Social Studies Made Easy Revised Edition

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Social Studies
Made Easy
A Preparation Tool
For Primary
Social Studies Examinations
Levels 5 and 6
Jonathan Benn (B.Sc.)
Brisshana Benn (B.Sc.)

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | i

ii | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana

Students, teachers and parents will find “Social Studies Made Easy (A
Preparation Tool for Primary Social Studies Examinations)” very user
friendly. Lessons have been systematically arranged and are easy to
understand. Every lesson is followed by a Multiple Choice Assessment
that contains common questions that students are going to encounter.
The assessments help to ensure that students grasp concepts conveyed in
each lesson. There are also Unit Reviews that contain questions that aim
to test each child’s ability to apply all they have learnt. By completing unit
reviews, it is hoped that children would recognize concepts learnt are not
fragmented but are all interconnected.

Teachers and parents can take part in grading each assessment taken by
students. Conveniently, answers for each multiple choice assessment have
been placed in the book. Close monitoring of each child’s performance
aids in the early identification of any weakness that a child might have.
Parents and teachers are then encouraged to work together to correct
identified weaknesses. Taking these measures would guarantee that
every child achieves success in examinations like the “National Grade Six
Assessment” written in Guyana and “Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment”
written in neighbouring countries.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | iii

iv | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana

The authors were not able to make contact with the owners of copyright
material. Since it was not possible to obtain permission to use any copyright
material, we apologize. We would also appreciate any information that will
better help us to acknowledge copyright owners.

The authors would like to thank God for his knowledge, understanding and
wisdom. We want to thank everyone that has contributed to the completion
of this book.

Social Studies Made Easy (A Preparation Tool for Primary Social Studies
ISBN: 978-976-96502-0-6
Revised Edition February, 2021
Authors: Jonathan Benn and Brisshana Benn
Editor: Chandroutie Persaud
Published By: Ministry of Education, Co-operative Republic of Guyana.
Artwork Production and Printed By: A1 PRINT SHOP

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the publisher’s prior permission
in writing. This book is to be used subject to the conditions that it shall not,
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Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | v

Table of Contents
Continents, Oceans and Seas........................................................................................................................ 1
Lines of Longitude & Latitude ..................................................................................................................... 3
Climatic Zones ............................................................................................................................................... 5
International Date Line ................................................................................................................................. 7
Unit 1 Review ................................................................................................................................................. 9


Amerindians ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Europeans........................................................................................................................................................ 17
The Triangular Trade ..................................................................................................................................... 21
Africans ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
Portuguese ...................................................................................................................................................... 27
East Indians .................................................................................................................................................... 31
Chinese ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
Unit 2 Review ................................................................................................................................................. 39


Guyana’s Rivers ............................................................................................................................................... 45
Guyana’s Counties .......................................................................................................................................... 47
Guyana’s Natural Regions ............................................................................................................................. 49
Map Study (Natural Regions) ....................................................................................................................... 51
Guyana’s Administrative Region .................................................................................................................. 53
Map Study (Administrative Regions) .......................................................................................................... 55
Map Study (Towns) ........................................................................................................................................ 57
Map Study (Communities) ........................................................................................................................... 59
Map Study (Amerindian Tribes) .................................................................................................................. 61
Unit 3 Review ................................................................................................................................................. 65


Guyana’s Monuments and Landmarks I ..................................................................................................... 69
Guyana’s Monuments and Landmarks II .................................................................................................... 85
Map Study (Places of Interest) ..................................................................................................................... 97
Map Study (Mountain Ranges) .................................................................................................................... 99
Unit 4 Review ................................................................................................................................................. 104

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Table of Contents
Weather Instruments ..................................................................................................................................... 107
Renewable Natural Resources I .................................................................................................................... 109
Renewable Natural Resources II .................................................................................................................. 111
Non-renewable Natural Resources .............................................................................................................. 113
Guyana’s Oil and Gas Industry ..................................................................................................................... 115
Map Study (Economic Activities) ................................................................................................................ 117
Unit 5 Review ................................................................................................................................................. 121
Family .............................................................................................................................................................. 127
Rules in the Home and School ..................................................................................................................... 129
Drugs ............................................................................................................................................................... 131
Christians ........................................................................................................................................................ 133
Muslims ........................................................................................................................................................... 135
Hindus ............................................................................................................................................................. 137
Unit 6 Review ................................................................................................................................................. 139


Central Government ..................................................................................................................................... 141
Money .............................................................................................................................................................. 143
Export and Import ......................................................................................................................................... 145
Revenue and Expenditure ............................................................................................................................. 147
Local Government ......................................................................................................................................... 149
Guyana’s Electoral System ............................................................................................................................. 151
Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) ................................................................................................ 153
Unit 7 Review ................................................................................................................................................. 155


Stages in Guyana’s Political Development .................................................................................................. 159
Guyana’s Presidents ....................................................................................................................................... 161
Symbols of Nationhood ................................................................................................................................ 163
National Awards ............................................................................................................................................. 169
Non-religious National Holidays ................................................................................................................. 171
Observances .................................................................................................................................................... 173
Unit 8 Review ................................................................................................................................................. 175

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Table of Contents
Population ....................................................................................................................................................... 179
Communication ............................................................................................................................................. 181
Transportation ................................................................................................................................................ 183
Unit 9 Review ................................................................................................................................................. 185


Location of Guyana’s Continental Neighbours .......................................................................................... 187
Guyana’s Immediate Continental Neighbours ........................................................................................... 189
Guyana’s Other Continental Neighbours .................................................................................................. 191
Unit 10 Review ............................................................................................................................................... 193


Location of Guyana’s Caribbean Neighbours ............................................................................................. 197
Guyana’s Caribbean Neighbours .................................................................................................................. 199


CARICOM ...................................................................................................................................................... 203
Location of CARICOM Members ............................................................................................................... 207
Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (O.E.C.S) ................................................................................ 209
Location of Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (O.E.C.S) Member States ................................ 211
Association of Caribbean States (A.C.S) ..................................................................................................... 213
Location of Association of Caribbean States (A.C.S) Member States ..................................................... 215


Commonwealth of Nations .......................................................................................................................... 217
United Nations ............................................................................................................................................... 221
Unit 11 12 & 13 Review ................................................................................................................................. 223

Air .................................................................................................................................................................... 229
Land ................................................................................................................................................................. 231
Water ............................................................................................................................................................... 233
Noise ................................................................................................................................................................ 235
Unit 14 Review ............................................................................................................................................... 237

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Table of Contents
Earthquakes .................................................................................................................................................... 239
Volcanoes ........................................................................................................................................................ 241
Forest Fires ...................................................................................................................................................... 243
Hurricane ........................................................................................................................................................ 245
Floods .............................................................................................................................................................. 247
Unit 15 Review ............................................................................................................................................... 249


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Continents, Oceans and Seas

A continent is commonly defined as a large landmass separated from other landmasses by water (oceans
and seas). There are seven continents. Guyana is located on the continent of South America.

Name of Continents Name of Countries

North America Greenland , United States of America, Canada and Mexico
South America Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
Africa Angola, Combo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and
Europe United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands, and Norway
Asia Afghanistan, India, Israel, China, Japan, Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Sri
Lanka and Russia
Australia New Zealand and Papua New Guinea
Antarctica There are no countries because of the hostile climate and weather.

Approximately seventy percent (70%) of the earth is covered with water. An ocean is a vast body of water
surrounding or separating continents. There are five major oceans. These are the Pacific, Southern,
Atlantic, Arctic and Indian Oceans. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean.

A sea is a large body of water partly or fully enclosed by land.There are several seas including the
Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, Baltic, Mediterranean, Black, Red, Caspian and the Bering Sea.
The map below shows the location of the continents, oceans and seas.

Map showing the location of the continents, oceans and seas

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 1


Test 1
Study the map of the world below and then answer questions 1-15

1. The large mass of land on the map 6. Which continent has no countries? 11. North America is NOT bordered
labelled R can be classified as a/an a. P by the
a. sea. b. T a. Atlantic Ocean.
b. lake. c. U b. Arctic Ocean.
c. ocean. d. V c. Pacific Ocean.
d. continent. d. Indian Ocean.
7. What percentage of the earth is
2. The name of the continent at Q is covered with water? 12. The body of water partially
a. Asia. a. 90% enclosed by land and labelled X
b. Europe. b. 70% can be classified as a/an
c. South America. c. 50% a. sea.
d. North America. d. 20% b. lake.
c. ocean.
3. If you were on the continent at P 8. The body of water that separates d. continent.
and travelled east, which continent P from R and is labelled I can be
would you first encounter? classified as a/an 13. What is the name of the sea at X?
a. Asia a. sea. a. Red
b. Africa b. lake. b. Black
c. Australia c. ocean. c. Caspian
d. North America d. continent. d. Mediterranean

4. Guyana is on the continent labelled 9. The name of the ocean at III is the 14. If you were on the continent at P,
P. a. Pacific. then travelled north, which sea
R. b. Atlantic. would you encounter first?
S. c. Indian. a. Mediterranean
U. d. Arctic. b. Caribbean
c. Black
5. Which is NOT a country located 10. If you are on the continent Q and d. Bering
on the continent at T? travel west, which ocean would you
a. India first encounter? 15. Which continent DOES NOT
b. China a. Pacific. border the Mediterranean Sea?
c. Brazil b. Indian. a. Australia
d. Russia c. Atlantic. b. Europe
d. Southern. c. Africa
d. Asia

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Lines of Longitude and Latitude

The earth is spherical in shape. Imaginary lines around the earth are called lines of longitude and lines
of latitude. Lines of longitude run from north to south. Lines of latitude run from east to west. Lines of
longitude and latitude may be used in navigation to locate places. The Equator, a line of latitude located
00, divides the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The Equator passes through countries
like Brazil, Ecuador and Columbia. The Prime Meridian, a line of longitude located 00, divides the earth
into Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

The map below is showing the location of lines of longitude and latitude. Study and discuss the map
with your teacher.

Map showing the location of Lines of Longitude and Latitude

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Test 2
Study the map of the world below and then answer questions 1-10

1. Which of the following is TRUE 6. Which is NOT true about the 10. What is a difference between the
about the line at X? line located at 0O? line at X and the line at Y?
a. It is a visible line. a. It is a line of latitude. a. The line at X is an
b. It is a line of latitude. b. It is a line of longitude. imaginary line while the
c. It is a line of longitude. c. It runs from east to west.
d. It runs from north to south. d. It divides the earth into lines at Y is a visible line.
Northern and Southern b. The line at X runs from
2. The line at Y Hemispheres. north to south while the
a. Is a visible line line at Y runs from east to
b. Is a line of latitude 7. The line located at 0O DOES NOT west.
c. is a line of longitude. pass through
d. runs from east to west. a. Mexico. c. The line at Y runs from
b. Brazil. north to south while the
3. Lines like X and Y are important c. Ecuador. line at X runs from east to
because they help us to d. Columbia. west.
a. locate places. d. The line at Y runs parallel
b. predict the weather. 8. All of the following are in the
c. prevent climate change. Northern Hemisphere EXCEPT the to the equator while the
d. predict natural disasters. a. Antarctic Circle. line at X is half circles
b. Arctic Circle. drawn through poles.
4. Which imaginary line is c. Tropic of Cancer.
represented by the letter W? d. North Pole.
a. Equator
b. Tropic of Cancer 9. Which line divides the earth into
c. International Date Line Eastern and Western Hemispheres?
d. Prime Meridian a. Equator
b. Prime Meridian
5. The line of latitude at 0O is the c. Tropic of Capricorn
a. Tropic of Cancer. d. International Date Line
b. Equator.
c. Prime Meridian.
d. International Date Line.

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Climatic Zones
Weather is defined as the short term conditions of the atmosphere. Examples include sunny, rainy, snowy,
windy, cloudy. Climate is the average prevailing temperature over a long period of time in a particular area.
The earth is divided into three main climatic zones based on the amount of sunlight it receives. The three
climatic zones are the Tropical, Temperate and Polar or Frigid Zone.

The Tropical Zone, which is near the Equator, receives the most sunlight. Temperatures are usually warm.
It experiences a lot of sunny and rainy weather. Guyana is located in the Tropical Climatic Zone. Other
countries like Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and many Caribbean countries are also located in the tropics.
Within the tropics, you can also find many of the world’s hottest deserts like the Sahara, Arabian and
the Thar Desert. People who live in the Tropical Climatic Zone usually wear light, in both weight and
colour, clothing to keep them cool. The Temperate Zone receives less sunlight. It experiences four seasons,
summer, autumn, winter and spring. In summer, it is often sunny, while in the winter it is snowy. Countries
like the USA, China and Afghanistan are located in the Temperate Zone. During the summer, people wear
clothing to keep them cool, while during the winter, they wear clothing to keep them warm. The Polar
or Frigid Zone receives the least sunlight. The temperature is always cold. It experiences a lot of snowfall.
Countries like Norway, Greenland and parts of Canada are located in the Polar Zone. People that visit
places in the Polar Zone always need to wear clothing that keeps them warm.

Global warming refers to the recent and ongoing rise in global average temperature near Earth’s surface.
It is caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Global warming
contributes to climate change. Climate change includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or
wind patterns, among others, that occur over several decades or longer. Climate change has many dangerous
effects. It causes changes in seasonal weather patterns. It also causes melting of ice caps in polar regions like
Antarctica, which leads to an increase in sea levels. It is said that these regions could even become ice-free.

The map below is showing the location of the three major climatic zones. Study and discuss the map
with your teacher.

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Test 3
Study the map of the world below and then answer questions 1-5

1. Which continent is located in type of climate did Ariel

the Tropical Climatic Zone? experience? Mark is visiting a country for
a. P a. Temperate his research project. For his trip
b. Q b. Equatorial he packed clothing to keep him
c. R c. Tropical Marine warm throughout the year.
d. S d. Tropical Continental
8. Which country is Mark most
2. Spring occurs in the continent Study the following scenario likely visiting?
at and then answer question 6. a. Canada
a. P. b. England
b. Q. Jimmy visited a country where c. Brazil
c. R. he had to wear gloves and thick d. Greenland
d. S. woollen clothing.
9. Which statement is TRUE?
3. Which continent would 6. Which of the following a. Weather and climate are the
experience the hottest average countries did Jimmy most likely same.
temperatures throughout the visit? b. Weather is the short term
year? a. Suriname condition of the atmosphere
a. P b. Barbados at a particular place.
b. Q c. Nigeria c. Climate change is not
c. R d. Canada occurring.
d. S d. Climate change can occur in
7. The deserts that experience the a short period of time.
4. It is always cold in the continent highest average temperatures
a. P are most likely located in the 10. Which of the following is most
b. R a. Polar Climatic Zone likely to result from climate
c. Q b. Temperate Climatic Zone change?
d. S c. Tropical Climatic Zone a. Rising sea levels
d. Rigid Climatic Zone b. Creating of more land
5. Ariel spent Christmas in c. Stable weather conditions
a country that is located Study the following scenario d. Increase in plants and
on the continent P. What and then answer question 8. animals

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International Date Line

The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line of longitude of 1800 that is located halfway around
the world from the Prime Meridian. This simply means one must travel 180º east or west of the Prime
Meridian to get to the International Date Line in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is not a perfectly
straight line, but it helps us know the date and time in different countries. Countries immediately to the
left of the International Date Line (e.g. Australia, Russia, China) have different times from countries
immediately to the right of the International Date Line (e.g. USA, Canada). The countries immediately to
the left of the International Date Line, are always ahead in time. Sometimes the countries are even an entire
day ahead. For example, if it is Monday in the United States of America, it would already be Tuesday in
Australia. The worldwide standard for Coordinated Universal Time, formerly known as GMT (Greenwich
Mean Time), is now abbreviated as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

The map below shows the location of the International Date Line.

The arrow shows that to get

to the IDL you must travel
1800 west or east of the Prime

The IDL is located in the

middle of the Pacific Ocean. It
is not a perfectly straight line.

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Test 4
1. Which pair is an example of 4. What is the name of the line 7. All of the following are true
lines of longitude? shown above? about the line shown above
a. Equator and Prime a. International Date Line EXCEPT that it
Meridian b. Prime Meridian a. is a line of longitude.
b. Prime Meridian and c. Equator b. helps us to tell the time.
International Date Line d. Tropic of Cancer c. helps us to tell the date.
c. International Dateline and d. is a line of latitude.
d. Equator and International 5. Starting from the line, the 8. 1800 east of the line is the
Date Line International Date Line is a. International Date Line
located b. Equator
2. The International Date Line a. 1800 West. c. Prime Meridian
is directly opposite the b. 1200 South. d. Tropic of Cancer
a. Equator. c. 900 East.
b. Tropic of Capricorn. d. 900 North.
c. Tropic of Cancer.
d. Prime Meridian. Study the illustration of the
globe below and then answer
3. Which best describes the questions 6-10 9. What is the name of the
International Date Line? ocean at T?`
a. Line of latitude 00 a. Arctic Ocean
b. Line of longitude 900 b. Atlantic Ocean
c. Line of longitude 1800 c. Pacific Ocean
d. Line of latitude 3600 d. Indian Ocean

Study the illustration of the 10. If it is Sunday in the country

globe below and then answer at A, what day would it be in
questions 4 and 5. the country at B?
a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Tuesday
d. Saturday

6. What is the name of the line

shown above?
a. Equator
b. Prime Meridian
c. Tropic of Cancer
d. International Date Line

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1. Study the map of the world shown below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. Define the term continent.



b. Shade the continent on which Guyana is located.

c. List two countries located on the continent marked E.



d. Name the continent that has no countries.


e. Give one reason why the continent identified in (d) has no countries.



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2. Study the map of the world shown below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. State the approximate percentage of the map that is covered with water.


b. Mark X on the location of the Indian Ocean.

c. What is the name of the ocean located east of the continent marked E?


d. Mark Y on the location of the Mediterranean Sea.

e. What is the name of the sea located north of the continent marked B?



f. State one difference between an ocean and a sea.




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3. Study the map of the world shown below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What is the name of the line of longitude located at 00?



b. If you start at the line of longitude located at 00, then travelled 1800 east, what is the name of the line
that you would encounter?



c. What is the name of the ocean that the line you named at (3b) passes through?



d. Insert on the diagram the location of the Equator.

e. List two countries the Equator passes through.



f. Give two reasons why lines of longitude and latitude are important.





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4. Study the map of the world shown below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. Shade on the map the Tropical Climatic Zone.

b. List two countries located in the Tropical Climatic Zone.



c. What type of climate is experienced in the continent at Q?



d. Dennis is moving from the continent at R to the continent at Q. Describe one lifestyle change that he
would need to make after moving.



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Where did they come from? The Amerindians How did they come? They walked across the Bering
came from the continent of Asia. They came from Strait, (a frozen bridge), through North America,
countries such as Mongolia. Central America, then into South America.

Map showing the continent of Asia and the route Early Amerindians
taken by Amerindians to Guyana

Why did they come? They left Asia during the fourth ice age, fleeing from the cold and following
herds of buffalo and other animals for food.

The Amerindians are the Indigenous or native people of Guyana. This means they were the first to arrive
in Guyana. When they arrived, they first gave it the name “Guiana”, meaning land of many waters. The
Arawaks were the first tribe to settle, then the Caribs. The head of these Amerindian tribes was called
Chiefs, Captains or Touchaus. The Amerindians lived in houses called benabs. These houses were made of
tree barks, branches, straws, vines and a special troolie/eta palm. Using weapons made of stone and bone,
they were excellent hunters and fishermen. The Amerindians also learned to cultivate the land where they
settled. Their staple food was sweet and bitter cassava, which was used to make cassava bread and farine.
Traditionally, the Amerindian women would also chew and ferment the cassava to make an alcoholic
beverage known as Piwari. In total, nine Amerindian tribes settled in Guiana, including four main tribes,
Arawaks, Caribs, Wapisianas and Warraus, and five other sub - tribes.

1. Arawaks 4. Warraus 7. Macushis

2. Caribs 5. Arecunas 8. Patamonas
3. Wapisianas 6. Akawaios 9. Wai Wai

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Test 5
Study the map of the world below and then answer questions 1-3

1. On which continent is Guyana 5. What is the meaning of the 9. All of the following are leaders
located? name ‘Guiana’ given by the of Indigenous tribes EXCEPT a
a. Q Indigenous people? a. Chief.
b. T a. Golden Land b. Captain.
c. R b. Land of the free c. Touchau.
d. U c. Land of many waters d. Commander.
d. Golden City of El Dorado
2. Which continent did the 10. The Indigenous people lived in
Indigenous people come from? 6. How did the Indigenous people houses called
a. Q travel to Guyana? a. benabs.
b. T a. They travelled by buses. b. igloos.
c. R b. They were brought on ships. c. logies.
d. P c. They walked across the d. caves.
Bering Strait.
3. Choose the correct route the d. The swam across the Caspian 11. The Indigenous people made
Indigenous people took to get to Sea. their weapons using
Guyana. a. stones and bones.
a. Q→U→P 7. Guyana’s native people crossed b. broken bottles.
b. T→R→U the c. metals.
c. T→Q→U a. Red Sea. d. plastic.
d. U→Q→T b. Caspian Sea.
c. Bering Sea. 12. The staple diet of the
3. The word Indigenous means d. Mediterranean Sea. Indigenous people consisted
a. last people. mainly of
b. native people. 8. The Indigenous people came to a. rice.
c. chosen people. Guyana b. maize.
d. endangered people. a. by following animals for food. c. cassava.
b. in search of new land. d. potatoes.
4. The Indigenous people of c. in search of gold.
Guyana are the d. to work as slaves. 13. How many main Amerindian
a. Africans. tribes settled in Guyana?
b. Europeans. 9. The first Indigenous tribe to a. 4
c. East Indians. arrive in Guyana was the b. 5
d. Amerindians. a. Warraus. c. 8
b. Arawaks. d. 9
c. Wapisianas.
d. Caribs.

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Amerindians Contributions
Examples of Amerindian contributions Food:
Names of Places :
Country: Guiana, now spelt Guyana
Places: Timehri, Aruka, Bartica
Rivers: Cuyuni and Mazaruni Pepper pot Cassava bread
Waterfalls: Kaieteur, Orinduik

Farine Piwari

Clothing: Craft:

Hammock Tibisiri Coloured Beads

Straw Skirt Straw Hat Headdress basket Jewellery

Musical Instrument: Associated Celebrations:

• Mashramani - It is celebrated on the 23rd
of February. The word Mashramani means
celebration after hard co operative work.
• Amerindian Heritage Month - It is celebrated in
the month of September.

Rattles Drums Flutes

Dance: Other important contributions:

• Mari Mari The poison curare that can be used to cure muscular
rigidity in diseases such as tetanus.

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Test 6
1. All of the following were 5. All of the following are 9. What is the name of the
named by the Amerindians traditional Amerindian craft Amerindian medicine that
EXCEPT, EXCEPT the can be used to treat tetanus?
a. Guiana. a. hammock. a. Curare
b. Georgetown. b. embroidery bags. b. Piwari
c. Mazaruni River. c. beaded jewellery. c. Cassiri
d. Kaieteur Falls. d. Tibisiri basket. d. Maba

2. Which of the following 6. Which of the following 10. Which of the following is
is NOT an example is NOT an example of a NOT a contribution made by
of a traditional traditional Amerindian the Amerindians ? They
Amerindian food? instrument? a. named many of our rivers.
a. Pepper pot a. Flute b. gave us a variety of foods
b. Cassava bread b. Rattles like cassava bread and
c. Farine c. Drums pepperpot.
d. Roti and curry d. Accordion c. named our capital city,
3. Piwari is a traditional 7. What does the word d. gave us the name
Amerindian drink made by Mashramani mean? Mashramani.
a. blending farine and a. Land of many waters
cassava. b. Celebration after hard
b. grinding maize and work
cassava. c. Co operative work
c. crushing potatoes and d. Land of the native people
d. chewing and fermenting 8. Which of the following
cassava. dances would be
performed at an
4. Most traditional Amerindian Amerindian heritage event?
clothing are made of a. Mari Mari
a. leather. b. Kathak
b. straw. c. Nagara
c. cloth. d. Waltz
d. leaves.

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Where did they come from? The Europeans How did they come? The Europeans came on
came from the continent of Europe. They came ships. Christopher Columbus discovered the West
from countries such as England, France, Indies. The Pinta, Nina & Santa Maria are famous
Spain and Netherlands. European ships used by Christopher Columbus.

Map showing the continent of Europe

Why did they come? The Europeans came in search of new lands and the Golden City of El Dorado

Early Europeans

The Europeans were the second group of people to come to Guyana. The Europeans came in search of new
lands. They also came in search of the Golden City of El Dorado. They first encountered the Amerindians
and began to trade with them using a barter system. The Europeans would give the Amerindians knives,
axes, lengths of cloth and coloured beads in exchange for food supplies, annatto dye and hemp, which they
used to make rope for their ships.

The Europeans decided to remain in Guyana. They changed its name from Guiana to British Guiana.
They remained because they found that the soil and climate were suitable for cultivating of products
such as tobacco, cotton and sugar cane. All of the products, especially sugar, was in great demand in the
European nations. It was needed for distilling and brewing and making cakes, biscuits and beverages like
tea. However, to cultivate sugar, large labour forces were required. So the Europeans decided first to enslave
the Amerindians to work on the sugarcane plantations. However, the Amerindians did not work well on
the plantations. The Europeans recognized this, and they treated the Amerindians cruelly. They had to find
alternative labour and decided to enslave the Africans. The Portuguese, East Indians and the Chinese were
brought by the Europeans as indentured labourers.
Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 17

Test 7
Study the map of the world 4. When the Europeans 8. Which crop increased the
below and then answer question arrived in Guyana, they first demand for large labour
1-10. encountered the forces on the plantation?
a. Africans. a. Tobacco
b. Portuguese. b. Cotton
c. Amerindians. c. Rice
d. Chinese. d. Sugar cane

5. The Europeans bartered all 9. The crop that increased a

of the following demand for labourers was
with the first people they used for all the following
discovered in Guyana reasons EXCEPT
EXCEPT, a. to trade with Africans.
a. knives. b. distilling and brewing in
1. Which continent did the b. axes. Europe.
Europeans come from? c. hemp. c. making cakes and
a. O d. cloth and coloured beads. biscuits in Europe.
b. L d. making beverages like tea
c. U 6. The Europeans received all of in Europe.
d. R the following from the first
people they discovered in 10. In what order did the
2. All of the following are Guyana EXCEPT Europeans obtain labourers
countries Europeans came a. hemp. to plant the crop?
from EXCEPT b. annatto dye. a. Amerindians, African,
a. England. c. food. Portuguese, East Indians,
b. Mongolia. d. guns. Chinese
c. France. b. Portuguese, East Indians,
d. Spain. 7. Europeans decided to remain Chinese Amerindians,
in Guyana to plant all the Africans
3. The Europeans came to following crops EXCEPT, c. African, Portuguese,
Guyana a. rice. East Indians, Chinese,
a. in search of food. b. Sugar cane. Amerindians
b. in search for new lands and c. cotton. d. African , Amerindians,
gold. d. tobacco. Portuguese, East Indians,
c. as indentured immigrants. Chinese
d. to work on sugar
plantations as slaves.

18 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


European Contributions
Examples of European contributions Food:
Europeans have given us our native language
“English”. Spanish and French are also taught in
secondary schools as languages.

Pastries Pies

Clothing: Craft:

Suit Dress Ceramics Pottery

Musical Instrument: Associated Celebration:

• English Fringe Festival

• Waltz

Accordion Bag Pipes Guitar

Other important contributions

The Europeans have named many places in Guyana.

Dutch French English Spanish

Stabroek La Bonne Intention Georgetown Santa Rosa
Soesdyke Le Repentir Kingston El Dorado
Uitvlugt Le Ressouvenir Bourda Anna Regina
Goed Fortuin Mon Repos Lethem Anna Catherina
Vreed-en-Hoop Non Pariel Wales
Meten -Meer-Zorg Versailles Charity

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 19


Test 8
1. Which of the following is 5. Which of the following 8. Which of the following are
NOT a European Nation? is NOT an example of examples of names given by
a. Netherland a traditional European the Spanish?
b. Australia instrument? a. Stabroek, Soesdyke
c. France a. Bag Pipe b. La Bonne-Intention, Le
d. Spain b. Tassa Repentir
c. Guitar c. Georgetown, Bourda
2. The official language of d. Accordion d. Santa Rosa, El Dorado
Guyana is
a. French. 6. Which of the following 9. Which of the following are
b. English. dances would be performed examples of names given by
c. Spanish. at a traditional European the English?
d. Dutch. wedding? a. Stabroek, Soesdyke
a. Waltz b. La Bonne-Intention, Mon
3. Which of the following is b. Mari Mari Repos
an example of a traditional c. Nagara c. Georgetown, Bourda
European food? d. Masquerade d. Santa Rosa, El Dorado
a. Pepper pot
b. Pastries 7. Which of the following are 10. Which of the following are
c. Farine examples of names given by examples of names given by
d. Sweet and Sour relishes the Dutch? the French?
a. Stabroek, Soesdyke, a. Stabroek, Uitvlugt
4. In Europe, you would find Uitvlugt, Goed Fortuin b. La Bonne-Intention, Non
most men wearing a b. La Bonne-Intention, Le Pariel
a. suit. Repentir, Le Ressouvenir c. Georgetown, Charity
b. kurta. c. Georgetown, Bourda, d. Santa Rosa, El Dorado
c. dhoti. Lethem,
d. dashiki. d. Santa Rosa, El Dorado,

20 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


The Triangular Trade

The term Triangular Trade or Transatlantic slave trade   is a generalization used to describe the trade
between countries in Europe, Africa, and South America. It began because
• Amerindians did not work well under harsh plantation conditions.
• the cultivation of tobacco, cotton and later on sugarcane, demanded large labour forces.
• sugar was in great demand in Europe.

The map below shows the route of the Triangular Trade. Study and discuss the map with your teacher.

The Triangular Trade

At this stage, Europeans left Europe to travel to Africa. Rum, pieces of cloth, knives, cutlasses,
guns and gun powder were taken to Africa to be traded for slaves. In Africa, the strongest slaves
were captured, branded, yoked two by two and kept in barracoons or slave quarters. The slaves
were then traded to the Europeans in exchange for the rum, knives and pieces of cloth. This form
of trade was called bartering.

At this stage, the slaves were then taken from Africa to countries in North and South America
to be auctioned to plantation owners. The journey was called the Middle Passage. This six months
journey was the worst. The slaves were closely packed in the hold of ships. They lay in chains
on wooden shelves. The heat in slave holds was fierce. The slaves could hardly move, and often
time they fouled their own place and the stench was intolerable. Many got sick and died. Some
slaves even committed suicide. When they arrived in countries like British Guiana, plantations
owners bought and branded the best slaves. Members of the same family could even be bought
by different plantation owners and separated. Sometimes plantations used sugar to buy the slaves
while on other occasions, they could use money. Whenever money was received, it could be used
to buy sugar, tobacco and cotton.

At this stage, the sugar, cotton and tobacco were then taken from the Americas to Europe. They
were in great demand in Europe to manufacture different products.
Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 21

Test 9
Study the map of the world below and then answer questions 1-15.

1. Which group started the trade 6. Which of the following countries 11. The duration of the journey from
system shown above? was a likely destination at V? V→Q was approximately
a. Africans a. Spain a. 24 hours.
b. Europeans b. British Guiana b. two weeks.
c. Amerindians c. Congo c. five to ten weeks.
d. East Indians d. India d. six months.

2. All of the following are reasons the 7. Which of the following statement 12. Which statement is NOT TRUE
slave trade began EXCEPT, is True about activities that about the journey V→Q?
a. Europeans needed labourers to occurred at V? a. Slaves were closely packed in
work on plantations. a. Slaves were auctioned for. ships.
b. the Amerindians did not work b. Slaves were kept in logies. b. Slaves had separate rooms for
well on plantations. c. Slaves were bartered for. each family.
c. sugar was in great demand in d. Slaves volunteered themselves c. Slaves committed suicide.
Europe. to be sold. d. Slaves were chained together.
d. Europeans wanted to set
up plantations in other 8. At stage V, barracoons were used. 14. All of the following were activities
continents. What were barracoons? that occurred at Q EXCEPT
a. Areas below the ship a. the best slaves were bought by
3. The slave trade did not include the b. Slave quarters where slaves plantation owners, rebranded
continent of were kept and taken to plantations.
a. North America. c. Houses where the Europeans b. slaves were auctioned for.
b. South America. stayed c. families were always sent to
c. Asia. d. The houses of the Africans the same plantation.
d. Europe. d. sugar and tobacco were
9. Which part of the slave trade was bought.
4. Which is the correct order, from known as the middle passage?
beginning to the end, in which the a. P→V 15. What was taken from Q→P?
slave trade occurred? b. Q→P a. Sugar
a. P→Q→V c. V→Q b. Pieces of Cloth
b. Q→V→P d. P→Q c. Knives
c. P→V→Q d. Cutlasses
d. V→P→Q 10. What ocean was crossed during the
journey from V→Q? 16. Which of the following countries
5. All of the following were taken a. Arctic was a likely destination at P?
from P→V EXCEPT, b. Pacific a. Spain
a. anatto dye. c. Southern b. British Guiana
b. pieces of cloth. d. Atlantic c. Congo
c. knives. d. India
d. cutlasses.

22 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Where did they come from? The Africans came How did they come? They came on specially built
from the continent of Africa. They came from slave ships.
countries such as Congo, Gabon, Cameroon, Mali,
Gambia and Togo.

Map showing the continent of Africa Slave Ship

Why did they come? They came to work on the sugar plantation as slaves.

The Europeans lured Africans and brought them to British Guiana to work on sugar plantation as slaves. The journey from
Africa to the British Guiana was known as the middle passage. It was horrific. Once in British Guiana, slaves were auctioned for
by plantation owners. To show ownership, plantation owners branded the slaves. On plantations, slaves lived in houses made
of mud. They worked from as early as 6 a. m in the morning up until sunset. Their staple diet consisted of plantains. Europeans
treated the slaves harshly. Harsh treatment of slaves caused many slaves to commit suicide, runaway, and eventually give rise to
several rebellions. The 176 3 rebellion was led by Cuffy on Plantation Magdalenenburg. Other persons involved in this rebellion
were Akara, Atta, Accabre and Gousarri. This rebellion failed because of disunity among the Africans. Cuffy shot himself, and
the other leaders were defeated. Another rebellion arose on Plantation Le Ressouvenir in 1823. Quamina and his son Jack
Gladstone were held responsible for the uprising. It was unsuccessful because the leaders had discouraged the Africans from
being violent. Quamina was shot, and Jack Gladstone was sentenced to deportation and taken to St. Lucia where he was sold
into slavery.

Thomas Buxton, Thomas Clarkson, Granville Sharp, George Canning, James Ramsay and William Wilberforce started a
campaign to abolish slavery. Slavery was abolished in 1834. After the abolition of slavery, slaves still had to work on plantations,
but were now paid small wages. Some Africans, like Damon, refused to work. In 1834, he started a protest which ended up in
him being hanged by the Europeans.

Slaves were finally freed on August 1st 1838. Africans then began to buy plantations. The first plantation bought by the freed
slaves was plantation Northbrook, which was later renamed Victoria. They also started a village movement by purchasing
communities. The first community purchased was Queenstown in Essequibo. Africans earned a living by practising peasant
farming of crops like rice, and trade work like masonry, carpentry, plumbing and handcraft.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 23


Test 10
1. Slaves were brought to 6. The Africans on the sugar 11. What did the Europeans do
Guyana from plantation rebelled because to Damon? They
a. Nigeria. they were a. hanged him
b. Mongolia. I well paid for protesting
c. Spain. II poorly fed apprenticeship.
d. Scotland. III overworked b. honoured him
for protesting
2. How did the Africans come a. I and II only apprenticeship.
to Guyana? b. I and III only c. shot him for protesting
a. They were brought on c. II and III only apprenticeship.
slave ships. d. I, II and III d. sculpted a statue of him.
b. They walked.
c. They travelled by buses. 7. On which plantation did the 12. All the Africans were freed
d. They travelled on ships 1763 Berbice Slave Rebellion on
that they built. take place? Plantation a. 1st August 1828.
a. Magdalenenburg b. 1st August 1838.
3. The journey the Africans b. Lilienburg c. 1st August 1860.
took to come to Guyana was c. Le Ressouvenir d. 1st August 1863.
called the d. Enmore
a. Triangular Trade 13. The first plantation bought
b. Middle Passage 8. From the following slaves, by the freed Africans was
c. Transatlantic Trade who “lead” the 1763 Berbice plantation
d. First Voyage Slave Rebellion? a. Success.
a. Cuffy b. Lilienburg.
4. The Africans came to Guyana b. Akara c. Le Ressouvenir.
a. to work as slaves on sugar c. Atta d. Northbrook.
plantations. d. Accabre
b. in search of new land. 14. Shortly after emancipation,
c. in search of food. 9. Who were the persons the former enslaved people of
d. as explorers and hunters. responsible for the rebellion Guyana worked together to
that took place on Plantation establish the village of
5. While working on the Le Resouvenir? a. Calcutta
plantation, Africans a. Quamina and Jack b. Enmore
I were paid a salary Gladstone c. Victoria
II were beaten by slave b. John Smith and Success d. Hopetown
masters c. Cuffy and Akara
III worked from 6 a. m to d. Accabre and Gousarri 15. To earn money, the Africans
sunset I practiced peasant
10. Slavery was abolished in farming.
a. I and II only e. 1831. II exported sugar.
b. I and III only f. 1832. III made handcraft.
c. II and III only g. 1833.
d. I, II and III h. 1834. a. I and II only
b. I and III only
c. II and III only
d. I, II and III

24 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


African Contributions
Examples of African contributions Food:
Africans were among the first rice planters in

Cook up Rice Conkie

Metagee Foo Foo

Clothing: Craft/Jewellery

Bead Earrings Arm Band

Dashikis Head Wraps/Ties Bead Chain Carvings

Musical Instrument: Associated Celebration:

• Emancipation Day - It is celebrated on the 1st of
• Queh Queh
Bongo Drums

Maracas Marimbas

Dance: • Other important contributions

• Cumfa
• Some people have adapted many African cultural
• Masquerade beliefs e.g.
• Obeah
• Ole’ Higue
• Voodoo
• Baccoo

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 25


Test 11
1. Africans were the first 5. All of the following are 8. Which of the following is
a. rice planters. examples of traditional NOT associated with African
b. sugarcane planters. African instruments tradition?
c. to arrive in Guyana. EXCEPT a. Cumfa
d. to be treated a. Marimbas. b. Sware
harshly by the b. Bag pipes. c. Queh-Queh
Europeans. c. Bongo Drums. d. Kathak
d. Maracas.
2. Which of the following is 9. Which of the following is
NOT an example of a Study the caption below and NOT associated
traditional African food? then answer question 6. with traditional African
a. Conkie beliefs?
b. Foo Foo At a traditional African wedding, a. Kanaima
c. Farine Jaron and his family danced to the b. Baccoo
d. Cook up beat of drums and sang folk songs. c. Obeah
d. Voodoo
3. What type of clothing would 6. What is the name of the
you find men in Africa celebration being observed?
wearing at traditional events? a. Queh Queh 10. All of the following are
a. Suit b. Cumfa African contributions
b. Dashiki c. Masquerade EXCEPT
c. Kurta d. Sware a. foods like Metagee and
d. Sombreros Cook-up-rice.
7. During Mashramani, b. clothing like Dashikis.
4. All of the following are you would find people c. musical instruments like
traditional African craft performing this traditional Bongo drums.
EXCEPT African celebration. d. Jewellery like tillary.
a. hammocks. a. Queh Queh
b. bead earrings. b. Cumfa
c. arm bands. c. Mari Mari
d. bead chains. d. Masquerade

26 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Where did they come from? The Portuguese came How did they come? They came on ships. The
from the continent of Europe. They came from Louisa Baillie was the name of a ship that they came
countries like Portugal and Madeira Island. on.

