Latihan Soal M11 - Kelompok 02 Kelas B

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Kelompok 2

Pengendalian dan Penjaminan Mutu

Kelas A



Anggota Kelompok 2 Kelas B :

1. Shania Shavira Angelina (21070119130082)
2. Nadiyani Zahra (21070119130123)
3. Alyssa Hayfa Zalsabila (21070119130085)
4. Muhammad Fitrah Athaillah (21070119130078)


16.2. A belt that is used in a drive mechanism in a copier machine is required to have a minimum
tensile strength of LSL= 150lb. It is known from long experience that σ= 5lb for this particular
belt. Find a variables sampling plan so that p1= 0.005, p2= 0.02, α= 0.05, and β= 0.1. Assume
that Procedure 1 is to be used.
LSL= 150
p1= 0.005
p2= 0.02
α= 0.05
β= 0.1
Procedure 1
Menggunakan nomograph, rencana pengambilan sampel tunggal dipilih di mana garis (1-α=
0.95,p1= 0.005) dan (β= 0.1,p2= 0.02) memotong.
Mempertimbangkan parameter ini, rencana pengambilan sampel tunggal akan memiliki nilai k≈
2,3, dan ukuran sampel n≈ 32 (menggunakan skala yang diketahui).
Oleh karena itu, prosedurnya adalah mengambil sampel acak n= 32, mengamati kekuatan tarik
dan menghitung xbar, kemudian menghitung
Kelompok 2
Pengendalian dan Penjaminan Mutu
Kelas A

Jika ZLSL < k= 2,3, maka lot harus ditolak karena mean terlalu dekat dengan batas spesifikasi
bawah LSL. Jika tidak, terima lot.

16.9 A standard of 0.3 ppm has been established for formaldehyde emission levels in wood
products. Suppose that the standard deviation of emissions in an individual board is σ = 0.10
ppm. Any lot that contains 1% of its items above 0.3 ppm is considered acceptable. Any lot that
has 8% or more of its items above 0.3 ppm is considered unacceptable. Good lots are to be
accepted with probability 0.95, and bad lots are to be rejected with probability 0.90.
(a) Derive a variables-sampling plan for this situation.
(b) Using the 1% nonconformance level as an AQL, and assuming that lots consist of 5,000
panels, find an appropriate set of sampling plans from MIL STD 414, assuming σ is unknown.
Kelompok 2
Pengendalian dan Penjaminan Mutu
Kelas A

Compare the sample sizes and the protection that both producer and consumer obtain from this
plan with the plan derived in part (a).
(c) Find an attributes sampling plan that has the same OC curve as the variables sampling plan
derived in part (a). Compare the sample sizes required for equivalent protection. Under what
circumstances would variables sampling be more economically efficient
(d) Using the 1% nonconforming as an AQL, find an attributes-sampling plan from MIL STD
105E. Compare the sample sizes and the protection obtained from this plan with the plans
derived in parts (a), (b), and (c).
Standar 0,3 ppm telah ditetapkan untuk tingkat emisi formaldehida dalam produk kayu. Misalkan
standar deviasi emisi di papan individu adalah = 0,10 ppm. Setiap lot yang mengandung 1% dari
itemnya di atas 0,3 ppm dianggap dapat diterima. Setiap lot yang memiliki 8% atau lebih dari
itemnya di atas 0,3 ppm dianggap tidak dapat diterima. Lot yang baik akan diterima dengan
probabilitas 0,95, dan lot yang buruk akan ditolak dengan probabilitas 0,90.
target = 3ppm;  = 0.10ppm; p1 = 1% = 0.01; p2 = 8% = 0.08
a. 1 –  = 0.95;  = 1 – 0.90 = 0.10 From the nomograph (Figure 16-2), the sampling plan is
n = 30 and k = 1.8.
b. Note: Tables from MIL-STD-414 required for this exercise.
AQL = 1%; N = 5000;  unknown
Double specification limit, assume inspection level IV
From Table A-2: sample size code letter = M
From Tables B-3 and B-4:
Normal: n = 50, M = 2.49 (k = 1.93) (Table B-3)
Tightened: n = 50, M = 1.71 (k = 2.08) (Table B-3)
Reduced: n = 20, M = 4.09 (k = 1.69) (Table B-4)
 known allows smaller sample sizes than  unknown.
c. 1 –  = 0.95;  = 0.10; p1 = 0.01; p2 = 0.08
From binomial nomograph (for attributes, Figure 15-9): n = 60, c = 2
Kelompok 2
Pengendalian dan Penjaminan Mutu
Kelas A

