An Indian woman traditionally had four-fold status-role sequences. These were her Role as a daughter,
wife, housewife (homemaker), and mother. The woman, whose Status and role traditionally was well
defined and almost fixed in the society, is now experiencing far-reaching changes (Kiran, 2015). There
have been innumerable
debates about gender in India over the years. Much of it includes women’s positing
in society, their education, health, economic position, gender equality etc. What one
can conclude from such discussions is that women have always held a certain
paradoxical position (Banerjee, 2012). One of the major social problems in Indian
society is the inferior position embedded to women. Generally, they do not enjoy
equal status and rights, as they have to do. It would be appropriate to analyze the
position which Indian women occupy today, by comparing it to the times 70 years
ago when the country got its independence. Rights have been the prime concerns in
Indian thinking right from the days of Independence. Accordingly, the country’s
concern in safeguarding the rights and privileges of women found its best
• Article 14 confers equal rights and opportunities on men and women in the
harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of
The structure of Indian society has always been male dominated. But in the modern
era, women tried to break the centuries of shackles by venturing into male
dominated areas. Though, we have grown by leaps and bounds yet the most basic
Inequality, 2017). The above mentioned rights are merely shown on pages but the
worth of them is not realized yet that one should agree. We know that crimes
against women are at increasing trend. Out of these crimes, eve-teasing is a day-today problem faced
by many girls and women in Indian society. Eve-teasing affects
both the physical and mental health of its victims (Mirsky&North, 2003; Bartlett &
Rhode, 2006; Akhtar, 2013; Gadekar, 2016; Talboys, et al. (2017)). A study
conducted by Akhtar (2013) has described eve-teasing as the most ubiquitous and
a) Eve-Teasing
A thorough look at the everyday newspapers shows the happening of too many
euphemism in South Asia for a common form of sexual harassment that typically
occurs in public places (also cited in Akhtar, 2013; Baxi, 2001; Dhillon & Bakaya,
2014; Kuruvilla & Suhara, 2014; Gadekar, 2016). Specific examples include
making passes, obscene gestures, whistling, stalking, staring, pinching, fondling, and rubbing against
women (Dhillon & Bakaya, 2014; Dobash & Dobash, 1998;
Fairchild & Rudman, 2008). Other forms of harassments like making vulgar
of objects or pictures and comments about a woman’s looks or body can also be
problem, but not limited only to, many metropolitan cities of India. A large
percentage of Indian women have faced or are facing this menace at many places,
Eve-teasing, is an offence that affects the lives of girls and women. Each girl and
woman would have undergone such an experience in her lifetime. Many times it
goes beyond limits and hurts the girls and women who are teased. In the EveTeasing Act 1994, the term
Eve-teasing has been used to refer any indecent conduct
or act by a man which causes or is likely to cause intimidation, fear, shame, or
assaults such as rape and murder. Women have substantiated themselves equivalent
to men in all spheres of the globe. Yet, at regular intervals a woman is experiencing
any one form of sexual victimization in parts of our nation. This situation always
put a woman under threat in social condition. Among gender based crimes, eveteasing is also a serious
issue which is experienced by most of the girls/women and
Foundation, 2009)
b) Sexual Harassment
harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and
(EEOC). Sexual harassment does not always have to be specifically about sexual
Justice Arjit Pasayat, "While a murderer destroys the physical frame of the victim, a
rapist degrades and defiles the soul of a helpless female (Srivastava, 2012)". Indian
law explains ‘sexual harassment’ includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour (Whether
directly or by implication) as: a) Physical contact and
‘Cheating’,’ Theft’ etc., only the crimes which are directed specifically against
against women, this chapter has its basic focus on a typical and universal form of
crime against women “Eve-teasing”. As cited by Talboys, et al. (2017) that day-today threat of eve-
teasing in South Asia is significant enough to curb women and
opportunity costs for women and society (Crouch, 2010; Dhillon & Bakaya, 2014).
Actually, in Indian Penal Code, the word ‘eve-teasing’ does not exist (Faizal, 2011;
victims of eve-teasing could take remedy through certain sections of the IPC.
Section 354: Assault or Criminal Force to Woman with Intent to Outrage Her
knowing it to be likely that he will thereby outrage her modesty, shall be punished
with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years,
or with fine, or with both. Punishment: Imprisonment for 2 years, or fine, or bothOffence is Cognizable
—Bailable—Triable by any Magistrate—Noncompoundable.
Section 509: Word, Gesture or act intended to Insult the Modesty of a Woman
Whoever, intending to insult the modesty of any woman, utters any word, makes
any sound or gesture, or exhibits any object, intending that such word or sound
shall be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen, by such woman, or
intrudes upon the privacy of such woman, shall be punished with simple
imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.
