest thing I've ever seen. was large, "It was changing colors and was bright
of the moon. wasit very it is
We watched for ten minutes,
make funbut
us could
it was
thing is certain, I will never it isactually was.
they would have a UFO on


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During his presidential campaign, Carter pledged all known government acts about
publicizing UFOs if he were in the White House; his introduction of the American
Freedom of Information Law has certainly had the publication of thousands of so far
secret UFO documents - but were they really all?

On January 15, 1996, the former President was asked:

"In 1976 you said you scientists
would try to have the public and the
available?" all information about the UFO sightings
make. believe that you, you too reached your goal

Carter replied:
"I'm not sure, but we've been able to release a lot of information...but I
don't know how many have not been published.«


What is the truth?

Interest in UFOs was not limited to North America alone. On February 21, 1974 he said
French Defense Minister Robert Galley told France-Inter radio journalist Boureret:

"I must say, if your listeners themselves mass of reports about UFOs the airborne and den
mobile troops and those with the initiation of investigations
could - all who these reports will be sent by us to the National Center for then would space studies
forwarded -, know that this is all very troubling.”

Jean-Claude Boureret, Minister of Defense, France


In a note to Lord Cherwell dated July 28, 1952, the British Prime Minister asked
Winston Churchill:

is is
"Where alltruth?
this talk
Send a report
about flyingas soon as
saucers possible."
supposed to lead? What's behind it? What the

Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, UK


In September 1977, Lieutenant General Akira Hirano, chief of the Japanese said
Air Defense Force:

“We often see UFOs in the sky. We need to investigate the rest." in
Lieutenant General Akira Hirano, Chief of Air Defense Forces, Japan


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Mikhail Gorbachev, former President of the former Soviet Union

On February 16, 1987, during a speech in the Moscow Kremlin, the Soviet President said
Michail Gorbatschow:

“The US President says that the United States and the Soviet Union in the Case
on of a Raid
aliens would join forces to repel this invasion. (...) I
I don't want to dispute this hypothesis, but I think it's still early
maketoit decide
like this.«
invading thoughts to


But then on April 26, 1990, Gorbachev said:

“The UFO phenomenonis a reality. I know it's Scientific organizations out there that do this
problem research."

Mikhail Gorbachev: President of the Soviet Union


UFOs are from beyond Earth

Witnessing a significant UFO incident over Bulawayo Airport in Zimbabwe on 22

July 1985 Marshall Azim Daud-pota of the Zimbabwe Air Force said:

“Lots of people saw it is. It iswas no illusion, delusion, or conceit."

Marshall Azim Daudpota Air Force, Zimbabwe


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Brigadier General David Thorne, Senior General on Operations said:

„Dies is the first sighting in Zimbabwe, where pilots of the Air Forces attempted a UFO

it So
to intercept. isAs
far as my staff is concerned,we strongly believe that the inexplicable UFOs of civilizations
come from beyond our planet.«

US-Brigadegeneral David Thorne


It exists, it's real

According to an article that appeared in MUFON Journal in November 1992, a asked

Member of the presidential election campaign committee the former head of the CIA George Bush, whether the
UFO stories were true.

The man who would become President replied:

"We don't even know half of it..."

US President George Bush


Files were destroyed without proper authorization

Referring to the findings of the GAO investigation (General Accounting Office Report in July
1947 - Roswell Incident - published July 28. 1995) said Congressman Steven
Schiff who initiated the investigation:

"Important documents that could have shed more light on the Roswell incident are missing."

"The GAO report states that the outbound messages from the Roswell Military Airfield from
destroyed at that time without proper authority."

"To my knowledge, these messages were perpetual documents that never would have
may be destroyed. GAO could not figure out who or what reason these
destroyed messages."

US Congressman Steven Schiff

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The flying lights from the Jonas Valley

The study of relevant UFO literature gives the impression that the seemingly strangest and
most unbelievable incidents take place beyond our national borders. However, this is a
mistake. Some confrontations with UFO phenomena happen right on our "doorstep". An
example of a special kind are the light phenomena that have been observed for some time in
the area of the so-called Jonas Valley and the Ohrdruf military training area in Thuringia.

August 1996. Sven Müller (pseudonym) lies in wait again to be able to see the “flying lights”
that he has been observing for a week. It is located at the highest point of a gentle hill, very
close to a small connecting road between the towns of Bittstädt and Holzhausen. From this
position, the "lights" are clearly visible, and this time the eyewitness hopes for a similar
sighting. But what he will experience that night will not let him return to the place where it
happened... What had happened beforehand? Sven Müller had heard from an acquaintance of
a lady who claimed to have seen strange lights over a nearby valley. An appointment for a
joint exploration was quickly found. To be on the safe side, various cameras and a video
camera were carried along, although it was not seriously considered being able to record
anything out of the ordinary.

However, luck would have it otherwise. A fireball, estimated to be thirty to forty meters in
diameter, unexpectedly rose about a kilometer from the observation point and was filmed and
photographed for five minutes. During the entire appearance no noises could be heard. A
compass he carried pointed its needle precisely at the apparition; only after the disappearance
of the fireball did the device function normally again.

Sven Müller was electrified. What he had observed that night almost blew his imagination.
What was he observing?

In any case, he wanted to know for sure and returned to the scene of the incident the following
night. And he shouldn't be disappointed, which is amazing in itself. At exactly 10:25 p.m., a
bright something moved toward the exact spot where the fireball had appeared the night
before. This time, when viewed through a 60x telescope, the object appeared as a bright disk
or ellipse with four "headlights" directed downwards. The apparition also seemed to be
shrouded in some kind of glowing cloud. And this time, too, the compass went haywire... Up
until that ominous night mentioned at the beginning, there were a few more sightings that
could be registered again and again at midnight and showed something that, according to
popular belief, shouldn't have existed at all.

In the - for the witness - last night he drove again alone to his observation point.
From the previous nights he knew that the compass needle always observed the
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object aligned. It was therefore to be assumed that the beginning of a deviation of the compass needle would
also signal the appearance of the "lights". And indeed: at 11.40 p.m. the compass needle actually began to move
in the direction of the place of apparition, but at first nothing out of the ordinary could be seen.

To improve visibility, Sven Müller stepped out of his camp in the forest and went to the nearby small crossroads
to scan the horizon with binoculars. However, nothing was to be seen, Müller turned around and wanted to go
back. Just then he saw something red with a dark center hissing towards him. This something flew a maximum
of two meters above ground level. With the presence of mind, the witness moved two steps forward, at the same
moment he saw a rocket-like object about two feet long and six inches in diameter fly by exactly at head height
where he had been standing only a few seconds earlier.

Mueller later testified that after passing his position, the object turned left and disappeared on the horizon, while
the hissing noise that was heard became weaker. The air was filled with an odor reminiscent of a burned out
electric motor.

Of course, this near-assassination attempt caused some horror in Sven Müller. In a hurry, he packed up his
observation device and left this eerie place. An acquaintance who saw him the next morning, after he had last
contacted him personally before the nightly tour, was amazed that Müller must have gotten a bad sunburn in the
middle of the night... Did that have anything to do with it to do with the passing object?

I had the opportunity to get to know Sven Müller personally. He is a man who has both feet on the ground. He
took the strange occurrence in the night as an opportunity to inform the criminal police about this incident.
Amazingly, no one smiled at him when he submitted his detailed report. On the contrary: as it turned out,
representatives of the authorities that usually work in secret suddenly took an interest in him. What had he seen
that made the Man in Black, pardon me, the gentlemen in the Daimler sedans, interested in him too?

During our conversations we tried to find an answer to this question. The observed lights initially reminded me
of those descriptions given by witnesses of confusedly moving objects near Area-51, USA. Had the Americans
succeeded the Russians at the Ohrdruf military training area? Were you testing smaller but new (weapons)
systems here that, given the general popularity of the base in the States, were no longer trouble-free to try out?
Was that why there were problems with the Secret Guards?

At first still convinced of the possibility of this hypothesis, I soon had to realize that I was probably on the wrong
track. There are moments in life when you look for answers and they are handed to you piece by piece on a
golden platter. And that's exactly what happened this time. Purely by chance, I met a journalist who had been
researching the entire area for years. However, there were historical reasons for this, as the area was the subject
of busy underground activities during World War II, which were directly related to the production of V-weapon
systems and the testing of new weapons technologies. Without asking, I learned that the strange light phenomena
could possibly be related to underground developments, since the lights were first seen at the end of World War
II. A geological anomaly, which I had also suspected, was eliminated


I was aware of the explosive nature of the subject: strange lights - underground systems - high technology.
Should I continue or rather stay away from the topic? Eventually I ran the risk of being accused of breaking a
taboo. Today, many prefer it if recent German history, which includes the disastrous Nazi era in particular, is no
longer considered in terms of its technological developments. Be that as it may, my curiosity was greater than
the accusations to be expected. And fortunately I did not research alone, because over time it became very clear
that many independent researchers and treasure hunters (in the Jonas Valley

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long suspected to be the legendary Amber Room) came to very similar conclusions.

For reasons of space, it is impossible for me to show all stages of the research at this point.
What is important is the conclusion to be drawn from the available information: flying lights
have been seen since the end of the Second World War. Observations have already been
made by villagers, treasure hunters and the military. During the phase in which the Ohrdruf
military training area was being used, the Soviet military at the time measured an
electromagnetic field that occurs sporadically and originates underground. This field may
produce an effect similar to piezoelectricity, whereupon moving lights, fireballs, etc. can be

Of course, at this point the question arises as to whether an underground power generation
system that causes such effects is even conceivable. And the strangest thing is the problem
that after several decades - if you follow the discussion - it still seems to work.

Some may dismiss this as the wildest speculation, but I must point out that one must be
extremely careful with such an assessment unless one knows the facts. To this day, the area
of the Jonas Valley and the surrounding sections are connected with a mystery. The fact that
nothing was known about it for decades is due to the fact that nothing was published about it
in GDR times and the area was under the sovereignty of Russian occupation troops.

Since the Red Army left in the early 1990s, however, the Jonas Valley has been the destination
of countless treasure hunters who, as mentioned above, suspect the famous St. Petersburg
amber room to be here. There is also clear evidence that the SS stored other transports of art
here and closed the entrances to the completed areas before leaving the site. However, these
underground safes were not first built as treasure hiding places, no, there are very clear
indications that the underground catacombs and tunnel systems served technological and
production-related purposes that had the highest priority and were associated with the highest
levels of secrecy. This documents, among other things, the strange behavior of the US
military, which conquered the area in April 1945.

From April 1st to 2nd, 1945, General Patton's 3rd Army made a targeted advance towards
Thuringia. The wedge-shaped attack went under the alias "operation eclipse" - "operation eclipse".
General Patton urged his soldiers to hurry. When the parliamentarians of the 89th Infantry
Division were still negotiating the surrender of Eisenach, the spearhead of the US troops had
long since pushed past the town. This had chosen the cities of Ohrdruf and Arnstadt as
targets. About Arnstadt it is said that Hitler and his followers are planning to move to an
unfinished headquarters three kilometers west of the city. The Americans even knew the code
name - "S 3" - and assumed that the Führer bunker had five underground shafts. The US
General Staff was therefore well informed about Nazi activities in Thuringia.

From the chronicles of the 89th US Infantry Division it can be inferred that they marched
further east from Friedrichroda via Ohrdruf to Arnstadt. Detailed research brought an
astounding picture to light. When the US troops reached Ohrdruf on April 4, they didn't seem
interested in the Jonas Valley region for six days. And this despite the fact that a company
was stationed only a few hundred yards away. It was not until April 10th that the combat units
marched on. In a pincer movement they went around the valley and met again in Arnstadt. But
here, too, they turned their backs on the Jonas Valley. It appears that US regular troops were
not aware of the existence of the underground facility. There is also no information about
which special units fought free the Jonas Valley, since a Hungarian SS unit was stationed
here, among other things. Only the Espenfeld subcamp, which the Americans discovered not
far from the construction site in Jonastal, is documented.

But even after the American supreme commander and his generals had inspected the
concentration camp in Ohrdruf, no one publicly questioned what it was built for in the first
place. The generals had known for a long time that there was a large SS construction site in
the Jonas Valley. They did not say in their memoirs where they went on the afternoon of April 12, 1945. These

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just as incomplete as the accessible documents of the special units that were commissioned
to explore the Jonas Valley.

For example, the inventory of aerial photos from January 9, 1945. It is clear evidence that the
Jonas Valley was also photographed. But of all things, the photos of the major construction
site have been removed from the archive.
There are also white spots in the records of the Scouting Force. The reconnaissance officers
of the 89th Infantry Division were responsible for the area between Ohrdruf and Arnstadt.
Actually, her diary should have given an answer to what the Americans found in the shell
limestone slopes. But the entries between April 8, 1:35 p.m. and April 11, 7:35 p.m. are
missing. So that period in which they should have explored the valley.

These examples suggest that the Americans had an interest in deliberately keeping the Jonas
Valley target out of the documents. And even where it is mentioned, the reference to the
underground facility is missing.

