and will be accepted by the tribe.
The Vodnik were the true Anurana and Another of their most controversial
lived during the time of the Impergium, customs was the abduction of people, who
although there are Mokols who claim that were used for the reproduction of the
the Vodnik were much older, amphibians Vodnik. The abducted women stayed with
who would have cohabited with the the Vodnik until they gave birth, if
Dinosaur Kings, but there is not enough relatives or shapeshifters came out, the
Vodnik kept them and returned the revenge on the Garou and return to their
mortals, thanks to certain rituals, all former mystical work. The Vodnik have
memory of having lived with the been living in the present world for some
amphibian-men was erased. time now and have been able to adapt
quickly with the help of the other Fera. A
When the War of Rage began, the Garou
considerable number of Vodnik have
did not understand the customs of the
joined the Ahadi. Other Vodnik have
Vodnik and interpreted them as rituals of
awakened in the depths of the Amazon,
the Wyrm. The Garous began to hunt all
creating a powerful alliance with the
Vodnik. The weretoads asked the other
Mokole and Balam.
Fera for help, but only a few races helped
them. The Rokea, Apis, Grondr and Meanwhile, a group of Vodnik have
Gurahl were the only ones who supported traveled to the United States to meet their
the Vodnik. Despite the help received the Pentex counterparts. The true Vodnik seek
Garous were more skillful, first they to save their cloned siblings and breed with
isolated them from their human kindred by them to increase their population. Some
dramatically reducing their population and Anurana have allied with the Vodnik and
then they began to dry up the lakes and have abandoned the path of the Wyrm.
swamps making it impossible for them to
continue hiding and to step sideways. Vodnik Traits
The Vodnik tried to flee to the New World The original Vodnik were very similar to
and Oceania, but these were intercepted in the augmented Anurana except for the
the Umbra, the Shadow Lords and Silver following traits:
Fangs did not tempt their hearts, they
killed them all. The few survivors who -Vulnerability to Silver
managed to save themselves fled to the
- All Anurana start with 4 points of
depths of the Umbra. Legends say that
some Vodnik went into a state of
hibernation similar to that of the Mokole, - There are 3 races of Anurana. Hominid,
some Vodnik are underground mainly in Metis and Amphibia (Vodnik born as
desert areas, one day when the climate frogs, toads, salamanders and other
changes due to global warming and amphibious species).
unusual storms appear in usually arid
- Their initial Gnosis is determined by their
places, the Vodnik will awaken from their
breed. Hominids start with Gnosis 1, Metis
sleep and take revenge for their murdered
with Gnosis 3 and Amphibia with Gnosis
Many Vodnik have awakened from their - Their Renown System is the same as that
long slumber and are determined to take of the Ragabash.
- Apart from their forms, the Original Uktena, Bone Gnawers, Mokole and
Anurana had the Anuros form, which is an Vodnik.
animal form that encompasses any current
Individual Traits: Followers of Axolotl
species of amphibian, whatever the
can learn gifts from the Sons of Gaia as if
Anuros form the Anurana will possess an
they were part of their list of tribal gifts,
unusually large size, somewhat similar to
these gifts cost an additional experience
goliath frogs that with their hind legs
extended can reach up to 80 centimeters
(31 inches). Pack Traits: Axolotl's followers gain an
additional die to Medicine rolls.
- The Vodnik had Toad or Frog as Totems.
Ban: Axolotl is a defender of all life
Totems of Respect forms. Axolotl's followers may only kill if
strictly necessary, all of Gaia's creations
Frog are sacred regardless of their actions. This
prohibition does not include servants of
Background Cost: 7 the Wyrm, vampires and artificially
created beings.
Frog is a powerful spirit protector of the
forests and the totem that brings the rains
to end times of drought.
Totems of Wisdom
Individual Traits: Frog's followers Toad
receive 3 additional dice to all athletics
rolls related to the actions of swimming, Background Cost: 6
holding breath underwater and resisting
Toad is one of the most cunning spirits
underwater pressure.
adapted to these terrible times. The totem
Pack Traits: Once per scene Frog's gives its followers the ability to digest any
followers may use the Red Talons' gift type of food without suffering from the
called Trackless Waste. corruption of the Wyrm.
