restraints on what you can do with it, but there are traditions about
its proper use to which many hackers are quite strongly attached.
Please extend the courtesy of proper citation when you quote the File,
ideally with a version number, as it will change and grow over time.
The Jargon File is a common heritage of the hacker culture. Over the
would be helpful to you and can assist you in framing your quote to
reflect not only the letter of the File but its spirit as well.
public-domain file.
From time to time a snapshot of this file has been polished, edited,
have a bound paper copy of this file, you may find it convenient to
[17]Format for New Entries: How to submit new entries for the File
what we describe here is the language hackers use among themselves for
experiences, shared roots, and shared values. It has its own myths,
and of exclusion.
in the slang of jazz musicians and some kinds of fine artists but hard
to detect in most technical or scientific cultures; parts of it are
But there is more. Hackers, as a rule, love wordplay and are very
slang style?
hackers themselves for over 15 years. This one (like its ancestors) is
what they feel. Some of these entries reflect the views of opposing
The reader with minimal computer background who finds some references
choose by action to join), one should not be surprised that the line
role in spreading hacker language and the culture that goes with it to
successively larger populations, and we hope and expect that this one
will do likewise.
To make a confused situation worse, the line between hacker slang and
and shifts over time. Further, this vocabulary is shared with a wider
this lexicon.
jargon words are listed in order to make the jargon senses clear;
where the text does not specify that a straight technical sense is
under discussion, these are marked with `[techspeak]' as an etymology.
Some entries have a primary sense marked this way, with subsequent
terms. The results are probably the least reliable information in the
lexicon, for several reasons. For one thing, it is well known that
even among the more obscure and intricate neologisms. It often seems
is often impossible to pin down. And, finally, compendia like this one
oral history for the new compilations has enabled us to put to rest
Revision History
was begun by Raphael Finkel at Stanford in 1975. From this time until
the plug was finally pulled on the SAIL computer in 1991, the File was
to the Tech Model Railroad Club at MIT and are believed to date at
least back to the early 1960s). The revisions of jargon-1 were all
that it was hardly restricted to `AI words' and so stored the file on
his directory as AI:MRC;SAIL JARGON.
The file was quickly renamed JARGON > (the `>' caused versioning under
and Don Woods became the SAIL contact for the File (which was
The File expanded by fits and starts until about 1983; Richard
Stallman was prominent among the contributors, adding many MIT and
ITS-related coinages.
29, pages 26-35) with illustrations by Phil Wadler and Guy Steele
market, was edited by Guy Steele into a book published in 1983 as "The
become permanent.
The AI Lab culture had been hit hard in the late 1970s by funding cuts
most AI work had turned to dedicated LISP Machines. At the same time,
Massachusetts and out West in Silicon Valley. The startups built LISP
of the interesting software work was being done on the emerging BSD
Unix standard.
involved realized at the time just how wide its influence was to be.
By the mid-1980s the File's content was dated, but the legend that had
grown up around it never quite died out. The book, and softcopies
obtained off the ARPANET, circulated even in cultures far removed from
about 80% of the Steele-1983 text, omitting some framing material and
This new version casts a wider net than the old Jargon File; its aim
is to cover not just AI or PDP-10 hacker culture but all the technical
than half of the entries now derive from [49]Usenet and represent
jargon now current in the C and Unix communities, but special efforts
have been made to collect jargon from other cultures including IBM PC
programmers, Amiga fans, Mac enthusiasts, and even the IBM mainframe
(Warning: other email addresses appear in this file but are not
The 2.9.6 version became the main text of "The New Hacker's
edition of "The New Hacker's Dictionary", again from MIT Press (ISBN
If you want the book, you should be able to find it at any of the
major bookstore chains. Failing that, you can order by mail from
Jargon File through and beyond paper publication, and will continue to
Version 2.1.1, Jun 12 1990: the Jargon File comes alive again after a
This version had 18952 lines, 148629 words, 975551 characters, and
1702 entries.
Version 2.9.7, Oct 28 1991: first markup for hypertext browser. This
version had 19432 lines, 152132 words, 999595 characters, and 1750
Version 2.9.8, Jan 01 1992: first public release since the book,
old ones. Packaged with version 1.1 of vh(1) hypertext reader. This
version had 19509 lines, 153108 words, 1006023 characters, and 1760
Version 2.9.9, Apr 01 1992: folded in XEROX PARC lexicon. This version
had 20298 lines, 159651 words, 1048909 characters, and 1821 entries.
version had 21349 lines, 168330 words, 1106991 characters, and 1891
Version 2.9.12, May 10 1993: a few new entries & changes, marginal
preparation for 2nd Edition of TNHD. This version had 22238 lines,
Version 3.0.0, Jul 27 1993: manuscript freeze for 2nd edition of TNHD.
This version had 22548 lines, 177520 words, 1169372 characters, and
1961 entries.
This version had 23197 lines, 181001 words, 1193818 characters, and
1990 entries.
Version 3.2.0, Mar 15 1995: Spring 1995 update. This version had 23822
Version 3.3.0, Jan 20 1996: Winter 1996 update. This version had 24055
shipped to MIT Press as a step towards TNHD III. This version had
This version had 24442 lines, 190867 words, 1262468 characters, and
2061 entries.
Version 3.3.3, Mar 25 1996: Cleanup before TNHD III manuscript freeze.
This version had 24584 lines, 191932 words, 1269996 characters, and
2064 entries.
Version 4.0.0, Jul 25 1996: The actual TNHD III version after
Version 4.1.0, 8 Apr 1999: The Jargon File rides again after three
years. This version had 25777 lines, 206825 words, 1359992 characters,
Version 4.1.1, 18 Apr 1999: Corrections for minor errors in 4.1.0, and
some new entries. This version had 25921 lines, 208483 words, 1371279
path. This version had 26006 lines, 209479 words, 1377687 characters,
Version 4.1.3, 14 Jun 1999: Minor updates and markup fixes. This
version had 26108 lines, 210480 words, 1384546 characters, and 2234
Version 4.1.4, 17 Jun 1999: Markup fixes for framed HTML. This version
had 26117 lines, 210527 words, 1384902 characters, and 2234 entries.
Version 4.2.0, 31 Jan 2000: Fix processing of URLs. This version had
Version 4.2.2, 12 Aug 2000: This version had 27171 lines, 219630
leading up to and including the second paper edition. From now on,
major version number N.00 will probably correspond to the Nth paper
[56][email protected].
A few bits of this text quote previous works. We are indebted to Brian
smuggling one of the IBM hacker underground's own baby jargon files
out to us. Thanks also to Maarten Litmaath for generously allowing the
the File and Dictionary; they have read and reread many drafts,
comments, and done yeoman service in catching typos and minor usage
language has been of invaluable help. Indeed, the sustained volume and
quality of Mr. Brader's input over several years and several different
slimmest of margins.
arcana and painstakingly proofread some 2.7 and 2.8 versions, and Eric
Jargon Construction
sources as the Tech Model Railroad Club, the PDP-1 SPACEWAR hackers,
Verb Doubling
these are names for noises. Hackers also double verbs as a concise,
obvious from the verb. These have their own listings in the lexicon.
the names of `joke' topic groups often have a tripled last element.
Soundalike slang
other jargon word; thus the computer hobbyist magazine "Dr. Dobb's
Journal' or simply `Dr. Frob's'. Terms of this kind that have been in
However, terms like these are often made up on the spur of the moment.
Standard examples include:
This is not really similar to the Cockney rhyming slang it has been
Turning a word into a question by appending the syllable `P'; from the
At dinnertime:
Q: ``Foodp?''
At any time:
Q: ``State-of-the-world-P?''
cite one of the best-known examples) Unix hackers often [100]grep for
things rather than searching for them. Many of the lexicon entries are
Many hackers love to take various words and add the wrong endings to
abstract a quality from just about any adjective or noun. This usage
Also, note that all nouns can be verbed. E.g.: "All nouns can be
ways, as in "As soon as you have more than one cachefull of data, the
system starts thrashing," or "As soon as I have more than one headfull
meaning the amount of text that will fit on one screen, usually in
text). Even words ending in phonetic /k/ alone are sometimes treated
this way; e.g., `soxen' for a bunch of socks. Other funny plurals are
2000, thirty years after it might logically have come into use; it has
been suggested that this is because -ix' and-ex' are Latin singular
considered to apply.
This is not `poor grammar', as hackers are generally quite well aware
Spoken inarticulations
Node:Anthropomorphization, Next:[110]Comparatives,
it has homunculi talking to each other inside it, with intentions and
desires. Thus, one hears "The protocol handler got confused", or that
"its goal in life is to X". One even hears explanations like "... and
its poor little brain couldn't understand X, and it died." Sometimes
work, this seems like an absurdity. As hackers are among the people
who know best how these phenomena work, it seems odd that they would
feeling empathy with it, nor do they mystically believe that the
things they work on every day are `alive'. To the contrary: hackers
Hackers tend to take this a step further and argue that the difference
from the flip side; it implies that humans and computers and dolphins
go eat some chocolate" - and even defensible to say that "The stone,
truth but of utility. Hackers typically view simple programs from the
design stance, but more complex ones are modelled using the
intentional stance.
reliability of software:
rare in the U.S.) and may change places with `flaky' for some
that hackers have even more words for equipment failures than Yiddish
cixelsyd today", rather than "I'm dyslexic today"). This sort of thing
is quite common and is enjoyed by all concerned.
phrase, and so are "Bill runs" and "Spock groks", then hackers
would put the continuation commas and the final period inside the
like this:
but that would be very bad -- because the reader would be prone to
type the string d-d-dot, and it happens that in vi(1) dot repeats the
last command accepted. The net result would be to delete two lines!
The Jargon File follows hackish usage throughout.
the "Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors" call the hacker-like
quotes for marking and reserve American-style double quotes for actual
enough that hacker usage appears marked [and, in fact, I thought this
was a personal quirk of mine until I checked with Usenet --ESR]. One
pairs; that is, 'like this'. This is modelled on string and character
of sentences.
these are occasionally carried over into written documents even when
normal means of font changes, underlining, and the like are available.
hell?" even though this interferes with the common use of the
that in the last example the first slash pushes the letters over to
the right to make them italic, and the second keeps them from falling
over). On FidoNet, you might see #bright# and ^dark^ text, which was
actually interpreted by some reader software. Finally, words may also
with the `*' character may also indicate that the writer wishes
but since about 1993 it has been reinforced by the HTML markup used on
reads roughly as "Be nice to this fool, er, gentleman...", with irony
echoed and printed immediately, and when a correction was made the
This convention parallels (and may have been influenced by) the ironic
previous text. This custom faded in email as more mailers got good
Another notation for exponentiation one sees more frequently uses the
caret (^, ASCII 1011110); one might write instead 2^8 = 256. This goes
all the way back to Algol-60, which used the archaic ASCII `up-arrow'
that later became the caret; this was picked up by Kemeny and Kurtz's
original BASIC, which in turn influenced the design of the bc(1) and
dc(1) Unix tools, which have probably done most to reinforce the
convention on Usenet. (TeX math mode also uses ^ for exponention.) The
fractions (`3-1/2'). The major motive here is probably that the former
avoid the risk that the latter might be read as `three minus
relational operators such as |, &, ||, &&, !, ==, !=, >, <, >=, and =<
are often combined with English. The Pascal not-equals, <>, is also
Common Lisp, and Fortran 90). The use of prefix `!' as a loose synonym
no-clue' orclueless'.
to be desired.
net volumes?
endif / FLAME /
I guess they figured the price premium for true
on) the switch FLAME. The #include at the end is C for "include
The top section in the example, with > at the left margin, is an
More recently, following on the huge popularity of the World Wide Web,
Hackers also mix letters and numbers more freely than in mainstream
sequence where you intend the reader to understand the text string
that names that number in English. So, hackers prefer to write `1970s'
this is almost certainly due to influence from LISP (which uses deeply
nested parentheses (like this (see?)) in its syntax a lot), but it has
also been suggested that a more basic hacker trait of enjoying playing
other parties except what is presented over that ASCII link. This has
both good and bad effects. A good one is that it encourages honesty
passed out of fashion in other spoken and written media (for example,
because they can forget on an unconscious level that they are dealing
with people and thus don't feel stressed and anxious as they would
face to face.
letters as art.
One area where conventions for on-line writing are still in some flux
one ASCII TAB (0001001) character, which under Unix and many other
Early mail and netnews readers had no facility for including messages
this way, so people had to paste in copy manually. BSD Mail(1) was the
emulated its style. But the TAB character tended to push included text
established in EMACS and a few mailers), the use of leading > or >
(alternatively, it may derive from the > that some early Unix mailers
is visually apparent.
The practice of including text from the parent article when posting a
followup helped solve what had been a major nuisance on Usenet: the
fact that articles do not arrive at different sites in the same order.
Careless posters used to post articles that would begin with, or even
consist entirely of, "No, that's wrong" or "I agree" or the like. It
was hard to see who was responding to what. Consequently, around 1984,
the text of a previous article, marked with "> " or whatever the
poster chose. The poster was expected to delete all but the relevant
lines. The result has been that, now, careless posters post articles
Many people feel that this cure is worse than the original disease,
and there soon appeared newsreader software designed to let the reader
with `>' -- but this too has led to undesirable workarounds, such as
quoted and thus pull the message below the rejection threshold.
Because the default mailers supplied with Unix and other operating
relevant excerpt 1
response to excerpt
relevant excerpt 2
response to excerpt
relevant excerpt 3
response to excerpt
entire message
response to message
occasionally see the entire quoted message after the response, like
response to message
entire message
being retained (one mailer even combines these and uses |>). One also
of > for everyone, another (the most common) is > > > > , > > > ,
etc. (or >>>> , >>>, etc., depending on line length and nesting depth)
allusion is to the root prompt (the special Unix command prompt issued
seriousness and intelligence are essential. One should use just enough
questions -- or, at least, that the people to whom they are talking
are often confused by the sense of their answers. The problem is that
if (going) ...
if (!going) ...
that when they parse the question "Aren't you going?" it may seem to
be asking the opposite question from "Are you going?", and so to merit
an answer in the opposite sense. This confuses English-speaking
disturb them.
enough to ask a question like "So, are you working on finding that bug
answer "Yes!" (that is, "Yes, I'm doing it either now or later, and
International Style
they often use a mixture of English and their native languages for
hackers often use the nonexistent verbs `scrollare' (to scroll) and
European hackers report that this happens partly because the English
A few notes on hackish usages in Russian have been added where they
are obligatory.
FTPz, etc.
Previous:[160]Lamer-speak, Up:[161]Top
How to Use the Lexicon
Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation keys are provided in the jargon listings for all entries
("church" rather than "chemist"). The letter `j' is the sound that
occurs twice in "judge". The letter `s' is always as in "pass",
back, that
father, palm (see note)
far, mark
flaw, caught
bake, rain
less, men
easy, ski
their, software
trip, hit
life, sky
block, stock (see note)
flow, sew
loot, through
more, door
out, how
boy, coin
but, some
put, foot
yet, young
few, chew
/oo/ with optional fronting as in `news' (/nooz/ or
The glyph /*/ is used for the `schwa' sound of unstressed or occluded
vowels (the one that is often written with an upside-down `e'). The
separate /o/ from /ah/, which tend to merge in standard American. This
example, can smash terminal /r/ and all unstressed vowels. Speakers of
for this purpose because it has crisp consonants and more vowel
context-sensitive as humans.
In pure ASCII renderings of the Jargon File, you will see {} used to
bracket words which themselves have entries in the File. This isn't
done all the time for every such word, but it is done everywhere that
a reminder seems useful that the term has a jargon meaning and one
"::" rather than ":"; similarly, references are surrounded by "{{" and
explanation of it.
Usenet). The Unix manuals use foo(n) to refer to item foo in section
(n) of the manual, where n=1 is utilities, n=2 is system calls, n=3 is
changed roles frequently and in any case are not referred to in any of
the entries.
synonym (or synonymous with)
verb (may be transitive or intransitive)
intransitive verb
transitive verb
University of California at Berkeley
Bolt, Beranek & Newman
the university in England (not the city in Massachusetts where
Carnegie-Mellon University
Commodore Business Machines
The Digital Equipment Corporation (now Compaq).
The Fairchild Instruments Palo Alto development group
See the [165]FidoNet entry
International Business Machines
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; esp. the legendary MIT
Naval Research Laboratories
New York University
The Oxford English Dictionary
Purdue University
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (at Stanford
From Syst�me International, the name for the standard
Stanford University
Sun Microsystems
Some MITisms go back as far as the Tech Model Railroad Club
University of California at Los Angeles
the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland)
See the [166]Usenet entry
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, site of a very active
The World-Wide-Web.
XEROX's Palo Alto Research Center, site of much pioneering
Yale University
with any one of these abbreviations does not necessarily mean its use
and `Stanford' are in quite general use. We have tried to give some
[172][email protected].
covered. There are doubtless rich veins of jargon yet untapped in the
language design, and many other related fields. Send us your jargon!
humor in the file but it must flow naturally out of the explanations
spread to the point of being used by people who are not personally
The Jargon File will be regularly maintained and made available for
browsing on the World Wide Web, and will include a version number.
[176]= 0 =:
[177]= A =:
[178]= B =:
[179]= C =:
[180]= D =:
[181]= E =:
[182]= F =:
[183]= G =:
[184]= H =:
[185]= I =:
[186]= J =:
[187]= K =:
[188]= L =:
[189]= M =:
[190]= N =:
[191]= O =:
[192]= P =:
[193]= Q =:
[194]= R =:
[195]= S =:
[196]= T =:
[197]= U =:
[198]= V =:
[199]= W =:
[200]= X =:
[201]= Y =:
[202]= Z =:
= 0 =
[207]120 reset:
[210]404 compliant:
Numeric zero, as opposed to the letter `O' (the 15th letter of the
does not, your display is tuned for a very old convention used at IBM
oval broken at upper right and lower left. And yet another convention
common on early line printers left zero unornamented but added a tail
capital letter-O (this was endorsed by a draft ANSI standard for how
1TBS // n.
2 infix.
internet in which some idiot programmer fixes the Y2K bug by changing
404 // n.
[from the HTTP error "file not found on server"] Extended to humans to
convey that the subject has no idea or no clue - sapience not found.
May be used reflexively; "Uh, I'm 404ing" means "I'm drawing a blank".
"version 4.2", and "release 4.2" is rare; the number stands on its
@-party /at'par`tee/ n.
least be in company with someone who does. One of the most reliable
opportunities for hackers to meet face to face with people who might
otherwise be represented by mere phosphor dots on their screens.
Compare [243]boink.
The first recorded @-party was held at the Westercon (a U.S. western
clear exactly when the canonical @-party venue shifted to the Worldcon
Sadly, the @-party tradition has been in decline since about 1996,
lodge pin.
= A =
[255]address harvester:
[264]AI koans:
[267]airplane rule:
[268]Alderson loop:
[269]aliasing bug:
[272]alpha geek:
[273]alpha particles:
[275]alt bit:
[276]Aluminum Book:
[281]amp off:
[284]angle brackets:
[289]ANSI standard:
[299]asbestos longjohns:
[301]ASCII art:
[302]ASCIIbetical order:
accumulator n. obs.
around for quite a while and/or that the architecture under discussion
register name prefix may also stand for `address', as for example on
old-timers who might use sense 1). "You want this reviewed? Sure, just
[329]NAK). Thus, for example, you might cut off an overly long
There is also a usage "ACK?" (from sense 1) meaning "Are you there?",
often used in email when earlier mail has produced no reply, or during
a lull in [330]talk mode to see if the person has gone away (the
not here").
Acme n.
gadgetry - where Rube Goldberg and Heath Robinson (two cartoonists who
fact, Acme was a real brand sold from Sears Roebuck catalogs in the
for the benefit of our overseas brethren, comes from the Warner
and eat the Roadrunner. His attempts usually involved one or more
acolyte n. obs.
ad-hockery /ad-hok'*r-ee/ n.
symbol table can make it look as though a program knows how to spell.
[347]ELIZA effect.
Up:[350]= A =
Ada n.
what one might expect given that kind of endorsement by fiat; designed
Lovelace (the daughter of Lord Byron who became the world's first
blanch at the use to which her name has latterly been put; the kindest
thing that has been said about it is that there is probably a good
A =
address harvester n.
A robot that searches web pages and/or filters netnews traffic looking
for valid email addresses. Some address harvesters are benign, used
Up:[360]= A =
consequences that could have been foreseen with even slight mental
effort. E.g., "He started removing files and promptly adgered the
admin /ad-min'/ n.
Short for `administrator'; very commonly used in speech or on-line to
ADVENT /ad'vent/ n.
game by Don Woods at Stanford in 1976. (Woods had been one of the
This game defined the terse, dryly humorous style since expected in
text adventure games, and popularized several tag lines that have
become fixtures of hacker-speak: "A huge green fierce snake bars the
way!" "I see no X here" (for some noun X). "You are in a maze of
twisty little passages, all alike." "You are in a little maze of
. There is a
AFAIK // n.
AFJ // n.
see [389]kremvax for an example. In fact, April Fool's Day is the only
[MUD] Abbrev. for "Away From Keyboard". Used to notify others that you
frost giant yet, I need to go AFK to make a phone call". Often MUDs
they try to talk with you. The term is not restricted to MUDs,
however, and has become common in many chat situations, from IRC to
Unix talk.
AI /A-I/ n.
system that can see as well as a human) and `The Natural Language
at the MIT AI Lab around various major figures of the Lab's culture
AIDS /aydz/ n.
AIDX /ayd'k*z/ n.
for the AIX 3.? used in the IBM RS/6000 series (some hackers think it
if new accounts are created while many users are logged on, the load
Up:[430]= A =
airplane rule n.
right way to build reliable systems is to put all your eggs in one
basket, after making sure that you've built a really good basket. See
rule, Up:[435]= A =
Alderson loop n.
This term received its name from a programmer who had coded a modal
disabling the entire program whenever the box came up. The message box
had the proper code for dismissal and even was set up so that when the
aliasing bug n.
A class of subtle programming errors that can arise in code that does
through one alias and then referenced through another, which may lead
Up:[453]= A =
Alice and Bob n.
players and started calling them Alice and Bob. So now we say "Alice
tests that Bob knows a secret number K. Alice sends to Bob a random
Cryptography" (2nd ed., 1996, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-11709-9)
verifier). These names for roles are either already standard or, given
the wide popularity of the book, may be expected to quickly become so.
Up:[457]= A =
all-elbows adj.
steals the resources that it needs without considering that other TSRs
Up:[463]= A =
alpha geek n.
Up:[466]= A =
alpha particles n.
A =
alt /awlt/
[472]bucky bits, sense 2 (though typical PC usage does not simply set
the 0200 bit). 2. n. The `option' key on a Macintosh; use of this term
usually reveals that the speaker hacked PCs before coming to the Mac
for the ASCII ESC character (ASCII 0011011), after the keycap labeling
command" or "alt-U onto the system" (for "log onto the [ITS] system").
This usage probably arose because alt is more convenient to say than
Up:[481]= A =
Aluminum Book n.
Press, first edition 1984, second edition 1990). Note that due to a
[482]book titles.
Up:[485]= A =
ambimouseterous /am-b-mows'ter-us/ or /am-b-mows'trus/ adj.
Previous:[487]ambimouseterous, Up:[488]= A =
Amiga n
system that combined some of the best features of Macintosh and Unix
market share, despite the fact that the first Amigas had a substantial
BLAZE Humor Viewer. The strength of the Amiga platform seeded a small
Due to spectacular mismanagement, Commodore did hardly any R&D,
hands, none of whom did much with it. However, the Amiga is still
Up:[494]= A =
frequently before Linux started winning; some still do. See also
[502]newbie, [503]troll, [504]holy wars, [505]weenie, [506]Get a
Complex, Up:[509]= A =
amoeba n.
amper n.
Common abbreviation for the name of the ampersand (`&', ASCII 0100110)
A =
Angband n. /ang'band/
of the game are customizable. This leads many hackers and would-be
probably the rather whimsical Zangband. In this game, when a key that
"Type ? for help" 50% of the time. The other 50% of the time, random
be displayed. Zangband also allows the player to kill Santa Claus (who
has some really good stuff, but also has a lot of friends), "Bull
Gates", and Barney the Dinosaur (but be watchful; Barney has a nasty
Previous:[530]Angband, Up:[531]= A =
angle brackets n.
Either of the characters < (ASCII 0111100) and > (ASCII 0111110)
(ASCII less-than or greater-than signs). Typographers in the [532]Real
World use angle brackets which are either taller and slimmer (the ISO
[533]broket, [534]ASCII.
brackets, Up:[537]= A =
A bad visual-interface design that uses too many colors. (This term
fruit salad.) Too often one sees similar effects from interface
Up:[541]= A =
annoybot /*-noy-bot/ n.
before normal operation is resumed and are often tied to the most
A =
ANSI /an'see/
jargon] The set of screen-painting codes that most MS-DOS and Amiga
computers accept. This comes from the ANSI.SYS device driver that must
neither DOS ANSI nor the BBS ANSIs derived from it exactly match the
ANSI X.364 terminal standard. For example, the ESC-[1m code turns on
the IBM high-half character set from MS-DOS. Particular use depends on
the color codes, but on BBSs, ANSI and `IBM characters' tend to go
Up:[563]= A =
things that everyone does that are not quite regulation. For example:
Up:[566]= A =
A =
AOL! n.
Me, too!
are what systems vendors are forever chasing developers to create for
their environments so they can sell more boxes. Hackers tend not to
arena n.
mechanically added text to the ID and Subject and some other headers
took up several screens and each message ID and subject line got
longer and longer and longer.
crashed at least one mail system, and upset people paying line charges
for their Usenet feeds. One poster described the ARMM debacle as
armor-plated n.
Previous:[609]armor-plated, Up:[610]= A =
asbestos adj.
Previous:[616]asbestos, Up:[617]= A =
posters announcing that said flamer had been nominated for the
award, Up:[622]= A =
asbestos longjohns n.
remark they expect will elicit [624]flamage. This is the most common
overcoat', etc.
Up:[628]= A =
ASCII /as'kee/ n.
bits for each character, whereas most earlier codes (including early
drafts of of ASCII prior to June 1961) used fewer. This change allowed
not provide for accented letters or any other letterforms not used in
Computers are much pickier and less flexible about spelling than
shorthand for them. Every character has one or more names -- some
formal, some concise, some silly. Common jargon names for ASCII
are sorted in by first member. For each character, common names are
Common: [642]bang; pling; excl; shriek; ball-bat; <exclamation
Common: double quote; quote. Rare: literal mark; double-glitch;
Common: number sign; pound; pound sign; hash; sharp;
Common: dollar; <dollar sign>. Rare: currency symbol; buck;
Common: percent; <percent sign>; mod; grapes. Rare:
Common: <ampersand>; amper; and, and sign. Rare: address (from
could be sillier?]
Common: single quote; quote; <apostrophe>. Rare: prime; glitch;
<acute accent>.
( )
Common: l/r paren; l/r parenthesis; left/right; open/close;
Common: star; [[645]splat]; <asterisk>. Rare: wildcard; gear;
Common: <plus>; add. Rare: cross; [intersection].
Common: <comma>. Rare: <cedilla>; [tail].
Common: dash; <hyphen>; <minus>. Rare: [worm]; option; dak;
Common: dot; point; <period>; <decimal point>. Rare: radix
Common: slash; stroke; <slant>; forward slash. Rare: diagonal;
Common: <colon>. Rare: dots; [two-spot].
Common: <semicolon>; semi. Rare: weenie; [hybrid], pit-thwong.
< >
Common: <less/greater than>; bra/ket; l/r angle; l/r angle
Common: <equals>; gets; takes. Rare: quadrathorpe; [half-mesh].
Common: query; <question mark>; [648]ques. Rare: whatmark;
Common: at sign; at; strudel. Rare: each; vortex; whorl;
<commercial at>.
Rare: [book].
[ ]
Common: l/r square bracket; l/r bracket; <opening/closing
turn back].
Common: backslash, hack, whack; escape (from C/UNIX); reverse
slash; slosh; backslant; backwhack. Rare: bash; <reverse
Common: hat; control; uparrow; caret; <circumflex>. Rare: xor
Common: backquote; left quote; left single quote; open quote;
{ }
Common: o/c brace; l/r brace; l/r squiggly; l/r squiggly
squirrelly; [embrace/bracelet].
Common: bar; or; or-bar; v-bar; pipe; vertical bar. Rare:
UNIX); [spike].
Common: <tilde>; squiggle; [649]twiddle; not. Rare: approx;
idea; [650]Commonwealth Hackish has its own, rather more apposite use
pronounced `hash' outside the U.S. There are more culture wars over
the correct pronunciation of this character than any other, which has
are historical relics from archaic ASCII (the 1963 version), which had
punctuation characters.
tilde in typeset material but the ASCII tilde serves for both (compare
[652]angle brackets).
Some other common usages cause odd overlaps. The #, $, >, and &
characters, for example, are all pronounced "hex" in different
cultures, $ in the 6502 world, > at Texas Instruments, and & on the
BBC Micro, Sinclair, and some Z80 machines). See also [653]splat.
other major languages makes the designers' choice of 7 bits look more
software from the U.S. still tends to embody the assumption that ASCII
is the universal character set and that characters have 7 bits; this
Up:[658]= A =
ASCII art n.
The fine art of drawing diagrams using the ASCII character set (mainly
|, -, /, \, and +). Also known as character graphics' orASCII
o----)||(--+--|<----+ +---------o + D O
L )||( | | | C U
C N )||( | | | | P
E )||( +-->|-+--)---+--|(--+-o U
)||( | | | GND T
| | =(---)= THPHTH! / \/ \/ \
| (o)(o) U / \
| ,---| (oo) \/ \/
| / \/-------\ U (---)
// ------O---/--- \
---\ /---/
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| ^^^^^^^ B ^^^^^^^^^ |
" A Bee in the Carrot Patch "
/ | 666 || / |=====|| / | ||
||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
/ I \
JL/ | \JL
.-. i () | () i .-.
.---/---.---./------.---.---.---.---.L---J---/.-. .-.---L---J.---.---.---.---.---/---.---./---.---.--
---/--- ||\---I---//|| ---/--- [---] []---/---L---J------[] [---] ---/--- ||\---I---//|| ---/--- ||\
art, Up:[663]= A =
ASCIIbetical order, but with case ignored and entries beginning with
Up:[666]= A =
astroturfing n.
fake grass; hence the term). This term became common among hackers
suit. It also set anybody defending Microsoft on the net for the
Up:[669]= A =
atomic adj.
`atomically', i.e., all the things are done immediately, and there is
attoparsec n.
Up:[677]= A =
Internet resources.
Up:[680]= A =
autobogotiphobia /aw'toh-boh-got`-foh'bee-/
n. See [681]bogotify.
Up:[684]= A =
produce an executable."
This term is quite old, going back at least to the mid-70s in jargon
Node:avatar, Next:[686]awk, Previous:[687]automagically, Up:[688]= A =
avatar n. Syn.
[692]superuser. There are quite a few Unix machines on which the name
was originated by a CMU hacker who found the terms `root' and
awk /awk/
= B =
[703]back door:
[704]backbone cabal:
[705]backbone site:
[711]backward combatability:
[714]Bad Thing:
[718]baggy pantsing:
[719]balloonian variable:
[721]banana label:
[722]banana problem:
[723]banner ad:
[724]banner site:
[729]binary four:
[732]bang on:
[733]bang path:
[736]bare metal:
[745]bathtub curve:
[747]baud barf:
[754]beanie key:
[756]beige toaster:
[760]Berkeley Quality Software:
[770]big iron:
[772]Big Room:
[773]big win:
[778]bit bang:
[779]bit bashing:
[780]bit bucket:
[781]bit decay:
[782]bit rot:
[783]bit twiddling:
[784]bit-paired keyboard:
[788]bitty box:
[791]black art:
[792]black hole:
[793]black magic:
[795]Black Thursday:
[811]Bloggs Family:
[812]blow an EPROM:
[813]blow away:
[814]blow out:
[815]blow past:
[816]blow up:
[818]Blue Book:
[819]blue box:
[820]Blue Glue:
[821]blue goo:
[828]boat anchor:
[830]bodysurf code:
[837]bogon filter:
[838]bogon flux:
[841]bogue out:
[843]Bohr bug:
[846]bondage-and-discipline language:
[848]book titles:
[853]bot spot:
[854]bottom feeder:
[855]bottom-up implementation:
[857]bounce message:
[860]boxed comments:
[865]brain dump:
[866]brain fart:
[870]branch to Fishkill:
[871]bread crumbs:
[873]break-even point:
[874]breath-of-life packet:
[876]Breidbart Index:
[879]broadcast storm:
[882]broken arrow:
[885]Brooks's Law:
[886]brown-paper-bag bug:
[889]brute force:
[895]bubble sort:
[896]bucky bits:
[897]buffer chuck:
[898]buffer overflow:
[901]bug-for-bug compatible:
[902]bug-of-the-month club:
[909]buried treasure:
[910]burn-in period:
[911]burst page:
[915]by hand:
[917]byte sex:
[919]Bzzzt! Wrong.:
B5 //
B =
back door n.
[common] A hole in the security of a system deliberately left in place
always sinister; some operating systems, for example, come out of the
anyone expected or planned, and a few have become widely known. Ken
Thompson's 1983 Turing Award lecture to the ACM admitted the existence
of a back door in early Unix versions that may have qualified as the
most fiendishly clever security hack of all time. In this scheme, the
source code for the compiler and recompiling the compiler. But to
also arranged that the compiler would recognize when it was compiling
a version of itself, and insert into the recompiled compiler the code
to insert into the recompiled `login' the code to allow Thompson entry
-- and, of course, the code to recognize itself and do the whole thing
again the next time around! And having done this once, he was then
able to recompile the compiler from the original sources; the hack
The talk that suggested this truly moby hack was published as
that this hack was implemented and that the Trojan Horse code did
appear in the login binary of a Unix Support group machine. Ken says
the crocked compiler was never distributed. Your editor has heard two
separate reports that suggest that the crocked login did make it out
late-night login across the network by someone using the login name
Up:[934]= B =
backbone cabal n.
A group of large-site administrators who pushed through the [935]Great
1980s. During most of its lifetime, the Cabal (as it was sometimes
speculated on in public.
to believe) that it had not actually disbanded but only gone deeper
This belief became a model for various paranoid theories about various
Cabals with dark nefarious objectives beginning with taking over the
took on a life of their own. See [938]Eric Conspiracy for one example.
cabal, Up:[942]= B =
any of the regional coordinators for the Usenet maps. Notable backbone
sites as of early 1993, when this sense of the term was beginning to
[1996 update: This term is seldom heard any more. The UUCP network
instead --ESR]
Up:[948]= B =
Up:[954]= B =
background n.,adj.,vt.
"For now, we'll just print a list of nodes and links; I'm working on
future resumption of activity). Some people prefer to use the term for
tack that one can often fruitfully take upon encountering an obstacle
with [959]Unix, but it appears to have been first used in this sense
on OS/360.
Up:[962]= B =
backreference n.
1. In a regular expression or pattern match, the text which was
discussed before. "When you said `she' just now, who were you
Previous:[964]backreference, Up:[965]= B =
backronym n.
Previous:[972]backronym, Up:[973]= B =
[rare] Whoa! Back up. Used to suggest that someone just said or did
protocols, formats, and layouts, leaving the previous ones not merely
deprecated but actively defeated. (Too often, the old and new versions
combatability, Up:[981]= B =
B =
[Durham, UK] Said of something that is both badly designed and wrongly
contrast with, three less common terms - Bad and Right (a kludge,
something ugly but functional); Good and Wrong (an overblown GUI or
other attractive nuisance); and (rare praise) Good and Right. These
terms entered common use at Durham c.1994 and may have been imported
from elsewhere; they are also in use at Oxford, and the emphatic form
"Evil, Bad and Wrong" (abbreviated EBW) is reported fromm there. There
are standard abbreviations: they start with B&R, a typo for "Bad and
Wrong". Consequently, B&W is actually "Bad and Right", G&R = "Good and
Wrong", and G&W = "Good and Right". Compare [987]evil and rude,
Wrong, Up:[992]= B =
Bad Thing n.
[very common; from the 1930 Sellar & Yeatman parody "1066 And All
which discusses rulers who were Good Kings but Bad Things. This has
Up:[1001]= B =
overextended and should have been thrown away, and the new product is
side [of]'. "C++? That's just a bag on the side of C ...." "They want
me to hang a bag on the side of the accounting system."
Up:[1004]= B =
bagbiter /bag'bi:t-*r/ n.
vi. To fail in some manner. "The computer keeps crashing every five
"Bite the douche bag!" being used as a taunt at MIT 1970-1976, and we
have another report that "Bite the bag!" was in common use at least as
early as 1965), but in their current usage they have become almost
completely sanitized.
ITS's [1008]lexiphage program was the first and to date only known
Up:[1011]= B =
bagbiting adj.
Previous:[1019]bagbiting, Up:[1020]= B =
baggy pantsing v.
quoting the message in full, followed by your sig; this has the added
benefit of keeping the embarassed victim from being able to delete the
commands to login scripts to repost the message every time the unlucky
user logs in; Unix boxes on the residential network, when cracked,
pantsing, Up:[1023]= B =
balloonian variable n.
bamf /bamf/
the old site to just bamf people over to our new location."). 4. Used
Up:[1035]= B =
banana label n.
because they are shaped roughly like blunt-ended bananas. This term,
like macrotapes themselves, is still current but visibly headed for
label, Up:[1039]= B =
banana problem n.
[from the story of the little girl who said "I know how to spell
`banana', but I don't know when to stop"]. Not knowing where or when
Up:[1048]= B =
binary four n.
Up:[1052]= B =
bandwidth n.
days this was considered a CMUish usage, with MIT and Stanford hackers
preferring [1060]excl or [1061]shriek; but the spread of Unix has
carried `bang' with it (esp. via the term [1062]bang path) and it is
now certainly the most common spoken name for !. Note that it is used
one wanted to specify the exact characters `foo!' one would speak "Eff
has cleared out my brain!" Often used to acknowledge that one has
bang on vt.
version of the simulator all day yesterday and it didn't crash once. I
B =
bang path n.
[now historical] An old-style UUCP electronic-mail address specifying
In the bad old days of not so long ago, before autorouting mailers
Up:[1081]= B =
banner n.
1. The title page added to printouts by most print spoolers (see
commonest sense.
Up:[1085]= B =
banner ad n.
Any of the annoying graphical advertisements that span the tops of way
B =
banner site n.
[warez d00dz] A FTP site storing pirated files where one must first
able to access the site. More often than not, the username/password
Up:[1093]= B =
bar /bar/ n.
bare metal n.
the assemblers that will be used to write the compiler back ends that
delays due to the device's rotational latency). This sort of thing has
the code of hackers who just can't let go of that low-level control.
directly access device registers and machine addresses. "To get 19.2
kilobaud on the serial port, you need to get down to the bare metal."
People who can do this sort of thing well are held in high regard.
B =
latest hack and he barfed" means only that he complained about it, not
0." (That is, the division operation checks for an attempt to divide
barfs if you try to read in a new file before writing out the old
B =
barfmail n.
Up:[1126]= B =
Up:[1130]= B =
barn n.
up so much space?" "The logs have grown to several barns." The source
interactions were far more probable than expected; the nuclei were `as
barney n.
their first metasyntactic variable will often use `barney' second. The
Flintstones cartoons.
Node:baroque, Next:[1140]BASIC, Previous:[1141]barney, Up:[1142]= B =
baroque adj.
BASIC /bay'-sic/ n.
writing anything longer (a) is very painful, and (b) encourages bad
habits that will make it harder to use more powerful languages well.
[1995: Some languages called `BASIC' aren't quite this nasty any more,
silly. No acronym for BASIC originally existed or was intended (as one
can verify by reading texts through the early 1970s). Later, around
their belts. When many of these devices are worn at once, the hacker's
as a batbelt.
Up:[1157]= B =
batch adj.
of dreary tasks all at one sitting. "I finally sat down in batch mode
and wrote out checks for all those bills; I guess they'll turn the
B =
bathtub curve n.
Up:[1165]= B =
baud /bawd/ n.
is `level transitions per second'; this coincides with bps only for
speed, set at one pulse per second. It was proposed at the November,
1926 conference of the Comit� Consultatif International Des
named for Jean Maurice Emile Baudot (1845-1903), a French engineer who
The garbage one gets a terminal (or terminal emulator) when using a
line, or when really bad line noise disrupts the connection. Baud barf
baz /baz/ n.
three functions: FOO, BAR, and BAZ. FOO calls BAR, which calls
in 1958. He says "It came from "Pogo". Albert the Alligator, when
bazaar n.,adj.
years, the Jargon File's own editor ESR wrote an analytical paper on
the Bazaar. The main argument of the paper was that [1183]Brooks's Law
is not the whole story; given the right social machinery, debugging
The title metaphor caught on (see also [1184]cathedral), and the style
of development typical in the Linux community is now often referred to
and often, and actively seeking the largest possible pool of peer
bboard /bee'bord/ n.
BBS /B-B-S/ n.
board system; that is, a message database where people can log in and
for fun out of their homes on MS-DOS boxes with a single modem line
BCPL // n.
[abbreviation, `Basic Combined Programming Language') A programming
remarkable for its rich syntax, small size of compiler (it can be run
early stage, and was the language in which the original [1199]hello
systems that its creator confesses to having lost count. It has only
beam vt.
Pilot users very commonly use this term for the act of exchanging bits
via the infrared links on their machines (this term seems to have
beanie key n.
beep n.,v.
Syn. [1214]feep. This term is techspeak under MS-DOS and OS/2, and
Up:[1217]= B =
Befunge n.
topologies. Sadly, the Befunge home page has vanished, but a Befunge
Previous:[1222]Befunge, Up:[1223]= B =
beige toaster n.
the basic program working, let's go back and add some bells and
whistles, and gongs to signal each other over longer distances than
benchmark n.
computer industry, there are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and
Previous:[1245]benchmark, Up:[1246]= B =
two examples, and core dumps when anyone else attempts to use it. This
term was frequently applied to early versions of the dbx(1) debugger.
Software, Up:[1250]= B =
B =
Berzerkeley /b*r-zer'klee/ n.
1. Mostly working, but still under test; usu. used with in':in
industry. `Alpha Test' was the unit, module, or component test phase;
`Beta Test' was initial system test. These themselves came from
earlier A- and B-tests for hardware. The A-test was a feasibility and
and the D test was the C test repeated after the model had been in
production a while.
BFI /B-F-I/ n.
and bloody ignorance'. In dome parts of the U.S. this abbreviation was
Up:[1270]= B =
bible n.
Up:[1276]= B =
BiCapitalization n.
EasyWriter) that have been raised above the ruck of common coinage by
sort of thing is really cute, even the 2,317th time they do it.
Compare [1280]studlycaps.
B =
with bangs, typos, `cute' misspellings (EVRY BUDY LUVS GOOD OLD BIFF
sig), and unbounded naivete. B1FF posts articles using his elder
brother's VIC-20. B1FF's location is a mystery, as his articles appear
[1993: Now It Can Be Told! My spies inform me that B1FF was originally
wrote was later passed to Richard Sexton, who posted BIFFisms much
more widely. Versions have since been posted for the amusement of the
BI //
which was in turn named after a friendly dog who used to chase
was a legend that it had a habit of barking whenever the mailman came,
but the author of biff says this is not true. No relation to
Up:[1301]= B =
(since VMS version 5) documentation comes with gray binders; under VMS
version 4 the binders were orange (`big orange wall'), and under
Wall, Up:[1306]= B =
big iron n.
Up:[1312]= B =
[IBM] The power switch on a computer, esp. the `Emergency Pull' switch
really is large and red. "This !@%$% [1314]bitty box is hung again;
time to hit the Big Red Switch." Sources at IBM report that, in tune
IBM 360/91 actually fired a non-conducting bolt into the main power
feed; the BRSes on more recent mainframes physically drop a block into
place so that they can't be pushed back in. People get fired for
Up:[1324]= B =
Big Room n.
(Also `Big Blue Room') The extremely large room with the blue ceiling
and intensely bright light (during the day) or black ceiling with lots
installations. "He can't come to the phone right now, he's somewhere
Up:[1327]= B =
big win n.
B =
big-endian adj.
[common; From Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" via the famous paper "On
Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace" by Danny Cohen, USC/ISI IEN 137, dated
way round. Most of the world follows the Internet standard and writes
email addresses starting with the name of the computer and ending up
with the name of the country. In the U.K. the Joint Networking Team
had decided to do it the other way round before the Internet domain
bignum /big'nuhm/ n.
any very large number. "Have you ever looked at the United States
Budget? There's bignums for you!" 3. [Stanford] In backgammon, large
usually very limited in size; usually they must be smaller than 2^(31)
to work with numbers larger than that, you have to use floating-point
1000, which is 1000 times 999 times 998 times ... times 2 times 1).
For example, this value for 1000! was computed by the MacLISP system
using bignums:
bigot n.
that they refuse to learn alternatives even when the march of time
truly said "You can tell a bigot, but you can't tell him much."
bit n.
yes-or-no question for which the two outcomes are equally probable. 2.
reminder that something should be done eventually. "I have a bit set
for you." (I haven't seen you for a while, and I'm supposed to tell or
state of belief. "I have a bit set that says that you were the last
guy to hack on EMACS." (Meaning "I think you were the last guy to hack
"I just need one bit from you" is a polite way of indicating that you
credited to the early computer scientist John Tukey (who also seems to
B =
bit bang n.
The technique is a simple loop with eight OUT and SHIFT instruction
pairs for each byte. Input is more interesting. And full duplex (doing
input and output at the same time) is one way to separate the real
presumably when UARTs were too expensive, and on archaic Z80 micros
Up:[1366]= B =
bit bashing n.
"The command decoding for the new tape driver looks pretty solid but
the bit-bashing for the control registers still has bugs." See also
Up:[1376]= B =
bit bucket n.
receptacle used to catch bits when they fall off the end of a register
said to have `gone to the bit bucket'. On [1377]Unix, often used for
Sky'. 2. The place where all lost mail and news messages eventually
agents, news systems, and the lower layers of the network. 3. The
ideal location for all unwanted mail responses: "Flames about this
one's mailbox with flames. 4. Excuse for all mail that has not been
sent. "I mailed you those figures last week; they must have landed in
that bits are objects that are not destroyed but only misplaced. This
which the same legend was current; old-time hackers also report that
trainees used to be told that when the CPU stored bits into memory it
was actually pulling them `out of the bit box'. See also [1381]chad
bucket must equal the number of 0 bits. Any imbalance results in bits
Up:[1384]= B =
bit decay n.
this variant for the analogy with particle decay. See also
Up:[1390]= B =
bit rot n.
which has been deduced from the observation that unused programs or
features will often stop working after sufficient time has passed,
even if `nothing has changed'. The theory explains that bits decay as
There actually are physical processes that produce such effects (alpha
files in mass storage), but they are quite rare (and computers are
built with error-detecting circuitry to compensate for them). The
notion long favored among hackers that cosmic rays are among the
rot, Up:[1396]= B =
bit twiddling n.
noticeable improvement, often with the result that the code becomes
some pointless goal. 3. Approx. syn. for [1398]bit bashing; esp. used
twiddling, Up:[1401]= B =
codes from keystrokes was by some physical linkage. The design of the
modified by flipping bits if the SHIFT or the CTRL key was pressed. In
order to avoid making the thing even more of a kluge than it already
was, the design had to group characters that shared the same basic bit
bits 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001
011 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Teletype (thankfully, they didn't use shift-0 for space). The Teletype
low bits
The result would have been something closer to a normal keyboard. But
ASCII, and the Model 33 keyboard, from looking like this instead:
! " ? $ ' & - ( ) ; : * / , .
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + ~ < > x |
card punches.
was no agreement in the industry over how the keyboards should be laid
out. Some vendors opted to emulate the Teletype keyboard, while others
logical -- and because most hackers in those days had never learned to
touch-type, there was little pressure from the pioneering users to
Unix boxen etc. still has all of the !"#$%&'() characters above the
Up:[1406]= B =
bitblt /bit'blit/ n.
algorithms for moving and copying rectangles of bits between main and
BITNET hosts were a collection of IBM dinosaurs and VAXen (the latter
tend to mangle the headers and text of third-party traffic from the
bits pl.n.
1. Information. Examples: "I need some bits about file formats." ("I
does anyone know where I can get the bits?". See [1423]softcopy,
bixen pl.n.
[1436]VAXen, oxen.
bixie /bik'see/ n.
Variant [1440]emoticons used on BIX (the BIX Information eXchange).
fanzine called APA-L and imported to BIX by one of the earliest users.