Map showing Portugal and Madeira Island Louisa Baillie

Why did they come? They came to replace the Africans and work as indentured labourers on sugar plantations.

Early Portuguese

The Portuguese came as indentured labourers to work on the sugar plantations for a period of five (5)
years. The first forty (40) Portuguese came on May 3rd, 1835. They were sent to plantations Thomas, La
Penitence and Liliendaal. Unlike the Africans, as indentured labourers, they were paid small wages from
the beginning. However, they did not work well on the plantations, so after the first period of indentureship
was finished, most Portuguese left the sugar plantations and opened their own businesses.

By 1856, the Portuguese controlled business in British Guiana. Instead of purchasing goods from African
businessmen, Europeans started buying from Portuguese businessmen. James Sayers Orr (Angel Gabriel)
accused the Portuguese of taking bread out of the mouth of African businessmen. This brought conflict
between the Portuguese and the Africans who were losing customers. Africans began to attack Portuguese
businesses during what was referred to as Angel Gabriel Riots.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 27


Test 12
1. Where did the Portuguese businesses.
come from? c. rioted against Europeans.
a. Australia and Nigeria 5. All of the following were d. travelled to other
b. Portugal and Madeira conditions continents.
Island a. of Indentureship
c. India and France EXCEPT 9. Which ethnic group attacked
d. Spain and India b. working for less than five the Portuguese?
years. a. Amerindians
2. How did the Portuguese c. working for at least five b. Europeans
come? They years. c. Africans
a. travelled on the ship d. working with wages. d. East Indians
Louisa Baillie. e. being free to leave after
b. walked across the Bering five years. 10. All of the following were
Straight. causes of the riots against the
c. travelled on the Pinta, 6. Which of the following was Portuguese EXCEPT
Santa Maria and the NOT a plantation Portuguese a. the Europeans began to
Nina. were sent to? buy more goods from the
d. travelled on the ships Plantation Portuguese.
Whitby and Hesperus. a. Thomas b. James Sayers Orr accused
b. La Penitence the Portuguese of taking
3. When did the first c. Liliendall bread out of the mouths
Portuguese arrive in British d. Vreed-en-Hoop of Africans.
Guiana? c. that they were controlling
a. May 3, 1835 7. Why did the Portuguese stop retailing in British
b. May 5, 1838 working on plantations? They Guiana.
c. May 26, 1966 a. were not paid wages. d. that they were being
d. May 23, 1970 b. did not work well on forced to work for
plantations. Africans.
4. The Portuguese came to c. had earned enough
British Guiana money.
a. to work as d. were told to leave by the
slaves on sugar e. Europeans.
b. in search of new land. 8. What did most of Portuguese
c. to work as indentured men do after leaving sugar
labourers on sugar plantations?
plantations. They
d. in search of food and a. planted sugarcane.
warm climate. b. opened their own

28 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Portuguese Contributions
Examples of Portuguese contributions Food:
Portuguese have been excellent businessmen and
developed many businesses in Guyana including
• J.P Santos
• Banks D.I.H Stew Beef
• Fogarty’s Ltd
• John Fernandes Ltd

Pancakes Garlic Pork

Clothing: Craft/Jewellery


Cork bags and

Bouffant Waistcoats
bracelets Pottery
Long Skirts
Musical Instrument: Associated Celebration:
• Arrival Day - It is celebrated on the 5th of May.
• Saint Martins Day
• Holy Week
• Christmas Mass

Braggs Rajas

Dance: • Other important contributions

• Vira
• Some people have adapted many Portuguese
• Chula beliefs e.g.
• Fandango • Holy Spirit or Pentecost.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 29


Test 13
1. Portuguese were credited for 5. Africans are to carvings as 9. All of the following
being excellent Portuguese are to are popular
a. farmers. a. cork bracelets. Portuguese businesses
b. businessmen. b. head dresses. EXCEPT
c. rice planters. c. hammocks. a. Banks D.I.H.
d. land developers. d. bangles. b. J.P. Santos.
c. Courts.
2. All of the following are 6. Which of the following pairs d. Fogarty’s.
traditional Portuguese foods is an example of traditional
EXCEPT Portuguese instruments? 10. Portuguese have made all of
a. red beans soup. a. Braggs and Rajas the following contributions
b. stew beef. b. Flute and Congo Drums EXCEPT
c. foo-foo. c. Rattle and Maracas a. garlic pork and beef stew.
d. garlic pork. d. Tassa and Mandolins b. rajas and braggs.
c. chula and vira.
3. All of the following are 7. Which of the following d. wanton soup and fried
traditional Portuguese celebrations is associated rice.
clothing EXCEPT with the Portuguese?
a. sombreros. a. Queh Queh
b. waistcoat. b. Masquerades
c. bouffant long skirts. c. St. Martin’s Day
d. straw skirts. d. Cumfa

4. What clothing are you 8. Amerindians are to Mari

likely to see at a traditional Mari as Portuguese are to
Portuguese celebration? a. Nagara.
a. Dashiki b. Kathak.
b. Sari c. Cumfa.
c. Shalwar d. Fandango
d. Waistcoat

30 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


East Indians
Where did they come from? The East Indians How did they come? They came on ships. The
came from the continent of Asia. They came from names of two ships they came on were the M.V.
the country, India. Some districts in India from Whitby and M.V. Hesperus.
which they came include Chota Nagpur, Kolkata,
Burdwan and Bancoorah. 

Map showing the country, India M.V. Whitby M.V. Hesperus

Why did they come? They came to work as indentured labourers on the sugar plantations.

Early East Indians

The East Indians came to work as indentured labourers on the sugar plantations for a period of 5 years. The first set of East
Indians arrived in British Guiana on May 5th, 1838. They were sent to plantations Highbury, Waterloo, Vreed-en-Hoop and
Anna Regina. For their labour, they were paid small wages. The place in which they lived was called bound yards, and they lived
in long ranges called logies. Even though only men signed indentured contracts, women and children had to work also. They
worked on plantations from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Like the Africans, they were cruelly treated. They were flogged with cat o’ nine
tails. After being flogged, salt was rubbed on their backs. They were sometimes locked up in a house known as the sick house.
If they ran away, they were beaten when caught.

This cruel treatment of the East Indians led to numerous strikes and disturbances on plantations like Plantation Lusignan
(1912), Plantation Rose Hall (1913),Plantation Leonora (1939) and Plantation Enmore (1948). Five sugar workers were killed
on Plantation Enmore during the rebellion namely, Lalabagee, Surujbali, Harry, Pooran and Rambarran. After the first period
of indentureship ended in 1843, most East Indians left the plantations and decided to return home to India. However, some
East Indians remained in British Guiana and used the money they saved to purchase land. Several schemes like Anna Regina,
and Vergenoegen (Essequibo), Cane Grove and Helena (Demerara), and Bush Lot and Black Bush Polder (Berbice) were also
developed to encourage East Indians to remain. The East Indians used their land to build their homes and practice planting of
rice, green vegetables and provisions.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 31


Test 14
1. Which country did the East
Indians come from? 5. The first set of East Indian
a. Portugal indentured labourers were 9. Which of the following
b. France sent to all the following statements is NOT true?
c. Canada plantations EXCEPT a. East Indians were flogged
d. India a. Highbury with cat – o – nine tails.
b. Vreed-en-Hoop b. East Indians were locked
2. How did the East Indians c. Anna Regina up in a house known as
come to British Guiana? They d. Le Ressouvenir the sick house.
a. travelled on the ship c. If the East Indians ran
Louisa Baillie. 6. All of the following were away, they were beaten
b. walked across the Bering conditions of indentureship once caught.
straight. EXCEPT d. East Indians were not
c. travelled on the Pinta, a. being free to leave after paid wages.
Santa Maria and the five years.
Nina. b. working for at least five 10. On which plantation were
d. travelled on the ships years. the five East Indian sugar
Whitby and Hesperus . c. working with wages. workers killed?
d. only the men had to a. Plantation Lusignan
3. When did the East Indians work. (1912)
first arrive in British Guiana? b. Plantation Rose Hall
a. May 3, 1835 7. The quarters in which the (1913)
b. May 5, 1838 East Indians lived c. Plantation Leonora
c. May 16, 1966 were called (1939)
d. May 26, 1966 a. bound yards. d. Plantation Enmore
b. benabs. (1948)
4. The East Indians came to c. barracoons.
Guyana d. barracks.
a. to work as slaves on the
sugar plantations. 8. The houses in which East
b. in search of new land. Indians lived were referred to
c. to work as indentured as
labourers on the sugar a. bound yard.
plantations. b. logies.
d. in search of food and c. barracoons.
warmer climate d. barracks.

32 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


East Indian Contributions

Examples of East Indian contributions Food:
East Indians have made significant contributions
towards the development of the sugar cane and
rice industries.
Dhal and Rice

Dhal Puri and Mithai

Clothing: Craft/Jewellery


Sari Kurta

Shalwar Lahenga Bindi Nose Rings Tillary

Musical Instrument: Associated Celebration:

• Phagwah/Holi- Is referred to as the festival of
colours. It celebrates the triumph of good over
• Arrival Day - It is celebrated on the 5th of May.
Tassa Mandolin It reminds us of all the indentured labourers that
came to Guyana.
• Diwali - It is also known as the “Festival of Lights”.
Sitar Dholak

Dance: Other important contributions

• Kathak
• East Indians are credited for our Agricultural and
• Nagara land development.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 33


Test 15
1. Which of the following 4. All of the following are 8. At a traditional Indian
persons is an East Indian traditional East Indian festival, which of the
and was one of Guyana’s jewellery EXCEPT following dances are you
presidents? a. beaded chains. most likely to observe?
a. Dr. Bharat Jagdeo b. bangles. a. Kathak
b. Desmond Hoyte c. nose rings. b. Masquerade
c. Samuel Hinds d. tillary. c. Mari Mari
d. Arthur Chung d. Dragon dance

2. Which of the following 5. Which of the following is not 9. Which activity is associated
is NOT an example an example of a traditional with the early East Indian
of a traditional East East Indian instrument? Indentured Labourers?
Indian Food? a. Sitar I Development of the
a. A Mithai b. Tassa charcoal industry.
b. Stew beef c. Mandolin II Development of the rice
c. Dhal and rice d. Pipa industry
d. Roti and curry III Establishment of land
6. The festival of lights is called development schemes.
Read the caption and then a. Diwali. a. I and II only
answer question 3. b. Phagwah. b. I and III only
c. Eid–ul-Fitr. c. II and III only
Mr. and Mrs. Indar are attending d. Eid-ul-Adha. d. I, II and III
a traditional East Indian event.
7. The festival of good over evil
3. What type of clothing are is 10. East Indians have made all of
they likely to wear ? a. Diwali. the following contributions
a. Dashiki and Head Ties b. Phagwah. EXCEPT
b. Kurta and Sari c. Eid–ul-Fitr. a. dhal and rice, and sweet
c. Suit and Waistcoat d. Eid-ul-Adha. meats.
d. Sombreros and Long b. sari, shalwar and the
Bouffant skirts kurta.
c. nose ring and bindi.
d. cook-up-rice and conkie

34 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Where did they come from? The Chinese came How did they come? They came on ships. The
from the continent of Asia. They came from the Glentanner and Lord Elgin were the first ships they
country China. came on. Other ships they came on included, the
General Wyndham, Royal George, Whirl Winds,
Persia, Lady Elma Bruce, Ganges, Zouave, Pride of
Ganges and Jeddo.

Glentanner Lord Elgin

Map showing the country, China

Why did they come? They came to work as indentured labourers on the sugar plantations.

Early Chinese
The Chinese came to work as indentured labourers on the sugar plantations for a period of 5 years. The first set of Chinese
arrived in British Guiana on January 12th, 1853. They were sent to Plantations Blankenburg Estate, Windsor Forest, Anna
Regina, Anna Catherina, Stewartville, Schoonord and Skeldon. They were paid small wages. They worked on the plantations,
but over time they became dissatisfied with the low wages they were being paid by the Europeans. Hence, some of them left
plantations and lived in the first-ever Chinese settlement, Hopetown. To earn a living, some Chinese started to practice rice
farming, others opened businesses, and some started to make charcoal.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 35


Test 16
1. Which continent did the 5. When did the Chinese first 8. Why did the Chinese
Chinese come from? arrive in British Guiana? indentured labourers leave
a. South America a. January 3, 1835 the plantations?
b. Asia b. May 5, 1838 a. They did not
c. Europe c. January 12, 1853 work well on the
d. Africa d. May 3, 1859 plantations.
b. They were not paid.
2. Which country did the 6. The Chinese came to British c. They were treated badly.
Chinese come from? Guiana d. They wanted to return
a. China a. to work as home.
b. Mongolia slaves on sugar
c. Russia plantations. 9. The first village that
d. India b. in search of new lands. the Chinese settled
c. to work as indentured in after they left the
3. The first Chinese arrived in labourers on sugar plantations was
British Guiana on the plantations. a. Victoria.
a. Louisa Baillie and Pinta. d. in search of food. b. Queenstown.
b. Glentanner and Lord c. New Amsterdam.
Elgin. 7. The first Chinese indentured d. Hopetown.
c. Whitby and Hesperus. labourers were sent to all
d. Pinta and Santa Maria. of the following plantations 10. To earn a living after they left
EXCEPT the plantations, Chinese did
4. Which ship is not associated a. Blankenburg Estate and all of the following EXCEPT
with the arrival of additional Windsor Forest. a. open their own
Chinese to British b. Magdalenenburg and Le businesses.
Guiana? Ressouvenir. b. make charcoal.
a. Persia c. Anna Regina and Anna c. plant rice.
b. Jeddo Catherina. d. plant sugarcane.
c. Nina d. Stewartville and Skeldon.
d. Royal George

36 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Chinese Contributions
Examples of Chinese contributions. Food:
Guyana’s first president, Mr. Arthur Chung, was a
Chinese immigrant.


Fried rice Wanton Soup

Clothing: Craft/Jewellery



Tunics Sarongs Fan Embroidery Design

Musical Instrument: Associated Celebration:

• Arrival Day - It is celebrated on the 5th of May.
• Chinese New Year
• Lantern Festival

Cymbals Pipa

Dance: Other important contributions

• Dragon Dance
• They are exceedingly skilful in martial arts ,
• Lantern Dance acrobatics and aerobics.
• Lion Dance • Chinese have also been credited for the
development of the charcoal industry.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 37


Test 17
1. Guyana’s first president was 5. All of the following are 9. Chinese have been credited
a/an traditional Chinese craft for
a. Amerindian. EXCEPT a. the development of the
b. East Indian. a. lanterns. charcoal industry.
c. Chinese. b. fans. b. the development of the
d. European. c. embroidery designs. rice industry.
d. nose rings c. the development of the
2. Who was Guyana’s first medicine curare.
president? 6. Which of the following is an d. naming many places in
a. Linden Forbes Sampson example of a traditional Guyana.
Burnham Chinese instrument?
b. Arthur Chung a. Sitar 10. The Chinese have made
c. Samuel Hinds b. Pipa all of the following
d. Cheddi Jagan c. Mandolin contributions EXCEPT
d. Tassa a. sari, shalwars and
3. Which of the following is lahenga.
NOT an example of 7. One of the biggest Chinese b. fried rice and chowmein.
a traditional Chinese food? festival is c. cymbals and pipa.
a. Mithai a. Diwali. d. dragon dance and lion
b. Chowmein b. Phagwah. dance.
c. Wanton soup c. Chinese New Year.
d. Fried rice d. Christmas.

4. What type of clothing would 8. At a traditional Chinese

you find waiters wearing festival which of the
in a traditional Chinese following dances are you
restaurant? most likely to observe?
a. Dashiki and Head Ties a. Kathak
b. Shalwars and Sari b. San Dancing
c. Sarongs and Tunics c. Nagara
d. Sombreros and Long d. Dragon Dance
Bouffant skirts

38 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


5. Study the image below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. Name the ethnic group shown in the picture above.


Ice Bridge
Central America

b. Complete the flow diagram to describe the route travelled to Guyana by the group of people named at

c. State one reason why this group of people came to Guyana.


d. Name two materials from the environment the persons seen in the picture used to make their clothing
and ornaments.


e. Explain the importance of the environment in the daily life of the group of people named at ‘a’.


Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 39


6. Study the map of the world below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. The Triangular Trade was started by one of Guyana’s ethnic groups. Mark X on the continent from
which the ethnic group came.

b. List the three continents involved in the Triangular Trade.



c. Give one reason why the Triangular Trade began.



d. Insert arrows on the diagram to show the route of the Triangular trade.

e. Mark Y on the arrow that represents the worst stage of the Triangular Trade.

f. Give two reasons why the stage you marked at (6e) was described as the worst stage of the Triangular



40 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


7. Study the map of the world below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. Two of Guyana’s ethnic groups came from the countries X and Y. Name the continent from which
these two ethnic groups came.


b. List the names of the ethnic groups that came to work as indentured labourers in British Guiana.



c. Complete the table by inserting the ethnic group, date they arrived and names of ships they arrived

Country the ethnic Ethnic group Date Arrived Ships they arrived on
group came from

d. Give two differences in contributions made, to Guyana, by the two ethnic groups identified in the
table above.





Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 41


8. Study the table below which shows information about rebellions that took place on sugar plantations
and then answer the questions that follow.

Name of sugar plantation on which rebel-

Year Name of leader in the rebellion
lion took place

_________ Plantation Magdalenenburg  __________________________

1823  ____________________________  Quamina

__________ Plantation Enmore _________________________

a. Complete the table shown above.

b. Describe one way the ethnic groups were treated on the sugar plantations that caused them to take
part in rebellions.



c. State one form of resistance, other than rebellion, in which the slaves took part.



d. Give one reason why the rebellion that took place in the year 1973 failed.



e. What does the disturbance on Plantation Enmore reminds Guyanese about?



42 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


9. Study the list of contributions made by our ethnic groups and then answer the questions that fol-

i Beef stew ii Kaieteur iii Chowmein iv Waltz

a. Select a word from the list to complete the table.

Group Contributions
1 Pipa, Sarongs, _____________

2 Mari-Mari, Rattles, ___________

3 Sombreros, Braggs, __________

4 Pastries, Suits, _____________

Study the images and then answer the questions that follow.

(A) (B)
b. Name the ethnic group and the industry they are credited for in Guyana.

A Ethnic group _____________________ B Ethnic group ______________________

Industry _____________________ Industry ________________________

c. The Europeans named several places in Guyana. Use the names below to fill the table
Anna Regina, La Ressouvenir, Stabroek, Uitvlugt,
Georgetown, Victoria, El Dorado, Mon Repos

Dutch French English Spanish

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 43


10. Study the pictures below showing children dressed in cultural clothing, and then answer the
questions that follow.

Serah Malachi Soshi

“The children are dressed in their cultural clothing to go to school and celebrate culture day.”
a. Arrange the names of the children according to the order in which their ancestors came to Guyana.



b. Name the child/children whose ancestors came from the continent of




c. On what date did Serah’s ancestors first arrive in Guyana?



d. What were the names of the two ships used to bring Serah’s ancestors?



e. Give one similarity between Serah’s and Soshi’s ancestors.



f. Give one difference between Malachi’s and Serah’s ancestors.



44 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Guyana’s Rivers
The course of a river is the path of the river from its beginning (source) to its end (mouth or estuary). A
river’s course includes three stages;
• Upper Course: The upper course is the beginning of the river. The beginning of the river is called the
source. At this stage erosion of river bed occurs.
• Middle Course: At this stage, more erosion occurs at river banks and the materials are transported by
water currents.
• Lower Course: The lower course is the end of the river. The end of the river is called the estuary or
mouth. At this stage, all eroded materials are deposited into oceans and form structures like sandbanks,
deltas and even islands.

Guyana has three main rivers, the Essequibo, Demerara and Berbice Rivers. The Essequibo River is the
longest river. The source of the Essequibo River is the Kamoa Mountain range. A tributary is a smaller river
that branches off from the main rivers. A confluence is the point at which two or more rivers meet. All three
of Guyana’s main rivers end at the Atlantic Ocean.




Map showing the location of Guyana’s Rivers

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 45


Test 18
1. The path of the river from 6. Deposition leads to the 10. At which ocean do all of
beginning to the end is called formation of all of the Guyana’s main rivers come to
its following EXCEPT an end?
a. source. a. sand banks. a. Indian
b. course. b. deltas. b. Atlantic
c. estuary. c. caves. c. Pacific
d. tributary. d. islands. d. Arctic

2. The beginning of a river is Study the map of Guyana 11. The Cuyuni river is at
called its shown below and then answer a. i.
a. source. questions 7-15. b. v.
b. course. c. viii.
c. estuary. d. iv.
d. tributary.
12. The rivers at viii and vi are
3. The end of a river is called its tributaries of the
a. source. a. Essequibo River.
b. course. b. Demerara River.
c. estuary. c. Corentyne River.
d. tributary. d. Berbice River.

4. At a river’s upper course, 13. The point at which the rivers

a. eroded materials are iv and v meet is nown as the
deposited. a. confluence.
b. eroded materials b. tributary.
are being 7. All are main rivers EXCEPT, c. estuary.
transported. a. iii. d. source.
c. the river bed is heavily b. iv.
eroded. c. i. 14. The river at ix is the
d. there is the least erosion. d. ii. a. Wenamu River.
b. Corentyne River.
5. At a river’s lower course, 8. The longest river is at c. Amakura River.
a. eroded materials are a. v. d. Ireng River.
deposited. b. iii.
b. eroded materials c. i. 15. The river at xi is the
are being d. vii. a. Wenamu River.
transported. b. Corentyne River.
c. the river bed is heavily 9. The Kamoa Mountain range c. Amakura River.
eroded. is the source of the river at d. Ireng River.
d. there is the most erosion. a. ii.
b. iv.
c. v.
d. iii.

46 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Guyana’s Rivers
Historically first occupied by the Dutch, Guyana’s three Counties, Essequibo, Demerara and Berbice
were named after Guyana’s main rivers. Their capitals were Fort Island, Borselem Island and Fort Nassau
respectively. In 1814 the Dutch ceded the three counties to the British who then merged them in 1831
to form British Guiana. Venezuela later claimed the county of Essequibo as their own. However, a Treaty
of Arbitration signed at Washington 2nd February, 1897, and later arbitral award issued October 3rd
1899, confirmed the boundary between British Guiana and Venezuela, asserting that the county of
Essequibo belongs to Guyana, “is we own”. No longer under British rule, the three counties now make
up the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. Essequibo is the largest county. There are 365 islands in the
Essequibo River. Three well-known islands are at the mouth or estuary of the Essequibo River. These are
the Hogg, Leguan and Wakenaam Islands. The county of Essequibo is separated from Demerara by the
Boerasirie River. Demerara is the smallest but most densely populated county. It is separated from Berbice
by the Abary River. The map below shows the location of Guyana’s counties.

Map showing Guyana’s Counties

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 47


Test 19
1. The first group to occupy Study the map of Guyana 9. The counties in which that vi
Guyana’s three counties were shown below and then answer and iii are is separated by the
the questions 6-10. a. Abary River.
a. English. b. Barima River.
b. French. c. Takutu River.
c. Spanish. d. Boerasirie River.
d. Dutch.
10. The counties in which iii and
2. The three counties were iv are is separated by the
named after a. Abary River.
a. rivers. b. Barima River.
b. oceans. c. Takutu River.
c. islands. d. Boerasirie River.
d. villages.

3. What was the name of the

capital of the county that was
located at the place v?
a. Borselem Island.
b. Fort Nassau.
c. Fort Island. 6. Which one of the following
d. Fort Zeelandia. letters is placed in the county
of Berbice?
4. In 1814, the three counties a. v
were given to the b. iii
e. English. c. vi
f. French. d. i
g. Spanish.
h. Dutch. 7. Which letter is placed in the
largest county?
5. All of the following are a. iv
examples of islands located in b. iii
the largest county EXCEPT, c. vi
a. Hogg Island. d. i
b. Wakenaam.
c. Cayman. 8. Which letter is placed is in
d. Leguan. the smallest county?
a. iv
b. iii
c. vi
d. i

48 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Guyana’s Natural Regions

Guyana is divided into four natural regions distinguished by topographic, climatic and vegetation features.

Natural Region Boundary Build Soil Vegetation Climate

Flat Plains. Courida,
Low Coastal Point Playa to Pegasse, Silt and 2 wet and 2 dry
Situated below Mangrove,
Plain the Corentyne Clay seasons
sea level. shrubs, grass
White sand and Hot days and
Hilly Sand and Pomeroon to
Hilly clay, Brown and Tall Trees cool nights.
Clay Region Corentyne River
red sand Relief rainfall
Forested Amakura to Taller Forest
Mountainous Mostly rocky throughout the
Highland Region Corentyne River Trees
Grassland. Sand paper 1 wet and 1
Interior Ireng to Takutu
Separated into Clayey rocky soil Grass, and dry season (6
Savannahs River
North and South cashew nuts months each)
by Kanuku Mts.

The map below shows the location of Guyana’s natural regions.

Map showing the location of Guyana’s Natural Regions

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 49


Test 20
Study the map of Guyana shown 4. What is the name of the six months dry weather
below and then answer questions natural region in which the
1-10. place at i is located? 9. This place is in the natural
a. Low Coastal Plain region that usually
b. Hilly Sand and Clay experiences two wet and two
c. Forested Highland dry seasons.
Region a. ix
d. Interior Savannahs b. i
c. viii
5. Which place is in a natural d. iii
region that has soil that
supports the growth of lush 10. This place is in a natural
grasslands. region that is divided
a. iv into north and south by a
b. ii mountain.
c. viii a. i
d. v b. iii
c. viii
1. In which natural region the 6. This place is in a natural d. ii
place at ii is located? region that has Pegasse, Silt
a. Low Coastal Plain and Clay soils.
b. Hilly Sand and Clay a. iv
c. Forested Highland b. ii
Region c. viii
d. Interior Savannahs. d. v

2. This place is in the natural 7. This place is in the most

region that stretches from mountainous natural region.
Point Playa to the Corentyne a. ix
River. b. i
a. vii c. viii
b. i d. iii
c. iii
d. iv 8. Which weather condition is
associated with the natural
3. Which place is in the natural region that the place iii is
region that stretches from the found?
Pomeroon to the Corentyne a. Two wet and two dry
River? seasons
a. vii b. Hot days cool nights and
b. i relief rainfall
c. iii c. Rainfall all year round
d. V and hot wet climate
d. Six months’ rainfall and

50 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Map Study (Natural Regions)

The map below shows the location of Guyana’s natural regions. Study and discuss the map with your
teacher. As you study the map, try to identify the oceans and rivers that are near to them. Try to identify
the counties in which they are located.

Map showing the location of Guyana’s Natural Regions

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 51


Test 21
Study the map of Guyana on the previous page and then answer questions 1-5

1. Which natural region is 3. This natural region starts 5. How many natural regions
bordered by the Atlantic around the Pomeroon River, have parts that lie within the
Ocean? and extends to the Cuyuni- county of Essequibo?
a. Low Coastal Plain Mazaruni Rivers then ends at a. 4
b. Hilly Sand and Clay the Corentyne River. b. 3
c. Forested Highland a. Low Coastal Plain c. 2
Region b. Hilly Sand and Clay d. 1
d. Interior Savannahs c. Forested Highland
2. Which natural region is d. Interior Savannahs
bordered by the Ireng and
Takutu River 4. All the following natural
a. Low Coastal Plain regions have parts that lie
b. Hilly Sand and Clay within all three counties
c. Forested Highland EXCEPT the
Region a. Low Coastal Plain.
d. Interior Savannahs b. Hilly Sand and Clay.
c. Forested Highland
d. Interior Savannahs.

52 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Guyana’s Administrative Regions

The constitution that came into effect on October 6th,1980, provided for Guyana to be divided into ten (10)
Administrative Regions. The main purpose for the country to be divided into the ten (10) Administrative
Regions was to ensure that every Guyanese has the opportunity to share in the development of the country
and to ensure effective governance. It is easy to remember the names of each Administrative Region because
most of them are named after rivers that flow through them. For example, the Barima and Waini Rivers
flow through Region One (1). Hence, Region One (1) is Barima-Waini. There are great things to learn about
each region. For example, every region has a Regional Democratic Center (RDC). Each region’s regional
centre is listed in the table below. The largest region is Region Nine (9). Region Four (4) is the smallest but
most densely populated region. Region Seven (7) is divided into the Upper Mazaruni, Kartabo Triangle
and the Bartica Triangle. Region Eight (8) is mostly made up of forest, rivers and mountains, which makes
it very difficulty to move around in that region. Region Ten (10) is bordered by all the regions EXCEPT
Regions One (1), Two (2) and Nine (9). As you continue to read this book ,you will learn more great things
about each region. The map below shows the location of Guyana’s Administrative Regions. Study and
discuss the map with your teacher.

Reg. Regional Democratic Center

1 Mabaruma

2 Anna Regina

3 Vreed-en-Hoop

4 Triumph

5 Fort Wellington

6 New Amsterdam

7 Bartica

8 Mahdia

9 Lethem

10 Linden

Map showing the location of Guyana’s Administrative Regions

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 53


Test 22
1. Guyana was divided into 5. The letter H represents 11. There is no coastal boundary
Administrative Regions on region for
a. 1st August, 1838. a. 10. a. Cuyuni-Mazaruni.
b. 26th May, 1966. b. 8. b. Upper Demerara –Upper
c. 23rd February, 1970. c. 5. Berbice.
d. 6th October, 1980. d. 1. c. Demerara-Mahaica.
d. Upper Takutu-Upper
2. How many Administrative 6. The letter J is in Essequibo.
Regions is Guyana divided a. Barima-Waini.
into? b. Pomeroon – Supenaam. 12. This is the largest region.
a. 13 c. Essequibo Islands– West a. Cuyuni-Mazaruni
b. 10 Demerara. b. Upper Demerara -
c. 7 d. Demerara-Mahaica. Berbice.
d. 4 c. Demerara-Mahaica
7. The letter F is in d. Upper Takutu-Upper
Study the map of Guyana a. Barima-Waini. Essequibo
shown below and then answer b. Pomeroon – Supenaam.
questions 3-9. c. Essequibo Islands – West 13. The smallest region is
Demerara. e. Cuyuni-Mazaruni.
d. Demerara-Mahaica. f. Upper Demerara -
8. East Berbice-Corentyne is g. Demerara-Mahaica.
represented by the letter h. Upper Takutu-Upper
e. A. Essequibo.
f. C.
g. E. 14. It is difficult to move around
h. J. in
a. Potaro-Siparuni.
9. Potaro-Siparuni is b. Upper Demerara-Upper
represented by letter Berbice.
a. D. c. Demerara-Mahaica.
b. G. d. Upper Takutu-Upper
3. Region No. 4 is represented c. H. Essequibo.
by letter d. I.
a. B. 15. Guyana is divided into
b. F. 10. This region is divided into administrative regions to
c. I. the Upper Mazaruni, Kartabo e. allow citizens to vote in
d. J. Triangle, and the Bartica secret
Triangle. f. allow people to settle in
4. Region No. 7 is represented a. Cuyuni-Mazaruni hinterland areas
by letter b. Upper Demerara- g. increase the number of
e. A. Berbice. people travelling
f. D. c. Essequibo Islands – West h. ensure better
g. F. Demerara management of
h. G. d. Upper Takutu-Upper communities
54 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana

Map Study (Administrative Regions)

The map below shows the location of Guyana’s Administrative Regions. Study and discuss the map
with your teacher. As you study the map, try to identify the oceans and rivers that flow through each
Administrative Region. As mentioned earlier, you will realize some regions are named after the rivers that
flow through them. Try to identify the counties and the natural regions in which they are located.

Map showing the location of Guyana’s Administrative Regions

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 55


Test 23
Study the map of Guyana on the previous page and then answer questions 1-15
1. Which two rivers flow 7. Which region is not located 11. Which region is located
through Region No. 1? within the county of within all three counties?
a. Pomeroon and Supenaam Essequibo? a. 10
b. Mahaica and Berbice a. Upper Demerara-Upper b. 9
c. Barima and Waini Berbice c. 6
d. Cuyuni and Mazaruni b. East Berbice-Corentyne d. 3
c. Cuyuni-Mazaruni
2. Which two rivers flow d. Upper Takutu-Upper 12. Which region is located
through Region No. 2? Essequibo within the county of Berbice
a. Pomeroon and Supenaam only?
b. Potaro-Siparuni 8. Which region is located a. 10
c. Barima and Waini within the county of b. 6
d. Cuyuni and Mazaruni Essequibo and Demerara? c. 4
d. 2
a. Demerara-Mahaica
3. Which two rivers flow b. Essequibo Islands-West
13. Region No. 1 is located
through Region No. 7? Demerara
within the natural region of
a. Pomeroon and Supenaam c. Potaro-Siparuni a. Interior Savannahs and
b. Demerara and Berbice d. Upper Demerara-Upper Low Coastal Plain.
c. Barima and Waini Berbice b. Hilly Sand and Clay
d. Cuyuni and Mazaruni Region and Forested
9. Which region is located Highland Region.
4. Which river borders Region within the county of c. Low Coastal Plain and
No. 9? Demerara only? Forested Highland
a. Takutu a. Demerara-Mahaica Region.
b. Amakura b. Essequibo Islands-West d. Interior Savannahs only
c. Corentyne Demerara
d. Cuyuni c. Potaro-Siparuni 14. Which two regions are
d. Upper Demerara-Upper located within the Low
5. Which river borders Region Berbice Coastal Plain, Hilly Sand
No. 6? and Clay and the Forested
a. Takutu 10. Which region is located Highland Region?
b. Amakura within the counties of a. 1 and 4
c. Corentyne Demerara and Berbice? b. 2 and 6
d. Cuyuni a. 8 c. 3 and 5
b. 6 d. 9 and 7
6. Which region is not c. 5
bordered by the Atlantic d. 1 15. Parts of which two regions
Ocean? are located within the
a. 9 Interior Savannahs?
b. 6 a. 5 and 7
c. 4 b. 3 and 6
d. 1 c. 8 and 9
d. 1 and 2

56 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Map Study (Towns)

In earlier years, six settlements were given township status. Later, four other settlements were given
township status. Now, Guyana has a total of ten (10) towns. The only Administrative Regions that do not
have towns are Region Three (3), Essequibo Islands-West Demerara and Region Five (5), Mahaica-Berbice.
Of the regions, that do have towns, Region Six (6) has the most, with a total of three towns. There are great
things to learn about each town. For example, Georgetown is the capital and chief port of Guyana. It is also
the most populated town. Bartica is said to be the gateway to the hinterland. The map below shows the
location of Guyana’s towns. Study and discuss the map with your teacher. As you study the map, try to
identify the oceans and rivers that are near to each town. Try to identify the counties, natural regions and
Administrative Regions in which they are located.

Map showing the location of Guyana’s Towns

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 57


Test 24
Study the map of Guyana on the previous page and then answer questions 1-20
1. Georgetown is located at the 8. Which town is NOT located in 15. In the Interior Savannahs there
mouth of the the county of Berbice is
a. Essequibo River. a. New Amsterdam a. Lethem.
b. Demerara River. b. Linden b. Mabaruma.
c. Berbice River. c. Corriverton c. Corriverton.
d. Cuyuni River. d. Rose Hall d. Rose Hall.

2. Which town is located at the 9. How many towns are located in 16. There are no towns in regions
confluence of the Essequibo, the Low Coastal Plain? a. 2 and 4.
Cuyuni and Mazaruni Rivers? a. 5 b. 7 and 9.
a. Rose Hall b. 3 c. 3 ad 5.
b. Mabaruma c. 2 d. 1 and 6.
c. Bartica d. 1
d. Lethem 17. Which region has the most
10. Which of the following towns towns?
3. How many towns are in the is NOT located along the Low a. Mahaica-Berbice
county of Essequibo? Coastal Plain? b. East Berbice-Corentyne
a. 5 a. Linden c. Cuyuni-Mazaruni
b. 3 b. Anna Regina d. Essequibo Islands-West
c. 2 c. New Amsterdam Demerara
d. 1 d. Rose Hall
18. The town located in Region No.
4. Which is NOT a town in the 11. How many towns are located in 7 is
county of Essequibo? the Hilly Sand and Clay Region? a. Georgetown.
a. Bartica a. 5 b. Mabaruma.
b. Lethem b. 3 c. Corriverton.
c. Georgetown c. 2 d. Bartica.
d. Mabaruma d. 1
19. The town in Barima-Waini is
5. How many towns are in the 12. Which one of the following a. Georgetown.
county of Demerara? towns is located in the Hilly b. Mabaruma.
a. 5 Sand and Clay Region? c. Corriverton.
b. 3 a. Linden d. Bartica.
c. 2 b. Georgetown
d. 1 c. New Amsterdam 20. The capital town of Guyana is
d. Lethem a. Georgetown.
6. Which town is located in the b. Mahdia.
county of Demerara? 13. The Forested Highland Region c. New Amsterdam.
a. Corriverton has d. Linden.
b. Linden a. 5 towns.
c. Lethem b. 3 towns.
d. Anna Regina c. 2towns.
d. 1 town.
7. How many towns are in the
county of Berbice? 14. In the Forested Highland region
a. 5 there is
b. 3 a. Mahdia.
c. 2 b. Anna Regina.
d. 1 c. Georgetown.
d. Linden.

58 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Map Study (Communities)

A community is a group of people living in the same area. Guyana has many communities. In fact, there are
too numerous to mention! Maybe you can name some for your teacher. The map below shows the location
of some of Guyana’s well-known communities.

