Rehana Jess

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J. Earth Syst. Sci.

(2022)131:170  Indian Academy of Sciences (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789(

Precipitation and temperature extremes and association

with large-scale climate indices: An observational
evidence over India


Hydroclimatic Research Group, Lab for Spatial Informatics, International Institute of Information Technology,
Hyderabad, India.
Department of Space, National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Pakala, Tirupathi, India.
Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA.
*Corresponding author. e-mail: [email protected]

MS received 12 October 2021; revised 8 February 2022; accepted 26 February 2022

Climate change exposes more frequent natural hazards and physical vulnerabilities to the built and
natural environments. Extreme precipitation and temperature events will have a significant impact on
both the natural environment and human society. However, it is unclear whether precipitation and
temperature extremes increase physical vulnerabilities across scales and their links with large-scale cli-
mate indices. This study investigates the relationship between precipitation and temperature extremes, as
recommended by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI), and large scale
climatological phenomenon indices (Indian Summer Monsoon Index (ISMI), Arctic Oscillation (AO), and
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)), using India as a case study. Our Bndings show that extreme warm
indices were primarily negatively related to ISMI and positively related to extreme cold indices.
According to Pearson’s correlation coefBcients and Wavelet Transform Coherence (WTC), extreme warm
indices were negatively related to ISMI and positively related to extreme cold indices. The extreme
precipitation indices had a significant positive relationship, primarily with AO. Furthermore, from 1951
to 2018, India experienced an increase in warm extremes over western, central, and peninsular India,
while cold indices increased over northwest India. Precipitation extremes of more than one day, more
than Bve days, very wet and extremely wet days have increased across India except in the Indo-Gangetic
plains, while heavy and very heavy precipitation days, consecutive wet days, and consecutive dry days
have decreased.
Keywords. ETCCDI; precipitation; temperature; teleconnections; ISMI; AO.

1. Introduction most parts of the globe due to an increase in

atmospheric water holding capacity under warm-
It has always been an important aspect where ing climate based on both observations and cli-
researchers strive to understand how and why mate model simulations (Utsumi et al. 2011;
climate extremes have changed in the past. The Vinnarasi and Dhanya 2016). Globally, under-
increase in precipitation extremes is evident in standing past changes in the characteristics of
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extreme climate events, including recent changes intensity, frequency, and durations based on the most
in the intensity of heavy precipitation and tem- dependable station-based observations in their orig-
perature extremes, became critical for reliable inal formulations altogether. Therefore, the current
projections of future changes (Donat et al. 2013; study aims to investigate the variability of 10 pre-
Panda et al. 2017; Lin et al. 2017; Vinnarasi et al. cipitation and 13 extreme temperature indices
2017). developed by ETCCDI over India using gridded
In recent decades, India experienced several temperature and precipitation data sets from the
extreme events such as Coods (Mishra et al. 2015) and India Meteorological Department (IMD). These
heat waves (Murari et al. 2015; Rohini et al. 2016). indices are classiBed as intensity indices, absolute
Numerous studies adopted various indices to analyze threshold indices, relative threshold indices, duration
and characterize Indian monsoon rainfall extremes in indices, and so on (Yang et al. 2018).
terms of intensity, frequency (Rajeevan et al. 2008) Further, we have also investigated the relation
and spell (Dash and Mamgain 2011) based on Bxed between extreme precipitation and temperature
thresholds (Vinnarasi and Dhanya 2016) and statis- indices with large scale oscillations (e.g., Southern
tics (Ghosh et al. 2012). A few studies used percentile Oscillation Index (SOI), PaciBc Decadal Oscilla-
thresholds (Panda et al. 2017) and Bxed thresholds tion (PDO), Dipole Mode Index (DMI), Arctic
(Deshpande et al. 2016) at various spatial resolutions Oscillation (AO), North Atlantic Oscillation
and scales to estimate temperature extremes. Most of (NAO) and Indian Summer Monsoon Index
these studies support that climate extremes for India (ISMI)). Therefore, the speciBc objectives of the
have changed drastically with various methods and study were to (1) analyze the spatio-temporal
huge number of indices. However, how best to deBne variability of annual precipitation and temperature
the standard climate extreme is debatable (Alexan- extremes over India with the most dependent sta-
der 2016). Studies related to climate extremes have tion based on observed historical data; (2) estimate
progressed enormously over the last few decades all the possible trends of precipitation and tempera-
over the world (Donat et al. 2013; Curry et al. 2014) ture extremes from 1951 to 2018; (3) explore the
due to coordinated international eAorts led by the relationships of precipitation and temperature
Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and extremes with large scale climatological phenome-
Indices (ETCCDI) (table 1). Over Indian region, few nal indices, employing wavelet transform
studies attempted to analyze the trends of rainfall and coherence.
temperature extremes at river basin scales (Chan-
drashekar and Shetty 2018; Das and Nanduri 2018;
Dimri 2019; Khan et al. 2019), and all over India with 2. Methodology
modiBed forms of ETCCDI indices (Panda et al.
2016), current and future scenarios of threshold- To analyze the spatio-temporal variabilities of
based precipitation (R90, R95, R99, R1, R5, R10, precipitation and temperature extremes, the
etc.) and temperature (TX90, TX95, TX99, etc.) annual time-series of each index for a period of
(Kumar et al. 2020). For example, Kumar et al. (2020) 1951–2018 was estimated for each grid point and
used various modiBed forms of ETCCDI indices of analyzed for all over India. To study the spatio-
precipitation such as R90, R95, R99, R1, R5, R10, temporal trends of each precipitation and temper-
and temperature indices such as TX90, TX95, TX99. ature extremes, we performed Mann–Kendall trend
Roy (2019) used four seasonal extreme temperature test to assess the significance of monotonic trends;
indices (DTR, WSDI, TX90p, SU, TX10p, TN90p, Sen’s slope to estimate the magnitude and to
TR) for a period of 1980–2010 using station-based characterize the trend as increasing or decreasing
observations. Rai et al. (2019) studied spatio-tem- of a continuous annual time series data for a period
poral variability of projected precipitation extremes of 1951–2018. To study the relationships of
using four ETCCDI (CDD, CWD, R20mm, R95p) precipitation and temperature extremes with
indices using Coordinated Regional Climate Down- large-scale climatological phenomenal indices, we
scaling Experiment-South Asia domain (CORDEX- adapted Pearson’s correlation coefBcients and
SA) data. Most of these studies reported the spatio- Wavelet Transform Coherence measures. The
temporal trends of precipitation and temperature study considered 10 precipitation and 13 extreme
extremes independently. However, none of the stud- temperature indices (table 1) in the analysis of
ies have explored the spatio-temporal trends of both spatio-temporal variability, possible trends and
precipitation and temperature indices in terms of association with climate indices.
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Table 1. List of expert team for climate change detection monitoring and indices (ETCCDMI) of precipitation and temperature

