Good & Russo 2016 - Singing Promotes Cooperation

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Research Report

Singing Promotes Cooperation

in a Diverse Group of Children
Arla Good and Frank A. Russo

Department of Psychology, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Abstract: Previous research involving preschool children and adults suggests that moving in synchrony with others can foster cooperation.
Song provides a rich oscillatory framework that supports synchronous movement and may thus be considered a powerful agent of positive
social relations. In the current study, we assessed this hypothesis in a group of primary-school aged children with diverse ethnic and
socioeconomic backgrounds. Children participated in one of three activity conditions: group singing, group art, or competitive games. They
were then asked to play a prisoner’s dilemma game as a measure of cooperation. Results showed that children who engaged in group singing
were more cooperative than children who engaged in group art or competitive games.

Keywords: movement synchrony, singing, cooperation, children

The universality of music indicates that it serves, or at least Social psychological research conducted over the last
once served, an adaptive purpose. Several theorists have 20 years has explored movement synchrony as one
proposed that music functions as a social tool that enables explanation for the social bonding capacity of joint musical
groups to develop and preserve bonds, ultimately leading to activity. Movement synchrony appears to influence inter-
cooperative behaviors within the group (e.g., Huron, 2001; personal affiliation (Bernieri, 1988; Hove & Risen, 2009;
McNeill, 1995; Roederer, 1984). Indeed, a considerable Marsh, Richardson, & Schmidt, 2009; Miles, Nind, &
amount of research provides evidence in support of music’s Macrae, 2009). For example, Hove and Risen (2009)
capacity for social bonding (e.g., Kirschner & Tomasello, conducted a series of experiments in which they measured
2010). Singing is perhaps the most pervasive and accessible participants’ affiliation with the experimenter following
form of music. It lends itself well to performance by large various degrees of movement synchrony. Participants were
groups and can be accomplished without formal training. asked to tap their finger in time with a metronome.
The current study investigates the social benefits of group The experimenter manipulated movement synchrony by
singing in the context of a diverse group of children in tapping along synchronously, asynchronously, or not
middle childhood. tapping along with the participant. Results demonstrated
What features differentiate group singing from other that movement synchrony positively predicted participant
types of group activity? Group singing typically requires a ratings of affiliation toward the experimenter.
high level of cooperation among members but so too do The effects of joint music making on affiliation may be
many other types of group activity. Other salient features mediated by increased recognition of interpersonal
include the emphasis on creative expression and the need similarity arising from movement synchrony. Perceived
for synchronization of body movements. This latter aspect similarity between individuals has been shown to increase
is closely related to rhythmic entrainment, whereby following a task where individuals are required to move
performers internalize the external rhythmic pulse (Demos in unison (Valdesolo & DeSteno, 2011; Valdesolo, Ouyang,
et al., 2012). For example, singing in unison requires & DeSteno, 2010). This effect of movement synchrony on
synchronization of laryngeal muscles (Echternach, Burk, perceived similarity has also been established in children
Burdumy, Traser, & Richter, 2016). Another layer of (Rabinowitch & Knafo-Noam, 2015).
synchrony is provided by way of the song’s pitch interval Joint music making may also generate a shift in social
structure, which exerts subtle influences on facial and head categorization whereby the group moving together
movements (Thompson & Russo, 2007). Finally, as the becomes a collective social unit. McNeill (1995) describes
phrasing of lyrics will influence respiration, group singing this as boundary loss or we-ness. Caporael, Dawes, Orbell,
will also lead to synchronization of respiratory patterns and Van de Kragt (1989) argue that when an individual
(Müller & Lindenberger, 2011). redefines him- or herself as a member of a collective social