Up:[1444]= B =
black art n.
magic, and once standard textbooks had been written, became merely
the last twenty years has made both the term `black art' and what it
Up:[1451]= B =
black hole n.,vt.
conveys suspicion that site foovax has been dropping a lot of stuff on
the floor lately (see [1453]drop on the floor). The implied metaphor
black magic n.
launch a DOS box, a networked Windows system not uncommonly blanks the
Death. See also [1468]Blue Screen of Death, which has become rather
more common.
Death, Up:[1471]= B =
Black Thursday n.
February 8th, 1996 - the day of the signing into law of the [1472]CDA,
Up:[1475]= B =
blammo v.
who may remain hidden, may `blammo' a user who is misbehaving. Very
blargh /blarg/ n.
blast 1. v.,n.
Synonym for [1485]BLT, used esp. for large data sends over a network
processes. Blast them (y/n)? would appear in the command window upon
B =
See also [1507]bogus and [1508]random, which have richer and wider
Up:[1511]= B =
blink vi.,n.
outside the U.S. where the telecoms monopolies charge per-minute for
local calls). This term attained wide use in the UK, but is rare or
B =
blinkenlights /blink'*n-li:tz/ n.
[1515]dinosaur. Now that dinosaurs are rare, this term usually refers
This term derives from the last word of the famous blackletter-Gothic
sign in mangled pseudo-German that once graced about half the computer
as follows:
mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei das dumpkopfen. Das
University and had already gone international by the early 1960s, when
allowed for die experts only! So all the "lefthanders" stay away
the blinkenlights.
they were so much more fun to look at than a blank panel. Sadly, very
machines. But the most fundamental fact is that there are very few
signals slow enough to blink an LED these days! With slow CPUs, you
easy droppenpacket der routers und overloaden der backbone mit der
spammen und der me-tooen. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei das
Up:[1519]= B =
storage allocator picks through the table and copies the good parts up
into high memory, and then blits it all back down again." See
commercialized as the AT&T 5620. (The folk etymology from `Bell Labs
blitter /blit'r/ n.
graphics. The Commodore Amiga and a few other micros have these, but
since 1990 the trend has been away from them (however, see [1530]cycle
B =
blivet /bliv'*t/ n.
tool that has been hacked over by so many incompetent programmers that
bloatware n.
him/her; esp. used as a mild threat. "If that program crashes again,
Previous:[1544]BLOB, Up:[1545]= B =
block v.
delay or sit idle while waiting for something. "We're blocking until
Previous:[1548]block, Up:[1549]= B =
subtle and complex that they could not be performed by machines. Used
Bloggs Family n.
of the Bloggs family have been known to pop up in bizarre places such
Family, Up:[1559]= B =
memory, e.g. for use with an embedded system. This term arose because
Up:[1562]= B =
accident. "He reformatted the wrong partition and blew away last
Up:[1566]= B =
Up:[1573]= B =
reserve buffer."
Node:blow up, Next:[1575]BLT, Previous:[1576]blow past, Up:[1577]= B =
blow up vi.
referred to as `The Big BLT'). The jargon usage has outlasted the
Blue Book n.
three official guides are known as the [1593]Green Book, the [1594]Red
Book, and the [1595]White Book (sense 2). 2. Informal name for one of
QA76.8.S635G64, ISBN 0-201-11371-63 (this book also has green and red
plenary assembly. These include, among other things, the X.400 email
spec and the Group 1 through 4 fax standards. See also [1596]book
Up:[1599]= B =
blue box
possible for the phone companies to move them out of band, one could
the phone network. (This was not as hard as it may sound; one early
phreak acquired the sobriquet `Captain Crunch' after he proved that he
box of Captain Crunch cereal!) There were other colors of box with
more specialized phreaking uses; red boxes, black boxes, silver boxes,
Up:[1604]= B =
Blue Glue n.
favored at commercial shops that don't know any better. The official
the trade name of a 3M product that is commonly used to hold down the
has about 80 bottles of the stuff hanging about, so they often refer
Glue, Up:[1611]= B =
blue goo n.
denature hazardous waste, destroy pollution, put ozone back into the
American way, etc. The term `Blue Goo' can be found in Dr. Seuss's
goo, Up:[1617]= B =
of Death but much more common (many non-hackers have picked it up).
sometimes decorated with hex error codes, is what you get when this
The following entry from the [1620]Salon Haiku Contest, seems to have
Death, Up:[1623]= B =
blue wire n.
[IBM] Patch wires (esp. 30 AWG gauge) added to circuit boards at the
necessarily blue, the term describes function rather than color. These
blurgle /bler'gl/ n.
BNF /B-N-F/ n.
languages, command sets, and the like. Widely used for language
be learned by osmosis from other hackers. Consider this BNF for a U.S.
postal address:
::= | "."
::= []
| <personal-part> <name-part>
::= []
::= ","
covering the case of people who use multiple first and middle names
such as * or +. In fact the example above isn't the pure form invented
for the Algol-60 report; it uses [], which was introduced a few years
Any one of the fat cables that lurk under the floor in a
ferocious life of their own when you try to lay them straight and flat
after they have been coiled for some time. It is rumored within IBM
that channel cables for the 370 are limited to 200 feet because beyond
that length the boas get dangerous -- and it is worth noting that one
board n.
boat anchor n.
Up:[1654]= B =
bob n.
names. To ease the confusion, it was decided that all support techs
labelled "Bob 1" and "Bob 2". ("No, we never got any further" reports
a witness).
The reason for "Bob" rather than anything else is due to a [1658]luser
calling and asking to speak to "Bob", despite the fact that no "Bob"
was currently working for Tech Support. Since we all know "the
were set up (and still exist in the DNS as of 1999) as bob1 through
bodysurf code n.
its namesake sport, the result is too often a wipeout that leaves the
Unix techies and was already established there by 1984. It was used
`Beginning of File'.
BOFH // n.
with absolutely no tolerance for [1669]lusers. "You say you need more
left..." Many BOFHs (and others who would be BOFHs if they could get
Several people have written stories about BOFHs. The set usually
B =
bogo-sort /boh`goh-sort'/ n.
cards in the air, picking them up at random, and then testing whether
say "Oh, I see, this program uses bogo-sort." Esp. appropriate for
constant time. (In the Many-Worlds model, the result of any quantum
universes-after, one for each possible way the state vector can
random.) The steps are: 1. Permute the array randomly using a quantum
Up:[1682]= B =
bogometer /boh-gom'-*t-er/ n.
B =
BogoMIPS /bo'go-mips/ n.
calibrate some soft timing loops that will be used later on; details
Up:[1695]= B =
bogon /boh'gon/ n.
sent from a TCP/IP domain resolver to a root server, having the reply
bit set instead of the query bit. 3. Any bogus or incorrectly formed
the weekly staff bogon". 5. A person who is bogus or who says bogus
things. This was historically the original usage, but has been
The bogon has become the type case for a whole bestiary of nonce
theories, with all their dignity or lack thereof (we might note
Up:[1707]= B =
the Cray and the VAXen, and now we're getting fewer dropped packets."
Up:[1712]= B =
Up:[1718]= B =
bogosity /boh-go's*-tee/ n.
his hand and say "My bogometer just triggered". More extremely, "You
needle at the highest possible reading (one might also say "You just
Up:[1729]= B =
To make or become bogus. A program that has been changed so many times
as to become completely disorganized has become bogotified. If you
tighten a nut too hard and strip the threads on the bolt, the bolt has
become bogotified and you had better not use it any more. This coinage
becoming bogotified'; but is not clear that the latter has ever been
B =
sane until somebody asked him a trick question; then he bogued out and
B =
bogus adj.
scientific problem. (This word seems to have some, but not all, of the
Princeton in the late 1960s. It was spread to CMU and Yale by Michael
compiled at Yale when the word was first popularized there about
1975-76. These coinages spread into hackerdom from CMU and MIT. Most
By the early 1980s `bogus' was also current in something like hacker
usage sense in West Coast teen slang, and it had gone mainstream by
boink /boynk/
[1758]Usenet parties, used for almost any net social gathering, e.g.,
Previous:[1762]boink, Up:[1763]= B =
Empire with less than 32K stack, it'll bomb." 2. n.,v. Atari ST and
clouds are displayed, indicating that the system has died. On the Mac,
in this situation.
Previous:[1770]bomb, Up:[1771]= B =
bondage-and-discipline language n.
[1775]languages of choice.
B =
book titles
There is a tradition in hackerdom of informally tagging important
these are described in this lexicon under their own entries. See
Since about 1983 this tradition has gotten a boost from the popular
boot v.,n.
passed into techspeak) but has given rise to some derivatives that are
still jargon.
The derivative `reboot' implies that the machine hasn't been down for
This term is also found in the variants `cold boot' (from power-off
condition) and `warm boot' (with the CPU and all devices already
this losing Sun." "I recommend booting it hard." One often hard-boots
program that was read in from cards or paper tape, or toggled in from
the front panel switches. This program was always very short (great
labor and chance of error involved in toggling it in), but was just
EPROM, and reads the first stage in from a fixed location on the disk,
powerful enough to load the actual OS and hand control over to it.
Borg n.
tendency to pay any price to hire talent away from their competitors.
borken adj.
bot n
be delivered when the recipient signs on. Also common are `annoybots',
some others, such as the `Julia' bot active in 1990-91, have been
Note that bots in all senses were `robots' when the terms first
appeared in the early 1990s, but the shortened form is now habitual.
Up:[1828]= B =
bot spot n.
[MUD] The user on a MUD with the longest connect time. Derives from
the fact that [1829]bots on MUDS often stay constantly connected and
bottom feeder n.
1. An Internet user that leeches off ISPs - the sort you can never
provide good enough services for, always complains about the price, no
matter how low it may be, and will bolt off to another service the
moment there is even the slimmest price difference. While most bottom
feeders infest free or almost free services such as AOL, MSN, and
regional ISP at the time. Bottom feeders are often the classic problem
bottom-up implementation n.
the same time the structure above the midlevel is being built.
implementation, Up:[1840]= B =
bounce v.
Lab building used by the Stanford AI Lab in the 1970s had a volleyball
court on the front lawn. From 5 P.M. to 7 P.M. was the scheduled
morning and found it had bounced 7 times during the night" 6. [IBM] To
Up:[1849]= B =
bounce message n.
Up:[1859]= B =
boustrophedon n.
Up:[1862]= B =
box n.
Unix box',MS-DOS box', etc.) "We preprocess the data on Unix boxes
the cry that goes up when an SNA network goes down: "Looks like the
[1865]box has fallen over." (See [1866]fall over.) See also [1867]IBM,
B =
boxed comments n.
matching row of asterisks closing the right side of the box. The
sparest variant omits all but the comment delimiters themselves; the
Up:[1876]= B =
boxology /bok-sol'*-jee/ n.
Syn. [1883]ASCII art. This term implies a more restricted domain, that
Compare [1884]macrology.
[from the name of a TV clown even more losing than Ronald McDonald]
[1889]demented. Note that the noun `bozo' occurs in slang, but the
B =
brain dump n.
FOOBAR before you start your new job at HackerCorp." See [1899]core
Node:brain fart, Next:[1900]brain-damaged, Previous:[1901]brain dump,
Up:[1902]= B =
brain fart n.
that is the braino itself. E.g., typing dir on a Unix box after a
Up:[1906]= B =
brain-damaged adj.
must have suffered brain damage, because he should have known better.
unusable, and that its failure to work is due to poor design rather
than some accident. "Only six monocase characters per file name? Now
Up:[1913]= B =
brain-dead adj.
Up:[1916]= B =
braino /bray'no/ n.
Previous:[1920]braino, Up:[1921]= B =
branch to Fishkill n.
bread crumbs n.
where it dies or pin down the cause of surprising behavior. The term
that allows some tracking of where you've been, like coloring visited
Up:[1930]= B =
character widths of line high) over a serial comm line. 4. [Unix] vi.
To strike whatever key currently causes the tty driver to send SIGINT
to the current process. Normally, break (sense 3), delete or
Previous:[1934]break, Up:[1935]= B =
break-even point n.
hypothetically, FOOGOL, one has reached break-even when one can write
breath-of-life packet n.
infuse the `breath of life' into any computer on the network that has
See [1947]feep.
Previous:[1949]breedle, Up:[1950]= B =
Breidbart Index is the sum of the square roots of all of the posts in
the spam. For example, one article posted to nine newsgroups and again
yesterday and ten articles today and ten articles tomorrow add up to a
30-article spam. Spam fighters will often reset the count if you can
convince them that the spam was accidental and/or you have seen the
error of your ways and won't repeat it. Breidbart Index can accumulate
over multiple authors. For example, the "Make Money Fast" pyramid
"cancel on sight".
to a halt. "To bring a MicroVAX to its knees, try twenty users running
brittle adj.
development) displays the quality far more often than it ought to.
Oppose [1963]robust.
Up:[1966]= B =
broadcast storm n.
hosts to respond all at once, typically with wrong answers that start
Up:[1971]= B =
brochureware n.
than and inferior to the alternatives that had been available for
Up:[1975]= B =
broken adj.
Up:[1978]= B =
broken arrow n.
characters overstruck.
Up:[1982]= B =
BrokenWindows n.
Up:[1988]= B =
characters < and >, when used as paired enclosing delimiters. This
is, a bracket that is bent in the middle. (At MIT, and apparently in
Previous:[1992]broket, Up:[1993]= B =
(though it's not the whole story; see [1994]bazaar); too often,
Law, Up:[2001]= B =
brown-paper-bag bug n.
author notionally wears a brown paper bag over his head for a while so
early-1999 release of the first Linux 2.2, which had one. The phrase
Up:[2004]= B =
browser n.
A program specifically designed to help users view and navigate
sense has been present in jargon for a long time, the proliferation of
browsers for the World Wide Web after 1992 has made it much more
BRS /B-R-S/ n.
Previous:[2010]BRS, Up:[2011]= B =
going from Boston to Houston via San Francisco and New York, in that
sort the list in ascending order, and then picking the first number
or not depends on the context; if the problem is not terribly big, the
extra CPU time spent on a brute-force solution may cost less than the
speed improvement.
that OS. Like so many other tradeoffs in software design, the choice
esthetic judgment.
force, Up:[2021]= B =
Up:[2028]= B =
BSD /B-S-D/ n.
and many other features. The BSD versions (4.1, 4.2, and 4.3) and the
commercial versions derived from them (SunOS, ULTRIX, and Mt. Xinu)
held the technical lead in the Unix world until AT&T's successful
that BSD versions going back to 2.9 are often referred to by their
and written.
BUAF // n.
four and six character cells on a side; this is smaller than the
BUAG // n.
Up:[2056]= B =
bubble sort n.
if they are out of order; thus, list entries `bubble upward' in the
list until they bump into one with a lower sort value. Because it is
not very good relative to other methods and is the one typically
ignorance, but any use of bogo-sort could issue only from brain damage
or willful perversity.
Up:[2062]= B =
with TOP and separate left and right CONTROL and META keys, resulting
It has long been rumored that `bucky bits' were named for Buckminster
1964-65; he first suggested the idea of an EDIT key to set the 8th bit
The term spread to MIT and CMU early and is now in general use.
nearly 30 years, until GLS dug up this history in early 1993! See
bits, Up:[2068]= B =
buffer chuck n.
Up:[2072]= B =
buffer overflow n.
What happens when you try to stuff more data into a buffer (holding
hold all the data that must accumulate before a piece of it can be
input from a long line overflows the buffer and trashes data beyond
character and stop accepting data when the buffer is full up. The term
[2079]overrun screw.
Up:[2082]= B =
bug n.
winner, but he has a few bugs" (i.e., Fred is a good guy, but he has a
pulling an actual insect out from between the contacts of one of its
admit, she was not there when it happened). For many years the logbook
associated with the incident and the actual bug in question (a moth)
sat in a display case at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC). The
entire story, with a picture of the logbook and the moth taped into
The text of the log entry (from September 9, 1947), reads "1545 Relay
70 Panel F (moth) in relay. First
actual case of bug being found".
This wording establishes that the term was already in use at the time
in its current specific sense -- and Hopper herself reports that the
during WWII.
New Catechism of Electricity", Theo. Audel & Co.) which says: "The
telephone cable" were blamed for noisy lines. Though this derivation
of dots if you held them down. In fact, the Vibroplex keyers (which
were among the most common of this type) even had a graphic of a
beetle on them (and still do)! While the ability to send repeated dots
these were also significantly trickier to use than the older manual
keyers, and it could take some practice to ensure one didn't introduce
extraneous dots into the code by holding the key down a fraction too
the line could mean that a lot of garbled Morse would soon be coming
your way.
Further, the term "bug" has long been used among radio technicians to
body), with the two wire ends sticking out and bent back to nearly
touch forming a spark gap (roach antennae). The bug is to the radio
technician what the stethoscope is to the stereotype medical doctor.
covert monitoring device, but may also have contributed to the use of
back to Shakespeare! (Henry VI, part III - Act V, Scene II: King
Edward: "So, lie thou there. Die thou; and die our fear; For Warwick
role-playing games.
In any case, in jargon the word almost never refers to insects. Here
correspondent who thought to check discovered that the bug was not
that the NSWC still had the bug, but had unsuccessfully tried to get
History of American Technology Museum didn't know this and agreed that
mid-1991, but due to space and money constraints was not actually
Previous:[2088]bug, Up:[2089]= B =
bug-compatible adj.
Previous:[2093]bug-compatible, Up:[2094]= B =
bug-for-bug compatible n.
much tedious effort went into ensuring that each (known) bug was
bug-of-the-month club n.
(the UNIX mail daemon) belong to; this was coined on the Usenet
club, Up:[2103]= B =
buglix /buhg'liks/ n.
[uncommon] Pejorative term referring to [2104]DEC's ULTRIX operating
Up:[2112]= B =
bulletproof adj.
Implies that the programmer has thought of all possible errors, and
this can imply code that is too heavyweight, due to excessive paranoia
Up:[2118]= B =
bullschildt /bul'shilt/ n.
that code." "I spent half the night bumming the interrupt code." In
more efficient. "This hardware bum makes the jump instruction faster."
bump vt.
Synonym for increment. Has the same meaning as C's ++ operator. Used
Up:[2134]= B =
burble v.
that the source is truly clueless and ineffectual (mere flamers can be
burbling about how he got a DISK FULL error and it's all our comm
Previous:[2137]burble, Up:[2138]= B =
buried treasure n.
A surprising piece of code found in some program. While usually not
up and removed. "I just found that the scheduler sorts its queue using
treasure, Up:[2144]= B =
burn-in period n.
components before they get out the door; the theory is that burn-in
Up:[2152]= B =
burst page n.
B =
busy-wait vi.
Used of human behavior, conveys that the subject is busy waiting for
up, and thus cannot do anything else at the moment. "Can't talk now,
through a tight or timed-delay loop that polls for the event on each
buzz vi.
loop may eventually end of its own accord. "The program buzzes for
about 10 seconds trying to sort all the names into order." See
than DC signal. Some wire faults will pass DC tests but fail an AC
thing to each element. "This loop buzzes through the tz array looking
BWQ /B-W-Q/ n.
by hand adv.
"My mailer doesn't have a command to include the text of the message
might refer to, say, dropping into a subshell from the mailer, making
the top and bottom of the message in question, deleting the rest of
the file, inserting `>' characters on each line, writing the file,
leaving the editor, returning to the mailer, reading the file in, and
byte /bi:t/ n.
[techspeak] A unit of memory or data equal to the amount used to
obsolete, and even 9-bit bytes have become rare in the general trend
Historical note: The term was coined by Werner Buchholz in 1956 during
the early design phase for the IBM Stretch computer; originally it was
late 1956, and this size was later adopted and promulgated as a
standard by the System/360. The word was coined by mutating the word
also [2178]nybble.
B =
byte sex n.
Up:[2186]= B =
Up:[2193]= B =
earns one a blast from the buzzer and condolences from the
Jargon Lexicon
= C =
[2202]Camel Book:
[2204]can't happen:
[2209]card walloper:
[2214]casters-up mode:
[2219]cd tilde:
[2223]chad box:
[2226]channel hopping:
[2227]channel op:
[2231]chase pointers:
[2236]Chernobyl chicken:
[2237]Chernobyl packet:
[2238]chicken head:
[2239]chiclet keyboard:
[2246]Christmas tree:
[2251]Cinderella Book:
[2253]Classic C:
[2260]clone-and-hack coding:
[2261]clover key:
[2268]COBOL fingers:
[2269]cobweb site:
[2270]code grinder:
[2271]code monkey:
[2273]code police:
[2276]coefficient of X:
[2278]cold boot:
[2279]COME FROM:
[2280]comm mode:
[2281]command key:
[2282]comment out:
[2283]Commonwealth Hackish:
[2285]compiler jock:
[2289]computer confetti:
[2290]computer geek:
[2293]condition out:
[2296]connector conspiracy:
[2298]considered harmful:
[2300]console jockey:
[2306]Conway's Law:
[2308]cooked mode:
[2310]cookie bear:
[2311]cookie file:
[2312]cookie jar:
[2313]cookie monster:
[2316]copy protection:
[2323]core cancer:
[2324]core dump:
[2325]core leak:
[2326]Core Wars:
[2328]cosmic rays:
[2331]cow orker:
[2334]CPU Wars:
[2336]crack root:
[2343]crash and burn:
[2344]crawling horror:
[2346]cray instability:
[2348]crayola books:
[2352]creeping elegance:
[2353]creeping featurism:
[2354]creeping featuritis:
[2358]critical mass:
[2365]cruft together:
[2374]cup holder:
[2375]cursor dipped in X:
[2377]cut a tape:
[2382]cycle crunch:
[2383]cycle drought:
[2384]cycle of reincarnation:
[2385]cycle server:
Wrong., Up:[2390]= C =
C n.
popular outside Bell Labs after about 1980 and is now the dominant
elegance and power of assembly language with all the readability and
maintainability of assembly language".
Up:[2397]= C =
C Programmer's Disease n.
programmer reasons that he or she can easily reset the table size to
disease, the programmer cannot comprehend why each fix of this kind
Up:[2401]= C =
C&C //
[common, esp. on news.admin.net-abuse.email] Contraction of "Coffee &
are likely to cause you to [2402]snarf coffee onto your keyboard and
C++ /C'-pluhs-pluhs/ n.
to know what is and what is not legal-- the design is almost too large
said in his retrospective book "The Design and Evolution of C++" (p.
struggling to get out." [Many hackers would now add "Yes, and it's
calculator [Cambridge] n.
C =
Camel Book n.
Larry Wall and Randal L. Schwartz, O'Reilly and Associates 1991, ISBN
Up:[2423]= C =
can vt.
that the ASCII character with mnemonic CAN (0011000) was used as a
derive from mainstream slang `canned' for being laid off or fired.
Node:can't happen, Next:[2426]cancelbot, Previous:[2427]can,
Up:[2428]= C =
can't happen
that can be done. Some case variant of "can't happen" is also often
how many headaches checking for them turns out to head off. See also
happen, Up:[2432]= C =
cancelbot /kan'sel-bot/
Node:Cancelmoose[tm], Next:[2434]candygrammar,
Previous:[2435]cancelbot, Up:[2436]= C =
Cancelmoose[tm] /kan'sel-moos/
upon a time, the 'Moose would send out spam-cancels and then post
above-mentioned groups.
Nobody knows who Cancelmoose[tm] really is, and there aren't even any
By early 1995, others had stepped into the spam-cancel business, and
The 'Moose has now gotten out of the business, and is more interested
in ending spam (and cancels) entirely.
Node:candygrammar, Next:[2440]canonical,
Previous:[2441]Cancelmoose[tm], Up:[2442]= C =
candygrammar n.
reality that syntax isn't what makes programming hard; it's the mental
[The overtones from the old Chevy Chase skit on Saturday Night Live
outside an apartment door tries all kinds of bogus ways to get the
occupant to open up, while ominous music plays in the background. The
ones who remember Monty Python sketches, all it takes is the word
Up:[2447]= C =
canonical adj.
are said to be equivalent because they mean the same thing, but the
way, with the highest power of x first. Usually there are fixed rules
the senses defined above with any regularity; they do however use the
reed. Reeds were used for measurement, and in Latin and later Greek
Hackers invest this term with a playfulness that makes an ironic
contrast with its historical meaning. A true story: One Bob Sjoberg,
new at the MIT AI Lab, expressed some annoyance at the incessant use
of jargon. Over his loud objections, GLS and RMS made a point of using
you talking jargon too!" Stallman: "What did he say?" Steele: "Bob
Up:[2452]= C =
card walloper n.
An EDP programmer who grinds out batch programs that do stupid things
careware /keir'weir/ n.
Previous:[2463]careware, Up:[2464]= C =
around some bug encountered in the past, but usually neither the bug
nor the reason the code apparently avoided the bug was ever fully
up in the South Pacific after World War II. The practices of these
You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" (W. W. Norton & Co, New York 1985, ISBN
programming, Up:[2469]= C =
cascade n.
compiler with poor error recovery. Too frequently, one trivial syntax
error (such as a missing )' or}') throws the parser out of synch so
Previous:[2472]cascade, Up:[2473]= C =
casters-up mode n.
[IBM, prob. fr. slang belly up] Yet another synonym for `broken' or
good excuse to take the rest of the day off (as long as you're not
responsible for fixing it).
mode, Up:[2482]= C =
What a [2483]guru does when you ask him or her to run a particular
program and type at it because it never works for anyone else; esp.
used when nobody can ever see what the guru is doing different from
[2486]examining the entrails; also see the AI koan about Tom Knight in
machines which the [2488]field circus had given up on. Since he knew
the design inside out, he could often find faults simply by listening
to some site where the field circus had just spent the last two weeks
out on a table top. He'd then shake some chicken bones and cast them
over the diagram, peer at the bones intently for a minute, and then
tell them that a certain module needed replacing. The system would
start working again immediately upon the replacement.
Up:[2491]= C =
does not require the files to consist of lines of text, but works with
to concatenate two files. The name cat for the former operation is
catatonic adj.
typing on a terminal and suddenly the computer doesn't even echo the
letters back to the screen as you type, let alone do what you're
Compare [2506]buzz.
Up:[2509]= C =
cathedral n.,adj.
Law. Features small teams, tight project control, and long release
intervals. This term came into use after analysis of the Linux
takes one to one's $HOME (cd with no arguments happens to do the same
electronic chat link, cd ~coffee would mean "I'm going to the coffee
While the CDA was sold as a measure to protect minors from the
putative evils of pornography, the repressive political aims of the
bill were laid bare by the Hyde amendment, which intended to outlaw
[from LISP] To skip past the first item from a list of things
"Shall we cdr down the agenda?" Usage: silly. See also [2524]loop
Historical note: The instruction format of the IBM 704 that hosted the
The cdr and car operations have since become bases for formation of
chad /chad/ n.
paper bits punched out of cards or paper tape; this has also been
reported that this was very old Army slang, and it may now be
from the Chadless keypunch (named for its inventor), which cut little
u-shaped tabs in the card to make a hole when the tab folded back,
Chadless keypunch didn't make them, then the stuff that other
keypunches made had to be `chad'. There is a legend that the word was
chad box n.
A metal box about the size of a lunchbox (or in some models a large
in [2536]Iron Age card punches. You had to open the covers of the card
punch periodically and empty the chad box. The [2537]bit bucket was
1. vi. [orig. from BASIC's CHAIN statement] To hand off execution to a
interpreter that invoked it. The state of the parent program is lost
Up:[2545]= C =
channel n.
Channels are named with strings that begin with a `#' sign and can
Up:[2549]= C =
channel hopping n.
GEnie chat board, just as a social butterfly might hop from one group
Up:[2553]= C =
2000 these short forms have almost crowded out the parent usage).
chanop /chan'-op/ n.
Up:[2565]= C =
charityware /cha'rit-ee-weir`/ n.
Syn. [2566]careware.
Up:[2569]= C =
chase pointers
explicit pointers are a very common data type. This is techspeak, but
it remains jargon when used of human networks. "I'm chasing pointers.
debugging context.
Up:[2576]= C =
chawmp n.
term was used by FORTH hackers during the late 1970s/early 1980s; it
is said to have been archaic then, and may now be obsolete. It was
sources are unclear on this). These terms are more easily understood
check n.
non-technical problems. For example, the term `child check' has been
to know what happens when s/he presses all the cute buttons on a
computer's console (of course, this particular problem could have been
C =
cheerfully adv.
See [2585]happily.
chemist n.
when you'd far rather the machine were doing something more
Previous:[2592]chemist, Up:[2593]= C =
Chernobyl chicken n.
chicken head n.
resembles a poultry part (within Commodore itself the logo was always
with TCP/IP networking for them. Thus, this usage may owe something to
basis for the movie "Blade Runner"; the novel is now sold under that
chiclet keyboard n.
plastic keys that look like pieces of chewing gum. (Chiclets is the
brand name of a variety of chewing gum that does in fact resemble the
cheap, and a lot of early portable and laptop products got launched
using them. Customers rejected the idea with almost equal unanimity,
and chiclets are not often seen on anything larger than a digital
keyboard, Up:[2612]= C =
Up:[2616]= C =
choad /chohd/ n.
denizens thereof. They say: "We think maybe it's from Middle English
but we're all too damned lazy to check the OED." [I'm not. It isn't.
choke v.
chomp vi.
A hand gesture commonly accompanies this. To perform it, hold the four
fingers together and place the thumb against their tips. Now open and
close your hand rapidly to suggest a biting action (much like what
Pac-Man does in the classic video game, though this pantomime seems to
predate that). The gesture alone means `chomp chomp' (see "[2630]Verb
for real emphasis you can use both hands at once. Doing this to a
You might do this if someone told you that a program you had written
had failed in some surprising way and you felt dumb for not having
anticipated it.
chomper n.
[2636]bagbiter, [2637]chomp.
Up:[2640]= C =
CHOP /chop/ n.
Previous:[2643]CHOP, Up:[2644]= C =
Christmas tree n.
A packet with every single option set for whatever protocol is in use.
Up:[2653]= C =
chrome n.
"The 3D icons in Motif are just chrome, but they certainly are pretty
the latter are usually added to gratify developers' own desires for
Up:[2657]= C =
chug vi.
like crazy."
Previous:[2661]chug, Up:[2662]= C =
the Stark Fist of Removal. Much SubGenius theory is concerned with the
SubGenius, Up:[2668]= C =
Rube Goldberg device and holding a rope coming out of it. On the back
Up:[2672]= C =
CI$ // n.
Classic C /klas'ik C/ n.
known as `K&R C'. The name came into use while C was being
which the newer versions are considered serious losers relative to the
older ones.
clean 1. adj.
that is, a design or implementation that may not hold any surprises
prospects of getting plum projects and raises, and possibly one's job:
"His Halloween costume was a parody of his manager. He won the prize
clobber vt.
digital circuit through its paces. This has nothing to do with the
time of day, although the software counter that keeps track of the
latter may be derived from the former. 2. vt. To run a CPU or other
from one state to the next by applying a single clock pulse. "The data
clocks n.
Processor logic cycles, so called because each generally corresponds
rather than absolute fractions of a second; one good reason for this
is that clock speeds for various models of the machine may increase as
[2700]cycle, [2701]jiffy.
Up:[2704]= C =
clone n.
These invariably have much more bang for the buck than the IBM
archetypes they resemble. 5. In the construction `Unix clone': An OS
"Let me clone that" might mean "I want to borrow that paper so I can
[2705]mung it".
Previous:[2707]clone, Up:[2708]= C =
clone-and-hack coding n.
clover key n.
key, Up:[2716]= C =
from a western American folk saying about training a mule "First, you
got to hit him with a two-by-four. That's to get his attention." The
Up:[2720]= C =
clustergeeking /kluh'st*r-gee`king/ n.
Up:[2723]= C =
co-lo /koh'loh`/ n.
their owners, who may seldom or never visit the actual site.
Node:coaster, Next:[2724]COBOL, Previous:[2725]co-lo, Up:[2726]= C =
coaster n.
of a CD, and the relative value of these failures. "I made a lot of
coasters before I got a good CD." 2. Useless CDs received in the mail
Up:[2729]= C =
COBOL /koh'bol/ n.
observation that "The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching
Up:[2739]= C =
coding in COBOL. The language requires code verbose beyond all reason
typing. "I refuse to type in all that source code again; it would give
me COBOL fingers!"
Up:[2743]= C =
cobweb site n.
A World Wide Web Site that hasn't been updated so long it has
Up:[2746]= C =
code n.
The stuff that software writers write, either in source form or after
"data", which is the stuff that code operates on. This is a mass noun,
Up:[2752]= C =
code grinder n.
of dire stress, the sleeves (if long) may be rolled up and the tie
milieu is about as far from hackerdom as one can get and still touch a
grinder, Up:[2763]= C =
code monkey n
monkey, Up:[2767]= C =
code police n.
Gestapo-like storm troopers that might burst into one's office and
arrest one for violating programming style rules. May be used either
out that goto or the code police will get you!" The ironic usage is
Up:[2775]= C =
codes n.
Up:[2779]= C =
codewalker n.
A program component that traverses other programs for a living.
generators and some database front ends. Other utility programs that
try to do too much with source code may turn into codewalkers. As in
Node:coefficient of X, Next:[2780]cokebottle,
Previous:[2781]codewalker, Up:[2782]= C =
coefficient of X n.
distinctions among them that convey information about the way the
[2783]fudge factor. It's not important how much you're fudging; the
term simply acknowledges that some fudging is needed. You might talk
that the property is a ratio of two opposing factors: "I would have
won except for my luck quotient." This could also be "I would have won
except for the luck factor", but using quotient emphasizes that it was
bad luck overpowering good luck (or someone else's good luck
Foo index' andcoefficient of foo' both tend to imply that foo is,
`bogosity index'.
X, Up:[2786]= C =
cokebottle /kohk'bot-l/ n.
Any very unusual character, particularly one you can't type because it
isn't on your keyboard. MIT people used to complain about the
looks a lot like an upside down Coke bottle, Motif hackers have begun
Up:[2792]= C =
cold boot n.
See [2793]boot.
Up:[2796]= C =
A semi-mythical language construct dual to the `go to'; COME FROM
1973 [2798]Datamation issue (and was reprinted in the April 1984 issue
harmful). Mythically, some variants are the `assigned COME FROM' and
In some ways the FORTRAN DO looks like a COME FROM statement. After
10 FORMAT(1X,I5,G10.4)
in which the trapdoor is just after the statement labeled 10. (This is
the general form was left to Univac FORTRAN, ca. 1975 (though a
roughly similar feature existed on the IBM 7040 ten years earlier).
The statement AT 100 would perform a COME FROM 100. It was intended
COME FROM was supported under its own name for the first time 15 years
[ITS: from the feature supporting on-line chat; the term may spelled
Up:[2810]= C =
command key n.
every line in the section with a comment marker; this prevents it from
or obsolete, but is being left in the source to make the intent of the
active code clearer; also when the code in that section is broken and
you want to bypass it in order to debug some other part of the code.
out, Up:[2819]= C =
Commonwealth Hackish n.
be pronounced more often (so soc.wibble is /sok dot wib'l/ rather than
/sohsh wib'l/).
beta and zeta are usually pronounced /bee't/ and /zee't/; meta may
exclamation mark, `!', is called pling rather than bang and the pound
Hackish, Up:[2876]= C =
compact adj.
created from the design can be used with greater facility and fewer
don't merge cleanly into the overall design scheme (thus, some fans of
Up:[2882]= C =
compiler jock n.
Up:[2886]= C =
compo n.
several groups make demos for a compo, they are shown on a big screen,
and then the party participants vote for the best one. Prizes (from
sponsors and party entrance fees) are given. Standard compo formats
example), etc.
C =
Terry A. Welch, "IEEE Computer", vol. 17, no. 6 (June 1984), pp. 8-19.
Previous:[2898]compress, Up:[2899]= C =
Compu$erve n.
See [2900]CI$. Synonyms CompuSpend and Compu$pend are also reported.
Previous:[2902]Compu$erve, Up:[2903]= C =
computer confetti n.
chad is not a good idea, as the pieces are stiff and have sharp
corners that could injure the eyes. GLS reports that he once attended
that he and his bride had spent most of the evening trying to get the
confetti, Up:[2907]= C =
computer geek n.
1. One who eats (computer) bugs for a living. One who fulfills all the
Up:[2920]= C =
computron /kom'pyoo-tron`/
of computrons has been developed based on the physical fact that the
argued that an object melts because the molecules have lost their
information about where they are supposed to be (that is, they have
machines that work at the factory fail in the computer room: the
computrons there have been all used up by the other hardware. (The
stories by Larry Niven, the best known being "What Good is a Glass
called `mana'.)
Up:[2928]= C =
con n.
hackers who aren't [2929]fans. "We'd been corresponding on the net for
C =
Up:[2938]= C =
condom n.
write protect tab, the condom (when left on) not only impedes the
practice of [2939]SEX but has also been shown to have a high failure
rate as drive mechanisms attempt to access the disk -- and can even
comp.risks article by Gene Spafford during the Worm crisis, and again
Up:[2945]= C =
confuser n.
Up:[2948]= C =
connector conspiracy n.
[probably came into prominence with the appearance of the KL-10 (one
together with the old stuff, thereby making you buy either all new
or VAX systems. Their CPUs work fine, but they are stuck with dying,
obsolescent disk and tape drives with low capacity and high power
the habit manufacturers have of inventing new screw heads so that only
the use of Torx screws for cable-TV set-top boxes. Older Apple
Macintoshes took this one step further, requiring not only a long Torx
conspiracy, Up:[2954]= C =
cons /konz/ or /kons/
the top. "OK, cons picking a replacement for the console TTY onto the
agenda." 2. `cons up': vt. To synthesize from smaller pieces: "to cons
up an example".
two-branched tree with one object hanging from each branch. Because
Up:[2957]= C =
papers and parodies have borne titles of the form "X considered Y".
realization that both sides were wrong, but use of such titles has
harmful, Up:[2961]= C =
console n.
fingers on its keys. Under Unix and other modern timesharing OSes,
just the [2963]tty the system was booted from. Some of the mystique
microcomputer Unix boxes, the main screen and keyboard (as opposed to
character-only terminals talking to a serial port). Typically only the
Up:[2967]= C =
console jockey n.
jockey, Up:[2971]= C =
content-free adj.
Up:[2976]= C =
control-C vi.
1. "Stop whatever you are doing." From the interrupt character used on
"Give me a break!"
Up:[2979]= C =
control-O vi.
abort output but allow the program to keep on running. Generally means
that you are not interested in hearing anything more from that person,
Up:[2983]= C =
control-Q vi.
Up:[2988]= C =
control-S vi.
"Stop talking for a second." From the ASCII DC3 or XOFF character (the
because you are on the phone) but will be allowed to continue when
Up:[2992]= C =
The rule that the organization of the software and the organization of
the software team will be congruent; commonly stated as "If you have
The law was named after Melvin Conway, an early proto-hacker who wrote
an assembler for the Burroughs 220 called SAVE. (The name `SAVE'
didn't stand for anything; it was just that you lost fewer card decks
Up:[2997]= C =
cookbook n.
also known as the [3000]Blue Book which has recipes for things like
Up:[3005]= C =
cooked mode n.
mode, with interrupts enabled and with erase, kill and other
under Unix but jargon elsewhere; other operating systems often have
them has spread widely along with the C language and other Unix
Up:[3011]= C =
cookie n.
cookie." The claim check you get from a dry-cleaning shop is a perfect
mundane example of a cookie; the only thing it's useful for is to
relate a later transaction to this one (so you get the same clothes
Up:[3016]= C =
Yes, that Andy Williams. Seems he had a rather hip (by the standards
of the day) TV variety show. One of the best parts of the show was the
suit tried all sorts of tricks to get a cookie out of Williams. The
sketches would always end with Williams shrieking (and I don't mean
figuratively), `No cookies! Not now, not ever...NEVER!!!' And the bear
Up:[3020]= C =
cookie file n.
A collection of [3021]fortune cookies in a format that facilitates
files in public distribution, and site admins often assemble their own
file, Up:[3024]= C =
cookie jar n.
cookie monster n.
but they existed, all right, in several different versions. See also
monster, Up:[3041]= C =
[Apple; orig. fr. the intro to Tom Lehrer's song "It Makes A Fellow
but believes that the opportunity will not arise. "I'll implement the
copper n.
Up:[3050]= C =
copy protection n.
Up:[3053]= C =
copy-protected program that has been `broken'; that is, a copy with
bug that has confused the anti-piracy check. See also [3055]copy
Node:copycenter, Next:[3056]copyleft, Previous:[3057]copybroke,
Up:[3058]= C =
copycenter n.
copyright, which is what the big companies use to lock everything up;
you had copyleft, which is free software's way of making sure they
can't lock it up; and then Berkeley had what we called "copycenter",
which is "take it down to the copy center and make as many copies as
you want".
Up:[3061]= C =
copyleft /kop'ee-left/ n.
copyparty n.
(mostly pirated software). The copyparty has become less common as the
Up:[3072]= C =
Up:[3076]= C =
core n.
Main storage or RAM. Dates from the days of ferrite-core memory; now
archaic as techspeak most places outside IBM, but also still used in
the Unix community and by old-time hackers or those who would sound
like them. Some derived idioms are quite current; `in core', for
[3077]core dump and the core image' orcore file' produced by one
are terms in favor. Some varieties of Commonwealth hackish prefer
Up:[3081]= C =
core cancer n.
Up:[3085]= C =
core dump n.
All over the floor. What a mess." "He heard about X and dumped core."
spewing all one knows about a topic (syn. [3089]brain dump), esp. in a
lecture or answer to an exam question. "Short, concise answers are
Up:[3093]= C =
core leak n.
C =
Core Wars n.
Experience" a decade earlier. The game was actually devised and played
by Victor Vyssotsky, Robert Morris Sr., and Doug McIlroy in the early
but was not involved). Their original game was called `Darwin' and ran
Up:[3102]= C =
corge /korj/ n.
Up:[3108]= C =
cosmic rays n.
heard, because stray alpha particles passing through a memory chip can
random bit drops in their early chips, and one hypothesis was cosmic
rays. So they created the World's Largest Lead Safe, using 25 tons of
the stuff, and used two identical boards for testing. One was placed
in the safe, one outside. The hypothesis was that if cosmic rays were
difference between the error rates on the two boards. They did not
conclusively that the bit drops were due to alpha particle emissions
these hits.
Up:[3117]= C =
and die.
Up:[3124]= C =
this term but don't use it themselves, as the act is not part of their
C =
cow orker n.
perhaps a hint that orking cows is illegal. This term was popularized
the January 1996 version of the [3135]scary devil monastery FAQ. There
cowboy n.
CP/M /C-P-M/ n.
Kildall for 8080- and Z80-based machines, very popular in the late
1970s but virtually wiped out by MS-DOS after the release of the IBM
write the OS for the IBM PC because Kildall decided to spend a day
IBM's reps wanted to meet with him enjoying the perfect flying weather
[3153]operating system.
Node:CPU Wars, Next:[3154]crack, Previous:[3155]CP/M, Up:[3156]= C =
the IBM logo, it is said, had been carefully whited out. See [3159]eat
flaming death.
C =
are smarter than the developper who designed the copy protection
C =
crack root v.
[very common] To defeat the security system of a Unix machine and gain
Up:[3172]= C =
cracker n.
expected that any real hacker will have done some playful cracking and
Thus, there is far less overlap between hackerdom and crackerdom than
groups that have little overlap with the huge, open poly-culture this
as hackers, most true hackers consider them a separate and lower form
of life.
cracking n.
crank vt.
vectorized operations."
crapplet n.
CrApTeX /krap'tekh/ n.
LaTeX when they don't work (when used by TeXhackers), or all the time
Up:[3201]= C =
[3202]system (q.v., sense 1), esp. of magnetic disk drives (the term
originally described what happens when the air gap of a hard disk
crash." A disk crash that involves the read/write heads dropping onto
the surface of the disks and scraping off the oxide may also be
usually, though not always, implies that the operating system or other
system." 3. vi. Sometimes said of people hitting the sack after a long
Up:[3210]= C =
Up:[3215]= C =
crawling horror n.
we code new stuff in C, but they pay us to maintain one big FORTRAN II
Compare [3218]WOMBAT.
horror, Up:[3221]= C =
cray /kray/ n.
[3223]number-crunching machine.
The term is actually the lowercased last name of Seymour Cray, a noted
legends surround him, some true and some admittedly invented by Cray
Research brass to shape their corporate culture and image.
Up:[3226]= C =
cray instability n.
instability, Up:[3230]= C =
crayola /kray-oh'l*/ n.
crayola books n.
and/or disparaging.
Up:[3239]= C =
crayon n.
Formerly, anyone who worked for Cray Research; since the buyout by
standard joke about this usage that derives from an old Crayola crayon
promotional gimmick: When you buy 64 crayons you get a free sharpener.
C =
creationism n.
one (or at most a small handful of) exceptionally able designer(s) and
an active user population -- and that the first try at a big new idea
Up:[3248]= C =
creep v.
Previous:[3250]creep, Up:[3251]= C =
creeping elegance n.
Describes a tendency for parts of a design to become [3252]elegant
the expense of the less interesting parts of the design, the schedule,
and other things deemed important in the [3253]Real World. See also
patchwork because it grew one ad-hoc step at a time, rather than being
planned. Planning is a lot of work, but it's easy to add just one
extra little feature to help someone ... and then another ... and
it could also be said of the federal government, the IRS 1040 form,
featurism, Up:[3269]= C =
`feeping creaturitis'. Some people like to reserve this form for the
`inflammation of'.)
Up:[3273]= C =
anything right. It has been observed that many American hackers tend
Up:[3277]= C =
[3281]losing, [3282]brain-damaged.
Up:[3285]= C =
crippleware n.
a jumper).
some early versions it was present but disabled). To upgrade, you buy
socket. It then disables the SX, which becomes a fancy power sink.
Up:[3291]= C =
critical mass n.
of the software such that fixing one bug introduces one plus
C =
takes to get you from the end of one line of text to the beginning of
influence this usage has become less common (Unix uses a bare line
crock n.
interpreting them to the user (as in, for example, Unix make(1), which
Story of Mel in Appendix A.) Many crocks have a tightly woven, almost
Up:[3309]= C =
cross-post vi.
original posting.
Up:[3313]= C =
crossload v.,n.
C =
crudware /kruhd'weir/ n.
Up:[3323]= C =
cruft /kruhft/
substance. The dust that gathers under your bed is cruft; the TMRC
cruft of hackers".
Node:cruft together, Next:[3326]cruftsmanship, Previous:[3327]cruft,
Up:[3328]= C =
workable. Like vt. [3329]kluge up, but more pejorative. "There isn't
any program now to reverse all the lines of a file, but I can probably
Up:[3336]= C =
cruftsmanship /kruhfts'm*n-ship / n.
Up:[3340]= C =
characters were tall and skinny, looking more like `f' characters. 2.
(see [3343]frob); often one that doesn't fit well into the scheme of
things. "A LISP property list is a good place to store crufties (or,
This term is one of the oldest in the jargon and no one is sure of its
have been the physics department's radar lab during WWII. To this day
or Lincoln Labs people may well have coined the term as a knock on the
crumb n.
crunch 1. vi.
crunched the paper into a wad.) Since such compression usually takes
Used at XEROX and CMU, among other places. See [3359]ASCII. 4. vt. To
still compile or execute. The term came into being specifically for a
famous program on the BBC micro that crunched BASIC source in order to
make it run more quickly (it was a wholly interpretive BASIC, so the
cryppie /krip'ee/ n.
CTSS /C-T-S-S/ n.
joke and to express some basic differences in philosophy about the way
cube n.
cubing vi.
Up:[3379]= C =
cup holder n.
called because of a common tech support legend about the idiot who
called to complain that the cup holder on his computer broke. A joke
which when run simply extended the CD drive tray. The humor of this
Up:[3382]= C =
cursor dipped in X n.
`vitriol'). These map over neatly to this hackish usage (the cursor
Up:[3386]= C =
[WPI: from the [3387]DEC abbreviation CUSP, for `Commonly Used System
Up:[3391]= C =
silk screen. More directly, paper tape with holes punched in it was an
Up:[3394]= C =
cybercrud /si:'ber-kruhd/ n.
"Received" headers that show how mail flows through systems, then MIME
interfaces should hide it, but all too often users are forced to wade
through it.
Up:[3398]= C =
about the role of computers and hackers in the future in ways hackers
cyberpunks are excited about the right things and properly respectful
tolerate them politely in hopes that they'll attract people who grow
Up:[3406]= C =
cyberspace /si:'br-spays`/ n.
cyberspace (sense 1). Although this usage became widely popular in the
mainstream press during 1994 when the Internet exploded into public
Internet does not meet the high, SF-inspired standards they have for
true cyberspace technology. Thus, this use of the term usually tags a
Up:[3416]= C =
the computer can access its memory once on every clock cycle, and so
[3417]cycle. The jargon meaning comes from the observation that there
are only so many cycles per second, and when you are sharing a
computer the cycles get divided up among the users. The more cycles
else's, the faster your program will run. That's why every hacker
wants more cycles: so he can spend less time waiting for the computer
emphasizing that lots of things compete for the typical hacker's think
time. "I refused to get involved with the Rubik's Cube back when it
was big. Knew I'd burn too many cycles on it if I let myself." 3. vt.