ID (unit) Indicator name Definitions Mean (range)

SU25 (days) Summer days Annual count when TX 323.84
(daily maximum) [ 258C (311.26–336.34)
TR20 (days) Tropical nights Annual count when TN 196.4 (179.4–219.16)
(daily minimum) [ 208C
TXx (C) Hottest days Monthly maximum value of daily 34.14 (33.27–35.32)
maximum temp
TNx (C) Warmest nights Monthly maximum value of daily 21.76 (20.95–22.82)
minimum temp
TXn (C) Coldest days Monthly minimum value of daily 27.3 (26.48–28.50)
maximum temp
TNn (C) Coldest nights Monthly minimum value of daily minimum 16.12 (15.34–17.1)
TN10p (% days) Cool nights Percentage of days when TN \ 10th 24.98 (10.12–42.6)
TX10p (% days) Cool days Percentage of days when TX \ 10th 26.79 (13.23–44.72)
TN90p (% days) Warm nights Percentage of days when TN [ 90th 34.89 (17.74–55.64)
TX90p (% days) Warm days Percentage of days when TX [ 90th 35.24 (17.69–55.48)
WSDI (days) Warm spell duration indicator Annual count of days with at least 77.93 (29.0–145.6)
6 consecutive days when TX [ 90th
CSDI (days) Cold spell duration indicator Annual count of days with at least 39.32 (4.5–86.93)
6 consecutive days when TN \ 10th
DTR (C) Diurnal temperature range Monthly mean difference between 12.1 (11.4–12.7)
TX and TN
RX1day (mm) Max 1-day precipitation amount Monthly maximum 1-day precipitation 24.5 (21.18–28.3)
Rx5day (mm) Max 5-day precipitation amount Monthly maximum consecutive 5-day 48.3 (41.22–56.7)
SDII (mm/day) Simple daily intensity index Annual total precipitation divided 13.25 (12.04–14.32)
by the number of wet days (deBned as
PRCP [= 1.0 mm) in the year
R10mm (days) Number of heavy precipitation days Annual count of days when 32.58 (26.38–39.21)
PRCP [= 10 mm
R20mm (days) Number of very heavy precipitation Annual count of days when 16.89 (13.6–20.76)
days PRCP [= 20 mm
CDD (days) Consecutive dry days Maximum number of consecutive days 77.83 (53.22–98.19)
with RR \ 1 mm
CWD (days) Consecutive wet days Maximum number of consecutive days 13.76 (10.6–16.7)
with RR [= 1 mm
R95p (mm) Very wet days Annual total PRCP when RR [ 95th 402.8 (269.4–561.38)
R99p (mm) Extremely wet days Annual total PRCP when RR [ 99th 333.68 (233.9–467.6)
PRCPTOT (mm) Annual total wet-day precipitation Annual total PRCP in wet days 1125.00
(RR [= 1 mm) (909.98–1344.9)
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2.1 Spatio-temporal variabilities of precipitation • A very high positive value of S indicates an

and temperature extremes increasing trend, and a very low negative value
indicates a decreasing trend.
The annual precipitation and temperature extreme • From the Mann–Kendall statistic, S, the nor-
time-series estimated for each cell for a period of malized test statistics, Z, is computed as follows:
1951–2018 was used to study the spatial distribu-
tion of extremes all over India. Furthermore, such S 1
Z¼ if S [ 0; ð3Þ
annual time series of precipitation and temperature ½VARðS Þ1=2
extremes were used to estimate the spatial aver-
ages covering all valid cells within India to study Z ¼ 0; if S ¼ 0; ð4Þ
the temporal variability of each extreme index for a
long observational data from 1951 to 2018. Using S þ1
Z¼ ; if S\0; ð5Þ
both precipitation and temperature extremes of ½VARðSÞ1=2
each index at annual scales, the study reported
spatio-temporal variability for all over India with where VAR(S) is the variance of S. According to
the most dependable and long time period observed Kendall (1955), VAR(S) can be written as follows:
station-based data.
VARðSÞ ¼ nðn  1Þð2n þ 5Þ
2.2 Spatio-temporal trends analysis 18
of precipitation and temperature extremes # ð6Þ

The significance levels of trends are checked at 5%  tp ðtp  1Þð2tp þ 5Þ ;

