The Vril
The Vril
The Vril
Society, the
Lodge and the
Realization of
the Great
Terry Melanson 2001
(Terry Melanson is the owner and
developer of the website Conspiracy
Archive and has been writing about the
Illuinati since 2000! "is boo# is called
$%erfectibilists& The 1'th Century
(avarian )rder of the Illuinati$ and he
has set up the accopanying website
bavarian*illuinati!info! +e,ll continue to tal# about the history and conspiracy behind the (avarian )rder of the Illuinati!
+e discuss how -ohn .obison viewed the Illuinati and (arruel,s wor#/ $Meoirs Illustrating the "istory of -acobinis!$
Terry tal#s about the infiltration of Masonic lodges/ The 0ociety of the 1riends of the Constitution and the connection to the
.eign of Terror during the 1rench .evolution! In the second hour/ we discuss the $0chweden#iste/$ (0wedish (o23 the ost
significant Illuinati archive and how the docuents of the Illuinati ended up in the 4rand 5odge of 0weden! The papers
in this chest are now being translated! Terry e2plains what has been found out about the order so far and what ight be to
coe! 5ater/ we hear about the order,s position on 5ucifer worship and anti*Christian ideas! At the end/ we discuss how the
ideology of the Illuinati connects with -acobinis/ utopianis/ egalitarianis and Anarcho*priitivis!3
The 6ril 0ociety or The 5uinous 5odge cobined the political ideals of the )rder of the
Illuinati with "indu ysticis/ Theosophy and the Cabbala! It was the first 4eran
nationalist groups to use the sybol of the swasti#a as an eble lin#ing 7astern and
+estern occultis! The 6ril 0ociety presented the idea of a subterranean atriarchal/
socialist utopia ruled by superior beings who had astered the ysterious energy called the
6ril 1orce!
A hideous strength - The Vril Society
We have now reached the point in our survey of Nazi involvement with the occult where we must
depart from what is historically verifiable and enter an altogether more obscure and murky realm, a
place that Pauwels and Bergier call the 'Absolute Elsewhere'.
#erious historians at least, those who deign to comment on the sub$ect at all" regard the material
we shall be e%amining for the rest of this book with contempt & and, it must be said, not without
good reason. 'uch of what follows may well strike the reader as bizarre and absurd in e(ual
measure) and yet, as we shall see, amongst the notions we are about to address products,
apparently, of fevered imaginations" will be found unsettling hints of a thread running through the
collective mind of humanity in the late twentieth century & ominous, dangerous and, by the ma$ority,
As we shall see, the 'twilight zone between fact and fiction' can produce significant shifts in our
collective awareness of the world, our place in it and the unstated intentions of those who rule us.
*he world view of those who subscribe to the idea of genuine Nazi occult power includes a number
of outrageous conspiracy theories that revolve around the claim that many leading Nazis including,
according to some, +itler himself" escaped from the ruins of ,erlin and continue with their plans for
world domination from some hidden head(uarters.
At first sight, these theories can surely have little to do with known reality. And yet, the idea that the
American -entral .ntelligence Agency -.A" could have smuggled many personnel from Nazi
intelligence and the /erman secret weapons program into the 0nited #tates in the post&war years
might likewise seem outlandish & until we remember that this, too, is a documented historical fact.
1ro$ect 1A1E2-3.1 proves that some senior elements of the *hird 2eich did indeed survive in this
way, their lives bought with scientific and military knowledge that the American government
desperately wanted.
#o, for the rest of this book, we shall concentrate on the elements of Nazi occultism that find no
home in orthodo% history but that nevertheless stretch their pernicious tentacles through modern
popular and fringe culture and refuse to vanish in the glare of the light of reason.
*he 4ril #ociety, our departure point into the Absolute Elsewhere, might seem to have been better
placed in the first chapter, were it not that there is so little evidence for its influence over the
activities of the *hird 2eich. .n spite of this, it has come to occupy a central position in the dubious
study of Nazi occult power and so demands a chapter of its own.
,ut what was the strangely named 4ril #ociety5
*he first hint of the 4ril #ociety's e%istence was discovered in a scene that would not have been out
of place in one of 6ennis Wheatley's occult thrillers.
7n 89 April !:;9, so the story goes, a group of battle&weary 2ussian soldiers were making their
cautious way through the shattered remnants of ,erlin, mopping up the isolated pockets of /erman
resistance that remained in the heart of the *hird 2eich. *he soldiers moved carefully from one
wrecked building to another, in a state of constant readiness against the threat of ambush.
.n a ground&floor room of one blasted building, the soldiers made a surprising discovery. 3ying in a
circle on the floor were the bodies of si% men, with a seventh corpse in the centre. All were dressed
in /erman military uniforms, and the dead man in the centre of the group was wearing a pair of
bright green gloves. *he 2ussians' assumption that the bodies were those of soldiers was (uickly
dispelled when they realized that the dead men were all Orientals. 7ne of the 2ussians, who was
from 'ongolia, identified the men as *ibetans. .t was also evident to the 2ussian soldiers that the
men had not died in battle but seemed to have committed suicide.
7ver the following week, hundreds more *ibetans were discovered in ,erlin< some of them had
clearly died in battle, while others had committed ritual suicide, like the ones discovered by the
2ussian unit.
What were *ibetans doing in Nazi /ermany towards the end of the #econd World War5
*he answer to this (uestion may be found in a curious novel entitled *he -oming 2ace by Edward
Bulwer-Lytton !=>?&!=@?", first ,aron 3ytton. A prolific and very successful writer his output
included novels, plays, essays and poetry" ,ulwer&3ytton was considered in his lifetime to be one
of the greatest writers in the English language.
0nfortunately, his reputation for vanity, ostentation and eccentricity attracted a good deal of hostility
from the press and this has damaged his subse(uent literary reputation to a disproportionate
e%tent, with the result that today his books are e%tremely hard to find and his work is seldom & if at
all & taught in universities in the English&speaking world.
*hroughout his career, ,ulwer&3ytton wrote on many themes, including romance, politics, history,
social satire, melodrama and the occult. .t is perhaps unsurprising, therefore, that he should have
turned to the sub$ect of 0topian science fiction with *he -oming 2ace, published in !=@!. .n this
novel, the narrator, a traveler and adventurer of independent means, e%plores a mine in an
unnamed location and discovers a vast subterranean world, inhabited by a superior race of
humans called the Vril-ya.
7nce tenants of the Earth's outer surface, the Vril-ya were forced to retreat underground by a
natural catastrophe similar to the biblical Alood many thousands of years ago. *heir technology is
far in advance of anything to be found in the world of ordinary humanity, and is based on the
application of a force known as 'vril'. ,efriended by a young female 4ril&ya named Bee, the narrator
asks about the nature of the vril force.
*herewith Bee began to enter into an e%planation of which . understood very little, for there is no
word in any language . know which is an e%act synonym for vril. . should call it electricity, e%cept
that it comprehends in its manifold branches other forces of nature, to which, in our scientific
nomenclature, differing names are assigned, such as magnetism, galvanism, Cc.
*hese people consider that in vril they have arrived at the unity in natural energetic agencies,
which has been con$ectured by many philosophers above ground, and which Aaraday thus
intimates under the more cautious term of correlation<
'. have long held an opinion,' says that illustrious e%perimentalist, 'almost amounting to a conviction,
in common, . believe, with many other lovers of natural knowledge, that the various forms under
which the forces of matter are made manifest have one common origin) or, in other words, are so
directly related and mutually dependent, that they are convertible, as it were, into one another, and
possess e(uivalents of power in their action.'
According to Bee, all 4ril&ya are trained in the application of vril, which can be used to control the
physical world, including the minds and bodies of others, as well as to enhance the telepathic and
telekinetic potentials of the human mind. *he vril force is most often applied through the use of a
device known as the Vril Staff which, like the vril force itself, re(uires many years to master.
*he narrator is not allowed to hold one, 'for fear of some terrible accident occasioned by my
ignorance of its use'."
*he Vril Staff,
'is hollow, and has in the handle several stops, keys, or springs by which its force can be altered,
modified, or directed & so that by one process it destroys, by another it heals & by one it can rend
the rock, by another disperse the vapor & by one it affects bodies, by another it can e%ercise a
certain influence over minds'.
6uring his protracted stay in the subterranean realm, the narrator learns of the system of
government by which the 4ril&ya live. *hey are ruled by a single supreme magistrate who abdicates
the position at the first sign of advancing age.
Although their society is entirely free of crime or strife of any kind, they consider strength and force
to be among the finest virtues, and the triumph of the strong over the weak to be in perfect
accordance with Nature. 6emocracy and free institutions are, to them, merely the crude
e%periments of an immature culture.
*he government of the tribe of 4ril&ya ... was apparently very complicated, really very simple. .t was
based upon a principle recognized in theory, though little carried out in practice, above ground &
viz., that the ob$ect of all systems of philosophical thought tends to the attainment of unity, or the
ascent through all intervening labyrinths to the simplicity of a single first cause or principle.
*hus in politics, even republican writers have agreed that a benevolent autocracy would insure the
best administration, if there were any guarantees for its continuance, or against its gradual abuse
of the powers accorded to it. *here was ... in this society nothing to induce any of its members to
covet the cares of office. No honors, no insignia of higher rank were assigned to it. *he supreme
magistrate was not distinguished from the rest by superior habitation or revenue.
7n the other hand, the duties awarded to him were marvelously light and easy, re(uiring no
preponderant degree of energy or intelligence.
After a number of adventures in the subterranean world & and a great many conversations with its
denizens & the narrator comes to the following conclusion regarding the ultimate origins of the
fantastic Vril-ya race
E*Fhis people & though originally not only of our human race, but, as seems to me clear by the roots
of their language, descended from the same ancestors as the great Aryan family, from which in
varied streams has flowed the dominant civilization of the world) and having, according to their
myths and their history, passed through phases of society familiar to ourselves, & had yet now
developed into a distinct species with which it was impossible that any community in the upper
world could amalgamate< And that if they ever emerged from these nether recesses into the light of
day, they would, according to their own traditional persuasions of their ultimate destiny, destroy and
replace our e%istent varieties of man.
Although greatly impressed with the knowledge and accomplishments of the 4ril&ya, the narrator is
nevertheless terrified by their power and the ease with which they wield it, implying at one point
that, should he have angered them at any time, they would have had no compunction in turning
their 4ril #taffs on him and reducing him to cinders.
*his uneasiness, coupled with his natural desire to return to the upper world and the life with which
he is familiar, prompts the narrator to begin seeking a means of escape from the subterranean
world of the 4ril&ya. Aid comes in the unlikely form of Bee, who has fallen in love with him and has
attempted to persuade him to stay, but who nevertheless understands that an unre(uited love
cannot result in happiness for either of them. .t is she who leads him back to the mine shaft through
which he first entered the realm of the 4rilya.
0pon his return home, the narrator begins to ponder the wonders he has beheld far below the
surface of the Earth, and once again hints at the possible dreadful fate awaiting a blissfully
unaware humanity at the hands of the '!oming "ace'.
.n the final chapter, we read<
E*Fhe more . think of a people calmly developing, in regions e%cluded from our sight and deemed
uninhabitable by our sages, powers surpassing our most disciplined modes offeree, and virtues to
which our life, social and political, becomes antagonistic in proportion as our civilization advances, &
the more devoutly . pray that ages may yet elapse before there emerge into sunlight our inevitable
.t is an assumption of many occultists that #he !oming "ace is fact disguised as fiction< that
,ulwer&3ytton based his engaging novel on a genuine body of esoteric knowledge. +e was greatly
interested in the "osicrucians, the powerful occult society which arose in the si%teenth century and
which claimed to possess ancient wisdom, discovered in a secret underground chamber, regarding
the ultimate secrets of the 0niverse.
*here is some evidence that ,ulwer&3ytton believed in the possibility of a subterranean world, for
he wrote to his friend +argrave Gennings in !=9;<
'#o 2osenkreuz Ethe founder of the 2osicruciansF found his wisdom in a secret chamber. #o will we
all. *here is much to be learned from the substrata of our planet.'
#ome writers, including Alec Maclellan, author of the fascinating book #he $ost %orld of Agharti
!::D", have suggested that *he -oming 2ace revealed too much of the subterranean world, and
was as a result suppressed in the years following ,ulwer&3ytton's death in !=@?. .ndeed, he
describes the book as 'one of the hardest to find of all books of mysticism', !>" and informs us of
his own search for a copy, which for some years met with no success.
While doubtless an intriguing piece of stage&setting on 'aclellan's part, the rarity of the book can
surely be accounted for by the un$ust waning of ,ulwer&3ytton's posthumous literary reputation
mentioned earlier". *he present author searched for some months for a copy of #he !oming "ace,
before finding an e%tremely affordable paperback edition in a high&street bookshop.
What is the connection between ,ulwer&3ytton's strange novel and Nazi /ermany5
.f there really was a large colony of *ibetan monks in ,erlin in the !:;>s, what were
they doing there5
.t seems that the connection was none other than the ,avarian Karl Haushofer !=D:&!:;D"
whose theories of /eopolitics gave rise to the concept of 3ebensraum living space", which +itler
maintained would be necessary to the continued dominance of the superior Aryan race and which
he intended to take, primarily, from the #oviet 0nion.
+aushofer, along with Dietrich Ecart !=D=&!:8?" & an anti&#emitic $ournalist and playwright who
influenced +itler's racial attitudes and introduced him to influential social circles after the Airst
World War & is fre(uently described by believers in genuine Nazi occult power as a practicing blac&
magician, and the ''aster 'agician of the Nazi 1arty'.
+aushofer e%celled at 'unich 0niversity, where he began to develop his lifelong interest in the Aar
East. After leaving university, he entered the /erman army, where his great intelligence ensured a
rapid rise through the ranks. +is knowledge of the Aar East earned him a posting as military
attachH in Gapan.
*he idea that +aushofer was an occult adept, with secret knowledge of powerful trans&human
entities, was first suggested by Louis Pauwels and !ac"ues Bergier in their fascinating but
historically unreliable book *he 'orning of the 'agicians which served as the model for a number
of subse(uent treatments of Nazi occultism in the !:D>s and early !:@>s".
According to 1auwels and ,ergier<
E+aushoferF believed that the /erman people originated in -entral Asia, and that it was the .ndo&
/ermanic race which guaranteed the permanence, nobility and greatness of the world. While in
Gapan, +aushofer is said to have been initiated into one of the most important secret ,uddhist
societies and to have sworn, if he failed in his 'mission', to commit suicide in accordance with the
time&honored ceremonial.
+aushofer was also apparently a firm believer in the legend of *hule, the lost Aryan homeland in
the far north, which had once been the centre of an advanced civilization possessed of magical
-onnecting this legend with the *hule #ociety, 1auwels and ,ergier have this to say<
,eings intermediate between 'an and other intelligent beings from ,eyond would place at the
disposal of the E*hule #ocietyF .nitiates a reservoir of forces which could be drawn on to enable
/ermany to dominate the world again and be the cradle of the coming race of #upermen which
would result from the mutations of the human species.
7ne day her legions would set out to annihilate everything that had stood in the way of the spiritual
destiny of the Earth, and their leaders would be men who knew everything, deriving their strength
from the very fountain&head of energy and guided by the /reat 7nes of the Ancient World ... .t
would seem that it was under the influence of Iarl +aushofer that Ethe *hule #ocietyF took on its
true character of a society of .nitiates in communion with the .nvisible, and became the magic
centre of the Nazi movement.
#erious historians such as #icholas $oodric-%lare take issue with the claims of 1auwels and
,ergier and the later writers who reiterated them. /oodrick&-larke, who has perhaps conducted
more research into primary /erman sources than any other writer in this curious field, states that
the claims regarding the secret guiding power of the #hule Society are 'entirely fallacious.
*he *hule #ociety was dissolved in !:89 when support had dwindled.
'+e goes on to assure us that 'there is no evidence at all to link +aushofer to the group.'
Nevertheless, +aushofer's alleged skill in the ,lack Arts has become an important link in the Nazi
occult chain as described by writers on such fringe sub$ects.
After the end of the Airst World War, +aushofer returned to 'unich, where he gained a doctorate
from the university. +e divided his time between teaching and writing and founded the /eopolitical
2eview in which he published his ideas on 3ebensraum, which could 'both $ustify territorial
con(uest by evoking the colonizing of #lav lands by *eutonic knights in the 'iddle Ages and,
emotively, con$ure up notions of uniting in the 2eich what came to be described as Vol&sdeutsche
ethnic /ermans" scattered throughout eastern Europe'.
While incarcerated in the fortress of 3andsberg am 3ech following the failure of the 'unich 1utsch
in !:8;, Adolf +itler read and was influenced by +aushofer's books on geopolitics he had already
been introduced to +aushofer by the professor's student assistant, 2udolf +ess". *here is no doubt
that +itler occupied his time in 3andsberg $udiciously, reading widely in several fields, though not
for the sake of education so much as to confirm and clarify his own preconceptions. +e later said
that 3andsberg was his 'university paid for by the state'".
According to 1auwels and ,ergier and other fringe writers, +aushofer visited +itler every day in
3andsberg, where he e%plained his geopolitical theories and described his travels through .ndia in
the early years of the century.
While in .ndia, he had heard stories of a powerful civilization living beneath the +imalayas<
*hirty or forty centuries ago in the region of /obi there was a highly developed civilization. As the
result of a catastrophe, possibly of an atomic nature, /obi was transformed into a desert, and the
survivors emigrated, some going to the e%treme North of Europe, and others towards the
-aucasus. *he #candinavian god *hor is supposed to have been one of the heroes of this
... +aushofer proclaimed the necessity of 'a return to the sources' of the human race & in other
words, that it was necessary to con(uer the whole of Eastern Europe, *urkestan, 1amir, /obi and
*hibet. *hese countries constituted, in his opinion, the central core, and whoever had control of
them controlled the whole world.
After the cataclysm that destroyed the /obi civilization, the survivors migrated to a vast cavern
system beneath the +imalayas where they split into two groups, one of which followed the path of
spirituality, enlightenment and meditation while the other followed the path of violence and
materialistic power. *he first of these centers was called Agartha, the other #hambhala. *hese
names have many different spellings< for Agartha, . use the simplest) for Shambhala, the spelling
favored by 7rientalists."
We shall return for a closer look to the realms of Agartha and #hambhala in the ne%t chapter.
According to Alec Maclellan, among the many books +itler read while languishing in 3andsberg
was ,ulwer&3ytton's #he !oming "ace, which, +aushofer informed him, was an essentially correct
description of the race of #upermen living far beneath the surface of the Earth and corroborated
much of what the professor had himself learned while travelling in Asia.
,ulwer&3ytton's novel apparently galvanized +itler's imagination, and he,
'began to yearn for the day when he might establish for himself the actuality of the secret
civilization beneath the snows of *ibet ...'
.n the following year, !:89, the Vril Society also known as the $uminous $odge" was formed by a
group of ,erlin 2osicrucians including Iarl +aushofer.
As !oscelyn $odwin informs us, there is only one primary source of information on the 4ril
#ociety< &illy Ley, a /erman rocket engineer who fled to the 0nited #tates in !:?? and followed a
successful career writing popular science books. .n !:;@, 3ey published an article entitled
''seudoscience in Naziland(.
Aollowing a description of Ariosophy, 3ey writes<
*he ne%t group was literally founded upon a novel. *hat group which . think called itself
%ahrheitsgesellschaft &#ociety for *ruth & and which was more or less localized in ,erlin, devoted
its spare time looking for 4ril. Jes, their convictions were founded upon ,ulwer3ytton's '*he -oming
2ace'. *hey knew that the book was fiction, ,ulwer&3ytton had used that device in order to be able
to tell the truth about this 'power'. *he subterranean humanity was nonsense, 4ril was not.
1ossibly it had enabled the ,ritish, who kept it as a #tate secret, to amass their colonial empire.
#urely the 2omans had had it, inclosed EsicF in small metal balls, which guarded their homes and
were referred to as lares. Aor reasons which . failed to penetrate, the secret of 4ril could be found
by contemplating the structure of an apple, sliced in halves. No, . am not $oking, that is what . was
told with great solemnity and secrecy. #uch a group actually e%isted, they even got out the first
issue of a magazine which was to proclaim their credo.
Although they apparently interviewed 3ey, 1auwels and ,ergier could learn nothing more from him
about this mysterious society) however, they later discovered that the group actually called itself the
4ril #ociety, and that Iarl +aushofer was intimately connected with it. Goscelyn /odwin kindly
reminds us of the unreliability of the splendid 1auwels and ,ergier< although they cite Gack
Aishman's #he Seven )en of Spandau with regard to +aushofer's connection to the 4ril #ociety,
Aishman actually makes no such reference."
1auwels and ,ergier go on to inform us that, having failed in his mission, +aushofer committed
suicide on !; 'arch !:;D, in accordance with his pledge to his masters in the secret Gapanese
society into which he had been initiated. 7nce again, the truth is somewhat different< +aushofer did
not commit ham kin but died from arsenic poisoning on !> 'arch.
.n addition, 3ey's reference to 'contemplating the structure of an apple, sliced in halves' thus
revealing the five&pointed star at its centre" echoes 2udolf #teiner's suggestion in Inowledge of
+igher Worlds and .ts Attainment. .ndeed, as /odwin reminds us,
the *heosophists were
themselves interested in the concept of the vril force, which bears some resemblance to
2eichenbach's 7dic force, and to the Astral $ight, also known as the A&ashic "ecords a subtle
form of energy said to surround the Earth, in which is preserved a record of every thought and
action that has ever occurred.
.n spite of the sober research of writers like /oodrick&-larke and /odwin, the idea of an immensely
sinister and powerful 4ril #ociety secretly controlling the *hird 2eich has lost nothing of its ability to
fascinate. 'any still maintain that +aushofer introduced +itler to the leader of the group of *ibetan
high lamas living in ,erlin, a man known only as '*he 'an with the /reen /loves', and that this
man knew the locations of the hidden entrances to the subterranean realms of Agartha and
*hese rumors doubtless gave rise to the famous legends about +itler's obsessive search for the
entrances to the inner world.
According to 'aclellan<
'*he first e%peditions were dispatched purely under the auspices of the 3uminous 3odge, beginning
in !:8D, but later, after coming to power, +itler took a more direct interest, overseeing the
organization of the searches himself.'
'aclellan also states that +itler believed une(uivocally that 'certain representatives of the
underground super&race were already abroad in the world',
citing Her'ann (auschning's
famous book *itler Spea&s - A Senes of 'olitical !onversations with Adolf *itler on his "eal Aims
!:?:". *he conversations recorded by 2auschning have served as source material for many
writers on the *hird 2eich, including serious ones.
1roponents of genuine Nazi occult power have repeatedly pointed to the mystical elements in
+itler's conversations as relayed by 2auschning, who says that he repeatedly had the feeling that
+itler was a medium, possessed of supernatural powers. .t seems that on one occasion, +itler
actually met one of the subterranean #upermen.
2auschning claims that +itler confided to him<
*he new man is among us. +e is hereK Now are you satisfied5 . will tell you a secret. . have seen
the vision of the new man & fearless and formidable. . shrank from him.'
*o his credit, 'aclellan states that this was more than likely a deranged fantasy on +itler's part.
+owever, 2auschning's very description should be treated with e%treme caution< it should be noted
that, in spite of the widespread interest it stimulated, *itler Spea&s has not stood the test of time as
an accurate historical document.
.n fact, )an Kershaw, one of the foremost authorities on +itler and the author of *itler +,,--+-./
*ubris !::=", does not cite 2auschning's book anywhere in his monumental study, and states that
it is 'a work now regarded to have so little authenticity that it is best to disregard it altogether'.
As the story goes, +itler ordered a number of e%peditions into /erman, #wiss and .talian mines to
search for the entrances to the cavern cities of the #upermen. +e is even said to have ordered
research to be conducted into the life of ,ulwer&3ytton, in an effort to determine whether the author
himself had visited the realm of the 4ril&ya. While serious writers ignore these rumors, there is an
interesting event on record that 'aclellan (uotes in his #he $ost %orld of Agharti and that
illustrates the frustrating nature of the 'twilight zone between fact and fiction' in which we find
ourselves when discussing Nazi occultism.
'aclellan cites the testimony of one Antonin +orak, an e%pert speleologist and member of the
#lovak 0prising, who accidentally discovered a strange tunnel in -zechoslovakia in 7ctober !:;;.
6r +orak kept (uiet about the discovery until !:D9, when he published an account in the National
Speleological Society News. .n his article, 6r +orak stated that he and two other 2esistance
fighters found the tunnel near the villages of 1lavince and 3ubocna he is (uite specific about the
location< ;:.8 degrees north, 8>.@ degrees east". +aving $ust survived a skirmish with the
/ermans, the three men one of whom was badly in$ured" asked a local peasant for help.
+e led them to an underground grotto where they could hide and rest.
*he peasant told the 2esistance men that the cave contained pits, pockets of poison gas, and was
also haunted, and warned them against venturing too far inside. *his they had no intention of
doing, such was their weariness. *hey attended to the wounds of their comrade and fell asleep.
*he following day, +orak's curiosity got the better of him and, while he waited for the in$ured man to
recover enough strength to travel again, he decided to do a little e%ploring inside the cave.
1resently, he came to a section that was completely different from the rest of the cave.
'3ighting some torches, . saw that . was in a spacious, curved, black shaft formed by cliff&like walls.
*he floor in the incline was a solid lime pavement.'
*he tunnel stretched interminably into the distance. 6r +orak decided to take a sample of the wall,
but was unable to make any impression with his picka%e. +e took his pistol and fired at the wall
surely an unwise thing to do, given the risk of a ricochet and with /erman soldiers possibly still in
the vicinity".
'*he bullet slammed into the substance of the walls with a deafening, fiery impact,' he wrote.
'#parks flashed, there was a roaring sound, but not so much as a splinter fell from the substance.
7nly a small welt appeared, about the length of half my finger, which gave off a pungent smell.'
6r +orak then returned to his comrades and told them about the apparently man&made tunnel.
'. sat there by the fire speculating. +ow far did it reach into the rocks5 . wondered. Who, or what,
put it into the mountain5 Was it man&made5 And was it at last proof of the truth in legends & like
1lato's & of long&lost civilizations with magic technologies which our rationale cannot grasp or
No one else, apparently, has e%plored this tunnel since 6r +orak in !:;;. *he peasants who lived
in the region obviously knew of its e%istence, but kept well away.
.n addition to the stories of Nazi mine e%peditions in -entral and Eastern Europe during the #econd
World War, occult writers have fre(uently made reference to the Nazi *ibet E%peditions, allegedly
an attempt to locate and make contact with a group of high lamas with access to fantastic power.
7nce again, 1auwels and ,ergier have plenty to say on this sub$ect, which is in itself enough to
give pause to the cautious.
*he American researcher Peter Le*enda e%perienced a similar skepticism with regard to the
supposed Nazi&*ibet connection, until he began to search for references in the microfilmed records
in the !aptured 0erman 1ocuments Section of the National Archives in Washington, 6-. +e
discovered a wealth of material, running to many hundreds of pages, dealing with the work of 6r
Ernst Schafer of the Ahnenerbe.
*hese documents included 6r #chafer's personal notebooks, his correspondence, clippings from
several /erman newspapers, and his ## file, which describes an e%pedition to East and -entral
*ibet from !:?;&!:?D, and the official ##&*ibet E%pedition of !:?=&!:?: under his leadership.
As 3evenda demonstrates, the e%pedition was not so much concerned with contacting *ibetan
representatives of the subterranean super&race as with cataloguing the flora and fauna of the
region an activity of little military value to the *hird 2eich, which accounts for the difficulty #chafer
occasionally had in securing funding for his trips".
,orn in -ologne on !; 'arch !:!> into a wealthy industrialist family, Ernst Schafer attended
school in +eidelberg and /ottingen, and embarked on his first e%pedition to *ibet in !:?> under the
auspices of the Academy of Natural Sciences in 1hiladelphia when he was only twenty years old.
*he following year, he $oined the American 2roo&e 1olan e3pedition to Siberia4 !hina and #ibet.
+e became a member of the ## in mid !:??, finally reaching the rank of Sturmbannfuhrer in !:;8.