The logs of what the Americans actually found are in the National Archives in Washington.
But to this day many documents are still under lock and key. The contact point for the US
military files is the field office in Sudland. The historian Willi Korte researched here. He made
a name for himself in America when, after intensively studying sources, he proved which US
officer had stolen the Quedlinburg cathedral treasure. In the Ohrdruf case, Korte found
evidence that the occupiers had removed several hundred tons of documents from the
surrounding area. They came from high German military and government positions. Some of
them were classified in the "US Reports" as top-secret government documents.
However, Korte did not find a single report on the subterranean system in the Jonas Valley in
the meter-long files of the US divisions in question.

“I've been here in this archive for over ten years now and have worked on many such problems
and usually an event like the Jonas Valley, which spans an entire valley, shows up clearly in
the files. So why in this case the Jonastal is practically not reflected in the files at all is
completely inexplicable to me. So I can only speculate. One possibility is, of course, that the
interests of the secret service took priority over any other interests of the military and that
this may not be reflected in these files, but rather is reflected in secret service files that we
have not yet heard of. Another explanation, such as that there was nothing to see in the Jonas
Valley, can be ruled out, because the matter was very extensive and the files sometimes
offered very detailed descriptions of other events. So I'd rather bet on the fact that something
happened here that we haven't been able to research up to now.«

Many now believe that the US military and government secrecy regarding the Jonas Valley
and associated subterranean systems must have a technological basis. And this was of such
high importance that it has been kept secret to this day. With all due restraint, there are
definitely clear indications of the technologies developed and used there: V-weapon
development (V1, V2), nuclear research, energy production according to Tesla principles, high-
frequency technology and so-called death ray weapons.

speculation? Hardly likely. A nuclear research laboratory (Stadtilm) and the development site
of the Horton-IV flying wing (Waggonfabrik Gotha) were relatively close by. Notes for a high-
tech region.
In conclusion, it could be that the observed light phenomena, initially tentatively referred to
as UFOs, are related to some of these technologies.

It may be that this hypothesis is strong stuff for some. It may be that some people get a
stomach ache when they think about the consequences. However, none of us can choose
whether emerging truths are comfortable on the one hand and fit into the cemented world
view on the other. In the last few years I have repeatedly found that the UFO phenomenon has
numerous facets and cannot be explained with just one thesis.

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Be that as it may: It is still unclear why the observed fireballs in the forest
arise sporadically in the same place. And why it is precisely that area
in which the members of the 3rd US Army under General Patton 1945 underground, several floors
found deep bunkers and factories...

Thomas Mehner, born in 1961, completed an apprenticeship in the field of computer science and is today a
self-employed businessman and publisher. Since 1978 he has been dealing with borderline science
Topics with special interest in the UFO phenomenon. Since then he has been doing his own research and giving lectures
and published numerous journalistic works. From 1987 to 1993 he was the editor
several magazines; since 1997 he has been a member of the editorial board of UFO-KURIER.

The reaction below relates to the article above

The original eyewitness who first saw this luminous phenomenon mentioned in the article
describes the phenomenon as follows:

Luminous phenomenon, at theisit most likely an emission that The only under
certain weather conditions, occurred at midnight on a summer night for only about
at most five seconds over the distant forest edges, she sent an art
weak flashes to the left and right, during the apparitionno photo or
filming done!!!

That glow probably won't go on either it is be,

Ban media, very expensive
Compass needle could also not be observed
Special technology would be used, a deviation from the

I also
will! Above don't allow myself to make an exact judgment on the size of the training,it could be between
50 to even over a hundred meters wide and maybe 50 meters that. high at the exit point
you have to visualize it, geometrically, as a reddish, diffuse hemisphere, slowly
rising above the upper
edge of the
nocturnal forest edges, the
few seconds again silently together, in gave no noise, aitflare
is or
other artistic generated causes are eliminated with a very high probability, since the phenomenon
was precisely measured and theappearance
of observations
is of with
other people
almost exactly covered. Distance was probably 1.5 km. that.

The eyewitness also reports that he has affidavits in his possession, according to which also
other people saw this luminous phenomenon. The Jonastal article is in his opinion
spectacular and sensational and contains some misrepresentations.

The witness expressly admonishes so-called free riders who take the liberty to do more
know than the eyewitness(es) saw for themselves. Also offer dodgy
Tour companies offer excursions to the area that just plain dumb people down.

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Short biography of Viktor Schauberger

Viktor Schauberger will be born on June 30th. born in Holzschlag, Mühlviertel/
Upper Austria, forester career,
Participants in World War I ( 1914 - 1918 ).

forester, head forester, game master, 1920/ 1924 manager of the forest and forest estate in Brunnenthal/
Steyerling, district of Kirchdorf ad Krems in Upper Austria, with the reigning Prince Adolf zu Schaumburg-Lippe.

Schauberger designs and builds wood washing systems based on his observations of nature
in Steyrling and reduces the delivery costs to a tenth.
Promoted to Wildmaster.

Reich consultant for wood washing systems.

Floating plant in Neuberg an der Mürz/ Steiermark.

Construction of further flooding systems in Austria, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria.

First patent applications in the field of hydraulic engineering and turbine construction.

film "Carrying Water" about the Neuberg plant.

Experiments on the direct generation of electricity from water (“water thread experiment”).

Production of "noble water", production of fuel from water.

The first and only book “Unsere sinnlose Arbeit” (Our senseless work) is published in Vienna.

Conversation with Hitler about the basics of agriculture, forestry and hydraulic engineering.
Schauberger refuses work for the German Reich.

Patents: "Air Turbine", "Method of Lifting Liquids or Gases".

The "heating and cooling machine" built by Siemens melts during an unauthorized test run.

He instructs his son Walter to repeat the "water thread experiments": voltages of up to 20,000
volts are reached.

The "Repulsine" is constructed in Vienna.

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Intrigue instigated by the Viennese Engineers' Association culminates in temporary briefing
Schaubergers to the Mauer-Öhling mental asylum, followed by constant surveillance by the SS.
Schauberger works with Messerschmidt in Augsburg on engine cooling correspondence
Designer Heinkel on aircraft turbine drives.

The "Repulsine" is launched and crashes against the ceiling of the workshop.

Start of work on a further developed "Repulsine" in the Mauthausen concentration camp. goal is the
Development of a submarine drive.

Continuation of work on the "Repulsator" in Vienna, SS Engineering School at Rosen Hügel.

Start of work on the "Klimator".
After the end of the war, Schauberger was monitored by US occupying forces and confiscated
all equipment and materials. Transfer to Leonstein, Upper Austria.

Further "water treatment devices" are built in Salzburg.

