TheMatchedFilterTutorial Oct 2017
TheMatchedFilterTutorial Oct 2017
TheMatchedFilterTutorial Oct 2017
Xiaofeng Meng
1. Data preparation
1.1. Waveforms naming rule
For example, BP.FROB.BP1.SAC
1.2.1. Headers
Set one common kztime for all channels for one day and set the ‘o’ header to 0.
All waveforms should have the same ‘b’ header (i.e., 0) and ‘e’ header (i.e., 86400). If one channel is much
shorter than others, it should be excluded.
Use gsact command to shift time (this step is included in check_cont_waveforms.bash).
All channels should have the same sampling rate delta. If not, use SAC command interpolate to
correct (this step is in check_cont_waveforms.bash).
Command: check_cont_waveforms.bash
Output: 'sampling_rate.list' lists directories that have different sampling rate among channels.
Output: 'length.list' lists directories that have significantly different length (default value is 3600s, which
one can change in check_cont_waveforms.bash by themselves).
Then, one should decide if those channels need to be removed.
1.3.2. Headers
Set the kztime to the origin time of the template event and set the ‘o’ header to 0.
Command: set_otime.bash
Set desired arrival times for detection as ‘t1’ header. How to get arrival times?
1) Phase information listed in the local catalog;
2) Hand-pick;
3) Predict the arrival time based on 1D velocity model.
2. Detection WorkDir/
2.1. Running detection on single channel
sliding_wfcc_fix_v5 [-f template_sac_file] [-s continuous_sac_file] [-b template_start_time] [-a
template_end_time] [-B continuous_start_time] [-A continuous_end_time] [-S time_step] [-O
shift _time] [-t taper] [-D debug] [-F output] [-o sacfile] -h help
sliding_wfcc_fix_v5 -
f /home/xmeng/Tutorial/CPU_WFCC/TempWaveform/20031221211539/BP.VCAB.BP1.SAC.bp -
s /home/xmeng/Tutorial/CPU_WFCC/ContWaveform/20031221000000/BP.VCAB.BP1.SAC.bp -b 4.7216
-a 10.7216 -B 1 -A 86448 -S 0.05 -O 4.7216 -F 1 -o
Output: VCAB_BP1_20031221191400_t2_bp_20031221191400_wfcc.sac
4. Figure Figures/
Generate the a simple figure for waveform comparison between the detected and template event.
Command: waveforms_comparison.bash catalog_20031221000000.dat 36,
where catalog_20031221000000.dat is the detected catalog and 36 is the number of detected events.
Users can change the absolute path and parameters in waveforms_comparison.bash.
Output: 75448.00.eps