significance level and the percentage of grids showing
significant trends for precipitation and temperature where n is the number of data points, g is the number
indices all over India are discussed. Non-parametric of tied groups (a tied group is a set of sample data
Mann–Kendall trend test was applied to detect having the same value), and tp is the number of data
monotonic trends in precipitation and temperature points in the Pth group. The Z-value follows a
extremes, and the spatially averaged slope of linear standard normal distribution. For testing the
trends is estimated using Sen’s slope method. The decreasing or increasing trend, a significance level a is
Mann–Kendall trend analysis is a non-parametric used. The probability associated with the computed
test (Mann 1945; Kendall 1955) to assess if there is test statistics, Z-value, is estimated. The trend is
an upward (positive) or downward (negative) trend identiBed as decreasing if Z-value is negative and the
of a variable of interest over time for a given signif- computed probability is less than the level of signif-
icance level. The test compares the relative magni- icance, and the trend is identiBed as increasing if the
tudes of sample data rather than the data values Z-value is positive and the computed probability is
themselves (Gilbert 1987). The following procedure less than the level of significance. If the computed
explains the Mann–Kendall trend test: probability is greater than the level of significance,
• The time series, xi , of the variable for which the then there is no trend.
trend test to be applied is considered as an Once the possible trends have been identiBed, it
ordered time series. is important to estimate the magnitude of trend or
• Each of the data point, xi , is compared with all change per unit time, Qsen, which can be estab-
the subsequent data values to estimate the lished using a non-parametric method proposed by
Mann–Kendall statistic, S, as follows: Sen (1968) and Hirsch et al. (1982). The magnitude
of the slope or change per unit time, Qsen can be
n X
X i1 estimated by considering the slopes of all data pairs
Si ¼ signðxi  xj Þ; ð1Þ are as follows:
i¼2 j¼1
Yi  Yj
where Qsen ¼ Median ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N ; 8j\i;
Xi  Xj
< 1 if xi [ xj ð7Þ
signðxi  xj Þ ¼ 0 if xi ¼ xj : ð2Þ
: where Yi and Yj are data points at Xi and Xj,
1 if xi \ xj
respectively. If there are n values of Xi in the time
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:170 Page 5 of 20 170

series, then there will be (n(n – 1)/2) slopes esti- length for the Morlet wavelet. To measure the
mates. The Sen’s estimator of slope is the median statistical dependency between various climate
of these n values of Qsen. The positive and negative indices and precipitation and temperature extreme
signs of Qsen represent increasing and decreasing indices, this study used Pearson’s correlation
trends, respectively. coefBcient (r). The statistically significant
(p \ 0.05) Pearson’s correlation coefBcients were
estimated and considered as a reference to study
2.3 Dependence of precipitation
the dependence analysis using WTC. The initial
and temperature extremes
dependency analysis between various precipitation,
with climatological phenomenal indices:
temperature extremes and large-scale climatologi-
Wavelet transform coherence (WTC)
cal indices (teleconnections) was carried out based
The WTC has emerged as new signal analysis on Pearson’s correlation coefBcients. However, to
which can combine wavelet transform with cross- know the localized correlation coefBcients and their
spectrum analysis to measure the covarying rela- evolution over a continuous time–frequency space,
tionships of hydroclimatological variables in recent and to identify the interaction between the selected
years (Irannezhad et al. 2020; Jena et al. 2020). The combinations of extremes based on the Pearson’s
wavelet transform coherence (WTC) is employed correlation coefBcients, we performed WTC
to explore the dependency of the large-scale cli- analysis.
mate indices and precipitation and temperature
indices over India in the time–frequency domain.
The WTC can combine the wavelet transform and 3. Data
cross-spectrum analysis to measure the significant
dependency between the climate and precipitation 3.1 Data sources and quality controls
and temperature extremes. The WTC between
The present study tried to use a high resolution
two-time series can represent the localized corre-
(0.25 9 0.25) daily rainfall data prepared by
lation coefBcient in time–frequency space; follow-
India Meteorological Department (IMD) for the
ing Torrence and Compo (1998), WTC can be
period of 1951–2018 for a spatial domain of 6.5–
deBned as follows:
38.5oN and 66.5–100oE, covering mainland region
  1 XY 2 of India. The daily rainfall records are generated
S s W ðsÞ 
2 n
Rn ðsÞ ¼   2    2  ; from 6955 rain gauge stations with varying avail-
1  X
S s W n ðsÞ   S s1 W Y ð s Þ ability and the density of the stations is relatively
high in the southern peninsula and relatively low
over northernmost areas of the country, i.e.,
where x n and yn are two-time series, with cross northwest India, northeast India, and eastern parts
wavelet transform as W XY = W X W Y  , where * of central India (Pai et al. 2014). The daily maxi-
denotes complex conjugation. S denotes a mum and minimum temperature data set at 191o
smoothing operator as follows: resolution for the period of 1951–2018 from India
Meteorological Department (IMD) are used in the
S ðW Þ ¼ S scale ðS time ðW n ðsÞÞÞ: ð9Þ present study. The maximum and minimum tem-
perature data sets are brought to a common reso-
S scale is smoothing along the wavelet scale axis
lution of 0.2590.25 at precipitation gridded data
and S time as smoothing over time. A suitable
set by using bilinear interpolation without com-
wavelet for this purpose can be Morlet wavelet
promising the spatial variability of the data sets. A
with smoothing operator, following Torrence and
total of 4964 grids all over India are considered to
Compo (1998) as follows:
study the precipitation and temperature extreme