Cooperation with the Rosenberger company in Salzburg regarding alloyed tillage equipment ("Goldener
plow") Schauberger invents the "spiral pipe".

Granting of a patent for "soil cultivation equipment made of copper".

The "coiled spiral tube" is examined at the Institute for Health Technology at the TH Stuttgart.
Schauberger's assertions regarding changed frictional behavior of liquid media in
Spiral tubes come true.
Control tests with copper plows by the agricultural research institute in Linz.

The "suction spiral" is developed and forms the core of the "home power plant". This will be at the
destroyed during the first test runs due to regulatory problems.

"Implosion instead of explosion" by Leopold Brandstätter is published.

cooperation with the company Swarovski, Tyrol. More home power plants are being built. the
Problems of regulating the number of revolutions cannot be solved.

An American consortium of companies offers Schauberger financial means for practical research
the "implosion energy". Travels to the USA with son Walter. After serious
clashes, Schauberger leaves the United States after being forced to sign a contract
sign, forbidding him any further research on the implosion. All models and
Labor records remain in the United States.

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The trout turbine as a principle of free energy generation

Free energy through implosion - The discoveries of Viktor Schauberger

by Ronald Engert

An unconventional approach as the basis for a new generation of energy Although

the 2nd law of thermodynamics states that a closed physical system cannot change from a
state of lower order to a state of higher order without external intervention, Viktor Schauberger
developed a completely new concept for generating energy. The law of entropy states that
there can be no perpetuum mobile. Every physical process automatically changes to a lower
order state, with heat being the lowest order state, ie the state with the greatest entropy.
According to the law of entropy, it is impossible to completely convert thermal energy into
mechanical or electrical energy.
All conventional machines, based on the principle of combustion and the conversion of
higher-value forms of energy into thermal energy, increase entropy, that is, disorder and
chaos in the world. This is also the prognosis of conventional science that the universe will
die a thermal death when all higher forms of energy such as kinetic energy have been reduced
to their lowest state of order.

The Austrian forester Viktor Schauberger, an outsider of research, observed nature for
decades and came to the conclusion that nature represents the ideal perpetual motion
machine, since it creates states of a higher order - organisms - of its own accord.

The statement of the 2nd law applies in the form given only for closed systems, organisms
live and develop in contrast to the open exchange with the environment from which they
absorb energy with low entropy, eg sunlight or food, and use it in a changed form, as heat
and emit waste with high entropy.

Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) was a natural philosopher, inventor and pioneer of "free
energy", free machine power. He had an unconventional approach to observing nature,
generating energy and ultimately developing consciousness. As a forester, he kept observing
nature to find out how nature works, how growth, movement and life come about. From this,
he developed a near-natural technology that is constructed quite differently from conventional
technology. He constructed devices for generating energy (better: releasing energy, since
energy cannot be generated or destroyed. But there are

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possibly previously unusable sources of energy) or for locomotion, which worked without
fuel and caused neither exhaust gases nor noise. These devices - for example the trout
turbine, which is based on the functioning of a trout's gills - copied nature and worked only
on the basis of a specific movement of water or air.
His understanding of water, air and earth made him an opponent of established science and
technology, and he repeatedly pointed out that today's technology, as well as modern
agriculture, hydraulic engineering and forestry, are destroying nature more and more . He
countered this unnatural technology with his biotechnology, which refined and qualitatively
improved the media air, earth and water. He developed processes for the production of
precious water, for soil improvement, for increasing the growth and quality of useful plants
and for the renaturation of rivers and forests.
With his technical developments, but also with his basic understanding of nature, Schauberger
is more relevant than ever in view of the current ecological situation on earth. His discoveries
are not only important in practical ecological work, but also in deep ecology, which primarily
focuses on the change in consciousness in humans. The cognitive and emotional
understanding of natural processes, one's own attitude towards the world around us, the
awareness of the beauty and genius of nature are stimulated by dealing with Schauberger
and placed on a natural basis.

Explosion and implosion - the two opposing types of movement Today's

technology works on the principle of heat and explosion. The best example is the internal
combustion engine, in which high-quality raw materials - mineral oils from the depths of the
earth - are burned in order to generate an explosive overpressure that moves the piston.
According to Schauberger, crude oil is a raw material that is open to development, ie a
substance that is necessary for life on earth. Oil consists of dead animals that have been
stored in the earth's interior for millions of years in the absence of light and air, where they
transform very slowly. They form raw materials that are energetically responsible for the fact that the earth re
Today's technology destroys these raw materials during combustion in order to gain kinetic
energy from them. This combustion produces toxic fumes and noise, and consumes the
materials necessary for the earth's energy balance.
Today's technology is based on destruction and on the so-called pressure principle. The
internal combustion engine uses pressure to move the piston, the pressure turbine generates
electricity, the propeller or the screw generate locomotion through recoil, loads are lifted with
hydraulics, the fission of atoms generates heat and pressure. All of these methods are based
on explosive or centrifugal principles and have a structure-enlarging or dissolving. The
structural enlargement leads to pressure and frictional resistance, which in turn is converted
into thermal energy. All conventional machines lose 50-70% of their invested power due to
the movement resistance, which increases with the square of the speed. Apart from the
destruction of the raw materials used, such a poor performance ratio is of course immensely
Schauberger now countered this destruction technology with a completely different method.
According to his observations in nature, nature works according to the pull principle to build
life. In nature there is both the pressure principle and the tension principle. The pressure
principle has a dissolving, decomposing effect and is used to dissolve dead organisms
(plants, animal carcasses, etc.); the pulling principle has a contracting, constructive effect;
the growth of plants, animals and people is based on the principle of traction and the associated implosion.
The implosion is the counterpart to the explosion and has a structure-reducing, condensing
effect. This compression leads to a decrease in frictional resistance and cooling. Thermal
energy is thus converted into higher forms of energy - movement, growth, life energy - and
this calls the entropy law into question.
The entropy law applies to closed systems. This fine detail in the formulation of the 2.
The law of thermodynamics is crucial. This law only applies in closed systems.
The fact that today's physics is not able to think in open systems is the reason for the
dogmatization of the theorem. The question arises whether nature is a closed or open system.

Schauberger repeatedly observed the vortex or spiral form in nature, in the movement of
water and air, the growth forms of plants and animals and certain inexplicable phenomena
such as the standing trout. The spiral is already mathematically an open system that moves
between the two poles of zero and infinity without ever reaching them.

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The spiral shape and the egg, droplet and calyx shapes that can be derived from it are the
basic imaging principles in nature. All life proceeds from the egg (in the case of animals and
humans, also seed forms of plants) or the calyx (in the case of plants). If you look closely,
you will also find the egg shape in the outline of many trees, in the shape of our heads and in
many other everyday manifestations.