.n addition to being an ## officer, #chafer was also a respected scientist who published papers in
various $ournals, such as the 1roceedings of the Academy of Natural #ciences, 1hiladelphia. As
3evenda wryly notes, #chafer was 'a man of many parts< one part ## officer and one part scholar,
one part e%plorer and one part scientist< a Nazi .ndiana Gones'.
#chafer was also deeply interested in the religious and cultural practices of the *ibetans, including
their se%uality. .ndeed, the members of the !:?=&!:?: e%pedition displayed a somewhat prurient
fascination with intimate practices< the film&maker Ernst Irause, for instance, took great care to
record his observation of a fifteen&year&old 3anchung girl masturbating on a bridge beam."
When not cataloguing flora and fauna and spying on teenage girls", the members of the e%pedition
managed to conduct other research, which included an e%haustive study of the physical attributes
of the *ibetan people. #chafer noted height and weight, the shape of hands and feet, the color and
shape of eyes, and even took plaster casts of *ibetans' faces.
7n 8! Guly !:?:, 1er Neue #ag published the following article<
#A-2E6 *.,E*AN #-2.1*02E A-L0.2E6 ,J *+E 62 #-+AAE2&EM1E6.*.7N 7N N.NE
AN.'A3 37A6# A-27## *+E +./+&-70N*2J
#1E-.A3" A2ANIA02*
8> G03J
*he *ibet E%pedition of 6r Ernst #chafer, which during its e%pedition through *ibet stayed a long
time in 3hasa and in the capital of the 1anchen 3ama, #higatse, is presently on its return trip to
/ermany. #ince the monsoons began unusually early, the return march of the e%pedition was
hastened in order to secure the shipment of the precious collections. *he e%pedition has singularly
valuable scientific research results to inventory. .n addition to outstanding accomplishments in the
areas of geophysical and earth&magnetic research they succeeded in obtaining an e%tra&rich
ethnological collection including, along with cult ob$ects, many articles and tools of daily life.
With the help of the regent of 3hasa it was 6r #chafer who also succeeded in obtaining the
Iangschur, the e%tensive, !>=&volume sacred script of the *ibetans, which re(uired nine animal
loads to transport. Also especially e%tensive are the zoological and botanical collections that the
e%pedition has already shipped, in part, to /ermany, the remainder of which they will bring
themselves. *he zoological collection includes the total bird&fauna of the research area.
6r #chafer was also able, for the first time, to bag a #chapi, a hitherto unknown wild goat. About 9>
live animals are on the way to /ermany, while numerous other live animals are still with the
e%pedition. An e%tensive herbarium of all e%isting plants is also on its way. Aurthermore, valuable
geographical and earth&historical accomplishments were made.
6ifficulties encountered due to political tensions with the English authorities were eliminated due to
personal contact between 6r #chafer and members of the ,ritish authorities in #hangtse, so that
the unimpeded return of the e%pedition out of *ibet with its valuable collections was guaranteed.
3evenda informs us that he was unable to discover the fate of the 5angschur, the 'core document'
of #ibetan 2uddhism, although he suspects that it was taken to 4ienna.
With regard to the e%pedition itself, while it must be conceded that it had very little to do with the
occult or magical ambitions of the *hird 2eich, it is possible that the 'earth&magnetic' and
'geophysical' e%periments had a firm foundation in a very shaky theory.
3evenda suggests that the #ibet E3pedition of !:?=&!:?: attempted to prove the pseudo&scientific
%orld 6ce #heory of Hans Hor+iger. *his bizarre theory will be discussed in detail in -hapter
#even. ,ut for now, let us return to the concept embodied in the rumors about the Vril Society, with
its alleged attempts to contact and enlist the aid of" a mysterious group of vastly powerful Eastern
*o e%amine the origins of this idea, we must ourselves embark on a $ourney to *ibet, known in
some (uarters as 'the 1hantom Iingdom'.
The Black Sun and the Vril Society
The phenomenon of the eclipse has in mythology been connected with the upcoming end of the world and/or
drastic change approaching. The Johns Revelation claims that an eclipse of 3 days will preceed the end of the
world. Also the famous fortuneteller Nostradamus predicted an eclipse of 3 days introducing the end of all
times. This way the eclipse has ta!en the role of the herald of doom. "After all who wants to stay around when
the seven sigils are bro!en#$
The same symbol can be found as a wall%painting at a military bun!er from &&'' at (amburg below the statue
of )isbarc! thus it was concluded that the symbol of the )lac! *un was incorporated into the ideas of some sort
of +occultist+ movement/ideology during the Third Reich. Although this speculation is somewhat reasonable '
have not been able to find substantial proof for verifying this rumor since information about this sub,ect is
scarce and shady and mostly overshadowed by pre,udice against the +pseudo%cultist activities+ of the political
elite of that time and the ** especially in case it is mentioned anywhere at all.
-et it might bear some significance possibly that in the .ermanic mythology the wolf /enri0 is said to swallow
the sun after being released at the beginning of the &olf%Age causing the s!y to dar!en. The symbolism of the
)lac! *un is the sub,ect to fear for the powers of stasis since it indicates drastic and terminal change. (ow can
it be applied in a sensible way by the *etian or does it bear positive significance inherently already#
Peter Moon tells us in his boo# 8The Black Sun8/ on page 192 *
N*he 4ril #ociety began around the same time as the *hule #ociety when Iarl +aushofer founded
the N2ruder des $ichtsN, which means 2rothers of the $ight. *his organization is sometimes referred
to at the 3uminous 3odge. *his group was eventually renamed the 4ril&/esellschaft as it rose in
prominence and united three ma$or societies<
the 3ords of the ,lack #tone, having emerged from the *eutonic 7rder in !:!@
the ,lack Inights of the *hule #ociety
the ,lack #un, later identified as the elite of +einrich himmlerOs ##
Whereas the *hule #ociety ended up focusing primarily upon materialistic and political agendas, the
4ril #ociety put its attention on the N7ther #ide.N
A local medium named 'aria 7risc began getting messages in an unknown language and couldnOt
transcribe them, so began meeting with key members of these societies, along with another medium
named #igrun. Accordingly, the messages were coming from a being from the star Aldeberan, which
has two planets which form the O#umeran EmpireO. .n the #umeran empire were two classes of
people & the Aryan or 'aster race, and a subservient race which had developed in a negative
fashion as a result of mutation from climatic changes.
1eter 'oon goes on to say,
NA half billion years ago, the Aryans known as the Elohim or Elder "ace" began to colonize our solar
system as AldebaranOs became uninhabitable. 'arduk, e%isting in what is today the asteroid belt ,
was the first to be colonized, then 'ars. When they came to Earth, these Aryans were known as the
Note< +ere we are coinciding with the work of Bechariah #itchin"
Arom some of the accounts available, #hambhala appears to have been a centre of spiritual
enlightenment, very reminiscent of !a'es Hilton's OShangri-$aO, but others say that it was a centre
of occult power and arcane teaching. .ts leader was thought variously to be either an evil, tyrannical
#orcerer&Iing or a /od&like 7$ord of #he %orld7.
We seem to be left with a choice as to which story we prefer to follow, and evidently which 1ath one
desires to follow, too. *he evil 3eft, or the good 2ightK
Apparently there were two factions as in +yperborea", one of which followed the /olden #un, and
the other the ,lack #un. *he O,lack #unO, incidentally, was as prominent an emblem of the Nazi
mythos as was the #wastikaK" According to Gean&-laude ArHre, author of ONazisme et Soci8ti8s
Secret9sO, the people of +yperborea, after migrating to the /obi 6esert over D>>> years ago,
founded a new centre, which they named Agartha. .t became a great centre of world learning, and
people flocked there from all over the world to en$oy its culture and civilization.
+owever, a huge catastrophe supervened, and the earth's surface was devastated, but the realm of
Agartha somehow survived, under the earth.
*he legend continues to relate that, as with the original +yperboreans, the Aryans now split into two
one group heading north&west, hoping to return to their lost +yperborea
the second going south, where they founded a new secret centre under the
!ean-%laude ,r-re concludes<
*he sons of the 7uter .ntelligences split into two groups, one following the O2ight +and 1athO under
the OWheel of *he /olden #unO, the other the O3eft +and 1athO under the OWheel of the ,lack #unO.
*he first preserved the centre of Agartha, that undefined place of contemplation, of the /ood, and of
the 4ril force.
*he second supposedly created a new place of initiation at #hambhala, the city of violence in
command of the elements and human masses, hastening the arrival of the Ocharnel&house of time.O
According to 1eter 'oon, in his book O*he ,lack #unO, the ultimate concept of Thule is well
represented in the myth of it as the capital city or center of +yperborea, a word which literally means
Obeyond the polesO.
As it is beyond the poles, *yperborea is positioned as being outside of this dimension. *hule, being
in the center, is positioned as the source of all life on Earth. .n /reek mythology, 1ythagoras was
taught sacred geometry by Apollo, a god who was identified as a resident of +yporborea. .n
1ythagorean teachings, the Earth itself geometrically unfolds from a void in the center. *his void has
been recognized by many ancient groups, including the #umerians, as the ,lack #un. .n this sense,
*hule is synonymous with this ,lack #un.
*he word #wastika itself is means OsourceO amongst other definitions, and represents eternal cause
or the fountain of creation. Accordingly, the #hule Society used the swastika symbol in their log to
represent this idea.
*he ,lack #un is an even more esoteric concept than that of *hule. 2epresented as the void of
creation itself, it is the most senior archetype imaginable. *hus, this namesake was reserved for the
elite of the *hule #ociety. *he ,lack #un was actually a secret society within the *hule #ociety.
.t was senior to other societies.
The *arious ways in which the
Swastia is de.icted/ )t is
re*ered +y Hindu and rans
second only to 0M/ Today1 the
Swastia is nown the world
o*er not as a religious
sy'+olis' of the Hindus +ut
as the #a2i e'+le'/ Hitler3s
use of the Swastia on the flag
of #ational-socialist $er'any
has +es'irched the Swastia/
But the Swastia continues to
hold a religious significance
for the Hindus/ Lie 0M1 the
origins of Swastia are lost in
the 'isty real's of the .ast
and they can only +e guessed
+y .iecing together of the
sur*i*ing clues/
The Swastia Stone near )lley
in &est 4orshire 5England6
The stone o*erloos the *alley
of the (i*er &harfe1 and is
identical to so'e of the
3%a'unnian (ose3 designs in
Val %a'onica1 )taly - nine cu.-
'ars in a cross sha.e1
surrounded +y a cur*ed
swastia- sha.ed groo*e/ The
)lley car*ing also has an
3a..endage3 off the east ar' -
a cu. surrounded +y a cur*ed
hoo-sha.ed groo*e/ )t is
uni"ue on the 'oor 5which is
co*ered in hundreds of cu.-
and-ring ty.e car*ings6
although there is an
unfinished swastia design
5'ore angular1 without cu.s6
on the near+y Badger Stone/
&e find here the A2tecan
calendar cycle of 78
uncorrected years
re.resented in the for' of a
left rotating 9swastia9/ The
wheel starts with the year :
Acatl1 then turns left to 8
Tec.atl1 ; %alli1 < Tochtli1 7
Acatl1 etc/ There is a good
e=.lanation of the whole
co'.osition in Duran and
Seler/ The "uestion is1 did the
Ho.i ha*e a real writing
syste' lie the A2tecs and did
they share the sa'e calendar
around the year :>>>? &hy do
they not ha*e a de*elo.ed
writing in the :@th century?
This is fro' a (ussian we+site
(click images to enlarge)
After World War .. and the subse(uent occupation of /ermany, Allied military commanders were
stunned to discover the penetrating depth of the Nazi regimeOs state secrets.
*he worldOs best intelligence organization was not the least of these revelations. Also discovered
were massive and meticulous research file on secret societies, eugenics and other scientific pursuits
that boggled the imagination of the Allied command. Even more spectacular was an entire web of
underground rocket and flying saucer factories with an accompanying technology that still defies
ordinary beliefs.
A missing 0&boat fleet possessing the most advanced submarine technology in the world left many
wondering if the Nazis had escaped with yet more secrets or even with +itler himself.
,ehind all of these mysteries was an even deeper element< a secret order known to initiates as the
7rder of the ,lack #un, an organization so feared that it is now illegal to even print their symbols and
insignia in modern /ermany. *he ,lack #un probes deeper into the secrets of the *hird 2eich and
its *ibetan contacts than any other previous attempt.
*he ,lack #un is an adventure in consciousness that reveals a vast array of new information.
Arom the /erman flying saucer program to the ## mission into *ibet, we are led on a path that gives
us the most insightful look ever into the *hird 2eich and the holy relics they sought in their ultimate
(uest< the Ar& of the !ovenant and the *oly 0rail.
A Boo (e*iew
fro' ,S(e*iew &e+site
.n the late !=>>Os, early !:>>Os, there were a variety of secret Poccult societies in /ermany, the main
ones being, *he ,avarian .lluminati, *he Areemasons, *he 2osicrucians, *he *hule #ociety and *he
4ril #ociety.
Each of these five societies, although based in secrecy and mysticism, had its role and function. 7f
these five, two were especially noted for their occult connections, *he 4ril #ociety and its purely
/erman offshoot *he *hule #ociety.
*he chief architect of the *hule #ociety was Baron (udol.h *on Se+ottendorff1 sometimes
referred to as 2udolf /lauer. #ebottendorff P /lauer possessed a wide knowledge of 6slamic
)ysticism in all its aspects, encompassing the 6ervish sects and particularly the cult of #ufism which
differs markedly from mainstream .slamic teaching.
*he name, *hule, refers to the capital of the legendary polar country +yperborea.
Also referred to as Q0ltima *huleO, it was supposedly the gateway to another world. *hule was
therefore recognized as a place where humans could, by whatever means, Qleave the earthO, it also
reputedly stood at the portal of the Q+ollow EarthO.
.nterestingly, the ma$or players in the 8>
century, the 0#A and the 2ussian Aederation have E3A &
e%tra low fre(uency & transmitters sited in this area. *hese transmitters are supposedly used to
communicate with submerged submarines, but worryingly, they broadcast these messages at brain&
wave fre(uencies, around != to 8>+z.
*raditionally, the +yperboreans were in contact with e%traterrestrials or Qalien culturesO, in some
versions of this, there was interbreeding. .n common with the legendary inhabitants of Atlantis, they
engaged in war with neighbouring civilizations. *his escalated into the use of atomic weapons,
resulting in a pyrrhic victory for the +yperboreans, who, as well as defeating their enemies, virtually
destroyed themselves in the process. .n common with radiation damage in recent times, the
surviving +yperboreans were soon faced with the prospect of mutated and otherwise damaged
#howing remarkable resolve, those who had not sustained any apparent genetic damage, banded
together and effectively removed themselves from the gene pool, a variety of self imposed
Any QdamagedO offspring from this group, were neutered. *his early e%ample of eugenics was
practiced until they were sure that any defective genes had been bred out. *he other mutated group
eventually died out, whether they were QassistedO in this, is open to debate. *his may seem like, and
indeed is, a harsh, clinical line to adopt, but being faced with the e%tinction of their entire race, they
had little other option.
*he descendants of this seminal Q'other raceO were the -elts who, like the ripples on a pond, spread
out, colonizing various northern areas of the planet. #cots, .rish, ,as(ues, #panish, #candinavians,
.celanders and the 1ortuguese, all these peoples are of !eltic origin. *hese disparate nationalities
have one common genetic trait, a large percentage of 2+&negative blood types, which, according to
the beliefs of the *hule society was a characteristic of the +yperboreans and their e%traterrestrial
.n recent times, the ma$ority of alien abductees are reportedly from "* negative blood groups, is this
a possible indication that 0A7 cultures are tracking their cross&bred progeny5
7ther races and peoples who posses a positive blood type were considered to be racially impure, as
positive blood is thought to be contaminated by contact with the ape evolved strand of human 1NA.
N.n /ermany at the turn of the century and particularly after WW . many secret societies developed.
7ne of these groups was the 4ril #ociety.
N.n !:!@ four people met in a cafe in 4ienna. *here was one woman and three men. *he woman
was a Ospiritual mediumO. *hey met under a veil of mystery and secrecy.
N*hey discussed secret revelations, the coming of the new age, the sphere of destiny, the magical
violet black stone, and making contact with ancient peoples and distant worlds.
N*heir source of power was the ,lack #un, an infinite beam of light which though invisible to the
human eye is real and there.
N*he 4ril emblem was the O,lack #unO & a secret philosophy thousand of years old provided the
foundation on which the occult practitioners of the *hird 2eich would later build. *he ,lack #un
symbol can be found in many ,abylonian and Assyrian places of worship. *hey depicted the ,lack
#un & the godheadOs inner light in the form of a cross. *his was not much different from the 0erman7s
5night7s !ross.
NWith supposed channeled information from E*Os, the 4ril society built the 4ril 'achine. .t was
saucer shaped. .t was supposedly an interdimensional or time travel machine. *he first piloted flight
was in !:?;.
*he 4ril Aorce and the ,lack #un
.n 3yttonOs *he -oming 2ace, the subterranean people use the 4ril Aorce to operate and govern the
world a few children armed with vril&powered rods are said capable of e%terminating a race of over
88 million threatening barbarians".
#erved by robots and able to fly on vril&powered wings, the vegetarian 4ril&ya are & by their own
reckoning & racially and culturally superior to everyone else on Earth, above or below the ground.
At one point the narrator concludes from linguistic evidence" that the 4ril&ya are,
Ndescended from the same ancestors as the great Aryan family, from which in varied streams has
flowed the dominant civilization of the world.N
*he 4ril Aorce or 4ril Energy was said to be derived from the ,lack #un, a big ball of N1rima 'ateriaN
which supposedly e%ists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the 4ril&ya and putting out radiation
in the form of 4ril. *he 4ril #ociety believed that Aryans were the actual biological ancestors of the
,lack #un.
*his force was known to the ancients under many names, and it has been called -hi, 7$as, 4ril,
Astral 3ight, 7dic Aorces and 7rgone.
.n a discussion of the 8=
degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish "ite of :reemasonry - called
5night of the Sun or 'rince Adept & Albert 1ike said,
N*here is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess
himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world.N
*his is the force that the Nazis and their inner occult circle were so desperately trying to unleash
upon the world, for which the Vril Society had apparently groomed +itler. A manifestation of the
N/reat WorkN promulgated by the Adepts of secret societies throughout the ages. #he Vril Society
latched on to a very old archetype already in the minds of alchemists and magicians, which was only
re&interpreted, by 3ytton, in light of that age of occult revival and scientific progress.
*he idea of mutation and transformation into a higher form of a Ngod-manN was envisioned, through
the 4ril&ya, in ,uller&3yttonOs #he !oming "ace.
3ytton, himself, was an initiate of the 2osicrucians and was well versed in the arcane&esoteric
philosophies and of course the greatest advances in the sciences of his day".
N*hrough his romantic works of fiction he e%pressed the conviction that there are beings endowed
with superhuman powers. *hese beings will supplant us and bring about a formidable mutation in
the elect of the human race.N
5!/ Bergier6
*his is where the philosophy turns dangerous.
*he moment we speak of an elect and NilluminedN class which is above the general populace, you
inevitably encounter racism and classism & with fascism in due course.
NWe must beware of this notion of a mutation,N ,ergier warns. N.t crops up again with +itler, and is
not e%tinct today.N
,ergier and 1auwels were writing in !:D>, but today this philosophy is, sadly, once again in the
forefront of popular culture.
*he New World 7rder, so vehemently opposed, is under the direct influence and guidance of the
New Age )ovement. A hodgepodge of occult doctrines and dangerous socialism, which hides under
a cover of Nspiritual enlightenment.N *heosophy is considered the main foundation, and its founder,
'me. ,lavatsky, was a great admirer of 3yttonOs.
.n #he Occult !onspiracy, the e%cellent researcher, 'ichael +oward, writes about the compatibility
of the two philosophies<
,lavatsky had read ,ulwer 3yttonOs novels and was very impressed by their occult content,
especially ;anoni and the $ast 1ays of 'ompei. *he latter was published in !=?; and dealt with the
time between early -hristianity and the 'ysteries of .sis in .taly in the first century A.6.
,lavatskyOs esotericism was virulently anti&-hristian... *he racial ideas of 'adame ,lavatsky,
concerning root races and the emergence of a spiritually&developed type of human being in the
A(uarian Age, were avidly accepted by the nineteenth¢ury /erman nationalists who mi%ed
*heosophical occultism with anti&#emitism and the doctrine of the racial supremacy of the Aryan or
.ndo&European peoples.
A27'< .sis 0nveiled,
4olume ., page 99>
*his tradition of the 6ragon and the #un & occasionally replaced by the 'oon & has awakened
echoes in the remotest parts of the world. .t may be accounted for with perfect readiness by the once
universal heliolatrous religion. *here was a time when Asia, Europe, Africa, and America were
covered with the temples sacred to the sun and the dragon.
*he priests assumed the names of their deities, and thus the tradition spread like a network all over
the globe<
N,el and the 6ragon are uniformly coupled together, and the priest of the 7phite religion as uniformly
assumed the name of his /od.N
.age 77:
Iircher places the origin of the 7phite and heliolatrous worship, the shape of conical monuments
and the obelisks, with the Egyptian +ermes *rismegistus.
#he goes on to say that one finds glimpses of this religion and its origins in the O2oo&s of *ermesO, in
magical art reproduced by the Luiches, and even in fragments of the 1opul 4uh, which shows that
the evidence of its origins and religious customs of the 'e%icans, 1eruvians, and other American
races are nearly identical with those of the ancient 1hoenicians, ,abylonians and Egyptians.
*hat said, she relates the religion from the <uiche !osmogony, and compares it to some Apocrypha,
with the Gewish sacred books and the kabalistic theories of creation, including the O2oo& of =asherO,
which traces it to the population of 0r of the Iaseans, where 'agism flourished before the days of
page 9;:
N*he divine beings, Nbrought down to the level of human nature,N perform no feats or tricks more
strange or incredible than the miraculous performance of 'oses and of 1haraoh's magicians, while
many of these are e%actly similar in their nature.
A woman who calls herself Whitefeather contacted us in the year !:::. #he sent us drawings of a
+lac sun click above image". +ere is some of what she said<
7riginally, when White Aeather saw the ,lack #un the only thing she could think of calling it was the
1onut Sun.
N. moved to 3e%ington, IJ, 'ay, !:@?. . had been hired by some horse people in +ialeah, Alorida,
and they moved me up there to be 6irector of 2esearch for their +orse #ales firm. #ome time before
that, . donOt know if it was a year or more, . had a dream or a vision of finding myself in a Nnatural
tree -athedralN, and one day at my new house in 3e%ington, the kids kicked a boll into a bunch of
trees and . realized that . was in the *ree -athedral & it was a circle of big fur trees. ,ut anyway, that
proved that . was supposed to move there. . have had psychic e%periences ever since . was a child.
7f the drawings . made of the N,lack&ringed #un,N they were different shapes more or less that other
people told me they had seen. What . saw, the light green and light yellow, translucent fluorescent
Nsun flaresN was impossible for me to draw.N
7ddly she ended up having coffee with a Native American who had also seen the ,lack #un. *he
person who served her donuts. #he originally thought of the sun as O*he Eye in the #kyO. REye of 2a,
the sun /od, perhapsKS
After . met a man who was part Apache, who told me he had seen that sun when he thought he was
dying in 4ietnam, . decided to call it the N3ife #aver #un.N .t seems this sun is what the .ndians call
Nthe feathered #unN and e%tremely sacred sign.
/rom1 An 'llustrated 2ncyclopedia of Traditional *ymbols1 The /eathered *un % the )lac! *un % as a 3lains
'ndian symbol with styli0ed feathers pointing both inwards and outwards4 inward towards the centre and
outward to the circumference4 it combines the symbols of the sun and the eagle and depicts the universe4 the
center4 solar power4 radiation of power4 ma,esty.
The Green Report
Vril Society Black Sun Dark Matter
fro' Al.ha%or.s &e+site
THE V()L S0%)ET4
Vril was the language spoken by the Atlanteans. .t was composed of sounds and clicks. .n
November of !::D . received a video about /ermany & Hitler his occult links" & and Vril linked to
Atlantean timelines and language".
1art of that information stated<
N.n /ermany at the turn of the century and particularly after WW . many secret societies developed.
7ne of these groups was the Vril Society/
N.n !:!@ four people met in a cafe in 4ienna. *here was one woman and three men. *he woman
was a Qspiritual mediumO. *hey met under a veil of mystery and secrecy.
N*hey discussed secret revelations, the coming of the new age, the sphere of destiny, the magical
violet black stone, and making contact with ancient peoples and distant worlds.
N*heir source of power was the ,lack #un, an infinite beam of light which though invisible to the
human eye is real and there.
N*he Vril e'+le' was the Q,lack #unO & a secret philosophy thousand of years old provided the
foundation on which the occult practitioners of the *hird 2eich would later build. *he Blac Sun
sy'+ol can be found in many ,abylonian and Assyrian places of worship. *hey depicted the ,lack
#un & the godheadOs inner light in the for' of a cross/ *his was not much different from the
0erman7s 5night7s !ross.
NWith supposed channeled information from E*Os, the 4ril society built the Vril Machine/ .t was
saucer shaped. .t was supposedly an interdimensional or ti'e tra*el 'achine/ *he first piloted
flight was in !:?;.
:A;B - Blac ,orest1 $er'anyC
6uring this ten&year period, the Vril Society 'e'+ers were supposedly the first group to attempt
the back&engineering of an e%traterrestrial spacecraft.
NA /erman writer, !ohn Von Helsing, describes the discovery of a crashed saucer in the ,lack
Aorest in :A;B and says that this technology was taken and combined with the information the 4ril
#ociety had received through channeling and was made into a further pro$ect called the Haune+u9
/erman aircraft historian Henry Ste*ens says. +aunebu ! was supposedly the first large flying
saucer developed in /ermany. According to plans allegedly obtained from classified /erman ##
files, the Haune+u : was appro%imately seventy&five feet in diameter and probably lifted off for the
first time in August !:?:, a few weeks before the outbreak of World War ...
Arom N#ightings< 0A7sN
.n 'ay of !::: & . received an email from a woman who had an e%perience with the
,lack #un.
.n !=== when she was in Alorida she saw a sun with Qblack ringsO and a feathered
#he is part Native American.
#he goes by a name given to her by #pirit & QWhite AeatherO.
*hough White Aeather had not photographed the images & she created several
drawings of them.
+er story can be found on Synchronicity #imes
Arom An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols
*he ,eathered Sun & the ,lack #un & as a 'lains 6ndian symbol with stylized feathers pointing both
inwards and outwards) inward towards the centre and outward to the circumference) it combines the
symbols of the sun and the eagle and depicts the universe) the center) solar power) radiation of
power) ma$esty.
7riginally, when White Aeather saw the ,lack #un the only thing she could think of calling it was the
6onut #un.
7ddly she ended up having coffee with a Native American who had also seen the ,lack #un. *he
person who served her donuts.
#he originally thought of the sun as Q*he Eye in the #kyO.
REye of 2a, the sun /od, perhapsKS
After talking to an Apache man she decided to call it the Q3ifesaver #unO.
+itler took his Qswastika Q symbol from a sacred Native American symbol.
Arom The Book of the Hopi by ,ran &aters
N*he swastika symbol represents the path of the migrations of the +opi clans.
N*he center of the cross represents *uwanasavi or the -enter of the 0niverse which lay in what is
now the +opi country in the southwestern part of the 0#. Tuwanasa*i was not the geographic
center of North America, but the magnetic or spiritual center formed by the $unction of the North&
#outh and the East&West a%is along which the *wins sent their vibratory messages and controlled
the rotation of the planet.
N*hree directions pasos" for most of the clans were the same< the ice locked back door to the north,
the 1acific 7cean to the west and the Atlantic 7cean to the east. 7nly @ clans & the ,ear, Eagle,
#un, Iachina, 1arrot, Alute and -oyote clans & migrated to #outh America to the southern paso at
itOs tip. *he rest of some ;> clans, having started from somewhere in southern 'e%ico or -entral
America, regarded this as their southern paso, their migration thus forming a balanced symbol.N
N0pon arriving at each paso all the leading clans turned right before retracing their routes.N
.n November !::D . learned about the NBlac SunO and something called QDar
. would often QtimetravelO back and forth from our timelines to /ermany &&&&&TEgypt
*hese are the timelines for the creation of the programs in which we e%perience.
