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1.1 Quality of Worklife Balance

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The success of any educational institution is primarily determined by

the pass percentage of students and the placement record of the
institution. Thus, in order to mold students in the right way, the role of
teachers is very important. Teaching faculty can contribute their full
potential and efficiency for the development of their pupils, while they
derive high level of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction, in turn depends on
an efficient way of managing their work and family commitments. Work-
life balance refers to maintaining the balance between performing roles
and responsibilities at work and at home. Work-life balance is one of the
most challenging issues being faced by the women employees in the
21st century. This problem is more for women employees because of the
type of roles they play at home and the spillover of personal life over
work life and vice-versa. The study also throws light on the factors
which could improve the work life balance. So, in this study, an attempt
has been made to identify the factors influencing work and life balance
and to examine the ways in which teaching faculty manage their work
and life balance.


Over the past few decades, a dramatic change has occurred in the labor market and
demographic profiles of employees. Families have shifted from the traditional male
‘breadwinner’ role to dual-earner couples and single parent families. Work – life
Balance of women employees has become an important subject since the time has
changed from men was the bread- winner, to today‘s world where both men and
women equally sharing the responsibility of family life. Work – life balance for
teaching professional has become one of the greatest challenges in today‘s world.
Teachers work load not only demand their time in the institution but also extend to
their home so as to get prepared for the following day, apart from maintaining
student records and attending to various institution related

1.3functional requirement
Work-life balance (WLB) depicts how effectively a person manages his work and
life commitments and the way in which they impact one another. Effective WLB is a
necessary aspect in teacher efficiency and happiness, which consequently assists
students’ learning. In today’s circumstance the essentiality of work-life balance
approach is a requisite for every class of employees. The human resource
management function has to design constantly and implement strategies that make
possible their employees to balance their personal and professional lives. WLB is
inevitable to raise the productivity of teachers, stability and job satisfaction, which
may motivate the employees be more committed to their institution

A good balance between work and life is possible, only when there is a conducive
atmosphere both at home and the work place. In India with its changing socio
cultural environment and an augment in educational opportunities, women have
started understanding their intrinsic ability. Higher education not only augments
employment opportunities and growth of GDP in a country, but also contributes to
cultural changes and social rebellion. Nowadays, Indian women, who were earlier
believed to be fit only for a socially acceptable employment like teaching, nursing
and banking, have now enthusiastically invaded other fields. However, in the
prevalent family and communal group, women teaching faculty are overstrained and
find it hard to balance their work and life. In the human capital framework,
knowledge and skills are specific forms. A magnificent change is happening all over
the world with the advent of higher education. This change is noticed in the form of
competition among colleges to outshine, to attain higher rank in the accreditation
process. It has become a regular phenomenon that a majority of the College faculty,
especially the women faculty, are working harder than ever before.
As a result, women staff members find it hard to achieve work-life balance. The
profession, with its superior salary, cultural and social changes in the society, has
brought change among the teachers in Arts and Science colleges. While general
education is knowledge-oriented, higher education is skill-oriented. The former is
portable across one’s life and from job to job, while the latter is not, and hence
many advocate general.

education, as more suitable to the flexible labor force that can change task and even
the type of work. But the latter has an advantage, imbibing specific job relevant
skills that can make the worker more readily suitable for a given job and can also
help women become more productive. Hence, both are significant and education
systems in many countries comprise general and higher education requiring varying
skill levels. Women in India are typically climbing the career ladder at work, caring
for challenging adolescent children at home and at their working place. All these
pressures increase the strain among women staff members on managing their work
and life commitments and try to ascertain methods to overcome the strains of a busy
life style, family and social life.

From an identity confined to kitchen and daily household chores, to an identity in IT

and other sectors of work, the role of women has changed drastically. But, the only
difference between the two genders is that men are more accessible to concentrate
only on work compared to women. For her, it’s more challenging because of the
traditional mindset of handling both works inside and outside home. Hence, this is
leading to an imbalance between the personal and professional life of women. So, in
the motive of earning enough for the betterment of her family, the work life
dominates her personal life. As a result, it leads to social hazards such as increase in
the number of divorces and infertility due to stress in work. Sometimes women get
subjected to high level of stress, that they are more prone to undergo depression and
other mental issues. It has been observed that a woman can work well before
marriage but this consistency changes after marriage and tends to change until her
retirement. So in the rise of this issue, many organizations have come forward for the
betterment in the dual life of women. This enables her enjoy both of her lives and
attain a level of satisfaction.

