Softener Change Incentive Final
Softener Change Incentive Final
Softener Change Incentive Final
We need your help… and we are willing to help pay for it. There is too much salt going into the
wastewater generated by our community. This salt is expensive to remove and dispose. To fix
this problem we are running an exclusive softener exchange program for home owners served
by the Laguna County Sanitation District. The District generally serves Orcutt and the area
south of the city of Santa Maria.
There are two kinds of salt based water softeners: the kind you add salt to (regenerating) and
the kind that you don’t (portable canister). Regenerating softeners discharge salt directly into
the sewer system. While our treatment plant removes some salt, it can’t remove it all. We
need to reduce the amount of salt in the sewer system to improve the treated water for
beneficial reuse and to prevent potential groundwater impacts. Using a canister exchange
water softener avoids these problems because it keeps the salt in the canisters without
discharging it into the sewer and is just as effective in softening water.
If you have a regenerating water softener, the District, along with local water service
companies, is running a promotional opportunity to encourage you to install a canister
exchange softener*. With removal of your regenerating water softener and proof of a canister
exchange agreement, we will credit your account $250. In addition, these local water service
companies now offer new customer incentive programs which can save you an additional $150
– for a total savings of $400.
Please contact the water service companies below to set up your canister exchange service.
Making the change protects the environment and your sewer bill… and it’s easy!
922-3585 925-6555
700 West Cook Street 2239 South Oakley
Santa Maria, 93454 Santa Maria, 93454
* This program is limited to residential homeowners who own and operable a salt load regenerating water softener and are served by the
Laguna County Sanitation District. Qualifying Customer must enter into a 2-year service agreement with Culligan or Rayne. After proof of
removal of existing regenerating water softener and proof a 2-year service agreement, the District will deposit $250.00 to your water softener
service account with either Culligan or Rayne. Early termination may result in penalties. For additional questions regarding wastewater
treatment and the need to reduce salt, please call the Laguna County Sanitation District at 739-875