Demirbas A.
Demirbas A.
Demirbas A.
Environmental Effects
A. Demirbaş
To cite this article: A. Demirbaş (2008) Biodegradability of Biodiesel and Petrodiesel Fuels,
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 31:2, 169-174, DOI:
Sila Science, Trabzon, Turkey
Biodiesel is one of the most interesting ways to produce renewable liquid fuel for
transportation. It can substitute for petrodiesel in Diesel engines (Demirbaş, 2003).
Biodiesel is a renewable, alternative diesel fuel of domestic origin derived from a variety
of fats and oils by a transesterification reaction; thus, it consists of the alkyl esters, usually
methyl esters, of the fatty acids of the parent oil or fat (Knothe et al., 2006). Biodiesel
has a heating value about 88% that of conventional petrodiesel fuel (Bala, 2005).
Advantages of biodiesel include domestic origin, reducing the dependency on im-
ported petroleum, biodegradability, high flash point, and inherent lubricity in the neat
form (Knothe et al., 2005; Mittelbach and Remschmidt, 2004). Recently, biodiesel has
become more attractive because of its environmental benefits and the fact that it is made
from renewable resources (Ma and Hanna, 1999).
As biodiesel fuels are becoming commercialized, their existence in the environment
is an area of concern since petroleum oil spills constitute a major source of contamination
of the ecosystem (Peterson et al., 1995). Among these concerns, water quality is one of the
most important issues for living systems. It is important to examine the biodegradability
170 A. Demirbaş
Table 1
Fuel economy impacts of biodiesel use
20 0.9–2.1
100 4.6–10.6
Source: EPA, 2002.
of biodiesel fuels and their biodegradation rates in natural waterways in case they enter the
aquatic environment in the course of their use or disposal. Chemicals from biodegradation
of biodiesel can be released into the environment. With the increasing interest in biodiesel,
the health and safety aspects are of utmost importance, including determination of their
environmental impacts in the transport, storage, or processing.
Biodiesel has demonstrated a number of promising characteristics, including reduc-
tion of exhaust emissions (Dunn, 2001). The vegetable oil fuels have not been acceptable
because they are more expensive than petroleum fuels. With recent increases in petroleum
prices and uncertainties concerning petroleum availability, there is renewed interest in
vegetable oil fuels for compression ignition engine (CIE or diesel) engines. Alternative fu-
els for CIE have become increasingly important due to increased environmental concerns
and several socioeconomic aspects. In this sense, vegetable oils and animal fats represent
a promising alternative to conventional diesel fuel (Dorado et al., 2003). One of the
most common blends of biodiesel contains 20 vol% biodiesel and 80 vol% conventional
diesel. For soybean-based biodiesel at this concentration, the estimated emission impacts
for percent change in emissions of NOx , PM, HC, and CO were C20%, 10.1%, 21.1%,
and 11.0%, respectively, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA,
2002). The possible impact of biodiesel on fuel economy is positive, as given in Table 1.
Biodegradation is degradation caused by biological activity, particularly by enzyme
action leading to significant changes in the material’s chemical structure. There are many
methods for biodegradation. Among them, the carbon dioxide (CO2 ) evolution method is
relatively simple, economical, and environmentally safe. Another method is to measure
the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) with a respirometer (Piskorz and Radlein, 1999).
The aim of the study presented in this article was to determine the ultimate aerobic
biodegradability of biodiesel in order to evaluate if they could be a local environmental
hazard in accidental discharges.
Rapeseed, sunflower seed, soybean, and hazelnut kernel oils were used to obtain biodiesel
samples. Table 2 shows the fatty acid compositions of vegetable oil samples.
The biodegradation is quantified by trapping carbon dioxide (CO2 ) formed in the
vessel during biodegradation. In the experiments, a modified EPA evolution method was
used (EPA, 1982). The biodegradation is quantified by trapping CO2 formed in the vessel
during biodegradation.