Syn. [3418]bounce (sense 4), [3419]120 reset; from the phrase `cycle
power'. "Cycle the machine again, that serial port's still hung."
Up:[3422]= C =
cycles because they are spread too thin and the system has probably
to buy more computer. Happily, this has rapidly become easier since
the mid-1980s, so much so that the very term `cycle crunch' now has a
cycle drought n.
reincarnation, Up:[3436]= C =
cycle server n.
Up:[3439]= C =
cypherpunk n.
Node:C|N>K, Next:[3443]D. C. Power Lab, Previous:[3444]cypherpunk,
Up:[3445]= C =
C|N>K n.
[Usenet] Coffee through Nose to Keyboard; that is, "I laughed so hard
Jargon Lexicon
= D =
[3454]daemon book:
[3456]dancing frog:
[3457]dangling pointer:
[3458]dark-side hacker:
[3462]day mode:
[3468]dead code:
[3469]dead link:
[3472]deadly embrace:
[3473]death code:
[3474]Death Square:
[3475]Death Star:
[3478]DEC Wars:
[3483]deep magic:
[3484]deep space:
[3486]defined as:
[3495]demo mode:
[3499]demon dialer:
[3506]deserves to lose:
[3507]desk check:
[3509]Devil Book:
[3511]dickless workstation:
[3512]dictionary flame:
[3515]die horribly:
[3523]dinosaur pen:
[3524]dinosaurs mating:
[3526]dirty power:
[3529]disk farm:
[3530]display hack:
[3532]Dissociated Press:
[3536]do protocol:
[3550]DoS attack:
[3551]dot file:
[3552]double bucky:
[3553]doubled sig:
[3561]Dragon Book:
[3569]drool-proof paper:
[3577]Duff's device:
[3578]dumb terminal:
[3579]dumbass attack:
[3580]dumbed down:
[3582]dumpster diving:
[3583]dup killer:
[3584]dup loop:
[3585]dusty deck:
Up:[3590]= D =
D. C. Power Lab n.
The former site of [3591]SAIL. Hackers thought this was very funny
[3592]Marginal Hacks.
Up:[3595]= D =
The idea is that the perpetrator of the condition need not be aware
directory would invoke the spooling daemon, which would then print the
file. The advantage is that programs wanting (in this example) files
requests and let the daemon decide what to do with them. Daemons are
program called DAEMON that automatically made tape backups of the file
D =
daemon book n.
of Unix, the fork(2) system call). Also known as the [3607]Devil Book.
Up:[3610]= D =
dahmum /dah'mum/ n.
Up:[3618]= D =
dancing frog n.
Michigan J. Frog that just croaks when anyone else is around (now the
WB network mascot).
dangling pointer n.
number for a person who has since moved to the other coast is a
pointer, Up:[3625]= D =
dark-side hacker n.
Darth Vader, "seduced by the dark side of the Force". The implication
Up:[3630]= D =
Datamation /day`t-may'shn/ n.
`Datamation?'" (But see below; this slur may be dated by the time you
Post's "Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal" ten years later, but for a
trying for more of the technical content and irreverent humor that
Programmers Don't Use Pascal" and the `Bastard Operator From Hell'
Up:[3638]= D =
DAU /dow/ n.
Up:[3645]= D =
Up:[3650]= D =
day mode n.
dd /dee-dee/ vt.
then use the boot PROM to load it back on to a new disk". The Unix
command filled a need, the interface design was clearly a prank. The
jargon usage is now very rare outside Unix sites and now nearly
time (though it has no exact replacement). The term has been displaced
DDT /D-D-T/ n.
individual programs like adb, sdb, dbx, or gdb. 2. [ITS] Under MIT's
computer in 1961. At that time DDT stood for "DEC Debugging Tape".
for all DEC computers. Since media other than tape are now
class of bugs.
(The `tape' referred to was, incidentally, not magnetic but paper.)
Sadly, this quotation was removed from later editions of the handbook
after the [3666]suits took over and [3667]DEC became much more
The history above is known to many old-time hackers. But there's more:
that he named `DDT' after a similar tool on the TX-0 computer, the
direct ancestor of the PDP-1 built at MIT's Lincoln Lab in 1957. The
de-rezz /dee-rez'/
Up:[3674]= D =
dead adj.
Up:[3680]= D =
careful about verifying keys). In PGP and GPG the key ID is the last
eight hex digits of (for RSA keys) the product of two primes. The
Up:[3684]= D =
dead code n.
Routines that can never be accessed because all calls to them have
somewhere else. The presence of dead code may reveal either logical
Up:[3692]= D =
dead link n.
frustrating and useless and are the #1 sign of poor page maintainance.
Up:[3697]= D =
DEADBEEF /ded-beef/ n.
boundary, of course, you have BEEFDEAD. See also the anecdote under
Up:[3704]= D =
deadlock n.
more to it, while the server is similarly waiting for more input from
used for situations where a program can never run simply because it
other but all buffers are full because nobody is reading anything.)
between humans, as when two people meet in a narrow corridor, and each
tries to be polite by moving aside to let the other pass, but they end
up swaying from side to side without making any progress because they
Up:[3708]= D =
deadly embrace n.
processes are involved. This is the more popular term in Europe, while
embrace, Up:[3713]= D =
death code n.
where it is running; its last act is to stomp on its own "store zero"
set makes it possible, such as the PDP-8 (it has also been done on the
DG Nova).
Perhaps the ultimate death code is on the TI 990 series, where all
registers are actually in RAM, and the instruction "store immediate 0"
has the opcode "0". The PC will immediately wrap around core as many
times as it can until a user hits HALT. Any empty memory location is
Up:[3716]= D =
Death Square n.
The corporate logo of Novell, the people who acquired USL after AT&T
analogy with [3717]Death Star, because many people believed Novell was
bungling the lead in Unix systems exactly as AT&T did for many years.
Up:[3720]= D =
Death Star n.
[from the movie "Star Wars"] 1. The AT&T corporate logo, which appears
4.2 BSD streaking away from a broken AT&T logo wreathed in flames. 2.
incorrectly done AT&T logo in which the inner circle in the top left
DEC /dek/ n.
PDP-11 and [3730]VAX were all foci of large and important hackerdoms,
and DEC machines long dominated the ARPANET and Internet machine
major debt to the PDP-11 instruction set, and every one of the major
DEC reclaimed some of its old reputation among techies in the first
Compaq acquired DEC at the end of 1998 there was some concern that
these gains would be lost along with the DEC nameplate, but the merged
DEC Wars n.
the "Star Wars" movies in hackish terms. Some years later, ESR
decay n.,vi
deckle /dek'l/ n.
[from dec- and [3745]nybble; the original spelling seems to have been
16-bit-wide RAM but 10-bit-wide ROM. See [3747]nybble for other such
D =
DED /D-E-D/ n.
Up:[3761]= D =
deep magic n.
Up:[3770]= D =
deep space n.
[3771]off the trolley. Esp. used of programs that just sit there
silently grinding long after either failure or some output is
expected. "Uh oh. I should have gotten a prompt ten seconds ago. The
Up:[3779]= D =
defenestration n.
matters. "I don't have any disk space left." "Well, why don't you
defenestrate that 100 megs worth of old core dumps?" 4. Under a GUI,
(typically Linux).
Up:[3782]= D =
defined as adj.
D =
Up:[3790]= D =
deletia n. /d*-lee'sha/
Node:deliminator, Next:[3791]delint, Previous:[3792]deletia,
Up:[3793]= D =
deliminator /de-lim'-in-ay-t*r/ n.
delimit text into fields, but which is itself eliminated from the
has been sighted in live use among Java and even Visual Basic
D =
delta n.
size?" "About 30 percent." (He doubled the speed of his program, but
that is slightly bigger than [3808]epsilon but still very small. "The
cost isn't epsilon, but it's delta" means that the cost isn't totally
demented adj.
but the design is bad. Said, for example, of a program that generates
[3813]brain-damaged, [3814]bozotic.
demigod n.
hacker community and have helped shape it. Major demigods include Ken
demigods themselves, and more than one major software project has been
demo /de'moh/
operator uses exactly the right commands and skirts its numerous bugs,
D =
demo mode n.
also known as `attract mode'. Some serious [3843]apps have a demo mode
(for example, the Microsoft Windows opening screen -- which lets you
[3844]Microsloth Windows).
Up:[3847]= D =
demoeffect n.
Up:[3853]= D =
demogroup n.
titles within a group include coders (the ones who write programs),
ones who do the trading and other PR), and organizers (in larger
has been observed that good coders are rarely good composers and vice
hackers --ESR]
Up:[3859]= D =
demon n.
1. [MIT] A portion of a program that is not invoked explicitly, but
Up:[3865]= D =
demon dialer n.
[3867]blue box days of the 1970s and early 1980s and is now
contemporary progeny.
Up:[3872]= D =
demoparty n.
Smaller demoparties, for 100 persons or less, are held quite often,
sometimes even once a month, and usually last for one to two days. On
the other end of the scale, huge demo parties are held once a year
(and four of these have grown very large and occur annually - Assembly
five days, have room for 3000-5000 people, and have a party network
demoscene /dem'oh-seen/
The demoscene was born among people who decided building these display
from the [3886]warez d00dz, including their style of handles and group
Some time around 1995, people started coding demos in C, and a couple
platforms (C64, Amiga, Spectrum, Atari ST, IBM PC under DOS) die out
and activity shifts towards Windows, Linux, and the Internet. While
this, but the majority think it's a good direction. Many demosceneers
Up:[3891]= D =
dentro /den'troh/
Other name mixings include intmo, dentmo etc. and are used usually
when the authors are not quite sure whether the program is a
depeditate /dee-ped'*-tayt/ n.
been depeditated.
Up:[3902]= D =
deprecated adj.
documents when the committees writing the documents realize that large
feature(s) that have passed out of favor. See also [3903]dusty deck.
[Usage note: don't confuse this word with `depreciate', or the verb
Up:[3906]= D =
a reversal of the name of the gentleman who most usually left himself
Up:[3909]= D =
Up:[3929]= D =
despew /d*-spyoo'/ v.
net, esp. from an automated posting program gone wild. See [3930]ARMM.
Up:[3933]= D =
Devil Book n.
Book, Up:[3937]= D =
/dev/null /dev-nuhl/ n.
[from the Unix null device, used as a data sink] A notional `black
Previous:[3940]/dev/null, Up:[3941]= D =
dickless workstation n.
botches including the Sun 3/50 and other machines designed exclusively
workstation, Up:[3946]= D =
dictionary flame n.
Up:[3950]= D =
time." "Let's diddle this piece of code and see if the problem goes
die v.
hardware, this verb is used of both hardware and software. See also
die horribly v.
diff /dif/ n.
additions to) source code or documents (the term is often used in the
plural `diffs'). "Send me your diffs for the Jargon File!" Compare
digit n.,obs.
it.) The word `dikes' is widely used among mechanics and engineers to
something. Indeed, the TMRC Dictionary defined dike as "to attack with
report to have actually happened or top with a similar but even more
ding n.,vi.
1. Synonym for [3998]feep. Usage: rare among hackers, but more common
Said of a machine that has the [4003]bitty box nature; a machine too
currently forced to work on. First heard from an MIT hacker working on
a CP/M system with 64K, in reference to any 6502 system, then from
fans of 32-bit architectures about 16-bit machines. "GNUMACS will
Up:[4007]= D =
dinosaur n.
EXPO, Bill Joy compared the liquid-cooled mainframe in the massive IBM
bodily fluids through it". IBM was not amused. Compare [4008]big iron;
Previous:[4012]dinosaur, Up:[4013]= D =
dinosaur pen n.
pen, Up:[4018]= D =
dinosaurs mating n.
Said to occur when yet another [4019]big iron merger or buyout occurs;
days of the 1960s, it was `IBM and the Seven Dwarves': Burroughs,
Control Data, General Electric, Honeywell, NCR, RCA, and Univac. RCA
and GE sold out early, and it was `IBM and the Bunch' (Burroughs,
Univac, NCR, Control Data, and Honeywell) for a while. Honeywell was
bought out by Bull; Burroughs merged with Univac to form Unisys (in
1984 -- this was when the phrase `dinosaurs mating' was coined); and
in 1991 AT&T absorbed NCR (but spat it back out a few years later).
mating, Up:[4023]= D =
dirtball n.
Up:[4026]= D =
dirty power n.
higher or lower than nominal, or just plain noise can all cause
Up:[4031]= D =
disclaimer n.
the network.
Up:[4034]= D =
Discordianism /dis-kor'di-*n-ism/ n.
far more serious than most jokes. Consider, for example, the Fifth
Up:[4041]= D =
disk farm n.
(also [4042]laundromat) A large room or rooms filled with disk drives
Up:[4046]= D =
display hack n.
lights and a toy train circling its base. The [4050]hack value of a
the cleverness of the algorithm divided by the size of the code. Syn.
hack, Up:[4054]= D =
dispress vt.
Previous:[4057]dispress, Up:[4058]= D =
Dissociated Press n.
the text. Then at every step it searches for any random occurrence in
the original text of the last N words (or letters) already printed and
then prints the next word or letter. [4060]EMACS has a handy command
window sysIWYG: n. A bit was named aften /bee't*/ prefer to use the
logic or problem!
interesting new word. (In the preceding example, `window sysIWYG' and
Press, Up:[4066]= D =
distribution n.
[4067]kit. Since about 1996 unqualified use of this term often implies
for this sense. 2. A vague term encompassing mailing lists and Usenet
newsgroups (but not [4070]BBS [4071]fora); any topic-oriented message
Up:[4074]= D =
distro n.
Up:[4078]= D =
disusered adj.
removed, esp. for cause rather than through normal attrition. "He got
disusered when they found out he'd been cracking through the school's
Internet access." The verbal form `disuser' is live but less common.
Both usages probably derive from the DISUSER account status flag on
D =
do protocol vi.
ask for the check, calculate the tip and everybody's share, collect
money from everybody, generate change as necessary, and pay the bill.
See [4083]protocol.
Up:[4086]= D =
doc /dok/ n.
documentation n.
and (too) often resist writing it; they prefer theirs to be terse and
on-line. A common comment on this predilection is "You can't
Up:[4097]= D =
dodgy adj.
dogcow /dog'kow/ n.
the depths of the Macintosh Technical Notes Hypercard stack V3.1. The
full story of the dogcow is told in technical note #31 (the particular
one must needs examine the stack script with a hackerly eye. Clue:
button. It also lurks in other Mac printer drivers, notably those for
the now-discontinued Style Writers. Sadly, Apple has removed the pages
that used to describe the dogcow.
dogfood n.
"To eat one's own dogfood" (from which the slang noun derives) means
tend to be quite tasty and nourishing. The idea is that developers who
are using their own software will quickly learn what's missing or
dogpile v.
[Usenet: prob. fr. mainstream "puppy pile"] When many people post
been suggested that this derives from U.S, football slang for a tackle
D =
dogwash /dog'wosh/
request, ca. 1982. It was something like "Urgency: Wash your dog
Previous:[4116]dogwash, Up:[4117]= D =
who judges people by the domain of their email addresses; esp. someone
who dismisses anyone who posts from a public internet provider. "What
do you expect from an article posted from aol.com?" 2. Said of an
The meaning of this term has drifted. At one time sense 2 was primary.
Up:[4125]= D =
the whole system comes to a halt for thirty seconds." "Don't do that,
Stephenson's "In The Beginning Was The Command Line". A friend of his
servers. He found that from time to time the whole network would lock
button for too long, the network stack wouldn't get a chance to run...
then!, Up:[4129]= D =
dongle /dong'gl/ n.
the computer while the program is run. Programs that use a dongle
validation code. Thus, users can make as many copies of the program as
they want but must pay for each dongle. The idea was clever, but it
way. By 1993, dongles would typically pass data through the port and
monitor for [4131]magic codes (and combinations of status lines) with
minimal if any interference with devices further down the line -- this
pieces of software. These devices have become rare as the industry has
1999 and is now dominant. Laptop owners curse these things because
PC" would only come up in [4136]root mode with a special boot disk.)
Up:[4140]= D =
donuts n. obs.
A collective noun for any set of memory bits. This usage is extremely
archaic and may no longer be live jargon; it dates from the days of
Up:[4144]= D =
doorstop n.
Up:[4148]= D =
DoS attack //
[4150]slashdot effect.
Up:[4153]= D =
tools (on Unix, files named with a leading dot are, by convention, not
really being aware of it.) See also [4155]profile (sense 1), [4156]rc
Up:[4159]= D =
Using both the CTRL and META keys. "The command to burn all LEDs is
typical MIT comment was that the Stanford [4161]bucky bits (control
and meta shifting keys) were nice, but there weren't enough of them;
An obvious way to address this was simply to add more shifting keys,
and this was eventually done; but a keyboard with that many shifting
keys is hard on touch-typists, who don't like to move their hands away
from the home position on the keyboard. It was half-seriously
typing on such a keyboard would be very much like playing a full pipe
Stanford keyboard:
Double Bucky
Had a couple of
Bits more!
Perhaps a
Set of pedals to
Make the number of
Bits four:
Up:[4168]= D =
D =
humorous thing to say (unless of course you were expecting to use it),
and "The elevator is down" always means "The elevator isn't working"
and never refers to what floor the elevator is on. With respect to
computers, this term has passed into the mainstream; the extension to
mechanics may speak of a boiler being down). 2. `go down' vi. To stop
the system down to work on that bug in the tape drive." Occasionally
one hears the word `down' by itself used as a verb in this vt. sense.
download vt.
functional importance.
DP /D-P/ n.
middle. Usage: silly. "DPB yourself into that couch there." The
connotation would be that the couch is full except for one slot just
big enough for one last person to sit in. DPB means `DePosit Byte',
and was the name of a PDP-10 instruction that inserts some bits into
the middle of some other bits. Hackish usage has been kept alive by
DPer /dee-pee-er/ n.
Up:[4201]= D =
[Stanford] The archetypal man you don't want to see about a problem,
doctor?" "Sure, try Mbogo Eye Care and Professional Dry Cleaning." The
name comes from synergy between [4202]bogus and the original Dr.
Mbogo, a witch doctor who was Gomez Addams' physician on the old
the rules for Swahili noun classes, `m-' is the characteristic prefix
Up:[4210]= D =
dragon n.
logged in, where they were, what they were running, etc., along with
which was generated by the `name dragon'. Usage: rare outside MIT --
under Unix and most other OSes this would be called a `background
D =
Dragon Book n.
the lance `LALR parser generator' among his other trappings. This one
Book', `Old Dragon Book'.) The horsed knight and the Green Dragon were
of the Red Dragon's head while the rest of the beast extends back in
Book, Up:[4219]= D =
drain v.
Previous:[4222]drain, Up:[4223]= D =
dread high-bit disease n.
all characters having their high (0x80) bit forced on. This of course
mention the problems these machines have talking with true 8-bit
PRIME old-timers, on the other hand, claim they inherited the disease
n. The result of saving HTML from Microsoft Word or some other program
Disease, Up:[4232]= D =
DRECNET /drek'net/ n.
driver n.
device such as a magnetic disk or tape unit. 3. In the TeX world and
the computerized typesetting world in general, a program that
droid n.
the software has not been properly debugged. The term `droid
sucking his teeth and saying "Oh no, guv, sorry I can't help you:
Up:[4248]= D =
drone n.
conviction that they are more competent than their hacker customers.
Previous:[4250]drone, Up:[4251]= D =
drool-proof paper n.
point where only a [4253]cretin could bear to read it, is said to have
fire or flame." The SGI Indy manual is said to include the line "Do
not dangle the mouse by the cord or throw it at coworkers.", but this
mail and netnews relay sites that lose messages. See also [4257]black
drop-ins n.
malfunction of some sort. Esp. used when these are interspersed with
Up:[4266]= D =
drop-outs n.
under Unix when a bad connection to a modem swamps the processor with
drugged adj.
(also `on drugs') 1. Conspicuously stupid, heading toward
Up:[4277]= D =
drum adj, n.
that were once state-of-the-art storage devices. Under BSD Unix the
disk partition used for swapping is still called /dev/drum; this has
Previous:[4281]drum, Up:[4282]= D =
device of some computers. The typical symptom is for the mouse cursor
on the screen to move in random directions and not in sync with the
mouse and plugging it back again. Another recommended fix for optical
mice is to rotate your mouse pad 90 degrees.
At Xerox PARC in the 1970s, most people kept a can of copier cleaner
(isopropyl alcohol) at their desks. When the steel ball on the mouse
cruft, so the dousings became more and more frequent. Finally, the
mouse was declared `alcoholic' and sent to the clinic to be dried out
syndrome, Up:[4286]= D =
dub, Up:[4289]= D =
Duff's device n.
switch (count % 8)
case 0: do { to = from++;
case 7: to = from++;
case 6: to = from++;
case 5: to = from++;
case 4: to = from++;
case 3: to = from++;
case 2: to = from++;
case 1: to = from++;
} while (--n > 0);
Shocking though it appears to all who encounter it for the first time,
controversial single feature; Duff observed that "This code forms some
sort of argument in that debate, but I'm not sure whether it's for or
Duff's device can be used to implement memory copy, but the original
device, Up:[4296]= D =
dumb terminal n.
time, when glass ttys were common and addressable cursors were
something special, what is now called a dumb terminal could pass for a
smart terminal.
terminal, Up:[4301]= D =
Up:[4306]= D =
software be dumbed down after the designer has burned untold gallons
Up:[4311]= D =
dump n.
debuggers has made such tedium uncommon, and the term `dump' now has a
Up:[4318]= D =
phone company plants and offices. Discarded and damaged copies of AT&T
Up:[4323]= D =
a message that may have reached the FidoNet system via different
Up:[4326]= D =
information), all systems passed on the way back to that system are
D =
dusty deck n.
DWIM /dwim/
vague, but who nevertheless has the expectation that you will solve
Warren Teitelman originally wrote DWIM to fix his typos and spelling
Some victims of DWIM thus claimed that the acronym stood for `Damn
interpreter used at Xerox PARC. One day another hacker there typed
delete *$ to free up some disk space. (The editor there named backup
delete any backup files left over from old editing sessions.) It
happened that there weren't any editor backup files, so DWIM helpfully
reported $ not found, assuming you meant 'delete '. It then started
to delete all the files on the disk! The hacker managed to stop it
were lost.
the ideal computer would have. Back when proofs of program correctness
were in vogue, there were also jokes about `DWIMC' (Do What I Mean,
Correctly). A related term, more often seen as a verb, is DTRT (Do The
dynner /din'r/ n.
Jargon Lexicon
= E =
[4357]Easter egg:
[4358]Easter egging:
[4365]eighty-column mind:
[4367]elder days:
[4370]elevator controller:
[4372]ELIZA effect:
[4388]epsilon squared:
[4389]era the:
[4390]Eric Conspiracy:
[4393]error 33:
[4397]Evil Empire:
[4408]external memory:
[4409]eye candy:
[4410]eyeball search:
Up:[4413]= E =
earthquake n.
Hackish sources at IBM deny the rumor that the Bay Area quake of 1989
Up:[4416]= E =
Easter egg n.
[from the custom of the Easter Egg hunt observed in the U.S. and many
caused them to respond to the command make love with not war?. Many
snatches of music, and (in one case) graphics images of the entire
development team.
Easter egging n.
normal operating mode of [4420]field circus techs and do not love them
for it. See also the jokes under [4421]field circus. Compare
[4422]shotgun debugging.
egging, Up:[4425]= E =
eat flaming death imp.
reported that the Firesign Theatre's 1975 album "In The Next World,
You're On Your Own" a character won the right to scream "Eat flaming
Up:[4430]= E =
company, but IBM's own description of the EBCDIC variants and how to
and loathing.
echo [FidoNet] n.
ECP /E-C-P/ n.
ed n.
"ed is the standard text editor." Line taken from original the
for batch operations. The original line is sometimes uttered near the
Up:[4456]= E =
egosurf vi.
To search the net for your name or links to your web pages. Perhaps
Previous:[4458]egosurf, Up:[4459]= E =
eighty-column mind n.
[IBM] The sort said to be possessed by persons for whom the transition
from [4460]punched card to tape was traumatic (nobody has dared tell
customer base and its thinking. This only began to change in the
mid-1990s when IBM began to reinvent itself after the triumph of the
walloper. A copy of "The Last Bug" lives on the the GNU site at
The road mundanely called El Camino Real, running along San Francisco
many portions of the old road are still intact. Navigation on the San
Francisco peninsula is usually done relative to El Camino Real, which
The Spanish word `real' (which has two syllables: /ray-ahl'/) means
calling it `El Camino Double Precision' -- but when the hacker was
told that the road was hundreds of miles long, he renamed it `El
[GLS has since let slip that the unnamed hacker in this story was in
In recent years, the synonym `El Camino Virtual' has been reported as
literate hackers in the Valley have also been heard to refer to some
near Moffett Field - where they keep all those complex planes.
Up:[4473]= E =
elder days n.
"The Lord of the Rings". Compare [4477]Iron Age; see also [4478]elvish
Up:[4482]= E =
elegant adj.
probably best known for his classic children's book "The Little
Previous:[4485]elegant, Up:[4486]= E =
elephantine adj.
program may be functional and even friendly, but (as in the old joke
about being in bed with an elephant) it's tough to have around all the
Previous:[4494]elephantine, Up:[4495]= E =
elevator controller n.
controller, Up:[4500]= E =
elite adj.
hackers use it only with heavy irony. The term used to refer to the
Frequently, early boards would only let you post, or even see, a
certain subset of the sections (or `boards') on a BBS. Those who got
E =
from prior experience. For example, there is nothing magic about the
This term comes from the famous ELIZA program by Joseph Weizenbaum,
dealing with ELIZA. All this was due to people's tendency to attach to
words meanings which the computer never put there. The ELIZA effect is
a [4506]Good Thing when writing a programming language, but it can
available at
E =
elvish n.
EMACS /ee'maks/ n.
programmable text editor with an entire LISP system inside it. It was
hackers, and versions exist that run under most major operating
principally under Unix. (Its close relative XEmacs is the second most
subprocesses and send and receive mail or news; many hackers spend up
editor does not (yet) include. Indeed, some hackers find EMACS too
name as `Escape Meta Alt Control Shift' to spoof its heavy reliance on
include `Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping' (from when that was
email /ee'mayl/
open work". A use from 1480 is given. The word is probably derived
makes email (he generally paints some objects (like, say, jewelry) and
emoticon /ee-moh'ti-kon/ n.
such as Usenet; the lack of verbal and visual cues can otherwise cause
Hundreds of emoticons have been proposed, but only a few are in common
`frowney face' (for sadness, anger, or upset)
`half-smiley' ([4542]ha ha only serious); also known as
`wry face'
(These may become more comprehensible if you tilt your head sideways,
to the left.)
The first two listed are by far the most frequently encountered.
Hyphenless forms of them are common on CompuServe, GEnie, and BIX; see
happy-face emoticon.
It appears that the emoticon was invented by one Scott Fahlman on the
later wrote: "I wish I had saved the original post, or at least
recorded the date for posterity, but I had no idea that I was starting
loserhood! More than one per paragraph is a fairly sure sign that
See [4551]spam.
Node:empire, Next:[4552]engine, Previous:[4553]EMP, Up:[4554]= E =
empire n.
implemented for both Unix and VMS; the latter is even available as
months (long term). The amount of sleep you can get while playing is a
site is at [4556]http://www.empire.cx/.
engine n.
1. A piece of hardware that encapsulates some function but can't be
a `database engine'.
`Analytical Engine'.
Up:[4563]= E =
truth-in-advertising laws.
enhancement n.
increased revenue. A hacker being ironic would instead call the fix a
itself to be a feature.
EOF /E-O-F/ n.
originally 0. DOS hackers think EOF is ^Z, and a few Amiga hackers
a list of 360 mnemonics to post as a joke, but I hit EOF pretty fast;
all the library had was a [4586]JCL manual." See also [4587]EOL.
EOL /E-O-L/ n.
[End Of Line] Syn. for [4591]newline, derived perhaps from the
EOU /E-O-U/ n.
ASCII from the days when it was associated more with wire-service
teletypes than computers (e.g., FS, GS, RS, US, EM, SUB, ETX, and esp.
beasts with a lot of clattering parts; the notion that one might
epoch n.
values. Under most Unix versions the epoch is 00:00:00 GMT, January 1,
1970; under VMS, it's 00:00:00 of November 17, 1858 (base date of the
or [4601]ticks past the epoch. Weird problems may ensue when the clock
Unix is good only until January 18, 2038, assuming at least some
other hand, has an epoch problem every 49.7 days - but this is seldom
that long.
Up:[4606]= E =
"We can get this feature for epsilon cost." 3. `within epsilon of':
close enough, but very little is required to get it there: "My program
Up:[4611]= E =
epsilon squared n.
squared, Up:[4618]= E =
era n.
synonymous, but `era' more often connotes a span of time rather than a
Up:[4624]= E =
Eric Conspiracy n.
traits can account for unless they are correlated in some arcane way.
your editor has heard from more than sixty others by email, and the
regularly from more than one site. See the Eric Conspiracy Web Page at
Up:[4629]= E =
Eris /e'ris/ n.
The Greek goddess of Chaos, Discord, Confusion, and Things You Know
Not Of; her name was latinized to Discordia and she was worshiped by
that name in Rome. Not a very friendly deity in the Classical
erotics /ee-ro'tiks/ n.
maybe because good electronics excites them and makes them warm.
E =
eurodemo /yoor'o-dem`-o/
a [4642]demo, sense 4
Up:[4645]= E =
evil adj.
but decided it was too evil to deal with." "[4650]TECO is neat, but it
Up:[4654]= E =
that the rudeness was due to malice rather than incompetence. Thus,
as easy and effective to do; but it's evil and rude because the
but rather to lock hapless customers and developers into the Microsoft
way. Hackish evil and rude is close to the mainstream sense of `evil'.
Up:[4659]= E =
Evil Empire n.
company most hackers love to hate at any given time. Hackers like to
frequently adopt this role to the point of ascribing rather more power
and malice to the Empire than it actually has. See also [4662]Borg and
Up:[4670]= E =
[4676]desk check.
Up:[4679]= E =
To exchange two things, each for the other; to swap places. If you
point to two people sitting down and say "Exch!", you are asking them
excl /eks'kl/ n.
VMS, and TWENEX) use the extension .EXE to mark such files. This usage
Up:[4692]= E =
Up:[4698]= E =
[from technical books] Used to complete a proof when one doesn't mind
"The proof [or `the rest'] is left as an exercise for the reader."
Up:[4702]= E =
A generic obscenity that quickly entered wide use on the Internet and
Usenet after [4703]Black Thursday. From the last name of Senator James
component of Windows 95 and WinNT 4. Our spies report that most of the
heavy guns at MS came from a Unix background and use command line
Up:[4711]= E =
exploit n.
over the network. The [4712]Ping O' Death is a famous exploit. 2. More
Up:[4715]= E =
external memory n.
memory, Up:[4718]= E =
performs necessary background tasks. "Give 'em some eye candy while
also told this term is mainstream slang for soft pornography, but that
Up:[4724]= E =
To look for something in a mass of code or data with one's own native
Jargon Lexicon
= F =
[4732]face time:
[4735]fall over:
[4736]fall through:
[4738]fandango on core:
[4740]FAQ list:
[4746]fat electrons:
[4749]fd leak:
[4752]feature creature:
[4753]feature creep:
[4754]feature key:
[4755]feature shock:
[4759]feeping creature:
[4760]feeping creaturism:
[4761]feetch feetch:
[4763]fencepost error:
[4764]fiber-seeking backhoe:
[4766]field circus:
[4767]field servoid:
[4769]File Attach:
[4770]File Request:
[4771]file signature:
[4773]film at 11:
[4775]Finagle's Law:
[4778]finger trouble:
[4779]finger-pointing syndrome:
[4783]firehose syndrome:
[4784]firewall code:
[4785]firewall machine:
[4786]fireworks mode:
[4790]FISH queue:
[4795]flag day:
[4799]flame bait:
[4800]flame on:
[4801]flame war:
[4805]flash crowd:
[4815]flower key:
[4818]Flyspeck 3:
[4824]fold case:
[4830]fool file:
[4833]for free:
[4839]fork bomb:
[4842]fortune cookie:
[4845]four-color glossies:
[4849]Fred Foobar:
[4851]free software:
[4863]front end:
[4874]fuck me harder:
[4876]FUD wars:
[4878]fudge factor:
[4879]fuel up:
[4880]Full Monty:
[4884]funny money:
Up:[4889]= F =
face time n.
to via electronic links). "Oh, yeah, I spent some face time with him
F =
factor n.
See [4893]coefficient of X.
fairings n. /fer'ingz/
favor(?) seems called for, e,g. at the end of a really long thread for
which the outcome is no longer even cared about since everyone is now
Up:[4899]= F =
Up:[4905]= F =
fall through v.
via a break or exception condition that exits from the middle of it.
This usage appears to be really old, dating from the 1940s and 1950s.
1. To fail a test that would have passed control to a subroutine or
other than by jumping there from the switch header, passing a point
switch (color)
case GREEN:
case PINK:
case RED:
do---red() when color is RED, do---blue() on any other color other than
PINK, and (and this is the important part) do---pink() and then do---red()
Up:[4910]= F =
fan n.
one who goes to [4911]cons and tends to hang out with other fans. Many
hackers are fans, so this term has been imported from fannish slang;
F =
fandango on core n.
low-end personal machines without an MMU (or Windows boxes, which have
Up:[4926]= F =
attempt to forestall such questions. Some people prefer the term `FAQ
kind of lore, although it is far too big for a regular FAQ posting.
Examples: "What is the proper type of NULL?" and "What's that funny
FAQL /fa'kl/ n.
faradize /far'*-di:z/ v.
two weeks you might find your entire department playing the faradic
F =
farkled /far'kld/ adj.
farming n.
machine has just crashed; I hope the hard drive hasn't gone
Up:[4949]= F =
fascist adj.
Up:[4954]= F =
fat electrons n.
glitches. Your typical electric utility draws its line current out of
the big generators with a pair of coil taps located near the top of
the dynamo. When the normal tap brushes get dirty, they take them off
line to clean them up, and use special auxiliary taps on the bottom of
the coil. Now, this is a problem, because when they do that they get
down ordinary wires just fine, but when they have to turn a sharp
Up:[4960]= F =
fat-finger vt.
and took half the net down again." 2. More generally, any typo that
F =
faulty adj.
Up:[4968]= F =
are completed, and thus eventually runs out of them. See [4970]leak.
Up:[4973]= F =
"Ack! They want PCs to be able to talk to the AI machine. Fear and
loathing time!"
loathing, Up:[4980]= F =
feature n.
property or behavior that was put in to help someone else but that
did not consider the particular case, and that the program responded
[4990]green lightning.
The relationship among bugs, features, misfeatures, warts, and
door built around the window behind you, and the route has to be kept
A: "Oh. Then it's a misfeature; they should have increased the spacing
lose several rows and a chunk out of the profit margin. So unequal
B: "Indeed."
Beetle today with a vanity license plate that read FEATURE". If he/she
Previous:[4994]feature, Up:[4995]= F =
feature creature n.
[poss. fr. slang `creature feature' for a horror movie] 1. One who
creature, Up:[5001]= F =
feature creep n.
creep, Up:[5005]= F =
feature key n.
[common] The Macintosh key with the cloverleaf graphic on its keytop;
appears on the feature key. Its oldest name is `cross of St. Hannes',
many of these are old churches. Some Swedes report as an idiom for the
Other idioms reported for the sign are runa' (rune) orrunsten'
especially among those who think that the Mac itself is a relic of
key, Up:[5009]= F =
feature shock n.
Up:[5012]= F =
featurectomy /fee`chr-ek't-mee/ n.
equivalent and better way to achieve the same end. (Doing so is not
feep /feep/
for a VT-52); a beep (in fact, the microcomputer world seems to prefer
(the original TTYs) do not feep; they have mechanical bells that ring.
onomatopoeic. (Jeff MacNelly, in his comic strip "Shoe", uses the word
`eep' for sounds made by computer terminals and video games; this is
perhaps the closest written approximation yet.) The term `breedle' was
Up:[5022]= F =
feeper /fee'pr/ n.
Previous:[5025]feeper, Up:[5026]= F =
feeping creature n.
of hacks. This term isn't really well defined, but it sounds so neat
customary noises.
creaturism, Up:[5035]= F =
obvious doubt, it means "I don't know; it sounds like just one more
Up:[5038]= F =
fence n. 1.
the last slot of the array, thus allowing the main search loop to
search for the value without having to check at each pass whether the
fence procedure".
Previous:[5042]fence, Up:[5043]= F =
fencepost error n.
following problem: "If you build a fence 100 feet long with posts 10
answer than the obvious 10.) For example, suppose you have a long list
items are there? The obvious answer is n - m, but that is off by one;
the right answer is n - m + 1. A program that used the `obvious'
formula would have a fencepost error in it. See also [5044]zeroth and
[5045]off-by-one error, and note that not all off-by-one errors are
binary tree or hash table implementation. (The error here involves the
fiber-seeking backhoe
backhoe, Up:[5052]= F =
FidoNet n.
consisting only of IBM PCs and compatibles, FidoNet now includes such
diverse machines as Apple ][s, Ataris, Amigas, and Unix systems. For
years FidoNet actually grew faster than Usenet, but the advent of
cheap Internet access probably means its days are numbered. In early
1999 Fidonet has approximately 30,000 nodes, down from 38K in 1996.
Up:[5055]= F =
field circus n.
There is also the `Field Circus Cheer' (from the old [5058]plan file
Maynard! Maynard!
(DEC's service HQ, still extant under the Compaq regime, is located in
Maynard, Massachusetts.)
circus, Up:[5061]= F =
servoid, Up:[5066]= F =
Fight-o-net n.
[FidoNet] Deliberate distortion of [5067]FidoNet, often applied after
Up:[5073]= F =
another. 2. vt. Sending someone a file by using the File Attach option
in a FidoNet mailer.
Attach, Up:[5076]= F =
"available for FReq" in the same way that files are announced as being
FidoNet mailer.
Node:file signature, Next:[5080]filk, Previous:[5081]File Request,
Up:[5082]= F =
file signature n.
Up:[5086]= F =
[from SF fandom, where a typo for `folk' was adopted as a new word] A
film at 11
referenced event. For example, "The mail file server died this
morning; we found garbage all over the root directory. Film at 11."
would indicate that a major failure had occurred but that the people
the phrase in this way suggests gently that the problem is liable to
be fixed more quickly if the people doing the fixing can spend time
which will appear on the normal "11:00 news", if people will just be
digital-video format.)
Up:[5098]= F =
filter n.
that processes an input data stream into an output data stream in some
well-defined way, and does no I/O to anywhere else except possibly on
F =
Finagle's Law n.
that can go wrong, will". One variant favored among hackers is "The
running joke involving the worship of the dread god Finagle and his
paleontologists) know it under the name `Sod's Law'; this usage may be
F =
fine adj.
[WPI] Good, but not good enough to be [5111]cuspy. The word `fine' is
Up:[5115]= F =
system. Typically shows full name, last login time, idle time,
check a human's current state by any means. "Foodp?" "T!" "OK, finger
one's plan file to deter the curious fingerer (sense 2), it has
Previous:[5120]finger, Up:[5121]= F =
finger trouble n.
Mistyping, typos, or generalized keyboard incompetence (this is
surprisingly common among hackers, given the amount of time they spend
trouble, Up:[5124]= F =
finger-pointing syndrome n.
The software vendor points a finger at the hardware. All the poor
syndrome, Up:[5127]= F =
finn v.
[IRC] To pull rank on somebody based on the amount of time one has
spent on [5128]IRC. The term derives from the fact that IRC was
character "I have a pair of shoes older than you are, so shut up!"
Node:firebottle, Next:[5129]firefighting, Previous:[5130]finn,
Up:[5131]= F =
firebottle n.obs.
Previous:[5134]firebottle, Up:[5135]= F =
firefighting n.
power glitch hosed the network and I spent the whole afternoon
Previous:[5139]firefighting, Up:[5140]= F =
firehose syndrome n.
firehose can be a good way to rip your lips off. On computer networks,
firewall code n.
1. The code you put in a system (say, a telephone switch) to make sure
that the users can't do any damage. Since users always want to be able
error. Wise programmers often change code to fix a bug twice: once to
fix the bug, and once to insert a firewall which would have arrested
firewall machine n.
bunch of modems and public network ports on it but just one carefully
[When first coined in the mid-1980s this term was pure jargon. Now
uptake --ESR]
machine, Up:[5156]= F =
fireworks mode n.
the video pointer(s) from getting reset at the start of the vertical
blank. This caused the DAC to scroll through the entire contents of
CHIP (video or video+CPU) memory. Since each bit plane would scroll
Up:[5160]= F =
firmware /ferm'weir/ n.
hackers don't normally apply it to stuff that you can't possibly get
firmy /fer'mee/ n.
fish n.
variable. See [5169]foo. Derived originally from the Monty Python skit
a `fish tank'.
FISH queue n.
[acronym, by analogy with FIFO (First In, First Out)] `First In, Still
sequence of events or requests has stopped dead. Also `FISH mode' and
fix n.,v.
What one does when a problem has been reported too many times to be
FIXME imp.
Compare [5183]XXX.
flag n.
message." "The program status word contains several flag bits." Used
[5189]mode bit.
flag day n.
that without causing a flag day for all users?" This term has nothing
to do with the use of the word [5193]flag to mean a variable that has
two values. It came into use when a massive change was made to the
version of the ASCII code to the 1967 version (in draft at the time);
this was scheduled for Flag Day (a U.S. holiday), June 14, 1966. The
actual change moved the code point for the ASCII newline character;
this required that all of the Multics source code, documentation, and
flaky adj.
but fails frequently enough that the odds in favor of finishing what
flamage /flay'm*j/ n.
F =
[at MIT, orig. from the phrase `flaming asshole'] 1. vi. To post an
controversy, one might tell the participants "Now you're just flaming"
or "Stop all that flamage!" to try to get them to cool down (so to
places. It has been reported from MIT, Carleton College and RPI (among
many other places) from as far back as 1969, and from the University
that. The poet Chaucer was also what passed for a wizard hacker in his
wretches" would be today. One suspects that Chaucer would feel right
at home on Usenet.
F =
flame bait n.
Up:[5219]= F =
flame on vi.,interj.
F =
flame war n.
flamer n.
[common] One who habitually [5230]flames. Said esp. of obnoxious
[5231]Usenet personalities.
flap vt.
Old-time hackers at MIT tell of the days when the disk was device 0
and DEC microtapes were 1, 2,... and attempting to flap device 0 would
Modern cartridge tapes no longer actually flap, but the usage has
flarp /flarp/ n.
that any program not containing the word `flarp' somewhere will not
work. The legend is discreetly silent on the reliability of programs
flash crowd
Larry Niven's 1973 SF short story "Flash Crowd" predicted that one
years later the term passed into common use on the Internet to
[5244]slashdot effect).
Up:[5247]= F =
flat adj.
box has only a flat filesystem, not a hierarchical one." The verb form
VAX or 680x0) that is one big linear address space (typically with
F =
flat-ASCII adj.
[common] Said of a text file that contains only 7-bit ASCII characters
Up:[5260]= F =
flat-file adj.
Node:flatten, Next:[5264]flavor, Previous:[5265]flat-file, Up:[5266]=
F =
flatten vt.
F =
flavor n.
"These lights come in two flavors, big red ones and small green ones."
strange, charm, top, bottom) and three colors (red, blue, green) --
however, hackish use of `flavor' at MIT predated QCD. 3. The term for
system. Though the Flavors design has been superseded (notably by the
flavorful adj.
[5279]random and [5280]losing for antonyms. See also the entries for
flippy /flip'ee/ n.
flood v.
This is especially rude when the text is uninteresting and the other
Up:[5292]= F =
flowchart n.
lower forms of life. This attitude follows from the observations that
read than code, are less precise, and tend to fall out of sync with
the code (so that they either obfuscate it rather than explaining it,
Up:[5298]= F =
flower key n.
F =
flush v.
leave at the end of a day's work (as opposed to leaving for a meal).
one spoke of the text that would have been printed, but was not, as
internal output buffer, washing the characters away before they could
be printed. The Unix/C usage, on the other hand, was propagated by the
and IBM machines as far back as 1965). Unix/C hackers found the ITS
F =
flypage /fli:'payj/ n.
Up:[5310]= F =
Flyspeck 3 n.
analogy with names like `Helvetica 10' for 10-point Helvetica). Legal
flytrap n.
the manual itself in the [5319]RTFM. "Have you seen the Networking FM
[5320]black magic.
fnord n.
FOAF // n.
FOD /fod/ v.
for other people. From [5334]MUDs where the wizard command `FOD
In aviation, FOD means Foreign Object Damage, e.g., what happens when
fold case v.
See [5339]smash case. This term tends to be used more by people who
don't mind that their tools smash case. It also connotes that case is
ignored but case distinctions in data processed by the tool in
Up:[5342]= F =
followup n.
fontology n.
[XEROX PARC] The body of knowledge dealing with the construction and
use of new fonts (e.g., for window systems and typesetting software).
foo /foo/
sample name for absolutely anything, esp. programs and files (esp.
now seems more likely that FUBAR was itself a derivative of `foo'
For, it seems, the word `foo' itself had an immediate prewar history
in comic strips and cartoons. The earliest documented uses were in the
phrases such as "Notary Sojac" and "1506 nix nix". According to the
which can mean "happiness" when spoken with the proper tone (the
two wheels. The comic strip was tremendously popular in the late
its way into popular songs and generating over 500 `Foo Clubs.' The
during the WWII years. In 1944-45, the term `foo fighters' was in use
American usage in 1995 via the name of one of the better grunge-rock
The U.S. and British militaries frequently swapped slang terms during
American Kilroy. Where British troops went, the graffito "FOO was
that FOO probably came from Forward Observation Officer, but this
Forty years later, Paul Dickson's excellent book "Words" (Dell, 1982,
usage actually sprang from "FOO, Lampoons and Parody", the title of a
title FOO was featured in large letters on the front cover. However,
the earlier Smokey Stover comics. The Crumbs may also have been
published in 1951-52.
FOO: The first syllable of the sacred chant phrase "FOO MANE PADME
(For more about the legendary foo counters, see [5373]TMRC.) This
definition used Bill Holman's nonsense word, only then two decades old
like that, and it is not likely 1959's were any less susceptible.
Almost the entire staff of what later became the MIT AI Lab was
foobar n.
"FOOBAR" was made an abbreviation for "FTP Operation Over Big Address
fool n.
fool file n.
blocks consists of the header "From the fool file:" followed by some
Up:[5397]= F =
Foonly n.
1. The [5398]PDP-10 successor that was to have been built by the Super
along with a new operating system. (The name itself came from FOO NLI,
Not a Legal Identifier". The intention was to leapfrog from the old
standard. ARPA funding for both the Super Foonly and the new operating
system was cut in 1974. Most of the design team went to DEC and
name of the company formed by Dave Poole, one of the principal Super
Many people remember the parrot which sat on Poole's shoulder and was
The first was the F-1 (a.k.a. Super Foonly), which was the
The F-1 was the fastest PDP-10 ever built, but only one was ever made.
The effort drained Foonly of its financial resources, and the company
gladly did not help matters. By the time of the Jupiter project
eclipsed by the [5401]Mars, and the company never quite recovered. See
the [5402]Mars entry for the continuation and moral of this story.
F =
footprint n.
The audit trail (if any) left by a crashed program (often in plural,
one an idea of how much will be left for other applications. How
Previous:[5408]footprint, Up:[5409]= F =
implement: "In APL, we get the matrix operations for free." "And owing
to the way revisions are stored in this system, you get revision trees
free, Up:[5413]= F =
[from the Mac slogan "The computer for the rest of us"] 1. Used to
upper bound on how far that user can go before the program begins to
get in the way of the task instead of helping accomplish it. Used in
it's designed for The Rest Of Them" means a program that superficially
looks neat but has no depth beyond the surface flash. See also
interface, [5419]user-friendly.
us, Up:[5422]= F =
for values of
when the speaker has uttered a random number and realizes that it was
not recognized as such, but even `non-random' numbers are occasionally
would repeat the indicated instructions for each value in the list
(unlike the usual FOR that only works for arithmetic sequences of
Up:[5426]= F =
fora pl.n.
Plural of [5427]forum.
foreground vt.
is one able to accept input from and return output to the user; oppose
OS/360. Normally, there is only one foreground task per terminal (or
F =
In the open-source community, a fork is what occurs when two (or more)
parallel which once shared a common code base, and these multiple
them. This should not be confused with a development branch, which may
later be folded back into the original source code base. Nor should it
GCC/EGCS fork (later healed by a merger) and the forks among the
fork bomb n.