Women who are professionals face a lot of trouble removing the barriers and
building bridges with respect to balancing between home and work. From time,
immemorial women had to cross a lot of obstacles to achieve a position in society.
But with the advancements in the fields of education and mindset, they were able to
overcome the obstacles. A work life balance can be achieved in a women’s life only
when she is able to enjoy and achieve in both personal and professional life. All this
is leading to an increase in the job opportunities of women. This has given many
women an.

1.4Aspiration to their personal development.

Some people appear to be hardwired to respond optimistically and hopefully to
work life balance and life's ups and downs. Others are wired for opposite responses.
With practice, one can improve his resilience and hopefulness by acquiring solid
positive thinking skills to balance work-Life. It is required that one should take a
stand for what he intends to accomplish to restore work life balance. Demographic
changes such as ageing population and smaller family structures have increased the
likelihood of women employees demanding flexibility in their working
arrangements. Adjusting working patterns gives the employees the flexibility to
meet their home responsibilities such as caring for children and the elderly
members, without jeopardizing their work.
Today, the traditional roles of males and females have become less clearly
defined. The elder care and other family responsibilities have increased. In this
context, work life balance can increase the efficiency and resourcefulness of women
employees. Women who get their work- life balance right speak of a sense of
satisfaction, achievement and excitement. At times, there are also possibilities of
imbalance among women due to additional pressures and demands at home or in the
work place that might result in an Emotional breakdown. It is acknowledged that
there are inextricable links by both occupational and domestic pressures affecting
people’s lives. Within the working environment, organizational culture is the key to
determine success in managing work-related stress.
Work life and personal life are inter-connected and interdependent. Spending more
time in office, dealing with students and the pressures of job can affect the personal
life, sometimes making it impossible to even complete the household chores. On the
other hand, personal life can also be demanding if one has a kid or aging parents,
even problems in the life of a dear relative. It can lead to Absenteeism from work,
creating stress and lack of concentration at work

Work-personal life conflict occurs when the burden, obligations

and responsibilities of work and family roles become incompatible. Related,

though broader, terms include "lifestyle balance" and "life balance”. There is a
large individual component in that meaning includes each individual's needs,
experiences, and goals, define the balance and there is not a one size which fits all
solution. Also, what work-life balance does not mean is an equal balance in units
of time between work and life. Work life balance has important consequences for
employee attitudes towards their organizations as well as for the lives of
employees. A balance between work and life is supposed to exist when there is
proper functioning at work and also at home.
Work life balance is about the people having a measure of control over both official
and personal life by giving equal importance to work and family. It is achieved when
an individual's right to complete life inside and outside of the work. It is the process
of balancing both official and personal life by making necessary adjustments to both
with equal importance. In this competitive world the working women have grabbed
the attention on them because working woman in number has been increasing
towards different category of professional work opportunities. In each profession
there will be different expectation and they have to manage them without
compromising their personal life expectations. In olden days women had major role
in home as they have to take care of their children and old parents and relatives in
case of joint family set up. The male's mindset that time was that the women had to
take care of family and all the home needs, but nowadays the situation has changed
and women came out to go for the profession and has created a strong identity for
them. The need for women to work has come out due to various reasons like
financial support to the family and economical independence to them

The exposure to women in education and technology, increase of nuclear family set
up and joint commitments of both husband and wife to raise the standard of living. In
this midst, women facing lot of struggles in balancing their personal life and work
life. Many aspects like time management, work pressure, target, lack of coordination
with co- workers, harassment, lack of family support etc. affect the work life balance
of working women. They are suffering a lot to break and overcome the work life
challenges. Even though they have many work life problems, most of the women
never give up and still they are leading their profession successfully.

Thus, in this study an attempt has been made to ascertain the factors associated
with work life balance of female faculty working at Bishop Heber College in
Trichy district and to examine the methods followed by them for managing their
work and life commitments.


➢ To know about the level of work life balance among working women
➢ To determine the factors affecting work life balance.
➢ To study the demographic profile of the respondents and its influence
towards work life balance.
➢ To study how the individual factors affects work life balance and influences
the overall work life balance.


How often you does? Always Almost Sometime Seldom Never

always s
1) Do you feel you don’t
have time for yourself or
for your family and
2) Being a women how
do you manage doing
household works?
3) Do you frequently
nominate work to others?

