Col106 1

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COL106 Programming Assignment 1

Release date: 2022/08/17 Deadline: 2022/08/31 23:00

Problem Statement
IIT Delhi has recently deployed a drone for aerial surveillance on account of independence day. The drone
begins at position (0,0,0) and can move infinitely in any direction depending on how it is programmed. A
drone program is a string consisting of a sequence instructions, where each instruction is one of the following.

• +X: Move one unit in the direction of the positive X-axis.

• -X: Move one unit in the direction of the negative X-axis.
• +Y: Move one unit in the direction of the positive Y -axis.

• -Y: Move one unit in the direction of the negative Y -axis.

• +Z: Move one unit in the direction of the positive Z-axis.
• -Z: Move one unit in the direction of the negative X-axis.
• m(P), where m > 0 is an integer and P is a drone program: Execute program P m times.

For example,

• 2(+X+Y-Z) is equivalent to +X+Y-Z+X+Y-Z, moving the drone to (2, 2, −2) after traveling distance 6.
• 5(+X)10(-X) is equivalent to +X+X+X+X+X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X, moving the drone to (−5, 0, 0) after
traveling distance 15.
• 3(-Y2(+Z)) is equivalent -Y+Z+Z-Y+Z+Z-Y+Z+Z, moving the drone to (0, −3, 6) after traveling distance

• +X+X+X+X4(+Y)2(+Z-Z) is equivalent to +X+X+X+X+Y+Y+Y+Y+Z-Z+Z-Z, moving the drone to (4, 4, 0)

after traveling distance 12.
Your task is to write a python program that takes a drone program P as input and outputs the following.
1. The final position of the drone after it has executed its program P.

2. The total distance travelled by the drone in this process.

To solve this problem, it will be helpful to use stacks, so implement the Stack data structure and
its member functions from scratch. For full credit, your program must run in time O(n) on drone
programs of length n. The length of a drone program is the number of characters in the program. For
example, the length of the program 9999(+X) is 8 (and not 9999). We will assume that your program runs
in linear time provided it terminates within a specific amount of time set into our auto-grader. To minimise
the possibility of a false auto-grader timeout, you are advised to remove all unnecessary print statements
that you might have written to debug your program.

Submission Specifications
Submit a single file named Your submitted file must contain a function findPositionandDistance(P)
that takes a string P as input, and return a list [x,y,z,d] containing four numbers, where (x, y, z) is the
final position of the drone after it executes program P, and d is the distance traveled by the drone in the
Example Test Cases
>>> findPositionandDistance(’+X+Y+X-Y-Z+X+X-Z-Z-Z-Z-Y+Y-X’)
[3, 0, -5, 14]
>>> findPositionandDistance(’+X2(+Y-X-Z)8(+Y)9(-Z-Z)’)
[-1, 10, -20, 33]
>>> findPositionandDistance(’’)
[0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> findPositionandDistance(’5(2(3(+X+X)))’)
[60, 0, 0, 60]
>>> findPositionandDistance(’+Z6(+X+Y+X-Y)9(-X+Z-X-Z8(+X+Y-Z)9(+Y-Z-X-Y4(-X+Y-X-Z+X)))’)
[-339, 396, -476, 2221]
>>> findPositionandDistance(’1(+X)5(+Y)41(+Z)1805(-X)3263441(-Y)10650056950805(-Z)’)
[-1804, -3263436, -10650056950764, 10650060216098]

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