t 2 
S time ðW Þjs ¼ W n ðsÞ  c1  ;
To identify the relation between tempera-
 ð10Þ ture/precipitation indices with large scale telecon-
 nections, we have chosen the Southern Oscillation
S time ðW Þjs ¼ W n ðsÞ  c2 ð0:6sÞ  :
Index (SOI), PaciBc Decadal Oscillation (PDO),
c1 and c2 are normalized constants and the factor Dipole Mode Index (DMI), Arctic Oscillation
0.6 is empirically determined scale decorrelation (AO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Indian
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Summer Monsoon Index (ISMI) for a period of (Zhang et al. 2011). Totally 10 precipitation and 13
1951–2018. The Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) temperature indices are proposed by ETCCDI. The
can be obtained from CCI-CLIVAR Expert Team for Climate Change
climate/current/soihtm1.shtml, which represents Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) made eAorts to
the observed surface air pressure difference estimate extreme climate indices based on daily
between western (Tahiti) and eastern tropical temperature and precipitation data. There are
PaciBc (Darwin, Australia) during El Niño and La about 16 temperature extreme indices which can be
Niña episodes. The PaciBc Decadal Oscillation broadly classiBed as threshold-based indices (FD0,
(PDO) can be downloaded from https://www. SU25, ID0, TR20, GSL, TN10p, TX10p, TN90p,, which TX90p), intensity-based indices (TXx, TNx, TXn,
represents long-lived El Niño like pattern of PaciBc TNn, DTR), and duration-based indices (WSDI,
climate variability. The Dipole Mode Index (DMI) CSDI) (refer to table 1). All these extreme tem-
data can be downloaded from http://www.jamstec. perature indices have its significance related to crop yield, heat waves and water resources man-
txt. The DMI is the difference in sea surface tem- agement. Warm Spell Duration Index (WSDI),
perature (SST) between the western and eastern which is deBned as annual count of days with at
equatorial Indian Ocean. The Arctic Oscillation least six consecutive days when TX [ 90th per-
(AO) represents the Northern hemisphere annular centile (table 1), was considered as a proxy for the
mode and can be obtained from https://www.ncdc. duration of heat waves over India (Yaduvanshi The North et al. 2021). The temperature indices such as GSL
Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index is a major model (growing season length), FD (number of frost
of variability, referring to the sea pressure differ- days), and ID (number of icing days) have shown
ence between sub-tropical high surface pressure non-significant trends, and these indices are not
and sub-polar low surface pressures, centered on suitable indices for Indian weather (Vinnarasi et al.
Iceland, obtained from 2017). The present study considered about 13
cru/data/nao/. The Indian Summer Monsoon threshold-based (SU25, TR20, TN10p, TX10p,
Index (ISMI) is deBned as the averaged total TN90p, TX90p), intensity-based (TXx, TNx, TXn,
rainfall during the monsoon period of June– TNn, DTR), and duration-based (WSDI, CSDI)
September (JJAS) over the Indian subcontinent, extreme indices to study the spatio-temporal
which can be obtained from http://apdrc.soest. variability of temperature extremes all over India (table 1). The 13 temperature extremes were esti-
html. All these indices are extracted at monthly mated for all over India for the period 1951–2018
time scale for a period of 1951–2018. and analysed for the spatio-temporal annual aver-
age variability.
Major precipitation indices which are used to
4. Extreme precipitation and temperature measure the frequency of extreme precipitation
indices events, not the actual amount of precipitation
events, are consecutive dry days (CDD), consecu-
The precipitation and temperature extreme indices tive wet days (CWD), number of very heavy pre-
adopted in the analysis have been based on the cipitation days (R20mm), and very wet days
Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and (R95p) (Rai et al. 2019). Significant changes in
Indices (ETCCDI), which is a joint group of the extreme precipitation events such as monthly
World Metrological Organization (WMO) Com- maximum 1-day and 5-day precipitation events
mission for Climatology (CCI), the World Climate such as RX1day and RX5day, respectively, very
Research Programme (WCRP) and the Joint wet days (annual total precipitation, when rain-
Commission for Ocean Monitoring (JCOMM) fall [95th percentile) R95p, extremely wet days
(, with a (annual total precipitation when rainfall [ 99th
suite of 23 indices derived from daily precipitation, percentile) R99p and annual total wet-day precip-
maximum and minimum temperatures as repre- itation (annual total precipitation in wet days,
sented in table 1. These indices are widely used in rainfall [ 1 mm). PRCPTOT would have an
several assessment studies, representing the more impact on agricultural production, Cash Cooding
extreme ends of the probability distributions and and ecosystems (Yaduvanshi et al. 2021). The
the changes in intensity, frequency and duration present study considered 10 intensity-based
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:170 Page 7 of 20 170

precipitation extreme indices (annual total wet day magnitudes towards northwestern and Western
precipitation (PRCPTOT), max-1day precipita- Ghats, few parts of central and northeast India
tion amount (RX1day), and max-5day precipita- along with moderate values over the peninsular
tion amount (RX5day)), threshold-based India. The spatial average of SDII estimated for all
precipitation extreme indices (extremely wet days over India is *13.25 mm. The spatial distribution
(R99p) and very wet days (R95p)), duration based of the number of heavy precipitation days
precipitation extreme indices (consecutive wet (R10mm) is about *39 days over Western Ghats
days (CWD) and consecutive dry days (CDD)), and East Coast and northeast with lower magni-
and frequency-based precipitation extreme indices tudes of about *26 days over western parts of the
(Simple Daily Intensity Index (SDII), heavy country. Whereas, another frequency-based pre-
(R10mm) and very heavy (R20mm) precipitation cipitation extreme index of R20mm, number of
days) to study the spatio-temporal variability of very heavy precipitation days, has higher magni-
precipitation extremes all over India (table 1). The tudes over Western Ghats and northeast parts of
10 precipitation extremes were estimated for all the country with an average *17 days in terms of
over India for the period of 1951–2018 and analysed spatial distribution (table 1). Similar values are
for the spatio-temporal annual average variability. also reported over Western Ghats by Rai et al.
(2019). The duration-based precipitation extreme
index of consecutive dry days (CDD) has higher
5. Results and discussion magnitudes over western, central and southern
India of about *98 days. The overall range of CDD
5.1 Spatial variation of precipitation was noted in the range of *53–98 days with an
and temperature extremes over India average spatial distribution over India as *79
days. Whereas, another duration-based precipita-
The annual spatial average of precipitation and tion index of consecutive wet days (CWD) has
temperature extreme indices estimated over a followed the pattern of frequency-based precipita-
period of 1951–2018 is shown in Bgures 1 and 2, tion indices of heavy and very heavy precipitation
respectively. As discussed in the previous section, indices with higher magnitudes over Western
we have utilized the 10 precipitation extreme Ghats and northeastern zone. Overall, all wet
indices. Both the max-1day and max-5day precip- precipitation extreme indices have been found to
itation amounts show similar spatial variability be more intense over Western Ghats and north-
with higher magnitudes over the Western Ghats, eastern parts of India while intense dry indices
north, central and East Coast, northeast parts of prevail over the country’s northern and western
India, whereas lower magnitudes are observed over regions.
few parts of peninsular India and northwestern The spatial annual average values of tempera-
parts. The max-1day (max-5day) precipitation ture extreme indices were estimated over 68 years
amounts have been found to be in the range of (1951–2018) from IMD gridded data, as illustrated
21.18–28.3 mm (41.22–56.7 mm) with a spatial in Bgure 2. Higher magnitudes of summer days
average value estimated as 24.5 mm (48.3 mm) for (SU25) were estimated as about 336 days over
the period of 1951–2018 (table 1). The threshold- southern part of India and with moderate magni-
based precipitation indices such as very wet days tude all over the country, with spatial average of
(R95p) and extremely wet days (R99p) depict about *324 days (Bgure 2a, table 1). The highest
higher magnitudes over most of the country, except magnitudes of tropical nights (TR20) are found
over northwestern. The annual total wet-day pre- over the peninsular and central India and moderate
cipitation (PRCPTOT) amounts are found to be in magnitudes over the rest of the country with a
the range of *909.98–1344.9 mm with extremely spatial average of about *196 days all over India.
high magnitudes over northeastern zone, central The highest magnitude of hottest days (TXx) was
India and Western Ghats. Frequency-based pre- observed over the country’s central and western
cipitation indices (SDII, R10mm and R20mm) regions (35.32C). Higher magnitudes of the
have higher magnitudes over Western Ghats and warmest nights (TNx) are found over the east and
northeastern region of the country, with moderate west coasts of the country, with a magnitude of
magnitudes for the rest of the country (Bgure 1). 22.82C (Bgure 2b and c). The coldest days (TXn)
The annual spatial variability of SDII was noted in are found to be more pounced over major parts of
the range of *12.04 to *14.32 mm with higher the country, with minimum magnitudes over
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Figure 1. Annual average precipitation indices over India estimated for a period of 1951–2018. Precipitation indices: annual total
wet day precipitation days (PRCPTOT), Simple Daily Intensity Index (SDII), max-1-day precipitation amount (RX1day), max-
5-day precipitation amount (RX5day), extremely wet days (R99p), very wet days (R95p), heavy precipitation days (R10mm),
very heavy precipitation days (R20mm), consecutive dry days (CDD), and consecutive wet days (CWD).