.n mid&November . had met a man through the internet named *odd 3aurence.
+e is a psychologist who lives in the ,ron%, NJ.
7ur phone conversations centered around the prophecies of Nostradamus and a star
called Kocha+.
Kocha+, and its companion star are known in legend as the Q0uardians of the 'oleO. Iochab is the
outer star of the bowl of the 3ittle 6ipper. .t is known that Iochab e%hausted its primary fuel
hydrogen" many eons ago, and has been burning its core helium" for many thousands of years.
*odd links Iochab to the prophecies of Nostradamus. +e believes that the Earth will soon
e%perience a supernova & the light from the star Iochab & which he e(uates with the QStar of
"evelationO. *odd and . en$oy time travelling & or remoting viewing together. We do our work by
telephone in the comfort of our own homes. . remembering time travelling to ancient Egypt twice with
*odd when with first met & the first e%perience being the most profound.
As we travelled to Egypt & *odd saw me as a Lueen or 1riestess in a white dress with a gold belt
that crossed under the bodice. . sat ne%t to a 1haraoh who was dressed in his finest attire as if
waiting for some special event.
.t was a calm sunny afternoon. .t felt (uite hotK We sat by a rectangular pool. At the end of the pool
was a temple. We were served by & Nubians slaves". We saw the cornucopia bowl of plenty".
#uddenly the sun was blocked from our view by a spacecraft of some kind which seemed to hover
above the /reat 1yramid. *he pyramid opened with a huge rectangular door that was hinge at the
top. *hrough the opening came a /od&like entity with an entourage of two men. *hey all wore head
*odd and . knew he was & or represented & 2a the Q#un /odO. We greeted them near the pyramid
and spoke with the one who . felt was 2aK
*hey seem to $oin our feast briefly & mostly for discussion.
We looked over towards the Nile 2iver.
A boat came down the Nile with several men. *he boat contained a golden chestPark of some kind.
*he Nubians carried the chest to where we sat.
*he Q2a figureO seemed to do something to the ark.
.t was then placed back into the boatK
We entered the boat as Q2aO went back through the /reat 1yramid and left in his spaceship.
We travelled down the Nile with the golden ark & and the Nubians.
We arrived at a temple.
At the entrance to the temple was a statue of a cat on the left side and a sphin% on the right.
*he walls were highly carved with hieroglyphs.
*here was an opening to a chamber below.
We descended thirteen stone steps. *odd says that thirteen is a rebirth number". . counted the
steps and felt . needed to be careful not to fall. *odd followed.
*he Nubians carried the ark down.
.t was carried on rods of some kind.
We entered a chamber at the bottom of the steps.
.t was dimly lit.
*he ark was placed on a round stone & mandella & circle.
*he mandella had e%tension rods coming out of it.
.t began to spiral counterclockwise twelve times descending & as if to twelve different levels & until it
stoppedK .t seemed to send off some sort of energy field that created a matri% that linked to other
energy centers around the planet. We knew the ark was not to be touched until a specific time in the
future. 2eturning with *odd to open the ark
A week later *odd and . QreturnedO to the underground chamber.
Aor some reason . felt that . had to get back to the ark and open it.
With no fear . walked to the ark.
. could QsenseO other entities around me backing away.
A key appeared to me.
.t looked like one of those keys from the !=th -entury.
*odd noted that the number != represents -hrist -onsciousness."
+aving no fear . used the key to open the ark.
.ntuitively *odd knew that the ark contained Qdark matterO.
.t opened with a blast of energyK
*o me it looked like brilliant white light with no beginning nor end.
. connected with the energies immediately.
*odd asked me what . was seeing as he chose not to $oin me as . was going into the space known
as Q6ark 'atterO. . was in the space we would call Qdark matterO & a field of energy which we can not
see with our ?6 vision. .t is the space between the things you see.
7nce in that energy . realized that everything e%isting outside of the Qdark matterO no longer e%isted
for me. Arom my vantage point & . was in pure light energy beyond the e%periences of our physical
sense. ,eing in this energy was one of the most profound e%periences . have ever had. When we
returned to ?6 reality *odd and . talked about Qdark matterO. +e told me that science does not as yet
know what this Qdark matterO is.
*he theory is that Qdar 'atterO maintains the balance and the gravitational forces of the universe.
*his matter supposedly represents more than :>U of the universe as we understand it. .t maintains
the balance between positive and negative energies as well as maintaining the structure of the
universe. *odd read about Qdark matterO in publications about the new physics & including the works
by Ste.hen Hawing. Another reference book & #he !apricious >niverse by !oe (osen 1h6.
,ro' the Bereley %enter for Particle Astro.hysics
#cientists recently underwent a mind&boggling revolution when they realized that the ma$ority of the
universe is not made of the same type of matter as the Earth. Arom gravitational effects, we can infer
the e%istence of this Ndark matter,N a type of matter that we cannot see. *here is e%tensive
circumstantial evidence that much of this is not made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons, as we
What is dar 'atter? We donOt know. 1ossibly dark matter is composed of neutrinos, or even more
e%otic forms of matter hypothesized by theorists.
!"L# S$%&$'LGR(B)R *! T%) +T%(L),G)S)LLS$%#T-
To throw soe light on the ysterious :Third .eich; and the role of Adolf "itler I have to go
a bit further afield! All over the world 4erans were < and since the last attac#s on hoes for
people see#ing political asylu still are < lin#ed to the Third .eich! (ut very few #now the
actual otives fro that tie!
)ne hears about the :Aryan aster race theory; and the :gassing of the -ews;/ but not one
percent #now about the origin of these! In their schoolboo#s the 4eran children are told of
the evil Adolf "itler who apparently/ supported by aied propaganda and ass hypnosis/ was
the only culprit of those events! They are not told fro who he too# his ideology/ who had
put hi into his position and/ above all/ who had financed hi!
Actually/ =>? of the financial support cae fro -ewish sources! Interesting/ isn8t it@ The
Allies had Auite intentionally reoved or forbidden all the boo#s that could have uncovered
this/ and so today a dar# ystic veil lies upon 4erany8s recent past! Therefore I consider it
ore than necessary to shed soe light into this dar# area/ even if soe theories will be
thought by soe to be outrageous! At least here you find the :right stuff; to discuss later!
(etween 1''0 and 1'=0 any personalities < aong the soe of 7ngland8s ost brilliant
inds < found together and fored :T"7 "7.M7TIC ).B7. )1 T"7 4)5B7C BA+C;
Its ebers coe largely for the Mother 4rand 5odge of 1.77MA0)C0 and the
.)0IC.DCIAC0! In a way the 4olden Bawn was leading esoteric 1reeasonry (rather
positive3 in 7ngland and was its innerost and ost secret circle!
Mebers are/ aong others&
15).7CC7 1A..E +!(! F7AT0 (Cobel priGe for 5iterature3
(.AM 0T)H7. (author of Bracula3
4D0TA6 M7F.ICH (author of The 4ole and The 4reen 1ace3
A57I0T7. C.)+57F (perhaps the best #now agician of the last hundred years who later
got into blac# agic/ founder of the Thela Church and IIrd degree 1reeason of the
0cottish .ite3
.DB)51 0T7IC7. (founder of antroposophy/ 1reeason of the 0cottish .ite/ head of the
4eran Theosophical 0ociety/ 4rand Master of the Illuinati order ).B) T7M%5I
).I7CTI0 ()T)3 and 4rand Master of the branch MF0T7.IA MF0TICA A7T7.CA/
later left the :4olden Bawn; because of differing views3!
0teiner refused to allow occultist Trebisch*5incoln access to the :4olden Bawn;/ a decision
which later was held against hi!
In 1=19 the occultist (A.)C .DB)51 6)C 07()TT7CB).1/ the 4urdJieff disciple
HA.5 "AD0")17./ the ace pilot 5)T"A. +AIK/ %.75AT7 47.C)T of the secret
:0ocietas Tepli Marcioni; (The Inheritors of the Hnights Teplar3 and MA.IA ).0IC/ a
transcendental ediu fro Kagreb/ et in 6ienna!
They all had e2tensively studied the 4olden Bawn/ its teachings/ rituals and especially its
#nowledge about Asian secret lodges! 0ebottendorf and "aushofer were e2perienced travelers
of India and Tibet and uch influenced by the teachings and yths of those places! Buring
the 1irst +orld +ar/ Harl "aushofer had ade contacts with one of the ost influential secret
societies of Asia/ the Tibetan :Fellow "ats; (d4e*lugs*pa3!
This sect was fored in 1L0= by the (uddhist reforer Tsong*#ha*pa! "aushofer was
initiated and swore to coit suicide should his ission fail! The contacts between
"aushofer and the Fellow "ats led in the Twenties to the foration of Tibetan colonies in
The four young people hoped that during these eeting in 6ienna they would learn
soething about the secret revelatory te2ts of the HCI4"T0 T7M%5A. and also about the
secret fraternity BI7 "7..7C 6)M 0C"+A.K7C 0T7IC (:The 5ords of the (lac#
0tone;3! %relate 4ernot was on of the :Inheritors of the Hnights Teplar;/ which to y
#nowledge are the only true Teplar society! They are the descendants of the Teplars of
1I09 who passed on their secrets fro father to son < until today! %relate 4ernot apparently
told the about the advent of a new age < the change*over fro the Age of %isces to the Age
of AAuarius!
They discussed that our solar year < according to the twelve revolutions of the oon < was
divided into twelve onths and thus the revolution of our sun around the great central sun
(the (5ACH 0DC of ancient yths3 was also divided into twelve parts! Together with the
precession of the cone*shaped proper oveent of the 7arth due to the inclination of the
a2is/ this deterines the length of the world age!
0uch a :cosic onth; is then 2/1>> years/ the :cosic year; 2>/'M0 years long! According
to the Teplars the ne2t change is not Just an ordinary change of the age/ but also the end of a
cosic year and the start of an absolutely new one! (y copleting the 2>/'M0 years the 7arth
is changing fro the age with the wea#est (%isces3 to the age with the strongest radiation
(AAuarius3! Indo*Aryan definition calls this the end of the Hali Fuga/ the age of sin!
All age changes have led to political/ religious/ social and also geological upheavals of great
ipact! The tie of change*over fro the old to the new age is called in Mesopotaian
teachings the three :double steps of Mardu#;/ of 1M' years duration/ at the id*point of
which the I5D ray/ the Bivine .ay/ is e2pected to reach 7arth!
The Teplars did careful calculations and concluded that 1ebruary L/ 1=M2 was the date the
ray would reach 7arth! This gave the id*point of the 1M' years change*over and the years
1=IL and 1==0 as other iportant dates!
The ain part of the discussions dealt with the bac#ground of a section of the Cew
Testaent/ Matthew 21&IL! 1or there -esus addresses the -7+0&
:Therefore I tell you that the #ingdo of 4od will be ta#en away fro you and given to a
people who will produce its fruit!;
The coplete original te2t that is #ept in the archives of the :0ocietas Tepli Marcioni; says
it even ore clearly! (ut the point is& In that te2t -esus actually naes the :people;/ "e tal#s
to Teutons serving in the .oan legion and "e tells the that it is T"7I. people that "e had
chosen! That was what 0ebottendorf and his friends wanted to #now for sure& That the
Teutonic/ i!e! the 4eran people was coissioned to for the real of light upon 7arth <
in the :5and of the Midnight Mountain; (4erany3! The place where the ray would eet the
7arth was given as the Dntersberg near 0alGburg!
At the end of 0epteber 1=19 0ebottendorf et with ebers of the 5ords of the (lac#
0tone at the Dntersberg to receive the power of the :(lac#*%urple 0tone; after which the
secret society was naed!
The 5ords of the (lac# 0tone who fored out of the Marcionite Teplar societies in 1221
and were led by "ubertus Hoch had set as their ai the fight against evil and the building of
Christ8s real of light! This dar# power they were to fight had revealed hiself in the so*
called )ld Testaent through Moses and other ediu as 4od/ starting with the words by
F"+" N -A"67" N -ehovah to Abraha&
:I a 4od AlightyO;
In "ebrew&
:Ani ha 7l 0haddai;/ translated& I a 7l 0haddai < the :outcast Archangel (0haddai 7l3 <
0heitan or 0atan; (see the original translation of 4enesis 19&1/ e!g! in & The (ible/ Cew
International 6ersion3!
0ebottendorf clearly recogniGed& The 0haddai/ the 4od of the )ld Testaent/ is the destroyer/
the antagonist of 4od! "is followers therefore sought to destroy the 7arth/ Cature and
huanity! And the followers were the believers in Mosaic 5aw/ the "ebrews! (.eeber the
tenets of the TaludO3
In the 4ospel of -ohn/ '&I=*L>/ -esus states this directly! There he addresses the -ews&
PAbraha is our father8/ they (the -ews3 answered!
PIf you were Abraha8s children/8 said -esus/ Pthen you would do the things Abraha did! As
it is/ you are deterined to #ill e/ a an who has told you the truth that I heard fro 4od!
Abraha did not do such things! Fou are doing the things your own father does!8
P+e are not illegitiate children/8 they protested!
PThe only 1ather we have is 4od "iself!8
-esus said to the&
PIf 4od were your 1ather/ you would love e/ for I cae fro 4od and now a here! I have
not coe on y ownE but "e sent e! +hy is y language not clear to you@ (ecause you are
unable to hear what I say! Fou belong to your father/ the devil/ and you want to carry out your
father8s desire! "e was a urderer fro the beginning/ not holding to the truth/ for there is no
truth in hi! +hen he lies/ he spea#s his native language/ for he is a liar and the father of lies!
Fet because I tell the truth you do not believe eO8
Today still any people naively as#& (ut why then did "itler go against the -ews@ I hope that
the last few lines have shown you! In the eyes of the T"D57*4707550C"A1T/ fro which
later eerged the BA% (4eran +or#er8s %arty3/ the 00 (0chutGstaffel3/ the -ewish people
who had been charged by the )ld Testaent 4od -A"67" to :raise havoc on 7arth; were
the reason why the world was always caught up in war and discord!
The Thule people #new about the -ewish ban#ing systes/ i!e!/ .othschild and allies/ and the
%rotocols of the 7lders of Kion and felt it was their tas# to fight the -ewish people/ but
especially their ban#ing and lodge syste/ in accordance with the .evelation of 0ahaJa/ and
to erect the real of light upon 7arth!
Author8s Coent&
As you can see/ these people were Just as incapable to reedy the cause as their 5ord -esus
had told the how < to change the world with love for creation/ for oneself and for the
neighbor (and that neighbor can also be of another race or religion3! (ut they had
relinAuished self*responsibility and gave it to a 4DI5TF on/ a 0ATAC! Their hatred ade
the so blind that they never realiGed that they used the sae weapons as the purportedly
satanic 4od -ahveh they wanted to fight! They should have #nown though that one cannot
achieve peace by war!
A circle fored around (A.)C .DB)51 6)C 07()TT7CB).1 that via the :Teutonic
)rder; in 1=1' in (ad Aibling becae the :T"D57*4707550C"A1T;! The thees they
tried to lin# to politics were scientific agic/ astrology/ occultis and Teplar #nowledge as
well as 4olden Bawn practices li#e Tantra/ Foga and 7astern editation!
The Thule*4esellschaft believed/ following the revelation of Isais/ in a Coing 0avior
(4eran& "eiland N the "oly )ne3/ the Third 0argon who would bring to 4erany glory and
a new Aryan culture!
Bietrich (ronder ((efore "itler Cae3 and 7!.! Carin (4uru "itler3 naed the leading
ebers as follows&
(aron .udolf von 0ebottendorf/ 4rand Master of the )rder
4uido von 5ist/ Master of the )rder
-org 5anG von 5iebenfels/ Master of the )rder
Adolf "itler/ :1uhrer;/ 4eran Chancellor/ 00 0uperior
.udolf "ess/ 6ice 1uhrer/ and 00 )bergruppenfuhrer
"eran 4oering/ .eichsarschall and 00 )bergruppenfuhrer
"einrich "iler/ .eichsfuhrer 00 and .eichsinister
Alfred .osenberg/ .eichsinister and C0*.eichsleiter
"ans 1ranc#/ Br! Br! h!c!/ C0*.eichsleiter and 4overnor 4eneral of %oland
-ulius 0treicher/ 0A*)bergruppenfuhrer and 4auleiter of 1ran#en
Harl "aushofer/ %rof! Br!/ MaJor 4eneral ret!
4ottfried 1eder/ %rof! Br!/ 0ecretary of 0tate ret!
Bietrich 7c#art/ 7ditor in Chief of the 6ol#ischer (eobachter
(ernhard 0tepfle/ father confessor and confidant of "itler
Theo Morell/ personal physician of "itler
1ranG 4urtner/ president of the police/ Munich
.udolf 0teiner/ founder of the antroposophic teaching
+!)! 0chuann/ %rof! Br! at the Technical Dniversity Munich
Trebisch*5incoln/ occultist and traveler to the "ialayas
Countess +estrap
ACB MACF )T"7.0!!!
5ater the Thule*4esellschaft split in two/ the esoterics (4ree#& esoteros N the inner3/ aong
which counted .udolf 0teiner/ and the e2oterics (4ree#& e2oteros N the outer3/ who later were
led by "itler! The Thule*4esellschaft is its inner core was peaceful in nature/ besides
#nowing about the Illuinati and 7l 0haddai!
It was "itler who becae ore radical! +hen "itler had ta#en over the C0BA%/ he
prohibited the Thule and the 6ril 4esellschaften after they had helped hi to his position!
Towards the end of the war he contacted the again/ especially the 6ril*4esellschaft/ because
of their advanced technology and their special contacts!
A short history of :T"D57;
:D5TIMA T"D57; apparently was the capital city of the first continent peopled by Aryans!
This was called "F%7.().7A and was older than 5euria and Atlantis (continents with
advanced cultures since suberged3! The 0candinavians have a tale of :Dltia Thule;/ the
wonderful land in the high Corth/ where the sun never sets and the ancestors of the Aryan
race dwell!
"yperborea was up in the Corth 0ea and san# during an ice age! It is assued that the
"yperboreans cae fro the solar syste Alderbaran which is the ain star in the
constellation Taurus/ and that they were about four eters tall/ white/ blond and blue*eyed!
They #new no war and wee vegetarians (so was "itler3! According to alleged Thule te2ts they
were technically very advanced and flew :6ril*ya;/ flying achines that today we call D1)s!
These flying dis#s were capable of levitation/ e2tree speeds and the aneuvers #nown fro
today8s D1)s due to two counter*rotating agnetic fields and they used the so*called 6ril
power as energy potential or fuel (6ril N ether/ )d/ %rana/ Chi/ Hi/ cosic force/ )rgonQ/
but also fro the acadeic :vri*I5; N as the highest deity N 4od*li#e3/ i!e!/ they ta#e the
energy fro the earth8s agnetic field (free energy3 li#e the :tachyon converter; of Captain
"ans Coler!
+hen "F%7.().7A began to sin# the "yperboreans are said to have burrowed with huge
achines gigantic tunnels into the 7arth8s crust and settled under the "ialayan region! The
subterranean real is called A4"A.TA and its capital 0"AM(A55A"! The %ersians call
this land :Aryana; the land of origin of the Aryans!
"ere we should ention that Harl "aushofer claied that Thule was actually called Atlantis
and < contrary to all other researchers of Tibet and India < he said that the surviving Thule*
Atlanteans were separated into two groups/ a good one and an evil one! Those who called
theselves after their oracle Agharta were the good and settled in the "ialayan region/ the
evil ones were the 0haballah who wanted to subJugate huanity and they went +est!
"e aintained that the fight between the people of Agharta and 0haballah had been going
on for thousands of years and that in the Third .eich the Thule*4esellschaft as Agharta8s
representative continued it against the representatives of 0haballah/ the 1reeasons and the
Kionists! This perhaps was his ission!
The head of this subterranean region he said was .igden Iyepo/ the #ing of the world/ with
his representative upon the 7arth8s surface/ the Balai 5aa! "aushofer was convinced that
the land below the "ialayas was the birthplace of the Aryan race/ which he claied to have
confired during his Tibet and India travels!
The sybol of Thule was the swasti#a counter cloc#wise! Tibetan laas and the Balai 5aa
personally testified that people fro Agartha were still living today! The subterranean land
that is anchored in alost all 7astern traditions has spread over the illennia under all of the
7arth8s surface with huge centers under the 0ahara desert/ the Matto 4rosso and the 0anta
Catarina ountains in (raGil/ Fucatan in Me2ico/ Mount 0hasta in California/ 7ngland/
7gypt/ CGechoslova#ia!
It sees that "itler especially sought to discover the entrances to the subterranean world
Agartha and to get in contact with the descendants of the Aryan :4od people; fro
Alderbaran*"yperborea! In the yths and traditions of the subterranean world it is often said
that the world8s surface was yet to suffer a terrible world war (Third +orld +ar3 which would
though be ended by earthAua#es/ other natural disasters and a switching of the poles and the
deaths therefro of two thirds of huanity!
After this :last war; the several races of the inner earth would reunite with the survivors on
the surface and that the thousand*year 4)5B7C A47 (age of AAuarius3 would be rung in!
"itler wanted to build an outer :Agartha; or :Aryana; with the Aryan aster race/ and
4erany should be its hoe! Buring the e2istence of the :Third .eich; two large e2peditions
were sent by the 00 to the "ialayas to find those entrances!
1urther e2peditions searched in the Andes/ the Matto 4rosso ountains in the Corth and the
0anta Catarina ountains in the south of (raGil/ in CGechoslova#ia and parts of 7ngland!
0oe authors clai that the Thule people believed that < Auite independently of the
subterranean tunnel and city syste < the 7arth was ")55)+/ with two great openings at
the poles! Catural laws were Auoted/ :as above/ so below;! 0ince blood/ body or egg cells/ a
coet or an ato all have a nucleus and a hollow space surrounding it that is enclosed by a
:corona radiata;/ an envelope/ and the actual :life; is ta#ing place in the core/ one has
deduced that the 7arth was built after the sae principles!
Bruses confired this/ as they were hollow and the :life;/ the ineral and crystals/ were in
the interior! Therefore the 7arth also had to be hollow < apparently agreeing with the views of
the Tibetan 5aas including the Balai 5aa < and had a nucleus/ the Central 0un (also called
the :0chwarGe 0onne;/ the (lac# 0un3 that gave the interior an even cliate and peranent
sunlight/ corresponding in the icrocos to the central sun of the gala2y in the acrocos!
They aintain that the actual life in our planet ta#es place in the interior < the aster race
lives inside and the utants on the surface < and that this was also the reason why we
wouldn8t find any life upon other planets of our solar syste/ because their inhabitants live
inside! The ain entrances are at the Corth and 0outh poles through which the central sun is
shining and producing the aurora borealis! In the interior the land ass was e2ceeding the
water ass!
The polar e2plorer )laf -ansen and others said that the water in the interior was fresh/ which
could e2plain why the ice of the Arctic and Antarctic is ade of freshwater/ not salt water! It
is interesting to note that this view of the a#e*up of the world is shared and supported by the
polar e2plorers Coo#/ %eary/ Aundsen/ Cansen/ and Hane and/ last but not least/ Adiral 7!
(yrd! All had the sae/ strange e2periences contradicting e2isting scientific theory!
All confired that after 9M degreed latitude the winds becae warer/ that birds flew north/
that they found colored and gray snow which when thawed left colored pollen or volcanic
ash! The Auestion arises& where do flower pollen or volcanic ash near the Corth %ole coe
fro/ as not a single volcano is ar#ed on any of the accessible aps@ 1urther/ soe of the
e2plorers found theselves in freshwater seas/ and all say that at a tie during their travels
they had seen two suns! Maoths were found whose flesh was still fresh and whose
stoach contained fresh grass!
If you are further interested in the hollow 7arth and the e2perience of the different e2plorers/
soe titles are listed under :1urther .eading; at the bac# of this boo#! The :"ollow 7arth;
theory has so far reained Just a theory to the public/ although soe authors and e2plorers
clai to have visited there and even < li#e Adiral 7! (yrd < tad ta#en nuerous pictures! It
cannot be denied that all the Arctic e2plorers had had e2traordinary e2periences that so far
cannot be e2plained/ which points to soething strange happening there!
(ut the theory that the 7arth had a olten core has eAually reained Just a theory! The fact
reains though that the subterranean an*ade tunnel and cave systes do e2ist! They can
be found in alost any country of the world and by the largely still e2isting light source (a
greenish glow that gets brighter the deeper one enters the tunnels3/ by the sooth walls and
the un#nown achinery that was found in the (oynton Canyon in 0edona/ AriGona/ are
witness to a technically advanced culture that e2isted illions of years before! .elevant
literature is listed at the bac#!
The yths of a :"ollow 7arth; were enough for the Thule people to go out to start a serious
study of the phenoenon! Therefore there was at least one e2pedition to the Antarctic during
+orld +ar II! (Betails follow3!
To show that the story of the Aryan*"yperboreans was not entirely invented I would li#e to
ention two e2aples& +hen the 0paniards under %iGarro cae to 0outh Aerica in 1>I2/
the natives called the :ivicarochas; (white lords3! According to their legends there was a
aster race of very tall white people who centuries before had descended in :flying dis#s;
fro heaven! They ha long ruled in soe of the towns and when they disappeared had
proised to return!
+hen the fair s#inned 0paniards arrived/ the natives thought the to be the iviracochas
coing bac# and therefore in the beginning willingly gave the their gold! 0iilar
occurrences too# place when the first white travelers arrived in Tibet and other "ialayan
regions! They were scrutiniGed in astonishent by the Tibetans and as#ed why they cae
fro (75)+ (the foot of the ountains3 rather than fro A()67 as they usually did!
It is a pity that ost 4erans have never heard about these things/ since the ideology of CaGi
4erany was based on the 7l 0haddai thee and the resulting persecution of -ews/ the
.evelation of Isais/ the #nowledge of the Teplars and possibly on the tales Just told! All
their actions including the 0econd +orld +ar were based thereupon! There are two
possibilities to deal with this&
Fou thin# all the leaders of the :Third .eich; were entally disturbed and drug addicts and
you siply ignore all of this or Fou try to find out whether perhaps soething of all this is
true after all!
(ut to find literature about this subJect you should not loo# in so*called :free; 4erany/ for
the Allies had cleaned up very thoroughly after the war!
The activities of right wing radicals in 4erany would Justify the prohibition of soe of the
literature that openly and often crudely calls for aggressive racis! (ut to truthfully render
the political and religious events of the past and the present/ this inforation should not be
Cow enough of these ysteries! As I will show you/ the leadership of 4erany becae very
active because of these yths!
In )ctober 1=1' 0ebottendorf gave the lodge brethren HA.5 "A..7. and ACT)
B.7R57. the tas# of foring a wor#ers8 circle which later becae the BA% (4eran
+or#er8s %arty3! The Thule*4esellschaft had a newspaper/ the 6ol#ischer (eobachter which
was soon ta#en over by the C0BA% (Cational 0ocialist 4eran +or#er8s %arty3 into which
the BA% soon developed!
In the sae onth the young occultist and esoteriscist AB)51 "IT57. (actually Adolf
0chic#lgruber/ "itler was his other8s aiden nae3 entered the Thule*BA% and as a good
spea#er attracted attention! In his boo# The 0pear of Bestiny/ Trevor .avenscroft describes
what "itler8s childhood friend +A5T7. -)"ACC70 0T7IC/ a later advisor of the
1reeason +IC0T)C C"D.C"I55/ also said&
:"itler/ who already at twenty was a close adherent of ysticis/ tried to reach higher states
of consciousness with the help of drugs! The 6iennese boo#seller %.7T0C"7/ who was a
follower of the 4erany ysticis and the resulting theory of an Aryan aster race/ helped
"itler to set the foundation of his future view of the world and also introduced hi to the
hallucinogenic %7F)T5 as a eans to get ystic illuination! At this tie "itler also got
acAuainted with the %.)T)C)50 )1 T"7 75B7.0 )1 KI)C which only strengthened his
obJection of the -ews!;
As "itler was a drug addict already as a young an/ it is no wonder he used through his
whole life strong narcotics! According to the diaries of his personal physician B.!