Whoever, to the annoyance of others–Does any obscene act in any public place, or
Sings, recites or utters any obscene song, ballad or words, in or near any public
place, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which
In his article, Faizal clarified that these sections make gestures or acts intended to
insult the modesty of a woman or acts intrude upon her privacy a, crime, but it isvery difficult to exploit
these provisions to deal with various expressions of sexual
harassment. The punishment for eve-teasing in India under these legal provisions
and the procedural laws are complex and the type of proof that is required make it
(both under various sections of IPC and Special & Local Laws) were reported in the
Country during the year 2015. The crime rate under crimes against women was
Reported as 53.9 in 2015. The cases of crimes against women during the year 2015
Have decreased by 3.1 percent over the year 2014 and increased by 43.2 percent
Percent (from 82,235 cases in 2014 to 82,422 cases in 2015) during 2015 over the
Previous year. Maharashtra (11,713 cases) has reported the highest number of such
Crimes followed by Madhya Pradesh (8,049 cases) and Uttar Pradesh (7,885 cases).
Delhi UT has reported the highest crime rate of assault on women with intent to
Outrage her modesty cases (57.8) compared to the national average of 13.6. A total
Of 82,800 victims were reported under 82,422 cases of assault on woman with intent
To outrage her modesty cases in the country during the year 2015.
Out of 82,422 cases of assault on women with intent to outrage her modesty, 24,041
Cases were registered under sexual harassment (sec. 354A IPC) during 2015. Out of
82,422 cases of assault on women with intent to outrage her modesty, a total of
8,613 cases were registered under assault or use of criminal force to women with
Women have decreased by 10.8 percent during 2015 over the previous year (9,735
Cases). Out of 8,685 cases of insult to the modesty of women, 119 such cases
Occurred at office premises, 714 such cases at other places related to work, 315 such
Cases in public transports and 7,537 such cases at other places during 2015. Most of
The cases of insult to the modesty of women at office premises were reported in
Delhi (36 cases) and Telangana (32 cases). Telangana (179 cases) followed by
Maharashtra (28 cases) and Andhra Pradesh (24 cases) have reported maximum
a) A total of 4,813 cases of assault on women with intent to outrage her modesty
Was registered in Rajasthan during the year 2015, which showing a 19.55 decrease
When comparing to the previous year 2014. Only 9 cases of insulting the modesty ofwomen were
registered in the year 2015 out of which 6 were from Jodhpur rural
b) The list of cases is never ending though Rajasthan government has taken a
Positive step to reduce the level of crime against women by introducing helpline in
The helpline functions round-the-clock where the personnel in the control room
Works in different shifts and make possible interventions, responding to the calls of
The victims. Until a caller wishes, victim’s identity shall not be disclosed. After
Getting the complaint the authorities instruct to the police station officers concerned
For suitable intervention to help the women victims. For a long time, the team had
Been discussing to find a result oriented strategy to facilitate the girls and working
Women to save them from eve-teasing and molestation. The team continues to
Follow up with the complaints and the district collector would personally monitor
How the system is working and solving the problems of victims. The callers/victims
Are allowed to lodge complaints through sending SMS on the number 7891091111
[email protected] where the girls and working women facing any kind of
Their complaints (Times of India, 2 January 2013; Lodha, 2013). But the reality is
The total incidences of assault on women with intent to outrage her modesty in
Rajasthan are 5999 and 4813 in the years 2014 and 2015 respectively (Crime in
Rajasthan, 2015). Though this is an official statistic, many more incidences are
A woman has to contend with every day in her social life. Although eve-teasing is a
Predominant social evil, this issue is not completely eradicated which multiplies
Proposed. The secondary goals of the study constitute some other aspects too, such
As: i) creating awareness about teasing/harassment among young females, ii)
Generating a feel on the fact that that eve- teasing is not a fun game of males, it is
Students on the subject of eve –teasing and iv) Increasing the reporting behavior of
Review of Literature
Phenomena, though very few are discussed below, depict a picture on the existence
Of eve-teasing or sexual harassment of women, its impact on the victims and other
Relevant matters. There are many such incidences of eve-teasing, also in the name of
From the death of Sarika Shah in Chennai in the year 1998 (Sangameswaran, 2008)
To the murder of a young medical student in national capital New Delhi in the year
2016. This sort of victimization still prevails in various concerns of our country.
Panas Institute in its report on ‘Beyond Victims and Villians’ written by Mirsky &
North (2003) cited that a student may avoid class or school, not want to talk in
Class, have difficulty concentrating, lose trust in school officials, become isolated,
Sexual violence, harassment and coercion. This report also mentioned a very old
More than 100 women hostellers interviewed reported facing sexual harassment on
Campus. 45 percent of women said that sexual harassment on campus affected their
And 33 percent said that eve-teasing is rarely occurred to them. 58 percent said that
Young men are perpetrators of eve-teasing, 33 percent said about middle aged
Person, 9 percent said about old aged person (Devi & Jasrotia, 2013). According to
Percent of the students’ opinion and nearly 46 percent were victimized by it. 86
Percent of the students told that eve-teasing incidences irritated them. Highest
Number of the respondents 38.18 percent expressed that eve teasers used indecent
Gestures whereas 29.09 percent responded that eve teasers use vulgar language.