(using the Unix system call fork(2)). Eventually it eats all the
fork bombs are relatively easy to spot and kill, so creating one
the gods down upon the perpetrator. See also [5443]logic bomb.
F =
forked adj.,vi.
1. [common after 1997, esp. in the Linux community] An open-source
the fissionings of the 386BSD group into three daughter project, and
the short-lived GCC/EGCS split) are rare enough that they are
Up:[5451]= F =
Fortrash /for'trash/ n.
Up:[5454]= F =
fortune cookie n.
logout time. Items from this lexicon have often been used as fortune
Up:[5458]= F =
forum n.
fossil n.
and [5471]BSD Unix tty driver, designed for use with monocase
later [5472]USG Unix releases as the IUCLC and OLCUC bits.) 3. The
routines in the IBM PC ROMs. Fossils are used by most MS-DOS [5474]BBS
Up:[5479]= F =
four-color glossies n.
Up:[5484]= F =
frag n.,v.
[from Vietnam-era U.S. military slang via the games Doom and Quake] 1.
fragile adj.
Syn [5490]brittle.
F =
fred n.
BBC Microcomputer! (It is reported that SHEILA was poked the most
often.) Unlike [5496]J. Random Hacker or `J. Random Loser', the name
F =
Fred Foobar n.
[5502]J. Random Hacker's cousin. Any typical human being, more or less
[5503]backreferenced by name later on. "So Fred Foobar will enter his
phone number into the database, and it'll be archived with the others.
Months later, when Fred searches..." See also [5504]Bloggs Family and
Up:[5508]= F =
frednet /fred'net/ n.
frednet problem."
Up:[5512]= F =
free software n.
to modify the software for their private use, and free to redistribute
movement began in 1984 with the GNU Project. See also [5513]open
Up:[5516]= F =
freeware n.
freeze v.
date. "OK, fix that bug and we'll freeze for release."
fried adj.
resistors can burn out and transformers can melt down, emitting
frink /frink/ v.
The unknown ur-verb, fill in your own meaning. Found esp. on the
F =
friode /fri:'ohd/ n.
fritterware n.
term describes anything that eats huge amounts of time for quite
marginal gains in function but seduces people into using it anyway.
Up:[5549]= F =
frob /frob/ 1. n.
small thing; an object that you can comfortably hold in one hand;
F =
2-state devices. Thus: "Please frob the light switch" (that is, flip
it), but also "Stop frobbing that clasp; you'll break it". One also
knob is fun, he's frobbing it. The variant `frobnosticate' has been
recently reported.
F =
/frob'ni:/ n.
also become very popular, largely through its exposure as a name via
the TMRC [railroad] layout were many storage boxes, managed (in 1958)
proper name, but the name was quickly taken for the thing". This was
media failures. Might occur, for example, if one bit of each incoming
and others were not. See [5576]terminak for a historical example and
with ASCII bit patterns might be able to read the display anyway.
F =
front end n.
elephants!" "Uh-huh." "Do you know what I just said?" "Sorry, you were
frotz /frots/
mildest disgust.
frowney n.
(alt. `frowney face') See [5593]emoticon.
FRS // n.,obs.
for papers and other literature during 1995. The term was in steady
though not common use until 1998 and the invention of [5599]open
if you have to use it at all you are having a bad day). Originated on
Common abbreviation (both spoken and written) for the name of the Free
script-fu, in 1998.
F =
F =
mental image possible -- the short forms implicitly allude to all the
relatively uncommon among hackers, and there was some controversy over
Up:[5637]= F =
FUD /fuhd/ n.
Defined by Gene Amdahl after he left IBM to found his own company:
"FUD is the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that IBM sales people instill
would happen to people who stuck with IBM, but Dark Shadows loomed
After 1990 the term FUD was associated increasingly frequently with
willing to fragment the market to protect their own shares. The Unix
standards is another.
Up:[5646]= F =
like going through that pain and suffering, so I fudged it -- I'll fix
Up:[5649]= F =
fudge factor n.
produce the desired result. The terms `tolerance' and [5650]slop are
buffer that is made larger than necessary because one isn't sure
space than to lose completely for not having enough. A fudge factor,
on the other hand, can often be tweaked in more than one direction. A
Up:[5654]= F =
fuel up vi.
[5656]oriental food.
Full Monty n.
fum n.
[XEROX PARC] At PARC, often the third of the standard
functino n.
pointer is four bytes on most systems) and speed (hackers can and do
Up:[5673]= F =
funky adj.
way. It does the job and would be difficult to change, so its obvious
more bugs something has that nobody has bothered to fix because
workarounds are easier, the funkier it is. [5674]TECO and UUCP are
reason, try resubmitting it." "This UART is pretty funky. The data
F =
funny money n.
money). In New Zealand and Germany the odd usage `paper money' has
ruble' commemmorates the funny money used for trade between COMECON
countries back when the Soviet Bloc still existed. When your funny
money ran out, your account froze and you needed to go to a professor
made this less common. The amounts allocated were almost invariably
too small, even for the non-hackers who wanted to slide by with
Up:[5680]= F =
furrfu excl.
fuzzball n.
These were used as NSFnet backbone sites in its early 56kb-line days;
a few were still active on the Internet as late as mid-1993, doing odd
Jargon Lexicon
= G =
[5694]gang bang:
[5695]garbage collect:
[5699]Gates's Law:
[5706]geek code:
[5707]geek out:
[5709]gender mender:
[5714]Get a life!:
[5718]GIFs at 11:
[5728]glass tty:
[5738]go flatline:
[5739]go root:
[5740]go-faster stripes:
[5743]Godwin's Law:
[5746]golf-ball printer:
[5750]Good Thing:
[5752]gopher hole:
[5754]gorilla arm:
[5762]gray goo:
[5763]Great Renaming:
[5764]Great Runes:
[5765]Great Worm:
[5767]Green Book:
[5768]green bytes:
[5769]green card:
[5770]green lightning:
[5771]green machine:
[5772]Green's Theorem:
[5778]grind crank:
[5783]gronk out:
[5794]gunpowder chicken:
[5797]guru meditation:
G pref.,suff.
g-file n.
[Commodore BBS culture] Any file that is written with the intention of
being read by a human rather than a machine, such as the Jargon File,
and BBS community. In the early 80s, C-Net had emerged as the most
popular C64 BBS software for systems which encouraged messaging (as
opposed to file transfer). There were three main options for files:
gabriel /gay'bree-*l/ n.
gag vi.
Up:[5816]= G =
gang bang n.
Up:[5823]= G =
Up:[5827]= G =
garply /gar'plee/ n.
[as in `gas chamber'] 1. interj. A term of disgust and hatred,
"You should gas that old crufty software." 4. [IBM] n. Dead space in
called `degassing' (by analogy, perhaps, with the use of the same term
gaseous adj.
killings in San Francisco, when it was learned that the defendant Dan
White (a politician who had supported Proposition 7) would get the gas
Up:[5840]= G =
Gates's Law
gawble /gaw'bl/ n.
See [5845]chawmp.
GC /G-C/
throw away useless things. "I think I'll GC the top of my desk today."
the memory they occupy can be recycled and used for another purpose.
GCOS /jee'kohs/ n.
reaction to the GCOS crowd's uninformed and snotty attitude about the
except for two facts: (1) The GCOS people won the political war, and
Some early Unix systems at Bell Labs used GCOS machines for print
carry GCOS ID information was called the `GECOS field' and survives
today as the pw---gecos member used for the user's full name and other
mostly ditched for Unix in the late 1980s when Honeywell began to
GECOS /jee'kohs/ n.
See [5861]GCOS.
you carry out in your head. In physics, the term `gedanken experiment'
experiments are very useful in physics, but must be used with care.
It's too easy to idealize away some important aspect of the real world
about what is programmable and what is not, and about what does and
[5865]AI-complete, [5866]DWIM.
Node:geef, Next:[5867]geek code, Previous:[5868]gedanken, Up:[5869]= G
geef v.
geek code n.
codes, often suffixed with plusses or minuses. Because many net users
Version: 3.1
GED/J d-- s:++>: a- C++(++++)$ ULUO++ P+>+++ L++ !E---- W+(---) N+++
a "Saturn geek code" for owners of the Saturn car. See also
[5878]computer geek.
when you need to do or say something highly technical and don't have
Up:[5886]= G =
Previous:[5889]gen, Up:[5890]= G =
gender mender n.
[common] A cable connector shell with either two male or two female
connectors on it, used to correct the mismatches that result when some
distinction between DTE and DCE. Used esp. for RS-232C parts in either
the original D-25 or the IBM PC's bogus D-9 format. Also called
`male homosexual adapter' has pins on both sides (is doubly male) or
mender, Up:[5894]= G =
GNU tools, which may in turn infect other software that reuses any of
January 1991 is that copyright law limits the scope of the GPL to
developers to avoid using GNU tools and the GPL. Changes in the
language of the version 2.0 GPL did not eliminate this problem.
generate vt.
used of human behavior. "The guy is rational most of the time, but
Previous:[5905]generate, Up:[5906]= G =
attack on a problem from an offbeat angle that no one has ever thought
[5907]grok, [5908]zen.
Technique, Up:[5911]= G =
gensym /jen'sim/
not in conflict with one already in use. 2. n. The resulting name. The
Node:Get a life!, Next:[5913]Get a real computer!,
Previous:[5914]gensym, Up:[5915]= G =
was certainly in wide use among hackers for years before achieving
Up:[5921]= G =
hard disk, or (c) has an address space smaller than 16 megabytes. This
is as of early 1996; note that the threshold for `real computer' rises
Up:[5926]= G =
[ITS: from `Grim File Reaper', an ITS and LISP Machine utility] To
below file level. "I used to have his phone number, but I guess I
gib /jib/
1. vi. To destroy utterly. Like [5934]frag, but much more violent and
slain opponents. Eventually the word was verbed, and leaked into
GIFs at 11
echoes (Fidonet topic areas) where uuencoded GIFs are permitted. Other
[5950]lusers who complain that a program didn't "do the right thing"
gilley n.
with the killing of one person". The milligilley has been found to
ginger n.
See [5963]saga.
To figure something out from context. "The System III manuals are
pretty poor, but you can generally glark the meaning from context."
Interestingly, the word was originally `glork'; the context was "This
glass n.
G =
G =
glassfet /glas'fet/ n.
glitch /glich/
[very common; from German glitschig' to slip, via Yiddishglitshen',
crashes all the computers. In jargon, though, a hacker who got to the
All these uses of `glitch' derive from the specific technical meaning
techspeak. A glitch can occur when the inputs of a circuit change, and
the outputs change to some [5999]random value for some very brief time
inspects the output at just the wrong time, reading the random value,
the results can be very wrong and very hard to debug (a glitch is one
the act of so doing (the action is also called `globbing'). The Unix
wildcard for any string (see also [6004]UN*X)
wildcard for any single character (generally read this way only
delimits a wildcard matching any of the enclosed characters
alternation of comma-separated alternatives; thus,
Some examples: "He said his name was [KC]arl" (expresses ambiguity).
[6005]Usenet). Other examples are given under the entry for [6006]X.
Note that glob patterns are similar, but not identical, to those used
in [6007]regexps.
Historical note: The jargon usage derives from glob, the name of a
glork /glork/
one attempts to save the results of two hours of editing and finds
that the system has just crashed. 2. Used as a name for just about
glue n.
Generic term for any interface logic or protocol that connects two
C compiler, two tools designed for this project, have become very
property and all software source should be shared. One of its slogans
is "Help stamp out software hoarding!" Though this remains
own, assign, and sell the results of their labors), many hackers who
Free Software Foundation's imprimatur. The GNU project has a web page
gnubie /noo'bee/ n.
Up:[6041]= G =
GNUMACS /gnoo'maks/ n.
Up:[6046]= G =
go flatline v.
suffer file damage if you shut down Unix but power off before the
the screen.
flatline, Up:[6050]= G =
go root vi.
Up:[6054]= G =
go-faster stripes n.
Up:[6058]= G =
GoAT //
G =
gobble vt.
1. To consume, usu. used with `up'. "The output spy gobbles characters
Up:[6067]= G =
tradition in many groups that, once this occurs, that thread is over,
Up:[6070]= G =
Godzillagram /god-zil'*-gram/ n.
packet, [6073]martian.
Previous:[6075]Godzillagram, Up:[6076]= G =
golden adj.
Up:[6080]= G =
The IBM 2741, a slow but letter-quality printing device and terminal
based on the IBM Selectric typewriter. The `golf ball' was a little
the font by swapping in a different golf ball. The print element spun
where it stayed, firmly rooted, for the next 20, until character
Up:[6083]= G =
the verb becomes `gonkar'. "You're gonking me. That story you just
gonkulator /gon'kyoo-lay-tr/ n.
Up:[6092]= G =
Thing." 2. Something that can't possibly have any ill side-effects and
Up:[6101]= G =
gopher n.
Some claim that the gopher software, which was originally developed at
sports team). Others claim the word derives from American slang
`gofer' (from "go for", dialectal "go fer"), one whose job is to run
and fetch things. Finally, observe that gophers dig long tunnels, and
defining metaphor for the developers. Probably all three things were
true, but with the first two coming first and the gopher-tunnel
G =
gopher hole n.
was coined. A gopher hole links two amateur packet relays through some
Up:[6109]= G =
gorets /gor'ets/ n.
The unknown ur-noun, fill in your own meaning. Found esp. on the
gorilla arm n.
their faces making small motions. After more than a very few
selections, the arm begins to feel sore, cramped, and oversized -- the
operator looks like a gorilla while using the touch screen and feels
like one afterwards. This is now considered a classic cautionary tale
G =
gorp /gorp/ n.
[CMU: perhaps from the canonical hiker's food, Good Old Raisins and
GOSMACS /goz'maks/ n.
`UniPress EMACS' during the 1980s. The author, James Gosling, went on
Gosperism /gos'p*r-izm/ n.
William (Bill) Gosper. This notion merits its own term because there
gotcha n.
even correct. It puts the value of b into a and then executes code if
GPL /G-P-L/ n.
GPV /G-P-V/ n.
grault /grawlt/ n.
Up:[6156]= G =
gray goo n.
whatever is available. The image that goes with the term is one of the
Great Renaming n.
The [6163]flag day in 1987 on which all of the non-local groups on the
[6164]Usenet had their names changed from the net.- format to the
Renaming, Up:[6168]= G =
Great Runes n.
[6171]fold case.
because supporting both upper and lower cases was too expensive and
Up:[6174]= G =
Great Worm n.
history of his Middle Earth books, there were dragons powerful enough
were known as "the Great Worms". This usage expresses the connotation
that the RTM crack was a sort of devastating watershed event in hacker
Up:[6181]= G =
great-wall vi.,n.
Up:[6188]= G =
Green Book n.
[6191]Blue Book, and the [6192]White Book (sense 2). 2. Informal name
with blue and red books). 3. The "X/Open Compatibility Guide", which
Interface standard has been dubbed "The Ugly Green Book". 5. Any of
the 1992 standards issued by the CCITT's tenth plenary assembly. These
include, among other things, the X.400 email standard and the Group 1
Up:[6198]= G =
green bytes n.
from an IBM user's group meeting (ca. 1962) at which these two
approaches were being debated and the diagram of the file on the
among other things, green bytes describing the packing method for the
bytes, Up:[6204]= G =
green card n.
The original green card became a yellow card when the System/370 was
you have a green card?" The other grunted and passed the first a thick
In fall 2000 it was reported from Electronic Data Systems that the
green card for 370 machines has been a blue-green booklet since 1989.
card, Up:[6208]= G =
green lightning n.
bug was left deliberately unfixed, as some genius within IBM suggested
lightning, Up:[6212]= G =
green machine n.
Comes from the olive-drab `uniform' paint used for military equipment.
machine, Up:[6215]= G =
[TMRC] For any story, in any group of people there will be at least
one person who has not heard the story. A refinement of the theorem
states that there will be exactly one person (if there were more than
Up:[6218]= G =
greenbar n.
[from the qed/ed editor idiom g/re/p, where re stands for a regular
"Grep the bulletin board for the system backup schedule, would you?"
[It has also been alleged that the source is from the title of a paper
gribble n.
grilf // n.
eventually determines that the word means "Liar!" I hope this has
grind vt.
associated with the MacLISP community and is now rare; prettyprint was
and is the generic term for such operations. 2. [Unix] To generate the
Up:[6245]= G =
grind crank n. //
which when operated makes a zizzing noise and causes the computer to
run faster. Usually one does not refer to a grind crank out loud, but
Historical note: At least one real machine actually had a grind crank
-- the R1, a research machine built toward the end of the days of the
tedious, there was also a crank with a cam and gear arrangement that
through a lot of code, then slow down to single-step for a bit when
you got near the code of interest, poke at some registers using the
Up:[6249]= G =
gripenet n.
[IBM] A wry (and thoroughly unofficial) name for IBM's internal VNET
gritch /grich/
these days."
restart it. More severe than `to [6264]frob' (sense 2). 2. [TMRC] To
G =
gronked adj.
commonly) sick. "I've been chasing that bug for 17 hours now and I am
grovel vi.
through all the documentation, but I still couldn't find the command I
grue n.
[from archaic English verb for `shudder', as with fear] The grue was
originated in the game [6281]Zork (Dave Lebling took the name from
torch or some type of light source. Wandering into a dark area would
cause the game to prompt you, "It is very dark. If you continue you
source within the next couple of moves this would indeed be the case.
been seen by the light of day, and only a few have been observed in
their underground lairs. Of those who have seen grues, few have
survived their fearsome jaws to tell the tale. Grues have sharp claws
are certainly the most evil-tempered of all creatures; to say they are
grunge /gruhnj/ n.
gubbish /guhb'*sh/ n.
fact, it was British slang during the 19th century and appears in
guiltware /gilt'weir/ n.
long and hard the author worked on it and intimating that one is a
no-good freeloader if one does not immediately send the poor suffering
martyr gobs of money. 2. A piece of [6298]shareware that works.
gumby /guhm'bee/ n.
with people in sense 2. (e.g. "Ran would be writing code, but Richard
gave him gumby work that's due on Friday", or, "Dammit! Travel screwed
gun vt.
[ITS, now rare: from the :GUN command] To forcibly terminate a program
running soaking up half the cycles, so I gunned it." Usage: now rare.
Up:[6309]= G =
gunch /guhnch/ vt.
[TMRC] To push, prod, or poke at a device that has almost (but not
Up:[6313]= G =
gunpowder chicken n.
Up:[6317]= G =
Up:[6321]= G =
guru n.
Up:[6326]= G =
guru meditation n.
`guru event'). When the system crashes, a cryptic message of the form
problem was. An Amiga guru can figure things out from the numbers.
This term is (no surprise) an in-joke from the earliest days of the
joystick-like device; it was sold with a skiing game cartridge for the
Sadly, the joke was removed fairly early on (but there's a well-known
gweep /gweep/
onwards, one who gweeped could often be found at the College Computing
DEC-20. A correspondent who was there at the time opines that the term
alive in early 1999. "I'm going to go gweep for a while. See you in
the morning." "I gweep from 8 PM till 3 AM during the week." 2. n. One
Jargon Lexicon
= H =
[6341]hack attack:
[6342]hack mode:
[6343]hack on:
[6344]hack together:
[6345]hack up:
[6346]hack value:
[6347]hacked off:
[6348]hacked up:
[6350]hacker ethic:
[6351]hacker humor:
[6353]hacking run:
[6354]Hacking X for Y:
[6364]Halloween Documents:
[6368]hand cruft:
[6376]Hanlon's Razor:
[6379]hard boot:
[6385]hash collision:
[6388]heads down:
[6391]heavy metal:
[6392]heavy wizardry:
[6396]hello sailor!:
[6397]hello wall!:
[6398]hello world:
[6404]hidden flag:
[6405]high bit:
[6406]high moby:
[6409]hired gun:
[6417]holy wars:
[6418]home box:
[6419]home machine:
[6420]home page:
[6421]honey pot:
[6426]hot chat:
[6427]hot spot:
[6429]house wizard:
[6435]hungry puppy:
[6438]hysterical reasons:
Up:[6441]= H =
is the One True Ghod!" from decades ago. H-infix marking of `Ghod' and
other words spread into the 1960s counterculture via underground
comix, and into early hackerdom either from the counterculture or from
fannish/counterculture h infix.
H =
ha ha only serious
phrase (often seen abbreviated as HHOS) that aptly captures the flavor
and ironic jokes that are both intended and perceived to contain a
Up:[6451]= H =
sense: "What do you do around here?" "I hack TECO." More generally, "I
vt. To pull a prank on. See sense 2 and [6453]hacker (sense 5). 6. vi.
Up:[6463]= H =
hack attack n.
[poss. by analogy with `Big Mac Attack' from ads for the McDonald's
implies an all-nighter.
Up:[6467]= H =
hack mode n.
1. What one is in when hacking, of course. 2. More specifically, a
Zen-like state of total focus on The Problem that may be achieved when
one is hacking (this is why every good hacker is part mystic). Ability
existence of hackers, and explains why many resist being promoted out
of positions where they can code. See also [6470]cyberspace (sense 2).
unaware of the high value placed on hack mode. For example, if someone
turning one's eyes away from the screen) to avoid being interrupted.
One may read, type, and interact with the computer for quite some time
[6472]state (sense 2) in your head, and you dare not [6473]swap that
context out until you have reached a good point to pause. See also
[6474]juggling eggs.
Up:[6477]= H =
hack on vt.
Up:[6482]= H =
negative connotations.
Up:[6486]= H =
hack up vt.
Up:[6496]= H =
hack value n.
a seemingly useless goal, the point being that the accomplished goal
is a hack. For example, MacLISP had features for reading and printing
Roman numerals, which were installed purely for hack value. See
[6497]display hack for one method of computing hack value, but this
said when asked to explain jazz: "Man, if you gotta ask you'll never
Up:[6500]= H =
effective (as well as impressively obvious and stupid) way to get your
It has been pointed out that there is precedent for this usage in U.S.
be "in hack" and one may speak of "hacking off the C.O.".
Up:[6503]= H =
hacked up adj.
Sufficiently patched, kluged, and tweaked that the surgical scars are
Not all programs that are hacked become `hacked up'; if modifications
are done with some eye to coherence and continued maintainability, the
software may emerge better for the experience. Contrast [6505]hack up.
Up:[6508]= H =
hacker n.
[originally, someone who makes furniture with an axe] 1. A person who
is [6510]cracker.
the [6513]How To Become A Hacker FAQ. It also implies that the person
This term seems to have been first adopted as a badge in the 1960s by
the hacker culture surrounding TMRC and the MIT AI Lab. We have a
Up:[6519]= H =
hacker ethic n.
hacker ethic in sense 1, and many act on it by writing and giving away
of hackerly courtesy to (a) break into a system, and then (b) explain
exactly how it was done and how the hole can be plugged -- acting as
control because of this trait; they both rely on and reinforce a sense
of community that may be hackerdom's most valuable intangible asset.
hacker humor
make a hacker laugh: hold a red index card in front of him/her with
Python's Flying Circus. Humor that combines this trait with elements
Zen Buddhism and (less often) Taoism. See [6535]has the X nature,
[6540]AI koans.
all six of these traits are really aspects of one thing that is
incredibly difficult to talk about exactly, you are (a) correct and
A notable bomb from 1995. Should have been titled "Crackers", because
cracking is what the movie was about. It's understandable that they
hacking run n.
hours. May cause you to `change phase the hard way' (see [6551]phase).
run, Up:[6554]= H =
Hacking X for Y n.
record) was a sort of form in which the user could fill out various
and has since been carried over to other systems with more general
Hackintosh n.
1. An Apple Lisa that has been hacked into emulating a Macintosh (also
Up:[6561]= H =
also [6563]true-hacker.
Up:[6566]= H =
hackishness n.
Up:[6570]= H =
hackitude n.
Syn. [6571]hackishness; this word is considered sillier.
hair n.
editing modes." "Yeah, it's pretty hairiferous all right." (or just:
"Hair squared!")
hairball n.
have just come unstuck, producing a flood of mail where there had
"JWZ thought the Mozilla effort bogged down because the code was a
the Internet."
hairy adj.
Hard to explain except in context: "He knows this hairy lawyer who
associate the term `hairy' with the informal version of this theorem;
ancestral to the hackish use. In fact the noun `long-hair' was at the
probably passed out of use when long hair was adopted as a signature
trait by the 1960s counterculture, leaving hackish `hairy' as a sort
HAKMEM /hak'mem/ n.
most fall into the category of mathematical and computer trivia. Here
Item 41 (Gene Salamin): There are exactly 23,000 prime numbers less
than 2^(18).
is, all the 5-by-5 arrangements of the numbers from 1 to 25 such that
all rows, columns, and diagonals add up to the same number). There are
about 320 million, not counting those that differ only by rotation and
Item 154 (Bill Gosper): The myth that any given programming language
powers of 2. If the result loops with period = 1 with sign +, you are
pattern should tell you the base. If you run out of memory, you are on
Item 174 (Bill Gosper and Stuart Nelson): 21963283741 is the only
This ensures that every 4-letter string output occurs in the original.
phrase, "the Nth occurrence of." In one sense, there are five 00's in
0000000000; in another, there are nine. The editing program TECO finds
five. Thus it finds only the first ANA in BANANA, and is thus
obligated to type N next. By Murphy's Law, there is but one NAN, thus
technical items, but these examples show some of its fun flavor.
Up:[6595]= H =
hakspek /hak'speek/ n.
become 2';ck' becomes `k'. "Before I see you tomorrow" becomes "b4
Halloween Documents n.
were extensively cited on the Internet and in the press and proved so
months afterwards.
Up:[6606]= H =
hammer vt.
hamster n.
Up:[6619]= H =
Up:[6623]= H =
hand-hacking n.
the compiler into generating better code. Both the term and the
Up:[6632]= H =
hand-roll v.
that the normal process failed due to bugs in the configurator or was
Up:[6636]= H =
handle n.
to conceal the user's true identity. Network and BBS handles function
as the same sort of simultaneous concealment and display one finds on
Citizen's Band radio, from which the term was adopted. Use of
network life; true hackers travel on their own reputations rather than
snap a handle would defeat its purpose); see also [6645]aliasing bug,
[6646]dangling pointer.
Up:[6649]= H =
handshaking n.
Often applied to human activity; thus, a hacker might watch two people
each others' points and say "Oh, they're handshaking!". See also
H =
handwave). The theory behind this term is that if you wave your hands
not notice that what you have said is [6655]bogus. Failing that, if a
listener does object, you might try to dismiss the objection with a
wave of your hand.
The use of this word is often accompanied by gestures: both hands up,
unsupported assumption, you might simply wave your hands in this way,
as an accusation, far more eloquent than words could express, that his
logic is faulty.
Up:[6658]= H =
hang v.
1. [very common] To wait for an event that will never occur. "The
system is hanging because it can't read from the crashed drive". See
around until something happens. "The program displays a menu and then
to hang another tape drive off the file server." Implies a device
attached with cables, rather than something that is strictly inside
Up:[6664]= H =
been attributed to William James, but Heinlein more probably got the
files and the login banners of BBS systems and commercial networks.
Up:[6672]= H =
happily adv.
of a zero, the program will happily erase all your data." Neverheless,
program: It didn't mean any harm, it was just eager to do its job.
haque /hak/ n.
[Usenet] Variant spelling of [6676]hack, used only for the noun form
H =
hard boot n.
See [6682]boot.
Up:[6685]= H =
hardcoded adj.
Up:[6692]= H =
hardwarily /hard-weir'*-lee/ adv.
Previous:[6695]hardwarily, Up:[6696]= H =
hardwired adj.
Previous:[6699]hardwired, Up:[6700]= H =
[seems to derive from Zen Buddhist koans of the form "Does an X have
used for humorous emphasis. "Anyone who can't even use a program with
also [6702]the X that can be Y is not the true X. See also [6703]mu.
Node:hash bucket, Next:[6704]hash collision, Previous:[6705]has the X
nature, Up:[6706]= H =
hash bucket n.
items for sorting or lookup purposes. When you look up a name in the
first letter; the hash buckets are the alphabetically ordered letter
associative memory as well. Thus, two things `in the same hash bucket'
are more difficult to discriminate, and may be confused. "If you hash
English words only by length, you get too many common grammar words in
Up:[6710]= H =
hash collision n.
once on the phone with a friend about to move out to Berkeley. When
asked what he expected Berkeley to be like, the friend replied: "Well,
[6712]hash bucket.
hat n.
HCF /H-C-F/ n.
Mnemonic for `Halt and Catch Fire', any of several undocumented and
microprocessor was the first for which an HCF opcode became widely
H =
outside the focus area is missed. See also [6725]hack mode and
Up:[6729]= H =
heartbeat n.
heatseeker n.
[IBM] A customer who can be relied upon to buy, without fail, the
someone who, owning a 286 PC and Windows 3.0, went out and bought
be made by just fixing some of the bugs in each release (n) and
Previous:[6736]heatseeker, Up:[6737]= H =
heavy metal n.
metal, Up:[6741]= H =
heavy wizardry n.
Up:[6747]= H =
heavyweight adj.
Previous:[6754]heavyweight, Up:[6755]= H =
heisenbug /hi:'zen-buhg/ n.
isolate it. (This usage is not even particularly fanciful; the use of
significantly enough that buggy code, such as that which relies on the
Previous:[6763]heisenbug, Up:[6764]= H =
(Unfair to the real Helen Keller, whose success at learning speech was
bypasses the very interrupts the screen saver watches for activity.
Your choices are to try to get from the program's current state
speaking) a crash.
sailor!, Up:[6776]= H =
Up:[6780]= H =
one that just prints "hello, world" to standard output (and indeed it
Up:[6787]= H =
hex n.
hexadecimal n.
which was too racy and amusing for stuffy IBM, and later adopted by
be paradigmatic, the most etymologically correct term for base 10, for
hexit /hek'sit/ n.
A hexadecimal digit (0-9, and A-F or a-f). Used by people who claim
that there are only ten digits, dammit; sixteen-fingered human beings
are rather rare, despite what some keyboard designs might seem to
H =
hidden flag n.
output, the programmer might just add a test for some otherwise
The use of hidden flags can make a program very hard to debug and
Up:[6812]= H =
high bit n.
than a data byte: "Spare me the whole [6813]saga, just give me the
H =
other half was of course the low moby. This usage has been generalized
in a way that has outlasted the [6821]PDP-10; for example, at the 1990
Washington D.C. Area Science Fiction Conclave (Disclave), when a
one on the upper floor was dubbed the `high moby' and the other the
highly adv.
hing // n.
[IRC] Fortuitous typo for `hint', now in wide intentional use among
hired gun n.
are intentional.
hirsute adj.
HLL /H-L-L/ n.
email and news rather than speech. Rarely, the variants `VHLL' and
hoarding n.
hobbit n.
1. [rare] The High Order BIT of a byte; same as the [6857]meta bit or
hog n.,vt.
controller that never gives up the I/O bus gets killed after the
bus-hog timer expires." 2. Also said of people who use more than their
the people use 90% of the disk, no matter how big the disk is or how
many people use it). Of course, once disk hogs fill up one filesystem,
they typically find some other new one to infect, claiming to the
hole n.
present. For example, some Unix filesystems can store large files with
holes so that unused regions of the file are never actually stored on
`the I/O hole', since memory-management systems must skip over this
officers. The result was, of course, a huge publicity black eye for
the strong connotation that the persons doing the gagging are
Up:[6872]= H =
holy wars n.
Great holy wars of the past have included [6878]ITS vs. [6879]Unix,
vs. [6885]Pascal, [6886]C vs. FORTRAN, etc. In the year 2000, popular
favorites of the day are KDE vs, GNOME, vim vs. elvis, Linux vs.
spend their time trying to pass off personal value choices and
Up:[6892]= H =
home box n.
Up:[6895]= H =
home machine n.
1. Syn. [6896]home box. 2. The machine that receives your email. These
senses might be distinct, for example, for a hacker who owns one
computer at home, but reads email at work.
Up:[6899]= H =
home page n.
1. One's personal billboard on the World Wide Web. The term `home
physical homes in [6900]RL are private, but home pages are designed to
H =
honey pot n.
servers don't get messed with. The concept was presented in Cheswick &
hook n.
prints numbers might always print them in base 10, but a more flexible
version would let a variable determine what base to use; setting the
the variable and treat a value of 16 or less as the base to use, but
Hebrew characters, and plug it into the program through the hook.
Often the difference between a good program and a superb one is that
the latter has useful hooks in judiciously chosen places. Both may do
the original job about equally well, but the one with the hooks is
for example, is all hooks). The term `user exit' is synonymous but
machine, esp. via rlogin or telnet. "I'll hop over to foovax to FTP
hosed adj.
Same as [6926]down. Used primarily by Unix hackers. Humorous: also
derived from the Canadian slang `hoser' popularized by the Bob and
Doug Mackenzie skits on SCTV, but this usage predated SCTV by years in
hackerdom (it was certainly already live at CMU in the 1970s). See
discovered that the crash was due to the disconnection of some coolant
hoses. The problem was corrected, and users were then assured that
everything was OK because the system had been rehosed. See also
hot chat n.
H =
hot spot n.
1. [primarily used by C/Unix programmers, but spreading] It is
received wisdom that in most programs, less than 10% of the code eats
versus code addresses, one would typically see a few huge spikes
amidst a lot of low-level noise. Such spikes are called `hot spots'
display. "Put the mouse's hot spot on the `ON' widget and click the
which trigger some action. World Wide Web pages now provide the
spots which, when clicked on, point the browser at another document
parallel computer with shared memory, the one location that all 10,000
Up:[6945]= H =
hotlink /hot'link/ n.
document has web pointers, not (in normal usage) the other way around.
Up:[6950]= H =
house wizard n.
really effective house wizard can have influence out of all proportion
to his/her ostensible rank and still not have to wear a suit. Used
HP-SUX /H-P suhks/ n.
Mr. Packard should have pushed to have his name first, if for no other
HTH //
huff v.
To compress data using a Huffman code. Various programs that use such
humma // excl.
A filler word used on various chat' andtalk' programs when you had
nothing to say but felt that it was important to say something. The
word apparently originated (at least with this definition) on the MECC
running in Minnesota during the 1970s and the early 1980s) but was
hung adj.
the similar but more drastic state [6986]wedged - hung software can be
woken up with easy things like interrupt keys, but wedged will need a
H =
hungry puppy n.
Syn. [6990]slopsucker.
Up:[6993]= H =
Up:[6997]= H =
hyperspace /hi:'per-spays/ n.
A memory location that is far away from where the program counter
should be pointing, especially a place that is inaccessible because it
this universe. The variant `east hyperspace' is recorded among CMU and
Bliss hackers.
Previous:[7000]hyperspace, Up:[7001]= H =
hysterical reasons n.
done in some stupid way for backwards compatibility, and moreover that
the feature it must be compatible with was the result of a bad design
in the first place. "All IBM PC video adapters have to support MDA
Jargon Lexicon
= I =
[7010]IBM discount:
[7011]ICBM address:
[7013]ID10T error:
[7017]ifdef out:
[7026]include war:
[7027]indent style:
[7028]index of X:
[7029]infant mortality:
[7031]infinite loop:
[7032]Infinite-Monkey Theorem:
[7037]insanely great:
[7042]Internet address:
[7044]Internet Exploder:
[7045]Internet Exploiter:
[7047]interrupt list:
[7052]Iron Age:
[7053]iron box:
just the same as it did before, doesn't it?" See also [7064]one-line
I see no X here.
favor this slightly marked usage over other possible equivalents such
Up:[7072]= I =
Node:IBM, Next:[7073]IBM discount, Previous:[7074]IANAL, Up:[7075]= I
What galled hackers about most IBM machines above the PC level wasn't
so much that they were underpowered and overpriced (though that does
count against them), but that the designs are incredibly archaic,
hard to find, and bletcherous to use once you've found them. For many
years, before Microsoft, IBM was the company hackers loved to hate.
But everything changes. In the 1980s IBM had its own troubles with
group, and began shipping [7081]Linux systems and building ties to the
Linux community. To the astonishment of all parties, IBM emerged as a
Up:[7084]= I =
IBM discount n.
A price increase. Outside IBM, this derives from the common perception
Up:[7088]= I =
ICBM address n.
(Also `missile address') The form used to register a site with the
Up:[7092]= I =
ice n.
Neither term is in serious use yet as of early 1999, but many hackers
find the metaphor attractive, and each may develop a denotation in the
Up:[7095]= I =
food chain (and presumably better equipped to deal with idiots) may
Up:[7099]= I =
idempotent adj.
used multiple times. This term is often used with respect to [7100]C
files), compilation errors can result unless the header file has
Previous:[7102]idempotent, Up:[7103]= I =
(probably now more so than the full form), and frequently verbed.
Compare [7105]UDP.
Node:If you want X you know where to find it., Next:[7106]ifdef out,
Previous:[7107]IDP, Up:[7108]= I =
was a much more popular language by observing "If you want PL/I, you
know where to find it." Ever since, this has been hackish standard
form for fending off requests to alter a new design to mimic some
Up:[7120]= I =
ill-behaved adj.
Previous:[7130]ill-behaved, Up:[7131]= I =
IMHO // abbrev.
the wrong case can cause hard-to-detect errors -- and they look too
Previous:[7133]IMHO, Up:[7134]= I =
net. Ten years and numerous doublings later, enough of these gloomy
prognostications have been confounded that the phrase "Imminent Death
Of The Net Predicted!" has become a running joke, hauled out any time
someone grumbles about the [7137]S/N ratio or the huge and steadily
Up:[7145]= I =
inc /ink/ v.
incantation n.
you [7151]mutter the right incantation they will be forced into text
Up:[7154]= I =
include vt.
Up:[7160]= I =
include war n.
newsgroups, such as Usenet, this can lead to [7162]flames and the urge
Up:[7166]= I =
indent style n.
[C, C++, and Java programmers] The rules one uses to indent code in a
below; all have the aim of making it easier for the reader to visually
track the scope of control constructs. They have been inherited by C++
and Java, which have C-like syntaxes. The significant variable is the
placement of { and } with respect to the statement(s) they enclose and
`K&R style' -- Named after Kernighan & Ritchie, because the examples
because the Unix kernel is written in it, and the `One True Brace
typically indented by eight spaces (or one tab) per level, as shown
here. Four spaces are occasionally seen in C, but in C++ and Java four
if () {
`Allman style' -- Named for Eric Allman, a Berkeley hacker who wrote a
style other than K&R in widespread use among Java programmers. Basic
indent per level shown here is eight spaces, but four (or sometimes
if ()
shown here is eight spaces, but four spaces are occasionally seen.
if ()
`GNU style' -- Used throughout GNU EMACS and the Free Software
Foundation code, and just about nowhere else. Indents are always four
spaces per level, with { and } halfway between the outer and inner
indent levels.
if ()
Surveys have shown the Allman and Whitesmiths styles to be the most
universal, but is now much less common in C (the opening brace tends
relative economy with vertical space, which enables one to see more
method, class, interface, and variable names (section 6.8). While the
all source code originating from Sun Laboratories uses the K&R style.
This has set a precedent for Java programmers, which most follow.
style, Up:[7172]= I =
index of X n.
See [7173]coefficient of X.
Up:[7176]= I =
infant mortality n.
since first use (that is, until the relatively distant time at which
to half of all chip and wire failures happen within a new system's
mortality, Up:[7181]= I =
infinite adj.
[7182]hair. (It has been pointed out that fractals are an excellent
Previous:[7185]infinite, Up:[7186]= I =
infinite loop n.
joke that has been made about each generation's exemplar of the
Infinite-Monkey Theorem n.
eventually one will bash out the script for Hamlet." (One may also
[7194]random monkey that eventually comes up with the script (and note
that the mob will also type out all the possible incorrect versions of
Guide to the Galaxy". On 1 April 2000 the usage acquired its own
Theorem, Up:[7202]= I =
infinity n.
not -(2^(N-1) - 1). Note also that this is different from time T
Node:inflate, Next:[7203]Infocom, Previous:[7204]infinity, Up:[7205]=
I =
inflate vt.
I =
Infocom n.
spirit. The physical game packages from Infocom are now prized
and not only freeware emulators for that interpreter but an actual
compiler as well have been written to permit the P-code to be run on
written in this P-code are still bering written. (Emulators that can
Up:[7214]= I =
initgame /in-it'gaym/ n.
other named entity, and the others on the channel ask yes or no
questions, with the one to guess the person getting to be "it" next.
staple of some radio talk shows in the U.S. We had it first! - ESR]
[Mac community, from Steve Jobs; also BSD Unix people via Bill Joy]
Up:[7225]= I =
Up:[7228]= I =
INTERCAL /in't*r-kal/ n.
one were to state that the simplest way to store a value of 65536
DO :1 <- #0$#256
any sensible programmer would say that that was absurd. Since this
turn up, as bosses are wont to do. The effect would be no less
also [7232]Befunge.
Up:[7235]= I =
interesting adj.
wringing all the irony possible out of the ancient Chinese curse "May
Previous:[7239]interesting, Up:[7240]= I =
Internet n.
Over the next quarter-century the Internet evolved in many ways. The
VAXes and Suns running [7246]Unix, and in the 1990s to Unix on Intel
Between 1990 and late 1994 the pieces of NSFnet were sold to major
completely commercial.
That year, 1994, was also the year the mainstream culture discovered
the Internet. Once again, the [7248]killer app was not the anticipated
one - rather, what caught the public imagination was the hypertext and
has seen off its only serious challenger (the OSI protocol stack
[7250]Internet address.
Node:Internet address, Next:[7251]Internet Death Penalty,
Previous:[7252]Internet, Up:[7253]= I =
Internet address n.
All Internet machines and most UUCP sites can now resolve these
[7258]PD software written since 1980 or so. See also [7259]bang path,
commercial organizations
educational institutions
U.S. government civilian sites
U.S. military sites
Note that most of the sites in the com and edu domains are in the U.S.
or Canada.
sites in the U.S. outside the functional domains
sites in the ex-Soviet Union (see [7262]kremvax).
sites in the United Kingdom
Within the us domain, there are subdomains for the fifty states, each
sometimes confused.
Internet Exploder
Exploder, Up:[7281]= I =
Internet Exploiter n.
MS-DOS, nearly synonymous with `system call', because the OS and BIOS
Previous:[7292]interrupt, Up:[7293]= I =
interrupt list n.
list, Up:[7297]= I =
mask bit set" and "interrupts masked out" are also heard. See also
Up:[7301]= I =
intro n.
IRC /I-R-C/ n.
[Internet Relay Chat] A worldwide "party line" network that allows one
programs, one per user. The IRC community and the [7313]Usenet and
networks. Some Usenet jargon has been adopted on IRC, as have some
iron n.
Iron Age n.
enough, with the delivery of the first minicomputer (the PDP-1) and
[7330]elder days.
Up:[7333]= I =
iron box n.
unobvious ways, and `bait' files designed to keep him interested and
Cuckoo's Egg" of how he made and used one (see the [7340]Bibliography
ironmonger n.
Previous:[7349]ironmonger, Up:[7350]= I =
[South Africa] A cup of tea with milk and one teaspoon of sugar, where
the milk is poured into the cup before the tea. Variations are ISO 0,
with no sugar; ISO 2, with two spoons of sugar; and so on. This may
derive from the "NATO standard" cup of coffee and tea (milk and two
sugars), military slang going back to the late 1950s and parodying
Like many ISO standards, this one has a faintly alien ring in North
adulterating perfectly good tea with dairy products and prefer instead
several that arise in much more serious technical contexts. (Milk and
Up:[7353]= I =
that barely existed before 1993. ISPs sell Internet access to the mass
market. While the big nationwide commercial BBSs with Internet access
ITS /I-T-S/ n.
and long used at the MIT AI Lab. Much AI-hacker jargon derives from
ITS folklore, and to have been `an ITS hacker' qualifies one instantly
work was shifted to newer machines, with the remaining ITS boxes run
shutdown of the lab's last ITS machine in May 1990 marked the end of
Jargon Lexicon
= J =
[7374]J. Random:
[7376]jack in:
[7381]Jeff K.:
[7384]job security:
[7386]joe code:
[7388]juggling eggs:
Up:[7393]= J =
J. Random /J rand'm/ n.
any one; any old. `J. Random' is often prefixed to a noun to make a
one'. "Would you let J. Random Loser marry your daughter?" The most
common uses are J. Random Hacker',J. Random Loser', and `J. Random
Up:[7399]= J =
archetypal hacker nerd. This term is one of the oldest in the jargon,
[7401]Suzie COBOL. This may originally have been inspired by `J. Fred
Up:[7406]= J =
jack in v.
from [7411]cyberpunk SF, in which it was used for the act of plugging
jaggies /jag'eez/ n.
to a vector display).
Gosling (and known by the name "Oak") with the intention of being the
distributed applications.
Java is indeed a stronger and cleaner design than C++ and has been
monopoly) have not helped. As of 1999, these issues are still in the
under the limelight the way Java has). On the other hand, Java has
JCL /J-C-L/ n.
systems. JCL has a very [7426]fascist syntax, and some versions will,
Most programmers confronted with JCL simply copy a working file (or
card deck), changing the file names. Someone who actually understands
and generates unique JCL is regarded with the mixed respect one gives
at IBM itself sometimes sing "Who's the breeder of the crud that
mangles you and me? I-B-M, J-C-L, M-o-u-s-e" to the tune of the
JEDR // n.
group once made by a loser with initials JEDR after he was offended by
much sound and fury JEDR faded away; this term appears to be doing
more recent attempts to raise them have met with immediate and
near-universal rejection.
Jeff K.
The spiritual successor to [7442]B1FF and the archetype of
COMPUTAR"), his own Quake clan (Clan 40 OUNSCE), and his own comic
kind of teenage [7447]luser who infests Quake servers, chat rooms, and
jello n.
recognized but not commonly used; most people refer to both kinds of
J =
jiffy n.
1. The duration of one tick of the system clock on your computer (see
[7458]tick). Often one AC cycle time (1/60 second in the U.S. and
Canada, 1/50 most other places), but more recently 1/100 sec has
become common. "The swapper runs every 6 jiffies" means that the
the time required for light to travel one foot in a vacuum, which
turns out to be close to one nanosecond. 4. Indeterminate time from a
now and possibly never. This is a bit contrary to the more widespread
use of the word. Oppose [7460]nano. See also [7461]Real Soon Now.
job security n.
hackers are looking over some code together and one points at a
section and says "job security", the other one may just nod.
Up:[7468]= J =
jock n.
best-established examples.
be a handy program, but if you look at the source, it's complete joe
Joe at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and observed that usage has
sense 1.
"This section doesn't check for a NULL return from malloc()! Oh. No
wonder! It's Ed code!". Used most often with a programmer who has left
the shop and thus is a convenient scapegoat for anything that is wrong
Up:[7477]= J =
differentiate from BSDI's port based on the same source tape, which
Previous:[7480]jolix, Up:[7481]= J =
land, Up:[7492]= J =
jupiter vt.
[IRC] To kill an [7493]IRC [7494]bot or user and then take its place
particular IRC user who did this to NickServ, the robot in charge of
Jargon Lexicon
= K =
[7503]kamikaze packet:
[7504]kangaroo code:
[7506]kernel-of-the-week club:
[7512]kill file:
[7513]killer app:
[7514]killer micro:
[7515]killer poke:
[7518]KISS Principle:
[7523]kluge around:
[7524]kluge up:
K /K/ n.
k- pref.
[rare; poss fr. `kilo-' prefix] Extremely. Rare among hackers, but
K =
kahuna /k-hoo'n/ n.
[IBM: from the Hawaiian title for a shaman] Synonym for [7552]wizard,
Up:[7556]= K =
kamikaze packet n.
features at once (e.g., a SYN URG PUSH FIN segment with options and
Up:[7562]= K =
kangaroo code n.
code, Up:[7566]= K =
ken /ken/ n.
Symbolics because the two greatest flamers in the user community were
kernel-of-the-week club
Up:[7578]= K =
kgbvax /K-G-B'vaks/ n.
See [7579]kremvax.
KIBO /ki:'boh/
kiboze v.
kibozo /ki:-boh'zoh/ n.
[Usenet] One who [7594]kibozes but is not Kibo (see [7595]KIBO, sense
kick v.
go kick it."
kill file n.
[Usenet; very common] (alt. `KILL file') Per-user file(s) used by some
Up:[7611]= K =
killer app
to describe Lotus 1-2-3 once it became evident that demand for that
product had been the major driver of the early business market for IBM
PCs. The term was then restrospectively applied to VisiCalc, which had
played a similar role in the success of the Apple II. After 1994 it
killer app?"
Up:[7614]= K =
killer micro n.
heard in "No one will survive the attack of the killer micros!", the
now that killer micros have gone on the offensive not just
parallel computers).
[1996 update: Eugene Brooks was right. Since this term first entered
Up:[7620]= K =
killer poke n.