The sample size is slightly larger than required for the variables plan (a). Variables
sampling would be more efficient if  were known
d. AQL = 1%; N = 5,000
Assume inspection level II: sample size code letter = L (Table 15-4)
Normal: n = 200, Ac = 5, Re = 6 (Table 15-5)
Tightened: n = 200, Ac = 3, Re = 4 (Table 15-6)
Reduced: n = 80, Ac = 2, Re = 5 (Table 15-7)
The sample sizes required are much larger than for the other plans

16.12. A ChSP-1 plan has n = 4, c = 0, and i = 3. Draw the OC curve for this plan.
Kelompok 2
Pengendalian dan Penjaminan Mutu
Kelas A
Kelompok 2
Pengendalian dan Penjaminan Mutu
Kelas A


21. Diketahui untuk rencana sampling ganda N= 2200, n1= 60, c1=1, r1=5, n2= 120, c2= 4, r2=5,
buat kurva ASN. Dalam rentang proporsi berapa yang tidak sesuai? nilai apakah Anda lebih
suka rencana pengambilan sampel ganda yang dinyatakan daripada rencana pengambilan
sampel tunggal? dengan n= 85, c= 2 untuk meminimalkan ASN?
Jawab :
Perhitungan untuk ASN ditunjukkan pada dibawah ini. Untuk menemukan rentang p di mana
ASN < 85 untuk rencana pengambilan sampel ganda, kami menemukan bahwa p harus kurang
dari 0,015 atau p seharusnya lebih besar dari atau sama dengan 0,11.

24. Tentukanlah rencana pengambilan sampel tunggal yang akan menolak lot yang 1,3% tidak
sesuai 8% dari waktu. Gunakan nomor penerimaan 1, 3, dan 5. Dari sudut pandang konsumen.
Dari ketiga paket ini, mana yang dipilih?
Jawab :
Diketehui bahwa Pa = 0.92 for p = 0.013, untuk c= 1, np = 0.464,yang menghasilkan n =
0.464/0.013 = 35.69 = 36. Untuk c = 3, np= 1.607 menghasilkan n= 1.607/0.013 = 123.61 =
124, sedangkan untuk c = 5, np = 2.958, menghasilkan n = 2.958/0.013 = 227.54 = 228
Dari sudut pandang konsumen, kemungkinan penerimaan harus kecil untuk besar nilai p.
Misalkan nilai p yang tidak diinginkan adalah yang melebihi 0,06. Biarkan kami hitung Pa
untuk p = 0,06 untuk ketiga denah tersebut. Untuk denah pertama n = 36, c = 1, untuk p =0,06,
np = 2,16, menghasilkan Pa = 0,3652. Untuk denah kedua n = 124, c = 3, untuk p = 0,06, np
= 7,44, menghasilkan Pa = 0,0617. Untuk denah ketiga n = 228, c = 5, untuk p = 0,06, np
=13,68, menghasilkan Pa = 0,0082. Jadi, dari ketiga denah tersebut, denah n = 228, c = 5 yang
paling rendah probabilitas menerima batch yang 6% tidak sesuai dan dapat dipilih.
Kelompok 2
Pengendalian dan Penjaminan Mutu
Kelas A

31. Pertimbangkan rencana pengambilan sampel ganda yang diberikan oleh parameter berikut: N
= 2200, n1= 60, c1= 0, r1=5, n2= 100, c2= 6, r2=7. Temukan peluang menerima lot yang 3%
tidak sesuai. Berapa probabilitas menerima banyak pada yang pertama? Sampel? Berapa
probabilitas membuat keputusan pada sampel pertama?
Jawab :
Pa, = P(x, =0 | n1p = 1.8) = 0.165
Pa2 = P(x1 = l |n1p=1.8) Px2 ≤ 5| n2p = 3) + P(x1 = 2|n1p= 1.8) Px2 ≤ 4| n2p = 3) +
= P(x1 = 3|n1p=1.8) Px2 ≤ 3| n2p = 3) + P(x1 = 4|n1p= 1.8) Px2 ≤ 2| n2p = 3)
= (0.298)(0.916) + (0.268)(0.815) + (0.160)(0.647) + (0.073)(0.423) = 0.6258
Jadi, probabilitas penerimaan lot = 0,165 + 0,6258 = 0,7908. Probabilitas dari menerima
banyak pada sampel pertama = 0,165. P(banyak menolak pada sampel pertama) = P(xi > 5 |
nip = 1,8) = 1 - 0,964 = 0,036. Oleh karena itu, probabilitas membuat keputusan pada yang
pertama sampel = 0,165 + 0,036 = 0,201.

