ST Apple

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Business English Study

INTRODUCTORY QUESTION: How can a company maximize sales?

If you buy an iPod will you buy an iPhone or an iPad? Will you buy an iMac

LISTENING 1:Listen and answer the questions.

1. When was Apple founded?

2. What three things did Steve Jobs do when he came back to Apple?
3. How many iPods have been sold by 2009?
4. What is the ‘halo effect’?
5. What percentage of people who use an iPod will buy an iMac computer?


There is very little difference in meaning between the verbs make and do.
Unfortunately we either use make or do in expressions and if you use the wrong one
by mistake, it does not change the meaning but sounds strange.

EXERCISE: Place the expressions either in the MAKE or DO box.

Friends - enemies - contact - a decision - an appointment - nothing - deal - business -

damage - offer - an impression - a profit - loss - a mistake - phone call - research


EXERCISE 3: Choose the correct word for the gaps.

1. You have to an appointment.
2. The iPhone a good impression at the conference last week.
3. Let’s a deal and then we can all some profit.
4. I a serious mistake yesterday, but they nothing to stop me.
5. Please wait a minute; I need to a phone call. 2
Business English Study

VOCABULARY: Words to Describe Movement and Trends

Exercise: Put these words into the correct category below

Shrink - boom - soar - shoot up - recover - rocket - slump - plummet - bomb - plunge

Rise quickly surge

Go down quickly drop
Go down and then up rebound
No change plateau
At the top peak
At the bottom hit rock bottom

Role-Play 1:

With a partner use the vocabulary of MOVEMENT to describe the predicted

sales in these graphs.


300 Asia
150 Europe








20 3
Business English Study

• What do you know about the history of Apple?

Exercise: Read the article and read fill the gaps with word(s) from the vocabulary of
Movement and Trends exercise above and put into the correct tense.
More than one answer is possible.

The Highs and Lows of company performance

1976: Jobs and Wozniak found Apple
Apple Computer Company was started in a garage by Steve Jobs and Stephen
Wozniak, who wanted to exploit the in computer use.
1980: Apple goes Public
Apple had a valuation of $1.8 billion. More than 40 of Apple’s employees became
instant millionaires thanks to the of their shares.
1983: The Lisa Is introduced
The Lisa is the world’s first computer with a mouse, but sales due to high
cost, slow speed, and incompatibility.
1985: Steve Jobs resigns from Apple
After losing a boardroom battle Steve Jobs resigned from Apple.
The company .
1992: Microsoft releases Windows 3.1
The situation get worse when Microsoft introduces Windows 3.1 and Apple’s market
begins to . They are heading for bankruptcy

The original iMac

1997: Jobs returns and Jonathan Ive joins the company

Jobs becomes chairman. Jonathan Ive joined Apple and he is the creative force
behind the iMac, a product that Apple.
2001: First iPod is launched
Nobody realized it at the time, but the iPod transformed Apple, and the entire music
industry. Apple share price . 4
Business English Study

2003: iTunes Music Store opens

Apple opened the iTunes Music Store with over 200,000 tracks available for 99 cents
each. The company is on the again.
2007: iPhone launch announced
Apple is set to launch its version of the mobile phone called the iPhone. The world is
waiting with a lot of excitement.


In the UK, when you meet a business contact for the first time, it is normal to greet
them with the phrase “How do you do?”
The response is “How do you do?”
We also shake hands, both men and women, and do not kiss, hug, or bow.

SPEAKING PRACTICE: Explain how your nationality greets a business contact,

and how you would react if somebody tried to kiss or hug you.
Do you know any other national forms of greeting?


In English, the letter i is pronounced in 2 distinct ways (Lit & Light) and needs to
be learnt from practice rather than rules.
Say the words and sentences that follows with your teacher:

Ice - Idea - iPod - Interested - Italy - Item - Intelligent - Isolated - Inferior – Decide -
Mine - Tiny - Crime - Criticize - Live - Drive – Pint - Island – Idiot – Life - Height

• The inspector was only interested in the ideas that the Italian had.
• The information from International Intelligence was idiotic.
• He lives in the tiny state of Vatican City. 5
Business English Study

Steve Jobs philosophy on Innovation

Steve Jobs is the Chairman of Apple. He is the man
who saved the company from bankruptcy and made it
into one of the biggest brands in the world.

LISTENING 2. One of the great things about Steve Jobs

is his business philosophy and the way he communicates it. Here are some of his
ideas on the importance of innovation. Listen to the recording and answer the

1. What does Jobs say about money and people?

2. What is great innovation all about?
3. What does Jobs say about design?
4. What did Jobs tell the innovation team when he returned to Apple?
5. What is more important than innovations?


THE MEETING: Management board talk about the company direction: music,
TV or computers. Divide into groups for role-play

COMPUTER TEAM: You think that APPLE is a computer company. Prepare a

presentation on why APPLE should make computers the priority product.

MUSIC TEAM: You think that the real growth market is in i-Tunes. Prepare a
presentation on why APPLE should concentrate on music.

TV TEAM: You think that the future is TV. Prepare a presentation on why
APPLE should concentrate on TV. 6

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