T"7)B). M).755/ "itler had different pain#illers/ tranAuiliGers/ strychnine/ cocaine/
orphine derivatives and other drugs inJected during all the si2 years of the 0econd +orld
The Thule*4esellschaft engaged "itler as a spea#er at election rallies!
5ater the anti*(olshevi# and Thule*brother BI7T.IC" 7CHA.T taught hi how to write
and spea# properly! 7c#art ade "itler what he later represented! "e introduced hi into the
Munich and (erlin scenes and "itler adopted the Thule views alost copletely!
In 1=2L/ when "itler was iprisoned because of the failed Munich putsch/ "aushofer spent
several hours with hi every day and passed his theories and plans on! Aong the boo#s he
supplied to "itler was (ulwer*5ytton8s T"7 C)MIC4 .AC7 which tale about a highly
developed subterranean Aryan race is alost identical to the one entioned above!
In (ulwer*5ytton8s boo# saucer*shaped flying ships play also an iportant role! A further
boo# cae to be published& 1erdinand )ssendows#i8s (7A0T0/ M7C ACB 4)B0 which
told of the legends of Agartha and 0haballah! "itler was copletely ta#en in by the search
for the subterranean real and the Thule*Aryan race theory!
"AD0")17. and .DB)51 "700 too# on the political education of "itler! In 5andsberg
"itler used the theories of "aushofer/ the thoughts of .osenberg and political propaganda and
i2ed it all together! .udolf "ess supplied the proper language and wrote it on the
typewriter! In this way "itler8s boo# M7IC HAM%1 (My 1ight3 was written! The role of
ysticis and occultis in the :Third .eich; is shown by the influence of HA.5
"AD0")17. who was called :The 4reatest Magician of the 4eran .eich;! "e was said
to have a :prophetic gift; the accuracy of which helped hi to Auic#ly raise in the occult
power circles of pre*war 4erany!
-ac# 1isheran wrote in his The 0even Men of 0pandau that .DB)51 "700 was also
copletely ta#en in by "aushofer8s thoughts and theories! The strange flight by "ess to
7ngland shows this! It was caused by a drea "aushofer had where he say :.udolf "ess
wal#ing through the corridors of 7nglish castles and brought peace between the two greatest
Cordic nations!; 0ince "ess was convinced of the accuracy of "aushofer8s prophecies he
followed that drea without Auestions!
"ow ush of the agic :eAuipent; of the Thule*4esellschaft was used is shown in the
following te2t&
"itler too# the Thule salute :"eil und 0ieg; (0alvation and 6ictory3 and ade it into :0ieg
"eil;! This salute together with the raising of the ar is a agic ritual which is used to for
voltes! 1ranG (ardon wrote ore about agic voltes and their use! 1ranG (ardon (a#a
1rabato/ 1=0=*1=>'3 was the 4eran agician I #new ost about! "e had been offered high
posts in governent by "itler if he would help hi win the war by his agic faculties!
(ardon should also give "itler the addresses of the other =' :== 5odges; < "itler was a
eber of the Bresden lodge < that e2ist all over the world! +hen (ardon denied his help he
was subJected to terrible torture!
(1ranG (ardon& 1rabato3!
Magic rites were not only used in 4erany/ though! The 6ictory sign of the 7nglish/ the 6*
shaped fingers/ was until 1=L0 only #nown to the highest of the high in high degree asonry!
+hen the high degree 1reeason +IC0T)C C"D.C"I55 feared that 7ngland ight fall
victi to "itler8s successful hand agic (the 4eran salute3/ his entor in agic/ the
0atanist A57I0T7. C.)+57F advised hi to counter it with the two spread fingers!
The 00/ also called the :(lac# )rder;/ was everything but a police troop! It was a proper
religious order of a hierarchical a#eup! The brutal CaGi party as a holy order@ In hindsight
this sees ridiculous/ until one notices that it wouldn8t be the first tie in history that a holy
order was responsible for the ost onstrous atrocities! The -esuits/ but also the Boinicans
who ruled the Catholic InAuisition in the Middle Ages/ are prie e2aples!
The (5ACH ).B7. was the practical realiGation of the esoteric and occult belief syste of
the Thule*4esellschaft and the later 00 :0chwarGe 0onne; ((lac# 0un3 not only wor#ed
closely together with the Tibetan colony in (erlin but also with a Tibetan order of blac#
agic! "itler was in constant contact with a :4uardian of the Hey;! "e is said to have #nown
the entrance to Agartha (Aryana3!
)n April 2>/ 1=L>/ when the .ussians found in a (erlin cellar the bodies of si2 Tibetans lying
in a circle/ the one lying in the center wore green gloves! It seeed they had coitted group
suicide! )n May 2/ 1=L>/ after the .ussians had entered (erlin ore than 1/000 bodies were
found who definitely cae fro the "ialayan region and had fought along with the
4erans! +hat in the world had Tibetans to do here/ thousands of #iloeters fro their
country and in 4eran unifors@
Countless nubers of young en had been trained by the :(lac# 0un; during the Third
.eich/ initiated in the +ewelsburg and sent to Tibet to survive there and to prepare for the
great final battle at the end of this century!
According to 1ranG (ardon/ Adolf "itler was also a eber of a :1!)!4!C! 5odge;
(1reiaurerischer )rden der 4oldenen Centurie/ Bresden/ 4erany N Masonic )rder of the
4olden Century3 which is actually #now as the :== 5odges;! There are == of these :==
5odges; in any places of the world/ all with == ebers!
7ach lodge is presided by a deon/ and each eber has his personal deon! The deal is
that the deon helps his person gain oney and power/ but his soul is after death coitted
to serve the deon! In addition one eber is sacrificed every year to the lodge deon! It
will be replaced by a new eber! The ebers of the :== 5odges; are also industrialists
and ban#ers of the highest caliber and today are ore iportant than ever! The :1!)!4!C!; or
:== 5odges; are in y opinion the ost dangerous/ copared to which the :Church of
0atan; of Anton 5a6ey that the edia write about is harless!
1ranG (ardon confired that "itler and the Thule order were the outer tool of a group of
Tibetan agicians!
)nly SoneT who #nows about those circustances will understand this sentence fro a
speech by "itler held on -anuary I0/ 1=L>&
:In this battle again inner Asia will not win/ but 7urope < led by that nation that for one and a
half thousand years has represented 7urope as vanguard towards the 7ast and will continue to
do so in all eternity& )ur great 4eran .eich/ the 4eran nationO
(Ma2 Boarus& "itler < 0peeches and Beclarations 1=I2*1=L>3!
There are also any yths about the whereabouts of Adolf "itler after the +ar! According to
1ranG (ardon and Miguel 0erranos (forer Chilean abassador to 4erany3 "itler escaped
with the help of the :== 5odge;! This is perhaps easier to understand if one #nows that "itler
used up to five doubles during his tenure! A large 4eran newspaper wrote on March >/ 1=9=
that "itler8s private plane had been found in the Jungle in 0outh Aerica!
-oseph 4renier (The 7nd of the "itler Myth3 also states that "itler had ta#en off in his plane
fro (erlin*Tepelhof on April I0/ 1=L>! 5ater/ around the tie of the Cureberg trials/ it is
said that 0talin as#ed D!0! officials whether they #new where "itler was@ If "itler had died in
(erlin in 1=L>/ why would 0talin as#@
If "itler did survive/ however/ it is ost probable that he had availed hiself of the
developents by the 6.I5*4707550C"A1T < which I will describe in the following
chapter * for leaving 4erany! +hether "itler died then or not < in the eantie he died
)n March 1L/ 1=LM/ Harl "aushofer had/ since his ission had failed/ first #illed his wife and
then coitted :seppudu; (hara*#iri3 as the :Fellow "ats; had ade hi swear! The
theoretical and practical buildup of the Third .eich on the 4eran side had been wholly
initiated and steered by the Thule*4esellschaft! The financing cae fro the international
ban#ers! The wob fro whence it all cae is still fertile/ since the Thule*4esellschaft or its
offspring are still with us today!
Another secret group that spo#e of the coing of an Aryan 0avior and to which "erann
4oering/ the CaGi8s finance chief/ belonged was the :7B75+7I00*4707550C"A1T;! (ut
here it does not concern us!
T%) .VR&L,G)S)LLS$%#T/ "R *"T LL G""! $"M)S #R"M
The 6.I5*4707550C"A1T (6.I5 0ociety3 does not e2actly fit or subJect which has a
ore political slant/ but it is indeed one of the ost interesting secret societies that ever
e2isted! Therefore is Just has to be entioned here! In 4erany there is not a single boo#/ or
indeed any aterial/ to be found that would show up an organiGation of this naeE the Allies
successfully reoved it all! (ut as you will see/ not all the aterial has actually disappeared!
And I a very pleased that I can uncover this subJect here/ because you will see which :non*
4eran; power circles have an interest to #eep these events fro the 4eran people! In
1=1=/ Harl "aushofer founded a second order/ the (.DB7. B70 5IC"T0 ((rothers of the
5ight3 that later was renaed 6.I5*4707550C"A1T!
In this united the new Teplar order BI7 "7..7C 6)M 0C"+A.K7C 0T7IC (B"v00/
the 5ords of the (lac# 0tone3 that eerged in 1=19 fro the Teutonic )rder/ and the
0C"+A.K7 .ITT7. ((lac# Hnights3 of the Thule and 00 elite 0C"+A.K7C 0)CC7
((lac# 0un3!
To copare the T"D57 and the 6.I5*4707550C"A1T7C/ it is easiest said the Thule*
4esellschaft dealt with aterial and political interests/ while the 6ril*4esellschaft was ore
oriented towards the )T"7. 0IB7! (ut any concepts they shared/ li#e Atlantis/ Thule/ the
basic connection between the Teutons and Mesopotaia/ but also the old sacred places li#e
the 72ternsteine (e2ternal stones3 or the "ausberg at 0tronegg were areas of coon
In Beceber 1=1= a sall circle of persons fro the Thule/ the 6ril and the B"v00 et in a
specially rented forester8s lodge near %erchtesgaden (4erany3! They were accopanied by
the ediu Maria )rsic and another ediu only #nown as 0igrun! Maria had
ediuistically received transission in a secret Teplar script < a language un#nown to her
< with the technical data for the construction of a flying achine! According to 6ril
docuents these telepathic essages cae fro the solar syste Aldebaran which is si2ty*
eight light*years away in the constellation Taurus!
I would li#e to present here a short suary of the essages the 6ril ediu had received
over the years and which fored the basis for all further actions by the 6ril*4esellschaft&
:The solar syste Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that for
the epire 0DM7.AC! The population of the Aldebaran syste is divided into the aster
race of :light 4od people; (Aryans3 and several other huan races that had developed by
negative utation fro the :4od people; because of cliatic changes upon the planets!
The colored utant races apparently are on a lower stage of spiritual developent! The ore
the races interi2ed/ the lower the spiritual developent of these people san#/ which led to
the situation that when the sun Aldebaran began e2panding they could no longer aintain the
space travel technology of their forefathers and could not leave the planets by their own
eans! The lower races/ totally dependant upon the aster race/ had to be evacuated and
were brought to other inhabitable planets! Bespite their difference all the races respected one
another and did not interfere with each other/ neither the so*called 4od people nor the lower
races! 7ach respected that the others Just ade their own developents (in contrast to what
happens on 7arth3!
;Around >00 illion years ago the :light 4od people; started to coloniGe other earth*li#e
planets/ after the e2pansion of the sun Aldebaran and the resulting heat had ade the original
planets uninhabitable! It is said that in our syste they first coloniGed the planet Mallona
(also called Malde#/ Mardu# or < by the .ussians < %haeton3 which e2isted in the area of
today8s asteroid belt/ then between Mars and -upiter! Mars was ne2t! The proof for a highly
developed race on Mars is run by the well*#nown face on Mars and the pyraid city which
has been photographed by the Mars probe 6i#ing in 1=9M! It is assued that the aster race
of 0ueran*Aldebaran then also cae to 7arth for a first visit/ witnessed by the petrified
ipressions of a shoe found to be about >00 illion years old/ and sAuashed under the heel a
trilobite/ a little crayfish that lived then upon 7arth and becae e2tinct about L00 illion
years ago!;
:The 6ril people thought that later/ when 7arth becae slowly habitable/ the race of the
Aldebarans landed in Mesopotaia and fored the aster caste of the 0DM7.IAC0 which
were described as fair/ white 4od people! The 6ril telepaths also found that the 0uerian
language was not only identical with that of the 4eran and that the language freAuently of
4eran and 0uerian*Aldebaranian were alost identical!;
+e cannot #now whether these stateents about Aldebaran were based on facts/ but the
construction plans and the technical details that the 6ril telepaths received < wherever they
cae fro < were so accurate that they led to the ost fantastic idea en ever begot& the
construction of a :-enseitsflugachine;/ a :flying achine for the other side;O
The concept of an :alternative science; eerged (today one would say :alternative energy
fors;3! (ut they only started on the proJect three years later! Buring this early phase of
:alternative science; or :alternative technology;
Br! +!)! 0chuann of the Technical Dniversity in Munich/ both a Thule and a 6ril eber/
held a speech/ a section of which is reproduced here&
:In everything we recogniGe two principles that deterine the events& light and dar#ness/
good and evil/ creation and destruction < as in electricity we #now plus and inus! It is
always& either < or!
:These two principles < the creative and the destructive < also deterine our technical
:7verything destructive is of 0atanic origin/ everything creative is divine! 7very technology
based upon e2plosion or cobustion has thus to be called 0atanic! The coing new age will
be an age of new/ positive/ divine technologyO;
(fro the 4eran 00 secret archives3!
At the sae tie the scientist 6IHT). 0C"AD(7.47. wor#ed on a siilar proJect!
-ohannes Hepler/ whose ideas 0chauberger followed/ had #nowledge of the secret teachings
of %ythagoras that had been adopted and #ept secret by the HCI4"T0 T7M%5A.! It was the
#nowledge of IM%5)0I)C (in this case the utiliGation of the potential of the inner worlds in
the outer world3! "itler #new < as did the Thule and 6ril people < that the divine principle
was always constructive!
A technology however that is based on e2plosion and therefore is destructive runs against the
divine principle! Thus they wanted to create a technology based on IM%5)0I)C!
0chauberger8s theory of oscillation (principled of the overtone seAuence/ onochord3 ta#es
up the #nowledge of Iplosion! To put it siply& IM%5)0I)C instead of 7R%5)0I)CO
1ollowing the energy paths of the onochord and the iplosion technology one reaches the
real of antiatter and thus the cancellation of gravity!
In the suer of 1=22 the first saucer*shaped flying achine was built whose drive was
based on iplosion (the :other*side flying achine;3! It had a dis# eight eters across with a
second dis# with a diaeter of si2 and a half eters above and a third dis# of seven eters
diaeter below! These three dis#s had a hole at the center of one eter eighty across in which
the drive/ which was two eters forty high/ was ounted! At the botto/ the central body
was cone*shaped/ and there a pendulu reaching the cellar was hung that served for
stabiliGation! In the activated state the top and botto dis# revolved in opposing directions to
build up an electroagnetic rotating field!
The perforance of this first flying dis# is not #nown! (ut e2perients were carried out with
it for two years before it was disantled and probably stored in the Augsburg wor#s of
Messerschidt! In the boo#s of several 4eran industrial copanies entries under the
codenae -1M (for -enseitsflugachine3 can be found that show payents towards
financing this wor#! Certainly the 6.I5 B.I67 (forally called 0chuann 0M*5evitator3
eerged fro this achine!
In principle/ the :other*side flying achine; should create an e2treely strong field around
itself e2tending soewhat into its surroundings which would render the space thus enclosed
including the achine a icrocos absolutely independent of the earthbound space! At
a2iu strength this field would be independent of all surrounding universal forces < li#e
gravitation/ electroagnetis/ radiation and atter of any #ind < and could therefore
aneuver within the gravitational or any other field at will/ without the acceleration forces
being effective or perceptible!
In -une 1=IL/ 6IHT). 0C"AD(7.47. was invited by "IT57. and the highest
representatives of the Thule and 6ril 0ocieties and fro then on wor#ed with the! After the
initial failure/ the first so*called 4eran D1) also cae out in -une 1=IL! Dnder the
leadership of Br! +!)! 0chuann/ the first e2periental round flying achine/ the .1K 1
(.undflugGeug I3 was developed on the grounds of the aircraft factory Arado in (randenburg!
In its first and only flight it rose vertically to around M0 eters/ then wobbled and danced in
the air for inutes! The Arado 1=M guiding syste was utterly useless! The pilot 5othar +aiG
Just anaged soehow to bring it down to the ground/ Jup out and run away before it
ripped to pieces! That was the end of the .1K 1/ but the beginning of the 6.I5 flying
(efore the end of 1=IL/ the .1K 2 was ready/ with a 6ril drive and a :agnetic field ipulse
steering unit;! It had a diaeter of five eters and the following flying characteristics& +ith
rising speed the visible counters becae blurred and the craft showed the colors typical of
D1)s& depending on the drive setting red/ orange/ yellow/ green/ white/ blue or purple! It
wor#ed < and it would eet a rear#able destiny in 1=L1/ during the (attle of (ritain/ when
it was used as transatlantic reconnaissance craft/ because for these flights the 4eran
standard fighters M7 10= had an insufficient range!
(y the end of 1=L1 it was photographed over the southern Atlantic on its way to the 4eran
cruiser Atlantis in Antarctic waters! It could not be used as a fighter though! The ipulse
steering allowed it only changes of direction at =0 degrees/ L> degrees or 22!M degrees/ but
that is e2actly the right*angled flying pattern associated with and typical for D1)s todayO
After the success of the sall .1K 2 as a distant reconnoiter craft the 6ril*4esselschaft got its
own test area in (randenburg!
(y the end of 1=L2 the lightly ared 6.I5*1*-ager (6.I51*fighter3 was airborne! It
easured 11!> eters across/ carried one person/ had a 0chuann*5evitator drive and a
:agnetic field ipulse steering unit;! It reached speeds of 2/=00 to 12/000 #Uh! could
change direction at a right angle at full speed without affecting the pilot/ could fly in any
weather and had a 100? space capability! 0eventeen 6.I5*1s were built and soe versions
had two seats and glass does!
Also during this tie another proJect was wor#ed on/ the 6*9! 0everal dis#s were built under
this code/ but with conventional Jet engines! ACB.7A0 7%% had designed a cobination of
levitating dis# and Jet propulsion/ the .1K*9! The design groups
0C".I767."A(7.M)"5 and MI7T"7*(755D0) wor#ed on it! The .1K*9 had a
diaeter of forty*two eters/ it crashed on landing at 0pitGbergen/ A second craft was later
photographed outside %rague! According to Andreas 7pp this craft was to be ared with
nuclear head to attac# Cew For#!
In -uly 1=L1 0C".I767. and "A(7.M)"5 built a vertical ta#e*off round craft with Jet
propulsion/ but it had severe shortcoings! They went on to develop an :electrogravitational
flying gyro; with a :tachyon drive; which proved ore successful! Then/ 0chriever*
"aberohl and (elluGo built the .1K*9 T that was fully functional! The 6*9 flying dis#s
however were ere toys copared to the 6ril and "aunebru dis#s!
+ithin the 00 there was a group studying alternative energy/ the 00*7*I6 (Bevelopent
4roup I6 of the (lac# 0un3 whose ain tas# was to render 4erany independent of foreign
oil! The 00*7*I6 developed fro the e2isting 6ril drives and the tachyon convertor of
Captain "ans Coler the T"D57 B.I67 which later was called the T"D57
In August 1=I= the first .1K > too# off! It was an ared flying gyro with the odd nae
"ADC7(.D I! It was twenty*five eters across and carried a crew of eight! At first it
reached a speed of L!'00 #Uh/ later up to 19/000 #Uh! It was eAuipped with two M c H0H
(:Hraftstrahl#anhonen;/ power ray guns3 in revolving towers and four achine guns 10M! It
had M0? space capability!
(y the end of 1=L2 the "ADC7(.D II was ready! The diaeters varied fro twenty*si2 to
thirty*two eters and their height fro nine to eleven eters! They carried between nine and
twenty people/ had a Thule Tachyonator drive and near the ground reached a speed of M/000
#Uh! It could fly in space and had a range of fifty*five flying hours! At this tie there e2isted
already plans for a large*capacity craft/ the 6.I5*9 with a diaeter of 120!
A short while later the "ADC7(.D III/ the show*piece of all dis#s/ was ready/ with seventy*
one eters across! It was filed flying! It could transport thirty*two en/ could reain
airborne for eight wee#s and reached at least 9/000 #Uh (according to docuents in the
secret 00 archives up to L0/000 #Uh3!
6irgil Arstrong/ forer CIA eber and 4reen (eret/ writes about 4eran flying
achines during +orld +ar II that could ta#e off vertically and fly at right angles! They were
easured at I/000 #Uh and had a laser weapon (probably the so*called H0H power ray gun3
that could pierce four*inch aror!
%rofessor -! "urta#/ D1)*logist and author of The Heys of 7noch writes that the 4eran
were in the process of building what the Allies called :the wonder weapon syste;! "urta#
got protocols that described two eventsE the erection of a space city at %eeneunde and the
enlistent and transport to the D!0! of the best technicians and scientists fro 4erany!
"e also entions the eticulous e2aination of the so*called 1)) 1I4"T7.0!
The CIA and the (ritish secret service #new already in 1=L2 about the construction and the
use of these flying obJects/ but they were off in their evaluation! 1oo 1ighters actually was the
Allies8 nae for all glowing 4eran flying achines! %robably there were two inventions
that actually corresponded to the ter 1oo 1ighters& the 1lying Turtle and the 0oap (ubble!
Two copletely different obJects that the Allies held for one!
The 15FIC4 TD.T57 was developed by the 00*7*I6 at 6ienna*Ceustadt! Its outer shape
recalled the shell of a turtle! They were unanned probes that could cause disruption in the
electric ignition systes of the eney! They carried advanced :Hlystronohren; (clystron
tubes3 that the 00 called death rays! The ignition disrupter did not wor# perfectly at the
outsetE later follow*up versions did/ however/ and the D1)*logist will confir that disruption
of ignition/ the cutting of electrical power to eAuipent/ is a typical sign when a D1) is near!
+endelle C! 0tevens/ D!0! Air 1orce pilot during the 0econd +orld +ar describes the 1oo
1ighters as soeties gray*green/ then red*orange/ they approached his aircraft to about five
eters and then stayed there! They could not be sha#en off nor shot down and often they
caused sAuadrons to turn bac# to land!
The 0)A% (D((570 that were also called 1oo 1ighters were soething copletely
different/ though! They were siple balloons in which there were etal spirals that disturbed
eney radar! The success probably was very liited/ disregarding the psychological effect!
At the beginning of 1=LI it was planned to build in the Keppelin wor#s a cigar*shaped other
ship! The ACB.)M7BA B76IC7 of a length of 1I= should transport several saucer*
shaped craft in its body for flights of long duration (interstellar flights3! (y Christas 1=LI
an iportant eeting of the 6.I5*4707550C"A1T too# place in the seaside resort of
The two edius Maria )rtic and 0igrun attended! The ain ite on the agenda was the
A5B7(A.AC %.)-7CT! The edius had received precise inforation about the
habitable planets around the sun Aldebaran and one began to plan a trip there! At a -anuary
22/1=LL eeting between "IT57./ "IMM57./ Hun#el (of the 6ril 0ociety3 and Br!
0chuann this proJect was discussed! It was planned to send the 6.I5*9 large*capacity craft
through a diension channel independent of the speed of light to Alderbaran!
According to .atthofer/ a first test flight in the diension channel too# place in the winter of
1=LL! It barely issed disaster/ for photographs show the 6ril*9 after the flight loo#ing :as if
it had been flying for a hundred years;! The outer s#in was loo#ing aged and was daaged in
several places!
)n 1ebruary 1L/ 1=LL/ the supersonic helicopter < constructed by 0chriever and "aberohl
under the 69 proJect < that was eAuipped with twelve turbo*units (M+ 02' was flown by
the test pilot -oachi .oehli#e at %eeneunde! The vertical rate of ascent was '00 eters per
inute/ it reached a height of 2L/200 eters and in horiGontal flight a speed of 2/200 #Uh! It
could also be driven with unconventional energy! (ut the helicopter never saw action since
%eeneunde was bobed in 1=LL and the subseAuent ove to %rague didn8t wor# out either/
because the Aericans and the .ussians occupied %rague before the flying achines were
ready again!
In the secret archives of the 00 the (ritish and the Aericans discovered < during the
occupation of 4erany at the beginning of 1=L> < photographs of the "aunebru II and the
6ril 1 crafts as well as of the Androeda device! Bue to %resident Truan8s decision in
March 1=LM the war fleet coand of the D!0! gave perission to collect aterial of the
4eran high technology e2perients!
Dnder the operation %A%7.C5I% 4eran scientists who had wor#ed in secret were brought
to the D!0! privately/ aong the 6IHT). 0C"AD(7.47. and +7.C"7. 6)C
A short suary of the developents that were eant to be produced in series&
The first proJect was led by %rof! Br! +!)! 0chuann of the Technical Dniversity of Munich!
Dnder his guidance seventeen dis#*shaped flying achines with a diaeter of 11!> were
built/ the so*called 6.I5*1*-ager (6ril*1*fighters3/ that ade 'L test flights! At least one
6.I5*9 and 6.I5*9 5A.47 CA%ACITF C.A1T A%%A.7CT5F 0TA.T7B 1.)M
(randenburg < after the whole test area had been blown up < towards Aldebaran with soe of
the 6ril scientists and lodge ebers!
The second proJect was run by the 00*I6 developent group! Dntil the beginning of 1=L>
they had three different siGes of bell*shaped space gyros built&
The "aunebru I/ 2> diaeter/ two achines built that ade >2 test flights (speed L/'00
The "aunebru II/ I2 diaeter/ seven achines built that ade 10M test flights (speed M/000
#Uh3! The "aunebru II was already planned for series production! Tenders were as#ed fro
the Borneir and -un#ers aircraft anufacturers/ and at the end of March 1=L> the decision
was ade in favor of Bornier! The official nae for the heavy craft was to be B)*0T.A
(Bornier 0T.Atospheric craft3!
The "aunebru III/ 91 diaeter/ only one achine built that ade at least 1= test flights
(speed 9/000 #Uh3!
The ACB.)M7BA B76IC7 e2isted on the drawing boardE it was 1I= long and had
hangars for one "aunebru II/ two 6ril I8s and two 6ril II8s There are docuents showing that
the 6.I5*9 large capacity craft had started for secret/ still earth*bound/ issions after it was
finished and test flown by the end of 1=LL! A landing at the Mondsee in the 0alG#aergut
in Austria/ with dives to test the pressure resistance of the hull!
%robably in March and April 1=L> the 6.I5*9 was stationed in the :Alpenfestung; (Alpine
1ortress3 for security and strategic reasons/ for whence it flew to 0pain to get iportant
personalities who had fled there safely to 0outh Aerica and C7D0C"+A(7C5ACB
(e2planation follows3 to the secret 4eran bases erected there during the war! Iediately
after this the 6.I5*9 is said to have started on a secret flight to -apan about which however
nothing further is #nown!
+hat happened to these flying achines after the war@
It cannot be e2cluded that a sall series of the "aunebru II ight have been built! The
several photographs of D1)s that eerged after 1=L> with the typical features of these
4eran constructions suggest as uch!
0oe say that soe of the had been sun# into the Austrian Mondsee/ others aintain that
they were flown to 0outh Aerica or brought there in parts! It is certain though that if the
crafts didn8t get to 0outh Aerica/ the plans that did allowed for new ones to be built and
flown there/ for an iportant part had been used in 1='I in the :%hoeni2 %roJect;/ the follow*
on proJect of the 1=LI :%hiladelphia 72perient;! This was a teleportation/ aterialiGation
and tie travel e2perient of the D!0! Cavy that was ore successful than you could
iagine in your wildest dreas! There is enough aterial for another boo#/ but it does not fit
too well into our subJect here!