34. It is desired to accept lotsthat are 9.5% nonconforming with a probability of 0.10 and to accept
lots that are 2.3% nonconforming with a probability of 0.95. Find a double sampling plan for a lot
size of 2000 if the second sample isto be twice aslarge as the firstsample and the
consumer’sstipulation isto be satisfied exactly. Find the average sample number for lots that are
2.3% nonconforming
Jawab :
Diketahuai a= 0.05, p1 = 0.023, ß= 0.10, p2 - 0.095, N = 2000, dan n2 = 2n1
R = p2/p1, = 0.095/0.023 = 4.13.
Jadi, c1, = 1 and c2 = 5. N
Sekarang → n1, = 4.01/0.095 = 42.3 = 43
Oleh karena itu, rencana pengambilan sampel ganda adalah:
n1 = 43, c1 = 1, r1 = 6, n2 = 86, c2 = 5, r2 = 6.
Unruk P1 = 0.023 dengan Pa = 0.95, ASN/n1, = 1.498, or ASN = 1.498(43) = 64.414.

41. The equations for the acceptance and rejection lines for a sequential sampling plan are given
as follows:
Kelompok 2
Pengendalian dan Penjaminan Mutu
Kelas A

da = - 0.95 + 0.06n
dr = 1.22 + 0.06n
What is the first opportunity to reject? What is the first opportunity to accept?
Jawab :
Kesempatan pertama untuk menolak ada pada barang kedua yang diperiksa. Kesempatan pertama
untuk menerima adalah pada item yang diperiksa ke-16.

44. In Exercise 10-43, if the initial inspection costs of the transmission systems is $1.00 per unit,
what inspection policy should be followed using Deming’s kp rule?
Jawab :
Diketahui ki = 1,00, k2 = 225, dan p = 0,003. Rasio ki/k2 = 1,00/225 = 0,0044 > p = 0,003. Jadi,
kebijakan itu meminta tidak ada inspeksi.

51. The length of connector pins has an upper specification limit of 45 mm and a lower
specification limit of 40 mm. It is desirable that lots with a mean such that 8% of the product is
nonconforming, either above the upper specification limit or below the lower specification limit,
be accepted 6% of the time. We wish to accept lots with a mean of 42.5 mm with a probability of
0.94. The distribution of the length of the connector pin is normal, with a standard deviation of
0.8 mm. Find the parameters of a variable sampling plan and describe its operation.
Jawab :
U = 45, L = 40, 𝛽 = 0,06, 𝜎 = 0,8, 𝑍𝛼⁄2 = 1,88, 𝑍𝛽 = 1,555. Berdasarkan data yang diketahui

sehingga dapat dilakukan perhitungan seperti di bawah ini :

𝑋̅2𝐿 = 40 + 1,405(0,8) = 41,124
𝑋̅2𝑈 = 45 − 1,405(0,8) = 43,876 𝑑𝑎𝑛 𝑋̅𝐼 = 42,5
Sehingga :
1,88 = (𝑋̅𝑈𝑎 − 42,5)/(0,8/√𝑛)
−1,88 = (𝑋̅𝐿𝑎 − 42,5)/(0,8/√𝑛)
1,555 = (𝑋̅𝐿𝑎 − 41,124)/(0,8/√𝑛)
−1,555 = (𝑋̅𝑈𝑎 − 43,876)/(0,8/√𝑛)
Kelompok 2
Pengendalian dan Penjaminan Mutu
Kelas A

Didapatkan 𝑋̅𝐿𝑎 + 𝑋̅𝑈𝑎 = 85

(1,88 + 1,555)(0,8)
√𝑛 = = 1,997
42,5 − 41,124
Yielding n = 4
Sehinggan 𝑋̅𝐿𝑎 = 42,5 − (1,88) ( 4 ) = 41,748 dan 𝑋̅𝑈𝑎 = 43,252. The plan operates as follows.

A random sample of size 4 is chosen from the lot and the average length is computed. If the sample
average is less than 41,748 or greater than 43,252, the lot is rejected. Otherwise, the lot is accepted.

54. Unleaded gasoline must meet certain federal standards. The octane number for a particular
brand must be at least 89. The standard deviation of the octane number is estimated to be 4. It is
preferred to accept shipments for which the average octane number is 94 about 95% of the time.
Also, for those shipments that have an average octane number of 86, the probability of acceptance
is desired to be 0.15. Find the parameters of a variable sampling plan.
Jawab :
It is given that L = 89, 𝜎̂ = 4, 𝑋̅1 = 94, 𝛼 = 0,05, 𝑋̅2 = 86, 𝛽 = 0,15. The parameter 𝜆 =
|94 − 86|/4 = 2. The sample size is approximately 4. The t-value corresponding to a lower tail
area of 0,05 with 3 degrees of freedom is -2,353. The plan works as follows. A random sample of
size 4 is chosen and the sample mean and standard deviation are computed. The following statistic
is computed : 𝑡 = (𝑋̅ − 94)/(𝑠/√4). If t < -2,353, the lot is rejected. Otherwise, the lot is accepted.

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