Social Psychology (2016), 47(6), 340–344 Ó 2016 Hogrefe Publishing

DOI: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000282
A. Good & F. A. Russo, Singing and Cooperation 341

group, they become more likely to behave in ways that them access to an enhanced awareness of others’ perspec-
primarily benefit the group. Given that movement tives and attitudes, including individuals perceived to be
synchrony may support the generation of a collective social part of a different social group (Quintana, 1999). Thus,
group, it should also enhance the tendency for individuals middle childhood may be an ideal age for an intervention
to behave in ways that benefit the group. Indeed, research that promotes prosociality in a diverse environment.
demonstrates that movement synchrony encourages
prosocial and cooperative behaviors (Anshel & Kipper,
1988; Cirelli, Einarson, & Trainor, 2014; Kirschner & Current Study
Tomasello, 2010; Kokal, Engel, Kirschner, & Keysers, In the current study, we assessed whether group singing
2011; Valdesolo & DeSteno, 2011; Wiltermuth & Heath, would foster cooperation in a diverse group of children in
2009). middle childhood. Children in predetermined groups were
The link between movement synchrony and cooperation assigned to one of three activity conditions: group singing,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

has been investigated through the assessment of many group art, or competitive games. The addition of the group
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

different prosocial and cooperative tasks. Strategic art activity allows us to disentangle the prosocial benefit of
decision-making games, such as the prisoner’s dilemma, movement synchrony from the prosocial benefit of
are particularly effective as they evaluate whether an cooperative and creative expression. While the singing
individual behaves in a manner that maximizes their own and art conditions are both positive social interactions that
self-interest or that of the group. These games also provide involve cooperation and creative expression, singing offers
insight into trust and loyalty toward others (see Axelrod & an additional mechanism to promote prosocial behaviors
Hamilton, 1981). as it embodies a rhythmic and melodic framework that
Wiltermuth and Heath (2009) assessed cooperation may encourage movement synchrony. Therefore, we
using a strategic decision-making game following expected that group singing would lead to more prosocial
conditions of synchronous singing, synchronous singing- outcomes than group art.
and-moving, asynchronous singing, and no singing or
moving. Results demonstrated that cooperation was signif-
icantly higher in the synchronous conditions compared to
the asynchronous and no moving conditions. Notably, the Methods
two synchronous conditions led to statistically comparable
levels of cooperation, suggesting that group singing is just Participants
as effective without accompanying gross motor move-
Fifty children from a YMCA summer camp in Toronto,
ments. Furthermore, individuals who had engaged in the
Canada participated in this study. See Table 1 for
synchronous conditions reported higher feelings of being
participant descriptives.
on the “same team” relative to the other conditions,
indicating the development of a collective identity.
The social benefits of joint music making also appear to
be present in young children (Kirschner & Tomasello,
2010) and even infants as young as one year (Cirelli Participants were recruited through the YMCA summer
et al., 2014; Tunçgenç, Cohen, & Fawcett, 2015). Taken camp located in downtown Toronto, Canada. This camp
together, these studies demonstrate that joint music making was chosen for its highly diverse camper population
is a powerful social force capable of promoting cooperative drawing from neighborhoods that are socioeconomically
behavior across various segments of the population. and ethnically diverse. All parents and children were
The current study is novel in that it explores the effects of informed about the procedures of the study and provided
group singing on cooperation in middle childhood (ages consent and assent respectively. The design was quasi-
6–11 years). Although the age in which intergroup biases experimental, whereby children were already assigned to
emerge has not received formal consensus in the literature predetermined camp groups based on age range and
(e.g., see Aboud, 1988; Nesdale, 1999; Quintana, 1999, program-specific camp. The study was conducted with a
2007), there are several reasons why middle childhood total of 12 different camp groups throughout the summer.
was selected as our target population. According to Predetermined camp groups were pseudorandomized to
Quintana (1999, 2007), children at this age have reached activity conditions ensuring that ages and program-specific
a stage of socio-cognitive development in which they camps were equally represented. The study consisted of
understand social hierarchies and have adopted three activity conditions: group singing, group art, or com-
corresponding intergroup biases. Critically, children at this petitive games. In the group singing condition, each child
age have also developed the concrete operations that give was asked to write down a few things they love about living