Ban: Frog followers must protect all Individual Traits: Followers of Toad
amphibious species, as well as protect their receive two additional dice to resist the
ecosystems. effects of Wyrm toxins.
Ajolote's Magic (Level 4)
The Vodnik have the same list of gifts as
The Ajolote is an amphibian from Mexico
the Anurana. But they also have the
known for not going through the
following gifts.
metamorphosis stage and staying in its
Level One: Sense Wyrm ( same as the tadpole stage. The Ajolote spirits teach this
Metis' Gift of the same name), Taint rejuvenation ability to the Vodnik.
Eating (same as the Grundr's Gift of the
System: The Vodnik spends a point of
same name), Trash is Treasure (same as
Willpower and makes an Intelligence +
the Bone Gnawers' Gift of the same name),
Enigma Roll (Difficulty 9). For every two
Whisper Catching (same as the Shadow
successes the Vodnik can reduce his age
Lords' Gift of the same name), Silence
by 5 years. For every 5 years below
(same as the Silent Striders' Gift of the
adulthood the Vodnik will lose one point
same name).
of Strength and Stamina. The Gift lasts
Level Two: Swamp Protection (equal to until the next sunrise.
the Theurge's Battle Mandala Gift),
Command Spirit (equal to the Theurge's
Gift of the same name), Frog Song (equal
to the Philodox's King of The Beasts Gift),
Level Five: Riot (equal to the Bone to save the souls of infants that have been
Gnawers' Gift of the same name), Survivor severely corrupted by the Wyrm and its
(equal to the Bone Gnawers' Gift of the spawn.
same name), Gorge (equal to the Bone
The ritualist immerses an infant in a river,
Gnawers' Gift of the same name), Fairy
lake or swamp to the deepest depths. When
Godmother's Punishment (works like the
the ritualist and infant are completely
Red Talons' Curse of Lycaon Gift, but
submerged and if the ritual roll is
instead of transforming its victims into
successful the Vodnik will have
wolves, this gift turns them into
successfully summoned several spirits of
Gaia. These spirits will purify the infant's
Avatar of the Storm (Level 5) soul, if the mortal suffers severe corruption
from the Wyrm or is infected by vampiric
The Vodnik becomes a spirit of the Storms
blood it will die irretrievably. If the infant
for a short time.
dies during the rite process his soul will be
System: The Vodnik spends a point of freed from the influence of the Wyrm and
Gnosis and makes an Intelligence + will be able to attain eternal glory.
Enigma roll (Difficulty 8). If the roll is
If the infant's corruption is mild, it may
successful the vodnik is immune to all
survive the rite and emerge completely
types of electrical attacks, bashing
damage; the vodnik cannot be stunned,
blinded, or deafened. Any attack by the However, this rite has a great flaw, the
vodnik that is of an electrical type causes ritualist can not realize if the execution of
three additional dice of damage. If the this magic was correct, the rite lasts many
vodnik is exposed to electricity he can heal minutes and the risk of killing children is
himself one life level once per turn. The very high. Practicing this rite is a huge leap
Gift lasts for a number of turns equal to the of faith.
vodnik's permanent Gnosis score.
Sub-Tribes: The Tlaloque
The Tlaloque is a sub-tribe of the Vodnik.
The Vodnik practiced most Garou rituals The Tlaloque inhabit mainly southern
as well as rituals unique to their tribe. The Mexico. The golden age of the Tlaloque
Vodnik do not practice any of the rituals of was during the reign of the Mexica, this
the Anurana because of their obvious sub-tribe was led by priests of Tlaloc, the
relationship to the Wyrm. Mexica god of water and storms. Tlaloc
was one of the main gods of
Rite of the Final Purification / Mesoamerican cultures, Tlaloc was also
Rite of the Journey to Tlalocan known as Chaac, his Mayan equivalent.
