Severity of Depression in Mothers of Children Suffering From Cerebral Palsy
Severity of Depression in Mothers of Children Suffering From Cerebral Palsy
Severity of Depression in Mothers of Children Suffering From Cerebral Palsy
Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common cause of motor disability in children with worldwide having incidence of 2
per 1000 live births. Children with CP have motor disability, decreased ability to walk, poor feeding and limited exposure to
sunlight. Malnutrition, behavior challenges and motor deficits in CP children are common causes of depression in their mothers.
Aim: The present study focused to estimate the severity of depression in mothers, looking after the children suffering from
severe CP and to compare their depression scoring with the scores of mothers having healthy children.
Methods: The cross-sectional comparative study included 21 mothers having children suffering from severe CP and 21 controls
(Mothers of normal children). Depression was calculated by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).
Results: A statistically significant difference was observed between the mean scores of BDI II between the two groups
Conclusion: Results revealed that mothers having CP children are more depressed than mothers having healthy children. It
imitates the importance of psychiatric, social and family support to mother along with the treatment of the child.
Keywords: CP, depression, BDI II.
range was given for the quantitative variables. Frequencies and and positive correlation with GMFCS scores in the CP child.
percentages were given for qualitative variables. Graphs were Presence of CP child in a family is associated with maternal
presented for variables. Shapiro-Wilk test was applied to check the depression, musculoskeletal pain and negatively impacts the
normality of data. Mann-Whitney test was applied to compare BDI quality of life30,31. Increased psychological strain can be the
scores between the two groups. A p-value of ≤ 0.05 is taken as triggering factor for the development of depression among mothers
statistically significant. of CP children. Detailed history suggests that possible factors
causing stress in mothers included in our study could be because
RESULTS of disable child, behavioral problems or any other ailment
associated with the child, limited leisure time, improper sleep, lack
This study included 42 females divided equally into two groups. No of family support, the social or economic burden.
significant difference existed between the ages of mothers of both This study highlighted the need of psychological and social
groups (p= 0.103) help for the mother taking care of CP children and emphasized on
All the participants included in the study belonged to the the need for the provision of proper medical facilities to the mother
middle class. All had satisfactory relationship with their husband during pregnancy, during delivery and after birth.
and other people in the family. Among cases, only 2 children
reported CP in their first-degree relatives. Out of total 21 cases, CONCLUSION
13(61.9%) cases of CP reported prolonged labor and 8(38%)
children were delivered at home by a midwife (dai). Mothers taking care of CP children are more depressed as
Both groups were compared for the parameters included in compared to the mothers taking care of healthy children. Females
the study. The BDI scores for mothers taking care of children should have proper antenatal and post-natal visits to doctor for
suffering from CP were higher than in mothers taking care of evaluation and care of mother and newborn. Education of family
healthy children that was found significant (Mann Whitney U test, and society about the need for psychological help and need of
p=0.011) (Table 1). social and family support to the mother having CP child, is highly
All the mothers of CP children (group I) reported depression of recommended.
some severity, 17(80.95%) had minimal depression, 3(14.28%) Conflict of interest: Nil
had mild depression and 1(4.76%) had moderate depression.
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