History - Getdata: 1. Arguments and Returned Values
History - Getdata: 1. Arguments and Returned Values
History - Getdata: 1. Arguments and Returned Values
1.2. Examples
To test any request, start webconsole and manually enter address config/albx/Tests/jnMonRepTest4.htm Then, enter text in topic line and press Update. Possible topic values: Channel,server,[ bytes out,max bytes out, Minimum compression,avg connections,pool size],minute,now [ bytes out, compression,avg connections],3/6/11 16:40,hour, channel 1 [ CPUpercent,maximum bytes in compressed],day,now Possible results on first request: axes: time (s) Average Bytes out Maximum Bytes out Minimum Compression % Average Connections Average Pool Size details; 03/06/2011 07:03:57,03/06/2011 07:03:58,03/06/2011 07:03:59,03/06/2011 07:04:00,03/06/2011 07:04:01,03/06/2011 07:04:02, ... ,,123.5,12,0,5678.4323, ... ,,131,12,0,5678.4323, ... ,,0,0,0,13.566, ... ,,0.924756,1,1,1, ... ,,12,13.6,22.33,0, ... If RRD database does not contain data for specified time, we have no data between commas in details. In most cases, all result columns contain empty data in the same places. First result line (time) never has empty data.
1.3.1. Channel
Two ways to specify - IP:Port and ordinal number (numbering from 1). In case of number, channel is detected from jetnexus.conf. For example, if 1st interface contain 2 ports, Channel 3 means 2.1, 1st port at 2nd interface
1.3.2. Server
Two ways to specify - IP:Port and ordinal number (numbering from 1). In case of number, server is detected from jetnexus.conf, number is sequence number at specified channel.
1.3.4. Period
Supported values: minute, hour, day, week, month, year.
1.3.5. Columns
Square brackets contain comma separated list with column names. Allowed names listed below. Name can contain blanks. Each name may be prefixed by one of 3 keywords - Maximum, Average, Minimum or their shortenings max, avg, min. Prefix, if used, separated from column name by blank. If prefix omitted, Average assumed.
2.2. Deployment
In lib, two boost libraries should be added: libboost_filesystem.so.1.42.0 libboost_system.so.1.42.0 In jetnexus, rrdfiller and libjndynamic.so should be included.
2.3. Compiling
libjnalbapi.so can be compiled also on computers without rrdtool-devel. To compile rrdfiller and libjndynamic.so, rrdtool-devel should be installed. TopDefs.h should contain #define SHMNEW_USED true. These compilations use make-either in corresponding directories. History_GetData tries to load libjndynamic.so dynamically. On failure, JetNexception raised.
3. Miscellaneous
3.1. Disabling in jetnexus.conf
rrdfiller starts always, from /etc/inittab. But it can work either in active mode adding data to RRD databases, or in passive mode, doing nothing. If rrdfiller works in passive mode, History_GetData is still available, but for last data empty values will be returned. Mode is determined by rrdfillerActive in section jetnexusdaemon. Possible values: rrdfillerActive=1 active, write in databases rrdfillerActive=0 do nothing Default value (if rrdfillerActive does not exist) is 1. Currently, rrdfillerActive can be changed only manually. If rrdfillerActive change will be added to webconsole, rrdfiller should be restarted after the change.