According to the EPA method, a reservoir holding 10 ml of barium hydroxide solution
is suspended in a 2-liter Erlenmeyer flask to trap CO2 . After inoculation, the test flasks
are sparged with CO2 -free air to ensure aerobic conditions and that CO2 is trapped only
from the microorganisms metabolizing the test substrate. To obtain CO2 -free air, the
Biodegradability of Diesel Fuels 171
Table 2
Fatty acid compositions of vegetable oil samples
flask was aerated with compressed air that had been scrubbed free of CO2 by passage
through a series of three 2,000-mL bottles, each containing 1,000 mL of 5N KOH. The
flask was sealed and incubated with shaking in a dark room. CO2 -free air is passed
through the test solution, and the CO2 released from bio-oxidation of the test material
is reacted quantitatively in a solution of Ba(OH)2 . Thus, evaluated CO2 is fixed with
barium hydroxide, Ba(OH)2 . Fixed CO2 was titrated with a solution of 0.1 N HCl to the
phenolphthalein endpoint.
From Eq. (1), the stoichiometric amount of HCl is 6.80 mg (or 1.667 mL of solution of
0.l N HCl) required to titrate the CO2 evolved from biodegradation of 1.00 mg carbon
in the test substrate.
All the samples were analyzed in a 30-day period to obtain biodegradation plots.
The CO2 evolved from biodegradation was measured for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 days
at 293–298 K. All the biodegradation tests were duplicated.
Figure 1. Plots for biodegradation of vegetable oil methyl esters (ME) or biodiesels and 2-D diesel
The difference between the biodegradability rates of the biodiesel samples can be
explained by the different fatty acid structures of the vegetable oils. Even if the same
chemical families of compounds are present in vegetable oils, theirs linoleic and linolenic
acid contents are significantly different. The biodegradation had a much greater effect
on the polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic and linolenic acids than saturated
and monosaturated fatty acids. Fatty acids in vegetable oils are hydrocarbon chain in
ester form with oxygen atoms attached, which makes them very biologically active. The
enzymes responsible for the dehydrogenation/oxidation reactions that occur in the process
of degradation recognize oxygen atoms and attack them immediately (Zhang et al., 1998).
The biodegradability data of petroleum and bio-fuels available in the literature are
presented in Table 3. Heavy fuel oil has a low biodegradation of 11% in 28-day laboratory
studies due to its higher proportion of high molecular weight aromatics (Mulkins-Phillips
and Stewart, 1974; Walker et al., 1976). Gasoline is considerably biodegradable (28%)
after 28 days. Vegetables oils and their derived methyl esters (biodiesels) are rapidly
degraded to reach biodegradation of between 76% and 90% (Zhang et al., 1998; Mudge
and Pereira, 1999). In their studies, Zhang et al. (1998) have shown that vegetables oils
are slightly less degraded than their modified methyl ester.
Many of the vegetable oils contain polyunsaturated fatty acid chains that are meth-
ylene interrupted rather than conjugated. The double bond of unsaturated fatty acids
restricts rotation of the hydrogen atoms attached to them. Therefore, an unsaturated fatty
acid with a double bond can exist in two forms. The cis form in which the two hydrogens
are on the same “side” and the trans form in which the hydrogen atoms are on the opposite
Biodegradability of Diesel Fuels 173
Table 3
Biodegradability data of petroleum and bio-fuels
Degradation in
Fuel sample 28 days, % References
Biodiesel fuels can be used as a renewable energy source to substitute conventional
petroleum diesel in compression ignition engines. Biodegradability of biodiesel was
studied in this work. When degradation is caused by biological activity, especially by
enzymatic action, it is called biodegradation. Biodegradability of biodiesel has been
proposed as a solution for the waste problem. Biodegradable fuels such as biodiesels
have an expanding range of potential applications and they are environmentally friendly.
Therefore, there is growing interest in degradable diesel fuels that degrade more rapidly
than conventional disposable.
The biodegradability results obtained for biodiesels are compared to those of petro-
diesel fuels. Biodiesel degrades about four times faster than petroleum diesel. The results
demonstrate that all biodiesels assessed are biodegradable, with similar shaped curves
with 80.4–91.2% biodegradation after 30 days, whereas the reference diesel fuel (2-D)
sample reached only 24.5% biodegradation.
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