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Topic – Shelter

Issue – Having no shelter to stay (Homeless)

Essential Question- What are the homeless rate differences between a developing
country and a developed country

Presentation style – Video Presentation, slides, real life interaction

Information –

Causes of being homeless

On a global scale, poverty is one of the most significant root causes of

homelessness. Stagnant wages, unemployment, and high housing and healthcare
costs all play into poverty. Being unable to afford essentials like housing, food,
education, and more greatly increases a person's or family's risk.


Consequences of being homeless

Here some of the consequences:

* Loss of self esteem.

* Becoming institutionalized.

* Increase in substance misuse.

* Loss of ability and will to care for oneself.

* Increased danger of abuse and violence.

* Increased chance of entering the criminal justice system.

* Development of behavioral problems.


Causes of action being homeless

Homelessness is a global challenge. The United Nations Human Settlements

Program estimates that 1.6 billion people live in inadequate housing, and the best
data available suggest that more than 100 million people have no housing at all.


Why shelter is important for homeless

Emergency shelters play a critical role in a community's homelessness response

system: they provide an immediate place to stay while people reconnect with
housing. Shelters work best when people can enter and exit rapidly, with an
appropriate level of services for their needs.

Ref : https://endhomelessness.org/resource/emergency-shelters-serving-

Developing country

1. homeless people population in Indonesia

Main fact: The number of homeless people in Indonesia is estimated to be up to 3
million people in the country, over 28,000 in Jakarta alone. A number of terms are
used to describe homeless people in Indonesia, including tunawisma, which is
used by the government, and gelandangan, meaning "tramp".

Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homelessness_in_Indonesia#:~:text=The

1. what is the global perspective on Indonesia homeless rate in 2021?

Main fact: From the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s till the COVID-19
pandemic, Indonesia enjoyed commendable economic growth. It also joined the
G20 and cemented its status as a low middle-income country. The poverty rate
more than halved from 1999 standing at 9.78% in 2020. On many fronts,
Indonesia shows potential for significant economic and social development in the
first half of the 21st century.

Ref: https://borgenproject.org/tag/homelessness-in-indonesia/

2. Why do people become homeless in Indonesia in 2021?

Main fact: Thousands of people in Jakarta are at risk of becoming homeless after
losing their livelihoods because of the economic impacts of the COVID-19
pandemic, several NGOs have reported.

Ref:1. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?

Ref:2. https://www.samhsa.gov/homelessness-programs-resources/hpr-

3. Why do homeless people don't have shelter in Indonesia in 2021

Main fact: Indonesia most vexing issue is also its most shameful: the large and
rising number of residents who lack a safe place to call home. In a state with vast
amounts of wealth, more than 160,000 of its residents sleep in shelters, cars, or
on the street.

Ref: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/indonesia-jakarta-homelessness-


Country - Indonesia
Capital City - Jakarta ( crucial for country's most common products like rice oil and
gas, minerals, crude palm oil, electrical appliances and rubber products)

Issue - Homeless rate increasing

cause - Covid 19 (crisis in economy)

connections with the homeless rate: 1997 bankrupt of Government and a huge
dept from Thai. ( forced to close imports and exports with the shipping
transportation ), 24%, 3 million people went homeless.

Circumstance before 2019- 16% of homeless rate has been decreased. (8%)
( ruled with Criminal Code by the Indonesian Government )
Along with the criminal code, about 24 million people make themselves get
double, triple jobs.

After Covid - 6% ( 30% )

Consequences in Jakarta (according to local people) - no income ( not enough for

food day by day ) for example, went to suffering job and only 300,000 estimated
around 24$.

Consequences in Villages (according to a local), stop selling his crops and exports
from his place where he owns a farm.

Course of Actions (global perspective by Nathan Mo project Manager of Human

Habitat Campaigns) - Ngo Habitat For Humanity has been extremely active and
provide secure homes , food, shelter for 40,000 families across the Asian country
housing for Indonesian homeless people.
reference-CNA, BBC World News Station

Developed country

homeless people population in Japan

Main fact: In 2018, number of homeless people counted in Japan was 4,977
(4,607 males, 177 females and 193 people of obscurity). In 2020, the number of
homeless counted was 3,992 (3,688 males, 168 females and 136 people of
obscurity), a 12.4% decrease from 2019.

Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homelessness_in_Japan%23:~:text=In

1. what is the global perspective on Japan homeless rate in 2021?

In 2018, number of homeless people counted in Japan was 4,977 (4,607 males,
177 females and 193 people of obscurity). In 2020, the number of homeless
counted was 3,992 (3,688 males, 168 females and 136 people of obscurity), a
12.4% decrease from 2019.

Ref: https://tomorrow.city/a/homelessness-in-japan

Ref: https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-data/h00794/

2. Why do people become homeless in Japan in 2021?

Homelessness grew noticeably more widespread in Japanese society since the

collapse of the Japanese asset price bubble across the 1990s, and the resulting
"Lost Decade" of economic stagnation. This has resulted in higher unemployment,
a contributing factor towards potential homelessness.

Ref:1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homelessness_in_Japan

Ref:2. https://www.borgenmagazine.com/japans-homeless-population/

3. Why do homeless people don't have shelter in Japan in 2021

Main fact: Although during this first wave the Japanese government was not too
diligent, between 2018 and 2020 it did take action, resulting in the number of
homeless people in the country dropping by 12%, going from 4,555 to 3,992
people, with a population of over125 million. In other words, 0% (rounded off) of
Japanese people.

Ref: https://www.civicus.org/index.php/media-resources/news/interviews/4439-


Country – Japan

Issue – homeless rate increasing

Cause – Covid

In Japan it is illegal to beg on the streets there is little sympathy for homeless
people In the context of the covid-19 pandemic in Moyai that support center.

Homeless rate increasing around (4,555 to 3,992 people)

Ref: borgen, borgen magazine, tomorrow city, civicus

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