Figure 2. Annual average of extreme temperature indices over India estimated for 1951–2018. The extreme indices considered are
summer days (SU25), hottest days (TXx), warmest nights (TNx), coldest days (TXn), coldest nights (TNn), percentage of cool nights
(TN10p), percentage of warm nights (TN90p), warm spell duration indicator (WSDI), cold spell duration indicator (CSDI), daily
temperature range (DTR), percentage of cool days (TX10p), percentage of warm days (TX90p), and tropical nights (TR20).

northeastern and Himalayan regions in the range of higher magnitude) and over northern India (with
*26.48–28.50C. The spatial variability of coldest lower magnitudes) in the range of *15.34–17.1C
nights (TNn) is observed over southern parts (with (Bgure 2e, table 1). The percentage of cool nights
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:170 Page 9 of 20 170

(TN10p) and warm nights (TN90p) shows similar (CDD) do not show significant changes. The
spatial variability with highest magnitudes over annual total wet day precipitation (PRCPTOT)
southern and lower magnitudes over northern and very wet precipitation amounts have shown
parts of India (Bgure 2f and g). The range of TN10p more pronounced decreasing magnitude of trends
and TN90p were estimated as *10.12 to *42.6C over north India (Bgure 3a).
and *17.74 to *55.64C throughout India. The The spatial averaged annual extreme precipita-
duration-based temperature indices of warm spell tion indices such as max-1day, max-5day, simple
duration index (WSDI) were found to be in the daily intensity index, very wet days, and extremely
range of 29–146 days with spatial variability of wet days have exhibited increasing trends, whereas
higher magnitudes over few parts of peninsular, the annual precipitation indices of number of heavy
central, and northwestern parts of India, with and very heavy precipitation days, consecutive wet
lower magnitudes over northeastern and Hima- days, and consecutive dry days have shown
layan states (Bgure 2h). The cold spell duration decreasing trends at a significance level of 0.05
index (CSDI) was found to be between *4.5 and (Bgure 4). Simple daily intensity index (SDII)
*87 days. The spatial distribution of higher shows an increasing trend over India by 0.08 mm/
magnitudes over central and northwestern parts of decade (Bgure 4b). After 1980, the wet extreme
the country with lower magnitudes over few parts precipitation indices, very wet (R95p) and extre-
of southern states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and over mely wet (R99p), increased by 11.3 mm/decade
northeastern states with spatial average value of and 7.1 mm/decade, respectively (Bgure 4e, f). As
39.33 days (Bgure 2i). The daily temperature range per the study of Kumar et al. (2020), about 13% of
(DTR) was found in the range of *11.4 to India has significant trends of R95p for a period of
*12.7C, having higher magnitudes over central 1971–2017.
and northwestern states of the country, with spa- The CDD has shown decreasing trends at a rate
tial average values estimated as *12.1C as shown of 0.3 days/decade in terms of spatial averaged
in Bgure 2(j) (table 1). Overall, the warm and cold scales all over the country (Bgure 4i). The wet
temperature indices are prevailing moderately over index and annual consecutive wet days (daily
most of the country, with higher magnitudes over precipitation [1 mm) (CWD) have exhibited a
northwestern and central parts of India, except significant decreasing trend at 0.5 days/decade
over Himalayan states. (Bgure 4j). Most of the precipitation extremes,
simple daily intensity index, number of heavy and
very heavy precipitation days, and very wet days,
5.2 Spatio-temporal trends of precipitation have shown similar spatial distribution with posi-
and temperature extremes over India tive trends all over India and significant negative
trends across north India. The positive changes in
The spatial distribution and spatially averaged precipitation extremes (heavy rainfall indices of
temporal trends of extreme precipitation indices R20mm, R95p, RX5 and RX1 days) obtained in
over India are shown in Bgures 3 and 4, respec- the present study were consistent with Yaduvanshi
tively. The simple daily intensity index (SDII) et al. (2021).
(annual total precipitation/number of wet days) The spatial trend analysis for extreme tempera-
shows a significant increase over East Coast and ture indices is shown in Bgure 5. The significant
western part of India. While there are significant areas at 0.05 significant level with Sen’s slope
negative trends in the northern zone, particularly magnitude test were shown. The spatial averaged
in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Delhi, and Hima- annual extreme precipitation indices such as sum-
chal Pradesh (Bgure 3b). The spatial distribution mer days, hottest days, warmest nights, coldest
of RX1day and RX5day extremes showed positive days, coldest nights, warm nights, warm spell
trends across most of the country, with the duration index, diurnal temperature range and
exception of northeastern and hilly Himalayan warm days have exhibited increasing trends,
regions (Bgure 3c and d). The spatial trend shows whereas the cold indices such as cool nights, cold
that all over India CDD index has shown positive spell duration index, and cool days have shown
magnitude of slopes all over India with higher decreasing trends. The number of summer days
magnitudes over central India (Bgure 3i). The very increased significantly over India’s northern west-
heavy precipitation days (R20mm), heavy precip- ern zone and coastal parts, as well as the central-
itation days (R10mm) and consecutive dry days west zone, more specifically over Rajasthan,
170 Page 10 of 20 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:170
(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g) (h)

