Civil Servant Apeal Rule 1977
Civil Servant Apeal Rule 1977
Civil Servant Apeal Rule 1977
Rules, 1977
(2) Every appeal preferred under these rules shall contain all material
statements and arguments relied upon by the appellant, shall contain no
disrespectful or improper language, and shall be complete in itself.
(3) Every appeal shall be submitted through the Head of the office to
which the appellant belongs or belonged, and through the authority from whose
order the appeal is preferred.
(4) Every appeal shall be submitted within a period of thirty days of the
communication of the order appealed against.
6. (1) In the case of an appeal under rule 3, the appellate authority shall
(a) Whether the facts on which the order appealed against was based
have been established;
(b) Whether the facts established afford sufficient ground for taking
action; and
(c) Whether the penalty is excessive adequate, or inadequate, and,
after such consideration shall confirm, set aside or modify the
previous order,'[and the appellant shall be informed of the reasons
for passing such order].
(2) In the case of an appeal under rule 4, the appellate
authority shall pass such order as, having regard to all
circumstances of the case, appears to it just and equitable.*[and the
appellant shall be informed of the reasons for passing such order].
(3) The authority from whose order an appeal is preferred under these rules
shall give effect to any order made by the appellate authority.
(c) it is not preferred within the time specified in sub-rule (4) of rule 5
and no reasonable cause is shown for the delay; or
8.(1) Every appeal which is not withheld under these rules shall be
fowarded to the appellate authority with an expression of opinion by the authority
from whose order the appeal is preferred.
(3) A list of appeals withheld under rule 7, with reasons for withholding them
shall be forwarded quarterly by the with-holding authority to the appellate authority.
9. (1) Nothing in these rules shall operate to deprive any person of any right
of appeal which he would have had if these rules had not been made, in respect of
any order passed before they came into force.
(2) All appeals pending immediately before the corning into force of these
rules shall be deemed to be appealed under these rules.
10. The Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1930, are
hereby repealed, but the repeal thereof shall not affect any action taken or anything
done thereunder.