4) Do you look forward

to starting your day each
5) Is your work as a women
being satisfying and
6) Do you work more than
ten hour per day?

7) Do you feel that you are

reasonably in control over
your work day?
8) Do thoughts of work
interrupt a good night’s rest?

9) Do you bring work home

with you?

10) Are you satisfied with

where you are at this point in
your journey of your personal
11) Do you miss special
family events?

12) Do you feel that your

personal needs are secondary?

13) Do you hire people in your

personal life to handle some of
your chores such as yard work
and other
home tasks?
14) Do you experience actions
at least monthly that allow you
to de- stress and rebuild your
15) Do you feel overwhelmed
and over committed?

16) Do you feel overwhelmed

and over committed?

17) Do you take time off from

work and do fun activities?

18) Do you find time to

exercise, eat properly and keep
yourself healthy?
19) Do you get adequate sleep
most nights?

20) Do you feel you are missing

out on the things that mean the
most to you?
21) Do you reserve at least
30 minutes of “me time”
each day?


Work life and personal life are the two sides of the same coin. According to various
work life balance surveys, more than 60% of the respondent professionals surveyed
said that are not able to find a balance between their personal and professional lives.
They have to make tough choices even when their work and personal life is nowhere
close to equilibrium.

2.1.1 AUTHOR: Burke (2002)

ABSTRACT: This study observes that both women and men prefer working in
organisations that support work-life balance. Men appeared to benefit more than
women .Men feel more satisfied when they achieve more on the job even at the cost
of ignoring the family. On the other hand, women stress that work and family are
both equally important and both are the sources of their satisfaction. For them the
former is more important. When work does not permit women to take care of their
family, they feel unhappy, disappointed and frustrated. They draw tight boundaries
between work and family and they do not like one crossing the others.

2.1.2AUTHOR: Krishna Reddy et al., (2010)

ABSTRACT: In his study finds that the married women employees face Work
Family Conflict (WFC), while trying to strike a balance between their work and
family commitments. Therefore, educational institutions are required to devise
suitable principles for managing WFCs, as they are associated with job satisfaction
and productivity of the employees.

2.1.3AUTHOR: Niharika and Supriya (2010)

ABSTRACT: In their study identified that flexible working time, provision of
opportunity to work part-time and liberty to work from home and permitting women
employees to take care of children, in case of emergencies, matter much in work life

2.1.4AUTHOR: Dhrub Kumar and J M Deo (2011)

ABSTRACT: In their study ascertained that junior female teachers experienced work
inequity because of low exposure and experience. They were also affected by high
role overload and inter role distance stress in comparison to their counterpart, as
household chores add an extra stress on women.

2.1.5AUTHOR: Noor Fatima and Dr. Shamim A. Sahibzada (2012)

ABTRACT: In their study ascertain that work life balance and job satisfaction is
found high among male teachers than female teachers. The female faculties who
work at university find it difficult to manage their work life balance as they have to
take care of their children and elderly dependents.

2.1.6AUTHOR: Santhana Lakshmi et al., (2013)

ABSTRACT: In their study ascertain that the educational Institutions should deal
with WLB related problems that prevail among their staff members, particularly
women and take a holistic approach to plan and execute the strategies to help the
teaching staff in managing their WLB.

2.1.7AUTHOR: Saranya and A. Gokulakrishnan (2013)

ABSTRACT: In their study note that women have a positive perception of the
various dimensions of their institution such as employers’ administration practices,
flexibility in time and work and necessary assistance from superior, which help WLB
of women. The women academicians perceive that the work-life balance has positive
influence on the Institutional development.

2.1.8AUTHOR: Vijaya Mani (2013)

ABSTRACT: In her study identifies that role conflict, poor recognition for
meritorious staff members, internal politics that prevail at organizations, gender
disparity, time management problems and lack of social support affect WLB of
female employees.

2.1.9AUTHOR:Padma and Sudhir Reddy M (2014)

ABSTRACT: In their study ascertain that job satisfaction of employees is associated
with age and experience. School teachers who effectively manager their work and
life have high level of job satisfaction. WLB facilities provided at their school leads
to higher level of job satisfaction.

2.10 AUTHOR: Sudha and Dr. P. Karthikeyan (2014)

ABSTRACT: In their study ascertain that women faculty, by proper scheduling of
work and fixing time limits for each and every work, can very well manage their
personal and professional commitments.