PET) that can overload and trash analog electronics in the monitor.
kilo- pref.
K =
KIPS /kips/ n.
[abbreviation, by analogy with [7631]MIPS using [7632]K] Thousands
K =
kit n.
klone /klohn/ n.
kludge 1. /klooj/ n.
These two words have been confused in American usage since the early
1960s, and widely confounded in Great Britain since the end of World
This word appears to have derived from Scots kludge' orkludgie' for
confused with U.S. [7653]kluge during or after World War II; some
Britons from that era use both words in definably different ways, but
K =
kluge /klooj/
that works for the wrong reason. 4. vt. To insert a kluge into a
program. "I've kluged this routine to get around that weird bug, but
function. Other sources report that `kluge' was common Navy slang in
the WWII era for any piece of electronics that worked well on shore
printing presses. Legend has it that the Kluge feeder was designed
both power and synchronize all its operations from one motive
People who tell this story also aver that `Kluge' was the name of a
design engineer.
There is in fact a Brandtjen & Kluge Inc., an old family business that
(ESR, 1994) that his company was co-founded by his father and an
however, that this was a simple device (with only four cams); he says
[7662]TMRC and the MIT hacker culture of the early '60s seems to have
came to MIT via alumni of the many military electronics projects that
a Kludge" (February 1962, pp. 30, 31). This spelling was probably
pronounce the word as /klooj/ but spell it, incorrectly for its
from written American sources and tend to pronounce it /kluhj/ but use
Up:[7671]= K =
Compare [7673]workaround.
kluge up vt.
To lash together a quick hack to perform a task; this is milder than
and the criteria for induction are unclear, but one well-known LISPer
has been known to give out buttons and, in general, the members know
Calculus, Up:[7685]= K =
knobs pl.n.
Configurable options, even in software and even those you can't adjust
in real time. Anything you can [7686]twiddle is a knob. "Has this PNG
Knuth /ka-nooth'/ n.
algorithms. A safe answer when you do not know: "I think you can find
koan /koh'an/ n.
Buddhism). Hackers are very fond of the koan form and compose their
mentioned in the hoax were moskvax and [7704]kgbvax. This was probably
(which has negligible security against them), because the notion that
Usenet might ever penetrate the Iron Curtain seemed so totally absurd
at the time.
In fact, it was only six years later that the first genuine site in
the postings from it weren't just another prank. Vadim Antonov, senior
kremvax, thus neatly turning fiction into fact and demonstrating that
hard-line coup of August 1991. During those three days the Soviet UUCP
for many places within the USSR. Though the sysops were concentrating
original kremvax joke became a reality as Yeltsin and the new Russian
kyrka /chur'ka/ n.
Jargon Lexicon
= L =
[7712]lace card:
[7715]language lawyer:
[7716]languages of choice:
[7718]larval stage:
[7720]laser chicken:
[7724]leaf site:
[7726]leaky heap:
[7727]leapfrog attack:
[7729]leech mode:
[7739]Life is hard:
[7740]light pipe:
[7744]line 666:
[7746]line noise:
[7747]line starve:
[7749]link farm:
[7750]link rot:
[7756]lion food:
[7757]Lions Book:
[7760]lithium lick:
[7763]live data:
[7768]locals the:
[7770]locked up:
[7771]logic bomb:
[7773]loop through:
[7774]loose bytes:
[7777]lose lose:
[7788]Lumber Cartel:
[7789]lunatic fringe:
Node:lace card, Next:[7792]lag, Previous:[7793]kyrka, Up:[7794]= L =
card' or `ventilator card'). Card readers tended to jam when they got
problems. When some practical joker fed a lace card through the
reader, you needed to clear the jam with a `card knife' -- which you
lag n.
that is lagging.
L =
lamer n.
annoys the sysop or other BBS users - for instance, by posting lots of
carrier, etc.
culture, a lamer is one who scams codes off others rather than doing
`Lamer' is also much used in the IRC world in a similar sense to the
Previous:[7811]lamer, Up:[7812]= L =
language lawyer n.
[7814]legal, [7815]legalese.
lawyer, Up:[7818]= L =
languages of choice n.
knows one of C or LISP, and most good ones are fluent in both. C++,
everywhere). Since around 1990 Perl has rapidly been gaining favor,
consider them a bit odd (see "[7826]The Story of Mel" in Appendix A).
choice, Up:[7837]= L =
and other people who cause sysadmins more grief than just naturally
would add "in malice", but some sysadmins do prefer to gently lart
larval stage n.
(typically lasting about a month) may recur when one is learning a new
Up:[7850]= L =
To print a given document via a laser printer. "OK, let's lase that
sucker and see if all those graphics-macro calls did the right
Up:[7853]= L =
laser chicken n.
and hot red peppers in a spicy pepper-oil sauce. Many hackers call it
`laser chicken' for two reasons: It can [7854]zap you just like a
laser, and the sauce has a red color reminiscent of some laser beams.
`Chernobyl Chicken'. The name is derived from the color of the sauce,
Up:[7857]= L =
lasherism n.
L =
laundromat n.
L =
[from the PDP-10 instruction set] To extract from the middle. "LDB me
a slice of cake, please." This usage has been kept alive by Common
Before pervasive TCP/IP, this term was used of a machine that merely
originated and read Usenet news or mail, and did not relay any
ratio of leaf sites to backbone, rib, and other relay sites got too
L =
leak n.
when resources are not freed properly after operations on them are
leak and [7881]fd leak have their own entries; one might also refer,
Up:[7884]= L =
leaky heap n.
Up:[7889]= L =
leapfrog attack n.
cracker procedure).
Node:leech, Next:[7890]leech mode, Previous:[7891]leapfrog attack,
Up:[7892]= L =
someone who downloads files with few or no uploads in return, and who
a file (other than a mail attachment) whether by FTP or IRC file req
or any other method. Seems to be a holdover from the early 1990s when
leech mode n.
"You get leech") is the access mode on a FTP site where one can
L =
legal adj.
Loosely used to mean `in accordance with all the relevant rules', esp.
parser processes each line of legal input the moment it sees the
legalese n.
(that is, one in the process of burning up). Ohm's law was broken. See
Up:[7917]= L =
Up:[7920]= L =
let the smoke out v.
Up:[7925]= L =
the user must cycle power (see [7928]cycle, sense 3) to unwedge them.
Under Unix, a letterbomb can also try to get part of its contents
could range from silly to tragic; fortunately it has been some years
early 1999, Microsoft systems can have serious problems). See also
lexer /lek'sr/ n.
stage in the parser for a language (the part that breaks it into
lexiphage /lek'si-fayj`/ n.
it off.
Up:[7942]= L =
life n.
1970); the game's popularity had to wait a few years for computers on
hacker mentions `life', he is much more likely to mean this game than
Up:[7949]= L =
[XEROX PARC] This phrase has two possible interpretations: (1) "While
your suggestion may have some merit, I will behave as though I hadn't
heard it." (2) "While your suggestion has obvious merit, equally
Up:[7952]= L =
light pipe n.
lightweight adj.
as `lightweight process'.
by a famous quote about the difficulty of getting work done under one
but it would be like kicking dead whales down the beach." See also
of nodes and arcs that diagrams a given graph is like nailing jelly to
a tree, because nobody's sure what `prettiest' means algorithmically."
Hacker use of this term may recall mainstream slang originated early
that, weary of inconclusive talks with Colombia over the right to dig
with those pirates is like trying to nail currant jelly to the wall."
reasons, implying either that somebody is out to get it (when you are
are not). "It works when I trace through it, but seems to crash on
line 666 when I run it." "What happens is that whenever a large batch
comes through, mmdf dies on the Line of the Beast. Probably some twit
Up:[7970]= L =
line eater, the n. obs.
software that used to eat up to BUFSIZ bytes of the article text. The
bug was triggered by having the text of the article start with a space
the line eater', and postings often included a dummy line ofline
eater food'. Ironically, line eater `food' not beginning with a space
or tab wasn't actually eaten, since the bug was avoided; but if there
was a space or tab before it, then the line eater would eat the food
after the bug had been [7971]nailed to the wall, and is still
humorously referred to. The bug itself was still occasionally reported
the, Up:[7975]= L =
line noise n.
source but employs syntax so bizarre that it looks like line noise in
editors, such as Multics qed and Unix ed, in the hands of a real
such as [7979]INTERCAL.
Up:[7982]= L =
line starve
[MIT] 1. vi. To feed paper through a printer the wrong way by one line
you just output X', line starve,2', line feed." (The line starve
causes the 2' to appear on the line above theX', and the line feed
gets back to the original line.) 2. n. A character (or character
standard. Today, the term might be used for the ISO reverse line feed
Up:[7989]= L =
linearithmic adj.
Up:[7992]= L =
link farm n.
files. "Let's freeze the source and then rebuild the FROBOZZ-3 and
FROBOZZ-4 link farms." Link farms may also be used to get around
Up:[7996]= L =
link rot n.
link-dead adj.
[from Unix's lint(1), named for the bits of fluff it supposedly picks
Lintel n.
early 1999 after it became clear that the [8013]Wintel alliance was
culture has been as readily recognized by first name alone since Ken
The free Unix workalike created by Linus Torvalds and friends starting
hacker project in history -- an entire clone of Unix for 386, 486 and
Pentium micros, distributed for free with sources over the net (ports
to Alpha and Sparc and many other machines are also in use).
Linux is what [8021]GNU aimed to be, and it relies on the GNU toolset.
But the Free Software Foundation didn't produce the kernel to go with
that toolset until 1999, which was too late. Other, similar efforts
like FreeBSD and NetBSD have been technically successful but never
caught fire the way Linux has; as this is written in 2000, Linux is
(Some people object that the name `Linux' should be used to refer only
to the kernel, not the entire operating system. This claim is a proxy
`GNU/Linux' want the the [8023]FSF to get most of the credit for Linux
because RMS and friends wrote many of its user-level tools. Neither
this theory nor the term `GNU/Linux' has gained more than minority
Up:[8026]= L =
lion food n.
drones in general). From an old joke about two lions who, escaping
from the zoo, split up to increase their chances but agree to meet
after 2 months. When they finally meet, one is skinny and the other
overweight. The thin one says: "How did you manage? I ate a human just
once and they turned out a small army to chase me -- guns, nets, it
was terrible. Since then I've been reduced to eating mice, insects,
even grass." The fat one replies: "Well, I hid near an IBM office and
L =
Lions Book n.
"Source Code and Commentary on Unix level 6", by John Lions. The two
parts of this book contained (1) the entire source listing of the Unix
South Wales beginning 1976-77, and were, for years after, the only
[1996 update: The Lions book lives again! It was put back in print as
L =
fundamental data types, and (b) the interpretation of code as data and
actually older than any other [8034]HLL still in use except FORTRAN.
years; modern variants are quite different in detail from the original
LISP 1.5. The dominant HLL among hackers until the early 1980s, LISP
now shares the throne with [8035]C. Its partisans claim it is the only
All LISP functions and programs are expressions that return values;
this, together with the high memory utilization of LISPs, gave rise to
Alan Perlis's famous quip (itself a take on an Oscar Wilde quote) that
One significant application for LISP has been as a proof by example
that most newer languages, such as [8037]COBOL and [8038]Ada, are full
Up:[8044]= L =
list-bomb v.
Up:[8048]= L =
lithium lick n.
[NeXT] Steve Jobs. Employees who have gotten too much attention from
their esteemed founder are said to have `lithium lick' when they begin
to show signs of Jobsian fervor and repeat the most recent catch
Up:[8051]= L =
little-endian adj.
describe the ordering of units other than bytes; most often, bits
within a byte.
Up:[8057]= L =
program working with it. For example, the response to "I think the
tried it out on live data?" This usage usually carries the connotation
that live data is more fragile and must not be corrupted, or bad
Up:[8060]= L =
live data n.
keys; this can be used to write live data that, when listed to the
triggered the next time a hapless user strikes that key. For another,
there are some well-known bugs in [8062]vi that allow certain texts to
send arbitrary commands back to the machine when they are simply
Up:[8067]= L =
give out fake license plates bearing this motto under a large Unix,
all in New Hampshire colors of green and white. These are now valued
Up:[8072]= L =
livelock /li:v'lok/ n.
Up:[8076]= L =
liveware /li:v'weir/ n.
Up:[8080]= L =
lobotomy n.
have undergone. At IBM and elsewhere this term is used by both hackers
replace or upgrade it. Some very cheap [8081]clone systems are sold in
The users on one's local network (as opposed, say, to people one
reaches via public Internet or UUCP connects). The marked thing about
the locals."
the, Up:[8087]= L =
[from military slang for an M-16 rifle with magazine inserted and
for use -- that is, locked into the drive and with the heads loaded.
Ironically, because their heads are `loaded' whenever the power is up,
loaded, Up:[8091]= L =
locked up adj.
Up:[8096]= L =
logic bomb n.
Up:[8100]= L =
logical adj.
a person (say, Les Earnest at SAIL) who had long held a certain post
left and were replaced, the replacement would for a while be known as
the `logical' Les Earnest. (This does not imply any judgment on the
toward the ocean, etc., even though logical north varies between
physical (true) north near San Francisco and physical west near San
might say: "To get to Rincon Tarasco restaurant, get onto [8102]El
Camino Bignum going logical north." Using the word `logical' helps to
prevent the recipient from worrying about that the fact that the sun
similar situation exists at MIT: Route 128 (famous for the electronics
but the road signs all say "north" and "south", respectively. A hacker
corresponding to the usual denotation for those words. (If you went
logical south along the entire length of route 128, you would start
out going northwest, curve around to the south, and finish headed due
as such!)
Node:loop through, Next:[8103]loose bytes, Previous:[8104]logical,
Up:[8105]= L =
less common among C and Unix programmers. ITS hackers used to say `IRP
through, Up:[8109]= L =
loose bytes n.
Up:[8113]= L =
Up:[8117]= L =
lose vi.
loser n.
who knows not and knows not that he knows not. Emphatic forms are
losing adj.
loss n.
moby loss!" Note that moby loss' is OK even though **moby loser' is
Up:[8138]= L =
lossage /los'*j/ n.
Previous:[8141]lossage, Up:[8142]= L =
swimmers). "Well, sure, photon pressure from the stadium lights alters
the path of a thrown baseball, but that effect gets lost in the
[8149]overflow bit.
input-output (in 1991, the IBM Rios, a.k.a. RS/6000, was a notorious
I/O, Up:[8155]= L =
low-bandwidth adj.
[from communication theory] Used to indicate a talk that, although not
Previous:[8162]low-bandwidth, Up:[8163]= L =
more common among hackers who grew up with ITS, MS-DOS, CP/M and other
Lumber Cartel n.
Up:[8179]= L =
lunatic fringe n.
Up:[8183]= L =
lurker n.
ties to SF fandom and the hacker culture. In that series, the use of
luser /loo'zr/ n.
was coined around 1975 at MIT. Under ITS, when you first walked up to
it printed out some status information, including how many people were
already using the computer; it might print "14 users", for example.
every time they used the computer. For a while several hackers
struggled covertly, each changing the message behind the back of the
others; any time you logged into the computer it was even money
mid-1990, except as a museum piece; the usage lives on, however, and
Jargon Lexicon
= M =
[8210]magic cookie:
[8211]magic number:
[8212]magic smoke:
[8213]mail storm:
[8215]mailing list:
[8216]main loop:
[8222]mangled name:
[8227]Marginal Hacks:
[8243]meltdown network:
[8245]meme plague:
[8247]memory farts:
[8248]memory leak:
[8249]memory smash:
[8253]meta bit:
[8254]metasyntactic variable:
[8265]Microsloth Windows:
[8269]middle-out implementation:
[8276]missile address:
[8284]mode bit:
[8288]monkey up:
[8289]monkey scratch:
[8293]Moore's Law:
[8294]moose call:
[8299]mouse ahead:
[8300]mouse around:
[8301]mouse belt:
[8302]mouse droppings:
[8303]mouse elbow:
[8318]munching squares:
[8323]Murphy's Law:
Common net abbreviation for Microsoft, everybody's least favorite
Up:[8340]= M =
machinable adj.
Up:[8344]= M =
machoflops /mach'oh-flops/ n.
lucky to get half the quoted speed. See [8345]Your mileage may vary,
Up:[8349]= M =
Macintoy /mak'in-toy/ n.
M =
Macintrash /mak'in-trash`/ n.
being kept away from the real computer by the interface. The term
macro /mak'roh/ n.
dictionary; what those won't tell you is how the hackish connotations
Indeed, the meaning has drifted enough that the collective `macros' is
macro- pref.
Up:[8375]= M =
macrology /mak-rol'*-jee/ n.
Up:[8382]= M =
macrotape /mak'roh-tayp/ n.
[8383]round tape.
M =
maggotbox /mag'*t-boks/ n.
Up:[8390]= M =
insufficiently advanced".
Parodies playing on these senses of the term abound; some have made
described in the Control Card Reference for GCOS c.1978. For more
Up:[8400]= M =
magic cookie n.
The phrase `it hands you a magic cookie' means it returns a result
whose contents are not defined but which can be passed back to the
cookie, Up:[8407]= M =
magic number n.
numbers. This sense actually predates and was ancestral to the more
upon a time, these magic numbers were PDP-11 branch instructions that
skipped over header data to the start of executable code; 0407, for
example, was octal for `branch 16 bytes relative'. Many other kinds of
files now have magic numbers somewhere; some magic numbers are, in
knows the spells to create magic numbers. How do you choose a fresh
magic number of your own? Simple -- you pick one at random. See? It's
The magic number, on the other hand, is 7+/-2. See "The magical number
seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing
magic smoke n.
happens when a chip burns up -- the magic smoke gets let out, so it
doesn't work any more. See [8413]smoke test, [8414]let the smoke out.
Usenetter Jay Maynard tells the following story: "Once, while hacking
plugging them in the system, then seeing what happened. One time, I
Intel didn't put power-on lights under the quartz windows on the tops
of their EPROMs -- the die was glowing white-hot. Amazingly, the EPROM
worked fine after I erased it, filled it full of zeros, then erased it
because the magic smoke didn't get let out." Compare the original
Up:[8418]= M =
mail storm n.
[from [8419]broadcast storm, influenced by `maelstrom'] What often
Up:[8423]= M =
Up:[8432]= M =
mailing list n.
connection) for many other email addresses. Some mailing lists are
`moderated'. 2. The people who receive your email when you send it to
such an address.
the first UUCP and ARPANET connections. They are often used for
list maintained for many years by Saul Jaffe) are recreational, and
many are purely social. Perhaps the most infamous of the social lists
lectroids and tanstaafl, still include a number of the oddest and most
Mailing lists are easy to create and (unlike Usenet) don't tie up a
Up:[8438]= M =
main loop n.
Up:[8442]= M =
mainframe n.
It has been common wisdom among hackers since the late 1980s that the
1990s bore this out. The biggest mainframer of all, IBM, was compelled
Up:[8453]= M =
management n.
from actual productive work and their chronic failure to manage (see
signed `The Mgt'; this derives from the "Illuminatus" novels (see the
Up:[8458]= M =
mandelbug /man'del-buhg/ n.
[from the Mandelbrot set] A bug whose underlying causes are so complex
manged /mahnjd/ n.
Up:[8468]= M =
mangle vt.
a C++ declaration.
Up:[8474]= M =
mangled name n.
are used because C++ allows multiple objects to have the same name, as
different parameter types. Thus, the internal name must have that
mangler n.
Up:[8482]= M =
manularity /man`yoo-la'ri-tee/ n.
the manual labor required for some task, particularly one of the sort
has much higher manularity than using a text editor, especially in the
Up:[8487]= M =
marbles pl.n.
Up:[8491]= M =
marginal adj.
everyday terms, this means that it is a lot easier to clean off your
desk if you have a spare place to put some of the junk while you sort
it fried."
Up:[8497]= M =
Marginal Hacks n.
Margaret Jacks Hall, a building into which the Stanford AI Lab was
moved near the beginning of the 1980s (from the [8498]D. C. Power
Up:[8501]= M =
marginally adv.
Slightly. "The ravs here are only marginally better than at Small
Up:[8505]= M =
marketroid /mar'k*-troyd/ n.
users that the next version of a product will have features that are
Mars n.
Mars was the code name for a family of PDP-10 compatible computers
design; although not much slower than the unique [8510]Foonly F-1,
they were physically smaller and consumed less power than the much
slower [8511]DEC KS10 or Foonly F-2, F-3, or F-4 machines. They were
also completely compatible with the DEC KL10, and ran all KL10
should have made a bundle selling their machine into shops with a lot
TOPS-10 was running on the Mars by the summer of 1984, and TOPS-20 by
the product ridiculously; they believed they were competing with the
KL10 and VAX 8600 and failed to reckon with the likes of Sun
had already made the traumatic decision to abandon the PDP-10, usually
for VMS or Unix boxes. Most of the Mars computers built ended up being
purchased by CompuServe.
This tale and the related saga of [8512]Foonly hold a lesson for
martian n.
labeled with a source address that is clearly not of this earth. "The
domain server is getting lots of packets from Mars. Does that gateway
Node:massage, Next:[8519]math-out, Previous:[8520]martian, Up:[8521]=
M =
massage vt.
data set into a different form, esp. transformations that do not lose
wrote a program that massages X bitmap files into GIF format." Compare
math-out n.
Up:[8533]= M =
Matrix n.
[FidoNet] 1. What the Opus BBS software and sysops call [8534]FidoNet.
1. Fanciful term for a [8535]cyberspace expected to emerge from
this sense, which however had been established for years before. 3.
Up:[8540]= M =
when it's being used so heavily that it's shaking like an old Maytag
with an unbalanced load. If prolonged for any length of time, can lead
since hard disks were large enough to do this, but the same phenomenon
mode, Up:[8545]= M =
meatspace /meet'spays/ n.
M =
meatware n.
meeces /mees'*z/ n.
[TMRC] Occasional furry visitors who are not [8555]urchins. [That is,
mice. This may no longer be in live use; it clearly derives from the
refrain of the early-1960s cartoon character Mr. Jinx: "I hate meeces
to pieces!" -- ESR]
meg /meg/ n.
See [8559]quantifiers.
megapenny /meg'*-pen`ee/ n.
Up:[8569]= M =
excess of it.
Up:[8574]= M =
meltdown, network n.
Up:[8578]= M =
meme /meem/ n.
people into propagating them much as viruses do. Used esp. in the
acceptance of the idea that in humans (and presumably other tool- and
M =
meme plague n.
Astrology, BASIC, and the other guy's religion are often considered to
Up:[8586]= M =
memetics /me-met'iks/ n.
Up:[8590]= M =
memory farts n.
The flatulent sounds that some DOS box BIOSes (most notably AMI's)
farts, Up:[8593]= M =
memory leak n.
Up:[8604]= M =
memory smash n.
[XEROX PARC] Writing through a pointer that doesn't point to what you
think it does. This occasionally reduces your machine to a rubble of
bits. Note that this is subtly different from (and more general than)
Up:[8609]= M =
menuitis /men`yoo-i:'tis/ n.
mess-dos /mes-dos/ n.
[semi-obsolescent now that DOS is] Derisory term for MS-DOS. Often
followed by the ritual banishing "Just say No!" See [8617]MS-DOS. Most
toilet cleanser.
Up:[8625]= M =
meta bit n.
[8630]bucky bits.
8-bit bytes the meta bit is invariably hex 80 (octal 0200), things
were different on earlier machines with 36-bit words and 9-bit bytes.
Up:[8634]= M =
metasyntactic variable n.
avoid confusion, hackers never (well, hardly ever) use `foo' or other
variables whose values are often variables (as in usages usages like
"the value of f(foo,bar) is the sum of foo and bar"). However, it has
been plausibly suggested that the real reason for the term
common signatures:
[8642]baz dropped out of use for a while in the 1970s and '80s.
before [8644]quux.
bazola, ztesch:
Stanford (from mid-'70s on).
include [8647]gorp.
Berkeley, GeoWorks, Ingres. Pronounced /shme/ with a short /e/.
[8657]Python programmers.
Brown University, early 1970s.
blarg, wibble
New Zealand.
Of all these, only foo' andbar' are universal (and [8660]baz nearly
so). The compounds [8661]foobar and `foobaz' also enjoy very wide
Some jargon terms are also used as metasyntactic names; [8662]barf and
Up:[8667]= M =
zeal) but no one else cares about. Applied to the language by those
The first great goal in the mind of the designer of an MFTL is usually
to write a compiler for it, then bootstrap the design away from
it been used for anything besides its own compiler?" On the other
hand, a (compiled) language that cannot even be used to write its own
of (language, OS) pairs fail this test, particularly when the language
using FORTRAN) passes it handily. That the test could ever be failed
is only surprising to those who have had the good fortune to have
worked only under modern systems which lack OS-supported and -imposed
"file types".)
Node:mickey, Next:[8674]mickey mouse program, Previous:[8675]MFTL,
Up:[8676]= M =
mickey n.
The resolution unit of mouse movement. It has been suggested that the
Up:[8679]= M =
program, Up:[8683]= M =
micro- pref.
hacker might say that buying a smaller car to reduce pollution only
Up:[8691]= M =
MicroDroid n.
Node:microfloppies, Next:[8694]microfortnight,
Previous:[8695]MicroDroid, Up:[8696]= M =
microfloppies n.
[8698]stiffy, [8699]minifloppies.
Node:microfortnight, Next:[8700]microLenat,
Previous:[8701]microfloppies, Up:[8702]= M =
microfortnight n.
has a lot of tuning parameters that you can set with the SYSGEN
utility, and one of these is TIMEPROMPTWAIT, the time the system will
wait for an operator to set the correct date and time at boot if it
realizes that the current value is bogus. This time is specified in
Up:[8706]= M =
microLenat /mi:`-kroh-len'-*t/ n.
had failed the student on an important exam because the student gave
suggested that the unit should be redesignated after the grad student,
as the microReid.
Up:[8711]= M =
microReid /mi:'kroh-reed/ n.
See [8712]microLenat.
Previous:[8714]microReid, Up:[8715]= M =
microserf /mi:'kro-s*rf/
Previous:[8719]microserf, Up:[8720]= M =
competition. Also just called `Windoze', with the implication that you
Windows, Up:[8727]= M =
The new [8728]Evil Empire (the old one was [8729]IBM). The basic
complaints are, as formerly with IBM, that (a) their system designs
are horrible botches, (b) we can't get [8730]source to fix them, and
(c) they throw their weight around a lot. See also [8731]Halloween
Up:[8734]= M =
[8736]bogus way Windows 9x's VFAT filesystem truncates long file names
called micros~2 and so on, causing lots of problems with backups and
trial against Microsoft the names Micros~1 ans Micros~2 were suggested
Previous:[8738]micros~1, Up:[8739]= M =
middle-endian adj.
Western dates).
Previous:[8744]middle-endian, Up:[8745]= M =
middle-out implementation
implementation, Up:[8749]= M =
milliLampson /mil'*-lamp`sn/ n.
A unit of talking speed, abbreviated mL. Most people run about 200
Gordon Bell (designer of the PDP-11) is said, with some awe, to think
speeding brain.
Up:[8752]= M =
minifloppies n.,obs.
M =
MIPS /mips/ n.
Instructions Per Second' (that's 10^6 per second, not 2^(20)!); often
rendered by hackers as `Meaningless Indication of Processor Speed' or
misbug /mis-buhg/ n.
Up:[8774]= M =
is not adequate for a new situation that has evolved. Since it results
not a bug. Nor is it a simple unforeseen side effect; the term implies
that the feature in question was carefully planned, but its long-term
that file names are limited to six characters, but the original
implementors wanted to save directory space and we're stuck with it
for now."
Previous:[8776]misfeature, Up:[8777]= M =
Missed'em-five n.
Previous:[8782]Missed'em-five, Up:[8783]= M =
missile address n.
Up:[8787]= M =
miswart /mis-wort/ n.
except when the cursor is at the end of a line, in which case the two
feature is a miswart.
MMF //
pyramid scam. The term is also used to refer to any kind of spam which
promotes this. For more information, see the [8797]Make Money Fast
Myth Page.
mobo /moh'bo/
[MIT: seems to have been in use among model railroad fans years ago.
Derived from Melville's "Moby Dick" (some say from `Moby Pickle'). Now
rocket is a truly moby frob." "Some MIT undergrads pulled off a moby
Compare this with [8805]bignum (sense 3): double sixes are both
bignums and moby sixes, but moby ones are not bignums (the use of
the local fast-food joint is not just a request for a large Coke, it's
was installed in the 1960s (at a time when a more typical memory size
Back when address registers were narrow the term was more generally
actually have more physical memory attached to it than any one program
could access directly. One could then say "This computer has 6 mobies"
without having to say specifically how much memory there actually is.
and disk.
Nowadays the low cost of processor logic means that address spaces are
usually larger than the most physical memory you can cram onto a
machine, so most systems have much less than one theoretical `native'
(esp. paging) make the `moby count' less significant. However, there
is one series of widely-used chips for which the term could stand to
mockingbird n.
mod vt.,n.
used -- in fact the full terms are considered markers that one is
being formal. The plural `mods' is used esp. with reference to bug
mode n.
[common] A general state, usually used with an adjective describing
the state. Use of the word mode' rather thanstate' implies that the
state is extended over time, and probably also that some activity
saying "I'm going to crash" is "I'm going to enable crash mode now".
in the Unix editor vi, one must type the "i" key, which invokes the
mode", in which typing the "i" key has a quite different effect (to
wit, it inserts an "i" into the document). One must then hit another
mode bit n.
different from [8833]flag bit in that mode bits are mainly written
during a boot or set-up phase, are seldom explicitly read, and seldom
was the EBCDIC-vs.-ASCII bit (#12) of the Program Status Word of the
IBM 360.
Up:[8836]= M =
"Well, LISP seems to work okay now, modulo that [8837]GC bug." "I feel
molly-guard /mol'ee-gard/ n.
the plexiglass covers improvised for the BRS on an IBM 4341 after a
Previous:[8843]molly-guard, Up:[8844]= M =
[8847]Brooks's Law.
Up:[8857]= M =
monkey, scratch n.
Up:[8861]= M =
monty /mon'tee/ n.
the USGS. Monty had a widget-packed X-window interface with over 200
buttons; and all monty actually did was [8867]FTP files off the
the characters insisted on "the full Del Monte"; but see the World
Wide Words article [8868]"The Full Monty" for discussion of the rather
Moof /moof/
[Macintosh users] 1. n. The call of a semi-legendary creature,
entry claimed, incorrectly, that Moof was the name of the creature.)
the edge. On one Apple CD-ROM, certain folders such as "Tools & Apps
the powers that be. When you open these folders you cross the boundary
Up:[8876]= M =
has closely followed the curve (bits per square inch) = 2^(t - 1962)
on a given amount of silicon has roughly doubled every year since the
laurels, so you'd better start pushing hard on the problem. See also
Up:[8881]= M =
moose call n.
See [8882]whalesong.
moria /mor'ee-*/ n.
addictive and a major consumer of time better used for hacking. See
MOTAS /moh-tahz/ n.
MOTOS /moh-tohs/ n.
[acronym from the 1970 U.S. census forms via Usenet: Member Of The
[from the 1970 U.S. census forms via Usenet] Member Of The Same Sex,
Up:[8914]= M =
accepting the input. Handling this properly is rare, but it can help
make a [8915]WIMP environment much more usable, assuming the users are
Up:[8918]= M =
to [8921]snarf.
around, Up:[8924]= M =
mouse belt n.
belt, Up:[8928]= M =
mouse droppings n.
[MS-DOS] Pixels (usually single) that are not properly restored when
the mouse pointer moves away from a particular location on the screen,
producing the appearance that the mouse pointer has left droppings
behind. The major causes for this problem are programs that write to
location without hiding the mouse pointer first, and mouse drivers
Up:[8931]= M =
mouse elbow n.
M =
mouso /mow'soh/ n.
[8936]thinko, [8937]braino.
MS-DOS /M-S-dos/ n.
Computer Products, who called the original QDOS (Quick and Dirty
versions of many system calls, and MS-DOS programmers can never agree
IBM's first disk operating system for the 360). The name further
annoys those who know what the term [8943]operating system does (or
mu /moo/
The correct answer to the classic trick question "Have you stopped
beating your wife yet?". Assuming that you have no wife or you have
never beaten your wife, the answer "yes" is wrong because it implies
that you used to beat your wife and then stopped, but "no" is worse
because it suggests that you have one and are still beating her.
Zen [8949]koan:
A monk asked Joshu, "Does a dog have the Buddha nature?" Joshu
retorted, "Mu!"
MUD /muhd/ n.
the existing world. 2. vi. To play a MUD. The acronym MUD is often
lowercased and/or verbed; thus, one may speak of `going mudding', etc.
Historically, MUDs (and their more recent progeny with names of MU-
form) derive from a hack by Richard Bartle and Roy Trubshaw on the
earlier versions of this lexicon) that the name MUD was trademarked to
the commercial MUD run by Bartle on British Telecom (the motto: "You
some maps and posters, which were released and created the myth.
fact that Usenet feeds were often spotty and difficult to get in the
U.K., made the MUDs major foci of hackish social interaction there.
AberMUD and other variants crossed the Atlantic around 1988 and
quickly gained popularity in the U.S.; they became nuclei for large
observers see parallels with the growth of Usenet in the early 1980s).
to combat and competition (in writing, these social MUDs are sometimes
the cutting edge of the technology is Pavel Curtis's MOO, even more
The state of the art in MUD design is still moving very rapidly, with
muddie n.
mudhead n.
breathes MUD. Mudheads have been known to fail their degrees, drop
out, etc., with the consolation, however, that they made wizard level.
he/she has experience with is so much better than any other; and the
ideas are so much better than in any existing MUD. See also
sequence from the Firesign Theatre album "Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand
M =
popular children's series, muggles and wizards inhabit the same modern
existence - most muggles are unaware that wizards exist, and wizards
M =
multician /muhl-ti'shn/ n.
Up:[8985]= M =
Multics /muhl'tiks/ n.
The design was first presented in 1965, planned for operation in 1967,
Multics was very innovative for its time -- among other things, it
Bell Labs left the development effort in 1969 after judging that
buying out GE's computer group, but it was never very successful: at
its peak in the 1980s, there were between 75 and 100 Multics sites,
One of the former Multics developers from Bell Labs was Ken Thompson,
Multics' design ideas; indeed, Thompson described the very name `Unix'
as `a weak pun on Multics'. For this and other reasons, aspects of the
sold its computer business to Bull in the mid 80s, and development on
Multics was stopped in 1988. Four Multics sites were known to be still
Up:[8996]= M =
multitask n.
handle more than one channel at the same time), is used similarly.
M =
mumblage /muhm'bl*j/ n.
used like "all that stuff" when it is not quite clear how the subject
mumble interj.
the speaker has not thought it out. Often prefaces a longer answer, or
enough and there are some extra cache bits for the microcode to use?"
"Well, mumble ... I'll have to think about it." 2. [MIT] Expression of
(distinguished from sense 2 by tone of voice and other cues). "I think
has an extra 16M of memory, thanks to the card I'm testing for
munch vt.
Up:[9019]= M =
munching n.
Up:[9024]= M =
munching squares n.
moving and growing squares that devour the screen. The initial value
machine, have been christened `munching triangles' (try AND for XOR
Up:[9031]= M =
munchkin /muhnch'kin/ n.
mundane n.
[in 1960 at MIT, `Mash Until No Good'; sometime after that the
which are used in Chinese food. (That's their real name! Mung beans!
Like many early hacker terms, this one seems to have originated at
U.S. army slang for the ersatz creamed chipped beef better known as
`SOS', and it seems quite likely that the word in fact goes back to
Scots-dialect [9055]munge.
derived from it. However, it also appears the word `munge' was in
The correct, original Murphy's Law reads: "If there are two or more
For example, you don't make a two-pin plug symmetrical and then label
it `THIS WAY UP'; if it matters which way it is plugged in, then you
make the design asymmetrical (see also the anecdote under [9068]magic
experiments that were done by the U.S. Air Force in 1949 to test human
body. There were two ways each sensor could be glued to its mount, and
then made the original form of his pronouncement, which the test
subject (Major John Paul Stapp) quoted at a news conference a few days
M =
music n.
programming abilities are closely related, and there has been at least
rule, like music and often develop musical appreciation in unusual and
that used to be called `progressive' and isn't recorded much any more.
The hacker's musical range tends to be wide; many can listen with
mutter vt.
To quietly enter a command not meant for the ears, eyes, or fingers of
also [9081]wizard.
Jargon Lexicon
= N =
[9089]nailing jelly:
[9091]naive user:
[9101]nasal demons:
[9103]Nathan Hale:
[9105]neat hack:
[9110]nerd knob:
[9126]network address:
[9127]network meltdown:
[9128]New Jersey:
[9129]New Testament:
[9131]newgroup wars:
[9138]night mode:
[9141]Ninety-Ninety Rule:
[9142]nipple mouse:
[9147]Nominal Semidestructor:
[9148]non-optimal solution:
[9155]NSA line eater:
[9162]NUXI problem:
N /N/ quant.
that crock!" Also used in its original sense of a variable name: "This
may be understood to mean however many people there are at the table.
From the remark "We'd like to order N wonton soups and a family dinner
for N - 1" you can deduce that one person at the table wants to eat
only soup, even though you don't know how many people there are (see
1 and 2. "Now for the Nth and last time..." In the specific context
nadger /nad'jr/ v.
[UK, from rude slang noun `nadgers' for testicles; compare American &
processors often take the string text from the instruction stream,
thus a print call looks like jsr print:"Hello world". The print
Up:[9179]= N =
nagware /nag'weir/ n.
some sort of keystroke to continue so that you can't use the software
Previous:[9184]nagware, Up:[9185]= N =
wall, Up:[9188]= N =
Up:[9192]= N =
naive adj.
one who still tries to do things in an intuitive way, rather than the
right way (in really good designs these coincide, but most designs
may imply naivete on the part of the programmer, although there are
performance. "I know the linear search is naive, but in this case the
naive user n.
them you don't understand their point or that they have suddenly
recode the project in COBOL...." "Nak, Nak, Nak! I thought I heard you
to news.admin.net-abuse.usenet.
Though this was not true, spam-fighters ironically accepted the label
and the tag line "There is No Cabal" reappeared (later, and now
nano /nan'oh/ n.
nano" means you really will be free shortly, i.e., implies what
nano- pref.
Smaller than [9216]micro-, and used in the same rather loose and
Bell Labs has also pointed out that "Pi seconds is a nanocentury". See
[9222]nanocomputer, [9223]nanofortnight.
nanoacre /nan'oh-ay`kr/ n.
the same range as real acres once one figures in design and
fabrication-setup costs.
Up:[9229]= N =
nanobot /nan'oh-bot/ n.
Up:[9233]= N =
nanocomputer /nan'oh-k*m-pyoo'tr/ n.
would be a nanocomputer.
Node:nanofortnight, Next:[9235]nanotechnology,
Previous:[9236]nanocomputer, Up:[9237]= N =
nanofortnight n.
[Adelaide University] 1 fortnight * 10^(-9), or about 1.2 msec. This
Previous:[9242]nanofortnight, Up:[9243]= N =
nanotechnology /nan'-oh-tek-no`l*-jee/ n.
subculture ever since the term was coined by K. Eric Drexler in his
nasal demons n.
legal for it to make demons fly out of your nose" (the implication is
that the compiler may choose any arbitrarily bizarre way to interpret
the code without violating the ANSI C standard). Someone else followed
Up:[9253]= N =
nastygram /nas'tee-gram/ n.
Up:[9263]= N =
Nathan Hale n.
etymology? Notionally, from "I regret that I have only one asterisk
Hale just before he was hanged. Hale was a (failed) spy for the rebels
Up:[9268]= N =
nature n.
Up:[9272]= N =
neat hack n.
surprise value. Example: the Caltech Rose Bowl card display switch
hack, Up:[9277]= N =
the relationship between human reasoning and AI; `neats' tend to try
parties (the term `neepery' is also in wide use). Fandom has a related
N =
neophilia /nee`oh-fil'-ee-*/ n.
The trait of being excited and pleased by novelty. Common among most
N =
nerd n.
The word itself appears to derive from the lines "And then, just to
show them, I'll sail to Ka-Troo / And Bring Back an It-Kutch, a Preep
Seuss book "If I Ran the Zoo" (1950). (The spellings `nurd' and
unclear, but sense 1 seems to have entered mass culture in the early
An IEEE Spectrum article (4/95, page 16) once derived `nerd' in its
variant form knurd' from the worddrunk' backwards, but this bears
some actually wear "Nerd Pride" buttons, only half as a joke. At MIT
one can find not only buttons but (what else?) pocket protectors
nerd knob n.
sort or another - a setting which the average user may not even know
From the time before the [9298]Great Renaming, when most non-local
Up:[9305]= N =
newsgroup, wrote news software, or knows Gene, Mark, Rick, Mel, Henry,
Rissa or the Slime Sisters have (so far) been distinguished more by
Up:[9309]= N =
Up:[9314]= N =
net.police /net-p*-lees'/ n.
Up:[9321]= N =
N =
netburp n.
[IRC] When [9328]netlag gets really bad, and delays between servers
be signing off at the same time and then signing back on again when
sometimes, [9330]netsplit).
netdead n.
[IRC] The state of someone who signs off [9334]IRC, perhaps during a
Up:[9339]= N =
nethack /net'hak/ n.
Brouwer, were simply called `hack'. The name changed when maintenance
N =
N =
netlag n.
[IRC, MUD] A condition that occurs when the delays in the [9353]IRC
bursts, often with delays of up to a minute. (Note that this term has
netnews /net'n[y]ooz/ n.
N =
netrock /net'rok/ n.
Up:[9365]= N =
Netscrape n.
N =
netsplit n.
Syn. [9370]netburp.
Up:[9373]= N =
netter n.
a [9375]Usenet regular. Most often found in the plural. "If you post
Previous:[9377]netter, Up:[9378]= N =
network address n.
substitute for personal names; indeed, hackers may come to know each
other quite well by network names without ever learning each others'
true, but you can still be fairly sure that anyone with a network
address, Up:[9384]= N =
network meltdown n.
optimized for a steady state of moderate load and don't cope well with
the very jagged, bursty usage patterns of the real world. One amusing
shoot-'em-up game Doom on the PC. When used in multiplayer mode over a
network, the game uses broadcast packets to inform other machines when
bullets are fired. This causes problems with weapons like the chain
gun which fire rapidly -- it can blast the network into a meltdown
meltdown, Up:[9391]= N =
New Jersey adj.
C++, and Unix (which originated at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New
Jersey). "This compiler bites the bag, but what can you expect from a
Up:[9396]= N =
New Testament n.
Up:[9400]= N =
newbie /n[y]oo'bee/ n.
Usenet for a long time but who carefully hides all evidence of having
Up:[9406]= N =
newline /n[y]oo'li:n/ n.
[acronym; the `Network Window System'] The road not taken in window
almost certainly have won the standards war with [9419]X if it hadn't
that too many software vendors haven't yet heeded. Many hackers insist
newsfroup // n.
N =
newsgroup n.
who edits or filters and then posts the results). Some newsgroups have
list and vice versa. Some moderated groups (especially those which are
nick n.
[IRC; very common] Short for nickname. On [9440]IRC, every user must
pick a nick, which is sometimes the same as the user's real name or
[9442]screen name.
nickle /ni'kl/ n.
[from `nickel', common name for the U.S. 5-cent coin] A [9446]nybble +
Previous:[9450]nickle, Up:[9451]= N =
night mode n.
Up:[9455]= N =
when one Sun goes down, the others often freeze up. Some machine tries
tries to reach either the down machine or the pseudo-down machine, and
itself becomes pseudo-down. The first machine to discover the down one
is now trying both to access the down one and to respond to the
frozen -- worst of all, the user can't even abort the file access that
Unix's alleged bogosity; ITS had a working NFS-like shared file system
[9458]broadcast storm.
System, Up:[9461]= N =
NIL /nil/
No. Used in reply to a question, particularly one asked using the `-P'
reply was well-established among radio hams decades before the advent
of LISP. The historical connection between early hackerdom and the ham
radio world was strong enough that this may have been an influence.
Up:[9465]= N =
Ninety-Ninety Rule n.
"The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the
development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other
stuck. Other maxims in the same vein include the law attributed to the
early British computer scientist Douglas Hartree: "The time from now
Up:[9468]= N =
nipple mouse n.
Var. `clit mouse, clitoris' Common term for the pointing device used
on IBM ThinkPads and a few other laptop computers. The device, which
sits between the g' andh' keys on the keyboard, indeed resembles a
consider these superior to the glide pads found on most laptops, which
NMI /N-M-I/ n.
spurious ones.
asking someone for help and being told to go away. "Oh, well, that was
that is more or less instant to produce. In this use, the term does
just throw together a noddy [9483]awk script to dump all the first
Up:[9488]= N =
node n.
dial-in line on a BBS. Thus an MS-DOS [9489]sysop might say that his
BBS has 4 nodes even though it has a single machine and no Internet
Previous:[9491]node, Up:[9492]= N =
Nominal Semidestructor n.
including the NS16000 and NS32000 and several variants. At one point
early in the great microprocessor race, the specs on these chips made
them look like serious competition for the rising Intel 80x86 and
sank without trace, joining the Zilog Z8000 and a few even more
[9501]Internet Exploder.
solution, Up:[9509]= N =
nonlinear adj.
sends the computation far off from its expected course. 2. When
[9510]flame. "When you talk to Bob, don't mention the drug problem or
Previous:[9512]nonlinear, Up:[9513]= N =
nontrivial adj.
Previous:[9518]nontrivial, Up:[9519]= N =
Usable, but only just so; not very robust; for internal use only. Said
more solid [9520]Real Soon Now. This term comes from the ensemble name
of the original cast of "Saturday Night Live", the "Not Ready for
Prime Time Players". It has extra flavor for hackers because of the
Compare [9522]beta.
Up:[9525]= N =
notwork /not'werk/ n.
1988; but there are independent reports of the term from elsewhere.
far no one has found a proof that they are. NP is the set of
are plenty of easy problems in class NP. NP-complete problems are hard
not because they are in class NP, but because they are the hardest
nroff /N'rof/
N =
reading the net for the U.S. Government's spooks. Most hackers used to
case. since the mid-1990s it has gradually become known that the NSA
As far back as the 1970s there was a mainstream variant of this myth
involving a `Trunk Line Monitor', which supposedly used speech
harder than noticing keywords in email, and most of the people who
cheaper to hire 50 high-school students and just let them listen in.
however, there are clear indications that the NSA has actually
NSP /N-S-P/ n.
nude adj.
Said of machines delivered without an operating system (compare
[9550]bare metal). "We ordered 50 systems, but they all arrived nude,
This usage is a recent innovation reflecting the fact that most IBM-PC
nugry /n[y]oo'gree/
third common English word that ends in -GRY?". In the newsgroup, the
Up:[9558]= N =
operating system, including the FAT (the in-core copy of the disk
which are then said to have been `nuked'. This term is also used of
Up:[9565]= N =
number-crunching n.
namely, that the computations are mindless and involve massive use of
[9567]brute force. This is not always [9568]evil, esp. if it involves
also [9571]crunch.
Previous:[9573]number-crunching, Up:[9574]= N =
numbers n.
science number.
Up:[9580]= N =
machine with a different `byte sex' (e.g., when transferring data from
a [9581]little-endian to a [9582]big-endian, or vice-versa). See also
Up:[9588]= N =
other sizes. All of these are strictly jargon, not techspeak, and not
context but not use them spontaneously). We collect them here for
2 bits:
[9592]crumb, [9593]quad, [9594]quarter, tayste, tydbit
4 bits:
5 bits:
10 bits:
16 bits:
playte, [9597]chawmp (on a 32-bit machine), word (on a 16-bit
18 bits:
[9598]chawmp (on a 36-bit machine), half-word (on a 36-bit
32 bits:
dynner, [9599]gawble (on a 32-bit machine), word (on a 32-bit
word (on a 36-bit machine)
48 bits:
[9600]gawble (under circumstances that remain obscure)
64 bits
double word (on a 32-bit machine)
The fundamental motivation for most of these jargon terms (aside from
the normal hackerly enjoyment of punning wordplay) is the extreme
nyetwork /nyet'werk/ n.
Jargon Lexicon
= O =
[9611]Obfuscated C Contest:
[9612]obi-wan error:
[9615]octal forty:
[9617]off-by-one error:
[9621]old fart:
[9622]Old Testament:
[9624]one-banana problem:
[9625]one-line fix:
[9626]one-liner wars:
[9630]open source:
[9631]open switch:
[9632]operating system:
[9633]optical diff:
[9634]optical grep:
[9636]Oracle the:
[9637]Orange Book:
[9638]oriental food:
[9640]orphaned i-node:
[9649]overflow bit:
[9650]overflow pdl:
[9652]overrun screw:
Up:[9655]= O =
has been straying from the newsgroup's charter topic. For example, if
that has nothing particularly to do with sex, the author may append
Previous:[9659]Ob-, Up:[9660]= O =
Obfuscated C Contest n.
annual contest run since 1984 over Usenet by Landon Curt Noll and
funny, (b) breathtaking works of art, and (c) horrible examples of how
not to code in C.