Map showing the location of some communities found in Guyana.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 59


Test 25
Study the map of Guyana on the previous page and then answer questions 1-15
1. In the county of Essequibo 7. In the Forested Highland 12. Kamarang and Peters Mine
you can find Region you can find are located in
a. Mackenzie. a. Paramakatoi and a. Cuyuni-Mazaruni.
b. Ituni. Kamarang. b. East Berbice-Corentyne.
c. Kamarang. b. Rosignol and Skeldon. c. Upper Demerara-Upper
d. Kwakwani. c. Wismar and Mackenzie. Berbice.
d. Dadawana and Aishalton. d. Mahaica-Berbice.
2. In the county of Demerara
you can find 8. All of the following are
13. All of the following are
a. Mackenzie. located in Region No. 1
b. Ituni. EXCEPT located in Region No. 6
c. Port Kaituma. a. Kamarang. EXCEPT
d. Kwakwani. b. Port Kaituma. a. Orealla.
c. Matthew’s Ridge. b. Skeldon.
3. In the county of Berbice you d. Santa Rosa Mission. c. Rosignol.
can find d. Rose Hall.
a. Mackenzie. 9. Peter’s Mine is found in
b. Ituni. a. Barima-Waini. 14. Wismar is located in
c. Port Kaituma. b. Essequibo Islands-West a. Pomeroon-Supenaam.
d. Wismar. Demerara. b. Potaro-Siparuni.
c. Cuyuni-Mazaruni. c. Upper Demerara-Upper
4. In which natural region d. Upper Takutu-Upper Berbice.
can you find places like St Essequibo. d. Mahaica-Berbice.
Ignatius and Dadanawa?
a. Low Coastal Plain 10. All of the following are
15. Which of the following group
b. Hilly Sand and Clay located in Region No. 2
c. Forested Highland EXCEPT of places are located in Upper
d. Interior Savannahs a. Suddie. Takutu-Upper Essequibo
b. Charity. region?
5. In the Hilly Sand and Clay c. Enmore. a. Paramakatoi, Kato,
Region, you can find d. Hampton Court. Orinduik
a. Kwakwani and Ituni. b. Annai, Dadanawa,
b. Paramakatoi and 11. Which of the following Karasabai
Matthew’s Ridge. group of places are located in c. Skeldon, Orealla, Rose
c. Annai and Karasabai. Potaro Siparuni? Hall
d. Enmore and Mahaicony. a. Paramakatoi, Kato, d. Port Kaituma, Matthew’s
Orinduik Ridge, Santa Rosa
6. In which natural region b. Annai, Dadanawa, Mission
are you likely to find places Karasabai
like Mahaica, Suddie and c. Skeldon, Orealla, Rose
Charity? Hall
a. Forested Highland d. Port Kaituma, Matthew’s
b. Low Coastal Plain Ridge, Santa Rosa
c. Hilly sand and Clay Mission
d. Interior Savannahs

60 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Map Study (Amerindian Tribes)

A community is a group of people living in the same area. Guyana has many communities. In fact, there are
too numerous to mention! Maybe you can name some for your teacher. The map below shows the location
of some of Guyana’s well-known communities.

Map showing the location of Guyana’s Amerindian Tribes

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 61


Test 26
Study the map of Guyana on the previous page and then answer questions 1-5
1. How many Amerindian 3. In which natural region 5. Which Amerindian tribe
tribes are found in Guyana? would you find most would you most likely find in
a. 4 Amerindian tribes? Potaro-Siparuni?
b. 5 a. Low Coastal Plain a. Arawaks
c. 9 b. Interior Savannahs b. Patamonas
d. 10 c. Forested Highland c. Wai Wai
Region d. Caribs
2. The county of Essequibo d. Hilly Sand and Clay
a. has no Amerindian Region
b. has the most Amerindian 4. In this region there are
settlements. Amerindian tribes like
c. has the least Amerindian the Caribs, Akawaios and
settlements. Arecunas.
d. has only one Amerindian a. 2
settlement. b. 7
c. 9
d. 10

62 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Test 27
Study the map of Guyana shown below and then answer questions 1-5.

1. What is the name of the 3. Guyana’s capital city is 5. Charity is located in the
town located in the region located in the region labelled region represented by letter
represented by letter Q? a. P. a. P.
a. Lethem b. Q. b. Q.
b. Georgetown c. R. c. R.
c. Bartica d. S. d. S.
d. Linden
4. Which one of the following
2. How many towns are located communities is located in the
in the region represented by region represented by letter R
letter P? a. Port Kaituma
a. 7 b. Charity
b. 5 c. Ituni
c. 3 d. St Ignatius
d. 1

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 63


Test 28
Study the map of Guyana shown below and then answer questions 1-5.

1. What river separates the 3. Three towns are located in 5. What community is located
regions that are represented the region represented by in the region represented by
by letter J and I? letter letter C?
a. Essequibo a. C. a. Kamarang
b. Demerara b. E. b. Kato
c. Mazaruni c. F. c. Aishalton
d. Berbice d. H. d. Peters mine

2. What is the name of the 4. Paramakatoi is located in the

town located in the region region represented by letter
represented by letter E? a. E.
a. Mahdia b. F.
b. Bartica c. H.
c. Mabaruma d. J.
d. New Amsterdam

64 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


11. Study the map of Guyana below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What is the path of a river from beginning to the end called?



b. List the river located at

I. _______________________________________________________________________________

II. ______________________________________________________________________________

c. Insert the main river that is missing from the map.

d. Define the term tributary.



e. Identify the tributaries represented by the roman numerals.

I. _______________________________________________________________________________

II. ______________________________________________________________________________

f. Mark X at the confluence of the rivers labelled i and iii.

g. Name the ocean at the estuary of Guyana’s main rivers.



Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 65


12. Study the map of Guyana below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. Name Guyana’s three counties.

P. ______________________________________

Q. _____________________________________

R. _____________________________________

b. Identify the three islands that are located at the estuary of Guyana’s largest county.
i. ______________________________________

ii. _____________________________________

iii _____________________________________

c. Shade the county in which you can find Guyana’s capital city.

d. What is the name of the river that separates the counties labelled P and Q?


e. While travelling from the county P to the county Q, students crossed one of Guyana’s main rivers.
What is the name of the river they crossed?


66 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


13. Study the map of Guyana below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. Identify the natural regions labelled

P. ____________________________________________________

Q. ____________________________________________________

b. Shade the natural region that has rolling grasslands.

c. How many towns are located in the natural region labelled S?



d. Which letter represents a natural region that is likely to experience heavy rainfall all year round?



e. Give one difference between the climatic conditions experienced at S and Q.



f. State one difference between the natural region labelled P and R.


Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 67

14. Study the map of Guyana below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What is the name of the Administrative Region that the town at II is located in?


b. Insert the town found in the Upper Takutu-Upper Berbice Region.


c. Annmarie lives in the administrative region, which has three towns. List the three towns found in the
administrative region in which Annmarie lives.

i. __________________________________________________________

ii __________________________________________________________

iii __________________________________________________________

d. Describe one challenge that the people living in the town at V would most likely experience?



e. Give one reason why Guyana was divided into Administrative Regions.



68 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Umana Yana Monument

As you travel throughout the length and breadth of Guyana, you
will see that Guyana has many monuments and landmarks. A
monument is anything set up in memory of a person or event
which is of national significance. Monuments and landmarks
remind us of our rich history and culture. They also serve as great
tourist attractions.

Location: The Umana Yana (Wai Wai name meaning meeting

place of the people) is located in Region Four (4), on High Street
Kingston, Georgetown.

Significance: It reminds us of the first people who came to Guyana,

the Amerindians. It was built by the Amerindians using a variety
of materials including wood, tree barks, branches, straws, vines
and troolie/eta palm.

Map showing the location of

the Umana Yana

The Umana Yana

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 69


Mabaruma Stone Monument

Location: The Mabaruma Stone Monument is located in Region
One (1), Mabaruma.

Significance: It reminds us of the Indigenous People and the

progress they have made. The six heads surrounding a circular
peak represents Guyana’s six ethnic groups.

Map showing the location of the

Mabaruma Stone Monument

Mabaruma Stone Monument

70 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Fort Zeelandia
Location: Fort Zeelandia is located in Region Three (3) on Fort
Island, an island located at the mouth of the Essequibo River.

Significance: Fort Zeelandia reminds us of the Europeans.

Around 1580, they established the fort to protect the settlement
from Spanish attacks.

Map showing the location of

Fort Zeelandia

Fort Zealandia

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 71


Fort Kyk - Over - Al

Location: Fort Kyk-Over - Al (A Dutch word meaning “see over
all”) is located in Region Seven (7) at the confluence of the Cuyuni,
Mazaruni and Essequibo Rivers.

Significance: It reminds us of the Europeans, specifically the

Dutch who built it. Fort Kyk-over-al was used as a trading outpost
between the Amerindians and the Dutch.

Map showing the location of

Fort Kyk-Over-Al

Fort Kyk-Over-Al

72 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Fort Nassau
Location: Fort Nassau is located in Region Six (6) about fifty-five
miles up the Berbice River.

Significance: Fort Nassau reminds us of the Europeans. Around

1627, Abraham Van Pere, a Dutch settler built Fort Nassau, named
after Prince Maurice Nassau.

It was a successful trading post where the Dutch bartered goods

such as knives, and cloth for tobacco and annatto. Most of it was
destroyed in 1763 Rebellion.

Map showing the location of

Fort Nassau

Fort Nassau

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 73


Hogg Island Wind Mill

Location: The Hogg Island Windmill is located in Region Three
(3) on Hogg Island, an island located at the mouth of the Essequibo

Significance: It reminds us of the Europeans. They used it to

generate power to extract juice from sugarcane. However, there
were times when they wanted to use the windmill, but no wind
was blowing. Hence, this caused too many problems and caused
them to stop using it.

Map showing the location of the Hogg

Island Wind Mill

Hogg Island Wind Mill

74 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Chateau Margot Chimney

Location: The Chateau Margot Chimney is located in Region
Four (4), East Coast Demerara.

Significance: This monument reminds us of the Europeans,

specifically the French who named it and the Dutch who built it. It
served as the lighthouse for ships approaching Port Georgetown.

Map showing the location of the

Chateau Margot Chimney

Chateau Margot Chimney

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 75


Light House
Location: The Light House is situated in Region Four (4),
Kingston, Georgetown.

Significance: This monument reminds us of the Europeans,

specifically the Dutch who built it. It was the first wooden
lighthouse built in 1817 to guide ships coming from the Atlantic
Ocean into the Demerara River. The Light House was later rebuilt
in 1830 with brick and concrete allowing it to last over 200 years.
It is 103 feet tall and offers a majestic view of Georgetown and the
Demerara River.

Map showing the location of

the Light House

The Light House

76 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


1763 Monument
Location: The 1763 Monument is located in Region Four (4), at
the Square of the Revolution, Georgetown.

Significance: This monument reminds us of the Africans,

specifically Cuffy. He led the 1763 Slave Rebellion that occurred
on plantation Magdalenenburg.

Plaques on this monument symbolize;

• Seeking inspiration
• Uniting the People
• Destroying the enemies
• Control
• Praise and Thanksgiving

Map showing the location of the

1763 Monument

1763 Monument

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 77


1823 Monument
Location: The 1823 monument is located in Region Four (4),
Carifesta Avenue, East Coast Demerara.

Significance: This monument reminds us of the Africans and the

1823 East Coast Slave Insurrection led by Quamina and his son
Jack Gladstone that took place on Plantation Le Ressouvenir.

Map showing the location of

the 1823 Monument

1823 Monument

78 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Damon’s Monument
Location: Damon’s monument is located in Region Two (2), Anna
Regina, Essequibo Coast.

Significance: This monument reminds us of the Africans,

specifically Damon. On August 8th, 1834, Damon led a
demonstration against apprenticeship. He was arrested and
hanged on October 13th 1834.

Map showing the location

of Damon’s Monument

Damon’s Monument

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 79


St. Andrew’s Kirk

Location: St. Andrew’s Kirk is located in Region Four (4), in close
proximity to the Parliament building, Avenue of the Republic,

Significance: This monument reminds us of the Africans. It was

the first church built by Europeans for the Africans to use as a
place of worship. It was officially opened for public worship on
September 27th 1818. Reverend Archibald Browne, a graduate
from the University of Glasgow, delivered the first sermon.

Map showing the location

of St. Andrew’s Kirk

St. Andrew’s Kirk

80 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Mission Chapel Congregational

Location: Mission Chapel Congregational is located in Region
Six (6), New Amsterdam.

Significance: This monument reminds us of the Africans. The

African slaves used it as a place of refugee and worship.

Map showing the location of the

Mission Chapel Congregational

Mission Chapel Congregational Church

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 81


Indian Arrival Monuments

Location: The first Indian Arrival Monument is located in Region
Four (4), in the Monument Square, Church Street, Georgetown,

Significance: It commemorates the arrival of the East Indian

Indentured Labourers. It is a replica of the M.V. Whitby on which
they arrived.

Location: The second Indian Arrival Monument is located in

Region Six (6), Palmyra, New Amsterdam.

Significance: It also commemorates the arrival of the East Indian

Indentured Labourers. Each of the figures carries something of
importance including a jahaji bhandal (ship bundle) ,drum,
karaahi (cooking pan) taawa (flat circular metal for cooking roti),
grass knives (scythe), cutlass and rice plants.

Map showing the location of

the Indian Arrival Monuments

First Indian Arrival Monument Second Indian Arrival Monument

82 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Enmore Martyrs’ Monument

Location: Enmore Martyrs’ Monument is located in Region Four
(4), Enmore, East Coast of Demerara.

Significance: This monument reminds us of the East Indians and

the five (5)sugar workers who were killed during a rebellion on
Plantation Enmore, June 16th, 1948. Their names were
• Lalabagee
• Surujbally
• Harry
• Pooran
• Rambarran

Map showing the location of the

Enmore Martyrs’ Monument

Enmore Martyrs’ Monument

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 83


Test 29
Study the map of Guyana shown Study the information in the box 8. What monument did Emma
below and then answer Questions below and then answer question first visit?
1-5 6. a. 1823 Monument.
b. Indian Arrival
Ms. Harold is taking her Monument.
son to visit a monument in c. 1763 Monument.
East Coast Demerara that d. Light House.
was built to guide incoming
Study the monument below and
then answer question 9.
6. What is the name of the
monument Ms. Harold is
taking her son to visit?
a. Chateau Margot Chimney
b. Enmore Martyrs’
c. Light House
1. Forts are located at all the d. 1763 Monument
following locations EXCEPT
a. U. Study the information in the box
b. R. below and then answer question
c. P. 7.
d. T.
The Umana Yana reminds us 9. The monument was built in
2. Fort Kyk-Over-Al is located at of the first ethnic group who remembrance of the
a. U. came to Guyana.
b. R.
a. 1823 Demerara
c. P. 7. Which of the following
d. T. monuments also reminds us of b. 1763 Berbice Slave
the first ethnic group that came Rebellion.
3. The monument at P is to Guyana? c. Sugar workers killed at
e. Fort Zeelandia. a. Mabaruma Stone Enmore in 1948.
f. Fort Nassau. Monument d. Guyanese who died
g. Fort Kyk-Over-Al. b. Fort Kyk-Over-Al during World War II.
h. Indian Arrival Monument.
c. Enmore Martyrs’
Monument 10. The monument located at
Enmore, East Coast Demerara
4. The monument at T is d. 1763 Monument
reminds us of all the following
a. Fort Zeelandia. persons EXCEPT
b. Fort Nassau. Study the information below and
then answer question 8. a. Lallabage.
c. Fort Kyk-Over-Al. b. Surujuballi.
d. Indian Arrival Monument.
Emma’s teacher decided to
c. Harry.
take them on a monument d. Singh.
5. The monument located in the
region at S reminds us about tour. The first monument
a. Quamina. they visited was located in
Kingston, Georgetown.
b. Damon.
c. Cuffy.
d. Atta Boafo.
84 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana

Children’s Millennium Monument

Location: The Children’s Millennium Monument is located
in Region Four (4), in the compound of the National Park,

Significance: It reminds us that children are persons with social

and legal rights. The top of the monument depicts the rising of the
sun and represents the development of children. The horizontal
arm of the upside-down “L” signifies that children should reach
for the stars, while the vertical arm signifies the strength and
growth of children. The base of the monument represents the
world, and the six benches around it represent Guyana’s six ethnic

Map showing the location of the

Children’s Millennium Monument

Children’s Millennium Monument

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 85


Liberation Monument
Location: The Liberation Monument is located in Region Four
(4), in the compound of the Umana Yana, Georgetown.

Significance: It reminds us of people who fought against any form

of human bondage. On August 26th1974, ‘Namibia Day’, former
President Forbes Burnham unveiled the African Liberation

This monument consists of five polished greenheart logs encased

in a jasper stand on a granite boulder. The varying heights of
the logs represent the different ages of the martyrs. The slab of
granite represents the strength of the freedom movement and the
pebbles around the base of the monument represent the millions
of peoples who are involved in the fight against human bondage.

Map showing the location of the

Liberation Monument

Liberation Monument

86 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Statue of Mahatma Gandhi

Location: The statue of Mahatma Gandhi is located in Region
Four (4), Georgetown, in the Promenade Gardens.

Significance: It reminds us of Mahatma Gandhi, who was the

primary leader of India’s independence movement. He was also
the architect of a form of non-violent civil disobedience that would
influence the world. In the late afternoon of January 30th, 1948,
the 78 year old Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu extremist for
his tolerance for Muslims. The extremist was executed by hanging.

Map showing the location of the

Statue of Mahatma Gandhi

Statue of Mahatma Gandhi

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 87


Location: The Cenotaph is located in Region Four (4),
opposite the Bank of Guyana at the southern end of Main Street,

Significance: It reminds us of the soldiers who fought and died

in combat during World War I (1914-1918) and World War II
(1939-1945). Built of marble, the Cenotaph is 15 feet high with the
words “Devotion, Humanity, Fortitude and Sacrifice” inscribed
on the four faces of the monument. Annually on November 11th,
we commemorate Remembrance Day, also known as Armistice
Day. This is a day set aside to pay homage to these soldiers who so
gallantly served their country.

Map showing the location of

the Cenotaph


88 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Non - Aligned Monument

Location: The Non-Aligned Monument is located in Region Four
(4), at Company Path and Avenue of the Republic, Georgetown.

Significance: This monument reminds us of the founders of the

Non-Aligned Movement who sought to ensure that all people
have the right to freedom and independence. The founders were;
1. President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt
2. President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana
3. President Jawaharlall Nehru of India
4. President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia

They are mounted on a concrete plinth with a base made of

quartz stone from the Mazaruni district. Four jasper rocks from
the Orinduik Falls are at the front of the monument in a pool
decorated with colourful stones from the riverbeds of Guyana.
The monument was unveiled by Former President, Mr. Arthur
Map showing the location of
the Non-Aligned Monument

Non-Aligned Monument

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 89


St. George’s Cathedral

Location: St. George’s Cathedral is located in Region Four (4),
along a roundabout on North Road in Lacytown, Georgetown.

Significance: It is one of the tallest wooden building in the world

at the height of 43.5 metres (143 ft.). It was designed by Sir.
Arthur Blomfield and opened on 24th August 1892. The building
was completed in 1899 and has been designated as a National

Map showing the location of the

St. George’s Cathedral

St. George’s Cathedral

90 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Statue of Queen Victoria

Location: The statue of Queen Victoria is located in Region
Four (4), in the compound of the High Court,  on Avenue of the
Republic, Lacytown, Georgetown.

Significance: The statue was commissioned in 1887 to mark the

Queen’s year of Jubilee, and unveiled in 1894. In 1954, its head
and left hand were blown off in a riot. However, in 1990, the statue
was restored and re-erected.

Map showing the location of the

Statue of Queen Victoria

Statue of Queen Victoria

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 91


Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow

Location: The statue of Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow is situated in
Region Four (4), within the compound of Parliament Building,

Significance: This monument reminds us of the father of Trade

Unionism in Guyana and the Caribbean, Hubert Nathaniel
Critchlow. It was unveiled by the then Premier of British Guiana
Dr. Cheddi Jagan on December 2nd, 1964. Inscribed on a
marble plate at the base of the monument are the words, ‘Hubert
Nathaniel Critchlow: Father of the Trade Union Movement in
the Commonwealth of Nations. Born 1884- died 1958. Exegit
Momentum Perenus Aere. Every year on May 1st, Labour Day is
celebrated in remembrance of Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow

Map showing the location of

Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow

Monument - Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow

92 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Independence Arch
Location: The Independence Arch is located in Region Four (4),
at the Eastern end of Brickdam, Georgetown.

Significance: This monument reminds us of when Guyana gained

Independence from Great Britain on the 26th May 1966. It is
made of aluminium on a base of quarts stone from the Mazaruni.
The three tubes tapering skywards represent the three counties.
The monument was designed by a Canadian engineer, Edric Klak.

Map showing the location of the

Independence Arch

Independence Arch

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 93


Demerara Harbour Bridge

Location: The Demerara Harbour Bridge is located between
Region Three (3) and Region Four (4) on the Demerara River.

Significance: The Demerara Harbour Bridge is the longest floating

bridge in Guyana. It is a landmark and connects Region Four (4),
Demerara-Mahaica, to Region Three (3), Essequibo Islands-West
Demerara. The basic design was done by a Guyanese, Captain
John Patric Coghlan. The bridge was only designed to last 10
years, yet to this day, it is still going strong.

Map showing the location of the

Demerara Harbour Bridge

Demerara Harbour Bridge

94 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Christianburg Waterwheel
Location: The Christianburg Waterwheel is located in Region
Ten (10), Linden.

Significance: It reminds us of the first successful attempt made

to use water to produce electricity. In 1855 a Scottish engineer,
Mr. John Dagleish Patterson, installed the waterwheel. It trapped
the energy from the fast flowing creek. The energy was used to
produce electricity which powered Mr. Patterson’s sawmilling
equipment. Patterson’s hydro-powered sawmill is the only one of
its kind. The sawmill was dismantled, but the water wheel remains
to this day.

Map showing the location of the

Christianburg Waterwheel

Christianburg Waterwheel

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 95


Test 30
Study the map of Guyana Study the information in the Study the diagram below that
shown below and then answer box below and then answer shows a national monument
questions 1-3. question 4. in Guyana and then answer
questions 8-10.
Mr. Andrew is taking
his daughter to visit the
Children’s Millennium

4. Mr. Andrew is taking his

son to the
a. Promenade Garden.
b. National Park.
c. Square of the Revolution.
d. Umana Yana.

5. What is the name of the

monument that is located in
1. The monument that the compound of the Umana 8. The monument is a statue of
reminds us of the event that Yana? a. Damon.
a. Christianburg Waterwheel b. Hubert Nathaniel
occurred on 26th of May
b. Independence Arch Critchlow.
1966 is located at c. Liberation Monument
a. I. c. Mahatma Gandhi.
d. Non-Aligned Monument d. Cuffy.
b. II.
c. III.
d. IV. 9. The monument is located in
6. Where is the statue of the
2. The longest floating bridge Mahatma Gandhi located? a. Promenade Garden.
a. Promenade Garden b. National Park.
in Guyana is found on the
b. National Park c. compound of Parliament
river marked c. Compound of Parliament
a. w. Building.
Building d. compound of the High
b. x.
d. High Court Court.
c. y.
d. z.
7. The tallest wooden building 10. The monument reminds
in Guyana is the Guyanese of
3. Which one of the following
a. Light House. a. World Wars.
monuments is located at II? b. St George’s Cathedral.
a. Hubert Nathaniel b. trade unionism.
c. Bank of Guyana. c. slave rebellions.
d. St Andrew’s Kirk. d. freedom from slavery.
b. Mahatma Gandhi
c. Christianburg Waterwheel.
d. 1763 Monument.

96 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Map Study (Places of Interest)

In addition to the many monuments and landmarks, Guyana has many more places of interest. In fact, there are
too numerous to mention. Maybe you can name some for your teacher. The map below shows the location of some
additional places of interest in Guyana. As you study the map, try to identify the counties, natural regions and
administrative regions in which each place of interest is located. Of course, this map could not have shown all the
places of interest located in Guyana. However, here is some more information you should know.

• In the county of Essequibo, along the Low Coastal Plain, in Region One (1), you can find several other beaches
like the Almond, and Turtle beach.
• In the county of Demerara along the Low Coastal Plain, in Region No. 4 you can also find places like the
Stabroek Market, the Bank of Guyana, and major educational institutions like the University of Guyana (UG),
Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE), and the Government Technical Institute (GTI).

Map showing location of Guyana’s Places of Interest

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 97


Test 31
Study the map of Guyana on the previous page and then answer questions 1-20
1. The Orinduik Falls is located 8. Which of the following is NOT 14. Shell Beach is located in
on the found along the Low Coastal a. Potaro-Siparuni.
a. Essequibo River. Plain? b. Barima-Waini.
b. Potaro River. a. No. 63 Beach c. Cuyuni-Mazaruni.
d. Demerara-Mahaica.
c. Siparuni River. b. Eugene F. Correia Airport
d. Ireng River. c. Cheddi Jagan International 15. Guyana’s international airport
Airport is located in region
2. The Kaieteur Falls is located d. Lake Mainstay a. 5.
on the b. 7.
a. Essequibo River. 9. The Bank of Guyana, Marriot c. 4.
b. Potaro River. Hotel and Pegasus Hotel are d. 3.
c. Siparuni River. located in the 16. A tourist in Potaro-Siparuni
d. Ireng River. a. Low Coastal Plain. would see all of the following
b. Hilly Sand and Clay EXCEPT
3. The county of Essequibo is Region. a. Canopy Walkway
home to all the following c. Forested Highland Region. b. Orinduik Falls.
beaches EXCEPT the d. Interior Savannahs. c. Kaieteur Falls.
a. Almond Beach. d. Lake Mainstay.
b. Shell Beach. 10. In the Hilly Sand and Clay 17. Omai Gold Mine is located in
c. No. 63 Beach. Region you can find the region
d. Turtle Beach. a. Eugene F. Correia Airport . a. 2
b. Cheddi Jagan International b. 7.
4. All of the following are located Airport. c. 9.
in the county of Essequibo c. Government Technical d. 10.
EXCEPT Institute.
18. Ryan and his family enjoyed
a. Lake Mainstay. d. Dadanawa Cattle Ranch. the rodeo hosted by the owners
b. Dadanawa Cattle Ranch. of the Dadanawa Cattle Ranch.
c. Eugene F. Correia Airport. 11. All of the following are found Ryan and his family were most
d. Kaieteur Falls. in the Forested Highland likely in
region EXCEPT, a. Essequibo Islands-West
5. In the county of Demerara you a. Kaieteur Falls. Demerara.
can find b. Shell Beach. b. Upper Takutu-Upper
a. No. 63 Beach. c. Dadanawa Cattle Ranch. c. Upper Demerara-Mahaica.
b. Cheddi Jagan International d. Omai Gold Mine. d. Pomeroon-Supenaam.
c. Kaieteur Falls. 12. The Iwokrama Rainforest is 19. Emily and her friends enjoyed
d. Omai Gold Mine. located in the swimming at this famous
a. Low Coastal Plain. Beach located in the East
6. All of the following are located b. Hilly Sand and Clay Berbice-Corentyne. The beach
they swam at was the
in Demerara EXCEPT, Region. a. No. 63 Beach.
a. University of Guyana. c. Forested Highland Region. b. Shell Beach.
b. Watooka Guest House. d. Interior Savannahs. c. Almond Beach.
c. Bank of Guyana. d. Turtle Beach.
d. Stabroek Market. 13. Which one of the following
places is located in the Interior 20. The Government Technical
7. In the county of Berbice you Savannahs? Institute, Stabroek Market and
Bank of Guyana are located in
can find a. Omai Gold Mine a. Demerara-Mahaica.
a. Lake Mainstay. b. Dadanawa Cattle Ranch b. Mahaica-Berbice.
b. Shell Beach. c. No. 63 Beach c. Pomeroon-Supenaam.
c. Dadanawa Cattle Ranch. d. Lake Mainstay d. Cuyuni-Mazaruni
d. No. 63 Beach.

98 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Map Study (Mountain Ranges)

Guyana has many mountain ranges. There are great things to learn about the mountain ranges. For example, the
largest mountain range is the Pakaraima Mountain Range. It has two peaks, Roraima and Ayanganna. Roraima is
the highest of the two peaks. The Kanuku Mountain Range separates the Interior Savannah into north savannah
and south savannah. Guyana’s mountain ranges also form boundaries between Guyana and its neighbours. The map
below shows the location of mountain ranges in Guyana. Study and discuss the map with your teacher. As you study
the map, try to identify the counties, natural region and Administrative Regions in which each mountain range is

Map showing location of Guyana’s Mountain Ranges

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 99


Test 32
Study the map of Guyana on the previous page and then answer questions 1-10.
1. Which statement is true? 5. Which mountain range is 9. Which is the highest peak
a. The county of Essequibo NOT located in Region No. of the Pakaraima mountain
has the most mountain 9? range?
ranges. a. Marudi a. Roraima
b. The county of Demerara b. Kanuku b. Kanuku
has the most mountain c. Kamoa c. Ayanganna
ranges. d. Roraima d. Marudi
c. The county of
Berbice has no 6. This mountain range 10. All of the following are true
mountain ranges. is located in Cuyuni- about Guyana’s mountain
ranges EXCEPT that
d. All three counties Mazaruni.
a. they form boundaries
have equal amount of a. Kanuku Mts.
between us and our
mountain ranges. b. Kamoa Mts.
c. Imataka Mts.
b. Monkey mountain is
2. Which natural region is d. Pakaraima Mts. located in Region No. 8.
known for having lots of c. Pakaraima is the largest
Guyana’s mountain ranges? 7. This mountain range is mountain range.
a. Hilly Sand Clay located in East Berbice- d. there are no mountains
b. Forested Highland Corentyne. in Region No. 6.
c. Low Coastal Plain a. Marudi Mts.
d. Interior Savannahs b. Acarai Mts.
c. Kamoa Mts.
3. This mountain range d. MonkeyMts.
separates the interior
into north and south 8. Pakaraima mountain range
savannahs. has more than one peaks
a. Kanuku including
b. Amoa i Roraima Mts.
c. Imataka ii Kanuku Mts.
d. Pakaraima iii Ayanganna Mts.
iv Marudi Mts.
4. This mountain range is west
of Region No. 1. a. i only
a. Imataka b. ii and iv only
b. Acarai c. i and iii only
c. Kamoa d. i and ii only
d. Pakaraima

100 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Test 33
Study the map of Guyana shown below and then answer questions 1-5.

1. Hailey is visiting a 3. Annmarie visited a region 5. Which letter represents

major tourist attraction that has one of the largest the region that is separated
represented by letter Q on cattle ranches in Guyana. into north and south by a
the map. Which activity is Which letter represents mountain range ?
she most likely to take part the region that Annmarie a. P
in? visited b. Q
a. Exploring Guyana’s a. P c. R
beaches b. Q d. S
b. Mountain Climbing c. R
c. Cattle Ranching d. S
d. Swimming
4. Which letter represents the
2. Which letter represents the region that has the most
region that has the highest mountain ranges?
single drop water fall in the a. P
world? b. Q
a. P c. R
b. Q d. S
c. R
d. S

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 101


Test 34
Study the map of Guyana shown below and then answer questions 1-5.

1. Which letter represents 3. Emily and her family are 5. Mr. Romeo would like to
the region that is a major visiting one of Guyana’s visit a well-known cattle
nesting ground for Turtles? major tourist attraction ranch in Guyana. Which
a. A in the region represented letter represents the region
b. H by letter E. Emily and her that he should visit?
c. I family are visiting a. A
d. J a. No. 63 Beach b. C
b. Kaieteur Falls c. D
2. Mr. Khan is at the Eugene c. Blue Lake d. F
F. Correia International d. Dadanawa Cattle Ranch
Airport. Which letter
represents the region Mr. 4. Maxwell attends the
Khan is in? University of Guyana.
a. A Which letter represents
b. H the region in which the
c. I University of Guyana is
d. J located?
a. A
b. D
c. I
d. J

102 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


15. Study the map of Guyana below showing the location of different monuments and then answer
the questions that follow.

a. The monuments labelled I and II are forts. Identify the forts labelled at I and II.

I. _______________________________________________________________________________

II. ______________________________________________________________________________

b. Name the ethnic group associated with the monuments stated at (a) above.


c. Give one reason why forts were built by the ethnic group identified in (b) above.



d. Give two reasons why monuments are important.





Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 103


16. Study the picture of the National Monument below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What is the monument shown above located?


b. Which group of ancestors is associated with the monument ?


c. In which Administrative Region is the monument in the picture located?


d. Explain the significance of the monument shown in the picture above.




e. Another monument reminds us of the same group of ancestors. It is located in region 2. What is the
name of the monument?



104 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


17. Study the picture of the National Monument below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. Where is the monument shown above located?


b. What is the name of the person who is associated with the monument above?


c. State the significance of the monument shown above.



d Every year, a holiday is observed to remember all he wanted to accomplish.

- What is the name of the holiday?


- What date is the holiday observed?


e. Describe two ways this holiday is observed.



Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 105


18. Study the map of Guyana shown below and then answer the question that follow.

a. A group of tourist visited Guyana. What is the name of the two international airports they could have landed?


b. To get to their hotel, they had to travel across the longest floating bridge in Guyana. Mark x on the river it is

c. They then travelled to the place of interest at VIII? Name one activity they most likely took part in at VIII?



d. They were then taken to places at IV and V. What is the name of the Administrative Region to which they were
taken ?


e. What is the name of the place of interest at V?


f. What is another place of interest that they could have visited in the same region that V is located?


g. The tourist then decided to visit a cattle ranch for a rodeo show. Circle the place of interest on the map they

h. Finally, the tourist visited the place of interest at IX. What is a leisure activity they could have taken part in?


106 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Weather Instruments
Weather is the short-term conditions of the atmosphere at a particular place and time. Guyana experiences four
different types of weather, sunny, windy, cloudy or rainy. The meteorologist uses weather instruments to measure
the different elements of the weather. Here are some weather instruments used by the meteorologist.

Instrument Name Measures

Campbell Stokes Amount of Sunshine: is the amount of sun rays reach-
Sunshine Recorder ing the earth’s surface.

Thermometer Temperature: is how hot or cold something is. It is

measured in degrees Celsius (°C ).

• Normal body temperature is 37°C

• Room temperature is 25°C
• Boiling temperature is 100 °C
• Freezing temperature is 00°C
Hygrometer Humidity: is the amount of water vapour in the air.

Rain Gauge Rainfall: is the amount of rain fall within a given area
in a given time.

Wind Vane Wind Direction: is the direction from which the wind

Anemometer Wind Speed: is the strength of the wind.

Barometer Atmospheric Pressure: is the weight of the air pres-

sure on the earth’s surface.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 107


Test 35
1. Which of the following 5. What is the instrument Study the information in the
is the name given to the displayed above used to box belwo and then answer
person who forecasts the measure? question 9
weather? a. Amount of rainfall
a. Aviator b. Humidity Mr. Abrahams is
b. Weatherman c. Atmospheric Pressure measuring the amount
c. Weather Announcer d. Temperature of water vapour in the
d. Meteorologist atmosphere.
6. The instrument would be
2. Which one of the following most like used on a
groups contains elements of a. Sunny day 9. What instrument is Mr.
weather? b. Snowy day Abrahams using to take his
a. Wind, water, gas c. Cloudy day measurements?
b. Vegetation, humidity, d. Rainy day a. Rain Gauge
rainfall b. Barometer
c. Atmospheric pressure, c. Hygrometer
Study the diagrams below and
vegetation, wind d. Anemometer
then answer questions 7 and 8.
d. Temperature, humidity,
atmospheric pressure
Study the diagram below
I II showing an instrument and
3. Which of the following
then answer question 10.
elements of weather refers to
the weight of the air pressure
on the earth’s surface?
a. Humidity
b. Sunshine III IV
c. Temperature
d. Atmospheric Pressure
7. The instruments are used to
4. The Campbell Stokes measure
Sunshine Recorder is used a. height.
to measure b. climate.
a. temperature. c. weather. 10. Which of the following
b. amount of rainfall. d. distance. would be a suitable
c. amount of sunshine location for the
d. atmospheric Pressure. 8. While doing an experiment, instrument?
students needed to measure a. An open outdoor space
Study the diagram below temperature. Which picture b. In a school building
showing an instrument and shows an instrument the c. In a field under a tree
then answer questions 5 and 6 students can use? d. Next to a tall, wooden
a. I building
b. II
c. III
d. IV

108 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Renewable Natural Resources I

A natural resource is any non - living (abiotic) or living (biotic) thing in our environment that we can put to good
use. Natural resources may be

• Renewable - Renewable resources can be replenished.

• Non-renewable - Non-renewable resources cannot be replenished within a human lifespan.

Renewable resources may be non-living or living. Renewable resources that are non-living include the sun, wind
and water.

The sun is the main source of energy on earth. It provides us with light
and heat energy. The light also helps plants to carry out the process of
photosynthesis. The heat energy given off by the sun is useful for cooking,
drying our clothing and is even an important part in helping our skin to
make vitamin D. Farmers need the right amount of sunlight to help their
plant crops grow. We also harness the sun’s energy (solar energy) to produce
electricity in our homes. The energy is harnessed using solar panels.

Water covers over 70% of the earth’s surface. It is

recycled in the water cycle. We get water from natural
sources like oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. It is an
important resource for people and the environment. It
is used for drinking, bathing and washing our clothing.
Farmers need the right amount of rainfall to get water
for their crops to grow. If there is too little rainfall, it
can cause droughts, and the plants would die. If there
is too much rainfall, it can also cause destruction to
crops. Finally, hydropower is energy in flowing water.
Hydropower is used to power machinery or makes

Wind is a renewable resource because there is a limitless supply that is

naturally produced. Like heat, the wind helps us to dry our clothing.
We can also harness the wind’s energy to produce electricity in our
homes. The energy is harnessed using windmills or wind turbines.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 109


Test 36
1. All the following resources 4. What instrument is most
can be replenished EXCEPT, likely applicable for use
a. sun. when setting up the device
b. wind. in the diagram?
c. gold. a. Anemometer
d. water. b. Campbell stokes
2. Which of the following c. Thermometer
is a renewable and living d. Rain gauge
a. Sun
b. Oil
c. Forest
d. Ocean
Study the diagram below
Study the diagram below showing an instrument and
showing an instrument and then answer questions 5.
then answer questions 3 and 4

3. What is the resource 5. The instrument above is

that is being harnessed associated with which
by the device in the resource?
diagram above? a. Wind
a. Wind b. Soil
b. Oil c. Water
c. Sun d. Sun
d. Water

110 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Renewable Natural Resources II

There are also living renewable resources. These include our plant (flora) and animal (fauna) resources. Here are a
few of our plant (flora) and animal (fauna) resources.