2.11 AUTHOR: Anu Radha (2015)

ABSTRACT: In her study ascertains that academic and corporate women are equally
stressed and also a few women have not got enough time either for their family or

2.12 AUTHOR: Rahul Singa and Parvesh (2015)

ABSTRACT: In their study state that the increasing responsibilities and
technological blessings like sophisticated cellular phones, notepads, etc. keep work
life integrated with personal life. This disturbs a person’s physical, emotional and
social well-being. It also creates stress both in personal and professional life. So the
work-life balance of individuals affects their quality of life.

2.13 AUTHOR: Mari, P and P.O.M. Haja Mohideen (2015)

ABSTRACT: In their study state that women faculty have high level of stress, as
they find it difficult to manage their domestic and professional life. They have stress
due to poor support from co- workers and long working hours.

2.14 AUTHOR: Danam Tressa and C.K.Manisha (2016)

ABSTRACT: In their study find that work life balance is associated with age,
working hours and the level of stress.

2.15 AUTHOR: Arunkumar and R.Saminathan (2017)

ABSTRACT: In their study state that women teachers’ management of work life balance
is channelized by the psychological makeup of individuals, especially women, and that
it is purely an attitude based issue. Work life balance practice leads to improvement in
the quality of work life among working women.

2.16 AUTHOR: Rachel Samuel, Roaima Omar(2011)

ABSTRACT: Work-life balance and employability are important aspects of the new
career. For employees of the new generation, quality of life is dependent on balancing
work and non-work domains. This study focused on how the pursuit of work-life
balance is pertinent in making career decisions and choices for employees with MBA.

2.17AUTHOR: (2017)
ABSTRACT: This paper describes the application of innovative elements like flipped
classroom, pocket labs, blended learning, remote labs as well as an extensive use of a
learning management system in order to transform a classical curriculum for a part-
time engineering bachelor into a successful and well-balanced study and work program

2.18 AUTHOR: Wolfgang Werth, Christian Madrit Sch (2019)

ABSTRACT: This paper describes the application of innovative elements like flipped
classroom, pocket labs, blended learning, remote labs as well as an extensive use of a
learning management system in order to transform a classical curriculum for a part-
time engineering bachelor into a successful and well-balanced study and work program.

2.19 AUTHOR: Tetsushi Fujimoto, Sayaka, Tanaka (2013)

ABSTRACT: Due to the recent intensification of work hour regulation by Japanese
employers, a large number of engineers in research and development are increasingly
unable to put in satisfactory amount of time in work, and the incidences of experiencing
non- accomplishment in work are growing. This study investigates whether and how
the overtime reduction affects engineers' sense of fulfillment in work and personal life,
and examines how they influence engineers' depression and perceived health. Results
show that overtime reduction has both positive and negative sides, and while on one
hand it enhances the time adequacy for engineers' private life, on the other hand it
significantly reduces their sense of fulfillment in work. Furthermore, unbalance such as
“non-achievement in work” and “fulfillment in private life” is likely to deteriorate their
psychological well-being. Findings suggest that in order to realize engineers' work-life
balance it is not sufficient to just enhance the time in private life, but it is also
necessary to ensure simultaneously a sufficient time in work.

2.20 AUTHOR: Yunus, Noor Azzah Said (2013)

ABSTRACT: Job satisfaction could simply be defined as how employees feel about their
jobs. However, although it is simple to term, realistically job satisfaction is hard and very
challenging to be fulfilled. Continuous efforts are being placed by organizations to ensure
their employees are content by moving towards more humanistic approach in dealing with
them and identifying roles of workers' life than just the hours they spend in office. Although
many factors have been identified as the key determinants to job satisfaction, examining
satisfaction with the job as a part of life satisfaction that can only happen if employees can
create a balance in their work and personal life is least studied. Thus, in view of the
importance of work-life balance, we studied its role as an antecedent to job satisfaction. A
survey was conducted among 205 management staff at healthcare organizations and they
were asked to rate series of statements that range from their personal view of workplace

2.21 AUTHOR: Paul Makinso, Charles Feldhaus (2012)

ABSTRACT: Mobile communication technologies have fundamentally altered the
concept of going to work. Work has been transformed from a place you go to a function
you perform, whenever and wherever you are. Laptops, smartphones, and tablets enable
users to transition seamlessly between work and personal activities anytime and
anywhere. The effect of this capability on an individual's ability to balance their work
and personal life and manage personal stress remains under study. One thing is clear.
Modern societies are still in the early stages of this transformation. While 88% of
Americans have cell phones, only 46% have Smartphones and just 19% have Tablet
PCs. These devices are fast, powerful, and quickly become integrated into our lives as
constant companions. This paper presents the results of a survey of engineering and
technology students at a Midwestern university.