In 1=I' a 4eran e2pedition to the ACTA.CTIC was ade with the aircraft carrier
0chwabenland (0wabia3! M00/000 #2 of an ice*free area with la#es and ountains were
declared 4eran territory/ the C7D0C"+A(7C5ACB (Cew 0wabia3! +hole fleets of
subarines of the 21 and 2I series were later headed towards Ceuschwabenland!
Today about one hundred 4eran subarines are still unaccounted for soe eAuipped with
the +alter snor#el/ a device that allowed the to stay suberged for several wee#s/ and it
can be assued that they fled to Ceuschwabenland with the disantled flying dis#s or at
least the construction plans! Again it ust be assued that since the test flights had been very
successful soe so*called flying saucers have flown directly there at the end of the war!
%erhaps soe ay thin# these assuptions to be a bit on the daring side/ but there are strong
indications that is ay well have happened that way!
There is a Auestion why in 1=L9 ABMI.A5 7! (F.B led an invasion of the ACTA.CTIC/
why he had L/000 soldiers/ a an*of*war/ a fully eAuipped aircraft carrier and a functioning
supply syste at his coand if it was a ere e2pedition@ "e had been given eight onths
for the e2ercise/ but they had to stop after eight wee#s and high losses of planes undisclosed
even today! +hat had happened@
5ater Adiral (yrd spo#e to the press&
:It is the bitter reality that in the case of a new war one had to e2pect attac#s by planes that
could fly fro %ole to %ole!;
1urther he added that there was an advanced civiliGation down there that used their e2cellent
technologies together with the 00!
Corbert*-urgen .atthofer writes about the whereabouts of the "aunebru developents in his
boo# :Keitaschinen; (Tie Machines3&
:The "aunebru I/ II and III space gyros and the 6.I5 I space flying dis# had disappeared
after May 1=L>! It is very interesting to note in the conte2t that after its nineteenth test flight
the 4eran "aunebru III is said to have ta#en off on April 21/ 1=L>/ fro Ceuschwabenland/
a vast/ officially 4eran territory in the 7astern Antarctic/ for an e2pedition to Mars/ about
which there is nothing further #nown! )ne year later/ in 1=LM the any sightings that
suddenly occurred in 0candinavia of shining obJects of un#nown and definitely artificial
origin caused a great stir aong the Allies in 7ast and +est! Again one year later/ in 1=L9/
and well into the 1ifties/ a rising nuber of shining un#nown flying obJects/ doubtlessly
steered by intelligent beings ostly round/ dis#* or bell*shaped/ soeties cigar*shaped/ so*
called D1)s appeared over Corth Aerica!!;
The te2t goes on to say that as a rule these obJects were unli#e the 4eran developents! I
beg to differ! 4ood photographic aterial proves that the "aunebru II version especially had
been sighted very often since 1=L>!
If you have wrestled with what is available in the D1) world for ten years as I have/ that is a
significantly high percentage of the cases where personal contacts with the people fro the
so*called D1)s were ade/ these were with especially beautiful Aryan types/ blond and blue*
eyed and that they either spo#e fluent 4eran or another language with a 4eran accent (for
insiders I would refer to the Adas#i case of 1=>2/ the Cedric Allingha case of 1=>L and
the "oward Menger case of 1=>M3!
It is further said that color photographs ta#en by a night guard in +est 4erany in the
0eventies e2ist of a landed and restarted flying dis# that had both a #night8s cross and a
swasti#a on its hull!
The flying achines Just entioned are well docuented on photographs and fils! There is
the M0*Minutes docuentary :D1) < 0ecrets of the Third .eich;! The Aerican 6ladiir
TerGis#i gave a three*hour speech at the 0epteber 1==1 D1) conference in %hoeni2/
AriGona/ where he showed slides of 4eran saucers/ construction plans and subterranean
4eran bases!
Also of interest are the boo# by the Italian Air 1orce coander .enato 6esco and the boo#
by .udolf 5usar :Bie Beutschen +affen and 4eheiwaffen des Kweiten +elt#rieges und
ihre +eiterentwic#lung; (The 4eran Ars and 0ecret +eapons of the 0econd +orld +ar
and Their Bevelopent3/ -!1! 5ehanns 6erlag/ Munich 1=91!
Bo you see now why the subJect of D1)s is treated as nonsense by the edia/ especially in
4erany@ Dpon this 4eran bac#ground it becoes evident that the news and edia world
controlled by the Illuinati through the Anglo*Aerican Kionist lobby shir#s no costs to
#eep the 4eran citiGens fro research in this area!
The Vuestion arises fro where the Thule and 6ril secret societies got their #nowledge about
the construction of these flying achines@ Also their #nowledge of gene technology in which
area the 4erans were also way ahead of other countries@
According to "erbert 4! Borsey and other researchers they had/ beside the construction plans
the 6ril*4esellschaft had received through telepathic contact with e2tra*terrestrials/ a non*
terrestrial saucer that had crashed in the (lac# 1orest in 1=IM and whose undaaged drive
had proved a great help to the 4erans! (ut there is practically no proof of that/ and no living
eye witnesses are #nown!
(ut these e2ist in Aerica/ and in large nubers! 1or around the sae tie the Aericans
recorded Auite a nuber of crashes that could not be #ept entirely secret! More of that later!
(ac# to the political arena! Apart fro the fact that I!4! 1arben supported "itler/ their cartel
partner 0tandard )il (.oc#efeller3 fanned the flaes against the CaGis! The 1ord Motor
Copany for instance helped to build up the Aerican ary while at the sae tie
producing in 4erany ilitary vehicles for the CaGis! 1ord and )pel (subsidiary of 4eneral
Motors that is controlled by -!%! Morgan3 were the two largest producers of tan#s in "itler8s
+hatever the outcoe of the war/ these ultinational copanies had already ade their cuts!
Many enterprises followed this principle during the 0econd +orld +ar!
+hy is there nothing about all this in schoolboo#s or encyclopaedias@
7specially in 4erany where the freedo of the press is apparently honored and the truth is
)ne of the reasons is that the .oc#efeller 1oundation spent D0W 1I=/000 in 1=LM to present
an official history of the 0econd +orld +ar which covered up the whole story of the D!0!
ban#ers building up the CaGi regie as well as the occult and ystical bac#ground of the
CaGis! )ne of the ain sponsors was .oc#efeller8s own 0tandard )il Corp!
Thule Gesellschaft and The Vril Society
by &es Penre
fro' $reyfalcon &e+site
There are two secret societies that have been wor#ing in unison * the Thule 4esellschaft
and the 6ril 0ociety!
Those who #now anything at all about how "itler rose to power have heard about the
both/ because they influenced the political cliate in 4erany behind the scenes and
were the forces that helped bringing the 1Xhrer to power!
At that tie/ they wanted to ring in the Ird .eich/ where "itler would be the leader!
Although any of "itler8s (and the %riesthood8s3 goals were reached during ++ II (the
creation of the DC and the igration of -ews to Israel to ention two of the goals they
accoplished3/ the ission only too# the Internationalists so far!
Cow is their tie to ring in the Lth .eich/ which will be the final )ne +orld
Thule 4esellschaft
+hat follows is a description of the Thule 4esellschaft * I want to start out with the
:official version; for your inforation before I go into uch lesser #nown details about
the society!
The Thule 0ociety (4eran& Thule*4esellschaft3/ originally the 0tudiengruppe fXr
4eranisches Altertu P0tudy 4roup for 4eranic AntiAuity8/ was a 4eran occultist
and vYl#isch group Sgroup for the peopleT in Munich/ naed after a ythical northern
country fro 4ree# legend!
The 0ociety is notable chiefly as the organiGation that sponsored the Beutsche
Arbeiterpartei/ which was later transfored by Adolf "itler into the CaGi %arty!
Thule found its true purpose through the Joining of societies in 1=1= with the 6ril
4esellschaft and B"v00 which also believed in
worship of the (lac# 0unE but it was the psychic edius of 6ril and Thule,s own
resident psychic Maria )rsic that convinced the that
the Aryan race didn,t originate fro earth but fro Aldebaran in Alpha Tauri * ML light
years away!
6ril also convinced the B"v00 (Men of the (lac# 0tone3 that their ountain goddess
Isias was the Aueen of Aldebaran!
The priary focus of Thule*4esellschaft was a clai concerning the origins of the
Aryan race!
:Thule; (4ree#& Z[\]^3 was a land located by 4reco*.oan geographers in the
furthest north! The ter :Dltia Thule; (5atin& ost distant Thule3 is also entioned
by the .oan poet 6irgil in his epic poe Aeneid! This was supposed to be the far
northern segent of Thule and is now generally understood to be 0candinavia
0aid by CaGi ystics to be the capital of ancient "yperborea/ they identified Dltia
Thule as a lost ancient landass in the e2tree north& near 4reenland or Iceland!
These ideas derived fro earlier speculation by Ignatius 5! Bonnelly that a lost
landass had once e2isted in the Atlantic/ and that it was the hoe of the Aryan race/ a
theory he supported by reference to the distribution of 0wasti#a otifs! "e identified
this with %lato8s Atlantis/ a theory further developed by "elena (lavats#y/ the occultist
during the second part of the 1=th century!
The Thule*4esellschaft aintained close contacts with Theosophists/ the followers of
An iportant note here is that the odern Thule 4esellschaft was fored (or refored3
by .udolf von 0ebottendorf in 1=1'/ but the )rder in itself/ Just li#e 1reeasonry and
any other secret societies/ is ancient and have survived throughout history under
different naes but always had the sae ission and Agenda!
The Thule 0ociety has/ so I8 told/ a huge base in Antarctica as well/ which also is the
place where the secret an*ade D1)s are ta#en into space!
They even have plans to a#e Antarctica a sovereign state in the near future/ a state
outside of the )ne +orld 4overnent! The 6ril 0ociety/ in control of 6ril %ower/ and
the Thule 4esellschaft are tightly interwoven!
The 6ril 0ociety is actually the Inner Circle of Thule and they wor# with the D!0!
4overnent and have done so since the end of ++ II when 4eran Thule and 6ril
ebers were secretly oved over to the Dnited 0tates in a proJect called :)peration
(oth Thule and 6ril are using 0candinavian 4ods and 4oddesses as aliases within the
)rder/ and they even have a Cordic language that the Inner Circle spea#s which they
have spo#en on 7arth for over 11/000 years! It has been passed down to each inner
circle8s successor! The following pretty uch suariGes Thule8s present view on
huanity and its8 future!
It coes fro a Thule Insider and is translated fro 4eran&
This is what we need to understandO +e are all parts of this S4od,sT plan! There are lots
of pieces in 4od8s great gae! Dnfortunately/ an#ind learns only by disasters or wars
and then we develop a new collective consciousnessO
The A#asha Chronicle is nurtured fro the developent of huan beings/ and as bad as
it sounds& Capoleon and "itler were factors in the collective consciousness of an#ind
* a child learns fro a little pain * huanity learns fro this child! (ut it will be
accopanied by a great divine assistance/ which is generally in the literature of the
esoterics which the :4reat +hite (rotherhood; refers to!
+e need have no fear/ because lur#ing behind the 0targate is not the death or onsters!
It shows the #ind and loving creator! The :4reat +hite (rotherhood; is the guardian of
ideas! The gods have invo#ed the (rotherhood of Agartha * The )rder of Thule/ and
other agic systes wor# in the construction of the new eon! "ope is our principle!
I a not at all convinced that :behind the 0targate is not $the death or onsters$/
My research leads e to believe it8s a i2 of :everything; and by opening the 4ate we
let in whatever dwells :on the other side;Q Agartha eans the Cation inside the
"ollow 7arth/ which I have no doubt is very real!
The Vril Society
1irst a little bac#ground on the 6ril 0ociety!
This is what is told to the general public in +i#ipedia&
The 6ril 0ociety was founded as :The All 4eran 0ociety for Metaphysics; in 1=21 to
e2plore the origins of the Aryan race/ to see# contact with the :hidden asters; of
Dltia Thule/ and to practice editation and other techniAues intended to strengthen
individual astery of the divine 6ril force itself!
It was fored by a group of feale psychic edius led by the Thule 4esellschaft
ediu Maria )rsitsch ()rsic3 of Kagreb/ who claied to have received
counication fro Aryan aliens living on Alpha Tauri/ in the Aldebaran syste!
Allegedly/ these aliens had visited 7arth and settled in 0ueria/ and the word 6ril was
allegedly fored fro the ancient 0uerian word 6ri*Il/ :li#e god!;
SIn fact/ 6ri*Il eans nothing in 0uerian/ and could not even be a 0uerian word/ as
0uerian had no ,v, phonee/ nor does 0uerian allow consonant clusters at the
beginning of words! +hile the A##adian word for :deity; is indeed ilu/ the 0uerian
word is dingirT!
A second ediu was #nown only as 0igrun/ a nae etyologically related to 0igrune/
a 6al#yrie and one of +otan8s nine daughters in Corse legend!
)ther sources state that the 6ril 0ociety was founded by an ill*defined group of
.osicrucians in (erlin before the end of the 1=th century/ while still others state that it
was founded by Harl "aushofer in (erlin in 1=1'! 0oe sources state that the 6ril
0ociety was also #nown as the 5uinous 5odge/ or the 5odge of 5ight/ though others
clai that it was originally called the (rothers of the 5ight!
The 0ociety allegedly not only taught concentration e2ercises designed to awa#en the
forces of 6ril/ their ain goal was to achieve .auflug (0paceflight3 to reach
To achieve this/ the 6ril 0ociety Joined the Thule 4esellschaft and the alleged B"v00
(Bie "erren vo schwarGen 0tein/ The Masters of the (lac# 0tone3 to fund an
abitious progra involving an inter*diensional flight achine based on psychic
revelations fro the Aldebaran aliens Swho are eAuivalent to the Anunna#i/ who ruled
in old 0uer!
The word 0uer (or 0ueria3 stes fro 0ui*Aldebaran/ which is the star syste the
Anunna#i originally coe fro/ M' light*years fro 7arth! Cibiru is erely a $station$
they use on their Intergalactic JourneysT!
Mebers of the 6ril 0ociety are said to have included Adolf "itler/ Alfred .osenberg/
"einrich "iler/ "erann 4Yring/ and "itler8s personal physician/ Br! Theodor
These were original ebers of the Thule 0ociety which supposedly Joined 6ril in
1=1=! The C0BA% (Cational 0oGialistische Beutsche Arbeiter%artei3 was created by
Thule in 1=20/ one year later! Br! Hrohn/ who helped to create the CaGi flag/ was also a
+ith "itler in power in 1=II/ both Thule and 6ril 4esellschaften allegedly received
official state bac#ing for continued disc developent progras aied at both
spaceflight and possibly a war achine!
There is no evidence that a functional prototype was ever ade! The clai of an ability
to travel in soe inter*diensional ode is siilar to 6ril clais of channeled flight
with the -enseitsflugaschine ()ther +orld 1light Machine3 and the 6ril 1lugscheiben
(1light Biscs3!
"idden asters (the ebers of the 6ril society and their antagonist/ the -ewish +orld
Conspiracy3/ an escape by "itler and other CaGis fro (erlin to the 0outh %ole/ flying
saucers/ secret CaGi inventions/ and psychic channeling powers and Aliens fro
Aldebaran clearly are the eleents of a conspiracy theory!
As there yet sees to be no coprehensive scholarly e2aination of the proponents of
this theory (e2cept for soe chapters in 4oodric#*Clar#8s $(lac# 0un$3/ their otives
reain unclear! It ust be said/ though/ that 0ecret 0ocieties cannot be held responsible
for the "olocaust and the Third .eich!
5i#e I said/ this is the $official version$/ which does have truth in it/ but the +i#ipedia
entry was ade by soeone who wanted to debun# the whole story! (ig ista#eO
"istory is telling us that the 6ril 0ociety was alost entirely based on 7dward (ulwer*
5ytton8s fiction novel/ The Coing .ace!
The boo# describes a race of en psychically far in advance of ours! They have
acAuired powers over theselves and over things that a#e the alost godli#e! 1or
the oent they are in hiding! They live in caves in the center of the 7arth!
0o how can a group of esoteric people for a serious secret society out of a fiction
boo#@ +ell/ this is how it wor#s!
1irst of all/ if we research 7dward (ulwer*5ytton we will see that he belonged to The
"eretic )rder of the 4olden Bawn/ which in itself was (and still is3 a very esoteric
secret society which branched out fro the 7nglish .osicrucian )rder! (eing a high
ran# eber of The 4olden Bawn/ (ulwer*5ytton had a lot of esoteric #nowledge!
+hat he then did was nothing new and it happens even ore often today * he wrote a
fantasyUfiction boo#O That way he got the esoteric #nowledge out to other initiates in
other secret societies around the world/ while the coon asses would read the boo#
as pure fiction and never understand the seriousness/ the sybolis and the truth that
was written in it!
An ingenious way of getting forbidden #nowledge out in the open/ but still only the
selected few would understand what the inforation is really about! Today they do this
through boo#s/ "ollywood ovies/ popUroc# usic/ fine art/ pop art and oreQ
In Beceber 1=1= a sall circle of persons fro Thule/ 6ril and the B"v00 SBie
"erren vo 0chwarGen 0tein (4eran& 5ords of the (lac# 0tone3T et in a specially
rented forester8s lodge near (erchtesgaden (4erany3!
They were accopanied by the ediu Maria )rsic and another ediu only #nown
as 0igrun! Maria had ediuistically received transission in a secret Teplar script *
a language un#nown to her * with the technical data for the construction of a flying
According to 6ril docuents these telepathic essages cae fro the solar syste
Aldebaran which is si2ty*four light*years away in the constellation Taurus!
"ere is a short suary of essages the 6ril ediu had received over the years and
which fored the basis for all further actions by the 6ril*4esellschaft/ copiled by
author -an van "elsing/ and this is very iportant inforation to be able to understand
the rest * this is not science fiction/ but truly what is going on in the Inner Core of Thule
and 6ril! I need to ephasiGe to the reader that even if you don8t believe a word of this/
it8s irrelevant!
They believe it and have built at least two very coplicated secret societies around it *
and these societies are Auite powerful and influential&
The solar syste Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that
for the epire 0DM7.AC!
The population of the Aldebaran syste is divided into the aster race of :light 4od
people; (Aryans3 and several other huan races that had developed by negative
utation fro the :4od people; because of cliatic changes upon the planets!
The Aldebaran star syste
The colored utant races apparently are on a lower stage of spiritual developent!
The ore the races interi2ed/ the lower the spiritual developent of these people
san#/ which led to the situation that when the sun Aldebaran began e2panding they
could no longer aintain the space travel technology of their forefathers and could not
leave the planets by their own eans!
The lower races/ totally dependent upon the aster race/ had to be evacuated and were
brought to other inhabitable planets! Bespite their difference all the races respected one
another and did not interfere with each other/ neither the so*called 4od people nor the
lower races! 7ach respected that the others Just ade their own developents Sin
contrast to what happens on 7arthT!
Around >00 illion years ago the :light 4od people; started to coloniGe other earth*li#e
planets/ after the e2pansion of the sun Aldebaran and the resulting heat had ade the
original planets uninhabitable! It is said that in our syste they first coloniGed the planet
Mallona (also called Malde#/ Mardu# or * by the .ussians * %haeton3 which e2isted in
the area of today8s asteroid belt/ then between Mars and -upiter!
Mars was ne2t! SThe proof for a highly developed race on Mars are the well*#nown face
on Mars and the pyraid city which has been photographed by the Mars probe 6i#ing
in 1=9M! It is assued that the aster race of 0ueran*Aldebaran then also cae to
7arth for a first visit/ witnessed by the petrified ipressions of a shoe found to be about
>00 illion years old/ and sAuashed under the heel a trilobite/ a little crayfish that lived
then upon 7arth and becae e2tinct about L00 illion years agoT!
The 6ril people thought that later/ when 7arth becae slowly habitable/ the race of the
Aldebarans landed in Mesopotaia and fored the aster caste of the 0DM7.IAC0
which were described as fair/ white 4od people!
The 6ril telepaths also found that the 0uerian language was not only identical with
that of the 4eran and that the language freAuently of 4eran and 0uerian*
Aldebaranian were alost identical! SThe Aldebarans are the ones who we call the
The construction plans and the technical details that the 6ril edius received were so
accurate that they led to the ost fantastic idea en ever begot&
the construction of a :-enseitsflugachine;/ a :flying achine for the other side; and
the :6ril*)din;O
-ust to try to understand how coplicated the ters :good; and :evil; are and how
subJective they are/ Br! +!)! 0chuann of the Technical Dniversity in Munich/ both a
Thule and a 6ril eber/ held a speech in the early 20th Century/ a section of which is
reproduced here&
In everything we recogniGe two principles that deterine the events& light and dar#ness/
good and evil/ creation and destruction * as in electricity we #now plus and inus! It is
always& either * or!
These two principles * the creative and the destructive * also deterine our technical
7verything destructive is of 0atanic origin/ everything creative is divine! 7very
technology based upon e2plosion or cobustion has thus to be called 0atanic! The
coing new age will be an age of new/ positive/ divine technologyO
_fro the 4eran 00 secret archives
In the suer of 1=22 the first saucer*shaped flying achine was built whose drive
was based on iplosion (the :other*side flying achine;3!
It had a dis# eight eters across with a second dis# with a diaeter of si2 and a half
eters above and a third dis# of seven eters diaeter below! These three dis#s had a
hole at the center of one eter eighty across in which the drive/ which was two eters
forty high/ was ounted!
At the botto/ the central body was cone*shaped/ and there a pendulu reaching the
cellar was hung that served for stabiliGation! In the activated state the top and botto
dis# revolved in opposing directions to build up an electroagnetic rotating field!
The perforance of this first flying dis# is not #nown! (ut e2perients were carried out
with it for two years before it was disantled and probably stored in the Augsburg
wor#s of Messerschidt! In the boo#s of several 4eran industrial copanies entries
under the codenae $-1M$ (for -enseitsflugaschine3 can be found that show
payents towards financing this wor#!
Certainly the 6.I5 B.I67 (forally called $0chuann 0M*5evitator$3 eerged fro
this achine
(efore the end of 1=I9/ the .1K*2 was ready/ with a 6ril drive and a :agnetic field
ipulse steering unit!
It wor#ed * and it would eet a rear#able destiny in 1=L1/ during the (attle of (ritain/
when it was used as transatlantic reconnaissance craft/ because for these flights the
4eran standard fighters M7 10= had an insufficient range!
Bue to the craft,s sall siGe and e2periental ipulse controls the .1K*2 could only
a#e turns of =0/ L>/ and 22!> degrees a#ing it unsuitable as a fighter aircraft!
In 1=L1/ however/ the .1K*2 et the surface raider Atlantis in the The .1K*2 served as
a long*range spotter for the raider which would later bring ining eAuipent and
supplies to Ceu 0chwabenland prior to its sin#ing in Beceber 1=L1!
This is the last #nown use of the .1K*2 which due to its craped interior which tended
to heat up badly becae #nown as the $1liegende "eisswasserflasche$ (1lying "ot
+ater (ottle3O
These achines were based an an IM%5)0I)C instead of an 7R%5)0I)C syste/ a
technology directly developed fro Maria )rsic8s and her co*edius8 channeled
6.I5 power is siply the energy of the Dniverse/ and CaGi 4erany learned how to
tae it and use it for interplanetary travels!
There is a lot ore to #now about the developent of 1lying 0aucers here on 7arth/ and
I strongly recoend you read -an van "elsing8s boo#/ 0ecret 0ocieties and Their
%ower in the 20th Century to learn ore!
It goes into details on this and various other very iportant subJects! 1or our purpose it
is not necessary to go into too uch details about this/ other than you need to #now that
these things were and are going on around us in secret/ and any D1)s that people see
(but not all of the3 are an*ade!
There can8t be uch of a discussion whether the 6ril space*crafts are real or not/
because the evidence is overwheling and indisputable!
0till/ there are a few ore things worth entioning!
At the beginning of 1=LI it was planned in CaGi 4erany to build in the Keppelin
hangars/ a cigar*shaped other ship! The ACB.)M7BA B76IC7 of a length of 1I=
eters should transport several saucer*shaped craft in its body for flights of long
duration (interstellar flights3!
(y Christas 1=LI an iportant 6ril*4esellschaft eeting too# place in the seaside
resort of Holberg!
The two edius Maria )rsic and 0igrun attended!
The ain ite on the agenda was the A5B7(A.AC %.)-7CT! The edius had
received precise inforation about the habitable planets around the sun Aldebaran and
one began to plan a trip there!
At a -anuary 22/ 1=LL eeting between "itler/ "iler/ Hun#el (of the 6ril 0ociety3
and Br! 0chuann this proJect was discussed! It was planned to send the 6.I5*' ()din3
large*capacity craft through a diension channel independent of the speed of light to
Dnder the operation %A%7.C5I% 4eran scientists who had wor#ed in secret were
brought to the D!0! privately/ aong the 6IHT). 0C"AD(7.47. and +7.C"7.
v)C (.ADC * both had been wor#ing on these proJects and now introduced this secret
technology to the Dnited 0tates 4overnent!
In 1=I' a 4eran e2pedition to ACTA.CTICA was ade with the aircraft carrier
0chwabenland (0wabia3! M00/000 #s of an ice*free area with la#es and ountains
were declared 4eran territory/ the C7D0C"+A(7C5ACB (Cew 0wabia3!
+hole fleets of subarines of the RRI series were later headed towards
Conceptual art of Ceu 0chwabenland high*tech D*(oot
Type RR6I was a high*seas D*boat propelled by the +alter %ropulsion 0yste!
They would have had a crew of I officers and I0 en/ with ten torpedo tubes/
L at the bow and M in a so*called 0chnee organ/ and no dec# guns!
100 contracts were initially awarded to the (loh ` 6oss yard in "aburg (D*L>01
through D*LM003
and sections were under construction for D*L>01 through D*L>0L when the war ended!
The other contracts had been cancelled!
Today about one hundred 4eran subarines are still unaccounted for/ soe eAuipped
with the +alter 0nor#el/ a device that allowed the to stay suberged for several
wee#s/ and it can be assued that they fled to Ceuschwabenland with the disantled
flying dis#s or at least the construction plans!
Again it ust be assued that since the test flights had been very successful soe so*
called flying saucers have flown directly there at the end of the war!
%erhaps soe ay thin# these assuptions to be a bit on the daring side/ but there are
strong indications that it ay well have happened that way!
There is a Auestion&
+hy in 1=L9 ABMI.A5 7! (F.B led an invasion of ACTA.CTICA/ why he had
L/000 soldiers/ a an*of*war/ a fully eAuipped aircraft carrier and a functioning supply
syste at his coand if it was a ere e2pedition@
"e had been given eight onths for the e2ercise/ but they had to stop after eight wee#s
and high losses of planes undisclosed even today! +hat had happened@
5ater Adiral (yrd spo#e to the press&
It is the bitter reality that in the case of a new war one has to e2pect attac#s by planes
that could fly fro %ole to %ole!
-an van "elsing tells us that Corbert*-Xrgen .atthofer writes about the whereabouts of
the "aunebu developents in his boo# Keitaschinen (Tie Machines3!
The "aunebu I/ II and III space gyros and the 6.I5 I space flying dis# had disappeared
after May 1=L>! It is very interesting to note in the conte2t that after its nineteenth test
flight the 4eran "aunebu III is said to have ta#en off on April 21/ 1=L>/ fro
Ceuschwabenland/ a vast/ officially 4eran territory in the 7astern Antarctic/ for an
e2pedition to Mars/ about which there is nothing further #nown!
)ne year later/ in 1=LM the any sightings that suddenly occurred in 0candinavia of
shining obJects of un#nown and definitely artificial origin caused a great stir aong the
Allies in 7ast and +est!
Again one year later/ in 1=L9/ and well into the 1ifties/ a rising nuber of shining
un#nown flying obJects/ doubtlessly steered by intelligent beings/ ostly round/ dis#*
or bell*shaped/ soeties cigar*shaped/ so*called D1)s appeared over Corth
A lone prototype was constructed before the close of the war and was to be used for
evacuation wor# for Thule and 6ril in March 1=L>!