Tlaloc was a very popular totem among the
(Level 4 Mystic Rite)
Changing Breeds of Mexico. The Tlaloque
The most controversial rite of the Vodnik were his main followers. The Tlaloque
that caused their persecution during the sacrificed children by drowning them in
War of the Rage. The Vodnik used this rite rivers and lakes in order for Tlaloc to
purify their souls, when the European modern world, these villages are located in
Garou arrived in Mexico they were jungle areas of difficult access, these
horrified to see these religious practices. territories provide an enormous strategic
When the Aztec empire fell the Shadow advantage to the Tlaloque and have
Lords dethroned Tlaloc to place managed to recover several of their
Grandfather Thunder as the supreme totem ancestral caves. Unfortunately, the
of the Valley of Mexico. The Tlaloque Tlaloque have forgotten who their real
were cruelly massacred during the War of enemies are. PENTEX has not stopped
the Rage. All the Tlaloque caves were destroying the Mexican jungles and the
stolen by the Garou and the European Black Spiral Dancers already know of the
Magicians. return of the Tlaloque. If the Vodnik do not
abandon their old quarrels with the Garou
A small group of Tlaloque managed to
the only winner of this conflict will be the
survive the extermination and hid under
the mountains located in the Mexican
jungles and decided to go into hibernation The Tlaloque possess the same traits as the
waiting for the call of Gaia and avenge Vodnik. The list of gifts of the Tlaloque is
their fallen brothers. Thanks to the same as that of the Vodnik. The main
deforestation, mining and road totem of the Tlaloque is the totem Tlaloc,
construction, the Tlaloque have awakened
from their long sleep. The influence of
Tlaloc has managed to survive the passing
of the centuries and has begun to call all
his children scattered throughout the
Mexican territory. The Tlaloque have
managed to recover some caves and have
also begun to interbreed with the Anurana
that escaped from PENTEX. The more
experienced Tlaloque have begun to
recruit the outlawed Anurana by promising
them the salvation of their souls.
The Tlaloque remain in the shadows and
have avoided contact with the Garou, the
sub-tribe have not forgotten the crimes of
the War of Rage and have begun to
conspire against the Garou. The Tlaloque
have managed to create alliances with the
Ratkin, Corax, Balam and Mokole; all
these tribes are warring against the Garou
nation in southern Mexico. The Tlaloque
and their shifter allies have established
themselves in indigenous communities
that are completely removed from the
although there are also many who follow
The Beast
have renown. Use as a base the Renown
system of the Black Spiral Dancers, even
the Yeren, although they possess their own The Black Spiral Dancers respect the
Renown the 20th Anniversary Book of powerful. They see power as a necessary
The Wyrm does not explain how it works tool: neither good nor bad, simply a tool.
exactly. The Dancers respect the one who masters
power: the one who is not afraid of it, the
Renown Table one who tries to accumulate as much as he
can, the one who effectively serves the
Rank Any Combination interests of a cause, the Wyrm (though it
may be the pack, the Hive or Pentex).
Power is more than brute force, for it
represents the limits of the individual.
1 3
Renown in Power is ultimately illusory, as
2 7
it is based more on the alien perception of
3 13 power than actual power. It should be
4* 19 noted, however, that it is very difficult to
5* 25 gain lasting Renown in Power among the
Black Spiral Dancers if one is not able to
back it up with deeds.
Creed of Power Creed of Malice
I will crush my enemies. I will keep my word only as long as it
I will become stronger at all costs. suits me.
I will never refuse a challenge. I will know my enemies.
I will dedicate my power to the greater I will know myself.
glory of the Wyrm. I will use anything or any situation to my
own advantage.
I will not make my purposes known.
The Black Spiral Dancers represent the
strength of Corruption, and they respect it.
They believe that corruption is inseparable
The Mockery Breeds as
from strength: it tests power and
strengthens them. Whoever has power, no
Gaia's Allies
matter at what level, is subjected to the As already mentioned in the Tribe Book, if
ordeal of corruption. The weak fail, and it
the Storyteller allows you to play either as
saps them of their power. The Renown is
Gaia's converted followers or as Lost
the Infamy of a Black Spiral Dancer
indicates the level to which he has Changing Breeds you may use the
succeeded in spreading corruption and Ragabash Garou Renown.
Follow the Aspects of the
Creed of Infamy
I will serve the Wyrm and help its Wyrm
I will destroy the humans. Mockery Breeds can follow the ways of
I will destroy the Garou. one of the heads of the Wyrm, this type of
I will tear Gaia apart, opening the way gaining Renown is more of a life
for the Wyrm. philosophy.
I will spread corruption.
Beast of War (Power)