2.22AUTHOR: Shanthi Rajagopalan, Lakshmi Rajamani (2013)

ABSTRACT: For any employee to work, flexi place be those who can function inde
pendently and have demonstrated dependability. Nowadays, the causes of employee
performance problems are attributable to the work environment, not the employees.
The only answer for this would be "Fix the systems in which our employees work!"
The purpose of this study is to devise a generic fuzz logic rule based forecasting model
specific to employee work-life balance and its effect on attrition and job dissatisfaction.
This helps to explore the views of women in IT on issues that pertain to work-life
balance among Software vs. Services industry as process and policy differs from
organization to organization. This paper is focusing on constructing a generic fuzzy
logic rule based forecasting model which will be used later to evaluate the survey data
collected from Women IT engineers from Software Vs. Services Industry in
Hyderabad. Fuzzy logic offers noteworthy advantages over other methods due to its
ability to naturally represent qualitative aspect of work-life balance survey data and
apply flexible inference rules thereby we can
analyze the cause and effect which helps IT organization can establish right policy and
process to deal with it.

2.23AUTHOR: Jing Qui, Helbig, Williams (2017)

ABSTRACT: The present paper describes the findings from a preliminary study of the
work problems on train drivers in new work situations. The train driver work system is
a compound and complex system with many factors. It is not possible to isolate any
contributing factor for work problems from the whole system. The effects of the factors
for the problems on the train drivers were studied. The major factors were work hour
and schedule, work-life balance, driving on the similar route in the same locomotives,
behaviors of passengers and fallback strategies of the automatic systems.

2.24 AUTHOR: Beth Crutchfield (2017)

ABSTRACT: As more female engineers enter the industry, it will become
increasingly important for firms to understand that creating a work environment that
allows for a healthy work-life balance will be crucial to sustaining female talent.
Results from a recent study conducted by a psychologist at the University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee found that close to 40% of U.S. women with engineering
degrees either never enter the field or choose to leave it. One of the biggest reasons
cited for leaving was the lack of flexible work-life policies.
Balancing work and home life may seem like an insurmountable hurdle, but there are
many ways female engineers can maintain their personal lives while remaining
successful in their careers.

2.25AUTHOR: R Ben Ruben, Prasanth Menon (2018)

ABSTRACT: Modern manufacturing organizations have started to adopt sustainable
manufacturing strategies to enhance their competitiveness and to enrich their business
practices at an enterprise level. This is achieved by creating a balance between the
environmental, economic and societal dimensions of sustainability. Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) is one of the approaches of sustainable manufacturing that models
complex interaction between the aforesaid dimensions of a product, from cradle to
grave. LCA can be performed as Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (E - LCA) and
Social Life Cycle Assessment (S -LCA) considering the need and contribution of
stakeholders involved. In literature, various researchers have discussed about the
Environmental LCA and their application pertaining to manufacturing organizations. A
very few studies have focused on the Social LCA part and no concrete research has
been reported on the development of a generic Social LCA framework for
manufacturing organizations. This study presents the development of a generic
framework for conducting Social LCA for manufacturing organizations.

2.26AUTHOR: Bin Li, Xue-feng Shen (2010)

ABSTRACT: In the process of the under balanced drilling, the use of DDV can reduce
the drilling time and protect the oil layer. Although DDV has been successfully used in
domestic and foreign oil fields, the poor reliability of the switch action, the sealing
property of the DDV and the central glide spindle to valve board impact seriously
influence the DDV's service life. Targeting at these above problems, this paper will
contain the movement simulation of DDV using the ADAMS software. The results of
the simulation will be used to improve the structure of the central glide spindle to
improve its service life.

In this study work related variables considered are working condition, work family
conflict, task autonomy, task variety and work schedule flexibility. The study also
examines the relationship between work life balance and its dimensions and job
involvement, job satisfaction and depression.

Dependent Variables:
variable whose value will change depending on the value of another variable, called the
independent variable. In a scientific experiment, it is the variable being tested, and
therefore, it is called the dependent variable.
Independent Variable:
An independent variable is exactly what it sounds like. It is a variable that stands alone
and isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to measure. For example,
someone's age might be an independent variable.

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