Graphic of the expanding and contracting cosmos representing a universal continuum

(Perpetual motion)

“There are no straight lines in nature” was a statement by Schauberger. Curves, waves,
curved and curved shapes, the heart shape, the kidney shape, the irregular and the
asymmetrical are the hallmarks of life.

Spiral eddies as the flow principle of the blood Our

blood circulation, for example, is based on the principle of the spiral curling of the blood.
This curling creates the said compression of the medium again, a negative pressure is created
and the medium takes on pulling properties. According to Schauberger, today's idea that the
heart is a pressure pump is an erroneous assumption. The little heart could never push the
viscous blood down to the finest capillaries of the hands and feet and through the entire huge

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The human heart with its muscles and their spiral fibers

In fact, pull phenomena prevail here. Due to the spiral movement, the blood - just like the
water in the streams and rivers - gets a centered propulsion. The exclusion of light and air is
a necessary prerequisite here, just as any contact of the blood with oxygen must be avoided
in order not to cause a fatal embolism.

Schauberger had observed this phenomenon in the mountain streams and in this context not
only speaks of the carrying and dragging power of the water, which in a healthy, natural state
can also transport the debris in the stream bed, but also of its self-cleaning and multiplication
power. As is also known in school science, water has its greatest density and thus its greatest
carrying capacity at +4° C, the anomaly point.

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Naturally flowing water always approaches the anomaly point, ie heat is consumed and
converted into movement or water growth. Growth is practically the result of implosion, of
structural compression. Naturally flowing water flows in eddies, waves and whirlpools.
Every stone in the stream bed whirls in the water, and processes take place in the middle of
the axis of the spiral that can no longer be explained or understood with the mechanistic world view.

Flow of water in a river

Spiral and hyperbolic forms can only be described with non-Euclidean mathematics, and it is
astonishing and significant at the same time that today's mathematics and physics describe
practically no non-Euclidean structures. (1. Spirals and hyperbolas can be described with
Euclidean geometry. 2. Physics uses non-Euclidean geometry in Albert Einstein's general
theory of relativity.) Non-Euclidean mathematics eke out an underdeveloped existence on the
fringes of institutes. To date, there is no formula for calculating the egg shape in official
school science. Only Walter Schauberger, mechanical engineer and son of Viktor Schauberger,
together with the mathematician Trusnitz, developed the formulas for calculating hyperbolas
and egg shapes and summarized them in a consistent non-Euclidean mathematics (see:
Tattva Viveka No. 10, Claus Radlberger: Der hyperbolische Cone).
According to Viktor Schauberger, spaceless and massless forces are now bound into matter
in the spiritual axis center of the spiral. These forces are of a metaphysical state. For Viktor
Schauberger, life is a phenomenon that goes beyond the material level. Life comes from a
metaphysical, spiritual dimension and is manifested in the growth and bodies of living beings.
He also saw a living being in the planet earth, and he described the water as the blood of the
earth. In this connection it should be noted that the planetary movement of the earth also
describes a double spiral form. Since the Sun revolves around a center in the galaxy (beyond
the Pleiades, The Pleiades are too close), the Earth's orbit around the Sun is not a circle or
ellipse, but an open spiral orbit. Together with the self-rotation, this forms a double spiral. So
here, too, we find the spiral movement that is important for the structure of life. In the
implosion of the construction movement, Schauberger now discovered another dynamic
energy: the levitation energy. Just as implosion is the opposite of explosion, so levitation is
the opposite of gravity. Not only do we find heaviness and weight in nature, but also buoyancy
and elevation. This is why the trees grow tall, why we walk upright, why we can move our
bodies so easily. The movement of blood creates levitation force; just as the planetary
movement keeps the earth floating, our bodies are buoyed by the movement of blood and
fluids. In this sense, growth and body mass are the brakes on keeping our mind-body unit in
an unstable balance. Without a body, as Schauberger writes, we would immediately return to
With this levitation force, we now come to the core of the free energy as used by Schauberger
in the trout turbine.

The principle of the trout turbine

Levitation phenomena can be generated mechanically through a natural movement of the
media water or air. Here, the media are cleaned and refined.

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Viktor Schauberger discovered the force of levitation while observing the trout. The standing
trout are able to stand motionless in raging mountain streams and let the food swim into their
mouths "unemployed". During the spawning season, they overcome meter-high waterfalls to
reach the spawning grounds in the headwaters. When trout standing in the current are
startled, they flee not downstream, as the mechanistically trained mind would assume, but
upstream, against the current. They succeed in doing this in a flash with a very high speed.
Schauberger kept asking himself how this was possible. A trout caught with the current on a
fishing rod will even suffocate. What forces are at work here?
The trout takes in water through the mouth and lets it out through the gills. There are
thousands of microscopic guide rails in the gills, which cause the water to roll in strongly.
With the participation of certain trace elements located in the gills, the water is energized and
"juvenile new water" is built up. This juvenile water has different physical properties than the
stream water and reactions occur. The teardrop shape of the fish's body floats in a cloak of
such reactions, which act like a counter-pressure to the stream's current. Due to the regulation
of the gills, the trout can then either stand motionless or swim upstream at lightning speed.
In the thousands of rolling movements of the water, implosions (formation of new water) and
levitation energies are released. In this context, Schauberger speaks of a soul bond that goes
from the mouth to the source. This soul band is the flow of levitation energy that flows
inversely to the flow of water. Recent investigations have shown that the length of a river is
always 3.14 times as long as the linear distance from the source to the mouth (3.14 = Pi). The
entire river thus forms an organic unit, which is of course permanently disturbed by artificial
barrages or straightening.

The trout uses this levitation flow and thus stands in the current or floats up in waterfalls. We
have the same phenomenon with birds, where millions of tiny air vortices are generated by
the feathers, which carry the bird in a lift energy. Schauberger also called this phenomenon
"biological vacuum", which is created by the compression of the air.
This biological vacuum forms over the bird's body, allowing it to fly.
Schauberger used to say that birds do not fly, but are flown. The fish does not swim, but is
being swum.
The trout turbine copies these phenomena. Schauberger developed a so-called "meander
disc", a circular copper plate with a wavy profile similar to that of a water surface on which a
droplet or a stone has just hit.