(i) (j)

Figure 3. Spatial pattern of Sen’s slope (magnitude) of annual trends of extreme precipitation indices over India at 5%
significance level. Precipitation indices: max-1-day precipitation amount (RX1day), max-5-day precipitation amount (RX5day),
extremely wet days (R99p), very wet days (R95p), very heavy precipitation days (R20mm), heavy precipitation days (R10mm),
annual total wet day precipitation days (PRCPTOT), consecutive wet days (CWD), consecutive dry days (CDD), simple daily
intensity index (SDII).

Gujarat, and Maharashtra (Bgure 5a). The hottest positive increasing trend of 9.5 days/decade. The
day (TXx) represents an increasing trend in most increasing trend is specifically conBned to the
of the regions in India (*75% of region). Similarly, western and southern regions of India. It is also
the warmest nights (TNx) show a 0.05C/decade noted that the maximum value of WSDI of about
increase trend. Compared to other regions of India, 145.6 days occurred in the year 2009, which is
increasing trend in warmest nights is large over considered as one of the severe drought years all
northwestern states. Both the intensity-based over India with about 37% of area was aAected
temperature extremes, hottest days and warmest with drought based on Standardized Precipitation
nights have shown an increasing trend after 1990s. Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) (Rehana and
Similarly, the number of tropical nights showed Monish 2020, 2021). The WSDI by definition rep-
increasing trends all over India with higher mag- resents the heat wave index and all over India
nitudes over Rajasthan and Gujarat, except for increase of intensity and duration of heatwave
northeastern and Himalayan regions. The per- indices are evident based on the earlier studies
centile index, such as percentage of warm nights (e.g., Sharma and Mujumdar 2017). According to
(TX90p), shows an increasing trend over India Ratnam et al. (2016), heat waves are common in
(about *80% of the region) except for northeast- southeastern coastal India and northcentral India.
ern and eastern India. Southern India has experi- Heat wave changes have been significantly corre-
enced an increase in warm days for a period of lated with warming of Indian Ocean and telecon-
1951–2018. The warm nights (TN90p) percentile nections of ENSO (Rohini et al. 2016). The positive
depicts an increasing trend (44% of the Indian trend grids of DTR were distributed over coastal
region) at a rate of 1.5C/decade (Bgure 2). High parts of central-west zones, and few parts of
magnitude of increasing trends of warm nights was peninsular India, which is in convince with earlier
noted over Tamil Nadu, Kerala and northwestern research Bndings based on Vinnarasi et al. (2017).
states of Gujarat and Rajasthan. The warm index, The long-term variation along with trend anal-
WSDI exhibits an increasing trend of 75% of Indian ysis of extreme temperature indices is shown in
region. The warm index, WSDI also shows a Bgure 6. Both the hottest days and warmest nights
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:170

Figure 4. Annual spatial averaged precipitation extremes all over India for 1951–2018. The black solid line shows the linear trend line, red colour solid line is 10-yr moving
Page 11 of 20 170
170 Page 12 of 20 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:170

Figure 5. Spatial pattern of Sen’s slope (magnitude) of annual trends of extreme temperature indices over India at 5%
significance level. The extreme indices considered are warm spell duration indicator (WSDI), percentage of warm days
(TX90p), percentage of cool days (TX10p), tropical nights (TR20), percentage of warm nights (TN90p), percentage of cool
nights (TN10p), summer days (SU25), cold spell duration indicator (CSDI), hottest days (TXx), warmest nights (TNx),
coldest nights (TNn), coldest days (TXn), daily temperature range (DTR). Trend magnitudes are estimated based on Sen’s
slope estimator.