Lumber Cutting of lumber is mostly done by loggers. Four-fifths of Guyana’s total land area is covered with
(BARAMA) tropical forest that is filled with hardwood. Some of Guyana’s hardwood are Greenheart, Mora,
Tatabu, Purpleheart, Crabwood, Locust and Wallaba. Lumber is used for building houses, furniture,
boats and bridges. It is also sold in our local markets and is one of our main exports to other
Rice (GRDB) To plant rice, the land is ploughed, then paddy seeds are scattered on land and left to germinate.
When the paddy grains are full, they are reaped. Long ago, reaping was done by hand using sickles
or grass knives. However, today a machine called a combine harvester is used for cutting, threshing
and bagging rice crop. To produce brown rice (parboiled), the paddy is soaked, steamed, dried, and
then milled. White rice is produced by simply drying and then milling the paddy. Some by-products
of rice production are bran, bhusi and broken rice. Rice is considered the most important food crop.
It is also sold in our local markets and is one of our main exports.
Sugar To plant sugar, the land is first ploughed, then cuttings are planted. Before reaping, cane fields are
(GUYSUCO) set on fire. Burning makes the process easier. It helps to burn off leaves, kill harmful animals, and it
also helps to concentrate the sugar content in cane. After burning, the sugarcane is cut, and stumps
are left to produce another crop known as the ratoon crop. At mills, the cane is crushed for the juice
to be released. The juice is treated with lime to get rid of impurities, and then boiled to form sugar
crystals. By-products of the process include bagasse, filter mud and molasses. Sugar is the most
commonly used sweetener. Molasses is used to produce rum and to cook many meals like pepper
pot. Sugar is also sold in our local markets and is one of our main exports.
Coconut To plant coconut, the seed is planted, and the tree takes about five years to mature. The coconut
plant has many uses. The main vein of the leaf is used to make brooms. The coconut water is used
as a beverage. The copra (dried kernel) is grated and used to make cook - up - rice and many other
dishes. From the copra, coconut oil can also be extracted. The remaining hard shell is used for
craft. Coconut is also sold in our local markets.
Fruits and In addition to coconuts, Guyana has many more fruits like oranges, mangoes and guava, and
Vegetables vegetables like bora, ochro and pumpkin. Fruits and vegetables are an important food source, and
they are very nutritious and healthy for our bodies. Our fruits and vegetables are sold in our local
markets and are exported to other countries.
Peanuts Peanut is a legume. It is planted by many farmers. The most common types in Guyana are the white,
and red peanuts. Peanuts are important because it can be used raw or roasted as food. It is also
used to make peanut punches, peanut butter, oil and many other products. They are also sold in
our local markets.
Poultry Poultry rearing is mostly done by farmers. Many domestic birds, like chickens are reared for their
eggs and meat. Poultry meat is very useful because it gives us protein. Poultry meat is also sold in
our local markets.
Cattle Cattle rearing is mostly done by vaqueros. Cows are reared to obtain milk and beef. Pigs are reared
to obtain pork. Sheep is reared to obtain wool and mutton. All the products that come from cattle are
useful because they form part of our diet. They are also sold in our local markets.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 111


Test 37
1. What do the words flora and Study the information below and lime is added.
fauna mean? then answer question 7 b. Sugar cane is boiled in
a. Plant and animal resources water, then crushed, then
b. Plant and human resources While at work, Mr. Maharaj lime is added.
c. Animal and human operates a Combine c. Sugar cane is crushed for
resources Harvester. juice, lime is added to juice,
d. Human and plant resources then juice is boiled until it
2. Which one of the following 7. Mr. Maharaj practices d. Sugar cane is boiled in
resources is classified as a. gold mining. water, then lime is added to
renewable? b. rice farming. water, then it is crushed.
a. Gold c. diamond mining.
b. Forest d. balata bleeding. 12. Lime is added to sugarcane juice
c. Bauxite to
d. Diamond 8. To produce brown rice, the a. make the juice acidic.
paddy is b. get rid of impurities.
3. Which company is associated I. soaked c. sweeten the juice.
with the timber industry in II. steamed d. to make the juice sour.
Guyana? III. dried
a. GUYSUCO IV. milled 13. Which of the following is
b. GRDB NOT a waste product from the
c. BARAMA a. I, II, III and IV processing of sugarcane?
d. BOSAI b. III, II, I and IV a. Bhusi
c. I, II, III and IV b. Molasses
4. What area of Guyana is covered d. II, I, IV and III c. Bagasse
with tropical forest? d. Filter mud
a. One-fifth 9. The term “ratoon crop” is
b. Two-fifths associated with 14. Which part of the coconut plant
c. Three-fifths a. harvesting of rice do we use to make brooms?
d. Four-fifths b. cattle rearing a. Short main vein of the
c. harvesting of sugarcane leaves
Study the following caption then d. gold mining b. Main vein of the leaves
answer question 5. c. Dried leaves on the
Study the following caption then branches
answer question 10 d. Leaves at the end of the
GRDB records a
20,000,000 Profit for branches
2021. GUYSUCO fires workers
after closure of estates. Study the caption below and then
answer question 15
5. What resource is sold by GRDB?
a. Fruits 10. Which of the following workers
b. Cattle Vaqueros Needed.
most likely lost their jobs?
c. Sugar a. Loggers
d. Rice b. Pork Knockers 15. The vacancy exists for someone
c. Cane Harvesters to practice
6. Sickles and grass knives are tools d. Vaqueros a. cattle ranching
that were used for
b. diamond mining
a. rice farming. 11. In correct order, what happens c. rice farming
b. gold mining. to sugarcane once it reaches the d. balata bleeding
c. cattle rearing. mill?
d. balata bleeding. a. Sugar cane is crushed for
juice, juice is boiled, then

112 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Non-Renewable Natural Resources

As mentioned before, non-renewable natural resources cannot be
replenished within a human lifespan. One of the most important, yet
overlooked non-renewable natural resource, is the soil. Soil consists of
four main components including humus, water air and mineral matter.
There are three types of soil based on the mineral matter present.

• Sand (Sand present)

• Clay (Clay present)
• Loam (Sand, Silt and Clay Present)

We use the soil to plant our food crops. Hence it is important that we
try to guard against anything that might cause destruction to the soils
such as deforestation, erosion and leaching, which causes the loss of
nutrients from the soil. To protect our soil, we can practice crop rotation
and planting of more trees.

Layers of the Soil

Within the soil we also find many other non-renewable natural resources including precious minerals and even oil.
Here are some of our mineral resources.

Gold Gold mining is mostly done by pork knockers. On a small scale, gold is mined using a method known as
(CORREIA panning. A battel is filled with sediment water from river beds and is then shaken. Gold is heavier than other
MINING) minerals, so it settles to the bottom. On a large scale, gold is mined using a method known as dredging.
Machinery is used to remove larger amounts of sediments and debris from the bottom of lakes, rivers and
oceans. The debris is then run over a sluice box to trap gold particles.

Unsafe methods of gold mining can cause harm to the environment. It can cause the destruction of animal
habitats and can contribute to the destruction of land surface. For example, the use of toxic substances like
mercury and cyanide is often practised in gold mining. If the mercury or cyanide spills into nearby rivers, it
can cause death to aquatic life. To avoid causing harm to the environment, it is very important to encourage
miners to practice safe methods of gold mining.

Gold is used to manufacture jewellery. It is also sold in our local markets and is one of our main exports.
Diamond Diamond mining is mostly done by diamond divers. Machinery is used to remove large amounts of debris
(Sacre-Coeur from the bottom of lakes, rivers and oceans. The debris is then filtered for diamond deposits. Diamond, like
Minerals Ltd.) gold, is used to manufacture jewellery. It is also sold in our local markets and is one of our main exports.
Bauxite When mining for bauxite, large amounts of earth known as overburden is first removed. The bauxite is then
(BOSAI/RUSAL) blasted loose by explosives. When the bauxite reaches the plant, it is crushed, washed and dried to form
calcined bauxite. The calcined bauxite is then placed into storage tanks or silos before being exported to
European countries to produce aluminium. The aluminium produced from bauxite has many uses. It is used
in the commercial industry to make cans, and it is even used to make aircraft parts. Bauxite is one of our
main exports.
Other minerals Guyana has many other minerals like Granite, Iron, Copper and Nickel. Guyana also has many semi-precious
and stones. stones like Black Pearls, and Jasper. These other minerals and stones have many uses. Granite is used in
(TOOLSIE building and construction, while precious stones like pearls are used as Jewellery. These are also sold in our
PERSAUD) local markets and exported to other countries.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 113


Test 38
1. Which resource is a non- 6. What is used during the 11. Which company is associated
renewable resource? panning process to obtain with Gold mining?
a. Bauxite gold? a. CORREIA MINING
b. Forest a. Pump b. RUSAL
c. Gold b. Battel c. BARAMA
d. Granite c. Sieve d. BOSAI
d. Funnel
12. Which company is associated
2. Which one of the following
with bauxite mining?
natural resources of Guyana is Study the following scenario and
classified as non-renewable? then answer Question 7.
a. Rice c. BARAMA
b. Diamond d. BOSAI
Sunita’s grandfather likes
c. Sugar cane
to show them how he uses
d. Timber his sluice box to do his Study the following caption then
work. answer question 13.
3. Which one of the following
non-renewable natural
resources is mined in Guyana? Cyanide from mining
a. Diamond 7. Sunita’s grandfather most likely activities spill into river.
b. Gold practice the mining of
c. Fossil Fuels a. gold.
13. Which of the following is a
d. Bauxite b. pearl. likely effect of the cyanide
c. bauxite. spill?
4. Which of the following d. granite. a. Creation of more jobs
companies is associated with b. Increase in plant life
the mining of non-renewable 8. The terms overburden is c. Death of aquatic animals
resources in Guyana? associated with the mining of d. Increase in profits
a. GUYSUCO a. gold.
b. diamond. 14. Cyanide spill is associated
c. bauxite. with which type of economic
d. granite. activity?
d. BARAMA a. Farming
9. Which is NOT one of Guyana’s b. Petroleum
Study the caption below and then c. Gold Mining
answer question 5. mineral resources?
d. Diamond Mining
a. Granite
b. Pearl
15. Which of the following is
Pork Knockers Needed. c. Lumber
TRUE about unsafe mining
d. Jasper methods?
a. It can cause harm to
5. The vacancy exist for persons 10. Which resource is MOST likely environment.
to practice used to make our beverage b. It does not destroy the
a. Gold mining cans? homes of animals.
b. Rice Farming a. Gold c. It should be encouraged.
c. Balata Bleeding b. Diamond d. It is not practiced
d. Diamond mining c. Bauxite by mining
d. Granite companies.

114 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Guyana’s Oil & Gas Industry

Guyana’s most recently found resource is Petroleum. Petroleum is a general term for oil and gas. ExxonMobil and
CGX are well-known companies in the oil and gas industry.

Oil and gas are formed deep within the earth’s surface when dead organisms like algae, plankton and other animals
are decomposed. As they decompose, they are covered with more material like sand and gravel. Overtime, under
pressure, oil and gas are formed.

Formation of Oil and Gas

Before oil and gas can be used, it must be extracted from deep within the earth’s surface. To be extracted four major
processes must occur including;
1. exploration
2. well development
3. production
4. site abandonment

Once extracted and refined, products and by-product of oil and gas are put to many uses. Here are some things oil
and gas are used for.

Natural gas is Fuels like gasoline Oil and gas are used to Tar is a by-product that comes from
used for cooking come from oil make Vaseline and many oil and gas. Tar is used to build
and gas. plastic materials. roads, bridges etc.

Guyana does not have an oil refinery, so we cannot produce all the products that come from oil. However, Guyana
exports oil to other countries to gain massive amounts of foreign currency to boost its economy.

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Test 39
1. Which of the following 3. Products of refined oil 5. Which company is
is Guyana’s most recently include all of the following associated with oil and gas
discovered resource? EXCEPT in Guyana ?
a. Gold a. fuel. a. GUYSUCO
b. Petroleum b. plastic. b. ExxonMobil
c. Diamonds c. wood. c. BARAMA
d. Granite d. vaseline. d. BOSAI

2. Oil and gas is formed by the 4. This is a by-product

a. decomposition of obtained from oil and gas
dead plants and products and is used to
animals. build roads and bridges.
b. breakdown of rocks. a. Plastic
c. evaporation of water. b. Natural gas
d. particles of sand and c. Tar
gravel. d. Kerosene

116 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Map Study (Economic Activities)

The map below shows the location of different economic activities in Guyana. Study and discuss the map with your
teacher. As you study the map, try to identify, the counties, natural regions and administrative regions the resources
are located in. Of course, this map could not have justified all of the economic activities that take place in different
areas. However, here is some more information that you should know.

• Sugar cane is not grown on a commercial scale in the county of Essequibo.

• In the county of Demerara, along the Low Coastal Plain, in Region Four (4), manufacturing products is a main
economic activity.
• In Regions Three (3) - Six (6) there are many sugar estates including Uitvlugt and Wales (Region No. 3), LBI and
Enmore (Region No. 4), Blairmont (Region No. 5), Skeldon and Albion, (Region No. 6).
• The Pakaraima area is well-known for diamond mining.
• Linden, Ituni and Kwakwani are well known for bauxite mining.

Map showing the location of Guyana’s Economic Activities

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Test 40
Study the map of Guyana on the previous page and then answer questions 1-20

1. Which is NOT a main economic 8. Pork Knockers, and loggers are 15. Peanut farming is done mostly in
activity in the county of most likely to be found in the a. Upper Takutu-Upper
Essequibo? a. Low Coastal Plain. Essequibo.
a. Rice Farming b. Hilly Sand and Clay Region. b. Cuyuni-Mazaruni.
b. Sugar Farming c. Forested Highland Region. c. Essequibo Islands-West
c. Gold and Diamond Mining d. Interior Savannahs. Demerara.
d. Fruits and Vegetables d. Potaro-Siparuni.
Production 9. Vaqueros can be found in the
a. Low Coastal Plain. 16. Guyana’s newly found oil reserves
2. Which is NOT an economic b. Hilly Sand and Clay Region. are found in the
activity in the county of c. Forested Highland Region. a. Pacific Ocean.
Demerara? d. Interior Savannahs. b. Atlantic Ocean.
a. Rice and Sugar farming c. Indian Ocean.
b. Bauxite mining 10. Sugarcane is NOT planted on an d. Southern Ocean.
c. Gold and Diamond mining commercial scale in
d. Fruits and Vegetable farming a. East Berbice-Corentyne. 17. Sugarcane is not cultivated
b. Essequibo Islands-West commercially in
3. Which is NOT an economic Demerara. a. Anna Regina.
activity in the county of Berbice? c. Pomeroon-Supenaam. b. Skeldon.
a. Rice and Sugar farming d. Demerara-Mahaica. c. Wales.
b. Bauxite mining d. La Bonne Intention.
11. Coconut farming is a main
c. Gold and Diamond mining
economic activity in all the 18. Which one of the following areas
d. Fruits and Vegetable farming
following regions EXCEPT is NOT considered a ‘mining
a. Pomeroon-Supenaam. area’?
4. In which natural regions would
b. Mahaica-Berbice. a. Port Kaituma
you find more rice and sugarcane c. Potaro-Siparuni. b. Kamarang
farmers? d. East Berbice-Corentyne. c. Moruca
a. Low Coastal Plain d. Mahdia
b. Hilly Sand and Clay Region 12. Gold mining is practiced in all the
c. Forested Highland Region following regions EXCEPT
d. Interior Savannahs 19. What resource comes to mind
a. Barima-Waini. when names such as Bartica and
b. Cuyuni-Mazaruni. Pakaraima are mentioned?
5. Rice and sugar is grown best in c. Demerara-Mahaica.
the a. Cattle
d. Potaro-Siparuni. b. Diamond
a. Low Coastal Plain.
c. Pearl
b. Hilly Sand and Clay. 13. Bauxite mining is practiced in d. Bauxite
c. Forested Highland Region. a. Upper Takutu-Upper
d. Interior Savannahs. Essequibo. 20. What resource comes to mind
b. Demerara-Mahaica. when names such as Linden, Ituni
6. Peanuts would be best grown in c. Essequibo Islands-West and Kwakwani are mentioned?
the Demerara. a. Gold
a. Low Coastal Plain. d. Upper Demerara-Upper b. Diamond
b. Hilly Sand and Clay. Berbice. c. Iron
c. Forested Highland Region. d. Bauxite
d. Interior Savannahs. 14. Cattle rearing is done on a large
scale in
7. In which natural region would a. Upper Takutu-Upper
you find Bauxite Miners and Essequibo.
Loggers? b. Cuyuni-Mazaruni.
a. Low Coastal Plain c. Essequibo Islands-West
b. Hilly Sand and Clay Region Demerara.
c. Forested Highland Region d. Potaro-Siparuni.
d. Interior Savannahs

118 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Test 41
Study the map of Guyana shown below and then answer questions 1-5.

1. David’s father works on a 3. Which of the following 5. What are the main
sugar estate. Which letter resources can be found in economic activities of the
represents the natural region the region labelled Q? region labelled R?
in which he most likely a. Fish, rice, gold
works? b. Bauxite, gold, rice I. Logging
a. P c. Timber, gold, diamond, II. Bauxite mining
b. Q d. Pineapples, nuts, III. Diamond mining
c. R diamonds
d. S a. I and II
4. Which letter represents b. II and III
2. The main economic activity the natural region of c. I and III
of the region labelled P is Guyana that has the d. I, II and III
a. logging country’s largest source of
b. fishing forestry?
c. cattle rearing a. P
d. quarrying b. Q
c. R
d. S

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Test 42
Study the map of Guyana shown below and then answer questions 1-5.

1. Which letter represents the 4. Mr. Vorindra is a pork 5. Which of the following list
region of Guyana that has knocker. Which letters gives the main economic
the country’s largest source represent regions that he activities of the people who
of cattle? most likely practices mining live in the region labelled C?
a. C activities? a. Logging, gold
b. F I. E mining and rice
c. G II. H cultivation
d. H III. I b. Cattle ranching, poultry
IV. J rearing and logging
2. What is the main economic c. Balata bleeding, cattle
activity of the region a. I and II ranching and peanut
labelled E? b. I and III farming
a. Sugarcane cultivation c. II and III d. Rice cultivation,
b. Cattle rearing d. I, II, III and IV planting cash crops and
c. Bauxite mining sugar cultivation
d. Gold mining

3. Mr. King works at BOSAI.

Which letter represents
the region that his
company would most likely
go to practice mining?
a. C
b. D
c. H
d. I

120 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


19. Study the caption given below, and then answer the questions that follow.

Guyana has many renewable and non-renewable natural resources.

a. Define the term natural resources.



b. Explain the difference between a renewable and a non-renewable natural resource.



c. Name one renewable and one non-renewable resource.



d. Suggest two ways in which members of the community can use resources wisely.





e. Explain how the careless use of resources can affect the livelihood of animals.





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20. Study the map of Guyana below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What is the name of the natural region labelled Q?


b. Shade the natural region that is most suitable for rice and sugarcane cultivation.

c. Explain why the natural region selected at (b) is suitable for rice and sugarcane cultivation.




d. State two differences between the natural regions labelled P and S.




e. Name one important natural resource found in the region labelled R.


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21. Study the map of Guyana below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. Insert the natural region in which you are most likely to find more farmers that plant coconuts.

b. Complete the table below using any two parts of the coconut.

Part of Coconut Use



c. Give an example of two other resources found in the natural region you inserted at (21a).



d. State two examples of economic activities that occur in the largest natural region.



e. Insert and shade the natural region where you are most likely to find more vaqueros.

f. Describe one feature of the natural region that makes it suitable for the economic activity practised
by vaqueros.



Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 123

22. Study the map of Guyana below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What mineral resource is most likely found in the area labelled I.



b. The resource you named at 22 (a) is found in many other administrative regions. Name one other
administrative region in which this resource is found?


c. Lionel’s father extracts the resource you named at 22 (a). What is the term used to describe the
occupation of Lionel’s father?


d. State one way in which the resource found at II benefits the people of Guyana.




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23. Study the map of Guyana below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. Give an example of a resource found in the area labelled I.


b. Name two by-products of the resource found at II.



c. Discuss one way the economic activity carried out at II can affect the environment.



d. Give one reason why it will be difficult to cultivate sugar cane in the region in which the resource
named at (a) is found.



e. Which ethnic group mostly lives in the region in which the resource II is found?


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24. Study the caption below and then answer the questions that follow.

Guyana can become one of the richest countries in the world with its
new found resource.

a. Name the resource referred to in the caption.


b. Which company in Guyana is associated with the resource mentioned in the caption?


c. List two by-products of the resource named in (a)



d. Explain two ways the country can benefit from the discovery of the resource.




e. Describe one way the extraction of the resource named at (a) can be harmful to aquatic life.




126 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


The Family
A nation’s most important resource is its human resource. The human resource is described as the individuals that
live in a country. Every individual has different characteristics, skills and abilities that they can use to develop
our society. In an individual’s environment, there are different social institutions. These institutions are family,
education, religion, government and economic. Since they are a part of an individual’s environment, they also have
an influence on the characteristics an individual develop. The family is the oldest institution known to man. Every
individual begins with a family. The family is a group of people living in the same house and usually related by
blood and or marriage. There are many different types of families; each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Family Name Consist of Advantages Disadvantages

Extended Grandparents, • More supervision • Over-crowding
parents, aunts, • Shared responsibility in the home • Less privacy
uncles and • More Pooling of resources • More conflicts may arise
children • Traditions are passed down easily.
Nuclear Parents and • More stable • Less interaction with other family
child/children • More privacy for family members.
• Less conflicts may arise • Child is cared for by a nonrelative if
• Stronger family bonds both parents are working.

Single One parent and • Children learn responsibility at an • Financial strain on single parent.
Parent child/children early age • Child has less interaction with
• Parent is supported by absent parent
governmental organizations • Children suffer from anxiety and
Sibling Oldest · Older sibling develops · Siblings are at risk to be
sibling and independence very early separated and placed in a foster
younger home

A family tree shows the relationship between and amongst family members.

From the family tree you should observe that;

• Joe and Mel Brown are the parents of Jen and
Tom. Jen and Tom are siblings.
Joe Brown Mel Brown • Jen married Jim. Jen’s maiden changed to Chung
because the female usually takes the male’s last
name. Jen and Jim are the parents of Lea Chung.
• Joe is Jim’s father-in-law. Jim is Joe’s son-in-law.
• Tom married Rea. Tom’s last name does not
change because the male keeps his surname.
Lea Chung Jim Chung Rea Brown Tom Brown Tom and Rea are the parents of Dan Brown.
• Lea Chung and Dan Brown are cousins. Lea’s
uncle and aunt are Tom and Rea. Dan’s uncle
and aunt are Jim and Jen.
• Joe and Mel Brown are Lea and Dan’s
Jen Chung Dan Brown

The family that is first responsible to ensure an individual develops good characteristics. The head of the family should ensure
every child is healthy, feels loved, is polite, respectful, goes to school, develops good friendships and takes part in active and
passive leisure activities.

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Test 43
1. The most important resource is Family
a. human resource. c. Sibling to Extended a. I and II
b. diamond. Family. b. II and III
c. gold. d. Nuclear to Single Parent c. I and III
d. oil. Family. d. I, II and III

2. Which of the following 5. What is a disadvantage of 8. Who is Rea to Lea?

phrases best defines the term living in the type of family in a. Uncle
‘family’? which Lea is presently living? b. Aunt
a. Friends sharing the same a. Financial challenge c. Cousin
house b. More Supervision d. Sister
b. Students living in a c. Less privacy
rented apartment d. More of government’s Study the information below
c. Persons related by blood aid. and then answer questions 9
living in the same house and 10
d. Members of a service Study the diagram of the family
club living and working below and then answer The Jenson’s family takes
together. questions 6-8. part in leisure activities.

Study the diagram of the 9. Which of the following is a

family below and then answer list of leisure activities?
questions 3-5. a. Playing a game, building
a fence, listening to
b. Washing clothes, jogging
in the park, bathing a pet
6. If all the persons in the c. Building a bridge,
diagram lived in the same washing dishes, working
household, the family would in an office
Mark Tia Emily be described as d. Reading a book, listening
a. a single parent family. to music,
3. The family type represented is b. a nuclear family. e. watching television
a. Sibling c. an extended family.
b. Nuclear d. a sibling family. 10. Leisure activities help to
c. Extended a. show who is in control in
d. Single-parent 7. If all the persons in the the family
diagram lived in the same b. renew and build healthy
4. Mark and Tia got divorced. household, there would be family relationships
Tia and Emily now live alone. I. greater supervision of c. create conflict situation
Emily underwent a change children. among family members
from a II. less interaction with d. discourage competitive
a. Single Parent to Nuclear family members. spirit among family
Family. III. more pooling of members.
b. Nuclear to Extended resources.

128 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Rules in the Home and School

Rules and responsibilities govern our behaviour patterns. One way the family and other institutions
usually help an individual to develop good characteristics is by setting rules. . Here are some examples of
rules and responsibilities in the home;
Use the words please and thank you.
Cover your mouth when you yawn, cough or sneeze.

Greet using words such as good morning, good afternoon and good night. Be kind and polite.

Respect your elders.

The second institution that an individual is exposed to in

their environment is the educational institution or school.
An educational institution is where the human resource
is equipped with the necessary skills they need to make
useful contributions to society. Like the family, educational
institutions also help an individual to develop good
characteristics. It is said that the teacher is a child’s second
parent. Hence, teachers also help children to develop good
characteristics by setting rules. Here are some examples of
rules and responsibilities in the school;

Uniforms must be worn everyday. Be Honest

Be obedient to your teachers.

Be regular and punctual. Bring a written excuse when absent.

Peers are friends that are within the same age group. Peer
pressure is when friends influence each other to take part in good or bad activities. Friends can help each
other to develop good characteristics by encouraging them to follow the rules at home and at school and
to do what is right. This is positive peer pressure. Negative peer pressure is described as pressuring others
to take part in negative activities like bullying, discriminating others, stealing, gambling, destruction
Negative Activity Consequences

Stealing Individuals could receive corporal punishment and be charged for the crime

Destroying Public Property Individuals could be charged for a crime.

(e.g. setting fire to
Use of Drugs
Individuals could become drug addicts, become mentally ill or develop sick-
nesses like liver damage from alcohol consumption and lung cancer from
smoking and second- hand smoking. Use of illegal drugs like cocaine can also
get you incarcerated.

Engaging in pre-martial sex.

Individuals could contract STDs like AIDS, Herpes and Gonorrhea. Females
could go through teenage pregnancy.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 129


Test 44
1. Who is first responsible to Study the following scenario
ensure children develop good and then answer question 4.
a. Teachers Benn was playing with his
b. Priests basketball. Greg came and took
c. Parents away Benn’s basketball.
d. Peers
4. Greg’s action can best be
2. When we say “Excuse me, described as
please” it shows that we are a. caring.
a. rude. b. sharing.
b. spiteful. c. bullying.
c. uncouth. d. begging.
d. mannerly.

Study the information below 5. An example of peer pressure

and then answer question 3. is
a. parents sending a child to
Jaron helped the old lady to school.
cross the road. b. teachers encouraging
children to do their
3. Jaon’s action can be best c. friends forcing each other
described as to drink alcohol.
a. kind. d. students doing group
b. disobedient. presentations
c. rude.
d. disrespectful.

130 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


A drug is a substance or chemical that changes how the body works. There are useful drugs and harmful
drugs. Useful drugs are used to treat diseases and help the body to work better. Some useful drugs must
be prescribed by a doctor. Others can be bought over the counter (OTC) at a pharmacy without a doctor’s
prescription. Examples of useful drugs include;

Pain Killers Cold/Flu Medicine Inhalers Antibiotics Anti-fungal cream Vaccines

Useful drugs may be taken in different forms. Here are the different ways we can use drugs.

Drinking Pills Drinking Medicine Inhaling gas Rubbing Cream Injections

Harmful drugs cause harm to the body. Some harmful drugs Other harmful drugs are illegal, meaning it is a crime to use
are legal, meaning it is not a crime to use them. them. If someone is caught using these drugs they will be im-
Examples include; prisoned or locked up. Examples include;

Drug Description Effect Drug Description Effect

Caffeine It is found in It makes you feel Marijuana Marijuana is Marijuana makes you
coffee and coca energetic but smoked. feel “high” and can cause
cola soft drinks. can alter sleep panic attacks.
patterns and cause
Alcohol It is found Once used, the
in wine and person becomes
other alcoholic drunk and the
beverages. brain cannot Cocaine Cocaine is Cocaine makes you feel
concentrate. sniffed. “high” and can cause

Nicotine It is found in Smoking

cigarette cigarettes
that people damages the
smoke. lungs and
nicotine increases Heroin Heroin is Heroin makes you feel
injected into “high” and can damage
the heart rate.
the body. organs like the liver.

Table showing harmful drugs that are legal Table showing harmful drugs that are illegal

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 131


Test 45
1. Which of the following drugs 4. The continuous misuse of
is legal in Guyana? any drug will most likely lead
a. Heroin to
b. Cocaine a. liberation
c. Marijuana b. addiction
d. Aspirin c. constipation
d. discrimination
2. Which of the following
groups of drugs is sold over Study the following caption and
the counter in Guyana? then answer question 5.
a. Heroin, Aspirin, Valium
b. Heroin, Insulin, Cocaine “Drug abuse is dangerous
c. Valium, Tranquilizer, to your health “
d. Aspirin, Paracetamol,
e. ointment 5. The caption above suggests
3. A legal drug is likely to be a. your friends should be
harmful to a patient when it encouraged to use drugs.
is b. it is okay to misuse drugs.
I. prescribed for someone c. drugs should not be
else misused.
II. used as the patient wishes d. drugs should not be
III. prescribed by a doctor bought from pharmacies.

a. I and II
b. I and III
c. II and III
d. I, II and III

132 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Religious Groups - Christians

Every individual has a right to their religious belief and can choose whatever religion they would like to
be a part of. Religious groups also help individuals to develop good characteristics by passing on norms,
mores and folkways. There are three major religious groups in Guyana, Christians, Muslims and Hindus.
Here are some things you should know about Christians.

Place of Worship: Church

Religion: Christianity

Deity: God, in the form of Father, Son and Holy


Belief: Christians believe God created the heaven

and earth. He created man to live on earth. Man
sinned. Sin brought separation between man and
God. To restore the relationship between man and
God, God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die for the
forgiveness of man’s sins.

Christians believe as long as you believe in Jesus

Christ, and live a pleasing life unto God, your
sins will be forgiven, and after death you will live
eternally in heaven with God.

Religious Leader: Pope, Priest, Reverend or Pastor

Holy Book: Holy Bible Religious Holidays

Date Name Significance

25th The birth of Jesus

December Christ

26th St. Stephens Day or Memory of St.

December Boxing Day Stephen

The end of
lent The death
Good Friday (crucifixion) of
Jesus Christ

after Good The resurrection
Friday Easter
of Jesus Christ

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Test 46
1. Christians believe in and 3. The place of worship is called 8. Celebrated on 25th of
worship a. Church. December, this holiday
a. God, in the form of b. Temple. commemorates
Father, Son, and Holy c. Mosque. a. the birth of Jesus Christ.
Spirit d. Mandir. b. the resurrection of Jesus
b. God, in the form of Lord Christ.
Rama, Lord Krishna, and 4. The picture shows the place c. the sacrifice made
Lord Shiva. of worship for the followers by Abraham.
c. God, in the form of of d. the death of Jesus Christ.
Allah. a. Islam
d. God, in the form of Sai b. Christianity. 9. Celebrated at the end of lent
Baba c. Hinduism. this holiday commemorates
d. Buddhism the death of Jesus Christ.
2. Which of the following is a a. Easter
belief of Christians? 5. The religious leader found b. St. Stephen’s Day
a. God sent his son Jesus in the place of worship may c. Good Friday
Christ to die for the be referred to as all of the d. Christmas
forgiveness of our sins. following EXCEPT
b. Muhammad is the last a. Pope.
prophet of Allah. b. Imam. Study the following scenario
c. Lord Shiva c. Pastor. and then answer question 10.
and Vishnu are d. Priest.
manifestation of Brahma. Mr. Hamilton enjoyed the
d. There is no supreme 6. The holy book used in the day with his family. They
being. place of worship is called the visited the National Park
a. Holy Bible. and had fun flying their
Study the picture of a place of b. Bhagavad Gita. kites.
worship below and then answer c. Holy Quran.
questions 3-6. d. Ramayana 10. Which of the following
holidays was Mr.
7. Which of the following is Hamilton and his family
NOT a Christian holiday? celebrating?
a. St Stephens Day a. Easter
b. Good Friday b. Diwali
c. Diwali c. Good Friday
d. Easter d. Christmas

134 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Religious Groups - Muslims

Religion: Islam Place of Worship: Church

Deity: God, in the form of Allah

Belief: Muslims believe in God, Allah, who had

many prophets that walked the earth, including
Jesus and Muhammad. However, they do not see
Jesus as the son of God. They believe Muhammad is
the last prophet of Allah.

Muslims believe that as you perform good actions

(deeds) you will earn the pleasure of God and be
granted Heaven on the Day of Judgement.

Religious Leader: Imam,

Holy Book: Holy Quran Religious Holidays

Date Name Significance

At the end of The great

pilgrimage to
Mecca in Saudi
Eid-ul-Adha sacrifice of
Arabia Abraham

Depends Youman Nabi The birth

on the and death
sighting of a anniversary
particular of the last
phase of the Prophet,
moon Muhammad

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Test 47
1. Muslims believe in and 3. The name of the place of Study the following scenario
worship worship is a and then answer question 8.
a. God, in the form of a. Church.
Father, Son, and Holy b. Temple. After one month of fasting
Spirit. c. Mosque. Mr. Khan and his family
b. God, in the form of Lord d. Synagogue. had a grand celebration.
Rama, Lord Krishna, and
Lord Shiva. 4. The picture shows the place
c. God, in the form of of worship for the followers 8. Which of the following was
Allah. of Mr. Khan and his family
d. God, in the form of Sai a. Christianity. celebrating?
Baba. b. Islam. a. Eid-ul-Fitr
c. Hinduism. b. Christmas
2. Which of the following is a d. Buddhism c. Phagwah
belief of Muslims? d. Easter
a. God sent his son Jesus 5. The religious leader found in
Christ to die for the the place of worship is called 9. Which of the
forgiveness of our sins. a. a Pope. following holidays
b. Muhammad is the last b. an Imam. commemorates Abraham’s
prophet of Allah. c. a Pastor. willingness to sacrifice his
c. Lord Shiva d. a Pandit. son.
and Vishnu are a. Eid-ul-Fitr
manifestation of Brahma. 6. The holy book found in the b. Christmas
d. There is no supreme place of worship is called the c. Phagwah
being. a. Holy Bible. d. Eid-ul-Adha
b. Bhagavad Gita.
Study the picture of a place of c. Holy Quran. 10. Which of the following
worship below and then answer d. Ramayana. commemorates the birth and
questions 3-6. death anniversary of the last
7. Which is NOT a Muslim prophet Muhammad.
observance? a. Easter
e. Eid-ul-Adha b. Diwali
f. Eid-ul-Fitr c. Good Friday
g. Diwali d. Youman Nabi
h. Youman Nabi

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Religious Groups - Hindus

Religion: Hinduism Place of Worship: Mandir/Temple
Deity: God in the form of Brahma, Lord Vishnu
and Lord Shiva
Belief: They believe that their God Brahma takes
many forms, including Vishnu (the preserver) and
Shiva (the destroyer).
They believe when a person dies, their “atman”
(soul) is reborn in a different form of life. The
reincarnation of the atman depends on the way a
person lives his or her present life.
Religious Leader: Pandit

Holy Book: Bhagavad Gita or Vedas Religious Holidays

Date/ Name Significance
During Diwali The return of Lord
October or Rama after four-
November teen years of exile

After full Phagwah The triumph of

moon in good over evil

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 137


Test 48
1. The deity or supreme being 4. The name of the place of 9. Celebrated after full moon
that Hindus worship is called worship is the in March, this holiday
a. God, in the form of a. Church. commemorates the triumph
Father, Son, and Holy b. Mandir. of good over evil.
Spirit c. Mosque. a. Diwali
b. God, in the form of Lord d. Synagogue. b. Christmas
Rama, Lord Krishna, and c. Phagwah
Lord Shiva. 5. The picture shows the place d. Eid-ul-Adha
c. God, in the form of of worship for the followers
Allah. of Study the following scenario
d. God, in the form of Sai a. Christianity. and then answer question 10.
Baba. b. Islam.
c. Hinduism. Ms. Persaud and her
2. Which of the following is a d. Buddhism family soaked each other
belief of Hindus? with abeer and water, and
a. God sent his son Jesus 6. The religious leader found in had fun putting colorful
Christ to die for the the place of worship is called powders on each other.
forgiveness of our sins. a. a Pope.
b. Muhammad is the last b. an Imam. 10. Which of the following
prophet of Allah. c. a Pastor. holidays was Ms.
c. Lord Shiva d. a Pandit. Persaud and her family
and Vishnu are celebrating?
manifestation of Brahma. 7. The holy book found in the a. Diwali
d. There is no supreme place of worship is called the b. Christmas
being. a. Holy Bible. c. Phagwah
b. Bhagavad Gita. d. Eid-ul-Adha
3. Hindus believe atman is a c. Holy Quran.
a. God. d. The New Testament.
b. person’s soul mate.
c. person’s soul. 8. Which of the following is a
d. another form of God. Hindu holiday?
a. Eid-ul-Adha
Study the picture of the place b. Phagwah
of worship below and then c. Christmas
answer questions 4-7. d. Diwali

138 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


25. Study the picture of the family tree below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. How many generations of the family are shown in the family tree above?


b. Which one of Joe and Mel Brown’s children changed their maiden name? Give the reason why his/her
name was changed?



c. What relation is Lea Chung to Dan Brown?



d. If all the people in the diagram lived together what type of family would it be?



e. If only Jim, Jen and Lea lived together, what type of family would it be?



f. Give one difference between the family type you named at (25d) and (25e).





Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 139

26. Study the picture of the family below and then answer the questions that follow.

“Michael and his father Mr. Simbo live alone”

a. What type of family is shown above?



b. State one advantage and one disadvantage of living in the type of family shown above.




c. Who is first responsible to ensure Michael develops good characteristics?



d. A friend of Michael forced him to use drugs. What is it called when a friend forces you to do things?



e. Michael’s father gives him two reasons why he should not use drugs. What are two (2) reasons his
father will most likely give him?




140 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Functions of Central Government

Government is a group of people that serve the citizens of a country. In Guyana, there is a Central Government,
Regional Government and Local Government. Central Government is the highest level of Government. Central
Government is divided into three arms. Here are the three arms of Central Government and their functions.