Drawing of a suction turbine that works on the principle of the trout turbine

A second panel was inverted above it. The water was now introduced from above into the
middle of the space between the rotating meander discs. Through the combination of axial
and radial movement in the wave profile, he achieved a double spiral rotation

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of the water. The water then exited at the edge of the meander disc and was introduced into
double twisted pipes. These had a conically tapering cross-section, a specific ovoid profile
and a helical twist. The pipes themselves were once again rolled up in a spiral towards the
center of the machine's axis. The water was thus brought into a centripetal direction of
movement. In the combination of these forms of movement, Schauberger achieved a
dominance of the tractive energy, which caused, among other things, that water was
continuously sucked in from below, i.e. the water gradually ran through the cycle by itself
after it was initially triggered by a starter. The profile and the spiral shape of the pipes copied
the natural flow of the water and thereby caused the frictional resistance to decrease, which
eventually became negative, i.e. assumed pulling properties.

The copper tube was modeled after the horn of a kudu antelope - for the smooth flow of water

According to Schauberger, when it comes to traction, it is no longer the resistance that

increases as the square of the speed that has an effect, but rather the power that increases
as the square of the acceleration. The end of the water curl formed a centrifugal array of tubes
where a nozzle in the form of a drag screw ejected the water at high pressure onto a turbine
vane. At the turbine wheel, kinetic energy could then be decoupled. Schauberger referred to
these devices as living machines because they copied the structure of life in nature. They
worked on the basis of a rhythmic interplay of pressure and tension, they pulsated, which is why he

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also called Repulsine and Repulsator. An early development, known as the flying disc, had a
replica aluminum gill ring that caused the turbulence of the air used in this case. The levitation
energy caused the disk to levitate.
Overall, based on this principle, Schauberger developed implosion machines for generating
energy, aircraft, ships and submarines as well as heating and lighting systems.
This will be reported in later articles.

Model of a flying object based on the principle of the trout turbine

Schauberger dedicated his whole life to the construction of these machines, but was attacked,
stolen from and hindered so often that clear proof of the functionality of the devices is still
missing. Schauberger himself kept his design secrets to himself.

As early as the 1950s he was warning of the dangers of destructive nuclear power and the
unnatural treatment of land and water. His son Walter founded the "Green Front", an ecological
movement in Austria, back in the 1950s. It is only today that awareness of the ecological
problems of our fire and explosion technology has grown to such an extent that new
approaches are finding open ears. Schauberger is so new that it takes a tremendous openness
of mind to understand him. Schauberger's work is now known worldwide and has recently
experienced a great renaissance. However, researching and engineering these machines is a
daunting task that will cost a great deal of money and time.
However, before the necessary awareness of a new view of nature and the physics of nature
is not developed, every attempt at mechanical engineering to produce such devices will be
doomed to failure. First we have to put ourselves in Viktor Schauberger's world of thought,
study his writings and drawings over and over again until we understand the inner essence
of nature and life. In any case, Schauberger's knowledge offers an approach for a technology
for the 3rd millennium.
Finally, a quote from Schauberger is given in order not to withhold the original sound from
the reader. To the "death technique"; he writes: “But the power engineer closes the round in
this hustle and bustle. The coal, the bread of the earth, and where it is still available in
sufficient quantities, the water, their blood, take care of the production of energy. Only a few
decades did man rummage through this accidentally found wealth.
The driving force of his works becomes less and less, the catastrophes on earth become
more and more violent, because man stole the carbon - her bread - and the Butwater
man keeps
- her blood.
working and his misery grows.” (quoted from: Olof Alexandersson, Lebendes Wasser, p. 90f.)

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• Alexandersson, Olof: Living Water. About Viktor Schauberger and a new technique
To save the environment, Ennsthaler-Verlag, Steyr 1998
• Coats, Callum: Living Energies. Viktor Schauberger's brilliant work with natural energy
explained, Gateway Books, England 1996 • Viktor Schauberger. The Blood of the Earth, ed.
from the Pytagoras-Kepler-School, Bad Ischl 1997 (CD-
Rome, original texts, many
pictures) • Implosion Biotechnical Series
• Tattva Viveka Forum for Science, Philosophy and Spiritual Culture •
Purce, Jill: The spiral - symbol of the soul's journey. Kösel Verlag 1988

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Short biography of Walter Schauberger

Born on July 26, 1914 in Steyrling/ district of Kirchdorf ad Krems, Upper Austria.

Federal Realschule in Vienna XIII.

Technical University (Munich, Stuttgart, Breslau).
Graduation as Dipl.Ing. at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, specializing in electrical engineering, TH Breslau.

Assistant at TH Breslau.

June to October: Research assignment (Nuremberg-Dresden): "Water thread experiment" for father Viktor

military service (seriously damaged during the war - leg amputated, September 1939).

Luftwaffe Engineer Corps; Reich Aviation Ministry Berlin.

armament staff,
evacuation of the family to Bad Ischl, from
autumn 1945: internment in Traunkirchen with Hanna Reitsch, Prof.
Georgij, Prof. Lippisch.

Apartment in Engleithen (Villa Rothstein) near Bad Ischl.

Serious illness (spinal cord inflammation), beginning to deal with "modern"
Physics (especially with Planck, Einstein and the beginning use of nuclear energy). In these times
his path leads him back to the ideas and work of his father Viktor. deepening his
understanding of nature and its biological structure, in contrast to that taught at the TH
(VS: "Above all, forget what you learned at college.")

Beginning of his work to set up the "GREEN FRONT", the first environmental protection organization
Austria. (Motto: "Make the earth fertile again!" - "We must protect nature before
protect people")

contact with Richard St. Barb-Baker, who founded the association "Men of the Trees" in England
would have. Baker's efforts were primarily aimed at the then English colonies, in which he had no hesitation
Everything was overexploited.

travels to England, intensifies contacts with ecologists and physicists (including Chatwick).

Lecture tour through Austria together with Baker (topic “Forest and Water”).

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Cooperation with the “German Forest Protection Association” (Germany’s reparation payments,
above all to France, were paid for in part with deliveries of wood. To the resulting
To counteract overturning, this protective association was founded).
First “Arbor Day” (later “Forest Week”) in Austria.

Lecture at the conference of the “German Forest Protection Association” in Kaiserslautern.

Stamm patent "soil cultivation equipment made of copper" (with Daniel Swarovski Wattens, Tyrol).
Marriage to Ingeborg Wessely.

presentation at the annual conference of the "protection group" in Munich.
Additional patent for tillage implements.

trip to America with father Viktor Schauberger with the aim of researching and applying the
"Implosion Technique". Return journey leaving behind all research documents and models in the
Viktor Schauberger dies on September 25, five days after his return to Linz, Upper Austria.
Walter's decision to preserve and continue his father's legacy.

contacted Aloys Kokaly (former Viktor Schauberger employee).
At his instigation, joint founding of the "Biotechnical Academy eV" based in Neviges,
Wuppertal, Germany.