Ó 2016 Hogrefe Publishing Social Psychology (2016), 47(6), 340–344

342 A. Good & F. A. Russo, Singing and Cooperation

Table 1. Descriptive statistics Scoring

Condition Sample size Mean age (SD) Male/female
Each child was given a score from 1 to 4 on each trial of the
Group singing 16 7.125 (1.26) 3/13
game that was determined on the basis of cooperation.
Group art 16 8.06 (1.73) 6/10
One point was awarded for betrayal, wherein the child
Competitive 18 8.44 (1.38) 7/11
played a red card despite a strategic discussion indicating
cooperative intentions. Two points were awarded for
competition, wherein the child played a red card without
in Toronto. As a group, the children incorporated these
any strategic discussion. Three points were awarded for
thoughts and ideas into a song that they all performed
cooperation, wherein the child played a blue card without
together. In the group art condition, each child was asked
any strategic discussion. Four points were awarded for
to write down a few things they love about living in
collaboration, wherein the partners had a strategic discus-
Toronto. As a group, the children incorporated these
sion indicating cooperative intentions and acted loyally,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

thoughts and ideas into a mural that they all colored

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

regardless of whether a red or blue card was played.

together. Care was taken to ensure that the group singing
The cooperation score for each participant was then
and group art conditions involved a similar level of
computed by averaging the scores on 20 trials. Camp
cooperation. In the competitive condition, children were
counselors were asked to rate the level of pre-activity
engaged in competitive games (e.g., coin tossing). Activities
friendship of each dyad on a scale of zero (= not friends
in all three conditions lasted about 30 min.
at all) to five (= very good friends) in order to control for
any pre-existing friendships among the participants.

Dependent Measure
Immediately following the activities, children were
randomly assigned into dyads and were asked to play a Results
children’s version of the prisoner’s dilemma game
developed by Matsumoto, Haan, Yabrove, Theodorou, A break down of the mean number of trials at each level of
and Carney (1986). Each child was given a red card and cooperation (1–4) is seen in Figure 1. Two dyads were
a blue card. The red card represented competition and removed from subsequent analyses because at least one
could defeat the blue card. The blue card represented partner received scores greater than three times the
cooperation. In each round, players decided to play the interquartile range of their condition. Because cooperative
red card or the blue card resulting in three potential out- behavior was nested within dyads (ICC = .188), we analyzed
comes. When one player decided to compete (red card) our hypotheses within a multilevel framework. Cooperation
and the other to cooperate (blue card), the competitor was regressed on condition, friendship, gender, and age.
won the round and earned two gems, while the cooperator Condition and friendship were fixed whereas gender and
earned nothing (competitive). When both players decided age were entered as random factors. Consistent with our
to compete by playing the red card, both players earned hypothesis, we found a main effect of condition on cooper-
nothing (stalemate). When both players decided to cooper- ation (B = .291, SE = .01, p = .008), but no effects of age
ate by playing the blue card, both players earned one gem (B = .045, SE = .047, p = .35), gender (B = .06, SE = .083,
(equalization). Children were told that the winner of the p = .47), or friendship (B = .042, SE = .083, p = .52). Pairwise
game could trade in their gems at the end of the game comparisons revealed that individuals in the singing
for prizes. Each dyad began the game with three trial condition (M = 2.9, SD = .49) exhibited significantly higher
rounds to ensure that everyone understood how to play levels of cooperation than those in the art condition
the game. Once it was clear that all participants understood (M = 2.36, SD = .26), t(23.15) = 3.87, p = .001, and those
the rules, the game was played for 20 trials. Participants in the competitive condition (M = 2.34, SD = .3),
were permitted to discuss strategy with their partner. t(24.6) = 3.95, p = .001. No difference was found in
Research assistants observed the interactions in real time cooperation between the art condition and the competitive
and marked down the choices made by participants on each condition (p = .82).
trial. While the children’s version of the game has been To examine how cooperation might have evolved over
simplified, it resembles the adult version in that cooperative time across trials, a follow-up analysis was run with time
action and trust are necessary in order to receive the included in the multilevel model. There was a significant
highest payoffs. All participants were compensated with interaction between condition and trial (B = .022,
a nominal gift at the end of the study regardless of gem SE = .005, p < .001). As may be seen in Figure 2, coopera-
total. tion increased across trials for the singing condition