show an increasing trend with a rate of 0.2C/ 5.3 Dependency between large scale climate
decade and 0.05C/decade over India from the year indices and precipitation and temperature
1990. In the case of summer days and tropical extreme indices over India
nights, they represent a significant positive trend
with an increasing rate of *0.6 days/decade and We have utilized WTC technique to identify the
0.9 days/decade (Bgure 3). Further, the warm large-scale climate changes in temperature and
nights and warm days also depict an increasing precipitation extremes and their phase relation-
trend at a rate of 2.9C/decade and 1.5C/decade. ships. Table 2 shows the Pearson’s correlation
Such intensiBed night-time temperatures trends coefBcients estimated between climate indices and
can have adverse impacts on crop yield, such as precipitation/temperature indices at annual time
decrease in rice yield based on the study of Peng scale. The statistically significant (p \ 0.05) cor-
et al. (2004). All warm extremes have exhibited relation coefBcients were estimated between six
significant increasing trends over the entire west- climate indices and 13 temperature extremes.
ern, few parts of central and peninsular India, Among the six climate indices, the ISMI is highly
particularly northwest India (Rajasthan and correlated with extreme temperature indices over
Gujarat), Maharashtra, Western Ghats, and few India. We selected the most significant and highly
parts of Tamil Nadu and Telangana. It is conclu- dependent combination of extreme temperature
sive that all the warm temperature indices show a indices with ISMI for WTC analysis. For example,
positive increasing trend over India. The positive warm indices such as percentage of warm days,
changes of temperature extremes obtained in the warm spell duration index and hottest days have
present study were consistent with the studies of shown significant negative correlation coefBcients
Kumar et al. (2020), with about 30% and 32% of as –0.54, 0.56, 0.54, respectively, with ISMI.
India with significant (positive or negative) trends Whereas, percentage of cool days has shown a
in warm nights per year (TN95) and cold nights per significant positive correlation coefBcient of 0.46
year (TN5), respectively. with ISMI. Therefore, the WTC analysis is
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:170

Figure 6. Annual spatial averaged temperature extremes all over India for 1951–2018. The black solid line shows the linear trend line, red colour solid line is 10-yr moving
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Table 2. Pearson’s correlation coefBcients estimated between annual

averaged temperature and precipitation extremes and climate indices
[Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), PaciBc Decadal Oscillation (PDO),
Dipole Mode Index (DMI), Arctic Oscillation (AO), North Atlantic
Oscillation (NAO), Indian Summer Monsoon Index (ISMI)] all over
India for 1951–2018.

performed for three warm indices and ISMI com- 6 yrs periodicity with warm days, WSDI, and
bination (TX90p-ISMI, WSDI-ISMI, TXx-ISMI). hottest days, where arrows point left and down-
Figure 7 shows the WTC and phase difference wards. The ISMI shows strong signal only in 2–4
between temperature indices (TX90P, TX10P, yrs periodicity where arrows are pointing right
WSDI, and TXx) and ISMI. The direction of directions. The arrows pointing to the left illustrate
arrows in the Bgure represents the phase relation- the out of phase relationship with ISMI, whereas
ship between the two variables. The arrow pointing right arrows indicate the in-phase relation. This
up and to the right-in-phase relationship with the seems that variables are negatively correlated or in
tide level leading. The arrow pointing down and to opposite phase (left arrows). The ISMI lags the
the left-out-of-phase relationship with the tide level temperature indices over Indian region. Overall,
leading. ISMI shows a strong signal in 2–3, 2–4 and ISMI has shown strong inCuence on temperature
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:170 Page 15 of 20 170

Figure 7. Wavelet coherence and phase difference between temperature extremes and climate indices at an annual time scale
over India for the years 1951–2018. Wavelet coherence between percentage of warm days (TX90p) and ISMI (a), percentage of
cool days (TX10p) and ISMI (b), warm spell duration index (WSDI) and ISMI (c) and hottest days (TXx) and ISMI (d). The
thick black contour shows 5% significance level against red noise process.

extremes along with precipitation extremes. The indices were strongly teleconnected to ISMI (AO)
earlier studies have proven that ISMI has a strong over Indian region. In addition to the inCuence of
inCuence on precipitation on monthly and annual large-scale climate patterns, land reclamation,
time scales (e.g., Das et al. 2020). It can be noted urbanization and other human activities also cause
that the ISMI index is deBned based on monsoon changes in climate extremes (Boyaj et al. 2020).
season, and the present study compares such These Bndings will have direct relevance to
monsoon month averaged precipitation index with warming impact over Indian region and suggest an
annual precipitation extreme indices. However, increased probability of enhanced future extremes,
ISMI has shown strong wavelet coherence, repre- impacts, and related risks in a warming climate.
senting dominant eAect of summer monsoon all The present study is, therefore, an important step
over India at annual scales as explained in the towards understanding the joint spatio-temporal
study of Das et al. (2020). The same study also signals in the growing collection of droughts due to
reveals that wavelet coherence is continuous pronounced changes in extreme precipitation and
between ISMI and precipitation at annual scale for temperatures, which can be used to understand the
the period 1951–2015 all over India, which is in near future variability with CMIP6 data sets.
convince with the present study Bndings.
Similarly, we have also done analysis for pre-
cipitation indices with AO (Bgure 8). The 2–5-yr 6. Discussion
and 3–5-yr periodicity are dominant in both indi-
ces. In both the indices, 2–5 yrs, 3–5-yrs periodicity In recent decades, India has seen an increase in the
is dominant. The AO and RX1day and RX5day are frequency, duration, and intensity of extreme
in phase relationship, which indicates the AO leads weather events, resulting in massive loss causalities
both these indices. Based on earlier studies (Mid- and economic losses. It is critical to gain knowledge
huna and Dimri 2019), AO also plays a major role about extremes, which will aid the research com-
in inCuencing the winter climate of the Northern munity in assessing climate change processes and
Hemisphere as well as the Indian winter monsoon. their impact on various sectors. Based on the cur-
From wavelet analysis and wavelet transform rent study, extreme precipitation indices spatial
coherence analysis, temperature (precipitation) variability has been found to be more intense
170 Page 16 of 20 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:170

Figure 8. Wavelet coherence and phase difference between precipitation extremes and climate indices at an annual time scale
over India for the years 1951–2018. Wavelet coherence between max 1-day precipitation amount (RX1day) and AO (a), max
5-day precipitation amount (RX5day) and AO (b), number of very heavy precipitation days (R20mm) and AO (c), consecutive
wet days (CWD) and AO (d), simple daily intensity index (SDII) and AO (e). The thick black contour shows 5% significance
level against red noise process.