President President Judges, Magistrates,
+ + Lawyers, Law Enforcement
Prime Minister National Assembly Officers including Police and
+ (Other Cabinet members and members
Ministers of Government Soldiers
of opposition parties)

The Executive Arm or the The Legislative Arm or Parliament consist of The Judicial Arm consists of
C abinet consists of the the President, and other elected members of the Judges, Magistrates, Lawyers
elected President, Prime National Assembly. It is important to understand and Police. The Judicial
Minister and Ministers of that the National Assembly consist of other Cabinet Arm maintains the laws of a
Government for various members and members of opposition parties. The country. That is, they ensure
Ministries. The Executive President can also ask other persons who have not that citizens follow the
Ar m is re sp onsibl e for been elected to attend Parliament. rules and do what is right.
developing different sectors Anyone that breaks the law
of a country. Each ministry is The Legislative Arm is responsible for the is punished.
responsible for a particular development of the constitution or the set of
s e c t o r o f a c o u n t r y ’s laws of a country. Law is a system of rules made In extreme cases, persons
development; to protect the people. To amend a constitution may be placed in a
or make a law, only members of the National correctional facility like;
For example; Assembly can vote. • Prison
• Ministry of Education is • New Opportunity Corps
responsible for the The speaker is the most important person in (NOC)
development of Parliament. The Mace is a symbol of the authority
education sector of the or power of the Speaker. To alert everyone that the Such decisions are made in
country. speaker is on his way, the Sergeant at Arms, sets courts. Each court has its
• Ministry of Agriculture is the Mace on the table in the chamber. The speaker own authoritative figure (s)
responsible for the • swears in ministers of the National Assembly. • Magistrates Courts -
development of • chairs the meetings and makes final decisions. Magistrate
agriculture sector of the • High Court - Judge
country. • Full Court - 2 or more
• Ministry of Finance is Judges
responsible for • C o u r t o f Ap p e a l -
developing the financial The Mace Chancellor of the
sector or the economy of Judiciary and four or five
the country. Difference Between Parliament and National Justices of Appeal
You should try to find out the The President is apart of Parliament but not apart
names of all the ministries of of the National Assembly.
government in Guyana and • All members of Parliament are not elected.
their functions. However, all the members of the National
Assembly are elected.
• Not everyone in Parliament is allowed to vote.
For example, the President nor anyone he asks
to attend Parliament cannot vote. Everyone in
the National Assembly is allowed to vote.
Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 141

Test 49
1. The Legislative Arm consist of the 6. Which of the following is a 11. Which of the following legal
President and the members of function of the person associated authorities would you find in a
a. the National Assembly. with the symbol? High Court?
a. Instructing ministers of a. Magistrate
b. Judges, Magistrate, Lawyers,
government b. Judge
and Police. b. Appointing members of c. 2 or more judges
c. President, Opposition Leader standing committees d. Chancellor of the Judiciary
and Prime Minister. c. Ensuring that order is
d. President, Prime Minister and maintained in the National 12. The Executive Arm consist of
Ministers. Assembly a. the President and the members
d. Challenging members to a of the National Assembly.
debate on national issue b. Judges, Magistrate, Lawyers,
2. What is the function of the and Police.
Legislative Arm? 7. The Judicial Arm consists of c. President, Opposition Leader
a. Making laws a. the President and the members and Prime Minister.
b. Maintain laws of the National Assembly. d. President, Prime Minister and
c. Development of Education b. Judges, Magistrate, Lawyers, Ministers of Government.
and Police.
d. Preparing Budgets
c. President, Opposition Leader 13. All the following are functions of
and Prime Minister. the Executive Arm of Government
Study the symbol below and then d. President, Prime Minister and EXCEPT
answer questions 3 to 6 Ministers. a. development of education
b. maintain laws
8. What is the function of the Judicial c. development of tourism
Arm of Government? d. preparation of budgets
a. Making laws
b. Maintain laws 14. The member of the Cabinet who
c. Development of Agriculture presents the national budget in
3. The symbol above is the d. Preparing Budgets Parliament is the
a. Flag a. Prime Minister
b. Mace 9. Which one of the following persons b. Attorney General
is likely to sentence someone to c. Minister of Finance
c. Coat of Arms
prison as part of his/her job? d. Minister of Education
d. Arms of the President a. Jury
b. Police Study the following scenario and then
4. Where is the symbol used? c. Lawyer answer question 15.
a. Office of the President d. Magistrate
b. Parliament Building Every child that attends school
10. Which of the following is an
c. Ministry of Education will receive a $10,000 cash
example of a correctional facility?
d. Appeal Court I. Prison grant.
II. New Opportunity Corps
5. The symbol is the symbol of III. High Court 15. Which member of cabinet is most
authority of the likely to supervise the distribution
a. President a. I and II of the cash grant?
b. II and III a. Minister of Housing and Water
b. Prime Minister
c. I and III b. Minister of Foreign Affairs
c. Speaker of the National d. I, II and III c. Minister of Labour
Assembly d. Minister of Education
d. Leader of Opposition

142 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Long ago, a system of trade called bartering was used to exchange for goods and services. In bartering one thing was given
in exchange for another. For example, Guyana would give rice to Trinidad and Tobago in exchange for petroleum products.
Sometimes bartering is still practised. However, today money is the primary means of exchange. Meaning, we give money
in exchange for what we want. For example, Guyana can now give Trinidad and Tobago money for their Petroleum. Every
country has its own money or currency.
Trinidad and Tobago - TT Dollar Currency Front Back Features
Jamaican - Jamaica Dollar
Five Font: Bank of Guyana Logo and Map of
Barbados - Barbados Dollar Thousand Guyana Back: Rainforest & National
Suriname - Suriname Dollar
One Front: Bank of Guyana Logo and Map of
United States of America - US Dollar Thousand Guyana Back: Bank of Guyana
Canada - Canadian Dollar
Brazil - Real Dollar Five Front: Bank of Guyana Logo and Map of
Hundred Guyana Back: Parliament Building
Venezuela - Bolivar
Colombia - Peso One Front: Bank of Guyana Logo and Map of
Hundred Guyana Back: St George’s Cathedral
England - Pound Sterling
Germany - Euro
Fifty Front: Bank of Guyana and 50th Inde-
Eastern Caribbean Countries - EC Dollar pendence
Logo, and Map of Guyana
Haiti - Gourde Back: Map of Guyana, National Flag &
Japan - Yen Twenty Front: Bank of Guyana Logo & Kaieteur
Falls Back: Ship Building & Ferry
India - Rupee Vessel Malali

Guyana’s currency is called the Guyana Ten Front: Man practicing traditional gold
Dollar. The table shows all of our notes mining method
and coins. Each note and coin has Back: National Coat of Arms
special features.
Five Front: Sugar Cane
Back: National Coat of Arms

One Front: Rice Harvest

Back: National Coat of Arms

Banks are established to allow people to deposit, withdraw and borrow money. In Guyana, there are two types of banks.

Central Bank - Guyana’s Central Bank is the Bank of Guyana. It

• is the sole issuer of Guyana currency notes and coins.
• advises on exchange rates between Guyana currency and other currencies.
• monitors the Government’s money.
• controls other commercial banks.

Commercial Banks: Some of Guyana’s commercial banks include Republic Bank, Citizens Bank and Bank of Baroda. They
offer all of the following services to citizens.
• Passbook Savings
• Loans and Advances
• Chequing Accounts

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 143


Test 50
1. Which statement is TRUE about 8. All of the following are Guyana’s 15. All of the following are Guyana’s
bartering? notes EXCEPT coins EXCEPT
a. It is a system of trade used a. $5000. a. $50.
long ago to exchange one thing b. $100. b. $10.
for another. c. $50. c. $5.
d. $5. d. $1.
b. It is not being practiced today.
c. It is the primary means of
9. Guyana’s National Bird and 16. What is found at the back of all of
exchange. Rainforest can be found at the back Guyana’s coins?
d. It is used only in Europe. of the a. National Flag
a. $5000. b. Coat of Arms
2. Which statement is TRUE about b. $500. c. Independence Logo
money? c. $100. d. Bank Logo
a. It is the primary means of d. $50.
exchange. 17. A man practicing traditional gold
b. It is not important in trade. 10. The Bank of Guyana can be found mining is found at the front of this
c. It is no longer used today. at the back of the coin.
d. It is used only in Europe. a. $5000. a. $50
b. $1000. b. $10
c. $500. c. $5
3. What is the currency of India?
d. $100. d. $1
a. Gourde
b. Rupee 11. The Parliament building is found at 18. Sugar cane is found at the front of
c. Yen the back of the this coin.
d. Real a. $5000. a. $50
b. $1000. b. $10
4. What is the currency of Haiti? c. $500. c. $5
a. Gourde d. $100. d. $1
b. Rupee
c. Yen 12. Guyana’s tallest wooden building is 19. What is the name of Guyana’s
d. Peso found at the back of the Central Bank?
a. $5000. a. Bank of Guyana
b. $500. b. GBTI
5. What is the currency of Japan?
c. $100. c. Citizens Bank
a. Gourde d. $50. d. Republic Bank
b. Euro
c. Yen 13. This note was made to 20. Commercial banks DO NOT
d. Peso commemorate what occurred on a. offer savings.
26th May 1966. b. control the central bank.
6. What is the currency of England? a. $5000. c. offer loans and advances.
a. Gourde b. $500. d. offer chequing accounts.
b. Euro c. $100.
c. Yen d. $50.
d. Pound Sterling
14. The majestic waterfall located on
the Potaro River is located at the
7. What is the currency of
front of the
a. $5000.
a. Gourde b. $500.
b. Euro c. $100.
c. Guyana Dollar d. $20.
d. Pound Sterling

144 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Export and Imports

Exports refer to the goods that Guyana sells to other countries. When Guyana sells to other countries, it gets
foreign currency. Earning foreign currency is the most important reason for exporting or selling our goods to other
countries. Benefits of obtaining foreign currency include
• Having money that has a higher value than ours.
• Faster economic growth. If we are paid just US$5000, we actually earn GY$1,000,000
• Good and stable economy

Here are some examples of the goods that Guyana sells to other countries.


Timber Rice Sugar Gold Diamond Bauxite Oil


Caribbean Colombia, Caribbean

USA, Spain,
Islands, USA, Caribbean Islands, US- Canada, USA Canada, USA USA, Panama
UK, Japan Islands A,UK

Imports refer to the goods that Guyana buys from other countries. Here are some examples of the
goods that Guyana buys from other countries.


Electronics Fuel Vehicles Medicine Clothing & Footwear


Trinidad & Tobago,

USA, UK, Japan USA, UK, Japan Germany, USA China, USA, Panama
USA, Suriname

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 145


Test 51
1. Exports 4. Imports are goods
a. are goods Guyana sells to other countries. a. Guyana sells to other countries.
b. are goods that are made in foreign b. that are made in Guyana
countries. c. Guyana buys from other countries.
c. are goods Guyana buys from other d. that cause Guyana to earn foreign
countries. currency.
d. are goods that cause Guyana to lose foreign
currency. Study the diagrams below and then answer
question 5.
Study the diagrams below and then answer
question 2.

2. Which of the following is NOT one of
Guyana’s main exports. 5. Which of the following is NOT one of
a. I Guyana’s main imports?
b. II a. I
c. III b. II
d. IV c. III
d. IV
3. Exports are important to Guyana for all of the
following reasons EXCEPT
a. it helps to develop the country.
b. it helps Guyana to earn foreign currency.
c. it causes our resources to go to waste.
d. it creates jobs for Guyanese.

146 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Guyana’s Revenue and Expenditure

Government needs to spend money to carry out its function. Expenditure is money that the
government spends. Here are examples of ways the government spends money.

Salaries & Pension

Buildings Electrical
Roads Infrastructure Imports
Airports Food


Education Services Training


Revenue or income is money that the government earns. Here are examples of ways the government
earns money.

Postal Stamps
Containers Diamond
Barrels Custom Duties Exports
Rice. Sugar


Motor Vehicles
Restaurants License Tax
Tv and Radio

Court Fines

A national budget is a financial estimate prepared every year by the Ministry of Finance estimating
how much money the government will earn and how much it will spend. Members of the National
Assembly must vote to pass a budget.
A budget may be;

• Balanced - Government will earn and spend the same amount.

• Surplus - Government will earn more than it will spend.
Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 147

Test 52
1. What is revenue? 5. Which of the following 9. In a deficit budget
a. Money that government is NOT considered a a. government spends more
earns to provide services government expenditure? money than it earns.
to the country. a. Exports b. government earns more
b. Money that is saved up in b. Scholarships money than it spends.
the bank. c. Wages Salaries and Old c. government earns and
c. Money that the Age pension spends the same amount
government spends. d. Infrastructural of money.
d. Money that remains after development d. government does not
the government pays spend money.
salaries. 6. A national budget is
a. a system of trade between 10. In a balanced budget
2. Another word for revenue is two countries. a. government spends more
a. expenditure. b. an estimate of much money than it earns.
b. income. money the government b. government earns more
c. debt. earns and spends. money than it spends.
d. loan. c. a primary means of c. government earns and
exchange. spends the same amount
3. Which of the following is d. an estimate of the number of money.
NOT a means by which of people living in a d. government does not
government gets revenue? country. spend money.
a. Custom Duties
b. Income tax 7. A national budget is prepared
c. Imports by the
d. License a. Ministry of Foreign
4. What is expenditure? b. Ministry of Finance.
a. Money that government c. Ministry of Education.
earns to provide services d. Ministry of Labour.
to the country.
b. Money that is saved up in 8. In a surplus budget
the bank. a. government spends more
c. Money that the money than it earns.
government spends. b. government earns more
d. Money that remains after money than it spends.
the government pays c. government earns and
salaries. spends the same amount
of money.
d. government does not
spend money.

148 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Functions of Local Government

Along with its Central Government, Guyana has a Regional Government and Local Government. Regional
Government is the second tier of Government. Guyana is divided into ten Administrative Regions, and these form
the regional level of government. At the third tier of government in Guyana is Local Government, comprising three
types of governing authorities.

Councils (RDCs)

The Regional Democratic Council Guyana has ten (10) Municipality Guyana has approximately sixty five
is the supreme organ of local Councils. One Municipality is in each (65) Neighbourhood Democratic
government. Guyana has ten (10) town. Councils. Each N.D.C consists of
R.D.Cs. Each Administrative several councillors. The number
Region has one R.D.C. Each Municipality consists of a of councilors varies according to
Mayor, Deputy Mayor and several the size of the population in the
Each R.D.C consists of several Councilors neighbourhood.
c ou nc i l ors . T he nu mb e r of
councillors varies according to the Functions /Expenses Functions /Expenses
size of the population in the region.
• s ol i d waste col le c t i on and • To provide efficient services
disposal for the residents including
sanitation, garbage disposal,
• To administer all ser vices • maintenance of infrastructure
required within its boundaries services (roads, bridges, etc.), • road/dam maintenance, market
( s e r v i ce s such as he a lt h, market facilities facilities, burial grounds,
education, public works etc.) abattoirs, drainage, etc.
• child welfare services
• To develop regional facilities as • To maintain and protect public
it deems necessary. Revenue/Income
• To coordinate the activities of Municipalities receive income from
the Local Democratic Councils central government that is allocated Revenue/Income
to the Municipality in the budget.
Revenue/Income However, the collection of rates and Ne i g hb ou r h o o d D e m o c r at i c
taxes is the main source of revenue Councils receive income from
The Regional Democratic for these councils. central government that is
Councils receives income from allocated to the NDC in the budget.
central government that is allocated Additionally, each NDC collects
to the RDC in the budget. rates and taxes, abattoir fees and
cemetery fees.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 149


Test 53
1. The highest tier of 5. In Guyana, there are 8. All of the following are
Government is approximately sixty five (65) functions of the Municipality
a. Local Government. a. Regional Democratic Council EXCEPT
b. Regional Government. Councils. a. sanitation services.
c. Central Government. b. Local Democratic b. monitor activities
d. Municipality Council. Councils. of Regional
c. Neighbourhood Democratic Council.
2. The second highest tier of Democratic c. maintain roads.
Government is Councils. d. child welfare services.
a. Local Government. d. Municipality Councils.
b. Regional Government. 9. All the following
c. Central Government. 6. Which of the following are functions of the
d. Municipality Councils. consist of a Mayor? Neighbourhood Democratic
a. Regional Democratic Council EXCEPT
3. Which is not an organ of Council a. clean up garbage around
Local Government? b. Local Democratic the community.
a. Regional Democratic Council b. clean drains in the
Council c. Neighbourhood community.
b. Local Democratic Democratic Council c. pay teachers.
Council d. Municipality d. maintain roads.
c. Neighbourhood
Democratic Council 7. Which of the following 10. The Neighbourhood
d. Municipality Councils. coordinates the activities Democratic Council mainly
of the Neighbourhood generates income by all the
4. How many Regional Democratic council ? following means EXCEPT
Democratic Councils are a. Regional Democratic a. collecting rates and taxes.
there in Guyana? Council b. collecting abattoir fees.
a. 65 b. Local Democratic c. collecting cemetery fees.
b. 40 Council d. soliciting funds from
c. 10 c. Municipality Council citizens.
d. 6 d. Ministry of Finance

150 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Guyana’s Electoral System

General and Regional Elections are announced by the president every five years. It is supervised by the Guyana
Elections Commission (GECOM). Several political parties take part in the General and Regional Elections. Each
political party nominates candidates to be a part of three lists of candidates. It is a rule that 1/3 of the list of candidates
submitted must be female. The three lists submitted includes;
National List: This list must have the identified presidential candidate. The national list of all the political parties is
put together to form a national top up list.
Geographical Constituency List: This list consists of candidates from each Administrative Region.

Regional Democratic Council Lists.

On Election Day, citizens 18 years and older are given a ballot paper to cast their vote. The top half of the ballot
paper is labelled general elections. On the top half of the ballot paper, electors vote for members of
the National Assembly. The system used to elect members of the National Assembly is known as Proportional
Representation. After all ballots are counted, 40 seats in the National Assembly are allocated to candidates in the
national top up list. Twenty five (25) seats in the National Assembly are allocated to candidates from the Geographical
Constituency List. The distribution is shown in the table below.


Top Up
Reg. 1 Reg. 2 Reg. 3 Reg. 4 Reg. 5 Reg. 6 Reg. 7 Reg. 8 Reg. 9 Reg. 10
2 Seats 2 Seats 3 Seats 7 Seats 2 Seats 3 Seats 2 Seats 1 Seat 1 Seat 2 Seats
25 Seats

The party that attains the most seats in the National Assembly wins the elections, and their presidential candidate
is appointed the president of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

The bottom half of the ballot paper is labelled Regional Elections. On the bottom half of the ballot
paper, electors vote for members of the Regional Democratic Council. Proportional Representation is
again the system used for this election. The chart below shows the number of seats that are allocated to councilors
in each region.

Reg. 1 Reg. 2 Reg. 3 Reg. 4 Reg. 5 Reg. 6 Reg. 7 Reg. 8 Reg. 9 Reg. 10

15 17 27 35 18 30 15 15 15 18
Seats Seats Seats Seats Seats Seats Seats Seats Seats Seats

Local Government Elections are held at a different time. Local Government Election occurs every three (3)
years. It is also supervised by GECOM. Electors are given an opportunity to elect councilors of Municipalities
and councilors of the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (N.D.C). The two systems that are used in these
elections are Proportional Representation and First-Past-the-Post. 50% of the number of councilors of each
Municipality and Neighbourhood Democratic Council will be elected through the Proportional Representation
component and the other 50% through the First-Past-the-Post component of the electoral system.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 151


Test 54
1. General and Regional Elections 7. How many seats are there in the 12. Local Government election is
occur every National Assembly? held every
a. 2 years. a. 25 a. 2 years.
b. 3 years b. 40 b. 3 years.
c. 5 years. c. 45 c. 5 years.
d. 10 years. d. 65 d. 10 years.

2. Who announces General and 8. How many members of the

Regional Elections? National Assembly are elected 13. Who supervises Local
a. GECOM from the National Top up List? Government Elections?
b. President a. 25 a. GECOM
c. Parliament b. 40 b. President
d. Citizens c. 60 c. Parliament
d. 65 d. Citizens
3. Who supervises General and
Regional Elections? 9. How many members of 14. Who is elected at Local
a. GECOM the National Assembly are Government Elections?
b. President elected from the Geographical i. Members of the National
c. Parliament Constituency List? Assembly
d. Citizens a. 25 ii. Councilors of Municipalities
b. 40 iii. Councilors of Regional
4. The system used to elect c. 60 Democratic Council
members of the National d. 65 iv. Councilors of
Assembly is Neighbourhood
a. First-Past-the-Post. 10. Which statement is true? Democratic Council
b. Geographic Representation. a. The political party that gets
c. Proportional the most seats wins the a. i only
Representation. elections. b. ii and iv only
d. Autocratic representation. b. The political party with c. iii only
the least votes wins the d. i and iii only
5. How old must a citizen be to be elections.
considered an eligible elector? c. The political party that 15. Which electoral system is used
a. Under 18 years gets the least seats wins the during Local Government
b. 18 years and older elections. Elections?
c. 21 years and older d. The political party with i. First-Past-the-Post
d. 25 years and older the most candidates wins ii. Geographic Representation
elections. iii. Proportional Representation
6. Electors are given a ballot paper. iv. Autocratic representation
On the upper half of the ballot 11. On the lower half of the ballot
paper electors vote for members paper, electors vote for members a. i only
of the of the b. ii and iv only
a. Cabinet. a. Cabinet c. iii only
b. National Assembly. b. National Assembly d. i and iii only
c. Regional Democratic c. Regional Democratic
Council. Council
d. Municipality Council. d. Municipality Council

152 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM)

GECOM stands for Guyana Elections Commission. GECOM supervises General, Regional and Local Government
Elections. The organizational chart below shows the roles that different members of GECOM play.


There are 10
Officers, one
Returning Officer (Highest Official) for each
Deputy Returning Officer (Answers to Returning Officer)
There are
The polling stations are where electors go to vote. approximately 94
The following 5 persons work at each polling station. sub-districts in

1. Presiding Officer (Head of Polling Station)

4. Assistant Presiding 5. Ballot Clerk

3. Poll Clerk Officer
2. Information Clerk Stands by ballot box
Checks ID Card to Gives ballot papers to and stains the right
Gives direction to the
ensure electors are electors so they can index finger of electors
on voting list. vote. before they leave.

Now take a look at the elections process outlined in the diagram below

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 153


Test 55
1. GECOM means 4. Returning Officers are 8. Who is responsible for
a. Guyana Electorate responsible for checking the particulars of
Commission. a. a Polling District. individual electors?
b. Guyana Elections b. a Sub District. a. Presiding Officers
Commission. c. a Polling Station. b. Poll Clerk
c. Guyana Eligible d. staining electors’ fingers. c. Ballot Clerk
Commission. d. Information Clerk
d. Guyana Energy
Commission. 5. How many persons work at a 9. Who is responsible for
Polling Station? staining of the electors’
2. GECOM oversees the election a. 12 fingers?
of b. 8 a. Presiding Officers
i. members of the National c. 6 b. Elections Clerk
Assembly. d. 5 c. Ballot Clerk
ii. councilors of the Regional d. Information Clerk
Democratic Councils. 6. Which of the following
iii. Councilors of the GECOM Official is not a staff 10. Who gives the electors ballot
Neighbourhood at a Polling Station? papers to cast their vote?
Democratic Councils. a. Poll Clerk a. Assistant Presiding
iv. Councilors of the b. Deputy Returning Officer Officers
Municipalities. c. Ballot Clerk b. Poll Clerk
d. Information Clerk c. Ballot Clerk
a. i, ii, iii and iv d. Information Clerk
b. ii and iv only 7. Who is responsible for
c. iii only managing the activities that
d. i and iii only occur at a polling station?
a. Presiding Officers
3. The highest ranked GECOM b. Elections Clerk
official is the c. Ballot Clerk
a. Deputy Returning Officer d. Returning Officer
b. Returning Officer
c. Assistant Presiding
d. Presiding Officer

154 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


27. Study the chart below showing arms of the government, and then answer the questions that

Central Government

Executive Judicial

a. Write the name of the missing arm of the Government in the empty box.

b. How would the absence of the arm you inserted affect the functioning of the Government?


c. What is the name of the body of persons to which the Ministers of Government belong?


d. Give one difference between Parliament and the National Assembly.



e. State the main function of the Speaker of the National Assembly in Guyana.



f. What is the main function of the Judicial Arm of Government?



Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 155


28. Study the list of items below, and then answer the questions that follow.

Exports Roads Vehicle License Building Hospitals Tax Imports

a. Use the list above to fill the table below.

Revenue Expenditure

b. Give an example of one of Guyana’s imports.


c. List any two examples of Guyana’s exports.



d. What is the main reasons for exporting?



e. In what currency would Guyana likely be paid if it exports one of its resource to

i. England_________________________________________

ii. Japan___________________________________________

iii. India___________________________________________

iv. Germany________________________________________

f. Information about revenue and expenditure is given in a budget. What is the name of the ministry
responsible for preparing the budget?


g. Why is it important for a government to prepare a budget?




156 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


29. Study the chart below and then answer the questions that follow.

Local Government

R.D.C Municipality

a. What does the abbreviation R.D.C means?


b. Name the supreme governing authority of Local Government.


c. Write the name of the missing governing authority in the empty box.

d. Give two functions of the governing authority you wrote in the box.



e. State two ways the governing authority you wrote in the box acquire revenue to carry out its



f. Businesses in the city requested a meeting with the Mayor of Georgetown. Which governing
authority listed above would they have to visit?


g. Suggest one way by which residents can assist municipalities in carrying out their duties.



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30. Study the picture below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What is the paper above called?


b. When is the item named above used?


c. Why is the paper shown above divided into two sections?



d. Name two staff members who work on the day named in (b).


e. How often does the day occur?


f. What is the name of the organization that governs the activities that must take place on that day?



g. How old must a person be before he/she can be part of the process?


h. Give one reason why the day is important.



158 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Stages in Guyana’s Political Development

Head of
Stage Events Head of State
1831 It was in 1831, Guiana became a British Monarchy. A Queen of England Appointed British
British monarchy is a country ruled by a king or queen. The Queen Elizabeth II Governor who
Monarchy was head of state and ruled in British Guiana. was the Queen’s
People adapted the nationhood of Great Britain. They used representative
the Union Jack as their national flag and the people sang
the National Anthem of Great Britain.

1961 In 1961, British Guiana achieved full internal self Appointed British Premier Cheddi
Full Internal government. The Queen appointed a governor general as Governor Generals Jagan (1961-1964)
Self head of state to rule Guyana. However, citizens 21 and over Sir Ralph Francis L.F.S Burnham
Government were given the opportunity to elect a head of government. Grey (1958-1964) (1964-1966)
An election was held in 1961 and the people elected Cheddi
under the Jagan, leader of the PPP. Then in 1964, they elected L.F.S
Waddington Burnham, leader of the PNC/R. Sir Richard
Constitution Edmonds Luyt
26th May, 1966 In 1966, British Guiana became an independent nation. Appointed Prime Minister
Independent We gained the freedom to rule ourselves. The Queen Guyanese Governor L.F.S Burnham
Nation under ceremonially appointed a governor as head of state, but - General (Power to Rule)
the 1966 the power to rule rested in the hands of the elected Prime Sir. David James
Independence Minister. Several changes were made after independence.
For example, the country’s name was changed from British Gardiner Rose
Constitution Guiana to Guyana. The people also adopted their own (Guyanese)
symbols of nationhood. First, they replaced the Union Jack (1966– 1969)
with their own National Flag, the Golden Arrowhead. They
sang their own National Anthem. They also started to use Edward Luckhoo
their own currency, the Guyana Dollar. (1969-1970)

23rd In 1970, Guyana became a republic nation. We gained the First President Prime
February, 1970 power to appoint and elect our head of state and head of Arthur Chung Minister
Republic government. L.F.S Burnham ceremonially appointed our (1970-1980) L. F. S Burnham
Nation first president as Head of State, but again the power to rule Ceremonially (Power to Rule)
rested in the hands of the Prime Minister. Guyana’s name
was also changed to “The Cooperative Republic of Guyana.” appointed by

6th October , In 1980, Guyana developed its first constitution. A First Executive Executive President
1980 constitution is a set of laws that govern a nation. On the President L. F. S L. F. S Burnham
Republic basis of the constitution and later amendments in the year Burnham (Oct 6,
Nation 2000; 1980)
under the • the elected president acts as both Head of State and
People’s New Head of Government. He holds absolute power. L.F.S
Constitution Burnham was elected the first executive president.
• in order to be president, a person had to reside in
Guyana for at least seven (7) years before the date of
• The president could only hold office for two
consecutive sessions
• to vote, a citizen has to be at least 18 years.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 159


Test 56
Study the time below and then answer questions 1-8.

Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage


1831 1961 1966 1970 1980

1. At stage I, Guyana was a 6. A monarchy is 12. Guyana became a republic

a. monarchy to the British. a. a country ruled by a King or a. May 26, 1966.
b. Republic. Queen.
b. a country that has no b. May 5th, 1966.
c. Spanish Colony.
president. c. February 23, 1970.
d. an independent nation.
c. a country that was once d. October 6th, 1980
2. What was Guyana’s name at stage
d. a country that rules another
II? country. 13. Who was Guyana’s first executive
a. Guyana president?
b. Cooperative Republic of 7. Guyana had its first president a. L.F.S Burnham
Guyana during stage
b. Dr. Cheddi Jagan
c. British Guiana a. I.
d. Guiana b. IV. c. Edward Luckhoo
c. V. d. Arthur Chung
3. Guyana’s name was changed from d. III.
British Guiana at stage 14. A constitution is
a. II. 8. Guyana had its first executive
president during stage a. a set of laws that govern a
b. V.
a. V. country.
c. III. b. II.
d. IV. b. a treaty of peace between two
c. IV.
d. I. countries.
4. Who was Guyana’s first premiere at c. an agreement for
stage II? 9. Guyana became independent independence.
a. L.F.S Burnham a. May 26, 1966.
d. a letter of colonization.
b. Dr. Cheddi Jagan b. May 5th, 1966.
c. David Rose c. February 23, 1970.
d. Arthur Chung d. October 6th, 1980 15. Which of the following is
false about the Peoples New
10. Who was the first Guyanese
5. All of the following occurred Constitution?
Governor General?
during stage III EXCEPT a. Edward Luckhoo a. It was first implemented
a. the name British Guiana was b. Sir David James Gardiner Rose October 5th during stage IV.
changed to Guyana. c. Richard Edmonds Luyt b. It only allowed person who
b. all of Guyana’s symbols of d. Sir Ralph Francis Grey
nationhood replaced the were18 or older to vote
British symbols. 11. Who was Guyana’s first Prime c. It allowed for the president to
c. Guyana had its first Prime Minister when it became an act as Head of State and Head
Minister. independent nation? of Government
d. Guyana developed the People’s a. L.F.S Burnham
b. Dr. Cheddi Jagan d. It allowed the President to
New Constitution.
c. Edward Luckhoo govern for 2 consecutive
d. Arthur Chung terms.

160 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Guyana’s Presidents
Arthur Chung was Guyana’s first president. He governed Guyana for ten years. After his governance, there
were several other great leaders including, our first executive president, Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham,
Cheddi Jagan, our first female president, Janet Jagan, and Bharat Jagdeo. To this point, Guyana has nine
total presidents, of which eight were executive presidents. Guyana’s current executive president is
His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali.

Arthur Chung Linden Forbes Desmond Hoyte Dr. Cheddi Jagan

1970-1980 Sampson Burnam 1985-1992 1992-1997

Samuel Hinds Janet Jagan Dr. Bharat Jagdeo Donald Ramotar

1997-1997 1997-1999 1999 - 2011 2011 –2015

David A. Granger His Excellency

2015 - 2020 Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali
2020 -

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 161


Test 57
Study the pictures below showing former presidents of Guyana and
then answer questions 1-3.


1. Which image shows Guyana’s 5. At what stage in its political 9. How many presidents in all
first president? history did Guyana obtain its has Guyana had from the
a. I first executive president? time it became a republic up
b. II a. Colony until the year 2020?
c. III b. Full Internal Self a. 5
d. IV Governance b. 9
c. Independence c. 10
2. This president governed d. Republic d. 11
Guyana for 12 years.
a. I 6. Who was Guyana’s first 10. How many executive
b. II executive president? presidents has Guyana had
c. III a. Dr. Cheddi Jagan from the time it became a
d. IV b. Donald Ramotar republic up until the year
c. Dr. Bharat Jagdeo 2020?
3. This was Guyana’s 3rd d. L.F.S Burnham a. 5
executive president? b. 8
a. I 7. This was Guyana’s only c. 10
b. II female president. d. 11
c. III a. Janet Jagan
d. IV b. Desiree Fox
c. Viola Burnham
4. At what stage in its political d. Queen Elizabeth
history, did Guyana obtain its
first president? 8. Who was Guyana’s eight
a. Colony executive president ?
b. Full Internal Self a. Janet Jagan
Governance b. Donald Ramotar
c. Independence c. David A. Granger
d. Republic d. L.F.S Burnham

162 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


The National Flag

A national symbol is a symbol that sets one country apart from another. National symbols are used to
unite the people of the nation and encourage them to be patriotic to their nation. It helps the people to
also remember their history and culture. After Guyana became independent, its people started to use their
own symbols of nationhood, setting them apart from the people of Britain. The national flag of Guyana,
The Golden Arrowhead, was one of our first symbol of nationhood. To honour our national flag, it should
always be flown in a position of honour or at the highest position when among other flags. Additionally, to
honour our national flag, it should never be flown up sided down or thrown on the ground.

Designed by Whitney Smith (1966)

Each colour of the national flag has its significance.

Colour Proportion of Flag Significance

16% Zeal and Dynamics of our nation, Guyana.

4% The strength and endurance of Guyanese people.

24% Guyana’s gold and mineral wealth.

6% Guyana’s many rivers and water potential.

50% Guyana’s agricultural and forested nature.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 163


Test 58
Study the National Flag of Guyana below and then answer questions 1-15

1. The flag of Guyana was designed in 6. What proportion of the flag does 11. The agricultural and forested
a. 1966. the colour at II take up? nature of Guyana is signified by the
b. 1963. a. 4% colour at
c. 1970. b. 6% a. V.
d. 1972. c. 16% b. II.
d. 24% c. I.
d. IV.
2. The flag of Guyana was designed by
7. What proportion of the flag does
a. Mr. Alvin Bowman. the colour at III take up? 12. Guyana’s mineral wealth is signified
b. Mr. Stanley Greaves. a. 6% by the colour at
c. Mr. L.R Burrowes. b. 4% a. V.
d. Mr. Whitney Smith. c. 16% b. II.
d. 24% c. I.
3. Guyana’s National Flag was d. III.
designed to replace the 8. What proportion of the flag does
a. Union Jack. the colour at IV take up? 13. Guyana’s many rivers is signified by
b. Golden Arrowhead. a. 4% the colour at
c. Golden Jack. b. 6% a. I.
c. 16% b. II.
d. Union Arrowhead.
d. 50% c. IV.
d. III.
4. What is the name given to Guyana’s 9. What proportion of the flag does
National Flag? the colour at V take up? 14. The strength and endurance of
a. Union Jack a. 4% Guyanese people is represented by
b. Golden Arrowhead b. 6% the colour at
c. Golden Jack c. 16% a. II.
d. Union Arrowhead d. 50% b. IV.
c. III.
5. What proportion of the flag does 10. Zeal and dynamics of Guyana is d. V.
the colour at I take up? signified by the colour at
a. 50% e. V. 15. We can honour the flag by
f. II. a. throwing it on the floor.
b. 24%
g. I. b. never flying it upside down.
c. 16%
h. III. c. hoisting it lower than other
d. 14% flags.
d. tearing it into pieces.

164 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


The Coat of Arms

The National Coat of Arms came into use when Guyana gained its independence on 26th May 1966. This
national symbol plays a significant role in depicting our nation’s history, culture and moral values.

Designed by Mr. Alvin Bowman, Mr. Stanley Greaves and Mr. L.R Burrowes (1966)

Each part of the National Coat of Arms has its significance.

Part Significance

Amerindian Headdress Amerindians are the Indigenous people or first people of Guyana.

Diamonds Guyana’s mineral wealth.

Helmet Guyana was once a Monarchy, a country ruled by a King or Queen.

Jaguar Guyana’s National Animal, the Jaguar.

Jaguar holding pickaxe Represents labour

Jaguar holding sugarcane and a Represents Guyana’s two main agricultural crops, sugar and rice.
stalk of rice.
Shield Protection of Guyana.
Flower Guyana’s National Flower, the Victoria Regia Lily.

Three blue wavy lines Guyana’s many rivers

Bird Guyana’s National Bird, the Canje Pheasant.

“One People, One Nation, One Destiny” is at the bottom of the Coat
National Motto
of Arms.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 165


Test 59
Study the Symbol of Nationhood below and then answer questions 1-15



1. The name of the national symbol is 6. The part at II reminds us of 11. The part at VII signifies
the a. the first people, the a. protection.
a. Golden Arrowhead. Amerindians. b. labour.
b. Arms of the President. b. Guyana as once a monarchy. c. Guyana’s many rivers.
c. Coat of Arms. c. Guyana’s mineral wealth. d. Guyana’s motto.
d. Cacique Crown. d. Labour and agriculture.
12. The national flower is at
2. The national symbol was designed 7. Which part signifies labour? a. X.
in the year a. III b. V.
a. 1966. b. VII c. III.
b. 1963. c. VI d. IV.
c. 1970. d. IX
d. 1972. 13. What is the name of the national
8. Which part reminds us of Guyana’s flower that is located on the
3. All of the following persons played main agricultural crops? symbol?
a role in designing the symbol a. III a. Flamboyant.
EXCEPT b. VII b. Dandelion.
a. Mr. Alvin Bowman. c. IV c. Tulip.
b. Mr. Stanley Greaves. d. I d. Victoria Regia Lily.
c. Mr. L.R Burrowes.
d. Mr. Whitney Smith. 9. What is the name of our national 14. What is the missing part at VIII?
animal that is located on the a. National Bird
4. The part at I reminds us of symbol? b. National Animal
a. the first people, the a. Ocelot c. National Flower
Amerindians. b. Jaguar d. National Motto
b. Guyana as once a monarchy. c. Puma
c. Guyana’s mineral wealth. d. Canje Pheasant 15. The words written at X makes an
d. Labour and agriculture. appeal for national
10. The part at IX signifies a. unity.
5. Which part reminds us that a. protection. b. respect.
Guyana was once a monarchy? b. labour. c. partiality.
a. IV c. Guyana’s main rivers. d. disharmony.
b. VII d. Guyana’s motto.
c. III
d. IX

166 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


The National Pledge & Anthem

The National Pledge and the National Anthem came into use when Guyana gained its independence on
26th May 1966. We can honour our National Pledge by standing at attention with our right hand placed
over our heart while it is being said. We can honour our National Anthem by standing at attention while
it is being sung. Saying the national pledge and singing the national anthem is a usual practice during
school assemblies, at flag raising ceremonies and during celebrations for important days in our history like
independence day.