0ubseAuent postwar clais that this craft was ultiately used for a ission to Mars is
copletely unfoundedE even with onboard 00 o2ygen generators and odified Braeger
+er#e pressure suits there is no way this achine could withstand an eight onth
Journey to Mars!
+hat would be the purpose anyway@
The 4esellschaften were aiing at channeled flight not conventional space flight!
The te2t goes on to say that as a rule these obJects were unli#e the 4eran
developents! (ut good photographic aterial proves that the "aunebu II version
especially had been sighted very often since 1=L>!
It is further said that color photographs ta#en by a night guard in +est 4erany in the
0eventies e2ist of a landed and restarted flying dis# that had both a #night,s cross and a
swasti#a on its hull!
According to Thule/ and lots of other other independent researchers/ another disc left
Antarctica in 1=L> with both "itler and Maria )rsic on board!
This craft was heading not for Mars/ but for Aldebaran!
+e #now for a fact that )rsic :disappeared; fro the :face of the 7arth;/ literally
spea#ing/ in 1=L> and any different researchers suggest she actually went to
Aldebaran/ but was "itler on board as well@@@ 1uture research ay disclose this atter/
.esearchers have long struggled with fro where the edius got their inforation *
who did they channel@
Instructions how to build 6ril driven saucers partly cae fro the I5AT*5ITDM plates
found in Antarctica in 1=I=/ and partly fro previous channeled inforation/ and y
research points in the direction that the 6ril edius channeled beings fro the
Aldebaran 0yste/ the original Anunna#i!
6ril*' )din 0cheatic
It could very well be that the technology to build 6ril*)din originally cae fro a i2
of alien technology and channeled inforation/ but 6ril*)din was built by huans fro
this sae channeled inforation/ plus the instructions in the I5AT*5ITDM!
According to "erbert 4! Borsey and other researchers they had/ besides the
construction plans the 6ril*4esellschaft had received through telepathic contact with
e2tra*terrestrials/ a non*terrestrial saucer that had crashed in the (lac# 1orest in 1=IM
and whose undaaged drive had proved a great help to the 4erans!
(ut there is practically no proof of that/ and no living eye witnesses are #nown!
A painting of a odel of the 6ril Machine/
ta#en directly fro the Thule website
"owever/ it sure sees li#e Maria )rsic is bac# fro Aldebaran/ loo#ing as young as
Is it possible that 6ril %ower is able to :bend tie; by traveling through a diensional
:(wor3hole;/ li#e van "elsing suggests/ and thus bring the passenger bac# in the sae
age (or younger3 than heUshe was when they left@
7arly on/ while I was researching/ a certain girl/ code nae :0ully; was presented to
e as the :6ril girl;! Co other nae!
Then/ by :accident; on the Internet I loo#ed at photos of Maria )rsic/ who no one had
entioned to e at that point and I did not #now about her fro previous research! 0o
let e tell you how this developed!
In an article (6i#tor 0chauberger * The D1)s of CaGi 4erany3/ totally unrelated to y
research/ this picture is published&
The picture with the spacecraft is fro the 6ril 0ociety and was ta#en in 1=LL! The
girl8s nae in this picture/ I found out/ is Maria )rsitsch ()rsic3!
Cow copare the two photos and we can definitely see the siilarities! Are these two
girls the sae person@ If so/ she hasn8t agedO
These pictures are at least M> years apart!
Maria )rsic
As a atter of fact/ after I ade this connection/ I have had it confired fro two
sources that these two girls are the sae person!
This biography of Maria )rsitsch is pretty interesting&
Maria )rsitsch/ also #nown as Maria )rsic/ was a faous ediu who later becae
the leader of the 6ril 0ociety!
0he was born in 6ienna! "er father was a Croatian and her other was a 4eran fro
Although various alleged photos and docuents e2ist that verify Maria )rsitsch8s
e2istence/ it was only until the 1=M0s that historians and writers began to note her
involveent with CaGi Mysticis!
Maria )rsitsch was first entioned and pictured in 1=M9 by (ergier and %auwels in
their boo# Aufbruch ins dritte -ahrtausend& 6on der Ku#unft der phantastischen
6rilerinnen +oen
Maria )rsitsch was the head of the PThe All 4eran 0ociety for Metaphysics8
(Alldeutsche 4esellschaft fXr Metaphysi#3 founded in the early 20th century as a feale
circle of edius who were involved in e2traterrestrial telepathic contact!
The society was later renaed the P6ril 0ociety8 or P0ociety of 6rilerinnen +oen8!
In 1=19 Maria )rsitsch is said to have ade contact with e2traterrestrials fro
Aldebaran with her feale 6ril circle! 5ater in 1=1= the 6ril circle et with other
groups in a sall forester8s lodge in the vicinity of (erchtesgaden to discuss a possible
voyage to Aldebaran to eet the Aliens by the construction of CaGi D1)s!
Cotes on this space ission are discussed in a recent detailed analysis of CaGi
)ccultis entitled (lac# 0un& Aryan Cults/ 7soteric CaGis/ and the %olitics of
Maria claied to have received ediunistically transissions in a secret 4eran
Teplar script * a language un#nown to her * containing technical data for the
construction of a flying achine!
6ril docuents ention these telepathic essages had their origin in Aldebaran/ a solar
syste ML light*years away in the constellation Taurus!
In 1=L> Maria )rsitsch and the 6ril Circle ysteriously disappeared! This has led to
soe writers/ conspiracy theorists and CaGi Mystics (i!e! -an Ddo "oley3 to believing
Maria )rsitsch escaped to Aldebaran!
6ril 5etter of Beparture for Aldebaran
March 1=L>
0o again/ it8s stated she disappeared in 1=L>!
Is $0ully$ the 4randaster of the 6ril 0ociety@ According to two sources and y own
research and observations/ she ay very well beO
0oeone showed one of y sources an official Teple of Isis signet fro Ancient
7gypt that the Military possesses and it depicts Isis under a bull! Aldebaran is #nown as
the (ull8s eye of the Taurus constellation!
The Isis picture loo#ed e2actly li#e the ,6ril girl8!
It is difficult to find a good paintingUartifact on Isis to copare the two/
and so far I haven8t found any that I could say have reseblance
with today8s 0ullyUMaria )rsic!
Antarctica/ 0pringboard to the 0tars
This following inforation coes directly fro a Thule Insider!
In 1=I=/ Captain Alfred .itscher of CaGi 4erany found the Antarctica entrance into
the Inner 7arth! "e also found the :I5AT*5ITDM; plates in a sarcophagus on the coast
of Ceuschwabenland! In the sarcophagus were still a nuber of technical devices and
instructions that now becae available to the 6ril 0ociety!
The :I5AT*5ITDM; was divided into several engraved etal plates or tablets/ brought
to (erlin and decoded into 4eran by soe e2perts fro the )rient! +hen the plates
were found/ no one could read the/ because they were in 0uerianUA##adian!
This is what the Thule eber told e when I as#ed what I5AT*5ITDM is (this eail
e2cerpt is translated fro 4eran3&
This boo# was written for those who were left behind on the planet HI/ which we now
call 7arth! It shows us the history of the gods since their arrival/ the war with the
.eptoids/ the eergence of new types and species/ the advanceent of the BCA and
The boo# was also entioning the signs that will show for the return of the 4ods! It is
the story of ourselves and all our deeds! The boo# was not copletely handed over to a
huan! )nly with :6ril*)din8s; departure a full translation was given!
6ril*)din is used to navigate in a tieless space (hyper*space3/ as well as to assess the
upcoing events! Therefore/ it would be very dangerous if it gets into the wrong
hands!!! )nly when we all understand that we are children of the gods/ there will be
peace and the divine plan is closed for another eon!
I5AT*5ITDM contains accurate inforation on the landing of the Anunna#i 4ods on
7arth and the fight with the .eptoids! Inside the sarcophagus were also instructions how
to build the :6ril*)din; space craft! The :6ril*)din; was built per the instructions and
was up and flying in the fall of 1=LL!
)n board the craft was .eichs#anGler Adolf "itler! The destination of the flight of 6ril*
)din was 0ui*An in the Aldebaran solar syste!
According to the Thule insider/ all subseAuent appearances of "itler were done by his
doubles! The corpse in the bun#er was the body of a double as well!
The secret recordings of "itler on this subJect were passed to the 6atican by a (ishop
(reer and these archives are supposed to be opened up in 2012!
CaGis in Antarctica/ 1=I=
Captain .itscher/ when he ade his e2pedition/ followed the instructions fro the 6ril
0ociety and channeled inforation/ ainly fro the 6ril 0ociety8s own ediu/
This eans that .itscher did not find the sarcophagus by accident but was following
channeled instructions!
+e #now that Maria )rsic received channeled inforation regarding the Tablets
already in 1=1=*1=2L but wasn8t able to decode and interpret it/ because it was in
+e need to reeber that the technology #nown to coon people is at least a
hundred years up to thousands of years behind the technology used in secret!
Moon bases have long been established/ and you don8t use a slow and unsafe space
shuttle to ove between planets in our solar syste! The 6ril power has a lot to do with
space technology and how to travel outside this planet! The :disc; that the Anunna#i
4ods are tal#ing about in I5AT*5ITDM/ which they are rotating (or spinning3 is fro
y understanding a 6ril achine!
Area >1/ by the way/ is a cover! The real base is in a ountain in Dtah! +hen a craft is
ta#en into space/ it leaves fro Dtah to Antarctica and then e2it the atosphere fro
There is apparently a lot of D1) and underground activity in Dtah! There are lots of
witnesses/ any are Morons and forer Morons/ who say that there is a networ# of
underground tunnels beneath 0alt 5a#e City and soe of these people have seen
reptilian beings there as well!
Interestingly enough/ shortly after I published this boo# on -une 19 200=/ D1)
sightings have increased in nubers rapidly!
Agartha * A Cation Inside 7arth
Much has been said about the "ollow 7arth!
(oo#s have been written about it/ a lot of Internet sites cover it and soe of it is good
research/ soe of it is not! It is an iportant part of our story/ because due to both the
Thule and 6ril 0ocieties (and other secret societies as well3 there is a Cation of (eings
inside 7arth!
This Cation is called Agartha or Agarthi (both variants are used interchangeably * there
are other spellings as well3 and their Capital is 0habala (or 0haballah3! I will Just
touch briefly on it here!
I a going to Auote -an van "elsing fro his well researched boo#& 0ecret 0ocieties
and Their %ower in the 20th Century again and this tie when coes to e2plaining
what AgarthiUAgartha is/ because his research confirs to soe e2tent what ebers
fro Thule have told e/ but is still Just a part of the story$
D5TIMA T"D57; apparently was the capital city of the first continent peopled by
This was called "F%7.().7A and was older than 5euria and Atlantis (continents
with advanced cultures since suberged3! The 0candinavians have a tale of :Dltia
Thule;/ the wonderful land in the high Corth/ where the sun never sets and the
ancestors of the Aryan race dwell!
"yperborea was up in the Corth 0ea and san# during an ice age! It is assued that the
"yperboreans cae fro the solar syste Alderbaran which is the ain star in the
constellation Taurus/ and that they were about four eters tall/ white/ blond and blue*
They #new no war and were vegetarians (so was "itler3! According to alleged Thule
te2ts they were technically very advanced and flew :6ril*ya;/ flying achines that
today we call D1)s!
These flying dis#s were capable of levitation/ e2tree speeds and the aneuvers #nown
fro today8s D1)s due to two counter*rotating agnetic fields and they used the so*
called 6ril power as energy potential or fuel (6ril N ether/ )d/ %rana/ Chi/ Hi/ cosic
force/ )rgonQ/ but also fro the acadeic :vri*I5; N as the highest deity N 4od*li#e3/
i!e!/ they ta#e the energy fro the earth8s agnetic field (free energy3 li#e the :tachyon
converter; of Captain "ans Coler!
+hen "F%7.().7A began to sin# the "yperboreans are said to have burrowed with
huge achines gigantic tunnels into the 7arth8s crust and settled under the "ialayan
region! The subterranean real is called A4"A.TA and its capital 0"AM(A55A"!
The %ersians call this land :Aryana; the land of origin of the Aryans!
"ere we should ention that Harl "aushofer claied that Thule was actually called
Atlantis and * contrary to all other researchers of Tibet and India * he said that the
surviving Thule*Atlanteans were separated into two groups/ a good one and an evil one!
Those who called theselves after their oracle Agharta were the good and settled in the
"ialayan region/ the evil ones were the 0haballah who wanted to subJugate
huanity and they went +est!
"e aintained that the fight between the people of Agharta and 0haballah had been
going on for thousands of years and that in the Third .eich the Thule*4esellschaft as
Agharta8s representative continued it against the representatives of 0haballah/ the
1reeasons and the Kionists! This perhaps was his ission!
The head of this subterranean region he said was .igden Iyepo/ the #ing of the world/
with his representative upon the 7arth8s surface/ the Balai 5aa! "aushofer was
convinced that the land below the "ialayas was the birthplace of the Aryan race/
which he claied to have confired during his Tibet and India travels!
The sybol of Thule was the 0wasti#a counter cloc#wise!
Tibetan laas and the Balai 5aa personally testified that people fro Agartha were
still living today! The subterranean land that is anchored in alost all 7astern traditions
has spread over the illennia under all of the 7arth8s surface with huge centers under
the 0ahara desert/ the Matto 4rosso and the 0anta Catarina ountains in (raGil/
Fucatan in Me2ico/ Mount 0hasta in California/ 7ngland/ 7gypt/ CGechoslova#ia!
It sees that "itler especially sought to discover the entrances to the subterranean
world Agartha and to get in contact with the descendants of the Aryan :4od people;
fro Alderbaran*"yperborea! In the yths and traditions of the subterranean world it is
often said that the world8s surface was yet to suffer a terrible world war (Third +orld
+ar3 which would though be ended by earthAua#es/ other natural disasters and a
switching of the poles and the deaths therefro of two thirds of huanity!
After this :last war; the several races of the inner earth would reunite with the survivors
on the surface and that the thousand*year 4)5B7C A47 (age of AAuarius3 would be
rung in! "itler wanted to build an outer :Agartha; or :Aryana; with the Aryan aster
race/ and 4erany should be its hoe!
Buring the e2istence of the :Third .eich; two large e2peditions were sent by the 00 to
the "ialayas to find those entrances!
1urther e2peditions searched in the Andes/ the Matto 4rosso ountains in the Corth
and the 0anta Catarina ountains in the south of (raGil/ in CGechoslova#ia and parts of
0oe authors clai that the Thule people believed that * Auite independently of the
subterranean tunnel and city syste * the 7arth was ")55)+/ with two great openings
at the poles!
Catural laws were Auoted/ :as above/ so below;! 0ince blood/ body or egg cells/ a
coet or an ato all have a nucleus and a hollow space surrounding it that is enclosed
by a :corona radiata;/ an envelope/ and the actual :life; is ta#ing place in the core/ one
has deduced that the 7arth was built after the sae principles!
Bruses confired this/ as they were hollow and the :life;/ the ineral and crystals/
were in the interior!
Therefore the 7arth also had to be hollow * apparently agreeing with the views of the
Tibetan 5aas including the Balai 5aa * and had a nucleus/ the Central 0un (also
called the :0chwarGe 0onne;/ the (lac# 0un3 that gave the interior an even cliate and
peranent sunlight/ corresponding in the icrocos to the central sun of the gala2y in
the acrocos!
They aintain there is a place in the interior * the aster race lives inside and the
utants on the surface * and that this was also the reason why we wouldn8t find any life
upon other planets of our solar syste/ because their inhabitants live inside! The ain
entrances are at the Corth and 0outh poles through which the central sun is shining and
producing the aurora borealis! In the interior the land ass was e2ceeding the water
The polar e2plorer )laf -ansen and others said that the water in the interior was fresh/
which could e2plain why the ice of the Arctic and Antarctic is ade of freshwater/ not
salt water!
It is interesting to note that this view of the a#e*up of the world is shared and
supported by the polar e2plorers Coo#/ %eary/ Aundsen/ Cansen/ and Hane and/ last
but not least/ Adiral 7! (yrd! All had the sae/ strange e2periences contradicting
e2isting scientific theory!
All confired that after 9M degreed latitude the winds becae warer/ that birds flew
north/ that they found colored and gray snow which when thawed left colored pollen or
volcanic ash! The Auestion arises& where do flower pollen or volcanic ash near the Corth
%ole coe fro/ as not a single volcano is ar#ed on any of the accessible aps@
1urther/ soe of the e2plorers found theselves in freshwater seas/ and all say that at a
tie during their travels they had seen two suns! Maoths were found whose flesh
was still fresh and whose stoach contained fresh grass!
The :"ollow 7arth; theory has so far reained Just a theory to the public/ although
soe authors and e2plorers clai to have visited there and even * li#e Adiral 7! (yrd
* had ta#en nuerous pictures! It cannot be denied that all the Arctic e2plorers had had
e2traordinary e2periences that so far cannot be e2plained/ which points to soething
strange happening there!
(ut the theory that the 7arth had a olten core has eAually reained Just a theory!
The fact reains though that the subterranean an*ade tunnel and cave systes do
e2ist! They can be found in alost any country of the world and by the largely still
e2isting light source (a greenish glow that gets brighter the deeper one enters the
tunnels3/ by the sooth walls and the un#nown achinery that was found in the
(oynton Canyon in 0edona/ AriGona/ are witness to a technically advanced culture that
e2isted illions of years before!
The yths of a :"ollow 7arth; were enough for the Thule people to go out to start a
serious study of the phenoenon! Therefore there was at least one e2pedition to the
Antarctic during +orld +ar II!
To show that the story of the Aryan*"yperboreans was not entirely invented I would
li#e to ention two e2aples&
+hen the 0paniards under %iGarro cae to 0outh Aerica in 1>I2/ the natives called
the :ivicarochas; (white lords3! According to their legends there was a aster race of
very tall white people who centuries before had descended in :flying dis#s; fro
heaven! They had long ruled in soe of the towns and when they disappeared had
proised to return!
+hen the fair s#inned 0paniards arrived/ the natives thought the to be the iviracochas
coing bac# and therefore in the beginning willingly gave the their gold!
0iilar occurrences too# place when the first white travelers arrived in Tibet and other
"ialayan regions!
They were scrutiniGed in astonishent by the Tibetans and as#ed why they cae fro
(75)+ (the foot of the ountains3 rather than fro A()67 as they usually did!
_Chapter I2& Adolf 0chic#elgruber and the ,Thule 4esellschaft,
Apart fro the fact that I!4! 1arben supported "itler/ their cartel partner $0tandard )il$
(.oc#efeller3 fanned the flaes against the CaGis!
The $1ord Motor Copany$ for instance helped to build up the Aerican ary while at
the sae tie producing in 4erany ilitary vehicles for the CaGis! 1ord and )pel
(subsidiary of 4eneral Motors that is controlled by -! %! Morgan3 were the two largest
producers of tan#s in "itler,s 4erany!
+hatever the outcoe of the war/ these ultinational copanies had already ade
their cuts!
Many enterprises followed this principle during the 0econd +orld +ar!
+hy is there nothing about all this in schoolboo#s or encyclopedias@
7specially in 4erany where the freedo of the press is apparently honored and the
truth is taught@
)ne of the reasons is that the .oc#efeller 1oundation spent D0 W1I=/000 in 1=LM to
present an official history of the 0econd +orld +ar which covered up the whole story
of the D!0! ban#ers building up the CaGi regie as well as the occult and ystical
bac#ground of the CaGis!
)ne of the ain sponsors was .oc#efeller,s own $0tandard )il Corp!$
Vril and ssociates
fro' %rystalLins &e+site
Vril Society
In Coveber of 1==M I received a video about +orld +ar II 4erany pre and post *
and a secret organiGation naed 6ril its nae lin#ed to Atlantean tie lines and one of
its language * coposed of sounds and clic#s!
The video entioned that/ in 4erany at the turn of the century and particularly after
++ I any secret societies developed! )ne of these groups was the 6ril 0ociety!
In 1=19 four ebers of the 6ril society et in a cafe in 6ienna! There was one woan
and three en! The woan was a 8spiritual ediu8! They et under a veil of ystery
and secrecy! They discussed secret revelations/ the coing of the new age/ the 0pear of
Bestiny/ the agical violet blac# stone/ and a#ing contact with ancient peoples and
distant worlds!
Their source of power was the (lac# 0un/ an infinite bea of light which * though
invisible to the huan eye * e2ists in anti*atter!
The 6ril eble becae the (lac# 0un * a secret philosophy thousand of years old
provided the foundation on which the occult practioners of the Third .eich would later
build! The (lac# 0un sybol can be found in any (abylonian and Assyrian places of
worship! They depicted the (lac# 0un * the godhead8s inner light in the for of a cross!
This was not uch different fro the 4eran8s Hnight8s Cross!
The woan allegedly channeled inforation fro aliens after which the Thule was
created! They went on to build soething called the 6ril Machine! It allegedly was a
saucer shape interdiensional tie travel achine! Their first flight was allegedly in
Much of their wor# was done in the (lac# 1orest
Thule 0ociety ebers were allegedly the first group to attept the bac#*engineering
of an e2traterrestrial spacecraft!
$A 4eran writer/ -ohn 6on "elsing/ describes the discovery of a crashed saucer in the
(lac# 1orest in 1=IM and says that this technology was ta#en and cobined with the
inforation the 6ril 0ociety had received through channeling and was ade into a
further proJect called the "aunebu!
4eran aircraft historian "enry 0tevens states/
$"aunebu 1 was allegedly the first large flying saucer developed in 4erany!
According to plans allegedly obtained fro classified 4eran 00 files/ the "aunebu 1
was appro2iately seventy*five feet in diaeter and probably lifted off for the first tie
in August 1=I=/ a few wee#s before the outbrea# of +orld +ar II!
S.ear of Destiny
"itler8s successes as CaGi dictator have given way to a nuber of occult theories! )ne
of the ost coon of these is the story of the 0pear of Bestiny!
Also called the "oly 5ance/ this spear was believed to have been the weapon used to
pierce the side of -esus Christ at the Crucifi2ion!
5egend has it that whoever possesses the lance will rule the world! The lance appears
both in factual history and in fiction! In the +agner opera %arsival/ Hlingsor was a
despicable adversary of the Hnights of the "oly 4rail! The fiend sought to capture the
0pear of Bestiny fro the and use it in his practice of blac# agic!
In history/ no figure was ore feared than the blac# agician 5andulph II of Capua!
"e/ too/ was obsessed with the power of the 0pear of Bestiny! "itler identified the
siilarities between +agner8s character and the agician! "e saw their struggles as
parallel to his own Auest for the holy icon!
To "itler/ the blood purity of the 4rail Hnights and the aniacal Auest of Hlingsor and
5andulph for the spear was the blueprint for world conAuest by CaGi power! "itler
believed he would one day fulfill a historic destiny! "ow he would do this was not clear
until he was 21! +hile in the "apsburg Treasure "ouse in 6ienna/ Austria/ "itler heard
the words which he said were to change his whole life!
A useu tour guide stopped in front of a display of an ancient spear and told of a
legend that whoever possessed it would hold the destiny of the world! The guide said
the spear was supposedly the one which a .oan Centurion thrust into the side of -esus
Christ at the Crucifi2ion! After the group departed/
"itler stepped forward for a closer loo#!
$I #new with iediacy that this was an iportant
oent in y life/ and yet I could not divine why
an outwardly Christian sybol should a#e such an
ipression on e/$ he said later!
After his initial e2perience with the 0pear of
Bestiny/ "itler studied the history of the ancient
relic! "e was intrigued and aaGed at its incredible
1or ore than 1/000 years/ the spear had been a
sybol of power to the eperors of the "oly .oan
7pire! Century after century/ the legend of the
0pear had been fulfilled for good or evil!
Constantine the 4reat claied the spear guided hi
through providence! The 1ran#ish 4eneral Harl
Martel used the spear in battle! 7peror Charleagne lived and slept within reach of
the spear/ and attributed L9 battle victories to its powers! In all/ L> eperors over 1/000
years claied the 0pear of Bestiny as a possession!
"itler decided he had to possess it! )ver the ne2t three years/ he ade countless trips to
the useu to gaGe in awe at the spear! "e recalled that one day as he stood in front of
the display/ he went into a trance!
$I slowly becae aware of a ighty presence around it ** the sae awesoe presence
which I had e2perienced inwardly on those rare occasions in y life when I had sensed
that a great destiny awaited e!$
In 1=II/ when "itler rose to power/ his 2>*year obsession to possess the spear could be
realiGed! In April/ 1=I'/ he arched his ary into 6ienna and too# possession of the
spear and too# it to Cureberg! )ne year later/ he invaded %oland! )n April I0/ 1=L>/
the sae day "itler supposedly #illed hiself/ the Aerican ary invaded Cureberg
and too# possession of the spear!
In the onths that followed/ Aerica unleashed the ost destructive force ever #nown
to an& the atoic bob! +hile in possession of the 0pear of Bestiny/ Aerica becae
the undisputed ruler of the world! The spear now once again resides in the "apsburg
Treasure "ouse Museu in 6ienna!
Blac ,eathered Sun Sy'+ology
; Ethird di'ensionF into : - a co''on triangular the'e in cro. circles/
Blue and $old
The (lac# 1eathered 0un * the (lac# 0un is a %lains Indian sybol with styliGed
feathers pointing both inwards and outwardsE inward towards the center and outward to
the circuferenceE it cobines the sybols of the sun and the eagle and depicts the
universeE the centerE solar powerE radiation of powerE aJesty * the spiral oveent of
consciousness * 0acred 4eoetry!
* An Illustrated 7ncyclopedia of Traditional 0ybols *
1eathers syboliGe wings/ flying and ascension/ rotation and spin * spirals of
consciousness to the center!
clic# above iage to enlarge
The (lac# 1eathered 0un archetype!!!
"oag8s 4ala2y
Mil#y +ay 4ala2y
Ars * "aronics
0agittarius/ archer/ heart center
The 7ye * (ull8s 7ye * Taurus * Cow * (ull
Anial %rophecies and +hite (uffalo Calf +oan
7clipse of light and consciousness * at the end of tie!
The 7ye
Creation by 0acred 4eoetry
12 Around 1* Alchey +heel of Tie and Hara
Kero %oint Merge Matter and Antiatter
+inged (eings Creation * 4ods * Ascension
Breas& 1lying
Thule Society
* The Dn#nown "itler +ulf 0chwartGwaller
The Thule*4esellschaft (Thule 0ociety3 was founded August 19/ 1=1'/ by .udolf von
0ebottendorff! "e had been schooled in occultis/ Islaic ysticis/ alchey/
.osicrucianis and uch else/ in Tur#ey/ where he had also been initiated into
Its original nae was 0tudiengruppe fXr geranisches Altertu (0tudy 4roup for
4eran AntiAuity3/ but it soon started to disseinate anti*republican and anti*0eitic
propaganda! A oveent to proote Thulian ideas aong industrial wor#ers and to
offset Mar2is/ was fored in August 1=1' * the +or#ers8 %olitical Circle with Thulist
Harl "arrer as chairan! 1ro this cae the 4eran +or#ers8 %arty in 1=1=!
A year later this becae the C0BA% under the leadership of Adolf "itler! It had
ebers fro the top echelons of the party/ including
.udolf "ess and Alfred .osenberg/ though not Adolf
0erbottendorff stated/
$Thule ebers were the people to who "itler first
turned and who first allied theselves with "itler!$
The swasti#a flag adopted by the C0BA% was the
brain*child of another Thulist/ Br Hrohn!
Its press organ was the MXnchener (eobachter
(Munich )bserver3 which later becae the
6Yl#ischer (eobachter (%eople8s )bserver3! The
Thule 0ociety is #nown to be closely connected to the
4eranenorden secret society!
The 4eranenorden was a secret society in 4erany
early in the 20th century! 1ored by several
proinent 4eran occultists in 1=12/ the order/
whose sybol was a swasti#a/ had a hierarchical
fraternal structure siilar to freeasonry! It taught to its initiates nationalist ideologies
of nordic race superiority/ antiseitis as well as occult/ alost agical philosophies!
