Col106 1
Col106 1
Col106 1
Problem Statement
IIT Delhi has recently deployed a drone for aerial surveillance on account of independence day. The drone
begins at position (0,0,0) and can move infinitely in any direction depending on how it is programmed. A
drone program is a string consisting of a sequence instructions, where each instruction is one of the following.
For example,
• 2(+X+Y-Z) is equivalent to +X+Y-Z+X+Y-Z, moving the drone to (2, 2, −2) after traveling distance 6.
• 5(+X)10(-X) is equivalent to +X+X+X+X+X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X, moving the drone to (−5, 0, 0) after
traveling distance 15.
• 3(-Y2(+Z)) is equivalent -Y+Z+Z-Y+Z+Z-Y+Z+Z, moving the drone to (0, −3, 6) after traveling distance
Submission Specifications
Submit a single file named Your submitted file must contain a function findPositionandDistance(P)
that takes a string P as input, and return a list [x,y,z,d] containing four numbers, where (x, y, z) is the
final position of the drone after it executes program P, and d is the distance traveled by the drone in the
Example Test Cases
>>> findPositionandDistance(’+X+Y+X-Y-Z+X+X-Z-Z-Z-Z-Y+Y-X’)
[3, 0, -5, 14]
>>> findPositionandDistance(’+X2(+Y-X-Z)8(+Y)9(-Z-Z)’)
[-1, 10, -20, 33]
>>> findPositionandDistance(’’)
[0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> findPositionandDistance(’5(2(3(+X+X)))’)
[60, 0, 0, 60]
>>> findPositionandDistance(’+Z6(+X+Y+X-Y)9(-X+Z-X-Z8(+X+Y-Z)9(+Y-Z-X-Y4(-X+Y-X-Z+X)))’)
[-339, 396, -476, 2221]
>>> findPositionandDistance(’1(+X)5(+Y)41(+Z)1805(-X)3263441(-Y)10650056950805(-Z)’)
[-1804, -3263436, -10650056950764, 10650060216098]