Collected Questions For Quiz 1
Collected Questions For Quiz 1
Collected Questions For Quiz 1
- On the other hand increasing both the samples and the size of the
samples will increase the storage space required and increase the
time required to transfer the data through the networks.
5) Calculate the storage space required to store an audio file 3 minutes long,
knowing that the minimum frequency is 20Hz and its maximum
frequency is 20 KHz and 16 bits per sample in stereo mode.
Look Q 3 Nyquist’s
Storage = 3*60*20000*2*16*2 = 230,400,000 bit
amount of data per second = 44100*16*2 * 10-6 = 1.411 Mbps(Mega bit per
second) 3-minute song: 1.411 * 180 = 254 Mbit
9) State the advantages and disadvantages that the digital audio has over
the analog.
- Digital recordings do not degrade with re-recording.
- The recording performance is independent of the recording medium.
- Digital audio is easy to process, because the signal processing can be
performed by mathematical algorithms.
- It requires two conversion stages: one to convert the analogue signals into
a digital format and a second to convert the digital signals to analogue.
- These conversion processes can introduce their own types of distortion
and defects.
- The digital data requires a far higher density storage than its analogue
- Whilst effects are simple to achieve using algorithms, a very fast
processor is required, which can be expensive compared with an analogue
equivalent with far less performance and flexibility.
10) Define the following terms:
Quantization error – Echo generation in analog signal
Quantization error:
it happens when converting from analog to digital this may result due to
inability to convert the analog value to the exact corresponding digital value
we can overcome this by increasing the number of bits per sample.
1● Creative industries
- Creative industries use multimedia for a variety of purposes ranging from
fine arts, to entertainment, to commercial art, to journalism, to media and
software services.
2● Commercial
- Much of the electronic old and new media utilized by commercial artists is
- Exciting presentations are used to grab and keep attention in advertising.
4● Engineering
- Software engineers may use multimedia in Computer Simulations for
anything from entertainment to training such as military or industrial
6● Medicine
- In Medicine, doctors can be trained by looking at a virtual surgery or they
can simulate how the human body is affected by diseases spread by viruses
and bacteria and then develop techniques to prevent it.
8● Education
- In Education, multimedia is used to produce computer-based training
courses (popularly called CBTs) and reference books like encyclopedia and
13) We want to digitize the human voice. What is the bit rate, assuming 8
bits per sample?
The human voice normally contains frequencies from 0 to 4000 Hz. So the
sampling rate and bit rate are calculated as follows:
Allocating more digital bits improve the resolution. However, the less
important areas are given less bits; the quality reduction is not noticeable
because of the small part they contribute to the signal
- RLE compression
- Delta compression
- Huffman compression
- Dictionary compression
- Data files frequently contain the same character repeated many times in a
- The term delta encoding refers to several techniques that store data as the
difference between successive values, rather than directly storing the
values themselves.
- The first value in the delta-encoded file is the same as the first value in the
original data. All the following values in the encoded file are equal to the
difference (delta) between the corresponding value in the input file, and
the previous value in the input file.
- It is found that more than 96% of data files consist of only 31 characters:
the lower case letters, the space, the comma, the period, and the carriage
- A five bit binary code is assigned for each of these 31 common characters.
- This allows 96% of the file to be reduced in size by 5/8.
- The last of the five bit codes, 11111, will be a flag indicating that the
character being transmitted is not one of the 31 common characters.
𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛
The compression ratio =
𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛
21) Write a brief note on Dictionary Compression.
22) Show how you would encode the following token stream using RLE
run length encoding: ABC000AAB00000000DEFAB00000
23) (i) Apply Delta compression to compress the following stream of 8-bit
Integer number: 4 6 9 11 13 12 13 14 12 11