National Pledge National Anthem

I pledge myself to honour always the Flag of Dear land of Guyana, of rivers and plains,
Guyana, Made rich by the sunshine, and lush by
and to be loyal to my country, the rains. Set gem-like and fair, between
to be obedient to the laws of Guyana, to love my mountains and sea, Your children salute
fellow citizens, you, dear land of the free.
and to dedicate my energies towards the
happiness and prosperity of Guyana. Green land of Guyana, our heroes of yore,
Both bondsmen and free, laid their bones on
your shore. This soil so they hallowed, and
from them are we, All sons of one mother,
Guyana the free.

Great land of Guyana, diverse though our

strains, We are born of their sacrifice, heirs of
their pains. And ours is the glory their eyes
did not see, One land of six peoples, united
and free.

Dear land of Guyana, to you will we give, Our

homage, our service, each day that we live.
God guard you, Great Mother, and make us to
be More worthy our heritage, land of the free.
Lyrics : Reverend A.L. Luker
Music: R.C.G. Potter

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 167


Test 60
1. What date did the National 3. Who composed the music for Study the scenario and then
Pledge and National Anthem our National Anthem? answer question 5.
come into use? a. Reverend A.L. Luker
a. May 26, 1966 b. Mr. R.C.G Potter Mr. Garfield and his fami-
b. May 27, 1966 c. Mr. L.R Burrowes ly were at a cricket match.
c. May 30, 1966 d. Mr. Whitney Smith The National Anthem
d. May 31, 1966 began to play.
4. We can honour our National
2. Who wrote the lyrics to the Pledge while it is being said 5. Mr. Garfied and his family
National Anthem? by should
a. Reverend A.L. Luker a. standing at attention. a. sit quietly
b. Mr. R.C.G Potter b. standing at attention with b. stand at attention
c. Mr. L.R Burrowes right hand placed over c. speak to their friends
d. Mr. Whitney Smith heart. d. stand at attention
c. waving and singing.
d. standing at attention with
left hand placed over

168 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


National Awards
National awards were first introduced on Republic Day, February 23, 1970. It is a special honour which the
state gives to Guyanese and other persons who have rendered invaluable service to Guyana. The president
is the person that usually presents all national awards. The Order of Excellence is the highest national
award. Here is a chart showing all the national awards according to their hierarchy.

Given to citizens of Guyana that have made

1. Order of Excellence
contributions of international significance.

Given to citizens and non citizens of Guyana

2. Order of Roraima
that have rendered valuable service to Guyana.

3. Order of Service

The Order of Service comes in three grades.

I. Cacique Crown II. The Golden Arrow III. Medal of

of Honor of Achievement Service

Limited to 50 Citizens and Limited to 75 Citizens and Limited to 100 Citizens The Medal
is given for outstanding is given for outstanding and is given for ten years of Service for
public service or achieved public service or long and of dedicated public Bravery also
excellence in a particular dedicated public service. service or service to the comes in three
profession. community. grades.

awards are iii. President’s
i. Cacique Crown ii. Golden Arrow
given for Commendation
of Valour of Courage
bravery. for Brave Conduct

Military Service Medals are given to members of Disciplined Service Medals are given to members
the Guyana Defense Force, Guyana’s People’s Militia of the Police Force, Prison Service, or Fire Brigade.
and Guyana National Service. The awards in this The awards in this category are;
category are;

Military Service Star for service Disciplined Service Star Discipline

beyond the Service
Call of Duty Medal
Military Service Medal Disciplined Service Medal

for 10 yrs. for long

Efficiency Medal Discipline Service Medal
service service

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 169


Test 61
1. When were national awards first 7. The third highest award comes in 11. Which national award would
introduced? three grades including all of the MOST likely be given to a
a. May 26, 1966 following EXCEPT the soldier?
b. May 5th, 1966 a. Cacique Crown of Honor a. Order of Roraima
c. February 23, 1970 (C.C.H.). b. Cacique Crown of Honour
b. Golden Arrowhead of c. The Golden Arrow of
d. October 6th, 1980
Achievement (A.A.). Courage
c. Medal of Service. d. Military Service Medal
2. The highest award is the d. Cacique Crown of Valor
a. Order of Excellence. (C.C.V.). 12. Which of the following is NOT
b. Order of Roraima. an award given to military
c. Order of Service. 8. The Medal of Service comes in officials?
d. Military Service Award. three grades including all of the a. Military Service Star
following awards that are given b. Disciplined Service Star
3. The highest award may be given for bravery EXCEPT the c. Military Service Medal
to a. Cacique Crown of Valour d. The Efficiency Medal
a. a citizen or non citizen for (C.C.V.).
b. The Golden Arrow of 13. Which award is given for service
making valuable contribution
Courage (A.A.). beyond 10 years in the Guyana
to Guyana. c. The President’s Defense Force?
b. a soldier for long service. commendation for Brave a. Military Service Star
c. a citizen for making a Conduct. b. Military Service Medal
contribution of international d. Cacique Crown of Honour c. The Efficiency Medal
significance. (C.C.H). d. Disciplined Service Star
d. a citizen for outstanding
public service. Study the following scenario and then 14. Which of the following is NOT
answer question 9. an award given to Disciplined
4. The second highest award is the Service Police Officers, Prison
Mr. Rooplall rushed into a Officers and Firemen?
a. Order of Excellence.
a. Disciplined Service Star
b. Order of Roraima. burning house and rescued b. Disciplined Service Medal for
c. Order of Service. the children Meritorious service
d. Military Service Award. c. Disciplined Service medal for
Long Service
5. The second highest award may 9. Which national award would Mr. d. Military Service Star
be given to Rooplall be given for his bravery?
a. a citizen or non citizen for a. The Cacique’s Crown of Study the following scenario and
Valour then answer question 15.
making valuable contribution
b. The Cacique’s Crown of
to Guyana. Honour
b. a soldier for long service. c. The Order of Excellence Mrs. Fiona has been serving
c. a citizen for making a d. The Order of Roraima 25 years as a police officer. She
contribution of international has been chosen to receive an
significance. 10. Of the following awards, which is award for long service.
d. a citizen for outstanding the highest?
public Service. a. Cacique Crown of Honor
(C.C.H.) 15. Which award will Mrs. Fiona be
6. The third highest Award is b. Golden Arrowhead of given?
Achievement (A.A.) a. Military Service Star
a. Order of Excellence. c. Cacique Crown of Valour b. Military Service Medal
b. Order of Roraima. (C.C.V.) c. Disciplined Service Medal
c. Order of Service. d. The Golden Arrow of d. The Efficiency Medal
d. Military Service Award. Courage (A.A.)

170 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Non - Religious National Holidays

On national holidays, a day is set a side to remember and celebrate an event of national significance. Here
are a few of our non-religious national holidays.

Date Holiday Significance

This day is celebrated in acknowledgment of a beginning of

a new year. The night before some people go to church while
January 1st New Year’s Day
others attend parties. At midnight there is lighting of fireworks
and other celebrations.

This day is celebrated in remembrance of the day Guyana

Mashramani - an gained its republican status, 23rd February, 1970. A flag raising
F e b r u a r y Amerindian word ceremony is usually held on the night before, and the President
23rd meaning, “celebration addresses the nation. On the 23rd of February, the people parade
after hard work”. the streets of Georgetown and take part in many competitive
This day is celebrated in remembrance of Hubert Nathaniel
Critchlow, the Father of Trade Unionism. Many workers
May 1st Labour Day celebrate by taking part in parades and advocating for better
relationships between employer and employees, and better
working conditions.
At first, this day was celebrated in remembrance of the day
that the East Indians were brought to Guyana, 5th May, 1838 on
the Whitby and Hesperus ships. However, now it is celebrated
May 5th Arrival Day
in remembrance of all the indentured labourers that came
to Guyana. The people celebrate this day by hosting cultural

This day is celebrated in remembrance of the day Guyana

gained it’s independence, 26th May, 1966. The people celebrate
May 26th Independence Day
by attending a national flag raising ceremony to be entertained
by cultural and patriotic items.

This day is celebrated in remembrance of the formation of

July 4th CARICOM DAY CARICOM. CARICOM means Caribbean Community. It was
formed July 4th, 1973.

Emancipation Day or This day is celebrated in remembrance of the day that all
August 1st
Freedom Day African slaves were made free, August 1st, 1838.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 171


Test 62
1. Which of the following is NOT 6. This holiday is celebrated 26th Independence
a non-religious holiday? of May. c. The end of African Slavery
a. Labour Day a. Independence Day d. Hubert Nathaniel
b. Christmas b. Phagwah Critchlow and the Trade
c. CARICOM Day c. Boxing Day Unions he began
d. New Year’s Day d. Mashramani

Study the picture below showing 7. What does Independence Day Study the picture below showing
a National Holiday and then reminds us of? a national monument and then
answer questions 2-4. a. Guyana gaining its answer question 12.
republican status
b. Guyana gaining its
freedom from the British
c. The end of African Slavery
d. Hubert Nathaniel
Critchlow and the Trade
Unions he began

8. When is Arrival Day

celebrated? 12. The holiday associated with
2. On what date is the holiday a. February 23rd the monument is celebrated
celebrated? b. May 5th a. February 23rd
a. February 23rd c. May 26th b. May 1st
b. May 1st d. August 1st c. May 26th
c. May 26th d. August 1st
d. August 1st 9. What does Arrival Day
3. What does the holiday remind a. Indian indentured 13. The holiday associated with
us of? labourers arriving in the monument reminds
a. Guyana gaining its Guyana Guyanese about
republican status b. Guyana gaining its a. William Wilberforce
b. Guyana gaining its Independence b. Thomas Clarkson
independence c. The end of African Slavery c. Hubert Nathaniel
c. The end of African slavery d. Arrival of all indentured Critchlow
d. Hubert Nathaniel labourers in Guyana d. Jack Gladstone
Critchlow and the Trade
Unions he began 10. The holiday celebrated on 14. When is CARICOM Day
this day reminds us of an celebrated?
4. The name of the holiday important day in the history of a. February 23rd
means our African ancestors. b. May 26th
a. celebration after hard a. February 23rd c. July 4th
work. b. May 1st d. August 1st
b. land of many water. c. May 26th
c. liberty and justice for all. d. August 1st 15. What does CARICOM day
d. celebration after freedom. signify?
a. Guyana gaining its
5. This holiday is celebrated the 11. What does Emancipation Day republican status
first of January every year. remind us of? b. Guyana gaining its
a. Christmas a. Guyana gaining its Independence
b. Labour day republican status c. The end of African Slavery
c. New Yea’s Day b. Guyana gaining its d. The anniversary of the
d. Diwali formation of CARICOM

172 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


We set aside days to observe different occasions of national and international significance. Here are a few
occasions we observe every year.

Date Observance Significance

Second Commonwealth Commonwealth Day is an opportunity for the Commonwealth’s fifty

Monday in Day four member states to come together and celebrate its values and
March diversity. Guided by a theme, countries celebrate and promote the
Last week in Youth Week Youth week is an opportunity for young people to express their ideas
May and views, and act on issues that affect their lives.
June 16th Enmore Martyrs Enmore Martyrs Day is observed to honour the five sugar workers
Day who were killed on Plantation Enmore during the rebellion.

September Education Month This month marks the beginning of a new school year for our
educational institutions. Guided by a theme, throughout the month,
educational organizations celebrate and promote education in
September Amerindian Former President Cheddi Jagan was the first to declare the month of
Heritage Month September as Amerindian Heritage Month. Throughout the month,
September honour is given to the Indigenous people and the contributions they
Amerindian have made.
Heritage Day
October Agriculture Guided by a theme, throughout Agricultural Month, efforts are made
Month to sensitize everyone about the importance of the Agriculture sector
to Guyana and its economy.
Second week Fire Prevention Fire Prevention week is one of the longest running public health
in Week observances. Through the week everyone is sensitized on how to
October prevent and alleviate the effects of fires.
October 16th World Food Day World Food Day is observed in honour of the date that the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) of United Nations was founded.

October 24th United Nations United Nations Day is observed to reflect on the work of the Unit-
Day ed Nations Organizations and celebrate its family of specialized
November Road Safety Road Safety Month is observed to sensitize everyone about the
Month importance of Road Safety. It is likely to see school children carrying
out several activities that promote road safety during this time.
N o v e m b e r Remembrance
11th Day Remembrance Day is observed to pay homage to soldiers who fought
and died in combat during World War I and World War II.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 173


Test 63
1. At what time of the year do 5. Which ethnic group is 9. Road safety month is
we observe Commonwealth celebrated in the month of observed in
Day? September? a. August.
a. Second Monday in March a. Africans b. October.
b. Last week in May b. Portuguese c. November.
c. Second week in October c. Amerindians d. December.
d. February d. Chinese
10. At what time of the year do
2. At what time of the year 6. At this time of the year, we remember the soldiers
would young people farmers and food processors who fought and died in
be given additional would usually take part in World Wars I and II?
opportunities to express their several activities to promote a. June 16th
views and ideas on issues that their products. b. September 10th
affect them? a. September c. October 24th
a. Second Monday in March b. October d. November 11th
b. Last week in May c. November
c. Second week in October d. December
d. First Monday in June
7. At this time of the year, time
3. The date that is set aside is taken promote awareness
to honour the five sugar about the importance of fire
workers killed on Plantation prevention.
Enmore is a. Second Monday in
a. June 16th. January
b. September 10th. b. Last week in May
c. October 24th. c. Second week in October
d. November 11th. d. November

4. In this month, education in 8. All of the following are

Guyana is celebrated and observed in the month of
promoted. October EXCEPT
a. October a. World Food Day.
b. September b. United Nations Day.
c. November c. Remembrance Day.
d. February d. Fire Prevention Week.

174 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


31. Study the flow chart below and then answer the questions that follow.

I. Monarchy

II. Full Internal Self


Date: 26th May 1966

IV. Republic Nation

Date: ________________

V. Republic Nation under the

Peoples New Constitution

a. Guyana was once a monarchy. What does it mean when a country is a monarchy?


b. What happened at stage III of Guyana’s political development?



c. Explain two changes that occurred after stage III of Guyana’s political development.



d. At stage IV, Guyana became a republic nation. On what date did Guyana become a republic nation?



e. What was Guyana’s name changed to after it became a republic?



f. After which stage did Guyana have its first president?



g. Who was Guyana’s first executive president?



Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 175


32. Study the picture of the national symbol, below and then answer the questions that

i ii
iii iv

a. What is the name of the symbol of nationhood shown above?


b. When was the first time the symbol shown in the picture was hoisted?


c. Name one other symbol of nationhood that came into being at the same time as the one named in (a)

d. Fill the table below using any two roman numeral used to label the flag above.

Roman Colour Proportion of Significance

Numeral colour on flag (%)

e. What is one way to honour the flag of Guyana?


f. Name two holidays that are celebrated by performing a flag raising ceremony .



g. Why is the flag sometimes hoisted at half-mast?


176 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


33. Study the picture of the symbol of nationhood below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What is the name given to the symbol of nationhood shown above?



b. Which ethnic group is represented by the headdress on the symbol of nationhood ?



c. What is the significance of the helmet?



d. Which two main agricultural crops of Guyana are represented on the symbol of nationhood shown

e. Explain the importance of the words written at the bottom of the symbol of nationhood shown


f. Give one reason why symbols of nationhood are important.





Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 177


34. Study the chart below, and then answer the questions that follow.

I. Order of Excellence


III. Order of Service

IV. V. VI.

a. What is a national award?



b. When was national awards first distributed to Guyanese?


c. Who is responsible for distributing national awards?


b. Name the missing national award at

II. ______________________________________________________________________________

IV. ______________________________________________________________________________

c. List the three grades of Medal of Service award

i. _______________________________________________________________________________

ii. _______________________________________________________________________________

iii. ______________________________________________________________________________

d. Name the national award that would be given to a citizen who;

i. made a contribution of international significance.


i. who saved a child from a burning building.


178 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Population, Census and Migration

Population is the number of people living within an area. In Guyana,
• of all the counties, the county of Demerara has the largest population.
• of all the natural regions, the Low Coastal Plain has the largest population.
• of all the Administrative Regions, Demerara-Mahaica (reg. 4) has the largest population
• of all the towns, Georgetown, has the largest population.

A citizen is a person who is legally living within a country and is listed as a member of state. You can
become a citizen of a country through

• Birth: Once you are born in a country, you become a citizen of that country.
• Marriage: Many persons become citizens of other countries if they marry a citizen of that country.
• Naturalization: People become citizens by naturalization after they would have legally lived in that
particular country for a period of more than five years.

A census is an official survey of a population. It gives information about citizens living within a country.
It gives information about;

• Population growth rate: This is the rate at which the population is growing.
• Birth Rate: This is the number of births per year.
• Death Rate: This is the number of deaths per year.
• Age Structure: This is the number of young persons compared to the number of older persons.
• Employment Rate: This is the number of working and non-working persons.

Migration is the permanent movement of people to a new area or country. Migration may be;

Internal: Internal migration refers to the movement of people within a country.

External: External migration refers to the movement of people out of a country.

There are two types of persons who migrate.

Emigrant: An emigrant is a person who exits out Immigrant: An immigrant is a person who enters
of an area or country. A person may exit a country into another area or country. A person may enter
because of its; into another country because of its;
• Low paying jobs • High paying jobs
• High crime rate • Low crime rate
• Many natural disasters • Little to no natural disasters.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 179


Test 64
1. Population is defined as the country. 12. An emigrant is
a. number of people living in an c. the official survey of the a. a person who leaves their
area. number of buildings in the country.
b. transmitting of information. country . b. a person who has never moved
c. movement of people from one to another country.
place to another. 7. A census would give information c. a person who visits a place in
d. the movement of people into a about all the following EXCEPT their country for the first time.
new area. a. birth rate. d. a person who enters into
b. people who are working. another country.
2. In Guyana, which region has the c. people who own homes.
largest population? d. the number of older persons Study the following caption and then
a. 3 compared to the number of answer question 13.
b. 4 younger persons.
c. 6
8. Employment rate is Guyana is experiencing high
d. 10
a. the number of babies born emigration rates.
every year.
3. A citizen is a person b. the number of people who die
a. legally living within a country every year. 13. Guyana’s high emigration rates is as
and is listed as a member of c. the number of people working a result of all the following reasons
state. within a country. EXCEPT
b. illegally living within a d. the number of people leaving a. low paying jobs.
country. a country. b. to escape poverty.
c. residing in a country on c. low crime rates.
vacation. 9. Migration is d. natural disasters.
d. who enters a new country as a a. the permanent movement
refugee. of people from one area to 14. An immigrant is
another. a. a person who leaves their
4. A person can become a citizen of b. the number of citizens who country.
a country by all the following ways reside in another country. b. a person who has never moved
EXCEPT by c. the ability to stay within one to another country.
a. birth. country. c. a person who visits a place in
b. naturalization. d. the number of people who live
their country for the first time.
c. marriage. in a country.
d. a person who enters into
d. living in a country for one another country.
year. 10. Which scenario best describes
Internal Migration?
a. Michael moves from Study the following caption and then
Study the following scenario and then Georgetown to live in Brazil. answer question 15.
answer question 5 b. Rohan moves from
Georgetown to live in Anna The USA is experiencing high
Sharmila is a Guyanese. She Regina.
c. Malini moves from immigration rates.
lived in the US for ten years
Georgetown to live in New
then applied for citizenship and York. The high immigration rates of the USA
became a US Citizen. d. Josiah moves from
is as a result of all the following
Georgetown to live in
Canada. reasons EXCEPT
5. Sharmila became a citizen by
a. high crime rate.
a. birth.
11. Which scenario best describes b. high paying jobs.
b. naturalization.
External Migration? c. high standard of living.
c. marriage.
a. Lionel moves from d. higher education.
d. decent.
Georgetown to live in Linden.
6. A census is an official survey of a b. Devika moves from
population. Corriverton to live in Lethem.
c. Simba moves from Mahdia to
a. a list of things for a country
live in Mabaruma.
to do. d. Malachi moves from Bartica to
b. a financial statement of a live in Barbados.

180 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Communication is the means by which people send or receive information. Communication is important because
it helps us to develop good relationship with each other and with our neighbours. It helps us to understand each
other and work together to accomplish common goals. Communication also helps us to be aware of all that is
happening around us, even in times of danger. There are many different means by which people communicate
including, nonwritten and written means. Here are some means of communication people used long ago.

Non Written The following were non-written means of Written: The following were writtenmeans of
sending or receiving information long ago. sending or receiving information long ago.

Beating drums
Smoke signals

Samarians Cuneiform Egyptian Hieroglyphics

(wedged shaped characters) (drawn symbols)
Ringing bells Blowing Conch Shells

Today there are more advanced means by which people communicate. The means of communication are
provided by various agencies throughout Guyana.

Agency Function
Guyana Post Office This agency allows us to send or receive
Corporation information through the writing of letters.

Guyana National This agency allows us to send or receive

Newspapers Limited information by writing in the newspaper.

National This agency allows us to send or receive

Communications information over the television and or radio.

Guyana Telephone These agencies allow us to send or receive

and Telegraph information through telephone calls or use of
Company (GT&T) internet email.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 181


Test 65
1. Communication is 5. All of the following are 8. This agency allows us to
a. the means by which agencies of communication send or receive information
we send or receive in Guyana EXCEPT through the writing of letters.
information. a. CNN. a. The Guyana Post Office
b. the means by which we b. GT&T. Corporation
get from one place to c. NCN. b. The Guyana National
another. d. DIGICEL. Newspapers Limited
c. the exchange of one thing c. The National
for another. 6. This agency allows us to Communications
d. the movement of one send or receive information Network
place to another. through telephone calls or d. The Guyana
use of internet email. Telephone and
2. Which is NOT an old a. The Guyana Post Office Telegraph Company
means by which people Corporation (GT&T)
communicated? b. The Guyana National
a. Email Newspapers Limited 9. This agency allows us to send
b. Smoke Signal c. The National or receive information over
c. Beating of Drum Communications the television and/or radio.
d. Ringing bells Network a. The Guyana Post Office
d. The Guyana Corporation
3. All the following are Telephone and b. The Guyana National
non-written forms of Telegraph Company Newspapers Limited
communication EXCEPT (GT&T) c. The National
a. blowing of the conch Communications
shell. 7. This agency allows us to send Network
b. beating of drums. or receive information by d. The Guyana
c. cuneiform. writing in the newspaper. Telephone and
d. smoke signals. a. The Guyana Post Office Telegraph Company
Corporation (GT&T)
4. Which of the following b. The Guyana National
is NOT a modern Newspapers Limited 10. Communication is important
way by which we c. The National because of all the following
communicate? Communications reasons EXCEPT
a. letters Network a. it helps us to work
b. News paper d. The Guyana together.
c. radio Telephone and b. it helps us to build good
d. sending of messages with Telegraph Company relationships with our
pigeons. (GT&T) neighbours.
c. it helps to alarm us in
times of danger.
d. it keeps us unaware of all
that is happening around

182 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Transportation is the movement of people or goods from one place to another. Transportation is important because it helps
us to get to school, work and wherever we want to go, even to the most remote areas. It also helps us to export and import goods
and services. Transportation may be;
• Internal: Internal transportation is transportation within a country.
• External: External transportation is transportation out of a country.

Modes of transportations are the different mediums used for transportation. There are three main modes of transportation.
Means of transportation are the vehicles used for transportation. There are many means of transportation. Here is a table
showing examples of the modes and means of transportation.

Mode Means
Land (Roads, Bridges, Railways) Bicycle, car, bus, train, ATV (All Terrain Vehicle )
Water Raft, canoes, speed boats and ferries
Air Aeroplane and helicopter

In Guyana, there are many roads and bridges that we use to move from one place to another. It is on these roadways we use
vehicles like cars and buses. A well known road in Guyana is the Linden Soesdyke Highway. We use this road to move from
Georgetown to Linden. When using the roadways we must practice road safety by obeying all traffic symbols. We must wear our
seatbelts, use the kerb drill and use the pedestrian crossing.

There are also many waterways (e.g. rivers) that we use for moving
from one place to another. It is on these water ways we use speed
boats and ferries. We use the following rivers to move between ANNA REGINA
different regions.
Essequibo River
• Region 3 (Parika) and Region 2 (Supenaam) NEW AMSTERDAM
• Region 3(Parika) and Region 7 (Bartica) BARTICA ROSE HALL
Demerara River
• Region 4 (Georgetown) and Region 3 (Vreed-en-Hoop) LINDEN
• Region 5 (Rosignol ) and Region 6 (New Amsterdam)
Corentyne River
• Region 6 (New Amsterdam) and Suriname

When using waterways we must practice safety. For example

we must obey lifebuoys and always wear a life jacket.
In Guyana, our international airport is the Cheddi Jagan
International Airport. Another international airport is the Eugene
F. Correia International Airport, otherwise known as Ogle Airport.
There are many other smaller airstrips also located in Guyana. We
use this mode of transportation to move to remote areas in Guyana
where there are no access roads like Mabaruma, Port Kaituma and
Paramakatoi, and to move to neighbouring countries like Trinidad
and Tobago, Grenada, and Jamaica. When using the airways we
must practice safety. We must obey instructions given by the pilot,
wear our seatbelts and observe all signs and symbols like the no
Map showing some places to which
smoking symbol.
we need transportation to travel.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 183


Test 66
1. Transportation is 4. When on land, which means 8. Lionel lives in Georgetown.
a. the means by which of transportation is likely to If he is travelling to Port
we send or receive be used? Kaituma, Lionel would need
information. a. Ferry to use a
b. the movement of people b. Helicopter a. car.
or goods from one place c. Speed Boat b. aeroplane.
to another. d. Bus c. boat.
c. the exchange of one thing d. bus.
for another. 5. The ferry that travels between
d. the permanent movement Supenaam and Parika travels 9. Malachi lives in the
of people from one place on the Pomeroon. Which means of
to another. a. Essequibo River. transportation do you think
b. Demerara River. he commonly uses to move
2. Which best describes internal c. Cuyuni River. from one place to another?
transportation? d. Berbice River. a. Boat
a. Vindi travels from b. Bus
Georgetown to Grenada. 6. The speed boat that travels c. Helicopter
b. Simba travels from between Georgetown and d. Car
Georgetown to Vreed-en-Hoop travels on
Suriname. the 10. Transportation is important
c. Amira travels from a. Essequibo River. for all the following reasons
Georgetown to Trinidad b. Demerara River. EXCEPT
and Tobago. c. Cuyuni River. a. it helps us to get to
d. Fariah travels from d. Berbice River. remote areas.
Parika to Bartica. b. it prevents us from
7. The speed boat that travels importing goods.
3. Which best describes between Rosignol and New c. it helps us to transport
external transportation? Amsterdam travels on the our goods and services.
a. Lionel travels from a. Essequibo River. d. it encourages
Georgetown to St Lucia. b. Demerara River. tourism.
b. Devika travels from c. Cuyuni River.
Georgetown to d. Berbice River.
New Amsterdam.
c. Devindra travels from
Parika to Charity.
d. Fariah travels from
Parika to Bartica.

184 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


35. Study the map of Guyana below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. Define the term population.



b. Name the town at P.



c. Name the natural region that has the largest population.



d. Give two possible reasons why the largest population can be found living in the region identified at



e. Define the term census?



f. Give examples of two types of information that can be gathered from a census.



Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 185


35. Study the map of Guyana below, and then answer the questions that follow.

a. In which natural region is the town at U located?


b. Martin is moving from the town at U to live in the town at R. What is this movement called?


c. Name the mode of transportation he would need to use to get from the town at U to the town at R.


d. Martin’s uncle is moving from Venezuela to live with them in their new home located at R.
What word can be used to describe the movement of Martin’s uncle?


e. Give two possible reasons for the movement of Martin’s uncle.



f. Describe one way by which Martin’s uncle can become a citizen of the country to which he moved?



186 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Location of Guyana’s Continental Neighbours

Our continental neighbours are located on the continent of South America. South America is located in
the Western and Southern Hemispheres. To the west of South America is the Pacific Ocean, to the East is
the Atlantic Ocean, and southwards, the Southern Ocean. To the north of South America is the Caribbean
Sea. South America has 13 countries. Hence Guyana has 12 continental neighbours. Brazil is the largest
continental neighbour and it has the largest population. The map below shows the location of Guyana’s
continental neighbours. Study and discuss the map with your teacher.

Map showing the location of Guyana’s South American Neighbours

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 187


Test 67
Study the diagram which shows a continent and then answer questions 1-15

1. The continent shown above is 6. The country at G is 11. The capital of the country at
a. North America. a. Venezuela. R is
b. Africa. b. Colombia. a. Lima.
c. Asia. c. Ecuador. b. Quito.
d. South America. d. Peru. c. La Paz.
d. Brasilia.
2. The ocean bordering T is the 7. The country at P is
a. Atlantic Ocean. a. Argentina. 12. The capital of the country at
b. Indian Ocean. b. Chile. M is
c. Pacific Ocean. c. Peru. a. Lima.
d. Arctic Ocean. d. Bolivia. b. Quito.
c. La Paz.
3. The sea north of L is the 8. Colombia is at d. Brasilia.
a. Bering Sea. a. V.
b. Caribbean Sea. b. S. 13. Caracas is at
c. Black Sea. c. F. a. L.
d. Caspian Sea. d. O. b. F.
c. V.
4. The largest and most 9. Paraguay is at d. N.
populated country on the a. V.
continent is b. S. 14. Montevideo is at
a. Chile. c. F. a. L.
b. Ecuador. d. R. b. F.
c. Brazil. c. V.
d. Argentina. 10. The capital of the country at d. N.
F is
5. What is the country at L? a. Caracas. 15. Buenos Aires is at
a. Venezuela b. Bogota. a. L.
b. Colombia c. Lima. b. F.
c. Ecuador d. Quito. c. V.
d. Peru d. N.
188 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana

Guyana’s Immediate Continental Neighbours

Venezuela, Brazil and Suriname are our closest neighbours so they are called immediate continental
neighbours. We are merely separated from them by rivers and mountains. The map below shows the
mountains and rivers that separate Guyana from its immediate continental neighbours. Study and discuss
the map with your teacher. As you study the map, pay close attention to the rivers and mountains that
separate us from our immediate neighbours.

Map showing rivers and mountains that separate Guyana from its
Immediate Continental Neighbours
Here is a table showing the capital, language, currency and main export of Guyana’s immediate continental

Venezuela (Caracas) Spanish Bolivar Petroleum

Brazil Portuguese Real Soybeans,

(Brasilia) Petroleum,
Coffee & Timber

Suriname Dutch Suriname Dollar Gold, Bauxite &

(Paramaribo) Rice

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 189


Test 68
Study the diagram which shows a continent and then answer questions 1-15

1. What is the country at Z? 6. What river(s) separate Guyana 11. What currency is used by Z?
a. Colombia from the neighbour at Z? a. Real
b. Brazil a. Amakura and Wenamu b. Bolivar
c. Guyana b. Demerara c. Peso
c. Ireng and Takutu d. French Franc
d. Suriname
d. Corentyne
12. What currency is used by the
2. The country at W is ___________ 7. The Amakura river separates country at W?
while the country at X is Guyana from the country at a. Bolivar.
a. Suriname/Columbia. a. W. b. Real.
b. Venezuela/Suriname. b. X. c. French Franc/Peso.
c. Brazil/Colombia. c. Y.
d. Suriname Dollar.
d. Z.
d. Colombia/ French Guiana.
13. Guyana can import petroleum
8. The Kamoa Mountain Ranges
3. What is the capital of the country separate Guyana from from the neighbour at
at X? a. W. a. W.
a. Georgetown b. X. b. X.
b. Bogota c. Y. c. V.
d. Z. d. Z.
c. Paramaribo
d. Caracas
9. A class is taking a tour to the 14. Guyana can import soybeans and
country at X. What language coffee from the neighbour at
4. Brasilia is located at ___________ should they learn to speak? a. W.
while Caracas is located at a. French b. X.
a. X/Y. b. Dutch c. V.
b. W/X c. Spanish d. Z.
c. Z/W. d. Portuguese
d. X/Z. 15. The country at Y is importing
10. The official language of country at a product from X. The
W is ___________while the official product is most likely
5. What river separates Guyana
language of the country at Z is a. nutmeg and spices.
from the neighbour at X? a. French/Spanish. b. gold and bauxite.
a. Corentyne b. Spanish/Portuguese. c. tourism.
b. Amakura c. Dutch/French.
d. timber.
c. Demerara d. Portuguese/Dutch.
d. Ireng

190 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Guyana’s Other Continental Neighbours

Here is a table showing the capital, language, currency and main export of Guyana’s other continental
neighbours. Study and discuss the table with your teacher. As you study the table, you should recognize
the following;

• All the other continental neighbours speak Spanish except French Guiana (French). That makes Guyana
the only English speaking country in South America.
• All the Spanish speaking countries use the Peso except Peru (Nuevo Sol) and Ecuador (Sucre).
• The French speaking country uses the French Franc.


Argentina Spanish Peso Soybean, Wheat, Corn
(Buenos Aires) English

Bolivia (La Paz) Spanish Bolivian Peso Natural Gas, Gold,

Aymara Boliviano Silver, Tin

Chile Spanish Peso Petroleum, Natural Gas


Colombia (Bogota) Spanish Peso Petroleum, Coffee

Ecuador (Quito) Spanish Queechua Sucre Petroleum, Bananas

French Guiana French French Franc Bauxite


Paraguay Spanish Gourari Paraguayan Peso Soybeans, Processed

(Asuncion) Meat

Peru (Lima) Spanish Nuevo Sol Copper, Gold, Refined

Petroleum, Lead

Uruguay Spanish Uruguayan New Wood Pulp, Processed

(Montevideo) Peso Meat, Textile

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 191


Test 69
Study the map of the continent shown below and then answer questions 1-15

1. The country at J has continental 6. The capital of G is ________ 11. The country at N exports
neighbours that are located while the capital of P a. wheat .
a. in South America. a. Santiago/Cayenne. b. petroleum.
b. in North America. b. Quito/La Paz. c. rice.
c. in and around the c. Lima/Bogota. d. natural gas.
Caribbean Sea. d. Montevideo/Caracas.
d. outside of South America. 12. The country at R exports
7. Cayenne is at________ while a. nutmeg.
2. How many continental Santiago is at b. copper.
neighbours does the country at a. G/R. c. textile.
J have? b. M/V. d. wheat.
a. 10 c. I/T.
b. 11 d. S/L. 13. Wood pulp and textile products
c. 12 are exported by
d. 15 8. The countries at S,T, F and N a. V.
use the b. G.
3. The country at T is a. Bolivar. c. R.
a. Venezuela. b. Peso. d. S.
b. Colombia. c. Sucre.
c. Chile. d. Real. 14. Petroleum is exported by
d. Ecuador. a. S.
9. The country at G uses the b. P.
4. The name of the country at V is a. Peso. c. N.
a. Uruguay. b. Sucre. d. T.
b. Bolivia. c. Real.
c. Chile. d. Bolivar. 15. Petroleum and coffee are
d. Paraguay. exported by
10. The country at R uses a. P.
5. Asuncion is at the________ while the b. F.
a. N. country at I uses the c. R.
b. V. a. Nuevo Sol /French Franc. d. J.
c. S. b. Peso/Real.
d. T. c. Sucre/Suriname Dollar.
d. Real/Bolivar.

192 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


37. Study the map of the continent shown below, and then answer the questions that follow

a. What is the name of the continent shown above?


b. What is the name of the ocean at III?


c. What is the name of the sea at II?


d. What is the name of the country at

L _________________________________________

K _________________________________________

J _________________________________________

e. What is the capital of the country at

Y _________________________________________

W _________________________________________

T _________________________________________

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 193


38. Study the map of the continent shown below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. Shade the only English speaking country.

b. What is the name of the river that separates the country you shaded from its eastern immediate


c. Give the name of one mountain that separates the country you shaded from its southern immediate


d. Choose an immediate neighbour of the country you shaded to complete the table below.

Letter and name Capital Language Official Currency

e. Name the immediate neighbour from which Guyana can import

Coffee _______________________________________________________

Petroleum prod _______________________________________________

194 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


39. Study the map of the continent shown below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What is the name of the country at



b. What is the capital of the country at



c. Using the countries Q, L, M, S, I, V, R fill the tale below.

English Speaking Spanish Speaking French Speaking Dutch Speaking

Country Country Country Country

d. What is the currency used by the country at




Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 195


40. Study the map of the continent shown below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What is the name of the country at



b. What is the capital of the country at



c. What is the currency used by the country at




Complete the table below.

Letter Main Export

196 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Location of Guyana’s Caribbean Neighbours

Our Caribbean Neighbours include countries located in and around the Caribbean Sea. They can be divided
into three main territories including those in the Islands of the Bahamas, Islands of the Greater Antilles
and Islands of the Lesser Antilles. The Lesser Antilles is further divided into Leeward and Windward
Islands. Leeward Islands are not affected by northeast trade winds. Windward Islands are affected by
northeast trade winds.

It should be noted that within the Lesser Antilles territory, there are countries that make up the Netherland
Antilles. Some are in the Leeward islands (For example, St Maarten which is 1/5 of the country of St
Martin.) and others in the Windward Islands (Aruba and Curacao). However, these countries are not
shown on the map below.

The map below shows the location of Guyana’s Caribbean Neighbours.

