MODULE-7-PED - The Adolescent and The Family

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

College of Nursing
Level 2 - MODULE for Flexible Learning

MODULE 7 PED: The Adolescent and the Family Week: 7 Date: ( Sept. 17 -18, 2021) First Session
MINDSET: “Growing Up” Time of Synchronous Session: ( 8:30- 11:25 AM ) / ( 1:00- 4:00 PM )
Platform: Google classroom / Eclass / ZOOM Academic Consultation: 1:00 am – 5:00 pm
Learning Objectives Asynchronous Learning Topic Tasks / activities Synchronous Learning Topic Tasks / activities Assessment
At the end of Module 7 Nursing Care of a Family with an
PED, students will be READ! Pre-work: Adolescent Learning Tasks: • Rubric for
able to: grading
1. Define terms related to 1. Learning Packet 1. Concept of growth and 1. Collaborative and individual
1. Know concepts on adolescent growth and ➢ Work on the development of an interactive class output
normal growth and development, and care; Learning Packet adolescent; discussion (Zoom/
development as well a. Adolescence #___ found in the - Biologic, Google meet) • Quiz – AdZU
as health promotion b. Comedones Eclass. - Developmental Milestone, grading
and concerns of the c. Formal Operational - Psychosocial, 2. Answer the scheme
adolescence period thought - Cognitive Synchronous
2. Use critical thinking d. Glycogen loading - Social, Spiritual, Learning Task to be • Rubric for
to analyze ways in e. Identity - Sexuality, and posted in Eclass asynchronous
which the care of an f. Puberty - Body image development after the session. and
adolescent can be g. Role conclusion - Coping Concerns related to synchronous
more family GD of a school-age child. (online)
centered; 2. Describe normal growth & - Promotion of health Quiz # : participation
3. Assess an adolescent development of the - Prevention of injury Nursing Care of a Family
child for normal adolescent – biologic, with an Adolescent • 321 Ticket &
growth and developmental milestone, @ eclass Self-
development psychosocial, cognitive, Schedule will be posted Assessment
milestones; social, spiritual, sexuality, Resource/s/Reference: after the session. Rubric
4. Identify expected and body image
outcomes for nursing developmental milestones of ✓ Adele Pilliteri; Maternal &
care of an the adolescent. Child Health Nursing 6th
adolescent; Edition
(pp 914-944 ), Vol. 2
5. Plan anticipatory
guidance to prevent - Chapter 33: Nursing Care
problems of growth of a Family with a School-
and development in Age Child.
an adolescent such
as teaching about Resource/s/Reference:
normal puberty;
6. Identify areas ✓ Adele Pilliteri; Maternal &
related to care of an Child Health Nursing - 6th
adolescent that Edition (pp.914 – 944), Vol. 2
could benefit from - Chapter 33: Nursing Care
additional nursing of a Family with an
research or Adolescent.
application of
evidence-based ✓ Textbook of Pediatrics 20th
practice. ed. Robert M. Kliegman, MD

✓ Core Currriculum for

Maternal-Newborn Nursing,
5th ed. Susan Mattson and
Judy Smith

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