Activity Sheet: Quarter 2 - MELC 1
Activity Sheet: Quarter 2 - MELC 1
Activity Sheet: Quarter 2 - MELC 1
Practical Research 1
Activity Sheet
Quarter 2 – MELC 1
Qualitative Research Design
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Name of Learner:_______________________________________
Grade Level: __________________________________________
Section: ______________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________
1. Case Study
To do a research study based on this design is to describe and present the
nature of existence of a person, things or any other creatures here on earth.
Your goal is to know why such creature (person, organization, thing or event)
acts, behaves, occurs, or exists in particular manner. It mainly focus on an
individual or single subject matter. Your method of gathering the information
using this design are to interview, observe and give questionnaires to your
respondents. (Meng 2021; Yin, 2012)
Studying the behaviors of twin sisters or twin brothers
2. Ethnography
This research design pertains to a cultural group or organization, this
a unique study in which the researchers must join or involve themselves in the study
to obtain the needed information. They must have to immerse to that certain group of
people to witness their behaviors, their ways and means and to deeply know them.
Realizing this qualitative research design is living with the subjects in
several months; hence, this is usually done by anthropologist whose interests
basically lie in cultural aspects. (Winn 2014)
Learning the lives of Badjaos on how they earn for a living.
3. Historical Study.
This research design determine the reasons for changes or
permanence of things in the physical world in a certain period (i.e., years, decades,
or centuries). The scope or coverage of historical study refers to the number of years
covered, the kind of events focused on, and the extent of new knowledge or
discoveries resulting from the historical study.
To obtain the data needed, the researchers must gather
biography/autobiography, read documentaries and chronicling activities to trace the
progress of the identified topic or subject.
A Five –Year Study of the Impact of the K -12 Curriculum on the Philippine
Employment System
4. Phenomenology
This research design aims to understand on how people deal with the
different experiences in their lives. It is a phenomenon in which all human
beings have a tendency to experience it. These maybe of joy, sorrow, death
of loved ones, victories, defeat and the like.
To gather information, the researcher must have to interview the respondents
to listen to their recounts on how they conquered such experiences.
Example: A Study to the Students who came from an Orphanage
5. Grounded theory
This research design enables you to develop theories to explain the
sociological and psychological influenced phenomena for proper identification
of a certain educational process. Occurring in an inductive manner, wherein
one basic category of people’s action and interactions gets related to a
second category; to third category; and so on, until a new theory emerges
from the previous data. (Gibson 2014; Creswell 2012)
Collecting data based on this design is through formal, informal, or semi –
structured interview, as well as analysis of written works, notes, phone calls,
meeting proceedings and training sessions. (Picardie 2014)
Example: Experiences of Students Involved in Hard lockdown areas during
Covid -19 Pandemic
Column A Column B
____5. A study developing a theory to increase your
understanding of something in a psycho-social
1. “What are the experiences of a student who loss his parents due to Covid
-19 pandemic?”
a. Case study b. historical study c. phenomenological d.
1. What comes to your mind when you think of the words “research design’?
2. If one teacher of yours requires you to do research following the historical
research design, would you fully agree with him/her on such kind of
study? Explain your answer.
3. What aspect of your personality is significantly involved in designing a
research study? Why?
4. If you were to conduct a study, on which qualitative research design
would you like to base your research work? Justify your point.
5. Is choosing an appropriate qualitative design important to your research?
b. Reflection:
As a beginner in research, what are the traits that you must have to possess
to finish your chosen topic and design?
Activity 1.
1. E
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. D
Activity 2.
2. A
5. D
Activity 3
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. D
Activity 4. Answers may vary
Reflection: Answers may vary
c. Answer Key