Map showing the location of Guyana’s Caribbean Neighbours

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 197


Test 70
Study the map of the Caribbean below and then answer questions 1-15

1. The country at J is apart of the 6. All the following countries are 11. What is the capital of M?
a. Greater Antilles. apart of the Netherland Antilles a. Port-au-Spain
b. Netherland Antilles. EXCEPT b. Kingston
c. Lesser Antilles. a. Aruba c. Port-au-Prince
d. Island of Bahamas. b. Curacao d. St. Georges
c. Martinique
2. Which country is NOT in the d. St. Maarten 12. What is the capital of N?
Greater Antilles? a. Havana
a. L 7. What is the country at J? b. Kingston
b. N a. Belize c. Belmopan
c. V b. Jamaica d. Santa Domingo
d. T c. Dominican Republic
d. Bahamas 13. San Juan is at
3. Which country is in the Lesser a. J.
Antilles? 8. What is the country at U? b. L.
a. K a. Jamaica c. T.
b. L b. Haiti d. S.
c. T c. Belize
d. Q d. Cuba 14. Port of Spain is at
a. S.
4. Which Island would NOT be 9. Jamaica is at b. V.
affected by North East trade a. G. c. T.
Winds? b. K. d. Q.
a. X c. L.
b. Q d. J. 15. Paramaribo is at
c. O a. S.
d. P 10. Belize is at b. J.
a. G. c. W.
5. Which country would be b. K. d. K.
affected by North East Trade c. L.
Winds? d. J.
a. H
b. W
c. P
d. M
198 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana

Guyana’s Caribbean Neighbours

Here is a table showing the capital, language, currency, festival, airport and main export of Guyana’s
Caribbean neighbours. Study and discuss the table with your teacher. As you study the table, focus on
the name of the country, capital, language and currency. You will learn about their festivals, airports and
income earner later. As you study the table you should recognize the following;

• Most of our Caribbean neighbours speak English. However, in other countries people speak Spanish
(Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico), French (Haiti, Martinique and Guadeloupe, St Mar-
tin) and Dutch (Suriname, St Maarten, Aruba, Curacao).
• Most Spanish speaking countries use the Peso, except for Puerto Rico (US Dollar).
• Most French speaking countries use the French Franc except for Haiti (Gourde).
• Most Dutch speaking countries use the Guilder except for Suriname (Suriname Dollar).
• Countries in the Lesser Antilles like Antigua and Barbuda, St Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, Dominica,
St Lucia, St Vincent and Grenadines and Grenada all use the EC Dollar.
Bahamas English Bahamas Junkanoo Nassau Intl Tourism
(Nassau) Dollar

Cuba Spanish Peso Sugar, tobacco

Cayman Island Cayman Dollar Tourism,

(George Town) Industry
Jamaica Jamaican Jamaica Norman Tourism,
(Kingston) Dollar Festival Manley Intl Bananas

Haiti French Gourde Carnival Port-au-Prince Maize, Rice

(Port-au- Intl
Dominican Spanish Peso Sugar, Rice
Turks and English U.S. Dollar Tourism,
Caicos Fishing
Puerto Rico Spanish U.S. Dollar Sugar, Coffee
(San Juan)

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 199


Guyana’s Caribbean Neighbours


British Virgin
Islands U.S. Dollar Tourism

U.S. Virgin
St. Croix U.S. Dollar Tourism
St. Thomas
St. John

Anguilla Tourism,
E.C. Dollar
(The Valley) Fishing

St. Martin
French French Franc Tourism

St. Kitts
Bradshaw Tourism,
& Nevis E.C. Dollar Carnival
Intl, Vance Cotton
Amory Intl
Antigua &
Vere C. Bird
Barbuda E.C. Dollar Carnival Tourism
English Intl
(St Johns)
John A.
Montserrat Christmas Osborne Intl
E.C. Dollar Tourism
(Plymouth) Festival (Gerald’s
French French Franc Sugar,

St. Maarten Dutch

Dutch Tourism
(Phillipsburg) Guilder

200 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Guyana’s Caribbean Neighbours



Dominica Melville Hall,

English E.C. Dollar Domfesta Bananas, Coconuts
(Roseau) Canefeild

French Tourism, Petroleum
(Fort-de- French Franc
St. Lucia Tourism, Bananas,
E.C. Dollar Festival La Hewanorra Intl
(Castries) Coconuts
St. Vincent &
E.C. Dollar Carnival Argyle Intl Tourism, Bananas

Barbados English Barbados Crop Grantley Adams Tourism, Sugar

(Bridgetown) Dollar Over Intl Processing

Grenada Maurice Bishop Tourism, Nutmeg &

E.C. Dollar Carnival
(St. Georges) Intl Spices

Trinidad &
Tourism, Petroleum
Tobago T.T. Dollar Carnival Piarco Intl,
(Port of Spain)


Dutch Guilder Tourism

Curacao Tourism, Petroleum

Dutch Guilder
(Willemstad) Refining


Belize Tourism, sugar,

Philip Goldson
(Belmopan) English Belize Dollar Garifuna molasses, fish, shrimp,

Suriname Bauxite, Gold,

Suriname Dutch Carnival Paramaribo Intl
Dollar Petroleum

N.B. Some parts of the table have been purposefully left incomplete. Reason being, you do not
need to study the information because it does not fall within the scope of your syllabus.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 201


Test 71
Study the map of the Caribbean below and then answer questions 1-15

1. The country at V is 7. Plymouth is at 12. Which country uses the

a. Grenada. a. O. Gourde?
b. Dominica. b. I. a. P
c. St Lucia. c. G. b. L
d. St Vincent and Grenadines. d. X. c. Q
d. M
2. What is the country at X? 8. All the following countries
a. Grenada speak Spanish EXCEPT 13. Which two countries use the
b. Dominica a. U. French Franc?
c. St Lucia b. K. a. T and J
d. St Vincent and Grenadines c. N. b. O and W
d. T. c. S and Q
3. What is the country at F? d. N and U
a. Grenada 9. All the following countries
b. Dominica speak French EXCEPT 14. All the countries use the
c. St Lucia a. M. Guilder EXCEPT
d. St Vincent and Grenadines b. W. a. St Martin.
c. N. b. Curacao.
4. Kingstown is at d. O. c. St Maarten.
a. V.
d. Aruba.
b. I. 10. All the following countries
c. G. speak Dutch EXCEPT
d. X. 15. The countries at H, I, F, G, X
a. St Martin. and V all use the
b. Curacao. a. Peso.
5. Castries is at c. St Maarten.
a. O. b. EC Dollar.
d. Aruba. c. US Dollar.
b. I.
c. G. d. Gourde.
11. Which two countries use the
d. X.
a. T and J
6. Basse-Terre is at
b. O and W
a. O.
c. S and Q
b. I.
d. N and U
c. G.
d. X.

202 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


CARICOM - Caribbean Community

Regional integration is the agreement among countries to work together to achieve similar goals. Several
organizations were formed to promote regional integration among Caribbean countries. The West Indian
Federation was one of the first moves towards integration in the Caribbean. It was established by the
British Caribbean Federation Act 3rd January, 1958 but quickly ended 31st May, 1962. Most countries were
still dependencies at this point.
Members: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, the then St Kitts-
NevisAnguilla, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and Trinidad and Tobago.
Observer Status: British Guiana (Guyana) and British Honduras (Belize)
The main objective of the federation was to achieve political union among its members. However, it did
not seek to improve the economic development of the members.
Subsequently, to the end of the West Indian Federation in 1962, the Caribbean Free Trade Association
(CARIFTA) was established by the signing of the Dickenson Agreement on 1st May, 1968. By this time
most members had already gained their independence.
Members: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica, Grenada, St
Kitts-Nevis, Anguilla, Saint Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines, Montserrat, Jamaica, Belize
Observer Status: Suriname
The main objectives of CARIFTA were to
• Remove all restrictions to the inter-regional movement of goods ( e.g. taxes, rules, quotas, bans).
• Promote free trading of goods.
Subsequent to CARIFTA, CARICOM, meaning Caribbean Community, was formed. It was established
4th July 1973 by the signing of the Treaty of Chaguaramas by the governments of Barbados (Mr. Errol
Barrow), Guyana (LFS Burnham), Jamaica (Mr. Michael Manley) and Trinidad and Tobago (Dr. Eric
Williams). Through the signing of the Treaty of Chaguaramas, CARIFTA was also transformed into the
Caribbean Common Market (CCM). Every year on 4th July CARICOM Day is observed to remember the
day it was formed.
The CARICOM Flag is shown below and each part has a special significance.

Caribbean Community


Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 203


CARICOM - Caribbean Community

Each CARICOM member, their flag, date of independence and date of membership is shown below. You will
notice that Guyana, Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago were among the first to join. You will also notice
that Haiti was the last country to join. As it relates to independence, Montserrat is the only country that is still not


Independence: 26th May 1966 Independence: 31st Aug 1962 Independence: 3rd Nov 1978 Membership:1st May 1974 Independence: 3rd Nov 1978
Membership:1st Aug 1973 Membership:1st Aug 1973 Membership:1st May 1974 Independence: 27th Oct 1979 Membership:1st May 1974


Membership:1st Aug 1973 Membership:1st May 1974 Membership:1st May 1974 Membership:4th Jul 1974 Membership:4th Jul 1995
Independence: 6th Aug 1962 Independence: 22nd Feb 1979 Independence: 7th Feb 1974 Independence: 1st Nov 1981 Independence: 25th Nov 1975


Membership:1st Aug 1973 Membership:1st May 1974 Membership:1st May 1974 Membership:26th Jul 1974 Membership:2nd Feb 2002
Independence: 30th Nov 1966 Independence: 21st Sep 1981 British Dependent Independence: 19th Sep 1983 Independence: 1st Jan 1804

Associate Members: British Virgin Island, Turks, Anguilla, The Cayman Islands, and Bermuda
Observer Status: Aruba, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Netherland Antilles, Puerto Rico, Venezuela

Initially, the main objectives of CARICOM and the Common Market were to;
• Remove all restrictions to the inter-regional trading of goods (e.g. taxes, rules, quotas, bans).
• Promote free trading of goods.
• Improve Education.
• Provide Funding.
• Develop a Regional Food Plan.

On the 5th July 2001, a revised Treaty of Chaguaramas was signed. At the time of the signing of this treaty;
Caribbean Common Market was transformed into the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME): The
main objectives of CSME are to;
• Remove all restrictions to the inter-regional movement of goods (taxes, rules, quotas, bans).
• Promote free trading of goods.
• Promote free movement of services.
• Promote free movement of capital.
• Promote competitive production leading to greater variety and quantity of products and services to trade.
• Develop a common trade policy when trading with international countries.
• Remove restrictions to the inter-regional movement of people.
• Promote free movement of labour: CARICOM nationals can work in any CARICOM country without a permit.
• Promote the right of establishment: CARICOM nationals can open businesses in any CARICOM country.

204 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana

• Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) was established: Located in Trinidad and Tobago, The CCJ Settles all CSME
related disputes and acts as the final Court of Appeal for civil and criminal matters from courts within CARICOM
member states.
• CARICOM Passports were established: CARICOM passports makes intra-regional and international travel
easier for citizens of CARICOM member states. The three colours of the passports are dark blue for civilians,
green for government officials and red for diplomats.

The principal organ of CARICOM is the Caribbean Secretariat and it is located at Turkeyen, Georgetown
Guyana. The Secretariat also has an Office in Barbados and a small satellite unit in Jamaica. The current Secretary
General is Ambassador Irwin LaRocque, a national of Dominica. He is the seventh secretary general. Fred Cozier,
William Demas, Sir Alister McIntyre, Mr. Kurleigh King, Roderick Rainford, Edwin Carrington, and Lolita
Applewhaite (acting), were all previous secretary Generals. The secretariat coordinates the most important meeting,
CARICOM Heads of Government. The secretariat also;
• ensures decisions in such meetings are followed up and carried out.
• provides services requested by member states.
• prepares budgets.

The second most important meeting is the community council of ministries. It is coordinated by councils that help
the principal organ in the performance of their functions. The four ministerial councils are the council for;
• Trade and Economic Development: This council oversees the CSME and is responsible for trade and
economic development.
• Foreign Community Relations: This council is responsible for relationships with international organizations.
• Finance and Planning: This council is responsible for finance within CARICOM.
• Human and Social Development: This council is responsible for human and social development of the citizens
within CARICOM countries

There are many institutions within CARICOM. Examples include Ministry of Education, Health, Tourism, Natural
Resource and Labour. Members of these ministries consist of ministers within the different CARICOM countries.
For example all the Education Ministers come together to form the Ministry of Education institution in

There are also several associated institutions within CARICOM. They help to achieve the aims of CARICOM.
Examples include;

• University of Guyana  Caribbean Development Bank

• University of the West Indies  Caribbean Meteorological Council
• Council of Legal Education ·  Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency

The Order of the Caribbean Community is an award given to individuals

who have contributed greatly to the Caribbean Community. The Rainbow on
the medal signifies races of people and the two wavy lines represent the
Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It has been given to Sir Shridath
Ramphal (Guyana), Derek Walcott (St Lucia) and Mr. Wiliam Demas (Trinidad

Order of the Caribbean Community

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 205

Test 72
1. Of the following, which was the 7. Inclusive of associate members, 12. The three different CARICOM
first movement towards integration how many countries are members passport colours, dark blue, green,
in the Caribbean? of CARICOM? and red represents
a. CARICOM as. Civilians, Government
b. West Indian Federation y. 7 Officials, Diplomats
c. CARIFTA z. 15 respectively.
d. Caribbean Common Market aa. 20 at. Diplomats, Civilians,
ab. 23 Government Officials
2. This movement towards integration respectively.
was the first to attempt removing au. Government Officials,
8. Guyana joined CARICOM
all restrictions to interregional Diplomats, Civilians.
movement of goods. ac. 10th August 1973. av. Civilians, Diplomats,
e. CARICOM ad. 20th August 1973. Government Officials.
f. West Indian Federation ae. 27th August 1973.
g. CARIFTA af. 1st August 1973. 13. The Principal Organ of CARICOM
h. Caribbean Common Market is
aw. The CARICOM Secretariat.
Study the flag below and then answer 9. CSME means ax. The CARICOM Economic
question 3. ag. CARICOM Single Market Council.
Community. ay. The CARICOM Security
I ah. Caribbean Court of Justice. Council.
II ai. Caribbean Single Market az. The CARICOM Council.
IV 14. The Headquarters of the Principal
aj. CARICOM Council. Organ of CARICOM is located
ba. Guyana, Turkeyen, ECD.
10. All are objective of CSME EXCEPT bb. Barbados, Turkeyen, ECD.
3. Which part represents agriculture? ak. to remove restrictions that bc. T&T, Turkeyen, ECD.
i. I prevent the free movement of bd. Jamaica, Turkeyen, ECD.
j. II
k. III goods. Study the picture of an award below
l. IV al. develop a common trade and then answer Question 15.
policy when trading with
4. CARICOM means international countries.
m. Caribbean Community. am. to permit citizens of
n. Caribbean Common Market. CARICOM countries to work
o. Caribbean Communications.
p. Caribbean Commonwealth. in other. CARICOM countries
without a work permit.
5. CARICOM was established on an. to restrict citizens
q. July 1st ,1973. of CARICOM
r. July 2nd, 1973. countries from setting up
s. July 3rd, 1973.
businesses in other CARICOM
t. July 4th, 1973.
6. CARICOM was established by the 15. The award above has been given to
signing of a Treaty of Chaguaramas 11. All the following are true about the all the following EXCEPT,
by which four member states? CCJ EXCEPT that be. William Demas.
u. Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, ao. it stands for Caribbean Court bf. Irwin LaRocque.
and Trinidad and Tobago bg. Shridath Ramphal.
v. Antigua and Barbuda, of Justice. bh. Derek Walcott.
Bahamas, Dominica, and ap. it settles CSME disputes. bi.
Grenada aq. it is the final Court of Appeal.
w. Haiti, Montserrat, St Kitts and ar. it is located in Barbados.
Nevis, and St Lucia
x. St Vincent, Suriname, Trinidad
and Tobago, and Antigua

206 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Location of CARICOM Member States

The map below shows the location of each CARICOM country. As you study this map, take time to also
review the table with information about our Caribbean neighbours. Only focus on CARICOM countries
and ensure you learn their, festivals, airports and exports. As you study the map and the table you should
recognize the following;
• Guyana and Suriname are the only CARICOM countries located in South America.
• Belize is the only CARICOM country located in Central America.
• Most CARICOM members are English speaking countries. However, other countries speak different
languages like Haiti (French) and Suriname (Dutch).

Map showing the location of CARICOM Member States

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 207


Test 73

1. These countries were the first to 6. Ms. Tianna is a French teacher 11. Phillip Goldson Int’l is found in
sign the Treaty of Chaguaramas. that wants to visit a French a. T.
a. M, N , T, P speaking CARICOM country. b. K.
b. J, L, M, N Where would you tell her to visit? c. L.
c. L, R, P, Q The country at a. d. M.
d. O, M, T, J a. O.
b. L. 12. The international airport of L is
2. Choose the group of countries c. S. a. Norman Manley Int
that are NOT a part of d. M. b. Maurice Bishop Intl
CARICOM. c. Paramaribo Intl
a. Q , R, and S 7. This country uses the Gourde. d. Vere Bird Intl
b. O,N, and T a. K
c. K, L, and M b. Q 13. Piarco Intl is located at
d. J, P and K c. M ___________ while Grantley
d. T Adams Intl is located at
3. What is the capital of K? a. Q/S.
a. Nassau 8. The Jamaican Dollar is used at b. L/M.
b. Belmopan a. S. c. P/O.
c. Kingston b. L. d. Q/P.
d. St. George’s c. K.
d. P. 14. The income earner of Q is
4. Bridgetown is at ___________ while the income
a. J. 9. The country at J celebrates earner of J is
b. L. ___________ while the country e. Rice/Petroleum.
c. P. at K celebrates a. Petroleum/Tourism.
d. S. a. Carnival/Jamaican Festival. b. Gold/Bauxite.
b. Junkanoo/ Garifuna. c. Sugar/Coffee.
5. Ravi is opening a business in a c. Flower Festival/ Carnival.
Dutch speaking country. He is d. Garifuna/ Carnival. 15. Maize is exported by
opening his business in ___________ while Banana is
a. R. 10. Crop Over is celebrated exported by
b. O. by___________ while Carnival a. M/L.
c. J. is celebrated by b. R/S.
d. S. a. P/Q. c. J/K.
b. S/R. d. O/J.
c. J/K.
d. O/T.

208 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (O.E.C.S)

The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) was established 18th June, 1981, with the signing
of a Treaty of Basseterre by member states, all belonging to the Lesser Antilles. Each OECS member and
their flags is shown below.

St. Lucia Grenada Antigua & Barbuda St. Vincent & Grenadines

Dominica Montserrat St. Kitts & Nevis

Associate Members: British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Martinique and Guadeloupe The main objectives
of the OECS are to;
• form a common market.
• form common foreign policies.
• have member states acquire and maintain independence.

The establishment of the OECS brought with it the implementation of a;

• Common Eastern Caribbean Currency (ED Dollar).
• Common Central Bank.
• Common High Court and Joint stock exchange.

On 18th June, 2010, a revised treaty of Basseterre was signed. The revised treaty established a
single financial and economic space where goods, people and capital move freely. It also allowed the
harmonization of monetary and governmental policies relating to taxes and revenue.

Organs of the OECS include;

• The Authority of the Heads of Government: This organ consists of Prime Ministers of members and
responsible for the operation of the organization
• Foreign Affairs Committee: This organ ensures there is a common understanding and common
relationship held with non-member states
• Economic Affairs Committee: This organ ensures the promotion of free trade among member states
• The Legal Affairs Committee: This organ resolves disputes among members
• The Defense And Security Committee: This organ is responsible for defending the sovereignty,
independence and democracy of members

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 209


Test 74
1. The OE.C.S was established 6. Which organ of the OECS Committee
by the signing of the consists of all Prime c. Legal Affairs Committee
a. Treaty of Chaguaramas Ministers, and is responsible d. The Authority of the
b. Cartagena Convention for the overall operation of Heads of
c. Treaty of Basseterre the organization? e. Government
d. Cummingsburg Accord a. Foreign Affairs
Committee 9. This organ ensures the
2. The OECS was established b. Defense and Security promotion of free trade
a. June 4th 1973. Committee among member states.
b. June 18th 1981. c. Economic Affairs a. Foreign Affairs
c. July 2nd 1995. Committee Committee
d. July 5th 2001. d. The Authority of the b. Defense and Security
Heads of Committee
3. How many countries are e. Government c. Economic Affairs
members of the OECS? Committee
a. 7 7. This organ ensures there is a d. The Authority of the
b. 12 common understanding and Heads of
c. 15 common relationship held e. Government
d. 20 with non member states.
a. Foreign Affairs 10. This organ resolves disputes
4. Which country is NOT a Committee among members.
member of the OECS? b. Defense and Security a. Foreign Affairs
a. Grenada Committee Committee
b. St Lucia c. Legal Affairs Committee b. Defense and Security
c. Trinidad and Tobago d. The Authority of the Committee
d. Antigua and Barbuda Heads of c. Legal Affairs Committee
e. Government d. The Authority of the
5. Members of the OECS share Heads of
all the following in common 8. This organ is responsible for e. Government
EXCEPT defending the sovereignty,
a. EC Currency. independence and
b. Central Bank. democracy of members.
c. High Court. a. Foreign Affairs
d. Income Earner. Committee
b. Defense and Security

210 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Location of O.E.C.S Member States

The map below shows the location of each OECS country. As you study this map, take time to also
review the table with information about our Caribbean neighbours. Only focus on OECS countries and
ensure you also learn their, festivals, airports and exports. Here are some helpful reminders. As you study
the map and the table you should recognize the following;

• All OECS countries are located in the Lesser Antilles.

• All OECS member are English speaking countries.
• All OECS countries use the EC Dollar as their currency.

Map showing the location of O.E.C.S Member States

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 211


Test 75
Study the map of the Caribbean below and then answer questions 1-15

1. This country did not sign the treaty 6. St. George’s is at 11. The international airport at H is
of Basseterre. a. O. a. Norman Manley Intl
a. J b. H. b. Maurice Bishop Intl
b. H c. P. c. Paramaribo Intl
c. G d. S. d. Vere C. Bird Intl
d. S
7. Roseau is at 12. Argyle Intl is in
2. Choose the group of countries that a. O. a. I.
are NOT apart of OECS b. H. b. G.
a. I,G, and H c. P. c. K.
b. O,K, and T d. S. d. Q.
c. R,Q, and P
d. S, T and K 8. All the following groups of 13. Henaworra Intl is to ___________
countries use the EC Dollar as Maurice Bishop Intl is to
3. What is the capital of K? EXCEPT a. Q/S.
a. Castries a. S, K, O b. L/M.
b. Plymouth b. J, Q, L c. T/S.
c. Kingstown c. H, I, G d. Q/P.
d. Basseterre d. S ,O, G
14. Cotton is a main source of income
4. What is the capital of I? 9. The country at T celebrates in
a. Castries ___________ while the country at a. I.
b. Plymouth O celebrates b. G.
c. Kingstown a. Carnival/Jamaica Festival. c. K.
d. Basseterre b. Junkanoo/ Garifuna. d. Q.
c. Flower Festival/ Domfesta.
5. St. John’s is at d. Garifuna/ Carnival. 15. The income earner of S
a. O. is___________ while the income
b. H. 10. John A Osborne Intl is located in earner of O is
c. P. a. I. a. Rice/Petroleum.
d. S. b. G. b. Petroleum/Tourism.
c. K. c. Gold/Bauxite.
d. Q. d. Nutmeg/Coconuts.

212 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Association of Caribbean States (A.C.S)

The Association of Caribbean States was established on 24th July, 1994, at the Cartagena Convention in
Colombia and was inaugurated on 02nd July, 1995. Each ACS member and their flag is shown below.

Guyana St. Lucia Grenada Antigua & Barbuda The Bahamas

Jamaica Belize Montserrat St. Kitts & Nevis Suriname

Barbados Dominica S t. Vincent & Grenadines Trinidad &Tobago Haiti

Venezuela Mexico Costa Rica Colombia Cuba

Dominican Republic Panama Guatemala Nicaragua Honduras

Observer Status: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Italy, Holland, Korea, Morocco, Peru,
Russia, Spain

The main objectives of the ACS are to;

• Use human and physical resources for development  Maximizing potential of Caribbean Sea
• Encourage increased trade  Promoting culture of member states

There are two major organs of the ACS.

• The principal organ of the ACS is the Secretariat. It is located in Trinidad and Tobago. It convenes the most
important meeting, the Intersessional Meeting. It also;
• ensures decisions in such meetings are followed up and carried out.
• disseminate information to Member States.
• prepare budgets.

The Ministerial Council is responsible for all policy making and the establishment of special committees. The
Ministerial Council has established the following Special Committees, to assist in the implementation of its objectives:
• The Special Committee on Trade Development and External Economic Relations
• The Special Committee on Transport
• The Special Committee on Sustainable Tourism
• The Special Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction
• The Special Committee on Budget and Administration

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 213


Test 76
1. What does A.C.S mean? 3. How many countries are 5. The Secretariat is the
a. Ancient Caribbean States members of the ACS? principal organ of the ACS.
b. Association of Caribbean a. 7 Where is it located?
States b. 15 a. Guyana
c. Organization of Eastern c. 25 b. Honduras
Caribbean States d. 27 c. Trinidad and Tobago
d. American Caribbean d. Colombia
States 4. Which country is NOT a
member of the ACS?
2. When was the ACS a. Nicaragua
established? b. El Salvador
a. June 4th 1973 c. Guatemala
b. July 5th 1979 d. Martinique
c. June 18th 1981
d. July 24th 1994

214 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Location of A.C.S Member States

The map below shows the location of each A.C.S country. As you study this map, take time to also review
the table with information about our Caribbean neighbours. Only focus on the A.C.S countries that are
listed in the table and focus on their capitals and languages. As you study the map and review the table, you
should recognize the following;

• A.C.S countries are located throughout the Caribbean.

• Most OECS member are English speaking countries, however, some speak Spanish (Dominican
Republic, Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama City)
and one speaks French (Haiti).

Map showing the location of A.C.S Member States

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 215


Test 77
Study the map of the Caribbean below and then answer Questions 1-10

1. This country is not apart of 4. What is its capital of C? 8. Tegucigalpa is at

the Association of Caribbean a. Panama City a. F.
States. b. Bogota b. H.
a. J c. Mexico City c. P.
b. H d. Belmopan d. S.
c. W
d. S 5. What is its capital of E? 9. All the following groups
a. Caracas of countries speak Spanish
2. Which member state of the b. Port-au-Prince EXCEPT
Association of Caribbean c. Managua a. T, F, and X.
States is missing from the d. Paramaribo b. N, D, and E.
map? c. M, U, and G.
a. Canada 6. San Jose is at d. S ,O, and G.
b. United States of America a. T.
(USA) b. D. 10. This country speaks French.
c. Mexico c. P. a. Q
d. Norway d. X. b. M
c. H
3. The country at f is 7. San Salvador is at d. T
a. Guatemala. a. T.
b. Nicaragua. b. D.
c. Honduras. c. P.
d. Panama. d. X.

216 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Commonwealth of Nations
Guyana’s Global Neighbours are those countries that are located outside of South America and the
Caribbean. Some of these countries are the United Kingdom, Canada, India, Africa, New Zealand, Australia,
Sri Lanka, United States of America and Japan. Our global neighbour, China, has the largest population.
The map below shows the location of some of our global neighbours.


United States of
United Kingdom
South Africa
China Russia
New Zealand

Map showing the location of Guyana’s Global Neighbours

As with our continental and Caribbean neighbours, Guyana shares relationships with them to enhance
sectors such as trade, history and culture, education, technical cooperation and sports. Additionally,
Guyana and its global neighbours are also members of several worldwide organizations including the;

• Commonwealth of Nations.
• The United Nations Organization.
• Organization of American States (OAS).
• The African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP).

The Commonwealth of Nations was established in 1965. Every year, on the

second Monday in March, Commonwealth Day is observed to remember
the day it was formed. All countries that are a part of commonwealth have
linked under British Law and regarded Queen Elizabeth II as the head of the
Commonwealth. The Commonwealth of Nations has 54 members. Guyana
joined the commonwealth of Nations in the year 1966.
Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 217

Commonwealth of Nations
Each Commonwealth member and their flag is shown below

Guyana Trinidad & Tobago Dominica St Vincent & Grenadines Bahamas

Jamaica St Lucia Grenada Antigua & Barbuda Barbados

Belize St Kitts & Nevis Australia Bangladesh Botswana

Brunei Cameroon Canada Cyprus Gambia

Ghana India Kenya Kiribati Lesotho

Malawi Malaysia Maldives Malta Mauritius

Mozambique Namibia Nauru New Zealand Nigeria

218 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Commonwealth of Nations
Each Commonwealth member and their flag is shown below

Pakistan Papa New Guinea Samoa Seychelles Sierra Leone

Singapore Solomon Islands South Africa Sri Lanka Swaziland

Tanzania Tonga Tuvalu Uganda United Kingdom

Vanuatu Zambia Rwanda Fiji

The main objectives of the Commonwealth of Nations are to

• Promote equal rights for all citizens.
• Promote free international trade.
• Achieve world peace.

There are three (3) major intergovernmental organizations:

• The principal organ of the Commonwealth of Nations is the Secretariat. The secretariat is located in London,
England. The Right Honourable Patricia Scotland QC is the current Commonwealth Secretary-General. Mr. Arnold
Smith, Sir Shridath Ramphal and Chief Emeka Anyaoku, Don McKinnon, Kamalesh Sharma were all previous
secretary Generals. The secretariat coordinates the most important meeting, Commonwealth Heads of Government
Meeting (CHOGM) which takes place every two years. The secretariat also;
• ensures decisions in such meetings are followed up and carried out.
• provides services requested by member states.
• prepares budgets.
• coordinates all commonwealth activities.
• coordinates all the policies of the organization.

• The Commonwealth Foundation supports people’s participation in democracy and development.

• The Commonwealth of Learning promotes open learning and distance education.

Finally, the Commonwealth is also supported by a network of more than 80 accredited organizations working in
specialist areas from education to urban planning.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 219


Test 78
Study the map of the world below and then answer questions 1-4.

1. Which is NOT an example 5. What year was the 9. All of the following
of one of Guyana’s Global Commonwealth established? are objectives of the
Neighbours? a. 1960 Commonwealth EXCEPT
a. I b. 1961 a. to achieve free
b. II c. 1963 international trade.
c. III d. 1965 b. international division.
d. IV c. removal of racial
6. How many countries are a discrimination.
2. What is the name of the part of the Commonwealth? d. achieving world peace.
global neighbour at III? a. 13
a. United States of America b. 23 10. Guyana’s Global neighbours
b. India c. 50 are located
c. New Zealand d. 54 a. in South America.
d. Australia b. in Central America.
7. What year did Guyana join c. in and around the
3. What is the name of the the Commonwealth? Caribbean Sea.
global neighbour at I? a. 1961 d. outside of South America
a. United States of America b. 1963 and the Caribbean
b. India c. 1965
c. New Zealand d. 1966
d. Australia
8. The Secretariat of
4. What is the Commonwealth Commonwealth is located in
country east of I? a. Guyana.
a. China b. London.
b. Egypt c. British Virgin Island.
c. Australia d. Montserrat.
d. New Zealand

220 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Commonwealth of Nations
Another international organization that Guyana and its global neighbours are a part of is the United
Nations. The United Nations was established in 1945. Every year on the 24th of October, United Nations
Day is celebrated. The United Nations has 193 members. Guyana joined the United Nations in the year

The main objectives of the United Nations are to;

• Promote development of poorer nations.
• Promote resolution of disputes between members.
• Achieve world peace.

The United Nations have several organs. Each organ has particular function.
• Economic and Social Council is the principal organ and coordinates the economic and social work of
United Nations.
• International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ and helps to solve disputes among its
• Security Council is the most powerful organ and is responsible for maintaining international peace and
• The Trusteeship Council is responsible for ensuring the gain of independence by trust territories.
• The secretariat is located in New York and administers programmes and policies developed by the
other organs. The current Secretary-General, is Mr. Anto nio Guterres of Portugal.
• General Assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the UN.

Within the United Nations there are also several agencies that help to accomplish their aim. Some of these
agencies include;

• FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization

• GAFF - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
• UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
• UNICEF - United Nations International Children Emergency Fund
• WHO - World Health Organization
• WMO - World Meteorological Organization
• World Bank
• IMF - International Monetary Fund
• ILO - International Labour Organization

The Will Alfred Nobel Peace Prize made in 1895 is awarded to persons who promote
world peace. In 70 years, persons that work within the United Nations have been
awarded the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize eleven times!

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 221


Test 79
1. The United Nations was 5. This organ is the principal 8. Which agency of the United
established in the year organ and coordinates the Nations would more likely
a. 1945. economic and social work of help children around the
b. 1961. United Nations. world?
c. 1966. a. Economic and Social a. WMO
d. 1980. Council b. UNICEF
e. b. International Court of c. UNIDCP
2. How many countries are Justice d. ILO
members of the United c. Security Council
Nations? d. Trusteeship Council 9. Which United Nations
a. 107 agency would be responsible
b. 193 6. This organ is the principal for aiding in a global
c. 196 judicial organ and helps to pandemic?
d. 201 solve disputes among its a. WMO
members. b. WHO
3. What year did Guyana Join a. Economic and Social c. FAO
the United Nations? Council d. ILO
a. 1945. b. International Court of
b. 1961. Justice 10. United Nations Day is
c. 1966. c. Security Council celebrated every year on the
d. 1980. d. Trusteeship Council a. 2nd Monday in March.
b. 4th July.
4. All of the following are 7. The secretariat of the United c. 1st August.
objectives of the United Nations is located in d. 24th October.
Nations EXCEPT a. London.
a. to prevent wars. b. Guyana.
b. to promote c. Trinidad and Tobago.
disputes between d. New York.
c. to develop poorer
d. achieving world peace.

222 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


41. Study the map of the Caribbean below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What is the name of the ocean at I?


b. What is the name of the sea at II?


c, Using the letters x, s, q, m and w, fill the table below.

Islands of the Bahamas Greater Antilles Lesser Antilles

Islands of the Bahamas Greater Antilles

d. What are the names of two countries that make up the Netherland Antilles?



Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 223


42. Study the map of the Caribbean below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What is the name of the country at


b. What is the capital of the country at


c. Using the letters L, O, P, Q, S, J, M and Z , fill the table below.

English Speaking Country Spanish Speaking Country French Speaking Country Dutch Speaking Country

d. State the currency used by the following countries

L and P__________________________________________
S and J___________________________________________
F, W and R________________________________________

224 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


43. Study the map of the Caribbean below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What does the word CARICOM mean?


b. What is the name of the agreement that was signed to establish CARICOM?


c. Circle all the countries that signed the agreement you named at (43b).

d. Using any two of the countries you circled at (43c), to complete the table below.

Letter and name of Festival Airport Main Export


e. Shade the country in which the CARICOM Secretariat is located.

f. Give two benefits gained by countries that are a part of CARICOM


Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 225

44. Study the map of the Caribbean below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. List two letters that represents countries that are NOT a part of CARICOM.


b. What is the name of the main festival celebrated by the country at


c. What is the name of the international airport of the country at


d. What is the main income earner of the country at M?


e. What is a resource that Guyana could import from the country at


226 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


45. Study the map of the Caribbean below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. What does OECS mean?


b. What is the name of a country in the Leeward Islands that is not apart of the OECS?


c. What currency should you have if you are travelling to a member state of the OECS?


d. What is the festival celebrated by the country at



e. Name the international airport of the country at



f. What is a resource that Guyana could import from the country at W?


Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 227


46. Examine the map of the world below and then answer the questions that follow.

a. Name the country at




b. Which letter represents a country that is NOT one of Guyana’s Global neighbours?


c. Give an example of two global organizations.



d. State two benefits of being part of an international organization.



e. Give one reason why is it important to build good relationships with our neighbours.



228 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Air Pollution
Air Pollution is the Causes of Land Pollution
contamination of the air with
impurities. These include dust, Reckless burning of garbage Burning of fossil fuels
smoke, greenhouse gases like
carbon dioxide, methane and
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

Exhaust emissions from motor Deforestation: without trees

vehicles harmful gases cannot be absorbed

Effects: Poor Visibility Respiratory Diseases Solutions to Air Pollution:

• Reduce, Reuse or Recycle
waste instead of burning
• Only burn garbage at
a specially designed
• Conserve energy by switching
off fans and light when not in
Global Warming • Use public mode of
transportation instead of
driving your own car everyday.
• Ride bicycles more often.
• Practice reforestation
or the replanting of
trees. Trees help to absorb
greenhouse gases.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 229


Test 80
1. Air pollution is the Study the following caption and then Study the pie chart below and then
a. contamination of the air with answer question 7 answer questions 12-15.
b. destruction to the Earth’s land
Scientists claim that the
Earth’s temperature is Town P
c. contamination of water with
impurities. increasing.
Town O
d. production of unpleasantly
loud sounds 7. The caption claims that the Earth is
Town R
a. getting large.
2. Which is an example of air b. getting hotter.
pollution? c. losing heat. Town S
a. Factory smoke being released d. losing water.
near homes
b. Littered classrooms 8. Which is a result of global
c. Clogged drains Pie chart showing percentage of
warming? harmful gases produced by four
d. Buried garbage a. Pollution from power plants towns.
b. Rise in sea level
3. Air pollution can be caused by c. Emissions from trucks
I. burning garbage. 12. Which town is producing the
d. Pollution from cars highest percentage of harmful
II. burning fossil fuels.
III. deforestation. gases?
9. Global warming is associated with a. P
I. overtopping of the sea defense. b. Q
a. I and III
b. I and II II. coastal flooding and diseases. c. R
c. II and III III. people moving around freely. d. S
d. I, II and III
a. I and II 13. In towns P and R a large number of
4. All of the following are greenhouse b. I and III persons are MOST likely to suffer
gases EXCEPT c. II and III from
a. methane. d. I, II and III a. sore throat.
b. oxygen. b. back pain.
c. carbon dioxide. 10. Which of the following is NOT a c. breathing difficulties.
d. CFCs. direct effect of air pollution? d. diarrhea.
a. Death to aquatic life
5. Greenhouse gases b. Climate change 14. The amount of pollution which
a. prevent the formation of c. Flooding is present in Town R may be
clouds. d. Melting of polar ice caps decreased by more persons
b. trap heat that is trying
to escape from earth’s a. driving cars.
11. Which of the following are NOT b. burning garbage.
atmosphere. ways to reduce air pollution?
c. do not cause global warming. c. riding motorcycles.
I. Driving more cars d. riding bicycles.
d. improve the quality of air. II. Conserve energy and
replanting trees
6. Global warming is the 15. Which is NOT a habitual practice
III. Burning garbage recklessly
a. decrease of the Earth’s of the people in Town S?
temperature. a. I and II a. Cutting down trees without
b. increases of the Earth’s b. I and III replanting
temperature. c. II and III b. Cutting trees and replanting
c. stabilization of the Earth’s d. I, II and III them
temperature. c. Burning garbage at the
d. balance of the Earth’s incinerator
temperature. d. Car Pooling

230 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Land Pollution
Land Pollution is the Causes of Land Pollution
contamination of the
environment with waste. It is any Littering domestic waste Reckless disposal of toxic waste
type of destruction to the Earth’s
land surface.