Beginning of the "Biotechnical Courses" in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

First issue of the periodical series "Implosion", edited by Aloys Kokaly, is published.
Invitation of the evangelical forestry academy in Arnoldshain/Taunus, lecture “Forest from the
view of an Austrian".

Patent "Reaction chambers for carrying out physical and/or chemical processes"
(egg-shaped pots facing exhaust gas cleaning, etc.).

Patent for the biological purification of water (“rolling process”).

Trials for water treatment in Hamburg (water works).

During the 1960s, further experiments and model production (primarily in the form of an egg and
with hyperbolic cross-sections) for water treatment, exhaust gas cleaning, quality improvement
various gaseous and liquid media, lighting fixtures from 1970 Foundation of PKS
(Pythagoras Kepler School) in Bad Ischl/ Engleithen Main areas of work: Harmonic research
(Monochord), physics (nuclear physics) and mathematics (prime numbers) conception of a non-Euclidean
Geometry "sounding tower" (hyperboloid - section: egg shapes) drafting of the "nature-sound-law"

Died on February 5, 1994 in Bad Ischl/ Engleithen, Villa Rothstein.

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Water is a very special juice

--Blood is 95% blood--
In connection with hydraulic engineering and the utilization of free energy, the name of the
natural scientist, inventor and philosopher Viktor Schauberger is known to many. The Bad
Ischl forester (1885 - 1958) was already warning of an environmental crisis in the 1920s, which
only became fully visible 50 years later. During his lifetime he encountered resistance and
scorn, how could it be otherwise. Today he is remembered again and there is great hope in
the continuation of his work.

Schauberger was not a scientist in the strict sense. His incorruptible powers of observation,
together with intuition and empathy, gave him a deep understanding of what is happening in
nature. As an excellent observer of nature, he tried to understand the "secrets" that nature
entrusted to him in the laboratory. He implemented his knowledge in numerous inventions.
The results were amazing. By imitating the natural movement of water in turbines, he
significantly reduced frictional resistance. With the energy gained in this way, his machines
worked with efficiencies of around 100%; yes, it even released energy, which it converted into
electricity or kinetic energy. (Nuremberg trial* and trout turbine ** )

Our current technical view of the world teaches that we obtain energy from a wide variety of
media via the detour of pressure, expansion, explosion, fission and the associated "harmful
waste heat". Schauberger tried to make it clear to the technicians and scientists of his time
that the movement sequences used in technology were wrong. "You move wrong". The true
way lies in suction, concentration, implosion and fusion and the associated heat gain.

Hitler became aware of him and, after being forced to stay in an insane asylum and threatened
with execution, forced him to work and research for the cause of the 1000-year Reich.
After the end of the war, the Russians took away most of his laboratory equipment and it was
rumored for a long time that the successes of Russian space travel were partly based on
Schauberger's inventions.

When Schauberger resumed his work after the state treaty, he and his son, Dipl. Ing. Walter
Schauberger, were "invited" by the US secret service to Texas in 1958, together with his son,
Dipl. Ing. Walter Schauberger, where he was forced to present all his findings to write down.
Before he returned to Austria, he was forced to renounce any further work and all rights to
his inventions. His son was told that if he did not remain silent, he would be silenced through
intermediaries in Europe. Five days after returning to Austria, Viktor Schauberger died bitterly
in Linz in 1958.

His son endeavored to work out the technical and scientific principles on which his father's
inventions were based. It turned out that some of the natural principles that Viktor Schauberger
saw in a visionary way were based on the foundations of "harmonics*". A knowledge that was
probably already handed down to the ancient Egyptians as secret knowledge, and they passed
it on to the ancient Greeks, at least in part. Our knowledge of harmonics goes back to
Pythagoras in Western culture. Johannes Kepler also owes his study of Pythagorean traditions
and Platonic writings the discovery of the planetary laws, without which modern astronomy,
knowledge of celestial mechanics and space travel would be inconceivable.

Viktor Schauberger's merit lies not only in his numerous inventions, which he intended to
release after their patent recognition. Due to his high ethical spirit, he felt a great responsibility
towards his environment and the people living in it. In addition to his rather spectacular
inventions for generating energy, he dealt intensively with problems in agriculture, forestry
and water management, the scientific basis of which has not yet been fully understood.

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The only comprehensive treatment of his work to date has been published by Verlag Ennsthaler under the
Title "Living Water" (ISBN 3 85068 377 X). In it the author, Olof Alexandersson, tries extremely
clearly to process the still existing documents.
Granted Austrian patents:

113484... (installation for torrent control) 1929 113526...

(precaution. for long wood washing system) 1929 113772...
(precaution. for long wood washing system) 1929 114660...
(sorting system for washing systems) 1929 117749 ...(jet turbine)
1930 118713... (ejection device for logs) 1930 122144... (artificial
channel for floating wood) 1931 134543... (water flow in pipes
and channels) 1933 136214... (regulation of drainage channels/
dam basins) 1934 138296 .. .(water supply) 1934 142032...
(production of spring water-like drinking water) 1935 145141 ...(air
turbine) 1936 166644... (soil cultivation equipment) 1959 196680...
(pipe line for liquid and gaseous media) 1959

Viktor Schauberger's son, Walter, continued his father's work. At the end of 1960 the
Biotechnical Academy founded under the direction of Dipl. Ing. Walter Schauberger. In Germany
an association for the promotion of biotechnology was formed, which was soon followed by similar organizations in many
European countries followed. Walter Schauberger founded Engleiten in the 1960s
Bad Ischl in Upper Austria the Pythagoras - Kepler - School, called PKS for short. Some participants
of this school, joined under the direction of Prof. Dr. technical Norbert Harthun, to the “Group of
Neue eV” together. The group has been publishing the magazine "Mensch und Technik - natural" since 1969
out, which appeared until 1979 under the name "Cosmic Evolution".

Walter Schauberger strove to explore the discoveries of classical physics

To get confirmation of his father's discoveries and theories. He found it
out several times that these theories have been corroborated by the work of famous physicists, though
whose theories are often interpreted in different ways to this day.

Prof. G. Pleskot at the University of Vienna apostrophized Walter Schauberger's work as follows:

(Quote) “While current technology is based on Euclidean geometry and the

mental conception developed by Aristotle and Newton was in the Pythagoras - Kepler -
School Dipl. Ing. Schaubergers developed the knowledge that the Euclidean principle
represents the transcendent realm, but in real reality the non-Euclidean principle
is based. Continuing the intellectual concepts of Pythagoras - Kepler -Gaus - Planck -
Hasenöhrl - Einstein, Schauberger recognized the synthesis of the two principles in the law of sound
primal law of the universe.”