Another commonly indulged eve-teasing has been hooting 25.45 percent. 52.72
Percent of the respondents viewed that eve-teasing was mostly indulged by the
Outsiders in the university campus whereas 29.09 percent of the respondents stated
That eve-teasing was generally done by the residents of the campus. In their research
In Srinagar, Bashir & Kurshid (2013) found that that 40 percent of their respondents
Are of the view that due to lack of parental care youth indulge in such activities as
Eve-teasing, molestations, rapes etc, 50 percent said peer group is responsible for
Inculcating bad habits, as it is due to bad company youth get addicted to antisocial
Crimes like drinking of alcohol, drug addiction which are the root causes of such
Physical abuse, 40 percent of the respondents are of the view that eve-teasing is the
Mental abuse as it disturbs the whole psyche of the women. 40 percent of the people
Psychosocial influence among the Adolescent Girls’ concluded that girls are facing the eve-teasing
mostly on street, bus stand and some time in college. The girls from
The rural area have to spend more time at bus stands, streets and college. Thus, in
Public places where girls have to spend more time while going to school and college
Are not secured. The forms of victimization are whistling, using abusive words and
Sometime calling them by different names. The respondents in the study felt that the
Reasons behind eve-teasing are just time pass, frustration and cultural dominance.
The cultural dominance of male in the society motivates them for the teasing. Study
Described that lack of fear of punishment motivates the teasers’ behaviour. 63.7
Percent reported at least one experience of unwanted touch by their harasser in their
Insecure feeling (26.7 percent), thinking to drop-out from education (53.3 percent),
Persistent fear (26.7 percent), depression (20.0 percent), and suicidal thoughts (63.7
Percent) were the various psychological impacts to the victims. Kuruvilla & Sahara
Eve-teasing’ found that 9 out of every 10 respondents were well aware about what
Constitute eve-teasing, while half of them were unknown about the kind of
The study further revealed that almost all women students were against a general
Victim blaming that the dressing style and behavior of women are causes for eveteasing, while almost
100 percent of the sample agreed that lack of respect to
Women is the major cause for eve-teasing. While 92 percent of the sample believed
While half of the sample has an opinion that they will respond directly to the
Criminal, the other half conveyed that they will make a complaint to the authority.
90 percent of the sample agreed that they will express an assertive ‘no’ to the
Amount of micro and macro level studies are undertaken in national and
International level.
However, studies on victimological perspectives are not much growing in the speed
It actually requires because victimological studies focus on the victims’ remedy for
Their suffering.
While the euphemism ‘eve-teasing’ (Akhtar, 2013; Talboys, 2017) has been used
Mostly in South Asian countries for such victimization, wherein there are other
The researchers conducted a Victimological perspective study among girls students
Of Higher Education Institutions from Jodhpur and Jaipur with the following
c) To understand the reaction of respondents who have faced victimizationd) To assess the various
impacts of Eve-teasing among the victims
e) E) To elucidate the perceptions of the girl students of higher education towards
g) Eve-teasing
i) Methodology
k) The methodology employed for the present study has been indicated below:
m) A) Locale of the study: ‘Jaipur and Jodhpur’-Two major cities of Rajasthan
o) Were included for the study.
q) B) Population of the study: Female Students of Higher Education
s) Institutions in Jaipur and Jodhpur
u) C) Sample of the study: A female student of Higher Education Institutions
w) In Jaipur and Jodhpur
y) D) Sample Size: 160 samples (80 Female Students each from the Higher
aa) Education Institutions in Jaipur and Jodhpur)
cc) E) Sampling process: The sampling procedure adopted for this study was
ee) Multi-stage sampling. In this research, sampling was done at three
gg) Different levels to choose its samples.
ii) At the very first level, two major cities of Rajasthan were selected through
kk) Convenience sampling.
mm) The selected cities are Jaipur and Jodhpur. In the second level, 2
oo) Government colleges,2 private colleges,2 government universities & 2
qq) Private University were selected randomly from each city.
ss) At third level, 10 samples were selected from the each chosen institution
uu) Of the two cities through Systematic Sampling method.
ww) F) Operational definition: Victims refers the respondents who faced at least
yy) One form of eve-teasing. Victimization refers any form of eve-teasing
aaa) Faced by the study respondents.
ccc)G) Data collection: Data collected for present study was primary in nature
eee) That leads to an empirical study, wherein the reference period of the
ggg) Survey is January-April 2016.
iii) H) Data Collection Instrument: Data was collected through a structured
kkk) “Interview Schedule” which consists of varied forms of items which are
mmm) All related to the objectives giving wider understanding about the present
ooo) Research.