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Metal Detection

Why Multiscanning Technology Improves Metal Detection

and Food Safety
Bob Ries, Lead Product Manager,
Metal Detection and X-ray Inspection
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Metal detectors are ubiquitous in food processing facilities.
They are most commonly used at the end of the line and
as the last line of defense to support food quality and safety
before a packaged product is on its way to the consumer.
The core technology has always had its limitations and
compromises such as noise that can interfere with signals
and product effect that can confuse a wet product with metal.

While metal detection

technology has slowly evolved
over the years, the challenges
facing food processing have
changed considerably. There
are increasingly demands such Why Metal Detection is Not Easy
as new regulations, retailer Why is it so hard to detect metals in food? A simple analogy
detection mandates and may help: why does a coin or piece of jewelry set off a metal
greater productivity demands. detector on your outbound flight but not your inbound flight?
The stakes are higher too: the Why the inconsistencies?
potential for a costly recall and
collateral damage via social The same unpredictable performance can exist when trying to
media. detect metal in food. Metal detection is easy – when it works
– but it doesn’t always work. Audits can fail, detectable metal
No company is immune. Just visit, and click on types and sizes may not be what the quality manager wanted
“recalls” to get an idea of the plethora of food safety problems and, worse yet, a piece of metal may have escaped inside a
reported every day. product and a customer finds it.

Bear in mind that while some companies are transitioning to Clearly, an on-again, off-again contaminant detection approach
X-ray inspection to find foreign objects, it is not necessary is not acceptable.
in many applications due to the low risk of non-metallic
contaminants and a cost that can be prohibitive for smaller
There are key barriers to achieving 100% metal-free products.
1.) The metal detector must find anything, anywhere in any
product all the time. That can be daunting considering the
volume of production from just one line in a day and all the
different types of metal pieces that might be part of your factory
or in the ingredients;

2.) Metal detectors use electromagnetic fields to find things

that are magnetic and conductive. Most food products are
wet, have salt or contain minerals which when subjected to
electromagnetic fields also look magnetic and conductive.
Ignoring the product and finding the metal is not as easy as it
seems. Results of each package at each Multiscan frequency are shown
clearly on the Run screen

3.) Small metal foreign objects have very small signals and the
metal detector is operating in a factory that has many possible Conversely, stainless steel, which contains only a small amount
noise sources that can confuse the metal detector electronics of ferrous metal, has little or no magnetic property. (Think back
and software. For example at any given time: to when you tried to put refrigerator magnets on your new
stainless steel appliance.) To find stainless steel with a metal
• Large motors are turning on and off, detector requires running a high frequency because the high
frequency field induces a current in the stainless steel which
• Electronics boxes are broadcasting wide spectrums of creates a new field that interacts with the original field in the
radiated noise, metal detector to create a signal.

• Production equipment is vibrating and causing the antenna While a logical conclusion is that the best metal detector would
in the metal detector to move ever so slightly, run one low frequency and one high frequency, unfortunately
it’s not that easy. Different sizes of the same metal have
• Electrical power is surging and dropping, and different magnetic and conductive reactions. Alloys of metals
have different reactions too. And the shape, orientation and
• Temperatures are going from freezing to boiling and back position of the metal can change the resulting signals in a metal
again. detector.