This relatively short and sweet entry might help convey the flavor of
obfuscated C:
main(v,c)char**c;{for(v[c++]="Hello, world!\n)";
define --- -F<00||--F-OO--;
int F=00,OO=00;
Note that this program works by computing its own area. For more
the index should have started from 0 but instead started from 1. A
error, Up:[9670]= O =
Objectionable-C n.
Up:[9674]= O =
obscure adj.
implies that something could be figured out but probably isn't worth
Up:[9677]= O =
the heavy wire that carries the current to run a streetcar. It's at
the end of the long pole (the trolley pole) that reaches from the roof
of the streetcar to the overhead line. When the trolley stops making
contact with the wire (from passing through a switch, going over bumpy
wire. Later on, trolley came to mean the streetcar itself. Since
streetcars became common in the 1890s, the term is more than 100 years
trolley, Up:[9692]= O =
off-by-one error n.
something to the person next to the one who should have gotten it.
Up:[9696]= O =
offline adv.
ogg /og/ v.
players repeatedly used the tactic while playing Orion ship G, showing
up in the player list as "Og". This trick has been roundly denounced
by those who would return to the good old days when the tactic of
However, the traditional answer to the newbie question "What does ogg
mean?" is just "Pick up some armies and I'll show you." 2. In other
resources. "I guess I'd better go ogg the problem set that's due
tomorrow." "Whoops! I looked down at the map for a sec and almost
-oid suff.
[from Greek suffix -oid = `in the image of'] 1. Used as in mainstream
least fifty years, and hackers (who are often SF fans) have probably
been making `-oid' jargon for almost that long [though GLS and I can
personally confirm only that they were already common in the mid-1970s
Up:[9710]= O =
old fart n.
Usenetters who have been programming for more than about 25 years;
insult in the second or third person but one of pride in first person.
Old Testament n.
describing [9716]Classic C.
In the progression that starts "On the one hand..." and continues "On
the other hand..." mainstream English may add "on the third hand..."
even though most people don't have three hands. Among hackers, it is
the title of Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle's 1993 SF novel "The
one-banana problem n.
on the operators and claim that a trained monkey could do their job.
At IBM, folklore divides the world into one-, two-, and three-banana
two bananas and three grapes (another source claims it's three bananas
than that, one asks the manufacturers to send someone around to check
one-line fix n.
Up:[9734]= O =
one-liner wars n.
A game popular among hackers who code in the language APL (see
Ken Iverson, the inventor of APL, has been credited with a one-liner
where `o' is the APL null character, the assignment arrow is a single
In the Perl world this game is sometimes called Perl Golf because the
O =
ooblick /oo'blik/ n.
[from the Dr. Seuss title "Bartholomew and the Oobleck"; the spelling
sludge made from cornstarch and water. Enjoyed among hackers who make
batches during playtime at parties for its amusing and extremely
motion like a solid and will even crack when hit by a hammer. Often
1 cup cornstarch
Some, however, insist that the notion of an ooblick recipe is far too
section of Appendix B.
op /op/ n.
people who are in charge of the IRC server at their particular site.
open n.
to eliminate oral ambiguity. To read aloud the LISP form (DEFUN FOO
(X) (PLUS X 1)) one might say: "Open defun foo, open eks close, open,
Up:[9757]= O =
open source n.
redistribute, the code. The intent was to be able to sell the hackers'
source, Up:[9763]= O =
open switch n.
switch, Up:[9766]= O =
operating system n.
cultures that grow up around its host machines. Hacker folklore has
system, Up:[9778]= O =
optical diff n.
See [9779]vdiff.
Up:[9782]= O =
optical grep n.
See [9783]vgrep.
Up:[9786]= O =
optimism n.
What a programmer is full of after fixing the last bug and before
discovering the next last bug. Fred Brooks's book "The Mythical
all but those who habitually focus on the end goal. Perhaps it is
merely that computers are young, programmers are younger, and the
young are always optimists. But however the selection process
Up:[9790]= O =
Oracle, the
clueless, looking for advice on SQL. As more than one person has said
description line anymore?" (To which the standard response is, "Did
Up:[9793]= O =
Orange Book n.
(most secure) through D (least). Modern Unixes are roughly C2. See
Up:[9798]= O =
oriental food n.
Szechuan and Hunan. This phenomenon (which has also been observed in
Fish. Thai, Indian, Korean, and Vietnamese cuisines are also quite
Up:[9806]= O =
orphan n.
[Unix] A process whose parent has died; one inherited by init(1).
Compare [9807]zombie.
Up:[9810]= O =
Up:[9814]= O =
orthogonal adj.
in geometry, span the entire `capability space' of the system and are
OS /O-S/
OS/2 /O S too/ n.
The anointed successor to MS-DOS for Intel 286- and 386-based micros;
cheap laugh among hackers -- the design was so [9822]baroque, and the
could still count the major [9823]apps shipping for it on the fingers
of two hands -- in unary. The 2.x versions are said to have improved
[9826]second-system effect.
Up:[9840]= O =
out-of-band adj.
[from telecommunications and network theory] 1. In software, describes
values, but are rather signals that some kind of exception has
characters', such as the ESC that leads control sequences for many
Up:[9847]= O =
it was designed for, under the assumption that the manufacturer put
[9849]crashes, and can even burn things out, since power dissipation
that they can run their 450MHz CPU at 500MHz, even though they can
Up:[9854]= O =
overflow bit n.
could hack it OK until they got to the exception handling ... that set
Up:[9860]= O =
overflow pdl n.
[MIT] The place where you put things when your [9861]PDL is full. If
you don't have one and too many things get pushed, you forget
something. The overflow pdl for a person's memory might be a memo pad.
Up:[9866]= O =
overrun n.
overrun." "Sorry, I got four phone calls in 3 minutes last night and
[9871]overrun screw).
Up:[9874]= O =
overrun screw n.
no checks for this error). This is relatively benign and easy to spot
typically trashes the allocation header for the next block in the
Jargon Lexicon
= P =
[9893]padded cell:
[9894]page in:
[9895]page out:
[9897]Pangloss parity:
[9901]parent message:
[9902]parity errors:
[9903]Parkinson's Law of Data:
[9909]patch pumpkin:
[9910]patch space:
[9923]Pentagram Pro:
[9930]person of no account:
[9932]pessimizing compiler:
[9945]pilot error:
[9948]ping storm:
[9949]pink wire:
[9952]pixel sort:
[9953]pizza box:
[9954]plaid screen:
[9956]plan file:
[9969]point-and-drool interface:
[9970]pointy hat:
[9974]polygon pusher:
[9984]pound on:
[9985]power cycle:
[9986]power hit:
[9989]precedence lossage:
[9992]pretty pictures:
[9994]pretzel key:
[9996]prime time:
[9998]printing discussion:
[9999]priority interrupt:
[10005]Programmer's Cheer:
[10007]programming fluid:
[10008]propeller head:
[10009]propeller key:
[10012]provocative maintenance:
[10019]pubic directory:
[10021]pumpkin holder:
[10023]punched card:
[10025]Purple Book:
[10026]purple wire:
Node:P-mail, Next:[10029]P.O.D., Previous:[10030]overrun screw,
Up:[10031]= P =
P-mail n.
Up:[10036]= P =
P.O.D. /P-O-D/
[rare] Acronym for `Piece Of Data' (as opposed to a code section). See
also [10037]pod.
Up:[10040]= P =
see why you're dropping packets. You seem to have a packet over air
padded cell n.
USG Unix). Note that this is different from an [10046]iron box because
others (and the luser) from the consequences of the luser's boundless
Up:[10050]= P =
page in v.
comment: "Eric pages in, [10052]film at 11!" 2. Syn. `swap in'; see
Up:[10056]= P =
A [10064]flamer.
Pangloss parity n.
the organization has the exactly the same model of obsolete computer,
Up:[10071]= P =
paper-net n.
common variants of this are "Papernet" and "P-Net". Note that the
param /p*-ram'/ n.
[10081]arg, [10082]var.
Up:[10085]= P =
Up:[10089]= P =
parent message n.
What a [10090]followup follows up.
usually brought on by having spent all night and most of the next day
hacking. "I need to go home and crash; I'm starting to get a lot of
fact, this term is reported to have already have been in use in its
jargoin sense back in the 1960s when magnetic cores ruled. Parity
errors can also afflict mass storage and serial communication lines;
errors, Up:[10096]= P =
"Data expands to fill the space available for storage"; buying more
been observed since the mid-1980s that the memory usage of evolving
Up:[10100]= P =
parm /parm/ n.
written use is almost unknown outside IBM shops; spoken /parm/ is more
utterance (close to the standard English meaning). "That was the one I
comprehend. "It's very simple; you just kretch the glims and then aos
the zotz." "I can't parse that." 3. Of fish, to have to remove the
bones yourself. "I object to parsing fish", means "I don't want to get
a whole fish, but a sliced one is okay". A `parsed fish' has been
deboned. There is some controversy over whether `unparsed' should mean
Pascal n.
Pascal itself after ten years of improvement and could also stand as
1. There is no escape
People who use Pascal for serious programming fall into a fatal
etc., all add to the utility of the language for one group but
Pascal has since been almost entirely displaced (by [10114]C) from the
pastie /pay'stee/ n.
pastie on the R key, for example, might remind the user that it is
Up:[10121]= P =
patch may or may not work, and may or may not eventually be
more primitive means than the rest of the program; the classical
vt. To insert a patch into a piece of code. 3. [in the Unix world] n.
patches. If you have modified your OS, you have to disassemble these
patches on top of them (patches were said to "grow scar tissue"). The
patches (or, indeed, any patches that you can't -- or don't -- inspect
and examine before installing). They couldn't find any [10130]trap
stationery, and created a fake patch. The patch was actually the
trapdoor they needed. The patch was distributed at about the right
time for an IBM patch, had official stationery and all accompanying
Up:[10133]= P =
patch pumpkin n.
project. Possession of the patch pumpkin means one has the exclusive
This term comes from the Perl development community, but has been
Up:[10136]= P =
patch space n.
(typically, the patch space is modified to contain new code, and the
this term rare; it is now primarily historical outside IBM shops. See
Up:[10142]= P =
path n.
should look for commands. Other, similar constructs abound under Unix
Up:[10148]= P =
pathological adj.
Often used to dismiss the case from discussion, with the implication
infrequently (if at all) that it doesn't seem worth going to the extra
Up:[10151]= P =
payware /pay'weir/ n.
PBD /P-B-D/ n.
PC-ism /P-C-izm/ n.
PD /P-D/ adj.
of this software is not in fact public domain in the legal sense but
PDP-10 n.
[Programmed Data Processor model 10] The machine that made timesharing
including the MIT AI Lab, Stanford, and CMU. Some aspects of the
the 10 and VAX product lines were competing with each other and
profitable VAX. The machine was finally dropped from DEC's line in
spelled the doom of [10187]ITS and the technical cultures that had
PDP-20 n.
(the block capitals being the result of a lawsuit brought against DEC
were painted `Basil Blue', whereas most TOPS-20 machines were painted
PEBKAC /peb'kak/
people, particularly at call centers and help desks. Not used with the
derogatory. Usage: "Did you ever figure out why that guy couldn't
finish. PEBKAC."
Up:[10211]= P =
peek n.,vt.
reads memory, poke modifies it). Much hacking on small, non-MMU micros
services for the tasks commonly performed with peeks and pokes on
Previous:[10220]peek, Up:[10221]= P =
update devices which use tiny rolling heads similar to mouse balls to
paper, Up:[10224]= P =
Pentagram Pro n.
implying that the chip is inherently [10225]evil. Often used with "666
Up:[10229]= P =
Pentium n.
The name given to Intel's P5 chip, the successor to the 80486. The
chip with "sex" in its name. Successor chips have been called `Pentium
P =
peon n.
computer system. "I can't create an account on foovax for you; I'm
Previous:[10241]percent-S, Up:[10242]= P =
perf /perf/ n.
themselves, rather than the chad they produce when torn (philatelists
Previous:[10246]perf, Up:[10247]= P =
is no need to test it." "Yes, I can see there may be a problem here,
Perl /perl/ n.
used tool for making `live' web pages via CGI. Perl has been
Up:[10262]= P =
person of no account n.
`optimize', but for some reason they do not appear in most English
Previous:[10269]pessimal, Up:[10270]= P =
Up:[10273]= P =
Machines PET series of personal computers and the later Commodore C64,
C16, C128, and VIC20 machines. The PETSCII set used left-arrow and
PFY n.
phage n.
Up:[10292]= P =
standard 24-hour cycle; a useful concept among people who often work
"What's your phase?" "I've been getting in about 8 P.M. lately, but
night mode'. (The termday mode' is also (but less frequently) used,
also been recently reported from Caltech. 2. `change phase the hard
way': To stay awake for a very long time in order to get into a
different phase. 3. `change phase the easy way': To stay asleep, etc.
really hard (see [10294]wrap around). The `jet lag' that afflicts
travelers who cross many time-zone boundaries may be attributed to two
distinct causes: the strain of travel per se, and the strain of
changing phase. Hackers who suddenly find that they must change phase
Previous:[10296]phase, Up:[10297]= P =
mumble mode, having the foo switch set, and on the phase of the moon."
True story: Once upon a time there was a program bug that really did
depend on the phase of the moon. There was a little subroutine that
into a LISP program that, when it wrote out a file, would print a
line, and when the file was later read back in the program would
[10299]barf. The length of the first line depended on both the precise
date and time and the length of the phase specification when the
timestamp was printed, and so the bug literally depended on the phase
of the moon!
example of one of the timestamp lines that exhibited this bug, but the
phase-of-the-moon-bug bug.
suggested the software was somehow sensitive to the phase of the moon.
A few desperate engineers discovered the truth; the error turned out
by the passage of the Moon! This story has entered physics folklore as
moon, Up:[10302]= P =
phase-wrapping n.
Up:[10306]= P =
P =
phreaker /freek'r/ n.
Up:[10317]= P =
phreaking /freek'ing/ n.
[from `phone phreak'] 1. The art and science of [10318]cracking the
phone network (so as, for example, to make free long-distance calls).
game and a form of exploration was OK, but serious theft of services
gangs like the `414 group' turned that game very ugly. A few old-time
hackers still phreak casually just to keep their hand in, but most
these days have hardly even heard of `blue boxes' or any of the other
Up:[10322]= P =
pico- pref.
the same rather loose connotative way as [10324]nano- and micro-. This
usage is not yet common in the way [10325]nano- and [10326]micro- are,
[10327]quantifiers, [10328]micro-.
Up:[10331]= P =
[radio hams] A short piece of cable with two connectors on each end
Up:[10334]= P =
pilot error n.
Up:[10338]= P =
[from the submariners' term for a sonar pulse] 1. n. Slang term for a
small network message (ICMP ECHO) sent by a computer to check for the
widespread folk etymology that the name was ever intended as acronym
vt. To get the attention of. 4. vt. To send a message to all members
anything from Geoff, but he did respond with an ACK both times I
who are very happy tend to exude pings; furthermore, one can
intentionally create pings and aim them at a needy party (e.g., a
used to describe people who exude pings, also occurs. (In the standard
Oppose [10343]blargh.
NeXT machine, and got tired of having to run back to his console after
each cabling tweak to see if the ping packets were getting through. So
that repeatedly invoked ping(8), listened for an echo, and played back
the machine to repeat, over and over, "Ping ... ping ... ping ..." as
long as the network was up. He turned the volume to maximum, ferreted
through the building with one ear cocked, and found a faulty tee
connector in no time.
Node:Ping O' Death, Next:[10344]ping storm, Previous:[10345]ping,
Up:[10346]= P =
vendors and so passed into history and myth. The term is now used to
refer to any nudge delivered by network wizards over the network that
causes bad things to happen on the system being nudged. For the full
Up:[10351]= P =
ping storm n.
[10355]broadcast storm.
Up:[10358]= P =
pink wire n.
a board.
P =
pipe n.
P =
pistol n.
[IBM] A tool that makes it all too easy for you to shoot yourself in
Up:[10368]= P =
pixel sort n.
used for `lossy' methods such as JPEG. The theory, of course, is that
loss-of-data is not visible to the human eye. The term `pixel sort'
Up:[10373]= P =
pizza box n.
[Sun] The largish thin box housing the electronics in (especially Sun)
desktop workstations, so named because of its size and shape and the
and the huge drive they were stuck into was referred to as a pizza
oven. It's an index of progress that in the old days just the disk was
Up:[10376]= P =
plaid screen n.
Up:[10382]= P =
plain-ASCII /playn-as'kee/
Syn. [10383]flat-ASCII.
Previous:[10385]plain-ASCII, Up:[10386]= P =
plan file n.
apprised of one's location and near-future plans, but has been turned
only the printable ASCII character set, carriage return and line feed,
Scrolling .plan files have become art forms in miniature, and some
sites have started competitions to find who can create the longest
characters include:
Andalusian Video Snail:
Up:[10395]= P =
platinum-iridium adj.
Standard, against which all others of the same category are measured.
been cast in platinum-iridium alloy and placed in the vault beside the
near Paris. (From 1889 to 1960, the meter was defined to be the
distance between the North Pole and the Equator along a meridian
Up:[10399]= P =
playpen n.
Up:[10403]= P =
playte /playt/
P =
plingnet /pling'net/ n.
P =
plokta /plok't*/ v.
attempt to get some response from the system. One might plokta when
figure out if the system is just sluggish or really hung. Plokta can
also be used while trying to figure out any unknown key sequence for a
both hands flat on the keyboard and mashes them down, hoping for some
useful response.
messages or Usenet articles from new users -- the text might end with
as the user vainly tries to find the right exit sequence, with the
Up:[10421]= P =
plonk excl.,vt.
Up:[10427]= P =
plug-and-pray adj.,vi.
troubleshoot PCs soon find themselves longing for the DIP switches.
Up:[10430]= P =
plugh /ploogh/ v.
plumbing n.
effort than writing C every time, and the capability is considered one
of Unix's major winning features. A few other OSs such as IBM's VM/CMS
PM /P-M/
pnambic /p*-nam'bik/
[Acronym from the scene in the film version of "The Wizard of Oz" in
Requiring [10448]prestidigitization.
Previous:[10451]pnambic, Up:[10452]= P =
pod n.
630 (or, latterly, any letter-quality impact printer). From the DEC-10
with [10453]P.O.D..
Previous:[10455]pod, Up:[10456]= P =
point-and-drool interface n.
only suitable for idiots. See [10457]for the rest of us, [10458]WIMP
`point-and-grunt interface'.
Node:pointy hat, Next:[10461]pointy-haired,
pointy hat n.
Up:[10467]= P =
pointy-haired adj.
ordered me to use Windows NT, but I set up a Linux server with Samba
Up:[10476]= P =
poke n.,vt.
See [10477]peek.
Node:poll, Next:[10478]polygon pusher, Previous:[10479]poke,
Up:[10480]= P =
poll v.,n.
polling him, but he's not answering his phone; he must be swapped
Up:[10483]= P =
polygon pusher n.
A chip designer who spends most of his or her time at the physical
P =
POM /P-O-M/ n.
pop /pop/
[from the operation that removes the top of a stack, and the fact that
stack, that means he/she has finally finished working on it and can
the discussion is being lost, someone will shout "Pop!", meaning "Get
and metalheads, putting down those who "talk the talk but don't walk
the walk".
Up:[10508]= P =
post v.
Distinguished in context from `mail'; one might ask, for example: "Are
Up:[10513]= P =
postcardware n.
the author requests only that satisfied users send a postcard of their
to remind users that they are otherwise getting something for nothing,
Up:[10518]= P =
posting n.
postings or email; perhaps the best dividing line is that if you don't
Up:[10524]= P =
postmaster n.
Up:[10529]= P =
PostScript n.
at low (e.g. 300 dpi) resolution (it was formerly believed that
hand-tuned bitmap fonts were required for this task). Hackers consider
PostScript to be among the most elegant hacks of all time, and the
pound on vt.
Up:[10539]= P =
Up:[10550]= P =
power hit n.
your machine(s).
Old-time hackers from the PDP-10 era sometimes use this to refer to
Up:[10558]= P =
pr0n //
porn but since then it has expanded to refer to just about anything.
the middle two letters, and the name stuck, then propagated over into
Up:[10566]= P =
precedence levels of &, |, ^, <<, and >> (for this reason, experienced
pointing out that this can't happen in their favorite language, which
Node:prepend, Next:[10575]prestidigitization,
being added and not the original word (or character string, or
Previous:[10579]prepend, Up:[10580]= P =
prestidigitization /prest*-dij-ti:-zay'shn/ n.
Previous:[10582]prestidigitization, Up:[10583]= P =
pretty pictures n.
Interesting graphical output from a program that may not have any
pictures, Up:[10588]= P =
prettyprint /prit'ee-print/ v.
Up:[10593]= P =
pretzel key n.
Up:[10597]= P =
priesthood n. obs.
these computers, a user never had direct access to a computer, but had
Up:[10601]= P =
prime time n.
Back in the days of big timesharing machines `prime time' was when
lots of people were competing for limited cycles, usually the day
reason for [10602]night mode hacking. The term fell into disuse during
the early PC era, but has been revived to refer to times of day or
time, Up:[10606]= P =
print v.
other hand, always refer to the latter). This very common term is
likely a holdover from the days when printing terminals were the norm,
Previous:[10610]print, Up:[10611]= P =
printing discussion n.
Node:priority interrupt, Next:[10612]profile, Previous:[10613]printing
discussion, Up:[10614]= P =
priority interrupt n.
being dragged away by an [10616]SO for immediate sex, but may also
especially in PC-land.
Up:[10620]= P =
profile n.
in it. This sense is often verbed. Some profiling modes report units
confuses hackers who wander into the weird world of ISO standards no
P =
progasm /proh'gaz-m/ n.
P =
proggy n.
P =
proglet /prog'let/ n.
[UK] A short extempore program written to meet an immediate, transient
need. Often written in BASIC, rarely more than a dozen lines long, and
written off the top of one's head, that does not need any editing, and
that runs correctly the first time (this amount varies significantly
Up:[10642]= P =
program n.
Previous:[10644]program, Up:[10645]= P =
Programmer's Cheer
"Shift to the left! Shift to the right! Pop up, push down! Byte! Byte!
programming n.
against a wall, but with fewer opportunities for reward. 3. The most
fun you can have with your clothes on. 4. The least fun you can have
Previous:[10650]programming, Up:[10651]= P =
programming fluid n.
propeller head n.
Used by hackers, this is syn. with [10656]computer geek. Non-hackers
head, Up:[10659]= P =
propeller key n.
Up:[10663]= P =
proprietary adj.
standards, and thus one that puts the customer at the mercy of a
vendor able to gouge freely on service and upgrade charges after the
initial sale has locked the customer in. Often in the phrase
Since the coining of the term [10665]open source, many hackers have
(that is, intended to make a profit for the producers) without being
Previous:[10667]proprietary, Up:[10668]= P =
protocol n.
form for addressing letters to the Papal Nuncio or the order in which
don't care about such things. It is used instead to describe any set
coordinate with each other without ambiguity. So, for example, it does
network or the order in which one should use the forks in the Dining
Previous:[10672]protocol, Up:[10673]= P =
provocative maintenance n.
maintenance, Up:[10678]= P =
prowler n.
Up:[10687]= P =
pseudo /soo'doh/ n.
message origins. Perhaps the best-known and funniest hoax of this type
flamers have been accused of actually being such entities, despite the
number of people were fooled by the forgeries, and the debate over
their authenticity was settled only when the perpetrator came forward
Up:[10695]= P =
pseudoprime n.
`pseudoprime' (all primes pass any such test, but so do some composite
numbers), and any number that passes several is, in some sense, almost
certainly prime. The hacker backgammon usage stems from the idea that
Node:pseudosuit, Next:[10696]psychedelicware,
Previous:[10697]pseudoprime, Up:[10698]= P =
pseudosuit /soo'doh-s[y]oot`/ n.
Up:[10703]= P =
psychedelicware /si:`k*-del'-ik-weir/ n.
Previous:[10707]psychedelicware, Up:[10708]= P =
psyton /si:'ton/ n.
why demos are more likely to fail when lots of people are watching.
Up:[10713]= P =
puff vt.
`PUFF', but these days it is usually packaged with the encoder. Oppose
Up:[10723]= P =
pumpkin holder n.
holder, Up:[10727]= P =
pumpking n.
Up:[10732]= P =
widespread myth that it was designed to fit in the currency trays used
for that era's larger dollar bills, but recent investigations have
falsified this.
card. Other coding schemes, sizes of card, and hole shapes were tried
at various times.
Up:[10743]= P =
punt v.
[from the punch line of an old joke referring to American football:
"Drop back 15 yards and punt!"] 1. To give up, typically without any
intention of retrying. "Let's punt the movie tonight." "I was going to
hack all night to get this feature in, but I decided to punt" may mean
that you've decided not to stay up all night, and may also mean you're
well to frame an algorithmic solution. "No way to know what the right
form to dump the graph in is -- we'll punt that for now." 4. To hand a
"It's too hard to get the compiler to do that; let's punt to the
Up:[10747]= P =
Purple Book n.
Up:[10752]= P =
purple wire n.
wires' even when (as is frequently the case) their actual physical
[10755]red wire.
Up:[10758]= P =
[from the operation that puts the current information on a stack, and
the fact that procedure return addresses are saved on a stack] (Also
or [10760]PDL. If one says that something has been pushed onto one's
stack, it means that the Damoclean list of things hanging over ones's
head has grown longer and heavier yet. This may also imply that one
will deal with it before other pending items; otherwise one might say
Python /pi:'thon/
In the words of its author, "the other scripting language" (other than
Jargon Lexicon
= Q =
[10776]quadruple bucky:
[10778]quantum bogodynamics:
Up:[10790]= Q =
quad n.
rectangle or box glyph used in the APL language for various arcane
Node:quadruple bucky, Next:[10795]quantifiers, Previous:[10796]quad,
Up:[10797]= Q =
use of four shift keys while typing a fifth character, where the four
shift keys are the control and meta keys on both sides of the
keyboard. This was very difficult to do! One accepted technique was to
press the left-control and left-meta keys with your left hand, the
right-control and right-meta keys with your right hand, and the fifth
some character that was easier to type. If you want to imply that a
something like: "Oh, the command that makes it spin the tapes while
dual uses. With units of time or things that come in powers of 10,
powers of 1000 = 10^3. But when used with bytes or other things that
The prefixes zetta-, yotta-, zepto-, and yocto- have been included in
these tables purely for completeness and giggle value; they were
Mesures'. The binary peta- and exa- loadings, though well established,
are not in jargon use either -- yet. The prefix milli-, denoting
interestingly, derive not from Greek but from Danish) have not yet
There are, of course, some standard unit prefixes for powers of 10. In
suffix for the appropriate power of ten; the `binary' column lists
B-suffixed forms are commonly used for byte quantities; the words
meg' andgig' are nouns that may (but do not always) pluralize with
Note that the formal SI metric prefix for 1000 is `k'; some use this
with hard or soft `g' depends on what one thinks the proper
[10815]bogus number. The correct size is 1440 KB, that is, 1440 * 1024
`kilos', one of which is 1024 and the other of which is 1000. The
We observe that this would leave the prefixes zeppo-, gummo-, and
be ratified.]
Previous:[10818]quantifiers, Up:[10819]= Q =
(and may also cause both to emit secondary bogons); however, the
Up:[10827]= Q =
quarter n.
Two bits. This in turn comes from the `pieces of eight' famed in
pirate movies -- Spanish silver crowns that could be broken into eight
Up:[10834]= Q =
ques /kwes/
quick-and-dirty adj.
pressure. Used esp. when you want to convey that you think the fast
way might lead to trouble further down the road. "I can have a
Previous:[10842]quick-and-dirty, Up:[10843]= Q =
quine /kwi:n/ n.
[from the name of the logician Willard van Orman Quine, via Douglas
((lambda (x)
(lambda (x)
This one works in LISP or Scheme. It's relatively easy to write quines
Previous:[10847]quine, Up:[10848]= Q =
quote chapter and verse if you don't believe me." See also
verse, Up:[10856]= Q =
quotient n.
See [10857]coefficient of X.
Node:quux, Next:[10858]qux, Previous:[10859]quotient, Up:[10860]= Q =
quux /kwuhks/ n.
this purpose when he was young and naive and not yet interacting with
the real computing community. Many people invent such words; this one
very little disgust, and is uttered mostly for the sake of the sound
somewhat infamous for light verse and for the `Crunchly' cartoons. 4.
quux of the matter!" implies that the point is not crucial (compare
Node:qux, Next:[10866]QWERTY, Previous:[10867]quux, Up:[10868]= Q =
qux /kwuhks/
Q =
the typist, but this is wrong; it was designed to allow faster typing
far from perfect job, though; th',tr', ed', ander', for example,
each use two nearby keys). Also, putting the letters of `typewriter'
The QWERTY keyboard has also spawned some unhelpful economic myths
Jargon Lexicon
= R =
[10890]rabbit job:
[10891]rain dance:
[10892]rainbow series:
[10895]random numbers:
[10898]rare mode:
[10899]raster blaster:
[10900]raster burn:
[10902]rat belt:
[10903]rat dance:
[10904]ratio site:
[10906]rave on!:
[10908]raw mode:
[10910]rc file:
[10912]read-only user:
[10913]README file:
[10915]real estate:
[10916]real hack:
[10920]real time:
[10921]real user:
[10922]Real World:
[10923]reality check:
[10924]reality-distortion field:
[10927]rectangle slinger:
[10929]recursive acronym:
[10930]Red Book:
[10931]red wire:
[10933]register dancing:
[10937]relay rape:
[10938]religion of CHI:
[10939]religious issues:
[10949]rib site:
[10950]rice box:
[10951]Right Thing:
[10961]room-temperature IQ:
[10963]root mode:
[10965]rotary debugger:
[10966]round tape:
[10979]rusty iron:
[10980]rusty memory:
[10981]rusty wire:
Up:[10984]= R =
rabbit job n.
[Cambridge] A batch job that does little, if any, real work, but
job, Up:[10989]= R =
rain dance n.
can't boot up the machine. We'll have to wait for Greg to do his rain
Up:[10999]= R =
rainbow series n.
color. The original rainbow series was the NCSC security manuals (see
series, Up:[11008]= R =
random adj.
random name for that function." "Well, all the names were chosen
pretty randomly." 5. In no particular order, though deterministic.
"The I/O channels are in a pool, and when a file is opened one is
good apparent reason. For example, a program that handles file name
could easily have been coded using only three registers, but
that no one else can invoke it without first saving four extra
sometimes, anyone not known to the hacker speaking); the noun form of
sense 2. "I went to the talk, but the audience was full of randoms
asking bogus questions". 10. n. (occasional MIT usage) One who lives
Previous:[11013]random, Up:[11014]= R =
toys with its victims. "I just found a really great item; I suppose
random numbers n.
When one wishes to specify a large but random number of things, and
Long described at MIT as `the least random number'; see 23.
Sacred number of Eris, Goddess of Discord (along with 17 and
The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and
From the sexual act. This one was favored in MIT's ITS culture.
69 hex = 105 decimal, and 69 decimal = 105 octal.
The Number of the Beast.
Up:[11026]= R =
randomness n.
(or, possibly, the combination upon which the crock depends for its
XCT and then extracting six bits -- the low 2 bits of the XCT opcode
are (a) too tiresome to bother inquiring into, (b) are probably as
Up:[11033]= R =
rape vt.
did absolute disk I/O and ended up raping the master directory." 2. To
Up:[11037]= R =
raster blaster n.
for the sort of portable stereo Americans call a boom box' orghetto
blaster, Up:[11047]= R =
raster burn n.
[11048]terminal illness.
Up:[11051]= R =
rasterbation n.
generated images and effects in movies and graphic art which would
Up:[11054]= R =
rat belt n.
A cable tie, esp. the sawtoothed, self-locking plastic kind that you
twist tie or one of those humongous metal clip frobs). Small cable
Up:[11057]= R =
rat dance n.
There are strong connotations that the coding process and the
order to produce bugs for him to fix, and authors a Web browser
This term seems to have become widely recognized quite rapidly after
Up:[11064]= R =
ratio site
[warez d00dz] A FTP site storing pirated files where one must first
based on bytes or files count, between the uploads and download. For
are, the smaller the ratio is. More often than not, the server refuses
amount of files, just before the downloading phase begins. See also
Up:[11069]= R =
rave vi.
wishes the raver would get a clue but realizes this is unlikely.
R =
the Italian kind. Both consist of a filling in a pasta shell, but the
can be cooked any way, but a potsticker is always the pan-fried kind
(so called because it sticks to the frying pot and has to be scraped
off). "Let's get hot-and-sour soup and three orders of ravs." See also
[11080]oriental food.
raw mode n.
how to use RBL so they can filter out mail from those sites. Drastic
[Unix: from `runcom files' on the [11095]CTSS system 1962-63, via the
text file containing commands of the sort that might have been invoked
automatically each time the system starts up. See also [11096]dot
Up:[11100]= R =
RE /R-E/ n.
Up:[11104]= R =
read-only user n.
Up:[11111]= R =
README file n.
Alice confronts magic munchies labeled "Eat Me" and "Drink Me".
real adj.
Up:[11118]= R =
real estate n.
May be used for any critical resource measured in units of area. Most
frequently used of `chip real estate', the area available for logic on
real hack n.
The sort the speaker is used to. People from the BSDophilic academic
community are likely to issue comments like "System V? Why don't you
Unix sector are known to complain "BSD? Why don't you use a real
operating system?", and people from IBM object "Unix? Why don't you
Real Programmer n.
[indirectly, from the book "Real Men Don't Eat Quiche"] A particular
and is very good at same, remembers the binary opcodes for every
machine he has ever programmed, thinks that HLLs are sissy, and uses a
debugger to edit his code because full-screen editors are for wimps.
never in their spec sheets; in fact, they are seldom really happy
unless doing so. A Real Programmer's code can awe with its fiendish
junk food and coffee, hang line-printer art on their walls, and
else might have to try to understand their code in order to change it.
aren't many Real Programmers around any more. For a famous (and
browse "Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal" from the Datamation home
page [11142]http://www.datamation.com.
Programmer, Up:[11145]= R =
Real Soon Now adv.
permit one to get to it (in other words, don't hold your breath).
Up:[11149]= R =
real time
asked her how to find the calling procedure's program counter on the
real user n.
1. A commercial user. One who is paying real money for his computer
exploration. See [11154]user. Hackers who are also students may also
be real users. "I need this fixed so I can do a problem set. I'm not
Up:[11158]= R =
Real World n.
dress is shirt and tie and in which a person's working hours are
talking of someone who has entered the Real World is not unlike
boundary between university and the Real World; check your notions of
reality check n.
reality-distortion field n.
Steve Jobs (the term originated at Apple in the 1980s to describe his
reaper n.
Previous:[11180]reaper, Up:[11181]= R =
result of any small but globally visible program change. "The world"
may mean the entirety of some huge program, or may in theory refer to
world." This means that any minor change to the standard-I/O header
even if only to verify that the change didn't screw something else up.
In practice, you may not actually have to recompile the world, but the
rectangle slinger n.
recursion n.
Previous:[11192]recursion, Up:[11193]= R =
recursive acronym n.
called EINE ("EINE Is Not EMACS") and ZWEI ("ZWEI Was EINE
stands for "GNU's Not Unix!" -- and a company with the name Cygnus,
which expands to "Cygnus, Your GNU Support" (though Cygnus people say
acronym, Up:[11200]= R =
Red Book n.
the 1990 second edition ISBN 0-201-18127-4); the others are known as
the [11202]Green Book, the [11203]Blue Book, and the [11204]White Book
These include, among other things, the X.400 email spec and the Group
color and the fact that it is printed on A4 paper) known in the USA as
"the Ugly Red Book That Won't Fit On The Shelf" and in Europe as "the
Ugly Red Book That's A Sensible Size". 5. The NSA "Trusted Network
Up:[11210]= R =
red wire n.
mucking with the hardware. It is said that the only thing more
[11214]purple wire.
regexp /reg'eksp/ n.
[11219][email protected].
Up:[11222]= R =
register dancing n.
evaluation. Some designs with this problem, like the Intel 80x86, do
have a handful of special-purpose registers that can be pressed into
saved and then restored just before the official function (and value)
[IRC, MUD] "Hello again." Very commonly used to greet people upon
Previous:[11228]rehi, Up:[11229]= R =
reincarnation, cycle of n.
use wooden rollers, and some kinds of wheel have to be reinvented many
times before you get them right. On the third hand, people reinventing
relay rape n.
CWRU were taught in Algol, and student exercises were punched on cards
the worshipper noted that a digital clock read 11:08, he or she would
ARCTAN." The last five words were the first five functions in the
pronunciations /obz/ and /ark'sin/ rather than the more common /ahbz/
[11243]considered harmful.
religious issues n.
"What about that Heinlein guy, eh?", "What should we add to the new
to their tools, even when the tools are intangible. The most
constructive thing one can do when one stumbles into the crossfire is
Up:[11255]= R =
replicator n.
claimed by some that [11264]Unix and [11265]C are the symbiotic halves
Up:[11269]= R =
reply n.
See [11270]followup.
Up:[11273]= R =
restriction n.
bogosity had been intended by the designers all along, or was forced
1-based indexing in binary) and you will get less [11277]flamage for
it. Limits which are round numbers in base 10 are always especially
Up:[11280]= R =
retcon /ret'kon/
comics or soap operas) where a new story `reveals' things about events
For example, revealing that a whole season of "Dallas" was a dream was
The word `retcon' will probably spread through comics fandom and lose
[1993 update: some comics fans on the net now claim that retcon was
Syn. [11284]RTI
Previous:[11286]RETI, Up:[11287]= R =
retrocomputing /ret'-roh-k*m-pyoo'ting/ n.
Previous:[11295]retrocomputing, Up:[11296]= R =
[11297]person of no account.
Up:[11300]= R =
RFC /R-F-C/ n.
Perhaps the single most influential one has been RFC-822 (the Internet
mail-format standard). The RFCs are unusual in that they are floated
institution such as ANSI. For this reason, they remain known as RFCs
Carriers", D. Waitzman, BBN STC; 1 April 1990). The first was a Lewis
by carrier pigeon.
The RFCs are most remarkable for how well they work -- they manage to
haunt formal standards, and they define a network that has grown to
RFE /R-F-E/ n.
R =
rib site n.
Up:[11314]= R =
rice box n.
Up:[11317]= R =
Right Thing n.
That which is compellingly the correct or appropriate thing to use,
people may disagree. "What's the right thing for LISP to do when it
R =
rip v.
audio CD. Software that does this is often called a "CD ripper". 2.
through memory shortly after a reboot. This sense has been in use for
many years and probably gave rise to the (now more common) sense 1.
ripoff n.
RL // n.
[MUD community] Real Life. "Firiss laughs in RL" means that Firiss's
R =
roach vt.
Up:[11338]= R =
robocanceller /roh-boh-kan'sel-*r/
Programming them is not a game for amateurs; see [11341]ARMM. See also
Up:[11345]= R =
robot n.
See [11346]bot.
robust adj.
rococo adj.
encrusted with the software equivalent of gold leaf and curlicues that
they have completely swamped the underlying design. Called after the
[11357]critical mass.
Node:rogue, Next:[11358]room-temperature IQ, Previous:[11359]rococo,
Up:[11360]= R =
graphics, written under BSD Unix and subsequently ported to other Unix
has very similar play logic. See also [11361]nethack. 2. [Usenet] adj.
Up:[11371]= R =
room-temperature IQ quant.
Celsius thermometers.
Up:[11376]= R =
root n.
root mode n.
Syn. with [11385]wizard mode or `wheel mode'. Like these, it is often
Up:[11388]= R =
encryption that replaces each English letter with the one 13 places
forward or back along the alphabet, so that "The butler did it!"
becomes "Gur ohgyre qvq vg!" Most Usenet news reading and posting
sealed wrapper that the reader must choose to open -- e.g., for
self-inverse, so the same code can be used for encoding and decoding.
See also [11390]spoiler space, which has partly displaced rot13 since
Up:[11393]= R =
rotary debugger n.
Up:[11397]= R =
round tape n.
The Bloody Manual'. RTBM is often the entire text of the first reply
Node:RTFAQ, Next:[11409]RTFB, Previous:[11410]RTBM, Up:[11411]= R =
[Unix] Abbreviation for `Read The Fucking Binary'. Used when neither
documentation nor source for the problem at hand exists, and the only
assembler or even the machine code. "No source for the buggy port
anyone asking a question for which RTFB is the answer; the anger here
have RTFM." Unlike sense 1, this use is considered polite. See also
obvious and not answerable from the manuals -- or the manuals are not
yet written and maybe never will be. For even trickier situations, see
directed at the person asking the question, but rather at the people
Fucking Standard'; this oath can only be used when the problem area
directed as much against the standard as against the person who ought
to read it.
computers including the 6502 and 6800. The variant `RETI' is found
[Usenet: abbreviation for `Read The Manual'] 1. Politer variant of
hacker gone wrong to a few. Morris claimed that the worm that brought
the Internet to its knees was a benign experiment that got out of
to. Particularly appropriate when the suit failed to notice the `Press
shared resource without regard for its other users in such a way as to
runes pl.n.
haven't a clue how to read. Not quite as bad as [11464]line noise, but
R =
runic adj.
Up:[11473]= R =
rusty iron n.
Up:[11478]= R =
rusty memory n.
Up:[11483]= R =
rusty wire n.
[Amateur Packet Radio] Any very noisy network medium, in which the
Jargon Lexicon
= S =
[11487]S/N ratio:
[11494]salt mines:
[11495]salt substrate:
[11496]same-day service:
[11501]sanity check:
[11502]Saturday-night special:
[11508]science-fiction fandom:
[11509]scram switch:
[11511]scratch monkey:
[11513]screaming tty:
[11515]screen name:
[11519]script kiddies:
[11526]search-and-destroy mode:
[11527]second-system effect:
[11528]secondary damage:
[11534]segmentation fault:
[11541]senior bit:
[11545]sex changer:
[11546]shambolic link:
[11547]shar file:
[11551]sharing violation:
[11555]shell out:
[11559]short card:
[11560]shotgun debugging:
[11567]sig block:
[11568]sig quote:
[11569]sig virus:
[11570]signal-to-noise ratio:
[11572]silly walk:
[11574]Silver Book:
[11583]slashdot effect:
[11591]smart terminal:
[11592]smash case:
[11597]smoke test:
[11598]smoking clover:
[11602]SNAFU principle:
[11616]social engineering:
[11618]sock puppet:
[11619]sodium substrate:
[11620]soft boot:
[11622]software bloat:
[11623]software hoarding:
[11624]software laser:
[11625]software rot:
[11628]some random X:
[11629]sorcerer's apprentice mode:
[11633]space-cadet keyboard:
[11634]spaceship operator:
[11636]spaghetti code:
[11637]spaghetti inheritance:
[11639]spam bait:
[11648]spelling flame:
[11650]spider food:
[11655]splash screen:
[11657]splat out:
[11660]spoiler space:
[11664]spool file:
[11666]square tape:
[11669]stack puke:
[11673]stealth manager:
[11677]stir-fried random:
[11678]stomp on:
[11679]Stone Age:
[11692]Sturgeon's Law:
[11693]sucking mud:
[11694]sufficiently small:
[11696]suitable win:
[11697]suitably small:
[11699]sun lounge:
[11708]Suzie COBOL:
[11711]swap space:
[11712]swapped in:
[11713]swapped out:
[11716]syntactic salt:
[11717]syntactic sugar:
[11723]systems jock:
[11724]system mangler:
Up:[11728]= S =
S/N ratio // n.
S =
sacred adj.
standard meaning). Often means that anyone may look at the sacred
saga n.
[WPI] A cuspy but bogus raving story about N random broken people.
Jon L. White (login name JONL) and I (GLS) were office mates at MIT
for many years. One April, we both flew from Boston to California
whose milkshakes all contain honey and protein powder. JONL ordered
such a shake -- the waitress claimed the flavor of the day was
"lalaberry". I still have no idea what that might be, but it became
tasted rather bitter. I ate a better tostada there than I have ever
After this we went to the local Uncle Gaylord's Old Fashioned Ice
intriguing flavors. It's a chain, and they have a slogan: "If you
time either of us had been on the West Coast. When not in the
ice cream there was very good. During that August visit JONL went
lunch and dinner and before bed during our April visit -- a trip to
at least four times. Each time, JONL would get ginger honey ice
cream, and proclaim to all bystanders that "Ginger was the spice
that drove the Europeans mad! That's why they sought a route to the
Ginger! The spice that makes rotten meat taste good!" "Say! Why
don't we find some dog that's been run over and sat in the sun for
Now RPG and his then-wife KBT (Kathy Tracy) were putting us up
(putting up with us?) in their home for our visit, so to thank them
ne sais quoi du jour, but RPG and JONL had lapin (rabbit).
time, so JONL and I were rather droopy. But it wasn't yet midnight.
Now the French restaurant was in Redwood City, north of Palo Alto.
In leaving Redwood City, we somehow got onto route 101 going north
instead of south. JONL and I wouldn't have known the difference had
RPG not mentioned it. We still knew very little of the local
RPG said "Fine!" and we drove on for a while and talked. I was
drowsy, and JONL actually dropped off to sleep for 5 minutes. When
he awoke, RPG said, "Gee, JONL, you must have slept all the way
over the bridge!", referring to the one spanning San Francisco Bay.
and I didn't really understand what was happening until RPG let me
that we had somehow come to the Palo Alto Uncle Gaylord's after
JONL noticed the resemblance to the Palo Alto store, but hadn't
caught on. (The place is lit with red and yellow lights at night,
looked like a barn! But this place looks just like the one back in
Palo Alto!"
RPG deadpanned, "Well, this is the one I always come to when I'm in
a chain."
JONL accepted this bit of wisdom. And he was not totally ignorant
not far from Telegraph Avenue. What he didn't know was that there
JONL said, "I'm sure I like it. Just give me a cone." The guy
behind the counter insisted that JONL try just a taste first. "Some
ginger. I eat Chinese food. I eat raw ginger roots. I already went
through this hassle with the guy back in Palo Alto. I know I like
that flavor!"
At the words "back in Palo Alto" the guy behind the counter got a
very strange look on his face, but said nothing. KBT caught his eye
and winked. Through my stupor I still hadn't quite grasped what was
going on, and thought RPG was rolling on the floor laughing and
clutching his stomach just because JONL had launched into his spiel
("makes rotten meat a dish for princes") for the forty-third time.
with the guy b.t.c., comparing Uncle Gaylord's to other ice cream
all his recipes and even teaches classes on how to make his ice
cream at home. So the g.b.t.c. got out the recipe, and he and JONL
pored over it for a while. But the g.b.t.c. could contain his
curiosity no longer, and asked again, "You really like that stuff,
huh?" JONL said, "Yeah, I've been eating it constantly back in Palo
Alto for the past two days. In fact, I think this batch is about as
G.b.t.c. looked him straight in the eye and said, "You're in Palo
[My spies on the West Coast inform me that there is a close relative
originated numerous food myths. The truth seems to be that ginger was
used to cover not rot but the extreme salt taste of meat packed in
sagan /say'gn/ n.
Up:[11745]= S =
early development of LISP; with the MIT AI Lab, BBN, CMU, XEROX PARC,
for details). The SAIL machines were shut down in late May 1990, scant
S =
salescritter /sayls'kri`tr/ n.
following joke:
computer salesman?
self-selected for stupidity (after all, if they had brains and the
Up:[11755]= S =
salt n.
Unix crypt(3) man page mentions that "the salt string is used to
Up:[11759]= S =
salt mines n.
on grungy projects, with some hope of seeing the end of the tunnel in
salt substrate n.
same-day service n.
Up:[11773]= S =
samizdat /sahm-iz-daht/ n.
Up:[11778]= S =
samurai n.
A hacker who hires out for legal cracking jobs, snooping for factions
crackers as beneath them and contrary to the hacker ethic; some quote
Up:[11788]= S =
sandbender n.
Up:[11793]= S =
sandbox n.
1. (also `sandbox, the') Common term for the R&D department at many
Previous:[11797]sandbox, Up:[11798]= S =
sanity check n.
that the check is to make sure the author was sane when it was
particular formula and was giving unexpected results, one might first
check, Up:[11802]= S =
Saturday-night special n.
Up:[11807]= S =
say vt.
scag vt.
by causing media damage. "That last power hit scagged the system
Up:[11817]= S =
scanno /skan'oh/ n.
or [11818]thinko.