Interesting in this context is the fact that the spiral structure results from this law
of the universe. If the theory of the law of tone is correct, this means that Vitor
Schauberger's view of the "cycloid space curve movement" *** as one of life's own
development movement finds its confirmation.

(* - In the Nuremberg experiment, Schauberger showed how, through a copper ring insulated with paraffin,
wafer-thin falling water thread, inductively, generated high electrical voltages, with which he
made neon tubes glow.

(** - The trout turbine is a drive unit whose water flow controls the water in the form
cycloid space curves and generates an extremely high torque by means of a suction effect. (please refer
Patent Nr. 117749)

(*** - Schauberger believed that natural movement manifests itself in spiral form.
The model for such movements was the horn of the kudu antelope

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Living Water, Olof Alexandersson, Ennsthaler Cosmic Evolution, Group of the New -
naturally Harmonices Mundii, Johannes Kepler, Gottfried Tampach Viktor Schauberger,
Patent Specifications, Austria. patent office

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Wilhelm Landig
Ahnenerbe, Ufos, Neo-Nazis
The following personal description comes from the IDGR (information service against right-wing extremism)

The name Wilhelm Landig (*20.12.1909), an old Nazi, is associated with right-wing extremist
esotericism, but especially with the Thule Society, the ideological hotbed of National Socialism. An
early Hitler supporter, Landig took part in the failed Nazi putsch in July 1934 in Vienna. He then had
to flee to the German Reich as an “illegal” where he joined the SS. He belonged to the Security
Service (SD) of the SS and the Waffen-SS (8th SS Cavalry Division "Florian Geyer"), where he rose
to Oberscharführer. In Berlin he is employed at the Ergonomics Institute, which reports directly to
the German Labor Front (DAF). After the “Anschluss” of Austria, he returned to Vienna with a special
permit from the Reichsfuhrer SS, Heinrich Himmler. The great admirer of Heinrich Himmler was
employed as a clerk for secret Reich matters in the Reich Security Office and claims to have been
involved in the development of UFOs in this function. He was also used in the fight against
"partisans" in the occupied Balkan countries and was wounded in 1944. [1]

After the war, Landig was chairman of the neo-fascist "Austrian Social Movement", but also belonged
to other National Socialist organizations, such as the "Association of Independents" (VdU), a
predecessor organization of Jörg Haider's FPÖ, the "Democratic National Workers' Party" (DNAP)
and He was active in various circles, also known as "Friends' Circles". [2]After 1945 Landig played
a key role in the spread of neo-Nazi and ethnic ideas. He is considered the most prominent
representative of National Socialist esotericism in the German-speaking world. [3]

For this purpose he also ran the Volkstum-Verlag Landig, founded in 1961 and based in Vienna.
The anti-Semite Kowarik was the managing director until 1995, at the same time as the representative
of the FPÖ in the state parliament. Until 1995, Kowarik, who openly professed to be an admirer of
Adolf Hitler, was also a board member of the "Association for Germans Abroad" (VDA). [4] With his
books "Idols against Thule", "Rebels for Thule", "Wolfzeit um Thule", he is still considered a leading
representative of Nazi esotericism. His books are about the elite SS milieu. An Antarctic expedition
in the years 1938/39, which was to explore the “Neuschwabenland” area, takes center stage. Landig
claims to have moved flying discs and submarines to Antarctica “with his men” in 1945. From there,
the flying discs are said to have been taken to a hiding place in the Andes. A "residual SS" stayed in
Antarctica until 1955. These were regularly exchanged with SS men from Latin America, but his last
five men were killed by the "Freemasons" in the mid-1980s. [5]

Wilhelm Landig was acquainted with many Nazis who continued after 1945. He has organized a
variety of such gatherings and engaged in prohibited activities. He proudly reported that his books
were available in the German torture settlement Colonia Dignidad in Chile. Landig worked with Hans-
Ulrich Rudel, Savitri Devi and with the Hamburg lawyer Jürgen Rieger. [6]

Landig lived on a “minimum pension” near Vienna until his death in October 1998.
He is said to have left his "legacy" to Jan van Helsing aka Jan Udo Holey, an interview in which he
revealed his alleged insider knowledge of the Nazis' secret weapons.

This turns out to be a mixture of right-wing extremist ideology and esoteric topics, SS Reichsfuhrer
Heinrich Himmler is mentioned several times and Landig also babbles on about a “German colony
of Akakor in the Amazon region”, which was only allowed to be published after his death. Landig is
also introduced in the film as a supporter of the "Ludendorff movement" and as a "member of a
German secret society".

Not only his own books appear in Landig's publishing house, but also those of former comrades-in-
arms, including the former SS Untersturmfuhrer Lothar Greil ("The Germans. Victims of an erroneous

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historical perspective"). [7] In addition to other Nazi greats, the book “Europäische
Urreligion und Externsteine” by Herman Wirth.

Wirth, already a member of the NSDAP in 1925/26, later, among other things, NSDAP head of the district headquarters [8].
the actual founder of the later SS Institute "German Ahnenerbe" and its first
President. Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the association of the same name was the "Reichsfuhrer SS",
Heinrich Himmler. Landig and Wirth were both members of the "German Society for Vor- und
early history". Himmler was a self-confessed esotericist.

Holey, whose conspiracy theory and anti-Semitic concoctions have been indexed several times
and who has been selling these books through a Spanish publishing branch ever since
another sales coup with the interview with Landig. The video is under the title
"Secret Societies. Conspiracy theory today and in the 3rd Reich "available. [9]


1. Friedrich Paul Heller, Anton Maegerle: Thule. From ethnic occultism to the New Right ,

Stuttgart, 1995, S. 97 f.

2. Heller, Maegerle, loc. cit., p. 98. This form of organization of the "circles of friends" has
neo-Nazi scene preserved to this day.

3. Brigitte Bailer-Galanda, Wolfgang Benz, Wolfgang Neugebauer (eds.): The Auschwitz deniers,
publisher deceased , 1/ 1999.
Elefanten Press, Berlin 1996, p. 352f; Anti-fascist news: Anton Maegerle: year,
issue 152, 1999, p. 128 ff. esotericism, grandstand. Journal for understanding Judaism. 38

4. Heller, Maegerle, pp. 98

5. Heller, Maegerle, aaO, S. 98 f.

6. Heller, Maegerle, pp. 103

7. TO: publisher deceased , 1/ 1999; Greil was a leading functionary of the neo-Nazi organization
HIAG (“Mutual Aid Association of Former Waffen-SS Members”)

8. Bailer-Galanda ua: aaO, S.352

9. Anton Maegerle: , bnr 22/ 98, 4.11.98

Greetings from UFOs


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