0oe say that the Beutsche Arbeiter*%artei (later the CaGi %arty3 when under the
leadership of Adolf "itler was a political front/ and indeed the organiGation reflected
any ideologies of the party/ including the swasti#a sybol! The Thule 0ociety/ another
secret society with siilar ideologies and sybols was also closely lin#ed to this!
+ith the victory of the CaGi %arty/ the occult tradition was carried on in the Third .eich
ainly by the 00/ who .eichsfuhrer/ "iler/ was an avid student of the occult! An 00
occult research departent/ the Ahnernerbe (Ancestral "eritage3 was established in
1=I> with 00 Colonel +olfra von 0ievers at its head! )ccult research too# 00
researchers as far afield as Tibet! 0ievers had the Tantri# prayer/ the (ardo Thodol/ read
over his body after his e2ecution at Cureberg!
Cational 0ocialis and the Third .eich represented a aJor attept by high esoteric
Adepts to re*establish a Culture based on the 5aws of Cature/ against the entrenched
forces of anti*5ife! Cothing that abitious had been tried since the founding of the
Aerican .epublic by Masonic adepts!
The Thule Society inner circle 0eliefs 111
Thule was a legendary island in the far north/ siilar to Atlantis/ supposedly the center
of a lost/ high*level civiliGation! (ut not all secrets of that civiliGation had been
copletely wiped out! Those that reained were being guarded by ancient/ highly
intelligent beings (siilar to the $Masters$ of Theosophy or the +hite (rotherhood3!
The truly initiated could establish contact with these beings by eans of agic*ystical
The $Masters$ or $Ancients$ allegedly would be able to endow the initiated with
supernatural strength and energy!
+ith the help of these energies the goal of the initiated was to create a race of
0uperen of $Aryan$ stoc# who would e2terinate all $inferior$ races!
)n April M/ 1=1=/ in (avaria/ left wing socialists and anarchists proclaied the
(avarian 0oviet .epublic! The brains of the revolution were a group of writers who had
little idea of adinistration! 5ife in Munich grew chaotic! The counter*revolutionary
forces/ the whites/ coposed of various groups of decoissioned soldiers #nown as
$1rei Corps$/ eAuipped and financed by the ysterious Thule 0ociety/ defeated the
(avarian 0oviet within a atter of wee#s!
Many other decoissioned soldiers waited out the turbulence in barrac#s/ pfc Adolph
"itler aong the! After the (avarian .epublic had been defeated by the +hites/ in
May/ "itler8s superiors put hi to wor# in the post revolution investigating
coission! "is indictents inJected ruthless efficiency into the #angaroo courts as he
fingered hundreds of noncoissioned officers and enlisted en who had sypathiGed
with the counist and anarchists! "e was subseAuently sent to attend special
anticounist training courses and seinars at the Dniversity which were financed by
the .eichswehr adinistration and by private donors fro the Thule 0ociety!
This led to an assignent in the intelligence division of the postwar 4eran ary/ to
infiltrate groups that could organiGe the wor#ing classes while the counists were
wea#! )n a 0epteber evening/ 1=1=/ "itler turned up in the 0ternec#er (eer "all
where ebers and friends of the budding 4eran +or#ers %arty had gathered! "e
Auietly listened to the presentation by engineer 4ottfried 1eder/ a Thule 0ociety
eber/ who tal#ed about Jewish control over lending capital!
+hen one of the other group ebers called for (avaria to brea# away fro the rest of
4erany/ "itler sprang into action! The astonished audience stood by while his highly
aggressive rear#s and copelling oratory swept through the roo! After "itler had
finished his harangue/ party chairan and founder/ Anton Bre2ler/ iediately as#ed
hi to a eeting of the party8s steering coittee held a few days later!
"e was as#ed to Join the coittee as its seventh eber/ responsible for advertising
and propaganda!
)rder of Teutons Theodor 1ritsch
(ac# in 1=12/ several 4eran occultists with radical anti*seitic inclinations decided
to for a $agic$ lodge/ which they naed the )rder of Teutons! the ain founders
were Theodor 1ritsch/ a publisher of an anti*seitic JournalE %hilipp 0tauff/ pupil of the
racist 4uido 6on 5ist/ and "erann %ohl/ the order8s chancellor! (%ohl would drop out
three years later to found his own biGarre lodge/ the +alvater Teutonic )rder of the
"oly 4rail!3
The )rder of Teutons was organiGed along the lines of the 1ree Masons or the
.osicrucians/ having differing degrees of initiation/ only persons who could fully
docuent that they were of pure $aryan$ ancestry were allowed to Join!
In 1=1>/ %ohl was Joined by .udolf (lauer/ who held a Tur#ish passport and practiced
sufi editation! "e also dabbled in astrology and was an adirer of 5anG 6on
5iebenfels and 4uido 6on 5ist/ both pathologically anti*seitic! (lauer went by the
nae of .udolf 1reiherr 6on 0eboottendorf! "e was very wealthy/ although the origin
of his fortune is un#nown! "e becae the 4rand Master of the (avarian )rder and he
founded the Thule 0ociety/ with %ohl8s approval/ in 1=1'!
After the (avarian counist revolution of 1=1'/ the Thule 0ociety becae a center of
the counterrevolutionary subculture! An espionage networ# and ars caches were
organiGed! The Thule Club roos becae a nest of resistance to the revolution and the
Munich 0oviet .epublic!
-ournalist Harl "arrer was given the Job of founding a political $wor#er circle$! "e
realiGed that the wor#ers would reJect any progra that was presented to the by a
eber of the conservative $privileged$ class! "arrer #new that the echanic Anton
Bre2ler/ who was wor#ing for the railroads/ was a well*#nown anti*seite/ chauvinist
and proletarian! +ith Bre2ler as noinal chairan/ "arrer founded the 4eran
+or#ers %arty in -anuary 1=1=
The 4eran +or#ers %arty was only one of any
associations founded and controlled by the Thule 0ociety!
The Thule was the Mother to the 4eran 0ocialist %arty/
led by -ulius 0treicher (iage right3/ and the right*wing
radical )berland 1ree Corps! It published the Munich
observer/ which later becae the Cational )bserver!
"itler becae the ost proinent personality in the party! "e caused "arrer to drop
out/ and he pushed Bre2ler/ the noinal chairan/ to the sidelines! "e filled #ey
positions with his own friends fro the Thule 0ociety and the Ary! Buring the
suer of 1=20/ upon his suggestion/ the party was renaed the Cational 0ocialist
4eran +or#er %arty (CA0BA%3! The new nae was intended to eAually attract
nationalists and proletarians!
To go along with the new nae his ass oveent also reAuired a flag with a powerful
sybol! Aong any designs under consideration/ "itler pic#ed the one suggested by
Thule eber Br! Hrohn& a red cloth with a white circle in the iddle containing a
blac# swasti#a!
"itler wanted to turn the 4eran +or#ers %arty into a ass*conscious fighting party/
but "arrer and Bre2ler were hesitant/ due in part to their woeful financial situation! The
Thule 0ociety was not yet supplying very uch oney and no one seeed to #now
how to build up a ass party! "itler arranged two public eetings in obscure beer halls/
and he drafted leaflets and posters/ but there was no real brea#through!
All of this changed draatically at the end of the 1=1= when "itler et Bietrich 7c#art!
Most biographers have underestiated the influence that 7c#art e2erted on "itler! "e
was the wealthy publisher and editor*in*chief of an anti*seitic Journal which he called
In %lain 4eran! 7c#art was also a coitted occultist and a aster of agic! As an
initiate/ 7c#art belonged to the inner circle of the Thule 0ociety as well as other esoteric
There can be no doubt that 7c#art * who had been alerted to "itler by other Thulists *
trained "itler in techniAues of self confidence/ self proJection/ persuasive oratory/ body
language and discursive sophistry! +ith these tools/ in a short period of tie he was
able to ove the obscure wor#ers party fro the club and beer hall atosphere to a
ass oveent! The eotion charged lay spea#er becae an e2pert orator/ capable of
eseriGing a vast audience!
)ne should not underestiate occultis8s influence on "itler! "is subseAuent reJection
of 1ree Masons and esoteric oveents/ of Theosophy/ of Anthrosophy/ does not
necessarily ean otherwise! )ccult circles have long been #nown as covers for
espionage and influence peddling! "itler8s spy apparatus under Canaris and "eydrich
were well aware of these conduits/ particularly fro the direction of (ritain which had
within its MI> intelligence agency a departent #nown as the )ccult (ureau!
That these potential sources of trouble were purged fro CaGi life should not be ta#en
to ean that "itler and the CaGi secret societies were not influenced by ystical and
occult writers such as&
Madae (lavats#y
"ouston 0tewart Chaberlain
4uido 6on 5ist
5anG 6on 5iebenfels
.udolf 0teiner
4eorge 4urdJieff
Harl "aushofer
Theodor 1ritsch
Although "itler later denounced and ridiculed any of the/ he did dedicate his boo#
Mein Hapf to his teacher Bietrich 7c#art!
A freAuent visitor to 5andsberg %rison where "itler was writing Mein Hapf with the
help of .udolf "ess/ was 4eneral Harl "aushofer/ a university professor and director of
the Munich Institute of 4eopolitics! "aushofer/ "itler/ and "ess had long conversations
together! "ess also #ept records of these conversations! "itler8s deands for 4eran
$5iving 0pace$ in the east at the e2pense of the 0lavic nations were based on the
geopolitical theories of the learned professor!
"aushofer was also inclined toward the esoteric! As ilitary attacha in -apan/ he had
studied Ken*(uddhis! "e had also gone through initiations at the hands of Tibetan
5aas! "e becae "itler8s second $esoteric entor$/ replacing Bietrich 7c#art! In
(erlin/ "aushofer had founded the 5uinous 5odge or the 6ril 0ociety! The lodge8s
obJective was to e2plore the origins of the Aryan race and to perfor e2ercises in
concentration to awa#en the forces of $6ril$! "aushofer was a student of the .ussian
agician and etaphysician 4regor Ivanovich 4urdyev (4eorge 4urdJieff3!
(oth 4urdJeiff and "aushofer aintained that they had contacts with secret Tibetan
5odges that possessed the secret of the $0uperan$! The lodge included "itler/ Alfred
.osenberg/ "iler/ 4oring/ and "itler8s subseAuent personal physician Br! Morell! It
is also #nown that Aleister Crowley and 4urdJieff sought contact with "itler! "itler8s
unusual powers of suggestion becoe ore understandable if one #eeps in ind that he
had access to the $secret$ psychological techniAues of the esoteric lodges! "aushofer
taught hi the techniAues of 4urdJieff which/ in turn/ were based on the teachings of
the 0ufis and the Tibetan 5aas* and failiariGed hi with the Ken teaching of the
-apanese 0ociety of the 4reen Bragon!
In the latter half of the previous century/ intriguing hints about Tibetan secret teachings
had been carried to the west by "elena (lavats#y/ who claied initiation at the hands of
the "oly 5aas theselves!
(lavats#y taught that her "idden Masters and 0ecret Chiefs had their earthly residence
in the "ialayan region!
As soon as the CaGi oveent had sufficient funds/ it began to organiGe a nuber of
e2peditions to Tibet and these succeeded one another practically without interruption
until 1=LI! )ne of the ost tangible e2pressions of CaGi interest in Tibet was the party,s
adoption of its deepest and ost ystical of sybols * the swasti#a!
The swasti#a is one of an#ind8s oldest sybols/ and apart fro the cross and the
circle/ probably the ost widely distributed! It is shown on pottery fragents fro
4reece dating bac# to the eighth century (C! It was used in ancient 7gypt/ India and
China! The Cavaho Indians of Corth Aerica have a traditional swasti#a pattern! Arab*
Islaic sorcerers used it! In ore recent ties/ it was incorporated in the flags of
certain baltic states!
The idea for the use of the swasti#a by the CaGis cae fro a dentist naed Br!
1riedrich Hrohn who was a eber of the secret 4eranen order! Hrohn produced the
design for the actual for in which the CaGis cae to use the sybol/ that is reversed/
spinning in an anti*cloc#wise direction! As a solar sybol/ the swasti#a is properly
thought of as spinning/ and the (uddhists have always believed the sybol attracted
The 0ans#rit word svasti#a eans good fortune and well being! According to
Cabbalistic lore and occult theory/ chaotic force can be evo#ed by reversing the sybol!
And so the sybol appeared as the flag of CaGi 4erany and the insignia of the CaGi
party/ an indication for those who had eyes to see/ as to the occult nature of the Third
The Yellow Book nr. 5
by Barry Taylor
original ,rench Version
fro' The0G,actorD,0(esearch &e+site
At first sight/ the 6ril 0ociety should not be brought into the scope of our subJect which is
ore concerned with politics/ but it is one of the ost interesting secret societies which
has ever e2isted! That is why it is absolutely necessary for us to ention it!
There is not a single boo# in 4eran on this 6ril 0ociety and every other docuent
which could have given a cross*reference to the nae has been well and truly obliterated
by the Allies! (ut/ as you will see/ not everything about it has disappeared! And it is a
special pleasure for e to unveil this atter to you here!
In effect/ you are going to verify which of the non*4eran power circles #eep secret the
truth about the 4erans!
Harl "aushofer founded/ before 1=1=/ a second order/ the (rothers of the 5ight/ which
later too# the nae of the 6ril 0ociety! In this were united also the Masters of the (lac#
0tone (B"v003/ a new founding of the Teplars/ fro the order of 4erain in 1=19/ and
the (lac# Hnights of the (lac# 0un/ the alite of the Thule
0ociety and the 00!
If we copare the 6ril 0ociety to the Thule 0ociety/ the
difference can be suariGed thus&
the Thule 0ociety occupied itself with aterial and political
the 6ril 0ociety was concerned above all with the beyond
"owever/ they had soe points in coon!
(oth studied Atlantis/ Thule/ the Island of the 1ortunate of
4ilgaesh/ the original relationships between the 4erans
and the Mesopotaians as well as the ancient sanctuaries
li#e 0tonehenge with its towering stones!
In Beceber 1=1=/ a forest house was rented in the
.asau/ near (erchtesgaden/ where soe people fro the Thule/ B"v00 and 6ril
0ocieties et! Aong the were the edius Maria )rsitsch and 0igrun! Maria had
received soe inforation in a secret script of the Teplars * a language copletely
un#nown to her * with technical data on constructing a flying achine!
These telepathic essages were transitted/ according to the written records of the 6ril
0ociety/ fro the solar syste of Aldebaran/ in the constellation of Taurus!
+e wish to present to you a suary of the essages which were received for soe
years by the 6ril 0ociety telepaths/ which were the basis of the further actions ta#en by
that 0ociety!
The solar syste of Aldebaran is M' light*years fro 7arth/ and two inhabited planets
which constitute the .eal of 0ueran orbit around their sun!
The inhabitants of this solar syste are subdivided into asters/ +hite 4od*li#e people
(Aryans3 and other different huan races! These latter developed because of cliatic
changes on the individual planets/ and were the result of
a degeneration of the 4od*li#e people! These utants
cae to have a spiritual developent inferior to the
4od*li#e people!
The ore the races i2ed together/ the ore their
spiritual developent was degraded! ConseAuently/
when the sun (Aldebaran3 began to e2pand/ they were no
longer able to a#e interplanetary voyages li#e their
ancestorsE it had becoe ipossible for the to leave their planets!
Thus the inferior races/ totally dependent on the asters/ cae to be evacuated in
spaceships and ta#en to other habitable planets! In spite of the differences/ there was
respect between these two races/ they did not encroach upon each other8s living space (in
contrast to 7arth3!
The race of the asters/ the +hite 4od*li#e people/ had started to coloniGe other planets
siilar to 7arth >00 illion years ago/ following the e2pansion of the Aldebaran sun and
the growing heat resulting fro it/ which ade the planets uninhabitable! It was said that
they coloniGed the planet Mallona (also called Malde#/ Mardu#/ or %haeton by the
.ussians3 in our solar syste/ which e2isted at that tie between Mars and -upiter/ where
the asteroids are found today!
After that/ Mars/ of which the great pyraid cities and the well*#nown Martian face/
photographed in 1=9M by the 6i#ing probe/ bear witness to the high level of developent
of its inhabitants! 1ro there/ in that era/ it was assued that the 4od*li#e people of
0ueran Aldebaran cae to 7arth for the first tie!
)ld traces of a petrified shoe about >00 illion years old/ with a trilobite petrified
together with the sole of that shoe/ bear witness to it! That priitive fish lived on 7arth
then/ and disappeared L00 illion years ago!
The 6ril 0ociety ebers thought that the Aldebaranians landed later on/ when the 7arth
becae slowly habitable/ in Mesopotaia/ and that they fored the doinant caste of the
0uerians! These Aldebaranians were called +hite 4od*people! Moreover/ the 6ril
telepaths received the following inforation& the 0uerian language was not only
identical to that of the Aldebaranians/ but it also had tones siilar to 4eran/ and the
freAuency of the two languages was alost identical!
Boes this correspond with reality@ 5et us say siply that the construction drawings and
the technical data received by the telepaths * no atter where they cae fro * were so
precise that the ost fantastic idea ever conceived by an was born& the building of a
achine for flight to the beyondO The concept of an $other science$ entally atured
(today one would use the ter $alternative fors of energy$3!
It was three years before the proJect got under way! In that first phase of an $other
technology$ or an $other science$ Br +! )! 0chuann/ a eber of the Thule and 6ril
0ocieties/ gave a lecture at the 1aculty of 0cience in Munich!
%ere is an e2tract
7verywhere/ two principles deterine events& light and dar#ness/ good and bad/ creation
and destruction/ li#e the positive and negative in electricity! It is always 7ither * )rO
These two principles/ designated concretely as creative and destructive principles/ also
deterine our technological ethods!S!!!T
The destructive principle is the wor# of 0atan/ the creative principle is the wor# of 4od!
All technology based on the principle of e2plosion or of cobustion ay be called
satanic technology! The coing Cew Age will be the age of a new technology/ positive
and divineOS!!!T
(e2tract fro the secret archives of the 003!
&m3losion Technology
At the sae tie/ the scientist 6i#tor 0chauberger (right3 was
wor#ing on a siilar proJect!
"e was using the teaching of -ohannes Hepler who was in
possession of the secret doctrine of the %ythagoreans/ held and
#ept secret by the Teplars! This concerned #nowledge of
iplosion (in this case/ eaning the utiliGation of the potential
of inner worlds in the outer world3!
"itler and all the other ebers of the Thule and 6ril 0ocieties
#new that the divine principle is always creative/ that is to say/
constructive! A technology which/ by contrast/ relies on
e2plosion is therefore destructive/ opposed to the divine
principle! 0o one would wish to create a technology relying on
0chauberger8s oscillation teachings (the principle of the haronic series N onotone3 is
part of the understanding of iplosion! %ut very siply& iplosion instead of e2plosionO
(y eans of the energy traJectories of the onotone and iplosion technology one can
penetrate into the doain of antiatter and in this way one can dissolve gravity!
Saucer,sha3ed craft
The first saucer*shaped craft was built in the suer of 1=22/ its drive based on
iplosion technology (the achine for flight to the beyond3!
It consisted of a disc of ' diaeter/ surounted by a parallel
disc of M!> diaeter/ with another disc of M diaeter
underneath! These three discs had a hole of 1!'0 through their
centers/ where the 2!L0 high propulsion unit was ounted! At
the base/ the central body terinated in the for of a cone! In
this cone was a #ind of pendulu for stabiliGation of the device!
The lower and upper discs turned in opposite directions to create
a rotating electroagnetic field!
The perforance of this first flying disc is un#nown! It was e2periented on for two
years before being disantled and stored at the Messerschidt wor#s at Augsburg! The
financing for this proJect can be found in the accounts of several industrial copanies/
entioned under the code -1M! It is certain that the 6ril echanis is descended fro
the achine for flight to the beyond but it has been inde2ed as the 0chuann 0M
In principle/ the achine for flight to the beyond had to engender an e2treely strong
field around itself and its iediate vicinity which ade all of the surrounding space/
coprising that of the achine and its occupants/ a icrocos copletely independent
fro our cosos!
At its a2iu power/ this field would be copletely independent fro all the forces
and influences of our Dniverse/ such as gravitation/ electroagnetis/ radiation/ as well
as any #ind of atter! It could ove at will in any gravitational field without one sensing
it/ or feeling forces of acceleration!
In -une 1=IL/ 6i#tor 0chauberger was invited by "itler and the highest representatives of
the 6ril and Thule societies and wor#ed/ fro then on/ with the! The first 4eran D1)
was developed in -une 1=IL! Dnder the direction of Br +! )! 0chuann the first
e2periental circular aircraft .1K 1 was developed at the Arado aircraft factory in
7ven though its first flight was also its last/ it rose vertically to a height of about M0 but
then started to tuble and dance in the air for several inutes!
The Arado 1=M tail unit which was supposed to guide the device proved to be copletely
ineffective! +ith great difficulty the pilot 5othar +aiG succeeded in bringing it bac# to
the ground/ escaping fro it/ and getting away in tie/ because the device started to spin
li#e a top before it overturned and copletely bro#e into pieces! That was the end of the
.1K 1 but the beginning of the 6.I5 flying achines!
The .1K 2 was finished at the end of 1=IL/ it had a 6ril drive and a agnetic ipulsion
flying syste! Its diaeter was > and had the following characteristics& the contours of
the device becae blurred as it gained speed/ and it lit up with different colors/ a well
#nown characteristic of D1)s!
Bepending on the propulsive force/ it becae red/ orange/ yellow/ green/ white/ blue or
violet! It was able to operate/ and it had a rear#able destiny in the year 1=L1! It was
used as a long range reconnaissance aircraft during the battle of 7ngland!
The standard 4eran M7 10= fighters had proved theselves unfit for transatlantic
reconnaissance flights because of their short range!
It was photographed at the end of 1=L1 over the south Atlantic while on the way to the
au2iliary cruiser Atlantis which was in Antarctic waters! It could not be used as a fighter
aircraft for the following reason& because of its ipulsion flying syste/ the .1K 2 could
only a#e changes in direction of =0b/ L>b/ or 22!>b! Dnbelievable/ soe of you will
thin#/ but it is e2actly these right*angle flight changes that are characteristic of D1)s!
After the success of the sall .1K 2 as a long range reconnaissance aircraft/ the 6ril
0ociety acAuired its own testing ground in (randenburg! The 6.I5 1 "unter/ a lightly
ared flying disc/ flew at the end of 1=L2! It was 11!> in diaeter/ had a single seat/
and it had a 0chuann levitation drive and a agnetic field ipulsion flying syste!
It reached speeds of 2=00 to 12/000 #Uh/ could accoplish right angle direction changes
at full speed without haring the pilot/ was unaffected by the weather/ and was perfectly
capable of spaceflight! 0eventeen e2aples of the 6.I5 1 were built/ there were also
several variants with two seats/ eAuipped with glass does!
At the sae tie/ a 6*9 proJect was developed! 0everal flying discs carried this nae but
they had conventional Jet propulsion! According to Adreas 7pp the .1K 9 was created/
which cobined a levitating flying disc with Jet propulsion!
The firs of 0chriever*"aberohl and Miethe (elluGo wor#ed on it! It was L2 in
diaeter but it crashed while landing in 0pitGbergen! 5ater/
however/ an .1K 9 built in the sae way was photographed
outside %rague!
According to Andreas 7pp/ it was to be eAuipped with
nuclear warheads to bob Cew For#!
In -uly 1=L1/ 0chriever and "aberohl built a circular
aircraft which too# off vertically/ with Jet propulsion/ but
which had/ however/ soe severe deficiencies!
"owever another electrogravitational flying spinning*top with tachyon drive was
developed which was ore successful! Then cae the .1K 9 T/ built by 0chriever/
"aberohl and (elluGo/ which was fully functional! "owever/ copared to the 6ril and
"aunebu discs/ the 6*9 flying discs were children8s toys!
+ithin the 00 there was a group wor#ing on the production of alternative energy& the
.esearch 4roup I6 of the (lac# 0un N 00*7*I6
whose ain obJective was to a#e 4erany
independent of foreign crude oil!
The 00*7*I6 developed the Thule echanis/
later called the Thule Tachyonator fro the 6ril
echanis and fro the tachyon converter of
Captain "ans Coler!
In August 1=I= the first .1K > too# off! It was a
fairly heavily ared flying spinning*top with the
strange nae "aunebu 1!
It had a crew of eight en/ easured 2> in
diaeter/ at first reaching a speed of L'00 #Uh/
and later/ up to 19/000 #Uh! It was eAuipped with
two long range M0 cannons (H0H3 ounted in rotating turrets/ and four MH 10M8s
and had a oderate ability for spaceflight!
At the end of 1=L2/ the "aunebu II was li#ewise ready! Its diaeter varied fro 2M to
I2/ its height was fro = to 11!
It could transport a crew of = to 20 persons! Briven by a Thule Tachyonator/ it reached
M000 #Uh in the periphery of 7arth! It was suitable for spaceflight and had a range of >>
flying hours! %lans already e2isted for the large 120 diaeter space craft 6ril 9/ able to
transport entire copanies!
0hortly afterwards/ the 91 diaeter "aunebu III was constructed/ the ost splendid
e2aple of all!
It flew and was even filed! It could transport I2 persons/ its flight duration was ore
than eight wee#s and it reached a speed of at least 9000 #Uh (and according to
docuents fro the secret archives of the 00/ it could reach L0/000 #Uh3!
6irgil Arstrong/ e2*eber of the CIA and forer 4reen (eret/ states that 4eran
flying achines during +orld +ar 2 could land and ta#e off vertically and fly at right
angles! They reached I000 #Uh and were ared with laser cannons (probably the H0H/
a long range cannon3 which could penetrate L inch thic# arour plating!
%rofessor -! -! "urta#/ ufologist and author of The Heys of 7noch/ said that the 4erans
were in the process of constructing what the Allies designated iracle weapons systes!
"urta# had in his hands docuents entioning!!
1! the construction of %eeneXnde/ a city for e2perientation with achines teleguided
into space!
2! the bringing together of the best 4eran technicians and scientists These docuents
also entioned the e2istence of the so*called foo fighters (balls of fire3!
The CIA and the (ritish 0ecret 0ervices already #new/ in 1=L2/ of the construction and
deployent of such flying obJects/ but they did not appreciate their true erit!
In fact the Allies designated under the nae foo fighters all #inds of luinous 4eran
flying craft! Two inventions correspond particularly to what were called foo fighters& the
$flying turtles$ and the $soap bubbles!$
The two had nothing to do with each other/ but the Allies wrongly associated the! The
$flying turtle$ was conceived by the research group 00*7*I6 at +iener Ceustadt! Its
shape was reiniscent of a turtle8s shell! It was an unanned flying probe which would
upset the electrical ignition systes of eney araents! This probe was also eAuipped
with sophisticated weapons/ Hlystron tubes called death rays by the 00! (ut this sabotage
by cutting off ignition did not wor# perfectly at first! Bevelopent of this techniAue
continued later!
Anyone who has already seen a D1) can confir that this ignition cutting/ i!e! the
shutting down of electrical systes/ is one of the typical characteristics of D1)s when
they appear!
+endell C! 0tevens/ a D0 Air 1orce pilot during +orld +ar 2 said that the foo fighters
were soeties grey*green or red*orange/ that they approached up to > fro the
aircraft and that they stayed in that position! It was not possible to get rid of the/ even
when shot at fro underneath/ and soeties the flights were obliged to turn bac# or to
As for the $soap bubbles$ often called foo fighters/ these were in fact siple balloons/ in
the interior of which were fine etal spirals to Ja the radars of the eney aircraft! Their
effectiveness was probably inial/ apart fro psychological intiidation!
At the beginning of 1=LI/ planning began for a spaceship in the shape of a cigar/ the
Androeda craft (clic# below iage3/ which was to be built at the Keppelin wor#s (1I=
It would transport several saucer shaped spacecraft for (interstellar3 long duration flights!
clic# iage to enlarge
The Androeda Craft
An iportant eeting of the 6ril 0ociety too# place around Christas 1=LI at Holberg/ a
seaside resort by the Corth 0ea/ which the edius Maria and 0igrun attended!