Node:scary devil monastery, Next:[11819]schroedinbug,
Previous:[11820]scanno, Up:[11821]= S =
schroedinbug /shroh'din-buhg/ n.
unusual way notices that it never should have worked, at which point
the program promptly stops working for everybody until fixed. Though
Previous:[11830]schroedinbug, Up:[11831]= S =
science-fiction fandom n.
Another voluntary subculture having a very heavy overlap with
scram switch n.
legend refers to "Safety Control Rod Axe Man"; these are almost
mechanisms in place that would rapidly drop the control rods back into
the reactor. One mechanism took the form of `scram technicians'. These
individuals stood next to the ropes or cables that raised and lowered
necessary, they would cut the cables, and gravity would expeditiously
return the control rods to the reactor, thereby averting yet another
Modern reactor control rods are held in place with claw-like devices,
immediately open the circuit to the rod arms, resulting in the rapid
switch, Up:[11865]= S =
Previous:[11869]scratch, Up:[11870]= S =
scratch monkey n.
This term preserves the memory of Mabel, the Swimming Wonder Monkey,
Mabel was not (so the legend goes) your ordinary monkey; the
university had spent years teaching her how to swim, breathing through
Not all the consequences to humans were so amusing; the sysop of the
this story, complete with reported dialogue between one of the project
people and DEC field service, that has been circulating on Internet
since 1986. It is hilarious and mythic, but gets some facts wrong. For
this entry were based on that story; this one has been corrected from
an interview with the hapless sysop. --ESR]
Syn. [11880]cough and die, but connotes that an error message was
die, Up:[11883]= S =
screaming tty n.
luck can start such a terminal screaming. A screaming tty or two can
Up:[11886]= S =
screen n.
where one travels from one place to another one screenful at a time.
Up:[11891]= S =
screen name n.
A [11892]handle sense 1. This term has been common among users of IRC,
Up:[11895]= S =
screw n.
screwage /skroo'*j/ n.
Up:[11903]= S =
scribble n.
scribbled on the i-node table." "It was working fine until one of the
Up:[11909]= S =
the [11911]exploit. 2. People who cannot program, but who create tacky
HTML pages by copying JavaScript routines from other tacky HTML pages.
More generally, a script kiddie writes (or more likely cuts and
Up:[11914]= S =
comic strip "The Wizard of Id". Compare [11915]scag; possibly the two
S =
scrool /skrool/ n.
[from the pioneering Roundtable chat system in Houston ca. 1984; prob.
for later perusal or to help one get back in synch with the
Up:[11923]= S =
the running program or vital data. "The damn compiler scrozzled itself
Up:[11926]= S =
scruffies n.
S =
Previous:[11932]SCSI, Up:[11933]= S =
[11938]HP-SUX. Despite what this term might suggest, Sun was founded
Previous:[11940]ScumOS, Up:[11941]= S =
search-and-destroy mode n.
operating systems on the IBM 70xx series to OS/360 on the 360 series.
[11953]software bloat.
This version of the jargon lexicon has been described (with altogether
amok on jargon-1....
secondary damage n.
how the damage occurred. "The data structure was clobbered, but it was
secondary damage."
by his fellows.
ignoring them, documenting neither any known holes nor the underlying
security algorithms, trusting that nobody will find out about them and
that people who do find out about them won't exploit them. This
"strategy" never works for long and occasionally sets the world up for
debacles like the [11963]RTM worm of 1988 (see [11964]Great Worm), but
once the brief moments of panic created by such events subside most
vendors are all too willing to turn over and go back to sleep. After
all, actually fixing the bugs would siphon off the resources needed to
this term. It has been claimed that it was first used in the Usenet
change a thing). [11966]ITS fans, on the other hand, say it was coined
people down the hall, for whom security was everything. In the ITS
culture it referred to (1) the fact that by the time a tourist figured
out how to make trouble he'd generally gotten over the urge to make
control-R) echoed as $$^D. If you actually typed alt alt ^D, that set
a flag that would prevent patching the system even if you later got it
obscurity, Up:[11970]= S =
SED /S-E-D/ n.
segfault n.,vi.
Up:[11980]= S =
seggie /seg'ee/ n.
Up:[11988]= S =
segmentation fault n.
int i;
Up:[11996]= S =
self-reference n.
See [11997]self-reference.
Up:[12000]= S =
selvage /sel'v*j/ n.
Up:[12004]= S =
Up:[12009]= S =
semi-automated adj.
instructions that are worth their weight in gold - without them, very
Previous:[12011]semi-automated, Up:[12012]= S =
semi-infinite n.
See [12013]infinite.
Previous:[12015]semi-infinite, Up:[12016]= S =
senior bit n.
All time since September 1993. One of the seasonal rhythms of the
ended, Up:[12025]= S =
server n.
which often runs on a computer other than the one on which the server
S =
SEX /seks/
speed up their evolution, which had been terribly slow up until then.
Today, SEX parties are popular among hackers and others (of course,
general, SEX parties are a [12030]Good Thing, but unprotected SEX can
instruction found in the PDP-11 and many other architectures. The RCA
1802 chip used in the early Elf and SuperElf personal computers had a
`SEt X register' SEX instruction, but this seems to have had little
folkloric impact. The Data General instruction set also had SEX.
[12033]DEC's engineers nearly got a PDP-11 assembler that used the SEX
mnemonic out the door at one time, but (for once) marketing wasn't
asleep and forced a change. That wasn't the last time this happened,
either. The author of "The Intel 8086 Primer", who was one of the
original designers of the 8086, noted that there was originally a SEX
cold feet and decreed that it be changed, and thus the instruction was
renamed CBW and CWD (depending on what was being extended). Amusingly,
The Motorola 6809, used in the Radio Shack Color Computer and in
instruction; the 6502 in the Apple II with which it competed did not.
British hackers thought this made perfect mythic sense; after all, it
was commonly observed, you could (on some theoretical level) have sex
Up:[12036]= S =
sex changer n.
changer, Up:[12040]= S =
shambolic link /sham-bol'ik link/ n.
Up:[12043]= S =
Syn. [12044]sharchive.
file, Up:[12047]= S =
sharchive /shar'ki:v/ n.
scripts. (The downsides of sharchives are that they are an ideal venue
for [12049]Trojan horse attacks and that, for recipients not running
also commonly referred to as `shar files' after the name of the most
Previous:[12051]sharchive, Up:[12052]= S =
shareware /sheir'weir/ n.
Previous:[12069]shareware, Up:[12070]= S =
sharing violation
that you were probably happier not knowing. "You know those little
contrast to the original file error, which indicated that you were not
violation, Up:[12074]= S =
shebang /sh*-bang/ n.
scripts under Unix. Probably derived from "shell bang" under the
Node:shelfware, Next:[12075]shell, Previous:[12076]shebang,
Up:[12077]= S =
shelfware /shelf'weir/ n.
Up:[12080]= S =
The user is meant to fill in whatever code is needed to get real work
done. This usage is common in the AI and Microsoft Windows worlds, and
so called because it was a shell (sense 3); it ran user programs not
programs into its own code, calling them as subroutines, and then
Previous:[12086]shell, Up:[12087]= S =
out of that (my) seat! You can shift to that empty one to the left
shim n.
[12097]loose bytes.
Up:[12100]= S =
shitogram /shit'oh-gram/ n.
short card n.
the two short slots located towards the right rear of a standard
chassis (tucked behind the floppy disk drives). See also [12106]tall
card, Up:[12109]= S =
shotgun debugging n.
debugging, Up:[12113]= S =
shovelware /shuh'v*l-weir`/ n.
Up:[12116]= S =
showstopper n.
Up:[12119]= S =
shriek n.
See [12120]excl. Occasional CMU usage, also in common use among APL
Up:[12123]= S =
often follows along the lines of: "Shub-Internet gulps down the tac
nuke and burps happily.") Also cursed by users of the Web, [12124]FTP
and [12125]TELNET when the system slows down. The dread name of
three times will cause the being to wake, deep within its lair beneath
the basement of the Pentagon read this entry and fell over laughing.
Up:[12131]= S =
sidecar n.
1. Syn. [12132]slap on the side. Esp. used of add-ons for the late and
it broke all of the company's own design rules. If it worked with any
left side of the Amiga 500 (and later, 600 & 1200), which included a
S =
SIG /sig/ n.
Up:[12139]= S =
outgoing mail and news. The composition of one's sig can be quite an
(see [12141]sig quote, [12142]fool file); but many consider large sigs
Up:[12147]= S =
sig virus n.
[12154]meme plague or fad for these on Usenet in late 1991. Most were
block.". Of course, the .sig virus's memetic hook is the giggle value
phenomenon as more and more people picked up on the idea. There were
creative variants on it; some people stuck `sig virus antibody' texts
in their sigs, and there was at least one instance of a sig virus
virus, Up:[12157]= S =
and `noise' to anything else on that medium. Hence a low ratio implies
Figures for such metaphorical ratios are never given. The term is most
ratio, Up:[12165]= S =
silicon n.
Up:[12170]= S =
Up:[12176]= S =
silo n.
[12177]DEC terminology used on DH and DZ line cards for the VAX and
PDP-11, presumably because it was a storage space for fungible stuff
Previous:[12179]silo, Up:[12180]= S =
Silver Book n.
Jensen and Wirth's infamous "Pascal User Manual and Report", so called
A long time ago; for as long as anyone can remember; at the time that
some particular frob was first designed. Usually the word `time' is
sitename /si:t'naym/ n.
unpack it, allowing for mono-case and length restrictions and the lack
S =
skrog v.
Syn. [12195]scrog.
skulker n.
Syn. [12199]prowler.
slab [Apple]
for each scan line on the screen in succession, and then slabbing in
Up:[12205]= S =
slack n.
Since Unix files are stored compactly, except for the unavoidable
wastage in the last block or fragment, it might be said that "Unix has
Up:[12211]= S =
Commodore for the Amiga 500/1000 series and IBM for the hideous
side, Up:[12215]= S =
slash n.
Common name for the slant (`/', ASCII 0101111) character. See
Up:[12219]= S =
slashdot effect n.
Up:[12224]= S =
sleep vi.
sleep on', syn. withblock on'. Often used to indicate that the
unspecified) external event: "They can't get the fix I've been asking
for into the next release, so I'm going to sleep on it until the
slim n.
slop n.
but in only one of two directions. For example, if you need a piece of
wire 10 feet long and have to guess when you cut it, you make very
too short by even a little bit, because you can always cut off the
slop but you can't paste it back on again. When discrete quantities
space (or maybe time) you lose because you didn't do it yourself. This
Node:slopsucker, Next:[12235]Slowlaris, Previous:[12236]slop,
Up:[12237]= S =
slopsucker /slop'suhk-r/ n.
`had its fill' of machine resources. Only when the machine would
Up:[12241]= S =
Slowlaris /slo'-lahr-is/ n.
Common hackish term for Solaris, Sun's System VR4 version of UNIX that
crisp than under the preceding SunOS. Early releases of Solaris (that
rechristened SunOS as Solaris 1) were quite buggy, and Sun was forced
S =
slurp vt.
it. This may be contrasted with the strategy of reading a small piece
at a time, processing it, and then reading the next piece. "This
Up:[12257]= S =
smart adj.
Up:[12264]= S =
smart terminal n.
made this term and the product it describes semi-obsolescent, but one
may still hear variants of the phrase `act like a smart terminal' used
terminal, Up:[12272]= S =
input. "MS-DOS will automatically smash case in the names of all the
Up:[12276]= S =
of a local array or other data structure. Code that smashes the stack
Up:[12289]= S =
smiley n.
See [12290]emoticon.
Up:[12293]= S =
smoke vi.
smoked, just like the last one." Used for both hardware (where it
Up:[12298]= S =
Among hackers it's strongly associated with bogus demos and crocked
the instruction mix -- sounds like smoke and mirrors to me." The
been said to derive from carnie slang for magic acts and `freak show'
mind the fierce Aztec god Tezcatlipoca (lit. "Smoking Mirror") for
regularly cut out. Upon hearing about a rigged demo or yet another
mirrors, Up:[12305]= S =
smoke test n.
test' (hold the letter in candle smoke, then press it onto paper) is
Up:[12310]= S =
smoking clover n.
convergent lines are drawn on a color monitor in such a way that every
pixel struck has its color incremented. The lines all have one
endpoint in the middle of the screen; the other endpoints are spaced
one pixel apart around the perimeter of a large square. The color map
the FDA (the U.S.'s Food and Drug Administration) lest its
Up:[12314]= S =
smoot /smoot/ n.
[MIT] A unit of length equal five feet seven inches. The length of the
fraternity prank in 1958 during which the body length of Oliver Smoot
commemorated by smoot marks that MIT students repaint every few years;
bridge in the late 1980s. The Boston police have been known to use
SMOP /S-M-O-P/ n.
written, but is not worth the trouble. Also used ironically to imply
written to do it; the irony is that it is very clear that writing such
Up:[12321]= S =
smurf /smerf/ n.
that is irreverent, silly, and cute. Like many other hackish terms for
people, this one may be praise or insult depending on who uses it. In
address. All the machines on the destination network will send a ping
overloads the victim's network and hides the location of the attacker.
Up:[12325]= S =
[from a WWII Army acronym for `Situation Normal, All Fucked Up'] "True
And darkness
Up:[12331]= S =
snail vt.
will you?"
S =
snail-mail n.
for which there have even been parody posters and stamps made. Also
Oppose [12336]email.
Node:snap, Next:[12337]snarf, Previous:[12338]snail-mail, Up:[12339]=
S =
snap v.
old address with the forwarding address found there. If you telephone
the main number for an institution and ask for a particular person by
name, the operator may tell you that person's extension before
connecting you, in the hopes that you will `snap your pointer' and
dial direct next time. The underlying metaphor may be that of a rubber
all the thumbtacks in the middle, it snaps into a straight line from
check once and then snap the pointer that invoked it so as henceforth
is, and if the caller and the callee are both compiled, then snapping
Up:[12344]= S =
network. See also [12346]blast. This term was mainstream in the late
1960s, meaning `to eat piggishly'. It may still have this connotation
forms or politesse (but not quite by stealing). "They were giving away
laughing at the wrong moment. "I was drinking coffee, and when I read
your post I snarfed all over my desk." "If I keep reading this topic,
teenagers --ESR]
and then stuffing the contents of that region into another region (or
the same one) to avoid retyping a command line. In the late 1960s,
cheap-restaurant expedition.
Up:[12357]= S =
snarf down v.
Up:[12362]= S =
snark n.
When a user's process bombed, the operator would get the message
Up:[12366]= S =
sneaker n.
Up:[12371]= S =
sneakernet /snee'ker-net/ n.
station wagon filled with magtape, or a 747 filled with CD-ROMs." Also
Up:[12374]= S =
sniff v.,n.
S =
snivitz /sniv'itz/ n.
SO /S-O/ n.
Previous:[12392]SO, Up:[12393]= S =
social engineering n.
include phoning up a mark who has the required information and posing
sock puppet n.
[Usenet: from the act of placing a sock over your hand and talking to
puppet, Up:[12413]= S =
sodium substrate n.
substrate, Up:[12417]= S =
soft boot n.
See [12418]boot.
Up:[12421]= S =
softcopy /soft'kop-ee/ n.
Previous:[12425]softcopy, Up:[12426]= S =
software bloat n.
software hoarding n.
software laser n.
An optical laser works by bouncing photons back and forth between two
scattering off the atoms in the crystal will excite cascades of more
photons, all in lockstep. Eventually the beam will escape through the
of this kind.
laser, Up:[12446]= S =
software rot n.
Term used to describe the tendency of software that has not been used
clods. One such incident became the focus of a minor public flap in
the card, probably because with 2-digit years the ages 101 and 1
cannot be distinguished.
mythical one was a real problem on early research computers (e.g., the
instruction hadn't been run in quite a while, the user might discover
that the opcodes no longer did the same things they once did. ("Hey,
Another classic example of this sprang from the time an MIT hacker
throwing its output out of tune. This was fixed by adding a defensive
real-time clock; in other words, it figured out how fast the PDP-6 was
Up:[12457]= S =
Up:[12461]= S =
softy n.
Previous:[12463]softy, Up:[12464]= S =
interchangeable. "I think some random cracker tripped over the guest
random X, Up:[12468]= S =
sent, each of which, when received, triggers the same bug. Used esp.
mode, Up:[12477]= S =
1960s, when a text editor was needed for the PDP-6, a hacker crufted
better one was written. Unfortunately, the old one was never really
Stopgap') of that editor, and many PDP-10 users gained the dubious
style to SOS have been written, notably the early font editor BILOS
Up:[12482]= S =
source n.
Previous:[12484]source, Up:[12485]= S =
A person from whom (or a place from which) useful information may be
space-cadet keyboard n.
super') and three like regular shift keys, calledshift', `top', and
`front'. Many keys had three symbols on them: a letter and a symbol on
the top, and a Greek letter on the front. For example, the `L' key had
an `L' and a two-way arrow on the top, and the Greek letter lambda on
the front. By pressing this key with the right hand while playing an
appropriate `chord' with the left hand on the shift keys, you could
lowercase l
uppercase L
lowercase lambda
uppercase lambda
two-way arrow (front and shift are ignored)
And of course each of these might also be typed with any combination
of the control, meta, hyper, and super keys. On this keyboard, you
could type over 8000 different characters! This allowed the user to
EMACS). Other hackers, however, thought having that many bucky bits
was overkill, and objected that such a keyboard can require three or
designed by Tom Knight, the latter term was properly applied only to a
keyboard used for ITS on the PDP-10 and modeled on the Stanford
signum-of-difference operation.
operator, Up:[12504]= S =
Previous:[12508]SPACEWAR, Up:[12509]= S =
spaghetti code n.
Code with a complex and tangled control structure, esp. one using many
spaghetti inheritance n.
[12513]spaghetti code.
inheritance, Up:[12516]= S =
spam vt.,vi.,n.
well- (or ill-) planned message (e.g. asking "What do you think of
away from their screen and comes back to find 200 lines of text might
The later definitions have become much more prevalent as the Internet
has opened up to non-techies, and to most people senses 3 4 and 5 are
now primary. All three behaviors are considered abuse of the net, and
that "spamming" is what happens when you dump cans of Spam into a
revolving fan.
Up:[12529]= S =
spam bait n.
harvester will collect them. These addresses can be people who have
Up:[12534]= S =
spamblock /spam'blok/ n.
depends on the fact that most spammers collect names with some sort of
individual humans reading an email message can readily spot and remove
Note: This is not actually a very effective tactic, and may already be
passing out of use in early 1999 after about two years of life. In
address harvester from mining out the addresses in the message header
and trace lines. Therefore the only people who can be protected are
Up:[12539]= S =
spamhaus spam'hows n.
Pejorative term for an internet service provider that permits or even
Day, but lesser imitators of the Spamford still infest various murky
Up:[12546]= S =
spamvertize v.
Up:[12550]= S =
spangle n.
[UK] The singular of [12551]bells and whistles. See also
Up:[12555]= S =
spawn n.,vi.
Up:[12559]= S =
special-case vt.
Up:[12564]= S =
speedometer n.
every N times the operating system goes through its [12565]main loop.
A swiftly moving pattern indicates that the system is mostly idle; the
the eyes on one of the Cylons from the wretched "Battlestar Galactica"
TV series.
Up:[12568]= S =
spell n.
Syn. [12569]incantation.
spelling flame n. //
spelling as a way of casting scorn on the point the article was trying
Up:[12576]= S =
The best-known spider is Scooter, the web-walker for the Alta Vista
search engine.
Up:[12580]= S =
spider food n.
in one's web page is to insure that the page appears high on the list
(and many search engines now detect and ignore the latter).
Up:[12583]= S =
perceived to have little more than a flashy interface going for it.
context. This word was common mainstream slang during the 1940s, in a
sense close to 1.
spike v.
a pin to hold the relay in either the closed or open state, and
spin vi.
S =
spl /S-P-L/
[abbrev, from Set Priority Level] The way traditional Unix kernels
finish this; I'll spl down then." See also [12598]interrupts locked
Node:splash screen, Next:[12599]splat, Previous:[12600]spl,
Up:[12601]= S =
splash screen n.
Up:[12605]= S =
splat n.
1. Name used in many places (DEC, IBM, and others) for the asterisk
(*) character (ASCII 0101010). This may derive from the `squashed-bug'
Name used by some people for the Stanford/ITS extended ASCII circle-x
splat out v.
but not always, the vowels). The purpose is not to make the word
S =
spod n.
[12619]MUDs. The spod has few friends in [12620]RL and uses talkers
has all the negative traits of the [12621]computer geek without having
with "Are you male or female?" (and follow it up with "Got any good
present in the same terminal room until they log onto the same machine
the defiant adoption of the term `geek' in the mid-1990s by people who
meaning with which the term was coined, but the inventor informs us he
Up:[12633]= S =
spoiler n.
or movies, thus denying the reader (of the article) the proper
suspense when reading the book or watching the movie. 2. Any remark
which telegraphs the solution of a problem or puzzle, thus denying the
reader the pleasure of working out the correct answer (see also
various tricks that the answer appears only after several screens-full
Up:[12639]= S =
spoiler space
hitting a key.
Up:[12643]= S =
sponge n.
file with the output data stream. If a file system has versioning (as
ITS did and VMS does now) the sponge/filter distinction loses its
spoof vi.
S =
spool vi.
and graphics devices) and occasionally even for input devices. See
also [12653]demon.
Up:[12656]= S =
spool file n.
software. For example, when you send mail under Unix, it's typically
Up:[12661]= S =
spungle n.
Word '98. A spungle's only virtue is that it looks pretty, unless you
Up:[12666]= S =
square tape n.
Mainframe magnetic tape cartridges for use with IBM 3480 or compatible
tape drives; or QIC tapes used on workstations and micros. The term
Up:[12670]= S =
squirrelcide n.
species's unfortunate penchant for shorting out power lines with their
little furry bodies. Result: one dead squirrel, one down computer
been squirrelcided.
Up:[12673]= S =
stack n.
The set of things a person has to do in the future. One speaks of the
"I'm afraid I've got real work to do, so this'll have to be pushed way
down on my stack." "I haven't done it yet because every time I pop my
stack something new gets pushed." If you are interrupted several times
what we were talking about." The implication is that more items were
pushed onto the stack than could be remembered, so the least recent
well, so that when you put one on the top they all sink down, and when
you take one off the top the rest spring up a bit. See also
in all these contexts, and this may still be true. Everywhere else
Up:[12682]= S =
stack puke n.
Some processor architectures are said to `puke their guts onto the
puke, Up:[12685]= S =
Up:[12689]= S =
star out v.
encryption of any password; hence the user is not permitted to log in.
upon him/her as a punishment, e.g. "Graham was starred out for playing
Up:[12693]= S =
state n.
winning away." "The system tried to read and write the disk
standard question "What's your state?" means "What are you doing?" or
"What are you about to do?" Typical answers are "about to gronk out",
world?", meaning "What's new?" or "What's going on?". The more terse
stealth manager n.
Up:[12701]= S =
steam-powered adj.
something that clanks and wheezes a lot but hangs in there doing the
Up:[12704]= S =
search engine than a human being. Usage is common and exactly parallel
Up:[12708]= S =
stiffy n.
more rigid than those of the 5.25-inch and the (now totally obsolete)
8-inch floppy. Elsewhere this might be called a `firmy'. For some odd
reason, several sources have taken the trouble to inform us that this
Up:[12712]= S =
stir-fried random n.
(alt. `stir-fried mumble') Term used for the best dish of many of
those hackers who can cook. Consists of random fresh veggies and meat
random, Up:[12721]= S =
stomp on vt.
To inadvertently overwrite something important, usually automatically.
"All the work I did this weekend got stomped on last night by the
used even by people who were there for the [12734]Stone Age (sense 1).
about good ways to design things. As in "Don't get too used to the
facilities here. Once you leave SAIL it's stone knives and bearskins
bearskins, Up:[12741]= S =
stoppage /sto'p*j/ n.
a [12743]fried transformer."
S =
store n.
pattern for the standard memory-caching schemes when the stride length
generated by loops through an array, and (if your data is large enough
the outer loop of a loop nest. This usage is borderline techspeak; the
S =
stroke n.
Common name for the slant (`/', ASCII 0101111) character. See
Up:[12758]= S =
strudel n.
Common (spoken) name for the at-sign (`@', ASCII 1000000) character.
Up:[12762]= S =
stubroutine /stuhb'roo-teen/ n.
Up:[12765]= S =
studly adj.
Up:[12769]= S =
studlycaps /stuhd'lee-kaps/ n.
A hackish form of silliness similar to [12770]BiCapitalization for
Up:[12773]= S =
stunning adj.
Up:[12776]= S =
stupid-sort n.
Syn. [12777]bogo-sort.
Up:[12780]= S =
Stupids n.
Up:[12785]= S =
science fiction author Theodore Sturgeon, who once said, "Sure, 90% of
most hackers recognize it and are all too aware of its truth.
such as a file server. This Dallas regionalism derives from the East
Texas oilfield lament, "Shut 'er down, Ma, she's a-suckin' mud". Often
used as a query. "We are going to reconfigure the network, are you
mud, Up:[12794]= S =
small, Up:[12798]= S =
suit n.
partially cuts off the blood supply to the brain. It is thought that
and [12806]brain-damaged.
suitable win n.
See [12810]win.
Up:[12813]= S =
and one publicly exclaimed: "It works!" Then, if the program dumped
core on the first mouse click, one might add: "Well, for suitably
[12814]random numbers.
Up:[12817]= S =
Sun n.
acronym, Stanford University Network. Sun started out around 1980 with
company and a good place for hackers to work. Though Sun drifted away
from its techie origins after 1990 and has since made some strategic
still considered within the family in much the same way [12819]DEC was
Up:[12822]= S =
sun lounge n.
[UK] The room where all the Sun workstations live. The humor in this
term comes from the fact that it's also in mainstream use to describe
a solarium, and all those Sun workstations clustered together give off
Up:[12825]= S =
sun-stools n.
Unflattering hackerism for SunTools, a pre-X windowing environment
Previous:[12829]sun-stools, Up:[12830]= S =
sunspots n.
1. Notional cause of an odd error. "Why did the program suddenly turn
rot -- from the myth that sunspots will increase [12832]cosmic rays,
which can flip single bits in memory. See also [12833]phase of the
Previous:[12835]sunspots, Up:[12836]= S =
Protocol (IP) has a control message called Source Quench that asks a
look like it came from a local router, that instructs a host to send
all packets to its own local loopback address. This will effectively
[12838]breath-of-life packet.
superloser n.
Unix system and no idea what he/she is doing, the moral equivalent of
Node:superprogrammer, Next:[12843]superuser,
Previous:[12844]superloser, Up:[12845]= S =
superprogrammer n.
A prolific programmer; one who can code exceedingly well and quickly.
Not all hackers are superprogrammers, but many are. (Productivity can
is more commonly used within such places as IBM than in the hacker
less useful work than three lines that do the [12846]Right Thing.
Up:[12851]= S =
superuser n.
S =
support n.
software and the relevant manuals better than the support people
Up:[12861]= S =
surf v.
Hackers adopted this term early, but many have stopped using it since
S =
straight out of training school who knows everything except the value
S =
swab /swob/
swap vt.
of data or program are needed, they are swapped into [12879]core for
processing; when they are no longer needed they may be swapped out
something swapped in' means to keep it fresh in your memory: "I reread
the TECO manual every few months to keep it swapped in." If someone
interrupts you just as you got a good idea, you might say "Wait a
moment while I swap this out", implying that a piece of paper is your
extra-somatic memory and that if you don't swap the idea out by
writing it down it will get overwritten and lost as you talk. Compare
Up:[12884]= S =
swap space n.
Up:[12887]= S =
swapped in n.
Up:[12892]= S =
swapped out n.
Up:[12897]= S =
swizzle v.
Previous:[12904]sync, Up:[12905]= S =
syntactic salt n.
programmer must jump through just to prove that he knows what's going
write end if, end while, end do, etc. to terminate the last block
Compare [12907]candygrammar.
Node:syntactic sugar, Next:[12908]sys-frog, Previous:[12909]syntactic
salt, Up:[12910]= S =
syntactic sugar n.
C's a[i] notation is syntactic sugar for *(a + i). "Syntactic sugar
Up:[12916]= S =
sys-frog /sis'frog/ n.
Up:[12919]= S =
sysadmin /sis'ad-min/ n.
S =
sysape /sys'ayp/ n.
sysop /sis'op/ n.
[esp. in the BBS world] The operator (and usually the owner) of a
Up:[12933]= S =
system n.
or algorithm. 5. `System hacker': one who hacks the system (in senses
1 and 2 only; for sense 3 one mentions the particular program: e.g.,
`LISP hacker')
Up:[12936]= S =
systems jock n.
jock, Up:[12940]= S =
system mangler n.
Humorous synonym for `system manager', poss. from the fact that one
Up:[12945]= S =
SysVile /sis-vi:l'/ n.
See [12946]Missed'em-five.
Jargon Lexicon
= T =
[12951]tail recursion:
[12952]talk mode:
[12953]talker system:
[12954]tall card:
[12957]tape monkey:
[12972]ten-finger interface:
[12977]teraflop club:
[12980]terminal illness:
[12981]terminal junkie:
[12986]thanks in advance:
[12988]the literature:
[12989]the network:
[12998]three-finger salute:
[12999]throwaway account:
[13005]tick-list features:
[13006]tickle a bug:
[13007]tiger team:
[13008]time bomb:
[13009]time sink:
[13010]time T:
[13013]Tinkerbell program:
[13016]tired iron:
[13017]tits on a keyboard:
[13033]topic drift:
[13034]topic group:
[13038]tourist information:
[13041]toy language:
[13042]toy problem:
[13043]toy program:
[13046]trap door:
[13055]troglodyte mode:
[13056]Trojan horse:
[13063]tube time:
[13066]turbo nerd:
[13067]Turing tar-pit:
[13075]twilight zone:
[13077]twirling baton:
[13078]two pi:
Up:[13083]= T =
T /T/
constant T means true', among other things. Some Lisp hackers useT'
and NIL' instead ofYes' and `No' almost reflexively. This sometimes
causes misunderstandings. When a waiter or flight attendant asks
Up:[13092]= T =
tail recursion n.
recursion, Up:[13096]= T =
talk mode n.
A feature supported by Unix, ITS, and some other OSes that allows two
or more logged-in users to set up a real-time on-line conversation. It
Talk mode has a special set of jargon words, used to save typing,
which are not used orally. Some of these are identical to (and
as far as I am concerned
as far as I know
be seeing you
by the way
are you ready to unlink? (this is the standard way to end a
are you busy? (expects ACK or NAK in return)
are you there? (often used on unexpected links, meaning also
for what it's worth
for your information
for your amusement
go ahead (used when two people have tried to type
grumble (expresses disquiet or disagreement)
hello? (an instance of the `-P' convention)
if I recall correctly
just a minute (equivalent to SEC....)
same as JAM
no (see [13097]NIL)
no problem
over to you
over and out
another form of "over to you" (from x/y as "x over y")
lambda (used in discussing LISPy things)
oh, by the way
on the other hand
are you there?
wait a second (sometimes written SEC...)
Are you busy? (expects ACK, SYN|ACK, or RST in return; this is
yes (see the main entry for [13098]T)
TNX 1.0E6
thanks a million (humorous)
another form of "thanks a million"
with regard to, or with respect to.
the universal interrogative particle; WTF knows what it means?
what the hell?
When the typing party has finished, he/she types two newlines
preceding text.
When three or more terminals are linked, it is conventional for
A giggle or chuckle. On a MUD, this usually means `earthquake
Most of the above sub-jargon is used at both Stanford and MIT. Several
`live' chat including more than two people is common and usually
be back later
be right back
ha ha only joking
ha ha only kidding
[13101]ha ha only serious
in my humble opinion (see [13102]IMHO)
laughing out loud
Never Heard of Him/Her (often used in [13103]initgame)
rolling on the floor
rolling on the floor laughing
away from keyboard
CU l8tr
see you later
male or female?
ta-ta for now
talk to you later
oh, I see
hello again
though ROTF and TTFN have gained some currency there and IMHO is
common; conversely, most of the people who know these are unfamiliar
a few of the more natural of the old-style talk-mode abbrevs, and some
of BBL, BRB, LOL, b4, BTW, WTF, TTFN, and WTH. The use of `rehi' is
also common; in fact, mudders are fond of re- compounds and will
express a preference for typing things out in full rather than using
CU l8er
see you later (mutant of CU l8tr)
fuck off and die (use of this is generally OTT)
over the top (excessive, uncalled for)
abbrev for "people"
thanks (mutant of TNX; clearly this comes in batches of 1138
are you OK?
One final note on talk mode style: neophytes, when in talk mode, often
seem to think they must produce letter-perfect prose because they are
typing rather than speaking. This is not the best approach. It can be
or repeatedly makes the same spelling error and backs up to fix it. It
Up:[13113]= T =
talker system n.
[13114]talk mode.
Up:[13117]= T =
tall card n.
cards because the AT case is bigger). See also [13118]short card. When
IBM introduced the PS/2 model 30 (its last gasp at supporting the ISA)
they made the case lower and many industry-standard tall cards
Up:[13122]= T =
tanked adj.
Same as [13123]down, used primarily by Unix hackers. See also
Up:[13127]= T =
TANSTAAFL /tan'stah-fl/
Previous:[13132]TANSTAAFL, Up:[13133]= T =
tape monkey n.
monkey, Up:[13137]= T =
files by first sticking them together with tar(1) (the Tape ARchiver)
action is dubbed `feathering' partly for euphony and (if only for
resistance; smaller files, after all, slip through comm links more
Up:[13142]= T =
tarball n.
[very common; prob. based on the "tar baby" in the Uncle Remus folk
tales] An archive, created with the Unix tar(1) utility, containing
myriad related files. "Here, I'll just ftp you a tarball of the whole
odd that this term did not enter common usage until the late 1990s.
T =
extreme stupidity meets with a messy end. Coined on the Darwin list,
hackers would instantly recognize the intention of the term and laugh.
the number of features, hacks, and kluges programmed into it. Also
the part of the creator; a program or feature can exhibit taste but
tayste /tayst/
See [13161]nybble.
TCB /T-C-B/ n.
[13167]Orange Book.
only one most hackers can speak the name of without laughing or
actually being used, rather than being handed down from on high by a
the majority of sites still running AX.25 and the TCP/IP relays.
TCP/IP won.
TechRef /tek'ref/ n.
and modified by just about everybody. With all the dialects included,
TECO may have been the most prolific editor in use before
valid TECO program (though probably not a useful one); one common game
to human names did. 2. vt. Originally, to edit using the TECO editor
even when TECO is not the editor being used! This usage is rare and
Dick, Moby
Moby Dick
J. Random Loser
The program is
[1 J^P$L$$
In fact, this very program was used to produce the second, sorted list
from the first list. The first hack at it had a [13180]bug: GLS (the
anyone can see is clearly the [13181]Wrong Thing. It worked fine the
but it may be of interest that ^P means `sort' and J<.-Z; ... L> is an
In mid-1991, TECO is pretty much one with the dust of history, having
been replaced in the affections of hackerdom by [13182]EMACS.
DEC can still be found lurking on VMS and a couple of crufty PDP-11
tee n.,vt.
sending him the [13188]bits to that? Slap on a tee for me." From the
[13189]plumbing). Can also mean `save one for me', as in "Tee a slice
Up:[13192]= T =
teergrube /teer'groob/ n.
[German for `tar pit'] A trap set to punish spammers who use an
really, really slow. To activate it, scatter addresses that look like
it). The address harvester will dutifully collect the address. When
the spammer tries to mailbomb it, his mailer will get stuck.
Up:[13196]= T =
teledildonics /tel`*-dil-do'-niks/ n.
surround good enough for teledildonics, then we'll know we're getting
Up:[13203]= T =
[13209]HP-SUX, [13210]Slowlaris.
Previous:[13212]Telerat, Up:[13213]= T =
using a program of the same name). TOPS-10 people used the word
IMPCOM, since that was the program name for them. Sometimes
AP News."
Up:[13217]= T =
ten-finger interface n.
side by side and having an operator read from one and type into the
tense adj.
got that way because it was highly [13221]bummed, but sometimes it was
will bring tears to your eyes." A tense programmer is one who produces
tense code.
Previous:[13223]tense, Up:[13224]= T =
tentacle n.
that a single person may have multiple tentacles. This term was
One who has been in graduate school for 10 years (the usual maximum is
used of any grad student beginning in his seventh year. Students don't
really get tenure, of course, the way professors do, but a tenth-year
graduate student has probably been around the university longer than
Up:[13236]= T =
terminak /ter'mi-nak`/ n.
produce the `K' code instead; complaints about this tended to look
Previous:[13251]terminak, Up:[13252]= T =
who has obviously been hacking continuously for far too long is said
to be suffering from.
terminal illness n.
1. Syn. [13257]raster burn. 2. The `burn-in' condition your CRT tends
illness, Up:[13260]= T =
terminal junkie n.
most of his or her time wandering the directory tree and writing
jockey. The term `console jockey' seems to imply more expertise than
an unlimited supply.
Up:[13270]= T =
complete line was formed, so this operation terminated the line and
test n.
TeX /tekh/ n.
caps, squished together, with the E depressed below the baseline; the
mixed-case `TeX' is considered an acceptable kluge on ASCII-only
devices). Fans like to proliferate names from the word `TeX' -- such
Knuth began TeX because he had become annoyed at the declining quality
of the typical hackish urge to solve the problem at hand once and for
8 years. The language was finally frozen around 1985, but volume IV of
1. The impact and influence of TeX's design has been such that
nobody minds this very much. Many grand hackish projects have started
found and reported bugs dating from before the 1989 code freeze; as
the years wore on and the few remaining bugs were fixed (and new ones
even harder to find), the bribe went up. Though well-written, TeX is
have unearthed at least one bug in every Pascal system it has been
compiled with.
Up:[13288]= T =
text n.
[13292]flat-ASCII). "Those are text files; you can review them using
thanks in advance
Node:That's not a bug that's a feature!, Next:[13298]the literature,
the literature n.
the network n.
increasingly synonymous with the Internet itself (as it was before the
about a class of things. The template is from the "Tao te Ching": "The
Tao which can be spoken of is not the true Tao." The implication is
X nature.
theology n.
T =
theory n.
The consensus, idea, plan, story, or set of rules that is currently
on during the day?" "The theory behind this change is to fix the
Up:[13334]= T =
thinko /thing'koh/ n.
Previous:[13339]thinko, Up:[13340]= T =
is, of course, "But that trick never works!" See [13346]hacker humor.
Up:[13349]= T =
thrash vi.
time moving data into and out of core (rather than performing useful
once (and not spending enough time on any single task) may also be
thread n.
Interestingly, this is far from a neologism. The OED says: "That which
back to 1642!
Previous:[13355]thread, Up:[13356]= T =
three-finger salute n.
salute, Up:[13360]= T =
throwaway account n.
ignore spam since the user will not look at the account again.
Up:[13365]= T =
thud n.
reported that at CMU from the mid-1970s the canonical series of these
Up:[13371]= T =
thumb n.
Previous:[13373]thumb, Up:[13374]= T =
Scheduler thrashing. This can happen under Unix when you have a number
connection to the web server, say) happens, every process which could
possibly handle the event is awakened. In the end, only one of those
all the others wake up and contend for CPU time before being put back
thunders through. If this starts to happen many times per second, the
Up:[13377]= T =
thunk /thuhnk/ n.
with its environment, for later evaluation if and when needed (similar
about the origin of this term. The most common is that it is the sound
made by data hitting the stack; another holds that the sound is that
realized (in the wee hours after hours of discussion) that the type of
Up:[13383]= T =
tick n.
Previous:[13387]tick, Up:[13388]= T =
tick-list features n.
insist on but never use (calculators in desktop TSRs and that sort of
reverse video."
Up:[13394]= T =
tiger team n.
next morning for a `security review' and finds the sign, note, etc.,
and all hell breaks loose. Serious successes of tiger teams sometimes
greatest hacks of all times. The term has been adopted in commercial
Up:[13401]= T =
time bomb n.
Interestingly, the only such incident for which we have been pointed
line for a day. The case attracted lots of attention in the Soviet
Up:[13405]= T =
time sink n.
sink, Up:[13408]= T =
time T /ti:m T/ n.
at Louie's at time T+1" means, in the context of going out for dinner:
that was a favorite with hackers.) Had the number 30 been used instead
of the number 1, it would have implied that the travel time from
campus to Louie's is 30 minutes; whatever time T is (and that hasn't
been decided on yet), you can meet half an hour later at Louie's than
you could on campus and end up eating at the same time. See also
Up:[13412]= T =
times-or-divided-by quant.
Previous:[13414]times-or-divided-by, Up:[13415]= T =
and [13417]NANA, but note that this abbreviation did not enter use
Up:[13420]= T =
Tinkerbell program n.
calls and generate alerts when calls are received from particular
sites, or when logins are attempted using certain IDs. Named after
Previous:[13427]TINLC, Up:[13428]= T =
[IBM] Hardware that is perfectly functional but far enough behind the
Up:[13435]= T =
tits on a keyboard n.
Up:[13439]= T =
TLA /T-L-A/ n.
acronym. Examples include MCA, FTP, SNA, CPU, MMU, SCCS, DMU, FPU,
NNTP, TLA. People who like this looser usage argue that not all TLAs
have three letters, just as not all four-letter words have four
letters. One also hears of `ETLA' (Extended Three-Letter Acronym,
acronyms. The term `SFLA' (Stupid Four-Letter Acronym) has also been
The self-effacing phrase "TDM TLA" (Too Damn Many...) is often used to
some karmic justice in the fact that Paul Boutin subsequently became a
(TM) //
algorithm patents and `look and feel' lawsuits. See also [13444]UN*X.
The Tech Model Railroad Club at MIT, one of the wellsprings of hacker
and has grown in the years since. All the features described here were
still present when the old layout was decomissioned in 1998 just
before the demolition of MIT Building 20, and will almost certainly be
system was a digital clock on the dispatch board, which was itself
stopped and the display was replaced with the word `FOO'; at TMRC the
and the people who later became the core of the MIT AI Lab staff.
Thirty years later that connection is still very much alive, and this
TMRCie /tmerk'ee/, n.
Previous:[13459]TMRCie, Up:[13460]= T =
TMTOWTDI /tim-toh'-dee/
There's More Than One Way To Do It. This abbreviation of the official
Previous:[13463]TMTOWTDI, Up:[13464]= T =
indicate that deeper questioning would reveal that not all is perfect
to a zeroth approximation
approximation, Up:[13471]= T =
permanently and totally exile a player from the MUD. A very serious
[13474]frog, [13475]FOD.
toast 1. n.
Any completely inoperable system or component, esp. one that has just
crashed and burned: "Uh, oh ... I think the serial board is toast." 2.
T =
toaster n.
"You could run this program on any dumb toaster." See [13487]bitty
A Macintosh, esp. the Classic Mac. Some hold that this is implied by
sense 2. 4. A peripheral device. "I bought my box without toasters,
but since then I've added two boards and a second disk drive." 5. A
[13492]video toaster.
Up:[13495]= T =
toeprint n.
toggle vt.
actually refers to the mechanism that keeps the switch in the position
to which it is flipped rather than to the fact that the switch has two
positions. There are four things you can do to a bit: set it (force it
T =
tool 1. n.
tedium). The TMRC Dictionary defined this as "to set one's brain to
too much and hacks too little. (MIT's student humor magazine rejoices
toolsmith n.
Up:[13517]= T =
toor n.
Up:[13521]= T =
topic drift n.
Term used on GEnie, Usenet and other electronic fora to describe the
message), or the results of that tendency. The header in each post can
be changed to keep current with the posts, but usually isn't due to
really so much threads as they are trees. Except that they don't
discussion will just sort of die off after everyone gets tired of
them. This could take anywhere from hours to weeks, or even longer.
The term `topic drift' is often used in gentle reminders that the
discussion has strayed off any useful track. "I think we started with
a question about Niven's last book, but we've ended up discussing the
Up:[13526]= T =
topic group n.
Syn. [13527]forum.
Up:[13530]= T =
TOPS-10 /tops-ten/ n.
Up:[13540]= T =
TOPS-20 /tops-twen'tee/ n.
See [13541]TWENEX.
Previous:[13543]TOPS-20, Up:[13544]= T =
tourist n.
games, and other trivial purposes. One step below [13546]luser. ITS
[13553]channel hopping.
Previous:[13555]tourist, Up:[13556]= T =
tourist information n.
category depends partly on what the user is looking for at any given
Up:[13559]= T =
touristic adj.
toy n.
and certainly all RISC boxes and mainframes are toys by their
Up:[13569]= T =
toy language n.
language, Up:[13576]= T =
toy problem n.
Up:[13581]= T =
toy program n.
dominates the costs through its life cycle. See also [13583]noddy.
Up:[13586]= T =
trampoline n.
used to transfer control from the kernel back to user mode when a
those who use this term that the trampoline that doesn't bend your
Up:[13593]= T =
transitively to indicate the cause of the trap. "The monitor traps all
input/output instructions."
architects and systems hackers (see [13595]system, sense 1), who use
trap door n.
T =
trash vt.
and [13607]scribble.
Node:trawl, Next:[13608]tree-killer, Previous:[13609]trash,
Up:[13610]= T =
trawl v.
Up:[13613]= T =
tree-killer n.
Up:[13621]= T =
treeware /tree'weir/ n.
Printouts, books, and other information media made from pulped dead
T =
trit /trit/ n.
[by analogy with `bit'] One base-3 digit; the amount of information
trivial adj.
Complex, but solvable by methods so well known that anyone not utterly
one has already solved (some claim that hackish `trivial' usually
[13633]nontrivial, [13634]uninteresting.
The physicist Richard Feynman, who had the hacker nature to an amazing
degree (see his essay "Los Alamos From Below" in "Surely You're
Up:[13637]= T =
after the earlier ROFF which was in turn modeled after the
name came from the expression "to run off a copy"). A companion
Up:[13644]= T =
troglodyte n.
[Commodore] 1. A hacker who never leaves his cubicle. The term `gnoll'
troglodyte' was flung around some during the Usenet and email
Previous:[13646]troglodyte, Up:[13647]= T =
troglodyte mode n.
on, and the terminal inverted (black on white) because you've been up
for so many days straight that your eyes hurt (see [13648]raster
Up:[13653]= T =
Trojan horse n.
troll v.,n.
[13663]flames; or, the post itself. Derives from the phrase "trolling
style of fishing in which one trails bait through a likely spot hoping
newbies and flamers to make themselves look even more clueless than
they already do, while subtly conveying to the more savvy and
discussion. Trolls are recognizable by the fact that the have no real
utter flame bait. Like the ugly creatures they are named after, they
as a lower form of life on the net, as in, "Oh, ignore him, he's just
infrequently sees the warning "Do not feed the troll" as part of a
Up:[13670]= T =
Troll-O-Meter n.
doesn't set off the Troll-O-Meter, we're going to have to get him to
run around with a big blinking sign saying `I am a troll, I'm only in
Up:[13675]= T =
tron v.
[NRL, CMU; prob. fr. the movie "Tron"] To become inaccessible except
seems to have tronned on us this week" or "Gee, Ran, glad you were
able to un-tron yourself". One may also speak of `tron mode'; compare
Note that many dialects of BASIC have a TRON/TROFF command pair that
true-hacker n.
[analogy with `trufan' from SF fandom] One who exemplifies the primary
The latter pronunciation was primarily ITS, but some Unix people say
set, and poor print quality. Usage: antiquated (like the TTYs
under Unix such devices have names of the form tty*. Ambiguity between
hackers don't watch TV, except for Loony Toons, Rocky & Bullwinkle,
Trek Classic, the Simpsons, and the occasional cheesy old swashbuckler
Up:[13691]= T =
tube time n.
uses most heavily. "I find I'm spending too much of my tube time
Up:[13694]= T =
tunafish n.
apparently designed to prevent this: "Take this out and a Unix Demon
will dog your steps from now until the time---t's wrap around."
[It has since been pointed out that indeed you can tunafish. Usually
Up:[13699]= T =
tune vt.
Up:[13706]= T =
turbo nerd n.
See [13707]computer geek.
Up:[13710]= T =
Turing tar-pit n.
the kinds of computations they can carry out, and in principle have
capabilities that differ only in speed from those of the most powerful
exactly matching Turing's primitive set has ever been built (other
slow and far too painful to use. A `Turing tar-pit' is any computer
language or other tool that shares this property. That is, it's
get any real work done, the deeper its inadequacies suck you in.
turist /too'rist/ n.
penguin in Australia and has felt a special affinity for the species
ever since. (Linus has since admitted that he was also thinking of
According to Tux and the mock-epic poem "Tuxowolf" are among the
best-known examples.
There is a `real' Tux - a black-footed penguin resident at the Bristol
tweak vt.
rather than figure out the precise problem you might just keep
tweeter n.
term (like [13739]woofer) has been in use at Waterloo since 1972 but
speaker(s) on a hi-fi.