A new approach: Multiscan Metal Detection What then is the “best” frequency for any metal detection
As you can see, finding the needle in the haystack or a shard application? The answer is: as many as you can get all at
of stainless steel in a package of meat can be a formidable once! This is the premise behind Multiscan technology. You
challenge. pick a set of up to five frequencies from 50 kHz to 1000 kHz
and Multiscan scans through each frequency at a very rapid
Multiscan technology in the all-new Thermo Scientific™ rate, effectively acting like five metal detectors in one. You get
Sentinel™ Multiscan Metal Detector platform overcomes the benefits of running a frequency close to ideal for any type
many of these challenges and can dramatically increase the of metal you might encounter. The result is that the probability
probability of detection and lower the chance of an escape to of detection goes up exponentially and escapes disappear.
almost zero. Sensitivity is optimized since you also have the optimal
frequency running for each type of metal of concern.
There is no “best” frequency for a metal detector By way of example, using Multiscan, the Thermo Scientific
It is widely understood that ferrous is the easiest metal to Sentinel Multiscan Metal Detector enables users to identify
detect due to its magnetic properties. Magnets attract iron. contaminants that are up to 70 percent smaller in volume than
An electromagnetic field reacts most when a ferrous metal previous technologies, including the Thermo Scientific APEX
is in it, and the lower the frequency the greater the reaction. 500 metal detector. Via a simple graphical user interface and
(Remember picking up nails with a magnet as a child?) report, the user can easily see which frequency(ies) are doing
all the work.
Phasing out products AND metal contaminants too Overcoming Noise to Detect Small Metal Pieces
Conventional metal detectors use a technique to ignore We all know what audible noise is because we deal with it in our
magnetic and conductive product effects called “phasing.” lives every day. Someone talking on the phone next to our office,
Anything passing through the metal detector with a known ratio a lawnmower running in our neighborhood when we are sitting
of magnetic to conductive signal below a threshold is ignored outside on our patio or a washing machine running when we are
because it is the product and not a piece of metal. trying to watch TV. The noise gets in the way of what we want
and impacts our performance. The drawbacks of noise are clear.
The problem is that the signals generated in a metal detector
by random pieces of metal can vary a lot. Eventually, their The same is true in any instrument trying to detect very small
phase angle exactly matches up with the product phase angle. signal changes such as a metal detector trying to find a 1mm
Because the metal signal is so small in relation to the product diameter fragment of metal in a loaf of freshly baked bread. It
this means the metal goes undetected. has to have a “quiet” background so it can focus on finding the
metal “signal”. Engineers call this the signal to noise ratio. The
If looking for a piece of stainless steel hidden in a piece of bigger the better.
cheese, for example, you could vary the frequency a bit (this
separates the product and metal phase angles) and detect The Sentinel with Multiscan technology addresses this challenge
it, but that could mean that you won’t see a different size of in many ways to maximize performance. It embodies high
stainless steel because this contaminant phase angle lines quality, thoughtful design. The metal detector coils or antenna
up exactly with the cheese. So, the problem isn’t fixed; it just are cast in an extremely rigid material so they do not move
moved somewhere else. It is sort of like patching a hole in your in relation to the stainless steel case. This means there are
roof and then drilling a new hole in a different place. Water no small, false signals created. The internal electronics are
still comes in. This is a very subtle but important real-world protected by multiple levels of shielding assuring fields from the
problem because no single-frequency metal detector ever has outside do not get inside effecting detection. The power supply
perfect detection. Adding a second fixed frequency makes is designed to reject noise in the electrical supply and an extra
things a little better but in the end you still have holes in your line filter is included for good measure. And, finally, a software
roof. filter is run on the detection signals to remove noise entering the
aperture that is not at the frequencies of interest.

Of course in extreme cases there may still be some situations

where there is noise you can’t eliminate, so then all you do is
modify the frequency being effected and tune it out. This can be
easily accomplished via the graphical user interface.

Stainless and non-ferrous phased out at one frequency but

detected at another.

This is where Multiscan overcomes the challenge. If one

frequency means a piece of metal is phased out, another
frequency detects it and vice versa. Because there are many
frequencies running at one time there are always back-ups.
Think about visually inspecting a used car. Do you just stand
in front of it and look at the hood, windshield and bumper? Of
course not! You walk all around it scanning as many angles and
areas as possible to see what types of problems you can find. The Sentinel’s design rejects all forms of noise for optimum
You “multiscan” the car before you buy it. detection performance
Other Important Benefits of Multiscan Furthermore, if you see high levels of noise on any frequency
While metal detection can be challenging, even with five you can quickly change it in the software. If a frequency seems
frequencies, Multiscan technology is easy to use. And using not to be detecting anything you can disable it. All of this
up to five frequencies does not mean Multiscan will create five occurs with a few clicks on the user interface; no service call is
times the number of false rejects. needed.

To make the Multiscan technology easy to use, the Sentinel Experienced metal detector users know that balance is also
metal detector has wizards, graphical displays and reports to a key parameter for good metal detection. There should be
help with set-up and adjusting performance. The auto-learn no signal when no metal is in the aperture. With Multiscan,
wizards allow you to pick any set of frequencies, capture data all of the frequencies you are using should be balanced, too.
from one to 10 packages and automatically set gain, phase To accomplish this, the Sentinel also automatically balances
and thresholds, among other things. You get immediate frequencies electrically. While it takes a few minutes the first
feedback during and after these operations so you can see time, it has a big impact on performance. To save time, the
what happened. last balance data is used unless you add a new frequency.
The software also runs an autobalance process continuously
When running, Multiscan allows you to view all the selected to remove the final errors caused by very small imbalances.
frequencies in real time and pull up a report of the last 20 There is even a balance diagnostic screen for advanced users
rejects to see what caused them. If any of these rejects to make sure balance is correct and there isn’t an internal
was false you can quickly jump to the controls that need problem with the metal detector.
How good is good enough when it comes to food safety?
This is a difficult question to answer because we are all hoping
for complete safety. The cost of failure can be enormous and
cause serious damage to a brand or company, not to mention
risking consumer health.

Until Multiscan metal detection, single or dual frequency metal

detectors came with compromises and the risk of escape. This
is no longer the case. This new, innovative technology enables
five times the protection with unprecedented, almost unlimited,
flexibility. Now, it is fast and easy to achieve the best real-world
Phase learn for all five frequencies metal detection performance the market has ever seen.

Find out more at

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