Natural disasters like hurricanes Deforestation

Effects: Harbouring Pests Spreading Diseases Solutions to Land Pollution:

• Householders and consumers

should be educated on ways
to reduce, reuse and recycle
waste materials.
• Only use safe methods
to manage waste like
landfill dumping.
• Government should
Destroying Animal Homes select suitable sites for the
disposal of toxic waste.
• Those that practice improper
disposal of solid waste should
be penalized.
• Practice reforestation or the
replanting of trees.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 231


Test 81
Land pollution is the 5. Three ways to solve land 8. Which is NOT a cause of the
a. contamination of the air pollution start with the letter increase in garbage produced
with impurities. R. What are they? in 2014?
b. contamination of the a. Revolution, reuse and I. Hurricanes
environment with waste, recycle II. Building of more landfill
and destruction to the b. Reward, reuse and recycle sites
Earth’s surface. c. Reduce, reuse and recycle III. Decreased practice of
c. contamination of water d. Rain, reduce and recycle recycling
with impurities.
d. production of unpleasantly Study the chart below and the a. I only
loud sounds answer questions 6-10. b. II only
c. I and III
2. Land pollution is caused by d. I, II and III
I. the reckless dumping of
toxic waste. 9. What year was the city MOST
II. the reckless dumping of at risk of an infestation by
domestic. waste. disease causing organisms?
III. deforestation. a. 2012
b. 2013
a. I and II c. 2014
b. II and III d. 2015
c. I and III
d. I, II and III 10. What can the government
Bar graph showing the tonnes do to ensure that there is a
3. Which of the following of improperly disposed garbage decreases in the tonnes of
is NOT an effect of land collected from polluted areas in a improperly disposed garbage
pollution? city over a four year period. collected from polluted areas
a. Death of aquatic life in 2016?
b. Harbouring of disease 6. What year do you think I. Build more land fill sites
causing organisms people in the city practices II. Educate people about the
c. Destruction of land the reducing, reusing and importance of reducing,
surface recycling of their waste?
reusing and recycling
d. Erosion e. 2012
f. 2013 their waste
4. Which of the following is g. 2014 III. Penalize people
NOT a way to reduce land h. 2015 that practice
pollution? improper disposal of
a. Dumping garbage further 7. The amount of garbage garbage
away from communities produced in 2013 was 5
b. Replanting trees tonnes. In 2014, it increased a. I and II
c. Selecting suitable sites to by b. I and III
dispose toxic waste i. 5 tonnes. c. II and III
d. Dumping garbage at j. 10 tonnes. d. I, II and III
landfills and burning k. 15 tonnes.
garbage at incineration l. 20 tonnes.

232 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Water Pollution
Water Pollution is the Causes of Water Pollution
contamination of water with
impurities. Untreated sewage (urine and
faeces) being discharged into Solid waste being dumped
rivers. directly into river.

Oil spills from drilling for fossil Pesticides from farms runoff
fuels. into nearby lakes.

Effects: Flooding Spreading of Diseases Solutions to Water Pollution

• Ensure to purify all water
before putting it to use.
Water can be purified
by filtering, boiling and
• Sewage should be treated
before being drained into
rivers, lakes, oceans
• Regularly clean drains.
Death of Fish & Birds
• Oil producing countries
should have systems in place
to get rid of oil spills.
• Be mindful not to
overuse pesticides
and fertilizers.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 233


Test 82
1. Water pollution is the 5. Which of the following is an Study the picture below and
a. contamination of the air effect of water pollution? then answer questions 8-10.
with impurities. I. Algae blooming
b. destruction to the Earth’s II. Flooding
land surface. III. Typhoid
c. contamination of water
with impurities. a. I only
d. production of b. II only
unpleasantly loud sounds c. I and III
d. I, II and III
2. Water pollution is caused by
I. oil spills. 6 Algae blooms are cause by
II. dumping of domestic I. Rainfall 8. The water in the well is at risk
waste into trenches. II. Overuse of pesticides of being contaminated by
III. draining untreated III. Oil spills a. sewage.
sewage into lakes. b. fertilizers.
a. I and III c. oil.
a. I and II b. II only d. plastic.
b. II and III c. II and III
c. I and III d. I, II and III 9. The contamination of the
d. I, II and III water would most likely
7. Which of the following are result in the
3. Sewage is NOT ways to reduce water I. death of aquatic birds.
a. waste materials such as pollution? II. death of fish.
human urine and faeces. I. Overusing pesticides III. spreading of diseases like
b. dead remains of plants II. Regularly cleaning drains typhoid.
and animals III. Draining untreated
c. the bottom layer of the sewage into lakes a. I and II
ocean. b. II and III
d. the dead animals beneath a. I and III c. I and III
the earth’s surface b. II only d. I, II and III
c. II and III
4. Oil spills can cause d. I, II and III 10. Which is NOT a way of
I. harmful rainfall. purifying water?
II. birds to be trapped in a. Chlorination
water. b. Distillation
III. death of aquatic life. c. Leave to settle
d. Boiling
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. I and III
d. I, II and III

234 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Noise Pollution
Noise pollution is the Causes of Noise Pollution
production of unpleasantly loud
sounds. Loud Speakers

Transportation Heavy Machinery

Effects: Earaches Difficulty Communicating Solutions to Noise Pollution

• Creating noise free zones.
• Noise producing industries,
airports, bus and transport
terminals and railway
stations should be placed far
from living places.
• Law enforcement should
enforce penalties for misuse
of loud speakers.
Frightening of Animals

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 235


Test 83
1. Noise pollution is the 3. In which scenario is noise 5. Which of the following is
a. contamination of the air pollution occurring? NOT a way to reduce noise?
with impurities. I. Birds chirping in the I. Building sound proof
b. destruction of the Earth’s gardens rooms
land surface. II. Construction workers II. Discouraging noise free
c. contamination of water drilling near a school zones
with impurities. III. Soft music playing at III. Encouraging penalties for
d. production of unpleasant home misuse of loud music
a. I and II a. I and II
2. Noise pollution is caused by b. I and III b. II only
I. transportation. c. II only c. I and III
II. loud music. d. I, II and III d. I, II and III
III. heavy machinery.
4. Which of the following
a. I and II is NOT an effect of noise
b. I and III pollution?
c. II and III a. Scaring of animals
d. I, II and III b. Hearing loss
c. Typhoid
d. Difficulty communicating
with others

236 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


47. The picture below shows a type of pollution. Study it, then answer the questions which follow.

a. What type of pollution is shown above?


b. Which of Guyana’s Administrative Region would MOST likely be affected by this type of pollution?



c. Give a reason for your answer.



d. Explain two effects of this type of pollution.





e. Suggest one measure the Government of the country can take to reduce the effects of this type of


Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 237


48.The picture below shows a type of pollution. Study it, then answer the questions which follow.

a. What type of pollution is shown above?



b. Which of Guyana’s natural region would MOST likely be affected by this type of pollution?



c. Give a reason for your answer.



d. Explain two effects of this type of pollution.





e. Suggest one measure the Government of the country can take to reduce the effects of this type of


238 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana

Natural Disasters - Earthquakes

What is an Earthquake? How do Earthquakes Occur?
An earthquake is a violent shaking of the earth’s Long ago the earth was one large mass of land
surface. The instrument used to measure the called Pangea. Over time, the landmass started to
separate forming plates. The earth is now divided
intensity of an earthquake is called a seismograph. into seven major plates. These plates are constantly
The strength, or magnitude, of an earthquake is moving. The movement of plates is termed plate
measured using the Richter scale. The Richter scale tectonics. Earthquakes occur because plates move.
is numbered 0-10. Earthquakes occur when the plates;

• 0-2 - Earthquakes with this magnitudes cannot • slam into each other.
be felt on the earth’s surface without special • move away from each other.
equipment. • slide pass each other.
• 3-6 - Earthquakes with this magnitude are Here is an example of plates sliding pass each other.
felt on the earth’s surface and may cause little
• 7-10 - Earthquakes with this magnitude cause
the most destruction.

Effects of Earthquakes Preparations to minimize the effects of

Earthquakes occur in many countries. Earthquakes
occur in countries like Montserrat, Haiti, Trinidad Before
and Tobago, and Venezuela. When they occur • Governments should educate citizens about
earthquakes cause the destruction of roads, how to react to earthquakes before they occur,
buildings, tsunamis and loss of many lives. while they are occurring, and after they occur.
• Have a emergency plan to react to earthquakes.
• Listen out for evacuation alerts on radio.
• If indoors, stay indoors and get under a sturdy
table or furniture.
• If outdoors, move to an open area, away from
buildings, streetlights and utility wires.
• L i s t e n f o r e m e r g e n c y b r o a d c a s t s /
announcements, news reports, and instructions.
• Help injured or trapped persons and give first
aid where appropriate.
• Government should not rebuild communities
near earthquake prone areas.
Effects of Earthquakes

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 239


Test 84
1. An earthquake is best 3. Earthquakes are likely to 5. Which of the following
described as cause all of the following is NOT a way to
a. an opening in the earth’s EXCEPT reduce the effects of an
surface that allows a. destruction of roads. earthquake?
the escape of harmful b. flooding. a. Educate people about
materials. c. loss of lives. how to deal with
b. a violent storm d. forest fires earthquake.
accompanied by b. Do not rebuild near to
violent winds. 4. Which magnitude areas that are prone to
c. a violent shaking of the earthquake would have the earthquake.
earth’s surface. least effect? c. Have an emergency plan.
d. an uncontrollable fire a. 5 d. Ignore news
that spreads throughout b. 6.5 announcements during
the forest. c. 7 the earthquake.
d. 10
2. Earthquakes occur as a result
a. plate tectonics.
b. warming of cool air by
warm oceans
c. melting rocks that are
under pressure.
d. arson.

240 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Natural Disasters - Volcanoes

What is a Volcano? How do Volcanoes Occur?
A volcano is an opening in the earth’s surface that
allows the escape of lava and other harmful ma-
terials including ash and gas. Volcanoes may be
classified as being extinct, dormant or active.
• An extinct volcano is one that will never erupt
• A dormant volcano is one that hasn’t erupted
in a long time, but can erupt again.
• An active volcano is one that is erupting or has
Formation of a Volcano
erupted at least one time during the past 10,000
years. When plates crash into each other, one landmass
is pushed under and the other is pushed upward
forming a hill like volcanic structure. Over time
pressure causes the rocks that were pushed under
to melt. The melted rocks called magma begin to
rise. Eventually, the melted magma erupts and es-
capes through the earth’s surface. The magma that
flows out is called lava.

Effects of Volcanoes Preparations to minimize the effects of Volcano

Volcanoes occur in many countries. Volcanoes
occur in countries like Montserrat, Dominica, • Government should educate citizens about how
Martinique, Jamaica and St Lucia. When they to react to volcanoes before they occur, while
occur, volcanoes cause air pollution, destruction of they are occurring and after they occur.
roads, the burning of buildings, vegetation and the
loss of animal habitat and loss of many lives. • Have an emergency plan to react to volcanoes.
• Listen out for evacuation alerts on radio.
• If indoors, stay indoors and close all doors and
• If outdoors, move to a shelter far away from the
• Protect eyes and do not inhale the ash.
• L i s t e n f o r e m e r g e n c y b r o a d c a s t s /
announcements, news reports, and instructions.
• Government should not rebuild communities
near volcano prone areas.
Effects of Volcanoes
• Government should relocate affected animals.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 241


Test 85
1. A volcano is best described 3. Volcanoes occur as a result of 5. Which of the following is a
as a. flashing of lightning. way to reduce the effects of a
a. an opening in the earth’s b. warming of cool air by volcano?
surface that allows warm oceans. Do not
the escape of harmful c. melting rocks that a. educate people about how
materials. are under pressure to deal with volcanoes.
b. a violent storm beneath the earth’s b. rebuild near to areas that
accompanied by surface. are prone to volcanoes.
violent winds. d. arson. c. have an emergency plan.
c. a violent shaking of the d. relocate affected animals.
earth’s surface. 4. Volcanoes are likely
d. an uncontrollable fire to cause all the
that spreads throughout following EXCEPT
the forest. a. destruction to homes.
b. flooding.
2. An active volcano c. loss of lives.
a. will never erupt again. d. air pollution.
b. has not erupted in a very
long time but is expected
to erupt again.
c. is one that is presently
d. has not been formed as

242 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Natural Disasters - Forest Fire

What is a Forest Fire? How do Forest Fire Occur?
A forest fire is a fire that can rage out of control and
spread throughout forested areas. These fires can be
classified as a ground, surface or crown fires
• A ground fire burns slowly under vegetation.
• A surface fire burns quickly and destroys leaves
and other organic material on the ground.
• A crown fire causes the most damage because it Camp Fire in the Forest
burns quickly and destroys leaves and organic There are several causes of forest fires. Naturally, it
material on the ground and even tall trees! can be caused by volcanoes, extremely hot weather
and even when lightning strikes. Humans can also
cause forest fires. Here are ways we contribute to
causing forest fires.

• Littering a lit cigarette

• Forgetting to put out campfires
• Arson
Preparations to minimize the effects of Forest
Effects of Forest Fires Fires
Forest Fires occur in many countries like Brazil,
Australia and United States of America. When they • Government should educate persons on how to
occur, forest fires cause air pollution, destruction prevent forest fires.
of roads, the burning of buildings, vegetation and • Government should educate citizens about how
the loss of animal habitat and loss of many lives. to react to forest fires before they occur, while
they are occurring and after they occur.
• Have a emergency plan to react to forest fires
• Listen out for evacuation alerts on radio.
• If indoors, stay indoors and close all doors and
• If outdoors move to a shelter far away from
forest fires.
• Protect eyes and do not inhale ash.
• L i s t e n f o r e m e r g e n c y b r o a d c a s t s /
announcements, news reports, and instructions.
• Government should relocate affected animals.
Effects of Forest Fires
• Government should reduce the planting of trees
in areas prone to have forest fire.
Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 243

Test 86
1. A forest fire is best described 3. Forest fires are likely to cause 5. Which of the following is a
as an opening in the all the following EXCEPT way to reduce the effects of
earth’s surface that allows a. destruction of homes. a forest fire?
the escape of harmful b. flooding. a. Do not educate people
materials. c. loss of lives. about how to deal with
a. a violent storm d. loss of animal habitat. forest fire
accompanied by b. Reduce the planting of
violent winds. 4. Which Administrative trees near to areas that
b. a violent shaking of the Region is MOST likely to be are prone to forest fires
earth. affected by a forest fire? c. Do not educate people on
c. an uncontrollable fire a. Upper Takutu– Upper how to prevent fires
that spreads Essequibo d. Do not have an
d. throughout the forest. b. Demerara-Mahaica emergency plan
c. Upper Demerara-Upper
2. Forest fires occur as a result Berbice
of all the following EXCEPT d. Mahaica-Berbice
a. arson.
b. flashing lightning.
c. animal activity.
d. camp fires.

244 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Natural Disasters - Hurricane

What is a Hurricane? How do Hurricanes Occur?

A hurricane is a violent storm accompanied by

violent winds. The speed of the winds determines
the category of hurricane. The higher the category,
the greater the damage that will be caused by the

• Category 1 - 119-153kph

• Category 2 - 154-177kph When cool air flows over the warm ocean (260C),
• it heats up and rises. The rising warm air forms
• Category 3 - 178-208kph clouds. Surrounding cooler air then rushes
• underneath to be heated up. The warm ocean
• Category 4 - 209-251kph then heats up the cooler air. Because the earth is
• constantly rotating, this continuous movement of
• Category 5 - 252kph or more warm air and cooler air creates a column of fast
moving winds. The winds continue to increase in
speed until it eventually forms a hurricane.

Effects of Hurricanes Preparations to minimize the effects of Forest

Hurricanes occur in many countries. Hurricanes Before
occur in countries like Grenada, Antigua and
Barbuda, Haiti and Dominican Republic and the • Government should educate citizens about
how to react to hurricanes before they occur,
Bahamas. When they occur, hurricanes cause while they are occurring and after they occur.
destruction of roads, buildings, flooding and the
loss of many lives. • Have an emergency plan to react to hurricanes.
• Listen out for evacuation alerts on radio.
• If indoors, stay indoors and close and batten all
doors and windows.
• If outdoors move to a shelter immediately.
• L i s t e n f o r e m e r g e n c y b r o a d c a s t s /
announcements, news reports, and
• Help injured or trapped persons and give first
aid where appropriate.
• Government should not rebuild communities
Effects of Hurricanes near hurricane prone areas.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 245


Test 87
1. A hurricane is best described 3. Hurricanes are likely to cause 5. Which is NOT a way to
as all of the following EXCEPT reduce the effects of a
a. an opening in the earth’s a. destruction of homes. hurricane?
surface that allows b. flooding. a. Educate people about
the escape of harmful c. loss of lives. how to deal with
materials. d. forest fires. hurricanes
b. a violent storm b. Evacuate areas that are
accompanied by 4. Choose a country that has no prone to hurricanes
violent winds. experienced severe effects of c. Have an emergency plan
c. a violent shaking of the hurricanes. d. Leave windows open and
earth’s surface a. Guyana doors unbarred during a
d. excess water that has b. Haiti hurricane
overflowed upon dry c. Barbados
land. d. Bahamas

2. Hurricanes occur as a result

a. plate tectonics.
b. warming of cool air by
warm oceans.
c. melting rocks that are
under pressure.
d. rivers overflowing banks.

246 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


Natural Disasters - Floods

What is a Flood? How do Floods Occur?
A flood is excess water that has overflowed upon
dry land.
Floods may be classified as flash floods, river floods
or coastal floods.
• Flash floods: occur as a result of heavy rainfall.
There is no overflow of rivers.
• River floods: occur when rivers or streams
overflow their banks.
• Coastal floods: occur when storms or
earthquakes create high tides that overflow
coastal areas. Heavy rainfall
Most common causes of floods are heavy rainfall,
overflow of river banks and natural disasters like
earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis.

Effects of Floods Preparations to minimize the effects of Flooding

A flood is the most widespread natural disaster.
Floods occur in countries like Guyana, Trinidad • Government should educate citizens about
how to react to floods before they occur, while
& Tobago, Haiti and Dominica. When they occur, they are occurring and after they occur.
floods cause destruction of roads, buildings, food
crops, spreading of water borne diseases and the • Have an emergency plan to react to floods.
loss of many lives. During
• Listen out for evacuation alerts on radio.
• If indoors, stay indoors and close all doors and
• If outdoors, climb to high ground and stay
• Avoid walking through any floodwaters to
prevent diseases or electric shock.
• L i s t e n f o r e m e r g e n c y b r o a d c a s t s /
announcements, news reports, and
• Government should reconstruct strong defence
structures like sea walls and levees.
Effects of Floods
• Plant more trees.

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 247


Test 88
1. A flood is an opening in 3. Flash floods occur as a result 5. Which of the following is
the earth’s surface that of NOT a way to reduce the
allows the escape of harmful a. earthquakes. effects of a flood?
materials. b. heavy rainfall. a. Educate people about
a. a violent storm c. rivers overflowing banks. how to deal with floods
accompanied by d. high tides. b. Evacuate people from
violent winds. areas that are prone to
b. a violent shaking of the 4. All the following are effects floods
earth. of a flood EXCEPT c. Do not listen to alerts on
c. excess water that has a. destruction of homes. radios during a flood
overflowed b. purification of drinking d. Have an emergency plan
d. upon dry land. water. for floods.
c. Food shortages.
2. Floods are caused by all the d. Spreading of diseases.
following EXCEPT
a. heavy rainfall.
b. rivers overflowing banks.
c. decreasing sea levels.
d. tsunamis.

248 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana


49. The picture below shows a type of natural disaster. Study it, then answer the questions which

a. Which natural disaster is show in the picture?


b. State one possible cause for the natural disaster named in (a).



c. Which natural region in Guyana would MOST likely to be affected by such a disaster? Give a reason
for your answer.



d. Explain two effects of this type of natural disaster.





e. S uggest two ways residents can assist in the prevention of such a disaster.




Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 249

50. The picture below shows a type of natural disaster. Study it, then answer the questions which

a. Which natural disaster is shown in the picture?


b. Give one possible cause for such a natural disaster to occur?



c. Which natural region in Guyana would MOST likely be affected by such a disaster?


d. Give one reason for your answer stated at (c).



d. Explain two effects of this type of natural disaster.





e. Suggest one measure the government can take to reduce the effects of the natural disaster shown in
the picture.



250 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana
Spelling Bee
A______________ Cat o’ nine tails East Greenwich Labourers Navigation
Abary Cattle East Indians Guiana Lake Neighbour
Abolish Cenotaph Easter Guilder Land Neighbourhood
Acarai Chaguaramas Eastern Language Netherland
Administrative Charcoal Economic H______________ Latitude Nina
African Characteristics Education Hammock Law North
Agriculture Chief Eid-ul-Adha Headdress Leeward Northern
Air China Eid-ul-Fitr Hemisphere Legislative Nuclear
Airport Chinese Equator Hesperus Leguan
Amerindian Tribes
Christian El Dorado (GoldenForested Highland Le Ressouvenir O_____________
Antarctic CircleChurch City) Hindu Leisure Activity Objectives
Anthem Citizen Electoral History Logies Ocean
Antilles Climate Election Hogg Longitude Oil
Arch Coastal Emancipation Holidays Lord Elgin Organization
Arctic Circle Coat of Arms Emigrant Hurricane Louisa Baillie
Arctic Ocean Coconut England Lumber P______________
Arrow and bow Commonwealth English I______________ Pakaraima
Assembly Communication Enslave Imaginary M_____________ Pandit
Atmosphere Community Erosion Imam Mace Parliament
Autumn Confluence Estuary Imataka Madeira Island Pastor
Ayanganna Conkie Ethnic Immigrant Magdalenenburg Patriotic
Constitution Europeans Import Magistrate Peanuts
B______________ Continent Excellence Income Mashramani Peers
Balance Continental Executive Indentured Masquerade Pepperpot
Ballot Cotton Expenditure Labourers Maracas Peso
Bank Council Export Indentureship Marimbas Petroleum
Barima Country Extended Independence Martyrs Phagwah
Barracoons County Independent Metagee Pinta
Barter Course F______________ India Mari Mari Pipa
Bartering Cultivate Fauna Indian Middle Passage Piwari
Bauxite Culture Family Indigenous Migration Plain
Beach Curare Family Tree Individual Mineral Plantations
Benabs Currency Farine Instruments Minister Pledge
Bering Sea Festival Interior Ministry Polar
Bering Strait D______________ Finance International Date Monarchy Pollution
Beverages Dadanawa Flag Line Money Pope
Bible Diamond Floods Ireng Monument Population
Border Dashikis Flora Iwokrama Mosque Portugal
Bound Yard Deficit Foo Foo Motto Portuguese
Braggs Delta Forest J______________ Mountain Poultry
Britain Demerara Fort Jaguar Municipal President
British Guiana Democratic French Journey Municipality Priest
Budget Demographic French Franc Judges Music Prime Meridian
Businesses Diet Fruits Judicial Musical
Disaster Muslim Q_____________
C______________ Diwali G______________ K______________ Quran
Cabinet Dollar Glentanner Kanuku N_____________
Cacique Dutch Global Kaieteur Nassau R______________
Canje Pheasant Dynamics Global Warming Kamoa Nation Rajas
Canoe Gold Kyk-Over-Al National Ranch
Capital E______________ Golden Arrowhead Nationhood Rebellion
Captain Earth Gourde L______________ Natural Recycle
Cassava bread Earthquake Government Labour Naturalization Reduce

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 251

Spelling Bee
Region Tropic of Black Cuyuni Amerindian Dominican
Regional Capricorn Caspian Mazaruni Tribes_________ Republic
Religion Tsunami Bering Potaro-Siparuni Arawaks (Santa
Religious Tunics Upper Takutu Caribs Domingo)
Republic Rivers_________ Upper Wapisianas Turks and
Resources U_____________ Essequibo Essequibo Warraus Caicos Island
Reuse Umana Yana Demerara Upper Arecunas (Cockburn Town)
Revenue Union Jack Berbice Demerara Akawaios Puerto Rico
Rice Barima Berbice Macusis (San Juan)
River V_____________ Waini Patamonas British Virgin
Roraima Vegetables Pomeroon Wai Wai
Towns _________ Island
Volcano Supenaam
Mabaruma US Virgin Island
S_____________ Boerasirie South
Anna Regina Anguilla
Santa Maria W____________ Mahaica American
Georgetown (The Valley)
Sarongs Wakenaam Abary Countries______
New St. Martin
Savannah Wages Canje French Guiana
Sea Water Cuyuni Amsterdam (Cayenne) (Marigot)
Season Weather Mazaruni Rose Hall Suriname St. Kitts & Nevis
Secretariat West Potaro Corriverton (Paramaribo) (Basseterre)
Ships Western Siparuni Bartica Guyana Antigua &
Sitar Whitby Rupununi Mahdia (Georgetown) Barbuda
Slaves Windward Amakura Lethem Brazil (St. John’s)
Slavery Winter Ireng Linden (Brasilia) Montserrat
Sombreros Takutu Venezuela (Plymouth)
South X_____________ Corentyne Communities __ (Caracas) Guadeloupe
Southern Port Kaituma Colombia (Basse-Terre)
Spanish Y_____________ Counties_______ Matthew’s Ridge (Bogota) St .Maarten
Spherical Youman Nabi Essequibo Santa Rosa Ecuador (Phillipsburg)
Spring Demerara Mission (Quito) Dominica
Staple Z_____________ Berbice Charity Peru (Roseau)
Sugar Zeal Hampton Court (Lima) Martinique
Summer Zeelandia Natural Suddie Chile (Fort de France)
Sunlight Zones Regions _______ Parika (Santiago) St .Lucia
Surplus Low Coastal Plain Vreed-en-Hoop Bolivia (Castries)
Symbol Continents_____ Hilly Sand and Enmore (La Paz) St. Vincent &
North America Clay Paraguay
Mahaicony Grenadines
T_____________ South America Forested Highland (Asuncion)
Rosignol (Kingstown)
Takutu Europe Interior Uruguay
Albion Barbados
Tassa Africa Savannahs (Montevideo)
Skeldon (Bridgetown)
Temperate Asia Argentina
Orealla Grenada
Temperature Australia Administrative (Buenos Aires)
Timber Antarctica Regions _______ Peters Mine (St. George’s)
Tobacco Barima-Waini Kamarang Caribbean Trinidad &
Topographic Oceans________ Pomeroon- Paramakatoi Countries______ Tobago
Touchaus Pacific Supenaam Orinduik Bahamas (Port of Spain)
Tourist Atlantic Essequibo Kato (Nassau) Aruba
Trade Arctic Islands West Karasabai Cuba (Oranjestad)
Transportation Indian Demerara Annai (Havana) Curacao
Triangular Trade Southern Demerara Karanambu Cayman Island (Willemstad)
Treaty Mahaica St Ignatius (George Town) Belize
Tributary Seas___________ Mahaica Dadanawa Jamaica (Belmopan)
Tropical Caribbean Berbice Aishalton (Kingston) Suriname
Tropics Mediterranean East Berbice- Kanashen Haiti (Paramaribo)
Tropic of Cancer Red Corentyne (Port au Prince)

252 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana

Test 1 Test 5 Test 9 9. c 4. c Test 22 Test 25 5. c Test 35 Test 39
1. d 1. d 1. b 10. d 5. d 1. d 1. c 6. a 1. d 1. b
2. d 2. b 2. d 6. b 2. b 2. a 7. b 2. d 2. a
3. b 3. c 3. c Test 13 7. c 3. c 3. b 8. b 3. d
4. c 1. b 8. d 4. a 4. d 9. c 4. c 3. c
4. a 4. b
5. c 5. d 5. a 2. c 9. a 5. d 5. a 10. b 5. a 4. c
6. d 6. c 6. c 3. d 10. a 6. c 6. b 6. d 5. b
7. b 7. c 7. a 4. d 7. b 7. a Test 31 7. c
8. c 8. c 8. b 5. a Test 18 8. b 8. a 1. d 8. b
6. a 1. b 9. a 9. c 2. b Test 40
9. c 9. a 9. c 9. c
10. d 7. c 2. a 10. a 10. c 3. c 1. b
10. a 10. b 10. a
11. d 8. d 3. c 11. d 11. a 4. c 2. c
11. d 11. d 12. a 5. b
12. b 9. c 4. c 12. d Test 36 3. c
12. a 12. a 10. d 5. a 13. c 13. c 6. b
13. c 4. a
13. d 13. a 14. c 7. d 1. c
14. a 6. c 14. a
14. b 14. c 15. a Test 14 7. b 15. d 15. b 8. c 2. c 5. a
15. a 15. a 1. d 8. b 9. a 3. a 6. d
Test 10 2. d 9. d Test 23 Test 26 10. b 4. a 7. b
Test 2 Test 6 1. a 3. b 10. b 1. c 1. c 11. c 5. d
8. c
1. b 1. b 2. a 4. c 11. d 2. a 2. b 12. c
2. c 2. d 3. c 13. b Test 37 9. d
3. b 5. d 12. a 3. d
3. a 3. d 4. a 6. d 13. a 4. a 4. b 14. b 1. a 10. c
4. d 4. b 5. c 7. a 14. c 5. c 5. b 15. c 2. b 11. c
5. b 5. b 6. c 8. b 15. d 6. a 16. d 3. c 12. c
6. b 6. d 7. a 9. d 7. b Test 27 17. b 4. d 13. d
7. a 7. b 8. a 10. d Test 19 8. b 1. a 18. b 5. d
9. a 1. d 9. a 2. b 19. a 14. a
8. a 8. a 6. a
9. b 9. a 10. d Test 15 2. a 10. c 3. a 20. c 7. b 15. a
10. c 10. c 11. a 1. a 3. c 11. a 4. c 8. c 16. b
12. b 2. b 4. a 12. b 5. a Test 32 9. c 17. a
Test 3 Test 7 13. d 3. b 5. c 13. c 1. a 10. c 18. c
1. c 1. d 14. c 4. a 6. d 14. c Test 28 2. b 11. c
15. b 5. d 7. c 15. c 1. b 3. a 19. b
2. a 2. b 12. b
6. a 8. b 2. a 4. a 20. d
3. c 3. b 13. a
Test 11 7. b 9. d Test 24 3. c 5. d
4. d 4. c 14. b
1. a 8. a 10. a 1. b 4. a 6. d Test 41
5. a 5. c 5. c 7. b 15. a
2. c 9. c 2. c
6. d 6. d 3. b 10. d Test 20 3. a 8. c 1. d
7. c 7. a 4. a 1. d 4. c Test 29 9. a Test 38 2. c
8. d 8. d 5. b Test 16 2. d 5. c 1. a 10. d 1. b 3. c
9. b 9. a 6. a 1. b 3. c 6. b 2. b 2. b
4. b
10. a 10. a 7. d 2. a 4. a 7. b 3. a Test 33 3. c
4. c 5. a
8. d 3. b 5. b 8. b 4. b 1. b
Test 4 Test 8 9. a 4. c 6. d 9. a 5. b 2. b 5. a
1. b 1. b 10. d 5. c 7. a 10. a 6. a 3. a 6. b
2. d 2. b 6. c 8. b 11. c 7. a 4. b 7. a Test 42
3. c 3. b Test 12 7. b 9. b 12. a 8. d 5. a 8. c 1. a
4. b 4. a 1. b 8. a 10. d 13. c 9. b 9. c
14. a 10. d Test 34 2. d
5. a 5. b 2. a 9. d 10. c
6. d 6. a 3. a 10. d Test 21 15. a 1. b 11. a 3. b
7. d 7. a 4. c 1. a 16. c Test 30 2. c 12. d 4. a
8. a 8. d 5. a Test 17 2. d 17. b 1. a 3. b 13. c 5. c
9. c 9. c 6. d 1. c 3. b 18. d 2. c 4. c 14. c
10. d 10. b 7. b 2. b 4. d 19. b 3. c 5. b 15. a
8. b 3. a 5. b 20. a 4. b

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 253

Test 43 Test 49 3. b 6. d 14. d Test 66 13. a 5. d Test 78 Test 82
1. a 1. a 4. c 7. a 15. c 1. b 14. d 6. d 1. b 1. c
2. c 2. a 5. c 8. c 2. d 15. b 7. c 2. c 2. d
3. b 3. b 6. d 9. b Test 62 3. a 8. b 3. b 3. a
4. d 4. b 7. a 10. b 1. b 4. d Test 70 9. b 4. b
5. a 5. c 8. b 2. a 5. a 4. a
1. d 10. a 5. d 5. d
6. c 6. c 9. c Test 58 3. a 6. b 2. c 11. b
7. c 7. b 10. d 1. a 4. a 7. d 6. d 6. b
3. d 12. a 7. a
8. b 8. b 2. d 5. c 8. b 4. b 13. d 7. d
9. d 9. d Test 54 3. a 6. a 9. a 8. b 8. b
5. b 14. b
10. b 10. a 1. c 4. b 7. b 10. b 6. d 15. a 9. b 9. d
11. b 2. b 5. c 8. b 7. d 10. d 10. c
Test 44 12. d 3. a 6. a 9. d Test 67 8. d Test 74
1. c 13. b 4. c 7. d 10. d 1. d 9. c 1. c Test 83
2. d 14. c 5. b 8. b 11. c 2. c Test 79 1. d
10. b 2. b 1. a
3. a 15. d 6. b 9. d 12. b 3. b 11. c 3. a 2. d
4. c 7. d 10. c 13. c 4. c 12. d 4. c 2. b 3. c
5. c Test 50 8. b 11. a 14. c 5. a 13. c 5. d 3. c 4. c
1. a 9. a 12. d 15. d 6. c 14. d 6. d 4. d
Test 45 2. a 10. a 13. c 7. d 5. b
15. a 7. a 5. a
1. d 3. b 11. a 14. a Test 63 8. c
2. d 4. a 12. b 1. a 9. b 8. b 6. b Test 84
15. b Test 71 9. c
3. a 5. c 13. a 2. b 10. b 7. d 1. c
1. a 10. c 8. b
4. b 6. d 14. b Test 59 3. a 11. a 2. d 2. a
5. c 7. c 15. d 1. c 4. b 12. d 3. b 9. b 3. d
8. d 2. a 5. c 13. a Test 75
4. d 1. a 10. d 4. a
Test 46 9. a Test 55 3. d 6. b 14. c 5. c 5. d
1. a 10. b 1. b 4. a 7. c 15. d 2. c
6. a 3. c Test 80
2. a 11. c 2. a 5. c 8. c 7. b Test 85
3. a 12. c 3. b 6. c 9. c Test 68 4. d 1. a
8. b 5. b 2. a 1. a
4. b 13. d 4. a 7. c 10. d 1. b 9. c
5. b 14. d 5. d 8. c 2. b 6. d 3. b 2. c
10. a 7. a 3. c
6. a 15. a 6. b 9. b Test 64 3. c 11. d 4. b
7. c 16. b 7. a 10. a 1. a 4. c 8. b 5. b 4. b
12. d 9. c
8. a 17. b 8. b 11. c 2. b 5. a 13. b 6. b 5. b
9. c 18. c 9. c 12. b 3. a 6. c 10. b
14. a 11. d 7. c
10. a 19. a 10. a 13. d 4. d 7. a 15. b Test 86
20. b 14. a 5. b 8. d 12. c 8. b
9. a 1. d
Test 47 Test 56 15. a 6. a 9. b Test 72 13. c 2. c
1. c Test 51 1. a 7. c 10. b 1. b 14. a 10. a
15. d 3. b
2. b 1. a 2. a Test 60 8. c 11. a 2. c 11. b 4. a
3. c 2. c 3. a 1. a 9. a 12. a 3. b 12. b
4. b 3. c 4. b 2. a 10. b 13. a Test 76 5. b
4. a 13. c
5. b 4. c 5. d 3. b 11. d 14. d 5. d 1. b 14. d
6. c 5. d 6. a 4. b 12. a 15. b 2. d Test 87
6. a 15. a
7. c 7. b 5. d 13. c 7. c 3. c 1. b
8. a Test 52 8. a 14. d Test 69 8. d 4. b 2. b
9. d 1. a 9. a Test 61 15. d 1. a 9. c 5. c Test 81 3. d
10. d 2. b 10. b 1. c 2. c 10. d 1. b 4. a
3. c 11. a 2. a Test 65 11. d Test 77 2. a 5. d
Test 48 4. c 12. c 3. c 1. a 3. c
12. a 1. c 3. a
1. b 5. a 13. a 4. b 2. a 4. a 2. c
13. a 4. a Test 88
2. c 6. b 14. a 5. a 3. c 5. c 14. a 3. c
3. c 7. b 15. a 6. c 4. d 6. b 5. c 1. d
15. b 4. a 6. b 2. c
4. b 8. b 7. d 5. a 7. c 5. c
5. c 9. a Test 57 8. d 6. d 7. b 3. b
8. b Test 73 6. b
6. d 10. c 1. a 9. a 7. b 1. c 7. d 8. a 4. b
9. b 5. c
7. b 2. b 10. a 8. a 2. b 8. a 9. d
8. b Test 53 3. d 11. d 9. c 10. a
11. a 3. b 9. c 10. d
9. c 1. c 4. c 12. b 10. d 4. c 10. b
10. c 2. b 5. d 13. c 12. b

254 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana

Student Assessment
Test No. Teacher Trial (%1) Parent Trial (% 2) Final Trial (% 3) Average (%) Parent Tips
5 Calculating Percentage
Student Score
x 100
12 Total Score
Calculating Average
21 %1+%2+%3
22 x 100
28 Grading Scheme
29 80-100%
70 - 79%
60 –69%
33 50 - 59%

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 255

Student Assessment
Test Teacher Trial (%1) Parent Trial (% 2) Final Trial (% 3) Average (%)
No. Parent Tips
Calculating Percentage
48 Student Score
49 x 100
Total Score
54 Calculating Average
55 Percentage

x 100
60 300
Grading Scheme
67 80-100%
68 70 - 79%
69 60 –69%
70 50 - 59%

256 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana

Student Assessment
Test Teacher Trial (%1) Parent Trial (% 2) Final Trial (% 3) Average (%)
No. Parent Tips


Calculating Percentage




83 Student Score
84 x 100
Total Score


Calculating Average

x 100

Grading Scheme
70 - 79%
60 –69%
50 - 59%

Social Studies Made Easy - Levels 5 & 6 | 257


Shirley M. Greene, Shelda Emanuel - Guyana Our Country

Our Home, Caribbean Educational Publishers Ltd Trinidad,

Ramsawak R and Umraw R.R. - Modules in Social Studies,

Caribbean Education Publishers Ltd Trinidad, 2002-2003

Guyana Lands and Survey - Map Work

Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) - Graphics of

Electoral Process

258 | Ministry of Education - Government of Guyana



The Ministry of Education congratulates Jonathan

and Brisshana Benn for authoring this book. They are
fine examples of what young people are capable of in
our country. The Ministry has reviewed this book and
believes it will complement the current texts available
on the topics covered herein.

Based on recommendations by teachers and the

expressed desire by parents to have access to the
book, the Government of Guyana is pleased to have
purchased the rights for and to print these books for
the Grades Five (5) and Six (6) students.

ISBN: 978-976-96502-0-6

Eliminating Illiteracy,
Modernizing Education,
Strengthening Tolerance.


Printed By A1 PRINT SHOP

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