TWENEX /twe'neks/ n.
system using special paging hardware. By the early 1970s, almost all
of the systems on the ARPANET ran TENEX. DEC purchased the rights to
TENEX from BBN and began work to make it their own. The first in-house
code name for the operating system was VIROS (VIRtual memory Operating
System); when customers started asking questions, the name was changed
to SNARK so DEC could truthfully deny that there was any project
called VIROS. When the name SNARK became known, the name was briefly
Swedish speakers have since said it means simply `wreath'; this part
they heard "TWENEX", but the term caught on nevertheless (the written
abbreviation `20x' was also used). TWENEX was successful and very
architecture and its relatively stodgy VMS OS killed the DEC-20 and
put a sad end to TWENEX's brief day in the sun. DEC attempted to
Up:[13749]= T =
twiddle n.
one bug and generates several new ones (see also [13750]shotgun
implies much less sense of purpose than toggling or tweaking it; see
[13752]frobnicate. To speak of twiddling a bit connotes aimlessness,
and at best doesn't specify what you're doing to the bit; `toggling a
Up:[13758]= T =
twilight zone n. //
Up:[13763]= T =
twink /twink/ n.
group soc.motss; may derive from gay slang for a cute young thing with
Up:[13767]= T =
twirling baton n.
between characters, the baton spins from left to right. If you output
Up:[13770]= T =
two pi quant.
two-to-the-N quant.
"I have 2-to-the-N things to do before I can go out for lunch" means
Up:[13778]= T =
twonkie /twon'kee/ n.
Jargon Lexicon
= U =
[13792]undocumented feature:
[13796]Unix conspiracy:
[13797]Unix weenie:
[13813]USG Unix:
u- pref.
units, jargon when used otherwise. Derived from the Greek letter "mu",
the first letter of "micro" (and which letter looks a lot like the
UBD /U-B-D/ n.
UBE // n.
spam is uttered by nonprofit and advocacy groups whose motives are not
UCE n.
(probably now more so than the full form), and frequently verbed.
Compare [13840]IDP.
UN*X n.
the need for the ugly 13844 typography. Also used to refer to
now say that the requirement for the trademark postfix has no legal
is never written out in full, e.g., YHWH' orG-d' is used. See also
Previous:[13848]UN*X, Up:[13849]= U =
[Unix] A message from Unix's linker. Used in speech to flag loose ends
look under the hood to see how ...." 2. Can also imply that the
undocumented feature n.
See [13857]feature.
feature, Up:[13860]= U =
uninteresting adj.
problems for which a solution would neither advance the state of the
them interesting and solve them -- thus solving the original problem
Previous:[13868]uninteresting, Up:[13869]= U =
Unix /yoo'niks/ n.
[In the authors' words, "A weak pun on Multics"; very early on it was
1969 by Ken Thompson after Bell Labs left the Multics project,
system in the world - and since 1996 the variiant called [13870]Linux
has been at the cutting edge of the [13871]open source movement. Many
people consider the success of Unix the most important victory yet of
CACM's 1974 paper "The UNIX Time-Sharing System" because "we had a new
the grounds that the word is not acronymic. He failed, and eventually
(his words) "wimped out" on the issue. So, while the trademark today
Previous:[13880]Unix, Up:[13881]= U =
Unix brain damage n.
systems. The hack may qualify as `Unix brain damage' if the program
not. Unix brain damage happens because it is much easier for other
a line feed. Such things can make even a hardened [13883]jock weep.
Unix conspiracy n.
hatched during the 1970s at Bell Labs, whose intent was to hobble
and easily portable, but also relatively unreliable and insecure (so
door entry.
disks and networks. Adherents of this `Unix virus' theory like to cite
the fact that the well-known quotation "Unix is snake oil" was uttered
[If there was ever such a conspiracy, it got thoroughly out of the
plotters' control after 1990. AT&T sold its UNIX operation to Novell
conspiracy, Up:[13895]= U =
Unix weenie n.
ability to tolerate (and the bad taste to wallow in) the incoherence
Up:[13901]= U =
unixism n.
clue the scheduler that you're willing to give up your time-slice, for
Up:[13908]= U =
unswizzle v.
See [13909]swizzle.
Previous:[13911]unswizzle, Up:[13912]= U =
one discards the stack frame and any number of frames above it,
Up:[13916]= U =
unwind-protect n.
[MIT: from the name of a LISP operator] A task you must remember to
Up:[13919]= U =
up adj.
2. `bring up': vt. To create a working version and start it. "They
production use.
upload /uhp'lohd/ v.
essential patterns and algorithms that make up one's mind from one's
brain into a computer. Those who are convinced that such patterns and
algorithms capture the complete essence of the self view this prospect
U =
upthread adv.
urchin n.
See [13933]munchkin.
record the fact that the term is commonly pronounced both /erl/, and
Up:[13939]= U =
[from `Users' Network'; the original spelling was USENET, but the
By the year the Internet hit the mainstream (1994) the original UUCP
though Usenet was and always had been just another Internet service.
Up:[13946]= U =
Penalty, Up:[13951]= U =
user n.
they are thoughtful or deep. Very often they are annoying or downright
stupid, apparently because the user failed to think for two seconds or
skillfully, without getting into the internals of the program. One who
The general theory behind this term is that there are two classes of
people who work with a program: there are implementors (hackers) and
all its glory. (The few users who do are known as `real winners'.) The
some program he himself does not hack. A LISP hacker might be one who
maintains LISP or one who uses LISP (but with the skill of a hacker).
A LISP user is one who uses LISP, whether skillfully or not. Thus
there is some overlap between the two terms; the subtle distinctions
user-friendly adj.
describe systems that hold the user's hand so obsessively that they
make it painful for the more experienced and knowledgeable to get any
[13960]Macintrash, [13961]user-obsequious.
Node:user-obsequious, Next:[13962]userland,
Previous:[13963]user-friendly, Up:[13964]= U =
user-obsequious adj.
"Design a system any fool can use and only a fool will want to use
Up:[13970]= U =
userland n.
term has been in common use among [13971]Linux kernel hackers since at
U =
crew was called the `Unix Support Group', but it is applied to version
that pre- and post-dated the USG group but were of the same lineage.
U =
UTSL // n.
[Unix] On-line acronym for `Use the Source, Luke' (a pun on Obi-Wan
suggesting that someone would be better off reading the source code
Nowadays, free Unix clones have become widely enough distributed that
running second. Cheap commercial Unixes with source such as BSD/OS are
UUCPNET n. obs.
Unix machines (and others running some clone of the UUCP (Unix-to-Unix
cheap Internet connections in the 1990s; the few remaining UUCP links
Jargon Lexicon
= V =
[13995]vanity domain:
[14009]ventilator card:
[14010]Venus flytrap:
[14013]Version 7:
[14016]video toaster:
[14020]virtual beer:
[14021]virtual Friday:
[14022]virtual reality:
[14023]virtual shredder:
[14029]voodoo programming:
[14032]vulture capitalist:
V7 /V'sev'en/ n.
See [14036]Version 7.
vadding /vad'ing/ n.
[14042]phreaking; see also [14043]hack, sense 9). This term dates from
the late 1970s, before which such activity was simply called
(sense 2).
Up:[14047]= V =
vanilla adj.
[14048]flavor, standard. When used of food, very often does not mean
that the food is flavored with vanilla extract! For example, `vanilla
(wonton) soup.
Up:[14054]= V =
vanity domain n.
Up:[14057]= V =
vannevar /van'*-var/ n.
common, and competition is the rule. The prototype was Vannevar Bush's
paper from the late 1970s that computed a purported ultimate limit on
areal density for ICs that was in fact less than the routine densities
of 5 years later.
V =
vaporware /vay'pr-weir/ n.
Products announced far in advance of any release (which may or may not
vaston n.
[Durham, UK] The unit of `load average'. A measure of how much work a
December 1996.
Node:VAX, Next:[14071]VAXectomy, Previous:[14072]vaston, Up:[14073]= V
VAX /vaks/ n.
[14074]killer micros after about 1986, the VAX was probably the
hacker's favorite machine of them all, esp. after the 1982 release of
4.2 BSD Unix (see [14075]BSD). Esp. noted for its large,
cleaner in Britain. Cited here because its sales pitch, "Nothing sucks
with the vacuum-Vax people that allowed them to market VAX computers
in the U.K. in return for not challenging the vacuum cleaner trademark
in the U.S.
A rival brand actually pioneered the slogan: its original form was
the local idiom. But in 1996, the press manager of Electrolux AB,
while confirming that the company used this slogan in the late 1960s,
also tells us that their marketing people were fully aware of the
report from a New Zealander that the infamous slogan surfaced there in
VAXectomy /vak-sek't*-mee/ n.
the SPARC. Thus, if one knows one has a replacement coming, VAX
Up:[14082]= V =
VAXen /vak'sn/ n.
canonically used among hackers for the [14083]DEC VAX computers. "Our
installation has four PDP-10s and twenty vaxen." See [14084]boxen.
Up:[14090]= V =
vaxism /vak'sizm/ n.
Up:[14096]= V =
vaxocentrism /vak`soh-sen'trizm/ n.
that are valid (esp. under Unix) on [14097]VAXen but false elsewhere.
2. The assumption that a pointer to any one type can freely be cast
assumption that all pointers are the same size and format, which
means you don't have to worry about getting the casts or types
1. The assumption that pointer and integer types are the same size,
address in memory (for example, that you can freely construct and
types and that in an array you can thus step right from the last
1. The assumption that memory address space is globally flat and that
are ordered in the same way and that this order is a constant of
Alpha, of course).
of Unix.
he or she has never seen a VAX. Some of these assumptions (esp. 2-5)
were valid on the PDP-11, the original C machine, and became endemic
Up:[14104]= V =
[14105]eyeball search. The term `optical diff' has also been reported,
graphics, a claim few if any diff programs can make. See [14106]diff.
Up:[14109]= V =
veeblefester /vee'b*l-fes`tr/ n.
[from the "Born Loser" comix via Commodore; prob. originally from
Node:velveeta, Next:[14113]ventilator card,
Previous:[14114]veeblefester, Up:[14115]= V =
velveeta n.
widely recognized but not commonly used; most people refer to both
Previous:[14121]velveeta, Up:[14122]= V =
ventilator card n.
card, Up:[14126]= V =
Venus flytrap n.
Up:[14130]= V =
verbage /ver'b*j/ n.
Up:[14135]= V =
verbiage n.
utility and that the motives behind its production have little to do
Up:[14139]= V =
describe Unix features and programs that date from that release, and
(this was the standard gauge of portability before the POSIX and IEEE
1003 standards). Note that this usage does not derive from the release
Sixth and Seventh Editions are widely known as V[67]; the OS that
Edition Research Unix" or just "Tenth Edition" for short. For this
with commercialization and kernel bloat still maintain that V7 was the
V =
text nor vice versa, and the default setup on older versions provides
vi (and variants such as vim and elvis) is still widely used (about
half the respondents in a 1991 Usenet poll preferred it), and even
EMACS fans often resort to it as a mail editor and for small editing
Up:[14159]= V =
video toaster n.
Up:[14164]= V =
videotex n. obs.
read it to them for free while they brush their teeth. The idea bombed
might have been worthwhile better and cheaper. Videotex planners badly
and the cost of local intelligence at the user's end. Like the
Up:[14169]= V =
virgin adj.
Up:[14174]= V =
virtual adj.
[via the technical term virtual memory', prob. from the termvirtual
Previous:[14178]virtual, Up:[14179]= V =
virtual beer n.
this term signified cash, after a famous incident in which some some
Britishers who wanted to buy Linus a beer and sent him money to
Finland to do so.
Node:virtual Friday, Next:[14180]virtual reality,
virtual Friday n.
that day is not a `real' Friday. For example, the U.S. holiday
Friday). There are also `virtual Mondays' that are actually Tuesdays,
the U.S.
virtual reality n.
1. Computer simulations that use 3-D graphics and devices such as the
characters' that may be personae utterly unlike the people who write
The one iron law is that you may not write irreversible changes to a
character without the consent of the person who `owns' it. Otherwise
reality, Up:[14193]= V =
virtual shredder n.
these are used to supply some of the same capabilities Unix gets from
Up:[14197]= V =
virus n.
[from the obvious analogy with biological viruses, via SF] A cracker
program that searches out other programs and `infects' them by
virus may do nothing but propagate itself and then allow the program
`virus' has passed not only into techspeak but into also popular usage
visionary n.
VMS /V-M-S/ n.
this makes VMS fans furious. One major hacker gripe with VMS concerns
voice vt.
Up:[14229]= V =
voice-net n.
Node:voodoo programming, Next:[14233]VR, Previous:[14234]voice-net,
Up:[14235]= V =
voodoo programming n.
algorithm that one does not truly understand. The implication is that
the technique may not work, and if it doesn't, one will never know
Things programmers do that they know shouldn't work but they try
programming, Up:[14247]= V =
VR // [MUD] n.
Previous:[14251]VR, Up:[14252]= V =
Vulcan nerve pinch n.
[from the old "Star Trek" TV series via Commodore Amiga hackers] The
vulture capitalist n.
over their own innovations and most of the money they ought to have
Jargon Lexicon
= W =
[14261]W2K bug:
[14267]walking drives:
[14269]wall follower:
[14270]wall time:
[14271]wall wart:
[14276]war dialer:
[14279]warez d00dz:
[14280]warez kiddies:
[14282]warm boot:
[14284]washing machine:
[14285]washing software:
[14286]water MIPS:
[14289]web pointer:
[14290]web toaster:
[14293]web ring:
[14309]What's a spline?:
[14311]wheel bit:
[14312]wheel of reincarnation:
[14313]wheel wars:
[14314]White Book:
[14321]WIMP environment:
[14323]win big:
[14324]win win:
[14327]window shopping:
[14329]winged comments:
[14338]wish list:
[14342]Wizard Book:
[14343]wizard hat:
[14344]wizard mode:
[14347]womb box:
[14353]working as designed:
[14357]wrap around:
[14358]write-only code:
[14359]write-only language:
[14360]write-only memory:
[14361]Wrong Thing:
[14362]wugga wugga:
Up:[14368]= W =
W2K bug
[from `Y2K bug' for the Year 2000 problem] The upcoming deployment of
expect will be among the worst train wrecks in the history of software
it is also expected this will not become obvious until it has incurred
wabbit /wab'it/ n.
and elsewhere around 1978; this may have descended (if only by
program would make two copies of itself every time it was run,
WAITS /wayts/ n.
ITS'. Though WAITS was less visible than ITS, there was frequent
said to have originated there, and WAITS alumni at XEROX PARC and
elsewhere played major roles in the developments that led to the XEROX
Star, the Macintosh, and the Sun workstations. Also invented there
were [14383]bucky bits -- thus, the ALT key on every IBM PC is a WAITS
legacy. One WAITS feature very notable in pre-Web days was a news-wire
interface that allowed WAITS hackers to read, store, and filter AP and
programming terminals.
waldo /wol'doh/ n.
developed for the nuclear industry in the mid-1940s they were named
[14390]foobar, [14391]quux.
Up:[14394]= W =
walk n.,vt.
Traversal of a data structure, especially an array or linked-list data
walk, [14398]clobber.
Previous:[14400]walk, Up:[14401]= W =
walking drives n.
interactions with the floor could cause them to `walk' across a room,
There is a legend about a drive that walked over to the only door to
the computer room and jammed it shut; the staff had to cut a hole in
certain patterns of drive access (a fast seek across the whole width
disk-drive races.
Up:[14413]= W =
wall interj.
It is said that sense 1 came from the idiom `like talking to a blank
clearly having understood nothing that was explained. You would then
throw out a "Hello, wall?" to elicit some sort of response from the
Up:[14417]= W =
wall follower n.
running till it came out the other end. This was inelegant, but it was
compare [14419]droid.
Up:[14422]= W =
wall time n.
(also wall clock time') 1.Real world' time (what the clock on the
multiprocessor systems with good thread support one may get more
Up:[14426]= W =
wall wart n.
uses.. These are frequently associated with modems and other small
they had power supplies on board (there are other reasons as well
Up:[14429]= W =
wallpaper n.
1. A file containing a listing (e.g., assembly listing) or a
login session. (The idea was that the paper for such listings was
it was used to cover windows.) Now rare, esp. since other systems have
ITS, where the commands to begin and end transcript files were :WALBEG
and :WALEND, with default file WALL PAPER (the space was a path
wango /wang'goh/ n.
For example: "You start with the `.o' file, run it through this
object-oriented executable."
there are too many wanks involved. This excess wankiness is signalled
this word is extremely rude and is best avoided unless one intends to
give offense. Adjectival `wanky' is less offensive and simply means
Up:[14445]= W =
wannabee /won'*-bee/ n.
to describe Madonna fans who dress, talk, and act like their idol;
be annoying but most hackers remember that they, too, were once such
flavor now (1993) than it did ten or fifteen years ago. When the
people who are now hackerdom's tribal elders were in [14451]larval
as a new kind of folk hero, and the result is that some people
among other things, it gives them mixed feelings about the effects of
Up:[14454]= W =
war dialer n.
numbers and records those which answer with handshake tones (and so
might be entry points to computer or telecommunications systems). Some
of these programs have become quite sophisticated, and can now detect
modem, fax, or PBX tones and log each one separately. The war dialer
W =
-ware suff.
Up:[14477]= W =
warez /weirz/ n.
Up:[14485]= W =
can be copied. Then they distribute it around the world via several
gateways. Warez d00dz form badass group names like RAZOR and the
like. They put up boards that distribute the latest ware, or pirate
know, I know. But don't ask, and it won't hurt as much. This is how
they prove their poweress [sic]. It gives them the right to say, "I
cracked on the same day as its retail release. Warez d00ds also hoard
[BELONG] is the only word you will need to know. Warez d00dz want
like TGW, FLT, USA and the like. Structure makes them happy. [...]
Warez d00dz will never have a handle like "Pink Daisy" because
warez d00dz are insecure. Only someone who is very secure with a
girlie-man. More likely you will find warez d00dz with handles
Turbo. They like to sound badass when they can hide behind their
d00dz, Up:[14498]= W =
warez kiddies n.
the fact that most warez d00dz are around the age of puberty. Compare
[14500]script kiddies.
Up:[14503]= W =
warlording v.
Conan the Barbarian in the 1981 John Milius movie; the group name
Up:[14512]= W =
warm boot n.
See [14513]boot.
Up:[14516]= W =
wart n.
Previous:[14522]wart, Up:[14523]= W =
washing machine n.
because of the size of the cabinet and the `top-loading' access to the
media packs -- and, of course, they were always set on `spin cycle'.
thick channel cables connecting these were called `bit hoses' (see
machine, Up:[14529]= W =
washing software n.
together all of the various changes that have been made to the source.
water MIPS n.
[14534]mainframe type.
expended. "I'll wave a dead chicken over the source code, but I really
chicken, Up:[14543]= W =
weasel n.
Up:[14547]= W =
web pointer n.
Up:[14552]= W =
web toaster n.
this kind (for example the Cobalt Qube) are often about the size of a
Up:[14557]= W =
webify n.
Frequently used for papers ("Why don't you webify all your
Up:[14560]= W =
webmaster n.
pages and keeping the Web server running and properly configured.
Up:[14564]= W =
web ring n.
W =
wedged adj.
few things, but not be fully operational. For example, a process may
one that has messed with the line discipline in some obscure way.
locked into type frames with wedges driven in by mallets. Once this
had been done, no changes in the typesetting for that page could be
Up:[14576]= W =
wedgie n.
Up:[14580]= W =
wedgitude /wedj'i-t[y]ood/ n.
W =
weeds n.
weeds...." 2. At CDC/ETA before its demise, the phrase `go off in the
weenie n.
to be the same sort of weenie. Implies that the weenie has put a major
the speaker feels about that area. See also [14603]bigot. 3. The
Up:[14606]= W =
Weenix /wee'niks/ n.
sensitivity everywhere, and users who believe that these are all
advantages". (Some ITS fans behave as though they believe Unix stole a
[14610]http://www.cs.brown.edu/courses/cs167/weenix.html. Named
Up:[14613]= W =
well-behaved adj.
that does its job quietly and without counterintuitive effects. Esp.
Node:well-connected, Next:[14622]wetware,
Previous:[14623]well-behaved, Up:[14624]= W =
well-connected adj.
synonymous, but also implies that the site's name is familiar to many
Up:[14628]= W =
wetware /wet'weir/ n.
[prob. from the novels of Rudy Rucker] 1. The human nervous system, as
Up:[14633]= W =
whack v.
and well-defined and you are very good at [14637]glarking things from
Up:[14640]= W =
whack-a-mole n.
[from the carnival game which involves quickly and repeatedly hitting
the heads of mechanical moles with a mallet as they pop up from their
sense 1 became established in the mid-1990s the term passed into more
Up:[14644]= W =
whacker n.
Up:[14650]= W =
whales n.
Up:[14654]= W =
whalesong n.
The peculiar clicking and whooshing sounds made by a PEP modem such as
modem for their special high-speed mode. This sound isn't anything
than once. It sounds, in fact, very much like whale songs. This noise
Up:[14657]= W =
What's a spline?
[XEROX PARC] This phrase expands to: "You have just used a term that
I've heard for a year and a half, and I feel I should know, but don't.
Up:[14660]= W =
wheel n.
[from slang `big wheel' for a powerful person] A person who has an
active [14661]wheel bit. "We need to find a wheel to unwedge the hung
tape drives." (See [14662]wedged, sense 1.) The traditional name of
Previous:[14667]wheel, Up:[14668]= W =
wheel bit n.
the running monitor, crash or reload the system, and kill or create
jobs and user accounts. The term was invented on the TENEX operating
system, and carried over to TOPS-20, XEROX-IFS, and others. The state
term entered the Unix culture from TWENEX in the mid-1980s and has
Display Processors", Comm. ACM, Vol. 11, no. 6, June 1968)] Term used
back into the main CPU, at which point the cycle begins again.
reincarnation, Up:[14677]= W =
wheel wars n.
student hackers hassle each other by attempting to log each other out
of the system, delete each other's files, and otherwise wreak havoc,
usually at the expense of the lesser users.
Up:[14681]= W =
White Book n.
Up:[14688]= W =
whitelist n.
list of people who are banned, it's an explicit list of people who are
Up:[14691]= W =
whizzy adj.
(alt. `wizzy') [Sun] Describes a [14692]cuspy program; one that is
[UK, perh. originally from the first "Roger Irrelevant" strip in "VIZ"
comics, spread via "Your Sinclair magazine in the 1980s and early
The ancestral sense of this word is reported to have been "My brain is
WIBNI // n.
widget n.
widgets were holders for buggy whips. "But suppose the parts list for
Up:[14710]= W =
wiggles n.
Up:[14713]= W =
WIMP environment n.
[14715]menuitis, [14716]user-obsequious.
Up:[14719]= W =
To experience serendipity. "I went shopping and won big; there was a
Up:[14730]= W =
Up:[14734]= W =
Winchester n.
which the read-write head planes over the disk surface on an air
cushion. There is a legend that the name arose because the original
1973 engineering prototype for what later became the IBM 3340 featured
rifle (in the latter, the first 30 referred to caliber and the second
claimed that Winchester was the laboratory in which the technology was
Up:[14737]= W =
windoid n.
(smaller or missing title bar, zoom box, etc, etc) than a standard
Up:[14740]= W =
window shopping n.
colors, fonts, and icon shapes. This activity can take up hours of
what might otherwise have been productive working time. "I spent the
afternoon window shopping until I found the coolest shade of green for
blue background." Serious window shoppers will spend their days with
patterns for all to see. Also: `window dressing', the act of applying
shopping, Up:[14747]= W =
Windoze /win'dohz/ n.
Up:[14751]= W =
winged comments n.
winkey n.
W =
winnage /win'*j/ n.
Up:[14762]= W =
2. `real winner': Often sarcastic, but also used as high praise (see
also the note under [14763]user). "He's a real winner -- never reports
Up:[14766]= W =
winnitude /win'*-t[y]ood/ n.
the LISP interpreter runs twice as fast as it used to." "That's really
W =
Wintel n.
W =
wired n.
See [14776]hardwired.
Up:[14779]= W =
wirehead /wi:r'hed/ n.
network software wizard too, but will always have the ability to deal
Up:[14782]= W =
wirewater n.
Previous:[14785]wirewater, Up:[14786]= W =
wish list n.
A list of desired features or bug fixes that probably won't get done
for a long time, usually because the person responsible for the code
is too busy or can't think of a clean way to do it. "OK, I'll add
automatic filename completion to the wish list for the new interface."
See [14791]delta.
See [14795]epsilon.
of, Up:[14798]= W =
wizard n.
hardware works (that is, who [14799]groks it); esp. someone who can
thing. A good hacker could become a wizard for something given the
Unix expert, esp. a Unix systems programmer. This usage is well enough
Up:[14814]= W =
Wizard Book n.
Jerry Sussman and Julie Sussman; MIT Press, 1984, 1996; ISBN
Up:[14819]= W =
wizard hat n.
[also, after Terry Pratchett, `pointy hat'] Notional headgear worn by
sufficiently live that one may actually see hackers miming the act of
[14821]patch pumpkin.
Up:[14824]= W =
wizard mode n.
`wheel mode' would be used instead). This term is often used with
mode, Up:[14828]= W =
wizardly adj.
Up:[14832]= W =
wok-on-the-wall n.
Up:[14835]= W =
womb box n.
W =
womble n.
[Unisys UK: from British animated characters] A user who has great
day the printer's font logic went wonky and everybody's listings came
[14852]demented, [14853]bozotic.
Up:[14856]= W =
woofer n.
have a perforation 8.5 inches from the left margin that allows the
excess on the right-hand side to be torn off when the print format is
Previous:[14859]woofer, Up:[14860]= W =
workaround n.
as a workaround you can type CTRL-R, then SHIFT-F5, and delete the
Previous:[14868]workaround, Up:[14869]= W =
Up:[14874]= W =
worm n.
[14877]Great Worm of 1988, a `benign' one that got out of control and
hogged hundreds of Suns and VAXen across the U.S. See also
Previous:[14883]worm, Up:[14884]= W =
wormhole /werm'hohl/ n.
amateur network over great distances with usually little clue in the
message routing header as to how it got from one relay to the other.
Previous:[14887]wormhole, Up:[14888]= W =
(see [14892]infinity) after its maximum value has been reached, and
write-only code n.
anyone but its author, and possibly not even by him/her. A [14898]Bad
write-only language n.
write-only memory n.
The obvious antonym to `read-only memory'. Out of frustration with the
edition of the data book and requested the return of the `erroneous'
Temp.", "Iff vs. Vff", "Number of pins remaining vs. number of socket
insertions", and "AQL vs. selling price". The 25120 required a 6.3 VAC
memory, Up:[14912]= W =
Wrong Thing n.
A design, action, or decision that is clearly incorrect or
anything that is not the Right Thing. In cases where `the good is the
Up:[14916]= W =
Up:[14920]= W =
wumpus /wuhm'p*s/ n.
family of very early computer games called "Hunt The Wumpus'. The
Gregory Yob. The wumpus lived somewhere in a cave with the topology of
an dodecahedron's edge/vertex graph (later versions supported other
wumpus, which got very angry). Unfortunately for players, the movement
necessary to map the maze was made hazardous not merely by the wumpus
(which would eat you if you stepped on him) but also by bottomless
pits and colonies of super bats that would pick you up and drop you at
W =
Describes a user interface under which "What You See Is All You Get";
interfaces tend to have easy initial learning curves, but also to lack
depth; they often frustrate advanced users who would be better served
has a WYSIAYG problem. This term is most often used of editors, word
publishing' programs, for example, are a clear win for creating small
manuscripts, on the other hand, scale changes the nature of the task;
one quickly runs into WYSIAYG limitations, and the increased power and
user interface under which "What You See Is What You Get", as opposed
WYSIAWYG (What You See Is Almost What You Get) and WYSIMOLWYG
You See Is More or Less What You Get). All these can be mildly
enough, WYSIWYG has already made it into the OED, in lower case yet.
Jargon Lexicon
= X =
[14944]XEROX PARC:
X /X/ n.
68000, 68010, 68020, 68030, or 68040, and 80x86 stands for 80186,
80286, 80386, 80486, 80586 or 80686 (note that a Unix hacker might
The famed Palo Alto Research Center. For more than a decade, from the
was the laser printer and the local-area network; and PARC's series of
a decade. Sadly, the prophets at PARC were without honor in their own
K. Smith and Robert C. Alexander (William Morrow & Co., 1988, ISBN
XOFF /X-of/ n.
Syn. [14963]control-S.
XON /X-on/ n.
Syn. [14967]control-Q.
Exclusive or. A xor B' meansA or B, but not both'. "I want to get
cherry pie xor a banana split." This derives from the technical use of
XXX /X-X-X/ n.
to indicate areas that are kluged up or need to be. Some hackers liken
`XXX' to the notional heavy-porn movie rating. Compare [14977]FIXME.
[from the ADVENT game] The [14981]canonical `magic word'. This comes
cave with many rooms and to collect the treasures you find there. If
you type `xyzzy' at the appropriate time, you can move instantly
the system will let you do it anyway." "Xyzzy!" It's traditional for
magic was invoked at the wrong spot or before a player had performed
the action that enabled the word. In more recent 32-bit versions, by
"Ziz-zy, zuz-zy, zik!" said Dorothy, who was now standing on both
feet. This ended the saying of the charm, and they heard a great
up to them.
Jargon Lexicon
= Y =
[14995]Yellow Book:
[14996]yellow card:
[14997]yellow wire:
[14998]Yet Another:
[15006]yoyo mode:
YA- abbrev.
YABA /ya'b*/ n.
opposite of [15020]WYSIWYG. Stands for "You asked for it, you got it",
because what you actually asked for is often not apparent until long
less often, a necessary tradeoff ("Only a YAFIYGI tool can have full
programmable flexibility in its interface.").
This precise sense of "You asked for it, you got it" seems to have
Up:[15024]= Y =
YAUN /yawn/ n.
[Acronym for `Yet Another Unix Nerd'] Reported from the San Diego
Up:[15027]= Y =
Yellow Book n.
The print version of this Jargon File; "The New Hacker's Dictionary"
from MIT Press; The book includes essentially all the material the
Book, Up:[15030]= Y =
yellow card n.
card, Up:[15034]= Y =
yellow wire n.
Up:[15040]= Y =
there are already far too many. See also [15041]YA-, [15042]YABA,
Up:[15046]= Y =
Lost. Have A Nice Day". You are quite likely to see this if you
YKYBHTLW // abbrev.
Abbreviation of `You know you've been hacking too long when...', which
Previous:[15052]YKYBHTLW, Up:[15053]= Y =
YMMV // cav.
this, Up:[15062]= Y =
postal one.
your [15064]SO kisses you on the neck and the first thing you
in octal.
programming language.
you realize you have never seen half of your best friends.
on the web.
[An early version of this entry said "All but one of these have been
hackers may have trouble spotting the ringer." The ringer was
cloth. Although more respondents picked that one out as fiction than
this portably, but who knows what'll happen on your system?" 2. More
vary, Up:[15072]= Y =
humorous surprise or emphasis. "Yow! Check out what happens when you
Previous:[15075]Yow!, Up:[15076]= Y =
yoyo mode n.
The state in which the system is said to be when it rapidly alternates
perhaps not by coincidence), many hardware vendors give out free yoyos
at Usenix exhibits.
Up:[15079]= Y =
The character gamma (extended SAIL ASCII 0001001), which with a loop
in its tail looks like a little fish swimming down the page. The term
= Z =
[15085]Zawinski's Law:
[15090]Zero-One-Infinity Rule:
Up:[15101]= Z =
nose for the rest of the meal.) See [15102]zapped. 4. vt. To modify,
"Zap the debug level to 6 and run it again." In the IBM mainframe
Up:[15106]= Z =
zapped adj.
Spicy. This term is used to distinguish between food that is hot (in
appetizer Bon Bon Chicken is a kind of chicken salad that is cold but
senses 1 and 2.
Node:Zawinski's Law, Next:[15111]zbeba, Previous:[15112]zapped,
Up:[15113]= Z =
Zawinski's Law
Up:[15116]= Z =
zbeba n.
zen vt.
Z =
zero vt.
all data from. Said of disks and directories, where `zeroing' need not
involve actually writing zeroes throughout the area being zeroed. One
Previous:[15129]zero, Up:[15130]= Z =
zero-content adj.
Syn. [15131]content-free.
Previous:[15133]zero-content, Up:[15134]= Z =
The logic behind this rule is that there are often situations where it
if one decides to go further and allow N (for N > 1), then why not
N+1? And if N+1, then why not N+2, and so on? Once above 1, there's no
Rule, Up:[15142]= Z =
First. Among software designers, comes from C's and LISP's 0-based
indexing of arrays. Hardware people also tend to start counting at 0
Hackers and computer scientists often like to call the first chapter
[15143]K&R). In recent years this trait has also been observed among
zigamorph /zig'*-morf/ n.
Up:[15152]= Z =
zip vt.
Z =
zipperhead n.
Up:[15159]= Z =
zombie n.
[Unix] A process that has died but has not yet relinquished its
Compare [15160]orphan.
zorch /zorch/
new comm software is very fast; it really zorches files through the
rather not ask him for that just yet; I think I've used up my quota of
zorch with him for the week." 5. [MIT] n. Energy, drive, or ability.
"I think I'll [15164]punt that change for now; I've been up for 30
Zork /zork/ n.
zorkmid /zork'mid/ n.
Lexicon, Up:[15178]Top
Hacker Folklore
This appendix contains several legends and fables that illuminate the
Previous:[15186]Appendix A, Up:[15187]Appendix A
according to MIT hacker Phil Agre. "In fact, [15189]hack has only one
programming kind. Of course, some hacks have both natures; see the
lexicon entries for [15192]pseudo and [15193]kgbvax. But here are some
in Pasadena) hacked the Rose Bowl football game. One student posed
exactly how the stunts were operated, and also that the director
While the director was eating, the students (who called themselves
sheet for the card stunts. They then had a printer run off 2300
copies of the blank. The next day they picked the lock again and
stole the master plans for the stunts -- large sheets of graph
The result was that three of the pictures were totally different.
of a husky instead showed a beaver. (Both Caltech and MIT use the
40-yard line, and grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger. The letters
`MIT' appeared all over the ball. As the players and officials
stood around gawking, the ball grew to six feet in diameter and
The "Boston Globe" later reported: "If you want to know the truth,
buried wires from the stadium circuit to the 40-yard line, where
they buried the balloon device. When the time came to activate the
timed so as not to disrupt the game (it was set off between plays,
clever people down there at MIT, and they did it again." President
rumor that I had anything to do with it, but I wish there were."
The hacks above are verifiable history; they can be proved to have
have been recorded from the 1940s to the present, most set at MIT but
Brian Leibowitz has researched MIT hacks both real and mythical
a sequel entitled "Is This The Way To Baker Street?". The Caltech
Alumni Association has published two similar books titled "Legends of
program could then poke a large value into its `privilege level'
official patch.
Tuck'. Robin Hood and Friar Tuck were designed to run as `ghost
and then keep an eye on one another's statuses in order to keep the
One fine day, the system operator on the main CP-V software
Tape drives would rewind and dismount their tapes in the middle of
a job.
Disk drives would seek back and forth so rapidly that they would
The console would print snide and insulting messages from Robin
a card was unreadable, in which case the bad card was placed into
stacker B). One of the patches installed by the ghosts added some
They found the bandit ghost jobs running, and [15198]gunned them...
and were once again surprised. When Robin Hood was gunned, the
!X id1
id1: Friar Tuck... I am under attack! Pray save me!
of Nottingham's men!
Each ghost-job would detect the fact that the other had been
killed, and would start a new copy of the recently slain program
within a few milliseconds. The only way to kill both ghosts was to
the system.
Finally, the system programmers did the latter -- only to find that
the bandits appeared once again when the system rebooted! It turned
out that these two programs had patched the boot-time OS image (the
kernel file, in Unix terms) and had added themselves to the list of
The Robin Hood and Friar Tuck ghosts were finally eradicated when
the system staff rebooted the system from a clean boot-tape and
Here is a true story about a glass tty: One day an MIT hacker was in a
motorcycle accident and broke his leg. He had to stay in the hospital
hospital bed.
Now this happened some years before the spread of home computers, and
When the two friends got to the hospital, a guard stopped them and
asked what they were carrying. They explained that they wanted to take
The guard got out his list of things that patients were permitted to
Fair enough, said the two friends, and they left again. They were
The next day they returned, and the same thing happened: a guard
stopped them and asked what they were carrying. They said: "This is a
demonstrated it. "See? You just type on the keyboard and what you type
shows up on the TV screen." Now the guard didn't stop to think about
paper copies of what you typed; but this was clearly a TV typewriter,
[Antihistorical note: On September 23rd, 1992, the L.A. Times ran the
of school and excitedly told his mother how he had written on "a
Some years ago, I (GLS) was snooping around in the cabinets that
housed the MIT AI Lab's PDP-10, and noticed a little switch glued to
on the metal switch body were the words magic' andmore magic'. The
I called another hacker over to look at it. He had never seen the
switch before either. Closer examination revealed that the switch had
only one wire running to it! The other end of the wire did disappear
into the maze of wires inside the computer, but it's a basic fact of
electricity that a switch can't do anything unless there are two wires
connected to it. This switch had a wire connected on one side and no
It was clear that this switch was someone's idea of a silly joke.
A year later, I told this story to yet another hacker, David Moon as I
was fooling him with a bogus saga. To prove it to him, I showed him
the very switch, still glued to the cabinet frame with only one wire
the switch and its lone connection, and found that the other end of
ground pin. That clearly made the switch doubly useless: not only was
This time we ran for Richard Greenblatt, a long-time MIT hacker, who
was close at hand. He had never noticed the switch before, either. He
inspected it, concluded it was useless, got some diagonal cutters and
[15207]diked it out. We then revived the computer and it has run fine
ever since.
We still don't know how the switch crashed the machine. There is a
theory that some circuit near the ground pin was marginal, and
never know for sure; all we can really say is that the switch was
that the switch body was metal. Suppose that the non-connected side of
the switch was connected to the switch body (usually the body is
connected to a separate earth lug, but there are exceptions). The body
the circuit ground within the machine isn't necessarily at the same
reset the machine. This was probably discovered by someone who found
out the hard way that there was a potential difference between the
Some AI Koans
the MIT AI Lab about various noted hackers. The original koans were
Sussman, and Drescher are AI researchers of note, that Tom Knight was
one of the Lisp machine's principal designers, and that David Moon
wrote much of Lisp Machine Lisp.
* * *
A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power
Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: "You cannot
is going wrong."
One day a student came to Moon and said: "I understand how to make a
"One day a student came to Moon and said: `I understand how to make
In the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came to him as he
Sussman replied.
morning meal.
"I would like to give you this personality test", said the outsider,
Drescher took the paper that was offered him and put it into the
AI Koans, Up:[15214]Appendix A
This story says a lot about the ITS ethos.
On the ITS system there was a program that allowed you to see what was
output by examining the insides of the monitor system. The output spy
program was called OS. Throughout the rest of the computer science
world (and at IBM too) OS means `operating system', but among old-time
OS could work because ITS purposely had very little in the way of
areas. Fair is fair, however. There was another program that would
operating system to see if anyone else was looking at the insides that
But there's more. JEDGAR would ask the user for `license to kill'. If
the user said yes, then JEDGAR would actually [15215]gun the job of
the [15216]luser who was spying. Unfortunately, people found that this
made life too violent, especially when tourists learned about it. One
day no one knows how many people never figured out that JEDGAR had
been defanged.
Up:[15218]Appendix A
Machine Code.
I first met Mel when I went to work for Royal McBee Computer Corp.,
drum-memory computer,
or the computer.)
for this new marvel and Mel was my guide to its wonders.
in hexadecimal,
at computer shows.
addressing scheme,
In modern parlance,
an ``optimizing assembler'',
but Mel refused to use it.
a numerical constant.
to make it relative:
they could change the odds and let the customer win.
Mel balked.
which it was,
which it did,
so he refused to do it.
even in hexadecimal.
No test. None.
so it would refer
the next one was right under the drum's read head,
ready to go.
a jump instruction.
In any event,
offending test,
few spare images it captures more about the esthetics and psychology
of hacking than all the scholarly volumes on the subject put together.
the net it apparently got modified into the `free verse' form now
version better...]
[1999 update: Mel's last name is now known. The manual for the LGP-30
refers to "Mel Kaye of Royal McBee who did the bulk of the programming
A Portrait of J. Random Hacker
one's outlook on life that one tends to end up being like other
raised separately).
[15224]General Appearance:
[15226]Reading Habits:
[15227]Other Interests:
[15235]Ceremonial Chemicals:
[15236]Communication Style:
[15237]Geographical Distribution:
[15238]Sexual Habits:
[15239]Personality Characteristics:
General Appearance
Appearance, Up:[15246]Appendix B
Birkenstocks (or bare feet). Long hair, beards, and moustaches are
common. High incidence of tie-dye and intellectual or humorous
Very few actually fit the "National Lampoon" Nerd stereotype, though
it lingers on at MIT and may have been more common before 1975. At
least since the late Seventies backpacks have been more common than
briefcases, and the hacker `look' has been more whole-earth than
extremes and neglect personal hygiene). They have a very low tolerance
Female hackers almost never wear visible makeup, and many use none at
Reading Habits
range that astonishes liberal arts people but tend not to talk about
the average American burns up watching TV, and often keep shelves and
Other Interests
Some hobbies are widely shared and recognized as going with the
popular among hackers.) Logic puzzles. Ham radio. Other interests that
Many (perhaps even most) hackers don't follow or do sports at all and
Further, hackers avoid most team sports like the plague. Volleyball
mention. Many observers have noted it, and the connection has grown
U.S. and other western countries, hackers moved from admiring to doing
sitting down with five strangers at the first Perl conference and
martial art - and, what is more interesting, nobody at the table found
from which people often gravitate into hackerdom include (besides the
Previous:[15261]Education, Up:[15262]Appendix B
IBM mainframes. All the works of Microsoft. Smurfs, Ewoks, and other
movies, and good SF like "Star Trek" classic or Babylon 5). Business
Ethnic. Spicy. Oriental, esp. Chinese and most esp. Szechuan, Hunan,
prefer the exotic; for example, the Japanese-food fans among them will
For those all-night hacks, pizza and microwaved burritos are big.
Up:[15268]Appendix B
Hackers are far more likely than most non-hackers to either (a) be
Previous:[15270]Politics, Up:[15271]Appendix B
minorities of Jews (East Coast) and Orientals (West Coast). The Jewish
contingent has exerted a particularly pervasive cultural influence
(see [15272]Food, above, and note that several common jargon terms are
mere color and gender can't seem very important any more.
or (less commonly) Taoism, and blend them easily with their `native'
that shows up even among those hackers not actively involved with
Previous:[15277]Religion, Up:[15278]Appendix B
Ceremonial Chemicals
all. However, there has been something of a trend towards exotic beers
still regarded with more tolerance than in the mainstream culture. Use
them stupid. But [15279]on the gripping hand, many hackers regularly
Communication Style
See the discussions of speech and writing styles near the beginning of
language and very precise in their use of it. They are often better at
Geographical Distribution
about half of the hard core seems to live within a hundred miles of
Cambridge (Massachusetts) or Berkeley (California), although there are
Carolina or Princeton, New Jersey (this may simply reflect the fact
that many are students or ex-students living near their alma maters).
Sexual Habits
gay and bisexual contingent. Hackers are somewhat more likely to live
Personality Characteristics
the sine qua non one might expect. Another trait is probably even more
intelligence who has this trait can become an effective hacker, but a
into their brains. [During the production of the first book version of
to be expected. --ESR]
Hackers are `control freaks' in a way that has nothing to do with the
way that children delight in making model trains go forward and back
computers do nifty stuff for them. But it has to be their nifty stuff.
types; that is, introverted, intuitive, and thinker types (as opposed
other people. This may be because hackers generally aren't much like
might be okay if there weren't all those silly puzzles in the way.
with the physical world. Bills don't get paid on time, clutter piles
Many hackers have noticed that mainstream culture has shown a tendency
So hackers tend to believe they have good reason for skepticism about
clinical explanations of the hacker personality. That being said, most
would also concede that some hacker traits coincide with indicators
choice may be connected to the fact that it bonds to the same neural
probably true that boosters of both would find a rather higher rate of
(AS is rarer and there are not yet good estimates of incidence as of
Personality, Up:[15313]Appendix B
Hackers are more likely to have cats than dogs (in fact, it is widely
grokked that cats have the hacker nature). Many drive incredibly
decrepit heaps and forget to wash them; richer ones drive spiffy
Porsches and RX-7s and then forget to have them washed. Almost all
hackers have terribly bad handwriting, and often fall into the habit
Helping Hacker Culture Grow
If you enjoyed the Jargon File, please help the culture that created
it grow and flourish. Here are several ways you can help:
educate them on this issue and push them to do the right thing. If you
the free Unixes. Toss out that lame Microsoft OS, or confine it to one
disk partition and put Linux or FreeBSD or NetBSD on the other one.
And the next time your friend or boss is thinking about some
over a Unix.
tomorrow's needs. You can reach the League for Programming Freedom at
still infringes our First Amendment rights. Surf to the Center for
Here's the text of a letter RMS wrote to the Wall Street Journal to
sense. We hear that most major newspapers have the same policy. If
you'd like to help change this situation, send your favorite newspaper
the same letter - or, better yet, write your own letter.
Dear Editor:
This letter is not meant for publication, although you can publish
the public.
There's nothing shameful about the hacking I do. But when I tell
breaker". They know how to make the distinction, but you don't let
to use another word, you change it. When reporters try to explain
Of course, you have a reason. You say that readers have become used
now. Well, you can't undo past mistakes today; but that is no
excuse to repeat them tomorrow.
play with at home and at work; I don't need yours. Besides, it's
You owe hackers an apology; but more than that, you owe us ordinary
Sincerely, etc.
Here are some other books you can read to help you understand the
hacker mindset.
Golden Braid
Douglas Hofstadter
ISBN 0-394-74502-7
III. "Leviathan".
Dell, 1988
ISBN 0-440-53981-1
the fall of Atlantis, who really killed JFK, sex, drugs, rock'n'roll,
and the Cosmic Giggle Factor. First published in three volumes, but
Douglas Adams
Pocket Books, 1981
ISBN 0-671-46149-4
popular among hackers ever since the original British radio show. Read
James Geoffrey
Infobooks, 1987
ISBN 0-931137-07-1
This gentle, funny spoof of the "Tao Te Ching" contains much that is
illuminating about the hacker way of thought. "When you have learned
to snatch the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you
to leave."
Steven Levy
Anchor/Doubleday 1984
ISBN 0-385-19195-2
Levy's book is at its best in describing the early MIT hackers at the
edition), this remains a useful and stimulating book that captures the
Stan Kelly-Bootle
ISBN 0-262-61112-0
the Jargon File (and quotes several entries from TNHD-2) but somewhat
the former and the success of the latter" and `implementation' as "The
Karla Jennings
Norton, 1990
ISBN 0-393-30732-8
well-chosen cartoons. She has a keen eye for the human aspects of the
suggest that she didn't have the final manuscript checked over by a
and at least one classic tale (the Magic Switch story, retold here
and badly mangled form. Nevertheless, this book is a win overall and
Tracy Kidder
ISBN 0-380-59931-7)
This book (a 1982 Pulitzer Prize winner) documents the adventure of
day-to-day life can be like -- the fun, the excitement, the disasters.
During one period, when the microcode and logic were glitching at the
Prentice-Hall, 1989
ISBN 0-13-536657-7
The authors of this book set out to tell you all the things about Unix
the way they expose you to enough of Unix's history, folklore and
Vernor Vinge
ISBN 0-671-65363-6
Hacker demigod Richard Stallman used to say that the title story of
this book "expresses the spirit of hacking best". Until the subject of
the next entry came out, it was hard to even nominate another
contender. The other stories in this collection are also fine work by
an author who has since won multiple Hugos and is one of today's very
Snow Crash
Neal Stephenson
Bantam, 1992
ISBN 0-553-56261-4
has ever even approached. His imagination, his grasp of the relevant
hacking and its results are astonishing, delightful, and (so far)
ISBN 0-671-68322-5
dark side. The principals are Kevin Mitnick, "Pengo" and "Hagbard" of
the Chaos Computer Club, and Robert T. Morris (see [15330]RTM, sense
hacker who blundered, with the sociopathic phone-freak Mitnick and the
alienated, drug-addled crackers who made the Chaos Club notorious. The
more obvious.
John Barry
marketroids, and Silicon Valley CEOs rather than the playful jargon of
Clifford Stoll
Doubleday 1989
ISBN 0-385-24946-2
Clifford Stoll's absorbing tale of how he tracked Markus Hess and the
vivid picture of how hackers and the people around them like to live