The principal subJect was the Aldebaran 7nterprise! The edius had received precise
inforation about the inhabited planets orbiting the Aldebaran sun/ and a voyage was
planned to go there! )n 2 -anuary 1=LL/ "itler/ "iler/ HXn#el and Br 0chuann (both
of the 6ril 0ociety3 et to tal# about this 6ril proJect! They wished to travel by eans of
a large spacecraft/ the 6ril 9 (clic# iage left3/ to Aldebaran/ through
a diensional channel!
According to .atthofer/ the first test flight in a diensional channel
too# place in winter 1=LL! The craft ust have avoided a disaster by
a narrow argin/ because fro photos of the 6ril 9 ta#en after its
return/ it loo#ed as though it had been travelling for a century!
The e2terior surface of the cabins appeared very worn and there was
daage in any places!
)n 1L 1ebruary 1=LL/ the test pilot -oachi .oehli#e test flew at %eeneXnde the
supersonic helicopter built by 0chriever and "aberohl under the nae of proJect 6 9
which was fitted with twelve (M+ 02' turboprop engines! Its speed in vertical clib
was '00 per inute/ it reached a height of 2L/200 and its speed in horiGontal flight
was 2200 #Uh!
It could also be propelled by non conventional energy! "owever/ it could never be used/
because %eeneXnde was bobed in 1=LL and its transfer to %rague proved to be of no
use since that city was occupied by the Aericans and the .ussians well before the flying
discs could be used!
+hen they occupied 4erany at the beginning of 1=L>/ the (ritish and the Aericans
discovered in the secret archives of the 00/ aong other things/ photos of the "aunebu II
and the 6ril I as well as the Androeda craft!
In March 1=LM %resident Truan acted so that the Caval coand of the D0A gave
perission to collect 4eran aterial in order to e2perient with this high technology!
Dnder )peration %aperclip 4eran scientists were brought secretly to the D0A! Aong
then were 6i#tor 0chauberger and +ernher von (raun!
"ere we suariGe briefly the developents which should be given in a series&
The first proJect was carried out under the direction of %rofessor Br +! )! 0chuann of
the 1aculty of 0cience at Munich! In this proJect/ up to the beginning of 1=L>/ 19 flying
discs of 11!> diaeter were allegedly constructed/ which accoplished 'L flight tests/
the so*called 6ril 1 "unters!
In April 1=L>/ at least a 6ril*9 and a large 6ril*9 naed )din too# off fro (randenburg
for Aldebaran/ after the entire test area had been blown up/ ta#ing a group of 6ril
scientists and 6ril lodge ebers! The second proJect was led by the .esearch 4roup I6
of the 00 who had constructed/ up to the beginning of 1=L>/ three types of space*going
bell shaped spinning*tops of different siGes&
The "aunebu I/ 2> in diaeter/ in two e2aples/ tested >0 ties (flight speed about
L'00 #Uh3!
The "aunebu II/ I2 in diaeter/ in seven e2aples/ tested 100 ties (flight speed about
M000 #Uh3! The "aunebu II was in fact intended for series production! A tender was let
to the aircraft copanies Bornier and -un#ers! At the end of March 1=L>/ Bornier landed
the contract! The official designation of these heavy flying spinning*tops should be
B)0T.A (Bornier 0tratospheric Aircraft3!
The "aunebu III/ 91 in diaeter/ in only one e2aple/ flew at least 1= ties (flight
speed about 9000 #Uh3!
There were plans for the Androeda craft (see above iage3/ a 1I= spaceship which
could contain one "aunebu II/ two 6ril I8s and two 6ril II8s!
1urtherore/ there are docuents attesting that the large version of the 6ril*9 was
finished at the end of 1=LL/ and after testing/ it ade several flights within the 7arth8s
orbit/ which were #ept secret&
1! 5anding near the Mondsee la#e in the 0alG#aergut with diving tests to pressure*test
the fuselage!
2! 1ro March to April 1=L> the 6ril*9 was probably stationed at the Alpine 1ortress for
security and strategic reasons! 1ro there/ it too# off for 0pain where iportant
personalities of the .eich had fled as refugees/ to ta#e the to 0outh Aerica and to
Ceuschwabenland and to #eep the secure in secret bases which the 4erans had
constructed there during the war!
I! Iediately afterwards/ the 6ril*9 is supposed to have ade a secret flight to -apan/
but nothing ore is #nown about it! +hat happened to these space ships after the war@
The production of the "aunebu II in a very sall series cannot be e2cluded! Bifferent
photos of D1)s whose construction/ after 1=L>/ showed a typically 4eran appearance/
suggest this possibility!
0oe say that soe of these achines would have been sun# in the Mondsee la#e in
upper Austria/ others thin# that they would have been ta#en to 0outh Aerica/ or that
they were transported there in pieces! It is certain that even if they were not necessarily
ta#en to 0outh Aerica/ new devices were built there fro construction drawings!
They were flown/ and an iportant part of this technology was used in 1='I in the
%hoeni2 72perient/ preceded by the %hiladelphia 72perient of 1=LI!
(This concerned D0 Caval e2perients on teleportation/ aterialiGation and tie travel
which were ore successful than anyone would have iagined in their wildest dreas!
There is enough aterial here for another boo#/ but that would divert us fro our subJect!
0ee the bibliography3!
In 1=I' a 4eran e2pedition to the Antarctic too# place/ led by the aircraft carrier
The 4erans claied M00/000 sAuare #iloeters of territory which they naed
Ceuschwabenland! It was a region free of ice/ with ountains and la#es! 5ater/ entire
fleets of type 21 and 2I subarines
travelled to Ceuschwabenland! To this
day/ ore than a hundred 4eran
subarines are issing!
Aong other things/ they were eAuipped
with the +alter snor#el which enabled
the to reain suberged for several
)ne ay suppose that they went to
Ceuschwabenland with flying discs in
separate pieces/ or at least with the
construction drawings!
)ne ay suppose also/ since the test flights were successful/ that directly after the end of
the war the flying discs were produced there! This supposition ay appear daring/ but
any iportant indicators allow us to iagine that this is what happened!
The Auestion arises& +hy did the Allies under Adiral 7! (yrd invade the Antarctic in
1=L9@ If it was only an e2pedition/ why did (yrd have at his disposal L000 soldiers/ a
warship/ a fully eAuipped aircraft carrier and a full re*supply syste@
"e had eight onths available/ however he was forced to withdraw after eight wee#s/
after having suffered large losses of aircraft! The e2act nuber was never ade public!
+hat had happened@ Adiral (yrd later e2plained to the press&
$It is bitter to realiGe that in the case of a new war we will have to cope with the attac#s
of aircraft which can fly fro one pole to the other!$
"e also let it be #nown that there was an advanced civiliGation down there which/
together with the 00/ was served by an advanced technology!
In his boo# Tie Machines where he as#s/ aong other things/ what happened to the
"aunebu/ Corbert -Xrgen*.atthofer writes&
1ro May 1=L>/ the "aunebu I/ II and III space*going spinning*tops and even the 6ril 1
space*going flying discs disappeared/ at first without trace!
In this conte2t/ it is e2treely interesting to #now that the "aunebu III of the 4eran
.eich/ after its nineteenth test flight/ was flown on a space e2pedition to Mars/ ta#ing off
on 20 April 1=L> fro Ceuschwabenland which was officially at that tie an iense
territory of the 4eran .eich in 7ast Antarctica!
+hat resulted/ we do not #now! S!!!T
A year later/ in 1=LM/ innuerable luinous obJects of un#nown but obviously artificial
origin were seen above 0candinavia/ provo#ing great agitation aongst the Allies in the
7ast as in the +est!
Another year later/ in 1=L9/ and continuing into the 1=>08s/ a constantly rising nuber of
luinous flying obJects suddenly appeared above Corth Aerica! Certainly they were
piloted by intelligent beings/ ost often they were round/ disc or bell shaped! There were
also soeties unidentified flying obJects in the shape of cigars! There are writers who
say that usually these D1)s do not reseble those ade by the 4eran .eich!
+ell docuented photographic aterial proves that particularly the "aunebu II version
was seen/ and even very often/ since 1=L>!
If you have becoe interested in the technical world of D1)s you will be able to verify
that aong the cases where there has been personal contact with D1) occupants/ there is
a particularly high percentage of very attractive beings of the Aryan race/ blond with blue
eyes/ who spo#e either fluent 4eran or another language with a 4eran accent (for
insiders we ention the cases of Adas#i in 1=>2/ Cedric Allingha in 1=>L/ and
"oward Menger in 1=>M3!
+e also recall that color photos e2ist of a anned flying disc which landed and
iediately too# off again/ and which was ar#ed with two crosses/ a (al#en#reuG and
a swasti#a!
These photos were ta#en in the 1=908s by a night watchan in +est 4erany! A very
good dossier of photos and fils e2ists on the flying achines entioned above/ as for
e2aple the M0 inute docuentation $ D1) 0ecrets of the Third .eich$E (M4A
AustriaU.oyal Atlantis 1il 4b"3! 5i#ewise the dossier of the Aerican 6ladiir
TerGis#i who/ during the D1) conference in 0epteber 1==1 in %hoeni2 AriGona showed
slides for three hours and showed photos of 4eran saucers/ drawings of their
construction/ and of subterranean 4eran bases!
The Italian Air 1orce Coander .enato 6esco8s boo# is also very interesting/ as is that
of .udolf 5usar&
$Bie deutschen +affen und 4eheiwaffen des 2! +elt#rieges und ihre
+eiterentwic#lung/$ -! 1! 5ehanns 6erlag/ Munich/ 1=91
Ssee earlier 7nglish edition $4eran 0ecret +eapons of the 0econd +orld +ar and their
1urther Bevelopent/$ Ceville 0pearan/ 5ondon/ 1=>=T!
Bo you now understand why the ass edia disisses everything about D1)s as fraud@
Ta#ing this 4eran bac#ground into account/ the world of the press and the edia
controlled by the Illuinati/ by eans of the Anglo*Aerican*Kionist lobby is prepared
to invest enorous sus to prevent citiGens fro investigating in this area!
The Auestion that arises now is& fro where did the 4eran secret societies Thule and
6ril get the indispensable #nowledge for the construction of these flying achines@ 1ro
where did they get their understanding of genetic engineering/ in which the 4erans
were li#ewise well ahead of other nations@
According to the stateents of "erbert 4! Borsey and other researchers/ they were
helped not only by the telepathic contacts with e2traterrestrials in providing construction
drawings/ but also by studying the intact drive of a non*terrestrial saucer which crashed
in the (lac# 1orest in 1=IM! (ut there is practically no evidence of that event/ nor any
eyewitnesses still alive!
"owever/ evidence e2ists in the D0A/ even a lot of it! (ecause at the sae tie the
Aericans recorded a series of obJects which crashed to the ground/ and which could not
be #ept copletely secret!
+e shall revisit these later! .eturning to the political/ while I!4! 1arben supported "itler/
its cartel partner 0tandard )il (.oc#efeller3 aroused the people against the CaGis!
0iilarly/ the 1ord Motor Copany ade araents for the Aerican Ary/ but at the
sae tie built ilitary vehicles for the CaGis in 4erany! 1ord and )pel (a branch of
4eneral Motors which is controlled by -! %! Morgan3 were the two largest tan#
anufacturers in "itler8s 4erany!
Co atter who won the war/ the ultinationals were winners fro the start!
Many enterprises operated on the sae principle during +orld +ar 2! +hy is there
nothing about this in the schoolboo#s or encyclopaedias@ )ne of the reasons is as
follows& in 1=LM the .oc#efeller foundation distributed D0B1I=/000 to present an
official version of +orld +ar 2 to the public/ which concealed all aid given by Aerican
ban#ers for building the CaGi regie/ and which was also silent about the ystical and
occult ideology of that regie!
)ne of the principal donors was .oc#efeller8s 0tandard )il Corporation!
What is The Vril
"aushofer and the 6ril
fro +atcher +ebsite
This secret counity was founded/ literally/ on (ulwer 5ytton8s novel The Coing
.ace! The boo# describes a race of en psychically far in advance of ours! They have
acAuired powers over theselves and over things that a#e the alost godli#e! 1or
the oent they are in hiding! They live in caves in the centre of the 7arth! 0oon they
will eerge to reign over us!
This appears to be as uch as Br! 5ey could tell us! "e added with a sile that the
disciples believed they had secret #nowledge that would enable the to change their
race and becoe the eAuals of the en hidden in the bowels of the 7arth! Methods of
concentration/ a whole syste of internal gynastics by which they would be
transfored! They began their e2ercises by staring fi2edly at an apple cut in half!!!! +e
continued our researches!
This (erlin group called itself The 5uinous 5odge/ or The 6ril 0ociety! The vril Sthe
notion of the 8vril8 is entioned for the first tie in the wor#s of the 1rench writer
-acolliot/ 1rench Consul in Calcutta under the 0econd 7pire! Is the enorous energy
of which we only use a inute proportion in our daily life/ the nerve*centre of our
potential divinity! +hoever becoes aster of the vril will be the aster of hiself/ of
others round hi and of the world! S.eich8s $orgone$!!!@ *(&!(&!T
This should be the only obJect of our desires/ and all our efforts should be directed to
that end! All the rest belongs to official psychology/ orality/ and religions and is
The world will change& the 5ords will eerge fro the centre of the 7arth! Dnless we
have ade an alliance with the and becoe 5ords ourselves/ we shall find ourselves
aong the slaves/ on the dung*heap that will nourish the roots of the Cew Cities that
will arise! Sshades of Crowley8s 5iber A5@ *(&!(&!T
The 5uinous 5odge S0ilver 0tar/ Argon Astron/ 5!6!R! and latter*day $5ightwor#ers$
woven together in this 5uciferian tapestry@ *(&!(&!T had associations with the
theosophical and .osicrucian groups! According to -ac# 1ishan/ author of a curious
boo# entitled The 0even Men of 0pandau/ Harl "aushofer was a eber of this lodge!
+e shall have ore to say about hi later/ when it will be seen that his association with
this 6ril 0ociety helps to e2plain certain things!
The 6ril 0ociety
fro 5etDs.eason +ebsite
The 6ril 0ociety was one of he ost influential of the occultic groups in post*++I
4erany/ any of 4erany8s social elite were ebers! 5i#e the Thule 0ociety/ the
6ril 0ociety was at the base of the CaGi gnosis for the early leaders of the oveent!
The 6ril 0ociety was also #nown as the 5odge of 5ight/ and as the 5uinous 5odge! It
is difficult to obtain reliable inforation ost secret initiations in the 6ril 0ociety! As it
is with ost secret lodges li#e the Masons one ust leave to divulge any inforation!
This society finds its beginnings in 1rance and associated with 1rench writer 5ouis
-acolliot (1'I9*1'=03! +ho drew on the esoteric aterials fro occultic sources such as
the 0wedenborgians! Also associated with the 6ril 0ociety was the 1Mth*century
teachings of ystic -acob (oehe (a cofounder of ode .osicrucianis3 and Claude
de 0t! Martin/ a leader fro 1rench Illuinis during the early 1=th*century! There
sees to be a thread of parallelis of these and others related to the illuinati in the
1'th cent fro (avaria (Ada +eishapt3 (.avenscroft3
The 6ril oveent is said to still e2ist throughout the orient where/ it is claied by
Angebert/ (The )ccult and the Third .eich by -ean*Michel Angebert3 there can be as
any as two illion converts/ ostly in India! The current 6rilists are sun worshippers!
6ril teples in India are said to be decorated with swasti#as!
)ne of the priary Aualifications for adission to the 6ril 0ociety was iniu
copetence in (lavats#y8s The 0ecret Boctrine! Harl "aushofer was alleged to be a
aster of the secret doctrines e2posed by (lavats#y/ and it was he who initiated
prisoner Adolf "itler at 5andsberg %rison! "aushofer eventually becae one of the
earliest ebers of the fledgling 4eran +or#ers %arty (BA%3/ which is the group that
changed its nae to the Cational 0ocialist 4eran +or#ers %arty (C0BA% or $CaGi$3
when "itler becae its leader!
The Mother of The CaGi %arty
fro +hale +ebsite
The 6ril 0ociety was the other of the CaGi party! $6ril$ eans the 5ight 1orce! +hat
5ight force@ 5ucifer the light bearer8s light force! The true nature of CaGis is being
concealed! +hen "itler cae to plan/ he was placed into power in accordance with the
Illuinati plan which was spelled out in writing! This plan said/
$Cowadays if any state raise a protest against us it is only pro fora (provided in
advance3 at our discretion and by our direction/ for their anti*seitis is indispensable
to us for the anageent of our lesser brethren!$
Illuinati international ban#ers brought "itler to power/ and Illuinati #ingpins li#e
.oc#efeller/ )nassis and the Hing of 0weden traded with the CaGis! 0pain stayed
neutral during the war to serve as a conduit of supplies to #eep "itler8s war going!
"itler was a participant in rituals where huan sacrifices were carried out! "e hiself
#illed a nuber of en by pulling their hearts out of their bodies while they were alive!
)ne Monarch slave reebers his father/ who was powerful in the Illuinati/
describing how "itler #illed a an in front of hi by pulling his heart out! 0oe of
"itler8s #ey advisors and #ey en were in the Illuinati!
There are also lots of tie ins with the )T)/ the 6ril 0ociety/ the Thule 0ociety/ the
0ociety of 4reen Men! The head of the Tibetan Mon#s that "itler iported to help hi
lead 4erany was #nown as The Man with the 4reen 4love! The on#s were posted in
(erlin/ Munich/ and Cureberg!
(y the way/ the C+) is still using Tibetan Mon#s! "ave you ever watched how uch
travel the Balai 5aa gets in@ And did you notice that Tibetan Mon#s were iported in
the (a#aa 6alley Colorado by a D!C! leader@ The Mishpu#a (-ewish Mafia3 leader
%ritG#er who lives in seclusion on "aulon .d!/ 5ibertyville/ I5 M00L' on a 1I00 acre
piece of e2pensive real estate/ had the Balai 5aa consecrate a shrine for hi! "aulon
.d! has two access points/ a northern and a southern! (The road was bought by %ritG#er
and is guarded! %ritG#er has been active in Chicago for the Mishpu#a! "e is reported to
have spent illions renovating his house/ where for soe reason/ dead bodies #eep
showing up on its estate grounds!3
$This secret society was founded/ literally/ on (ulwer 5ytton,s novel The Coing
.ace (1'913! The boo# describes a race of en psychically far in advance of our
own! They have acAuired powers over theselves and over things that ade the
alost godli#e! 1or the oent they are in hiding! They are said to live in caves in the center
of the 7arth! 0oon they will eerge to reign over us!$
+hile researching their classic boo#/ Morning of the Magicians/ authors -acAues (ergier
and 5ouis %auwels were given the above account by one of the world,s greatest roc#et
e2perts/ Br! +illy 5ey/ who fled 4erany in 1=II! Br! 5ey said that the 6ril 0ocietycwhich
fored shortly before the CaGis cae to powercbelieved they had secret #nowledge that
would enable the to change their race and becoe eAuals of the en hidden in the bowels
of the 7arth! Methods of concentration/ a whole syste of internal gynastics by which they
would be transfored!
These ethods of concentration were probably based on Ignatius 5oyola,s 0piritual
72ercises! The -esuit techniAues of concentration and visualiGation are siilar to any occult
teachings/ especially in shaanic cults and Tibetan (uddhis! The CaGi,s revered these -esuit
0piritual 72ercises/ which they believed had been handed down fro ancient Masters of
Atlantis! The occultists of the tie #new that Ignatius was a (asAue c soe claied that the
(asAue people were the last renant of the Atlantean race c and the proper use of these
techniAues would enable the reactivation of the 6ril for the doinance of the Teutonic race
over all others!
The 6ril 0ociety believed that whoever becoes aster of the 6ril will be the aster of
hiself/ of others around hi and of the world! The belief was that the world will change and
the $5ords$ will eerge fro the center of the 7arth! Dnless we have ade an alliance with
the and becoe $5ords$ ourselves/ we shall find ourselves aong the slaves/ on the dung*
heap that will nourish the roots of the Cew Cities that will arise!
In The Dn#nown "itler/ +ulf 0chwarGwaller says&
In Berlin, Haushofer had founded the Luminous Lodge or the Vril Society. The Lodge's
obecti!e "as to e#$lore the origins of the %ryan race and to $erform e#ercises in
concentration to a"aken the forces of &Vril&. Haushofer "as a student of the 'ussian
magician and meta$hysician (eorge (urdieff. Both (urdieff and Haushofer maintained
that they had contacts "ith secret Tibetan lodges that $ossessed the secret of the &Su$erman.&
The Lodge included Hitler, %alfred, 'osenberg, Himmler, (oring and Hitler's subse)uent
$ersonal $hysician *r. +orell. It is also kno"n that %leister ,ro"ley and (urdieff sought
contact "ith Hitler. Hitler's unusual $o"ers of suggestion become more understandable if
one kee$s in mind that he had access to the &secret& $sychological techni)ues of (urdieff
"hich, in turn, "ere based on the teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan lamas and
familiari-ed him "ith the .en teaching of the /a$anese Society of the (reen *ragon.0
The Vril orce and the Black Sun
In 5ytton,s The Coing .ace/ the subterranean people use the 6ril 1orce to operate and
govern the world (a few children ared with vril*powered rods are said capable of
e2terinating a race of over 22 illion threatening barbarians3! 0erved by robots and able to
fly on vril*powered wings/ the vegetarian 6ril*ya are c by their own rec#oning c racially
and culturally superior to everyone else on 7arth/ above or below the ground! At one point the
narrator concludes (fro linguistic evidence3 that the 6ril*ya are $descended fro the sae
ancestors as the great Aryan faily/ fro which in varied streas has flowed the doinant
civiliGation of the world!$
The 6ril 1orce or 6ril 7nergy was said to be derived fro the (lac# 0un/ a big ball of $%ria
Materia$ which supposedly e2ists in the center of the 7arth/ giving light to the 6ril*ya and
putting out radiation in the for of 6ril! The 6ril 0ociety believed that Aryans were the actual
biological ancestors of the (lac# 0un!
This force was #nown to the ancients under any naes/ and it has been called Chi/ )Jas/
6ril/ Astral 5ight/ )dic 1orces and )rgone! In a discussion of the 2'th degree of the Ancient
and Accepted 0cottish .ite of 1reeasonryccalled Hnight of the 0un or %rince Adeptc
Albert %i#e said/ $There is in nature one ost potent force/ by eans whereof a single an/
who could possess hiself of it/ and should #now how to direct it/ could revolutioniGe and
change the face of the world!$
This is the force that the CaGis and their inner occult circle were so desperately trying to
unleash upon the world/ for which the 6ril 0ociety had apparently grooed "itler! A
anifestation of the $4reat +or#$ proulgated by the Adepts of secret societies throughout
the ages! The 6ril 0ociety latched on to a very old archetype already in the inds of
alcheists and agicians/ which was only re*interpreted/ by 5ytton/ in light of that age of
occult revival and scientific progress!
The idea of utation and transforation into a higher for of a $god*an$ was envisioned/
through the 6ril*ya/ in (uller*5ytton,s The Coing .ace! 5ytton/ hiself/ was an initiate of
the .osicrucians and was well versed in the arcane*esoteric philosophies (and of course the
greatest advances in the sciences of his day3! $Through his roantic wor#s of fiction he
e2pressed the conviction that there are beings endowed with superhuan powers! These
beings will supplant us and bring about a foridable utation in th elect of the huan
race!$(-! (ergier3
This is where the philosophy turns dangerous! The oent we spea# of an elect and
$illuined$ class which is above the general populace/ you inevitably encounter racis and
classis c with fascis in due course! $+e ust beware of this notion of a utation/$
(ergier warns! $It crops up again with "itler/ and is not e2tinct today!$
(ergier and %auwels were writing in 1=M0/ but today this philosophy is/ sadly/ once
again in the forefront of popular culture! The Cew +orld )rder/ so veheently
opposed/ is under the direct influence and guidance of the Cew Age Moveent!
A hodgepodge of occult doctrines and dangerous socialis/ which hides under a
cover of $spiritual enlightenent!$ Theosophy is considered the ain foundation/ and its
founder/ Me! (lavats#y/ was a great adirer of 5ytton,s! In The )ccult Conspiracy/ the
e2cellent researcher/ Michael "oward/ writes about the copatibility of the two philosophies&
:(lavats#y had read (ulwer 5ytton,s novels and was very ipressed by their occult content/
especially Kanoni and the 5ast Bays of %opeii! The latter was published in 1'IL and dealt
with the tie between early Christianity and the Mysteries of Isis in Italy in the first century
(lavats#y,s esotericis was virulently anti*Christian!!!The racial ideas of Madae (lavats#y/
concerning root races and the eergence of a spiritually*developed type of huan being in
the AAuarian Age/ were avidly accepted by the nineteenth*century 4eran nationalists who
i2ed Theosophical occultis with anti*0eitis and the doctrine of the racial supreacy of
the Aryan or Indo*7uropean peoples!;
Vril !owered "a#i $%s&
%erhaps the ost wild clais still circulating about the 6ril
0ociety/ and its offshoot The Thule 0ociety/ is the legends of
a secret CaGi D1) progra! %resuably the 6ril 0ociety
established contact with the $0ecret Chiefs$ or the 6ril*ya
theselves/ and secretly began cooperating with certain
4eran scientists in the late 20,s!
As early as 1=IM "itler was sending teas of $0pelun#ers$ into caves and ines all over
7urope searching for the 6ril*ya! The CaGi,s had also e2plored Antarctica e2tensively during
the years 1=I9*I'! In search of the fabled hole of the 0outh %ole they apparently had success/
li#e Adiral (yrd/ in discovering these entrances! It was here that soe say they ade
contact with the $Dn#nown 0uperan$ who lived in the fabled $.ainbow City$!
$In his controversial presentation D1) 0ecrets of the Third .eich/ 6ladiir TerGis#i draws a
connection between alien beings and such 4eran secret societies as the Tepelhoff/the
Thule/ the 6ril/ and the (lac# 0un! TerGis#i tells of an $alien tutor race$ that secretly began
cooperating with certain 4eran scientists in the late 1=20,s in underground bases and began
to introduce their concepts of philosophical/ cultural/ and technological progress!$ (The
.ainbow Conspiracy/ p!M23
$+ith help fro e2traterrestrial intelligences/ TerGis#i postulates/ the CaGis astered
antigravity space flight/ established space stations/ accoplished tie travel/and developed
their spacecraft to warp speeds! At the sae tie the aliens $spread their Mephistophelean
ideas$ into the wider 4eran population through the Thule and 6ril 0ocieties!$
$TerGis#i aintains that antigravity research began in 4erany in the 1=20,s with the first
hybrid antigravity circular craft/ the .1K*1/ constructed by the 6ril 0ociety! In 1=L2*LI a
series of antigravity achines culinated in the giant I>0*foot long/ cigar*shaped
Androeda space station/ which was constructed in old Geppelin hangars near (erlin by 7L/
the research and developent ar of the 00!$(ibid p!M2/ (rad 0teiger3
A failiar tune by now for those failiar with D1)lore! Many boo#s have claied this as
well c although none of the see to agree on one particular scenario! Many photographs
have also turned up as would be e2pected! 0oe have been e2posed as hoa2es while others
reain $un#nowns$! The Allies confiscated every scrap of CaGi docuents/ and ost are still
classified to this day! It is well #nown that the 4erans had soe out*of*this*world research
for the tie! Incidentally/ the 6ril 0ociety,s e2istence was verified in the pilfered records and
is in the possession of the (ritish!
If in fact the 6ril*Fa do e2ist and the CaGis did indeed establish contact with this superior
race/ then we could assue that this antigravity propulsion wor#ed on the principles of 6ril
force! )n the other hand/ the CaGis/ it has already been established/ were driven by occult
groups/ li#e the 6ril society/ whose wor#ings e2tended into the reaches of Just such a force
that would lead to the discovery 6ril! 0o whether the tale of the 6ril*Fa is for real or not is
besides the point! Many have discovered this force independently of 5ytton,s wor#! It will
continue to be suppressed! And for e2actly the reasons that 5ytton warned about in his boo#!