towards the Western Ghats and the northeast global warming (Rajeevan et al. 2008) as well as
parts, with more intense dry indices towards the with urbanization (Kishtawal et al. 2010). Fur-
northwestern states of India. The low-pressure thermore, the increase of precipitation extremes is
systems over the Bay of Bengal and their move- attributed to increasing trend of sea surface tem-
ment over northern parts of India cause widespread perature variability and surface latent heat Cux
rainfall activity over the central and west coasts of over tropical Indian Ocean (Rajeevan et al. 2008).
India (Rajeevan and Nayak 2017). Such an increase in precipitation extremes will
This study reported that most of the precipita- have an impact on agricultural yield, Cash Cooding,
tion extremes over India had been intensiBed. The and ecosystems (Yaduvanshi et al. 2021).
increase in extreme rainfall may be attributed to This study reported that most of the warm
the increasing variability of the low-level monsoon indices have significant increasing trends and
westerlies in the Arabian Sea (Roxy et al. 2017). decreasing signals of cold indices over India. Such
The increasing trend of extreme precipitation in an increase (decrease) in warm (cold) extreme
the Western Ghats is mainly caused by the con- indices was also noted by a few authors at regional
vective clouds (Maheskumar et al. 2014) and oA- scales and all over India independently at coarser
shore troughs and vortices (Francis and Gadgil resolution (Dash and Mamgain 2011). The present
2006). Atmospheric rivers and western distur- study provides the spatio-temporal trends at Bner
bances are reported to be the causes for winter- resolution and coherence of temperature extremes
time precipitation, whereas tropical lows/tropical with precipitation indices. It is well known that the
depressions are pointed out to be responsible for change in extreme temperature indices can be
summer-time extreme precipitation in northern attributed to greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions
and northeastern India (Yang et al. 2018). Increa- and growing urbanization (Dimri 2019). Decreas-
ses in extreme precipitation in the tropics are also ing (increasing) trends of cold (warm) days are
linked to an increase in mean temperature under correlated to the alterations/shifts in rainfall that
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:170 Page 17 of 20 170

cause redistribution of moisture, whereas incre- successfully implemented climate extreme analysis
ments in the frequency of cold days are correlated based on gridded datasets globally (Alexander and
to the aerosols, especially over Indo-Gangetic Arblaster 2017) and India (Gupta et al. 2020;
plains previously (Ramanathan et al. 2007). Kumar et al. 2020).
IntensiBed changes in extreme temperature indices
have an impact on crop yield, production and
7. Conclusions
water resources management (Peng et al. 2004).
Summer days (SU25), for example, are an envi-
The study investigated the analysis of spatio-tem-
ronmental factor that can have a negative impact
poral exploration of precipitation, maximum and
on rainfed crop production (dos Santos et al. 2022).
minimum temperature extremes over India during
It is also evident that, for every increase of 1C of
1951–2018, with a view to investigate their asso-
minimum temperature of about 10% decline in rice
ciation with large scale climate indices. The study
grain yield (Peng et al. 2004). In this context,
looked at the relationship between large-scale cli-
global warming and consequent intensiBcation of
mate indices and precipitation and temperature
precipitation and temperature extremes as pre-
extremes across India. The following major
sented in this study, will have adverse eAects on
conclusions are derived from this study:
agriculture and water resources with pronounced
impacts hydroclimatic extremes such as Cash • The spatial climatological average of wet pre-
Coods, droughts, and heatwaves (Sharma and cipitation extreme indices has been found to be
Mujumdar 2017). more intense towards Western Ghats and north-
Large-scale climatic indices have a strong inCu- east parts, while dry precipitation extremes as
ence on hydro-meteorological variables, and it is more intense over northwestern states of India.
essential to study the dependence structure for • The very wet days (R95) show an increasing
eAective climate change predictions. There have trend over India followed by extremely wet days
been attempts to establish a link between large- (R99) and simple daily intensity of precipitation
scale climatic phenomenon indices and precipita- (SDII) indices except over Indo-Gangetic region,
tion and temperature extremes both globally and indicating a climate change signal. Our results
in India (Yadav et al. 2013; Xiao et al. 2017; Shi showed that the increase in consecutive dry days
and Wang 2019; Das et al. 2020). Studies reveal (CDD) over central India and decrease in con-
that ISMI is the most eAective climatic telecon- secutive wet days (CWD) throughout India
nection with Indian precipitation at monthly time indicate impact of warming over India. Signifi-
scales. Furthermore, the present study also showed cant increase in the max-5-day precipitation
that ISMI plays a major role on precipitation amount (RX5day) over the East Coast of India.
extremes at annual scales along with warm and • The decrease in summer days (SU25) over north
cold extreme indices. The AO has also identiBed a India may have a significant impact on snow and
significant teleconnection to impact Indian pre- glacier melting. The increase of hottest days
cipitation extremes (Midhuna and Dimri 2019). El (TXx) shows an increasing trend over India can
Niño and La Niña events are also found to inCuence lead to heat waves, droughts and decline in
the precipitation and temperature extremes in the water resources. Most of the indices show a
previous literature (Alexander et al. 2009). decreasing pattern, especially over IGP region.
The present study used the most dependable The warm extremes have exhibited significant
Bne-resolution gridded data sets developed based increasing trends over complete western zone,
on station-based observations, which is a major few parts of central and peninsular India,
limitation of the study. However, the use of in-situ particularly northwest India (Rajasthan and
station-based observations will provide the most Gujarat), Maharashtra, Western Ghats, and
accurate and realistic extremes analysis compared few parts of Tamil Nadu and Telangana.
to gridded datasets due to the inherent uncertain- • The cold indices, such as coldest days and nights
ties towards the selected interpolation methods have increased over the past 68 years, specifi-
and most importantly ability to represent extreme cally over northwest (Rajasthan and Gujarat),
variabilities (King et al. 2013; Contractor et al. Maharashtra, Western Ghats, and few parts of
2015). This provided usability of high-resolution Tamil Nadu. Whereas, extremes such as cool
gridded datasets, which are prominent for climate nights, cold spells, and cool days have shown
monitoring at national scales; several studies decreasing signals all over India.
170 Page 18 of 20 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:170

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Corresponding editor: KAVIRAJAN RAJENDRAN

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