Social Psychology (2016), 47(6), 340–344 Ó 2016 Hogrefe Publishing

A. Good & F. A. Russo, Singing and Cooperation 343




Mean number of trials

1 - betrayal
10 2 - competition
3 - cooperation
8 4 - collaboration

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

singing art competition
Figure 2. Mean level of cooperation across 20 trials.
Figure 1. Mean number of trials (out of 20) for each level of
cooperation on the prisoner’s dilemma game following three activity
conditions. Limitations and Future Research
The current study has some limitations that should be
(B = .044, SE = .008, p < .001) only. In contrast, coopera- considered when interpreting the results. First, the study
tion did not change across trials for the art (B = .017, does not provide a means of deciphering the extent to
SE = .011, p = .123) or competition conditions (B = .00, which hedonic factors may have been responsible for the
SE = .006, p = .941). social benefits of group singing. Future research should
consider taking a measure of enjoyment or mood that
would allow for statistical control over the influence of
hedonic factors. Second, our interpretation of the results
Discussion would have benefited from inclusion of a control group
whereby children completed no activity. Third, the current
The current study explored the influence of group singing study investigated cooperation in a diverse environment;
on cooperation in a diverse group of children. Children in however, we were not able to directly manipulate an
predetermined groups were randomly assigned to a intergroup variable. Future research would benefit from a
30-min activity involving group singing, group art, or design that systematically assigns participants to intergroup
competitive games. Group singing led to the highest levels dyads in order to directly assess the benefits of singing on
of cooperation. Group art and competitive games were not intergroup cooperation.
distinguishable with respect to cooperation.
Previous research has demonstrated the positive
influence of joint music making on cooperative behavior Conclusions
in children (Kirschner & Tomasello, 2010); however, the
Group singing appears to foster an increase in cooperative
current study is the first to empirically demonstrate such
behaviors in a diverse group of children. We argue that
benefits in middle childhood. This is a potentially important
these cooperative gains are the result of movement
finding especially in the diverse classroom because of the
synchrony. The findings of this study have important
increased reliance of ethnic and racial categories at this
implications for fostering positive social relations in the
age (see Quintana, 1999, 2007).
diverse classroom.
Inasmuch as cooperation is linked to social cohesion, it
seems possible that the singing may have also helped to
foster a collective identity. While the current study empha- Acknowledgments
sized a superordinate identity (i.e., Torontonian) in both the We acknowledge the assistance of Domenica Fanelli,
singing and the art conditions, children in the singing Fransesca Copelli, Abby Tong, Jelani Francis, Mia Saadon,
condition were more likely to cooperate, suggesting collec- Amanda Donato, Saul Moshe-Steinberg, and Laura Stinson
tive group membership. Thus, it appears likely that group during data acquisition. We thank Becky Choma, Kathleen
singing was more effective than group art at altering the Peets, and the blind reviewers for their helpful comments
focus of group boundaries and inducing a sense of we-ness. on an earlier version of the manuscript. Thank you to Eric
Moreover, singing appears to have set children on a trajec- Hehman for his knowledge of multilevel modeling.
tory leading to an enhancement of cooperation over time. We would also like to thank the YMCA of Greater Toronto,

Ó 2016 Hogrefe Publishing Social Psychology (2016), 47(6), 340–344

344 A. Good & F. A. Russo, Singing and Cooperation

the campers, and their families for their willingness to McNeill, W. H. (1995). Keeping together in time: Dance and drill in
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plinary Research in Singing (AIRS). j.jesp.2009.02.002
Müller, V., & Lindenberger, U. (2011). Cardiac and respira-
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singing. PLoS One, 6, e24893. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.
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Social Psychology (2016), 47(6), 340–344 Ó 2016 Hogrefe Publishing

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