Civils Edu
Civils Edu
Civils Edu
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• Growth from the economic perspective means an increase in the production of economic outputs of goods
and services compared over a particular time. The most important aspect of growth is its quantifiability,
that is, one can measure it in absolute terms.
Factors affecting economic growth:
A. Economic factors
• Natural resources - The natural resources include the land area and the quality of the soil, forest wealth,
good river system, minerals and oil resources, good climate, etc. For economic growth, the existence of
natural resources in abundance is essential. However, the availability of rich natural resources are a
necessary condition for economic growth but not a sufficient one. In less developed countries, natural
resources are unutilized, underutilized or misutilised. This is one of the reasons of their backwardness. On
the other hand countries such as Japan, Singapore etc. are not endowed with abundant natural resources
but they are among the developed nations of the world.
• Capital formation - Capital formation is the process by which a community’s savings are channelised into
investments in capital goods such as plant, equipment and machinery that increases nation’s productive
capacity and worker’s efficiency thus ensuring a larger flow of goods and services in a country.
• Technological progress - Technological progress mainly implies the research into the use of new and better
methods of production or the improvement of the old methods. Sometimes technical progress results in
the availability of natural resources. But generally technological progress results in increase in productivity.
By the use of improved technology it is possible to have greater output from the use of given resources or
a given output can be obtained by the use of a smaller quantity of resources. The USA, UK, France, Japan
and other advanced industrial nations have all acquired the industrial strength from use of advanced
• Human resource development - A good quality of population is very important in determining the level of
economic growth. So the investment in human capital in the form of educational and medical and such
other social schemes is very much desirable. Human resource development increases the knowledge, the
skills and the capabilities of the people that increase their productivity.
Non-economic factors
• Political factors - Political stability and strong administration are essential and helpful in modern economic
growth. The stable, strong and efficient government, honest administration, transparent policies and their
efficient implementation develop confidence of investors and attracts domestic as well as foreign capital
that leads to faster economic growth.
• Social and pyschological factors – The modern ideology, values, and attitudes bring new discoveries and
innovations and consequently to the rise of the new entrepreneurs. The outdated social customs restrict
occupational and geographical mobility and thus pose an obstacle to the economic growth.
Primary sector
• In Primary sector of economy, activities are undertaken by directly using natural resources. Agriculture,
Mining, Fishing, Forestry, Dairy etc. are some examples of this sector.
• It is called so because it forms the base for all other products. Since most of the natural products we get
are from agriculture, dairy, forestry, fishing, it is also called Agriculture and allied sector.
• People engaged in primary activities are called red-collar workers due to the outdoor nature of their work.
Secondary sector
• It includes the industries where finished products are made from natural materials produced in the primary
sector. Industrial production, cotton fabric, sugar cane production etc. activities comes under this sector.
Website: [email protected] Contact us: 7889296332
• Hence its the part of a country's economy that manufactures goods, rather than producing raw materials
• Since this sector is associated with different kinds of industries, it is also called industrial sector.
• People engaged in secondary activities are called blue collar workers.
• Examples of manufacturing sector:
• Small workshops producing pots, artisan production.
• Mills producing textiles,
• Factories producing steel, chemicals, plastic, car.
• Food production such as brewing plants, and food processing.
These are: